will some a Nolps. /QANDY - Library of...

Having made up my mind to engage in other business, I desire to dispose of my store known as "THE OASIS" I will teach the purchaser the candy business and will give some one a special bargain. Call on me at once. THE OASIS, Box 713, Ellensburg, Wash. BEPOBTED. L. Hagan ha* returned to Utah. Needles and oil at W. A. Privett's. Superior courl was in mMion Tnes- d»y. PianM and organs on easy payment a » W. A. Prlvett. Another old land mark gone up in the smoke. Miners can be supplied with all kinds of blanks at Thh Daw* office. t, E. Vertch, of Thorp, was in the city Tuesday. Watch work a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed at W. A. Privett's. Ii yon don't get Thk Dawk, you don't get the news. Be sore and call at Scott & Latimer's and (jet their prices before buying. \V. K. Patterson came down from Blewett Mon la\. The prices in carpets cot 15 per cent at Scott it Latimer's. Mil's Gertrude Health, of Port Town- \u25a0end, is in the city. One Minute Couwh Cure OUrei VUiokly. That's whut you waut-StephtM Jb fclwood. Col. E. E. Wager went up to Uoslyn on business yeaterday. The tire Saturday night gave Mr. Pa- vies' family a close call. The sales gross at Bossong & Co.'a for 1897 amounted to (60,000. Notice Mrs. Stevenson advertises her opening in another column. Mr. Patterson reports quite a lot of now in the Peshastin country. We learn that Wenatchee will furnish a candidate for county auditor. The iron foundry is an institution in Ellensburg that we all feel proud of. Henry KehmUe has been mentioned as a candidate for county treasurer. The case of Barnes & McCandless on the tax question was called Tuesday. H. J. Snivcly, of North Yakima, was in the city this week attending court. Sheriff Wynegar returned Friday from the sound and points on the Great North- ern. John McNahh is building on property recently purchased In Sunnyside addi- tion. W. Is. Price has had the old Blaumaur building refitted and remodeled in gen eral. Grandma (irissoin is quite poorly?be- inu confined to her room with a severe ?cold. Sumlay was a pleasant day and many 'took advantage of ii and went out for a stroll. We hear Sim McCausland and L. C. Wynegar spoken of as candidates (or «therifF. A. l'arrick has I teen appointed post- master at Koslyn, vice L. F. McConihie removeti. If yon want a first class magazine you ehouid read New time. THJt Dawn and New Time one \ ear lor $1.60. Jimmy Boyle requests the weather clerk to call at his office and receive his discharge. The Localizer can justly he called a re- ligious paper now, as it one time said of The Dawn. Ellensburg looks like a deserted city. Season?everybody is at work of some kind or other." Chas, Spann, of Wallula, was in the city again this week on his way home from Seattle. Mr. Hanson, the gentleman who had a leg amputated some weeks ago went home this week. Mr. Vinton intends doing considerable work on his claims in the I'eshastim country this season. Will (ieizentanner, engineer of the State penitentiary at Walla .Valla, was in the city Wednesday. Onions are worth $40 |>er ton. F. Bos- Song & (Jo , have a fresh supply of sets we are selling at 12>jj per lb. We are glad to see people generally \u25a0cleaning up about their premises. Let the good work go on. Wanted? Any one having second hand carpets for sale willplease call at Moore's lodging house on 3d street. What's the matter with the assessment of Barnes & (o? 450 shares and only five given in by Mr. Barnes. Don't Hold Your Girl. Remember if she refuses you for giving Jier a poor picture, get some good ones taken at Pautzkes Art Studio. J. W. Davies will close his school in the Ronald district next. week. Me has given excellent satisfaction during his term of nine months in that district, Mr. Davies is a very competent teacher and stands very high In his profession. Declaration of War. P. Kreidel & Co., issued a declaration of their GRAND OPENING OF MILLINERY Which will take place on March 31, and April I, 2. (Thursday, Friday and Saturday.) The highest novelties of the season will be on exhibition. Our Easter Bonnets will be found a veritable garden of beauty, radiant with the bright and pretty things. Remember the Dates. Latest music at Privett's. A new school district was formed on the 26th inst., comprising the territory ot Robinson canyon ?District 50. See our new line of carpets at figures astonishingly low, Scott it Latimer's, Lynch block. We hope the city council will not sad- dle a debt of $1,500 on the city for 15 Ilubbcll it Seymour hydrants. Carpets! Where can I net the best and most complete assortment to select from. Why at Scott it Latimer's, of course. Three inches of snowlell in Seattle last Friday, the first and only snow fall in that city this winter. For carpets no to Scott it Latiir.et's. Prices will astonish you. they are so cheap. Commissioner Newman has been on the retired list for some days because of a pesky little felon. WANTED ?A woman to do kitchen Work, Must be a good cook . Apply at the New Gem Restaurant. W. B. PaiCß, Lock box 808. Peter Anderson, John Neubaur and John Burmeister were in the city from Blewett this week. Our new spring goods have arrived. Call and examine them carefully before buying elsewhere. W. H. Talbott, ("has. Bull returned from Pullman last Friday, where he has spent several weeks in attendance al the Agricultural college. Levi Castor came in this week from Skagwav. He reports everything lively up there and a great many people going through. Simon Fogarty has had a block of land cleared and put in shape in Santa Anna addition, which he expects to seed to onions soon. Last year we handled Northrup and Kiligu line of package seeds and found them to give excellent satisfaction, so have concluded to handle them again tnis year. The price will he the same as last season?2 packages lor 5 cents F. Bossong & Co. Congregational Church?morning sub ject: "The