O. 20>. .,. M.ll. ;"'1 i. ,a2ll.IInO'fiell' Ji SCf':te:.) PHYSiC ........ SURCEON OIJi;tl •• ".Ite.ee, PORT 'fO'1In(6.ESD. W. T. OUt I " Cabl. Laid Doubl. WI,•• FOUR POINT ATEEt lIAJlJ18 Or(r11I),"·, T M.nqrna, ."r.eon·1 POl't Town:..entl Hoilpltal lPol-tl To....n.end:W·; Tl ' CIIIl M 60rUul ell, or' day, a l' JlOlI"i,al " '., . +'" ""OP'n.. ONAL CARD.. , . w. ,: 'rEACIfER, Will. Port Town.end.. W. Ilrudtni done , .. iii'" ".lIot1lbrtiDlloHr ....dJI...-n calhOf liit"TeI@llhlptl\t)Cri#rt!IllPoJMket'elHIe'1i , I, Q i .r. .... , I 1 t 1 , J.,A.J :a::CH:IllT. J. ,1 'A.ttornell':'(lt L Tate; , I ,,"'-: , ' Wki Pl'CI1Ull(1)'II11r,UI ,ttl All tni"l.... ..,.,. , "'It 'n 01'&1_ f I ,,' ( PORT TOW....... TIRlt'Y. ,\!--. 'II, , IIRAD8HAW &.INMAN. A · "'·vIOO:;T. l·ROI.."niuS 111 "\I ..II1IIIy,. ., ,0<1 1 i'qrl ::t')l!l'ntUld. "\.1' d. ,MhRRIS HALL&Ii. ,r .:r."-O AT i_AW I I tn ,\llnllnll'1. I "tIcal "Jlllto, "lIlllfllhltll !'(lId (,;olle',"loll k. I'fJI(f ro"'!o'n:,,,u. w, 't. ' J I II I. o. ARGUS. (} "MIl 0 If JlOi:COMB .. to Ill· , NE'W' S;rQ1,l*" pIlltilC thllt he !lou Itlllovt.."l.1 , I ' '''_.rut In' V,ntfJ Sttn! (' I'll r 01111 liMnl, J 'II'" .... Froml':old Cmtom 11(11'Wl ,,'I C. WI ....0 .... 'fr , the l..'Orllt:r tll ",!lIlli' 1;lIt "'lIlrr Brn:el'. ..11 'J. ., IIPIW)<ltu HOI.I'I, whl!rt! be IIir !lJnd. wllllirl\'O L'OIlilstllllr 011 hllud . urllltlllld d 1h, 11l'&'llIIt CIIJ:IIF t'lI'I.,JII'I' ,m.... """"'F:". _, _ __ 4.1..... .... ¥, Ship' Wright. and Caulker TOIJ.lrr !'>OAr. ...:,,£. 1 rr.RrtUI r.llY, , ·1'O''l£. A\l. T"ort TU\4-n T. 17 (broil ..... t "'lIrl"' .... M , I"",,,,,,, .",1 OtOAI' •• , II. BARBED FEllOE WIRE llUcN bf1lud.!, IIIMI , .&.11 K.1:a.d_ Jrr uJ•• , Ol'llnl(l .... l.clllflll'- I>'k', PIiJ'f-' 1 WI:., Ai'l,I,·•• col.: AI•• JJUOKS. nOOI\''4. •• nil-; lSI\:'" rilJo;HEO-.OI'II' \'U:\':ol. Plluro I'!-:S$, A ,',.,..,.. LANl .'Ji"l'''' un. \l11('rt! 1II.·.. "'Ill lJto .t:Mr411l) enjer,t all lI"IUi, 1JhHltr IJllrll,. "'r\l'" 1,111 IlllOrl HI'-I: f.k'-I A £"Ar.l_ '·oHI''J'(I\\·S", .. ;SH,W.'l'_ [II SUBleRIBE 'OR THII 1'l:Gt:T ARGUS. REMOVAL. ent "ork. The democ...c1 are bot Greal)'iud In m.kina tbeir nONina- Lion. The, intend 10 '"n it .ithin Ibeir power. and Will WaY8 tlatl:i., undOfle to aecompli.b their IHlrptMIII'. '!'bere il no rt.uon, bowner, "h1 aDl rt'pubtic&Il aOOuld (alter in hiduolion to awl ,JUt,.. 111 tbe _D- li,11 or rood uecuti"e, Geoe .... Oar6eld ha. .ho.n himeel( .... qualified, whioh Gen, Uancock hat ClOt.. lLocock,'a reoord i. miJ,i,ar, onl,. Garfield'. i. tIM, o( & aoMi,.r .nd _ .'atellfll.lI. If 11.. ,_ code hu 1111\' "J':llitilIS lllll!l tilt . , . I ., I I' \ I qUl·tiIlUIIIOII .... IlC I I it' IhUC'l Ie abe cOuDtr, tor}lI'y afll bIlIC;', 1I1t1te apiniOll..... Ilul ,g'IlIJI'fItUy and b. 'Will be k'IIUWII in I ht! caMIIl. as nOI II( dpfillt·,1 prillciple, 11111 tI( tho IIII'll "II., WIIIlI 111tI1,ffic!;Il. Wit/III ul.i,lt,u ""1I,,1,IICiIIlI IJUly', be will ShUll! .etttr tht; 18 1 l"e;S- rel!"lllillll\'o n( th,ISU who lire' till 10 "Slit. Tilt;! lltst ItlllJ we only tillle l''l:fHl'e thil wh"JI I h. fl.m': oora01 hall 1\ GI'II"af fur. c'lluli,"-te fur the prl·.ill"'hC:t', Iht,S IliA"I' trowdy ruull,l!: Tho I .• ,\ ban' Ihu pMlcut Ull t IIJUJ l:I t t It. rQsped, I,' Bioguplliclllt.,·, G,.n, Rllllenck il recorded leo hll\'t' hel'll U\lfll ill Penui "h·l.l1ill ill IIHI is .11.'r,,(..,p 50 of n;':I'. Hft (rlllll Pui"t ill lS.&.4j ,Wl'YllJ it ti,. "ar with 11'·lCitn. 1'1111 in' Florida durillll II.e ",:"illl t;' thc Semi""I"" Fl'lug'ht rp!\i.I,I"mf'lrrlltl' thrmlt:h"ut rhe Itllr ur tl.r rl'h"mOll, riaill!: ::rlllhll.ll,\· ill rllllk lI'llp whnll hi' WMIl mRlh· M,j"r GttliCIM1, Thu !'rcailk.·ll1itll (uwn 1101" heen on , him rur f1";';ro t!t,l", 1"11 nr. (;11 'l"ifllluilliulatcr 1111 I'lft,:CluMI ill '0 .. ' Noyembl'r.-':, p·u,."in", ,.; '" -,-I r MOST aoy "eak v9tlng , ,I ,I fill ! he clln a poltRge It,mp w .n" it i, down, IlloUlCb, tbe only ran really l)uU'h'ead oull, j So I fllr ihe heads put nn POltlK8 .1lmps , , ,1 are II (uliO"I: pu the is the hud. o( DSlljltlflio Ffulcljnj 2·cent ltamp,. Andrew JaokllOflj cellt stamp. George Wishington; b- cent stlmp. Zilchtlry 1'aylorj 6 ct.nt IIImp, Ahrllhllm LiqcolrJ; "llIIp. ThomllS JefFerROlll 160ent "amp, Danil!l Websler; 3O'l:el1t tllllmp, AlplI8nder Hilmihunj 9O,01lnt Shllllp. Cl'Inllnudoret Pen,. A mall must be delld to Ihus bonored. THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE. ... 1 ..... fnado. MId Ilkii"'dual equal. Ily· We a5,. itlo be tbe dutl and pYrpoM ul die ,.publi,... 1M"1 10 UM! ,n '--BI e( tawl "111011 ID aeeur. W. f;Mrfect harrDOny whi.:h ma, bo prael1cabl.t and wo lub.lit it to pt'&(' ieal .. people o( Ibe Unite'" Sutaa. to .. y Whtllber il would aot be IJan,e.roul to tbe t ilnere t of OiJr cOt.olr1, al this timo tt) urremfer tbe achuiu- Iliratioll o( Ille natiollal«o\,erlllt¥nt to a part, which 8t"elc. to o"trthrow the ui 1iotr policy undcr which we are 10 pro peroue, and thus hr:1I1 destructiOn Ind confusiun where there i. nu" order, confiJcnce and The R.publican parly in 'he con· \'f:ntion at. esuhlished the prillciple (tlat !luing the'6ffice uf 'Pre,iden: for t"o term15 d,i'acf\&llli. ii" mall as a oanditJate ror place asain. At IheJCinoillna.ti the D.mocrats, by their nomluation lor General Hltllcook. concede "the ' principle that IhoSIl lluppo,rtetJ the war (or the TOtliulQnRnCe u( Ihe Ihe illtt'grity Qt the natioll were ill the riJrht, ami thd iu order to win their candidate must be ohollen from the small millorily' in their party, which elllbrucel lhoao "ho. (rom 1861 to 1800, were called war OCllIocrall. This in gratifying tu the Republican PAfly. which illto ppwer 011 thai very ill'uo, IIIlLl hili Itqotl by it ever since. But with the dim chllllcel of 'telling illio the offices, all lhe profusions of the dtHllOcraoy in in conventions, alld Lv it" leaders for fiftcen yean loat siKht of, .;Id a man wbom Iheir nrgsna hue abused more thllll allY other ill taken lip by lhem ,Ill thei,.18!1der, . . Ie IT d 'd' . I j l1-'n cr, or mary ClrCUml,lI.nc•• Hllllcock's nqmiuiftioll would, be ., ury "'uk one. it 1I0t true thAt the tlemooratt' h'u,,'blfen so long tJllbllrr\!J from Ihe olHces, aud ara ItO tlll"l lhey arc , ,purretl 01\ toa lort of du,perll.ti·un to anJ art! Wil!illFt \1) acoept all.v under :vhom .ucce'l6 leems poslsiLle, Han· clJl:k would hUll Oldy " 'UppUfl frUll1 IlIl1jOrity or ti,e Vllrt,. There is notlliltg ill bi. plllH hi.lory to inlpirt! lhe lnlloIHU of tht! Plluy Ly which he hIlS been lJOlU' ltllltt:d with deU'ree.nf cull1usi-' .. , 'I alllll. 111 Ihe luliJly Stlltl!l Ihe J*rlY il lIIade uiJ of IIlflll "Uo"c fetlling' and prejulHcu p'uliticully ue """it'S't tho very IUlta maJe Gelj_ W)lllt he il. ill Ihe'prCli811l ata' . hiS IIf Ihe couutr, ,II" .IlLwilllt.tio!l' cllnllot h" rrg1trded tiuttas 'one likely ,I to I\ll' flte' d'emo. I J I. Crllllll coultllll&\'.8 made ullieu lIH'IY hliiA:nmtl bbclily1b:er lo he It.puu- lielln pllrt)' III1J llo111ioalell Otlrlield. III thtt Iiut plllCD it is idlll to talk ahuut allY of the &Hul'ern Itatu guinll rCJ)uulicAn; thft demoorlliio ClllltJiJlIe will get all o( them .lId would if he Wl're lllJt ontl 11111ltJreJIh part a. ,nod I mall al llll.ucock. III the douLJlrul )l'urthflru Itlltes there il lIolhinlC in 1111 rel"Ortl, whioh is purc- Iy Rlilitary, to ropd an, larie num- !tel,. ur hil part, frulIl hi. IUI'ItOI't lind btl "ill III ur"rly pull tlao full IlrclIJltb u( .. i. par'I in IU.lIt ,Iatel .. Inyone could. lIencf' it "ullld htl urI"I'1l 10 con- e III, if "NI poI.illff. tblll Ihe r.p ... ("iCIlUIl nlll"t 1111: ea- IteOI a oye,." TllllUlCh IUC- rft. il 'tt'lnable alld Yer, ptub.hl .. i t\ itl be g'inotJ b1 plt5ilt· l' RT W. T .