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1 Welcome to Mastering GUT Health Lesson 3 Food As Medicine & Therapeutic Diets I’m Teresa Rispoli, host of today’s lesson. Today you’ll learn which foods cause chronic health conditions and why. So you’re going to learn when to recommend therapeutic diets for the specific conditions you uncover in your intake and diagnostic sessions that may suggest certain foods are the culprit. This is an important step, because getting your patients to change their diet and lifestyle, in order to get better, can have a huge impact on reducing inflammation, leaky gut, candida, food sensitivities, carbohydrate intolerance, SIBO, defeating Biofilms and in weight loss. Medical doctors are not taught this, and that is why many of their patients are not getting better. So here is where you will make the most change for healthy outcomes in your patients. This step should not be taken lightly, because without dietary and lifestyle changes your patients may not get better. The wrong diet, a poor diet, toxins, antibiotics etc. can all disrupt our microbiome by killing off beneficial bacteria and giving rise to harmful ones that lead to inflammation, damage our gut barrier, and lead to Leaky Gut Syndrome. Seventy percent of our immune system resides in the gut. When Leaky gut is present and you have an immune system on fire, you can have variety of seemingly unrelated issues, from skin conditions, foggy

Transcript of Welcome to Mastering GUT Health Lesson 3 › members › wp... · 2017-06-12 · 1 Welcome to...

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Welcome to Mastering GUT Health Lesson 3

Food As Medicine & Therapeutic Diets

I’m Teresa Rispoli, host of today’s lesson. Today you’ll learn which

foods cause chronic health conditions and why. So you’re going to learn

when to recommend therapeutic diets for the specific conditions you

uncover in your intake and diagnostic sessions that may suggest certain

foods are the culprit. This is an important step, because getting your

patients to change their diet and lifestyle, in order to get better, can

have a huge impact on reducing inflammation, leaky gut, candida, food

sensitivities, carbohydrate intolerance, SIBO, defeating Biofilms and in

weight loss. Medical doctors are not taught this, and that is why many

of their patients are not getting better. So here is where you will make

the most change for healthy outcomes in your patients. This step

should not be taken lightly, because without dietary and lifestyle

changes your patients may not get better.

The wrong diet, a poor diet, toxins, antibiotics etc. can all disrupt our

microbiome by killing off beneficial bacteria and giving rise to harmful

ones that lead to inflammation, damage our gut barrier, and lead to

Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Seventy percent of our immune system resides in the gut. When Leaky

gut is present and you have an immune system on fire, you can have

variety of seemingly unrelated issues, from skin conditions, foggy

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thinking, and food cravings, to autoimmune diseases, chronic

inflammation, and a faulty metabolism that provokes weight gain and

resists all attempts at weight loss. So here is where therapeutic diets

can make a difference, because one man’s food may be another man’s


You see part of this training is empowering your patients to take

control of their own health. Your patients need to know that they must

take the necessary steps recommended by you to be able to improve

their own health. You are there just to guide them. They are the ones

that must make the changes in order to get better. For instance if you

discover your client has a gluten sensitivity, they must understand that

unless they stop eating all gluten containing foods, they will not get

better, in fact they may get very sick. Gluten causes inflammation in the

GI lining, which leads to leaky gut, and may lead to multiple

autoimmune conditions.

Leaky Gut is no joke. There are over 11,000 published articles about

Leaky gut on Pub Med alone.

Prevention is the key here, preventing the triggers that lead to serious

chronic health issues by avoiding the offending foods for a period of

time, allowing the GI lining to heal. But lifestyle may need to be

addressed as well, because if chronic stress or toxic exposure is

contributing to leaky gut, it still has the same triggering effect as food.

So food used as medicine, through therapeutic diets, can be powerful in

improving health.

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As A Bonus I’m going to share with you the Autoimmune Paleo Diet.

Did you know that autoimmunity is one of the top ten causes of fatality

in females under sixty-five years old? According to the National

Institutes of Health, autoimmune disorders affect over twenty-three

million people in the United States each year.

Autoimmune disorders include hundreds of medical conditions that are

due to the body’s own immune system attacking its own organs. For

example, thyroiditis is an attack on the thyroid gland, Crohn’s disease

attacks the gastrointestinal system, multiple sclerosis attacks the

nervous system, and lupus primarily attacks the kidneys.

One of the most frustrating things about autoimmune conditions is that

there is no curative treatment for them. Current therapies are often

aimed at managing the symptoms alone.

By using the AIP (autoimmune protocol) followers are able to reduce

troublesome symptoms and heal underlying imbalances by decreasing

inflammation and healing gut dysfunction. The diet focuses on a

nutrient-dense intake and eliminates inflammatory and allergenic foods

to support the body in cooling down the immune system which is on


The take home point about the AIP is that if you have an autoimmune

issue, you most likely have a poorly functioning digestive tract and

leaky gut. Because your gut is not in the best shape, byproducts of all of

the things passing through your intestines are leaking through your gut

barrier into your blood stream, causing your immune system to

respond. These circulating immune complexes trigger an autoimmune

attack and this concept is fundamental to understanding why the AIP

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works in decreasing inflammation and balancing the immune system.

In this lesson you will learn to eat and live in a way that supports your body and improves your health, reduces inflammation; rebalances your hormones, enhances insulin sensitivity, reestablishes your microbiome and improves your digestive system. Which foods are consumed and actually absorbed can be extremely important in healing gastrointestinal disease because the job of the intestinal track is to digest and absorb nutrients. You must understand that one man’s food may be another man’s poison. I can’t tell you how any people once told they might have a food sensitivity to this food or that food, say to me “but I thought that food was good for me.” I have to tell them repeatedly, that while in normal circumstances this food should be healthy for you, now it it’s a poison to you, because your immune system has tagged it as a foreign invader. So every time you eat it your immune system will go into an attack mode. You won’t get any nutrition out of it because now it’s a poison, and it will just add to your overall toxicity level causing systemic inflammation and may eventually lead to a serious health condition. If they have a family history of let’s say Diabetes, it could trigger Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, an autoimmune condition. Or if your client has difficulty digesting carbohydrates it can cause IBS, Colitis, Crohn's Disease or even SIBO.

