Welcome to the Parish Community of Sacred Heart · Jesús a Jerusalén (Mateo 21:1-9, Marcos...

Church illustration by Sheri George 1627 GRAND AVENUE • WEST DES MOINES, IOWA 50265 MARCH 25, 2018 PALM SUNDAY Sacred Heart Welcome to the Parish Community of Holy Thursday March 29, 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday March 30, 7pm The Lord’s Passion Easter Vigil March 31, 7:30 pm Celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection—Begins in the Parish Center Easter Sunday April 1, 2018 Mass: 8, 9:30, 11:15am 1pm (in Spanish)

Transcript of Welcome to the Parish Community of Sacred Heart · Jesús a Jerusalén (Mateo 21:1-9, Marcos...

Church illustration

by Sheri George

1 6 2 7 G R A N D AV E N U E • W E S T D E S M O I N E S , I O WA 5 0 2 6 5

M A R C H 2 5 , 2 0 1 8 ● P A L M S U N D A Y

Sacred Heart Welcome to the Parish Community of

Holy Thursday March 29, 7pm

Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Good Friday March 30, 7pm

The Lord’s Passion

Easter Vigil March 31, 7:30 pm

Celebration of the Lord’s

Resurrection—Begins in

the Parish Center

Easter Sunday April 1, 2018

Mass: 8, 9:30, 11:15am

1pm (in Spanish)



Welcome to all our visitors, newcomers and parishioners!!

If you are new to our faith community and are interested in becoming a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, please stop by the Parish Office or call 225-6414, for a New Member Packet. We have programs and activities available for everyone. We offer RCIA for adults who wish to become Catholic. The names of the pastoral staff members, committee members and ministry chairperson, and their phone numbers are listed on this page.

SACRED HEART PASTORAL STAFF Pastoral staff members are available to help parishioners when they are celebrating the good times or hurting during times of crisis. Consider contacting the following pastoral staff members to help you through a difficult time.

FR. CHRIS HARTSHORN, PASTOR [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 310 FR. LUIS MEJIA, PAROCHIAL VICAR [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 313

SACRED HEART PARISH STAFF Rev. Mr. Ron Myers, Deacon 226-8466

Rev. Mr. Randy Horn, Deacon 224-1113

Deacon Ed Garza, Pastoral Care [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 315

Casey Conner, RCIA Director [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 309

Deanna Lane, Youth Ministry Director [email protected] 225-0546

Loralee Chase, Adult Faith Ministry and Communications [email protected] 225-6414, Ext. 309

Kayla Richer, Children’s Faith Formation Director [email protected] 225-6414, Ext. 319

Karla Serio, Hispanic Ministry Director [email protected] 225-6414, Ext. 304

Leah Mohlman, Minister of Music and Liturgy [email protected] 225-6414, Ext 318

SACRED HEART SCHOOL STAFF Jane Kinney, Principal [email protected] 223-1284, Ext. 142

Scott Ehlinger, Vice Principal [email protected] 223-1284, Ext. 140

VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: www.sacredheartwdm.org LIKE US ON FACEBOOK & TWITTER: @SacredHeartWDM

WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday .......................................................... 4:00 pm Sunday ......... 8:00, 9:30, 11:15 am; 1pm Spanish Mass Daily Mass ............ Monday through Friday 8:00 am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday ........................................ 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm TELEPHONE NUMBERS Parish Office ........... Phone: 225-6414 Fax: 225-0286 School ............................................................ 223-1284 Children’s Faith Formation .......................... 225-6414 Youth Ministry .............................................. 225-0546 Sunday Faith Formation Preschool .............. 225-6414 Parish Center Scheduling .............................. 225-6414 Weekday Preschool ....................................... 226-2146 Sacred Heart Plus. ........................................ 226-9662 www.sacredheartwdm.org SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptismal prep classes are typically offered the last Monday of each month at the home of a Sacred Heart parishioner. Email Sarah at [email protected] and AJ at [email protected] for more information.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Registered and participating members of the Parish, contact the Parish Office six months, or more, in advance. Preparation classes are required. NEWCOMERS Please register by phone, or in person, at the Parish Office between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm. For address changes, or if leaving the parish, please call the Parish Office at 225-6414. COMMITTEE & MINISTRY CHAIRPERSONS Art & Environment ..................... Pam Douglas, 224-0032 Board of Religious/Academic Education................................................. Amy Friedrich [email protected] Children’s Liturgy of the Word Coordinator ………… Veronica Mendez 225-6414 Knights of Columbus ...................... Tom Robson, 554-0904 [email protected] Prayer Line ................... Wynanda Ferguson, 225-7200 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul .............. Rolla Hermann,223-0960 Bill Ehm,210-5239 Women’s Guild ............................ Barb Baker, 339-1561 Pastoral Council ................ Kevin MacFerrin, 321-8896