Loveliness of Jesus." Sun- day school at 3 -30. Evening subject? "The Betrayal of Love." If you want the news of congress, you want a paper called the Seattle Times? and you can get Tim Dawn and Times one year for $1.40. A. Douglas has purchased the famous horse Wilson Boy, the horse imported here by Helm & Reed, and will give our ranchers the benefit of the horse during the season. I' you care to improve your stock, call on Mr. Douglas at his shop on sth Street and get the terms that he pro- poses to stand this horse on during the season. just BucßivßD-The finest and most complete stock ot carpets ever brought to llenshvrg. embracing our 16 differ- ent patters ol Ingrain Tapistry and Body Brussels, MoquKs and Ax minster car pets at prices that will aston.sh you. Call and get our & Lynch Block. Furniture! AND Scott A Latimer have a lace curtain rack tor stretching ami drying curtains for rent, before laundrylngyour curtains y<ni should engage one For Sale?One upright piano?must he sold before March 29. Refrigerator, center-table, carpet, elnc-tub, chairs. At office of P. H. W. Ross. Mr. Herald, ot California, came up las; week and took his mother, Mrs. N. J. Herald with him on his return. They left on the train Tuesday evening. PHOTOGRAPHS are now printed by artificial light. You can get them from us. We are right up to date at Pautske's Art Studio. Commissionei Brown, of Roslyn, lias written from Skagway that he will not re- turn to Kittitas, hence a commissioner will have to he appointed to take his place. We now have our spring novelties open for inspection, ami yon should see them before yon make a purchase. W, 11. Talbott. Rev, W. T. Easter who is to hold pro- tracted services in the Methodist church, writes that he cannot he here until Apr. 14, hut will remain the promised ten days at Ellensburg. Athrill of terror Is experienced when a brassy cough of croup sounds through tbe bouse :e night, Hut tlic terror sum changes '.to nil I' after One Minute Couch Cure has beeuaauitu- littered. Safe and harmless for children. Sold byStephena ami El wood 1 Advertising space in our history of Kittitas county will he valuable. Should you desire to avail yourself of space, you should do so soon. That is our only way of making a profit out of the hook. We invite the public generally to call and examine our large ami well selected sock of div goodd. W. 11. Talbott. Thomas Harrison, son of T. I. Han i son. of Easton, was killed at Stampede tunnel early Sunday morning. He was on the railroad track when a train hacked down on to him, killing him instantly. The ladies of the Episcopal Guild will give an entertainment Saturday evening, Apr. 16th, consisting oi a musical pro- gram, and a parlor play. Admission, including refreshments, 25 cents. Children, lo cents. Have you seen the finest bicycle on the market?the Syrian? If not look at W. A. Thomas' wheel. It is a prize wheel in every respect. Mr. Thomas has the agency for this wheel. See him be* fore buying if you want the best in the market. Chas. Richards, son-in-law of B. I>. Southern, ol Thorp, has sold his ranch in Big bend country where he has lived for the past ten years and moved hack to this county. " He intends to buy a farm and try ranching in the best valley in the state. We wish the friends of THK Dawn to hand in or mail us any item of interest or personal mention. A busy editor who is long on work and short on reporters often misses items he very much regrets. An item of tins kind escapes our attention nearly every week. Please take the trouble to report the comings and goings of your friends or family, parties, enter- tainments and the like. Deafness Cannot Be Cured. By local application! as they cauuot reach the diseased portion ot the ear. There is only one way to euro deafbess, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of tbe mil- dug lining of tbe Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a milling sound oi imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the intlainatien can be l iken out and this tube restored to its normul condition, bearing will be destroyed forever, nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of tbe mucus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (causen by catarrh) that cannot lie cured by Hall's Catarrh. Send for circulars; free. F, J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Life of Frances Willard. The greatest selling hook of thi* century. The only authorized and authentic story of the beautiful '?Life of Francis E. Willard" by Miss A. Gordon, Preface by Lady Henry Sommerset. The great, eloquent and wise unite in splendid testimonials. Men like Deau Furra, Archbishop Ireland, Canon Wilberforce. Bishop Potter, Bishop Vincent, Moody, Parkhurst and a host of others representing the church of Eng- land, the Roman Catholic church and all the christian churches of the world have furnished what no expenditure of money could buy. Mrs. J. A. Laurendeau has the exclusive right for the sale of this book. Agents wanted. Apply at once to Mrs. Laurendeau. Thorp Nolps. I It K.N K. The contest given by the \V. C T. U., w;is ;i success financially and otherwise. The receipts amounted to !r'4<». Mr. Castor returned from Dyea Saturday and intends going back in about ten days. He thinks Alaska is not ;i very good place for v poor man. The Ladies' Aid society met at Mis. B. Kilmour's Thursday. C, Richards and family fsom the Big Bend arrived here Saturday night. They intend buying a home here. Norman Goodwin has been sick during the past week. I). Curry has bought Mr. Cran- dall's lots in Thorp. Fred Butcher has finished his school here and will begin teaching near Cle-Elum, next Monday. Miss Madeline Davis, who has attended school here this winter, will leave for her home in Easton next week. Mis. S. T. Sterling is still on the sick list. W. .1. Vi/.ey left this morning for Seat- tle to join the Alaska party. Sewing machines tepaired aud taken in on new ones al W. A. Privett's. six large army guns passed through this city yesterday morning for coast- defense oii Pugel Sound. Out stock of spring goods is complete, our prices are reasonable, ''all and see us. W. 11. Talbott. .1. 