What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ? Zara

Transcript of What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?

Page 1: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and

why ?


Page 2: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?

I believe that the thriller opening sequence I have made is a low concept film because high concept films contain certain conventions that a low concept film would not be able to do with their film. For instance, a high concept film would have A-list actors or special effects in their film. Low concept films are not able to do this since independent companies usually distribute low concept films. Independent companies lack the money to be able to use features like special effects and are unable to afford A-list actors Whereas high concept films have a lot of money from the previous films that they have made therefore they will be able to afford such features. I believe that the thriller film is a low concept film since we were not able to afford conventions of a high concept film.

Do you think that your film is a high concept film or a low concept film?

Page 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?

Axiom films is an independent distribution, production and a UK-based sales company that was first founded in 1997 by two producers called Douglas Cummins and Rocio Freire-Bernat. Axiom films are an independent company, which means that they must help gain money from other companies to help fund the movies that they produce. My opening sequence is most likely to be a low concept film if Axiom films are an independent company. They are less likely to be able to afford certain features, which determines the concept of my thriller film.

How does whether your film is high or low concept film relate to the distributor you have chosen?

Page 4: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?

There are quite a few advantages of having my thriller film being produced and distributed by an independent company. One of them is that they are more likely to have originality and creativity than major companies. For example, the film the Dark Knight Rises is a recognisable storyline that is easily understood by all from around the world. It also has one-dimensional characters, which do not have much character development. With independent films, there isn’t a limit on how far you can develop your characters therefore there is more creativity within the film. Therefore it can develop the characters within he opening sequence I have made. Moreover, low concept films are able to appeal more to their target audience meaning that my thriller film would be able to achieve a goal of reaching towards the target audience chosen who are people who are interested in psychological films and have thriller in it.

What are advantages and disadvantages of choosing your

distributor to distribute your film?

Page 5: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?

However, some independent companies are restricted to show their film globally due to certain issues e.g. language, accent etc. Some films may not be able to make the money back from the film that they have made meaning that they have a chance of ending up bankrupt and may not be able to produce films again. If our film is restricted due to these issues, the thriller film may not earn enough money back that they took to make the thriller film. Another disadvantage is that it may take a while to earn the money back, Attack the Block is still trying to earn money back by doing a variety o things such as competitions and creating game apps

What are advantages and disadvantages of choosing your

distributor to distribute your film?