[email protected] Young Adult Director ……….….Jennifer Leon 225-6414 [email protected] BULLETIN DEADLINES: log onto our web site for information about submission guidelines

MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Sacred Heart Parish is to be the spiritual focal point for the Catholic Christian community in our portion of the Diocese of Des Moines. This community:

Believes and proclaims that Jesus Christ is Lord;

Calls its people to experience and put into practice the love of Jesus Christ;

Draws its people into the social and spiritual life of the parish so that each has a sense of belonging;

Seeks to help its members take on the "mind of Christ" through prayer, study and worship;

Uses and returns the gifts and talents God has given; Is itself a sign calling its members to hear and respond in ministry to the spiritual and temporal needs of people within the parish and beyond.


If I can be of assistance to you or a loved one, please contact me. I have many resources to share with you.

Deacon Ed Garza, Translated by Karla Serio [email protected]




. Palm Sunday: An Unnamed Woman and Her Prophetic Act at Bethany By Sister Laurie Brink, O.P.

I have no memory. Every Palm Sunday I join the parade of parishioners, waving palm branches and singing “Hosanna” as we process into church. The happy hosannas are drowned in the refrain “Were you there?” and I am reminded again that the way of Jesus is the way of the cross. All three synoptic gospels record Jesus’ triumphal entrance into Jerusalem (Matt 21:1-9, Mark 11:1-10, Luke 19:28-40), which we celebrate at the beginning of our Palm Sunday liturgy. The procession begins at the crest of the Mount of Olives, just a short distance from Bethany. Bethany on the Mount of Olives serves as Jesus’ home away from home on his visits to the Jerusalem. During times of pilgrimage the city’s population would increase to four times its normal size, forcing pilgrims to find housing in the villages surrounding the city. Following the pilgrim route from Jericho, the town of Bethany sits halfway up the southeastern slope of the Mount of Olives and about two miles from Jerusalem. The pilgrims ascended from nearly 800 feet below sea level in Jericho to 2,500 feet above sea level in about 15 miles. Jesus found more than hospitality in Bethany; he also found friendship with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. John’s gospel records “now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus” (John 11:5). As Jesus’ ministry progresses and he is noticed by the religious leaders in Jerusalem, perhaps Bethany becomes a safe place for people such as Nicodemus to engage in discussion (John 3). Bethany is also where Jesus attends a dinner at the house of Simon the Leper. Here an unnamed woman anoints his head with expensive ointment (Matt. 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9). At a luxury dinner it would have been the custom that the hands and feet of the guests were washed and their body perfumed before the dinner began. Usually this would be done by servants. But this anointing by the woman isn’t a ritual of hospitality. Jesus sees it as a prophetic preparation for his burial (Matt. 26:12, Mark 14:8). It must have been a powerful moment of understanding between the unnamed woman and Jesus when she poured the precious ointment on his head. In John’s gospel we have the washing of the feet, where Jesus demonstrates how his disciples are to serve (John 13:4-5, 12-17). In Matthew and Mark’s gospels, Jesus has told the disciples that “whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave” (Matt. 20:26-27, Mark 10:44). It seems in this generous, tender act by an unknown woman that she understood. She got it. She recognizes Jesus, the impending passion, and responds rightly. “Amen, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed to the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her” (Matt. 26:13, Mark 14:9).