I have found that most people with chronic GI complaints have an issue with certain foods, whether they have an allergy, food sensitivity or food intolerance. In these circumstances therapeutic diets need to be followed for a period of time, in order to give the GI system a rest and be able to heal.

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This is an important step, because getting your patients to change their diet and lifestyle, in order to get better, can have a huge impact on:

Reducing inflammation Healing Leaky Gut Controlling Candida Eliminating Food Sensitivities Reducing Carbohydrate Intolerance Healing SIBO Defeating Biofilms Weight Loss

The diets I am about to talk about have two key similarities. First and foremost leaky gut is present and second, specific foods are triggering their symptoms, whether because of food sensitivities or because of carbohydrate intolerance. Healing the gut wall and bringing the microbiome back into microbial balance is the solution. What Causes Leaky Gut? There are four main causes of leaky gut which include:

Poor diet

Chronic stress

Toxin overload

Bacterial imbalance

Of course there are other triggers like drugs, pathogens, organ malfunction, low HCl & digestive enzymes, antibiotics & infections, which trigger symptoms and diseases. These triggers are irritants to the GI lining causing the tight junctions to open up causing the leaky gut symptoms progression, which according to research, are the cause of

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your food sensitivities, low energy, joint pain, thyroid disease, autoimmune conditions and slow metabolism. What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? The above mentioned triggers inflame and damage the small intestinal mucosal lining of the small intestine, which cause the tight junctions to open allowing toxins, and undigested food particles into the circulating blood stream. Now these irritating, circulating immune complexes become systemic. They can reach every organ and tissue of the body creating a syndrome that is hard to diagnose. If it affects the skin you cannot just treat the skin and expect the condition to go away. You have to treat the root, the leaky gut. This is why many chronic conditions have not been successfully treated by conventional medicine, because they fail to fix the core problem, which is the gut. The Leaky Gut Syndrome Cycle It is the never ending cycle of Intestinal inflammation of the gut lining, which causes malabsorption of B12, magnesium and iron, which triggers an immune response leading to GI issues and multiple food intolerances and eventually Autoimmune diseases. When we talk about food, the most common components of foods that can damage your intestinal lining are the proteins found in un-sprouted grains, sugar, GMO’s and conventional dairy. The problem with un-sprouted grains is that they contain large amounts of anti-nutrients or nutrient blockers called phytates and lectins. Lectins are sugar-binding proteins that act as a natural defense system for plants that protect them from outside invaders like mold and parasites. Your digestive lining is covered with sugar-containing cells that help break down your food. Lectins gravitate toward this area and when they attach to your digestive lining, it damages your gut and causes inflammation.

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I want to talk a little bit about Lectins and Foods that Cause Leaky Gut

1. Lectins are found in many foods, not just grains, and when consumed in smaller amounts, your body will do just fine with them. But foods that have large amounts of lectins are more problematic. Some of the lectins and foods that cause leaky gut include wheat, rice, spelt and soy.

2 .Sprouting and fermenting grains reduces phytates and lectins, making these foods easier to digest. 3. GMO and hybridized foods tend to be the highest in lectins since they have been modified to fight off bugs. 4. Also, gluten–containing grains will damage your intestinal lining and cause leaky gut syndrome. So while you are working to heal leaky gut and cure autoimmune disease, stay away from all grains, especially ones that contain gluten like wheat. Once your gut is healthy, you can add back in grains that have been fermented and sprouted to eat occasionally.

5. Conventional cow’s milk is another food that can cause leaky gut. The component of dairy that will harm your gut is the protein A1 casein. Also, the pasteurization process will destroy vital enzymes, making sugars like lactose very difficult to digest. For this reason, I only recommend buying dairy that is raw and from A2 cows, goats, sheep, or buffalo. 6. Sugar is another substance that will wreak havoc on your digestive system. Sugar will feed the growth of yeast, Candida and bad bacteria, which will further damage your gut. Bad bacteria actually create toxins called endotoxins that damage healthy cells and can eat a hole into your intestinal wall.

Leaky Gut Causes Immune Responses

Which lead to inflammation throughout your system and can cause symptoms, such as:

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Bloating Food sensitivities Thyroid conditions Fatigue Joint pain Headaches Skin issues like rosacea and acne Digestive problems Weight gain Syndrome X Once the intestinal barrier is breached, you have a high level of food intolerances, nutrient malabsorption, autoimmunity and systemic inflammation. Leaky Gut Can Affect The Whole Body Once the tight junctions are open and the blood barrier has been breached with these irritating immune complexes the entire body can be affected, so you might have multiple symptoms and areas affected like skin conditions; acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, or thyroid disease; Hashimotos, hypothyroidism, Graves’ disease, or in the colon: constipation, diarrhea, IBD, or adrenal fatigue, in the joints; rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, headaches, in the sinus and mouth, frequent colds, sinusitis and food & airborne sensitivities. Another topic I want to quickly discuss is how leaky gut can affect the brain. If you’ve ever seen a child with autism experience a mood swing, this can be caused by intestinal permeability. Gluten-free and casein-free diets have proven effective for many children with autism because these proteins can leak through the gut and then recirculate and act on the brain similar to an opioid drug.

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This is also why leaky gut syndrome has been linked to other

psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression and bipolar

disorder. So, in many cases, if you can heal the gut, you can heal the


The 4-Step Plan to Heal Leaky Gut

The good news is there’s a solution to successfully healing leaky gut. A four-step process that includes:

1. REMOVE foods and factors that damage the gut 2. REPLACE with healing foods 3. REPAIR with specific supplements 4. REBALANCE with probiotics Remember, the top foods to remove that cause leaky gut are sugar, grains, conventional meat, conventional dairy and GMO foods. The top toxic exposures to eliminate are tap water, pesticides, and NSAIDS

The Leaky Gut Diet and 6 Healing Foods :include

1. Bone Broth –this broth contains collagen and the amino acids proline and glycine that can help heal your damaged cell walls. I’ve had many of my patients do a bone broth fast for 3-5days to help heal leaky gut and cure autoimmune disease. 2. Raw Cultured Dairy – contains both probiotics and SCFA’s that can help heal the gut. Try kefir & yogurt. 3. Fermented Vegetables – contain organic acids that balance intestinal pH and probiotics to support the gut. Sauerkraut, kimchi are excellent sources. 4. Coconut Products – all coconut products are especially good for your gut. The MCFA’s in coconut are easier to digest than other fats so they work well for leaky gut. Also, coconut kefir & yogurt contains probiotics that support your digestive system.