11. May, of Langley, Island county, arrived in the city yesterday morning on his way to Wenas to spend the sum- mer with his brother-in-law and family. Mrs. Jenkins keeps ladies' millinery and furnishitig goodi?a first class in il liner In attendance; will trim all hats free. Latest style walking hats, also driving and cycling gloves. All new goods at the lowest prices. The cele hi a ted Jackson waists for ladies at $1.00 each. L. I lagan, formerly of tins city, hut now of Utah, was in the city Saturday. The old man looks well and hearty. He came in to sell his property. Mrs. Herold, Qressmaker, Pine Street, between Ist and and 2d. Prices very reasonable. Ilonrv s. Bookmeyer, died in Skagwav Mar. 9, of pneumonia. He is a son-in- law nf C. H. King. The hotly was \u25a0hipped to Seattle for burial. Martin Mayer, a brother of Mrs. I». Murray, Airs. George Hornbeck and Mian Lizzie Mayer, of this city, arrived here from New York on a visit. The ladies of the Christian church will niveau egg social in Armory hall on Fri- day evening, April 9th. Admission 15 cent.-;. All are cordially invited. F. M. Lambson is prepared to do a.l kinds of blacksmithing in workmanlike shape. Give him a call. Shop on 4th street at GUmour's old stand. tf lU. Em. Grand Commander, lacob Weather wax, of Aberdeen was in the city on the olst to visit and install afflc- era in Temple commandrv No. 5, K. T. Our old friend, A. T. Mason, received word Wednesday that his pension claim had been allowed. He gets $12 per month and dates back six years. Good for Mr. Mason. Nearly everyone regardless of party, would he glad to see F. L. Evens and W. A. Thomas renominated for the re- spective offices ?county clerk aud super- intendent of schools. (iov. Rogers has removed L. F. llow- lett, of Yakima, as land commissioner, andhasappointedO.lt. Halcomb, of Ritzville, at his successor for the unex- pired term ending June 16, ii.. Halcomb is a pipulist and at present is prosecut- ing attorney of Adams county. liucklvn's Arnica Salve. i The Best Salve in the world for | Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt F.heum, Fever Sores, Tet f er, Chaps ' ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is fcuaianteed to give perfect satis- faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by j Perry Drug Co. DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United states Land Office, North Yakima Wn. March 22, 1898. Notice i< hereby given that James . Wood- vanl »l Ellensburg, Kittitas county, Wn., Ims Hied noiti [ intention to make proof <>n his desort-laud claim, No, 455, for the N E. '~ S. W i sec, 33, Tp. 10 N. K. 19 E w , M., before'E. I Even .clerk of Superior court at Ellensburg, Wn., ou Friday theUOth day of April, 1898. lie names the following witnesses to prove the complete Irrigation aud reclamation ol said land' J F. Let'lerc. James Irwin, John filer, W S. Rogers, all of i Uensburg, Wash. a. v. snki.i.ino, Register. Furniture! NEW »TOHEI NEW GOODS! We have opened and offer to the public, the largest and most complete line of Furniture, Carpets, Draperies, Pianos and Organs, ever displayed in Ellensburg and at PRICKS THAT DEFY COMPETITION! Call aud get our prices before purchasing. Scott 8c Latimer, LYNCH BLOCK /QANDY cathartic I CURE COHSriPATIOj^^ ; T* n *^^imirrrrrt ' ADCjAr TTTPT V rTTIIOIIIITUrn to core any raw of constipation. Oasrarrta are the Ideal Laxa- 'AduULUluLl UUAnAIIICiEiU tire. §*»er irrip or eripe.lmt ranse eaiy natural result!. Sam. 'pie and booklet free. Ad. STF.RMXO REMEDY Montreal. Can. ,orKtwTork. BLUE STONE, BROWN'S TREE SOAP, INSECT POWDERS, Stephens & Elwood. THE DBUGGISTB- -1 ]\EW STORE!! On Saturday April 2d we will open a First- Class Grocery on Pearl Street. We will be First in New Goods, First in Low Prices, First in Quality And Greatest in Quantity. STEIMMAN BROS., Cash Grocers. A man dressed in red pants with blue bands, blue coat trimmed with black braid, decorated and with orange plush was seen on our streets last week. Mr. Duerat, French soldier in Africa, was un- fortunate and some (Id days ago sailed for Uibralter where he was courteously received by English officers who gave him ;i free pass to Vera Cruz, Mexico, from there he came to San Francisco, Seattle and Tacotna, and walked to this place in 4 days. He was taken to the home of i\ Laurendeau where he was hospitably received. Saturday, our well- known and liberal grocer, F. Dossong, opened a subscription, which was liber- ally contributed to. including an entire suit of clothes by J. C. Lloyd, which the brave soldier ol 20 years' standing in the French army?well noted in the Ton- quin war ?gladly accepted. He is now on his way to the home of a former French soldior in Montana. How oltcn you see .1 man deeply engrossed in his work, full of satisfaction at what he has accomplished in business, ready to go ahead and carry out bound- less schemes of achieve- ment, and using up all his strength and nervous force, never pausing to think what unseen danger may threaten him from behind. Mighty few hard- working men ever stop to realize that the headaches and dizzy sensations and feelings of weak- ness and sluggish- ness and incapacity that overcome theia at times are the forerunners of seri- ous disease. More men would succeed in carrying out their life purposes if they would put their constitutions in strong, forceful, high con- dition, without waiting until disease has plunged its axe into their vital organs. If a man who is using up his working vitality faster than his nutritive powers supply it. will use Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Dis- covery as an adjunct to his daily meals, it will give the digestive organs power