Domingo de Ramos: Una Mujer y Su Acta Profética en Betania escribido por Hermana Laurie Brink, O.P. en ingles

Yo no tengo una buena memoria. Cada Domingo de Ramos, sigo el desfile de parroquianos con sus palmas, cantando “Hosanna” mientras procesamos a la iglesia. Estoy acordada otra vez que el camino de Jesús es el camino a la cruz. Los evangelios sinópticos documentan la entrada triunfante de Jesús a Jerusalén (Mateo 21:1-9, Marcos 11:1-10, Lucas 19:28-40), cuales los celebramos al inicio de la liturgia en el Domingo de Ramos. La procesión empieza en la cima del monte de los Olivos, poca distancia de Betania. Betania, que está ubicada en el monte de los Olivos, sirve como un segundo hogar para Jesús cuando visita a Jerusalén. Durante temporadas de peregrinaje, la populación de la ciudad subía hasta cuatro veces más de lo normal. Esto forzaba a los peregrinos a que buscaran viviendas en los pueblos alrededor de la cuidad. Siguiendo el camino peregrino de Jericó, el pueblo de Betania está ubicada a la mitad del camino subiendo el monte de Olivos y a dos millas de la cuidad de Jerusalén. Los peregrinos subían de casi 800 pies debajo del nivel del mar en Jericó a 2,500 pies más del nivel del mar en solo 15 millas. Jesús encontró más que la hospitalidad en Betania; el también encontró la amistad de María, Marta, y Lázaro. El evangelio de San Juan documenta, “Y Jesús amaba a Marta, a su hermana y a Lázaro.” (Juan 11:5). Es posible que Betania empezó a ser un lugar seguro adonde Jesús podría continuar su ministerio cuando la fama de el creció al punto que empezaba a atraer atención de los líderes de los judíos. Es adonde Jesús tuvo una conversación con Nicodemo (Juan 3). También es el lugar adonde Jesús atendió una cena en la casa de Simón el Leproso. Aquí, una mujer ungió su cabeza con un olio fino (Mateo 26:6-13, Marcos 14:3-9). En ese tiempo, la costumbre en una cena lujosa seria que los sirvientes lavarían las manos y pies de los invitados y sus cuerpos perfumados antes de empezar la cena. La ungida de Jesús por la mujer no viera sido un rito de hospitalidad. Si no, Jesús lo ve como una preparación profética antes de su sepultura (Mateo 26:12, Marcos 14:8). Me imagino que viera sido un momento de entendimiento entre esta mujer y Jesús muy poderoso, cuando ella derramo el olio fino en la cabeza de él. En el evangelio de San Juan vemos como Jesús modelo a sus discípulos la forma de servir el uno al otro cuando empezó a lavar los pies de ellos (Juan 13, 4-5, 12-17). En los evangelios de San Mateo y San Marcos, Jesús les dice a los discípulos “y cualquiera de vosotros que desee ser el primero será siervo de todos” (Marcos 10:44). Me parece que, en su acta generosa y amorosa, la mujer entendió esto. Ella reconoce a Jesús, la Pasión que viene par el, y ella responde correctamente. “Y en verdad os digo: Dondequiera que el evangelio se predique en el mundo entero, también se hablara de lo que esta ha hecho, para memoria suya.” (Marcos 14:9).




Student Ministry at Sacred Heart offers spiritual, service and social opportunities to teens in grades 9-12. Contact Deanna Lane, Director of Youth Ministry, for more information at 225-0546 or [email protected].

Kayla Richer, Director [email protected]

Debbie Chalik, Coordinator [email protected]

Marcia Schaul, Office Associate [email protected]


All Sacred Heart Parish high school seniors and their families are invited to join us for 9:30 Mass followed by brunch in the parish center on April 29. There will also be a photo display of senior pictures in the gathering space. Even if you can’t attend the Mass, we’d love to include your photo in the display which will remain up through the end of May. Wallet sized photos may be dropped off or mailed to the church office (1627 Grand Ave., WDM, 50265) by April 20. Be sure to put your name on the back. RSVP with the number attending the brunch to the Parish office at 225-0546 or [email protected] by April 20.

