Wiemar Award and Media 2010

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    Tag der Menschenrechte 10 Dez 2010 - 15:00 Nr. 10857

    Menschenrechtspreis fr indischen Arzt

    (Foto: weimar.de)

    WEIMAR. (hpd) Der Arzt Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi aus Indien ist diesjhriger Trger desMenschenrechtspreises der Stadt Weimar. Diese Auszeichnung ist ihm am 10.

    Dezember, dem Internationalen Tag der Menschenrechte, im Festsaal der

    Musikhochschule Franz Liszt berreicht worden. Der Preis ist mit 2.500 Euro und

    einer knstlerischen Beigabe der Bauhaus Universitt Weimar dotiert.

    In der Begrndung fr die Auszeichnung des indischen Menschenrechtlers heit es u.a.: AlsGrnder des Peoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) bemht sich Dr.Raghuvanshi um die Wahrung und Durchsetzung der Grundrechte benachteiligterBevlkerungsgruppen, wie Frauen, Kinder, Dalits und indigene Minderheiten. Er hat mitseinem Komitee Strukturen geschaffen, die es ermglichen, die Grundrechte einzufordern.

    Die Klassikerstadt Weimar ehrt Lenin Raghuvanshi vor allem deshalb, weil er sich seit 15Jahren fr die Rechte und Belange der Dalits (Angehrige der untersten Kaste) im indischen

    Bundesstaat Uttar Pradesh einsetzt. Seine Organisation PVCHR hilft nicht nurBenachteiligten, ihre Grundrechte einzufordern. Raghuvanshi dokumentiert auch jeglicheArt von Menschenrechtsverletzungen wie Hungertod, Polizeifolter oder Kinderarbeit und

    betreut die Opfer in Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Menschenrechtsgruppen.

    Eine weitere erfolgreiche Initiative Lenin Raghuvanshis ist die Konzeption von PeopleFriendly Villages (menschenfreundliche Drfer). In von vorrangig Dalis bewohntenGebieten werden Grundschulen errichtet, alternative Bildungswege angeboten und dieAusbildung von Mdchen gefrdert. Ziel ist die Strkung der Verwaltungs- undOrganisationsfhigkeit der marginalisierten Gruppen, damit diese in der Lage sind, ihreRechte einzufordern bzw. ihre spezifischen Anliegen an den Staat weiterzutragen.

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    Wegen seines sozialkritischen Engagegements erlebt Raghuvanshi immer wiederBelstigungen und Bedrohungen, z.B. ist er im Jahre 2007 in der demokratischen Republiksogar wegen "staatsfeindlicher uerungen" angeklagt worden.

    Preis wird seit 1995 vergeben

    Der Weimarer Menschenrechtspreis wird seit 1995 jhrlich am Tag der Menschenrechtevergeben. Die Stadt sieht darin aufgrund ihrer widersprchlichen Geschichte als Ort desHumanismus und des Konzentrationslagers Buchenwald eine besondere Verpflichtung.Preistrger in den vergangenen Jahren waren Menschenrechtsaktivistinnen aus Serbien undSimbabwe und der palstinensische Menschenrechtler Issam Younis.


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    Indian receives German award for aid tountouchables

    2010-12-11 06:40:00

    All About:Europe,Germany

    Weimar (Germany), Dec 11 (DPA) Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is inGermany to receive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits, oruntouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members of India'slowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

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    Neuigkeiten von den Menschenrechtspreistrgern

    Indien: Hoher Besuch am 10. Dezember 2010: Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi, Weimars indischerMenschenrechtspreistrger 2010 hat angekndigt, den Menschenrechtspreis der Stadt

    Weimar in der Kulturstadt persnlich in Empfang nehmen zu wollen. Er freue sich, soRaghuvanshi, schon sehr auf seinen Besuch. Er wird die Zeit in Weimar unter anderem

    nutzen, um sich die Sttten des UNESCO-Welterbes anzuschauen und die GedenksttteBuchenwald zu besuchen.

    Syrien: Weimars Menschenrechtspreistrger des Jahres 2003, Riad Seif aus Syrien, istendlich frei. Nach Verbung seiner vollen Haftstrafe von sieben Jahren wurde Riad Seifendlich nach Hause entlassen. Weimars Auslnderbeauftragte Ulrike Schwabe hat Kontakt zuihm aufgenommen. In seinen ersten Mails nach seiner Freilassung bedankte sich Seif beimOberbrgermeister fr die Bemhungen und die Untersttzung der Stadt Weimar. Auch RiadSeif wnscht sich sehr, seinen Dank bald persnlich in Weimars Ausdruck verleihen zuknnen.

    Kuba: Dr. Guillermo Farinas hat seinen Hungerstreik aufgegeben, nachdem die kubanischeRegierung zugesagt hat, 52 politische Gefangene aus der Haft zu entlassen. Er konnteinzwischen aus der Klinik nach Hause entlassen werden.

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    10. Dezember 2010, 17:21

    Menschenrechtspreis an Inder Lenin Raghuvanshi

    Weimar (dpa) - Fr seinen Einsatz fr unterdrckte Bevlkerungsgruppen hat Weimar denInder Lenin Raghuvanshi mit dem Menschenrechtspreis 2010 geehrt. Raghuvanshi setze sichfr die Rechte der Dalits, der Angehrigen der niedrigsten Kaste, im indischen Bundesstaat

    Uttar Pradesh ein, heit es in der Jurybegrndung. Der mit 2500 Euro dotierte Preis sollte amAbend des Internationalen Tags der Menschenrechte verliehen werden.

    Raghuvanshi dokumentiert Menschenrechtsverletzungen wie Hungertod, Polizeifolter undKinderarbeit und betreut Opfer. Sein Leben und das seiner Familie wurde mehrfach bedroht.Raghuvanshi wurde 1970 geboren und studierte Medizin, Ayurveda und Chirurgie in Indien.Er wurde von der FDP-nahen Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung vorgeschlagen.

