Wind Energy in Morocco Resources, Potential & Projects

Wind Energy in Morocco Resources, Potential & Projects Presented by M. Mustapha ENZILI Responsible of Wind Department Renewable Energy Development Center (CDER- Morocco) EWEC2009 - March 17, 2009 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2009, Marseille, France


Wind Energy in Morocco Resources, Potential & Projects. Presented by M. Mustapha ENZILI Responsible of Wind Department Renewable Energy Development Center (CDER-Morocco) EWEC2009 - March 17, 2009. European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2009, Marseille, France. Summary. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Wind Energy in Morocco Resources, Potential & Projects

Page 1: Wind Energy in Morocco Resources, Potential & Projects

Wind Energy in Morocco Resources, Potential & Projects

Presented by

M. Mustapha ENZILIResponsible of Wind Department

Renewable Energy Development Center (CDER-Morocco)

EWEC2009 - March 17, 2009

European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2009, Marseille, France

Page 2: Wind Energy in Morocco Resources, Potential & Projects


• Overview of Electricity Sector in Morocco

• Wind Energy Potential in Morocco

• Wind Farms programmed (2009-2012)

• Wind Farms installed in Morocco

• Desalination sea water by wind energy in Morocco

• Conclusion

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Overview of Electricity Sector in Morocco

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Energy Sector in Morocco in 2008

• In Morocco, conventional energy resources are limited, the country depends almost totally from the outside for its energy supply (97 %)

• 71 Milliards DH for imports of energy products in 2008 (6.2 Milliards Euro)

• Annual average consumption growth of electricity : 8 %

• Capacity of Power Plant to install each year : 400-500 MW

• Total Power plant : 5312 MW

- Thermal Power plant : 3469 MW

- Hydraulic Power plant : 1729 MW

- Wind Farms : 134 MW

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Generation of Electricity in Morocco

• Electricity Consumption : 22608 GWh (2007)

• Electricity Production : 19101 GWh (2007)

• National Utility of Electricity (ONE) : 6047.5 GWh (26.74 %)

• Private Producers (BOT) : 13021.6 GWh (57.60 %) - JLEC (1360 MW-Coal) - Tahaddart (384 MW-Gas) - CED (50 MW-Wind)

• Self-producers (Industrials): 32.5 GWh (0.14 %)• Import (Spain) : 3506.5 GWh (15.51 %)

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Electricity Sector in Morocco

• Production of Electricity in Morocco : ONE (National Utility of Electricity) + Private producers (BOT)

• Distribution : ONE + Governmental companies + Private Companies in big cities

• Until now, no Agency for regulation of electricity market

• Price of electricity fixed by Government,

about 1 DH/kWh (8.6 cEuro) - (1 Euro = 11.5 DH)

• New Law about self-production of electricity from 10 MW to 50 MW (12 June 2008);

• New Law about Renewables Energies & Energy Efficiency (in preparation);

• Now, No ‘’Feed-in-tariff’’ for Renewables Energies in Morocco

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Self-Producers Wind Projects • Self-producers : Production & consumption of Electricity from

wind energy by Industrials in the the same site of the factory or in others sites via taxe of transport : - 6 cDH/kWh (0.5 cEuro/kWh) until 2011 - 8 cDH/kWh (0.7 cEuro/kWh) from 2012

• Average price to buy electricity from ONE (for industrials): 65 cDH/kWh (5.6 cEuro)

• Possibility to sell ‘’Extra energy’’ from Wind Farms to the national electrical grid (ONE) with a price of 70 % of ‘’ONE-Tariffs’’.

• Guaranty of Electricity to industrials in each time from ONE (National Grid)

• Wind Farms Programmed by self-producers : 850 MW


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Wind Energy Potantial in Morocco

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Wind Energy Potential in Morocco Morocco has an excellent wind potential mainly in the

North & in the South : - Essaouira, Tangier & Tetouan with an annual average

between 9.5 & 11 m/s at 40 meters.- Tarfaya, Taza & Dakhla with an annual average between 7.5 m/s & 9.5 m/s at 40 meters.

