What's New in C++ 11/14?

What’s New in C++ 11? Dina Goldshtein she codes(jlm); July 2014


It's not your mother's C++ anymore. Manual memory management, tedious loops, difficult-to-use STL algorithms -- are all a thing of the past now. The new C++ 11 standard contains a huge number of improvements to the C++ core language and standard library, and can help C++ developers be more productive. In this session we will discuss the major features of C++ 11, including lambda functions, type inference for local variables, range-based for loops, smart pointers, and more. We will see how to use these features effectively to modernize your existing C++ programs and how to develop in the modern C++ style.

Transcript of What's New in C++ 11/14?

Page 1: What's New in C++ 11/14?

What’s New in C++ 11?Dina Goldshtein

she codes(jlm);July 2014

Page 2: What's New in C++ 11/14?

Agenda C++ History

C++ 11 Usability Standard library

C++ 14

Page 3: What's New in C++ 11/14?

Some History•First real standard

•What is usually taught at universityC++98

•Bug fixesC++03•Smart pointers

•Regexes•Hashmap and the likes


•We’ll learn todayC++11

•Minor language enhancementsC++14

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List Initialization and Uniform Initialization

struct MyStr{ int i; string s;};

Beforevector<MyStr> vec(2);vec[0].i = 1;vec[0].s = "1";vec[1].i = 2;vec[1].s = "2";

AfterMyStr myStr = { 1, "1" };vector<MyStr> vec1 = {{ 1, "1" },{ 2, "2" }};vector<MyStr> vec2{{ 1, "1" },{ 2, "2" }};

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Support Uniform Initializationstruct Settings { map<string, int> m;

Settings( initializer_list<pair<string, int>> s) { for (const auto& p : s) { m.insert(p); } }};

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Type Inferencestd::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> m = ...;

Beforefor(std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>::const_iterator i = m.cbegin(); i != m.cend(); ++i){ }

Afterfor(auto i = m.cbegin(); i != m.cend(); ++i){}

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auto Quizint getInt();int& getIntReference();const int& getConstIntReference();

auto i = getInt();auto ir = getIntReference();auto cir = getConstIntReference();

auto& i = getInt();auto& ir = getIntReference();auto& cir = getConstIntReference();

const auto& i = getInt();const auto& ir = getIntReference();const auto& cir = getConstIntReference();

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Range-Based Loopsvector<MyStr> vec1 {{ 1, "1" },{ 2, "2" }};

Beforefor (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) { const MyStr& s = vec[i]; // do something with s} Afterfor (const auto& s : vec) { // do something with s}

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More Range-Based Loopsmap<string,vector<string>> m = ...;

Beforefor(map<string, vector<string>>::iterator pi = m.begin(); pi != m.end(); ++pi) { pair<const string, vector<string>>& pair = *pi; }

Afterfor (auto& pair : map) { }

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Support Range-Based Loopsstruct MyArr { int arr[100]; int size = 0; void push_back(int e) { arr[size++] = e; } int& operator[](int i) { return arr[i]; }};

namespace std { int* begin(MyArr& a){ return &a.arr[0]; } int* end(MyArr& a){ return &a.arr[a.size]; }}

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Lambda Functions


Capture List







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Lambdas Shorten Codevector<MyStr> vec = ...;

Beforestruct MyStrComp { bool operator()(const MyStr& s1, const MyStr& s2) const {return s1.i>s2.i;}};sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), MyStrComp()); Aftersort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), [](const MyStr& s1, const MyStr& s2) { return s1.i > s2.i;});

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Reference Capturingvector<int> input{ 1, 2, 3, ... };vector<int> primes;for_each(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), [&primes](int n){ if (isPrime(n)) primes.push_back(n); });for_each(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), [=primes](int n){ if (isPrime(n)) primes.push_back(n); //doesn't compile });

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Non-Static Data Initialization


class Complex {public: Complex() { _x = _y = 0; } Complex(double x) :_x(x) { _y = 0; } Complex(double x, double y) : _x(x), _y(y) {}

private: double _x; double _y;};


class Complex {public:

Complex(double x) :_x(x) { }

Complex(double x, double y) : _x(x), _y(y) {}

private: double _x = 0; double _y = 0;};

