Welcome to the February Edition of Paeds Biz

Welcome to the February Edition of Paeds Biz How to improve your Paediatric Private Practice

Transcript of Welcome to the February Edition of Paeds Biz

Welcome to the February Edition of

Paeds BizHow to improve your

Paediatric Private Practice

An Introduction to Cathy LoveOccupational Therapist, Coach, Author and Speaker

For first time readers a quick intro, I am Cathy Love and I am the founding director of Nacre Consulting and I work with parents and disability service providers to achieve brilliant outcomes for children with special needs. I provide a range of services:

• Private practice coaching to business owners.

• Family Service Coaching for parents to help them manage their child’s team and services.

• Clinical supervision to individuals and allied health professional teams.

• Service delivery consultation to disability service providers.

More to be read about all that over on my website www.nacre.com.au.

Each month I write up news, useful information and pearls of wisdom for those working with children and families in the disability sector. Given that it is a rapidly changing landscape and one that is increasingly privatised there is typically lots of news to be shared.

Paeds Biz is a dedicated online easy to read FREE magazine for Australian allied health professionals working with children and families.

This Months Topics Include:

• How to get all of your business ducks in a row

• Compliance: What Businesses Need to Have in Place

• Why You Must Embrace Complaints

• Becoming Chief Book

• The Power of Local Partnerships

• Hands Up, Who Wants Some Steady Passive Income?

• Private Practice Coaching

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1. ‘Midnight Management’ will put you on the fast track to burn out. The pressure to see clients back to back during the day tends to result in management tasks being done in the dark of the night.

2. Monday mornings are quarantined in my diary – all tasks before midday are purely of a planning nature. That means no email, no social media, and no phone.

3. A block of 4-5 hours allows me to work ON my business rather than IN it. It gives me the chance to take a step back, check the spinning plates, delegate to my virtual team and plan the big-ticket items.

4. The outcome is that I hit the week laser focused on what is critical. Admittedly my Monday To Do List often takes the entire week to complete, but at least it is well-thought-out… and often multi-coloured!

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“To help you work towards installing the Management Monday routine in our own schedule I am going to host a

series of web events at midday on Mondays.”


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“The Fair Work legislation is quite complex and the penalties for non compliance are severe.“

Do you know what documents you are required to have on file for each employee?

Do you know what HR policies you should have in place?

Are you HR policies current?

Do you know the penalties for not having these documents and policies in place?

If you answered yes, to even one of these you could be at risk of non-compliance. You can read Kerrie’s full article by clicking the link below.


Click HERE to view the full article

Part of being in business is accepting that complaints will happen and emotional intelligence is at the heart (pardon the pun) of how your customers will communicate their needs, wants, and concerns. How you respond confirms to your customers if you are worthy of their time and their money.

Try these 5 steps:1. Change your perspective. 2. Change the word from complain to suggest. 3. Set up a suggestion system. 4. Thank customer for their suggestions. 5. Read Chapter H in my book “The A- Z of Service Excellence.”

The word complain in the Cambridge

Dictionary means: “To say that

something is wrong or unsatisfactory”.

“Good customer service is treating customers how YOU would like to be treated. Excellent customer service is treating customers how THEY would like to be treated.”

As a parent of a child with special needs there isalways a lot going on.Parents may feel overwhelmed by child development experts, therapy, appointments and complex systems. This leaves parents tired, overwhelmed and feeling guilty that they should be able to do it all for their child.

Becoming Chief is book written for parents and service providers. It is written to help parents find their way, gather their support tribe, set goals and manage their child’s team and program. All the tough topics are covered, wonderful real life stories told and mountains of parent wisdom shared. It is easy to read, practical and energising.

Becoming Chief is written by Cathy Love, Occupational Therapist, Coach, Speaker and Author. She writes to her passion of helping parents feel strong, informed and organised so that they can powerfully advocate for their child.

Her book has been reviewed by Source Kids Magazine, Amaze, USA’s Autism Parenting Magazine and other publications.

Feature Book

Available now from the Website E-book available to purchase here

THE POWER OF LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS Here are some ideas for kick starting the process of making you and your business stand out locally.

1. Be generous. Gift them a relevant book, ideally a book on a shared topic or one related to the services your provide.

2. Extend an invitation. Invite them to a local event such as a NDIA talk, parent presentation, or to a local interest group on a mutually engaging topic.

3. Sponsor local events. Here are some true examples: a speech pathologist sponsoring a school’s story writing competition, an OT sponsoring a toyshops Lego building competition, etc.

4. Go the extra mile. Provide doctors, referring educators, and Allied health colleagues with super useful reports, letters, emails and phone calls.

5. Donate your time and expertise. Offer to speak to groups of all sizes and varieties.

6. Get out more. Make those calls to colleagues and arrange catch-ups.

Click HERE to view the full article

“Your partners are all the people who know your current and future clients. Grab a pen and start mind mapping; you should come up with at least twenty people..”