• by llatluual ,Del DOt ttl "ate IObu- lIel. 1IW,.. -n.. wurk c,( '1Mi1.., .d •. ta.ttun t. '1.n Iv lbt (If tL. ... u·,.1 .1.14", 1& .. II,. dlllJ u( tb. lit to IllJ IbaL "u \U, 'I1'tellt 01 k, ON_ ,hu- """'.... l ..blhl1' l'b.. IU1.JhiIC'''''' lJ! lbel u.null t. but lb•• grt:a:aI8 ul tbe 1II1t:1l&¥",ocu IU Ib\l k'oel'ai al.\e•• Illd the tie till' 01 th. lIatuMl mu.t w¥• .ue,J IIUl lI, \OD ''''1,11 IUy LoU. b I lit Lh" "ttna,. gemuli ttl II }o'lJurto-1'h. CVHltitutioQ "'iNl, fUlbi\b cUllirebilu make Mnyla" re- IU1 e.tMbh blUe III u( reli,- ivv, ,",ut II I. lalll tu IU,llltl thllt lint lI.lIun call Lt. proteeltu.l agllUll til" I,Ir iklt.:lllri.llUiW Wbll" illite il l::.VV't:\J to III pllrucul.r lI U lllilllttiull. '\'e tbortllOra nu:uw- ! lllen .... tbllt diU I.lUIHjlilUtiOIl lJe bO IIUlOlltJllUIUI tu !I"y liUIII" prutulmiull UI'UII tbc' leKI.1.tiol.l ul \:lIlb 'ltt'lu .'u1lV lurLI .... tb. IlPVrvVrlMtiuu uf Ih\l vublic rUlIus tu tilt! llUplJOtt uf »CClIlrlltll tlcllvull. l'lIllt-Wu reltffirm tbe belief 1t\'vwc\J ill !S7ti tbllt the \Jutie .. lbv· i"L1 Ivr IMIl IpurVl)110 VI reVtlllUe IhuuJu 60 1I1iorilllllliltO MI tu .",'vr Alilltrical.l lalJor; Ihat ... 110 (urtber gl'lHit or tue vuulic domalll slJuult.l uu ml&Uc tu lilly nilroad 01 o,tltur cvr1 ,vurlttiullj Ihlll vcr' in the III tWill lJlU'Ullr- ity, pU1n;nUlJ', mUII\ diu ill thu t.rri. turtcl:lj thut the IIUII IIccorlll:d to It. C.llliztlll or Alllt=rl. LJlrlb mUllt !Ie 'tlcurelJ IU CItlZdllS uy AlIlel'iclill .duptivlI; thllt it dIJlt (,If cUlIgrc •• tu Juvdup IlIII.1Iul_ prv\'c vllr wah:r cuurl!cs II11U IllIrburl. lilit \¥6 thu\ I'urthtlr IlUlllilJlcli lu I'ri\'uUt per8ulIll ur curpul'uuVlI' lllU:St Cl'lIse i ,hilt tile uLhgKUUUI ,to ril" ItlllII "110 preterveu it' ill lliu tlM)' o( blltlle II.rt! UIIUIWltl· ilihuc.l hr lho 11\p.0 of 15 }'elirtl lillice tllI:lr Ihull I'iclOr)'j theIr pcrputultl hUIIO' ill I&lIti lihllll (ureqlr U..: thtl Ktbteflll pri",ilpJ,:e Mild 1110 ucreU duo ty ui Ihe AllIerlclllI p8uplo, Si.Jtlll-SIIiCIl thu 1l.11lhvrily to reg· ulillt aUtI imure uret! lJulweQIl tbe UllilCd Sh.tu.. an.) (or· 1III,ioll5 r!'!111 wilh the cougrelH lJl lit" Unill·d SlMle•• nu its trulty- 1lIlikiuj( IIIU rUI)lllnicitll lJ. rtlMllrJill1C III,. !,IIHtt!ilriuleu Kl'uti6ri or- Cljlllcse lUI all e\'11 of Kr\'lft nl&!lllitulJu. im'uku tile. pxer- ui"c uj Ilutt pUl\'ltr tu Illd Iilllit lhllt imllliprn!ioll h)' the Clltlct· mUllt Hf eu('11 jUllt, hU1I1.1I8 MnJ relloll', olllthio pw,'i:tillU8 as will }Uuduce Ihltt result. s,,'fellth-Thal tllo pu'dl.Y And pllt· \Yllich olu tlLc\erizoJ 1110 ellr- 11 .. ( Cllrtwr II( n, U. itl peace RIIJ wur, IIIIJ Whll;lh guided the I ill Hight c.( Idil illllllt'dillttl J.'rcdecr •. l'Ior til him (or 1\ prelllidolllilll clIlllli JlI.le IUI\·,· CllIllillUfHI tn illSpit'1l him ill hil oarlll'r u oilier fl;llbcu(i\',., anU , thllt hhnory will accord to his lldruill il:!lflltillll lite liollt>rI:l are Jue to IIll ,·l1iuiCUl. jllat, ItIH.) fllllillm-elh, Ql the pubHc •• will bOllor (Ii •• inu rpOliitioll ue. prol'le allJ IJfopot:ed pllr- lawl:!. 'I Eighth-We Cullrtce UPOil dlUllOCrlttic pllrly tho liCit. of pl&triotijrD Rlld JUlItice a IIUprt.·llltl lind ulillutili.hle lu.t (Of' fwd pilrollll(e; IhM to '\Ill 11111 lIe lIlt' UIi,iUUlII alld Rate anU the of 1)I.ote IIlnu p".ltIVllj Illey hno 01, Itru\lteu 1111 t'tr rtl tv !'rll rye rurityllfftj COIlIlf'rve the frt 11111 1)( auifrMloCl', I'M'-e t.levieeU (rauJ.h,nt toJlllWe MIllI certificale., I'a"e tIl Ulllklilt IlIwfully "101/1 on or til 'cllte It .11 bll nil Ihe \'OIe o( the m.. jmitl or tho II' .. In Ihe 1111115., u( re'lr••elltllll' e .. eUllenufI·J III O("cupl h! fnrt..oe (rAUl' of trn.t ,IYII' 10 utller. 101 the pt"ople o( lind rt'lIeu.d L) Ihtu·uurtll. 1ttt.lICtlOIl uf M.i1le'. "lllllutle .,m•• ha\4,1 IJ, IllplbUl111'lC- IOU ill Wlllel,.1 IIlul 1'''''lIIil·lI.! ill ptactlce ,.tycIled ,"rtiNn "'lIillatlon W .ppn:tpn.uoCl I"n., ....1 eru"led II,\" rlJlhl1 uf Indl¥lduall Ind 'indio .·,Ied Ih. 'nJ Ik.ught lh. 1.\U1' of rebellion I lh1 lIatton .11,1 haY. 'lldeu'{.red 10 oLlllar.'. II,,:, ,-C:let.l III Inut'ie, uf th. war t., 0.'" iu lue.tilllaLI. luud r. , ....., .ilol ARGUS EJS SOUND lit'" U _v"", .. a.a;a.... r .t r.rt .. •• TUrll.""', Wl:tU. fllllTYK .. ),11 rKvl'IlU.TO •• JAMES A. GARFIELD. 01' Oh..lo. FOR y'C£:rRElIDENT, ,. A. Of' New Below ilJ gin:n dl6 of thu republican Vllllfbrm adopted Ly the :lIuiunaJ. 01110'011 Ion at ChiclIgu: RopubliclI.lI rule IIpon l\ loliu basil, Pll)'Illf'1I1 III cum for ,,11 the IIll.liuual uhliKllLiUlI8, lUI'" III!I I{;.ell Ill. !t 0oU and ICltallilio ",qllMIIlI c"'er)' pM,flUr our c"ulItry. I, the creu;t of thu IllIliulI fl'lllll tho point whero ij per relit. bUIIl18 lIuld at Su, to thlll where 4 per cent. bUild. are PlIgerlf llOUght n milllll. Under It!l ItJIlllllllltrlLUOll, nil"'1&11l In,ve illcrCR8t!d (Will in 1800, 10 Iltnre S:!.()(IO lillie' in ]879. Our (or.nll" Iraliit hils In. crellsed (rClIll I17lXJ.OOO,OOO. III 111.- 600 000 000 ill tlw lilUIiU IIIlIC, I&lId ., . Ollr CXlJorla, which "' ..... ' OC'O.OOO 111I\ll Clur 1I111'orll III lSliO. were ,:zO....UOO.OllO ll1ure Ihill our import! ill 1870. I I ,,'ithout rt'llorlitlEt In 10a'III, it hu, I .inC6 'he \"Ilr c1n'l'd. fl,,(n,YNI Itle I ordhlliry eXI)\ Ill:lell of r u1ent, the .wlorollt on Iho jJuhlio deht, Rllt! anntlNlly more lhllll i3O.000.0(1O soldiers' 1J(,lll,ioll'. It 11118 pllld 1880,000.000 o( tlttl public dllhl, by re(unuintl tho 1·lllllICO luwer I Iltell hallrcuuceJ lho IlIUlullllllel",t charge, frum neRrl.y *1,6],000,000,1\1 lelSl"Rll 1i18!l.OOO.OOO, All lI\' dlJ.lri ... ·o( tJtl" h"" .. Jabor is ill d, m uul, WM/oI'es IIl&vo In- orflillal allu &; lrouj!hout tlit! t'llloire coulltr, theru 10 cyiuence o( 1\ OUP)- prOlpotity /oCfllMler Ih"n .. Il.VI'r enjm'ed_ tlPOIl ,hi. rec"rll 111(' rc- puullcan pl&ily fClr the nlld /ilupp"rt "f Ih" peu· pIt', and the convention t,lIhll.1t8 tu their tlppruvltl Ihu fl'llo\\IlIj: lillllt'· TQcnt of the princil'lt'l!o IIlul 1'"1'1'11111' which will ('tllllillue 10 l;.uiJe 1l1,t.! ill '.pire It. etTtlrlt: , Firat-We affirm that tho work (Ir tbe 21 ,'elr. hal 11tH'1I lilwh IS III itself "'Ihll fll\'nr Ilf th" nation Illd Ib"t the fruin or lilt' OOltl1' ,'itllQriu w". have Achh'ved tbrough lllUlI! n"c .Ilmcnlr- tiel Ihl.ulrt lw lint Ihe peace .ustained .houl<) tie dlnritih. ,I: tha\ \lie dibbll\·l'r.. ,1 UUlllll 11111\' 111'1' pilJ' rUlol'ed, .huultl Ill' p.. rl'l·llItll'·d anJ Ih,,\ the Iiht'rli.·, nl;urr,1 III Ihl, (Ceuer.tiOlll1hnultl hi Irlllllmilll'.11lI1 dimllliAht'J 10 fnture \hat Ihft nrder ."la'-lith",1 Mnll tilt' crcdit aequilt,tlllllluld III'v"r I", 1111- perill"d: Lh't ,il" p,.".i""1 I'r"lIlilll'tl Ihoultl be "I'M; Ih,,' ,h.. II,.."" flO tnu('h reduced .houht be utin5llll-h· ed hy tb. p'ynU'I,\ ,,( "Yr') d"lhlr Ihereur; 'bit the r wi"m" IIl.ll,_,rl"l lOOul\1 b.. ."er p""nnled, ."cl lh"l , .. oomm4!rc, Ilrndy.u 1,.. allthcJuh.l be UCIOU ... r-d. II-The Cfttlttilutiofl nf IIIf' '''lted la tI.t' "Ipr.·,"", lu., and Illit a DIre «!fll raet of ('fll f .J- e,atad alain, 11 :nidi a "a,iM. ,W't" ,...N t.I""'.11 ,., 1M wh I. .re "'Ialll' d . , brl"e alatu. but the loun,lar, 'I" t_"11 the pow,... ar,l nMr"td I" to L. dl't ,niced REPUkGCArI PLATFDRM. PUGET VOL 10. WEEK·LY .. "...- 1ft JIll ' ....

