When well-being to health protection News_April.pdfdrink coffee for breakfast, 4 out of 10 drink it...

news When well-being must yield to health protection Know more, live better Monthly multi-thematic magazine edited by Fondazione Milc on psychophysical well-being, for all ages, on the themes of health, nutrition, lifestyles, well being. Get exercise Trends Wellness n.10 April 2020

Transcript of When well-being to health protection News_April.pdfdrink coffee for breakfast, 4 out of 10 drink it...


When well-being must yield to health protection

Know more, live betterMonthly multi-thematic magazine edited by Fondazione Milc on psychophysical well-being,

for all ages, on the themes of health, nutrition, lifestyles, well being.

Get exercise Trends Wellness


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06 - False food myths: some examples

08 - Eat better, to remember better

10 - Flat belly with plank 12 - Spring, sport air: few tips before moving again

14 - Senior age: more animals, more well-being

16 - Hearing good is important: knowing the deafness in old age

18 - We are not born resilient, we become

20 - Stress

This Month

24 - Strange drinks to be more beautiful 26 - Cosmetics become "Halal»

28 - (Re)Discover the artichoke 30 - Natural homemade degreaser? Yes

32 - Integrative Healthcare: let's understand each other more

34 - Milc Foundation takes the field against Coronavirus

36 - Hyperhomocysteinemia

4Milc News Editorial

Dear readers,just as we write to you, the number of infections from Coronavirus has exceeded 30,000 throughout Italy. The hope is that it will stop a little further, but unfortunately we already know that these numbers are destined to rise mercilessly. We could not pretend anything, impossible to dodge even in thought what is happening in Italy, especially in some regions particularly more afflicted than others by the health emergency. We who usually speak more of well-being than health, we who commit ourselves every month to providing you with practical advice on how to feel more relaxed, nourish yourself better, take care of your mind, bring you the latest trends, give you recipes and tricks to stay from "well" to "better", we could not ignore that there are more important things. And we didn't. However, we continued to write our articles, with the awareness that many of you will be at home, while reading this month's magazine, and engaged in thinking elsewhere, concentrated on bigger priorities. Coronavirus has redefined our routine and our needs: first physical integrity and health, then well-being. Life first, then everything else. First our loved ones, our families, then a digital magazine that talks about the beneficial properties of the artichoke. We make ourselves small in front of what you are experiencing, but we humbly retain our spirit. This number, therefore, will not be a thematic number, indeed we hope it can be used as a diversion from the recurring thought at Covid-19 and the fear it generates. We take the liberty of reporting the article on the Plank, because it is a very simple exercise that can be done at home. With optimism for the next month we will give you some advice in view of the resumption of outdoor activities, even if it is now late spring. The article on stress and resilience, coincidentally, can serve in these days of anxiety and concern. We have stressed the importance of having a pet especially for the elderly, which is more true in these weeks of "self-quarantine", and we have also given you a focus on a campaign that our Foundation has conducted personally.

From the whole editorial staff, our "Come on, stay strong!" Will only be a matter of time and soon we will all be able to return to taking care of our well-being more levity.


The Editorial Staff

When well-being must yield to health protection

Milc News Editorial


False food myths:

some examples 7

Coffee and caffeineWe often hear controversial opinions about coffee and caffeine in energy drinks; for example, are they addictive? Are they harmful to our body or can they help us withstand periods of stress? Some clarity is needed.

What is coffeeFirst of all, coffee is a drink obtained by grinding the seeds of some species of tropical trees belonging to the Coffea genus and the main molecule that characterizes it is caffeine; this molecule is also present in tea (named as theine) and in many other energy and sugary drinks.

In this month article you will find an in-depth analysis entirely dedicated to coffee and caffeine.

by Arianna Dalla Pietà

Milc News Nutrition


But is it the same thing to drink a cup of coffee or a can of energy drink? Actually not: in fact even if the same amount of caffeine contained in a cup of coffee (about 100-200 mg) is contained in a 200 ml energy drink, other ingredients such as sugars, dyes, preservatives, vitamins and much more are also contained in the energy drink and they increase the caloric level of the drink when instead sugar-free coffee can be considered low-calorie (2 kcal for a cup of coffee).

Watch out for taurineIn addition, in most cases these sugary drinks contain a high dose of taurine, a substance that if normally taken with products of animal or vegetable origin has positive effects on our brain because it helps maintain concentration and has an antioxidant activity, but, if taken in higher doses, it can have negative effects on our health. For example? Increased blood pressure, irritability, acceleration of the heart beat.

Better coffee than energy drinks, but go easyWe have therefore understood how coffee is certainly preferable to energy drinks, but can it create an addiction and therefore damage our health? First of all, there is no scientific evidence to prove that coffee is addictive, obviously if an habitual consumption of caffeine is suddenly stopped, the person may feel more tired than usual, but if consumption is gradually reduced there will be no effect. In addition, the positive effects of this drink on our body have been demonstrated: it seems to have a protective effect against the onset of some pathologies thanks to its antioxidant action. Secondly, it stimulates some brain functions. Third, it also improves certain muscle functions, such as reflexes.

The final adviceWe can therefore conclude that a balanced consumption of coffee, which corresponds to a maximum of three cups a day, can guarantee benefits for our body and can give us a recharging break!

