Welcome message from 90 - Colloid & Surface …colloidssurfaces.sites.acs.org/Science Symposia/2016...


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Page 2: Welcome message from 90 - Colloid & Surface …colloidssurfaces.sites.acs.org/Science Symposia/2016 CSSS Harvard... · Welcome message from 90th CSSS Co-Chairs . ... presented by

Welcome message from 90th CSSS Co-Chairs

David Weitz Joyce Wong Ramanathan Nagarajan Harvard University Boston University Natick Soldier RDEC

Welcome to Harvard University and to the 90th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium. Harvard is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, established in 1636. Harvard has been an active international center for work in various aspects of colloid and surface science, both traditional and modern, and is pleased to host the 90th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium.

The Harvard CSSS will highlight advances in colloid and surface science and its intersections with diverse scientific and technological domains, through nearly 600 technical presentations, organized into 13 topical symposia, a general papers symposium and a poster session. Plenary lectures will be presented by Prof. Françoise Brochard-Wyart from Institut Curie, Paris, France and Prof. Eugenia Kumacheva from the University of Toronto, Canada. There will also be plenary award lectures by Prof. Matthew Helgeson, UC Santa Barbara, the recipient of the 2016 Unilever Award and Prof. Michelle Personick, Wesleyan University, the recipient of the 2016 Victor K. LaMer Award

As has been an important part of this summer symposium over the years, there will be an instrument exhibition highlighting advances in instrumental techniques in colloid and surface science.

Recognition of student researchers is another highlight of this meeting. The 90th CSSS will feature awards for best graduate student oral presentations, sponsored by the ACS journal Langmuir. These awards aim to recognize excellence in research as manifested in oral presentations of pre-selected graduate student presenters in the “Langmuir Graduate Student Awards Session”. Additionally, student posters will be judged for best poster award, also sponsored by the ACS journal Langmuir.

We invite you to meet with old friends and make new friends at various social events including the welcoming reception on Sunday evening, poster session reception on Monday evening and the symposium banquet on Tuesday evening.

Enjoy the Harvard Campus, Cambridge and Boston sights and have a fruitful conference!

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Table of Contents

Welcome Message 2

Table of Contents 3

Symposium Organizers 4

COLL and CSSS Committees 5

Summary Program View 6

Sessions at a Glance 7

Sponsors 8

Plenary Speakers 10

Topical Symposia Keynote Speakers 11

Plenary Lecturers Bio 12

LaMer and Unilever Award Winners 14

Exhibitors 15

Technical Program 16

Author Index 70

Buildings and Rooms Locator 86

91st CSSS Announcement 93

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Symposium Co-Chairs David Weitz (Harvard U)

Joyce Wong (Boston U)

Ramanathan Nagarajan (NSRDEC)

Topical Symposia Organizers Colloidal Glasses and Gels Roseanna N. Zia (Cornell U) Marco Caggioni (P&G Research)

Microfluidics Xiang Cheng (U Minnesota) Cari Dutcher (U Minnesota)

Rheology of Complex Fluids Matt Helgeson (U California - Santa Barbara) Jacinta Conrad (U Houston)

Surface Science and Catalysis John Russell (Naval Research Lab) Christopher Karwacki (Edgewood Chemical Biological Center)

Emulsions, Foams and Dispersions Matt Lynch (P&G Research) Alberto Fernandez-Nieves (Georgia Tech)

Wetting, Adhesion and Surface Forces Marina Ruths (U Mass-Lowell) Hongbo Zeng (U Alberta)

Nanomaterials for Biomedicine Prakash Rai (U Mass-Lowell) Kimberly Hamad Schifferli (U Mass-Boston) Tyrone Porter (Boston U)

Self-assembly at Molecular Scale Paschalis Alexandridis (U Buffalo)

Thai Thayumanavan (U Mass-Amherst)

Biological Interfaces Shelly Peyton (U Mass-Amherst)

Terri Camesano (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) Jessica Schiffman (U Mass-Amherst)

Recent Developments in Nanomaterials Ryan Hayward (U Mass-Amherst)

Raymond Tu (City University of New York) Banahalli Ratna (Naval Research Lab)

Particle Assemblies Arijit Bose (U Rhode Island)

Vinny Manoharan (Harvard U)

Colloidal and Interfacial Phenomena in Environmental Systems

Chad Vecitis (Harvard U) Nathalie Tufenkji (McGill U)

Navid Saleh (U Texas - Austin)

Advanced Experimental and Simulation Techniques in Colloid and Interface Science

Maria Santore (U Mass-Amherst) Amy Peterson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

General Papers Anthony Dinsmore (U Mass-Amherst)

Poster Session David Weitz (Harvard U)

Joyce Wong (Boston U)

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ACS Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry (COLL) Officers

Chair Daniel K. Schwartz, University of Colorado

Chair-Elect D. Howard Fairbrother, Johns Hopkins University

Past-Chair Robert J. Hamers, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Vice-Chair Eric Borguet, Temple University

Program Chair Ramanathan Nagarajan (Nagu), Natick Soldier RD&E Center

Treasurer Marina Ruths, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Secretary/Newsletter Editor Lorena Tribe, The Pennsylvania State University - Berks Campus

Membership Secretary Rosa Espinosa-Marzal, University of Illinois

Colloid and Surface Science Symposium Committee

Michael Bevan (Chair), Johns Hopkins University

John Crocker, University of Pennsylvania

Sharon Walker, University of California - Riverside

Joelle Frechette, Johns Hopkins University

LaMer Award Committee

Joelle Frechette (Chair), Johns Hopkins University

Amanda Haes, University of Iowa

Matthew Helgeson, University of California - Santa Barbara

Nathalie Tufenkji, McGill University

Charles Maldarelli, The City College of New York

Liangfang Zhang, University of California - San Diego

Unilever Award Committee

P. Somasundaran (Chair), Columbia University

K.P. Ananthapadmanabhan, Unilever

Raymond Farinato, Cytec

Nicholas L. Abbott, University of Wisconsin- Madison

Patricia Aikens, BASF

Ramanathan Nagarajan, Natick Soldier RD&E Center

Langmuir Graduate Student Oral Presentation Selection Committee

Ilona Kretzschmar, The City College of New York

Sven Behrens, Georgia Institute of Technology

Darrell Velegol, The Pennsylvania State University

Michael Bevan, Johns Hopkins University

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Sunday, June 5, 2016

3:00 - 7:00 PM Registration, Science Center Plaza Tent

1:00 - 4:00 PM Exhibits and Posters set up, Science Center Plaza Tent

5:00 - 7:30 PM Welcoming Reception, Science Center Plaza Tent

Monday, June 6, 2016

7:00 - 5:30 PM Registration, Science Center Plaza Tent

8:10 - 8:20 AM Symposium Welcome, Science Center Hall B

8:20 - 9:20 AM Plenary Lecture I - Françoise Brochard-Wyart, Institut Curie, Paris, France, Science Center Hall B

9:20 - 9:40 PM Coffee Break

9:40 - 12:20 PM Technical Session I

12:20 - 2:00 PM Lunch

2:00 - 3:20 PM Technical Session II

3:20 - 3:40 PM Coffee Break

3:40 - 5:00 PM Technical Session II (Continued)

5:30 - 8:00 PM Reception, Poster Session, Exhibits, Science Center Plaza Tent

8:00 - 10:00 PM Exhibits and Poster Break Down, Science Center Plaza Tent

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

8:20 - 9:20 AM Plenary Lecture II - Eugenia Kumacheva, University of Toronto, Canada, Science Center Hall B

9:20 - 9:40 PM Coffee Break

9:40 - 12:20 PM Technical Session III

12:20 - 2:00 PM Lunch

2:00 - 3:20 PM Technical Session IV

3:20 - 3:40 PM Coffee Break

3:40 - 5:00 PM Technical Session IV (Continued)

5:30 - 6:30 PM Plenary - Unilever Award Lecture – Matthew Helgeson, UC Santa Barbara, Science Center Hall B

7:00 - 9:30 PM Symposium Banquet, Annenberg Hall

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

8:30 - 9:20 AM Plenary - Victor K. LaMer Award Lecture – Michelle L. Personick, Wesleyan, Science Center Hall B

9:20 - 9:40 PM Coffee Break

9:40 - 12:20 PM Technical Session V

12:20 - 2:00 PM Lunch

2:00 - 3:20 PM Technical Session VI

3:20 - 3:40 PM Coffee Break

3:40 - 5:00 PM Technical Session VI (Continued)

5:00 PM Symposium Concludes

Coffee Break Stations

Two Coffee Break stations will be open from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM

June 6: Science Center Plaza Tent; Maxwell Dworkin Ground Floor Lobby

June 7: Science Center Arcade; Maxwell Dworkin Ground Floor Lobby

June 8: Science Center Arcade; Maxwell Dworkin Ground Floor Lobby

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Symposium Mon Tue Wed

Meeting Room AM PM AM PM AM PM

Colloidal Glasses and Gels A B C D Pierce 301

Microfluidics A B C D Maxwell Dworkin MD 119

Rheology of Complex Fluids A B C D Maxwell Dworkin MD G125

Surface Science and Catalysis A B C D Science Center Room B10

Emulsions, Foams and Dispersions

B A D F H G Science Center Hall E

C Science Center Room B10

E Mallinckrodt Lab Room B23

Wetting, Adhesion and Surface Forces

A B D F G E Science Center Hall A

C Science Center Room 309

H Science Center Room 309a

Colloidal and Interfacial Phenomena in Environmental Systems A B C D Jefferson 356

Biological Interfaces A B C D Jefferson 256

Nanomaterials for Biomedicine C D E F A B Maxwell Dworkin MD G115

Self-assembly at Molecular Scale A B C D E Pierce 209

Particle Assemblies A B C D E F Jefferson 250

Recent Developments in Nanomaterials A B C D Science Center Room 309a

Advanced Experimental and Simulation Techniques A B C D Science Center Room 309

General Papers A B C D Mallinckrodt Lab Room B23

Poster Session Monday Evening, May 6 Science Center - Plaza Tent

Langmuir Student Oral Presentation Award Session A B Maxwell Dworkin MD G125

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ACS Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry http://www.colloidssurfaces.org/

John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard http://www.seas.harvard.edu/

Harvard MRSEC http://www.mrsec.harvard.edu/

Langmuir, the ACS Journal of Surfaces and Colloids http://pubs.acs.org/journal/langd5

BASF https://www.basf.com/us/en.html

Worcester Polytechnic Institute https://www.wpi.edu/

University of Wisconsin - Madison MRSEC


Cabot Corporation http://www.cabotcorp.com/

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Dow Chemical


Boston University Nanotechnology Innovation Center (BUnano) http://www.bu.edu/nano-bu/

UC Santa Barbara, MRL MRSEC http://www.mrl.ucsb.edu/

Northwestern University MRSEC http://www.mrsec.northwestern.edu/

Research Triangle MRSEC http://mrsec.duke.edu/

MIT MRSEC http://web.mit.edu/cmse/

University of Pennsylvania MRSEC http://www.lrsm.upenn.edu/

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Plenary Speaker Françoise Brochard-Wyart Institut Curie, Paris, France

Monday, June 6, 8:20-9:20 AM

Science Center Hall B

Plenary Speaker Eugenia Kumacheva University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Tuesday, June 7, 8:20-9:20 AM

Science Center Hall B

Unilever Award Winner Matthew Helgeson

University of California, Santa Barbara

Tuesday, June 7, 5:30-6:30 PM

Science Center Hall B

Victor K LaMer Award Winner Michelle L. Personick

Wesleyan University

Wednesday, June 8, 8:20-9:20 AM

Science Center Hall B

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Colloidal Glasses and Gels Emanuela Del Gado (Georgetown) Eric R. Weeks (Emory)

Microfluidics Michael D. Graham (Wisconsin) Brian Kirby (Cornell)

Rheology of Complex Fluids Jeffrey Morris (CCNY) Chinedum O. Osuji (Yale)

Surface Science and Catalysis Vicki H. Grassian (UC San Diego) Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos (Tufts) L. Robert Baker (Ohio State) – LaMer Keynote

Emulsions, Foams and Dispersions Arjun G. Yodh (U Penn) John Brady (Cal Tech)

Wetting, Adhesion and Surface Forces Ali N. Dhinojwala (Akron) Rosa M. Espinosa-Marzal, (Illinois)

Nanomaterials for Biomedicine Rakesh Jain (Harvard Medical School, MGH) Thomas J. Webster (Northeastern) Aaron C. Anselmo (MIT) – LaMer Keynote

Self-assembly at Molecular Scale Nicholas L. Abbott (U Wisconsin-Madison) Athanassios Panagiotopoulos (Princeton)

Biological Interfaces Anita Shukla (Brown)

Anand Asthagiri (Northeastern) Rebecca Carrier (Northeastern)

Y. Shrike Zhang (Harvard Medical School) – LaMer Keynote

Recent Developments in Nanomaterials Rajesh R. Naik (Air Force Research Lab)

Laura Clarke (NC State)

Particle Assemblies Orlin D. Velev (NC State)

Kathleen J. Stebe (U Penn) Jing Yan (Princeton) – LaMer Keynote

Colloidal and Interfacial Phenomena in Environmental Systems

Robert J. Hamers (Wisconsin) Subir Bhattacharjee (Water Planet, Inc)

Advanced Experimental and Simulation Techniques in Colloid and Interface

Science Roseanna Zia (Cornell)

Jodie L. Lutkenhaus (Texas A&M)

General Papers Peter D. Olmsted (Georgetown)

Rui Wang (MIT) - LaMer Keynote

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Professor Françoise Brochard-Wyart Françoise Brochard-Wyart is Professor Emeritus at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) and Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) Member, working in the “Physical Chemistry Curie” Unit of the Institut Curie (UMR 168). Françoise Brochard-Wyart is a theoretical physico-chemist trained in liquid crystal, polymer, wetting phenomena, physics of membranes (pores and tubes) and cellular adhesion. At Institut Curie, as IUF Member, Françoise Brochard-Wyart has focused on the mechanics of model tissues covering a broad range of themes including tissue rheology, aspiration, spreading, mechanosensitivity, wetting and dewetting, adhesion and fracture, hybrid nanoparticles-cellular aggregates.

Françoise Brochard-Wyart was born in Saint-Etienne in France. After two years of preparation to “Grandes Ecoles” in Lycée Janson de Sailly, she entered the Ecole Normale Supérieure ENS Cachan in Physics where she obtained the Aggregation de Physique in 1968. In 1966-1967, she studied Solid State Physics (D.E.A. de Physique des Solides - Orsay ) with J.Friedel, P.Nozières, A.Guinier and P.G.de Gennes.

In 1968, she was nominated as Assistant Professor in University d’Orsay and started her Ph.D research in the Laboratory of Solid State Physics in Orsay (1969-1974) under the supervision of P.G.de Gennes. Her doctoral thesis focused on the dynamical properties of liquid crystals. After Ph.D, she started to work on the flicker phenomenon of red blood cells in collaboration with Institut Pasteur.

In 1975, she became a researcher at Collège de France in Paris, where she investigated the dynamics of polymer chains.

In 1986, she was appointed Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris) in 1986 and focused her research on the physics of interfaces, wetting and dewetting. She had industrial collaboration with Dior and Rhone Poulenc.

In1991, she joined the Institut Curie in Paris. She became a group leader of “Surfaces douces”. She worked on wetting and dewetting at soft interfaces (in collaboration with Michelin, Rhodia and St Gobain )

and began performing research in biophysics, on topics such as cell adhesion, artificial cells and membrane mechanics.

In 2003, she became a member of the prestigious Institut Universitaire de France. In Institut Curie, she started collaboration with biologists. She had been working on applying soft matter physics to study the biophysics of model tissues (tissue rheology, aspiration, spreading, mechanosensitivity, wetting and dewetting, adhesion and fracture). This approach has been very fruitful in unveiling striking analogies between the physics of inert soft matter (polymer, viscous pastes, silly putty) and the behavior of biological tissues. The results obtained from such analogies have suggested important implications to both tissue development and cancer. In collaboration with E. Lemichez, she studied the opening in macroapertures in cells in analogy with the dewetting of viscous liquids.

In 2014, she became Professor Emeritus and started a collaboration with Françoise Winnik in the Mana Institut in Tsukuba (Japan) working on Hybrid cell- nanoparticles aggregates.

Françoise Brochard-Wyart is an international expert in theoretical soft matter physics. She has published more than 260 peer-reviewed papers (h-index 62), 5 book chapters and 2 books. She has given more than 130 invited lectures, including international plenary and keynote lectures, led 15 grants as coordinator, and has supervised 9 post-docs and 25 completed PhDs. She has received numerous awards throughout her career, including the Prix Jean Ricard from the Société Française de Physique (French Physical Society) in 1998 and a Special Mention for the Prix Roberval in 2007. She became in 2015 Officier de la Légion d’Honneur.

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Professor Eugenia Kumacheva

Eugenia Kumacheva was born in Odessa, Soviet Union. She received her undergraduate degree (Cum Laude) and M.Sc. degree in The Technical University in Saint Petersburg. In 1981-1985, she conducted her Ph.D. research in Physical Chemistry of Polymers in the Russian Academy of Sciences. Her doctoral thesis focused on the new types of composite organic coatings obtained by electrodeposition from aqueous dispersions. In 1985, she became a Junior Scientist in the Department of Chemistry at the Moscow State University.

In 1991, Eugenia Kumacheva received Minerva Foundation Fellowship to conduct her postdoctoral research in polymer physics in the Department of Materials and Interfaces at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Her research focused on properties of fluid films confined between solid surfaces. Using the surface forces balance technique, she discovered confinement-induced reversible first-order liquid-to-solid transitions in ultra-thin liquid films. She also discovered a reduction in friction between the sliding surfaces bearing polymer brush-like molecules. This effect occurred due to the long-range repulsion of an entropic origin between the polymer brushes. This work shed light on the relaxation processes in confined polymer layers and the origin of very low friction in joints when biopolymer-covered surfaces slide past each other.In 1996, Eugenia Kumacheva joined the Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto and in 2005 she was promoted to the ranks of Professor. She conducts interdisciplinary research in polymer, surface and materials science, nanoscience and microfluidics. One area of her research includes colloidal self-assembly. She has developed new strategies for the organization of nano-, meso- and microscopic particles in complex, hierarchical structures. She has proposed a new fabrication method for the generation of polymer colloids. She conceptualized and developed continuous microfluidic synthesis of polymer particles with exquisite control over their dimensions, shapes, morphologies, and compositions. The microfluidic synthesis was scaled up, thereby paving the way for its applications in academia and industry. She also developed an exploratory microfluidic platform for studies of fast physical and chemical processes involving gas bubbles. This platform was used to

model carbon dioxide circulation in nature and explore carbon dioxide sequestration.

Eugenia Kumacheva has published more than 220 peer-reviewed papers, 9 book chapters and 2 books. More than 120 students and postdocs have conducted research in her laboratory, in addition to numerous visiting students and professors from the U.S.A., Europe and Asia.

Eugenia Kumacheva is Canada Research Chair in Advanced Polymer Materials (Tier 1). She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. She has been awarded the E. Gordon Young Lectureship and the Macromolecular Science and Engineering Award (both by The Chemical Institute of Canada), the Clara Benson Award (Canadian Council of University Chemistry), the Japan-Canada WISET Lectureship and Killam Fellowship (Canada Council of Arts and Science). Since 2013, she holds the distinction of the University Professor (given to <2% of the tenured Faculty). She is a recipient of prestigious international awards including Schlumberger Scholarship (U.K.) and International Chorafas Foundation Award in Physics and Engineering and Alexander von Humboldt Senior Research Award (Germany). Her distinctions include Visiting Professorships at the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, Harvard University, Moscow State University, Universitè Louis Pasteur (Strasburg) and the University of Bayreuth. In 2009, Eugenia became the Laureate of the L'Oreal-UNESCO Award “For Women in Science”.

Eugenia Kumacheva's public service includes her work in the Macromolecular Science and Engineering Division (NSERC Canada), Vanier-Banting Selection Board (NSERC Canada), and National L’Oreal-Unesco “Women in Science” selection committee. She is an editor or on advisory board of several scientific journals. She serves on Science Foundation review panels for U.S.A., Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Israel and Switzerland. She is a member of scientific advisory boards for the Waterloo Nanoscience Institute (Canada), Triangle Materials Science Center and Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA), RIKEN Institute (Japan), Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research and Leibnitz Institute (Germany), an International Review Panel for the L'Oreal-Unesco Award and the European Union Science Council.

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2016 Victor K LaMer Award Winner Michelle L. Personick Wesleyan University Victor K. LaMer Award is given for the outstanding Ph.D. thesis in colloid or surface chemistry accepted by a US or Canadian university during the three year period prior to the award year.

Michelle L. Personick received her undergraduate degree in Chemistry from Middlebury College in 2009 and a Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from Northwestern University in 2013. Her doctoral thesis, titled “Controlling the Shape and Crystallinity of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles,” was carried out under the direction of Chad A. Mirkin.

A key advance of her dissertation work was the development of a comprehensive set of design guidelines for controlling the shape of gold nanoparticles via reaction kinetics and surface passivation effects.

She is the recipient of a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship from the Department of Defense, as well as a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation. Her graduate research contributed to 15 publications in journals such as the Journal of the American Chemical Society, Nano Letters, and Science.

From 2013 to 2015, Michelle Personick was a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University with Cynthia M. Friend, co-advised by Robert J. Madix. As a member of the Integrated Mesoscale Architectures for Sustainable Catalysis (IMASC) Energy Frontier Research Center, she studied selective oxidative transformations of alcohols on nanoporous gold alloy catalysts.

In July 2015, she joined the faculty at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Her research at Wesleyan focuses on the synthesis of noble metal alloy nanoparticles with well-defined shapes and catalytically active high-energy surfaces.

2016 Unilever Award Winner Matthew E. Helgeson University of California at Santa Barbara Unilever Award is given in recognition of fundamental work in colloid or surfactant science carried out in North America by researchers in the early stages of their careers.

Matthew E. Helgeson is an Assistant Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. In 2004, he received a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. In 2009, he received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware, where he performed doctoral research with Norman Wagner and Eric Kaler. From 2009-2012, he performed postdoctoral research in the Novartis-MIT Center for Continuous Manufacturing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the supervision of Patrick Doyle. Helgeson joined the faculty of UCSB in 2012, where he holds an appointment in the Department of Chemical Engineering and is a faculty member of the Materials Research Laboratory.

Helgeson’s research is devoted to the design and processing of complex fluids and colloidal soft matter with well-specified mesostructure. A common interest in his research group is to use a combination of molecular self-assembly and flow to guide the interactions and assembly of colloidal species (nanoparticles, emulsions, proteins, etc.) into emergent structures. To complement this research, the Helgeson lab develops experimental tools using scattering and microscopy to monitor the multi-scale microstructure and dynamics of these fluids, ultimately to inform their molecular-level design. Current topics of interest include the engineering of colloidal particulates and gels for applications in biotechnology, advanced separations and energy conversion.

Since joining the faculty at UCSB, Helgeson’s research and teaching have been recognized with a number of awards including Early Career Awards from the National Science Foundation (2014) and the Department of Energy (2015), the inaugural Distinguished Young Rheologist Award from TA Instruments (2011), a Northrup Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award (2015), and the Victor K. LaMer Award from the ACS Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry (2011).

