White Cloud Kansas chief. (White Cloud, KS) 1861-11-28 [p...

S3KS.renmewt S Slavrerys- - ! i J'A " T WiiHt5aT05.' Nov. 14. Col. Jobn Cochrane' speech to liu "trMPV & JBIave;qnratTji'ratcU much attention here. He took strong .nroaad-fo- r tiff overthrow BegWSfcve- - ottduVeontinentrto prerenfiitqre dCU!o1Sl3n.ihe.interesM)f SUvarrnd. .jujm absolute military necessity, the iTproeaVtffie. The' fact that Secretary "Oaaaefoa'was present, and after listening W the'apeech distinctly declared tag it, ia very -- significant."? The .policy respecting-th- e institution orBTsve- -' .!n tWfionth. It will not set the array J"t thi Work of catchinff runaway. 'slaves; andiffilavery stands in the wayof JTmon it will-b- a crushed put. ,40 oirat qrua, the whole question will be decided by the . military necessities of the hour. This ie John Hnchrane'a doctrine.- - and tbaf-o- f tome of the more prominent Democrats Jn the volunteer army. . s t rt. KohtNak" Wakreksbcro, Mo. Gen. t. Hohteb'b Bodt Gcabd Gjuk a Usiox Victobt. Major,Hough, of Gen. Han-- " ter's staff, with four inndredTof Col, Ellis' Cavalry, have had an engagement .near Warrensbarg, Mo. Seven rebels "aroreJciHed and twenty-fiv- o taken pris- - oners. Major Hongh was wonnded and ;a few o fhis men; no Union losses! The HBody Guards retook one thousand oxen lately captured by rebels in that wicinity. Major Hough is actingjwan escort to a large train on the march from SedaHa to Fort Leavenworth, and has 'nearly reached Kansas City. Leuv. Conserve live. From Kaksas Citt. Capt. Fred. Bit oyer arrived here yesterday from Kan-si- s City. Jennison'a regiment arrived in Kansas ,Cjty on fyjd ay. nights, J! They have made 'a very general cleaning out in Jackson county, have burned a handsome variety of traitor bonser'and laid Santa Fe in ashes. Secesh ia very low uvthat bailiwick. k , oj On Friday the companies of John Brown, Jr., and Lieut. J. L. Merrick had a slight brush with Sam Hays, in which Hays was mortally wounded and two rebels killed. No losses on onr side. Leavenworth Conservative. " w : From Fort Scott. Adjutant Judson arrived from Fort Scott last night. He believes that Price, with tea thousand men and twenty pieces of artillery, was at Osceola only tbreo days ago; that a part 'of the force will menace our Southeastern border, and the remaindcr'movo North to intercept' the Kansas Firt in its march from Tipton, and then mako an attempt to retake Lexington, Boonvilje and Kan- sas City. i It appears that Southern Kansas is by no mean free from, fears thit her present security i only temporary. Leavenworth Conservative' l V Stations of Lane's Brioadr The various regiments of the Kansas Brigade have been ordered to report themselves it the following places, uhero they will be immediately paid off. Col. Jnditon, 1 -- :Ool. Fort Scotl-Co- l. Ritchie, Montgomery, Fort Lincoln. Col. Nugent, Prtoln. 'Col. .Tennison, Shawnectotvn. Col. Davis, Fort Leavenworth. , .Col. Weor. Wyandot. Leaienieortk Conservative. Missouri Secesh Lcsislntnrc. Columbia, Mo., Nov.522. The Statesman, published here, Jibs Information from Neosho that the Rump Legislature of the State, after obtaiuing a quorum by appointment of proxies, elect- ed John B. Clark, formerly Member of Congress, and R. L. YPeyton, Senators to the rebel Congress, and Emmet Mc- Donald of St. Louis, L Mcllbeny of.An-ilrai- a County, James 8. Barnes, Jasper County, and others, to the rebel House all of whomare in Price's army. Fremont and Prkc's Treaty Repudiated St. Louis, Nov. 16. Gen. Hunter has sent a letter to Gen. Price by a flag of trace, lopndratiog the treaty between Generals Fremont and Price, entered Into November 1, and has addressed a letter to Adjutant-Gener- al Thomas, setting forth his reasons there- for. Traitor Capital at Nashville. Baltimore, Nov. 25. The Richmond Enquirer say the Con federate Congress has passed a bill for the removal of too Capital from Richmond to Nashville, and Congress will soon there. Vessels to be Soak in Southern Forts. WASHNQToir Nor. 22. The names of a largo number of. bid vessels are published to-da- They are loaded with stones, and are doubtless to be sent to Southern harbors and sunk, thus rendering the blockade effectual. J DR. X'LANC'S TElMirCGK ALWAYS RESORTED TO WHEN .EVERY OTHER REMEDY FAILS. New Yoax, September 15, 18 D" This is to certify that my child, three years old, wis troubled with worms some six months. I iad tr id several kinds of medicine, but nana of them doue any good; and it was. not until I tried Dr. M'Lane's celebrated Ver- mifuge prepared by Fleming BrosC'that she found aayrehet I gave her' tliff contents' of one bottle, which bronght from her aF very Jarge qutntity of worms, but they wre so .completely cut to pieces it was inpossSble to count them. My dngj,ter i. now' doing we'll, Weed she is completely restored to hfattb", I therefore take pleasure in recommending it to parents. I would say, by M means keep a sop-fl- y of this valuable medicine constantly in yonr fcsuses. I bsvenown many children to die suddenly from the effects of worms. 1 It also Bot .uufreqnently happens .tint children ar treated for croup, when the choking and cough- ing is.cinsed altogether bv the irritation, of worms. Therefore, I say again, keep it alwayc 4" iUB no""e; it costs butlittle and may be sM means of saving life; and at any "rate it wiU save physicians' bills. & rMRS.LANE.No. 333 Eighth Street. , IT Purchasers will be care fnl toaalc for DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFOOE," ,.iiSSorea ny FILMING BROS, of Pm; aoso.Pi. All other Vermifuges in comparison rt -- worthleu. Dr. M'Lane's genuine Vertai-ingerWh- celebrated Liver Pills, can now icnaaaiall respectable drugstores. JV Stvint srtHout Ot tigtialurt - 7 1 il' . FLEMING BROU. "XHSOTD-ailCSHEET- . 3 ey h fg & ; ATJBTOYiaKHMh AJoaiAifattibl & satSSjaUit Mst ,,sr,Q nowned aa4 uri rrlT. railed Jem frinHein7,nnm.t j ismf tbeipWerless NToarMTradnwtl enter uponeSwptyrourthjcarflsjsJmostbrill&Qt 1astyeaif it has beerflhfe'tcaebif story-Helle- r. mentor .and oracle 1oriiMonarf;0aanjf AfnW nomt$, from. ocean to P?0-a- nd Jm.S"lebe"?j V Ca",aai to'TeJrisacola"oa the . Guirjr()Mexicp' luuipiiDU Diu.rirn nud m . i iv.tt " ".- - trr" a5eeeain jtsencnaniinc stores or wisdom, romance; art, poetry und, genial humorfand its praise is V. - "- - " , T."Fiailitr in tb!t,pifiitlu u bmiMheU vorU. The noble patriot soldfer in' bis tent too has whiled away the tediuiu.of camp life in the ab- - V.WJ .Will U4 IkS FnBTTHRTi'r.llllT rnrnuvo " findine in them a fascinating menu! idiMniinn known only, to thetn who; rally to tbe,Bnlr- - Vf."J ", urannArmy Avurivm Intellect In commencing a New Year; .the propietors otTnx Nsw YosxMcicctit can only say that k suaii ue utirim, lojmasge tueir great Tamily journal of American literature, .for .J862 more bnllisntand-cnehanun- than-everi- n its concen- tration of all the 'world's grandest and most m'biau'UfnlspeeialitlesiBiiiiaifiJRbminee, graceful Poetry, elegntnd quaint Gossip, re- fining Knowledge, sparkling Humor, and enter-tainin- s News UDti, like lore, it J J jmla lh cwt, thejxp, Ibrbonrtr," as it already rales the happy 'domestic fireside. The editorial tone and National departments of TmTNtw YoaxMiicciir will continue tree io that lofty spirit of patriotism which has made it a necessity of the people since the .War be- gan, and kept it in enthusiastic demand when othersbeete were dying all'around'it Tor want of popular sapportv j l. Already, the .. largest Literary 'Journal in the world, and famous as the focus of a thousand brilliant literary reputations, its programme for 1863 willibe beyond all precedent. The most celebrated pens of this country and Europe have been secured in its service, at an outlay tqtuxl to the expense of mm than one natiaavl'gttcrn-mea- t injhe -- Old World 1 and Us novelettes, or contioned 'stories, for 18G2,. will be the most splendid triumphs of elegant Fiction ever pub- lished. To, these, too, the magic pencil, of the greatest of American artists, Mr. Feux O. C. Dablet, will lend the aid of pictorial Art. Tnr Nrw0YqK Mescvst is sold byall news- men and periodical dealers in Americi. To subscribers it is regularly mailed every Saturday morning',' for $2 r year; 3 copies, for$5; 6 cop- ies, for $3; '8 copies for $12, with an estra copy, irte, to theetter up of the club. Six moiitln' subscriptions received. Alwaijt xcrilt plainly the name of your Pott Office Countii. and SMc. AVo take- - the noteV ol, alf the specie-Divin- e banks 'at .par. Payment must iniariably be made in advance Specimen copies sent free to'allapplicants. Address all '"' Utters and remittances post paid, " OAULDIVEI.L. & WIltTXEr, ' Proprittori of The Yokk Merccrt, 4G and 44 Ann Street, New York Citv. WAVEKLY MAGAZINE, FOR FAMILY:4HTrSEMEHT & INSTRUCTION EDITED BY M03D3 a! DOW. This piper is the HrgcU Weekly ever pub-li-li- in this country. . lM conteuU .ire such .is nilbe approved in the myt ftilidious circle, nsthtng iiniiioril being admitted into its pigc. It will funii-!- i a reading matter nsalmo-- t any one cin find time to peruke, ronsHtm of Hiitory. Biojmphy, together with Mii:c and Puctry. The paper contains no ultra .iud meddles neither with politics nor tcligiun, but is (.luir&ctenztd by a high moral tone. It circulates all over the country, fioni M line to CaliTonii i. TcrmJ The Waverly Slnsniiie i publi-h- cl weekly by .Mcscs 'A'. Doit, No. 5 L'iid-i!- l St., Bn'on, Mas. Two editions are pnutcil, ore on thick ptper for periudic.il Dealers, at C c? iitj a copy, and an edition for mail subcribi rs (on a little thinner papi r s as to come nithin the low postage law) at $2.00 a year, or $1.00 fiir six months, alway in advance. Clulu, by nriil, 6 for 9 month, 6; G for 12 month', $9; 10 Tor G months $8; 10 for 12 months, $15. Puperetop ped nhenthc last number paid for is sent. A new volumne commci.ccsvery July and Jnnu ary. r But if a person cominence at nny num- ber in 'the volume, and pays for six month?, he will have a complete book, with a title pige. Three copies' months forf.5,09. When .i subscriber orders a rencaal of his subscrintion be lOiould tell. us wbat.nras the list number he received, then we shill know what number to renew at without hunting over .our books. Otherwise we shall begin when the money is recehed. Peroiis writing for the pi- per must write their 'nimc, Countv and State verv distinctly. Those who wWi thtir pipers chinged shuuM tell where jt has preiiou.Iy been sent. Potsge on this pirKjr, ia ttrenty six centsla year, payoblq in' advance at the office where takis out. Clubs must Always be sent at one time t3 get the benefit of 'the low price. We cannot send them at the club priec unless received all togeth- er, ns it is too much trouble too look over our books or keep an account withjeach-on- setting them up. Monthly ParU. $3 a year, or two. for' $5 Anr one sending us $4 can have one copy .ofillie '"Waverley Mgizirie?J'.ind'eithcr of tha following works for one year by mail: "Peterson's Ladies' Magazine," "Harper's Maazine," "Godey's Lady's Bjok,'"Ladics' G.xette of. Fashion," or "Atlantic Monthly." AIL letters and communlcatiofas concerning the paper most be addressed to the publisher. The Wat To Subscribe. The proper mode to subscribe for a paper is to enclose the money in a Tetter and address the publisher 'direct, giv-in- g individual name with the post office, Coun- ty and State very plainly written, as post marks are often illegible. , - , . , WHOLESALE.AGENT.. JH. Dexter 4 Co.,' No. 1I3 Nassau Street, N. Y. City. A. Winch; Philadelphia. Taylor & Co., Baltimore. C. N. Lewis, Cincinnati, Ohio.. E Pickup, MethOdiif Book Irooms, 'Montreal, Canada. F. A. Crump, LouhVillc, Ky. Gray & Crawford, St. Louis, Mo'. " McNally & Co., Chicago, Ills, cv i iV - " , Order of FablicatieB. , In the District Court of the Second Judicial District of the State of Kansas, sitting within and for the County of Doniphan, tor the trial of causes arising under the laws of said Sute. '- - l " n ' JotinM.Stepiientr - .,jrs. , , f Attachment., 'EdwIn'Stravghn. ) f plaintiff, by D. M. Johnson; his THE on the 23d day of October, A. D 1861. appeared.arid-woTed.thejCout- t lOrauCorder or publication.in this case, and motion sustained; Ft is therefore oraered bfetlie Court, that the aid'aefendantr Edwin Straughn.be noUfied. by publieatron in the' White Cloud Karsas Chie, a weekly newspaper poWished io the Couutyof Dooinhan, and: State of Kansas, during six of the pendency of this suit, the . the saiu aeicuoan mrwre -- Dollars, with ten per-f"- -; l from "? March. 