Milc News

Italians and coffeeOn average, an Italian drinks 2 cups of coffee per day, for a total of 6 kilos of coffee per year. On average, 1 out of 2 Italians drink coffee for breakfast, 4 out of 10 drink it at a break, and 2 out of 10 people drink it at the end of lunch. Five out of 10 people instead take coffee after dinner. The more than 149,000 bars scattered throughout the country serve 175 coffees a day (on average) every day, that is 32.5% of turnover.

in a 200 ml energy drink the same amount of caffeine is contained in a cup of coffee

(about 100-200 mg)



Eat better, to remember better

The nutrients present in the food we consume perform various functions within the body. Many promote muscle tone, others are cardio protective, the benefits are innumerable. Tra questi, i benefici dell’alimentazione sulla memoria: secondo numerosi studi, apparsi sull'American Journal of Nutrition ed eseguiti dall'Università di Bristol e dall'Harvard Medical School, vi è una forte correlazione tra le abitudini alimentari e le funzioni cognitive. To remember better, you must therefore be careful at the table.

Milc News Nutrition

Cereals, cheeses, fruit and eggs, the perfect boost for memoryThere are different types of memory, some of which are affected by concentration and emotion. Have you ever forgotten where you had placed your cell phone, glasses or keys? Have you ever feared not being able to pass an exam, despite the close study? Almost always, playing all these bad jokes, there is anxiety, tiredness and stress. In schools, as much as in the workplace, in order to improve cognitive functions, it is important to encourage the production of a neurotransmitter, called acetylcholine. This is in turn produced from lecithin, present in egg yolk, beef, dried fruit, fatty cheeses, liver, cream and tofu. The levels of acetylcholine are then influenced by the blood sugars, which must remain constant, therefore no fear in front of a plate of pappardelle!

Mediterranean Diet? Everything okThe food model to orientate on is the Mediterranean one, which favors vegetables, blue fish, olive oil and seasonal foods. So yes to oranges, grapes, pears, peaches, strawberries, sardines, mackerels and anchovies, but also coffee, green tea, cereals and vegetables. The anti-aging effect on the brain is ensured by vitamins A, B, C and E, polyphenols, carotenoids and flavonoids. The latter , then, can be found in good concentrations in dark chocolate, as long as it is cold worked (e.g. Modica chocolate). Turmeric, a highly appreciated spice in the East, is also a cure-all for memory, thanks to the presence of curcumin, a molecule capable of fighting dementia and Alzheimer's.

Lifestyles that make a differenceTo strengthen memory, however, it is not enough to eat well, you need to set a correct lifestyle: practice a sport, never skip breakfast and limit the consumption of industrial products. Also avoid spirits and tobacco, as they cause vascular and brain damage.


THE BRAIN: a hard disk with infinite capacityAccording to Paul Reber, a professor of psychology at Northswestern University, the billion neurons in our brain would have a capacity of 2.5 petabytes (1 petabyte is equivalent to about 1,000 billion giga!). Enough to keep three million hours of TV series in memory, that is, watching television for over 300 years in a row". Think about it now, before saying "I don't remember"...

Milc News Nutrition


Are you among those who panic at the idea of going to the gym? Don't worry: with the plank you can get a flat and well-defined belly without leaving your home. The plank is an exercise that sculpts the abdominals making them work in isometry, that is to say when standing still.

Flat belly with plank

Milc News Get exercise


It has become trendy because to practice it you don't need to register in the gym and you don't need any specific equipment. It only takes a few minutes a day to exhibit the turtle (after a few months, and if you follow a diet, of course...). The muscles involved in this type of training are varied and include - in addition to the abdominals - the buttocks, the quadriceps femoris, the lumbar muscles, the shoulders and the chest.

Benefits of plankThe plank tones not only the abdominal rectum, but also the deep muscles of the abdomen (external and internal oblique, transverse of the abdomen), helping to have a flatter belly. By strengthening the abdominal muscles, we actually improve posture and prevent back pain.It is an ideal exercise for the core, that is, the muscular corset at the height of the abdomen that supports balance. For this reason, practicing the plank also favors the assumption of a straight and stable upright posture. In addition, it helps to tone the buttocks and legs, reducing the annoying cellulite pads, and increases muscle elasticity and flexibility.

How to do itŸ Lie in a prone position (belly down).Ÿ Bend your elbows 90 degrees so that they are allied with

your shoulders.Ÿ Lift the body off the ground, keeping the pelvis parallel to

the ground, the forearms resting and the feet pointed.Ÿ Maintain alignment from head to toe.Ÿ Keep your feet close but not together and your legs

perfectly straight.Ÿ Contract your abs and gluteus and keep the contraction

until the end of the exercise. 

For the plank to be effective, you need to stay in position for a few seconds or minutes, depending on your level, stopping for 2 minutes before moving on to the next series. With training you will be able to maintain the position longer and longer without experiencing pain.

Practical tipsTo properly activate the core, the body must take the form of a board parallel to the floor. During the execution, it is important to keep the back straight, keep the hips in axis and not to bend the head forward or backward: the gaze must fall into the hands.If you find yourself giving in or arching your back, it is better to reduce the contraction time. In the absence of an instructor, the plank can be performed in front of the mirror, in order to check its correct execution.

Milc News

UNBELIEVABLE! The world records of plankFor women, the world record is 4 hours and 20 minutes and belongs to a Canadian yoga teacher, Dana Glowacka. For men, the world record is held by a former American marine, George Hood: 8 hours and 15 minutes.