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Anton Paar USA URL: http://www.anton-paar.com Contact: Lillianne Hall ([email protected])

CPS Instruments, Inc URL: http://www.cpsinstruments.com Contact: Stephen Fitzpatrick ([email protected])

KRUSS USA URL: http://www.krussusa.com Contact: Matt Hoover ([email protected])

Malvern Instruments, Ltd. URL: http://www.malvern.com Contact: Michele Giordano ([email protected])

Micromeritics Instrument Corp

URL: http://www.micromeritics.com/ Contact: Steve Fray

([email protected])

Particle Metrix Inc URL: http://www.particle-

metrix.de/en/company/about-us.html Contact: Gary Linz

([email protected])

Wyatt Technology Corp.

URL: http://www.wyatt.com Contact: Lindsey East

([email protected])

Mass Applied Science

URL: http://www.massappliedscience.com Contact: Gabriel DosRamos

([email protected])

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90th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium

June 5-8, 2016

Harvard University

Cambridge, MA David Weitz, Joyce Wong and Ramanathan Nagarajan, Symposium Co-chairs


Science Center Hall B

Plenary Lectures

R. Nagarajan, Organizer D. Weitz, Presiding

8:10 Introductory Remarks.

8:20 Introduction of Speaker.

8:30 1. Entangled active matter: From ants to living cells. F. Brochard-Wyart

Jefferson 356

Colloidal & Interfacial Phenomena in Environmental Systems

N. B. Saleh, N. Tufenkji, C. D. Vecitis, Organizers, Presiding

9:40 2. Estimating colloidal attachments onto fibrous substrates: From nanoparticle functionalization to pathogen detection. T. Bera, P. Sisco, H. Goktas, A. Bandremer, A. Fong, S. Linder, K. Gleason, S. Torosian

10:00 3. Influence of surface roughness on colloid retention in impinging jet experiments. J.A. Rasmuson

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10:20 4. Radioactivity-induced charging: Theory, measurements, and applications. Y. Kim, S. Yiacoumi, C. Tsouris

10:40 5. Modeling diffusiophoresis during CO2 dissolution into aqueous suspensions. O. Shardt, S. Shin, P.B. Warren, H.A. Stone

11:00 6. Transport of highly concentrated microemulsion-stabilized iron oxide nanoparticles through porous media. D. Hsu, F. Choi, E. Acosta

11:20 7. Deposition of bentonite particles in the presence of cellulose nanocrystals from flowing suspensions onto model surfaces. Y. Boluk

11:40 8. Diffusiophoresis at the CO2-water interface. S. Shin, O. Shardt, P.B. Warren, H.A. Stone

12:00 9. Prediction of nanoparticle and colloid attachment on unfavorable mineral surfaces using representative discrete heterogeneity. W.P. Johnson, J. Trauscht, E.F. Pazmino

Pierce 301

Colloidal Glasses & Gels

Gels & Sol-Gel Transition Fundamentals

M. Caggioni, R. Zia, Organizers I. Kretzschmar, Presiding

9:40 10. Keynote Lecture: Aging in tenuous soft solids: Stretched and compressed exponential dynamics. E. Del Gado

10:20 11. Locally glassy dynamics in colloidal systems with competing interactions. P.D. Godfrin, S.D. Hudson, K. Hong, L. Porcar, P. Falus, N.J. Wagner, Y. Liu

10:40 12. Effect of depletant dispersity on phase behavior of model attractive colloid. N.Y. Park, J. Conrad

11:00 13. The sol-to-gel transition. R.H. Ebini, C.M. Sorensen

11:20 14. Microgel particles in non-aqueous colloid-polymer mixtures. J. Bonham, M. Faers, J. van Duijneveldt

11:40 15. Ion exchange induced gelation of zirconium phosphate nanosheet in polyelectrolyte solution. X. Huang, Z. Cheng, O. de Llergo, S. Marquez

12:00 16. The role of hydrodynamic interactions in colloidal dispersions with short-ranged attraction and long-ranged repulsion. Z. Varga, J.W. Swan

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Science Center Hall E

Emulsions, Foams & Dispersions

Active & Interesting Particles

A. Fernandez-Nieves, M. Lynch, Organizers, Presiding

9:40 17. Keynote Lecture: Forces, stresses and the (thermo?) dynamics of active matter. J. Brady

10:20 18. Enzymatic reaction-propelled microswimmers. W. Jang, G. Duan, E. Reed, D. Lee, D.A. Hammer

10:40 19. Epithelial cells on toroidal hydrogen. Y. Chang, R. Cruz, A.A. Fragkopoulos, S. Marquez, A. Garcia, A. Fernandez-Nieves

11:00 20. Defect unbinding in active nematic toroids. P. Ellis, Y. Chang, A. Fernandez-Nieves

11:20 21. Multi-shell hollow nanogels with responsive shell permeability. W. Richtering, A. Schmid, J. Pedersen, I. Potemkin, A. Rudolf, P. Lindner, M. Karg

11:40 22. Bijel fibers using solvent transfer-induced phase separation (STRIPS). M. Haase, N. Sharifi-Mood, K.J. Stebe, D. Lee

12:00 23. Control of shape and internal structure of spherical and non-spherical microparticles templated from liquid crystalline droplets. X. Wang, E. Bukusoglu, D. Miller, M. Bedolla Pantoja, J. Xiang, O. Lavrentovich, N.L. Abbott

12:20 24. A general route to prepare Janus particles based on liquid marbles. Y. Sheng, G. Sun, T. Ngai

Maxwell Dworkin MD G125

Langmuir Graduate Student Oral Presentation Award Symposium

R. Nagarajan, Organizer, Presiding

9:40 25. Ion-specificity in particle aggregation studied by AFM colloidal probe and light scattering techniques: Towards an extended Hofmeister series. T. Oncsik, F. Montes Ruiz-Cabello, G. Trefalt, I. Szilagyi, M. Borkovec

10:00 26. Anomalous dispersion of ‘Hedgehog’ particles. J. Bahng, B. Yeom, Y. Wang, S. Tung, D. Hoff, N. Kotov

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10:20 27. Using advanced rheological and neutron scattering techniques to determine signatures of branching in wormlike micelles (WLMs). M. Calabrese, S.A. Rogers, L. Porcar, N.J. Wagner

10:40 28. Light-triggered contents release from liposomes in a two-photon microscope. J. Shin, M. . Ogunyankin, J.A. Zasadzinski

11:00 29. Design of redox-responsive electrochemical interfaces for molecular recognition and advanced separation processes. X. Su, T.F. Jamison, T. Hatton

11:20 30. Manipulation of colloidal self-assembly using stimuli-responsive surfactants. V. Sresht, L.D. Zarzar, P. Brown, E.M. Sletten, J.A. Kalow, T. Hatton, T.M. Swager, D. Blankschtein

Maxwell Dworkin MD 119


Multicomponent or Active Particle Systems

X. Cheng, C. Dutcher, Organizers V. Sharma, Presiding

9:40 31. Keynote Lecture: Theory of margination in blood and other multicomponent suspensions. M.D. Graham

10:20 32. Stress-gradient-induced polymer migration in microfluidics. H. Rezvantalab, R.G. Larson

10:40 33. Promise of elastomeric particles: Bio-sequestration, separation and delivery. W. Shields, K.A. Ohiri, A. Li, J. Huang, J. White, Y. Zhang, S. Zauscher, A. Chilkoti, G. Lopez

11:00 34. Effect of internal architecture on microgel deformation during flow through microfluidic constrictions. L. Chen, K. Wang, P.S. Doyle

11:20 35. Boundary guidance at intersecting planes in the navigation of diffusiophoretically self-propelled colloid. A. Mozaffari, J. Koplik, C. Maldarelli

11:40 36. Hydrodynamics of catalytically self-propelled particles. N. Sharifi-Mood, M. Karim, A. Mozaffari, U.M. Cordova-Figueroa

12:00 37. Visualizing nanoscopic topography and patterns in freely standing thin films. Y. Zhang, S. Yilixiati, V. Sharma

Maxwell Dworkin MD G115

Nanomaterials for Biomedicine

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T. Porter, P. Rai, Organizers K. Hamad-Schifferli, Organizer, Presiding

9:40 38. Nanobiophotonics and its medical applications. L. Lee

10:10 39. Nanoplatforms for targeted delivery of molecular inhibitors and multi-modal imaging. S. Sridhar

10:40 40. Keynote Lecture: Making advances in nanomedicine that the FDA will approve. T.J. Webster

11:20 41. Characterizing dynamical interactions of nano-materials in biological media using real-time 3D single-particle tracking and multi-resolution imaging. H. Yang

11:40 42. Plasmonic nanoparticle emulsions for use as photo-acoustic imaging and therapeutic agents. D. Li, Y. Lee, K. Larson-Smith, L.D. Pozzo

12:00 43. Development of glass-coated gold nanoparticle tags for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. M. Carre, H. de Puig Guixe, I. Bosch, K. Hamad-Schifferli, L. Gehrke

Jefferson 250

Particle Assemblies

Interfacial Assembly

A. Bose, V. Manoharan, Organizers, Presiding

9:40 44. Keynote Lecture: Curvature capillary migration. K.J. Stebe

10:20 45. Enhanced binding of anionic colloidal particles to water/oil interface by tuning the interfacial electric potential. W. Hong, S. Teale, R. Bancroft, T. Dinsmore

10:40 46. MD simulations of the drag coefficients of colloids moving along a gas/liquid interface due to Brownian fluctuations and deterministic external forces. C. Maldarelli, J. Koplik

11:00 47. Electric field driven particle assembly on a drop interface. P.M. Vlahovska, Q. Brosseau, M. Ouriemi

11:20 48. Hollow Janus cylinders at liquid interfaces. R. Weir, S. Shojaei-Zadeh

11:40 49. Measuring the elasticity of particulate assemblies at liquid interfaces. W. He, Y. Sun, B. Davidovitch, G. Grason, T. Dinsmore

12:00 50. Curvature-driven colloidal assembly near wavy boundaries. Y. Luo, F. Serra, K.J. Stebe

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Science Center Room 309a

Recent Developments in Nanomaterials

Synthesis & Processing

R. C. Hayward, B. Ratna, R. S. Tu, Organizers, Presiding

9:40 51. Tasty active colloids swimming in your cup: How to make rapidly dissolving instant coffee with motile particles. M. Rutkevicius, K.P. Velikov, O.D. Velev

10:00 52. One pot synthesis and characterization of gold nanocatalyst using Sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) oil: Green approach. B. Kumar, L.H. Cumbal

10:20 53. Scalable processing of 2D nanosheets into 3D crumpled nanoparticles. D. Parviz, M. Green

10:40 54. Predicting the colloidal stability of 2D nanomaterials synthesized using liquid-phase exfoliation. V. Sresht, A. Govind Rajan, E. Bordes, M. Strano, A. Padua, D. Blankschtein

11:00 55. Effect of ligand chemistry on metal-organic-inorganic composites as thermal interface materials. N. Nagabandi, C. Yegin, M. Akbulut

11:20 56. Corrosion protection of aluminum alloy via graphene-polymer nanocomposite coatings. S. De, J. Lutkenhaus

11:40 57. Structure-property relations in carbon nanotube fibers by downscaling solution processing. R.J. Headrick, D.E. Tsentalovich, J. Berdegué, L. Liberman, O. Kleinerman, Y. Talmon, M. Pasquali

12:00 58. Scalable and controlled heteroaggregation of nanoparticles in aqueous media using electrostatic attraction and controlled steric interactions. R. Kastilani, L.D. Pozzo

Pierce 209

Self-Assembly at Molecular Scale


P. Alexandridis, Organizer S. Thayumanavan, Organizer, Presiding W. Richtering, Presiding

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9:40 59. Electrodeposition of self-assembled complexes of polyvinylferrocene with carbon nanotubes and pyrrole monomers: Preparation of redox-electrodes for selective, electrochemically-mediated extraction of micropollutants. T. Hatton

10:10 60. Hollow, core-shell and ultra-low cross-linked microgels at fluid and solid interfaces. W. Richtering, K. Geisel, O. Virtanen, F. Schulte, I. Potemkin, M. Ahmed, A. Rudolf

10:40 61. Responsive polymeric nanoassemblies. S. Thayumanavan

11:00 62. Controlling polymer bridging in thermoresponsive nanoemulsions. J. Kim, R. Kender, T. Nguyen, M.E. Helgeson

11:20 63. Different types of charged inverse micelles in non-polar media. M. Prasad

11:40 64. Interfacial molecular assembly of conjugated polymers during solution printing. Y. Diao

12:00 65. Self-assembly of photoswitchable carbohydrate amphiphiles and their antibacterial and antifreeze properties. Y. Hu, R. Tabor, B. Wilkinsion

Science Center Room B10

Surface Science & Catalysis

Surface Chemistry in Atmospheric Environments

C. J. Karwacki, Organizer J. N. Russell, Organizer, Presiding

9:40 66. Keynote Lecture: Surface chemistry of metal oxides in atmospheric environments. V.H. Grassian

10:20 67. DMMP reactivity On zirconium hydroxide under in operando conditions. P. Pehrsson, R. Balow, W.O. Gordon, I. Iordanov, V.M. Bermudez, D. Barlow, G.W. Wagner, J. Lundin, D. Gunlycke, I. Schweigert, J.H. Wynne, C. Knox, C.J. Karwacki, G.W. Peterson

10:50 68. A first-principles study of the initial hydrolysis of aluminum nitride. C.J. Bartel, C. Muhich, A.W. Weimer, C. Musgrave

11:10 69. Effect of atmospheric interferents on the adsorption/decomposition of dimethyl methylphosphonate on metal oxide nanoparticles. K. Fears, S. Holdren, J. Wallace, J. Long, J. Owrutsky, M.R. Zachariah, B.W. Eichhorn

11:40 70. Water adsorption under ambient conditions: To dissociate or not at metal oxide interfaces. J.T. Newberg, C. Arble, S. Rani, J.A. Boscoboinik, X. Tong, L. Giordano, A. Ferrari

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Science Center Hall A

Wetting, Adhesion & Surface Forces

Surface Forces: Confined Fluid Films

M. Ruths, H. Zeng, Organizers, Presiding

9:40 71. Keynote Lecture: Structure of nanoconfined fluids elucidated via force measurements. R.M. Espinosa-Marzal

10:20 72. Influence of the dynamic structural heterogeneity of self-assembled monolayers on hydrophobic interactions. H. Yeon, C. Wang, N.L. Abbott

10:40 73. Probing surface interactions and thin films drainage process of air bubble and liquid droplet using droplet probe atomic force microscopy. C. Shi, H. Zeng

11:00 74. Probing hydrophobic interactions of polymer surfaces and deformable surface. H. Zeng, C. Shi, A. Faghihnejad

11:20 75. Effects of film thickness on elastohydrodynamic deformation. Y. Wang, C. Dhong, J. Frechette

11:40 76. Contrasting the influences of isolated and interconnected microstructures on hydrodynamic drainage forces. G.A. Pilkington, J. Frechette

12:00 77. Effect of polymer confinement on the film drainage behavior between a deformable droplet and mica: An RICM study. S. Borkar, A. Ramachandran


Jefferson 356

Colloidal & Interfacial Phenomena in Environmental Systems

N. B. Saleh, N. Tufenkji, C. D. Vecitis, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 78. Keynote Lecture: Transformations and biological impact of emerging energy storage nanomaterials. R.J. Hamers

2:40 79. Biofilm formation and biodegradation of carbon nanotube-polymer nanocomposites. H. Fairbrother, D.G. Goodwin, D. Phan, Z. Xia, E.J. Bouwer

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3:00 80. Influence of membrane-associated proteins on nanoparticle interaction with model biological membranes. J.A. Pedersen, E. Melby, T. Kuech, A.C. Mensch, M.D. Torelli, L.M. Jacob, A. Vartanian, C.J. Murphy, R.J. Hamers

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 81. Complex colloidal motion at oil-water interfaces with bacteria. L. Vaccari, T.H. Niepa, M. Molaei, N. Sharifi-Mood, R. Leheny, K.J. Stebe

4:00 82. The mechanisms of asphaltene precipitation in oil studied with Brownian Dynamics simulations. K.P. Santo, A. Vishnyakov

4:20 83. Responsive stabilization & applications of nanoparticles in extreme salinity and high-temperature reservoirs. M. Ranka

4:40 84. Colloidal suspensions of MgO nanoparticles in molten salts for continuous CO2 capture from high temperature effluent gases. T. Harada, F. Simeon, E.Z. Hamad, T. Hatton

Pierce 301

Colloidal Glasses & Gels

Rheology of Gels

R. Zia, Organizer M. Caggioni, Organizer, Presiding

2:00 85. Effect of active Janus particles on the microscopic dynamics of fractal cluster gels. M. Szakasits, W. Zhang, M.J. Solomon

2:20 86. Microscale yielding of cellulose fiber gels. J. Song, M. Caggioni, T. Squires, P.T. Spicer

2:40 87. Characterization of the dynamic heterogeneous transition of a hydrogenated castor oil gel using multiple particle tracking microrheology. M. Wehrman, S. Lindberg, K. Schultz

3:00 88. Video-microscopy based micro-rheological characterization of complex fluids: An industrial perspective. M. Caggioni, R. Pastore, F. Giavazzi, R. Cerbino

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 89. Dynamics of two-dimensional colloidal clusters under rotating magnetic fields. E. Hilou, D. Du, S.L. Biswal

4:00 90. Relationships between structure and permeability in colloidal networks. L. Gelb, A. Mertz, M. Ingber, A.L. Graham, A. Redondo

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4:20 91. Gravity-driven instabilities in fibrillar colloidal gels containing a second disperse phase. K. Velikov

4:40 92. Rate- and pH-dependent rheology of semi-dilute boehmite slurries. S. Pednekar, J. Morris, J. Chun

Science Center Hall E

Emulsions, Foams & Dispersions

Foams & Bubbles

A. Fernandez-Nieves, M. Lynch, Organizers R. Höhler, M. Helgeson, Presiding

2:00 93. Many body interactions in foams and emulsions. R. Höhler

2:30 94. Foam dynamics in micromodels. S.L. Biswal

2:50 95. Domain and rim growth kinetics in stratifying foam films. Y. Zhang, S. Yilixiati, V. Sharma

3:10 96. Foams and dispersions at high salinity and temperature. K.P. Johnston, E. Moaseri, M. Iqbal, J. Lee, C. Dandamudi, A. Worthen, Z. Xue, S. Alzobaidi, A. Elhag, C. Da

3:30 Intermission.

3:40 97. The origin of power-law rheology and avalanches in wet foams. J.C. Crocker, H. Hwang, R. Riggleman

4:00 98. Microbubble size effects on sonoporation. M.A. Borden, K. Song, A. Fan, M. Calvisi, J. Brlansky

4:20 99. Stabilizing aqueous foams in presence of crude oil: The critical role of nanoparticles. S. Mahavadi, Y. Jiang, S.I. Andersen

4:40 100. Exploration of additives for improvement of bitumen froth. D. Miller, H. Wiles, D.J. Brennan, T. Kuo, H. Singh, T. Kalantar

Mallinckrodt Lab Room B23

Emulsions, Foams & Dispersions

Pickering Emulsions

A. Fernandez-Nieves, M. Lynch, Organizers H. Katepalli, W. Richtering, Presiding

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2:00 101. Effect of added co-surfactants on the stability of Pickering emulsions stabilized with oppositely-charged particle-surfactant mixtures. H. Katepalli, T. Hatton, D. Blankschtein

2:20 102. The secret life of Pickering emulsions: Revealed using two colours of particle. D. French, A. Brown, A. Schofield, J. Fowler, P. Taylor, P. Clegg

2:40 103. Role of phase change in the rheological characterization and shear stability analysis of silica-stabilized paraffin wax-in-water Pickering emulsions. P. Chatterjee, P. Underhill

3:00 104. Stabilization of pH-switchable Pickering emulsion by protein nanocage. M.M. Sarker, S. Lim

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 105. Ultrastable food-grade Pickering and network-stabilized emulsions using chitosan-modified silica nanoparticles. L. Alison, E. Tervoort, P. Rühs, M. Zanini, L. Isa, A. Studart

4:00 106. Bespoke contrast-matched diblock copolymer nanoparticles enable the rational design of highly transparent Pickering double emulsions. M.j. Rymaruk, K.L. Thompson, M. Derry, N. Warren, L.P. Ratcliffe, C.N. Williams, S.L. Brown, S.P. Armes

4:20 107. Materials from aqueous and non-aqueous Pickering emulsion and foam systems. A.K. Dyab, L.A. Mohamed

4:40 108. Microstructural effects on the rheology of solid-stabilized emulsions. M. Kaganyuk, A. Mohraz

Maxwell Dworkin MD G125

Langmuir Graduate Student Oral Presentation Award Symposium

R. Nagarajan, Organizer, Presiding

2:00 109. Novel propulsion of active colloids by self-induced field gradients with potential for cargo transport. A.M. Boymelgreen, T. Balli, G. Yossifon, T. Miloh

2:20 110. Droplet locomotion over oil immersed superhydrophobic surfaces. A. Dani, C. Oh, C. Glorius, C. Maldarelli

2:40 111. Visualizing stress by watching particles dance: Directly measuring particle-level stresses in colloidal materials. N. Lin, M. Bierbaum, P. Schall, J. Sethna, I. Cohen

3:00 112. Stokes trap for multiplexed particle manipulation and assembly using fluidics. A. Shenoy, C.V. Rao, C.M. Schroeder

Maxwell Dworkin MD 119

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Droplet & Colloids

X. Cheng, C. Dutcher, Organizers P. Tabeling, Presiding

2:00 113. Colloidal microfluidics. P. Tabeling

2:20 114. Very large scale integrated droplet generation (DVLSI): Monolithic incorporation of 10K microfluidic droplet generators. S. Yadavali, H. Jeong, D. Lee, D. Issadore

2:40 115. Dynamics of droplet trapping and squeezing in a microfluidic constriction. M. Nekouei, S.A. Vanapalli

3:00 116. Towards cracking chirality's code: Breaking symmetry with microfluidics. L.L. Adams, S. Ocko, D. Weitz

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 117. Characterizing continuous solvent removal of colloidal droplets in microfluidic droplet arrays. B.J. Bleier, S.L. Anna, L. Walker

4:00 118. Single emulsion-templated fabrication of amphiphilic Janus particles for stabilizing mini-emulsions. L. Cai, D. Chen, D. Weitz

4:20 119. Porous microwells for geometry-selective, large-scale microparticle arrays. J. Kim, K. Bong, D. Irimia, P.S. Doyle

4:40 120. Shell evolution during drying of cellulose nanocrystal capsules fabricated from double emulsion drops. Y. Dai, C. Ding, U.M. Cordova-Figueroa, J.P. Youngblood, C. Martinez

Maxwell Dworkin MD G115

Nanomaterials for Biomedicine

K. Hamad-Schifferli, T. Porter, Organizers P. Rai, Organizer, Presiding

2:00 121. Intracellular protein delivery using lipid-based nanoparticles. Q. Xu

2:30 122. 3D bioprinting nanoinks for complex tissue regeneration. L. Zhang

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3:00 123. Surface delivery of tuneable doses of BMP-2 from an polymeric scaffold induces volumetric bone regeneration. M. Bouyer, R. Guillot, J. Lavaud, C. Plettinx, C. Olivier, V. Curri, J. Boutonnat, J. Coll, F. Peyrin, V. Josserand, G. Bettega, C. Picart