    Nach Angaben des Preistrgers leisten die unteren Kasten 85 Prozent der Arbeit, whrend dieoberen Kasten fast 90 Prozent des Besitzes haben. Die Zahl der Unberhrbaren (Dalits)und Menschen in unteren Kasten werde auf etwa 240 Millionen geschtzt. In Raghuvanshis

    People Friendly Villages (menschenfreundliche Drfer) werden Grundschulen gebaut,alternative Bildungswege angeboten und die Ausbildung von Mdchen gefrdert. DasKastenwesen wurde 1950 mit der Grndung der Republik Indien in der Verfassungabgeschafft, bestimme aber bis heute den Alltag von Millionen Menschen. #

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    Verleihung des Weimarer

    Menschenrechtspreises 2010

    Weimar (Rathaus Weimar) - Am 10. Dezember, dem Internationalen Tag derMenschenrechte, bekommt Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi aus Indien den Menschenrechtspreis 2010der Stadt Weimar verliehen. Gemeinsam mit dem stellvertretenden Sitzungsleiter desStadtrates, Martin Kranz, und dem Vorsitzenden des Vergabebeirates, Dr. Christoph Victor,wird Weimars Oberbrgermeister Stefan Wolf den 16. Menschenrechtspreis der Stadt

    Weimar berreichen.

    Verleihung des Weimarer Menschenrechtspreises 2010 Stadtverwaltung Weimar

    Als Grnder des Peoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) bemht sichDr. Raghuvanshi um die Wahrung und Durchsetzung der Grundrechte benachteiligterBevlkerungsgruppen, wie Frauen, Kinder, Dalits und indigene Minderheiten. Er hat mitseinem Komitee Strukturen geschaffen, die es ermglichen, die Grundrechte einzufordern,heit es in der Begrndung des Weimarer Stadtrats, der am 23. Juni 2010 beschloss, HerrnRaghuvanshi mit dem Preis auszuzeichnen. Als Kandidaten standen sechs Menschenrechtler

    bzw. Organisationen aus den verschiedensten Lndern der Welt zur Auswahl. Allen ist einesgemeinsam: Der besondere Einsatz fr die Wahrung und Verwirklichung derMenschenrechte, auch unter Bedrohung der eigenen Person.

    Die Stadt Weimar ehrt mit der Vergabe des Menschenrechtspreises das Engagement dieserMenschen. Die Verleihung findet seit 1995 alljhrlich am 10. Dezember, dem InternationalenTag der Menschenrechte, statt. Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi setzt sich seit 15 Jahren fr die Rechteund Belange der Dalits (Angehrige der untersten Kaste) vorallem im indischen BundesstaatUttar Pradesh ein. In diesem Zusammenhang grndete er 1996 das Peoples VigilanceCommittee on Human Rights (PVCHR). Diese Organisation hilft benachteiligtenBevlkerungsgruppen wie Kindern, Frauen oder Minderheiten, ihre Grundrechte

    einzufordern. Dazu dokumentiert Raghuvanshi jegliche Art von Menschenrechtsverletzungenwie Hungertod, Polizeifolter oder Kinderarbeit und betreut die Opfer in Zusammenarbeit mit

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    lokalen Menschenrechtsgruppen. Die von PVCHR bearbeiteten Flle wurden durch daspolitische Engagement von Lenin Raghuvanshi bereits vom UN- Sonderbeauftragten frRassismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit aufgegriffen. Eine weitere erfolgreiche Initiative Dr.Lenin Raghuvanshis ist die Konzeption von People FriendlyVillages (menschenfreundliche Drfer).

    In von vorrangig Dalits bewohnten Gebieten werden Grundschulen errichtet, alternativeBildungswege angeboten und die Ausbildung von Mdchen gefrdert. Ziel ist die Strkungder Verwaltungs- und Organisationsfhigkeit der marginalisierten Gruppen, damit diese inder Lage sind, ihre Rechte einzufordern bzw. ihre spezifischen Anliegen an den Staatweiterzutragen. Da Dr. Raghuvanshi oft sozialkritische und politisch unangenehme Themenanspricht, kam es zu Belstigungen und Bedrohung gegen ihn und seine Mitarbeiter. Zudemsah er sich 2007 mit einer falschen Anklage wegen angeblicher staatsfeindlicher uerungkonfrontiert. Der Preistrger wurde von der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung fr die Freiheitvorgeschlagen. Der Geschftsfhrende Vorstand der Stiftung, Rolf Berndt, wird die Laudatiohalten. Der Preis wird am 10. Dezember 2010 um 19.30 Uhr im Festsaal der Hochschule fr

    Musik FRANZ LISZT in Weimar verliehen. Er ist mit 2.500 Euro und einer knstlerischenBeigabe der Bauhaus Universitt Weimar dotiert. In diesem Jahr stiftet die Studentin UlrikeTheusner eine Kaltnadelradierung mit dem Titel Der Turm. Kurzbiografie des Preistrgers:Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi wurde am 18. Mai 1970 in Varanasi geboren. 1994 machte er seinenAbschluss in Medizin, Ayurveda und Chirurgie an der staatlichen, ayurvedischen,medizinischen Universitt, Gurukul Kangari, mit Auszeichnung. 1992 heiratet er Shruti

    Nagvanshi und hat mit ihr einen 12 jhrigen Sohn, Kabeer Karunik.www.menschenrechtspreis.de

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    Weimarer Menschenrechtspreis 2010 gehtnach Indien

    Der indische Arzt Lenin Raghuvanshi ist am Freitag mit dem Menschenrechtspreis der StadtWeimar ausgezeichnet worden.

