What Does My CEO Not Get About Social Media?

What Doesn't My CEO Get About Social Media? Ryan Cohn VP, Social/Digital Operations Sachs Media Group


Ready to launch the greatest social media campaign ever? In many organizations, you'll have to get the approval of a senior leadership team. In this presentation, you'll learn a variety of insights, strategies and tactics for overcoming executive resistance toward social media efforts. Presented by Ryan Cohn, Vice President of Social/Digital Operations at Sachs Media Group, at the Social Fresh EAST Conference in Tampa on April 19, 2013.

Transcript of What Does My CEO Not Get About Social Media?

Page 1: What Does My CEO Not Get About Social Media?

What Doesn't My CEO

Get About Social Media?

Ryan Cohn

VP, Social/Digital Operations

Sachs Media Group

Page 2: What Does My CEO Not Get About Social Media?

The Evolution of Social Business

The two most important criteria for a successful social business strategy are that it is:

• Clearly aligned with strategic business goals of an organization.

• Has organizational alignment and support that

enables execution of that strategy.

Quantitative survey conducted by Charlene Li and Brian Solis, March 6, 2013Study of 698 executives and social strategists about their social media efforts,

conducted online during Q4 2012 by Altimeter Group

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The Evolution of Social Business

Half of all executives are not informed, engaged, or aligned with their company’s

social media strategies in any capacity.

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We must overcome differences and bring both sides together.

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How do we turn potentially the biggest resistors into top advocates?

Analyze how senior leadership views social

Reframe misconceptions and perceptions

Connect social strategy to organizational


Encourage senior leadership social involvement

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How Senior Leadership Views Social

• 16% of CEOs on social– Expected to rise to 57% within 5 years

• LinkedIn is the only platform with more CEOs than general population

– (26% of CEOs compared to 20% of general population)

IBM Global CEO Study: Quantitative study of 1709 CEOs, general managers

 and senior public sector leaders, conducted face-to-face during 2012 by IBM

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How Executives Use Social Media

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Who Taught CEOs About Social?

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Who Taught CEOs About Social?

Older established professionals

Family members (kids and spouses)

When executives see their kids on phones all the time, that's their perception of social media.

Heard from countless executives: “I'm not on Facebook, but my wife is constantly on there looking at family photos.”

Threatening groundswells and prominent news stories

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“Huge ROI can be gained just by measuring

changes that stem from listening. It’s sad to

say, but the only changes I have seen are those

due to large or threatening groundswells.” 

“And in my view, change was only made to

silence the noise.”

- Frank Eliason, SVP of Social Media, Citi

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Reframing Misconceptions and Potentially Damaging Perceptions

Audiences and tactics have matured.

Social media role's extends beyond customer service and brand awareness.

Educate on the opportunities in risk/crisis mitigation, brand protection and reputation management, recruiting/staffing, etc.

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 “Social networks have evolved to become

knowledge and communication networks, and

access to thought leadership content is now

the primary reason professionals visit networks and

communities. Professionals are collaborating with

each other through the thought leadership content

they generate, curate or share.”

The Society for New Communications Research's (SNCR)

New Symbiosis of Professional Networks Study, 2012

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Stop Calling It “Social Media”

IDG Enterprise’s 2013 B2B Lead Generation Trends Survey

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Connecting Social Strategy to Organizational Objectives

Perspective of 2-3 years ago: C-Level knows social/digital has to be done, but don't know where to start.

Now: They're getting it more and more with strong implementation and metrics.

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The Evolution of Social Business

Only 34% of businesses felt that their social strategy was connected to

business outcomes.

Quantitative survey conducted by Charlene Li and Brian Solis, March 6, 2013

Study of 698 executives and social strategists about their social media efforts,

conducted online during Q4 2012 by Altimeter Group

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Great Example: John HayesChief Marketing Officer, American Express

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The Social Media ROI Pyramid

Jeremiah Owyang, The Altimeter Group

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Encouraging Senior Leadership Involvement in Social Media

Getting your C-Level leadership personally active on social networks increases embrace of social strategies and helps to change misconceptions.

Long term strategy

Will not work for all organizations/executives

Be mindful of compliance and regulations

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Trick to Increase Social Activity:Focus on Employee Relations

Get C-Level active on social for employee acquisition, retention and company morale purposes.

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Employees Perspectives of Executive Leadership Social Media Participation

• 82% were more likely or much more likely to trust a company whose leadership team engages with social media.

• 78% would prefer to work for a company whose leadership is active on social media.

• 81% believe that CEOs who engage in social media are better equipped than their peers to lead companies in a web 2.0 world.

• 85% believe that CEOs can use social media channels to improve engagement with employees.

• 86% rated CEO social media engagement as either somewhat important, very important or mission critical.

Source: BrandFog 2012 CEO Study

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How do we turn potentially the biggest resistors into top advocates?

Reframe misconceptions and perceptions

Connect social strategy to organizational


Encourage senior leadership social involvement

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Questions? Comments?

Twitter: @RyanCohn

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (850) 222-1996