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 124. Designing Janus interfaces for manipulating immune cell response. Y. Yu

4:00 125. Cellular uptake and cytotoxicity effects of SERS tags for use in cancer imaging. M. Bhamidipati, L. Fabris

4:20 126. Rapid diagnostics for infectious disease using noble metal nanoparticles. C. Yen, H. de Puig Guixe, J. Tam, J. Gomez-Marquez, I. Bosch, L. Gehrke, K. Hamad-Schifferli

4:40 127. Viral nanoparticle reporters in lateral flow assays: Understanding enhanced sensitivity through pore-scale binding. J. Kim, R. Poling-Skutvik, J.R. Trabuco, K. Kourentzi, R.C. Willson, J. Conrad

Jefferson 250

Particle Assemblies

Active & Dynamic Assembly

A. Bose, V. Manoharan, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 128. Keynote Lecture: Dynamically reconfigurable and self-propelling assemblies from engineered microparticles: Principles and emerging applications. O.D. Velev

2:40 129. Self-propelled colloids navigating mazes & organizing into machines. Y. Yang

3:00 130. Development of a new generation of remotely powered self-propelling active particles. U. Ohiri, K. Han, C.W. Shields, G. Lopez, N.M. Jokerst, O.D. Velev

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 131. Dynamic, directed self-assembly of nanoparticles via toggled interactions. Z.M. Sherman, J.W. Swan

4:00 133. Dissipative aggregation of colloidal building blocks. B. van Ravensteijn, W. Hendriksen, R. Eelkema, J. van Esch, W. Kegel

4:20 134. LaMer Keynote Lecture: Active self-assembly and segregation of self-propelled Janus colloids. J. Yan, M. Han, E. Luijten, S. Granick

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Science Center Room 309a

Recent Developments in Nanomaterials

Nanoscale Assemblies

R. C. Hayward, B. Ratna, R. S. Tu, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 135. Keynote Lecture: Exploiting biological interactions and self-assembly for multifunctional materials. J. Slocik, S. Kim, Z. Kuang, R.R. Naik

2:40 136. Polymerization-induced self-assembly of all-acrylic diblock copolymers via RAFT dispersion polymerization in alkanes. L.P. Ratcliffe, B.E. McKenzie, G.M. Le Bouedec, C.N. Williams, S.L. Brown, S.P. Armes

3:00 137. A robust cross-linking strategy for block copolymer worm gels prepared via polymerization-induced self-assembly. J. Lovett, L.P. Ratcliffe, N. Warren, S.P. Armes, M.J. Smallridge, R.B. Cracknell, B. Saunders

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 138. Evolving peptide nanomaterials. R. Ulijn

4:20 139. Preparation of functional membrane materials by assembly of polymer brush nanoparticles. I. Zharov

4:40 140. Nanoparticles on lipid membranes: From liposome gels to total liposome destruction. D. Wood, T. Dinsmore, V.M. Rotello

Pierce 209

Self-Assembly at Molecular Scale


P. Alexandridis, Organizer S. Thayumanavan, Organizer, Presiding A. Boza Troncoso, Presiding

2:00 141. Keynote Lecture: Molecular self-assembly in topological defects of liquid crystals. N.L. Abbott, X. Wang, E. Bukusoglu, Y. Kim

2:40 142. Polymer membranes with vertically aligned 1-nm pores by directed self-assembly. X. Feng, M. Tousley, M. Cowan, S. Nejati, B. Wiesenauer, R. Noble, E. Menachem, D. Gin, C.O. Osuji

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3:00 143. Structure-dependent photoluminescence behavior of liquid-crystalline self-organized organic-inorganic hybrid dendrimer with a CdS nano-core. K. Kanie, M. Matsubara, W. Stevenson, J. Yabuki, X. Zeng, H. Dong, K. Kojima, S.F. Chichibu, K. Tamada, A. Muramatsu, G. Ungar

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 144. Size control of nanoparticles produced by flash nanoprecipitation with varying hydrophoibic cores. R.K. Prudhomme

4:00 145. Assembly of bile salt surfactants at single-walled carbon nanotube interfaces: A molecular simulation study. K.S. Khare, F.R. Phelan

4:20 146. In silico selection of nonionic surfactants for detergency application with the integrated free energy model (IFEM): A molecular approach. A. Boza Troncoso, E.J. Acosta

4:40 147. Crystallization kinetics of binary colloidal monolayers. A.T. Pham, R. Seto, J. Schonke, E. Fried, B. Yellen, D. Joh, A. Chilkoti

Science Center Room B10

Surface Science & Catalysis

Photons & Electrons in Surface Catalysis

J. N. Russell, Organizer C. J. Karwacki, Organizer, Presiding

2:00 148. Oxidative photocatalysis at TiO2 aerogels driven by surface plasmon resonance of gold and non-precious metal nanoparticles. J.J. Pietron, P.A. DeSario, T.H. Brintlinger, R.M. Stroud, D.R. Rolison

2:30 149. Synergistic effect on the photocatalytic activity of N-doped TiO2 nanorods synthesised by novel route with exposed (110) facet. S. Abu Bakar

2:50 150. Poly(4-vinylpyridine) as a new platform for robust CO2 electroreduction. I. Chernyshova, S. Ponnurangam, P. Somasundaran

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 151. Rationally designed electrochemical interfaces for control over reaction kinetics. X. Mao, G.C. Rutledge, T. Hatton

4:00 152. Photoelectron emission from diamond into water: New applications in photoelectrochemistry. R.J. Hamers

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Science Center Hall A

Wetting, Adhesion & Surface Forces

Charged Systems

M. Ruths, H. Zeng, Organizers M. Akbulut, R. M. Espinosa-Marzal, Presiding

2:00 153. The effect of multivalent counterions to the structure of highly dense polystyrene sulfonate brushes. J. Yu, J. Mao, W. Chen, M.V. Tirrell

2:20 154. Depletion and electrical double layer forces between charged surfaces in solutions of like-charged polyelectrolytes. M. Moazzami Gudarzi, G. Trefalt, P. Maroni, M. Borkovec

2:40 155. Surface forces and friction mediated by self-assembled polymer spheres, worms, and hollow spheres. J. Bartenstein, S.P. Armes, W.H. Briscoe

3:00 156. Surface forces mediated by pH-responsive polymers. A.G. de Bruin, T. Snow, W.H. Briscoe

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 157. Impact of surface and polymer hydration on lubrication forces. X. Banquy, J. Faivre, B. Shrestha

4:00 158. Chain bridging contributions to polyelectrolyte brush conformations and interactions in the presence of multivalent ions. B.K. Brettmann, P. Pincus, M.V. Tirrell

4:20 159. Mechanisms underlying stabilization of ACC nanoparticles in solution. Y. Diao, R.M. Espinosa-Marzal

4:40 160. Ionic liquids and dilute electrolytes: The surprising connection. M. Gebbie, H.A. Dobbs, M. Valtiner, J.N. Israelachvili

Science Center Room 309

Wetting, Adhesion & Surface Forces

Wetting: Oil-Water-Solid Interfaces

M. Ruths, H. Zeng, Organizers Y. Min, N. Pesika, Presiding

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2:00 161. Wettability transition of immersed solids and prediction potential of Neumann’s “Equation-of-State”. A. Stammitti, E.J. Acosta

2:20 162. Contact angle, liquid film, liquid-liquid and liquid-solid interfaces in oil-brine-substrate systems. F. Jimenez Angeles, A. Firoozabadi

2:40 163. Controlled oil entrapment through photo-patterned obstacles. A. Gupta, H. Lee, P.S. Doyle

3:00 164. Transport of self-emulsifying systems through unsaturated porous media. A. Stammitti, E.J. Acosta

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 165. Breakup of oil-particle clusters in simple shear. S. Mehrabian, M. Bussmann, E.J. Acosta

4:00 166. Adsorption mechanism and management of a polysaccharide biopolymer on carbonate minerals for EOR applications. M. Shoaib, A. Abdala, A.A. Sumaiti, A. Elkamel

4:20 167. Molecular thermodynamic modeling of surfactant adsorption at fluid-solid interface. A. Khoshnood, A. Firoozabadi

4:40 168. Enabling Marangoni transport at air-fluid interfaces through deposition of aerosolized lipid dispersions. A.Z. Stetten, G. Moraca, S.A. Tristram-Nagle, T. Corcoran, S. Garoff, T.M. Przybycien, R.D. Tilton


Science Center Plaza Tent

Poster Session

D. Weitz, J. Y. Wong, Organizers

5:30 - 8:00

169. Liquid crystals from spherical particles. A. Kumar, V. Molinero

170. Influence of particle anisotropy on cluster rigidity and rheology of colloidal gels. G. Colombo, J. Vermant

171. Nanoemulsions stabilized by di-N-oxides surfactants as promising colloidal dispersions. A. Lewinska, J. Jezierska, K.A. Wilk

172. Anacardic acid in self-assembled systems: Link between antitumor activity and localization. A. Jaromin, A. Lewinska

173. Transferrin conjugated polymeric nanomedicine for targeting Pancreatic cancer using paclitaxel and gemcitabine. A.P. Gad, M.J. Tilton, B. Piel, P. Rai

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174. Transport modeling of ellipsoidal colloids with surface charge heterogeneity in porous media. K. Li, H. Ma

175. Treatment of emerging contaminants using advanced oxidation processes. G. Achari

176. A multi-technique ‘neutron approach’ to characterize branching in worm-like micelles (WLMs). M. Calabrese, S.A. Rogers, L. Porcar, N.J. Wagner

177. Ultra-strong graphene oxide hydrogels for water treatment: Green synthesis and contaminant adsorption capacity. N. Yousefi, K.K. Wong, A. Angulo, N. Tufenkji

178. Dual contrast colloids with engineered acoustic and magnetic responses for bioanalytical applications. K. Ohiri, B.A. Evans, W. Shields, R.A. Guitiérrez, N.J. Carroll, B. Yellen, G. Lopez

179. Using magnetic levitation to build metal-amplified density-based biosensors. A. Subramaniam, K. Kresse

180. Functional nanoparticles and reactive latex films from thiol-Michael addition "click" miniemulsion polymerizations. C. Wang, C. Bowman

181. Hydrophobic light-to-heat conversion membranes for interfacial heating: Towards enhanced solar evaporation. L. Zhang

182. Uncertainty in contact angle estimates from a Wilhelmy tensiometer. C.W. Extrand

183. Electrical detection of single-walled carbon nanotubes hybridization with self-assembled monolayer assisted CVD-grown graphene film. P.D. Adhikari

184. Integration of video microscopy (VM) and total internal reflection microscopy (TIRM) to measure the colloidal interactions. F. Cao, Z. Wang

185. Osmo-solidification of all-aqueous emulsion with enhanced preservation of enzyme activity. M. Qingming, Y. Song, G. Baier, C. Holtze, H. Shum

186. An Integrated microfluidic device for controlled gas-liquid generation and manipulation of monodisperse droplets. P. Tirandazi Khalilabad, C.H. Hidrovo

187. Wear resistance in transparent coatings. K. Song, R. Polak, K. Askar

188. Simple fabrication of graphene composite microwires by drying-induced size reduction of hydrogel fibers. H. Koo, S. Kim, P.V. Braun, J. Cho

189. 3D printing of hierarchical ceramics. J. Muth, P. Dixon, L. Woish, J. Lewis

190. Examining phase-change-induced flow in PEFC GDLs using X-ray computed tomography. A. Shum, K.B. Hatzell, L. Connolly, X. Xiao, D.Y. Parkinson, O. Burheim, A.Z. Weber, I.V. Zenyuk

191. Development of chemokine-loaded thermosensitive liposomes. A. Rubio

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192. Fabrication of free standing platinum nanoelectrode array by atomic layer deposition for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell electrodes. D.C. Sabarirajan, I.V. Zenyuk, R.D. White, J. Vlahakis

193. Mixed alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers and their formation on gold substrates. S. Graham, M.R. Martin

194. Simulation of nanoparticle diffusion in semidilute polymer solutions. R. Chen, R. Poling-Skutvik, J. Conrad, J.C. Palmer

195. Fabrication of complex microgels from multi-nanoemulsions. M. Zhang, M. Nowak, P. Malo de Molina, S. Mitragotri, M.E. Helgeson

196. Development of lipid-polymer hybrid nanoparticle for sustained release of doxorubicin. E. Lough, T. Porter

197. Copolymer-grafted stabilization of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoclusters at high ionic strength and high temperature designed by combinatorial materials chemistry. E. Moaseri, M. Iqbal, B. Changalvaie, C. Dandamudi, J. Lee, E. Annestrand, Y. Fei, C.J. Ellison, K.P. Johnston

198. Microfluidic fabrication and characterization of charged microfibers. A.K. Grosskopf, J.K. Nunes, H.A. Stone

199. Rotational regimes and dynamics of colloidal particle chains. S. Kuei, S.L. Biswal

200. Microfluidic breakup of viscous drops to understand fragmentation of cancer cells. M. Nekouei, N. Kamyabi, S.A. Vanapalli

201. Cryo-EM characterization of mixed lipid bilayers self-assembly. M. Nir-Shapira, N. Koifman, Y. Talmon

202. Hydrogen-bonded polymer nanocomposites containing discrete layers of gold nanoparticles prepared by dip- and spray-assisted layer-by-layer assembly. J. O'Neal

203. Polymeric nanoparticle mediated targeted, triple combination treatment for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). P. Velpurisiva, M.J. Tilton, B. Piel, P. Rai

204. Assembly and surface activity of Janus particles at oil-water interfaces. L. Bradley, K.J. Stebe, D. Lee

205. Electrochemical synthesis and energy application of electroactive polymer nanomaterials. W. Tian, X. Mao, P. Brown, G. Rutledge, T. Hatton

206. Adsorbents for uranium recovery from seawater. C. Tsouris, W. Liao, S. Das, R.T. Mayes, C. Janke, T. Saito, A. Ladshaw, S. Yiacoumi, A. Wiechert, L. Kuo, G.A. Gill

207. Surface modification of combustion ash via application of electrical potential. M. Webster, I. Kretzschmar, N. Winkler, M. Castaldi

208. Complex emulsion agglutination assay for sensing bacterium. Q. Zhang, T.M. Swager

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209. Development of gram-scale synthesis of carbon dots using citric acid and calamansi (Fortunella japonica) via microwave-assisted method. J.E. Sanggo, R. So

210. Printability and extensional rheology of polymer solutions. J. Dinic, L.N. Jimenez, V. Sharma

211. Thermal stability of CdSe/CdS quantum dots and their application as a novel geothermal tracer. E.M. Brauser, M.H. Bartl, P. Rose, J. McLennan

212. Manipulation of coffee ring patterns by diffusiophoresis. F. Mohajerani, R. Guha, D. Velegol

213. β-galactosidase Langmuir monolayer at air/subphase interface. S.K. Sharma, R.M. Leblanc

214. Hydrophobic modification of drugs to enhance post-deposition dispersal of inhaled aerosol medications. S.V. Iasella, R.D. Tilton, T.M. Przybycien, S. Garoff

215. Development of a lipid-coated calcium phosphate nanoparticle for oligonucleotide delivery to the brain. J. Chiu, M. Colter, M. Dacek, J. Hong, R. Singh, T. Porter

216. A new dielectric RheoSANS instrument for the simultaneous interrogation of rheology, microstructure and electronic properties of flow battery electrodes. J. Richards, N.J. Wagner, P. Butler

217. The presence of aqueous films on hydrophilic particles in nonpolar solvents. S. Borkar, A. Ramachandran

218. Double layer structured solid lipid nanoparticles with crosslinked polymeric coating for oral delivery of curcumin. T. Wang, Y. Luo

219. Protein-induced membrane shape fluctuation changes on hole spanning lipid bilayers. N. Li, K. Jankowska, K.J. Stebe, T. Baumgart

220. Ring-sheared drop (RSD): Microgravity module for interfacial biophysics studies. S. Gulati, S.A. McBride, J.M. Lopez, A.H. Hirsa

221. Propulsion of Janus particles in viscous solutions. E. Tang, P. Chatterjee, P. Underhill

222. Total holographic characterization of multicomponent colloidal suspensions. D.B. Ruffner, J. Blusewicz, L.A. Philips

223. Dynamics of semiflexible colloidal chains under confinement. Z. Zhu, S.L. Biswal

224. Dissipative particle dynamics models for heavy oil fraction. T. Ma, A. Vishnyakov

225. Investigation of the motion of patchy particle swimmers. Z. Jalilvand, I. Kretzschmar

226. 3D printing of discontinuous fiber composites with tunable, bio-inspired microarchitectures through colloidal magnetic assembly. J. Martin

227. Non-equilibrium pattern formation of Janus particle and pluronic under 2D confinement. E. Knapp, I. Kretzschmar, R.S. Tu

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228. Magnetically functionalized endoskeletal droplets. T.A. Prileszky, E.M. Furst

229. Universal behavior of hydrogels confined to narrow capillaries. Y. Li, A. Ramachandran, E. Kumacheva, O. Sariyer, M. Rubinstein, S. Panyukov

230. Physicochemical properties of Cu loaded onto core-shell Al-MCM-41: Effect of loading methods. T. Intana

231. Surfactant enabled stabilization and dispersion of liquid metal nanoparticles. L. Finkenauer, M.R. Bockstaller

232. Colloid retention and removal investigated with PDMS replicas of fresh produce. T. Sun, V. Lazouskaya, Y. Jin

233. Effect of fluid elasticity on spiral vortex formation in cross-slot flow. N. Burshtein, S.J. Haward, A.Q. Shen

234. Biphasic electrode suspensions for Li-ion semi-solid flow cells with high energy density, fast charge transport, and low-dissipation flow. T. Wei, F.Y. Fan, A. Helal, K.C. Smith, G. McKinley, Y. Chiang, J. Lewis

235. Validation of a coagulation assay used to determine the effect of ionic strength on the turbidity reduction capabilities of Moringa oleifera cationic protein fractions. B. Nordmark, R.D. Tilton, T.M. Przybycien

236. Equilibrium interfacial properties of poly(ethylene oxide) star polymers compared to linear polymers at the air/water and oil/water interfaces. Y. Huang, R.D. Tilton

237. Parallelized high-throughput millifluidic production of large double emulsions and milli-capsules composed of viscous shell material. S. Nawar, D. Nguyen, M. Eggersdorfer, J. Stolaroff, D. Weitz

238. Flow of wormlike micellar solutions around confined microfluidic cylinders. S.J. Haward, Y. Zhao, A.Q. Shen

239. Collective motion of mammalian cell cohorts in a 3D matrix. Y. Sharma

240. Fabrication of three-dimensional photonic structures utilizing composite colloids. T. Shirman, J. Aizenberg

241. Multi-compartmental microgel for controlled 3D cell assembly. L. Zhang, H. Wang, A. Mao, D. Weitz

242. Study of self-aggregation behavior of PEGylated curcumin nanoparticles in water and salt solutions. E. Khan, J. Chittigori, S. Thota, L. Li, D.J. Sandman, J. Kumar

243. Osmotic pressure triggered rapid release of encapsulated enzyme with enhanced retention of activity. W. Zhang, A. Abbaspourrad, D. Chen, D. Weitz

244. Ethanol dehydrogenation on Cu (111) and Pt / Cu (111) single atom alloys. M. El Soda, F. Lucci, M. Marcinkowski, A. Therrien, Z. Wang, E.H. Sykes

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245. Effect of surfactant bilayers and substrate on the refractive index sensitivity and catalytic properties of anisotropic gold nanoparticles. M.M. Shahjamali, E. Martinsson, N. Zaraee, N. Large, G.C. Schatz, D. Aili

246. Rheological behaviors of graphene oxide suspensions. L. Qu, J. Wu, L. Cai, S. Koehler, Z. Gault, D. Weitz

247. Equilibrium crystal phases of triblock Janus colloids. W.F. Reinhart, A. Panagiotopoulos

248. Axial dispersion of Brownian colloids in microfluidic channels. M.P. Howard, A. Gautam, A. Panagiotopoulos, A. Nikoubashman

249. Generation and 2D positioned array of conductive Janus magnetic microparticles for high performance pressure sensing. W.J. Lee, J. Kim


Science Center Hall B

Plenary Lectures

R. Nagarajan, Organizer J. Y. Wong, Presiding

8:20 Introduction of Speaker.