Get exercise


Winter is now over and, like every year, in this period we always feel weighed down and out of shape. The bad season asked our body for additional calorie consumption to fight the cold and few of us have pulled back, and have gone along with this need. The arrival of spring requires us, however, to quickly get back in shape.

Spring, sport air: few tips before moving again

Milc News Get exercise


Bad weather? I console myself at the table.The signal is always the same for everyone: when we begin to wear lighter clothes, we feel unattractive. And the thought immediately runs to the food rewards we have granted ourselves in the long winter, generally more abundant meals, something sweet after dinner to pamper us a little, a '' drop '' of extra alcohol because it warms us, in short, many small tears to the rule that punctually present the bill as the warm season approaches. And when we notice it our eyes run to the calendar with apprehension: it seems to us too late every time!

Movement, yes but if the weather is bad...Do we want to talk about physical activity? As a rule (apart from health emergencies), having finished our daily work commitments, we would like to move a little bit and reflect: jogging... not yet hot enough and then maybe it's raining; gym or swimming pool... of course, but you have to prepare the bag, change, train and some face the city traffic again. In short, there is invariably an obstacle, or perhaps an excuse, only the most determined are able to make healthy movement before the summer.

Milc News

Finally spring The sun increases its presence and the days become more beautiful and long, so our body feels the need to get back in shape. First of all, we correct our lifestyle at the table, it is an essential condition. At the same time we start taking walks, trying to avoid the use of the car: do we have the opportunity to go to work by public transport? All right, let's try and the environment will thank us too. We put the dusty bicycle in the garage, there is nothing more relaxing and ecological than a nice r ide on two wheels (again, apart from health emergencies).

Costume fitting? The usual disasterThe most difficult test to face is certainly the swimsuit. The mirror does not deceive us and returns an image that we really don't like, last year these days I was more toned and weighed less is common thinking. Since we cannot stop advancing age, we must absolutely intervene for psycho-physical well-being and to improve appearance. No excuses, we can and we must do it! Nobody has a magic wand, but a healthier lifestyle is possible. We do not set too demanding goals, we start with small daily gestures and the costume test will not make us so afraid.

A FINAL ADVICE: early costume test

Why not try a costume test right away? Getting scared a few months in advance will

give us an advantage... 

Zoom: the usual advice: drink a lot when movingProper hydration always helps to improve physical performance, on the contrary, even a slight dehydration (2% reduction of water in the body) affects the psycho-physical performance of the whole organism.

Get exercise

Senior age:more animals,

more well-being

14Milc News

Animals, especially domestic animals, are capable of bringing significant health benefits. Thanks to their affection, pets allow you to greatly reduce some disorders related to anxiety and depression, raising the level of well-being of your mind. This is a fact not to be overlooked, especially if we consider that depression, in this decade, is indicated by the World Health Organization as the second leading cause of death on a global scale.

Stay young


THE DATA: better the cat to fight heart attacks

A study of around 4,500 Americans showed that, in a 10-year follow-up period, cat owners showed a 30% lower risk of death from heart attack than anyone who has never had one.

Milc News

Depression as a major cause of deathAs reported directly by the WHO, depressive disorders will be a major cause of death for humans. It should be specified, however, that one does not die of real depression, but of extreme gestures provoked by the depression itself (the most extreme, suicide). However, it is good to underline how pets allow to significantly reduce the impact of similar problems (anxiety, depression, loneliness) only with their presence, in most cases playful.

Living with a pet: less hypertension and less heart attacksScience has also thought of outlining the benefits of having an animal in one's life. A study by US psychiatrist Dr. Aaron Katcher has confirmed that living with a pet leads to a reduction in hypertension and the chance of heart attack. All this would be made possible by the fact that by concentrating one's attention on the animal, therefore venting (in the positive sense of the term) together with him, the blood circulation would proceed in a more natural way, avoiding to bring the subject to vascular problems.

The benefits of pet therapy in old agePet therapy, therefore, holds a fundamental importance in the life of an individual, especially for those who go through the so-called third age phase. In this particularly delicate period of life, in fact, the risks related to malfunctions of the organism are always around the corner, which is why the presence of a pet could only benefit the daily lives of the subjects most at risk. Nor should it be overlooked that, for example, a puppy can also reduce learning difficulties and improve the physical condition, while decreasing the perception of pain and the perception of anxiety.

ZOOM: forced to stay activeEven just to change the litter box or get up to walk the dog, our pet forces us to get up and be more active.

Stay young


Hearing good is important:

knowing the deafness in old age

Over time, the functions of the organs of our body gradually lose efficiency. Little by little you lose the ability to see flawlessly or you start suffering from rheumatic pain, from the chest to the back, up to the lower limbs. One of the most common problems in old age is undoubtedly the constant loss of hearing, a defect caused by the degeneration of the organs entrusted to the functionality of the sense of hearing. We are talking, in more detail, of the so-called "deafness of the third age".

Milc News Stay young

Characteristics of presbycusisDeafness of old age is also known as "presbycusis". By presbycusis is meant the loss of hearing linked to advancing age, an almost inevitable phenomenon and due to aging. It must be specified, however, that presbycusis is mainly about hearing loss over the years, without external factors influencing the pathology. In essence, age is the key factor regarding the reduction of hearing abilities, an eventuality that leads to the slow degeneration of the muscles and organs entrusted to hearing.

The importance of not underestimating presbycusisHowever, it is good not to underestimate presbycusis in the least. The fact that hearing loss is closely related to age does not mean that you should snub it. Feeling good, in fact, is essential at 20 as at 80 years old. After all, living without having the opportunity to listen to other people is very complicated! So how to solve the problems related to the progress of time? How can we go back to hearing clearly?

