What is Orthodoxy?

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  • 7/23/2019 What is Orthodoxy?


    Orthodox Church

    The Orthodox Churchis the oneChurchfounded by Jesus Christand his apostles, begun at the

    day of Pentecostwith the descent of the Holy Spiritin the year 33 A.D. t is also !nown "especially

    in the conte#porary $est% as the Eastern Orthodox Churchor the Greek Orthodox Church. t

    #ay also be called the &rthodo' Catholic Church, the &rthodo' Christian Church, the one, holy,

    catholic, and apostolic Church, the (ody of Christ, the (ride of Christ,or si#ply the Church.

    The bishopsof the &rthodo' Churches trace unbro!ensuccessionto the )ery apostlesthe#sel)es,

    therefore ulti#ately recei)ing their consecrations fro# our *ordJesus Christ. All the bishops of the

    +astern &rthodo' Churches, no #atter their titles, are eual in their sacra#entaloffice. The )arious

    titles gi)en to bishops are si#ply ad#inistrati)e or honorific in their essence. At an ecu#enicalcouncil, each bishop #ay cast only one )ote, whether he is the +cu#enical Patriarch or si#ply an

    au'iliary bishopwithout a diocese. Thus, there is no eui)alent to the -o#an Catholicpapacy

    within the +astern &rthodo' Churches.

    As with its Apostolic succession, the faith held by the Church is that which was handed byChristto

    the apostles. othing is added to or subtracted fro# that deposit of faith which was /handed once

    for all to the saints/ "Jude 3%. Throughout history, )arious heresiesha)e afflicted the Church, and at

    those ti#es the Church #a!es dog#aticpronounce#ents "especially at ecu#enical councils%

    delineating in new language what has always been belie)ed by the Church, thus pre)enting the

    spread of heresyand calling to repentance those whorend asunderthe (ody of Christ. ts pri#ary

    state#ent of faith is the icene0Constantinopolitan Creed.

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    history 5








    6u#ber of






    8 See


















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    Very brief history

    More information: Ti#eline of Church History

    Al#ost twothousand years ago, Jesus Christ, the Son of ;od, ca#e to earth and founded the

    Church, through His Apostles and disciples, for the sal)ation of #an. n the years which followed,

    the Apostles spread the Church and its teachings and founded #any churches, all united in faith,

    worship, and the parta!ing of the

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    anathe#as were e'changed. The sac!ing of Constantinople by the :ourth Crusade "5=6 AD%

    intensified +astern hostility toward the $est.

    Atte#pts at reconciliation at the councils of *yon "596 AD% and :lorence"6303 AD% were

    unsuccessful. $hen the papacy defined itself as infallible ":irst 4atican Council, 9= AD%, the gulf

    between +ast and $est grew wider. &nly since the Second 4atican Council "85087% has the

    #o)e#ent re)ersed, tal!s are bringing serious atte#pts at #utual understanding.

    Beliefs and Practices

    More information: ntroduction to &rthodo' Christianity

    The &rthodo' Church recogniEes as authoritati)e the decisions of the se)en ecu#enical councils

    that #et between 357 AD and 99 AD and defined the basic doctrines on theTrinityand the

    ncarnation. n later centuries &rthodo' councils also #ade doctrinal definitions on ;race"36

    AD, 37 AD% and too! a stand in reference to $estern teachings.The Church !eeps the early traditions of Christianity, infants recei)e the +ucharistand

    confir#ation, and the episcopateand the priesthoodare understood in the light of Apostolic

    succession. "Apostolic Succession is understood to be the passing on of the Holy Tradition by right0

    belie)ing (ishops%. (oth #arried #en and #on!s#ay beco#e priests, but priests, bishops, and

    #on!s #ay not #arry. The )eneration of

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    (elarus@ 7 #illion

    FaEa!hstan@ 6 #illion

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    Chryssa)gis, John..ight Thro$gh Dar/ne!!: The Orthodo Tradition *Tradition! of

    &hri!tian %pirit$ality %erie!. "S( 79=97767%

    Coniaris, Anthony

  • 7/23/2019 What is Orthodoxy?


    This article for#s part of the series&ntroduction to

    Orthodox Christianity

    'oly (radition

    Holy ScriptureThe Sy#bol of :aith

    +cu#enical CouncilsChurch :athers*iturgy


    (he 'oly (rinity

    ;od the :ather

    Jesus ChristThe Holy Spirit

    (he Church



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    Clergy =



    5 See



    +'ternal lin!s

    Orthodox Christianityis the life in faith of the &rthodo' Church, inseparable fro# that concrete,

    historic co##unity and enco#passing its entire way of life. The &rthodo' Christian faith is that

    faith /handed once to the saints/ "Jude3%, passed on in Holy Traditionto the apostlesby Jesus

    Christ, and then handed down fro# one generation to the ne't, without addition or subtraction.