16,anithat his property br.beeVattacbed. to'Jit: 'all hi. title and interest in Lots 1', 2. 3. 4, 5, in Block 5; Lots 6, 7, tf. 9, 10i fn Block 33; Lou 1, ,2, 3, 4, S 7 B 9 10, In Block 4; T 6. 7, 8, 9, in uincV 17- - Lots 6.7, 8, in Block; 139; JUd iiOW aemur ? i"- - "" T,. . ed.onoroe.ore- .- ;- -- - .je Zm na1dWalrnIeVed-ccording.y- . ,mtfl . liK.Sraiw-r!.C5-!.- S 5 SSSkt or w . .JJ !1 rnT U '2- - JXJli' "22r"T ?' mm&v wsm. ' ' Tfmawrrrra ttnim . GREAT INDDqEMENTS OFFERED Ce'I ,.! iit . ., "TOR p.t KtTJi'I I?f3Uin(BllinP, '(D2&JIBS. 9 U & l)Tri.WHy,aal WeeklT.. The Democrat is alahhfhl aSv'nejLtn an A n porter ot theUniooand the Government Its mn win d especially devoted to the West ur we aorncacy oi western interests and the aseertionof Western rights. The great meas ure w laciuc naiiroaaon tbo Uenlral Route; free lands foK.4ba th imni,M of river navigation; jeireaclment and reform. ... ...u .quiuucau oi uieTcaerei uovernment will be urged with that seal and devotion which ",aIe6W0u tr thcDemocrat its presfut posi- tion On all quesliocs" it will boldly espouse the, right "and only "seek its advancements UironghJJie pub'tc' good;-- , -- ;, . "; " Ita News, Xocal andrJIiscellaoeoBs De- - 3wi - ac parimcats, . "j shall be all tbat the readenUconld desire. -- The Political, Agricultural and Manufacturing inter- ests of tba country shall receive due attention. The Commercial Character1 - of tliV'Democratfs wlL sta6l!hpil tm, important interest is under, the management of . wai (UUIUUKUI I Ilimiilir Wlin rtfTlTTHrHT lt ii and VeJpledge our honor, that its figures shall always be the true index of trade here, while it furnishes dally more commercial news than anT other paper in Missouri. , Directed" to Onr Great Dollar Weekly , ;- -' The laresst uaoer in the eonntr r.rrth nr;. of one dolhuv; y f jj.i r r , The Tri-Wcek- ly Democrat, At $400 per annum, is th most eom'nlntn np of its kind in the .West. It is especially valu- able to Rirer and Railroad Merchints. It con-tai- thecomnleto Commercial. Rivm-nndlW- . rgraph news of each Daily issue, besides all the interesting news matter aud editorial of'the Daily. W'e request all onr subscribers and readers to aid ur to increase the circulation of our pa- per by continued efforts to induce one and all of their neighbors to subscribe To those who will act as our agenta and will be kind enough to notify: us we will forward copies of our pros- pectus aud paper for distribution. TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCE: Diilr one yearV J $8,00. Tri Weekly enc'j ear '. 4.00. Weekly cne ycir, "a 1.00. To Clubs Tri Weekly, 5 conies for $15; 10 copies, for $35; 20 copies and one to getter un of club for $70. Weekly 10 copics'and one to getter up of club, $10; 30 conies and one 30r 50 copies and one Daily, $50. It is not rconired that all of,a club,hall be sent to one post office; the number may be sent io uinerem post, omcci ana tne subscriptions mar commence at any time. , Now is the time to subscribe. Pipers wj be continued ONE WEEK ONLY after expiration of lubttription. After sending us a Club for either the Dailv, or Weekly, agents miy retiin ten per cent, ou all subscriptions over the uumbcr for a club. Addrcfs McKEE i r 1SHBACK'. ' c St.'Louis, Mo. OKDER Or PUBLICATION. In the 'District Court of the Second Judicial District of the Stite oI"K-iims- , silting nithin and for the Comity of D miph in, for the trial of causes arising undtr the laws of said State. David ) . , ts. r Attachment. Henry MiDiiit. ) rrtHE plaintiff, on the 30th day of October, --L A. D. IbGl, filed hisnffidavitin this action, hoing Ih it the said defend int. ller.rv Mc Da it, is a of the St-u- e of Kinsns, and cauuot be seried with the process issuing from this Court; it istheraforc ordered by the CIrkofBaid Court, in vacation, that the said defendant, Ueurvi.McDnit, be notihed, by pub- lication in the White CluuK ICinsas Chief, a neekly newspiperpublU'ud in the Count) of uonipnin, nod state ol Knnt.i, during fix weeks, of tint pendency of this suit, l'e object of which is to ntitain ju 'xment against t'lesud defendtnt for the sum oft 12.1 Willi in- terest thareon from the first day of October, A. D..16C1, and that hn propeny fits been Attach- ed, to wit: the etit half of the south-we- quar- ter arid the eat hilf of the west half of the south-we- st section twenty nine, (2D) town-lii- p fouri (4) arrange twentv, (520) Ivin-- ' and being in Doniphan County, and State of Kansas; to secure the payment of the above amount: and unless he plead, answer or demur to the plaintiff's petition agiinst him filed, on orbeforetbe22JdayorJaii-jary- , A. D. 1661, such petition will be taken as true and confess-edati- d judgment rendered accordingly! In testimony wlureof, I have hereunto set my hand, and seal of the District Court of said County, at office, in Trov, this 14th day of No- vember, A. D. IS61. - HENRY BODER, Ja , Clerk. November 21, 18Gl-7- w. Pr's fee, $16. Sheriff's Sale. Aurclius Lore vs. ) On Orderof Sale Godfrey Beaumont and and Virgiuia M. E. Beaumont- - ) Execution. NOTICE is hereby given, that I will offer at public auction. On the 23d day of December, A. D. 1861, at 1 o'clock, P. M., of that day, at the Court Honse door, in the city of Troy, Doniphan County, Kansas ofthe said defendants' pioperty, to wit: 'the north-eas- t quarter of section seven, township four, mnge twenty-tw- o east of the sixth meridian, in the County of Doniphan aforesaid. Taken and of- fered for sale, by virtue'of an onler of sale is- sued from the District Court ofsaid State, sit- ting iu and for the County of Doniphan, for the trial of causes stisintr 'Under the laws of said State, wher in the said Aurclius Love is plain- tiff, and Godfrey Beaumont and Virginia M. E, iseaumoat aro oeienuants, to sausiy tne judg- ment and costs iu said cause. ' Given under my hand, this IStb day of No- vember, A. D. l&bl. . GEORGE'S.' HOUGH, Sheriff. 7 I By CT LtLiSb, Under Sheriff. November 21, lS61-5- w. Pr's fee, $7.50. Sheriff's Sale. , ' John W. Harris 1 ' 51 On order of Sale and Benjamin "Burt. ) Execution. NOTICE is hereby given, that I. will offer at public auction, on the 23d day of December, A. D. 16GI, at 1 o'clock, P. M., of that day, at the Court House door, in the city of Troy, Doniphan County, Kansas, of the said defendant's property to wit: the south east quarter or section twenty-four- , township four, raiigc.ninetecn east of sixth meridian, in the County of Doniphan aforesaid. Taken and of- fered for sale', by virtue of an order of sale is sued from tne District Court of said State, sit- ting in and fur Poniphau County, for the trial of cames ariniog under the laws of said State, wherein said John' W. Harris is plaintiff, and Benjamin Burt is defendant, to satisfy the ' judg- ment And costs inlaid cause. - , Given nnder my baud, this 16th day of. No- vember, A. D.ISF1. . , r - GEORGE SLOUGH. Sheriff. , , By Crsts LeuxWd, Duder Sheriff. , November 31, ld6l-5- w,' Pr's fee', $7.5!UJ sioixr TKutsrr. -- , - ' craosri.er. TENNENTCAMP. TROY, DONIPHAN COUNTY. KANSAS. AffBUJ73 SS SAW . SOLICITOUS IN CIAXCEUY, practice in all the Coirrts of-th- e . Second Judicial District or the State of Kansas.' "Colloeuonsof all kinds will beprompt-I- t made and remitted. Chancery and 'Admi ralty practice will receive our particular atten- tion regard, paid "to Land Office busi- ness, and to practic in the Sspeme Court of said State, aud of the United States. ' ri - REFER TO " -- Hon. TursTSS Poix. St. Louis, Mo.t Hon. Jaa. Ckaio. Mo.; Bsxa M. Hcches. Aiduson., Kaosas; .smttb, jew; York;",H. aaHiais.New York..j, , nov. i, ot-- ju ssi ,c ' " v s . j&ljc " Kansas' sHhief, - lis PCBUSUBD (EVRT TH0Il8DAr, Jr. j SOL. JKJLIiEK, Editor and Proprietor ' Terms."- - -- -. - I Sisgle ScascaiSEcs Two' DolUfs a voir, in r....- - ..k ,. tfrl in .iftf.A.n -- 'a,' ,1.a . a t aiiviuic, vf v. w4.ubi.-- , .i ,,uu r.ibL VI Three Dollara a year. , f r, Cwras-F- or Clubs of any , number from ten to twenty, o'nsjear, $lt5Qcah. For Clabs of tirrotf and overSleacfiT." Ho"CIub taken for aUteUnfe,tha'Qorie'yesr, and none sent unljastmMeyaccmpinie9hc order,. Any nenon sendine a CIab!of fifteen Jor mora., pill rbe entitled id acopy one year gratis.." -- J jlatesifarMslrrtiai:.'-- n , (10 HnesvbE leav) one ekj$l 00 .rr cr..l.Vit.l la.nl.MitiTl' Kfi On?seiuirefoneyear--i- r . 10.00' Bc'ine-CAMs- , vf 5 lines or less, 1 year, 5.00 lliberjiydactku Will be made to tboso sua advertise by 4he year, if .. - . -- - TV& iMiviIegea rly adyertisers to bt confined to their own regular business- - foAdmlnisiratorsVExeeutor'.. Final Settle ment,TDissoJutionlsstray ana retition Notices, and- - announcing candidates for'ofBuo, $3, in advance- - - v r a - Displayed adrertisements'charged extra? special editorial notice3,anaoommnmcatious ora personal nature, "J per square - Advertisements received, not maraea tor any specified numberof Insertions, will be contiu ued until forbid, and charged accordingly. . All transient advertisements muBt be paid ror strictly in advance. - Legal advertisements charged to the persons ordering, their1 insertion. 'r u The" above regulations will be in all cases rigidly adhered to,r unless varied by special contract: - -- " CT JOB PRINTING , 'of every description, executed in good style, upon shortnoticc. S. M. PETTENGILL1& CO.'S ADVERTISING AGENCY, 119 Nassau St?,N. Y.', and 10 State St., Boston . 