8:30 250. Nanoparticle self-assembly: Bridging the gap between molecules and nanoparticles. E. Kumacheva

Science Center Room 309

Advanced Experimental & Simulation Techniques in Colloid & Interface Science

A. M. Peterson, M. M. Santore, Organizers P. J. Beltramo, Presiding

9:40 251. Keynote Lecture: Experiments and simulations connecting water-driven transitions in polyelectrolyte complexes and multilayers. J.L. Lutkenhaus, M. Sammalkorpi, Y. Zhang, E. Yildirim, R. Zhang

10:20 252. The effect of the first layer on polyelectrolyte multilayer structure. X. Lyu

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10:40 253. Electrokinetics as an alternative to neutron reflectivity for evaluation of segment density distribution in PEO brushes. R. Zimmermann, D. Romeis, I. Bihannic, M. Cohen Stuart, J. Sommer, C. Werner, J. Duval

11:00 254. Tension control and lipid microdomain formation using planar large area model biomembranes. P.J. Beltramo, R. Van Hooghten, J. Vermant

11:20 255. Real-time measurements of lipid domain rearrangements, membrane thickness, and intermembrane forces during membrane hemifusion. K. Kristiansen, D. Lee, S. Donaldson, N. Cadirov, X. Banquy, J.N. Israelachvili

11:40 256. Predictive modeling and measurements of non-Newtonian interfaces coupled to bulk flow. J.M. Lopez, A. Raghunandan, J.A. Adam, P. Underhill, A.H. Hirsa

12:00 257. Adhesion and translocation of nanoparticles through lipid bilayers. S. Burgess, Z. Wang, A. Vishnyakov, A.V. Neimark

Jefferson 256

Biological Interfaces

Microorganisms, Cells, & Gels

T. A. Camesano, S. Peyton, Organizers J. D. Schiffman, Organizer, Presiding

9:40 258. Keynote Lecture: Antimicrobial smart materials: From responsive hydrogels to polymer-drug conjugates. A. Shukla

10:20 259. Dynamic adhesion of Staphylococcus aureus to poly(ethylene glycol) surfaces. K.W. Kolewe, S. Kalasin, N.R. Mako, M.M. Santore, J.D. Schiffman

10:40 260. Three-dimensional structure and competition for resources can give pre-formed, multicellular aggregates a growth advantage in early biofilm development. V. Gordon

11:00 261. Imaging trafficking in living cells with Janus particle probes. Y. Yu

11:20 262. Examining spatio-temporal dynamics of adhesion linkers during cell migration using cadherin-functionalized polymer-tethered lipid multi-bilayers of adjustable stiffness. Y. Ge, K. Shilts, Y. Lin, L. Lautscham, W. Goldmann, B. Fabry, C. Naumann

11:40 263. Deterministic encapsulation of single cells in thin tunable microgels for niche modeling and therapeutic delivery. A. Mao, J. Shin, S. Utech, M. Cooper, D. Weitz, D.J. Mooney

12:00 264. Keynote Lecture: 'Touch-and-go' behavior of cancer cells in spatially-confined, fiber-like environments is a predictor of metastatic potential. A. Asthagiri

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Jefferson 356

Colloidal & Interfacial Phenomena in Environmental Systems

N. B. Saleh, N. Tufenkji, C. D. Vecitis, Organizers, Presiding

9:40 265. Adsorption modeling for nuclear energy applications. A. Ladshaw, S. Yiacoumi, C. Tsouris

10:00 266. Effect of surface contamination and water chemistry on the behaviors of kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite clays. A. Pourmohammadbagher, J.M. Shaw

10:20 267. Oil dispersing gel-like surfactant mesophases and their structures. O.G. Owoseni, M. Omarova, V.T. John, X. Li, J. Lal

10:40 268. Stimuli-responsive polymer-based assemblies for monitoring pH of solutions. A. Ahiabu, M. Serpe

11:00 269. Light scattering: Non-invasive assessment of nucleation, gelation, and colloidal growth in-situ in environmental systems. S. Hashmi

11:20 270. Role of metal-oxides on titania-multiwalled carbon nanotube heterostructure aggregation and transport in aqueous environment. N.B. Saleh, D. Das, I.V. Sabaraya

11:40 271. Characterization of titanium dioxide nanoparticles deposition on rough surfaces using combined quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) and generalized ellipsometry (GE). A. Jaiswal

Pierce 301

Colloidal Glasses & Gels

M. Caggioni, R. Zia, Organizers J. Conrad, Presiding

9:40 272. Keynote Lecture: 2D and 3D colloidal glass transitions: Does dimensionality really matter? E.R. Weeks, S. Vivek, C. Kelleher, P. Chaikin

10:20 273. Glass polyamorphism and metastable criticality in liquids with tetrahedral symmetry. R. Chen, E. Lascaris, J.C. Palmer

10:40 274. Traction force rheology of colloidal glass. Z. Terdik, D. Weitz, F. Spaepen

11:00 275. Structures and dynamics of glass-forming colloidal liquids under spherical confinement. B. Zhang, X. Cheng

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11:20 276. Many facets of intermittent dynamics in colloidal and molecular glasses. R. Pastore, A. Coniglio, G. Pesce, A. Sasso, M. Pica Ciamarra

11:40 277. Tunable percolation in binary semiconducting polymer nanoparticle glasses. L. Renna, M. Bag, T.S. Gehan, X. Han, P.M. Lahti, D. Maroudas, D. Venkataraman

12:00 278. Transient flow of a fluidity model in a simple shear flow with inertia: Prediction of shear banding. A. Jain, Y.M. Joshi

Science Center Hall E

Emulsions, Foams & Dispersions


A. Fernandez-Nieves, M. Lynch, Organizers, Presiding

9:40 279. Keynote Lecture: Particles and liquid crystals in drying droplet. A.G. Yodh

10:20 280. Charged toroidal droplets. A.A. Fragkopoulos, E. Berger, A. Aizenman, E. Pairam, A. Fernandez-Nieves

10:40 281. Collisions between drops and bubbles: Coalescence maps. J. Berry, R. Dagastine

11:00 282. Coalescence of multiple droplets on surfaces. I. Liberis, D. Davis, S. Shojaei-Zadeh

11:20 283. Arrested coalescence of viscoelastic droplets: Connectivity and restructuring. P. Dahiya, M. Caggioni, P.T. Spicer

11:40 284. Electrohydrodynamic behavior of droplets in a microfluidic oil-in-oil emulsion. S. Khajehpour Tadavani, J. Munroe, S. Ghosh, A. Yethiraj

12:00 285. Mechanical instabilities in particle laden droplets. N. Samudrala, J. Nam, R. Sarfati, R. Style, E. Dufresne

12:20 286. New director configuration in tactoidal droplets of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals. K. Nayani, J. Fu, R. Chang, J.O. Park, M. Srinivasarao

Mallinckrodt Lab Room B23

General Papers

T. Dinsmore, Organizer, Presiding

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9:40 287. Keynote Lecture: Phase transitions in lipid bilayers: Registration, anti-registration, and flip-flop. J.J. Williamson, P.D. Olmsted

10:20 288. Transition of liposomes from unilamellar to bilamellar structures through a crowding mechanism. J.S. Arora, N. Kumar, V.T. John

10:40 289. Janus particle layers at air/water interfaces. S. Razavi, I. Kretzschmar

11:00 290. Marangoni transport of particles at the fluid-fluid interface. G. Dunér, R.D. Tilton, T.M. Przybycien, S. Garoff

11:20 291. Reversible assembly of gold nanoparticle clusters with tunable near infrared extinction. E. Moaseri, B. Changalvaie, M. Sun, A. Cepeda, J. Schroer, K. Sokolov, T. Truskett, K.P. Johnston

11:40 292. Vapor-liquid equilibrium of multicomponent systems with interfacial curvature. N. Shardt, J.A. Elliott

12:00 293. Measuring static and advancing contact angles with a liquid needle. R.J. Sanedrin, M. Jin, D. Frese, C. Scheithauer, T. Willers

12:20 294. Acoustophoretic printing. D. Foresti, J. Lewis

Maxwell Dworkin MD 119


Biological & Environmental Applications

X. Cheng, Organizer C. Dutcher, Organizer, Presiding

9:40 295. Keynote Lecture: Measuring and manipulating cancer-specific extracellular shed vesicle population. B. Kirby

10:20 296. Proof of concept for the rational design of paper based point of care (PoC) diagnostic device. A. Subramaniam, S. D’Souza, R. Chepyala, S. Noronha

10:40 297. Capturing circulating tumor cell with hierarchical micro/nano patterned surfaces. Y. Liu

11:00 298. Hydrogel-enabled osmotic pumping for microfluidics: Towards sweat sequestering for wearable human-device interfaces. T. Shay, O.D. Velev, M.D. Dickey

11:20 299. Spiral vortex formation in cross-slot flow. N. Burshtein, S.J. Haward, A.Q. Shen

11:40 300. Measurement of solubility and dissolution rate of water in bitumen using a microfluidic technique. S. Goel, J. Wei, S. Ng, A. Ramachandran

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12:00 301. Using microfluidics to measure interfacial properties of atmospheric aerosol particle mimics. C. Dutcher, A. Metcalf

Maxwell Dworkin MD G115

Nanomaterials for Biomedicine

K. Hamad-Schifferli, P. Rai, Organizers T. Porter, Organizer, Presiding

9:40 302. Keynote Lecture: Reengineering tumor microenvironment to improve cancer treatment: Bench to bedside. R. Jain

10:20 303. Fabrication and characterization of a quantum dot based nanosensor for cellular potassium imaging. H. Clark, T. Ruckh, C. Skipwith, W. Chang, A. Senko, V. Bulovic, P. Anikeeva

10:50 304. Multifunctional theranostic silica-gold core-shell nanoparticles for breast cancer applications. D. VanDyke, P. Rai

11:10 305. Holographic characterization of protein aggregates. D.B. Ruffner, J. Blusewicz, C. Wang, X. Zhong, A. Stutt, M.D. Ward, D.G. Grier, L.A. Philips

11:30 306. Coarse-grained modeling of monoclonal antibody self-association in concentrated solution. G. Wang, J.W. Swan

11:50 307. Exploiting adhesive surface heterogeneity for controlled targeting in flowing delivery packages. M. Shave, M.M. Santore

Jefferson 250

Particle Assemblies

Field-Driven Assembly

A. Bose, V. Manoharan, Organizers, Presiding

9:40 308. Electrokinetically driven, template-free assembly of colloidal spheres into stable 3-D microstructures. J. Raveendran, J.A. Wood, A. Docoslis

10:00 309. High density equilibrium phases of colloidal ellipsoids by optically enhanced direct current electric fields. M. Ganesan, M.J. Solomon

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10:20 310. Controlling positional and orientational assembly of anisotropic particles in AC electric fields. I. Torres Diaz, B. Rupp, X. Hua, Y. Yang, M.A. Bevan

10:40 311. Smart assembly of magnetic microparticles utilizing 3D magnetic fields. R. Soheilian

11:00 312. Multidirectional colloidal assembly in concurrent electric and magnetic fields. B. Bharti, F. Kogler, C.K. Hall, S. Klapp, O.D. Velev

11:20 313. Conformations and dynamical regimes of rotating elastic filaments. S. Kuei, S.L. Biswal

11:40 314. Non-equilibrium colloidal potentials and assembly via magnetic dipolar, hydrodynamic and depletion interactions. A. Coughlan, M.A. Bevan

12:00 315. Configurable assembly of microparticles via acoustic standing waves. W. Shields, C.E. Owens, C. Reyes, P.P. Suthanthiraraj, L. Fu, B.J. Wiley, P. Charbonneau, G. Lopez

Science Center Room 309a

Recent Developments in Nanomaterials

Nanoparticles as Heaters & Probes

R. C. Hayward, B. Ratna, R. S. Tu, Organizers, Presiding

9:40 316. Keynote Lecture: Embedded metal nanoparticles as light-driven, localized heaters within polymeric solids. L. Clarke

10:20 317. Structure and dynamics of nanoparticles and polymer in model colloid-polymer suspension. R. Poling-Skutvik, J. Conrad, R. Krishnamoorti

10:40 318. Nanoparticles assemblies within cellulose fiber matrices: Structure and interactions. V. Raghuwanshi, U. Garusinghe, C. Garvey, W. Batchelor, G. Garnier

11:00 319. Plasmonics-enabled single-molecule and temperature detection. S. Lee

11:40 320. Ultrabright fluorescent mesoporous silica nanoparticles as nanothermometers. V. Kalaparthi, S. Palantavida, M. Dokukin, I. Sokolov

12:00 321. Narrow absorption wavelength organic NIR nanoparticles enable multiplexed photoacoustic imaging. R.K. Prudhomme

Maxwell Dworkin MD G125

Rheology of Complex Fluids

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J. Conrad, Organizer M. E. Helgeson, Organizer, Presiding

9:40 322. Keynote Lecture: Complex fluids with hierarchical dynamics and critical gelation in thermoreversible suspensions. X. Di, C.O. Osuji

10:20 323. Hardening and yielding of colloidal gels. M. Bouzid, E. Del Gado

10:40 324. Microstructural response of the colloidal gel to shear flow. F. Taslimi, A. Mohraz

11:00 325. Yielding and recovery of thermoresponsive nanoemulsion gels. L.C. Hsiao, P.S. Doyle

11:20 326. Microstructure, rheology and heterogeneity in thixotropic elasto-visco-plastic (TEVP) fluids. S. Jamali, G. McKinley, R.C. Armstrong

11:40 327. Study of mechanical properties and memory formation in transparent filled rubber. Z. Gault, Z. Terdik, D. Weitz

12:00 328. Origin of viscoelasticity in colloidal suspensions: A mechanistic investigation. W. Chen, T. Egami, L. Porcar, Y. Wang, T. Iwashita, Z. Wang, W. Hamilton, Y. Liu

Pierce 209

Self-Assembly at Molecular Scale

Probed by Small-Angle Scattering

S. Thayumanavan, Organizer P. Alexandridis, Organizer, Presiding L. Walker, Presiding

9:40 329. The impact of processing, structural history and formulation on the crystallization of block copolymer micelles with dispersed nanoparticles. M.M. Dao, L. Walker

10:10 330. Surfactant self-assembly in aqueous solutions: Modulation by polymers, cosolvents, and solutes. A. Fajalia, P. Alexandridis, M. Tsianou

10:40 331. Small angle neutron scattering studies on polymeric self-assembled system. C. Do, Y. Han

11:00 332. In situ SAXS studies of diblock copolymer nanoparticles formed during polymerization-induced self-assembly in non-polar media. M. Derry, L.A. Fielding, N. Warren, C. Mable, A. Smith, O. Mykhaylyk, S.P. Armes

11:20 333. Cationic and reactive primary amine-stabilized nanoparticles by RAFT aqueous dispersion polymerization. M. Williams, N. Penfold, S.P. Armes

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11:40 334. Designing viscosity modifiers for supercritical CO2 microemulsions. J. Eastoe, J.A. Peach

12:00 335. Electric field alignment of conjugated polymers. Y. Xi, L.D. Pozzo

Science Center Room B10

Surface Science & Catalysis

Surface Catalysis

C. J. Karwacki, Organizer J. N. Russell, Organizer, Presiding

9:40 336. Keynote Lecture: Design of single atom metal catalysts on various supports. M. Flytzani-Stephanopoulos, M. Yang, J. Liu, C. Wang, J. Shan

10:20 337. Au-CO complex formation and migration at uncoordinated Au sites. M.L. McEntee, J. Wang, W. Tang, M. Neurock, A. Baddorf, P. Maksymovych, J.T. Yates

10:50 338. Depositing nanostructures using electron beams: Insights from surface science. H. Fairbrother, L. McElwee-White, Y. Wu, M. Barclay, J. Spencer

11:20 339. In situ/operando studies of adsorption of chemical warfare agents and simulants on emerging POM and MOF materials. W.O. Gordon, A. Balboa, J.R. Morris, A. Frenkel, C.L. Hill, C.J. Karwacki

11:50 340. LaMer Keynote Lecture: Using ultrafast soft X-ray spectroscopy and nano-patterned surfaces to understand interfacial charge transfer in catalytic systems. L. Baker

Science Center Hall A

Wetting, Adhesion & Surface Forces

Wetting: Tuning Surface Responses

M. Ruths, H. Zeng, Organizers, Presiding

9:40 341. Keynote Lecture: Measuring structure of confined water between two hydrophilic surfaces. A.N. Dhinojwala, N. Dhopatkar, A. Defante

10:20 342. Dynamic levitation of droplet on lubricated surfaces. D. Daniel, J. Timonen, J. Aizenberg

10:40 343. Tunable superomniphobic surfaces for sorting droplets by surface tension. S. Movafaghi, W. Wang, A. Metzger, D.D. Williams, J.D. Williams, A.K. Kota

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11:00 344. Hierarchical patterning of hydrogels by replica molding of impregnated breath figures leads to superoleophobicity. J.S. Arora, J. Cremaldi, N. Pesika, V.T. John

11:20 345. The role of dispersion interactions, electrostatics, and entropy in the interfacial behavior of MoS2. A. Govind Rajan, V. Sresht, A. Padua, M. Strano, D. Blankschtein

11:40 346. Air entrainment effects of drop impact on lubricated surfaces. M.Y. Pack, H. Hu, D. Kim, Y. Sun

12:00 347. Direct measurements of surface stress of stretched soft solids. Q. Xu, E. Dufresne


Science Center Room 309

Advanced Experimental & Simulation Techniques in Colloid & Interface Science

A. M. Peterson, M. M. Santore, Organizers V. Sharma, Presiding

2:00 348. Electrical-double-layer potential distribution in nanoporous electrodes from molecular modeling and electrodynamics analysis. P. Taboada-Serrano

2:20 349. Theoretical and experimental investigation of fibrillization kinetics and rheology of insulin solution. V.S. Balaraj, P.C. Zeng, S.P. Sanford, S.A. McBride, A. Zaccone, J.M. Lopez, A.H. Hirsa

2:40 350. Effects of oscillatory forcing on viscous and inviscid Langmuir films. F. Rasheed, A. Raghunandan, J.M. Lopez, A.H. Hirsa

3:00 351. The emulsion stability method to determine the characteristic curvature (Cc) of practical alkyl ethoxylate surfactants. S. Zarate-Munoz, F. Texeira, K. Myint, J. Minchom, E.J. Acosta

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 352. The effect of water on the thermal transition observed in poly(allylamine hydrochloride)-poly(acrylic acid) complexes. Y. Zhang, R. Zhang, M. Sammalkorpi, J.L. Lutkenhaus

4:00 353. Dynamic surface tension measurements with maximum bubble pressure tensiometry. N. Moreno, T. Walker, A. Burshan, W. Yang, V. Sharma

4:20 354. A new method for determining the Hamaker constant of solids using an atomic force microscope. S. Fronczak, J. Dong, C. Browne, E.I. Franses, S. Beaudoin, D.S. Corti

4:40 355. The evolution of multivalent nanoparticle adhesion revealed using nano adhesive dynamics simulations. M. Wang, J. Haun

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Jefferson 256

Biological Interfaces

Charge & Ion-Containing Biomolecules

S. Peyton, J. D. Schiffman, Organizers T. A. Camesano, Organizer, Presiding

2:00 356. Keynote Lecture: Interactions of intestinal lumen contents with the mucosa: Implications for molecular, particulate, and microbe transport to underlying tissues. H. Yildiz, T. Carlson, J. Lock, D. Budil, R. Carrier

2:40 357. Effect of surface ions on lipid-protein binding. M. Mirheydari, E. Mann, E.E. Kooijman

3:00 358. Dynamics of polypeptide adsorption at the aqueous/liquid crystal interface. R.S. Tu

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 359. Transitions from unilamellar to multilamellar structures of liposomes induced by interactions with hydrophobically modified polypeptoids. Y. Zhang, S. Xuan, X. Li, D. Zhang, O.G. Owoseni, M. Omarova, V.T. John

4:00 360. Development of a non-living model system for cell membranes to investigate cell injury by nanoparticles. T. Shoaib, Y. He, Y. Chen, P. C Nalam, R.M. Espinosa-Marzal

4:20 361. QCM-D and AFM study of antimicrobial peptide interactions with model cell membranes. K. Wang, R. Nagarajan, T.A. Camesano

4:40 362. Nanoparticle binding restructures anionic lipid monolayers: Effect of nanoparticle charge on saturated or unsaturated lipids. G.D. Bothun, N. Ganji, I.A. Khan, A. Xi

Jefferson 356

Colloidal & Interfacial Phenomena in Environmental Systems

N. B. Saleh, N. Tufenkji, C. D. Vecitis, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 363. Keynote Lecture: Macromolecular engineering of water purification membranes. J. Wang, E. Hoek, S. Bhattacharjee

2:40 364. Carboxyl functionalized non-magnetic and magnetic silica nanoparticles for Sm3+ recovery. Y. Wang, H. Katepalli, D. Blankschtein, Y. Wang, T. Hatton

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3:00 365. Understanding process effects in the flocculation of anisotropic particles using structure visualization, with water treatment applications. N. Wilkinson, C. Dutcher

Pierce 301

Colloidal Glasses & Gels

Biological, Biomimetic, & Protein Gels

M. Caggioni, R. Zia, Organizers E. Del Gado, Presiding

2:00 366. Core-shell composite hydrogels for controlled nanocrystal formation and release of hydrophobic active pharmaceutical ingredients. A. Badruddoza, P.D. Godfrin, A.S. Myerson, B.D. Trout, P.S. Doyle

2:20 367. Extending colloidal aggregation to proteins. A.P. Tabatabai, K. Weigandt, D.L. Blair

2:40 368. Multilayer hybrid capsules: Towards a biomimetic egg. B.C. Zarket, S.R. Raghavan

3:00 369. Self-oscillating iron-based Belousov-Zhabotinsky gelatin. I. Nava Medina, X. Huang, S. Marquez, Z. Cheng

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 370. Shape changes in hydrogel sheets triggered by specific small molecules. J.C. Athas, S.R. Raghavan

4:00 371. Cloud point tunable nonionic surfactant-polysaccharide hydrogels. S. Zarate-Munoz, E.J. Acosta

4:20 372. Non-Fickian DNA diffusion in nanoslit micropost arrays. Y. Chen, F. Chien, P. Lin, W. Chien, C. Chou

4:40 373. Dielectric contrast driven phase transitions in cellulose microfibril dispersions. K. Velikov

Science Center Hall E

Emulsions, Foams & Dispersions

Formation, Flow & Stability

A. Fernandez-Nieves, M. Lynch, Organizers T. G. Mason, A. Cohen, Presiding

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2:00 374. Cerberus nanoemulsions produced by multi-droplet flow-induced fusion and self-limiting coalescence. T.G. Mason

2:30 375. Nanoemulsion formation: Controlling and predicting droplet size. A. Gupta, T. Hatton, P.S. Doyle

2:50 376. Making a jammed emulsion flow: Local rearrangements and correlated motion. V. Venkatesh, S. Dutta, D.L. Blair, E. Del Gado

3:10 377. New insights into the stability of nanoemulsions and their interaction with solid surfaces: A combined fluorescence approach. J. van Megen, R. Kühnemuth, C. Seidel, W. von Rybinski

3:30 Intermission.

3:40 378. Extremely stable nanoscale emulsions: Engineering interface, drop-to-drop interaction, and transdermal delivery. K. Shin, J. Kim

4:00 379. Formulation of saponin stabilized nanoemulsion by ultrasonic method and its role to protect the degradation of quercitin from UV light. K. Kaur

4:20 380. Hydrodynamics of water-in-bitumen emulsification. S. Mehrabian, E.J. Acosta, S. Ng

4:40 381. Supramolecular structural forces in stratifying foam films and micelle aggregation number. S. Yilixiati, Y. Zhang, R. Rafiq, V. Sharma

Mallinckrodt Lab Room B23

General Papers

T. Dinsmore, Organizer, Presiding

2:00 382. Step-growth “clickable” polymeric monodisperse microspheres. C. Wang, C. Bowman

2:20 383. Characterizing the surface coating of silver nanoparticles made from plant extracts. B.D. Smith, Z. Gobert, J. Krug, D. Wolfe

2:40 384. Surface properties of caesium contaminated clays and routes for separation. H. Zhang, S. Baik, T. Hunter, J.W. Lee, D. Harbottle

3:00 385. Behavior of metallodielectric Janus particles under direct current electric fields. C. Silvera-Batista, M.J. Solomon

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 386. The effect of carbon nanotube parameters on their phase behavior in super-acid solutions. L. Liberman, O. Kleinerman, Y. Talmon

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4:00 387. High-gradient magnetic filtration of uranium oxide particles. A. Wiechert, J. McFarlane, C. Mattus, D. Schaeffer, S. Yiacoumi, C. Tsouris

4:20 388. Magnetofluidic tweezing of nonmagnetic colloids. J.V. Timonen, A.F. Demirors, B. Grzybowski

4:40 389. Finite particle zeta potentials at high ionic strength. A. Garg, C. Cartier, K. Bishop, D. Velegol

Maxwell Dworkin MD 119


Charge-related or Thin Film Effects

C. Dutcher, Organizer X. Cheng, Organizer, Presiding

2:00 390. Effects of ion sterics on diffusiophoresis in concentrated electrolytes. R.F. Stout, A. Khair

2:20 391. Preparation and characterization of colloidal inkjet inks. M. Mulla, O. Cayre, S. Biggs

2:40 392. Spatiotemporal electrodynamics of charged analytes near permselective membrane. J. Choi, H. Lee, S. Son, H. Kim, S. Kim

3:00 393. Concentration independent micro/nanofluidic diode using asymmetric ion concentration polarization layer. H. Lee, H. Lee, J. Kim, H. Kim, H. Kim, S. Kim

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 394. Microfluidic study of CO2 dissolution and solubility in aqueous electrolyte solutions. S. Abedi, S.A. Vanapalli, C. Chen

4:00 395. Nanofluidic resistive pulse sensing in aqueous two-phase system. S. Lee, J. Kang, W. Choi, R. Kwak

4:20 396. Graphene-based microfluidics for serial crystallography. S. Sui, Y. Wang, D.J. MacPherson, K.W. Kolewe, V. Srajer, R. Henning, J.D. Schiffman, J.A. Hardy, C. Dimitrakopoulos, S.L. Perry

4:40 397. Understanding the fidelity of wax printed micropatterns. M.H. Shamsi

Maxwell Dworkin MD G115

Nanomaterials for Biomedicine

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T. Porter, P. Rai, Organizers K. Hamad-Schifferli, Organizer, Presiding

2:00 398. Probing vasculature permeability of nanomaterials for biomedicine with a microfluidic model. Y. Ho, G. Adriani, S. Beyer, R. Kamm, P. Nhan, J.C. Kah

2:30 399. Thick-shelled quantum dots in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based biosensors. A.M. Dennis, M. Chern, T. Nguyen

3:00 400. Dual stimuli-sensitive mixed micelles as promoters of chemotherapeutic drug and miRNA co-delivery in tumor tissue. G. Salzano, D.F. Ferreira Costa, C. Sarisozen, E. Luther, G. Mattheolabakis, P.P. Dhargalkar, V.P. Torchilin

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 401. Nano- and microparticle delivery vehicles for biologics and other soluble therapeutics formulated by flash nanoprecipitation. R.K. Prudhomme

4:00 402. Self-dispersing organogel (SDOG). M. Nouraei, E.J. Acosta

4:20 403. DNA origami and gold nanorods functionalized calcium phosphate @ phospholipid hybrid nanoparticles for advancing biomedical applications. H. Zhang, X. Qu, H. Chen, R. Ding, D. Chen, W. Zhang, X. Zhang, H. Santos, M. Hai, D. Weitz

4:40 404. Stimuli-responsive microgel-based systems for controlled drug release. Y. Gao, M. Serpe

Jefferson 250

Particle Assemblies

Self-Assembly & its Applications

A. Bose, V. Manoharan, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 405. Designing consumer products by managing particle self-assembly. K. Trinh, M.R. Sivik, T. Hodgdon

2:20 406. Molecular design rules for programmable polypeptide granular assemblies. N.J. Carroll, G. Lopez, M. Rubinstein

2:40 407. Maximum likelihood analysis of Brownian trajectories. R. Sarfati

3:00 408. Self-assembly of colloidal spheres on cylinder. N. Tanjeem, E. Memet, D. Beller, D. Nelson, L. Mahadevan, V. Manoharan

3:20 Intermission.