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5. Sprouted Seeds – chia seeds, flaxseeds and hemp seeds that have been sprouted are great sources of fiber that can help support the growth of beneficial bacteria. But if you have severe leaky gut, you may need to start out getting your fiber from steamed vegetables and fruit. 6. Anti-inflammatory foods –omega-3’s in wild-caught fish like salmon, grass-fed beef and lamb.

Top 5 Supplements for Healing Leaky Gut

The most beneficial leaky gut supplements are probiotics, digestive enzymes, L-glutamine, licorice root and quercetin. 1. Probiotics are the most important supplement to take because they help replenish good bacteria and crowd out bad bacteria. I recommend getting probiotics in both food and supplement form. I see people all the time only follow part of the protocol in healing their leaky gut syndrome by removing the damaging irritants. But the part they often leave out is re-inoculating their gut with beneficial bacteria which will keep bad bacteria at bay. So load up on BOTH probiotic-rich foods and take AT LEAST 50 billion units of stomach acid resistant strains of probiotics.

2. Digestive enzymes (one or two capsules at the beginning of each meal) ensures that foods are fully digested, decreasing the chance that partially digested foods particles and proteins leak through and damaging your gut wall. 3. L-Glutamine is critical for any program designed to heal leaky gut. Glutamine powder is an essential amino acid supplement that is anti-inflammatory and necessary for the growth and repair of your intestinal lining. L-glutamine benefits include acting as a protector: coating your cell walls and acting as a repellent to irritants. Take 2–5 grams twice daily. 4. Licorice root (DGL) is an adaptogenic herb that helps balance cortisol levels and improves acid production in the stomach. DGL supports the

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body’s natural processes for maintaining the mucosal lining of the stomach and duodenum. This herb is especially beneficial if someone’s leaky gut is being caused by emotional stress. Take 500 milligrams twice daily. 5. Quercetin has also been shown to improve gut barrier function by

sealing the gut because it supports creation of tight junction proteins. It

also stabilizes mast cells and reduces the release of histamine, which is

common in food intolerance. New studies have also shown its

effectiveness in healing ulcerative colitis. Take 500 milligrams three

times daily with meals.

Now I want to switch to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet

In order to understand how the diet works, it is important to

understand the disease process occurring in the gut or, WHY the diet


"We must never forget that what the patient takes beyond his ability to digest does harm. " By - Dr. Samuel Gee. By avoiding specific carbohydrates in the diet, that a person might have difficulty digesting, we can prevent fermentation and overgrowth of harmful organisms. Thus, we can improve the G.I terrain, and microbiome, bringing it back into balance, healing the digestive tract and restoring proper digestion and absorption. Thus, The Specific Carbohydrate Diet™ is predicated on the understanding that Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, IBS, SIBO, and gluten therapy resistant Celiac are the consequence of an overgrowth and imbalance of intestinal microbial flora due to improper digestion and absorption of specific carbohydrates.

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Use the Specific Carbohydrate diet For the Following:

Crohn’s Disease Ulcerative Colitis Celiac Disease Irritable Bowel Syndrome Fructose Malabsorption Multiple Food Allergies Bacteria Overgrowth (SIBO) Yeast / Candida Overgrowth Multiple Food Allergies Constipation Chronic Diarrhea Leaky Gut Other Autoimmune Problems

The intestinal tract houses a rich ecosystem, comprised of over 400 bacterial species. In fact there are more bacteria in our body than cells. Some are harmless, and others not. In the gut of a healthy person, these various communities of microbes compete with each other for scarce nutritional resources. They should exist in a state of balance. The stomach and small intestine should have a sparse population of microbial flora. In the large intestine, each type should inhibit an overabundance of the others, preventing overgrowth, waste products and toxins of a particular microbe from overwhelming the body. The stomach and upper intestine are also protected by high acidity, and the action of peristalsis or migrating motor complexes.

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The Vicious Cycle When the balance in the gut is disturbed, because the body lacks the enzymes to breakdown specific carbohydrates, so an overgrowth of intestinal flora can result. These carbohydrates are difficult to digest and become fermented by bacteria, causing bloating, discomfort and inflammation. Microbes migrate to the small intestine and stomach, inhibiting digestion and competing for nutrients. The gut then becomes overloaded with the byproducts of their digestion. This bacterial overgrowth can be triggered by stress, overuse of antacids, reduced stomach acidity, lack of digestive enzymes, weakening of the immune system through malnutrition or poor diet, and alteration of the microbial environment through antibiotic treatment. When carbohydrates are not fully digested and absorbed, they remain in our gut, and become nutrition for the microbes we host. The microbes themselves must digest these unused carbohydrates, and they do this through the process of fermentation. The waste products of fermentation are gases, such as methane, carbon dioxide & hydrogen, and both lactic & acetic acids, as well as toxins. All of these irritate and damage the gut lining. There is evidence that increased acidity in the gut due to malabsorption and fermentation of carbohydrates, may cause common harmless intestinal bacteria to mutate into more harmful ones. Further, lactic acid produced during the fermentation process has been implicated in abnormal brain function and behavior, associated with intestinal disorders.

