WHERE DO YOU STAND?. Directions For each of the following topics, write down the number next to the...

Political Party Quiz WHERE DO YOU STAND?

Transcript of WHERE DO YOU STAND?. Directions For each of the following topics, write down the number next to the...

Political Party Quiz

Political Party QuizWHERE DO YOU STAND?

DirectionsFor each of the following topics, write down the number next to the statement that best describes you.

You may only write down ONE number for each questionGay Rights1. Homosexuals should have all of the rights as every other American, including marriage

2. Homosexuals should have all of the rights as every other American, except marriage

3. Homosexuals should not be afforded the same rights as others, including marriage

Church and State1. There is a firm wall between church and state and the federal government should not be involved with any religious organization for any reason

2. As long as the government doesnt tell me where to go to church, they can do what they want

3. The US was founded by Christian men and sometimes the government can be involved with religious organizations

Education1. It is the federal governments job to ensure that students get a quality education

2. Its the state governments job to educate students but the federal government should pay

3. Education is a state issue and the federal government should leave it to the states

Abortion1. Abortions should be made legal for any part of a pregnancy

2. Abortions should only be legal up to a certain point

3. Abortions should be illegal except in cases of rape, incest or if the mother would be harmed

Governments Role in Economy1. It is the federal governments job to fix the economy using any means necessary

2. The government should fix the economy by taxing rich people and big businesses

3. If the government is involved, they should only give tax refunds, not increase taxes

Environment1. The federal government needs to make sure we do everything necessary to protect the environment

2. The government should tax business that pollute too much

3. As long as we have clean air to breathe and water to drink I am satisfied

Death Penalty1. The death penalty should not be used ever

2. The death penalty should only be used in the rarest of circumstances

3. The death penalty is a fitting punishment for murders

War 1. War should be avoided at all costs

2. War should only be used as a last resort, after negotiations have failed.

3. The US has every right to use the military to settle disputes

Terrorism1. The government should stop worrying about terrorism. They have other things to do

2. The government should only be focusing on domestic terrorists and should not be in other countries looking for them

3. The government should actively seek out those who aim to hurt America and Americans

Global Warming1. The government needs to do everything in its power to stop global warming

2. I understand that global warming is bad, but I dont know how the govt. is supposed to fix it

3. I am not even sure that global warming is real. We should not be spending tax dollars on stopping it

Immigration1. America should open its arms to all people and does not need to worry about knowing who is here or securing the border

2. Immigrants just want a better life leave them alone

3. Immigration is fine, but people need to come to this country in a legal manner. The govt. has a right to know who is in the country

Oil1. America needs to stop drilling for and using oil now and start using more wind and solar power and other alternative methods

2. We should continue drilling for oil as long as it is safe to the environment

3. America should continue drilling for oil and use any other means to get power, including nuclear

Health Care1. Healthcare should be made an entitlement like Social Security

2. Our healthcare system needs to be changed but it should not be an entitlement

3. Healthcare is best left to the private sector

Gun Control1. Guns should be made illegal for everyone except law enforcement officials

2. Guns are okay, but we need stricter laws about who can own them

3. Everyone should be able to obtain a gunSocial Security1. Social Security is a great program and should be expanded to give people more

2. Social Security needs to be revised to deal with our growing population

3. Social Security and other entitlements need to be eliminated

Crime1. Crime prevention is the job of the federal government

2. Crime prevention is the job of the state government

3. Crime prevention is the job of the local governmentNational Defense1. America should negotiate with their enemies. War is not the answer

2. We should only attack a country after we have been attacked.

3. If we know that someone is going to attack us, we should be able to attack them first

Torture1. Torture is wrong always

2. As long as I dont know that it is going on, I am okay with it

3. If we think the enemy has information, we should do everything we can to get it from them

Federal Budget1. The federal government needs to increase the amount of money they spend

2. The federal government is spending about the right amount

3. The federal government needs to reduce the amount of money they are spending

Tax Cuts1. Tax cuts should never be given to the rich. That money should go to the poor

2. Tax cuts should be applied to everyone

3. Tax cuts should given to the people that pay the most first and then work their way downPrescription Drugs1. The government needs to make the drug companies charge less money for prescriptions

2. The government should tax the drug companies and give that money to poor people

3. Drug companies exist to make a profit and should be left aloneWelfare1. Welfare is a good thing and should be expanded to give more people, more money.

2. I am okay with welfare, but too many people abuse the system

3. Welfare needs to be stopped. It costs too much money

Campaign Finance1. Big businesses should not be allowed to donate money to political campaigns

2. There should be regulations on how much money you can give to a political campaign

3. People should be free to give as much of their money to a political campaign as they want

Racial Profiling1. Racial profiling is wrong always

2. Racial profiling should remain against the law

3. Racial profiling in places like the airport is okay

Moral Values1. Everyone should be free to believe whatever makes them happy

2. I believe in God but if other people dont that is up to them

3. I believe in God and try to mainly associate myself with other people who believe the way I do

World Hunger/International Aid1. The United States has a moral obligation to help poorer countries

2. The US should help other countries when they can

3. The US should spend its money on fixing its own problems first and then help othersFarm Policy1. More tax payer dollars should used to subsidize farmers

2. Farm subsidies are okay, but we should not increase them

3. Farm subsidies should be eliminatedEvolution1. Evolution is a proven scientific fact and should be taught as such in school

2. Evolution and Creationism should be taught side-by-side in schools

3. Evolution is a myth and students should be taught the creation story from the Bible in school

Illegal Drugs 1. People should be free to put whatever they want in their bodies

2. Some drugs are okay, but there is a reason why other drugs are illegal

3. I am in favor of Americas current drug policies and wish that the laws were more strictly enforced

Political SpectrumRemember, the Political Spectrum is a term used to refer to the differences in ideology between the major political parties, the Democrats and Republicans, in the United States.

LiberalModerate Conservative---------------------------------------------------------------------

Democrats are to the left and are considered more liberal.

Republicans are to the right and are considered more conservative. Results29 58 87---------------------------------------------------------------------

29-43 Extreme Liberal43-56 Moderate Liberal57-59 True Independent (or Moderate) 60-72 Moderate Conservative73-87 Extreme Conservative