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3:40 409. Field-induced assembly of superparamagnetic colloidal spheres confined in thermo-reversible microtubes. P. Liu, J. de Folter, A.V. Petukhov, A.P. Philipse

4:00 410. Modeling Janus colloid structural re-configuration. D.J. Beltran-Villegas, Y. Zhang, R.G. Larson

4:20 411. Mechanically-actuated phase transition of Janus colloids. H. Rezvantalab, D.J. Beltran-Villegas, R.G. Larson

4:40 412. Forming diverse colloidal crystals with DNA colloids via self-assembly. Y. Wang, J. McGinley, J.C. Crocker

Science Center Room 309a

Recent Developments in Nanomaterials

Nanoparticle Assemblies & Properties

R. C. Hayward, B. Ratna, R. S. Tu, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 413. Evaporation-induced nanoparticle self-assembly in polymer films. S. Cheng, G.S. Grest, M.J. Stevens

2:20 414. Hierarchical surface patterns via novel evaporation induced self-assembly process. P. Wasik, C. Redeker, H. Wu, W.H. Briscoe

2:40 415. Patterned topological features as nucleation sites for nanowire assembly in applied electric field. S.J. Boehm, N. Brljak, L. Lin, T.S. Mayer, C.D. Keating

3:00 416. Self-assembly of cellulose acetate nanoparticle, nanorod, and crystalline morphologies. B. Peng, S. Palantavida, I. Sokolov

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 417. Chiral templating of self-assembling nanostructures by circularly polarized light. J. Yeom, N. Kotov

4:00 418. Nickel doped cerium oxide catalysts for CO removal by preferential oxidation and water-gas shift reaction. C. Guild, S. Seraji, A. Meguerdichian, T. Jafari, J. Rodriguez, D. Vovchok, S.D. Senanayake, S.L. Suib

4:20 419. Study of the nature of ultrabrightness in fluorescent dye encapsulated nanoporous silica particles. V. Kalaparthi, S. Palantavida, I. Sokolov

Maxwell Dworkin MD G125

Rheology of Complex Fluids

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J. Conrad, M. E. Helgeson, Organizers V. Sharma, Presiding

2:00 420. Two step yielding in 2D colloidal glass: Attraction tuned by electrolyte in subphase. H. Zhang, K. Yu, O. Cayre, D. Harbottle

2:20 421. Aging oil-water interfaces with asphaltene adsorption: Interface rheology and heterogeneity. C. Chang, A. Nowbahar, V. Mansard, J. Mecca, A. Schmitt, T. Kalantar, T. Kuo, T. Squires

2:40 422. Measuring the dilatational modulus of human lung surfactant monolayersΔ. A. Sachan, J.A. Zasadzinski

3:00 423. Mesoscopic modelling of the effects of salt and additives on the rheological properties of commercial wormlike micellar solutions. W. Zou, X. Tang, P. Koenig, M.R. Weaver, R.G. Larson

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 424. Extensional flow small angle neutron scattering of wormlike micelles. K. Weigandt, R. McCallister

4:00 425. Understanding fluid structure at high shear rates: Developing µRheoSANS. J.S. Weston, K. Weigandt, S.D. Hudson, D. Seeman, D.L. Blair

4:20 426. Microfluidic shear viscometers for complex fluid rheology. S. Gupta, N.S. Suteria, S. Vanapalli

Pierce 209

Self-Assembly at Molecular Scale

Particles & Gels

S. Thayumanavan, Organizer P. Alexandridis, Organizer, Presiding S. L. Perry, Presiding

2:00 427. Keynote Lecture: Bottom-up with a twist: A new approach for colloidal crystal assembly. N.A. Mahynski, L. Rovigatti, C. Likos, A. Panagiotopoulos

2:40 428. Self-assembly of artificial actin filaments. S. Cheng, C.R. Grosenick, M.J. Stevens

3:00 429. Liquid-like bundles of crosslinked actin filaments contract without motors. K. Weirich, S. Banerjee, K. Dasbiswas, S. Vaikuntanathan, M. Gardel

3:20 Intermission.

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3:40 430. Molecular engineering of polyelectrolyte complex materials. L. Chang, Y. Liu, X. Meng, W. Blocher, J. Vélez, B. Johnston, R. Shamsi, R. Wang, M. Radhakrishna, R.A. Letteri, B. Momani, H. Winter, T. Emrick, C.E. Sing, J.D. Schiffman, S.L. Perry

4:00 431. Probing phase transitions in dynamic biopolymer complexation. A. Marciel, M.V. Tirrell

4:20 432. Rapid electro-formation of robust and transparent biopolymer gels in prescribed 3-D shapes. A. Gargava, J. Athas, S.R. Raghavan

4:40 433. Vesicle formation by self-assembly of ionic liquid based surfactants and cholesterol: A novel approach towards drug delivery. Z.S. Vaid, N.I. Malek, O. El Seoud

Science Center Room B10

Surface Science & Catalysis

Biosurface Chemistry & Catalysis

J. N. Russell, Organizer C. J. Karwacki, Organizer, Presiding

2:00 434. Reversible pH-switching of an artificial hydrolase based on peptide nanofibers and hydrogel. C. Zhang, C. Maldarelli, R. Ulijn

2:30 435. An intelligent second skin for chemical biological protection based on organohydrogels. E. Wilusz, R. Nagarajan, P. D'Angelo, M.E. Helgeson, B.D. Olsen, T. Hatton, L. Bromberg, J. Owens, D. McGarvey, W. Creasy

3:00 436. On the release of cargo from responsive polymer brushes. C.L. Mercier, D.W. Johnson, C.D. Bain

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 437. Lowering the barrier to C-H activation using Pt/Cu single atom alloys. M. Marcinkowski, M. El Soda, F.R. Lucci, E.H. Sykes

4:00 438. The impact of structure on the catalytic behavior of Cu2O supported Pt atoms. A. Therrien

Science Center Hall A

Wetting, Adhesion & Surface Forces

Wetting: Particles & Anisotropic Systems

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M. Ruths, H. Zeng, Organizers A. N. Dhinojwala, J. Yu, Presiding

2:00 439. Crossovers from dynamics to kinetics of colloidal particle adsorption at liquid interfaces: A Langevin dynamics approach. C.E. Colosqui, A.M. Rahmani, A. Wang, V. Manoharan

2:20 440. Evaporative diffusiophoresis in coffee rings modulates particle patterns. R. Guha, F. Mohajerani, A. Sen, D. Velegol

2:40 441. Transport of a partially wetted single particle at the liquid/vapor interface under the influence of an externally imposed surfactant generated Marangoni stress. R. Sharma, T. Corcoran, S. Garoff, T.M. Przybycien, R.D. Tilton

3:00 442. Bubble meets droplet: Particle-assisted reconfiguration of wetting and dewetting. J.C. Meredith, Y. Zhang, S.H. Behrens

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 443. Controlled wettability and characterization of nanofibrous platforms through incorporation of functionalized fumed silica particles. M.T. Geiger, M. Dufficy, C.A. Bonino, S. Khan

4:00 444. Wetting behavior, shape, and morphology of sessile lyotropic liquid crystal microdroplets on solid surfaces. V. Jamali, P. van der Schoot, M. Pasquali

4:20 445. Behaviors of 'caged' liquid crystal droplets in suspension and on surfaces. X. Guo, U. Manna, M. Carter, N.L. Abbott, D.M. Lynn

4:40 446. Forces, pressures and energies associated with liquid rising in heterogeneous capillary tubes with chemical gradients. C.W. Extrand


Science Center Hall B

Unilever Award Lecture

R. Nagarajan, Organizer K. P. Ananth, P. Somasundaran, Presiding

5:30 Introduction of Award Winner.

5:40 447. Complex nanoemulsions: Novel building blocks for colloidal materials. M.E. Helgeson

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Science Center Hall B

Victor K. LaMer Award Lecture

R. Nagarajan, Organizer J. Frechette, Presiding

8:20 Introduction of Award Winner.

8:30 448. Understanding shape control of noble metal nanoparticles through the lens of basic chemistry. M.L. Personick

Science Center Room 309

Advanced Experimental & Simulation Techniques in Colloid & Interface Science

A. M. Peterson, M. M. Santore, Organizers R. Zimmermann, Presiding

9:40 449. Keynote Lecture: Gravitational collapse of colloidal gels: Structure, dynamics, and rheology. R. Zia, P. Padmanabhan

10:20 450. Using time-evolution of sessile drop profiles to estimate solvent diffusivity in solid substrates. M. Clay, M. Bell, R. Srinivasan, A. Borhan, R. Nagarajan

10:40 451. Extending total internal reflection microscopy to systems of anisotropic particles. C.G. Bolton, R. Dagastine

11:00 452. Interaction of colloidal particles at an oil-water interface. Z. Yi, P. Gao, F. Jin, T. Ngai

11:20 453. Hydrodynamic entrainment in spherically confined colloidal suspensions. C. Aponte-Rivera, Y. Su, R. Zia

11:40 454. A novel apparatus to study particle-laden interface: Simultaneous measurement of surface pressure and interfacial particle interactions. M. Molaei, J.C. Crocker

12:00 455. Using a stochastic field theory to understand active colloidal suspensions. Y. Qian, P. Kramer, P. Underhill

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Jefferson 256

Biological Interfaces


T. A. Camesano, J. D. Schiffman, Organizers S. Peyton, Organizer, Presiding

9:40 456. LaMer Keynote Lecture: Inverse opal scaffolds for biomedical applications. Y. Zhang

10:20 457. Study of the kinetics of cell specific adhesion in porous media as a function of cell velocity. J. Brouchon, J. Baudry, J. Bibette

10:40 458. Intrinsic degradation of alkanethiol self-assembled monolayer surfaces for cell confinement studies. B. Almeida, A. Shukla

11:00 459. Effect of assembly pH on polyelectrolyte multilayer surface properties and BMP-2 release. A.M. Peterson, X. Lyu, C. Salvi

11:20 460. Bio-deuterated cellulose thin films for the visualization of biomolecules at the solid/liquid interface. G. Garnier, V. Raghuwanshi, J. Su, C. Garvey, W. Batchelor, W. Raverty, S. Holt, P. Holden

11:40 461. A cellulose paper-assisted (CEPA) method for forming giant lipid vesicles of arbitrary lipid compositions in arbitrary aqueous buffers. A. Subramaniam, K. Kresse, J. Pazzi

12:00 462. Naturally occurring date palm spores (Phoenix dactylifera): Morphology and behaviour at fluid-fluid interfaces. A.K. Dyab, V.N. Paunov

Science Center Hall E

Emulsions, Foams & Dispersions

Interfacial Phenomena

A. Fernandez-Nieves, M. Lynch, Organizers P. Somasundaran, Y. W. Chang, Presiding

9:40 463. Nanoemulsions obtained via bubble bursting at a compound air-oil-water interface. J. Feng, J.K. Nunes, S. Shin, J. Yan, Y. Kong, R.K. Prudhomme, L.N. Arnaudov, S.D. Stoyanov, H.A. Stone

10:00 464. Behaviour of polymer-nanoparticle composites at the air-water interface. K. Yu, H. Zhang, O. Cayre, D. Harbottle

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10:20 465. Visualization of dispersant dynamics at liquid-liquid interfaces using Nile red-polyethylene glycol (NR-PEG) surfactant-dyes. C.V. Chen, Y. Liu, H.A. Stone, R.K. Prudhomme

10:40 466. Tuning the interfacial mechanics of particle/surfactant-laden interfaces. S.M. Kirby, S.L. Anna, L. Walker

11:00 467. Interdependent conformational changes of proteins and oil molecules at oil-‘protein solution’ interface. P. Patra, P. Somasundaran

11:20 468. Dynamic interfacial tension (IFT) studies of aqueous polymer-surfactant solutions: Using instantaneous IFT measurements to quickly determine critical aggregation concentrations. C.V. Chen, A. Carpio, R.K. Prudhomme, A. Consilvio

11:40 469. Templating polyelectrolyte complexes at an all-aqueous interface. S.D. Hann, K.J. Stebe, D. Lee

12:00 470. Interfacial phenomena in oil sands industry: Effect of steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) produced water properties on diluted bitumen/water transient interfacial tension. M. Razi

12:20 471. Drainage of a thin film of Bingham fluid between two viscous Newtonian drops undergoing a head-on collision. S. Goel, A. Ramachandran, S. Borkar

Science Center Room B10

Emulsions, Foams & Dispersions

Stability, Interactions & Macroscopic Behavior

A. Fernandez-Nieves, M. Lynch, Organizers U. Gasser, J. Crocker, Presiding

9:40 472. Particle deswelling and phase behavior of pNIPAM microgels at high concentrations. U. Gasser, A. Scotti, E.S. Herman, M. Pelaez-Fernandez, J. Han, A. Menzel, L.A. Lyon, A. Fernandez-Nieves

10:00 473. Novel associative nanoparticles as nanoscale particulate crosslinkers for rheological control of complex aqueous gel fluids. J. Kim

10:20 474. Effect of interparticle interactions on agglomeration and sedimentation rates of colloidal silica microspheres. Y. Yang, A. Kelkar, D.S. Corti, E.I. Franses

10:40 475. Soluto-inertial phenomena: Designing long range, long-lasting, surface-specific colloidal interactions. A. Banerjee, T. Squires

11:00 476. Revisiting the colloidal fundamentals of water-dispersible polymers: Nanoscale interactions and self-assembly of polymer nanoparticles and gels. S. Islam, D.L. Inglefield Jr., R.L. Eagan, O.D. Velev

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11:20 477. Characterizing the size distribution, composition and stability of chemical mechanical polishing slurry agglomerates. F. Cheong, E. Hlaing, P. Kasimbeg, J. Blusewicz, D.B. Ruffner, D.G. Grier, L.A. Philips

11:40 478. Applying differential dynamic microscopy to characterize disperse suspensions. M. Safari, P.G. Vekilov, J. Conrad

12:00 479. Direct measurement of the electrophoretic mobility in concentrated colloidal suspensions. S. Razavi, M.J. Solomon

Mallinckrodt Lab Room B23

General Papers

T. Dinsmore, Organizer, Presiding

9:40 480. LaMer Keynote Lecture: Effects of self-energy of the ions on the double layer structure and properties at the dielectric interface. R. Wang, Z. Wang

10:20 481. Small-amplitude atomic force microscopy study of nanoconfined liquids. S. Khan, P.M. Hoffmann

10:40 482. Electro-microfluidic-extrusion of viscous liquid jets for printing applications. A. Shum, J. Li

11:00 483. Single excitation multiplex probes using energy transfer between dyes encapsulated in silica discoid. S. Palantavida, B. Peng, I. Sokolov

11:20 484. Experimental evaluation of kinetic and thermodynamic reaction parameters of colloidal nanocrystals. E.M. Brauser, T. Hull, J. McLennan, M.H. Bartl

11:40 485. Sensing and inactivation of Bacillus anthracis sterne by brominated polymers. P. D'Angelo, L. Bromberg, T. Hatton, E. Wilusz, R. Nagarajan

12:00 486. Understanding the influence of surface coverage, pH, and solution phase micelle concentration on the kinetics of the partitioning of a cationic surfactant and an anionic dye from aqueous solution to the surface of silica nanoparticles derivatized with a pH switchable polymer. D. Rivera, J. Siegenthaler

12:20 487. Protein conformational flexibility enables the formation of dense liquid clusters: Tests using solution shear. M. Byington, M. Safari, J. Conrad, P.G. Vekilov

Maxwell Dworkin MD G115

Nanomaterials for Biomedicine

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K. Hamad-Schifferli, T. Porter, Organizers P. Rai, Organizer, Presiding

9:40 488. Nanomaterials for biomedicine: How fluid dynamics influenced gold nanoparticle behavior and cellular deposition. K. Comfort

10:10 489. Novel nanoemulsion for controlled drug release with ultrasound imaging monitoring. Y. Park, C. Collins, M. Taylor, Z. Zhang

10:30 490. Rational interfacial engineering of soft and hard nanoscale colloids for next generation ultrasound contrast agents. A.P. Goodwin

11:00 491. Nanoparticle tumor localization, intracellular trafficking disruption, and prolonged drug delivery improve survival in peritoneal mesothelioma. M.W. Grinstaff

11:30 492. A nanomedicine-based curcumin and doxorubicin combination treatment of glioblastoma with scFv-targeted micelles: In vitro evaluation in 2D and 3D tumor models. C. Sarisozen, S.D. Dhokai, E.G. Tsikudo, I.M. Rachman, V.P. Torchilin

11:50 493. Diagnosis of tropical viral diseases in lateral flow immunoassays. H. de Puig Guixe, M. Carre, M. Hiley, I. Bosch, K. Hamad-Schifferli, L. Gehrke

Jefferson 250

Particle Assemblies

Clusters, Colloidal Molecules, & Patchy Particles

A. Bose, V. Manoharan, Organizers, Presiding

9:40 494. Ground states and assembly pathways of colloidal clusters. E.D. Klein, W. Rogers, V. Manoharan

10:00 495. Paramagnetic colloids in rotating fields: From chains through chaos to clusters and molecules. H. Abdi, R. Soheilian, R. Erb, C. Maloney

10:20 496. DNA surface reorganization: A method for cluster and patchy particle design. J.A. Diaz A., J. Brujic, D. Pine

10:40 497. Computational studies of the depletion-driven self-assembly of patchy trimer colloids and cubic colloids. H. Hatch, W. Krekelberg, V. Shen, S.D. Hudson, J. Mittal

11:00 498. Precision registry of monodisperse biphasic Janus microparticles for 2D positioned colloidal array. S. Han, J. Kim

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11:20 499. Controlling the valence of emulsion droplets using DNA origami directed patch formation. Y. Zhang, X. He, R. Zhuo, R. Sha, N.C. Seeman, J. Brujic, P. Chaikin

11:40 500. Colloidal architecture with DNA origami. M. Ben Zion, C. Maass, R. Sha, N.C. Seeman, P. Chaikin

12:00 501. Magnetic Janus particle chain assembly rate: From experiment to theory. T. Long, I. Kretzschmar, J. Koplik

12:20 502. Collective translational and rotational dynamics of active clusters. M. Karim, U.M. Cordova-Figueroa

Maxwell Dworkin MD G125

Rheology of Complex Fluids

J. Conrad, M. E. Helgeson, Organizers J. W. Swan, Presiding

9:40 503. Extensional relaxation times and pinch-off dynamics of dilute and semi-dilute polymer solutions. J. Dinic, L.N. Jimenez, M. Biagioli, A. Estrada, V. Sharma

10:00 504. Flow measurements in microfluidic channels with in-line holographic microscopy. P. Salipante, S.D. Hudson

10:20 505. Elastic instabilities in planar elongational flow of monodisperse polymer solutions. S.J. Haward, G. McKinley, A.Q. Shen

10:40 506. Deterministic lateral displacement of semi-flexible chains in pillar arrays. J. Zhao, Z. Zhu, S.L. Biswal

11:00 507. Measuring carbon nanotube length via extensional viscosity, and the relationship of length to liquid crystalline transition. M. Pasquali, D.E. Tsentalovich, J. Lee, R.J. Headrick, E. Bengio, A.W. Ma

11:20 508. Flow-induced gelation of microfiber suspensions. J.K. Nunes, A. Perazzo, S. Guido, H.A. Stone

11:40 509. Characterization of covalently adaptable hydrogel scaffolds using passive microrheology. F. Escobar IV, D. McKinnon, K.S. Anseth, K. Schultz

12:00 510. Origins of concentration gradients for diffusiophoresis. D. Velegol, A. Garg, R. Guha, A. Kar, M. Kumar

Pierce 209

Self-Assembly at Molecular Scale

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Polyelectrolyte & Polypeptide

P. Alexandridis, S. Thayumanavan, Organizers L. Leon Gibbons, S. Swaminathan, Presiding

9:40 511. Polyelectrolyte complex hydrogels: Self-assembly at low and high polymer concentrations. S. Srivastava, D.J. Goldfeld, A. Levi, J. Mao, M.V. Tirrell

10:00 512. pH-Responsive non-ionic diblock copolymers: Protonation of a morpholine end-group induces an order-order transition. N. Penfold, J. Lovett, N. Warren, S.P. Armes

10:20 513. pH tunable self-assembly of a methacrylate-based hydrophobic cationic copolymer. J. Pegg, J. Eastoe

10:40 514. Effect of polyelectrolyte stiffness and solution pH on the nanostructure of complexes formed by cationic amphiphiles and negatively charged polyelectrolytes. M. Ram-On, Y. Cohen, Y. Talmon

11:00 515. Interfacial self-assemblies of low-cost amphipathic polypeptides. M. Kubilius, R.S. Tu

11:20 516. Chirality induced tuning of polypeptide complexation. L. Leon Gibbons, N. Pacalin, S.L. Perry, M.V. Tirrell

11:40 517. Protein-like nanoparticles based on orthogonal self-assembly of chimeric peptides. H. Dong, L. Jiang, R. Lund

12:00 518. Control of amphiphilic block copolymer self-assembly by polymer end groups. M. Grzelakowski, K. Kita-Tokarczyk

Science Center Hall A

Wetting, Adhesion & Surface Forces

Adhesion: Biomimetic, Biological, & Complex Systems

M. Ruths, H. Zeng, Organizers, Presiding

9:40 519. Versatile underwater adhesive with microarchitecture triggered by solvent exchange. D. Lee, Q. Zhao, K. Ahn, S. Seo, Y. Kaufman, J.N. Israelachvili, H. Waite