Upcoming Youth Ministry Calendar March 25 Passion Play practice 5-6:30 March 25 Teen Choir 6:30-8:00 March 28 Passion Play AND Teen Choir Practice 6:30-8:00 March 29 Holy Thursday Mass 7:00 March 30 Good Friday Service 7:00 (Passion Play) April 1 Happy Easter – Mass at 8:00, 9:30, 11:15 and 1:00 (Spanish) April 4 Confirmation class 6:30-8:00 & SMASH April 8 Teen Choir rehearsal 6:30-8:00 April 11 SMASH on Wednesday 6:30-8:00 April 15 Teen Choir at 11:15 Mass

WHAT IS NEW IN CFF We are gearing up to be ready for registration upon our return from spring break! Please watch your email, the web site, Facebook and your mail for information about registration. In the mean time, whether you are taking an extravagant trip or embarking on a stay-cation, enjoy some time with your family!

Upcoming Events: March 28: NO CFF, Holy Week April 4: Final CFF Class April 18: First Eucharist Practice (Spanish) at 5:30 pm April 22: First Eucharist (Spanish) at 3 pm April 24: First Eucharist Practice (English) at 5:30 pm April 29: First Eucharist (English) at 3 pm


Hello, this is Maya Freking and Megan Schwarte, and we are freshmen at Dowling. For our project in religion class, we are collecting items for the Freedom for Youth Shelter in Des Moines. We will accept anything, but their biggest needs right now are outdoor toys, games, art supplies, and individually packaged snacks. You may bring your donation items to the gathering space or school lobby. The boxes will be marked with the words “Change Challenge” We will be collecting donation items through April 22. We will be available to collect monetary donations after every mass the weekend of April 14/15. All donations will be given directly to the Freedom for Youth Shelter. Thank you in advance for your generosity! If you have any questions, you may contact us at [email protected].


Sacred Heart School has an open position for Athletic Director starting the 2018-2019 school year. Interested applicants should contact the school office at 515-223-1284 for additional information



Sat. Mar 24 4:00 pm William Fowles

Sun. Mar 25 8:00 am Don Sheil 9:30 am Mary Kiburz 11:15 am Mary Fran Marasco 1:00 pm Sacred Heart Parishioners Mon. Mar 26 8:00 am Maria Hernandez

Tues. Mar 27 8:00 am Abby Clingan

Wed. Mar 28 8:00 am Gene Bilstad

Thurs. Mar 29 7:00 pm No Mass Intention

Fri. Mar 30 7:00 pm No Mass Intention

Sat. Mar 31 7:30 pm No Mass Intention

Sun. April 1 8:00 am Modesto Vaquerano 9:30 am Eldred Zimmerman 9:30 am Bill Fairbank 11:15 am Leo Graff 1:00 pm Sacred Heart Parishioners

Please stop by the gathering space and sign up for our Holy Week and Easter liturgies. We are in need of Lectors, Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and Sacristans for these liturgies.

Sunday: Mk 11:1-10/Is 50:4-7/Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24/ Phil 2:6-11/Mk 14:1-15:47 Monday: Is 42:1-7/Ps 27:1, 2, 3, 13-14 [1a]/Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6/Ps 71:1-4-6, 15, 17/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday: Is 50:4-9/Ps 69:8-10,21-22,31,33-34/Mt26:14-25 Thursday: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/Ps 116:12-13, 15-18/ 1 Cor 11:23-26/Jn 13:1-15 Friday: Is 52:13--53:12/Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25/ Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1--19:42 Saturday: Vigil: Gn 1:1--2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12-14, 24, 35 /Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Ps 16:5, 8, 9-10, 11/Ex 14:15--15:1/Ex 15:1- 6, 17-18/Is 54:5-14/Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13/Is 55:1- 11/Is 12:2-6/Bar 3:9-15, 32--4:4/Ps 19:8-11/Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3, /Rom 6:3-11/ Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23/Mk 16:1-7 Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23/ Col 3:1-4 /Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7

Welcome New Families

We are excited to have you as a part of our parish family. If you have questions or would like

information on how to get registered or involved, call the parish office at 225-6414, or visit our website at






Receiving communion at Eucharist is not simply receiving bread and wine. We can miss the depth of what we are doing. We need to stop and realize what we hold in our hand.

