WEEKLY NEWSLETTER - Napier Cathedral · WEEKLY NEWSLETTER February x -Ordinary Sunday ... (Rev’ds...

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 7 February 2016 - Ordinary Sunday 5 8.00 am Eucharist Dean Michael Godfrey 10.00 am Eucharist with hymns Dean Michael Godfrey Ormond Chapel, Napier Terrace: 5.00 pm Sung Evensong Rev’d Graeme Pilgrim Please ensure all cellphones are switched OFF when in the Cathedral; if necessary, adjust hearing aids to the “Loop” system. A place of resurrection, life, and hope Low-Gluten wafers (below 20ppm) are now available - please advise the Presider, or one of the Welcoming team, if this is your dietary requirement. NOTE: Bell Tower and entrance are earthquake prone as assessed under the Building Act 2004 - use at your own risk! Prayer Cycles - we pray for ... Anglican Communion The Anglican Church of Canada; the Most Rev’d Frederick Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada Anglican Board of Missions The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea; the Most Rev’d Clyde Igara, Archbishop of PNG & Bishop of Dogura; and the bishops, clergy & people of five dioceses Diocese, Parish and Community Waiapu Bishop Andrew Hedge and family; Waiapu Dean Michael Godfrey; Waiapu Regional Deans (Rev’ds Adrienne Bruce, Stephen Donald, and David van Oeveren); and Ministry Educator, Rev’d Deborah Broome Diocese of Nelson, Bishop Richard Ellena; the clergy and people of Nelson Cathedral Parish Tauranga Parish, Rev’ds Paul & Dale Williamson, co-Vicars Te Puke Parish, Rev’d Ruth Dewdney, Vicar; Le’ota family Cathedral Parish gardeners, grounds & buildings mainte- nance committee and volunteers AAW at Ormond 2 Ash Wednesday & Lenten services 2 Sentence, Collect & Readings 3 Readings Comments 4 From Your Dean 5 A leer from Bishop Andrew Hedge 6 Coffee Club / Choir pracces resume 7 Lenten Study group / Charity Walk 7 Diary Dates / Next week / Directory 8 In this issue …

Transcript of WEEKLY NEWSLETTER - Napier Cathedral · WEEKLY NEWSLETTER February x -Ordinary Sunday ... (Rev’ds...

Page 1: WEEKLY NEWSLETTER - Napier Cathedral · WEEKLY NEWSLETTER February x -Ordinary Sunday ... (Rev’ds Adrienne Bruce, Stephen Donald, and David van Oeveren); and Ministry Educator,


7 February 2016 - Ordinary Sunday 5

8.00 am Eucharist Dean Michael Godfrey

10.00 am Eucharist with hymns Dean Michael Godfrey

Ormond Chapel, Napier Terrace:

5.00 pm Sung Evensong Rev’d Graeme Pilgrim

Please ensure all cellphones are switched OFF when in the Cathedral; if necessary, adjust hearing aids to the “Loop” system.

A place of resurrection, life, and hope

Low-Gluten wafers (below 20ppm) are now available - please advise the Presider, or one of the Welcoming team, if this is your dietary requirement.

NOTE: Bell Tower and entrance are earthquake prone as assessed under the Building Act 2004 - use at your own risk!

Prayer Cycles - we pray for ...

Anglican Communion

The Anglican Church of Canada; the Most Rev’d Frederick

Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada

Anglican Board of Missions

The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea; the Most Rev’d

Clyde Igara, Archbishop of PNG & Bishop of Dogura; and the

bishops, clergy & people of five dioceses

Diocese, Parish and Community

Waiapu Bishop Andrew Hedge and family;