3. M. ET,TENGILL b CO", are the agcats for the "Chief," and tbe'mo'st influential and largest circulating Newspapers in the United States and. the Canadas. They are authorized to contract for uTat our lowest. rates. J. S. POST, General Newspaper, (Advcr using and Subscription Agent, .second story north-we- corner of Chestnut and Third Sts. St. Louis, is g authorized Agent in that city aud is empJbcted to contract at our regula The' New York Tribune. NEW VOLUME. On the seventh of September, 1KC1, THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE com- menced the twenty-fir- st vearofits existence; .THE DAILY TRIBUNE heingsome months older and THESEMI-WEEKL- TRIBUNE somewhat vounger. For more- - than twenty years, .this journal has labored in what its con- ductors have felt to be the cause ofllumanity. Justice nnd Freedom, endcav oring to meliorate the condition of the oppresid and unfortunate, tj honor and encourage useful exertion in what- ever sphere, and, to promote by all means. the moral, intellectual 'and material advancement of.our' country: It hai'airaed to be right rather than popular, and to Cfwjnse and commend to day the truih that othent tuay.notbe willing to accent till to morrow. In Diir-uin- z this course. mistakcsJiarcvdoubilc$s)been,mitde mid 'faults committed; but, havingln 'all things incited our renders to think andjndgefi,? themselves rather tnan auopl bllncly our own or others conclu- sions, na'belicve we may fiirly cl lim for this journal the credit of haling qualified its readers to detect and expose e en its own errors. To develop the minds of the young by the most general, thorough and practical truncation, and to ciicoiirige nnd stimulate Productive Industry, through free grants of Public Lands to actual settlors and cultivators, as also tCrdjigh'the pro tection of immature or pcculiariv exposed branches fromtoo powerful foreign competition, are among the aims to which this jodrnal ha adlu-rc- through good andevil repot t, and which it tenaristly commenus to American patnoiism ami nhibintlironv. As to the Civil War now devastating our country, we hold it to have originated in a Re bellion more wanton, wicitea, inexcusable, man was ever before knrwn a Rebellion in the in- terests of the few against the manv a Rebellion designed to raiso higher the walls of caste and tightcn'thc chains of oppression.' Havirg done all wc could without n surrender of vital prin- ciple to aroid'this War, and aitnesed the for- bearance, meekness and long suffering with which the Federal Government sought to avert its horrors,, we hold it our clear duty, with that oi ever", other citizen, tostanu by tne nation and its fairly chosen rulers, and to second with all our energies their efforts to uphold the Union, the Constitution, nnd the supremacy of the Law. And, though the Rebellion has become, through usurpation, deception, terrorism and spoliation, fearfully strong, we believe the American Re- public far stronger, and that the unanimous, earnest efforts of loyal hearts and hands will in- sure its overthrow. But on all questions affect- ing the objects, the scope, and duration or this most extraordinary contest, we defer to those whom the American People hare clothed with authorily.holdingunilyofpurpose and of action indispensable in so grae an emergency. In a crisis like the present, our columns most be largely engrossed with the current history of thejWar for the Union, and with elucidations of its more striking incidents. We shall not, however, remit that attention to Literature, to roreisn Affairs, to Agricultural rroeress, to Crop-?- , Markets, &c., &c which has already, we trust, won for THE TRIBUNE an honorable position among its cotempnraries. Our .main object is and shall be to produce a comprehen sive newp.apcr,.for which a careful reader may glean a vivid and faithful history of the times, not merely in the domain of Action but in that of Opinion also. As our facilities for a'oquiring a information increase with years, wc trust that a an improvement in the contents. or our journal 1 is perceptible, and that, in the variety and full ness of intelligence afforded, wc may still hope to "make each day ocritic ou the last." In thi; hope, wc solicit a-- eontinuanceffthe generous measures of patronage hitherto accorded, to our journal. . , TERMS. ' j - DAILY TRIBUNE (311 issues per annum) SC issues perttnnum) 3 W EEKLY (52 issues per annum) $2 To Clubs Semi- - Weekly t Two copies for $5; five for $11 25, ten copies ttone address for $20; and any larger number at the latter rate. For a eleb of twenty, an extra copy-wil- l be sent. For a club of forty we send The DalLrTaistrtc gratis one year. Weekly: Three copies for $5; eight copies for $10, and any largernuraber at the rate of $1 20 each per annum, the paper to be address-t- o each subscriber. To clubs .of Twenty, we send au extra copy. , i - Twenty copies to one address Tor $20,!with one extra to him who sends us the club. For each club of One Hundred,-Tir- e Daily Taisrat will be sent gratis for one year. When drafts can be produced it ia much safer than to remit Bank Bills. The name of the Post Ofice and Stite should in all cases be plainly written. Pafiaent always in advaSeel ib t"3 . Address THE TRIBUNE, No. 154 Nassau Su,Nesr,Yok. IMPORTANT NOTICE. . J To Disabled Soldiers, Seamesr'nnd sTi- - rinw,'asid Widaws or other Heir of thoc trbo bare-Die- or' beea Killed! ia the Service. " CHAS. C. TUCKER. Attorney teCCIsUawata lamary .Xasd, and " WASHINGTON CITY. D. C. " J TiENSIONS proeared for Soldiers.'Seamen ea -- a. aud AUnnes otitlie present war, who are disabled by reason of wooads received or dis ease contracted while in service; oadPensioas,) Bounty -- Money aBd arrears or ray obtained for widows or or other heirs of tbose who hare died or been killed whila In service. i ' J Bounty Land proeared for services' in any-O- f the otheeorarw. f CHAS. C. TUCKEKT' ' ' or. 7, 61-- tr. vv asningtojrf D..C. A FIUST CLASS ULLULTRATED eamily;news?a?ee. 1 corral snrcEnTtf. T UnrpersrWcekly has now regnlar at at WashiCRlou D.-V- at Grafton. Va,, ct Cairo, Ul.,t"St;'' Louis, Mo , and arFt. Pijkcr.s.Fla. j 'jljese'geptlcmcrrwill accompany'the march of the' armies anJ. will reproduce for the benefit cf the.readew of . Vs. .Harper's JVcckly, every intident of ttie momgnloas campaign whiebisuow.opcnias,,:. .iU fli la i t is Harpor'j Weekly i' a"- - . is TQofeover in dailrVceeipt of raluaWe'sketch-e- s ftpm the Army and Navy irf all pirts:of the7country. The Publishers will be claito receive ucb sketches jfrOm members of otfr forces in everv section, nml will payiliberalty for such as they may, use. The pilbUshcr will scni . c S . s Hcrnrr5rtVe!ilv- - - -- ' eJi 10' 'FREE" to any Rcgimetucr Ship tqf tWar. wluc'i may supply the name "ahu address "of the Officer to whom it shoald be foraarded. - " The Circnlation or Harper' Weekly is over one hundred thousand copies.- - They have al- ready published Over Five Hundred 'IUistrationa ' or Tjut .. - SOUTHERN REBEIoIilON and. they feel confiient that 'the 'Dices of Harper's Weekly "will present a complete and .exhaustive .Z , i t ,'', ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF THE WAIl No person wbo wishes to be informed with re- gard to the momentous events which are traiu piring can afford to dispense with it. Notwithstanding the great amount of space devoted to .illustrations of the War, Harper's Weekly commenced in number 241, .dated au- gust 10th, a new Mid Serial Tale, by Sir Ed- ward Lvtton Bulwcr, entitled '"A STRANGEKOSY," which will be continued from week to week till completed. TERMS. One Coov for One Year. 2.50 Two Cop'ics for One' Year, 4 00 iiarpcr a weekly and Harper s Magazine, 4 00 'Volumes 1, 2. 3. and 4. of Harper's' Weeklv. handsomely bound in cloth' extra, Price $9.50 each, aro now ready. Mu.lm Covers are furnished to those who with thier numbers bound at Fifty cents each. Twenty-fiv- e per Cent. Discount allowed to Bookbinders and the trade. , tir io rostmasters and ageut3 getting up a Clcb often subscribers a copy will be sent grat- is. Subscriptions may commence with any num- ber. Specimen numbers gratuitously supplied. CT Clergymen and teachers sutaplicd-a- l the lowest Club Rates. As Harper's Weekly is Electrolysed, No. 1 can be supplied frem the commencement. ' Harper's Weekly will bo sent graluitionsly for one mouth as a specimen to any one who applies for it. Specimen numbers of the Mag- azine will also be sent cratuiliousty. Address HARPER b BROTHER,5 Franklla Square, Neio York. . 1 - LEONARD SCOTT & CO.'S REPRINTS OF THE AND BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE! LEONARD SCOTT b CO.'.UNew York, to publish the following leading British Periodicals, viz: 1. The London Quarterly. (Conservative.) 2. The Edinburgh Review, (Whig.) 3. The North British Review, (Free Church.) 4. The Westminster Review, (Liberal.) 5. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, (Tory.) These Periodicals ably represent the three great political parties of Great Britain Whig, Tory, and Radical bat politics forms only one feature of their character. As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, Literature, Morality, and Religion, they stand, ns they ev- er have stood, unrit ailed in "the world of letters, being considered indispensable to the scholar and the professional man, while to the intelli- gent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the current literature of the day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained from any other eource. NEW VOLUMES OF THE FOUR EXGLKn REVIEWS AND BLACKWOOD Commenced July, 1801. EARLY COPIES. The receipt or ADVANCE SHEETS from the British publishers gives additional value to these Kepnnts, luasmucu as tuey can now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon .as the original editions, t TERMS. t For anyone of the four Reviews, per an'in, $3 For any two of the four Reviews, " '"" 5 For any three of the four Renews, " 7 For all four of the Reviews, " 8 For BlackwobdN Magazine, " 3 For Blackwood and one Review, " 5 For Blackwood and two Reviews, " 7 For Blackwood and three Reviews', ' " 9 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, " 10 Payments to be made in all coses in advance. Money current in the State where issued, a ill ba received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-fiv- e per cent, from the above price will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Fourcopicsof BlackwOod, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood, for $30; and so on. ' POSTAGE. In all the principal cities and towns, these woiks will be delivered. FREE When sent bv mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but ttcentyjaur cents year lor" iliacKwooa,-- - ana Daijouneen cinis rear for each of the Reviews'. N. B. The' price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named, is S31 pei annum. Remittances foranyof the above publications should always be addressed, post-pai- to the publishers, , LEONARD SCOTT & CO., novi7. l No; 54, Gold St, New York Adniaistrator's Net Ice.1 ATOTICE is herebv "iven. that letters of ad- - i-- a ministration, bearing date the 19th day of October, A.D. 1861, were granted,; to" the un- dersigned, Administratrix and Administrator of tne estate or William t icld, deceased, late res ident of Troy, Doniphan County, Kau'os, by tlie Probate Court of sild County; and all persons are notified to present their accounts, for allow- ance, witein one year; and if not exhibited within three years from the above" date, they will be forever barred. - Troy, November 14, 1661. 2 SARAH FIELD, REUBEN J. FIELD. November 21, 18G1-4- V. fee. $4. AuWiIstrater'stKetiec. ' ' LETTERS of Administration wore granted on the 25th day of Oc- tober, A. D. 1661, on the estate of John Hag, deceased, by the Probate Court of Doniphan County, State of Kansas. .All persons having claims against said estate, are requested to ex- hibit thm, for allowance, within one year after the date of said letters, or they may .be. preclu- ded from any benefit.of said estate; and if not presented within thre'e years from, atetof said letters, they will be forever barred. - x LYMAINASH, Administrators-Novembe- r 21, lrJ61-3- w.- Pr' fee, $3. - DISSOLUTION. rriflE cotiartii(rhinrjeretofore',iistine- - be- - JL tween the nndersignedjls this day dissolr-- ! . oy zautuai 00030117 n. r . oiwi is aione aatborixed to osertho name'of the firm in liqui- dation, - 1- - C. D- -A II. FiSAYRS. White Cloud, October 24, 1861. TTAVING bought oat the interest of C. D.l a. Sayrs in too. business heretofore conduct-e- by C. D. b H. F. Sayrs,'! will eontiaue Bus- iness at the oU tfano? on a strictlr cash basis, oct. 34, 61-- tf. . F: 8 A YRB: NOfREY--THEHRSiyyOI.lJM- E PUTNAM'S EEC0BD OF THESEBELLIOir A biair or Annies'? ETrrrsr "Vrrn. Illcs XTTIV-D0ClJttV- T3 -- AMD JfaBTIV5 rJttS 210X3, 1.XCIDCTT3, rUETBT, rtSkUUJTftp, .ii la separate ditHitns. Edited by FRXXK, SOOKEf f Author ot "Dairy -- of AnsrUaa Urvblutfoa." 