Remedies to treat presbycusisSince this is a pathology linked to an organic degeneration, it must be highlighted that there is no real cure for presbycusis. This does not mean, however, that prevention is not possible. In this regard, when the first symptoms of the disease occur (slow but constant lowering of the hearing threshold) it is essential to contact your family doctor. In all likelihood, the health professional will advise the adoption of particular prostheses to be installed inside the auricle. The prostheses are of two types: the first works by air, while the second affects the functionality of the bone apparatus. In both cases, the sense of hearing is unlikely to be restored to perfection. What matters, however, is to best treat the occurring pathology, avoiding that natural damage can expand and compromise forever the possibility of hearing.

To prevent or delayPresbycusis is not curable, but with the right precautions you can prevent or slow it down by following some tips:1. eat healthy: vitamin B9 helps. Eat green leafy vegetables,

whole grains, citrus fruits and milk.2. protect your hearing from intense noises: if you work in

noisy places, wear appropriate ear defenders or hearing protectors.

3. do not use drugs that contain salicitates, antimalarials and chemical solvents: they are ototoxic!

4. do not smoke: the toxins released by the cigarette damage the cells of the inner ear and decrease the flow of blood to the cochlea.

5. do physical activity: moving around with some continuity helps to improve blood flow to the cochlea.

17Milc News

THE DATA: in Italy and in the worldWorldwide, just under 500 million people suffer from hearing problems. In Italy there are about 7 million, and more than half do not cure hearing problems, with the risk of aggravating them.

Stay young


We are not born

resilient, we becomeIt happens to everyone, at least once in their life, to find themselves having to face a stressful event, a difficulty that can bring us to our knees. It is something natural, in the existence of a person, a set of facts and episodes which, one consequence of the other, lead the individual to have to develop "antibodies" to resist adversity. The term used to define this aspect of one's character is known as "resilience". But how do you become resilient? How to develop such a character peculiarity?

Milc News Psychology


Special features of the resilient personFirst of all, keep in mind that you are not born resilient: you become. And it becomes one after life, for reasons connected purely to fate, has placed us in front of obstacles that are only apparently insurmountable. Here's what it means to be resilient: overcome the difficulties caused by a particularly nefarious event, regardless of the extent of the latter. As mentioned, in general it turns out to be resilient only after difficulties. But it is precisely in these situations that the characteristic traits of the resilient person develop: at the end of a stressful event one tends to slowly give meaning to what happened, after which, in a completely natural way, one finds oneself spontaneously having the strength to go on, continuing on your way.

How to develop resilienceThe resilient person, therefore, makes adversity a reason for learning. Having said that, how do you actually become resilient? What are the steps to follow to develop such a character trait? First, to become resilient, it is essential to identify the problem you intend to address. Only in this way can we be aware of the adversities we face, finding ways to overcome the difficulties.  Secondly, resilience is developed by taking one's destiny by the hand: we ourselves are the masters of our fate, so it is essential to become aware of yourself and the consequences of your choices.

The long way to become resilientTo become resilient, do not forget to learn notions from difficulties already faced (and overcome) in the past, so as to avoid falling back into the same mistakes as always. And don't neglect the need to laugh, to compare yourself with other people and to take care of yourself, in every single aspect. True, developing resilience is not a small challenge, especially if you consider the huge amount of problems that you often face. But after all, life is made of small steps, so run like the wind and on the way to resilience!

3 SIMPLE TIPS1. Be flexible. Try to test yourself with something that

requires spontaneity, creativity and that leverages more on instinct than on reflection: it will increase your resilience skills.

2. Learn to let go what you cannot control. You can plan the days as much as you want, but you can never keep every element under control.

3. Cultivate beauty in your lives. Admiring a landscape, going to an art exhibition, drawing, gardening. Beauty, in all its manifestations, helps to develop a more resilient and positive attitude.

Milc News Psychology



Milc News

by Laura De Faveri

Mini-guide part 1

Enrolled in the Register of Psychologists of Veneto (n° A10234), Laura De Faveri has obtained the Specialist Degree in Clinical and Community Psychologist and the three-year post-graduate specialization diploma in Educational Counselling with transactional analytical orientation. She is continuing her specific training path with the specialization in "Gestalt Therapy". She is a consultant, coach, counselor, is close to the world of the Third Sector.



What is stress?Stress is an excessive and prolonged activation of stimuli lived as stressogens (stressors) to which our body reacts as if survival were threatened: reaction of attack, escape or paralysis of reptilian brain are activated and only after a processing of the stimuli from the neocortex takes place. The dangers, however, are mostly psychological, not physical as at the time when instinctive reactions were learned. It is important to consider its function at that time and in that context, in addition to the way it manifests itself and ask what it means for the person, how he experiences it, what he fears, what he hopes to achieve, what he avoids.Although several situations are stressful for most people, there is a subjective dimension of stress, that is, what for one person can be a source of anxiety, for another it can be a neutral situation. It therefore depends on the subjective interpretation of the stimulus and the associated experience.Holmes and Rahe (1967) developed a Stress Scale listing the factors from the most stressful and in the first ten places we find: the death of the partner, the divorce, the separation, the imprisonment, the death of a close family member, an accident or a personal illness, marriage, reconciliation with the partner and dismissal.