    The sole purpose of &rthodo' Christianity is the sal)ation of e)ery hu#an person, uniting hi# to

    Christ in the Church, transfor#ing hi# in holiness, and i#parting eternal life. This is the ;ospel,

    the good news, that Jesus is the

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    The Hospitality of Abraha#, an &ld Testa#entpointer toward the Holy Trinity.

    GodMain article: Holy Trinity

    &rthodo' Christians worship the :ather, Son, and Holy SpiritLthe Holy Trinity, the one ;od.

    :ollowing the Holy Scripturesand the Church :athers, the Church belie)es that the Trinity is three

    di)ine persons "hypo!ta!e!% who share one essence "o$!ia%. t is parado'ical to belie)e thus, but that

    is how ;od has re)ealed hi#self. All three persons are consubstantial with each other, that is, they

    are of one essence "homoo$!io!% and coeternal. There ne)er was a ti#e when any of the persons of

    the Trinity did not e'ist. ;od is beyond and before ti#e and yet acts within ti#e, #o)ing and

    spea!ing within history.

    ;od is not an i#personal essence or #ere /higher power,/ but rather each of the di)ine persons

    relates to #an!ind personally. either is ;od a si#ple na#e for three gods "i.e., polytheis#%, but

    rather the &rthodo' faith is #onotheist and yet Trinitarian. The ;od of the &rthodo' Christian

    Church is the ;od of Abraha#, saacand Jacob,the & A)who re)ealed hi#self to

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    &ur *ord Jesus Christ

    Main article!: Jesus Christ, Christology

    The second person of the Holy Trinity, the Son of ;od, begotten before all ages by the :ather

    without a #other, was begotten in ti#e by the 4irgin

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    His wor! on +arth was for the purpose of sa)ing #an!ind, for the life of the world. +)erything he

    did was for our sal)ation, fro# relating parables and being baptiEedby the :orerunnerto his

    glorious death and resurrection. (ecause of who he is and of what he did for us, we ha)e the

    opportunity to beco#e by gracewhat he is by nature. That is, we can put on the di)ine, beco#ing

    parta!ers of the di)ine nature.


    Hagia Sophiain Constantinople

    Main article: +cclesiology

    The Church is the (ody of Christ, a theanthropic "di)ine0hu#an% co##union of Jesus Christ with

    his people. The sole head of the Church is Christ. The traditional belief in the Church is attested to

    in the icene0Constantinopolitan Creedas the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. (y this is

    #eant that the Church is undi)ided and not #any "one%, sanctified and set apart for the wor! of ;od

    "holy%, whole and characteriEed by fullness and uni)ersality "catholic%, and has at its essence the

    going out into all the world to preach the ;ospeland baptiEethe nations "apostolic%.

    The Church is the (ride of Christ, the eschatologicalspouse of the Son of ;od, united to hi# in

    faith and lo)e, for which he ga)e hi#self up on the cross. The inti#acy of a husband and wife is an

    earthly i#age of the inti#acy that Christ has with his Church, and the union of an earthly #arriage

    is a shadow of the union of that #arriage of the *a#b of ;od with the Church.

    The co##unity of the Church is the locus of sal)ationfor #an!indB it is truly the Ar! in which

    #an!ind #ay be sa)ed fro# the flood of corruption and sin. n it, Christians sacra#entallywor! out

    their sal)ation with fear and tre#bling "Phil.5@5%, worshipping the Holy Trinity in spirit and in

    truth. The Church is the pillar and ground of truth " Ti#.3@7% and thus #ay be relied upon in the

    ChristianMs struggle to apprehend the one truth for hi#self. The Church is eternal, and the gates of

    Hellwill ne)er pre)ail against it "

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    co##unities is dependent on ;odMs #ercy and grace, as is the case with those with #e#bership in

    the Church in this life.


    Main article: Holy Tradition

    Holy Tradition is the deposit of faith gi)en by Jesus Christto the Apostlesand passed on in the

    Church fro# one generation to the ne't without addition, alteration or subtraction.4ladi#ir *oss!y

    has fa#ously described the Tradition as /the life of the Holy Spirit in the Church./ t is dyna#ic in

    application, yet unchanging in dog#a. t is growing in e'pression, yet e)er the sa#e in essence.

    Gnli!e #any conceptions of tradition in popular understanding, the &rthodo' Church does not

    regard Holy Tradition as so#ething which grows and e'pands o)er ti#e, for#ing a collection of

    practices and doctrines which accrue, gradually beco#ing so#ething #ore de)eloped and

    e)entually unrecogniEable to the first Christians. -ather, Holy Tradition is that sa#e faith which

    Christ taught to the Apostles and which they ga)e to their disciples, preser)ed in the whole Church

    and especially in its leadership through Apostolic succession.