3Yith on JntroJuctory Viciv of Ilia Great Issues bafore the Country. AnJ the causes of the Rebellion, Wo bare also on hand , p '"' t 'BY EDWARD EVRRETT , DA1 IRON, AJtD STEAL, v Prepared (with additions for lids of kinds, to suit the trade. And last, INDEXctc, etc. A Colorftf M.4P Hough not !east,wo will keep a complete as-O- F- THE UNITED STATF AND POR- - "sortment of ' " " - " "' .TRAITS ON STEEL' of a. 3 . ' MOLINE.PLOWS. Geu'.Soott. .Gen. Batler.I Gen. Cameron, Gen.HcClellan. Gen.-Anderj- Gen Lyon. ' Gen. Fremont. Gcn-DI- x. XJeu. Spraguc PreMdV-n-t Lincoln an 1 J'ff. Hans. "Thi3 volume is amplete in' itself, coataini-i- g "about 800 closelv printed pa-- . Royal octavo. Prfca'in dotli$3.75: sheep extra, $4.0Drhlf juiiout. 45.00. It contains tlicooly sxu., mraxrUL, a:. J aa.-- 1 liable HISTORY oT the Great Struggle for Tree Government? W'itli a complete nnd aciin(Uj copies of A'l the Soccssion Ordinances (official.) V Davis' and Stephens' Speeches and ProCla raatlonsJ Proclamations and Messages of Pres- ident Lincoln. State Papers of all kinds. Mil itary Proclamations on both aides. Speeches land appeals of Southern Union Men (Kennedy, Iio: Uixonr ttittcnaen, etc.; cngusn s on thWar, Contraband, Correspondence. Itadical Northern Speeches. Motley's Causes of the War:. . t Wr II, Rwsel's letters. -- , Curiosities of Southern War Literature. Reports of Bit ties and Skirmishes. List of Officers of Regiments, etc. " Picturesque Narratives. Patriotic Poetry. rr . Songs of the Munciiauseniani. Anecdotes. Statistics, etc. Thb'work will be published as heretofore j weekly And montIilyr parts. Weekly Nos. at 10 ct Monthlr carts. Illustrated, 50 cents. The Illustrations for the Weekly Nos., will be published in"Two Nos. at 30 cents each, ma- king the price for weekly and monthly editions the same-vir- ., $3 for" each vol. aeh six months. Covers for binding Volume 1, in cloth 25 ct. ' " r consider the Record, a very taluab'e publication. "BJieinf rrr-- (,f "Evcrr one who wishes .a complete Record of the striking events now transpiring, should pro- - cure this weeklv serial. In a small compass it gives !hu contents of a dozen daily Newspapers. N. Y. Independent. , j c. P. PUTNAM, rnbiuuer, -- 508 Broadway, New York N.B. The First Pait of the Volume is now ready containing the BATTLE OF BULL RUN.' Fnllydescnbed from every point of view. With a Map. 160 pages, 50 cts. ''Copies of the First Volumo of Rebellion will be sent by mail, free of expense to any part of U,S. whiihin 1500 miles on receipt of price. The pnblisher will be responsible for all remittances iu registered letter. ! Vol.2 will also be sent io parts 03 issued, on receipt Of $3. Parties desirous of forming tJIuos win tie sup'cu uumnu ; .ca- sing the publisher for particulars JCZ ORDER OF PUBLICATION. " In the District Court of the Second Judicial Di: trict of the Stale of Kansas, silting icithin and for the County of Doniphan, for the trial of causes arising under the fairs ofsaid Slate. Epbraira Butcher & ! Divid Auld, co partners in business, under the , name, style and firm ol Butcher & Auld, Plaintiffi. vs. ' Alfred Feutou b I Enoch M. Fenton. DefendanU. FENTON and Enoch M. Fenton ALFRED notice, that Ephraim Butcher ojd DaviitAuId, co partners in busine3, under the style nnd firm of Butcher & Auld, of the County of Atchison, State of Kansas, diJ, on the Stith day of October, A. D. 1561, file H3 petition in the District Court in and for the County of Doniphan, in siid State of Kansas, against the said Alfred Fenton and Enoch M. Fenton, defendants, setting forth that on or about the first day of A?ri), A. D. 1853, the said plaintiffs entered into partnership with the nid defendants in tlie business 01 purchasing . and traa.nortini: merchandise to Pike's Peak I and elsewhere, from the citv of Atchison, in the State of Kar.ua, under the cams aaJ firm ' of .fc Adltl: that during the eonlinuanc; I F O - - and by reason of said co partnership, the said defendants became indebted to the said plain-tif- f in the sum of Five Thousand One Hun- dred and Eighty-Nin- e Dollars, or thereabouts, for goods and merchandise belonging to said to firm and sold by said defendants, and praying that the said defendants be compelled to come to a settlement with-th- c said plaintiffs concer- ning the said premises, and that the defendants pay over to said plaintiffs the said sum of $5,-151- ), and interest from the first day of March, A. D. 1560, or so much thereof as may be found due from said defendants. An attachment has been issued- - against the property ofsaid defendants, and they are noti- fied that they are requested to appear and an-E- n cr or demur to the said petition, on or before th. 18th day of January, A.D. 1862, or the petition will be taken as true and confessed, and iudgment rendered accordingly. In testimony whereof, I hare hereunto set my band and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office, in the city of Troy, this 2Cth day of October, A. D. 1661. HENRY BODER, Jr., Clerk. Gix.ii & Fostes, Atty's for Prffj. November 14, 1861-7- w. Pr's fee, $25. F. P. BAKER, Attorney aDT Counsellor, at Law; CENTRALIA, NEMAHA CO., KAN3AS, WILL practice in the Courts of Nemaha adjoining Counties. Particular .a- ttention paid, to collecthsg In all parts of the country. Lands entered, vacant lands shown, taxes paid for etc. largo tracts of land for sale. By Permission, Refers to Hon. Judge Chief Justice Supreme Court of Wisconsin. E. S. Smith, Esq:, Collecting .Agent, Cbioa-g- III. -- 1 A.fieattie b Co , Su Joseph. Ma. Hon. J. N. Willard, Troy, N-- Y. Hon. S. C. Pomeroy, Atcbissn, Kansas. Hon J. L. McDowell, Leavenworth, Kansas. July 11, 61- -1 y. 1 'LOWS, REAPERS. THRESHER8, AND MACHINEHYI d I HAVE received, on commission, a large of Prairie Plows, of the best de scription, which will be sold cheap, tor cash, or exchanged for approved property or produce. J have also received the Agency for McCor- - mick's celebrated Keapcrs, ana win supply to eial order any number, of the latest Improved pat- terns, on reasonable terms. Also, Threshers, the and Miir and Steam Machinery of every de- scription. , J. H. UTT. White Cloud, April II, JBGl-U- V Highland Nursery! Situated One Mile and a Half South of High- -! ianu, uumpuan ujuniy, nansas. the THIS Nursery cwas commenced in.the'JM can of'lS61. and now coven 12 3C seres, containing eu.uuu yonng Apple Trees,, of i' rraftaties . adapted to this climate; also, Urapes, ... - 1l...l.a.l. D.u.v 4... f "Ml. ..t.:rfM;h.M . nuui u.i. .Jlltt Dutnuitni .Isomers for sale 12,000 three rear old 1 - - r t.:..i. L .m3v ft ..... l.l,, ,lf. .IUW1 U, Ml.. W ..UK..., WUM stock, and, hides. , 's. j. Euubttbx, rropnetor. Highland, August 15, 1861-l- y. HIDES! niDESt HIDES!' 1 T WILE pay the highest price-foe- . aj timesv.. mow, u your cnance. . oct. w;oi-:- i. ncKi t. saiiu. -- g r. MOFtRlS. & o.rteNx ! A RE on haoif, ss usaiT, witfe aIarge and J- - complete- - aitfortnsnt or at! sizes and fat- - Cook, rrJtiJ.Hefbff; fltanp,' sociprisiugUie latest and most improrad styles; wotk.,ilhj various eopious Rebels. Seooml Record Dixon, number Apple market logemer wuu . . ., ., rj nv rnpPHi? Asn SHRET-flff- lt Wis. u, ; ytoiuhemariet-yll- of whicb r;n 6e 10id dirt cheap." Jor tlt CASR fewbich.forgoodquaiit'saj are uusazgassed by aav other in useX 3T 1 ' mis iiiouj, npni , iouv j. V. tseo. I860. ,Um.liL ft ST. JOSEPH B. B. -- SPRING, AJUtANGEMEXTS. Taaisja cast. Pass enter Express Leaves S U Joseph. C A . M. Stock Train " 4T. M. Freight " " ..- Txaiss hut. Passenger Express srrivesatSt. Jot. 9.30P.M. Emigrant Tiain " " 8:30 A.M. Freight " " 3:30 P. M. . Freight Train lias Passseoger Car attached. Close connections made by each Train with, Mississippi boats and all Eastern Railroads- - , .Tickets sold to all principal places Iir-th- eou'n-- . . The'most ample provisions for-- taking Stock with care and dispatch, and at the lowest rates. Connections made at St. Joseph with Packets up and down the river, and with stage lines to all part of Kansas. 3 J. T. K. HAYWARD, General Sup't. Capt. Cutlxr. Assistant Superintendent.' P.B. Gbost, Gen. Ticket Agent. 1 'Jos. Looms, G en. Freight Ag't, Hannibal He. "D. Sawin, General Agent. 01XFCTIOiEKY! IVIioIesalc and Retail! rfiHR undersigned has permanently Ioeatcd A. in White Cloud, at the stand recently oc- - eupiea ov nenry uecucu, wnere no nu openea out,anu iscuasiaauj rccviviuir, iwo awsuut CANDLES OF ALL Elttli3 . f 'ae "" r"ly 'L OYSTERS AND SARDINES' OrSBgeS ad LeHIOISl dQiijg, SMOKINC aND CIIEWLW TOBACCO ! RAISINS AND FIGSt NUTS OP ALL KINDS ! Ltmon Syrup and Fresh Peaches! Toyt and Perfumery! ALSO: The Choicest Wiies all' Lifters, Lager Beer, Mud 'Old Cidsr Viae tar! LIKEWISE : FLOUE AUD MEAL, STONE tT ARE, SUGAR, BUTTER; Together with SODA CRACKERS; CHEESE, Bread, Pies, Cake7 and eatatilcs of all kinds! Ica Cream once or twice7eaeh week! I have aUo The FiaestlQtiality Bifle Powder, Shot, Caps, and Lead! A call Is solicited from all persons wishing to purchaio any article in my line, either at whole-- , sale or retail, as I feel confident that I can fill orders at as reasonable figures as any bouse in. this upper country. JAMES M. BECKETT. White Cloud, June 1 1, 1860-t- f. ilAlISl ic, he Preserved! A CRISIS is upon the'eountry, and it Is tho duty of every patriot to direct his efforts toward averting the impending calamity. To this end, two things arc essentially necessary, wit: the most rigid economy, and a regard Tor the welfare and best interests of every cit- izen. Determined to do his part in tbc-go- od work, to the utmost of his power, SAMUEL L. JENNINGS has replenished his stock of Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, o BOOTS AiD SHOES, IIARDWARC AND CUTLERY, Farnllarc and Matrasses, , Floor and Ifieiil r Whiskey nnd other Choice liquors, , . NOTIONS, , a A AND EVERYTIIINR USUALLY KEPT IN VARIETY STORES I All of which will be sold r , CHEAP aVTHECHSAPECTC White Cloud, January 17, 1861-t- t.' .DWIN H. GRANT,; . r, Attorney, at , Law NOTARY FDBLI6, A51 IlEAL, ESTATE AGENT, orncziNTiiBCotnrT HOBSZ, , t HIAWATHABROWN CO KANSA8i Will attend nrompUv to all business entruU to him in Brown and the adjoining Countiasv aec.aa, -- iy Notice. ;.,TA MY aecounls having been made out for t&V . year, friends will render me an etna. favor by prompt-settlemen- t- The sw counts are jisdiridaally 'small ith ajaoaasV ksA ' asgresta, if promptly paid, vouUajtL .- - entiallr ia meeting pending oblintioavsv. JaQ.atJl-U- .l . U. UANA SAYRS. it t n C D. & HF- - SAYRSv -- r WILL eontinue to supply taa trade wUfc-s- i usually kepi in a country stotSKil' Having a well assorted stock, purchased frosar-- 1 Eastern cities, we (Utter ourselves that we - sell as low as the lowest. Oar motto iu "Small proSu and quick sales." - Country Produce of all kinds takes ii ex-- t chaage lor Goods, . Jan. 34, 61-- tf. Noticed THE undersigned nave formed a 1 under tba style of C- - D. i H. F. Sayrs - and will continue to keep a general assortment f Goads for county trade. We solicit bf th patronage extended to the old. fea, '??"-- ! vi w ,C.'DANA SAYRS - , H1NKI P. SAYRS. " 'White Clo:d. January 24, lS61-t- f. 1 7' ,S -- nJt';