10:20 520. Dynamics and mechanism of self-assembly and formation of functional silk-based structures from silk fibroin proteins. Y. Zhang, Y. Min

10:40 521. Adsorbed polymer-surfactant layer structure studied with atomic force microscopy. B. Tardy, T. Bai, R. Dagastine

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11:00 522. Influence of divalent cations on deformation and rupture of adsorbed lipid vesicles. M. Dacic, J. Jackman, S. Yorulmaz, V. Zhdanov, B.-. Kasemo, N. Cho

11:20 523. Determining the effects of ligand density on membrane deformability and rolling of artificial capsules. H. Balsara, R. Banton, C. Eggleton

11:40 524. Changes of mechanical properties and adhesion of stratum corneum corneocytes’s as a function of depth and hydration level. S. Guo, C. Baltenneck, Y. Domanov, M. Donovan, E. Perez, G.S. Luengo

12:00 525. Enhancement of van der Waals mediated adhesion of mosquito leg to rough surfaces. L. Pashazanusi, N. Pesika, N. Kumar


Science Center Room 309

Advanced Experimental & Simulation Techniques in Colloid & Interface Science

A. M. Peterson, M. M. Santore, Organizers B. Bharti, Presiding

2:00 526. Understanding protein-nanoparticle interactions using small angle scattering technique. B. Bharti, J. Meissner, G. Findenegg

2:20 527. Tracking nanoparticles and measuring their interactions in a nano-fluidic optical fiber. Y. Lahini, S. Faez, R. Garmann, A. Goldfain, S. Weidlich, M. Schmidt, V. Manoharan

2:40 528. Universal breakup of colloidal clusters in simple shear flow. Y. Harshe, M. Lattuada

3:00 529. Effect of coherence on ultra-small-angle scattering. Y. Shinohara, Y. Amemiya

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 530. Measuring particle size in concentrated dispersions at elevated temperatures: Acoustic spectroscopy. A. Dukhin, S. Parlia

4:00 531. Polymer surface modification of superparamagnetic nanoparticles to achieve single particle dispersions in high salinity environments. J. Yu, R.J. Nap, S. Heydrick, C. Beigie, Y. Park, I. Szleifer, J.Y. Wong

4:20 532. HLD-NAC guided design of dilutable self-micro emulsifying delivery systems (SMEDS). M. Nouraei, E.J. Acosta, L. Diosady

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4:40 533. Hybrid population balance: Brownian dynamics simulations of colloidal latex particles with HEUR associative polymers. E. Hajizadeh, R.G. Larson

Jefferson 256

Biological Interfaces

T. A. Camesano, Organizer S. Peyton, J. D. Schiffman, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 534. Multiplexing metabolomic-based disease diagnosis by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) platform. Y. Chen, R. Premasiri, L. Ziegler

2:20 535. Cell-free mutant polymerase selection in microfluidic emulsion droplets. J. Collins

2:40 536. Identifying aptamer as reagents for particle precipitation. V.T. Milam, M. Tapp, P. Dennis, R.R. Naik

3:00 537. Analyzing non-ionic colloidal interactions with optofluidics’ nanotweezer surface. B. DiPaolo, R. Hart, C. Earhart, B. Cordovez

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 538. Internalization of matrix-bound BMP-2 by cells and associated endocytosis pathways. F. Gilde, R. Guillot, I. Paintrand, V. Fitzpatrick, T. Boudou, C. Albiges-Rizo, C. Picart

4:00 539. The role of pulmonary surfactant associate protein B in model phospholipid monolayer. M. Wu, H. Zeng, H. Zhang

4:20 540. Relating interfacial shear rheology to monolayer morphology. J.A. Zasadzinski, A. Sachan, T. Squires, S. Choi, K.C. Lee

4:40 541. Soft polymer mechanics in the initiation and robustness of bacterial biofilms. V. Gordon

Science Center Hall E

Emulsions, Foams & Dispersions

Formation & Macroscopic Behavior

A. Fernandez-Nieves, M. Lynch, Organizers T.A. Prileszky, J. W. Kim, Presiding

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2:00 542. Transitional emulsion phase inversion induced by oil-dispersed pH responsive particle emulsifiers. Y. Zhou, O. Cayre, T. Hunter, D. Harbottle

2:20 543. Mechanistic steps and factors involved in flow-induced phase inversion of emulsions. A. Kumar, S. Li, C. Cheng, D. Lee

2:40 544. Hierarchical emulsion networks from endoskeletal droplets. T.A. Prileszky, E.M. Furst

3:00 545. Emulsification of hydrocarbon oil into structured platelet suspensions. W. Ganley, J. van Duijneveldt

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 546. Effect on drop coalescence of polymer-coated Janus gold nanoparticle compatibilizers: van der Waals interactions and Marangoni stresses. C. Vannozzi

4:00 547. Storage stable concentrated emulsions of hydrofluoroethers and perfluoroethers. D. Malotky, R. Bills

4:20 548. Silicone microemulsions. Y. Liu

4:40 549. Generation of cellulose nanofiber based microcapsules with tunable mechanical properties. G. Kaufman, S. Mukhopadhyay, Y. Rokhlenko, S. Nejati, R. Boltyanskiy, C. Osuji

Mallinckrodt Lab Room B23

General Papers

T. Dinsmore, Organizer, Presiding

2:00 550. Core-shell rubbery fillers for massive electrical conductivity enhancement and toughening of a polystyrene-graphene nanoplatelet composite. I. Chakraborty, A. Shukla, A. Bose

2:20 551. A molecular engineering approach to developing polymer-nanoparticle networks and nanocomposites. M.T. Geiger, D. Hurrelbrink, S. Khan

2:40 552. Single molecular adhesion of a stimuli responsive polymer on the surface of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). Y. Tang, Z. Xu, Q. Liu

3:00 553. Reverse micelles from hydrogen bonding surfactants. M.A. Walters, Y. Chang, A.L. Rheingold

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 554. Molecular dynamics study of the diffusivity of a hydrophobic drug cucurbitacin B in pseudo-poly(ethylene oxide-b-caprolactone) micelle environments. N. Razavilar, P. Choi

4:00 555. Observation of depletion induced crystallization of magnetic colloids at an oil-water interface. P. Liu, D.N. ten Napel, A.P. Philipse

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4:20 556. Structural versus plasmonic evolution during sulfidation of silver nanoprisms. M.M. Shahjamali, N. Zaraee, N. Large, G.C. Schatz

4:40 557. Metal-organic coordination networks at surfaces to control single-site transition metal oxidation state. C. Tempas, D. Skomski, B.J. Cook, T. Morris, A.V. Polezhaev, D. Wisman, K.A. Smith, K.G. Caulton, S.L. Tait

Maxwell Dworkin MD G115

Nanomaterials for Biomedicine

K. Hamad-Schifferli, P. Rai, Organizers T. Porter, Organizer, Presiding

2:00 558. LaMer Keynote Lecture: Modulating nanoparticle properties and features for enhanced biological performance. A.C. Anselmo, S. Mitragotri

2:40 559. Mucin-inspired thermoresponsive synthetic hydrogels induce stasis in human pluripotent stem cells and human embryos. N. Warren, I. Canton, K. Amps, A. Chahal, A. Wood, R. Weightman, E. Wang, H. Moore, S.P. Armes

3:00 560. Advances in biomimetic nanomaterials for multifunctional inhalation aerosols in pulmonary biomedicine. H.M. Mansour, J.D. Brain

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 561. Filomicelles delay clearance in vivo, and deliver retinoids & chemotherapeutics in irreversible control of carcinoma cell fate. P. Nair, M. Vakili, A. Lavasanifar, D.E. Discher

4:00 562. Injectable hydrogel beads for delivery of high concentration mAb formulations. P.D. Godfrin, R.S. Kashi, P.S. Doyle

4:20 563. Mechanism of antibacterial properties of chitosan selenium nanoparticles. M. Stolzoff, T.J. Webster

4:40 564. Tumor targeted NIR mesoporous silica nanoparticles for in-vivo applications. S.M. Peerzade, S. Palantavida, I. Sokolov

Jefferson 250

Particle Assemblies

Evaporative & Convective Assembly

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A. Bose, V. Manoharan, Organizers, Presiding

2:00 565. Control of buckling dynamics in contact-free mixed colloidal droplet. B. Pathak, S. Basu

2:20 566. Anisotropy alone does not suppress the coffee ring effect: Competition between capillary and viscous forces in evaporating colloidal drop. D. Kim, M. Pack, H. Hu, Y. Sun

2:40 567. Sol-gel chemistry of inverse opals. K. Phillips, J. Aizenberg

3:00 568. Marangoni flow in colloidal self-assembly and deposition. K. Joshi, J.F. Gilchrist

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 569. Buckling dynamics in evaporating nanoparticles laden droplets on various hydrophobic heated substrates. L. Bansal, S. Basu

4:00 570. Fabrication of tunable periodic defects in convectively assembled colloidal crystals through stress relaxation. M. Joy, M.A. Snyder, J.F. Gilchrist

4:20 571. Mesoscale nanoparticle assemblies from dynamic capillary bridge. S. Choudhary, A. Crosby

4:40 132. Propulsion of two-sphere swimmers and collective behavior. D. Klotsa, K. Baldwin, R.J. Hill, R.M. Bowley, M.R. Swift

Maxwell Dworkin MD G125

Rheology of Complex Fluids

M. E. Helgeson, Organizer J. Conrad, Organizer, Presiding

2:00 572. Keynote Lecture: Simulation of frictional and adhesive forces in colloidal dispersions: Yielding, thickening, jamming. J. Morris

2:40 573. A rheological signature of frictional interactions in shear thickening suspensions. J.R. Royer, D.L. Blair, S.D. Hudson

3:00 574. Continuous shear thickening using boundary stress microscopy. V. Rathee, D.L. Blair, J.S. Urbach

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 575. High frequency rheology of partially dispersed colloidal dispersions. B. Schroyen, P. Van Puyvelde, J. Vermant

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4:00 576. Design, synthesis, and characterization of mixed ionic/electronic conducting surface layers adsorbed on metal oxide particle. J. Richards, N.J. Wagner, P. Butler

4:20 577. Equilibrium structures and dynamics of cadmium sulfide nanoparticles in polymeric matrices. W. Jang, P. Koo, K. Bryson, S. Narayanan, A. Sandy, T.P. Russell, S. Mochrie

Science Center Room 309a

Wetting, Adhesion & Surface Forces

Adhesion & Wetting

H. Zeng, Organizer M. Ruths, Organizer, Presiding D. Lee, Presiding

2:00 578. Enhancement of wet adhesion during peeling of soft materials. J. Frechette, C. Dhong

2:20 579. Interfacial instabilities induced by copolymers during coextrusion. S. Vuong, N. Chedozeau, J. Guilment, C. Coquet, L. Leger, F. Restagno

2:40 580. Effect of surface properties of the uv laser irradiated nylon cords on adhesion. S. Basan, E. Sancaktar

3:00 581. Adsorption dynamics of graphene oxide on charged self-assembled monolayers. M. Akbulut, I. Chen, M. Zhang

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 582. Uniform cracks in nanoparticle films deposited by convective assembly. A.L. Weldon, K. Joshi, A.F. Routh, J.F. Gilchrist

4:00 583. Exemplifying the effect of spreading coefficients on the morphology of microcapsules obtained from a solvent extraction synthesis method. L. He, A. Tasker, O. Cayre, S. Biggs

4:20 584. Contributions to the uncertainty budget of the Hamaker constant as determined from theoretical force-distance curves. J.J. Weimer

4:40 585. Unjamming and spreading of a cellular aggregate as a model of breast cancer migration. K. Wang, J.J. Fredberg

Science Center Hall A

Wetting, Adhesion & Surface Forces

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Surface Forces: Lubrication & Textured Surfaces

M. Ruths, H. Zeng, Organizers X. Banquy, W. H. Briscoe, Presiding

2:00 586. Porous polymer surfaces exhibiting low friction. N. Pesika

2:40 587. Role of surface roughness for colloidal interactions in aqueous media. J. Tsao, S.H. Behrens

3:00 588. Adhesion, friction and lubrication of nano- and micro-structured surface coatings. L. Giraud, S. Giasson

3:20 Intermission.

3:40 589. Influence of humidity on Gecko-inspired adhesives. N. Cadirov, J.N. Israelachvili

4:00 590. Nanotribology of a catechol-functionalized alkane with terminal chain branching. M. Ruths, K. Persson

4:20 591. Nanoscale friction of uniaxially stretched polymer films. X. Xu, E. Reynaud, D.F. Schmidt, M. Ruths

4:40 592. Preparation and tribological characterization of biomimetic patterned polymer textures as skin coating models. R. Jin, X. Xu, C. Cazeneuve, J.C. Chang, M. Ruths, G.S. Luengo

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Abbaspourrad, A. 243 Abbott, N.L. 23 Abbott, N.L. 72 Abbott, N.L. 141 Abbott, N.L. 445 Abdala, A. 166 Abdi, H. 495 Abedi, S. 394 Abu Bakar, S. 149 Achari, G. 175 Acosta, E.J. 146 Acosta, E.J. 161 Acosta, E.J. 164 Acosta, E.J. 165 Acosta, E.J. 351 Acosta, E.J. 371 Acosta, E.J. 380 Acosta, E.J. 402 Acosta, E.J. 532 Acosta, E. 6 Adam, J.A. 256 Adams, L.L. 116 Adhikari, P.D. 183 Adriani, G. 398 Ahiabu, A. 268 Ahmed, M. 60 Ahn, K. 519 Aili, D. 245 Aizenberg, J. 240 Aizenberg, J. 342 Aizenberg, J. 567 Aizenman, A. 280 Akbulut, M. 55 Akbulut, M. 581 Albiges-Rizo, C. 538 Alexandridis, P. 330 Alison, L. 105 Almeida, B. 458 Alzobaidi, S. 96 Amemiya, Y. 529 Amps, K. 559 Andersen, S.I. 99 Angulo, A. 177 Anikeeva, P. 303

Anna, S.L. 117 Anna, S.L. 466 Annestrand, E. 197 Anselmo, A.C. 558 Anseth, K.S. 509 Aponte-Rivera, C. 453 Arble, C. 70 Armes, S.P. 106 Armes, S.P. 136 Armes, S.P. 137 Armes, S.P. 155 Armes, S.P. 332 Armes, S.P. 333 Armes, S.P. 512 Armes, S.P. 559 Armstrong, R.C. 326 Arnaudov, L.N. 463 Arora, J.S. 288 Arora, J.S. 344 Askar, K. 187 Asthagiri, A. 264 Athas, J. 432 Athas, J.C. 370 Baddorf, A. 337 Badruddoza, A. 366 Bag, M. 277 Bahng, J. 26 Bai, T. 521 Baier, G. 185 Baik, S. 384 Bain, C.D. 436 Baker, L. 340 Balaraj, V.S. 349 Balboa, A. 339 Baldwin, K. 132 Balli, T. 109 Balow, R. 67 Balsara, H. 523 Baltenneck, C. 524 Bancroft, R. 45 Bandremer, A. 2 Banerjee, A. 475 Banerjee, S. 429 Banquy, X. 157

Banquy, X. 255 Bansal, L. 569 Banton, R. 523 Barclay, M. 338 Barlow, D. 67 Bartel, C.J. 68 Bartenstein, J. 155 Bartl, M.H. 211 Bartl, M.H. 484 Basan, S. 580 Basu, S. 565 Basu, S. 569 Batchelor, W. 318 Batchelor, W. 460 Baudry, J. 457 Baumgart, T. 219 Beaudoin, S. 354 Bedolla Pantoja, M. 23 Behrens, S.H. 442 Behrens, S.H. 587 Beigie, C. 531 Bell, M. 450 Beller, D. 408 Beltramo, P.J. 254 Beltran-Villegas, D.J. 410 Beltran-Villegas, D.J. 411 Bengio, E. 507 Ben Zion, M. 500 Bera, T. 2 Berdegué, J. 57 Berger, E. 280 Bermudez, V.M. 67 Berry, J. 281 Bettega, G. 123 Bevan, M.A. 310 Bevan, M.A. 314 Beyer, S. 398 Bhamidipati, M. 125 Bharti, B. 312 Bharti, B. 526 Bhattacharjee, S. 363 Biagioli, M. 503 Bibette, J. 457 Bierbaum, M. 111

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Biggs, S. 391 Biggs, S. 583 Bihannic, I. 253 Bills, R. 547 Bishop, K. 389 Biswal, S.L. 89 Biswal, S.L. 94 Biswal, S.L. 199 Biswal, S.L. 223 Biswal, S.L. 313 Biswal, S.L. 506 Blair, D.L. 367 Blair, D.L. 425 Blair, D.L. 573 Blair, D.L. 376 Blair, D.L. 574 Blankschtein, D. 30 Blankschtein, D. 54 Blankschtein, D. 101 Blankschtein, D. 345 Blankschtein, D. 364 Bleier, B.J. 117 Blocher, W. 430 Blusewicz, J. 222 Blusewicz, J. 305 Blusewicz, J. 477 Bockstaller, M.R. 231 Boehm, S.J. 415 Bolton, C.G. 451 Boltyanskiy, R. 549 Boluk, Y. 7 Bong, K. 119 Bonham, J. 14 Bonino, C.A. 443 Borden, M.A. 98 Bordes, E. 54 Borhan, A. 450 Borkar, S. 77 Borkar, S. 217 Borkar, S. 471 Borkovec, M. 25 Borkovec, M. 154 Bosch, I. 43 Bosch, I. 126

Bosch, I. 493 Boscoboinik, J.A. 70 Bose, A. 550 Bothun, G.D. 362 Boudou, T. 538 Boutonnat, J. 123 Bouwer, E.J. 79 Bouyer, M. 123 Bouzid, M. 323 Bowley, R.M. 132 Bowman, C. 180 Bowman, C. 382 Boymelgreen, A.M. 109 Boza Troncoso, A. 146 Bradley, L. 204 Brady, J. 17 Brain, J.D. 560 Braun, P.V. 188 Brauser, E.M. 211 Brauser, E.M. 484 Brennan, D.J. 100 Brettmann, B.K. 158 Brintlinger, T.H. 148 Briscoe, W.H. 156 Briscoe, W.H. 155 Briscoe, W.H. 414 Brlansky, J. 98 Brljak, N. 415 Brochard-Wyart, F. 1 Bromberg, L. 435 Bromberg, L. 485 Brosseau, Q. 47 Brouchon, J. 457 Brown, A. 102 Brown, P. 30 Brown, P. 205 Brown, S.L. 106 Brown, S.L. 136 Browne, C. 354 Brujic, J. 496 Brujic, J. 499 Bryson, K. 577 Budil, D. 356 Bukusoglu, E. 23

Bukusoglu, E. 141 Bulovic, V. 303 Burgess, S. 257 Burheim, O. 190 Burshan, A. 353 Burshtein, N. 233 Burshtein, N. 299 Bussmann, M. 165 Butler, P. 216 Butler, P. 576 Byington, M. 487 Cadirov, N. 255 Cadirov, N. 589 Caggioni, M. 86 Caggioni, M. 88 Caggioni, M. 283 Cai, L. 118 Cai, L. 246 Calabrese, M. 27 Calabrese, M. 176 Calvisi, M. 98 Camesano, T.A. 361 Canton, I. 559 Cao, F. 184 Carlson, T. 356 Carpio, A. 468 Carre, M. 43 Carre, M. 493 Carrier, R. 356 Carroll, N.J. 178 Carroll, N.J. 406 Carter, M. 445 Cartier, C. 389 Castaldi, M. 207 Caulton, K.G. 557 Cayre, O. 391 Cayre, O. 420 Cayre, O. 464 Cayre, O. 542 Cayre, O. 583 Cazeneuve, C. 592 Cepeda, A. 291 Cerbino, R. 88 Chahal, A. 559

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Chaikin, P. 272 Chaikin, P. 499 Chaikin, P. 500 Chakraborty, I. 550 Chang, C. 421 Chang, J.C. 592 Chang, L. 430 Chang, R. 286 Chang, W. 303 Chang, Y. 20 Chang, Y. 19 Chang, Y. 553 Changalvaie, B. 197 Changalvaie, B. 291 Charbonneau, P. 315 Chatterjee, P. 103 Chatterjee, P. 221 Chedozeau, N. 579 Chen, C. 394 Chen, C.V. 465 Chen, C.V. 468 Chen, D. 118 Chen, D. 243 Chen, D. 403 Chen, H. 403 Chen, I. 581 Chen, L. 34 Chen, R. 194 Chen, R. 273 Chen, W. 153 Chen, W. 328 Chen, Y. 372 Chen, Y. 534 Chen, Y. 360 Cheng, C. 543 Cheng, S. 413 Cheng, S. 428 Cheng, X. 275 Cheng, Z. 15 Cheng, Z. 369 Cheong, F. 477 Chepyala, R. 296 Chern, M. 399 Chernyshova, I. 150

Chiang, Y. 234 Chichibu, S.F. 143 Chien, F. 372 Chien, W. 372 Chilkoti, A. 33 Chilkoti, A. 147 Chittigori, J. 242 Chiu, J. 215 Cho, J. 188 Cho, N. 522 Choi, F. 6 Choi, J. 392 Choi, P. 554 Choi, S. 540 Choi, W. 395 Chou, C. 372 Choudhary, S. 571 Chun, J. 92 Clark, H. 303 Clarke, L. 316 Clay, M. 450 Clegg, P. 102 C Nalam, P. 360 Cohen, I. 111 Cohen, Y. 514 Cohen Stuart, M. 253 Coll, J. 123 Collins, C. 489 Collins, J. 535 Colombo, G. 170 Colosqui, C.E. 439 Colter, M. 215 Comfort, K. 488 Coniglio, A. 276 Connolly, L. 190 Conrad, J. 12 Conrad, J. 127 Conrad, J. 194 Conrad, J. 317 Conrad, J. 478 Conrad, J. 487 Consilvio, A. 468 Cook, B.J. 557 Cooper, M. 263

Coquet, C. 579 Corcoran, T. 168 Corcoran, T. 441 Cordova-Figueroa, U.M. 36 Cordova-Figueroa, U.M. 120 Cordova-Figueroa, U.M. 502 Cordovez, B. 537 Corti, D.S. 354 Corti, D.S. 474 Coughlan, A. 314 Cowan, M. 142 Cracknell, R.B. 137 Creasy, W. 435 Cremaldi, J. 344 Crocker, J.C. 97 Crocker, J.C. 412 Crocker, J.C. 454 Crosby, A. 571 Cruz, R. 19 Cumbal, L.H. 52 Curri, V. 123 D'Angelo, P. 435 D'Angelo, P. 485 D’Souza, S. 296 Da, C. 96 Dacek, M. 215 Dacic, M. 522 Dagastine, R. 281 Dagastine, R. 451 Dagastine, R. 521 Dahiya, P. 283 Dai, Y. 120 Dandamudi, C. 96 Dandamudi, C. 197 Dani, A. 110 Daniel, D. 342 Dao, M.M. 329 Das, S. 206 Das, D. 270 Dasbiswas, K. 429 Davidovitch, B. 49 Davis, D. 282