Waiapu Dean Michael Godfrey; Waiapu Regional Deans

(Rev’ds Adrienne Bruce, Stephen Donald, and David van

Oeveren); and Ministry Educator, Rev’d Deborah Broome

Diocese of Nelson, Bishop Richard Ellena; the clergy and

people of Nelson Cathedral Parish

Tauranga Parish, Rev’ds Paul & Dale Williamson, co-Vicars

Te Puke Parish, Rev’d Ruth Dewdney, Vicar; Le’ota family

Cathedral Parish gardeners, grounds & buildings mainte-

nance committee and volunteers

AAW at Ormond 2

Ash Wednesday & Lenten services


Sentence, Collect & Readings


Readings Comments 4

From Your Dean 5

A letter from Bishop Andrew Hedge


Coffee Club / Choir practices resume


Lenten Study group / Charity Walk


Diary Dates / Next week / Directory


In this issue …

Page 2: WEEKLY NEWSLETTER - Napier Cathedral · WEEKLY NEWSLETTER February x -Ordinary Sunday ... (Rev’ds Adrienne Bruce, Stephen Donald, and David van Oeveren); and Ministry Educator,


Welcome to all who are worshipping

with us … especially if you are visit-

ing Napier or at the Cathedral for

the first time … you are invited to

join us for morning tea (or coffee!)

served at the back of the cathedral

following the 10am service.

At 4.00 pm this afternoon, the Envi-

ronment-Justice-Peace Network

meet in the Parish Lounge to plan

this year’s activities - all welcome.

At 5.00 pm this afternoon, a Sung

Evensong service at Ormond Chapel

on Napier Terrace - all welcome.


Association of Anglican Women Association of Anglican Women Association of Anglican Women FellowshipFellowshipFellowship

Monday 8th February, 7.00 pm at Ormond Chapel, Napier Terrace.

Judy Mills will give talk on the history of Ormond Chapel

OR Gail Pope will take a group on a short

visit to the Old Napier Cemetery. You choose!

Please note the change of time and venue!

For more information, please phone: Isobel 844-8252 or Kay 834-4096

The Offertory received at last Sunday’s Ecumenical Napier Inner City Churches Civic Service at St Thomas More Church was $481.10 and has been sent on as a donation to the Napier Women’s Refuge. Thank you.

ASH WEDNESDAY 10 February Services …

7.00 am - Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes, with Dean Michael Godfrey,

in the Aotearoa Chapel

10.00 am - Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes, with the Rev’d Dorothy

Brooker, at Ormond Chapel

7.00 pm - Ecumenical Ash Wednesday Service and Imposition of Ashes with Bishop Andrew Hedge and the Napier

Inner City Churches, in the Cathedral

If you have any palm crosses from last year’s Palm Sunday service,

please return them to the Cathedral so they can be burnt and the ashes used on Ash Wednesday. Thanks.



Wednesdays, 7.00 pm Wednesdays, 7.00 pm followed by light supperfollowed by light supper

10 February 10 February -- Cathedral Cathedral

(Ash Wednesday Imposition of Ashes)(Ash Wednesday Imposition of Ashes)

17 Feb 17 Feb -- St Paul’s PresbyterianSt Paul’s Presbyterian

24 Feb 24 Feb -- St Patrick’s CatholicSt Patrick’s Catholic

2 March 2 March -- Trinity MethodistTrinity Methodist

9 March 9 March -- Knox Presbyterian, AhuririKnox Presbyterian, Ahuriri

16 March 16 March -- St Thomas Moore, OnekawaSt Thomas Moore, Onekawa

Theme: Theme: Beacons of HopeBeacons of Hope

Rosters for March (including Easter) April & May are now being prepared ... please advise

Margaret in the Parish Office of any dates when you are unavailable for your usual rostered

duties. Thanks.

Page 3: WEEKLY NEWSLETTER - Napier Cathedral · WEEKLY NEWSLETTER February x -Ordinary Sunday ... (Rev’ds Adrienne Bruce, Stephen Donald, and David van Oeveren); and Ministry Educator,




Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, and was buried, and was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and appeared to many. 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4


Almighty and eternal God, it is your will to bring the whole creation into unity in Christ; grant that your Church may faithfully proclaim the Good News until all people are saved and the earth is full of your glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Isaiah 6: 1-8

1In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lofty; and the hem of his robe filled the temple.