Transcript of White Cloud Kansas chief. (White Cloud, KS) 1861-11-28 [p...

S3KS.renmewt S Slavrerys- -

! iJ'A " T WiiHt5aT05.' Nov. 14.

Col. Jobn Cochrane' speech to liu"trMPV & JBIave;qnratTji'ratcU

much attention here. He took strong.nroaad-fo- r tiff overthrow BegWSfcve- -

ottduVeontinentrto prerenfiitqredCU!o1Sl3n.ihe.interesM)f SUvarrnd..jujm absolute military necessity, theiTproeaVtffie. The' fact that Secretary"Oaaaefoa'was present, and after listening

W the'apeech distinctly declared tag

it, ia very -- significant."? The

.policy respecting-th-e institution orBTsve- -'

.!n tWfionth. It will not set the arrayJ"t thi Work of catchinff runaway. 'slaves;andiffilavery stands in the wayof JTmon

it will-b- a crushed put. ,40 oirat qrua,the whole question will be decided by the

. military necessities of the hour. This ie

John Hnchrane'a doctrine.- - and tbaf-o- f

tome of the more prominent Democrats

Jn the volunteer army. . st rt.

KohtNak" Wakreksbcro, Mo. Gen.t.Hohteb'b Bodt Gcabd Gjuk a UsioxVictobt. Major,Hough, of Gen. Han-- "

ter's staff, with four inndredTof Col,Ellis' Cavalry, have had an engagement

.near Warrensbarg, Mo. Seven rebels"aroreJciHed and twenty-fiv- o taken pris- -

oners. Major Hongh was wonnded and;a few o fhis men; no Union losses! TheHBody Guards retook one thousand oxenlately captured by rebels in that wicinity.

Major Hough is actingjwan escort toa large train on the march from SedaHato Fort Leavenworth, and has 'nearlyreached Kansas City. Leuv. Conservelive.

From Kaksas Citt. Capt. Fred.Bitoyer arrived here yesterday from Kan-si- s

City. Jennison'a regiment arrived inKansas ,Cjty on fyjd ay. nights, J!

They have made 'a very general cleaningout in Jackson county, have burned ahandsome variety of traitor bonser'andlaid Santa Fe in ashes. Secesh ia verylow uvthat bailiwick.

k, oj

On Friday the companies of JohnBrown, Jr., and Lieut. J. L. Merrick hada slight brush with Sam Hays, in whichHays was mortally wounded and tworebels killed. No losses on onr side.Leavenworth Conservative. "

w :From Fort Scott. Adjutant Judson

arrived from Fort Scott last night. Hebelieves that Price, with tea thousandmen and twenty pieces of artillery, was atOsceola only tbreo days ago; that a part

'of the force will menace our Southeasternborder, and the remaindcr'movo North tointercept' the Kansas Firt in its marchfrom Tipton, and then mako an attemptto retake Lexington, Boonvilje and Kan-sas City. i

It appears that Southern Kansas is byno mean free from, fears thit her presentsecurity i only temporary. LeavenworthConservative' l V

Stations of Lane's Brioadr Thevarious regiments of the Kansas Brigadehave been ordered to report themselves itthe following places, uhero they will beimmediately paid off.

Col. Jnditon, 1 --

:Ool.Fort Scotl-Co-

l.Ritchie,Montgomery, Fort Lincoln.

Col. Nugent, Prtoln.'Col. .Tennison, Shawnectotvn.Col. Davis, Fort Leavenworth. ,.Col. Weor. Wyandot.

Leaienieortk Conservative.

Missouri Secesh Lcsislntnrc.Columbia, Mo., Nov.522.

The Statesman, published here, JibsInformation from Neosho that the RumpLegislature of the State, after obtaiuing aquorum by appointment of proxies, elect-ed John B. Clark, formerly Member ofCongress, and R. L. YPeyton, Senatorsto the rebel Congress, and Emmet Mc-

Donald of St. Louis, L Mcllbeny of.An-ilrai- a

County, James 8. Barnes, JasperCounty, and others, to the rebel Houseall of whomare in Price's army.

Fremont and Prkc's Treaty RepudiatedSt. Louis, Nov. 16.

Gen. Hunter has sent a letter to Gen.Price by a flag of trace, lopndratiog thetreaty between Generals Fremont andPrice, entered Into November 1, and hasaddressed a letter to Adjutant-Gener- al

Thomas, setting forth his reasons there-for.

Traitor Capital at Nashville.Baltimore, Nov. 25.

The Richmond Enquirer say the Confederate Congress has passed a bill for theremoval of too Capital from Richmondto Nashville, and Congress will soon


Vessels to be Soak in Southern Forts.WASHNQToir Nor. 22.

The names of a largo number of. bidvessels are published to-da- They areloaded with stones, and are doubtless tobe sent to Southern harbors and sunk,thus rendering the blockade effectual. J


OTHER REMEDY FAILS.New Yoax, September 15, 18

D" This is to certify that my child, threeyears old, wis troubled with worms some sixmonths. I iad trid several kinds of medicine,but nana of them doue any good; and it was.not until I tried Dr. M'Lane's celebrated Ver-mifuge prepared by Fleming BrosC'that shefound aayrehet I gave her' tliff contents' ofone bottle, which bronght from her aF very

Jarge qutntity of worms, but they wre so.completely cut to pieces it was inpossSble tocount them. My dngj,ter i. now' doing we'll,Weed she is completely restored to hfattb", Itherefore take pleasure in recommending it toparents. I would say, by M means keep a sop-fl- y

of this valuable medicine constantly in yonrfcsuses. I bsvenown many children to diesuddenly from the effects of worms. 1 It alsoBot .uufreqnently happens .tint children artreated for croup, when the choking and cough-ing is.cinsed altogether bv the irritation, ofworms. Therefore, I say again, keep it alwayc4" iUB no""e; it costs butlittle and may be sMmeans of saving life; and at any "rate it wiUsave physicians' bills. &

rMRS.LANE.No. 333 Eighth Street. ,

IT Purchasers will be care fnl toaalc for DR.M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFOOE,",.iiSSorea ny FILMING BROS, of Pm;aoso.Pi. All other Vermifuges in comparisonrt --worthleu. Dr. M'Lane's genuine Vertai-ingerWh-

celebrated Liver Pills, can nowicnaaaiall respectable drugstores. JV

Stvint srtHout Ot tigtialurt - 71 il' . FLEMING BROU.


3 ey h fg &


ATJBTOYiaKHMh AJoaiAifattibl& satSSjaUit Mst ,,sr,Q

nowned aa4 urirrlT.railed Jem frinHein7,nnm.t jismf tbeipWerless NToarMTradnwtl enteruponeSwptyrourthjcarflsjsJmostbrill&Qt

1astyeaif it has beerflhfe'tcaebif story-Helle- r.

mentor .and oracle 1oriiMonarf;0aanjfAfnW nomt$, from. ocean to P?0-a- nd

Jm.S"lebe"?j V Ca",aai to'TeJrisacola"oa the.Guirjr()Mexicp' luuipiiDU Diu.rirn nud m. i iv.tt " ".-- trr"a5eeeain jtsencnaniinc stores or wisdom,romance; art, poetry und, genial humorfand its

praise is V. - "- - ", T."Fiailitr in tb!t,pifiitlu u bmiMheU vorU.The noble patriot soldfer in' bis tent too haswhiled away the tediuiu.of camp life in the ab--V.WJ .Will U4 IkS

FnBTTHRTi'r.llllT rnrnuvo "findine in them a fascinating menu! idiMniinnknown only, to thetn who; rally to tbe,Bnlr- -Vf."J ", urannArmy Avurivm Intellect

In commencing a New Year; .the propietorsotTnx Nsw YosxMcicctit can only say that

k suaii ue utirim, lojmasge tueir great Tamilyjournal of American literature, .for .J862 morebnllisntand-cnehanun- than-everi-

n its concen-tration of all the 'world's grandest and mostm'biau'UfnlspeeialitlesiBiiiiaifiJRbminee,graceful Poetry, elegntnd quaint Gossip, re-fining Knowledge, sparkling Humor, and enter-tainin- s

News UDti, like lore, itJ J jmla lh cwt, thejxp, Ibrbonrtr,"

as it already rales the happy 'domestic fireside.The editorial tone and National departments

of TmTNtw YoaxMiicciir will continue treeio that lofty spirit of patriotism which has madeit a necessity of the people since the .War be-gan, and kept it in enthusiastic demand whenothersbeete were dying all'around'it Tor wantof popular sapportv jl. Already, the .. largest Literary 'Journal inthe world, and famous as the focus of a thousandbrilliant literary reputations, its programme for1863 willibe beyond all precedent. The mostcelebrated pens of this country and Europe havebeen secured in its service, at an outlay tqtuxl tothe expense of mm than one natiaavl'gttcrn-mea- t

injhe --Old World 1 and Us novelettes, orcontioned 'stories, for 18G2,. will be the mostsplendid triumphs of elegant Fiction ever pub-lished. To, these, too, the magic pencil, of thegreatest of American artists, Mr. Feux O. C.Dablet, will lend the aid of pictorial Art.

Tnr Nrw0YqK Mescvst is sold byall news-men and periodical dealers in Americi. Tosubscribers it is regularly mailed every Saturdaymorning',' for $2 r year; 3 copies, for$5; 6 cop-ies, for $3; '8 copies for $12, with an estra copy,irte, to theetter up of the club. Six moiitln'subscriptions received. Alwaijt xcrilt plainlythe name of your Pott Office Countii. and SMc.AVo take- - the noteV ol, alf the specie-Divin- e

banks 'at .par. Payment must iniariably bemade in advance

Specimen copies sent free to'allapplicants.Address all

'"'Utters and remittances post paid,


' Proprittori of The Yokk Merccrt,4G and 44 Ann Street, New York Citv.




This piper is the HrgcU Weekly ever pub-li-li-

in this country. . lM conteuU .ire such .isnilbe approved in the myt ftilidious circle,nsthtng iiniiioril being admitted into its pigc.It will funii-!- i a reading matter nsalmo-- tany one cin find time to peruke, ronsHtm of

Hiitory. Biojmphy, together with Mii:cand Puctry. The paper contains no ultra

.iud meddles neither with politics nortcligiun, but is (.luir&ctenztd by a high moraltone. It circulates all over the country, fioniM line to CaliTonii i.

TcrmJ The Waverly Slnsniiie i publi-h- cl

weekly by .Mcscs 'A'. Doit, No. 5 L'iid-i!- l St.,Bn'on, Mas. Two editions are pnutcil, ore onthick ptper for periudic.il Dealers, at C c?iitj acopy, and an edition for mail subcribi rs (on alittle thinner papi r s as to come nithin the lowpostage law) at $2.00 a year, or $1.00 fiir sixmonths, alway in advance. Clulu, by nriil, 6for 9 month, 6; G for 12 month', $9; 10 Tor G

months $8; 10 for 12 months, $15. Puperetopped nhenthc last number paid for is sent. Anew volumne commci.ccsvery July and Jnnuary. r But if a person cominence at nny num-

ber in 'the volume, and pays for six month?, hewill have a complete book, with a title pige.Three copies' months forf.5,09.

When .i subscriber orders a rencaal of hissubscrintion be lOiould tell. us wbat.nras the listnumber he received, then we shill know whatnumber to renew at without hunting over .ourbooks. Otherwise we shall begin when themoney is recehed. Peroiis writing for the pi-per must write their 'nimc, Countvand State verv distinctly. Those who wWithtir pipers chinged shuuM tell where jt haspreiiou.Iy been sent. Potsge on this pirKjr, iattrenty six centsla year, payoblq in' advance atthe office where takis out.

Clubs must Always be sent at one time t3 getthe benefit of 'the low price. We cannot sendthem at the club priec unless received all togeth-er, ns it is too much trouble too look over ourbooks or keep an account withjeach-on- settingthem up.

Monthly ParU. $3 a year, or two. for' $5Anr one sending us $4 can have one

copy .ofillie '"Waverley Mgizirie?J'.ind'eithcrof tha following works for one year by mail:"Peterson's Ladies' Magazine," "Harper'sMaazine," "Godey's Lady's Bjok,'"Ladics'G.xette of. Fashion," or "Atlantic Monthly."

AIL letters and communlcatiofas concerningthe paper most be addressed to the publisher.

The Wat To Subscribe. The proper modeto subscribe for a paper is to enclose the moneyin a Tetter and address the publisher 'direct, giv-in- g

individual name with the post office, Coun-

ty and State very plainly written, as post marksare often illegible. , -

, . , WHOLESALE.AGENT..JH. Dexter 4 Co.,' No. 1I3 Nassau Street, N.