Transcript of WEEK·LY ARGUS.


O. 20>.


J~l)'\e~ iYt'.G~s:~"Yay: M.ll.;"'1 i. ,a2ll.IInO'fiell' Ji SCf':te:.)

PHYSiC........ SURCEONOIJi;tl•• wat~r")t!t.iii~JiGJte ".Ite.ee,

PORT 'fO'1In(6.ESD. W. T. OUtI "

Cabl. Laid Doubl. WI,••


Or(r11I),"·,T ~I~oi'M.nqrna, ."r.eon·1 •

POl't Town:..entl HoilpltallPol-tl To....n.end:W·; Tl '

CIIIl M 60rUul ell, lI~ht or' day, a l' JlOlI"i,al" '.,

. +'"""OP'n..ONAL CARD.., .

w. H"ROBER~: ,:'rEACIfER, OF"rn~O'!lV Will.

Port Town.end.. W. rr.~uIlrudtni done nl"~"-'.'td.n.' ,..

• iii'" ".lIot1lbrtiDlloHr ....dJI...-n~~n.~.l~~ ''II.\l'OO~'1*l1RI1 calhOf~

liit"TeI@llhlptl\t)Cri#rt!IllPoJMket'elHIe'1i~rula ~.:i~_~~""'.I' , I, Q

i .r. .... , I 1 t • 1, J.,A.J :a::CH:IllT. J.