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Remember the gut/brain connection and neurotoxicity? The overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine triggers a worsening cycle of gas and acid production, which further inhibits absorption and leads to yet more harmful byproducts of fermentation. Eventually enzymes on the surface of the small intestines are destroyed by the now present bacteria, and further disrupt digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, leading to more severe bacterial overgrowth. As both the microbes and their byproducts damage the mucosal layer of the small intestine, it is provoked to produce excessive protective mucus, which further inhibits digestion and absorption. Damage to the mucosal layer involves injury to the microvilli of our absorptive cells. These microvilli act as the last barrier between the nutrition we take in and our bloodstream. As our absorption is inhibited, folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to impaired development of microvilli, while an abnormally thick layer of mucus prevents contact between microvilli enzymes and the carbohydrates we ingest. The small intestine responds to this spiraling irritation by producing more goblet (mucus-making) cells, creating yet more mucus. Finally, as the goblet cells become exhausted, the intestinal surface is laid bare, and is further damaged, and possibly ulcerated. As more carbohydrates are left in the gut, they cause water and nutrients to be pulled from the body into the colon, resulting in chronic diarrhea. Absorption is further hindered as diarrhea increases the rate with which food travels through the gut.

The SCD Diet

The Specific Carbohydrate Diet™ has helped many thousands of people with various forms of bowel disease and other ailments vastly improve

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their quality of life. In many cases people consider themselves cured. It is a diet intended mainly for:

Crohn's disease

Ulcerative colitis

celiac disease


Chronic diarrhea.

Cystic fibrosis

However it is a very balanced and safe diet that has health benefits for everyone. The foods that are allowed on the SCD Diet™ are classified by their molecular structure, require minimal digestion to prevent fermentation, are well absorbed and leave virtually none to be used for furthering microbial overgrowth in the intestine. As the microbial population decreases due to lack of food, its harmful byproducts also decrease, freeing the intestinal surface of injurious substances. No longer needing protection, the mucus-producing cells stop producing excessive mucus, and carbohydrate digestion is improved. Malabsorption is replaced by absorption. As the individual absorbs energy and nutrients, all the cells in the body are properly nourished, including the cells of the immune system, which then can assist in overcoming the microbial invasion. " The simpler the structure of the carbohydrate, the more easily the body digests and absorbs it. Monosaccharides (single molecules of glucose, fructose, or galactose) require no splitting by digestive enzymes in order to be absorbed by the

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body. These are the sugars we rely on in the diet. They include fruits, honey, some vegetables, and yogurt. Some starches have been shown to be tolerated, particularly those in the legume family (dried beans, lentils and split peas only). However, they must be soaked for 10-12 hours prior to cooking, to release the enzyme inhibitors in the shell, and the water discarded, since it will contain other sugars which are indigestible, but which are removed in the soaking process. Small amounts of legumes may only be added to the diet after about three months.

Disaccharides: lactose, sucrose, maltose and isomaltose and starches Polysaccharides are avoided on the diet. The starches in all grains, corn, and potatoes must be strictly avoided. Corn syrup is also excluded since it contains a mixture of 'short-chain' starches. Complex carbohydrates that are not easily digested feed harmful bacteria in our intestines causing them to overgrow producing by products and inflaming the intestine wall. The diet works by starving out these bacteria and restoring the balance of good bacteria in our gut.


Finally, the SCD™ diet relies on properly fermented yogurt, and in some cases, acidophilus supplements, to help repopulate the gut with healthy intestinal flora. By increasing the population of 'good' bacteria in the gut, the overgrowth of harmful bacteria is put in check. As the competition for nutrition between the various strains of bacteria resumes, the variety of intestinal flora is brought back into balance. Yogurt must be properly prepared by fermenting it for 24 hours. This allows enough time for the bacteria in the yogurt culture to break down the lactose (disaccharides) in milk, into galactose (a monosaccharide).

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All SCD™ diet yogurt should be homemade, as commercially available yogurts are not properly fermented.

By removing potential food triggers that cause digestive distress and then reintroducing them, after a clearing period, with the help of a trained nutritionist, you’ll pinpoint your food intolerances and adjust your diet accordingly. You’ll feel better and maximize dietary diversity for optimal nutrition. Here are the carbohydrates to avoid while on the SCD Diet:


Here are the foods Allowed On the SCD Diet

So how long does it take to Feel better? Starting the diet is not only the first step, but it’s the most important one. Here’s the bottom line: This diet works … we’ve seen it work over and over again with thousands of people over the last three years.

But no two versions are exactly the same. Each person‘s version of the diet will be subtly different because of past lifestyle choices, genetics, and current lifestyle choices all unique to you, and each has an impact on how you’re going to heal.

It doesn’t stop with food either. Typically, the diet only goes so far – supplement and lifestyle changes help solve the complex puzzle. So, there are a lot of factors that play a role in this process. The important thing to remember is to avoid these foods until you feel better.

For Example, Let Me Show You These 3 Case Studies: Case Study 1: Crohn’s Colitis and Diarrhea John* has been on Prednisone ever since he was diagnosed with Crohn’s & Colitis 3 years ago. He averaged at least 8 BM’s a day. He was exhausted and had rectal bleeding regularly. He tried following the SCD

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diet for a few weeks and didn’t see any improvement, so he gave up. But because his doctor was pushing for Humira, he became motivated to give SCD diet one last try. He started by doing the intro diet for 3 days, which gives the gut a rest, and then tried adding in new foods. Everything he tried made his diarrhea worse and it seemed like this diet was making him sicker! After two weeks of horrible D he knew a flare was coming fast. The first tweak he made was to start taking digestive enzymes and within two days his stools started to take better form and the urgency was less. He began to pay attention to which foods triggered the diarrhea, and avowed them. Next, he was frustrated because his stools were still mushy and 4-5 times a day. He decided to go dairy-free. After four days being dairy-free, his BM’s were down to 2-3 soft stools a day… HUGE improvement for him. Not only that, but during his 2nd month his energy doubled and he finally slept through the night without waking up to go to the bathroom. The next six months were gradual improvement… *Name changed to protect identity

Case Study 2: Constipation and Bloating Mary* has been sick many times during her life, she’s taken many antibiotics and always seemed to have irregular bowel habits. Most days shed used laxatives/enemas to get by, especially when the bloating got unbearable. She’s tried several other natural diets and supplements without any improvement. On my recommendation, she decided to try SCD for 30-days. She did the intro diet for 4 days and didn’t have a BM the whole time. As she introduced new foods on the 5th day, she was feeling really discouraged that the diet wasn’t going to work. She decided to start eating more coconut oil and made a batch of sauerkraut, her BM’s