We hold God in our hand. We hold in our hand all of creation, the whole cosmos. We hold in our hand life and death. We hold in our hand the risen Lord.

I must hold that differently.

I must walk differently and catch the height and breadth of this tremendous gift that Jesus has given.


If you have not completed your Annual Diocesan Appeal pledge card, please do so as soon as possible. Your gift will help the diocese meet not only the physical needs of people but also their spiritual needs.

You may also make your gift online via credit card by visiting https://dmdiocese.thankyou4caring.org.

Your generosity is greatly appreciated.


Each year our sanctuary is enhanced at Easter with a variety of beautiful flowers—lilies, hyacinths, daffodils, etc. These flowers are purchased with money that is donated in memory of family’s loved ones. Envelopes are available at the church entrances and in the church office for these donations.


The Art & Environment Committee will be decorating our church for Easter on Saturday, March 31 at 8am. There are a lot of flowers and other décor to organize for the Easter season. We need all the help we can get to make this transition happen. Please come join us! Teens will receive service hours.

Stephen Ministry seeks to be a living presence of the caring Christ to our parish community. Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one ministry provided by trained caregivers who seek to bring Christ’s healing love to all who are experiencing life’s challenges For more information please call!

Contact Deacon Ed at 225-6414 or 249-7946



Visit the Women’s Guild on the website under “ministries”


JOIN THE KNIGHTS! Call (515) 554-0904

Email: [email protected]


PALM SUNDAY & HOLY WEEK As we continue our preparation for the Lord’s Easter this Palm Sunday weekend, please make the time to participate in the Holy Week activities culminating with the joyful Easter next weekend

Drake Relays! We will again be staffing concession stands at the Drake Relays next month. Please mark the dates Friday (4/27) and Saturday (4/28). Sign-up for slots will begin in early April


April April 8, Sunday: Pancake breakfast in parish center from 8:30 to 11:00

April 16, Monday: Regular Monthly meeting. Rosary: 6:00; dinner & meeting: 6:30

April 27 & 28, Friday and Saturday: Drake Relays concessions

Show me your faith with no actions and through my actions I will show you my faith



SEEKING OFFICERS: We welcome a few more women to serve as officers in the Guild next year. This is a great way to spread faith and works in our parish and our community. To learn more, please contact Barb Baker at [email protected].

CAFÉ CONNECTION Many thanks to the dozens of Guild members who bake cookies and other treats each month to assist St. Vincent de Paul in providing lunch to the homeless in downtown Des Moines. Please check our Guild e-newsletter for the link for sign-ups for July-December 2018.

FOR ALL PARISHIONERS: Please join the Women’s Guild in collecting items for people in need. Put items in storage boxes in the vestibule. And God bless you for making a difference.:

Youth Emergency Services & Shelter: Travel-size personal care items including deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste and toothpaste

Catholic Charities: Baby items including diapers, baby wipes, receiving blankets, towels, wash cloths, baby shampoo, formula, diaper rash ointment, baby wash, baby bottles, crib sheets and waterproof mattress pads (Please no baby clothing)


The Sacred Heart St. Vincent DePaul Conference invites you to our next meeting to learn how you can be a servant to those in need and enjoy fellowship with our members.

Date: April 2 Time: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Location: Sacred Heart Conference Room

For more information contact: Donna Blank at [email protected]

“Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be.” When we help those in need we are truly followers of Jesus, servant to those in need


Our Sacred Heart men's group, MAGNA24, meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 7pm in the library. If you have been looking to make connections to men of faith at Sacred Heart! The next March meeting is March 26. New members are welcome! Just show up or contact Bryan for details 515-720-4853




The Home Faith publication from St. Joseph Education Center featured the Sacred Heart RCIA program for it’s Spring 2018 edition. 7 full pages were dedicated to the candidates, catechumens and their sponsors who generously shared their journeys of faith in RCIA at Sacred Heart.