ti take hold of the food and extract from ii the elements which strengthen the vital organism and build up healthy blood. It revitalizes every organ and tissue of the body : purges bilious poisons out of the circulation ; invigorates the nerve cen ters and the muscular system and makes a man altogether a man?full of ambition, energy and pluck. Mr. Jos, Henderson Dirblun. of 544 Josephine Street, New Orleans. La., writes to Dr. fierce "I was ailing for some years, suffering frou dyspepsia, a tired feeling and loss of energy and appetite. I tried oue bottle of Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery and found great re lief I took two more bottles, three in all. auc One or two bottles of the 'Pellets,' when found myself ill good health again. I recom mend Dr. Pierces ('.olden Medical Discovery to do all that it is claimed to do." 9) ... In many cases where constipation is one of the aggravating causes of disease, Dr Pierct V Pleasant Pellets should be used ii conjunction with the " Discovery." They are the simplest and most perfectly natura laxative ever invented. It is a dealer's business to sell you wlui you ask for?not what he prefers for selfish profit's sake to sell. Summons by Publication. In tho Superior Court of Kittitas County, State of Washington, tieorge Hampton. Plaintiff vs. John A. Bhoudy, M. E. Bhoudy, Dexter Bhoudy, Hattie Bhoudy, B. P. Briggs, David Murray, Katherlne Murray, J. H. Scott, London and San Kruueisco Bunk Limited, a corporation. John Cornthwait, John George Kellitt, and Wil- liam Anderson, partners as Ellensburg Foundry and Engineering Company, E. J. Winter and C. II Harper, partners us Winter aud Harper, W, E. Whittier, William P. Fuller. Jr.. F- N. Wood- ward and C. A. Plummer, surviving members of Whittier, Fuller and Company, Minneapolis Trust Compauy, a corporation and c, s. Phil- brick, Defendants. The state of Washington to the said B. F, Briggs, London nnd San Francisco Bank Lim- ited, a corporation. John Cornthwait, John tieorge Kellittand William Anderson, partners as Ellensburg Foundry and Engineering Com- pany, E. J. Winter andc. 11. Hurper partners as Winter uad Harper, W.E. Whittier and William P. Fuller Jr., K. N. Woodward and C. A. Plum- mer, surviving members of Whittier Fuller and Company, Minneapolis Trust Company, a cor- poration and <'. S. Pliilbrirk defendants: Sou are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the lirst publication of" this summons, to-wlt?within sixty days after the Wth day of March, lwjs, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintitl, aud serve a copy of your answer upon the uudcrsigned attorneys for plaintitl', at their office below stuted; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be ren- dered against you according to the demand of theTouiplaiut, which has been filed wtth the cler.' of suid court. That .the above action is brought for the purpose of foreclosing that cer- tain mortgage, made, executed and delivered to uarry C. Alasterson, on the 18th day of August, A. D. IS.:;, by John A. Khoudy and M. E. Bhoudy for the sum of two thousand dollars with iuterest thercou from date at the rate of fourteen per centum per uunum, upon the lol- lowing described real estate to-wit: Allot lots six and seven aud the south half of lot eight in block twelve, Depot Addition to the City of El. lcusbuig, and ull that pa eel of laud beginning at the southeast corner of block nine and run- ning north along the west side of Main street forty feet; thence west one hundred and twenty feet; thence south forty feet; thence east along the north line of Third street one hundred and twenty feet to the place of beginning: Convey- ing the south forty feet of lot six, block nine in the original town of Ellensburg, which said mortgage was duly transferred, assigned, en- dorsed and set over to this plaintiff. Plaintiff also prays the above and foregoing defendants be barred and forever foreclosed of all right, claim orequity of redemption iv the said prem- ises, and every part thereof. Mikes & Waknek. Attys, for Pltf. P. O.?Ellensburg, Wash. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. In the .Superior Court of Kittitas County, State of Washington. (In Probate.) in the mutter of the estate of F. M, Thorp, de- Ceased, This cause coming on to be heard on this 21st (1 iv of March, A. I). 1898, upon the petition of the administrator to be allowed to sell the real estate belonging to said estate, and it appearing from said petition that all of the personal prop- erty of said estate has been disposed of, that there is still a considerable amount of debtsoutstund- ing against the decedent, and that there is no personal estate in the hands of the administrator to pay the said outstanding debts and expenses of the administration, and that it is necessary to sell the whole or a large portion of the real estate owned by said estate in Kittitas county, State of Washington for the payment of said debts and expenses, and the court being fully advised in the premises does hereby direct all persons interested in said estate to appear before the Superior court of Kittitas county, State of Washington nt the court house of said county at Ellensburg at 9:80 o'clock a. m. on Monday the 2d day of May, A. D.i I*JS. and show cause, If any they have, why an order shall not be granted to" the administrator to sell the reul es- tate of the deceased, situate in Kittitas county. State of Washington, or so much thereof as shall be uecessary to pay all of the debis and charges now Branding against said estate, and it is fur- trer ordered that this order be published in "THE bLLENSBUBG Dawn," a newspaper of gen- eral circulation, published at Ellensburg in said county and state, for at least four successive weeks'preceding the said Jd day of March A. D., IS.IS. Given under our hand at Ellensburg. Kittitas county, Washington, this2lstday of March, a. D. I 89&, joii.m B, Davidson, Judge

