Welcome to Trinity Churchtrinitysj.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Oct-29-Bulletin... · Welcome to...

Welcome to Trinity Church a Warm, Attractive, Thriving Christian community The Right Rev. David Edwards Bishop of Fredericton 115 Charlotte Street, Saint John, NB E2L 2J2 Ministers: All Parishioners Rev. Steven Scribner, Priest-in-Charge Honorary Assistant: Ven. Dr. F. Harold Hazen Organist & Choirmaster: Spencer H. Belyea B.Mus., B.Ed. UpTown Parish Nurse: Beth Lawson 642-7348 Trinity Parish Administrator: Cheryl MacDaid 693-8558 [email protected] http://trinitysj.com/ facebook.com/TrinityAnglicanSJ Twitter: @TrinityAnglicanSJ 8:00am – Rev. David Dean 10:30am – Rev. Canon George Eves The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Marjorie Cameron Farrer by her daughter

Transcript of Welcome to Trinity Churchtrinitysj.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Oct-29-Bulletin... · Welcome to...

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Welcome to Trinity Church

a Warm, Attractive, Thriving Christian community

The Right Rev. David Edwards Bishop of Fredericton

115 Charlotte Street, Saint John, NB E2L 2J2

Ministers: All Parishioners Rev. Steven Scribner, Priest-in-Charge

Honorary Assistant: Ven. Dr. F. Harold Hazen Organist & Choirmaster: Spencer H. Belyea B.Mus., B.Ed.

UpTown Parish Nurse: Beth Lawson 642-7348 Trinity Parish Administrator: Cheryl MacDaid 693-8558

[email protected] http://trinitysj.com/ facebook.com/TrinityAnglicanSJ Twitter: @TrinityAnglicanSJ

8:00am – Rev. David Dean 10:30am – Rev. Canon George Eves

The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Marjorie Cameron

Farrer by her daughter

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October 29, 2017 21th Sunday after Pentecost

8:00am – Holy Communion 10:30am – Holy Eucharist

Hymn 406 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah Collect for Purity pg.67 Summary of the Law pg.69 Collect for the day pg.252

Grant, we beseech thee, merciful Lord, to thy faithful people pardon and peace; that they may be cleansed from all their sins, and serve thee with a quiet mind; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The First Lesson Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Helen Webb Psalm 90:1-6,13-17 pg.456 The Epistle 1Thessalonians 2:1-8 Julian Webb Gradual Hymn 396 vs.1-2 Hail to the Lord’s anointed The Holy Gospel Matthew 22:34-46 Gradual Hymn 396 vs.3-4 Hail to the Lord’s anointed Nicene Creed Children’s Message Hymn 487 Come down, O love Divine Message Rev. Canon George Eves Offertory Hymn 555 Blest be the tie that binds Prayers of the People Confession and Absolution pg.77 Thanksgiving and Consecration Peace and Prayer of Humble Access pg.83 Lamb of God Communion Lord’s Prayer Prayer of Thanksgiving The Blessing Parish Announcements Closing Hymn 379 O God, our help in ages past

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Reverend’s Corner

WAT ? Warm ----- Attractive ----- Thriving

As I mentioned last week when one drives a certain vehicle you notice how many others are driving the same vehicle. This speaks to how our senses work. The fact is these vehicles were always there – but they have gone un-noticed. Well as we practice Warmth – a great part of Warmth is making deeper connections of those we think we know and getting to know those we think we don’t know. I say those we think we do not know. The best way I can describe this is through several personal stories which I will share.

- During my seminary days in Winnipeg MB, I was serving in the Parish of St. George Crescentwood. During these eight months, I lead a Bible Study and the first portion of the first gathering was spent going around the table introducing ourselves and revealing one thing that others might not know about ourselves. Those in attendance were about 10 long term parishioners. The outcome in part was to find out two of the ladies had lived in Saint John NB during their childhood days during WW II. One had gone to school at Netherwood and the other lived around the corner from the Irving boys’ egg hatchery where her mother was great friends with Mrs. KC Irving. The trigger for these two women was my birth city. What was unique, as neither of these two ladies knew they had this in common with each other. The only gentleman who was brave enough to come out to Bible Study was a Mr. Thomas Walker. His name was a trigger for me to go deeper, as I was aware of a Dr Thomas Walker MD from Saint John who’s 4’ x 6’ painted portrait hangs in the Masonic Hall next door. He served in WW I and was Past Worshipful Grand Master of the Free and Accepted Mason of NB. Further to this I was connected with this Dr. Thomas Walker during my days in Thunder Bay ON. This gentleman as a current member of the United Empire Loyalist. The story got even deeper, but suffice to say, we

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need to be ready for those triggers to go deeper, as we all like to feel connected.