    Die Stadt erklrte, Raghuvanshi setze sich seit 15 Jahren fr die Rechte der Dalits, derAngehrigen der niedrigsten Kaste, im indischen Bundesstaat Uttar Pradesh ein. Als Grndereines Komitees zur Wahrung der Menschenrechte kmpfe er um die Grundrechte

    benachteiligter Bevlkerungsgruppen, darunter Frauen, Kinder und Minderheiten.

    Preis wird seit 1995 vergeben

    Der Weimarer Menschenrechtspreis wird seit 1995 am Tag der Menschenrechte vergeben.Die Stadt sieht darin aufgrund ihrer widersprchlichen Geschichte als Ort des Humanismusund des Konzentrationslagers Buchenwald eine besondere Verpflichtung. Preistrger in denvergangenen Jahren waren Menschenrechtsaktivistinnen aus Serbien und Simbabwe und der

    palstinensische Menschenrechtler Issam Younis. Der Preis ist mit 2.500 Euro dotiert.

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 10. Dezember 2010, 20:24 Uhr

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    Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi | Indien

    Begrndung des Vergabebeirates

    Herr Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi setzt sich seit 15 JAhren fr die Rechte und Belange der Dalits

    (Angehrige der unteren Kaste) vorallem im indischen Bundesstatt Uttar Pradesh ein. AlsGrnder des People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) bemht er sich umdie Wahrung und Durchsetzung der Grundrechte benachteiligter Bevlkerungsgruppen, wieFrauen, Kinder, Dalits und indigene Minderheiten. Dr. Raghuvanshi hat mit seinemCommittee Strukturen geschaffen, die es ermglichen, diese Grundrechte einzufordern.Auerdem dokumentiert er jegliche Art von Menschenrechtsverletzungen, wie Hungertod,Polizeifolter, Kinderarbeit etc. und versucht durch die Zusammenarbeit mit lokalenMenschenrechtsgruppen jedes Opfer individuell zu betreuen. Auf Grund seines Einsatzes frdie Menschenrechte sind er, seien Familie und seine Mitarbeiter stndigen Anfeindungen(u.a. Morddrohungen) durch politische Gegner ausgesetzt.

    Herr Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi wurde von der Friedrich- Naumann- Stiftung fr die Freiheitvorgeschlagen.


    Geboren am 18. Mai 1970 in Varanasi

    Machte 1994 seine Abschluss in Medizin, Ayurveda und Chirurgie an der staatlichen,

    ayurvedischen, medizinischen Universitt, Gurukul Kangari, mit Auszeichnung.

    Heiratete 1992 Shruti Nagvanshi und hat mit ihr einen 8 jhrigen Sohn, Kabir Karunik.

    Seit 15 Jahren setzt sich Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi fr die Rechte der Dalits, welche Angehrigeder untersten Kaste sind, ein. In diesem Zusammenhang grndete er 1996 das PeoplesVigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), dieses Komitee hilft benachteiligtenBevlkerungsgruppen wie Kindern, Frauen oder Minderheiten ihre Grundrechteeinzufordern.

    Dazu dokumentiere Raghuvanshi jegliche Art von Menschenrechtsverletzungen wie

    Hungertod, Polizeifolter oder Kinderarbeit und betreute die Opfer in Zusammenarbeit mitlokalen Menschenrechtsgruppen. Die von PVCHR bearbeiteten Flle wurden durch Lenins

    politisches Engagement, bereits vom UN Sonderbeauftragten fr Rassismus undFremdenfeindlichkeit aufgegriffen.

    Eine weitere erfolgreiche Initiative Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshis ist die Konzeption von PeopleFriendly Villages (menschenfreundliche Drfer). In von vorrangig Dalis bewohntenGebieten werden Grundschulen errichtet, alternative Bildungswege angeboten und dieAusbildung von Mdchen gefrdert. Ziel ist es, die Strkung der Verwaltungs- undOrganisationsfhigkeit der marginalisierten Gruppen, damit diese in der Lage sind ihreRechte einzufordern bzw. ihre spezifischen Anliegen an den Staat weiterzutragen.

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    Da Dr. Raghuvanshi oft sozialkritische und politisch unangenehme Themen anspricht, kames zu Belstigungen und Bedrohung gegen ihn und seine Mitarbeiter bis hin zuMorddrohungen gegen ihn. Zudem sah er sich 2007 mit falschen Anklage wegen angeblicherstaatsfeindlicher uerung konfrontiert.

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    Indias Lenin Raghuvanshi awarded Weimars 2010 Human Rights Award

    December 08, 2010

    On 10th December International Human Rights Day Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi from

    India was presented with the 2010 Human Rights Award of the city of Weimar in


    The city municipal councils explanatory statement applauds Dr. Raghuvanshi, founder ofPeoples Vigliance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), in his efforts for observation and

    assertion of fundamental rights of disadvantaged sections of society, such as women,children, Dalits and indigenous minorities. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Libertynominated Dr. Raghuvanshi for the award.

    Another successful initiative by Raghuvanshi is hisconceptual design of people-friendly villages. In areas, first and foremost inhabited byDalits, primary schools are set up, offering alternative teaching methods and advocatingeducation for girls.

    The Weimar Human Rights Award is presented to individuals, groups and organisations who,through their work, promote and support humane dealings and tolerance among and between


    Every citizen, as well as groups and organisations have the right to nominate an individual, agroup or organisation for the award until 30 April of each year. The award includes prizemoney of 2,500 euros and a work of art donated by the Bauhaus University, Weimar.Raghuvanshi was awarded the prize on 10th December 2010, at the Hochschule fr MusikFranz Liszt Weimar (Franz Liszt academy of Music).

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    Weimar: City Council gives Human RightsPrize 2010 to Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi of


    Posted on 2010/06/29

    The City Council announced in its session of 23rd June, 2010 that it will give the HumanRights Prize of the City of Weimar 2010 to Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi of India. Dr. LeninRaghuvanshi has been working for 15 years for the rights and interests of the Dalits,

    primarily in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

    Extract from citation for City of Weimar Human Rights Prize

    As the founder of the Peoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights ( PVCHR ), he stroveto maintain and enforce the fundamental rights of vulnerable groups such as children, women, Dalits and indigenous minorities.