Transcript of will some a Nolps. /QANDY - Library of...

Having made up my mind to engage in other

business, I desire to dispose of my store known as


I will teach the purchaser the candy business and

will give some one a special bargain. Call on me at


THE OASIS,Box 713, Ellensburg, Wash.

BEPOBTED.L. Hagan ha* returned to Utah.

Needles and oil at W. A. Privett's.

Superior courl was in mMion Tnes-

d»y.PianM and organs on easy payment

a» W. A. Prlvett.Another old land mark gone up in the

smoke.Miners can be supplied with all kinds

of blanks at Thh Daw* office.

t, E. Vertch, of Thorp, was in the city


Watch work a specialty. Satisfactionguaranteed at W. A. Privett's.

Iiyon don't get Thk Dawk, you don't

get the news.

Be sore and call at Scott & Latimer's

and (jet their prices before buying.

\V. K. Patterson came down from

Blewett Mon la\.The prices in carpets cot 15 per cent at

Scott it Latimer's.Mil's Gertrude Health, of Port Town-

\u25a0end, is in the city.

One Minute Couwh Cure OUrei VUiokly. That's

whut you waut-StephtM Jb fclwood.

Col. E. E. Wager went up to Uoslyn

on business yeaterday.The tire Saturday night gave Mr. Pa-

vies' family a close call.

The sales gross at Bossong & Co.'a for

1897 amounted to (60,000.

Notice Mrs. Stevenson advertises her

opening in another column.

Mr. Patterson reports quite a lot of

now in the Peshastin country.

We learn that Wenatchee will furnish

a candidate for county auditor.

The iron foundry is an institution in

Ellensburg that we all feel proud of.

Henry KehmUe has been mentionedas a candidate for county treasurer.

The case of Barnes & McCandless on

the tax question was called Tuesday.

H. J. Snivcly, of North Yakima, was

in the city this week attending court.

Sheriff Wynegar returned Friday from

the sound and points on the Great North-ern.

John McNahh is building on property

recently purchased In Sunnyside addi-


W. Is. Price has had the old Blaumaurbuilding refitted and remodeled in gen


Grandma (irissoin is quite poorly?be-inu confined to her room with a severe?cold.

Sumlay was a pleasant day and many

'took advantage of ii and went out for a


We hear Sim McCausland and L. C.Wynegar spoken of as candidates (or


A. l'arrick has I teen appointed post-master at Koslyn, vice L. F. McConihie


If yon want a first class magazine youehouid read New time. THJt Dawn andNew Time one \ ear lor $1.60.

Jimmy Boyle requests the weatherclerk to call at his office and receive hisdischarge.

The Localizer can justly he called a re-ligious paper now, as it one time said ofThe Dawn.

Ellensburg looks like a deserted city.Season?everybody is at work of somekind or other."

Chas, Spann, of Wallula, was in thecity again this week on his way homefrom Seattle.

Mr. Hanson, the gentleman who hada leg amputated some weeks ago wenthome this week.

Mr. Vinton intends doing considerablework on his claims in the I'eshastimcountry this season.

Will (ieizentanner, engineer of theState penitentiary at Walla .Valla, wasin the city Wednesday.

Onions are worth $40 |>er ton. F. Bos-Song & (Jo , have a fresh supply of setswe are selling at 12>jj per lb.

We are glad to see people generally\u25a0cleaning up about their premises. Letthe good work go on.

Wanted? Any one having second handcarpets for sale willplease call at Moore'slodging house on 3d street.

What's the matter with the assessmentof Barnes & (o? 450 shares and onlyfive given in by Mr. Barnes.

Don't Hold Your Girl.Remember if she refuses you for giving

Jier a poor picture, get some good onestaken at Pautzkes Art Studio.

J. W. Davies will close his school inthe Ronald district next. week. Me hasgiven excellent satisfaction during histerm of nine months in that district,Mr. Davies is a very competent teacherand stands very high In his profession.

Declaration of War.P. Kreidel & Co., issued adeclaration of theirGRAND OPENING OF

MILLINERYWhich will take place onMarch 31, and April I, 2.(Thursday,

Fridayand Saturday.)

The highest novelties of theseason willbe on exhibition.

Our Easter Bonnets willbefound a veritable garden ofbeauty, radiant with the brightand pretty things.

Remember the Dates.Latest music at Privett's.

A new school district was formed on

the 26th inst., comprising the territory otRobinson canyon ?District 50.

See our new line of carpets at figuresastonishingly low, Scott it Latimer's,Lynch block.

We hope the city council will not sad-dle a debt of $1,500 on the city for 15Ilubbcll it Seymour hydrants.

Carpets! Where can I net the bestand most complete assortment to selectfrom. Why at Scott it Latimer's, ofcourse.

Three inches of snowlell in Seattle lastFriday, the first and only snow fall inthat city this winter.

For carpets no to Scott it Latiir.et's.Prices will astonish you. they are so

cheap.Commissioner Newman has been on

the retired list for some days because of

a pesky little felon.

WANTED?A woman to do kitchenWork, Must be a good cook . Apply atthe New Gem Restaurant.

W. B. PaiCß, Lock box 808.

Peter Anderson, John Neubaur andJohn Burmeister were in the city from

Blewett this week.

Our new spring goods have arrived.Call and examine them carefully beforebuying elsewhere. W. H. Talbott,

("has. Bull returned from Pullman last

Friday, where he has spent several

weeks in attendance al the Agriculturalcollege.

Levi Castor came in this week from

Skagwav. He reports everything livelyup there and a great many people goingthrough.

Simon Fogarty has had a block of

land cleared and put in shape in Santa

Anna addition, which he expects to seed

to onions soon.

Last year we handled Northrup andKiligu line of package seeds and foundthem to give excellent satisfaction, sohave concluded to handle them again

tnis year. The price will he the same as

last season?2 packages lor 5 centsF. Bossong & Co.

Congregational Church?morning sub

ject: "The Loveliness of Jesus." Sun-

day school at 3 -30. Evening subject?"The Betrayal of Love."

If you want the news of congress, you

want a paper called the Seattle Times?and you can get Tim Dawn and Times

one year for $1.40.

A. Douglas has purchased the famous

horse Wilson Boy, the horse imported

here by Helm & Reed, and will give our

ranchers the benefit of the horse during

the season. I' you care to improve your

stock, call on Mr. Douglas at his shop on

sth Street and get the terms that he pro-

poses to stand this horse on during the


just BucßivßD-The finest and mostcomplete stock ot carpets ever brought

to llenshvrg. embracing our 16 differ-ent patters ol Ingrain Tapistry and Body

Brussels, MoquKs and Axminster car

pets at prices that will aston.sh you.