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started to be more regular every other day and things stayed that way through her 30-day anniversary. It was nice, but she was still frustrated. Her acid reflux, frequent burping, and stomach gurgling made her think more about trying Betaine HCL and she did the HCL Challenge. The challenge made her feel so much better she knew it was the right tweak to test next. Over the next 7 days, HCL improved her BM’s to one solid movement every day for the first time in her life… and she never looked back, but stayed on SCD for the next year. *Name changed to protect identity

Case Study 3: Celiac Disease and Malnutrition Peggy* struggled with undiagnosed Celiac Disease for many years, she alternated between horrible diarrhea and mild constipation. It was very frustrating for her and she’d been to many doctors over the years. They could never figure out why she was malnourished and had elevated liver enzymes. She tried their recommendations to take more fiber and it didn’t help her stomach pain and even made her diarrhea worse most days. She followed a strict, gluten-free diet for 3 years without an improvement in her symptoms. 7 days after she started the SCD her diarrhea stopped completely. But after that it seemed like once a week she would have diarrhea really bad and it never seemed like it was triggered by a food. Her blood tests still showed many nutrient deficiencies. So upon my recommendation, she tried digestive enzymes and within 2 days her stools were better-formed and her energy levels improved. But she still had diarrhea randomly once or twice a week. It seemed like she was stuck and afraid to introduce new foods. As it turned out, she was an overworked, stressed-out mom with a history of depression. She also just moved to a new city and the stress from the move was pushing her to the edge. She decided to try our 7

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day stress challenge and take stress management seriously, just like taking a pill or making a diet tweak. After two weeks of doing a few minutes a day of deep breathing and yoga – she started to notice she felt “more alive.” And after 30 days of taking her stress seriously, she finally realized the random diarrhea was gone and she was starting to try new foods. She finally felt like her life was turning around, but had her ups and downs over the next nine months. *Name changed to protect identity Each of them had to make different tweaks. Some couldn’t tolerate foods that others could. And in the end, each solution was unique, but the formula to get there was the same:

They properly started the diet, discovered their “food safe zone,” made the right supplement tweaks, and used lifestyle changes to help them heal. But each one had different results over different time periods. There is an immense range of individuality in our diseases, our medical history, our age, our genetics, epigenetics and our environment. Science is proving all of these add up to your current health and it turns out most of us need more than just diet change to get the kind of health transformations we want.

Use these case studies as a reminder to ask questions and always listen to your body. It’s giving you subtle clues all the time about what to do next. It’s also giving you signs about how well you’re healing.

To be successful I feel it is important to prepare the body for 2-4 weeks before making the dietary transition. I have implemented a quick start SCD Diet Guide for just this purpose. As with many therapeutic diets it is necessary to have a clearing phase. During this phase everything consumed is cooked and pureed for ease of digestion. I advocate that you start eating your well-cooked vegetables and fruits in puréed form.

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This is the only way to guarantee that your food is in its easiest-to-digest state. The second punch is to flood the body with natural anti-inflammatory vitamins and minerals such as those found in bone broth soups. Together these ideas create an effective dietary intervention that works to break the vicious cycle.

I recommend you start with a bone broth. It’s basically an Elemental Diet.

An elemental diet is also referred to as a bowel rest diet. An elemental diet is a liquid diet that contains all the basic nutrients your body needs. The nutrients are in pre-digested form so they require very little digestion and the nutrients are easily and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. In this way an elemental diet supplies your nutritional needs whilst giving your digestive system a rest.

The stool that results from an elemental diet is greatly reduced in volume and usually liquid, therefore, it also gives your colon a rest from passing normal stool and thus allows the intestines to heal faster. You can get a premade shake or make your own. www.integrativepro.com/Products/Gastrointestinal/Physicians-Elemental-Diet

The Specific Carbohydrate Diet™ was clinically tested by Dr. Haas and biochemist Elaine Gottschalk, for over 50 years with convincing results. According to feedback from the various lists and other information, at least 75% of those who adhere rigidly to the diet gain significant improvement. For the specific diet go to http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/legal/listing/ The GAPS Diet This diet was derived from the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)

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created by Dr. Sidney Valentine Haas to naturally treat chronic inflammatory conditions in the digestive tract as a result of a damaged gut lining. It stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome. It has to do with the Gut/Brain Connection and neuro-inflammation. It can be useful for autism, ADD, OCD, Schizophrenia, epilepsy, depression, and any other digestive disorders associated with leaky gut causing inflammation of the gut and brain. When the gut and brain are on fire with inflammation, digestion and absorption slows, toxins build up and they can interfere with sensory information and can cause learning disabilities in children. When toxicity levels are low you might see signs like hyperactivity or dyslexia. With higher levels, autism may develop. The autism epidemic we are now seeing is really an epidemic of abnormal gut flora causing brain inflammation. The OAT test by Great Plains Laboratory uses Organic Acid Testing to identify specific markers of fungus, yeast clostridia, oxalic acids that all contribute to neuro-inflammation. The CSA Test by Doctors Data is also very useful. The protocol addresses three underlying factors; leaky gut, gut flora imbalances and nutrient deficiencies. The diet excludes, starches, like potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, wheat, flour, dairy products, sugar in any form other than fruit. It allows low glycemic vegetables, meats, healthy fats, and bone broths. The Gaps Diet in a Nutshell

Elimination of simple carbohydrates, which feed pathogenic bacteria

An emphasis on fermented foods and specific probiotic supplements to restore gut flora

Plenty of nutrient-dense traditional foods to restore nutrient deficiencies

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A specific series of food reintroduction