Wind Potential of Morocco :• Total Potential : 7936 TWh/year (2645 GW)• Technical Potential : 4896 TWh/year (1632 GW)• Wind Atlas of Morocco published in 1986, 1995 and

updated in 2008.• More than 50 measurements stations installed by CDER

between 1990 & 2008

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Wind Energy Potential in Morocco (Study CDER/GTZ – July 2007)






capacity to install

in 2010


capacity to install in 2012



to install

in 2020

2,645,310 MW

1,632,030 MW







7,936 TWh 4,896 TWh 1.9 TWh 3.4 TWh 9.9 TWh

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Wind Resource Map of Morocco

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Wind Farms Programmed (2009-2012)

• Objective of the Government : Production of 20 % of electricity from Renewable Energy (included Hydro). • Wind Farms Programmed : 1000 MW until 2012 • Wind Farms installed : 134 MW (02/2009)

Projects programmed :- Wind Farm 140 MW (Tangier) : in construction, Start production in April 2009- Wind Farm 300 MW (Tarfaya) : Call of tenders launched in 2007 (17 Compagnies prequalified for the final selection)

- Self-producers projects : 850 MW (2010-2011)- Potential estimated to be installed : - until 2012 : 1000 MW to 2000 MW - until 2020 : 4000 MW to 7000 MW

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Wind Farms installed in Morocco

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Wind Farm of 50 MW (El Koudia El Baida -Tetouan)

• Project : Power : 50 MW (84 Vestas 600 kW) Start production : 8/2000 Production : 200 GWh/year (Average) Wind measurements : CDER BOT Project : CED (EDF-Paribas-Germa/France)

(selled to Theolia in december 2007)

• Annual average wind speed at 40 meters : 10 m/s

• Annual average wind speed in the best location

in the site at 40 meters : 11 m/s

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Wind Farm of 50 MW (El Koudia El Baida -Tetouan)

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Wind Farm of 60 MWCap SIM (Essaouira)

Power : 60 MW Windturbines : 71 Gamesa G52-850 kW Start production : 04/2007

Production estimated : 210 GWh/year Avearage wind speed (40 m) : 9.45 m/s Wind measurements : CDER Project : ONE

Project Cost : 800 millions DH (72 Millions Euro)

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Wind Farm 60 MWCap Sim (Essaouira)

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Wind Farm 10 MW Lafarge (Cements Factory of Tetouan)

Power : 10 MW Windturbines : 12 * 850 kW (Gamesa)

Start production : 9/2005 Production estimated : 38 GWh/year (40 % of annual consumption of the factory)

Wind energy Production : for Cements factory (extra energy selled to the national electrical grid)

Project Cost : 110 millions DH(10 MEuro)

New Project (22 MW) : Programmed in the same site 10 MW (12/2008), 12 MW(2010)

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Wind Farm 10 MW Lafarge (Ciments Factory of Tetouan)

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Desalination Sea Water by Wind Energy in Akhfennir village

• Site : Akhfennir village is situated in the south of Morocco

(Near Atlantic Coast)

• Number of inhabitants : 4000 residents permanently

• Consumption of water : 860 m3/day(2009 - 2015)

• Drinking water : Akhfennir village is supplied in drinking water by trucks cisterns from the city of Tan-Tan(120 DH/m3#11 Euro)

• Mean wind speed : - Wind Station 1 (40 m) : 7,68 m/s - Wind Station 2 (40 m) : 6,48 m/s

• Start production : December 2009

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• Morocco has an excellent wind potential

• National Energy Priorities & Strategy : - Production of 20 % of electricity from Renewable Energy by 2012.

- Energy efficiency; 15% reduction in consumption by 2020

• Some projects installed or under preparation for generation of electricity from wind :- For national grid to reduce importation of oil

- For Self-producers (Industrials)

- For export green electricity to Europe

- For desalination sea water by wind (3500 kms of coasts)

• Private companies can also contribute to realize the challenge by installation of Wind Farms in Morocco

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Renewable Energy Development Center (CDER)

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