Stress: some psychological remedies Ÿ Being LIVING YOUR BODY WITH CONSCIOUSNESS.

aware of your own breathing, of what I feel, where I feel it, wondering which message it wants to give me, where it leads me... living emotions like the compass needle that indicates the North, the direction we would like to take.

Ÿ , even the ALLOW OUR EMOTIONS TO TRAVELunpleasant ones like fear, anger, sadness, before they become anguish. Having confidence that we can contain them and instead of destroying ourselves, they rebuild us. Welcoming and fully enjoying the pleasant ones.

Ÿ Positive self-acceptance without conditions ACCEPT US.is the starting point for transformation. Accept our part light and shadow, what we like and what torments us, integrating opposites.

Ÿ . In every moment we have done and we do FORGIVE USthe best we were and we are capable with our internal and external resources.

Ÿ (anger RELEASE US FROM THE SENSE OF FAULTtowards yourself) and transform it with repair, then apologizing and repairing the damage or accepting the impossibility of repair.

Ÿ , given ACCEPT THE SENSE OF EXISTENTIAL ANXIETYby our dimension of human beings and by the possibility of controlling events only partially.




ELSE/AVOID COMPARISONS.Ÿ when we want to say no and SAY YES when we SAY NO

want to say yes.Ÿ PUT CLEAR BORDERS.

ITALIANS AND STRESS.According to a survey promoted by Assosalute, stress disorders affect 85% of the population interviewed, who have suffered from at least one disorder in the past six months, while 45% say they have had three or more. Women and young people are the most affected by stress disorders, both by incidence and frequency. Headache (46.2%) and fatigue (45.9%) are the most common ailments, followed by stomach pain (26.9%), muscle tension/pain (25.5%), insomnia (24.9%) and anxiety/agitation (23.4%).  What remedies Italians choose to manage stress-related disorders? The most common is rest (52% of Italians choose it), followed by the use of self-medication (27%) and attention to food (26%). 

Milc News Psychology

22Milc News

Pilates is a type of re-educational, preventive and hypothetically therapeutic type of gymnastics, focused on the control of posture - through the "regulation of the center of gravity", on harmony and fluidity in movements. Pilates is based on a precise philosophical and theoretical basis. It is therefore not a simple set of exercises (there are about 500 of them), but a real method that, in the last sixty years of practice and observation, has developed and perfected continuously.

Image of the month

23Milc News

A lot of work is done on breathing to urge and become aware of one's abdominal belt. The results? According to the inventor of this discipline, Joseph Pilates: "In ten lessons you will feel the difference, in twenty lessons you will see the difference, in thirty lessons you will have a new body".

The numerous benefits of pilates: 1) develops muscle awareness; 2) strengthens the abdominal muscles; 3) improves the mobility and flexibility of the column; 4) guarantees long and powerful muscles; 5) improves the stability of the pelvis and shoulders; 6) improves posture; 7) reduces and prevents lower back pain; 8) it is excellent as a complementary sport; 9) free from stress and gives a sense of well-being.

Image of the month


Strange drinks to be more beautiful

What if having a drink was the new secret to becoming more beautiful? If you are thinking that we are kidding, we must immediately reassure you, it is not a joke but the latest beauty trend. If you are thinking of the classic herbal teas, you will have to change your mind, in this article, in fact we will talk about absolutely original and unusual drinks that promise to improve your physical appearance.

Milc News Trends

Collagen-based drinksHave you ever tried a cocktail with collagen? If you have not already done so, we advise you to do like the Hollywood stars: drink a glass of collagen a day to reduce wrinkles. Collagen is a valid ally against aging and if diluted in water, it ensures greater results than cosmetic products that contain small doses. You can buy collagen in liquid form or in mini capsules to dissolve in water, but be careful not to overdo the doses.

Golden milk for breakfastTo start the day with outburst and at the same time speed up the metabolism, you can try another "strange" drink, the golden milk: a drink made with turmeric, vegetable milk and honey. Golden milk is not an invention of recent years, but is a drink that has been used for generations in Asia to cleanse the liver and regulate the metabolism. Drinking golden milk to promote weight loss is an excellent alternative to diet drinks.

Kale juice for radiant skinKale juice, better known as kale juice, is a drink that has literally a big success in the USA, for its antioxidant properties and for its ability to make the skin of the face brighter and fresher. The flavor of kale juice is quite intense, so we recommend you prepare a centrifuge and add a banana and grapefruit, ingredients that contribute to the well-being of your body.

Water ... sirt to lose weight quicklyThe water nourishes and hydrates our body, but if you also want to lose weight simply by drinking, you must absolutely try the sirt water. The sirt diet, followed by many stars, is based on the introduction of some "fat burner" foods (sirt foods) in our diet to accelerate and promote weight loss. Sirt water is nothing but sparkling water with the addition of some slices of strawberries, one of the most used foods in this type of diet. Strawberries have a high content of fisetin, a substance capable of regulating the metabolism and improving mood.

The drinks to be healthier and more beautiful are certainly not miraculous, but as always the suggestion is to try to believe, some of them could be a good alternative to the classic cosmetic remedies.

25Milc News

ATTENTION: the final adviceTo lose weight or get back in shape we always recommend gradual and non-radical approaches, and possibly make changes in diet after consulting your doctor or nutritionist.