2Seraphs were in attendance above him; each had six wings: with two they covered their faces, and with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew.

3And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.” 4The pivots on the thresholds shook at the voices of those who called, and the house filled with smoke. 5And I said: “Woe is me! I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips; yet my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!” 6Then one of the seraphs flew to me, hold-ing a live coal that had been taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. 7The seraph touched my mouth with it and said: “Now that this has touched your lips, your guilt has departed and your sin is blotted out.”

8Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!”

Psalm 138

1 I will give thanks to you O Lord with all my heart: before the gods I will sing your praises. 2 I will bow down toward your holy temple, and give thanks because of your love and faithfulness: for you have exalted your name and your word above all things. 3 On the day that I called, you answered me: and put new strength within me. 4 All the kings of the earth shall praise you O Lord: when they hear the words of your mouth. 5 They shall sing of the ways of the Lord: that the glory of the Lord is great. 6 For though Lord you are high, yet you care for the lowly: as for the proud, you humble them from afar. 7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble you keep me safe: you stretch out your hand against my enemies rage, and your right hand will save me. 8 You will fulfil your purpose for me, your love O Lord is everlasting: do not leave unfinished the work of your hands. 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11:

1Now I would remind you, brothers and sis-ters, of the good news that I proclaimed to you, which you in turn received, in which also you stand, 2through which also you are being saved, if you hold firmly to the mes-sage that I proclaimed to you—unless you have come to believe in vain. 3For I handed on to you as of first im-portance what I in turn had received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with

Page 4: WEEKLY NEWSLETTER - Napier Cathedral · WEEKLY NEWSLETTER February x -Ordinary Sunday ... (Rev’ds Adrienne Bruce, Stephen Donald, and David van Oeveren); and Ministry Educator,

the scriptures, 4and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day in ac-cordance with the scriptures, 5and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. 6Then he appeared to more than five hun-dred brothers and sisters at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have died. 7Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. 8Last of all, as to one un-timely born, he appeared also to me. 9For I am the least of the apostles, unfit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. 10But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me has not been in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them—though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me. 11Whether then it was I or they, so we pro-claim and so you have come to believe.

Luke 5: 1-11

1Once while Jesus was standing beside the lake of Gennesaret, and the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the word of God, 2he saw two boats there at the shore of the lake; the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. 3He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Si-mon, and asked him to put out a little way from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” 5Simon answered, “Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.” 6When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break. 7So they sig-nalled their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both boats, so that they began to sink.

But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down

at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” 9For he and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish that they had taken; and so al-so were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” 11When they had brought their boats to shore, they left everything and followed him.

Readings Comments ...

Isaiah 6: 1-8: Written in stylized form, Isai-ah’s call is a reminder to all of us of the am-bivalence of the touch of God. Must we be marked by the touch and demands of a God? Oftentimes life would seem so much easier without … and yet …

1 Corinthians 15: 1-11: Paul burned with the centrality of Christ in his life. But he burned too with the accusation of many that he was an inadequate bearer of the Christ message. Sure, he agreed. But aren’t we all? Our task is simply to stumble along, offering our uncool stumblings and stutter-ings in the service of the God of grace.

Luke 5: 1-11: When Jesus called the fishers at the Lake he called them above all to sur-render certainty. Enter the Way of the sur-prising God, be electrified by the God who turns expectations upside-down and replac-es rational certainties with holy madness.


From Deanly Delvings

Do not try to make the Bible relevant. Its rele-vance is axiomatic. Do not defend God’s Word, but testify to it. .. Trust to the Word. It is a ship loaded to the very limits of her capacity.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, quoted in Edward Bethge, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 362.