Call and get our&

Lynch Block.



Scott A Latimer have a lace curtainrack tor stretching ami drying curtainsfor rent, before laundrylngyour curtainsy<ni should engage one

For Sale?One upright piano?must hesold before March 29. Refrigerator,center-table, carpet, elnc-tub, chairs.At office of P. H. W. Ross.

Mr. Herald, ot California, came uplas; week and took his mother, Mrs. N.J. Herald with him on his return. Theyleft on the train Tuesday evening.

PHOTOGRAPHS are now printed byartificial light. You can get them fromus. We are right up to date at Pautske'sArt Studio.

Commissionei Brown, of Roslyn, liaswritten from Skagway that he will not re-

turn to Kittitas, hence a commissionerwill have to he appointed to take hisplace.

We now have our spring noveltiesopen for inspection, ami yon should see

them before yon make a purchase.W, 11. Talbott.

Rev, W. T. Easter who is to hold pro-tracted services in the Methodist church,writes that he cannot he here until Apr.14, hut will remain the promised ten

days at Ellensburg.Athrillof terror Is experienced when a brassy

cough of croup sounds through tbe bouse :enight, Hut tlic terror sum changes '.to nil I'after One Minute Couch Cure has beeuaauitu-littered. Safe and harmless for children. SoldbyStephena ami El wood 1

Advertising space in our history ofKittitas county will he valuable. Shouldyou desire to avail yourself of space,you should do so soon. That is our onlyway of making a profit out of the hook.

We invite the public generally to calland examine our large ami well selectedsock of div goodd. W. 11. Talbott.

Thomas Harrison, son of T. I. Han ison. of Easton, was killed at Stampedetunnel early Sunday morning. He wason the railroad track when a train hackeddown on to him, killing him instantly.

The ladies of the Episcopal Guild willgive an entertainment Saturday evening,Apr. 16th, consisting oi a musical pro-gram, and a parlor play. Admission,including refreshments, 25 cents.Children, lo cents.

Have you seen the finest bicycle on

the market?the Syrian? If not look atW. A. Thomas' wheel. It is a prizewheel in every respect. Mr.Thomas hasthe agency for this wheel. See him be*fore buying ifyou want the best in themarket.

Chas. Richards, son-in-law of B. I>.Southern, ol Thorp, has sold his ranch inBig bend country where he has lived forthe past ten years and moved hack to

this county."

He intends to buy a farmand try ranching in the best valley inthe state.

We wish the friends of THK Dawn to

hand in or mail us any item of interest orpersonal mention. A busy editor who islong on work and short on reporters oftenmisses items he very much regrets. Anitem of tins kind escapes our attentionnearly every week. Please take thetrouble to report the comings and goings

of your friends or family, parties, enter-tainments and the like.

Deafness Cannot Be Cured.By local application! as they cauuot reachthe diseased portion ot the ear. There isonly one way to euro deafbess, and that Isby constitutional remedies. Deafness iscaused by an inflamed condition of tbe mil-dug liningof tbe Eustachian Tube. Whenthis tube is inflamed you have a milling

sound oi imperfect hearing, and when it isentirely closed, deafness is the result, andunless the intlainatien can be l iken out andthis tube restored to its normul condition,bearing will be destroyed forever, nine cases

out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which isnothing but an inflamed condition of tbemucus surfaces.

We will give One Hundred Dollars forany case of deafness (causen by catarrh)that cannot lie cured by Hall's Catarrh.Send for circulars; free.

F, J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.

Sold by druggists, 75c.Hall's Family Pills are the best.

Life of Frances Willard.The greatest selling hook of thi*

century. The only authorized andauthentic story of the beautiful'?Life of Francis E. Willard" byMiss A. Gordon, Preface by LadyHenry Sommerset.

The great, eloquent and wiseunite in splendid testimonials.Men like Deau Furra, ArchbishopIreland, Canon Wilberforce. BishopPotter, Bishop Vincent, Moody,Parkhurst and a host of othersrepresenting the church of Eng-

land, the Roman Catholic churchand all the christian churches ofthe world have furnished what noexpenditure of money could buy.

Mrs. J. A. Laurendeau has theexclusive right for the sale of thisbook. Agents wanted.

Apply at once toMrs. Laurendeau.

Thorp Nolps.

I ItK.N K.

The contest given by the \V. CT. U., w;is ;i success financially andotherwise. The receipts amountedto !r'4<».

Mr. Castor returned from DyeaSaturday and intends going back inabout ten days. He thinks Alaskais not ;i very good place for v poorman.

The Ladies' Aid society met atMis. B. Kilmour's Thursday.

C, Richards and family fsom theBig Bend arrived here Saturdaynight. They intend buying ahome here.

Norman Goodwin has been sickduring the past week.

I). Curry has bought Mr. Cran-dall's lots in Thorp.

Fred Butcher has finished hisschool here and will begin teachingnear Cle-Elum, next Monday.

Miss Madeline Davis, who hasattended school here this winter,will leave for her home in Eastonnext week.

Mis. S. T. Sterling is still on the sicklist.

W. .1. Vi/.ey left this morning for Seat-tle to join the Alaska party.

Sewing machines tepaired aud taken inon new ones al W. A. Privett's.

six large army guns passed throughthis city yesterday morning for coast-

defense oii Pugel Sound.

Out stock of spring goods is complete,our prices are reasonable, ''all and seeus. W. 11. Talbott.