Lifestyle changes that include various detox and immune boosting steps The diet starts with a GAPS Introduction Diet and proceeds in seven stages. Refer to your members recourse section for this intro diet. Receipt for Bone Broth Here SIBO DIET/ FODMAPS DIET The SIBO diet is completely different than the last diets mentioned because if a person has SIBO and you give them pre or probiotics it might make matters worse. They should follow a FODMAPS diet. The plan is to eliminate or reduce all sources of FODMAPs as best you can for 6 – 8 weeks and then slowly add high FODMAP foods one at a time to help you identify any food that triggers your symptoms so you can avoid them. This diet is not intended for long term. It should be followed for 6-8 weeks and then slowly add back the carbs, keeping tract if they cause a reaction. If they do these are fixed allergies and these offending foods should be eliminated forever. Be sure to use a food and symptom diary to help you keep track of what foods may be causing any symptoms. This limited diet is not intended to follow forever. Eventually you will only stop the foods that after re-introduction cause problems. What are FODMAPS? These are a group of short-chain, fermentable carbohydrates; Fermentable Oligo-saccharides Di-saccharides Mono-saccharides and Polyols – otherwise known as FODMAPs. New research suggests that by eliminating these very specific carbohydrates, patients have reduced symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colitis, Crohn’s Disease and those suffering from SIBO (small

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intestines bacterial overgrowth). The diet can help reduce the following symptoms:

Abdominal pain and discomfort Gas and Bloating Bacterial overgrowth Changes in bowel (diarrhea to constipation or vice versa) Research has proven that these specific fermentable carbohydrates can cause irritation to the bowels and contribute to these symptoms


This carbohydrate is poorly absorbed so restricting all foods with these in them will be of benefit to most people who exhibit symptoms of IBS. Sources of this carbohydrate include:

Wheat Beans, peas and pulses Some vegetables – particularly onion and garlic Inulin and FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides).


The main form of di-saccharide is lactose found in animal milk such as cow and goat milk. It can be poorly absorbed by certain ethnic populations. Small amounts of lactose is tolerable to most people including IBS sufferers, so a complete avoidance is not usually necessary. Sources of this carbohydrate include:

Milk – all types including skimmed etc. Keep to 50mls or less


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Fructose is the main contributors to forming mono-saccharides. This sugary carbohydrate is naturally present in many fruits as well as honey. When the amount of fructose exceeds the amount of glucose problems start to occur. Sources include:

Apples Honey Sugar snap peas Fructose


Polyols are sugar alcohols which can be found in various diet and sugar free foods to lower their caloric content. Examples of polyols are sorbitol and xylitol. They can also be found naturally in some fruits and some vegetables. Sources of polyols include:

Peaches Plums Mushrooms Cauliflower Sugar free sweets You can download a FODMAP Diet in the members resource section High FODMAP Food to Avoid - Garlic & Onions – avoid entirely, – fruits that contain high fructose, Processed meat, wheat containing products, dairy foods Condiments, Dips, Sweets, Sweeteners and Spreads Drinks more drinks

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Dairy Foods and Eggs Cooking ingredients, Herbs and Spices Oils and Baking Products

What is SIBO? Small Intestines bacterial Overgrowth

So the FODMAPS Diet I just explained about is used in cases of SIBO. It

is important you understand what SIBO is and what causes it.

There are two types of SIBO. People with SIBO Hydrogen tend to have a

fast transit time and loose stools. SIBO Methane people have a slow

transit time and infrequent bowel movements with hard compacted

small pebble stools. Each has its own treatment.

Top Causes of SIBO: Food borne illness (food poisoning) causes 25% of

SIBO cases. Head injuries, even those from years ago, can impair the

brain’s ability to regulate digestion. Poor diet or low hydrochloric acid,

often from taking antacids, can be the cause. GMOs and pesticides

could play a role as well.

Gut/Brain Axis: The vagal nerve has a critical role in gut/brain axis. The

vagal nerve begins in the head, runs behind the ears, behind the throat

and encapsulates with a web, the heart and nearly the entire digestive

system. Vagal nerve issues can impact digestion and can lead to SIBO

Repairing the vagal nerve is critically important. Imparting this to

patients is a big challenge. Stimulating the vagal nerve with gagging,

gargling, and coffee enemas is helpful, but compliance is often an issue.

Discussed at this year’s SIBO symposium was acetyl-L-carnitine,

because the vagal nerve is an acetylcholine based nerve. Also discussed

was Lion’s Mane; a mushroom with nerve regenerative properties.

Most people with SIBO have cognitive dysfunction and acetyl-L-

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carnitine is good for the brain, so it provides two benefits by helping

reduce brain and vagal nerve fire.

With Chronic SIBO: We need to be looking at what caused it and how

to address those causes rather than only prescribing herbs or


Stress Reduction and SIBO: Heart Math and deep breathing are

effective stress reducers Through stress reduction, nerves can be re-

plasticized; where modifications can be made to the nerve so it can

again fire and receive signals. It takes 3 weeks for the vagal nerve to re-


Fight or Flight Impacts on SIBO: If your body is fleeing the figurative

bear, it is not digesting food. Digestion is a low priority in stress

response; the food sits there and ferments. Our stressful lives may be a

large contributor to the current SIBO epidemic. Bile is antimicrobial and

it is suppressed during times of stress. Having your gall bladder

removed can be a risk factor for SIBO because it reduces bile flow.

To fix SIBO you need to follow a low FODMAP Diet or the hybrid

FODMAP/Specific Carbohydrate Diet created by Dr. Allison Siebecker.

We are trying to reduce the fuel. Many people have lost the ability to

digest disaccharides, so a combination of FODMAP/SCD, though

restrictive, is effective.

Prebiotics/Probiotics and SIBO: we should not be using prebiotics or

probiotics with SIBO until we know if the person’s migrating motor

complex works. The migrating motor complex sweeps the garbage from

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the small intestine. So if the garbage is not being cleared from the small

intestine, prebiotics and probiotics can feed the bacteria.

Smart Pill: With cutting edge capsule technology, there is no need for

barium studies. You go to the doctor for this test which requires you to

consume a food bar to help carry the capsule through the digestive

tract. You swallow the capsule. Over the next few days the capsule

travels through your digestive tract and data is captured on a small

device you wear.

It monitors your PH, which reveals whether you have sufficient

hydrochloric acid. It monitors pressure, showing how effective the valve

is between the small and large intestine. It measures transit time in its

entirety and segment to segment. It is predictive. If you have high PH,

slow transit time and not enough pressure in the valve between the

large/small intestines, you may be at risk for SIBO or these markers can

help determine the cause of chronic SIBO. It determines future

treatment. This test is now being covered by some insurance

companies and Medicare.