    The central location in Holy Tradition is occupied by the Holy Scriptures, the written witness to

    ;odMs re)elation in the Church. As such, the Scriptures are always interpretedfro# within the

    Tradition which was the conte't for their writing and canoniEation.


    A bishoplifting his hands in prayer during the Di)ine *iturgy.

    Main article: $orship

    $orship in the &rthodo' Church is understood to be the highest calling of #an!ind, to fall down at

    the feet of the Al#ighty ;od, the Holy Trinity, and to be gi)en o)er entirely to hi#, beco#ing

    united #ystically with hi# in the holy #ysteries. To worship ;od is to fulfil the purpose for which

    we were created.

    &rthodo' worship is liturgical, that is, following specific ritual patterns and cyclesin re)erent

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    dignity and e#bracing the whole of the hu#an person. ts re)erence and awe are due to its being

    understood as entering into the )ery throne roo# of the Creator. &rthodo' worship is transfor#ati)e

    in its nature, bringing the Christian #ore deeply into co##union with ;od and with his cooperation

    changing hi# into a holy person, a saint.

    $orship is distinct fro# )enerationin that the latter is si#ply the genuine respect that &rthodo'

    Christians show for holy people and things, while worship itself is a total gi)ing o)er of the self to

    be united with ;od.

    A secondary but essential co#ponent of worship in &rthodo'y is to teach thedog#asof the faith,

    for#ing the Christian in the doctrines of the Church.

    The center of &rthodo' Christian liturgical life is the Di)ine *iturgy. &ther #aor ser)ices include

    4espersand &rthros"

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    Ada#na#ing the ani#als in Paradise.

    Main article: Anthropology

    &rthodo' Christian anthropology teaches that #an was created by ;od to worship hi# in

    co##union with hi#, #ade in his i#age to attain to His li!eness. All hu#an beings are thus of

    infinite )alue, because they bear the indelible sta#p of their Creator. All hu#an beings areco#posed of both a soul and body, which are per#anently part of hu#an nature.

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    #eans by which #an cooperates with ;od. This cooperation is ter#ed !ynergeia"synergy%.

    n theosis, #an beco#es filled with the di)ine life. He ta!es on ;odMs attributes, but he does not

    beco#e #erged with the Holy Trinity. There is union without fusion.

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    &ur Holy *ady Theoto!os

    Main article: Saints

    %aint!#ay be understood in two senses. :irst, the saints are all those who are in the (ody of Christ,

    the Church. %aintliterally refers to one who has been set apart for ;odMs purposes, which is the

    essential #eaning of holiness. To be holy is to be set apart and thus has nothing particularly to do

    with oneMs personal worthiness.

    n the second, #ore co##on, sense, the !aint!are those whose li)es ha)e #ost clearly shown that

    they are set apart for the ser)ice of ;od. Their holiness, which is not their own but is ChristMs, has

    shone forth so ob)iously that &rthodo' Christians pay the# great respect, which is ter#ed

    veneration. This )eneration is ulti#ately due to ChristMs wor! and is a recognition of Christ in the


    (ecause the Church recogniEes the wor! of Christ in the saints, it underta!es the for#al wor! of

    glorification"canoniEation%, by which the saints are affir#ed by ;odMs people as being a#ong the

    sa)ed, that their li)es #ay be i#itated, ust as the Apostle Paulurged us to i#itate hi# as he

    i#itated Christ. *iturgical ser)ices are thus co#posed for the celebration of the feast daysof the

    saints, and their place as participants in the co##on worship of the whole Church is confir#ed.


    Main article: Church History

    The ChurchMs history records the progress of ChristMs wor! throughout the course of the hu#an

    e'perience. History in &rthodo'y has a theological i#portance because of the incarnationof Jesus

    Christ, that ust as ;od chose to beco#e a physical, li)ing, breathing hu#an being, he also chooses

    to wor! in and through hu#an history to bring about sal)ation. Thus, the ChurchMs history beco#es

    a sacred history, not in the sa#e sense as the (iblical history which for#s the sal)ation story itself,

    but rather as a record of the continued effects of the sal)ation story in the e'perience of #an.

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    See also

    $hat is &rthodo'yO, by :r. Theodore Pulcini

    External links

    &rthodo' Christianity for Absolute (eginners

    About &rthodo'y, fro# St. icholas Antiochian &rthodo' Cathedral, (roo!lyn, ew or!

    &rthodo' Christianity, fro# the Church of Serbia

    About &rthodo' Christianity"&CAsite%

    &ur :aith";&Asite%

    ntroduction to &rthodo' Christianity"Antiochiansite%