Y. City. A. Winch; Philadelphia. Taylor &

Co., Baltimore. C. N. Lewis, Cincinnati, Ohio..

E Pickup, MethOdiif Book Irooms, 'Montreal,Canada. F. A. Crump, LouhVillc, Ky. Gray& Crawford, St. Louis, Mo'. " McNally & Co.,Chicago, Ills, cv i iV - "

, Order of FablicatieB. ,

In the District Court of the Second JudicialDistrict of the State of Kansas, sitting withinand for the County of Doniphan, tor the trialof causes arising under the laws of said Sute.

'- - l " n 'JotinM.Stepiientr -.,jrs. , , f Attachment.,

'EdwIn'Stravghn. ) fplaintiff, by D. M. Johnson; hisTHE on the 23d day ofOctober, A. D 1861.appeared.arid-woTed.thejCout- t lOrauCorder orpublication.in this case, and motion sustained;Ft is therefore oraered bfetlie Court, that theaid'aefendantr Edwin Straughn.be noUfied. by

publieatron in the' White Cloud Karsas Chie,a weekly newspaper poWished io the CouutyofDooinhan, and: State of Kansas, during six

of the pendency of this suit, the

.the saiu aeicuoan mrwre --

Dollars, with ten per-f"--; l from "?

March. 16,anithat his propertybr.beeVattacbed. to'Jit: 'all hi. title

and interest in Lots 1', 2. 3. 4, 5, in Block 5;Lots 6, 7, tf. 9, 10i fn Block 33; Lou 1, ,2, 3, 4,

S 7 B 9 10, In Block 4; T 6. 7, 8, 9, in

uincV 17- - Lots 6.7, 8, in Block; 139; JUd iiOW

aemur ? i"- - "" T,. .ed.onoroe.ore- .- ;- -- - .jeZmna1dWalrnIeVed-ccording.y-

.,mtfl .

liK.Sraiw-r!.C5-!.- S

5SSSkt or

w .

.JJ !1

rnTU '2-- JXJli' "22r"T ?'

mm&v wsm.' ' Tfmawrrrra ttnim .


I?f3Uin(BllinP, '(D2&JIBS.9 U

& l)Tri.WHy,aal WeeklT..The Democrat is alahhfhl aSv'nejLtn anA n

porter ot theUniooand the Government Itsmn win d especially devoted to the Westur we aorncacy oi western interests and the

aseertionof Western rights. The great measure w laciuc naiiroaaon tbo Uenlral Route;free lands foK.4ba th imni,Mof river navigation; jeireaclment and reform.... ...u .quiuucau oi uieTcaerei uovernmentwill be urged with that seal and devotion which",aIe6W0u tr thcDemocrat its presfut posi-tion On all quesliocs" it will boldly espousethe, right "and only "seek its advancementsUironghJJie pub'tc' good;--

, --;, . "; "Ita News, Xocal andrJIiscellaoeoBs De- -3wi - ac parimcats, . "jshall be all tbat the readenUconld desire. --ThePolitical, Agricultural and Manufacturing inter-ests of tba country shall receive due attention.

The Commercial Character1 -of tliV'Democratfs wlL sta6l!hpil tm,important interest is under, the management of

.wai (UUIUUKUI I Ilimiilir Wlin rtfTlTTHrHT lt iiand VeJpledge our honor, that its figures shallalways be the true index of trade here, whileit furnishes dally more commercial news thananT other paper in Missouri. ,

Directed" to OnrGreat Dollar Weekly , ;- -'

The laresst uaoer in the eonntr r.rrth nr;.of one dolhuv; y f jj.i r r ,

The Tri-Wcek- ly Democrat,At $400 per annum, is th most eom'nlntn npof its kind in the .West. It is especially valu-able to Rirer and Railroad Merchints. It con-tai-

thecomnleto Commercial. Rivm-nndlW- .

rgraph news of each Daily issue, besides all theinteresting news matter aud editorial of'theDaily.

W'e request all onr subscribers and readersto aid ur to increase the circulation of our pa-per by continued efforts to induce one and allof their neighbors to subscribe To those whowill act as our agenta and will be kind enoughto notify: us we will forward copies of our pros-pectus aud paper for distribution.

TERMS, CASH IN ADVANCE:Diilr one yearV J $8,00.Tri Weekly enc'j ear '. 4.00.Weekly cne ycir, "a 1.00.

To Clubs Tri Weekly, 5 conies for $15; 10copies, for $35; 20 copies and one to getter unof club for $70.

Weekly 10 copics'and one to getter up ofclub, $10; 30 conies and one 30r50 copies and one Daily, $50.

It is not rconired that all of,a club,hall besent to one post office; the number may be sentio uinerem post, omcci ana tne subscriptionsmar commence at any time. ,

Now is the time to subscribe.Pipers wj be continued ONE WEEK ONLY

after expiration of lubttription.After sending us a Club for either the Dailv,

or Weekly, agents miy retiin tenper cent, ou all subscriptions over the uumbcrfor a club. Addrcfs

McKEE i r 1SHBACK'.' c St.'Louis, Mo.

OKDER Or PUBLICATION.In the 'District Court of the Second Judicial

District of the Stite oI"K-iims- , silting nithinand for the Comity of D miph in, for the trialof causes arising undtr the laws of said State.

David ) . ,ts. r Attachment.

Henry MiDiiit. )rrtHE plaintiff, on the 30th day of October,

--L A. D. IbGl, filed hisnffidavitin this action,hoing Ih it the said defend int. ller.rv Mc

Da it, is a of the St-u- e of Kinsns,and cauuot be seried with the process issuingfrom this Court; it istheraforc ordered by theCIrkofBaid Court, in vacation, that the saiddefendant, Ueurvi.McDnit, be notihed, by pub-lication in the White CluuK ICinsas Chief, aneekly newspiperpublU'ud in the Count) ofuonipnin, nod state ol Knnt.i, during fix

weeks, of tint pendency of this suit,l'e object of which is to ntitain ju 'xment againstt'lesud defendtnt for the sum oft 12.1 Willi in-

terest thareon from the first day of October, A.D..16C1, and that hn propeny fits been Attach-ed, to wit: the etit half of the south-we- quar-ter arid the eat hilf of the west half of thesouth-we- st section twenty nine, (2D)town-lii- p fouri (4) arrange twentv, (520) Ivin-- 'and being in Doniphan County, and State ofKansas; to secure the payment of the aboveamount: and unless he plead, answer or demurto the plaintiff's petition agiinst him filed, onorbeforetbe22JdayorJaii-jary- , A. D. 1661,such petition will be taken as true and confess-edati- d

judgment rendered accordingly!In testimony wlureof, I have hereunto set

my hand, and seal of the District Court of saidCounty, at office, in Trov, this 14th day of No-vember, A. D. IS61. -

HENRY BODER, Ja , Clerk.November 21, 18Gl-7- w. Pr's fee, $16.

Sheriff's Sale.Aurclius Lore vs. ) On Orderof Sale

Godfrey Beaumont and andVirgiuia M. E. Beaumont- - ) Execution.

NOTICE is hereby given, that I will offerat public auction. On the 23d day

of December, A. D. 1861, at 1 o'clock, P. M.,of that day, at the Court Honse door, in the cityof Troy, Doniphan County, Kansas ofthe saiddefendants' pioperty, to wit: 'the north-eas- tquarter of section seven, township four, mngetwenty-tw- o east of the sixth meridian, in theCounty of Doniphan aforesaid. Taken and of-fered for sale, by virtue'of an onler of sale is-

sued from the District Court ofsaid State, sit-ting iu and for the County of Doniphan, for thetrial of causes stisintr 'Under the laws of saidState, wher in the said Aurclius Love is plain-tiff, and Godfrey Beaumont and Virginia M. E,iseaumoat aro oeienuants, to sausiy tne judg-ment and costs iu said cause. '

Given under my hand, this IStb day of No-

vember, A. D. l&bl. .GEORGE'S.' HOUGH, Sheriff.

7 I By CT LtLiSb, Under Sheriff.November 21, lS61-5- w. Pr's fee, $7.50.

Sheriff's Sale. , 'John W. Harris 1 '51 On order of Sale and

Benjamin "Burt. ) Execution.

NOTICE is hereby given, that I. will offerat public auction, on the 23d day

of December, A. D. 16GI, at 1 o'clock, P. M.,of that day, at the Court House door, in the cityof Troy, Doniphan County, Kansas, of the saiddefendant's property to wit: the south eastquarter or section twenty-four- , township four,raiigc.ninetecn east of sixth meridian, in theCounty of Doniphan aforesaid. Taken and of-

fered for sale', by virtue of an order of sale issued from tne District Court of said State, sit-

ting in and fur Poniphau County, for the trialof cames ariniog under the laws of said State,wherein said John' W. Harris is plaintiff, andBenjamin Burt is defendant, to satisfy the'

judg-ment And costs inlaid cause. - ,

Given nnder my baud, this 16th day of. No-

vember, A. D.ISF1. . ,r -GEORGE SLOUGH. Sheriff.

, , By Crsts LeuxWd, Duder Sheriff. ,

November 31, ld6l-5- w,' Pr's fee', $7.5!UJ

sioixr TKutsrr. -- , - ' craosri.er.TENNENTCAMP.



SOLICITOUS IN CIAXCEUY,practice in all the Coirrts of-th- e

. Second Judicial District or the State ofKansas.' "Colloeuonsof all kinds will beprompt-I- t

made and remitted. Chancery and 'Admiralty practice will receive our particular atten-tion regard, paid "to Land Office busi-

ness, and to practic in the Sspeme Court ofsaid State, aud of the United States. ' ri

- REFER TO " --

Hon. TursTSS Poix. St. Louis, Mo.t Hon.Jaa. Ckaio. Mo.; Bsxa M. Hcches.Aiduson., Kaosas; .smttb, jew;York;",H. aaHiais.New York..j, ,

nov. i, ot-- ju ssi ,c ' " v

s . j&ljc" Kansas' sHhief, -

lis PCBUSUBD (EVRT TH0Il8DAr, Jr.j SOL. JKJLIiEK, Editor and Proprietor

' Terms."- - -- -. -I Sisgle ScascaiSEcs Two' DolUfs a voir, inr....- - ..k ,.tfrl i n .iftf.A.n --'a,' ,1.a . a taiiviuic, vf v. w4.ubi.-- , .i ,,uu r.ibL VIThree Dollara a year. , f r,

Cwras-F- or Clubs of any ,number from tento twenty, o'nsjear, $lt5Qcah. For Clabs oftirrotf and overSleacfiT." Ho"CIub taken foraUteUnfe,tha'Qorie'yesr, and none sentunljastmMeyaccmpinie9hc order,. Anynenon sendine a CIab!of fifteen Jor mora., pill

rbe entitled id acopy one year gratis.."

-- J jlatesifarMslrrtiai:.'-- n, (10 HnesvbE leav) one ekj$l 00

.rr cr..l.Vit.l la.nl.MitiTl' Kfi

On?seiuirefoneyear--i- r . 10.00'Bc'ine-CAMs- , vf 5 lines or less, 1 year, 5.00

lliberjiydactku Will be made to tboso suaadvertise by 4he year, if .. - . --

- TV& iMiviIegea rly adyertisers to btconfined to their own regular business- -

foAdmlnisiratorsVExeeutor'.. Final Settlement,TDissoJutionlsstray ana retition Notices,and- - announcing candidates for'ofBuo, $3, inadvance- - - v r a -

Displayed adrertisements'charged extra?special editorial notice3,anaoommnmcatious

ora personal nature, "J per square- Advertisements received, not maraea tor anyspecified numberof Insertions, will be contiuued until forbid, and charged accordingly.. All transient advertisements muBt be paidror strictly in advance. -

Legal advertisements charged to the personsordering, their1 insertion. 'r u

The" above regulations will be in all casesrigidly adhered to,r unless varied by specialcontract: - -- "

CT JOB PRINTING , 'of every description,executed in good style, upon shortnoticc.


119 Nassau St?,N. Y.', and 10 State St., Boston

. 3. M. ET,TENGILL b CO", are the agcatsfor the "Chief," and tbe'mo'st influential andlargest circulating Newspapers in the UnitedStates and. the Canadas. They are authorizedto contract for uTat our lowest. rates.

J. S. POST, General Newspaper, (Advcrusing and Subscription Agent, .second storynorth-we- corner of Chestnut and Third Sts.St. Louis, is g authorized Agent in that cityaud is empJbcted to contract at our regula

The' New York Tribune.


