Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.

Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure. Click here to begin


Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure. Click here to begin. Zombies attack your house without warning. You only have time to grab one thing before you run for your life. Food And Water. Sword. Chainsaw. Choose a direction to begin your escape. You chose the sword. Out the front gate. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.

Page 1: Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.

Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.

Click here to begin

Page 2: Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.

Zombies attack your house without warning.

You only have time to grab one thing before you run for your life.



FoodAnd Water

Page 3: Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.

Choose a direction to begin your escape.

Out the front gate

Over the fence

Take the car

You chose the sword

Page 4: Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.

Choose a direction to begin your escape.

Out the front gate

Over the fence

Take the car

You chose the chainsaw.

Page 5: Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.

Choose a direction to begin your escape.

Out the front gate

Over the fence

Take the car

Without a weapon, Your best bet of survival is to avoid confrontation at all costs.

Page 6: Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.

Jumped over the back fence.

Right into the waiting arms of a group of zombies. Your sword cuts down a few, but nowhere near enough as you are quickly overwhelmed and killed.

Try Again

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Run out the front gate

• Your sword makes quick work of the zombies in your way, and you make it out onto the street.

Down the street(Less zombies)

Up the street(more zombies)

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Down the street

You take the path of less resistance, sprinting down the street, dodging the few zombies as you go. After a few minutes, a large church comes into view.

Hole up in the church and wait.

Ignore the church and keep moving

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Hole up in the church

Bad move bud. The church has many entrances, and you can’t barricade them all. It isn’t long before your arms are tired, and you can’t hold the undead back any longer. You fall to the violence of the hoard.

Try Again

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Ignore the churchYou keep running past the church, dodging the

animated corpses and occasionally cutting one down. Eventually you hear voices. You come into an intersection just as a large group of survivors walk past. Shouting out, you join them on the march to freedom. By working together, you escape the city, warn the army, and are instrumental to the containment of the infection.

Congratulations, you’re a hero!

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Up the street.

Putting your trusty sword to work, you manage to carve a path through the waiting zombies. It turns out that there are fewer than expected. You’re almost at the cities edge now.

Follow the street to freedomTake a left and try to

find a car.

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Follow the street to freedom

You aren't superman, and soon you get tired. When you are found by a large group of the dead, your sword just doesn't make the cut anymore. You are quickly torn to pieces and devoured.

Try Again

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Take a left and try to find a car

You turn left down a side street, hoping to find an abandoned vehicle somewhere. Unfortunately, you run headlong into a sizable zombie gathering. Your sword doesn’t protect you for long, and you are soon torn to shreds.

Try Again

Page 14: Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.

Take the car

You run to the garage and turn on your car. As you open the garage door, zombies swarm in, but are rapidly crushed under your tyres as you floor it out of the house. You take a quick and bumpy route out of the yard.

Continue zombie crushing rampage

Avoid zombies and make a quick getaway

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Zombie Rampage

Your car isn’t small, but it isn’t big either. When tackling a larger group of corpses, the car crumpled and flipped on impact. Before long, you are pulled from the car and torn to shreds.

Try Again

Page 16: Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.

Try to avoid the zombies and escape.

You take the quick path out of town, but skid off the road when avoiding a small child running across the road. You crash the car and hit your head on the steering wheel, dizzying yourself. You have a concussion, try to avoid trouble.

Keep heading out of town

Try to find a place to hide

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Keep heading out of townYou decide to keep making your way out of

town. As you walk along, a lone zombie crosses your path. Still not thinking clearly from the head knock, you grow overconfident and try to attack it. Your first swing nicks its arm, and the second goes above its head. You don’t get to make a third swing, as the zombie reaches out and tears out your throat.

Try Again

Page 18: Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.

Find a place to hideYou decide to find a place to rest until your

dizziness passes. A nearby apartment complex seems like a good idea. You make it five steps through the front door before you are grabbed from the side, pulled to the floor, and devoured.

Try Again

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Jump the fence

You land heavily amongst a group of zombies. Luckily, you have the powerful chainsaw by your side, and a quick spin creates a sizable opening in which to escape.

Run straight ahead with the chainsaw revved up

Sprint and dodge through the crowd

Page 20: Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.

Run straight with chainsaw revved

You run straight through the crowd with your chainsaw revved up and spinning, swinging it from side to side. It’s a real shame there wasn’t much fuel in it, because it sputters, stalls, and becomes a useless dead weight. Your momentum carries you into the eagerly awaiting arms and jaws of the next zombie ahead.

Try Again

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Dodge through crowd

The heavy chainsaw slows you down as you dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge your way through the crowd. Before long, a rotten hand grabs you by the throat, drags you down, and the hoard descends on you. Game Over.

Try Again

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Out the front gate

You run out the front gate, swinging your chainsaw from side to side, zombies bits flying everywhere. Just when you think you’re out of danger, one of those exact bits lands under your foot and trips you. You fall onto the chainsaw, tearing yourself to pieces. You didn’t even need the zombies to kill you, well done.

Try Again

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Take the car

You go for the car. In the time it takes for you to load the chainsaw into the back, the zombies are already in the house. You don't even get the chance to start the motor before you are grabbed and eaten.

Try Again

Page 24: Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.

Over the fence

You jump straight into awaiting arms of a bunch of hungry flesh eaters. Bad luck.

Try Again

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Out the front gate

You try to run out the front gate. You have no weapons though! You make it past two zombies before you are overpowered and torn apart. Should have been more careful.

Try Again

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Take the car

You jump in the car and throw your supplies in the passenger seat. Opening the garage door and flooring it, you make a quick and messy trail out of the yard to the street.

Try to leave town Look for a safe house

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Try to leave town

On the way out of the city, many zombies get in your way, but are run down. Eventually though, zombie parts jam your wheels and you skid off the road. In your post crash stupor, you fail to notice the approaching hoard. You are pulled from the car and eviscerated on the spot, before becoming just another walking dead.

Try Again

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Look for a safe house

While driving around, you soon spot a very tall building. Parking your car out the back near an escape door, you quickly and quietly ascend to the top level. Thankfully, no zombies are there.

Barricade yourself on the top level and wait for rescue.

Go to the roof and try to signal help.

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Barricade the top level.

Using sturdy furniture to completely blocks all entrances to the top level, you bunker down for the long hall. Good thing you brought lots of rations with you, and the water still works up here. The zombies never get to you, and after a week, the army rolls in and completely exterminates all living dead. Your patience and cautiousness has been your saviour.

Well done, you kept a level head and managed to survive a miniature zombie apocalypse.

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Go to the roof and try to signal help.

In your haste to call for help, you forgot to protect your backside. While you’re jumping around on a rooftop, zombies swarm the building, and freely make it to your hiding spot. You don’t last long before being overwhelmed by the dead army.

Try Again

Page 31: Welcome to the Apocalypse Adventure.


You survived a deadly outbreak of a zombie infection. Why don’t you try a different method this time and see how you go?

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