- Heather and I here in Myrtle Beach, are always talking to our fellow campers which is why we choose to trailer versus hotel. The couple who were beside us were from Port Perry ON. The trigger for me was a company I used in my Pulp and Paper days was from their city – low and behold, they knew the owner of this company. Not only this, but the gentleman was the past President of Durham College which opened up my connections with Confederation College Thunder Bay ON. to which we knew a key person in common. From this brief discussion a friendship ensues and plan to see each other next fall here in Myrtle Beach and exchanged contact information.

I continue to grow these connections with Trinity and those who have recently called Trinity home and especially our visitors (tourists). I find this exciting. We need to practice this technique over and over and soon it becomes a habit if we are going to build bridges with our friends, acquaintances and those we meet. This will connect them with what we love of Trinity and our walk in faith. In these days when there is so much that is uncertain, it is great to know we have solid friendships, safe places to worship and a place that is the definition of Warmth which we call Trinity.


Do Not Be Alarmed! To achieve our ‘Vision” of a Warm,

Attractive, Thriving Trinity Church we see a need to bring our

parishioners closer together—literally and figuratively. Therefore,

we will be “cording” off the pews at the back of the church to

ensure that we all come “front and centre” to better hear and

appreciate the songs and the message. We want you to sit as

close to our fellow worshippers in our beautiful church as you can

– and this is only the first step in our Action Plan!

Your “Warm Hearts and Pews” Team:

Ruth Ross, Suzanne Irving, Linda Webb

PLEASE - bring in your used stamps and place them in the basket provided in the breezeway. Those stamps are sent off to

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be sold and end up benefitting underprivileged children in the third world.

Seafarers Christmas Bags: Chi Rho Club will be doing the Christmas bags again this Year. Each bag cost at the least $15.00. Anyone wishing to share in this endeavor, give your donation to Joyce Rodgers or Archdeacon Hazen. Thank you

TRINITY CHI RHO CLUB will meet on Wed. Nov.8th in the Bennett Room, Trinity Centre, at 2:00 pm. We will have a presentation by the Rev. Lt. Gregory McMullin, Chaplain H.M.C.S. Brunswicker on "The Importance of Chaplains in the Armed Forces". Everyone is welcome. Tea will be served at about 3:30 pm.

This Week At Trinity Oct 29 - Nov 4

TODAY:2:00pm Messiah Chor Rehearsal Bennett Room 7:00pm Messiah Chor Rehears Bennett Room

7:30pm Gambler’s Anon 3rd Floor Conf.

MON: 9:30am Zoomer Bennett Room 12:15am Manwich Bennett Room 2:00pm Line Dancing Bennett Room 4:00pm Women’s Journey Bennett Rm & Kitchen 7:00pm SJ Chorale rehearsal Choir Room

TUE: 10:00am Art Group Bennett Room

WED: 12:15pm Holy Communion Svc Church 5:00pm Youth Connection 2nd Floor

7:30pm Gamblers Anon 3rd Floor Conf.

THU: 4:00pm Community Drop-in 2nd Floor 5:00pm ICYM Board Meeting Bennett Room 7:30pm Trinity Church Choir Choir Room


SAT: Gamblers Anon Workshop Bennett Room 7:00pm Alcoholics Anon 3rd Floor Conf.

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COMMUNITY CAROL SERVICE Trinity will host on Sat Dec 16th at 7 pm. We need singers for the combined Choir, and always welcome members of our own Congregation to sing with us… Consider this your invitation to join the Carol Service Choir! Rehearsals are Wed.Dec.13 & Fri.Dec.15th, 7-9 pm in the Choir room, and 2-4 pm Sat.16th with Brass and Organ in the Church. Please mark your calendars & “Thank You” from Spencer and the Choir.