    Dr. Raghuvanshi with his committee put in place structures that allow it to demand these

    basic rights. He also documented many kinds of human rights such as starvation, policetorture, child labor, etc., and tried through cooperation with local human rights groups to carefor the victims individually.

    Because of their commitment to human rights are he, his family and associates facepermanent hostility (including death threats ) from political opponents. Dr. LeninRaghuvanshi was proposed for this Award by the "Friedrich Naumann Foundation forFreedom".

    The city of Weimar has the honour to remember its special historical responsibility andremember all the nameless victims of dictatorships and tyrannies in the world, a human rights


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    Weimar is a city in Germany famous for its cultural heritage. Weimar's cultural heritage isvast. It is most often recognised as the place where Germany's first democratic constitutionwas signed after the First World War, giving its name to the Weimar Republic period inGerman politics, of 19181933. However, the city was also the focal point of the GermanEnlightenment and was where writers Goethe and Schiller developed the literary movement

    of Weimar Classicism. The city was also the birthplace of the Bauhaus movement, founded in1919 by Walter Gropius, with artists Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Oskar Schlemmer, andLyonel Feininger teaching in Weimar's Bauhaus School.

    Previous Winners of the Weimar Human Rights Prize include Sonja Biserko of Serbia,Jestina Mukoko of Zimbabwe and Father Shay Cullen from the Philippines.

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    Presentation of Weimars 2010 Human Rights Award to Dr. LeninRaghuvanshi, FNF Alumni

    On 10 December, International Human Rights Day, Dr. LeninRaghuvanshi from India will be presented with the 2010 Human Rights Award of the city ofWeimar.

    Being the Founder of Peoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), Dr.Raghuvanshi strives for observation and assertion of fundamental rights of disadvantagedfractions of the population, such as women, children, Dalits and indigenous minorities. Withhis committee he has created structures, substantiating enforcement of fundamental rights.as stated in the municipal councils explanatory statement, met on 23 June 2010, determiningDr. Raghuvanshi to be awarded. The awardee has been suggested by Friedrich-Nauman-Stiftung fr die Freiheit (Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Liberty).

    For the past 15 years, Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi has advocated the Dalits (members of thelowest cast) rights and concerns in the Indian Federal State Uttar Pradesh. Coherently to thisengagement, he founded the Peoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) in1996. This Organization supports aggrieved populace, such as children, women or minorities

    to claim their fundamental rights.

    For that purpose he keeps records on any kind of violation of human rights, such asstarvation, police torture or child labour and in co-operation with local human rights groupsattends their victims. Cases, dealt with by PVCHR, have, due to Lenin Raghuvanshisengagement, been seized by the UN - Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism,racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

    Another of Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshis successful initiatives is his conceptual design of peoplefriendly villages. In areas, first and foremost inhabited by Dalis, primary schools areinstalled, offering alternative teaching methods and advocating girls education. Ambition is

    the fortification of administrative and organizational abilities of marginalized groups, in orderto enable them to call for their rights and arrogate specific concerns from the state.

    Frequently addressing politically aggravating, often socio-critical topics, Dr. Raghuvanshihas been subject to harassment and death thread against himself, as well as his colleagues.Moreover he was confronted with an incorrect accusal for alleged subversive statements.

    The prize will be awarded on 10th December 2010, 7.30 p.m. at Hochschule fr MusikFranz Liszt Weimar (Franz Liszt academy of Music). The award is endowed with 2.500,00 and an artistic supplement by Bauhaus Universitt Weimar (Bauhaus University).

    Short vita of the awardee

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    Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi was born on 18th May 1970 in Varanasi. Honours graduate ofMedical Science, Ayurveda and Surgery at Gurukul Kangari University, State University forAyurveda and Medicine in 1994. Since 1992 married to Shruti Nagvanshi, 1 son, KabeerKarunik, 12 years old.

    The awardee is prepared and available for interviews. We appreciate your readiness to coveraward ceremony and/or the awardees work. Please contact:

    Press Office of the City of WeimarPhone: +49 3643 762 653Email: [email protected]

    PVCHR,SA4/2A, DAULATPUR, VARANASI-221002,UP (Uttar Pradesh),INDIA.PH.: +91-542-2586688Mobile: +91-9935599333

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Human rights prize of the city of Weimar for the year 2010 goes to Lenin Raghuvanshi

    Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi has been working for the rights and interests of the Dalits for the past 15years, primarily in the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. As the founder of the People'sVigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), he has striven to maintain and enforce thefundamental rights of vulnerable groups such as children, women, Dalits and indigenousminorities. He has also been involved in the documentation of information on many kinds ofhuman rights violations such as starvation, police torture, child labor, etc.

    He has been a partner of People's Watch in the EU - FNSt funded National Project onPreventing Torture in India during 2006 - 2008 and is currently People's Watchs partner in theUNDP funded Promoting Access to Justice through the Legal Services Authority Program.

    Because of his commitment to human rights his family, associates and he continue to facehostility (including death threats) from adversaries.

    The award will be made on December 10, proclaimed by the United Nations as the InternationalHuman Rights Day.

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    Indian activist to be awarded Weimar's2010 Human Rights Award


    Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi, a well-known human rights activist from India, will be presented withthe '2010 Human Rights Award of the city of Weimar' in Germany on Friday on the occasion

    of International Human Rights Day.

    December 9, 2010 - New Delhi

    Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi, a well-known human rights activist from India, will be presented withthe '2010 Human Rights Award of the city of Weimar' in Germany on Friday on the occasionof International Human Rights Day.

    According to a German Embassy press release, the Weimar Human Rights Award ispresented to individuals, groups and organisations who, through their work, promote andsupport humane dealings and tolerance among and between peoples.