Read the full article and enjoy all the pictures at: www.sjeciowa.org/home-faith.


CFM OFFERS FRIENDSHIP AND SUPPORT FOR TODAY’S BUSY FAMILY! Families, faith, and fun—that’s what the Christian Family Movement (CFM) is all about! Through prayer, discussion, and action, families grow in their faith as spouses, parents, and families provide support and friendship to one another. We will meet in each other’s homes for study, conversation, simple companionship, and fun.

Groups will be forming in April. Please sign up by filling out the form on the parish website: www.sacredheartwdm.org/faith-sharing. Or fill out the form below and drop into the collection basket at Mass. We will try to group families with similar aged children. It is not necessary to have children to join,

singles and married couples are welcome as well!

Groups will generally meet in each other’s homes. The frequency can be determined by the group but we suggest monthly or at least 8 times per year. The group will be able to pick their study book as there are a few options depending on the interests of the groups. We will try to keep the groups consistent from year to year and hope that people see this as a long term opportunity to grow in faith with a smaller group within our community. There will be opportunities for multi-group service projects or fellowship activities throughout the year stay tuned for more!

CHRISTIAN FAMILY MOVEMENT SIGN UP or online at www.sacredheartwdm.org/faith-sharing


Ages of Children (if any)___________________________________

Email Address __________________________________________

Phone Number ________________________cell or home (circle one)

Coordinator: AJ Kelley: [email protected], 563-676-4084




You can still turn your rice bowls in Holy Thursday. Place them in the baskets on the altar before or after Mass. You may also return them to Sacred Heart School or the Church offices.. Thank you for your generosity this Lent!


If Jesus were actually visible in church, everyone would run to welcome Him, but He remains hidden in the Sacred Host under the appearance of Bread. Come visit Jesus during Adoration. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be every Tuesday during lent. Reconciliation will be offered from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. The Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will occur after 8:00 am Mass & reposition will be at 7:00 pm. Our next opportunity for Adoration will be Tuesday, March 27th. You are welcome to stop in anytime from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. Please use the North Church Doors - the other doors will be locked. In the event of a funeral, Adoration will be suspended for the duration of the funeral and will resume after the funeral for the remainder of the day. For more information, visit the Sacred Heart website under “worship”.


As the readings of the Mass focus on the Acts of the Apostles after Easter, we offer you the study of the Acts of the Apostles. Mass will become more meaningful for you and you will hear exactly what you are studying each week. This 10 week study from Little Rock tells the story of the spread of the Gospel following the ascension of Jesus. Monday’s 1-2:30pm beginning April 2nd. Sign up at www.sacredheartwdm.org/learn. Registration due by March 25rd!


Sacred Heart teams up with other Catholic Parishes to support Habitat for Humanity We are called the Catholic Circle of Faith. We are ready to start our 2018 home and we need your help! Our parish goal is $5000 to contribute to the project. We are also always looking for those who are willing to help with the build—no experience necessary! We will begin construction on April 25 and Sacred Heart build days are usually Wednesday’s and Saturday’s Help when you can. If you are interested in helping in either of these two ways, visit us after Mass on April 8th in the gathering space. We will have a board that will be used in the construction of the home that we welcome all parishioners to sign! OR visit the website www.sacredheartwdm/habitat to contribute today! Contact Pat Baumhover with questions 515-202-2165.


We are looking for some committed individuals who can sit with our Lord during Adoration. We need volunteers for the following time slots: 9:00-9:30am, 6:00-6:30pm, and 6:30-7:00pm. If you would be willing to commit to these time slots or any additional time that works for you, please call or text Peggy at 515-360-0800. Adoration is on the first Tuesday of each month with additional days added during Lent and Advent.


A huge thank you to all of the volunteers and patrons at the six Lenten Friday Fish Frys. About 240 volunteers served over 1200 pounds of fish to more than 2000 people throughout the six weeks. The profits from this event will help pay for teens to attend the summer mission trip to the Appalachian Mountain region in June. Some of the money will be used to provide additional scholarships to teens allowing them to attend various youth ministry functions as well as to pay for special events such as nationally recognized speakers and community building events. Thanks to Loffredo Fresh Produce, Maria’s Mexican Food and HuHot Grill for their in kind donations of a portion of the food served at the Fish Frys.