,1 'A.ttornell':'(lt L Tate;, I ,,"'-: , '

Wki Pl'CI1Ull(1)'II11r,UI ,ttl All tni"l.... ..,.,., "'It 'n 01'&1_ f I ,,' (

PORT TOW....... W~1tl. TIRlt'Y.

,\!--. 'II, ll~l'I)&IlAW_ '!;~. ~.I~~", IIRAD8HAW &.INMAN.

A·"'·vIOO:;T. ~TILAW A~l) l·ROI.."niuS111 "\I..II1IIIy,. •

., ,0<1 1 i'qrl ::t')l!l'ntUld. "\.1'

d. ,MhRRIS HALL&Ii.,r •

"~Oil"'r.T .:r."-O (,;Ot·s~t:u.(.n AT i_AWI I I'n~or tn ,\llnllnll'1. I

'lIlone)~lol1nfltl. "tIcal "Jlllto, "lIlllfllhltll !'(lId

(,;olle',"loll lI,tl~;~,~I¥-:I"I./''C-::hl'fru\.':hl'', k.I'fJI(f ro"'!o'n:,,,u. w, 't. '





"MIl 0 If JlOi:COMB ~In... to Ill· , NE'W'S;rQ1,l*" ~10rm~lle pIlltilC thllt he !lou Itlllovt.."l.1 I'~ , I r"n~r,l, 'M~r6haridi~,

'''_.rut In' V,ntfJ Sttn! (' I'll Ilr~ r 01111 liMnl, J 'II'" ~ ....

Froml':old Cmtom 11(11'Wl Duntll11~'O, ,,'I C. WI....0 .... 'fr ,the l..'Orllt:r tll ",!lIlli' 1;lIt "'lIlrr Brn:el'. ..11 II.~, • 'J. .,IIPIW)<ltu C(l~nl{ll""lItm HOI.I'I, whl!rt! be IIir PllXlallll1OQl'bl~lI.~~&. !lJnd.wllllirl\'O L'OIlilstllllr 011 hllud • . urllltlllld d 1h, 11l'&'llIIt CIIJ:IIF t'lI'I.,JII'I' •

,m.... """"'F:". _, _ ~__~• COS"''':tJrlos~;.nY ~,.. 4.1..... '-"'~.... ¥,

.·I·"Jl~~~J:,1;·ms. Ship' Wright. and CaulkerTOIJ.lrr !'>OAr. ...:,,£.mr~. 1

rr.RrtUI r.llY, • ,·1'O''l£. A\l. T"ort TU\4-n• .,tu.I:"~' T.

17 (broil..... t "'lIrl"' .... M "'O"ArtJ~; ,I"",,,,,,, .",1 1Jo"","I~ OtOAI'••, II. BARBED FEllOE WIREllUcN bf1lud.!, IIIMI ,

.&.11 K.1:a.d_ o~ Jrr uJ••,Ol'llnl(l.... l.clllflll'- I>'k', PIiJ'f-' 1 WI:.,Ai'l,I,·•• col.: AI••

JJUOKS. IU.A~'I\ nOOI\''4. •• ~J~llJl nil-; nc,UH~~ lSI\:'"

rilJo;HEO-.OI'II' \'U:\':ol.C,~lll~t.;l· Plluro

I'!-:S$, ~', • A

,',.,..,.. LANl .'Ji"l'''' un.\l11('rt! 1II.·.. 1~ "'Ill lJto .t:Mr411l) enjer,t alllI"IUi, 1JhHltr IJllrll,. "'r\l'" 1,111 IlllOrlhutl~'C'

HI'-I: f.k'-I A £"Ar.l_'·oHI''J'(I\\·S", ..;SH,W.'l'_ [II


1'l:Gt:T SO(;~O ARGUS.


ent "ork. The democ...c1 are botGreal)'iud In m.kina tbeir nONina­Lion. The, intend 10 '"n it .ithinIbeir power. and Will WaY8 tlatl:i.,undOfle to aecompli.b their IHlrptMIII'.'!'bere il no rt.uon, bowner, "h1aDl rt'pubtic&Il aOOuld (alter in hi•duolion to awl ,JUt,.. 111 tbe _D-li,11 or • rood uecuti"e, Geoe....Oar6eld ha. .ho.n himeel( ....qualified, whioh Gen, Uancock hatClOt.. lLocock,'a reoord i. miJ,i,ar,onl,. Garfield'. i. ,bol~ tIM, o( &

aoMi,.r .nd _ .'atellfll.lI. If 11..,_

code hu 1111\' "J':llitilIS lllll!l tilt. , . I ., I I' \ IqUl·tiIlUIIIOII .... IlC I I it' IhUC'l Ie u~,e

abe cOuDtr, tor}lI'y afll bIlIC;', 1I1t1teapiniOll..... Ilul ,g'IlIJI'fItUy ktlO~fl

and b. 'Will be k'IIUWII in Iht! caMIIl.as t~e repr~telltlltiY~ nOI II( '~1 ~I"II

dpfillt·,1 prillciple, 11111 tI( tho IIII'll

"II., WIIIlI 111tI1,ffic!;Il. Wit/III ul.i,lt,u""1I,,1,IICiIIlI IJUly', be will ShUll! .etttrtht; NH\"'llIl~r 1l1~ctif)lIS 18 1lh~ l"e;S­rel!"lllillll\'o n( th,ISU who lire' till 10

"Slit. Tilt;! lltst ItlllJ we bl,li(,,:~ t~e

only tillle l''l:fHl'e thil wh"JI Ih. fl.m':oora01 hall 1\ GI'II"af fur. c'lluli,"-tefur the prl·.ill"'hC:t', Iht,S wl"r~ IliA"I'trowdy ruull,l!: Tho rl'f.i'ul~llc~ll.

I .• ,\ban' Ihu pMlcut Ull t IIJUJ l:I t t It.rQsped, • I,'

Bioguplliclllt.,·, G,.n, Rllllenck il

recorded leo hll\'t' hel'll U\lfll ill Penui"h·l.l1ill ill t~.24, IIHI is .11.'r,,(..,p 5011111'.~ of n;':I'. Hft ~rll,IIIHIt-,1 (rlllll

\VtJ~t Pui"t ill lS.&.4j ,Wl'YllJ it ti,."ar with 11'·lCitn. 1'1111 in' Floridadurillll II.e c~mplli~jl ",:"illlt ;' thcSemi""I"" Fl'lug'ht rp!\i.I,I"mf'lrrlltl'thrmlt:h"ut rhe Itllr ur tl.r rl'h"mOll,

riaill!: ::rlllhll.ll,\· ill rllllk lI'llp ~~(j(j.

whnll hi' WMIl mRlh· M,j"r GttliCIM1,

Thu !'rcailk.·ll1itll (uwn 1101" heen on

, him rur f1";';ro t!t,l", 1"11 nr. (;11 r.,J'II~

'l"ifllluilliulatcr 1111 I'lft,:CluMI ~uic ill'0 .. 'Noyembl'r.-':, p·u,."in", ,.;

'" -,-I r ~tMOST aoy "eak v9tlng loar:~1l1nKll, • • ,I ,I fill

! he clln Iic~ a poltRge It,mp w .n" iti, down, IlloUlCb, tbe gov'lrllme~'I'

only ran really l)uU'h'ead oull, j SoI fllr ihe heads put nn POltlK8 .1lmps

, , ,1are II (uliO"I: pu the ~-cellt ~!lrppis the hud. o( DSlljltlflio Ffulcljnj2·cent ltamp,. Andrew JaokllOflj 3·cellt stamp. George Wishington; b­cent stlmp. Zilchtlry 1'aylorj 6 ct.ntIIImp, Ahrllhllm LiqcolrJ; lO'o~nt

"llIIp. ThomllS JefFerROlll 160ent"amp, Danil!l Websler; 3O'l:el1ttllllmp, AlplI8nder Hilmihunj 9O,01lntShllllp. Cl'Inllnudoret Pen,. A mallmust be delld to b~ Ihus bonored.


...1..... fnado. MId Ilkii"'dual equal.Ily·

We a5,. itlo be tbe dutl andpYrpoM ul die ,.publi,... 1M"1 10UM! ,n lp~him.tt '--BI e( tawl

"111011 ID aeeur. W. f;Mrfect harrDOnywhi.:h ma, bo prael1cabl.t and wolub.lit it to t~e pt'&(' ieal ..n~b!opeople o( Ibe Unite'" Sutaa. to ..yWhtllber il would aot be IJan,e.roulto tbe ~ t ilnere t of OiJr cOt.olr1,al this timo tt) urremfer tbe achuiu­Iliratioll o( Ille natiollal«o\,erlllt¥ntto a part, which 8t"elc. to o"trthrowthe ui 1iotr policy undcr which weare 10 pro peroue, and thus hr:1I1destructiOn Ind confusiun wherethere i. nu" order, confiJcnce andb~pc.