Herbs for SIBO Treatment: berberine, neem, or high doses of ADP

oregano from Biotics. If patients have high levels of methane, they need

to take garlic. I like Biocidin a liquid antimicrobial, Designs for Health

Silvercillin liquid, and essential oils are also effective.

Elemental Diet: For two weeks, patients followed the elemental diet;

no food, just amino acids with fats and carbohydrates in a pre-

digestible shake three to five times per day. There is no fuel for the fire

and it produces remarkable follow up tests. It is just as effective as

antibiotics with less damage to the gut. Go here to purchase a pre-

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digested shake

Effective Pharmaceuticals: Antibiotics can create SIBO, but antibiotics

can also fix it. Xifaxan is now FDA approved for IBS. It is effective for

Hydrogen (diarrhea) SIBO. Xifaxan stays in the small intestine, so it will

not cause a yeast infection or UTI. The interesting thing is it leaves the

microbiome intact. It only works in the small intestine, because it needs

bile to activate it. Once in the large intestine, it crystalizes and

dissipates. This is not your typical antibiotic. Xifaxan also helps the body

to prevent resistance to antibiotics with which it is paired; so they

retain their potency. For methane or hydrogen/methane SIBO, patients

would take xifaxan along with either neomycin or flagyl

(metronidazole). However, either tinidazole or compounded tindamax

has fewer side effects than flagyl. Standard protocol is that these be

taken for 14 days.

Retest: Patients can remain symptomatic. When retesting shows that

SIBO is gone, but the symptoms remain, then one looks elsewhere for

the cause. It could be celiac, food sensitivities, gastroparesis, Lyme

disease with co-infections or other causes. If the small bowel is now

fine, perhaps it is the large bowel. Try a diet with fermented foods,

short chain fatty acids, saccharomyces boulardii, and building

microbiome diversity through a diverse and fibrous diet.

When Patients Fail SIBO Think Adhesions: According to a presentation

at the SIBO Symposium, when patients fail SIBO treatments quickly, you

should consider that the cause may be adhesions. Adhesions can come

from surgery, trauma, inflammation or infections. An inflamed gut

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could create adhesions. We are just beginning to explore the causes,

assessment and treatment of adhesions.

Bonus Topic Autoimmune Paleo –Anti-Inflammatory Diet Autoimmune disorders include hundreds of medical conditions that are due to the body’s own immune system attacking its own organs. For example, thyroiditis is an attack on the thyroid gland, Crohn’s disease attacks the gastrointestinal system, multiple sclerosis attacks the nervous system, and lupus primarily attacks the kidneys.

One of the most frustrating things autoimmune conditions is that there is no curative treatment for them. Current therapies are often aimed at managing the symptoms alone.

Decreasing Inflammation & Healing the Gut by using AIP (autoimmune protocol) followers are able to reduce troublesome symptoms and heal underlying imbalances by decreasing inflammation and healing gut dysfunction. The diet focuses on a nutrient-dense intake and eliminates inflammatory and allergenic foods to support the body in cooling down the immune system which in fire.

The take home point about AIP is that if you have an autoimmune issue, you most likely have a poorly functioning digestive tract and leaky gut. Because your gut is not in the best shape, byproducts of all of the things passing through your intestines are leaking through your gut barrier into your blood stream, causing your immune system to respond. These circulating immune complexes trigger an autoimmune attack and this concept is fundamental to understanding why the AIP works in decreasing inflammation and immune system triggers.

How To Follow The Autoimmune Protocol

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There are very specific rules to follow to use AIP. At first, the list of foods that aren’t permitted foods can feel overwhelming, but focus on what you can eat.

Start with Basic Paleo Principles

No gluten, no grains, no legumes, no dairy, no sugar, and no alcohol. You’ve got that down already. Gluten is inflammatory for the gut and should be removed from the diet of anyone with autoimmune disorders. Grains and legumes are removed to avoid anti-nutrients like phytic acid and inflammatory lectins. Sugar and alcohol are removed because they are highly inflammatory and do not bring any nutritional value or healing properties to the table.

Avoid nightshade vegetables: Vegetables such as peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes have been found to be particularly inflammatory, causing joint pain, skin irritation, and gut discomfort.

Avoid Eggs Eggs are eliminated because the proteins and enzymes in eggs (and in the white in particular) are able to work their way through the gut lining during the digestion process. Although this can occur in healthy people as well, in those with autoimmune conditions, the egg particulate matter gets through the barrier of the gut lining easily and infiltrates the blood stream, causing immune system stimulation and reactivity.

Avoid all nuts and seeds Nuts and seeds are high in lectins and phytates. They are one of the most allergenic types of foods and can cause sensitivities in people struggling with autoimmunity. Additionally, nuts contain a high amount of omega-6 fatty acids, which are pro-inflammatory.

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Keep fruit to a minimum Try to keep fruit to one to two servings per day. This keeps blood sugar levels stable and also helps you avoid taking in too much fructose, which can be irritating for the gut.

Avoid food additives like Nitrates, guar gum, and carrageenan. These additives bring no health benefits and contribute to leaky gut. Other additive like nitrites are inflammatory for the body and can also be allergenic.

Avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications

Avoiding NSAIDs is about attempting to heal the gut lining, as this is

critical in managing autoimmune disorders. This can be tricky because

many medical regimens for autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid

arthritis, chronic pain syndromes, and acute bouts of thyroiditis use

NSAIDs. Before removing these medications from your regimen, discuss

this with your medical provider.

Quick Start For AIP What You Can Eat

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MEATS Beef, Bison, Chicken, Turkey, Boar, Wild Caught Fish,

Game Meats


LEGUMES Snap Peas, String Beans, Haricot Vert

VEGETABLES Asparagus, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Leafy Greens,

Broccoli Cauliflower, Cucumber, Beets, Squash, Carrots,

Sweet Potatoes and many more

FRUIT All fruits are permitted. *To keep daily fructose intake

reasonable try to stick to a max of 2-3 pieces of fruit per


DAIRY Coconut milk (without additives)


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Where To Start One key to AIP success is to focus on following the diet for a set period


FERMENTED FOODS Kombucha, Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kefir made with

water/coconut water




FATS Avocado, Avocado Oil, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil



ALCOHOL None (Sparkling water and Kombucha are great party-


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of time and to track your symptoms over a number of weeks. How long you choose to stay on the AIP is 100% up to you and should depend on how you feel following the diet. A strict elimination period of at least thirty to sixty days is recommended, but many people stay on the protocol for months until they start seeing the resolution of their autoimmune symptoms.