Trinity Offering of Non-Perishable food products; Weekly we will be receiving gifts non-perishable foods which will go to support the food cupboards in our uptown communities. Items needed are Peanut Butter, Pancake mix / syrup, Kraft Dinner, Rice, Canned tomatoes, canned meet like ham, tuna etc., Hamburger Helper, canned fruit and canned vegetables. There are two baskets, one at each entrance for your donation and they will be brought up to the Altar for receiving and blessings with the offering.

Christmas Memories booklet: Do we have enough Christmas memories to do another in the series of booklets that have been produced bi-annually since I came Trinity? I am willing to undertake this as it usually brought a few hundred dollars in revenue for the church, but I need to know if you have stories, photos, drawings, old cards, memories, toys of yesteryear, poems, etc., you’d be willing to share with me to add to some I have, and some I can gather from those who are not members of the congregation, but who like this effort and always buy a few copies for gifts at Christmas. Let me know if you’re interested by sending an e mail to [email protected]. I’ll leave some back copies in the Bennett Room for a few Sundays to give examples of what has been done in the past. You can also call me at 672 8601.

“A guide to Trinity Anglican church through sketches by church member Helen Webb…” has been recopied, as the original was not as well reproduced as it might have been due to a copier malfunction. If you have purchased a marred copy, simply see Helen Webb or David Goss and your copy will be replaced. This booklet is now available for sale to visitors, or to members at $5.00 each. It is in a display rack at the Germain Street entrance. Please consider a purchase for yourself or as a

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gift to someone else. Only 50 copies are available in this print run, so act quickly. You can also see Helen or David after the Sunday service to make a purchase.

~~~~~ Mark the Dates Nov 8th –

Bible Study – 1:30pm - 3rd Floor Conference Room Chi Rho Club – 2:00pm – Bennett Room

Nov 19th – Dedication of Trinity’s Phoenix Organ Nov 30th – Trinity – “Service of Light” at 7PM Dec 3rd – Trinity - the Uptown Ministries ‘Song of Praise’ at 7PM Dec 16th – Trinity’s Community Carol Service Dec 22nd – Trinity hosts the professional performance of Handel’s MESSIAH Website: For those who cannot wait till Sunday to read the bulletin, it is available via Trinity Website on Fridays, thanks to Laurelle


Prayer Chain: Anthea Earle (652-6032) or bearlec603@ rogers.com

Prayer Requests Carolyn Barker, Teddy Quann, Gerry Laskey, Greg and Iris Frazer, Dan Goodwin, Jeremy (son of Rick Robinson) and Pippa (daughter of Rev. Douglas Painter)

Anglican & Diocesan Cycle of Prayer October 29: Thoothukudi-Nazareth (South India), the Rt Rev Samuel Devasahayam Ebenezer Clement; Tirunelveli (South India), the Rt Rev Jayaraj Christdoss. Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Anglican Church of Canada. Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land, Archbishop Gregory Kerr-Wilson and the Provincial Council. Diocese of Ho, Bishop Matthias Meduadues-Badohu. Diocese of Yukon, Carcross, Tagish & Johnson's Crossing: St. Saviour's, Teslin: St. Philip's, the Ven. Sarah Usher, Len Usher and the ministry team, Bishop Larry Robertson, Sheila & family. David, our Bishop, Claude, William and George, retired Bishops, and their families.

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Lay Readers: Margaret Clark Ouellette Jim McKenna Suzanne Sutton Wardens: Christopher Waldschutz Derek Oland Honorary Church Warden:

Bill Bambury Treasurer: Vestry Clerk:

Debbie Hughes Cindy Belyea Vestry: Jim Brittain Linda Webb

Terry Hutchinson John Logan Stephen Mott Ruth Ross Louise Dodge-Hall Judi Harvey-Isaac Suzanne Irving Lynda Lomax Margaret Clark Ouellette Cindy Belyea

Synod Delegates: Jim McKenna Margaret Clark Ouellette Margaret McCully

Alternate Synod Delegates: Louise Dodge-Hall Judi Harvey-Isaac

Hospitality Committee: Louise Dodge-Hall Lynda Lomax Worship Committee: Margaret Clark Ouellette

Spencer Belyea Lynn Kristofferson Ven Harold Hazen Rus Blanchet Margaret McCully Susanne Sutton Jim McKenna

Altar Guild: Margie Clark Ouellette Cindy Belyea

Lynn Kristofferson Ruth Steed Crucifer: Julian Webb Pastoral Care:

Rus Blanchet Rev Steven Scribner Beth Lawson RN

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Nov 5th Remembrance Display Please consider bringing a picture, medals, other personal memorabilia of your family members who served and we remember on this day. In the past I have had items that came home from the war, letters, note books and even a small accordion which was signed by all his mates. This allows them to be very close to us as we remember their service and we share in the peace and freedom they fought for and we enjoy. There will be a table at the front to display these items at the front of the church. Nov 5th is Cereal Sunday (first Sunday of each month) in support of St. Luke's Anglican Street ministries. Bring a box of cereal with you to support those in our city who have much less. Christmas Exchange & Empty Stocking Fund – The office is now taking names for the Christmas Exchange and the Empty Stocking Fund. Upcoming services / events

Trinity Church Sesquicentennial Series (Oct 22 thru Dec 31,2017)– Bennett Room

o Nov 5 – Trevor Fotheringham walking tours o Nov 19 – Santa Claus aka Vern Garnett &

adventures o Dec 10 – Loyalist Christmas Celebration

($10.00 / 50 people max) November 5 – Combined All Saints & Remembrance

Day Service November 8 – Bible Study; weekly; 3rd Floor

Conference Room; 1:30-3pm November 18 – Bible & Breakfast – The search for

understanding – Wisdom in the Bible, problems & truth in Job

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November 19 for the Phoenix Organ Dedication / Ven Lyman Harding

November 24,25 – Fall Book, Baked Goods & Christmas Items sale

November 30 – Service of Light December 3 – Uptown Ministries “Song of Praise

Service” Sati2 7:00pm December 16 – Bible & Breakfast – The Christmas

Story December 16 – Community Carol Service December 22 – Handel’s Messiah

Thank you letter – Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, The congregation of St. Luke’s Church says thank you very much for the overwhelmingly generous donation of cereal for our outreach programs. As you may know, we go through vast quantities of cereal each month as we offer it not only during our Tuesday breakfasts but on Mondays and Thursdays as well, when we open at 10am for the Loaves and Fishes Lunch program at noon. We also make it available on days when we don’t have a meal, should someone arrive hungry. Your gift will go a long way in satisfying a lot of hungry people. Again, our sincere thanks & may the Lord continue to bless you as you serve Him. Events on the back burner: Gospel Evening – with Living Water (Southern & Country Gospel Music