The R.publican parly in 'he con·\'f:ntion at. Chiea~o esuhlished theprillciple (tlat !luing ~,e!d the'6fficeuf 'Pre,iden: for t"o term15 d,i'acf\&llli.ii" •mall as a oanditJate ror placeasain. At IheJCinoillna.ti con"~lllionthe D.mocrats, by their nomluationlor General Hltllcook. concede "the '

principle that IhoSIl ~'ho lluppo,rtetJthe war (or the TOtliulQnRnCe u( Ihe

8overlllllen~ ~llJ Ihe illtt'grity Qt thenatioll were ill the riJrht, ami thd iuorder to win their candidate must beohollen from the small millorily' intheir party, which elllbrucel lhoao

"ho. (rom 1861 to 1800, were calledwar OCllIocrall. This in gratifyingconce~.;on tu the Republican PAfly.which ~l&lIle illto ppwer 011 thai veryill'uo, IIIlLl hili Itqotl by it ever since.But with the dim chllllcel of 'telling

illio the offices, all lhe profusions ofthe dtHllOcraoy in in conventions,alld Lv it" leaders for fiftcen yean~t, ~t~rll loat siKht of, .;Id a manwbom Iheir nrgsna hue abused morethllll allY other ill taken lip by lhem

,Ill thei,.18!1der, . .Ie IT d 'd' . I

j l1-'n cr, or mary ClrCUml,lI.nc••

Hllllcock's nqmiuiftioll would, be .,ury "'uk one. V\~ere it 1I0t truethAt the tlemooratt' h'u,,'blfen so longtJllbllrr\!J from Ihe olHces, aud ara ItO

hung~y tlll"l lhey arc, ,purretl 01\ toalort of du,perll.ti·un to ~ill, anJ art!Wil!illFt \1) acoept all.v ll~uder under:vhom .ucce'l6 leems poslsiLle, Han·clJl:k would hUll Oldy " hilif-heart~d

'UppUfl frUll1 ~he gr~llt IlIl1jOrity orti,e Vllrt,. There is notlliltg ill bi.

plllH hi.lory to inlpirt! lhe lnlloIHU oftht! Plluy Ly which he hIlS been lJOlU'ltllltt:d with ~nv deU'ree.nf cull1usi-'

• .. , 'I

alllll. 111 Ihe luliJly uemucruli~

Stlltl!l Ihe J*rlY il lIIade uiJ of IIlflll

"Uo"c e~er)' fetlling' and prejulHcu

p'uliticully ue """it'S't tho very IUlta~Iii~q maJe Gelj_ )lll11c~k. W)lllt heil. llu~ ill Ihe'prCli811l poJiti~1I.1 ata'

. hiS IIf Ihe couutr, ,II" .IlLwilllt.tio!l'

cllnllot h" rrg1trded tiuttas 'one likely,I to IlrtJ~'e ~lIltroll£as I\ll' flte' d'emo.

I J I.Crllllll coultllll&\'.8 made ullieu lIH'IYhliiA:nmtl bbclily1b:er lo he It.puu­lielln pllrt)' III1J llo111ioalell Otlrlield.

III thtt Iiut plllCD it is idlll to talkahuut allY of the &Hul'ern Itatu

guinll rCJ)uulicAn; thft demoorlliioClllltJiJlIe will get all o( them .lIdwould if he Wl're lllJt ontl 11111ltJreJIhpart a. ,nod I mall al llll.ucock. IIIthe douLJlrul )l'urthflru Itlltes there illIolhinlC in 1111 rel"Ortl, whioh is purc­Iy Rlilitary, to ropd an, larie num­!tel,. ur hil part, frulIl hi. IUI'ItOI't

lind btl "ill III ur"rly pull tlao fullIlrclIJltb u( .. i. par'I in IU.lIt ,Iatel.. Inyone could.

lIencf' it "ullld htl urI"I'1l 10 con­e III, if cunceallll~lIt "NI poI.illff.tblll Ihe r.p... ("iCIlUIl nlll"t 1111: ea­IteOI a ~"allc oye,." TllllUlCh IUC­

rft. il 'tt'lnable alld Yer, ptub.hl..~i t\ itl be g'inotJ b1 unil~d plt5ilt·

l' RT TOW~~E~I>, W. T.•

by llatluual ,Del DOt ttl "ate IObu­lIel.

1IW,.. -n.. wurk c,( '1Mi1.., .d •.ta.ttun t. '1.n Iv lbt ~a"l (If tL.... u·,.1 .1.14", l"v.~ 1& .. II,. dlllJ u(

tb. u"u~II.llu'cnHn lit to IllJ IbaL"u \U, 'I1'tellt 01 k, ON_ ,hu­"""'....l ..blhl1' l'b.. IU1.JhiIC'''''' lJ!lbel u.null t. but lb•• grt:a:aI8 ultbe 1II1t:1l&¥",ocu IU Ib\l k'oel'ai al.\e••Illd the tie till' 01 th. lIatuMl mu.t

w¥•.ue,J IIUl lI, \OD ''''1,11 IUyLoU. ~Iatllt b I lit Lh" "ttna,. gemulittl II

}o'lJurto-1'h. CVHltitutioQ "'iNl,fUlbi\b cUllirebilu make Mnyla" re­II~C\illl' IU1 e.tMbh blUe III u( reli,­ivv, ,",ut II I. lalll tu IU,llltl thllt lintlI.lIun call Lt. proteeltu.l agllUll til"iutlu~u+.at I,Ir iklt.:lllri.llUiW Wbll" ~.uh

illite il l::.VV't:\J to III pllrucul.rlIU lllilllttiull. '\'e tbortllOra nu:uw-

!lllen .... tbllt diU I.lUIHjlilUtiOIl lJe bOIIUlOlltJllUIUI tu !I"y liUIII" prutulmiullUI'UII tbc' leKI.1.tiol.l ul \:lIlb 'ltt'lu.'u1lV lurLI.... tb. IlPVrvVrlMtiuu ufIh\l vublic rUlIus tu tilt! llUplJOtt uf»CClIlrlltll tlcllvull.

l'lIllt-Wu reltffirm tbe belief1t\'vwc\J ill !S7ti tbllt the \Jutie.. lbv·i"L1 Ivr IMIl IpurVl)110 VI reVtlllUeIhuuJu 60 1I1iorilllllliltO MI tu .",'vrAlilltrical.l lalJor; Ihat... 110 (urtbergl'lHit or tue vuulic domalll slJuult.luu ml&Uc tu lilly nilroad 01 o,tltur cvr1

,vurlttiullj Ihlll Ijll1~cry h~l.:llK vcr'l~hcJ in the I;t.IC~1 III tWill lJlU'Ullr­ity, pU1n;nUlJ', mUII\ diu ill thu t.rri.turtcl:lj thut ~vurj'\Yht!ru the Ilrute~·

IIUII IIccorlll:d to It. C.llliztlll or Alllt=rl.O~II LJlrlb mUllt !Ie 'tlcurelJ IU CItlZdllSuy AlIlel'iclill .duptivlI; thllt it I~,the

dIJlt (,If cUlIgrc•• tu Juvdup IlIII.1Iul_prv\'c vllr wah:r cuurl!cs II11U IllIrburl.lilit \¥6 1t1~'IIL thu\ I'urthtlr IlUlllilJlclilu I'ri\'uUt per8ulIll ur curpul'uuVlI'lllU:St Cl'lIse i ,hilt tile uLhgKUUUI ,toril" ItlllII "110 preterveu it' llllt"r~t.Yill lliu tlM)' o( blltlle II.rt! UIIUIWltl·ilihuc.l hr lho 11\p.0 of 15 }'elirtl lillicetllI:lr Ihull I'iclOr)'j theIr pcrputultlhUIIO' ill I&lIti lihllll (ureqlr U..: thtlKtbteflll pri",ilpJ,:e Mild 1110 ucreU duoty ui Ihe AllIerlclllI p8uplo,

Si.Jtlll-SIIiCIl thu 1l.11lhvrily to reg·ulillt imllli~,atioll aUtI imure uret!lJulweQIl tbe UllilCd Sh.tu.. an.) (or·~i:lJI 1III,ioll5 r!'!111 wilh the cougrelHlJl lit" Unill·d SlMle••nu its trulty­1lIlikiuj( pn\ler»~ IIIU rUI)lllnicitll ~r­lJ. rtlMllrJill1C III,. !,IIHtt!ilriuleu il~U1i­