ZOOM: other wellness drinksIt does not end here, for those wishing to try new flavors we also recommend trying: Aloe Vera juice, hyaluronic acid to drink, pomegranate juice and ginger juice, vegetable milk, guarana juice, Sobacha tea



Cosmetics become


Bio, organic, vegan, cruelty-free. It is the "halal" cosmetic. Halal cosmetics are those made for consumers who profess the Muslim religion. Although the term halal (in Arabic means "lawful") is usually associated with food, it extends to all aspects of Islam as indicated by the precepts dictated by the Koran. In addition to being used by Muslims, halal cosmetics are increasingly appreciated by vegans and friends of the environment and animals, as they are much more sustainable than traditional ones.

Milc News Trends


Halal cosmetics and eco-sustainabilityHalal cosmetics are absolutely eco-sustainable, since its production does not imply the suffering of live animals. According to its dictates, not only substances from donkeys and pigs, but also from hair, claws, bones and other types of fat are to be excluded. Another ingredient absolutely banned from halal cosmetics is alcohol, as it is considered an intoxicating substance.

Halal cosmetics and restrictionsAs for nail polishes and face care products, these must be breathable to allow the purification of the water used to cleanse before prayer. Furthermore, all halal cosmetics must be provided with a specific certification, which certifies the utmost respect for animals.

Muslim women and body careMuslim women spend a lot of time taking care of their body, as such gestures imply a greater closeness to Allah. Hair is the first part of the body to which they pay particular attention, because, being held by the veil, they tend to fall more easily. They give equal importance to the eyes, which are highlighted with the traditional kajal, that is, a powder of black or gray color used to outline the eyes and make the eyelids darker.

OFFICIAL HIA WEBSITEIf you want to go deeper into the topic, it is recommended to consult the official HIA (Halal International Autority) website, which clearly explains all the ingredients allowed and prohibited. For example, the use of substances from herbivorous animals can be used, with the exception of the donkey. They must also be slaughtered according to the Islamic Sharia dictates, since blood is absolutely banned.

THE DATA: Italy and halal cosmeticsThe spread of halal cosmetics is growing by 19% every year in the Gulf countries and by 12% in all the others. Unfortunately in Italy the halal cosmetics sector is not very developed, and more generally the lack of attention to this issue risks making Italy lose its attractiveness: in fact many Muslim tourists prefer destinations where there are SPA or beauty centers that they use products suitable for them.

Milc News

Characteristics of a Halal cosmeticA Halal cosmetic must not contain:- Pork and meat products; - Derivatives of non-halal animals;- Ethyl alcohol;- Genetically modified organisms (GMOs); - Ethanol; - Preservatives.



(Re)Discover the artichoke

We often hear: for a healthy and correct diet you should take five portions of fruit and vegetables a day and, taking advantage of the seasonality of the vegetables, we always have a large assortment available to satisfy your tastes. Among the products that the earth offers us, the artichoke is one of those that accompanies us throughout the winter, and until spring; the period of its collection, in fact, goes from November to April. The artichoke is a valid ally in the kitchen, but also in our health.

Milc News

ARTICHOKENutritional values per 100 g

- Kcal 22- Protein 2.7 g

- Lipids 0.2 g - Carbohydrates 2.5 g

- Fiber 5.5 g

Wellness product


Properties of the artichoke Thanks to its nutritional characteristics, this vegetable is able to bring benefits for our body. The artichoke often turns up in our dishes, but not only: infusions and herbal teas used as natural remedies against some common ailments can also be prepared. On the other hand, its medicinal properties were known since the time of Arab domination in southern Italy. But let's see in more detail the peculiar aspects that distinguish it.

Calories Being a vegetable with a low caloric intake (we are talking about 22 kcal per 100 grams), it is used in dietetic feeds, recommending its consumption raw or steamed which prevents the dispersion of the vitamins present. We find, among others, B, C and K vitamins useful for cellular metabolism, for strengthening the immune system and for blood clotting.

Fibers It is one of the foods with a considerable fiber content which, as is known, helps regulate the intestinal tract; thanks to inulin it fights constipation, improves digestion and regulates blood sugar, particularly the latter, which makes it suitable for the diet of diabetics. It also produces beneficial effects on the liver, where the inulin itself acts as a protection, lightens the work against it and promotes cell regeneration.

Mineral salts Artichokes are also a rich source of mineral salts: magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium essential for our physical well-being. They also contain precious elements such as iron and copper which, through cinarin, facilitate biliary secretion and have a positive action on the cardiovascular system by counteracting the rise of cholesterol in the blood.

Conclusion In other words, in addition to being a tasty ingredient of our Mediterranean cuisine, the artichoke is the source of various and important health benefits; it is especially recommended for lovers of physical fitness, since it promotes diuresis and therefore has a detoxifying effect; in addition, it helps maintain healthy skin with the contrasting action of acne and impurities.

CURIOSITIES ABOUT THE ARTICHOKEPablo Neruda has dedicated a composition on the artichoke : "Oda a la alcachofa". Another anecdote: in the past, a beauty contest was held in California that crowned Miss artichoke and which was won in 1946 by Marilyn Monroe.

Milc News Wellness product


Natural homemade degreaser? Yes

On the supermarket shelves, how not to be impressed by the wide range of cleaning products. And yet, thanks to a greater sensitivity towards environmental issues, eco-friendly proposals are becoming increasingly popular on the market. So why not have them directly at home? Starting from natural and easily available ingredients, it is possible to create hypoallergenic , effective and low-cost homemade degreasers. Don't you think it's easy? Then you will be amazed!