    Every citizen, as well as groups and organisations have the right to nominate an individual, agroup or organisation for the award until April 30 of each year.

    Dr Raghuvanshi will be awarded the prize at the Hochschule f|r Musik Franz Liszt Weimar(Franz Liszt academy of Music).

    Weimer city's municipal council has acknowledged Dr Raghuvanshi, founder of People'sVigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), in his efforts for observation and assertionof fundamental rights of disadvantaged sections of society, such as women, children, dalitsand indigenous minorities.

    The Friedrich Nauman Foundation for Liberty nominated Dr. Raghuvanshi for the award.

    Another successful initiative by Dr Raghuvanshi is his conceptual design of 'people-friendlyvillages".

    In areas, first and foremost inhabited by dalits, primary schools are set up, offering alternativeteaching methods and advocating education for girls.


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    Lenin receives German award for working for Dalits

    Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is inGermany to receive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits,or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the Peoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimars city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern citys annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndias lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

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    Indian activist to be awarded Weimars 2010 Human Rights Award

    New Delhi, Dec 9 : Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi, a well-knownhuman rights activist from India, will be presented with the2010 Human Rights Award of the city of Weimar inGermany on Friday on the occasion of International HumanRights Day.

    According to a German Embassy press release, the Weimar

    Human Rights Award is presented to individuals, groups and organisations who, throughtheir work, promote and support humane dealings and tolerance among and between peoples.

    Every citizen, as well as groups and organisations have the right to nominate an individual, agroup or organisation for the award until April 30 of each year.

    Dr Raghuvanshi will be awarded the prize at the Hochschule f|r Musik Franz Liszt Weimar(Franz Liszt academy of Music).

    Weimer citys municipal council has acknowledged Dr Raghuvanshi, founder of PeoplesVigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), in his efforts for observation and assertion

    of fundamental rights of disadvantaged sections of society, such as women, children, dalitsand indigenous minorities.

    The Friedrich Nauman Foundation for Liberty nominated Dr. Raghuvanshi for the award.

    Another successful initiative by Dr Raghuvanshi is his conceptual design of people-friendlyvillages.

    In areas, first and foremost inhabited by dalits, primary schools are set up, offering alternativeteaching methods and advocating education for girls. (ANI)

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    Indian activist to be awarded Weimar's2010 Human Rights Award

    New Delhi, Dec 9 : Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi, a well-known human rights activist from

    India, will be presented with the '2010 Human Rights Award of the city of Weimar' in

    Germany on Friday on the occasion of International Human Rights Day.

    According to a German Embassy press release, the Weimar Human Rights Award ispresented to individuals, groups and organisations who, through their work, promote and

    support humane dealings and tolerance among and between peoples.

    Every citizen, as well as groups and organisations have the right to nominate an individual, agroup or organisation for the award until April 30 of each year.

    Dr Raghuvanshi will be awarded the prize at the Hochschule fur Musik Franz Liszt Weimar(Franz Liszt academy of Music).

    Weimer city's municipal council has acknowledged Dr Raghuvanshi, founder of People'sVigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), in his efforts for observation and assertionof fundamental rights of disadvantaged sections of society, such as women, children, dalits

    and indigenous minorities.

    The Friedrich Nauman Foundation for Liberty nominated Dr. Raghuvanshi for the award.

    Another successful initiative by Dr Raghuvanshi is his conceptual design of 'people-friendlyvillages".

    In areas, first and foremost inhabited by dalits, primary schools are set up, offering alternativeteaching methods and advocating education for girls.


  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian receives German human rights


    Updated on Saturday, December 11, 2010, 09:48Tags: Lenin Raghuvanshi, Human rights, German award

    ShareBuzz up!


    Powered by Translate

    Weimar (Germany): Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is in Germany toreceive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits, oruntouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros (USD 3,300) and invited him toGermany to receive it in person on International HumanRights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.


  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian receives German award for aid to untouchablesWeimar (Germany), Dec 11, DPA):

    Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is in Germany to receive an award in

    the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits, or untouchables. Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) in

    Uttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian's fight against discrimination gets

    international recognition

    Source: IANS | Last Updated 14:11(11/12/10)

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    Weimar: Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is in Germany to receive an

    award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits, or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian receives German award for aid tountouchables


    Saturday, 11 December 2010

    WEIMAR(Germany): Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is in

    Germany to receive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the

    dalits, or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.-DPA

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian receives German award for aid tountouchables

    2010-12-11 06:40:00

    All About:Europe,Germany

    Weimar (Germany), Dec 11 (DPA) Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is inGermany to receive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits,or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) in

    Uttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian receives German award for aid to


    December 11, 2010

    Weimar (Germany), Dec 11 (DPA) Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is inGermany to receive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits,or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the Peoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimars city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern citys annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndias lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

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  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian Gets Award for aid to UntouchablesATN - December 11th, 2010 - Category:News

    Weimar (Germany), Dec 11 (DPA) Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is inGermany to receive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits,or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the Peoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) in

    Uttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimars city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern citys annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndias lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Daily India 1 week ago

    Indian activist to be awarded Weimar's 2010 Human Rights Award

    From ANINew Delhi, Dec 9: Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi, a well-known human rights activistfrom India, will be presented with the '2010 Human Rights Award of the city of Weimar' inGermany on Friday on the occasion of International Human Rights Day. According... FullArticle at Daily India

    Related Articles


    Indian activist to be awarded Weimar's 2010 Human Rights Award

    1 week ago

    From ANINew Delhi, Dec 9: Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi, a well-known human rightsactivist from India, will be presented with the '2010 Human Rights Award of the city

    of Weimar' in Germany on Friday on the occasion of International Human RightsDay. According... Full Article at Daily India

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Notice Home > Board > Notice

    Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi of Peoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights ( PVCHRReceives 2010 Human Rights Prize of the city of Weimar

    Name Date 2010.06.30 Hit 519Congratulatory Message

    The May 18 Memorial Foundation would like to congratulate Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi ofPeoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights ( PVCHR ), being selected for 2010Human Rights Prize of the city of Weimar announced by The City Council of Weimar onJune 23, 2010.