Kl'uti6ri or- Cljlllcse lUI all e\'11 ofKr\'lft nl&!lllitulJu. im'uku tile. pxer­ui"c uj Ilutt pUl\'ltr tu r~slrMIU IlldIilllit lhllt imllliprn!ioll h)' the Clltlct·mUllt Hf eu('11 jUllt, hU1I1.1I8 MnJ relloll',

olllthio pw,'i:tillU8 as will }UuduceIhltt result.

s,,'fellth-Thal tllo pu'dl.Y And pllt·rioti.,,~ \Yllich olu tlLc\erizoJ 1110 ellr­11 .. ( Cllrtwr II( n, U. n~}'tl' itl peaceRIIJ wur, IIIIJ Whll;lh guided theIillHight c.( Idil illllllt'dillttl J.'rcdecr•.l'Ior til him (or 1\ prelllidolllilll clIlllliJlI.le IUI\·,· CllIllillUfHI tn illSpit'1l himill hil oarlll'r u oilier fl;llbcu(i\',., anU

, thllt hhnory will accord to his lldruillil:!lflltillll lite liollt>rI:l \~mell are Jue toIIll ,·l1iuiCUl. jllat, ItIH.) cllurlll{~l1l1

fllllillm-elh, Ql the pubHc ltlliibil~ ••a~IJ will bOllor (Ii•• inu rpOliitioll ue.IW~~Il,th~ prol'le allJ IJfopot:ed pllr-ll~"n lawl:!. 'I •

Eighth-We Cullrtce UPOildlUllOCrlttic pllrly tho hl.~illllll·liCit. of pl&triotijrD Rlld JUlItice aIIUprt.·llltl lind ulillutili.hle lu.t (Of' ~t.

fi~o fwd pilrollll(e; IhM to '\Ill 11111pVH~.~i,m lIe lIlt' UIi,iUUlII alld Rateg9\'<tr~lhll'llt&. anU the '~unTr of1)I.ote IIlnu p".ltIVllj Illey hno 01,Itru\lteu 1111 tlll~ t'tr rtl tv !'rll ryeIh~ rurityllfftj COIlIlf'rve the frt 111111)( auifrMloCl', I'M'-e t.levieeU (rauJ.h,nttoJlllWe MIllI certificale., I'a"e 11I1~"dtIl Ulllklilt IlIwfully ,,~oled "101/1 onor l'oll~ru til 'cllte It .11 bll nilIhe \'OIe o( the m.. jmitl or tho II'..In Ihe 1111115., u( re'lr••elltllll' e.. ~a.eeUllenufI·J III O("cupl h! fnrt..oe ~nd

(rAUl' plll~' of trn.t ,IYII' 10 utller.101 the pt"ople o( ~Ilnl'. lind rt'lIeu.dL) Ihtu·uurtll. 1ttt.lICtlOIl uf M.i1le'."lllllutle .,m•• ha\4,1 IJ, IllplbUl111'lC­

IOU ill Wlllel,.1 IIlul 1'''''lIIil·lI.! illptactlce ,.tycIled ,"rtiNn "'lIillatlonW .ppn:tpn.uoCl I"n., ....1 eru"ledII,\" rlJlhl1 uf Indl¥lduall Ind 'indio.·,Ied Ih. prhll"I~. 'nJ Ik.ught lh.1.\U1' of rebellion a~aln I lh1 lIatton.11,1 haY. 'lldeu'{.red 10 oLlllar.'.II,,:, ,-C:let.l III Inut'ie, uf th. war t.,0.'" Oll~. iu lue.tilllaLI. luud r.




SOUND•lit'" U _v"", .. a.a;a.... r .t

r.rt T.".~ ~ ..~t.r1••TUrll.""',T~"Ll~:'( Wl:tU.

fllllTYK .. ),11 rKvl'IlU.TO ••


FOR y'C£:rRElIDENT, ,.C'llI~l'f·.r:t-:nA. A"l'l'U~

Of' New ~l;rk.

Below ilJ gin:n dl6 fulll~xt of thu

republican Vllllfbrm I'W!~i\:~ ~H8

adopted Ly the :lIuiunaJ. 01110'011 Ionat ChiclIgu:

RopubliclI.lI rule hll!J.rcll~rt.'J IIponl\ loliu basil, Pll)'Illf'1I1 III cum for ,,11the IIll.liuual uhliKllLiUlI8, lUI'" III!II{;.ell Ill. ('ur'rl'I1C~' ~h"lhuely !t0oUand ICltallilio ",qllMIIlI c"'er)' pM,flUrour ex.elld~1! c"ulItry. I, IUIIIIICt~Jthe creu;t of thu IllIliulI fl'lllll thopoint whero ij per relit. bUIIl18 lIuldat Su, to thlll where 4 per cent.bUild. are PlIgerlf llOUght ."~ n '~I·t.l­milllll. Under It!l ItJIlllllllltrlLUOll,

nil"'1&11l In,ve illcrCR8t!d (Will ;J1,~1Oin 1800, 10 Iltnre 1~lali S:!.()(IO lillie'in ]879. Our (or.nll" Iraliit hils In.

crellsed (rClIll I17lXJ.OOO,OOO. III 111.-600 000 000 ill tlw lilUIiU IIIlIC, I&lId., . ~qo

Ollr CXlJorla, which ~"ro "' ..... 'OC'O.OOO :ce~ 111I\ll Clur 1I111'orll III

lSliO. were ,:zO....UOO.OllO ll1ure Ihillour import! ill 1870. • I

I ,,'ithout rt'llorlitlEt In 10a'III, it hu, I.inC6 'he \"Ilr c1n'l'd. fl,,(n,YNI Itle Iordhlliry eXI)\ Ill:lell of ~lll,l ~mtln ru1ent, ue.id~1l the IlCCI'lIl1'~ .wlorollton Iho jJuhlio deht, Rllt! ch,IHI~!'t·d

anntlNlly more lhllll i3O.000.0(1O f~.r

soldiers' 1J(,lll,ioll'. It 11118 pllld1880,000.000 o( tlttl public dllhl, 1I11~1

by re(unuintl tho 1·lllllICO I&~ luwer IIltell hallrcuuceJ lho IlIUlullllllel",tcharge, frum neRrl.y *1,6],000,000,1\1lelSl"Rll 1i18!l.OOO.OOO, All Ih~ lI\'

dlJ.lri ...·o( tJtl" Cf)Il'II~Y h"".. ~(vlv:'d,Jabor is ill d, m uul, WM/oI'es IIl&vo In­orflillal allu &; lrouj!hout tlit! t'llloirecoulltr, theru 10 cyiuence o( 1\ OUP)­

~nlZ' prOlpotity /oCfllMler Ih"n ~ .. Il.VI'renjm'ed_ tlPOIl ,hi. rec"rll 111(' rc­puullcan pl&ily :tsk~ fClr the eOI,til1llf!~1COllliJtlnc~ nlld /ilupp"rt "f Ih" peu·pIt', and the convention t,lIhll.1t8 tutheir tlppruvltl Ihu fl'llo\\IlIj: lillllt'·TQcnt of the princil'lt'l!o IIlul 1'"1'1'11111'which will ('tllllillue 10 l;.uiJe 1l1,t.! ill'.pire It. etTtlrlt: ,

Firat-We affirm that tho work (Irtbe lai~ 21 ,'elr. hal 11tH'1I lilwh IS IIIcomlTl~lId itself "'Ihll fll\'nr Ilf th"nation Illd Ib"t the fruin or lilt'OOltl1' ,'itllQriu ~l,illh w". haveAchh'ved tbrough lllUlI! n"c .Ilmcnlr­tiel Ihl.ulrt lw rUl'~"r\"'di lint Ihepeace .ustained .houl<) tie dlnritih. ,I:tha\ \lie dibbll\·l'r.. ,1 UUlllll 11111\' 111'1'pilJ' rUlol'ed, .huultl Ill' p..rl'l·llItll'·danJ Ih,,\ the Iiht'rli.·, nl;urr,1 III Ihl,(Ceuer.tiOlll1hnultl hi Irlllllmilll'.11lI1dimllliAht'J 10 fnture ~l"lIl"r.llnl1_;

\hat Ihft nrder ."la'-lith",1 Mnll tilt'

crcdit aequilt,tlllllluld III'v"r I", 1111­

perill"d: Lh't ,il" p,.".i""1 I'r"lIlilll'tlIhoultl be "I'M; Ih,,' ,h.. II,.."" flO

tnu('h reduced .houht be utin5llll-h·ed hy tb. p'ynU'I,\ ,,( "Yr') d"lhlrIhereur; 'bit the r wi"m" IIl.ll,_,rl"llOOul\1 b.. ."er p""nnled, ."cl lh"l, .. oomm4!rc, Ilrndy.u 1,..allthcJuh.lbe UCIOU ...r-d.