.1. 11. May, of Langley, Island county,

arrived in the city yesterday morning

on his way to Wenas to spend the sum-

mer with his brother-in-law and family.Mrs. Jenkins keeps ladies' millinery

and furnishitig goodi?a first class in illiner In attendance; will trim all hatsfree. Latest style walking hats, alsodriving and cycling gloves. All newgoods at the lowest prices. The celehi a ted Jackson waists for ladies at $1.00each.

L. I lagan, formerly of tins city, hutnow of Utah, was in the city Saturday.The old man looks well and hearty. Hecame in to sell his property.

Mrs. Herold, Qressmaker,Pine Street, between Ist andand 2d.

Prices very reasonable.

Ilonrv s. Bookmeyer, died in SkagwavMar. 9, of pneumonia. He is a son-in-

law nf C. H. King. The hotly was\u25a0hipped to Seattle for burial.

Martin Mayer, a brother of Mrs. I».Murray, Airs. George Hornbeck and

Mian Lizzie Mayer, of this city, arrived

here from New York on a visit.

The ladies of the Christian church willniveau egg social in Armory hall on Fri-day evening, April 9th. Admission 15cent.-;. All are cordially invited.

F. M. Lambson is prepared to do a.l

kinds of blacksmithing in workmanlike

shape. Give him a call. Shop on 4th

street at GUmour's old stand. tf

lU. Em. Grand Commander, lacob

Weather wax, of Aberdeen was in the

city on the olst to visit and install afflc-era in Temple commandrv No. 5, K. T.

Our old friend, A. T. Mason, received

word Wednesday that his pension claimhad been allowed. He gets $12 permonth and dates back six years. Goodfor Mr. Mason.

Nearly everyone regardless of party,would he glad to see F. L. Evens and

W. A. Thomas renominated for the re-

spective offices?county clerk aud super-intendent of schools.

(iov. Rogers has removed L. F. llow-lett, of Yakima, as land commissioner,andhasappointedO.lt. Halcomb, ofRitzville, at his successor for the unex-pired term ending June 16, ii.. Halcomb

is a pipulist and at present is prosecut-

ing attorney of Adams county.

liucklvn's Arnica Salve.i The Best Salve in the world for| Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt

F.heum, Fever Sores, Tet f er, Chaps' ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and

all Skin Eruptions, and positivelycures piles, or no pay required. Itis fcuaianteed to give perfect satis-faction or money refunded. Price

25 cents per box. For sale byj Perry Drug Co.


NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.United states Land Office, North Yakima Wn.

March 22, 1898.Notice i< hereby given that James . Wood-

vanl »l Ellensburg, Kittitas county, Wn., Ims

Hied noiti [ intention to make proof <>n hisdesort-laud claim, No, 455, for the N E. '~ S.W i sec, 33, Tp. 10 N. K. 19 E w , M., before'E.I Even .clerk of Superior court at Ellensburg,Wn., ou Friday theUOth day of April, 1898.

lie names the following witnesses to provethe complete Irrigation aud reclamation ol said

land' J F. Let'lerc. James Irwin, John filer,

W S. Rogers, all of i Uensburg, Wash.a. v. snki.i.ino, Register.


We have opened and offer to the public, the largest and most complete line of Furniture, Carpets, Draperies, Pianos andOrgans, ever displayed in Ellensburg and at

PRICKS THAT DEFY COMPETITION!Call aud get our prices before purchasing.

Scott 8c Latimer,LYNCH BLOCK

/QANDY cathartic I

CURE COHSriPATIOj^^; T* n *^^imirrrrrt' ADCjAr TTTPTV rTTIIOIIIITUrnto core any raw of constipation. Oasrarrta are the Ideal Laxa-'AduULUluLl UUAnAIIICiEiUtire. §*»er irrip or eripe.lmt ranse eaiy natural result!. Sam.'pie and booklet free. Ad. STF.RMXO REMEDY Montreal. Can. ,orKtwTork.



Stephens & Elwood.THE DBUGGISTB- -1

]\EW STORE!!On Saturday April 2d we willopen a First-

Class Grocery on Pearl Street.We willbe First in New Goods,

First in Low Prices,First in Quality

And Greatest in Quantity.

STEIMMAN BROS.,Cash Grocers.

A man dressed in red pants with bluebands, blue coat trimmed with blackbraid, decorated and with orange plushwas seen on our streets last week. Mr.

Duerat, French soldier in Africa, was un-fortunate and some (Id days ago sailed

for Uibralter where he was courteouslyreceived by English officers who gavehim ;i free pass to Vera Cruz, Mexico,

from there he came to San Francisco,

Seattle and Tacotna, and walked to thisplace in 4 days. He was taken to the

home of i\ Laurendeau where he washospitably received. Saturday, our well-known and liberal grocer, F. Dossong,

opened a subscription, which was liber-ally contributed to. including an entiresuit of clothes by J. C. Lloyd, which the

brave soldier ol 20 years' standing in the

French army?well noted in the Ton-quin war ?gladly accepted. He is nowon his way to the home of a former

French soldior in Montana.

How oltcn you see .1 mandeeply engrossed in hiswork, full of satisfaction atwhat he has accomplishedin business, ready to goahead and carry out bound-less schemes of achieve-ment, and using up all hisstrength and nervous force,never pausing to think whatunseen danger may threatenhim from behind.Mighty few hard-working men everstop to realize thatthe headaches anddizzy sensations andfeelings of weak-ness and sluggish-ness and incapacitythat overcometheia at times are the forerunners of seri-ous disease.

More men would succeed in carrying outtheir life purposes if they would put theirconstitutions in strong, forceful, high con-dition, without waiting until disease hasplunged its axe into their vital organs. Ifa man who is using up his working vitalityfaster than his nutritive powers supply it.will use Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Dis-covery as an adjunct to his daily meals, itwill give the digestive organs power ti

take hold of the food and extract from iithe elements which strengthen the vitalorganism and build up healthy blood.