By setting a timeline for your elimination diet, you can focus on the healing aspect of the diet and stay motivated with an endpoint in sight. One final thing to note is that, while AIP may help you to find out which foods you react to, a strict autoimmune protocol is not necessarily meant to be followed for life. Once you’ve completed the diet, you must have a focused reintroduction period to identify your food triggers and sensitivities so you can avoid them.

OK I know we have talked about the Elemental Diet, the SCD Diet, The FODMAPS Diet or SIBO Diet, and the Autoimmune Paleo Diet. How do you know which one to do? Test not guess. Keep a food diary. Log any foods that cause distress and avoid them. Always start with the Elemental Diet to give the digestive tract a rest.

Gut Bacteria Have Far-reaching Effect on Numerous Aspects of Our Physiology

Including genetic control turning genes on and off They play a vast role in neurological brain function Gastrointestinal health The health of the gut wall, which plays a critical role in nutrient

absorption and blocking absorption of toxins

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Further, our microbiome both regulates our immune system and helps it learn to distinguish between friendly or harmful substances

It plays a significant role in controlling cancer development as well

The wrong diet, a poor diet, toxins, antibiotics etc. can all disrupt our microbiome by killing off beneficial bacteria and giving rise to harmful ones that lead to inflammation and damage our gut barrier. 70% of our immune system resides in the gut You can also use these therapeutic diets to help the body heal from acute to chronic conditions because most health conditions have a root in the gut. So hopefully by now have learned the importance of the gut and why we as Functional Nutritionists address the gut first. Because the gut has such far reaching effects on numerous aspects of our health. When you heal the gut you have the ability to prevent, treat and reverse most chronic health conditions. Lastly I wanted to reward you with one more bonus it’s called the MIND DIET which is associated with reduced incidence of Alzheimer disease.

You are about to learn how even modest dietary changes can slash Alzheimer’s risk by 35% when a healthy diet is consistently followed. It’s interesting to note that our diet can have a powerful impact on our thinking abilities in youth and impacts whether we develop dementia as we age. By the time a typical American reaches 85, their risk of displaying clinical indications of Alzheimer’s rises to a startling 45%. No one has yet ascertained how this nation’s already strained health care resources will deal with this impending epidemic. This means that nursing homes do not need to fill up with demented individuals who

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have lost their cognitive and functional independence. The Rush University Project

Researchers at Rush University studied over 900 participants, ages 58 to 98 years, and followed them on average for 4.5 years. Three different dietary interventions were evaluated, including the Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet, and a hybrid of the Mediterranean-DASH diets called the MIND diet. The researchers then looked at the effects of these three diets on the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

The fantastic news is that decades of human and animal research has led to nutritional approaches that aging individuals can adopt to drastically reduce their senility risk. Even subjects with middle-of-the-road compliance with the MIND diet, such as ingesting just some of the brain-healthy foods like berries, had their dementia risk reduced by 35%. These huge risk reductions in response to healthier eating patterns represent game changers as it relates to the dire predictions of tens of millions of Americas suffering agonizing dementia-related deaths. These findings are revolutionary and physicians should wake up to the fact that dementia is not always an irreversible disorder. Research has proven that the carnage from making the wrong dietary choices may exceed that of tobacco, which took decades to be revealed how toxic tobacco is. Yet there is little talk of banning the advertising of toxic foods and no requirement to warn consumers that ingesting them increases dementia risk. It is up to individuals to educate themselves about which foods protect against gut and neurodegenerative diseases and the dietary patterns that contribute to brain destruction.

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The Magnitude of the Difference By adhering to healthy dietary patterns, one researcher was quoted as saying during a 2015 scientific presentation:

“ It was about the equivalent of being 11 years younger in age.” This represents an enormous percentage of cognitively proficient time that elderly individuals can enjoy. The MIND Diet consists of 10 dietary components shown to powerfully impact neurological function for the good or the bad.

10 Brain-Healthy Foods groups:

1. Green leafy vegetables 2. Other vegetables 3. Nuts 4. Berries 5. Beans 6. Whole grains 7. Fish 8. Poultry 9. Olive oil 10. Wine (moderate amounts)

Consuming lots of these healthy food groups conferred significant protection against Alzheimer’s and mild cognitive impairment. The brain health benefits of berries (like strawberries and blueberries) have been demonstrated in other large human observational studies such as the famous Nurses Health Study.

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5 Dangerous Food Groups:

Red Meats 2. Butter and Margarine 3. Cheese 4. Pastries and sweets 5. Fried/fast foods By reducing one’s intake of the five brain-damaging foods listed above, significant protection against Alzheimer’s and mild cognitive impairment was proven. Researchers found that greater adherence to the MIND diet resulted in a markedly slower rate of cognitive decline. The incredible findings from this Rush University study was that strict adherence to the MIND diet reduced Alzheimer’s incidence by 52%. These findings reveal the robust impact that dietary choices have on maintaining brain and Gut health. Just like our plants need to be fertilized to be healthy, the human body needs proper nutrition to thrive and be at peak performance for us. Unfortunately, humans have unique nutritional needs; one man’s food may be another man’s poison. This is why therapeutic diets were developed, to help bring the body back into balance. You now have these tools to add to your functional nutrition medicine chest. Use them wisely and your patients will benefit from improved health and well-being. But don’t forget stress reduction practices and lifestyle changes because these can have a huge impact as well.

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Bonuses in the next Lesson include:

Learning about your Gut Bug Fingerprint.

Know about your Microbiome Gut Type based on ancient Oriental 5 Element Theory

The Six Hidden Weight Gain Factors

How to Defeat Biofilms

Firmicutes vs Bacteroides bacteria that influence metabolism and fat storage.