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31Milc News

Vinegar, lemon, Castile and Marseille soap, aromatic degreasersWhen we think of the ideal degreaser, we tend to imagine it in liquid form. Still, some present themselves as pastes or creams, with a mild abrasive power. Starting from 60 grams of Castile soap, 100-120 grams of baking soda and 20 drops of orange essential oil, it is possible to obtain a soft and fragrant degreaser. Just mix the ingredients with a spatula, spread the mixture on the surfaces, wait a few minutes, massage gently and then rinse. The excess product can be stored in an airtight container.

Less abrasive and more degreasing?If, on the other hand, you want a sanitizing degreaser, but without the abrasive component, opt for Marseille soap, preferably in flakes. Dissolve 25 grams of this soap in 700 ml of hot water and turn the mixture with a spoon. Make sure that all the soap has dissolved, then let it cool and pour the mixture into a small spray.

The allergy-proof degreaserHave you ever coughed while using a degreaser? This happens because the common detergents, inhaled by mistake, even in very small quantities irritate the mucous membranes. Fortunately you can replace these products with vinegar or lemon based formulations. Just dissolve a few drops of orange or lemon essential oil inside a spoonful of dish washing detergent, as long as it is strictly eco-bio. The mixture obtained will then be added to half a liter of distilled water and 50 ml of white wine vinegar or lemon juice.

Bio-waste? No, cleaners! Some waste products, such as lemon peels, can be used both as degreasers and as sponges. By rubbing the surfaces with the rinds, in fact, the greasy will comes off easily. Beware, however, of unglazed metal supports: pure lemon, as well as vinegar, can leave marks. In this case, live it few minutes then use a polyactive fiber cloth for rinsing.

BIO, ANALLERGIC, HOMEMADE AND…Also consider that making a homemade degreaser in your own small way helps to reduce the consumption of plastic!

Wellness product


Integrative Healthcare: let's understand each other moreInterview with Stefano Berlin

Very often we hear about "Integrative Health". A service provided by the state? A service provided by companies? A service only for those who have a job? What are the access costs? Let's find out more with Stefano Berlin, sector technician and director of Medì SMS, a non-profit company operating in this sector.

Let's start from the definition of "Integrative 1Health". In simple words. Supplementary healthcare is a form of protection that allows public services to be

integrated and/or replaced in the context of medical services. It can be stipulated independently by citizens and employees, can be part of the benefits that each company make available to its employees or can be part of the rights provided by the National Collective Labor Agreements (CCNL), by the Company Integrative Contracts and by the regulation of the various Professional Registers (definition proposed by assicurazionisanitari.it).

Would you like a couple of examples? For example, 2dental services not included in the LEA (i.e. the Essential Levels of Assistance, the services that the

National Health Service is required to provide to all citizens, free of charge or with a payment fee, the so-called "ticket"), for the reimbursement of tickets, for visits and diagnostic tests carried out in a private regime that allow you to avoid, where present, the waiting lists of the NHS, and so on.

Why are we talking about Integrative Health, 3don't we already have one of the most effective health systems in the world in Itlay? The National

Health Service, our health system, is certainly one of the best in the world. This is evident not only from the quality of the services rendered or from the longevity of the Italian population but also in relation to the efficiency of the service itself. In fact, analyzing the average pro capite expenditure of the most developed countries in the world, Italy stands out precisely in this; we basically spend less and are more long-lived and healthy.

Milc News

Part 1

Ask the expert


So? Consequently, there are three macro categories of 8excluded: young people/students, pensioners, self-employed workers. If it is true that everyone can access

Supplementary Health intended as a subscription to a health plan, not everyone enjoys the same tax treatment. For the former, the cost is entirely deductible from income, for the latter there is the possibility (in case of registration to an SMS) of a 19% deduction.

Is Integrative Health for everyone or only for some 7categories? Can employees, students, pensioners, self-employed workers, access to Integrative

Healthcare? Unfortunately, as structured, Integrative Healthcare benefits from tax advantages (which have certainly favored its development) in its implementation substantially in favor of the employee worker.

Faculty or obligation? Right or Duty? Due to the 5way in which it has developed in Italy, Integrative Healthcare is an obligation of the company signatory to

a collective labor agreement where this has been provided for, therefore a right of the worker in charge of health coverage (the so-called "health plans"). Attention: although more developed within negotiation-based healthcare funds, Integrative Healthcare remains a generic institution available to all citizens. Indeed, historically this was born for citizens through mutual aid societies.

Integrative Health and Corporate Welfare: what is 6the relationship between the two? From a technical point of view, Integrative Healthcare is "a piece" of

corporate welfare. That is, one of the measures, of the institutes that can activate a company in favor of its collaborators. Corporate welfare is that and much more; to give just a few well-known examples: fuel voucher, travel packages, purchase of books and school books, training...

Milc News

Since when does it exist in Italy? In Italy, the 4massive development of this institute was born from the early 2000's onward. Collective bargaining played

a fundamental role and, in the renewals of the various national collective labor agreements, gave light to this institution.

STEFANO BERLINStefano Berlin was born in France but dedicates his working life and professional career in Italy. Solid legal basis, he studied national and international health models before perfecting himself as manager and connoisseur of organizational models in the health sector. From the 2012 Master's thesis on French Comparative Law, he deepens, specializes, teaches and develops a career on the topics of Private Health and Welfare, and today he is an attentive observer of modern trends in Integrative Health and healthcare models. Today, in addition to holding positions in various Boards of Directors, he is the Director of Medì SMS, he is a professor at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, and a welfare consultant.