The annual Sacred Heart School band plant sale is underway! Beautify your home and garden AND help the award-winning Sacred Heart School band purchase new equipment and music. The Sacred Heart Band is partnering with Central Iowa Floral again this year to offer beautiful, high quality plants at a very reasonable price! The order form is posted in the Digital Backpack on the school website. Orders are due by Friday, April 6th and flowers will be delivered Wednesday, May 9th in the school multi-purpose room. Home delivery is available for a small fee for large orders. Please contact Leann McElroy at 515-778-8725 with questions.


El Salvador esta de manteles largos,

finalmente su Santidad el Papa

Francisco ha firmado el decreto que

hace oficial la canonización del Beato

Oscar Arnulfo Romero. Para el pueblo

salvadoreño monseñor Romero es santo

desde hace muchos años. El pueblo

salvadoreño lo ha venerado por su gran

labor que el hizo durante su ministerio


La canonización de Monseñor Romero,

no es solo una fiesta para los Catolicos en El Salvador, esta es

una fiesta para todos los hombres y mujeres que fueron

víctimas del conflicto armado en el año de los 80. Hombres y

mujeres que fueron explotados y asesinados injustamente, y

que únicamente recibían consuelo al escuchar las palabras del

profeta salvadoreño. Bendita seas tu ciudad barrios que vistes

nacer al santo salvadoreño.

El pueblo salvadoreño le da las gracias a Dios todopoderoso

por regalarnos el primer santo. Un santo que al igual que Jesús

estuvo cerca del pueblo, comiendo, y compartiendo con él sus

penas, y alegrías hasta entregar su vida por él. Como

salvadoreño me uno al gozo de todos los hombres y mujeres de

buen Corazón que festejan esta gran noticia. Pidámosle a San

Romero de América que interceda ante Dios para que nos dé

un Corazón valiente para proclamar el evangelio Cristo.

Monseñor Romero te encomendamos a nuestra querida patria

el Salvador, para que pare la violencia y podamos ser un país

donde reine el amor y la paz.

Bishop Oscar Romero to Become a Saint By Karla Vaquerano Serio Director of Hispanic Ministry

I remember my mother and father telling me stories of the great Oscar Romero when I was a child. Being born in El Salvador, his history is a lot of my history. Beyond that, he was the priest at the local parish

where my mother grew up. To her, he was not only a historical figure or a legend, but also a trusted friend. On March 7, 2018 the Vatican announced that it will officially canonize Bishop Romero later this year.

Bishop Romero spent most of his early years as a priest in the city of San Miguel, the third most populated city in the country of El Salvador. During the beginning of the Salvadoran Civil War in the late 70s and early 80s, he became a voice for the poor and the oppressed. Bishop Romero was unfortunately murdered while celebrating Mass on March 24, 1980. While the crime remains unsolved, many believe he was martyred because of his constant criticism of the violence and injustices being committed in the country at the time. A champion for human rights, his activism gained the attention of not only Catholics, but of many around the world. To this day, his tomb is still one of the most visited tombs in El Salvador. Dignitaries such as President Obama, President Michael Higgins of Ireland, and St. Pope John Paul II all paid their respects during their visits to the country.

This weekend we mark the 38th anniversary of his death. While we will forever mourn the loss of this important figure, we must not forget the causes he fought for. We can honor him by continuing to fight for those who do not have a voice, like our brothers and sisters affected by the immigration climate today. I pray that you join me in celebrating this wonderful announcement from the Vatican and continuing to honor his legacy by standing as one parish.

Feast day: March 24



Bienvenidos a todos nuestros visitantes, los recién llegados y feligreses !!