    Congratulations on your great accomplishment. It just goes to prove that hard work anddedication you have shown on your 15 years for the rights and interests of the Dalits.

    On behalf of the board members and staff at The May 18 Memorial Foundation would liketo wish you all the best in your future career and life endeavors, whatever they may be.

    29 June 2010

    Warmest wishes

    Yoon Kwang-jang


    The May 18 Memorial Foundation

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian Receives German Award For Help

    the Untouchables

    Posted on December 11, 2010by Jessica

    Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human rights activist, is in Germany to

    receive an award in the city of Weimar for his long struggle on behalf of Dalits, oruntouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the Peoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh, campaigning for women, children and indigenous peoples and counsel victimsof injustice.

    Weimar, the city council has chosen the winner of the month of June in the eastern city of theannual award for human rights, worth 2,500 (U.S. $ 3,300) and invited him to Germany todo it personally International Human Rights Day

    The event, Raghuvanshi said, a doctor 40 years, documented the Dalits, or members of lowercastes in India, who died of hunger or were victims of police torture.

    This entry was posted in Automotive, General and tagged Dalit, Germany,Human rights,Human Rights and Liberties, Human Rights Day,India, Uttar Pradesh,Weimar. Bookmarkthepermalink.

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Menschenrechtspreis an Inder LeninRaghuvanshi

    Weimar (dpa/th) - Der Weimarer Menschenrechtspreis 2010 geht an den Inder LeninRaghuvanshi. Er setze sich seit 15 Jahren fr die Rechte der Dalits, der Angehrigen derniedrigsten Kaste, im Bundesstaat Uttar Pradesh ein, teilte die Stadt Weimar am Donnerstagmit. Als Grnder eines Komitees zur Wahrung der Menschenrechte kmpfe er um dieGrundrechte benachteiligter Bevlkerungsgruppen, darunter Frauen, Kinder undMinderheiten. Er dokumentiere Polizeifolter, Hungertod und Kinderarbeit und betreuezusammen mit lokalen Initiativen die Opfer. Sein Leben und das seiner Familie wurdemehrfach bedroht. Der mit mindestens 2500 Euro dotierte Preis wird am 10. Dezember, demTag des Internationalen Menschenrechte, vergeben.

    Raghuvanshi, der 1996 gemeinsam mit seiner Frau die unabhngige Organisation PeoplesVigilance Committee on Human Rights grndete, wurde von der FDP-nahen Friedrich-

    Naumann-Stiftung vorgeschlagen. Obwohl das Kastenwesen 1950 mit der Grndung derRepublik Indien in der Verfassung abgeschafft wurde, bestimmt es bis heute den Alltag vonMillionen von Menschen.

    Nach Angaben des Preistrgers leisten in Indien die unteren Kasten 85 Prozent der Arbeit,

    whrend die oberen Kasten fast 90 Prozent des Besitzes haben. Die Zahl derUnberhrbaren (Dalits) und unteren Kasten werde auf etwa 240 Millionen geschtzt. DieStadt Weimar sieht sich als Hort des Humanismus und Ort der NS-Barbarei in der besonderenVerpflichtung, Menschenrechtler weltweit in ihrem oft lebensgefhrlichen Einsatz zuuntersttzten. Die Klassikerstadt vergibt den Preis zum 16. Mal.

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian activist to be awarded Weimar's2010 Human Rights Award

    Thursday, December 9, 2010, 23:00 [IST]

    New Delhi, Dec 9 (ANI): Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi, a well-known human rights activist fromIndia, will be presented with the '2010 Human Rights Award of the city of Weimar' inGermany on Friday on the occasion of International Human Rights Day.

    According to a German Embassy press release, the Weimar Human Rights Award ispresented to individuals, groups and organisations who, through their work, promote andsupport humane dealings and tolerance among and between peoples.

    Every citizen, as well as groups and organisations have the right to nominate an individual, agroup or organisation for the award until April 30 of each year.

    Dr Raghuvanshi will be awarded the prize at the Hochschule f|r Musik Franz Liszt Weimar(Franz Liszt academy of Music).

    Weimer city's municipal council has acknowledged Dr Raghuvanshi, founder of People's

    Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), in his efforts for observation and assertionof fundamental rights of disadvantaged sections of society, such as women, children, dalitsand indigenous minorities.

    The Friedrich Nauman Foundation for Liberty nominated Dr. Raghuvanshi for the award.

    Another successful initiative by Dr Raghuvanshi is his conceptual design of 'people-friendlyvillages".

    In areas, first and foremost inhabited by dalits, primary schools are set up, offering alternativeteaching methods and advocating education for girls. (ANI)

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010



    Upadhyaya new chairman of PVCHR

    TNN, Oct 31, 2010, 10.17pm IST

    Tags:Weimar (Germany)|Priyankar Upadhyaya|People's Vigilance Committee on Human Ri|Jan Mitra NyasVARANASI: With the merger of People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR)andJan Mitra Nyas, the formalities for the election of its governing body office bearers havealso been completed.

    ProfessorPriyankar Upadhyaya ofBanaras Hindu University (BHU) has been elected as thechairman of the governing body of PVCHR, while Lenin would be the general secretary.

    The PVCHR has also been selected for 2010 Weimar Human Rights Award by a Germany-based organisation.

    The activists of this NGO would receive this award at a function scheduled to be held inWeimar (Germany)on December 10.

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian activist to be awarded Weimar's 2010 Human Rights AwardNew Delhi | December 09, 2010 12:01:13 AM IST

    Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi, a well-known human rights activist from India, will be presented withthe '2010 Human Rights Award of the city ofWeimar' in Germany on Friday on the occasion of International Human Rights Day.