II-The Cfttlttilutiofl nf IIIf''''lted ~.'H la tI.t' "Ipr.·,"", lu.,

and Illit a DIre «!fll raet of ('fll f .J­e,atad alain, 11 :nidi a ~''''''t'ltrl

"a,iM. H'tl~ ,W't" ,...N t.I""'.11 ,.,1M n'll(~n wh I. Oth~rs .re "'Ialll' d. ,brl"e alatu. but the loun,lar, 'I"

t_"11 the pow,... d.I"~'I.A ar,l'~OM nMr"td I" to L. dl't ,niced



VOL 10.


..~.,.. "...-1ft .~"'ftt'f!4 JIll ' ....


Iand ChlIdftD'.

Boots aDd ShOd

Heu'" Doyt',Ladiea', U·

House-Furnishing Kaniwale.I'Rlll!': QIiAr.t'l'Y•

aYD lit .....1. ...tenn .·,U....For e.ery artie!c Ihllde 01' .....

. Good Dry nnu Gn..-elt Wood.alWllyll Oil h:uu1. Alao, good Dart.

T ••OTJlT lU"\'. ALW'YIf 0:'11 .....111 ...


Arctic OYer-8hoes.


A completfJ a.:n1l11mt ofWHI.!!OELLANEOU8 STOCK••


Stoves, Tinware,PUA!PS. }-{ Ir.ON FIFE.l'UAJI"l, - IllON PIPE.I'UAII'Il, - lJ<O~ PIPE,

_UU'OIlTr.lt 0'-JOliN 'f. NOIUU SJ

And RapairiOc ......W ......01. andaalisIaeUOIl goareatAlod.

...............fJl••_.ae- .rUl•••ftlM............. 1

WI ...... GREAT REVBRBNCBfa; Cub Cutomen.


. -AGEN'l'S ~'Ol\­

Steilacoom Beer,Seattle BctJr, ..nd Levy Bro.'.