ANALYSIS: productivity and corporate welfareFirst of all the numbers. According to the OECD - the Organization for the Cooperation and Economic Development it brings together the main 36 industrialized countries - Italy between 1995 and 2017 saw an increase in work productivity of 0.3% against an average increase (always in the OECD) of 1.47%. According to some insiders, the labor productivity is higher in business realities than invest more in corporate welfare services of which sanitary plans are an important component.

Ask the expert


Tired of powerless witnessing the growth of infections and unfortunately the victims of Covid-19, the Milc Foundation also decided to take the field and donate lung fans to some hospitals in Veneto and Lombardia. To raise funds, a campaign has been launched, active on the "retedeldono.it" site (just type "Milc" in the search engine), or, for direct access, you can use the short link:

Milc Foundation takes the field against


Milc News


The campaign is very simple, when the amount equivalent to the price of a fan is reached, we will proceed with the purchase of the first, based on the hospital most in need or towards the first operationally ready to make the purchase. And so on with the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth... We will donate 100% of the funds raised.

Wellness news


Coronavirus (in pills)From the website of the Ministry of Health

What are the symptoms of a person with COVID-19?The most common symptoms are fever, fatigue and dry cough. Some patients may experience soreness and muscle pain, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea...

How long does the incubation period last?The incubation period represents the period of time that passes between the infection and the development of clinical symptoms. It is currently estimated that it varies between 2 and 11 days, up to a maximum of 14 days.

What are the rules for hand disinfection/washing?Hand washing and disinfection are the key to preventing infection. You should wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 60 seconds...

How long does the new Coronavirus survive on surfaces?Preliminary information suggests that the virus may survive several hours, even if it is still under study. The use of simple disinfectants can kill the virus...

Milc News

What can I do to protect myself?stay at home. In addition:1. wash your hands often2. avoid close contact with people suffering from acute

respiratory infections3. avoid hugs and handshakes4. maintain, in social contacts, an interpersonal distance of

at least one meter5. respiratory hygiene (sneezing and/or coughing in a tissue

avoiding contact of the hands with respiratory secretions)6. avoid the mixed use of bottles and glasses7. do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands8. cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough9. Do not take antiviral drugs or antibiotics unless prescribed

by your doctor10. Clean the surfaces with chlorine or alcohol based

disinfectants11. use the mask only if you suspect you are sick or if you are

assisting sick people

What if I was sick?If you have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing and suspect that you have been in close contact with a person with Covid-19 respiratory disease, stay indoors, do not go to the emergency room or doctor's office, but call your family doctor on the phone, your pediatrician or medical guard. Or call the regional free number Use the emergency numbers 112/118 only if strictly necessary.

On March 18, more than 15,000 euros were raised in just 10 days. In the next month's edition of Milc News we will give you an account of the purchase of the first

lung ventilator.

Wellness news



Even if you've never heard of homocysteine and thought you didn't have it, this article can be helpful.

Milc News Pocket Medical Encyclopedia


Hyperhomocysteinemia, let's know it betterThe term hyperhomocysteinemia refers to an accumulation of homocysteine in the blood. Homocysteine is none other than one of 20 amino acids that make up the structure of proteins. Genetic diseases are not always the basis of this accumulation, sometimes they are food shortages, taking drugs or impaired kidney function. Its dosage, however, is very important in the neurological field, where it can predict the development of dementia. This is revealed by various studies, the most recent of which are from the Universities of Magallanes and San Sebastiàn.

Folic acid and B vitamins, the true regulators of homocysteineIf you are about to become pregnant, suffer from heart ailments, or complain of worrying cognitive decline, your doctor may request a homocysteine dosage. However, you will have to leave the interpretation of the results to the professional, since an altered value does not always have pathological features. Some practical examples? The use of oral contraceptives, entry into menopause, aging.

Related factorsThe values of homocysteine can also vary according to the diet, precisely because the metabolism of this amino acid depends on the presence of folic acid and vitamins B6, B9 and B12. The prolonged lack of these nutrients leads to a progressive damage to the blood vessels, with consequences of various types. First of all, there will be an increase in oxidative stress and a greater percentage of free radicals. In the absence of measures, over the years all this could result in osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and disorders of the nervous system.

Beyond genetic factorsSome parameters that influence homocysteine levels are not modifiable, since they are genetically determined. On the contrary, numerous changes can be made to environmental and food factors. In case of pregnancy, for example, the imbalances linked to homocysteine are corrected by means of folic acid supplements and B vitamins. This avoids the risk of spontaneous abortion, that of malformations and that of placental detachment.

Prevention at the table To maintain optimal homocysteine levels, consume 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day and prefer foods rich in folate (chickpeas, liver, lentils, eggs and fish, lettuce). Cut down on coffee, avoid alcohol and even cigarette smoke. Alcohol abuse can in fact cause malnutrition, while nicotine and caffeine limit the absorption of folate and vitamin B12. Finally, pamper yourself with a sport and doing regular checks.


Contributes to the cell division processes of the organism, is useful for the functioning of the nervous system and for the formation of red blood cells, it also

contributes to normal energy metabolism: it is vitamin B12

ZOOM: normal valuesBlood homocysteine values are considered

physiological when they are in the range 5-12 micromoles per liter (mol / L).

Milc News Pocket Medical Encyclopedia


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