Welcome to the November Edition of Paeds Biz

Welcome to the November Edition of Paeds Biz How to improve your Paediatric Private Practice

Transcript of Welcome to the November Edition of Paeds Biz

Welcome to the November Edition of

Paeds BizHow to improve your

Paediatric Private Practice

An Introduction to Cathy LoveOccupational Therapist, Coach, Author and Speaker

For first time readers a quick intro, I am Cathy Love and I am the founding director of Nacre Consulting and I work with parents and disability service providers to achieve brilliant outcomes for children with special needs. I provide a range of services:

• Private practice coaching to business owners.

• Family Service Coaching for parents to help them manage their child’s team and services.

• Clinical supervision to individuals and allied health professional teams.

• Service delivery consultation to disability service providers.

More to be read about all that over on my website www.nacre.com.au.

Each month I write up news, useful information and pearls of wisdom for those working with children and families in the disability sector. Given that it is a rapidly changing landscape and one that is increasingly privatised there is typically lots of news to be shared.

Paeds Biz is a dedicated online easy to read FREE magazine for Australian allied health professionals working with children and families.

This Months Topics Include:

• Self Care for the Silly Season

• End of Year Care for your Business

• Private Practice Coaching

• 3 Key Employer Obligations

• Making Group Program Admin Easier

• What does your Desk Say About you?

• Coaching Services / Events Calendar

• Best Bookkeeping Practices

• An Introduction to Coaching Meet Barbara


Click through to an article



Here are some tips for surviving this year’s silly season:

1. Lunch on a Plate - How can you stop, take a real break, sit and eat lunch off a

plate. The catch is that this pause and food loaded plate needs to be away from

your desk and preferably totally tech free.

2. Hydrate - The water bottle goes everywhere and gets refilled several times

during the day. Hydration is not negotiable.

3. Sleep - Try and squeeze in some extra zzzz’s, a couple of early nights can do

wonders for energy and optimism.

4. Grab back time - It is OK to not fill cancellations with waitlist clients and

delegate tasks like crazy. Find ways to quieten the post work mind.

5. Movement breaks - Think about what we suggest for our seated and

dysregulated clients: movement breaks, heavy work, meditation pauses. The

same may be true for ourselves.

6. Be your own boss - Plan ahead how you will look after yourself with daily tasks,

weekly rituals and don’t forget a massage.

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“Work hard to shift your mindset from one of stress to one of self-

care and success”

Which 3 self-care strategies will you do?

From a business perspective the end of the year is when all the good

stuff happens. Mapping these factors will help you manage them

more strategically rather than reactively.

Plan ahead and prepare to be flexible

Check in with your wait list

Tame the phone

Staff changes

Chase unpaid accounts assertively


What can you do this year to surprise

and delight your team?

Click HERE to view the full article

Private Practice CoachingHow could a private practice coach help you? Need a hand with policies and

procedures? Where is your business plan up to?

Cathy Love is a specialist business coach who helps paediatric private practitioners run powerful

and profitable businesses. As a private practice pioneer in the 1990’s, Cathy started, sustained

and sold a successful Melbourne business. She understands the lurking fear of failure, the stress

of being an under-skilled manager and never having enough time to do anything well. She gets

the loneliness, the worry and the frustration of being chronically over worked and under


Through her coaching programs, her clients gain skills and confidence to develop business plans,

policies and procedure manuals, manage and lead people, develop innovate products,

understand profit, market their services and install strong processes. They get their management

mojo kicked into gear.

Cathy passionately coaches and mentors her global clientele. The process is respectful, practical

and focused, discussions and solutions are specifically tailored to what you and your business

needs are, then and there. Her clients are left feeling energised and significantly more confident

in their ability to assertively manage their businesses. Her knowledge of the business of allied

health and the changing disability landscape is unique and highly sought after.

Book a free 30 minute chat with Cathy today.

Cathy’s specialist private practice coaching sessions are delivered via Skype, teleconferencing and face to face, when logistics


Book a FREE 30 minute chat with Cathy today

E: [email protected] | M: 0448 316 319

All employers have legal obligations they must fulfil for their employees,

including the provision of a number of entitlements and benefits.

Entitlements may vary depending on the nature of the employment

relationship (for example, a casual worker compared to a full-time


This article explores three legal obligations for employers: leave,

superannuation and employment contracts.

1. Leave Entitlements

3 KEY EMPLOYER OBLIGATIONSGuest Writer – Anthony Lieu

Click HERE to view the full article

2. Superannuation Entitlements

3. Employment Contracts

If an employee earns more than $450 (before tax) per month, their employer is obliged to pay the minimum amount of superannuation (known as the super guarantee). This super is calculated at a rate of 9.5% of an employee’s ordinary time earnings and is paid at least quarterly.

Employers have a legal responsibility to provide annual leave for all employees, excluding casual workers. Full-time and part-time workers can claim up to four weeks of annual leave (based on their ordinary hours of work) and shift workers may be entitled to up to five weeks per working year.

Employment contracts are legally binding and set out the terms and conditions of the employment relationship. Employers must issue employment contracts to all employees when they join. Each employment contract will differ, so it is important to have an employment lawyer review the contract. An employment contract must meet the minimum standards under the National Employment Standards (NES) or any awards or enterprise agreements that apply.

If you have any questions about employment contracts, entitlements or contracts, get in touch with LegalVision.