Page 5: WEEKLY NEWSLETTER - Napier Cathedral · WEEKLY NEWSLETTER February x -Ordinary Sunday ... (Rev’ds Adrienne Bruce, Stephen Donald, and David van Oeveren); and Ministry Educator,

From Your Dean…

For those of us still in the work force holidays

and the lazy hazy days of January rapidly fade

in to the recesses of memory, but they usually

work their magic long after the bottoms are

back at the work desk, the eyes at the comput-

er, or the hands at the controls.

Some great theologians, especially my fa-

vourites Moltmann and Cullmann, worked

hard at a theology of leisure. Based on the

first Genesis account of creation they recog-

nized God’s own blessing of rest, the Seventh

Day. Based on the Mosaic Laws (that is to say

the “Law of Moses”) they recognized that hu-

man beings, animals, and even the land need

rest and renewal.

Burn-out is an occupational hazard in many

fields. In particular there is much community

concern at present at the impossibly long

hours being demanded of hospital doctors and

emergency medical staff, but the concern is

applicable across a vast field of over-worked

men and women in the entire gamut of human

endeavour. To some extent the Protestant

work ethic, enshrined in capitalism, makes

matters worse: “time is money” can become

an evil mantra by which the few capitalize on

the desperate needs for work of the many.

As a countercultural community of Jesus we

must ensure we provide a different narrative.

Yet Jesus himself recognized a problem: the

harvest is great, but the labourers are few.

More and more tasks fall on fewer and fewer

lay-shoulders, while stipended clergy will of-

ten do their best to look (and sometimes be)

busier and busier in order to justify the sti-

pend (which is not a salary or a wage) with

which they are provided. In the conference I

attended in Colorado last October there was

much conversation about departures from the

institutional (including Pentecostal and

“protestant not otherwise defined”) Church,

as more and more laity and clergy alike gave

up or burned out under the weight of demand.

“Hello, are you new, welcome. would you go

on the toilet cleaning roster” happens, and

victims of that approach may never enter a

church again.

Answers? If we only knew. But I do think tak-

ing on more and more until we collapse in a

stew of resentment, whether clergy or laity, is

not the way of Christ and of the triune God.

Nor of course is shirking, but I’ve rarely en-

countered that amongst clergy or involved lai-


Renewal, then, is a healing gift of God.

“Come, oh Lord, renew the face of creation”

is a catch-cry of the psalmist (see Psalm 140).

George Herbert might well have written of

the Spirit’s gift of making drudgery divine,

but not of the curse of making that which is

divine a drudgery.

Welcome, then to 2016 post-January. I am of-

ten asked what my vision is for the cathedral.

It is not for clock-work precision but for com-

pelling, magnetic welcome in all we do. May

we together this year make our every action in

this place and faith-community a tale of wel-

come. Welcome to and in the foyer. Welcome

to and in the offices of Dean and others. Wel-

come to and in the complexities of worship.

Welcome to and in the community garden.

Welcome to and in the various forms of com-

munity involvement we undertake in the

name of Jesus. And welcome, too, to times

when we just laugh or cry or be still together.

Welcome 2016, and all who journey within

you in the sacred name of Jesus.

Oh, and if you want to know about my holi-

days, be prepared to be regaled with tales of

rain, of helicopter evacuations, of raging tor-

rents and endless waterfalls, and of indefati-

gable and immeasurably brave women (they

named themselves the “girl guides”), all on

the Milford Track.


Page 6: WEEKLY NEWSLETTER - Napier Cathedral · WEEKLY NEWSLETTER February x -Ordinary Sunday ... (Rev’ds Adrienne Bruce, Stephen Donald, and David van Oeveren); and Ministry Educator,


A message from the Right Reverend Andrew Hedge, Bishop of Waiapu ...

The Reverend Joe (Fr. Sio) Le’ota

It is with great sadness and with a profound sense of loss that I have to announce to the

Diocese that the Rev’d Joe Le’ota (also known to many as Father Sio) died suddenly on

Monday morning while on a visit to Auckland.