~~~~~~ Trinity Sesquicentennial Series of Sunday afternoon activities ~~ Freewill offering except for December 10. (See below) Sundays 2:00- 3:30

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Nov. 8 - weekly bible study starting Nov 8th wed at 1:30 to 3:00 in the 3rd Floor Conference Room. We will look at the lectionary readings for the coming Sunday. Nov. 24 & 25th - Fall Book Sale and Christmas Bake Sale will be held on Friday and Saturday, November 24 and 25 in the Bennett Room. Bring us your books & Christmas items for sale, and leave in the elevator room. If you can provide HOME cooking, we’d love to have it. Let the church office know, but please, no purchased cooking…if you do not want to cook, you can make a donation to the cause.


Oct 31 - Lunch and Learn- Keep your Mind for Later Use-Our next session on the healthy brain will be on the importance of exercise. Our guest speaker will be Lori Patterson from the Community Health Center. Please wear good footwear as an exercise demonstration may be part of the session. I look forward to seeing you at Stone church on October 31st from 12:15 -1:15 to learn how exercise can change our lives.Please bring a bag lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided. Nov 4 - A CRAFT FAIR will be held at St. Luke's Church

Hall, corner of Metcalf Street and Lansdowne Avenue, Saint

John on Saturday, November 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

handmade crafts, many vendors and a canteen. Come and

do some Christmas shopping or pick up a gift or two for

yourself! Admission is $3 per person. Tables are $30; please

contact the Church Office at 693-4152 to reserve yours.

Diabetes Canada needs as many volunteers as possible!! We are right around the corner from Diabetes Awareness Month and our annual door-to-door campaign! We are

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currently recruiting volunteers to canvass in their neighbourhood during November! Say yes, contact the NB Diabetes Canada Office at [email protected] or 506-451-1639. We need to work together to #enddiabetes”