Click HERE to view the full article

Finalising, promoting and filling summer groups programs should be

happening months in advance. Yes you knew this, but why is it still

such a scramble?

• Is your group unique? What do you have to offer that is fresh and

different and will stand out in the market.

• Use technology to the max. The good news is, that several of the

practice management software systems now have group booking

capability which eases up the admin and billing.

• Coping with changes. Biggest issues with group programs are the

cancellations and swapping around. Request full pre-payment or at least

a deposit. Outline the cancellation payment

• Professional Flyers. The majority of flyers look pretty amateurish, truth

be told. Treat yourself to the services of a professional graphic designer.

So worth it.

“If you keep doing the same thing, you keep getting the same

results” – Albert Einstein

WHAT DOES YOUR DESK SAY ABOUT YOUFeeling a little defeated by the papers, books, bits and bobs on your desk?

Could your desk and office benefit from a tidy up?

1. Stand at your office door and take a glance. Have you got a great office chair?

Does it fit you and your desk really well? Plants, storage, natural lights… what rating

would you give yourself out of five.

2. Take a look at your desk, is there more space or stuff on it? The move to paperless

isn’t easy and much of what we do as clinicians and managers still requires paper.

Work towards becoming paper free incrementally.

3. Drastic declutter. One of my coaching clients swept her entire desk top clutter into

a big blue Ikea bag. After some spray and wipe she only put back the items and

documents she needed. Turns out about 90% stayed in the bag and was shredded,

scanned, filed, discarded.

4. Do you have great storage. Which documents can be scanned and stored

electronically, referenced in a master spread sheet and found on line in the future.

5. Support systems. Natural light is hugely important for me. I also have an hour

glass of 30 minutes that I use when I open up social media.

6. Touch it once. This is a productivity tip based on the principle that you touch a

document or task and you do it. None of this half done approach.

Click HERE to view the full article

“A clean and clear desktop are the only way I get anything done”

What difference would a 60-minute tidy up make to you?



We are running events specifically for you to

network and learn more about the

5 Factors for Paeds Biz Success:

· Planning

· People

· Product development

· Policy and Processes

· Promotion

Cathy Love lives and breathes this knowledge.

After decades of starting, growing and selling a

large paeds private practice, she now loves

working as a specialist private practice coach.

Cathy and various awesome guest speakers will

share up practical business information that will

help you run your practices more powerfully and


Sound good?

Come on, pop it in your diary.


Cathy Love and speech pathologist Megan Ingram host a monthly interactive clinical teleconference. Specific and practical information is presented, ideas discussed and solutions explored.

Literally a Team Talk. No travel, accommodation or days off work required. Join us to ‘lunch and learn’ on the First Tuesday of the month for cheap, cheerful and convenient bite sized professional development.

Calls are recorded for personal playback. Click, read and register today and join the conversation. Only 2 more left for 2016.

BRISBANE - November 305:30 pm - 8:00 pm

MELBOURNE - December 55:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Evaluation and management of Attention. OT and SLP perspectives

6th December 2016

Book your spot

Book your ticket

Bookkeeping best practice begins before your accounts team or

bookkeeper even get their hands on your precious receipts, tax

invoices and other equally important source documents. • Thirty seconds of your time saves thirty minutes of theirs, we call this the

30:30 rule.

• The information displayed on each source document varies depending on the

type, but regardless they need to clearly display:

· If a payment has been made

· Amount paid

· Account used

· Date of payment

· Business or personal

• Following these basic steps will lead to faster and more accurate reporting, an

easier time during processing and an overall cost saving on your bookkeeping



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Thirty seconds of your time saves thirty minutes of


As a parent of a child with special needs there is

always a lot going on.

Parents may feel overwhelmed by child development experts, therapy, appointments and complex

systems. This leaves parents tired, overwhelmed and feeling guilty that they should be able to do it all

for their child.

Becoming Chief is book written for parents and service providers. It is written to help parents find

their way, gather their support tribe, set goals and manage their child’s team and program. All the

tough topics are covered, wonderful real life stories told and mountains of parent wisdom shared. It

is easy to read, practical and energising.

Becoming Chief is written by Cathy Love, Occupational Therapist, Coach, Speaker and Author. She

writes to her passion of helping parents feel strong, informed and organised so that they can

powerfully advocate for their child.

Her book has been reviewed by Source Kids Magazine, Amaze, USA’s Autism Parenting Magazine and

other publications.

Feature Book

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Available now from the Website E-book available to purchase here


Click HERE to view the full article

My coach training was the most powerful personal and professional

development I ever invested in. WOW. It reframed so much of what I

was doing, added definition to my OT skills and extended my thinking

for what I could do in the future. It was an instant match and coaching

has since become my most powerful tool.


I am delighted to announce that Barbara Anderson who I trained with will be

presenting a powerful one day Introduction to Coaching. So excited to share this

incredible program with you.

Learning Outcomes include:

• An understanding of Coaching Theory

• An understanding of the 11 Core Competencies of Coaching

• Knowledge and application of the GROW model of coaching

• Appreciation of how you can use a Coach Approach with your team and clients

• Experience of being coached and coaching others

Barbara is an ICF master coach and internationally sought after ICF accredited

trainer. This one day Introduction to Coaching will contribute to any further Coach

training you may do with Barbara and ICF.

Saturday 11th February 2017 - 9.00am - 4.00pm

Oaks on Market - 60 Market St Melbourne

Your investment is $350.00 including GST