Si usted es nuevo en nuestra Parroquia y desea ser miembro de la Iglesia Católica Sagrado Corazón, por favor pase por la oficina parroquial o llame al 515-225-6414 para facilitarle el Registro de Nuevo Miembro. Tenemos programas y actividades disponibles para todas las edades. Ofrecemos el programa RICA para quienes deseen convertirse en Católicos. La lista con los nombres de los miembros del personal pastoral, miembros del Comité y presidentes de los ministerios y sus números de telefóno se encuentran bajo esta sección.


PADRE CHRISTOPHER HARTSHORN, PARROCO [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 310 PADRE LUIS MEJIA, VICARIO PARROQUIAL [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 313 KARLA SERIO, DIRECTORA DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO [email protected] 225-6414, ext. 304

HORARIOS DE MISA EN FIN DE SEMANA Sábado…………………………………………………………...4:00 pm Domingo….8:00, 9:30, 11:15 am; 1:00 pm Misa en Español Misa Diaria……...……………………..Lunes a Viernes 8:00 am

SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN Sábado…………………………………..………2:30 pm to 3:30 pm

NÚMEROS TELEFÓNICOS Teléfono de la Parroquial: 225-6414 Fax: 225-0286 Formación en la Fé para niños (CFF)…………..…225-6414 Ministerio de Jóvenes……………………………….… 225-0546 www.sacredheartwdm.org

SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO Miembros registrados y participantes de la Parroquia dében contactar a la oficina parroquial para inscribirse en las clases obligatorias para Padres y padrinos. A los padres se les pide comunicar su solicitud antes del nacimiento de sus hijos.

SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO Miembros registrados y participantes de la Parroquia, se les pide contactar a la oficina parroquial con seis meses, o mas de anticipación de la fecha prevista para el matrimonio. Clases de preparación matrimonial son requeridas.

RECIEN LLEGADOS Nuevos parroquianos por favor registrarse por teléfono o en la oficina parroquial entre las 8:00 am y 3:30 pm . Para cambios de domicilio, o si dejan la parroquia por favor comuníquese con la oficina paqrroquial al teléfono 515-225-6414

COMITES Y PRESIDENTES DE MINISTERIOS Si Ud. Esta interesado en pertenecer a algunos de los Ministerios de la parroquia, favor comunicarse: 515-225-6414, extension 313.



¡SEA PARTE DEL GRUPO! Llame al (515) 554-0904

o mande un correo electrónico al [email protected] para más información


continuación de nuestras preparaciones para Pascua este Domingo de Ramos, pedimos que también participen en las actividades de Semana Santa que culmina con la alegría de Pascua el próximo fin de semana.

Drake Relays! Los Caballeros de Colón necesitan voluntarios para ayudar en la venta de comida y bebidas en el evento de Drake Relays el último fin de semana de abril. Por favor guarde las fechas del viernes y sábado, 27 y 28 de abril. Empezamos a tomar nombres de los interesados a ayudar al principio de abril


Abril 8 de abril, domingo: Desayuno de Pancakes en el salón parroquial de 8:30-11am

16 de abril, lunes: Reunión mensual. Rosario a las 6pm, cena y reunión empezando a las 6:30pm

27 y 28 de abril, viernes y sábado: Venta de comida y bebidas en el evento de los Drake Relays

Ensenyame su fe sin acciones y con mis acciones te ensenyo mi fe



Si Jesús llegara a la iglesia en forma visible, todos corriéramos así El para dar le la bienvenida, pero El sigue ocultado en la Eucaristía y aparece en forma de pan. Vengan a visitar a nuestro Señor durante Adoración. Adoración del Jesús Sacramentado será cada martes durante el tiempo de Cuaresma. Reconciliación será ofrecido de 5:30pm a 6:30pm. El Santísimo se expondrá después de la misa de 8:00 de la mañana y se retira a las 7:00 de la tarde. La próxima oportunidad para adorará a nuestro Señor será el martes el 27 de marzo. Por favor use la puerta del norte, que es la puerta que mira a la escuela. Por cuestiones de seguridad las demás puertas de la Iglesia estarán cerradas con llave. En eventos especiales como funerales, la adoración al Santísimo se suspenderá por unas horas mientras dura el funeral, después la adoración continuará el resto del día. Para mayor información visite nuestra página electrónica y de clic en la opción "Worship"