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De, S. 56 de Bruin, A.G. 156 Defante, A. 341 de Folter, J. 409 Del Gado, E. 10 Del Gado, E. 323 Del Gado, E. 376 de Llergo, O. 15 Demirors, A.F. 388 Dennis, A.M. 399 Dennis, P. 536 de Puig Guixe, H. 43 de Puig Guixe, H. 126 de Puig Guixe, H. 493 Derry, M. 106 Derry, M. 332 DeSario, P.A. 148 Dhargalkar, P.P. 400 Dhinojwala, A.N. 341 Dhokai, S.D. 492 Dhong, C. 75 Dhong, C. 578 Dhopatkar, N. 341 Di, X. 322 Diao, Y. 159 Diao, Y. 64 Diaz A., J.A. 496 Dickey, M.D. 298 Dimitrakopoulos, C. 396 Ding, C. 120 Ding, R. 403 Dinic, J. 210 Dinic, J. 503 Dinsmore, T. 45 Dinsmore, T. 49 Dinsmore, T. 140 Diosady, L. 532 DiPaolo, B. 537 Discher, D.E. 561 Dixon, P. 189 Do, C. 331 Dobbs, H.A. 160 Docoslis, A. 308 Dokukin, M. 320

Domanov, Y. 524 Donaldson, S. 255 Dong, H. 143 Dong, H. 517 Dong, J. 354 Donovan, M. 524 Doyle, P.S. 34 Doyle, P.S. 119 Doyle, P.S. 163 Doyle, P.S. 325 Doyle, P.S. 366 Doyle, P.S. 375 Doyle, P.S. 562 Du, D. 89 Duan, G. 18 Dufficy, M. 443 Dufresne, E. 285 Dufresne, E. 347 Dukhin, A. 530 Dunér, G. 290 Dutcher, C. 301 Dutcher, C. 365 Dutta, S. 376 Duval, J. 253 Dyab, A.K. 107 Dyab, A.K. 462 Eagan, R.L. 476 Earhart, C. 537 Eastoe, J. 334 Eastoe, J. 513 Ebini, R.H. 13 Eelkema, R. 133 Egami, T. 328 Eggersdorfer, M. 237 Eggleton, C. 523 Eichhorn, B.W. 69 Elhag, A. 96 Elkamel, A. 166 Elliott, J.A. 292 Ellis, P. 20 Ellison, C.J. 197 El Seoud, O. 433 El Soda, M. 244 El Soda, M. 437

Emrick, T. 430 Erb, R. 495 Escobar IV, F. 509 Espinosa-Marzal, R.M. 71 Espinosa-Marzal, R.M. 159 Espinosa-Marzal, R.M. 360 Estrada, A. 503 Evans, B.A. 178 Extrand, C.W. 182 Extrand, C.W. 446 Fabris, L. 125 Fabry, B. 262 Faers, M. 14 Faez, S. 527 Faghihnejad, A. 74 Fairbrother, H. 79 Fairbrother, H. 338 Faivre, J. 157 Fajalia, A. 330 Falus, P. 11 Fan, A. 98 Fan, F.Y. 234 Fears, K. 69 Fei, Y. 197 Feng, J. 463 Feng, X. 142 Fernandez-Nieves, A. 19 Fernandez-Nieves, A. 20 Fernandez-Nieves, A. 280 Fernandez-Nieves, A. 472 Ferrari, A. 70 Ferreira Costa, D.F. 400 Fielding, L.A. 332 Findenegg, G. 526 Finkenauer, L. 231 Firoozabadi, A. 162 Firoozabadi, A. 167 Fitzpatrick, V. 538 Flytzani-Stephanopoulos, M. 336 Fong, A. 2 Foresti, D. 294 Fowler, J. 102 Fragkopoulos, A.A. 19

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Fragkopoulos, A.A. 280 Franses, E.I. 354 Franses, E.I. 474 Frechette, J. 75 Frechette, J. 76 Frechette, J. 578 Fredberg, J.J. 585 French, D. 102 Frenkel, A. 339 Frese, D. 293 Fried, E. 147 Fronczak, S. 354 Fu, J. 286 Fu, L. 315 Furst, E.M. 228 Furst, E.M. 544 Gad, A.P. 173 Ganesan, M. 309 Ganji, N. 362 Ganley, W. 545 Gao, P. 452 Gao, Y. 404 Garcia, A. 19 Gardel, M. 429 Garg, A. 389 Garg, A. 510 Gargava, A. 432 Garmann, R. 527 Garnier, G. 318 Garnier, G. 460 Garoff, S. 168 Garoff, S. 214 Garoff, S. 290 Garoff, S. 441 Garusinghe, U. 318 Garvey, C. 318 Garvey, C. 460 Gasser, U. 472 Gault, Z. 246 Gault, Z. 327 Gautam, A. 248 Ge, Y. 262 Gebbie, M. 160 Gehan, T.S. 277

Gehrke, L. 43 Gehrke, L. 126 Gehrke, L. 493 Geiger, M.T. 443 Geiger, M.T. 551 Geisel, K. 60 Gelb, L. 90 Ghosh, S. 284 Giasson, S. 588 Giavazzi, F. 88 Gilchrist, J.F. 568 Gilchrist, J.F. 570 Gilchrist, J.F. 582 Gilde, F. 538 Gill, G.A. 206 Gin, D. 142 Giordano, L. 70 Giraud, L. 588 Gleason, K. 2 Glorius, C. 110 Gobert, Z. 383 Godfrin, P.D. 11 Godfrin, P.D. 366 Godfrin, P.D. 562 Goel, S. 300 Goel, S. 471 Goktas, H. 2 Goldfain, A. 527 Goldfeld, D.J. 511 Goldmann, W. 262 Gomez-Marquez, J. 126 Goodwin, A.P. 490 Goodwin, D.G. 79 Gordon, V. 260 Gordon, V. 541 Gordon, W.O. 67 Gordon, W.O. 339 Govind Rajan, A. 54 Govind Rajan, A. 345 Graham, A.L. 90 Graham, M.D. 31 Graham, S. 193 Granick, S. 134 Grason, G. 49

Grassian, V.H. 66 Green, M. 53 Grest, G.S. 413 Grier, D.G. 305 Grier, D.G. 477 Grinstaff, M.W. 491 Grosenick, C.R. 428 Grosskopf, A.K. 198 Grzelakowski, M. 518 Grzybowski, B. 388 Guha, R. 212 Guha, R. 440 Guha, R. 510 Guido, S. 508 Guild, C. 418 Guillot, R. 123 Guillot, R. 538 Guilment, J. 579 Guitiérrez, R.A. 178 Gulati, S. 220 Gunlycke, D. 67 Guo, S. 524 Guo, X. 445 Gupta, A. 163 Gupta, A. 375 Gupta, S. 426 Hidrovo, C. 186 Haase, M. 22 Hai, M. 403 Hajizadeh, E. 533 Hall, C.K. 312 Hamad, E.Z. 84 Hamad-Schifferli, K. 43 Hamad-Schifferli, K. 126 Hamad-Schifferli, K. 493 Hamers, R.J. 78 Hamers, R.J. 80 Hamers, R.J. 152 Hamilton, W. 328 Hammer, D.A. 18 Han, J. 472 Han, K. 130 Han, M. 134 Han, S. 498

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Han, X. 277 Han, Y. 331 Hann, S.D. 469 Harada, T. 84 Harbottle, D. 384 Harbottle, D. 420 Harbottle, D. 464 Harbottle, D. 542 Hardy, J.A. 396 Harshe, Y. 528 Hart, R. 537 Hashmi, S. 269 Hatch, H. 497 Hatton, T. 29 Hatton, T. 30 Hatton, T. 59 Hatton, T. 84 Hatton, T. 101 Hatton, T. 151 Hatton, T. 205 Hatton, T. 364 Hatton, T. 375 Hatton, T. 435 Hatton, T. 485 Hatzell, K.B. 190 Haun, J. 355 Haward, S.J. 233 Haward, S.J. 238 Haward, S.J. 299 Haward, S.J. 505 He, L. 583 He, W. 49 He, X. 499 He, Y. 360 Headrick, R.J. 57 Headrick, R.J. 507 Helal, A. 234 Helgeson, M.E. 62 Helgeson, M.E. 195 Helgeson, M.E. 435 Helgeson, M.E. 447 Hendriksen, W. 133 Henning, R. 396 Herman, E.S. 472

Heydrick, S. 531 Hiley, M. 493 Hill, C.L. 339 Hill, R.J. 132 Hilou, E. 89 Hirsa, A.H. 220 Hirsa, A.H. 256 Hirsa, A.H. 349 Hirsa, A.H. 350 Hlaing, E. 477 Ho, Y. 398 Hodgdon, T. 405 Hoek, E. 363 Hoff, D. 26 Hoffmann, P.M. 481 Höhler, R. 93 Holden, P. 460 Holdren, S. 69 Holt, S. 460 Holtze, C. 185 Hong, J. 215 Hong, K. 11 Hong, W. 45 Howard, M.P. 248 Hsiao, L.C. 325 Hsu, D. 6 Hu, H. 346 Hu, H. 566 Hu, Y. 65 Hua, X. 310 Huang, J. 33 Huang, X. 15 Huang, X. 369 Huang, Y. 236 Hudson, S.D. 11 Hudson, S.D. 425 Hudson, S.D. 497 Hudson, S.D. 504 Hudson, S.D. 573 Hull, T. 484 Hunter, T. 384 Hunter, T. 542 Hurrelbrink, D. 551 Hwang, H. 97

Iasella, S.V. 214 Ingber, M. 90 Inglefield Jr., D.L. 476 Intana, T. 230 Iordanov, I. 67 Iqbal, M. 96 Iqbal, M. 197 Irimia, D. 119 Isa, L. 105 Islam, S. 476 Israelachvili, J.N. 160 Israelachvili, J.N. 255 Israelachvili, J.N. 519 Israelachvili, J.N. 589 Issadore, D. 114 Iwashita, T. 328 Jackman, J. 522 Jacob, L.M. 80 Jafari, T. 418 Jain, A. 278 Jain, R. 302 Jaiswal, A. 271 Jalilvand, Z. 225 Jamali, S. 326 Jamali, V. 444 Jamison, T.F. 29 Jang, W. 18 Jang, W. 577 Janke, C. 206 Jankowska, K. 219 Jaromin, A. 172 Jeong, H. 114 Jezierska, J. 171 Jiang, L. 517 Jiang, Y. 99 Jimenez, L.N. 210 Jimenez, L.N. 503 Jimenez Angeles, F. 162 Jin, F. 452 Jin, M. 293 Jin, R. 592 Jin, Y. 232 Joh, D. 147 John, V.T. 267

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John, V.T. 288 John, V.T. 344 John, V.T. 359 Johnson, D.W. 436 Johnson, W.P. 9 Johnston, B. 430 Johnston, K.P. 96 Johnston, K.P. 197 Johnston, K.P. 291 Jokerst, N.M. 130 Joshi, K. 568 Joshi, K. 582 Joshi, Y.M. 278 Josserand, V. 123 Joy, M. 570 Kaganyuk, M. 108 Kah, J.C. 398 Kalantar, T. 100 Kalantar, T. 421 Kalaparthi, V. 320 Kalaparthi, V. 419 Kalasin, S. 259 Kalow, J.A. 30 Kamm, R. 398 Kamyabi, N. 200 Kang, J. 395 Kanie, K. 143 Kar, A. 510 Karg, M. 21 Karim, M. 36 Karim, M. 502 Karwacki, C.J. 67 Karwacki, C.J. 339 Kasemo, B. 522 Kashi, R.S. 562 Kasimbeg, P. 477 Kastilani, R. 58 Katepalli, H. 101 Katepalli, H. 364 Kaufman, G. 549 Kaufman, Y. 519 Kaur, K. 379 Keating, C.D. 415 Kegel, W. 133

Kelkar, A. 474 Kelleher, C. 272 Kender, R. 62 Khair, A. 390 Khajehpour Tadavani, S. 284 Khan, E. 242 Khan, I.A. 362 Khan, S. 443 Khan, S. 551 Khan, S. 481 Khare, K.S. 145 Khoshnood, A. 167 Kim, D. 346 Kim, D. 566 Kim, H. 392 Kim, H. 393 Kim, H. 393 Kim, J. 119 Kim, J. 127 Kim, J. 249 Kim, J. 378 Kim, J. 473 Kim, J. 498 Kim, J. 393 Kim, J. 62 Kim, S. 135 Kim, S. 392 Kim, S. 393 Kim, S. 188 Kim, Y. 4 Kim, Y. 141 Kirby, B. 295 Kirby, S.M. 466 Kita-Tokarczyk, K. 518 Klapp, S. 312 Klein, E.D. 494 Kleinerman, O. 57 Kleinerman, O. 386 Klotsa, D. 132 Knapp, E. 227 Knox, C. 67 Koehler, S. 246 Koenig, P. 423

Kogler, F. 312 Koifman, N. 201 Kojima, K. 143 Kolewe, K.W. 259 Kolewe, K.W. 396 Kong, Y. 463 Koo, H. 188 Koo, P. 577 Kooijman, E.E. 357 Koplik, J. 35 Koplik, J. 46 Koplik, J. 501 Kota, A.K. 343 Kotov, N. 26 Kotov, N. 417 Kourentzi, K. 127 Kramer, P. 455 Krekelberg, W. 497 Kresse, K. 179 Kresse, K. 461 Kretzschmar, I. 207 Kretzschmar, I. 225 Kretzschmar, I. 227 Kretzschmar, I. 289 Kretzschmar, I. 501 Krishnamoorti, R. 317 Kristiansen, K. 255 Krug, J. 383 Kuang, Z. 135 Kubilius, M. 515 Kuech, T. 80 Kuei, S. 199 Kuei, S. 313 Kühnemuth, R. 377 Kumacheva, E. 229 Kumacheva, E. 250 Kumar, A. 169 Kumar, A. 543 Kumar, B. 52 Kumar, J. 242 Kumar, M. 510 Kumar, N. 288 Kumar, N. 525 Kuo, L. 206

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Kuo, T. 100 Kuo, T. 421 Kwak, R. 395 Ladshaw, A. 206 Ladshaw, A. 265 Lahini, Y. 527 Lahti, P.M. 277 Lal, J. 267 Large, N. 245 Large, N. 556 Larson, R.G. 32 Larson, R.G. 410 Larson, R.G. 411 Larson, R.G. 423 Larson, R.G. 533 Larson-Smith, K. 42 Lascaris, E. 273 Lattuada, M. 528 Lautscham, L. 262 Lavasanifar, A. 561 Lavaud, J. 123 Lavrentovich, O. 23 Lazouskaya, V. 232 Leblanc, R.M. 213 Le Bouedec, G.M. 136 Lee, D. 18 Lee, D. 22 Lee, D. 114 Lee, D. 204 Lee, D. 469 Lee, D. 543 Lee, D. 255 Lee, D. 519 Lee, H. 393 Lee, H. 392 Lee, H. 393 Lee, H. 163 Lee, J.W. 384 Lee, J. 96 Lee, J. 197 Lee, J. 507 Lee, K.C. 540 Lee, L. 38 Lee, S. 395

Lee, S. 319 Lee, W.J. 249 Lee, Y. 42 Leger, L. 579 Leheny, R. 81 Leon Gibbons, L. 516 Letteri, R.A. 430 Levi, A. 511 Lewinska, A. 171 Lewinska, A. 172 Lewis, J. 189 Lewis, J. 234 Lewis, J. 294 Li, A. 33 Li, D. 42 Li, J. 482 Li, K. 174 Li, L. 242 Li, N. 219 Li, S. 543 Li, X. 267 Li, X. 359 Li, Y. 229 Liao, W. 206 Liberis, I. 282 Liberman, L. 57 Liberman, L. 386 Likos, C. 427 Lim, S. 104 Lin, L. 415 Lin, N. 111 Lin, P. 372 Lin, Y. 262 Lindberg, S. 87 Linder, S. 2 Lindner, P. 21 Liu, J. 336 Liu, P. 409 Liu, P. 555 Liu, Q. 552 Liu, Y. 430 Liu, Y. 297 Liu, Y. 548 Liu, Y. 465

Liu, Y. 11 Liu, Y. 328 Lock, J. 356 Long, J. 69 Long, T. 501 Lopez, G. 33 Lopez, G. 130 Lopez, G. 178 Lopez, G. 315 Lopez, G. 406 Lopez, J.M. 220 Lopez, J.M. 256 Lopez, J.M. 349 Lopez, J.M. 350 Lough, E. 196 Lovett, J. 137 Lovett, J. 512 Lucci, F. 244 Lucci, F.R. 437 Luengo, G.S. 524 Luengo, G.S. 592 Luijten, E. 134 Lund, R. 517 Lundin, J. 67 Luo, Y. 218 Luo, Y. 50 Luther, E. 400 Lutkenhaus, J. 56 Lutkenhaus, J.L. 251 Lutkenhaus, J.L. 352 Lynn, D.M. 445 Lyon, L.A. 472 Lyu, X. 252 Lyu, X. 459 Ma, A.W. 507 Ma, H. 174 Ma, T. 224 Maass, C. 500 Mable, C. 332 MacPherson, D.J. 396 Mahadevan, L. 408 Mahavadi, S. 99 Mahynski, N.A. 427 Mako, N.R. 259

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Maksymovych, P. 337 Maldarelli, C. 46 Maldarelli, C. 35 Maldarelli, C. 110 Maldarelli, C. 434 Malek, N.I. 433 Malo de Molina, P. 195 Maloney, C. 495 Malotky, D. 547 Mann, E. 357 Manna, U. 445 Manoharan, V. 408 Manoharan, V. 439 Manoharan, V. 494 Manoharan, V. 527 Mansard, V. 421 Mansour, H.M. 560 Mao, A. 241 Mao, A. 263 Mao, J. 153 Mao, J. 511 Mao, X. 151 Mao, X. 205 Marciel, A. 431 Marcinkowski, M. 244 Marcinkowski, M. 437 Maroni, P. 154 Maroudas, D. 277 Marquez, S. 15 Marquez, S. 19 Marquez, S. 369 Martin, J. 226 Martin, M.R. 193 Martinez, C. 120 Martinsson, E. 245 Mason, T.G. 374 Matsubara, M. 143 Mattheolabakis, G. 400 Mattus, C. 387 Mayer, T.S. 415 Mayes, R.T. 206 McBride, S.A. 220 McBride, S.A. 349 McCallister, R. 424

McElwee-White, L. 338 McEntee, M.L. 337 McFarlane, J. 387 McGarvey, D. 435 McGinley, J. 412 McKenzie, B.E. 136 McKinley, G. 234 McKinley, G. 326 McKinley, G. 505 McKinnon, D. 509 McLennan, J. 211 McLennan, J. 484 Mecca, J. 421 Meguerdichian, A. 418 Mehrabian, S. 165 Mehrabian, S. 380 Meissner, J. 526 Melby, E. 80 Memet, E. 408 Menachem, E. 142 Meng, X. 430 Mensch, A.C. 80 Menzel, A. 472 Mercier, C.L. 436 Meredith, J.C. 442 Mertz, A. 90 Metcalf, A. 301 Metzger, A. 343 Milam, V.T. 536 Miller, D. 23 Miller, D. 100 Miloh, T. 109 Min, Y. 520 Minchom, J. 351 Mirheydari, M. 357 Mitragotri, S. 195 Mitragotri, S. 558 Mittal, J. 497 Moaseri, E. 96 Moaseri, E. 197 Moaseri, E. 291 Moazzami Gudarzi, M. 154 Mochrie, S. 577 Mohajerani, F. 212

Mohajerani, F. 440 Mohamed, L.A. 107 Mohraz, A. 108 Mohraz, A. 324 Molaei, M. 81 Molaei, M. 454 Molinero, V. 169 Momani, B. 430 Montes Ruiz-Cabello, F. 25 Mooney, D.J. 263 Moore, H. 559 Moraca, G. 168 Moreno, N. 353 Morris, J. 92 Morris, J. 572 Morris, J.R. 339 Morris, T. 557 Movafaghi, S. 343 Mozaffari, A. 35 Mozaffari, A. 36 Muhich, C. 68 Mukhopadhyay, S. 549 Mulla, M. 391 Munroe, J. 284 Muramatsu, A. 143 Murphy, C.J. 80 Musgrave, C. 68 Muth, J. 189 Myerson, A.S. 366 Myint, K. 351 Mykhaylyk, O. 332 Nagabandi, N. 55 Nagarajan, R. 361 Nagarajan, R. 435 Nagarajan, R. 450 Nagarajan, R. 485 Naik, R.R. 135 Naik, R.R. 536 Nair, P. 561 Nam, J. 285 Nap, R.J. 531 Narayanan, S. 577 Naumann, C. 262

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Nava Medina, I. 369 Nawar, S. 237 Nayani, K. 286 Neimark, A.V. 257 Nejati, S. 549 Nejati, S. 142 Nekouei, M. 115 Nekouei, M. 200 Nelson, D. 408 Neurock, M. 337 Newberg, J.T. 70 Ng, S. 300 Ng, S. 380 Ngai, T. 24 Ngai, T. 452 Nguyen, D. 237 Nguyen, T. 399 Nguyen, T. 62 Nhan, P. 398 Niepa, T.H. 81 Nikoubashman, A. 248 Nir-Shapira, M. 201 Noble, R. 142 Nordmark, B. 235 Noronha, S. 296 Nouraei, M. 402 Nouraei, M. 532 Nowak, M. 195 Nowbahar, A. 421 Nunes, J.K. 198 Nunes, J.K. 463 Nunes, J.K. 508 O'Neal, J. 202 Ocko, S. 116 Ogunyankin, M.. 28 Oh, C. 110 Ohiri, K. 178 Ohiri, K.A. 33 Ohiri, U. 130 Olivier, C. 123 Olmsted, P.D. 287 Olsen, B.D. 435 Omarova, M. 267 Omarova, M. 359

Oncsik, T. 25 Osuji, C.O. 142 Osuji, C.O. 322 Osuji, C. 549 Ouriemi, M. 47 Owens, C.E. 315 Owens, J. 435 Owoseni, O.G. 267 Owoseni, O.G. 359 Owrutsky, J. 69 Pacalin, N. 516 Pack, M. 566 Pack, M.Y. 346 Padmanabhan, P. 449 Padua, A. 54 Padua, A. 345 Paintrand, I. 538 Pairam, E. 280 Palantavida, S. 320 Palantavida, S. 416 Palantavida, S. 419 Palantavida, S. 483 Palantavida, S. 564 Palmer, J.C. 194 Palmer, J.C. 273 Panagiotopoulos, A. 247 Panagiotopoulos, A. 248 Panagiotopoulos, A. 427 Panyukov, S. 229 Park, J.O. 286 Park, N.Y. 12 Park, Y. 489 Park, Y. 531 Parkinson, D.Y. 190 Parlia, S. 530 Parviz, D. 53 Pashazanusi, L. 525 Pasquali, M. 57 Pasquali, M. 444 Pasquali, M. 507 Pastore, R. 88 Pastore, R. 276 Pathak, B. 565 Patra, P. 467