It revitalizes every organ and tissue of

the body : purges bilious poisons out ofthe circulation ; invigorates the nerve centers and the muscular system and makesa man altogether a man?full of ambition,energy and pluck.

Mr. Jos, Henderson Dirblun. of 544 JosephineStreet, New Orleans. La., writes to Dr. fierce

"Iwas ailing for some years, suffering froudyspepsia, a tired feeling and loss of energy andappetite. I tried oue bottle of Dr. PiercesGolden Medical Discovery and found great relief I took two more bottles, three in all. aucOne or two bottles of the 'Pellets,' whenfound myself ill good health again. I recommend Dr. Pierces ('.olden Medical Discovery to

do all that it is claimed to do."9) ...

In many cases where constipation is one

of the aggravating causes of disease, Dr

Pierct V Pleasant Pellets should be used iiconjunction with the

"Discovery." They

are the simplest and most perfectly natura

laxative ever invented.It is a dealer's business to sell you wlui

you ask for?not what he prefers for selfishprofit's sake to sell.

Summons by Publication.In tho Superior Court of Kittitas County,

State of Washington, tieorge Hampton. Plaintiffvs. John A. Bhoudy, M. E. Bhoudy, DexterBhoudy, Hattie Bhoudy, B. P. Briggs, DavidMurray, Katherlne Murray, J. H. Scott, Londonand San Kruueisco Bunk Limited, a corporation.John Cornthwait, John George Kellitt, and Wil-liam Anderson, partners as Ellensburg Foundryand Engineering Company, E. J. Winter and C.II Harper, partners us Winter aud Harper, W,E. Whittier, William P. Fuller. Jr.. F- N. Wood-ward and C. A. Plummer, surviving members ofWhittier, Fuller and Company, MinneapolisTrust Compauy, a corporation and c, s. Phil-brick, Defendants.

The state of Washington to the said B. F,Briggs, London nnd San Francisco Bank Lim-ited, a corporation. John Cornthwait, Johntieorge Kellittand William Anderson, partnersas Ellensburg Foundry and Engineering Com-pany, E. J. Winter andc. 11. Hurper partners asWinter uad Harper, W.E. Whittier and WilliamP. Fuller Jr., K. N. Woodward and C. A. Plum-mer, surviving members of Whittier Fuller andCompany, Minneapolis Trust Company, a cor-poration and <'. S. Pliilbrirk defendants: Souare hereby summoned to appear within sixtydays after the date of the lirst publicationof" this summons, to-wlt?within sixty daysafter the Wth day of March, lwjs, and defendthe above entitled action in the aboveentitled court, and answer the complaintof the plaintitl, aud serve a copy of youranswer upon the uudcrsigned attorneys forplaintitl', at their office below stuted; and in caseof your failure so to do, judgment will be ren-dered against you according to the demand oftheTouiplaiut, which has been filed wtth thecler.' of suid court. That .the above action isbrought for the purpose of foreclosing that cer-tain mortgage, made, executed and delivered touarry C. Alasterson, on the 18th day of August,A. D. IS.:;, by John A. Khoudy and M. E.Bhoudy for the sum of two thousand dollarswith iuterest thercou from date at the rate offourteen per centum per uunum, upon the lol-lowing described real estate to-wit: Allot lotssix and seven aud the south half of lot eight inblock twelve, Depot Addition to the City of El.lcusbuig, and ull that pa eel of laud beginningat the southeast corner of block nine and run-ning north along the west side of Main streetforty feet; thence west one hundred and twentyfeet; thence south forty feet; thence east alongthe north line of Third street one hundred andtwenty feet to the place of beginning: Convey-ing the south forty feet of lot six, block nine inthe original town of Ellensburg, which saidmortgage was duly transferred, assigned, en-dorsed and set over to this plaintiff. Plaintiffalso prays the above and foregoing defendantsbe barred and forever foreclosed of all right,claim orequity of redemption iv the said prem-ises, and every part thereof.

Mikes & Waknek. Attys, for Pltf.P. O.?Ellensburg, Wash.

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE.In the .Superior Court of Kittitas County,

State of Washington. (In Probate.)in the mutter of the estate of F. M, Thorp, de-

Ceased,This cause coming on to be heard on this 21st

(1 iv of March, A. I). 1898, upon the petition ofthe administrator to be allowed to sell the realestate belonging to said estate, and itappearingfrom said petition that all of the personal prop-erty of said estate has been disposed of, that thereis still a considerable amount of debtsoutstund-ing against the decedent, and that there is nopersonal estate in the hands of the administratorto pay the said outstanding debts and expensesof the administration, and that itis necessaryto sell the whole or a large portion of the realestate owned by said estate in Kittitas county,

State of Washington for the payment of saiddebts and expenses, and the court being fullyadvised in the premises does hereby direct allpersons interested in said estate to appear beforethe Superior court of Kittitas county, State ofWashington nt the court house of said countyat Ellensburg at 9:80 o'clock a. m. on Mondaythe 2d day of May, A. D.i I*JS. and show cause,Ifany they have, whyan order shall not begranted to" the administrator to sell the reul es-tate of the deceased, situate in Kittitas county.

State of Washington, or so much thereof as shallbe uecessary to pay all of the debis and charges

now Branding against said estate, and it is fur-trer ordered that this order be published in"THE bLLENSBUBG Dawn," a newspaper of gen-eral circulation, published at Ellensburg in saidcounty and state, for at least four successiveweeks'preceding the said Jd day of March A. D.,IS.IS.

Given under our hand at Ellensburg. Kittitascounty, Washington, this2lstday of March, a.D. I89&, joii.m B, Davidson, Judge