On the seventh of September, 1KC1, THENEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE com-

menced the twenty-fir- st vearofits existence;.THE DAILY TRIBUNE heingsome monthsolder and THESEMI-WEEKL- TRIBUNEsomewhat vounger. For more- - than twentyyears, .this journal has labored in what its con-ductors have felt to be the cause ofllumanity.Justice nnd Freedom, endcav oring to melioratethe condition of the oppresid and unfortunate,tj honor and encourage useful exertion in what-ever sphere, and, to promote by all means. themoral, intellectual 'and material advancementof.our' country: It hai'airaed to be right ratherthan popular, and to Cfwjnse and commend today the truih that othent tuay.notbe willing toaccent till to morrow. In Diir-uin- z this course.mistakcsJiarcvdoubilc$s)been,mitde mid 'faultscommitted; but, havingln 'all things incited ourrenders to think andjndgefi,? themselves rathertnan auopl bllncly our own or others conclu-sions, na'belicve we may fiirly cl lim for thisjournal the credit of haling qualified its readersto detect and expose e en its own errors. Todevelop the minds of the young by the mostgeneral, thorough and practical truncation, andto ciicoiirige nnd stimulate Productive Industry,through free grants of Public Lands to actualsettlors and cultivators, as also tCrdjigh'the protection of immature or pcculiariv exposedbranches fromtoo powerful foreign competition,are among the aims to which this jodrnal haadlu-rc- through good andevil repot t, and whichit tenaristly commenus to American patnoiismami nhibintlironv.

As to the Civil War now devastating ourcountry, we hold it to have originated in a Rebellion more wanton, wicitea, inexcusable, manwas ever before knrwn a Rebellion in the in-

terests of the few against the manv a Rebelliondesigned to raiso higher the walls of caste andtightcn'thc chains of oppression.' Havirg doneall wc could without n surrender of vital prin-ciple to aroid'this War, and aitnesed the for-

bearance, meekness and long suffering withwhich the Federal Government sought to avertits horrors,, we hold it our clear duty, with thatoi ever", other citizen, tostanu by tne nationand its fairly chosen rulers, and to second withall our energies their efforts to uphold the Union,the Constitution, nnd the supremacy of the Law.And, though the Rebellion has become, throughusurpation, deception, terrorism and spoliation,fearfully strong, we believe the American Re-

public far stronger, and that the unanimous,earnest efforts of loyal hearts and hands will in-

sure its overthrow. But on all questions affect-

ing the objects, the scope, and duration or thismost extraordinary contest, we defer to thosewhom the American People hare clothed withauthorily.holdingunilyofpurpose and ofactionindispensable in so grae an emergency.

In a crisis like the present, our columns mostbe largely engrossed with the current historyof thejWar for the Union, and with elucidationsof its more striking incidents. We shall not,however, remit that attention to Literature, tororeisn Affairs, to Agricultural rroeress, toCrop-?- , Markets, &c., &c which has already, wetrust, won for THE TRIBUNE an honorableposition among its cotempnraries. Our .mainobject is and shall be to produce a comprehensive newp.apcr,.for which a careful reader mayglean a vivid and faithful history of the times,not merely in the domain of Action but in thatof Opinion also. As our facilities for a'oquiring ainformation increase with years, wc trust that aan improvement in the contents. or our journal 1

is perceptible, and that, in the variety and fullness of intelligence afforded, wc may still hopeto "make each day ocritic ou the last." In thi;hope, wc solicit a-- eontinuanceffthe generousmeasures of patronage hitherto accorded, to ourjournal.

. , TERMS. ' j -

DAILY TRIBUNE (311 issues per annum) SCissues perttnnum) 3

W EEKLY (52 issues per annum) $2To Clubs Semi- - Weekly t Two copies for

$5; five for $11 25, ten copies ttone address for$20; and any larger number at the latter rate.For a eleb of twenty, an extra copy-wil- l be sent.For a club of forty we send The DalLrTaistrtcgratis one year.

Weekly: Three copies for $5; eight copiesfor $10, and any largernuraber at the rate of$1 20 each per annum, the paper to be address-t- o

each subscriber. To clubs .of Twenty, wesend au extra copy. , i -

Twenty copies to one address Tor $20,!withone extra to him who sends us the club. Foreach club ofOne Hundred,-Tir- e Daily Taisratwill be sent gratis for one year.

When drafts can be produced it ia much saferthan to remit Bank Bills. The name of thePost Ofice and Stite should in all cases beplainly written.

Pafiaent always in advaSeel ib t"3.

Address THE TRIBUNE, No. 154 NassauSu,Nesr,Yok.

IMPORTANT NOTICE. . JTo Disabled Soldiers, Seamesr'nnd sTi- -

rinw,'asid Widaws or other Heir ofthoc trbo bare-Die- or' beea Killed!ia the Service.

" CHAS. C. TUCKER.Attorney teCCIsUawata lamary .Xasd, and

" WASHINGTON CITY. D. C. " JTiENSIONS proeared for Soldiers.'Seamen ea--a. aud AUnnes otitlie present war, who aredisabled by reason of wooads received or disease contracted while in service; oadPensioas,)Bounty --Money aBd arrears or ray obtained forwidows or or other heirs of tbose who hare diedor been killed whila In service. i ' J

Bounty Land proeared for services' in any-O- f

the otheeorarw. f CHAS. C. TUCKEKT' ' 'or. 7, 61-- tr. vv asningtojrf D..C.


1 corral snrcEnTtf.T UnrpersrWcekly

has now regnlar atat WashiCRlou D.-V- at

Grafton. Va,, ct Cairo, Ul.,t"St;'' Louis, Mo ,and arFt. Pijkcr.s.Fla. j 'jljese'geptlcmcrrwillaccompany'the march of the' armies anJ. willreproduce for the benefit cf the.readew of

. Vs. .Harper's JVcckly,every intident of ttie momgnloas campaignwhiebisuow.opcnias,,:. .iU fli la

i t is Harpor'j Weekly i' a"- - .is TQofeover in dailrVceeipt of raluaWe'sketch-e- s

ftpm the Armyand Navy irf all pirts:of the7country. ThePublishers will be claito receive ucb sketches

jfrOm members of otfr forces in everv section,nml will payiliberalty for such as they may, use.

The pilbUshcr will scni . c S .s Hcrnrr5rtVe!ilv- - - --'

eJi 10''FREE"to any Rcgimetucr Ship tqf tWar. wluc'i maysupply the name "ahu address "of the Officer towhom it shoald be foraarded. - "

The Circnlation or Harper' Weekly is overone hundred thousand copies.-- They have al-

ready publishedOver Five Hundred 'IUistrationa '


and. they feel confiient that 'the 'Dices ofHarper's Weekly "will present a complete and

.exhaustive .Z , i t ,'',ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF THE WAIlNo person wbo wishes to be informed with re-

gard to the momentous events which are traiupiring can afford to dispense with it.

Notwithstanding the great amount of spacedevoted to .illustrations of the War, Harper'sWeekly commenced in number 241, .dated au-

gust 10th, a new Mid Serial Tale, by Sir Ed-ward Lvtton Bulwcr, entitled

'"A STRANGEKOSY,"which will be continued from week to week tillcompleted.

TERMS.One Coov for One Year. 2.50Two Cop'ics for One' Year, 4 00iiarpcr a weekly and Harper s Magazine, 4 00'Volumes 1, 2. 3. and 4. of Harper's' Weeklv.

handsomely bound in cloth' extra, Price $9.50each, aro now ready.

Mu.lm Covers are furnished to those whowith thier numbers bound at Fifty cents each.Twenty-fiv- e per Cent. Discount allowed toBookbinders and the trade. ,

tir io rostmasters and ageut3 getting up aClcb often subscribers a copy will be sent grat-is. Subscriptions may commence with any num-ber. Specimen numbers gratuitously supplied.

CT Clergymen and teachers sutaplicd-a- l thelowest Club Rates. As Harper's Weekly isElectrolysed, No. 1 can be supplied frem thecommencement. '

Harper's Weekly will bo sent graluitionsly forone mouth as a specimen to any one whoapplies for it. Specimen numbers of the Mag-

azine will also be sent cratuiliousty.Address HARPER b BROTHER,5

Franklla Square, Neio York.. 1 -




LEONARD SCOTT b CO.'.UNew York,to publish the following leading

British Periodicals, viz:1. The London Quarterly. (Conservative.)2. The Edinburgh Review, (Whig.)3. The North British Review, (Free Church.)4. The Westminster Review, (Liberal.)5. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, (Tory.)These Periodicals ably represent the three

great political parties of Great Britain Whig,Tory, and Radical bat politics forms only onefeature of their character. As Organs of themost profound writers on Science, Literature,Morality, and Religion, they stand, ns they ev-

er have stood, unrit ailed in "the world of letters,being considered indispensable to the scholarand the professional man, while to the intelli-gent reader of every class they furnish a morecorrect and satisfactory record of the currentliterature of the day, throughout the world, thancan be possibly obtained from any other eource.


Commenced July, 1801.EARLY COPIES.

The receipt or ADVANCE SHEETS fromthe British publishers gives additional value tothese Kepnnts, luasmucu as tuey can now beplaced in the hands of subscribers about as soon.as the original editions, t

TERMS. tFor anyone of the four Reviews, per an'in, $3For any two of the four Reviews, " '"" 5For any three of the four Renews, " 7For all four of the Reviews, " 8For BlackwobdN Magazine, " 3For Blackwood and one Review, " 5For Blackwood and two Reviews, " 7For Blackwood and three Reviews', ' " 9For Blackwood and the four Reviews, " 10

Payments to be made in all coses in advance.Money current in the State where issued, a illba received at par.

CLUBBING.A discount of twenty-fiv- e per cent, from the

above price will be allowed to Clubs orderingfour or more copies of any one or more of theabove works. Thus: Fourcopicsof BlackwOod,or of one Review, will be sent to one addressfor $9; four copies of the four Reviews andBlackwood, for $30; and so on.

' POSTAGE.In all the principal cities and towns, these

woiks will be delivered. FREEWhen sent bv mail, the Postage to any part ofthe United States will be but ttcentyjaur cents

year lor" iliacKwooa,-- - ana Daijouneen cinisrear for each of the Reviews'.N. B. The'price in Great Britain of the five

Periodicals above named, is S31 pei annum.Remittances foranyof the above publications

should always be addressed, post-pai- to thepublishers,

, LEONARD SCOTT & CO.,novi7. l No; 54, Gold St, New York

Adniaistrator's Net Ice.1ATOTICE is herebv "iven. that letters of ad- -i--

a ministration, bearing date the 19th day ofOctober, A.D. 1861, were granted,; to" the un-dersigned, Administratrix and Administrator oftne estate or William t icld, deceased, late resident of Troy, Doniphan County, Kau'os, by tlieProbate Court of sild County; and all personsare notified to present their accounts, for allow-

ance, witein one year; and if not exhibitedwithin three years from the above" date, theywill be forever barred. -

Troy, November 14, 1661. 2


November 21, 18G1-4- V. fee. $4.

AuWiIstrater'stKetiec. ' 'LETTERS of Administration wore granted

on the 25th day of Oc-

tober, A. D. 1661, on the estate of John Hag,deceased, by the Probate Court of DoniphanCounty, State of Kansas. .All persons havingclaims against said estate, are requested to ex-

hibit thm, for allowance, within one year afterthe date of said letters, or they may .be. preclu-ded from any benefit.of said estate; and if notpresented within thre'e years from, atetof saidletters, they will be forever barred. - x

LYMAINASH, Administrators-Novembe- r21, lrJ61-3- w.- Pr' fee, $3.

- DISSOLUTION.rriflE cotiartii(rhinrjeretofore',iistine- - be- -

JL tween the nndersignedjls this day dissolr--! .

oy zautuai 00030117 n. r . oiwi is aioneaatborixed to osertho name'of the firm in liqui-dation, - 1-- C. D-- A II. FiSAYRS.

White Cloud, October 24, 1861.

TTAVING bought oat the interest of C. D.la. Sayrs in too. business heretofore conduct-e-by C. D. b H. F. Sayrs,'! will eontiaue Bus-

iness at the oU tfano? on a strictlr cash basis,oct. 34, 61-- tf. . F: 8 A YRB:



A biair or Annies'? ETrrrsr "Vrrn. IllcsXTTIV-D0ClJttV- T3 --AMD JfaBTIV5 rJttS

210X3, 1.XCIDCTT3, rUETBT, rtSkUUJTftp, .iila separate ditHitns.