Paunov, V.N. 462 Pazmino, E.F. 9 Pazzi, J. 461 Peach, J.A. 334 Pedersen, J. 21 Pedersen, J.A. 80 Pednekar, S. 92 Peerzade, S.M. 564 Pegg, J. 513 Pehrsson, P. 67 Pelaez-Fernandez, M. 472 Penfold, N. 333 Penfold, N. 512 Peng, B. 416 Peng, B. 483 Perazzo, A. 508 Perez, E. 524 Perry, S.L. 396 Perry, S.L. 430 Perry, S.L. 516 Personick, M.L. 448 Persson, K. 590 Pesce, G. 276 Pesika, N. 344 Pesika, N. 525 Pesika, N. 586 Peterson, A.M. 459 Peterson, G.W. 67 Petukhov, A.V. 409 Peyrin, F. 123 Pham, A.T. 147 Phan, D. 79 Phelan, F.R. 145 Philips, L.A. 222 Philips, L.A. 305 Philips, L.A. 477 Philipse, A.P. 409 Philipse, A.P. 555 Phillips, K. 567 Pica Ciamarra, M. 276 Picart, C. 123 Picart, C. 538 Piel, B. 173 Piel, B. 203

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Pietron, J.J. 148 Pilkington, G.A. 76 Pincus, P. 158 Pine, D. 496 Plettinx, C. 123 Polak, R. 187 Polezhaev, A.V. 557 Poling-Skutvik, R. 127 Poling-Skutvik, R. 194 Poling-Skutvik, R. 317 Ponnurangam, S. 150 Porcar, L. 11 Porcar, L. 27 Porcar, L. 176 Porcar, L. 328 Porter, T. 196 Porter, T. 215 Potemkin, I. 21 Potemkin, I. 60 Pourmohammadbagher, A. 266 Pozzo, L.D. 42 Pozzo, L.D. 58 Pozzo, L.D. 335 Prasad, M. 63 Premasiri, R. 534 Prileszky, T.A. 228 Prileszky, T.A. 544 Prudhomme, R.K. 144 Prudhomme, R.K. 321 Prudhomme, R.K. 401 Prudhomme, R.K. 463 Prudhomme, R.K. 465 Prudhomme, R.K. 468 Przybycien, T.M. 168 Przybycien, T.M. 214 Przybycien, T.M. 235 Przybycien, T.M. 290 Przybycien, T.M. 441 Qian, Y. 455 Qingming, M. 185 Qu, L. 246 Qu, X. 403 Rachman, I.M. 492

Radhakrishna, M. 430 Rafiq, R. 381 Raghavan, S.R. 368 Raghavan, S.R. 370 Raghavan, S.R. 432 Raghunandan, A. 256 Raghunandan, A. 350 Raghuwanshi, V. 460 Raghuwanshi, V. 318 Rahmani, A.M. 439 Rai, P. 173 Rai, P. 203 Rai, P. 304 Ramachandran, A. 77 Ramachandran, A. 217 Ramachandran, A. 229 Ramachandran, A. 300 Ramachandran, A. 471 Ram-On, M. 514 Rani, S. 70 Ranka, M. 83 Rao, C.V. 112 Rasheed, F. 350 Rasmuson, J.A. 3 Ratcliffe, L.P. 106 Ratcliffe, L.P. 136 Ratcliffe, L.P. 137 Rathee, V. 574 Raveendran, J. 308 Raverty, W. 460 Razavi, S. 289 Razavi, S. 479 Razavilar, N. 554 Razi, M. 470 Redeker, C. 414 Redondo, A. 90 Reed, E. 18 Reinhart, W.F. 247 Renna, L. 277 Restagno, F. 579 Reyes, C. 315 Reynaud, E. 591 Rezvantalab, H. 32 Rezvantalab, H. 411

Rheingold, A.L. 553 Richards, J. 216 Richards, J. 576 Richtering, W. 21 Richtering, W. 60 Riggleman, R. 97 Rivera, D. 486 Rodriguez, J. 418 Rogers, S.A. 27 Rogers, S.A. 176 Rogers, W. 494 Rokhlenko, Y. 549 Rolison, D.R. 148 Romeis, D. 253 Rose, P. 211 Rotello, V.M. 140 Routh, A.F. 582 Rovigatti, L. 427 Royer, J.R. 573 Rubinstein, M. 229 Rubinstein, M. 406 Rubio, A. 191 Ruckh, T. 303 Rudolf, A. 21 Rudolf, A. 60 Ruffner, D.B. 222 Ruffner, D.B. 305 Ruffner, D.B. 477 Rühs, P. 105 Rupp, B. 310 Russell, T.P. 577 Ruths, M. 590 Ruths, M. 591 Ruths, M. 592 Rutkevicius, M. 51 Rutledge, G. 205 Rutledge, G.C. 151 Rymaruk, M.j. 106 Sabaraya, I.V. 270 Sabarirajan, D.C. 192 Sachan, A. 422 Sachan, A. 540 Safari, M. 478 Safari, M. 487

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Saito, T. 206 Saleh, N.B. 270 Salipante, P. 504 Salvi, C. 459 Salzano, G. 400 Sammalkorpi, M. 251 Sammalkorpi, M. 352 Samudrala, N. 285 Sancaktar, E. 580 Sandman, D.J. 242 Sandy, A. 577 Sanedrin, R.J. 293 Sanford, S.P. 349 Sanggo, J.E. 209 Santo, K.P. 82 Santore, M.M. 259 Santore, M.M. 307 Santos, H. 403 Sarfati, R. 285 Sarfati, R. 407 Sarisozen, C. 400 Sarisozen, C. 492 Sariyer, O. 229 Sarker, M.M. 104 Sasso, A. 276 Saunders, B. 137 Schaeffer, D. 387 Schall, P. 111 Schatz, G.C. 245 Schatz, G.C. 556 Scheithauer, C. 293 Schiffman, J.D. 259 Schiffman, J.D. 396 Schiffman, J.D. 430 Schmid, A. 21 Schmidt, D.F. 591 Schmidt, M. 527 Schmitt, A. 421 Schofield, A. 102 Schonke, J. 147 Schroeder, C.M. 112 Schroer, J. 291 Schroyen, B. 575 Schulte, F. 60

Schultz, K. 87 Schultz, K. 509 Schweigert, I. 67 Scotti, A. 472 Seeman, D. 425 Seeman, N.C. 499 Seeman, N.C. 500 Seidel, C. 377 Sen, A. 440 Senanayake, S.D. 418 Senko, A. 303 Seo, S. 519 Seraji, S. 418 Serpe, M. 268 Serpe, M. 404 Serra, F. 50 Sethna, J. 111 Seto, R. 147 Sha, R. 499 Sha, R. 500 Shahjamali, M.M. 245 Shahjamali, M.M. 556 Shamsi, M.H. 397 Shamsi, R. 430 Shan, J. 336 Shardt, N. 292 Shardt, O. 5 Shardt, O. 8 Sharifi-Mood, N. 22 Sharifi-Mood, N. 36 Sharifi-Mood, N. 81 Sharma, R. 441 Sharma, S.K. 213 Sharma, V. 37 Sharma, V. 95 Sharma, V. 210 Sharma, V. 353 Sharma, V. 381 Sharma, V. 503 Sharma, Y. 239 Shave, M. 307 Shaw, J.M. 266 Shay, T. 298 Shen, A.Q. 233

Shen, A.Q. 238 Shen, A.Q. 299 Shen, A.Q. 505 Shen, V. 497 Sheng, Y. 24 Shenoy, A. 112 Sherman, Z.M. 131 Shi, C. 73 Shi, C. 74 Shields, C.W. 130 Shields, W. 33 Shields, W. 178 Shields, W. 315 Shilts, K. 262 Shin, J. 263 Shin, J. 28 Shin, K. 378 Shin, S. 5 Shin, S. 8 Shin, S. 463 Shinohara, Y. 529 Shirman, T. 240 Shoaib, M. 166 Shoaib, T. 360 Shojaei-Zadeh, S. 48 Shojaei-Zadeh, S. 282 Shrestha, B. 157 Shukla, A. 258 Shukla, A. 458 Shukla, A. 550 Shum, A. 482 Shum, A. 190 Shum, H. 185 Siegenthaler, J. 486 Silvera-Batista, C. 385 Simeon, F. 84 Sing, C.E. 430 Singh, H. 100 Singh, R. 215 Sisco, P. 2 Sivik, M.R. 405 Skipwith, C. 303 Skomski, D. 557 Sletten, E.M. 30

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Slocik, J. 135 Smallridge, M.J. 137 Smith, A. 332 Smith, B.D. 383 Smith, K.A. 557 Smith, K.C. 234 Snow, T. 156 Snyder, M.A. 570 So, R. 209 Soheilian, R. 311 Soheilian, R. 495 Sokolov, I. 320 Sokolov, I. 416 Sokolov, I. 419 Sokolov, I. 483 Sokolov, I. 564 Sokolov, K. 291 Solomon, M.J. 85 Solomon, M.J. 309 Solomon, M.J. 385 Solomon, M.J. 479 Somasundaran, P. 150 Somasundaran, P. 467 Sommer, J. 253 Son, S. 392 Song, J. 86 Song, K. 98 Song, K. 187 Song, Y. 185 Sorensen, C.M. 13 Spaepen, F. 274 Spencer, J. 338 Spicer, P.T. 86 Spicer, P.T. 283 Squires, T. 86 Squires, T. 421 Squires, T. 475 Squires, T. 540 Srajer, V. 396 Sresht, V. 30 Sresht, V. 54 Sresht, V. 345 Sridhar, S. 39 Srinivasan, R. 450

Srinivasarao, M. 286 Srivastava, S. 511 Stammitti, A. 161 Stammitti, A. 164 Stebe, K.J. 22 Stebe, K.J. 44 Stebe, K.J. 50 Stebe, K.J. 81 Stebe, K.J. 204 Stebe, K.J. 219 Stebe, K.J. 469 Stetten, A.Z. 168 Stevens, M.J. 413 Stevens, M.J. 428 Stevenson, W. 143 Stolaroff, J. 237 Stolzoff, M. 563 Stone, H.A. 5 Stone, H.A. 8 Stone, H.A. 198 Stone, H.A. 463 Stone, H.A. 465 Stone, H.A. 508 Stout, R.F. 390 Stoyanov, S.D. 463 Strano, M. 54 Strano, M. 345 Stroud, R.M. 148 Studart, A. 105 Stutt, A. 305 Style, R. 285 Su, J. 460 Su, X. 29 Su, Y. 453 Subramaniam, A. 296 Subramaniam, A. 179 Subramaniam, A. 461 Sui, S. 396 Suib, S.L. 418 Sumaiti, A.A. 166 Sun, G. 24 Sun, M. 291 Sun, T. 232 Sun, Y. 346

Sun, Y. 566 Sun, Y. 49 Suteria, N.S. 426 Suthanthiraraj, P.P. 315 Swager, T.M. 30 Swager, T.M. 208 Swan, J.W. 16 Swan, J.W. 131 Swan, J.W. 306 Swift, M.R. 132 Sykes, E.H. 244 Sykes, E.H. 437 Szakasits, M. 85 Szilagyi, I. 25 Szleifer, I. 531 Tabatabai, A.P. 367 Tabeling, P. 113 Taboada-Serrano, P. 348 Tabor, R. 65 Tait, S.L. 557 Talmon, Y. 57 Talmon, Y. 201 Talmon, Y. 386 Talmon, Y. 514 Tam, J. 126 Tamada, K. 143 Tang, E. 221 Tang, W. 337 Tang, X. 423 Tang, Y. 552 Tanjeem, N. 408 Tapp, M. 536 Tardy, B. 521 Tasker, A. 583 Taslimi, F. 324 Taylor, M. 489 Taylor, P. 102 Teale, S. 45 Tempas, C. 557 ten Napel, D.N. 555 Terdik, Z. 274 Terdik, Z. 327 Tervoort, E. 105 Texeira, F. 351

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Thayumanavan, S. 61 Therrien, A. 244 Therrien, A. 438 Thompson, K.L. 106 Thota, S. 242 Tian, W. 205 Tilton, M.J. 173 Tilton, M.J. 203 Tilton, R.D. 168 Tilton, R.D. 214 Tilton, R.D. 235 Tilton, R.D. 236 Tilton, R.D. 290 Tilton, R.D. 441 Timonen, J. 342 Timonen, J.V. 388 Tirandazi Khalilabad, P. 186 Tirrell, M.V. 153 Tirrell, M.V. 158 Tirrell, M.V. 431 Tirrell, M.V. 511 Tirrell, M.V. 516 Tong, X. 70 Torchilin, V.P. 400 Torchilin, V.P. 492 Torelli, M.D. 80 Torosian, S. 2 Torres Diaz, I. 310 Tousley, M. 142 Trabuco, J.R. 127 Trauscht, J. 9 Trefalt, G. 25 Trefalt, G. 154 Trinh, K. 405 Tristram-Nagle, S.A. 168 Trout, B.D. 366 Truskett, T. 291 Tsao, J. 587 Tsentalovich, D.E. 57 Tsentalovich, D.E. 507 Tsianou, M. 330 Tsikudo, E.G. 492 Tsouris, C. 4

Tsouris, C. 206 Tsouris, C. 265 Tsouris, C. 387 Tu, R.S. 227 Tu, R.S. 358 Tu, R.S. 515 Tufenkji, N. 177 Tung, S. 26 Ulijn, R. 138 Ulijn, R. 434 Underhill, P. 103 Underhill, P. 221 Underhill, P. 256 Underhill, P. 455 Ungar, G. 143 Urbach, J.S. 574 Utech, S. 263 Vaccari, L. 81 Vaid, Z.S. 433 Vaikuntanathan, S. 429 Vakili, M. 561 Valtiner, M. 160 Vanapalli, S. 426 Vanapalli, S.A. 115 Vanapalli, S.A. 200 Vanapalli, S.A. 394 van der Schoot, P. 444 van Duijneveldt, J. 14 van Duijneveldt, J. 545 VanDyke, D. 304 van Esch, J. 133 Van Hooghten, R. 254 van Megen, J. 377 Vannozzi, C. 546 Van Puyvelde, P. 575 van Ravensteijn, B. 133 Varga, Z. 16 Vartanian, A. 80 Vekilov, P.G. 478 Vekilov, P.G. 487 Velegol, D. 212 Velegol, D. 389 Velegol, D. 440 Velegol, D. 510

Velev, O.D. 51 Velev, O.D. 128 Velev, O.D. 130 Velev, O.D. 298 Velev, O.D. 312 Velev, O.D. 476 Vélez, J. 430 Velikov, K. 91 Velikov, K. 373 Velikov, K.P. 51 Velpurisiva, P. 203 Venkataraman, D. 277 Venkatesh, V. 376 Vermant, J. 170 Vermant, J. 254 Vermant, J. 575 Virtanen, O. 60 Vishnyakov, A. 82 Vishnyakov, A. 224 Vishnyakov, A. 257 Vivek, S. 272 Vlahakis, J. 192 Vlahovska, P.M. 47 von Rybinski, W. 377 Vovchok, D. 418 Vuong, S. 579 Wagner, G.W. 67 Wagner, N.J. 11 Wagner, N.J. 27 Wagner, N.J. 176 Wagner, N.J. 216 Wagner, N.J. 576 Waite, H. 519 Walker, L. 117 Walker, L. 329 Walker, L. 466 Walker, T. 353 Wallace, J. 69 Walters, M.A. 553 Wang, A. 439 Wang, C. 180 Wang, C. 305 Wang, C. 382 Wang, C. 72

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Wang, C. 336 Wang, E. 559 Wang, G. 306 Wang, H. 241 Wang, J. 363 Wang, J. 337 Wang, K. 34 Wang, K. 585 Wang, K. 361 Wang, M. 355 Wang, R. 480 Wang, R. 430 Wang, T. 218 Wang, W. 343 Wang, X. 23 Wang, X. 141 Wang, Y. 328 Wang, Y. 26 Wang, Y. 412 Wang, Y. 364 Wang, Y. 75 Wang, Y. 364 Wang, Y. 396 Wang, Z. 184 Wang, Z. 328 Wang, Z. 480 Wang, Z. 257 Wang, Z. 244 Ward, M.D. 305 Warren, N. 106 Warren, N. 137 Warren, N. 332 Warren, N. 512 Warren, N. 559 Warren, P.B. 5 Warren, P.B. 8 Wasik, P. 414 Weaver, M.R. 423 Weber, A.Z. 190 Webster, M. 207 Webster, T.J. 40 Webster, T.J. 563 Weeks, E.R. 272 Wehrman, M. 87

Wei, J. 300 Wei, T. 234 Weidlich, S. 527 Weigandt, K. 424 Weigandt, K. 367 Weigandt, K. 425 Weightman, R. 559 Weimer, A.W. 68 Weimer, J.J. 584 Weir, R. 48 Weirich, K. 429 Weitz, D. 116 Weitz, D. 118 Weitz, D. 237 Weitz, D. 241 Weitz, D. 243 Weitz, D. 246 Weitz, D. 263 Weitz, D. 274 Weitz, D. 327 Weitz, D. 403 Weldon, A.L. 582 Werner, C. 253 Weston, J.S. 425 White, J. 33 White, R.D. 192 Wiechert, A. 206 Wiechert, A. 387 Wiesenauer, B. 142 Wiles, H. 100 Wiley, B.J. 315 Wilk, K.A. 171 Wilkinsion, B. 65 Wilkinson, N. 365 Willers, T. 293 Williams, C.N. 106 Williams, C.N. 136 Williams, D.D. 343 Williams, J.D. 343 Williams, M. 333 Williamson, J.J. 287 Willson, R.C. 127 Wilusz, E. 435 Wilusz, E. 485

Winkler, N. 207 Winter, H. 430 Wisman, D. 557 Woish, L. 189 Wolfe, D. 383 Wong, J.Y. 531 Wong, K.K. 177 Wood, D. 140 Wood, J.A. 308 Wood, A. 559 Worthen, A. 96 Wu, H. 414 Wu, J. 246 Wu, M. 539 Wu, Y. 338 Wynne, J.H. 67 Xi, A. 362 Xi, Y. 335 Xia, Z. 79 Xiang, J. 23 Xiao, X. 190 Xu, Q. 121 Xu, Q. 347 Xu, X. 591 Xu, X. 592 Xu, Z. 552 Xuan, S. 359 Xue, Z. 96 Yabuki, J. 143 Yadavali, S. 114 Yan, J. 134 Yan, J. 463 Yang, H. 41 Yang, M. 336 Yang, W. 353 Yang, Y. 129 Yang, Y. 310 Yang, Y. 474 Yates, J.T. 337 Yegin, C. 55 Yellen, B. 147 Yellen, B. 178 Yen, C. 126 Yeom, B. 26

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Yeom, J. 417 Yeon, H. 72 Yethiraj, A. 284 Yi, Z. 452 Yiacoumi, S. 4 Yiacoumi, S. 206 Yiacoumi, S. 265 Yiacoumi, S. 387 Yildirim, E. 251 Yildiz, H. 356 Yilixiati, S. 37 Yilixiati, S. 95 Yilixiati, S. 381 Yodh, A.G. 279 Yorulmaz, S. 522 Yossifon, G. 109 Youngblood, J.P. 120 Yousefi, N. 177 Yu, J. 531 Yu, J. 153 Yu, K. 420 Yu, K. 464 Yu, Y. 124 Yu, Y. 261 Zaccone, A. 349 Zachariah, M.R. 69 Zanini, M. 105 Zaraee, N. 245 Zaraee, N. 556 Zarate-Munoz, S. 351 Zarate-Munoz, S. 371 Zarket, B.C. 368 Zarzar, L.D. 30 Zasadzinski, J.A. 28 Zasadzinski, J.A. 422 Zasadzinski, J.A. 540 Zauscher, S. 33 Zeng, H. 73 Zeng, H. 74 Zeng, H. 539 Zeng, P.C. 349 Zeng, X. 143 Zenyuk, I.V. 190 Zenyuk, I.V. 192

Zhang, B. 275 Zhang, C. 434 Zhang, D. 359 Zhang, H. 539 Zhang, H. 403 Zhang, H. 384 Zhang, H. 420 Zhang, H. 464 Zhang, L. 181 Zhang, L. 122 Zhang, L. 241 Zhang, M. 195 Zhang, M. 581 Zhang, Q. 208 Zhang, R. 251 Zhang, R. 352 Zhang, W. 243 Zhang, W. 403 Zhang, W. 85 Zhang, X. 403 Zhang, Y. 456 Zhang, Y. 251 Zhang, Y. 352 Zhang, Y. 442 Zhang, Y. 499 Zhang, Y. 33 Zhang, Y. 37 Zhang, Y. 95 Zhang, Y. 381 Zhang, Y. 520 Zhang, Y. 359 Zhang, Y. 410 Zhang, Z. 489 Zhao, J. 506 Zhao, Q. 519 Zhao, Y. 238 Zharov, I. 139 Zhdanov, V. 522 Zhong, X. 305 Zhou, Y. 542 Zhu, Z. 223 Zhu, Z. 506 Zhuo, R. 499 Zia, R. 449

Zia, R. 453 Ziegler, L. 534 Zimmermann, R. 253 Zou, W. 423

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CSSS Locations Highlighted

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Science Center 1st Floor Halls A and B

Science Center Basement Hall E and Room B10

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Science Center 3rd Floor Rooms 309 and 309a

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Pierce Hall Rooms 209 and 301

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Jefferson Lab Rooms 250, 256 and 356

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Maxwell Dworkin 1st Floor MD 119

Maxwell Dworkin Ground Floor MD G115 and MD G125

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Mallinckrodt Lab Room B23

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91st ACS

Colloid & Surface

Science Symposium J u l y 9 t h - 1 2 t h , 2 0 1 7

The City College of New York Plenary Speakers

Kathleen J. Stebe

Richer and Elizabeth Goodwin


Department of Chemical and

Biomolecular Engineering

University of Pennsylvania

Markus Antonietti

Director for Colloid Chemistry

Max Planck Institute of Colloids

and Interfaces

Symposium Co-Chairs

Ilona Kretzschmar

[email protected]

George John

[email protected]

Raymond S. Tu

[email protected]

Important Dates

Abstract Deadline

April 15, 2017

Registration Open

February 15, 2017



Symposium Administrator Annette Pineda

[email protected]

Technical Sessions & Organizers

Electrokinetics and Microfluidics

Kyle Bishop | Penn State

Aditya Khair| Carnegie Mellon University

Patchy and Active Colloids

Ubaldo M Cordova Figueroa | University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez

Jacinta Conrad | University of Houston

Polymers and Biomacromolecules at Interfaces

Pinar Akcora | Stevens Institute of Technology

Tonya Kuhl | UC Davis

Directed and Self-Assembly at the Molecular Scale

Rein Ulijn |CUNY ASRC

Lorraine Leon |U Chicago

Directed and Self-Assembly at the Colloidal Scale

Ning Wu | Colorado School of Mines

Lisa Biswal | Rice University

Colloid and Surface Forces

Ray Dagastine | University of Melbourne

Norma Alcantar | University of South Florida

Wetting and Adhesion

Noshir Pesika | Tulane

David Hu | Georgia Tech

Rheology and Dynamics

Todd Squires | UCSB

James Gilchrist | Lehigh University

Colloids and Surface Science in Medicine & Personal Care Products

Stephen Herman | New York Society for Cosmetic Chemists

Kaushal Rege | Arizona State University

Environmental Catalysis and Energy Science

Alissa Park | Columbia University

Feng Jiao | U Delaware

Particles at Interfaces

David Harbottle | University of Leeds

Daeyeon Lee | U Penn

Emulsions, Bubbles and Foams

Sven Behrens | Georgia Tech

Mark Bordon | University of Colorado Boulder

General Papers

Prajna Dhar |University of Kansas

Rosanna Zia |Cornell University