What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

Transcript of What is music

Page 1: What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

Page 2: What is music

• Characteristics

- Sound: The basic element of the Music.

- Art: The special plan for the sounds in the Music.

- Expressing: The ideas, feelings or mood in the Music.

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

Page 3: What is music

• Sound

- Type

‣ Body Instruments are music sounds produced by parts of the body.

‣ Acoustic Instruments are instruments that produce sounds naturally when rubbed, blown, buzzed or tapped.

‣ Electronic Instruments are music sounds produced by the use of electrical circuits and speakers.

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

Page 4: What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Sound

- Groups

‣ Chorus is an ensemble of voices.

‣ Orchestra is a large ensemble of acoustic instruments including String, Woodwind, Brass and Percussion instruments.

‣ Concert Band is a large ensemble of acoustic instruments including Woodwind, Brass and Percussion instruments.

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Sound

‣ Rock Band

‣ Jazz Band

‣ Ensemble

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Sound

- Texture

‣ Thin

‣ Thick

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Art

- Melody

‣ Characteristics

★ Pitch

★ Range

★ Scale

★ Order

★ Movement

★ Intervals

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Art

‣ Motive a short, distinctive pattern of pitches in a Melody.

‣ Lyrics are the text for a piece of Music.

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Art

- Harmony

‣ Type

★ Polyphony

★ Homophony

★ Ostinato

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Art

‣ Texture

‣ Thin

‣ Thick

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Art

- Rhythm

‣ Steady Beat

‣ Meter

‣ Tempo

‣ Rhythm Pattern

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Expressing

- Musical Controls

‣ Articulation

★ Legato

★ Staccato

‣ Dynamics

★ Forte

★ Piano

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Expressing

- Form

‣ Characteristics

★ Phrase

★ Section

★ Totality

‣ Genre is a type or category of composition based on its Form.

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Expressing

‣ Movement is a large, independent section of an instrumental composition.

‣ Symphony is a genre of instrumental music for orchestra consisting of several movements.

‣ Tone Poem is a one-movement work for orchestra of the Romantic era that gives musical expression to the emotions and events associated with a story, play, political occurrence, personal experience, or encounter with nature.

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Expressing

- Style

‣ Characteristics

★ Composer

★ Time

★ Place

★ Role

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Expressing

‣ Classical Music is Music that has endured the test of time and requires a particular set of skills to perform or appreciate it; it relies chiefly on acoustic instruments, preset musical notation, tends to be lengthy, and involves a variety of moods.

‣ Popular Music is a broad category of music designed to please a large section of the general public.

‣ Encore is a French word meaning “again” that is the repeat of a piece demanded by an appreciative audience or an extra piece added at the end of a concert.

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Universal Language

- Music is one of the oldest means of communication.

‣ Music is found in all cultures.

‣ Music is a means for transmitting the thoughts of people not met by other means of communication.

- Music is a basic characteristic of people’s lives.

‣ Music is central to the religious and social life of all people.

Page 18: What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Universal Language

‣ Music provides each person with an outlet for creativity and self-expression.

‣ Music develops the aesthetic potential of each person.

‣ Music provides each person with a source of enjoyment that will enhance the quality of their life.

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Reflection Of Society

- Music reflects the time of origin

‣ Musical compositions in an Era of Music express what is happening in life at that time.

‣ Musical compositions in an Era of Music have their own distinctive characteristics for the musical elements.

Page 20: What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Reflection Of Society

- Music reflects the place of origin.

‣ Musical compositions in a Style of Music express what is happening in life at that place.

‣ Musical compositions in a Style of Music express what is happening in life at that place.

Page 21: What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Reflection Of Society

- Relationship between Classical and Popular Music.

‣ Characteristics

★ Classical Music

✦ Fine Art Music

✦ Timeless quality

✦ Mainly instrumental Music

✦ Precise Music notation

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Reflection Of Society

✦ Acoustic Instruments

✦ Lengthy and varied in mood

✦ Abstract sound patterns

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Reflection Of Society

★ Popular Music

✦ Common Music

✦ Contemporary issues of life

✦ Emphasizes Vocal Music

✦ Electronic Instruments

✦ Short and conveys a single mood

✦ Strong sense of beat

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Reflection Of Society

‣ Live concerts are the best way to enjoy and understand both Classical and Popular Music.

Page 25: What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Listen to Music

- How we listen to Music.

‣ Layers of listening to Music.

★ Perceptual

✦ We hear the Music but do not think about it.

✦ It serves as background sound.

Page 26: What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Listen to Music

★ Expressive

✦ We listen to the Music and think about it.

✦ We think about the mood of the Music and how it makes us feel.

★ Musical

✦ We listen to the Music and deeply think about it.

✦ We think about the relationship between the sounds in the Music that create the mood we feel.

Page 27: What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Listen to Music

- Musical sounds are perceived and processes when we listen to Music.

‣ Our ears perceive musical sounds when we listen to Music.

‣ Our brain processes musical sounds when we listen to Music.

Page 28: What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Listen to Music

- Effectively listen to Music

‣ Listening is the primary tool for understanding and enjoying Music.

‣ It takes repeated listening to a composition with concentration in order to better understand and appreciate it.

‣ It takes improved knowledge about Music to completely understand and enjoy Music.

Page 29: What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Listen to Music

- Recognize the organization of the musical elements in the composition.

‣ Recognize the Sound Terms in a composition.

‣ Recognize the Art Terms in a composition.

‣ Recognize the Expressing Terms in a composition.

Page 30: What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Listen to Music

- Recognize the time and place of origin for the composition.

‣ Recognize when and where a composition originated.

‣ Music transmits both our cultural heritage and that of other cultures.

‣ Music is a continuing art, always sensitive to those contemporary conditions and social structures at the time of its creation.

Page 31: What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Listen to Music

- Recognize what mood, feelings or ideas are expressed in the composition.

‣ Music is a reflection of human experience and intrinsic concern.

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Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Music Notation

- Music Notation is a symbolic system of musical communication consisting of notes on a staff.

‣ Sound Terms

★ Timbre

★ Texture

Page 33: What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Music Notation

‣ Art Terms

★ Melody

★ Harmony

★ Rhythm

Page 34: What is music

Music Is The Art Of Expressing Yourself Through Sound.

• Music Notation

‣ Expressing Terms

★ Music Controls

✦ Articulation

✦ Dynamics

★ Form

★ Style