HANDS UP WHO WANTS A STEADY PASSIVE INCOMEThere are many ways of commercialising your knowledge and generating steady background income. Here are 4 ideas.

1. Develop and sell therapy materials online. Teachers Pay Teachers is a perfect example. TpT is the world’s first and largest online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials.

2. E-books. E-books are a great introduction to becoming an author. They don’t have to be long or complex.

3. Online courses. The trend for self-paced online learning continues and is ideal for busy clinicians who are keen for niche and convenient professional development.

4. Downloadable documents. Specific therapy report templates, questionnaires, therapy ideas, checklists, session note templates, games, homework sheets, information handouts… are all highly sought after.

Click HERE to view the full article

“Private practitioners often feel that any form of recurring income is out of their reach, that they don’t know enough and

don’t have the expertise and reputation. So they default to what they know best and work harder and harder to see more

clients, face-to-face. It doesn’t have to be like this,.”

TEAM TALK 2017Team Talk is a unique series of 10 live and interactive Paediatric PD teleconference calls.

Cathy Love (OT), Megan Ingram (SLP) and special expert guests will present and discuss topics central to contemporary multi-disciplinary service delivery to children with special needs. The series is perfect for occupational therapists, speech pathologists, special educators and psychologists.

Join us for a lunch and learn event on the first Tuesday of the month at 12.30pm Melbourne time. There is room at the virtual lunch table for all. Think convenient, niche, bite sized, Q&A professional development without the internet, accommodation and travel hassles.

Positive outcomes include:

Deeper understanding of core concepts relevant to working with children with special needs

Spring boarding into new ideas, resources and practical strategies Expanded knowledge and application of team work, family centered practice and coaching Building professional networks nationwide Re-energise your professional practice

In addition to the 10 hours of awesome content and support materials you will receive one free 30 minute one-on-one power coaching call with Cathy Love or Megan Ingram

Book your spot

PAEDS BIZ GROWTwo FREE web-events specifically for private practice owners


Feb. 27th @ 12.30 P.M. Kick-start your newsletter

Mar. 6th @ 12.30 P.M. Business Planning

PAEDS BIZ SUCCESS PROGRAM• Managerially under skilled?• Over worked, overwhelmed and under paid?• Financially nervous with poor cash flow?

New Program starts 20th March 2017

Cathy Love is a specialist business coach who helps paediatric private practitioners run powerful and profitable businesses. From the 1990’s she grew her business into a seven figure enterprise that delivered occupational therapy services, educational products and workshops. Cathy sold Kids Therapy Network in 2012. She gets it.

Niche content will be delivered to help you better plan all aspects of your business, engage and lead your clinical and admin people optimally, write up and use smart policies and procedures, develop stand out products and services and finally build strong partnerships and market ethically and effectively.

The five common mistakes Paeds Biz owners make:1. No formal plan and advisory team2. Struggle to recruit, retain and release staff3. No policies and procedures documented or used4. Lack of unique products and services5. Haphazard marketing and partnerships

Contact Cathy for program outline,

learning outcomes and application form

[email protected]

PAEDS BIZ START UP7th & 14th March 7.30pm – 9.00pm

Keen to start a Paediatric Private Practice? Looking for a road map, tools, tips, templates and trade


Cathy Love will deliver two 90-minute webinar events introducing her Five P framework for success. The interactive video conference format will facilitate lots of Q&A as we cover the high level aspects of Plan, People, Products, Processes, Promotion.

$450 incl. GST

Book your spot


JUNE 16 & 17

Location: Melbourne CBD

Early bird $550 incl. GST(available until 30th April)

Full price $620 incl. GST

Register your interest: [email protected]

Private Practice CoachingHow could a private practice coach help you? Need a hand with policies and procedures? Where is your business plan up to?

Cathy Love is a specialist business coach who helps paediatric private practitioners run powerful and profitable businesses. As a private practice pioneer in the 1990’s, Cathy started, sustained and sold a successful Melbourne business. She understands the lurking fear of failure, the stress of being an under-skilled manager and never having enough time to do anything well. She gets the loneliness, the worry and the frustration of being chronically over worked and under recognised.

Through her coaching programs, her clients gain skills and confidence to develop business plans, policies and procedure manuals, manage and lead people, develop innovate products, understand profit, market their services and install strong processes. They get their management mojo kicked into gear.

Cathy passionately coaches and mentors her global clientele. The process is respectful, practical and focused, discussions and solutions are specifically tailored to what you and your business needs are, then and there. Her clients are left feeling energised and significantly more confident in their ability to assertively manage their businesses. Her knowledge of the business of allied health and the changing disability landscape is unique and highly sought after.

Book a free 30 minute chat with Cathy today.

Cathy’s specialist private practice coaching sessions are delivered via Skype, teleconferencing and face to face, when logistics


Book a FREE 30 minute chat with Cathy todayE: [email protected] | M: 0448 316 319

View The Full Version of Paeds Biz February Edition

E: [email protected] | M: 0448 316 319

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