    According to a German Embassy press release, the Weimar Human Rights Award ispresented to individuals, groups and organisations who, through their work, promote andsupport humane dealings and tolerance among and between peoples.

    Every citizen, as well as groups and organisations have the right to nominate an individual, agroup or organisation for the award until April 30 of each year.

    Dr Raghuvanshi will be awarded the prize at the Hochschule f|r Musik Franz Liszt Weimar(Franz Liszt academy of Music).

    Weimer city's municipal council has acknowledged Dr Raghuvanshi, founder of People'sVigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), in his efforts for observation and assertionof fundamental rights of disadvantaged sections of society, such as women, children, dalitsand indigenous minorities.

    The Friedrich Nauman Foundation for Liberty nominated Dr. Raghuvanshi for the award.

    Another successful initiative by Dr Raghuvanshi is his conceptual design of 'people-friendlyvillages".

    In areas, first and foremost inhabited by dalits, primary schools are set up, offering alternativeteaching methods and advocating education for girls. (ANI)

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian activist to be awarded Weimar''s2010 Human Rights Award

    by ANI | Fri, 10/12/2010 - 11:09 | in


    Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi, a well-known human rights activist from India, will be presented withthe '2010 Human Rights Award of the city of Weimar' in Germany on Friday on the occasionof International Human Rights Day.

    According to a German Embassy press release, the Weimar Human Rights Award ispresented to individuals, groups and organisations who, through their work, promote andsupport humane dealings and tolerance among and between peoples.

    Every citizen, as well as groups and organisations have the right to nominate an individual, agroup or organisation for the award until April 30 of each year.

    Dr Raghuvanshi will be awarded the prize at the Hochschule f|r Musik Franz Liszt Weimar(Franz Liszt academy of Music).

    Weimer city's municipal council has acknowledged Dr Raghuvanshi, founder of People'sVigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), in his efforts for observation and assertionof fundamental rights of disadvantaged sections of society, such as women, children, dalitsand indigenous minorities.

    The Friedrich Nauman Foundation for Liberty nominated Dr. Raghuvanshi for the award.

    Another successful initiative by Dr Raghuvanshi is his conceptual design of 'people-friendlyvillages".

    In areas, first and foremost inhabited by dalits, primary schools are set up, offering alternative

    teaching methods and advocating education for girls. (ANI)

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    You are here: Home International Indian receives German award for aid to untouchables

    Indian receives German award for aid to untouchables

    Weimar (Germany), Dec 11, DPA):

    Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is in Germany to receive an award in

    the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits, or untouchables. Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members of

    India's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian receives German award for aid to



    Saturday, 11 December 2010

    WEIMAR(Germany): Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is in

    Germany to receive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the

    dalits, or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.-DPA

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian receives German award for aid to


    ians | December 11, 2010Visited 102 times, 2 so far today | Comments (0)

    Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is in Germany to receive an award in thecity of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits, or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the Peoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimars city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern citys annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person on

    International Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndias lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Home3Indian receives German human rights award

    Indian receives German human rightsaward

    2010-12-11 10:11:21

    Weimar (Germany): Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is in Germany to

    receive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits, or

    untouchables. Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights

    (PVCHR) in Uttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and

    indigenous peoples and counsels victims of injustice. Weimar's city council picked him in

    June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rights prize, worth... Full Article at Zee


  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian human-rights activist to receive an award for his long fight onbehalf of the dalits

    Weimar (Germany): Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is in Germany toreceive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits, oruntouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.source:agencyTags : Lenin Raghuvanshi, Indian human-rights activist, Germany, city of Weimar, dalits,untouchables

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian receives German award for aid to untouchablesSaturday - Dec 11, 2010, 01:29pm (GMT+5.5)


    Weimar (Germany) - Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is in Germany toreceive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits, oruntouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples and

    counsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

    Read more: http://www.indiavision.com/news/article/international/133746/#ixzz18eDtDhpe

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Saturday, December 11, 20109:40:31 AM (IST)0Share

    Indian Receives German Award for Aid to Untouchables

    Weimar (Germany), Dec 11 (DPA) Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, isin Germany to receive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of thedalits, or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

    Comments on this articleClara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai Saturday, December 11, 2010Congragulations Dr.Raghuvanshi, great job, God bless you and wish you all the best.

    Comment on this message

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    M&C News

    India's Raghuvanshi receives German

    award for aid to untouchables

    Dec 10, 2010, 18:56 GMT

    Weimar, Germany - Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, was in Germany onFriday to receive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits, oruntouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros (3,300 dollars) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian receives German award for aid to untouchables

    Buenos Aires News.NetFriday 10th December, 2010 (IANS)

    Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is in Germany to receive an award in thecity of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits, or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Home National Full story>

    Indian receives German award for aid to untouchables

    Category : International on December 11, 2010

    Weimar (Germany), Dec 11 (DPA) Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, isin Germany to receive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of thedalits, or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) in

    Uttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoplesand counsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    BRIEF: India's Raghuvanshi receives

    German award for aid to untouchables


    Dec. 10--WEIMAR, Germany -- Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, was inGermany on Friday to receive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf ofthe dalits, or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros (3,300 dollars) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.


    To see more of dpa, go to http://www.dpa.de/English.82.0.html Copyright (c) 2010, dpa,Berlin Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. For more information aboutthe content services offered by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services (MCT), visitwww.mctinfoservices.com.

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian receives German award for social


    Updated on Saturday, December 11, 2010, 10:11Tags: Indian, German award, social work

    Weimar: Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is inGermany to receive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fighton behalf of the dalits, or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People`s Vigilance Committee onHuman Rights (PVCHR) in Uttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on

    behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples and counselsvictims of injustice.