Joe has been a priest of Waiapu for over 30 years, beginning as a non-stipendiary priest

in the parish of Edgecumbe-Kawerau where he and Anne were farming subsequent to ar-

riving in New Zealand from Tonga where Joe taught at St Andrew’s. Joe continued in

his non-stipendiary role in Te Puke when they moved into that district.

Joe studied at the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic gaining a Diploma in Counselling and

worked extensively in the wider Tauranga Moana-Te Puke area even after becoming the

Vicar of Te Puke Parish in 2002.

He took a malolo (a rest from stipended ministry or retirement) in April 2007 but con-

tinued his work with Te Puke High School and at Beach-haven Community House in Pa-

pamoa. His work in the community in Tauranga and beyond included assisting the hospi-

tal, courts and other agencies with translation work, and he was a significant member of

TMAPS (Tauranga Moana Abuse Prevention Strategy). He also worked with the Tongan

Church in Otahuhu over this period.

In April 2012 Archbishop Winston Halapua invited him to become the Vicar of St Paul’s,

Nuku’alofa and Archdeacon of Tonga. Joe and Anne worked together there until last

September when they returned to the Bay of Plenty where they were settling into re-

tirement anew.

Joe’s presence and gifts of ministry will be a huge loss, not only to his family, but also

to the church and community where he has been so well-known.

We offer our deepest condolences to Anne, Andrew and Salesi and Joe’s wider family.

I invite you to offer your prayers for Joe, for Anne, Andrew and Salesi, and all Joe’s

family. I have spoken with Archbishop Winston today (1st February) and he, along with

the Diocese of Polynesia, have also offered their great respect for Joe and will be up-

holding all in their prayers this week.

As we pray let us be reminded of the great love of God, that is before us and behind us,

above us and beneath us, alongside us and within us.

* * * * * * * * * *

‘Papa Joe’ arrived back in Te Puke from Auckland on Thursday where prayers were said

in St John the Baptist Church before he returned to his family home overnight.

On Friday Joe was taken to Hei Marae (Manoeka Road, Te Puke), where his funeral ser-

vice was held yesterday (Saturday) morning, before burial at Maketu Urupa.

Anne and the family thank everyone for the outpouring of love, support and prayers

they have received. If anyone is wanting to send a card or message, Anne’s postal ad-

dress if P Box 33, Te Puke. 3153.

Page 7: WEEKLY NEWSLETTER - Napier Cathedral · WEEKLY NEWSLETTER February x -Ordinary Sunday ... (Rev’ds Adrienne Bruce, Stephen Donald, and David van Oeveren); and Ministry Educator,

LLLENTENENTENENTEN SSSTUDYTUDYTUDY Stewardship Stewardship Stewardship --- Through Lent with MarkThrough Lent with MarkThrough Lent with Mark

Bishop Murray Mills will again lead this

year’s Lenten study series based on the

book prepared by Bishop Helen-Ann

Hartley and the Rev’d Peter Carrell.

Thursday nights, 7.30pm - 9.00pm

at the Hopson’s home,

117 Georges Drive, Napier,

commencing 11th February

and for the following six weeks.

Enquiries and registrations to:

Murray, ph 835-0884.

Copies of the study booklet available

from the Parish Office, $7.00 each.

Cape Sanctuary Charity WalkCape Sanctuary Charity WalkCape Sanctuary Charity Walk

Saturday 12 March 2016Saturday 12 March 2016Saturday 12 March 2016 $50.00 (includes lunch)

with proceeds going to Parkinson’s HB.

Total distance is 17km within the

privately owned Cape Sanctuary which

is not accessible to the general public.

This includes a climb to a height of 250

metres; there is also a less strenuous

option of 14km.

Access from the Ocean Beach Road.

A unique opportunity to visit this

wildlife restoration project.

Ticket numbers are limited.