Edited by FRXXK, SOOKEf f

Author ot "Dairy --of AnsrUaa Urvblutfoa."

3Yith on JntroJuctory Viciv of Ilia GreatIssues bafore the Country.

AnJ the causes of the Rebellion, Wo bare also on hand , p'"' t 'BY EDWARD EVRRETT , DA1 IRON, AJtD STEAL,

v Prepared (with additions for lids of kinds, to suit the trade. And last,INDEXctc, etc. A Colorftf M.4P Hough not !east,wo will keep a complete as-O- F-

THE UNITED STATF AND POR- - "sortment of ' " "- " "'

.TRAITS ON STEEL' of a. 3 . ' MOLINE.PLOWS.Geu'.Soott. .Gen. Batler.I Gen. Cameron,Gen.HcClellan. Gen.-Anderj- Gen Lyon. 'Gen. Fremont. Gcn-DI-x. XJeu. Spraguc

PreMdV-n-t Lincoln an 1 J'ff. Hans."Thi3 volume is amplete in' itself, coataini-i- g

"about 800 closelv printed pa-- . Royal octavo.Prfca'in dotli$3.75: sheep extra, $4.0Drhlfjuiiout. 45.00.

It contains tlicooly sxu., mraxrUL, a:. J aa.-- 1

liable HISTORY oT theGreat Struggle for Tree Government?

W'itli a complete nnd aciin(Uj copies ofA'l the Soccssion Ordinances (official.)

V Davis' and Stephens' Speeches and ProClaraatlonsJ Proclamations and Messages of Pres-ident Lincoln. State Papers of all kinds. Mil

itary Proclamations on both aides. Speechesland appeals of Southern Union Men (Kennedy,Iio: Uixonr ttittcnaen, etc.; cngusn s

on thWar, Contraband, Correspondence.Itadical Northern Speeches.Motley's Causes of the War:. . t

Wr II, Rwsel's letters. -- ,Curiosities of Southern War Literature.

Reports of Bit ties and Skirmishes.List of Officers of Regiments, etc." Picturesque Narratives.

Patriotic Poetry.

rr . Songs of theMunciiauseniani.

Anecdotes. Statistics, etc.Thb'work will be published as heretofore j

weekly And montIilyr parts. Weekly Nos. at10 ct Monthlr carts. Illustrated, 50 cents.The Illustrations for the Weekly Nos., willbe published in"Two Nos. at 30 cents each, ma-

king the price for weekly and monthly editionsthe same-vir- ., $3 for" each vol. aeh sixmonths. Covers for binding Volume 1, in cloth25 ct. '

" r consider the Record, a verytaluab'e publication. "BJieinf rrr--(,f

"Evcrr one who wishes .a complete Record ofthe striking events now transpiring, should pro- -

cure this weeklv serial. In a small compass itgives !hu contents of a dozen daily Newspapers.

N. Y. Independent. , j

c. P. PUTNAM, rnbiuuer,-- 508 Broadway, New York

N.B. The First Pait of the Volumeis now ready containing the BATTLE OFBULL RUN.' Fnllydescnbed from every pointof view. With a Map. 160 pages, 50 cts.

''Copies of the First Volumo of Rebellionwill be sent by mail, free of expense to

any part of U,S. whiihin 1500 miles on receiptof price. The pnblisher will be responsible forall remittances iu registered letter.

! Vol.2 will also be sent io parts 03 issued,on receipt Of $3. Parties desirous of formingtJIuos win tie sup'cu uumnu ; .ca-

sing the publisher for particulars JCZ


In the District Court of the Second Judicial Di:trict of the Stale of Kansas, silting icithin andfor the County of Doniphan, for the trial ofcauses arising under the fairs ofsaid Slate.Epbraira Butcher &

!Divid Auld, co partners

in business, under the,

name, style and firm olButcher & Auld, Plaintiffi.

vs. 'Alfred Feutou b

IEnoch M. Fenton. DefendanU.

FENTON and Enoch M. FentonALFRED notice, that Ephraim Butcherojd DaviitAuId, co partners in busine3, underthe style nnd firm of Butcher & Auld, of theCounty of Atchison, State of Kansas, diJ, onthe Stith day of October, A. D. 1561, file H3petition in the District Court in and for theCounty of Doniphan, in siid State of Kansas,against the said Alfred Fenton and Enoch M.Fenton, defendants, setting forth that on orabout the first day of A?ri), A. D. 1853, thesaid plaintiffs entered into partnership with thenid defendants in tlie business 01 purchasing .

and traa.nortini: merchandise to Pike's Peak I

and elsewhere, from the citv of Atchison, inthe State of Kar.ua, under the cams aaJ firm '

of .fc Adltl: that during the eonlinuanc; IF O - -

and by reason of said co partnership, the saiddefendants became indebted to the said plain-tif- f

in the sum of Five Thousand One Hun-

dred and Eighty-Nin- e Dollars, or thereabouts,for goods and merchandise belonging to said

tofirm and sold by said defendants, and prayingthat the said defendants be compelled to cometo a settlement with-th- c said plaintiffs concer-ning the said premises, and that the defendantspay over to said plaintiffs the said sum of $5,-151- ),

and interest from the first day of March,A. D. 1560, or so much thereof as may be founddue from said defendants.

An attachment has been issued- - against theproperty ofsaid defendants, and they are noti-

fied that they are requested to appear and an-E- n

cr or demur to the said petition, on or beforeth. 18th day of January, A.D. 1862, or thepetition will be taken as true and confessed,and iudgment rendered accordingly.

In testimony whereof, I hare hereunto setmy band and affixed the seal of said Court, atmy office, in the city of Troy, this 2Cth day ofOctober, A. D. 1661.

HENRY BODER, Jr., Clerk.Gix.ii & Fostes, Atty's for Prffj.November 14, 1861-7- w. Pr's fee, $25.

F. P. BAKER,Attorney aDT Counsellor, at Law;CENTRALIA, NEMAHA CO., KAN3AS,

WILL practice in the Courts of Nemahaadjoining Counties. Particular .a-

ttention paid, to collecthsg In all parts of thecountry. Lands entered, vacant lands shown,taxes paid for etc. largo tractsof land for sale.

By Permission, Refers toHon. Judge Chief Justice Supreme

Court of Wisconsin.E. S. Smith, Esq:, Collecting .Agent, Cbioa-g-

III. -- 1

A.fieattie b Co , Su Joseph. Ma.Hon. J. N. Willard, Troy, N-- Y.Hon. S. C. Pomeroy, Atcbissn, Kansas.Hon J. L. McDowell, Leavenworth, Kansas.July 11, 61- -1 y.



I HAVE received, on commission, a largeof Prairie Plows, of the best de

scription, which will be sold cheap, tor cash, orexchanged for approved property or produce.

J have also received the Agency for McCor- -

mick's celebrated Keapcrs, ana win supply to eialorder any number, of the latest Improved pat-terns, on reasonable terms. Also, Threshers, theand Miir and Steam Machinery of every de-

scription. , J. H. UTT.White Cloud, April II, JBGl-U- V

Highland Nursery!Situated One Mile and a Half South of High- -!

ianu, uumpuan ujuniy, nansas. theTHIS Nursery cwas commenced in.the'JM can

of'lS61. and now coven 12 3Cseres, containing eu.uuu yonng Apple Trees,, of i'

rraftaties. adapted to this climate; also, Urapes,... - 1l...l.a.l. D.u.v 4... f "Ml. ..t.:rfM;h.M. nuui u.i. .Jlltt Dutnuitni.Isomers for sale 12,000 three rear old 1

- - r t.:..i. L .m3v ft .....l.l,, ,lf. .IUW1 U, Ml.. W ..UK..., WUM

stock, and, hides., 's. j. Euubttbx, rropnetor.

Highland, August 15, 1861-l- y.


T WILE pay the highest price-foe- .

aj timesv.. mow, u your cnance. .

oct. w;oi-:- i. ncKi t. saiiu.

--g r.MOFtRlS. & o.rteNx

! A RE on haoif, ss usaiT, witfe aIarge andJ- - complete- - aitfortnsnt or at! sizes and fat- -

Cook, rrJtiJ.Hefbff; fltanp,'sociprisiugUie latest and most improrad styles;

wotk.,ilhj variouseopious








logemer wuu . . ., ., rjnv rnpPHi? Asn SHRET-flff- lt Wis.

u, ; ytoiuhemariet-yll- of whicbr;n 6e 10id dirt cheap." Jor tlt CASR

fewbich.forgoodquaiit'saj are uusazgassed byaav other in useX


' mis iiiouj, npni , iouv j. V.

tseo. I860.,Um.liL ft ST. JOSEPH B. B.


Taaisja cast.Passenter Express Leaves S U Joseph. C A . M.Stock Train " 4T. M.Freight " " ..-

Txaiss hut.Passenger Express srrivesatSt. Jot. 9.30P.M.Emigrant Tiain " " 8:30 A.M.Freight " " 3:30 P. M.. Freight Train lias Passseoger Car attached.

Close connections made by each Train with,Mississippi boats and all Eastern Railroads- - ,

.Tickets sold to all principal places Iir-th-

eou'n--. .The'most ample provisions for-- taking Stock

with care and dispatch, and at the lowest rates.Connections made at St. Joseph with Packets

up and down the river, and with stage lines toall part of Kansas. 3

J. T. K. HAYWARD, General Sup't.Capt. Cutlxr. Assistant Superintendent.'P.B. Gbost, Gen. Ticket Agent. 1

'Jos. Looms, G en. Freight Ag't, Hannibal He."D. Sawin, General Agent.

01XFCTIOiEKY!IVIioIesalc and Retail!

rfiHR undersigned has permanently IoeatcdA. in White Cloud, at the stand recently oc- -

eupiea ov nenry uecucu, wnere no nu openeaout,anu iscuasiaauj rccviviuir, iwo awsuut




Ltmon Syrup and Fresh Peaches!Toyt and Perfumery!

ALSO:The Choicest Wiies all' Lifters,

Lager Beer, Mud 'Old Cidsr Viae tar!LIKEWISE :



Bread, Pies, Cake7and eatatilcs of all kinds!

Ica Cream once or twice7eaeh week!I have aUo

The FiaestlQtiality Bifle Powder, Shot,Caps, and Lead!

A call Is solicited from all persons wishing topurchaio any article in my line, either at whole-- ,sale or retail, as I feel confident that I can fillorders at as reasonable figures as any bouse in.this upper country.

JAMES M. BECKETT.White Cloud, June 1 1, 1860-t- f.

ilAlISlic, he Preserved!A CRISIS is upon the'eountry, and it Is tho

duty of every patriot to direct his effortstoward averting the impending calamity. Tothis end, two things arc essentially necessary,

wit: the most rigid economy, and a regardTor the welfare and best interests of every cit-izen. Determined to do his part in tbc-go-


work, to the utmost of his power,

SAMUEL L. JENNINGShas replenished his stock of

Dry Goods,

Hats and Caps, oBOOTS AiD SHOES,


Farnllarc and Matrasses, ,

Floor and Ifieiilr

Whiskey nnd other Choice liquors,

, . NOTIONS, , a A


CHEAP aVTHECHSAPECTCWhite Cloud, January 17, 1861-t- t.'

.DWIN H. GRANT,; . r,

Attorney, at , LawNOTARY FDBLI6, A51


HIAWATHABROWN CO KANSA8iWill attend nrompUv to all business entruUto him in Brown and the adjoining Countiasv

aec.aa, --iy

Notice. ;.,TAMY aecounls having been made out for t&V .

year, friends will render me an etna.favor by prompt-settlemen- t- The sw

counts are jisdiridaally 'small ith ajaoaasV ksA 'asgresta, if promptly paid, vouUajtL .--

entiallr ia meeting pending oblintioavsv.JaQ.atJl-U- .l . U. UANA SAYRS.

it t nC D. & HF- - SAYRSv -- r

WILL eontinue to supply taa trade wUfc-s- iusually kepi in a country stotSKil'

Having a well assorted stock, purchased frosar-- 1

Eastern cities, we (Utter ourselves that we -sell as low as the lowest. Oar motto iu

"Small proSu and quick sales." -Country Produce of all kinds takes ii ex--t

chaage lor Goods, . Jan. 34, 61-- tf.

NoticedTHE undersigned nave formed a 1

under tba style of C-- D. i H. F. Sayrs -and will continue to keep a general assortmentf Goads for county trade. We solicit bf

th patronage extended to the old.fea, '??"--! vi w ,C.'DANA SAYRS

- , H1NKI P. SAYRS. "'White Clo:d. January 24, lS61-t- f.

1 7' ,S
