Why Risk Takers Do Better in Life

Why Risk Takers Do Better in Life

Transcript of Why Risk Takers Do Better in Life

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Why Risk Takers Do

Better in Life

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Climb The Company Ladder Faster and Make More Money.

Risk Takers

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“With each one of those moves you have an opportunity for accelerated learning, accelerated compensation, versus someone who finds a place they're comfortable and sets and perches right


- Jason Hanold

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Are Early Adopters of Technology.

Risk Takers

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"As executive recruiters we tend to look for just the little nuances... sometimes, literally what [people are] bringing to the table, and you

can get a sense for their [comfort with] risk,"

- Jason Hanold

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People Who Are Risk-Averse May Have A Warped

Perception Of Self.

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“If you're a risk-adverse person working for a risk-taker, they may view you with more negative connotations than if you work for a more risk-

adverse person [who may] view you as more responsible and measured, and they might embrace your risk-adverseness."

- Jason Hanold

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Risk-Averse People May Be Overly Fearful Of What Others Think.

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"It's more interesting for other people to be around people who are comfortable in their own skin"

- Jason Hanold

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The Good News:

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You Can Become More Comfortable With Risk.

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"Understand where you're comfortable and where you're not comfortable, and continue to push your own boundaries into an area

that's less comfortable"

- Jason Hanold