For more details, & tickets sales,

contact Marie Knight, ph 844-3578

or Kathy Jenkins, ph 835-4065,

or 027-439-5097

or email: [email protected]

Cathedral Parish Cathedral Parish Cathedral Parish --- AGMAGMAGM

Sunday 13Sunday 13Sunday 13ththth March 2016, 11.45amMarch 2016, 11.45amMarch 2016, 11.45am

Please send group reports to the Please send group reports to the Please send group reports to the

Parish Office by 29Parish Office by 29Parish Office by 29ththth February.February.February.


From the Parish Recorder ...

An envelope was received in last

Sunday’s offertory without any

number or identification. If you

think that may be you (and you want

you giving recorded for end-of-year

tax purposes!) please contact

Alison, ph 870-6418,

and leave your name and the

amount. Thanks!

CHOIR PRACTICE starts again next week,

Thursday 11th February ... 5pm for the Choristers, and 7.30pm for the Choir.

Enquiries to James Mist, Director of Music, ph 021 936 810 or

email: [email protected]

The Coffee Club invites

ladies and gents of all ages

to “morning tea” at


85 Hastings Street, Napier


Thursday 11 February, 10.00am.

To enable the Café to reserve our place,

please RSVP to Sandy by Tuesday 9th

with numbers attending …

email: [email protected]

Phone: 835-6772.

Page 8: WEEKLY NEWSLETTER - Napier Cathedral · WEEKLY NEWSLETTER February x -Ordinary Sunday ... (Rev’ds Adrienne Bruce, Stephen Donald, and David van Oeveren); and Ministry Educator,


Dean: Michael Godfrey 022 342 9977

Assisting Clergy: Dorothy Brooker 843 6779 Erice Fairbrother 021 811 870 Graeme Pilgrim 835 6777 Jon Williams 833 6382 Anne van Gend 027 264 7245


Dean’s: Martin Williams 835 0666 People’s: Jeanne Ayson 835 1920

DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: James Mist 021 936 810


Jennifer Harris 845 1108 Elisabeth Paterson 835 4609


Tues-Fri. 9.30am-3.30pm 835 8824 Parish Mobile: 021 688 227 Priest-Administrator: Margaret Thompson

Waiapu Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, 28 Browning Street, Napier, NZ Phone 835-8824 ~ PO Box 495, Napier ~ email: [email protected]


NEXT SUNDAY - 14 February 2016

Lent 1

Readings: Deuteronomy 26: 1-11

Psalm 91: 1-2, 9-16

Romans 10: 8b-13

Luke 4: 1-13


8.00 am Eucharist (Aotearoa Chapel)

10.00 am Eucharist with hymns

Ormond Chapel, Napier Terrace:

11.00 am Eucharist



Mid-Week Services (in the Resurrection Chapel)

9.00am - Morning Prayer - Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays 10.30am - Eucharist - Tuesdays

12.30pm - Mid-day Prayer - Wednesdays

Prayer during Communion

A member of the ministry team is available in the Resurrection Chapel during Communion at the 10.00am Choral Eucharist service in the Ca-thedral, for anyone who wishes personal prayer, or prayer for a specific purpose, and/or anointing with oil for healing (if required).

If you wish to have someone pray with and for you, please go directly to the Resurrection Chap-el (at the back of the Cathedral) after receiving communion.

Monday 8 February 7.00 pm - AAW Fellowship at Ormond

Tuesday 9 February 10.30am - Eucharist (Resurrection Chapel)

ASH WEDNESDAY 10 February 7.00 am - Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes (Aotearoa Chapel) 10.00 am - Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes at Ormond Chapel 7.00 pm - Ecumenical service and Imposition of Ashes, in the Cathedral

Thursday 11 February 5.00 pm - Chorister practice 7.30 pm - Choir practice

Thursday 11 February 7.30pm - Lenten study group

Sunday 21 February 5.00 pm - Art Deco ‘Swing & a Prayer’ service with the Deco Bay Brass Band

Sunday 28 February 2.30 pm - Christopher Hainsworth organ & clarinet concert in the Cathedral

Sunday 13 March 11.30 am - Waiapu Cathedral Parish Annual General Meeting