    Weimar`s city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city`s annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person on

    International Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia`s lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture.


  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian receives German award for aid to untouchablesSaturday, December 11, 2010

    Weimar (Germany) : Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is in Germany toreceive an award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits, oruntouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) inUttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples andcounsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rightsprize, worth 2,500 euros ($3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person onInternational Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members ofIndia's lowest caste, who died of hunger or had been victims of police torture. (DPA)

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010



    Local activist to get international awardTNN, Jun 25, 2010, 10.36pm IST

    VARANASI: A local human rights activist, Lenin Raghuvanshi, has been selected for the2010 Human Rights Prizeof the city of Weimar. The City Council of Weimar announced hisname on June 23.

    Weimar, a city in Germany, is famous for its cultural heritage. It is most often recognised asthe place where Germany's first democratic constitution was signed after the First WorldWar, giving its name to the Weimar Republic period in German politics, of 1918-1933.However, the city was also the focal point of the German Enlightenment and was wherewriters Goethe and Schiller developed the literary movement of Weimar Classicism. The citywas also the birthplace of the Bauhaus movement, founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius, withartists Wassily Kandinsky,Paul Klee, Oskar Schlemmer, and Lyonel Feininger teaching inWeimar's Bauhaus School.

    Lenin, founder of Peoples Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), has beenworking for 15 years for the rights of the Dalits, children and women. He also documentedthe cases of starvation, police torture, and child labour. His name for the award was proposed

    by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. According to Lenin, the award will given

    to him at a function organised on the occasion of International Human Rights Day onDecember 10.

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    Thursday, December 9, 2010

    Indian to be awarded Weimars 2010 Human Rights


    On 10th December International Human Rights Day Dr. Lenin Raghuvanshi from Indiawill be presented with the 2010 Human Rights Award of the city of Weimar in Germany.

    The city municipal councils explanatory statement applauds Dr. Raghuvanshi, founder ofPeoples Vigliance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), in his efforts for observation andassertion of fundamental rights of disadvantaged sections of society, such as women,children, Dalits and indigenous minorities. The Friedrich Nauman Foundation for Libertynominated Dr. Raghuvanshi for the award.Another successful initiative by Raghuvanshi is his conceptual design of people-friendlyvillages. In areas, first and foremost inhabited by Dalits, primary schools are set up, offeringalternative teaching methods and advocating education for girls.

    The Weimar Human Rights Award is presented to individuals, groups and organisations who,through their work, promote and support humane dealings and tolerance among and betweenpeoples.

    Every citizen, as well as groups and organisations have the right to nominate an individual, agroup or organisation for the award until 30 April of each year. The award includes prizemoney of 2,500 euros and a work of art donated by the Bauhaus University, Weimar.Raghuvanshi will be awarded the prize on 10th December 2010, at the Hochschule fr MusikFranz Liszt Weimar (Franz Liszt academy of Music).

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Saturday, December 11, 2010

    [ZEST Caste] India's Raghuvanshi receives German award for aid tountouchables


    India's Raghuvanshi receives German award for aid to untouchablesDec 10, 2010, 18:56 GMT

    Weimar, Germany - Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist,was in Germany on Friday to receive an award in the city of Weimar forhis long fight on behalf of the dalits, or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on HumanRights (PVCHR) in Uttar Pradesh state, also campaigns on behalf ofwomen, children and indigenous peoples and counsels victims ofinjustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the easterncity's annual human rights prize, worth 2,500 euros (3,300 dollars)and invited him to Germany to receive it in person on InternationalHuman Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documenteddalits, or members of India's lowest caste, who died of hunger or hadbeen victims of police torture.

  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Indian activist to be awarded Weimar's2010 Human Rights Award

    Thursday, December 9, 2010, 23:00 [IST]

    New Delhi, Dec 9 (ANI): Dr Lenin Raghuvanshi, a well-known human rights activist fromIndia, will be presented with the '2010 Human Rights Award of the city of Weimar' inGermany on Friday on the occasion of International Human Rights Day.

    According to a German Embassy press release, the Weimar Human Rights Award ispresented to individuals, groups and organisations who, through their work, promote andsupport humane dealings and tolerance among and between peoples.

    Every citizen, as well as groups and organisations have the right to nominate an individual, agroup or organisation for the award until April 30 of each year.

    Dr Raghuvanshi will be awarded the prize at the Hochschule f|r Musik Franz Liszt Weimar(Franz Liszt academy of Music).

    Weimer city's municipal council has acknowledged Dr Raghuvanshi, founder of People's

    Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), in his efforts for observation and assertionof fundamental rights of disadvantaged sections of society, such as women, children, dalitsand indigenous minorities.

    The Friedrich Nauman Foundation for Liberty nominated Dr. Raghuvanshi for the award.

    Another successful initiative by Dr Raghuvanshi is his conceptual design of 'people-friendlyvillages".

    In areas, first and foremost inhabited by dalits, primary schools are set up, offering alternativeteaching methods and advocating education for girls. (ANI)

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  • 8/8/2019 Wiemar Award and Media 2010


    Maha MediaNews Service

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    Article viewed 24 times

    Indian receives German human rights award

    Maha Media 2010-12-11, 12:39:15IST

    WEIMAR [Maha Media]: Lenin Raghuvanshi, an Indian human-rights activist, is in Germany to receive an

    award in the city of Weimar for his long fight on behalf of the dalits, or untouchables.

    Raghuvanshi, founder of the People's Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR) in Uttar Pradesh state,also campaigns on behalf of women, children and indigenous peoples and counsels victims of injustice.

    Weimar's city council picked him in June as winner of the eastern city's annual human rights prize, worth 2,500euros (USD 3,300) and invited him to Germany to receive it in person on International Human Rights Day.

    The citation said Raghuvanshi, a 40-year-old doctor, documented dalits, or members of India's lowest caste, whodied of hunger or had been victims of police torture.

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