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Delegating Constructor

Beforeclass Complex {public: Complex() { init(); } Complex(double x) { init(); _x = x; } Complex(double x, double y) { init(); _x = x; _y = y; }private: double _x; double _y; void init() { _x = _y = 0; }};

Afterclass Complex {public: Complex() : Complex(0) { }

Complex(double x) : Complex(x, 0) { }

Complex(double x, double y) { _x = x; _y = y; }private: double _x; double _y;};

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Standard Library

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Upgrades to Current Library Significant performance improvements

when previously copying was required Internal memory management Return containers by value Eliminate need to copy elements when

inserting into containers

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Oh man…struct _StockThreadParams { map<string, double>& stocks; string stockName; CRITICAL_SECTION* lock;};

DWORD WINAPI _StockThread(LPVOID p) { _StockThreadParams* param = (_StockThreadParams*)p; double stockValue = getStock(param->stockName); EnterCriticalSection(param->lock); param->stocks[param->stockName] = stockValue; LeaveCriticalSection(param->lock); return 0;}

void useOldThread() { CRITICAL_SECTION lock; InitializeCriticalSection(&lock); map<string, double> stocks; _StockThreadParams param1{ stocks, "apple", &lock }; _StockThreadParams param2{ stocks, "microsoft", &lock }; HANDLE threads[] = { CreateThread(NULL, 0, _StockThread, &param1, 0, NULL), CreateThread(NULL, 0, _StockThread, &param2, 0, NULL) }; WaitForMultipleObjects(2, threads, TRUE, INFINITE); DeleteCriticalSection(&lock);}

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Standard Multi-Threadingmutex m;map<string, double> stocks;thread ta([&] { auto val = getStock("apple"); lock_guard<mutex> lg(m); stocks["apple"] = val;});thread tm([&]{ auto val = getStock("microsoft"); lock_guard<mutex> lg(m); stocks["microsoft"] = val;});ta.join(); tm.join();

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Tuple Typestuple<int, string, string> httpResponse = getPage("google.com");string body = get<2>(httpResponse);

int status;string header;tie(status, header, ignore) = getPage("yahoo.com");

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Smart Pointers No reason to use new or delete any

more... unique_ptr

Use when only a single reference is allowed at the same time

Passing a unique reference discredits the original one

shared_ptr Use when you want to share the instance

between multiple objects weak_ptr

Use to break up cycles

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Unique Pointers Passing by value or returning from

function invalidates the previous reference

This is the most common case Any private member Factory methods

Why not simply use values instead?

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Shared Pointers Counts references to find out when to

delete a raw pointer

struct employee {/*...*/};struct manager { vector<shared_ptr<employee>> employees;} bob;struct payroll_system { map<shared_ptr<employee>,double> salaries;} payroll;shared_ptr<employee> kate(new employee(/**/));payroll.salaries[kate] = 600000.0;bob.employees.push_back(kate);

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Weak Pointers Shared pointers don’t solve the problem

of cyclic references

struct manager { std::vector<shared_ptr<employee>> employees;};struct employee { std::weak_ptr<manager> manager; void request_leave() { if (auto m = manager.lock()) { m->request_leave(*this); } } // m is shared_ptr<manager>, might be null};

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Hash Tables Better performance!

std::unordered_set std::unordered_multiset std::unordered_map std::unordered_multimap

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For the Mathematicians Random

distributions: uniform_int uniform_real bernoulli binomial geometric negative_binomial poisson exponential Gamma Weibull

extreme_value normal lognormal chi_squared cauchy fisher_f student_t discrete piecewise_constant piecewise_linear

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More Goodies in Future C++14 Generic lambda functions auto lambda = [](auto x, auto y) { return x + y; }; Return-type inference auto foo(int i) { if (i == 1) return i; // return int else return foo(i - 1) + i; } STL enhancements:

Shared mutexes and locking Tuple addressing via type

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More Stuff You Should Know Templates STL algorithms

Rvalue references and move constructors

Variadic templates

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Summary C++ History

C++ 11 Usability Standard library

C++ 14

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Exercise Modernize some real open-source code!

Download code from here: http://bit.ly/1ryNgji

Go crazy!