Soda. \VlI.tcr alld n.oot Deer.•£.II '-llll••ntrDdr.d UHltlUa,. will ,...1,•

prom" .UllllIMlB,

To tbe ...",haa'" tI' Pnrt 1'(twn.V!d _ ..Ill., LhAt we ~I,.a'l )"'\lr ru..\I.lIllllllllv....oe~b~ roll! r", YOllr ftt'llCllL 11111', t'lt 0\ I.h·h ."

~~~~~II~='tr~~I.r.III't.:;.t·:;~:ilJ'~II~~Il~::Jllur .nodM rur mllDJ '''111'1 JlIltL.

1..~::~r:~J':br:~~~~.(JO 1111 yn\lrwotil: rot

II. L. T.nIlA'~~ ." CU••J'or~ ·townlilllld, W, T.



Of lbe yort lateat quo.Jitiell.lld of t.beI.te-t P.tt.crWL

1'be abO" II1UlllnllUllllllo't';"r [11>1'11 II'J~ fl•,pe"nlUll'llL ftlr.l'llulC, all til.. Ulllt!:11 "'1,,'1:11 U,..pltlo. 10f' "lIIloe 1'11'1.1111 "" 1'1I1l.,1 " ..und. tb•proprlewr ' .....0 pl""lIor. III l'I.ll"uutlll:lllbM00 I',,,nl(lr e:£P4t"llOl wUt ba 1I'Iof'l'U III mlal..Lf"lll~ L Lilt OUl8rlln. .ul.l OOUVIIIlI'lIl111 lOr prl~

v~~f..:~~l~·tI"la""'" Oln",.1 IIll'r1&101 ""rth 0''ao l'...nollOO.llnl.l b)' r'H II, .. IIlH.I 1I"'"rl~In "llilplIl."t, 11 hili beell III ...... 'lfthl, rt'ttH"and '~(lIrlJI.tl\td. II" ...nuill Wltr<.l. bM'O 1\Cl"C/'(lIUlooaUOol 'or abuulunl lIuultl'Gl! 11II1~nwan<.la", p>UIIUIl,I)' .tJ.I'....d lnrCAMIlI t't'qUlrllll111ft mOIL CIIr fill tnlllUth,ul .01.1 Mn.I"II~'''·INIrvl.lon I~L IIndllll! 'Ji"~llll". 1'111". ",1I"d...he Llnlln _11l1,-fIIral"tu·.1 wllh prlvalll :'toOl"".Dltrel)' "ellllra44 ."do I1lalllwl, IiL 1II111"tlt lullilioUn",,1 toll..,..rh. NUnUnu 01 :U111 f,,,,"e"'. IUlll tb~

IIIllrflL«tJ In .blllpi I, ,. e"lIetl t,j.ltu, 'liet LnM...men lulro:lrllta Ir(jLII OIIllI••lUn.dl....l ..... trillbtl ".U!d tIIll.AlLht ~t1, 1I,.."llal ""thulil U'pOIlI'" LtI Lhl "...1.

1'bomu 'J'. MIIIOI', H. H.,.'1' )l~~.~

Ve.ela Ditolllirgnll,FreightJI Collectc<:,

'J'C1I111ill!t' of 1\11 kind" done.At. rcLtlOnnLl1! mte'4l\lltll)ll,tiKfll.ction


r ••••I'd.h.. n...1 tlol.,.I""I,," OIl"llteMplrllWI'U" "ue.u'~ 14J.


Port TO'WD.send


Gal'" IAdifll'. :an-' and Children.•Rubber OYer-Shoes.

'n>ia illha IMpt an. Best ooIeetod.toelr: of &0\.1 ud Shoea OD

l'oget SouDd. aomPrW"lI.............. -.-..........CIIaII.... ·'M-'.I',....................................

..........Ik ....., ., ..........I H ~.

U&. De., al..

Port TownlJend




__A WIUlK ITOCI: ur__





C. D.OILlllOU.


If,,.l....,jf ',I"I.I",.",~.

It IJoehlllnll.l.ll mUlde, membnlno IlndtllIIIlD. IG the ,.ery ht)lll'. bllnl.hhljf PHln1111\1 egrln~ dl.ll:lIlQ wllh Il1o po.....'r IhlltItover (Hit., Jt I .. tI. tnl!'lleille 1l11ll'tIIl hy'lvlltybolly,tl'util Ihll ",,,rAt,.., wll... rid.

""MUSTANGo"llrtho-olltn,.y J'!1111111.ln lllOlllerebllntftrlllce. tlll.1 1111' wOOlIUlILwr 10110 'plle.bl' ro"L WIII'I UlllIIIoJUI.

JL CIU''NI UhI!IIUIaI1JIIQ whon .11 olber


A. It. THOllAI,lAM a-.wu" "Irwta. K...-..

GILMORE & 00.,Aft • Mtrut. W 8. £.

win "..ethI...,....... ON...., 1M)d oeo., 0IlIC't 0111M.... ".&1,.., lH))&I'tmeIOloi lb. I. erior, u.. t.loart.01 C!al-. lUlIIl;nlloMl MaIM lJa,,.al4I (,'011"" ClrJ... ofaU kJedI..,.""... a pt'u"l d11J-' 01puwl~ ...... , or I,", IdJ l of , Sl-W1 ...lIulcatl "",,,tot. Of odM:r "rt<rNe Iud cl&l_ IIp.dIJ~LNlllofl ..I'tIlc.o_ kt'olrinr U....fI'UIL ....

:~~"I~cW'::':,r;-a..w:,.rru..4dl:: ::.~:maw. IM4 1lMIt"ew nreular oIln1l"Il~'- 'nil'll=~~~ Ir '1M! ......1 rlI1IllI\ III bUb




W..4SHINGTO:N MO:NTHLY.'ft. n." 'bra"'" JUIL ...blUlled .. """MH• .... TlIo«Tlp'l" Itl lU I'WOIUl* IIIld aut)' kIILclry Ill'LbiTentwrr:8l1b11:r1ptiOI, pit' IIDIIUM, _ _ " 11 ~

j In""""I,I. rod,_Ip.ell".., eopleil t5 _t••uh,

Add,.., ELOItI DOll: lIORlIl,Ptabllt/:lrr W..h1n(kln lilllntlll)'.

8ealUe. KIairNlI"')'. W, T,


Tile Lowe.' Bateo 1'01' Ca.l,.



FOB 1!AN Oil llEAS'l'.


Tl"hnn '" ml"l1IcJtlC In'lI hl(l1l11bly dOni)III wurJr It\ 1Il1lltullII I,r CIIlICI (\II' mOtuIba.... tlllt',1 III a ~Iltllr,; '0\ Iwlt IL hila~1.. rh8\1 1'\ 111'\' II 'I·t or, flo \fnrtll: WbllllIIDmh"rlrlll hUlllllt'.!1 "'I'Crywll"NI COD'Ildel'lL thu '''11)' IIIII'U r ..Ua"cu It\ CIUO of11.111 nr 1ll'l'l,Io,,, •• I~ IJ 111'<dly ."10 lu e.ll.lIcbc.lIl.....Udll ...


Us.lUI Recipe•.

A fortnight. ago tI,,, Ps.ru. police foundthe body of a man of color in till' Seinto.There w.. a tift 'euc in hi' pocL:oL Jt.wu orleu"d by the I)()!ice and found tocon" D docUD1clI~ /letting forth thtt. thedeceue:l Will tbtl lIOn of • chief who hadhvoltal apio.t tlltt King of ALJuiuiil.Hill fatber wu killed daring the I'fl\·oh~.

lion, and he himM!Jf. tD8:etht'r wilh hiabrotbert w.,. takf'n JlrillOnen; but,thanu &0 tbe belv of a wowan, tht'.1IU&ooerded in e-=aJ)int;. 1111 brotb~r, how­eYer, Will attackrd and killed t., an eoor­mOWl nU in tbe fore t. He Linue.lf,&leer P.i. weelrw trampiUIC tbrourb litld.nd flood, a\ I nl{tb nacb-d tb. £':IPt.an OIl'tUt.A. II...... tb-n OUA,.·\·.. JloG ('.i"", wl.t' lhe KJl Jln $tl\"l' illl..,me bMI 1 lI"itb .. kb I. I't\mfllO Pllr1l'.Il.. aa oblfY,(rlphl end. thu.~ "JIIGa In I a1.oo.M bloabl to ltv in P ri :bUL b, ,t," rl....btt ;It D\U~t ..(0), _lid 1 kllo"!J 'bill,: :iu 1 I' fl"rTNdl tlli to n:atir"n."

Tolt!uo hntS III. amllrt girl Her fatherand mother arc livin:l: 1,lell8&Dtly togeth­er, Ilnd ,he lIullpected nothing wrnllj.( intheir relatlonll liII one d~y, on tecelvmga bundle wrapped in lin oblcure InrtillnllP"per, Iho diacovered an allplicatiol\ fotdivorce aigned with her father', name.She promptly started on a. villit to afriend in ]ndianapoli" from wbich ~t•lIe u:aLle &n f'Xcun.ion into tllfl countyin which' tbe Jlot.ice wall publithed,Here abe found t.1lat.ller !abber bad beendi't'orced. Coming .t.raight hom., th.informed him of ber dillOOl'ery "bentbe II old OIan" cohfeJIsed, 'aid he wasalbanled of i1imIleJf;.and annou. \-0 makeit .11 right .. iLh her motlulr. "Youmust nOll ~o to mamml yet,'· Msid the,lJirl; '~I do not ...ant ller t.o know·tbepainful trut.4." }!~ortunately the twenty­tilt.b annivenary ot their marriage wasCIOM llt band, and the girl arranged lI.

llilver wrodins, to which the miniaterwoo 6rat married the couple W&II ill'vi~, and be pronounced the oereutonyth.t. made tuenl Mg~ man and wift!.The mot~r'. rivill was prel6nt. by c.-OOvery urgent requellt or the daughter,and ...lMIu it w.. all over Lbo la~ter took\he t.ir offeader into a e-mer IlJld .hi...pered to her, "papa and mama a'e mar­tied .gaio .. laa... the laW' can makeit. Wbetber the truth is ever knowndependll Oft yoo, Pall1l will nl!YM lelli" aDd I .... eure 1 nevtlr lbalJ. But it.doet MelD to me, c.l~ar, tbat. IOloe othtlrclimate would .uit y~ur eonHtitutioD, bet­tfr lhan tbiL"


AD ~mpren Deed.

~~n:....::I!lII_. -";"_.

An emllWlt tlivine from New En~·

land, t"••linK in TIIXl8 for bia h".lth,impaired by ..rduou. clflrieal dutiel, U~em arri.i"B at one of t.btl tmvn" went inaeveb of. bt.rbet'••hop for ",pili ... andillpro't't'UlI'lItL Oca entering .... atab­Udt..tllt of thi. kind be obtlerved a bigd"blt-\lllrrelled. Run IN.llina apinat tbewaiL u..vinK a oooath,utioDll .we of6~ be hlUtil1 ..ked tM barber ifLIte ".... loadtd. A hIl1l~..J'd&lath":, ",,1,0 occul,itJ t.he chair, tUrDedrouad hi. I,l.hl"'r bet.tea face and rx·daUDed: .. 8trall~r, e( yer in t.n ..II•IrM burry. 10nU 6.nd a us ..booW.r.bL taloatW in '"1 t.-tail pocket.--A comr-ol of Omnr~ anti AnJeri..cap{ are D -. ht~ with the N.P K. ", ((Of ra 1-. fJl 1f-

t!, la tI" "l"" LuudN'd \.be ndt,f'" • (.tI, hill t, f tk I'.tl",u.e"V • A. ft .. Lb/'1 1m Ut!I'Iltf" lahl L1,.... iII 'ak arll n :t illt1. .ter oJ' W'Ct, ~I h,;u III n.o\ IJ1

041 "111' _it.b a .um· ut- f)"aorIIt, tI( t f r,

'l'Il. Auatnan CarrouseL

,...u.r.......n.- "., , 1 t4t Lt.."-.lal.apL

.'or Ib, I... ,,,_ d tT" .11 "Ironnt' hA:li 11.r: ,"mf)U"(~IJlI III of I......Irtt.lh nf t\lll': Unnlll n".d-Oll~ eUJlful of ltl,li '1. I EIIII'r't Ii 1'( Hu!>.·' ~'"l1d1C hill" An hn lflt'al, on~ CU11(ul flour, onft c:upful of

been Lak",n Ull b) ,hI" l'llrn"'-. an«tu"'rian I..t:t'.otr~ !:Ottt-n II!' 1',1 lb. l'Oftallt 1\ ,-nl III thr .... tlll,l" .111 II 11111l101~ t._o eu,.tf'ula of gtahul 0181,

r I it n--.1L"~ It 1.. 1r 1,,1 1m"',· C"1l'""1U1'1I("e '''an thn-e c\lp".l of ".1"''', .:tile t"UINOIl(ulari..tocnry. \btl 1ro~l .. c: .... 'Ii a"' tl.tIO I,o.th l,r II " 1'1 ,r ., 1I1\1l1l.t lIer of u.ler'atu'" .t~ .. hLile ..h, Stf"amdfllit.iuH for lb. ntlid' ('f IIHl tllJlt"... o,e,j "dlAlricU ()r 8'1 Ii ho IMn.. al,,1 '&11111.\ ..m II· 'I1rll b· r, tbe ('uf,I"-r l!lrfe bou"" h ~ 'lulte thm Lefoltl:\I<Jra\"lL 'nfoN" Il \0' 1l1N('"1' Ja~1 (.,t hu h. Irtl,.~ nl";;ll"('"t of hn allli Ittlluin.~lio.... lilt 61.t (If "h;\,h .. ~ b1-ld bl~ Ult11l\' 'u,l'!u tl 01 hfOr mOlt h"n Sk. __-ed rotalOtI-BoII lbfl potatoes, a IlJld ''\.ainh' Uu' dill,l r. h, dt·r _,mpatlli,'". If. IUltf'ed, hf: II 1 not am) cut. In tllick 1l11~ take hilif a taLle~\.I b tori~ .enl,...,". 'tbfl f)':t"QU'ttI kllltd thfM all 1I111g Alt"O· Ullt far.. ll)oolIful uf fluur, a hull! ..h loUd buttf'rof tb. df'8!lt-. and ~UII'I'TU('n"', 100(1 tbf' tbe l:mVlNl, at .. rulf'r hf'! .... we IWd chowlred pa...'.', dc., .. toeIlcul'(lll o(

. I unba!'Vt ,If". i ronu·nu"'ll. h"r 11(", or Dlilk; put tllelll all UM(f'tht"'(' In a ..,'1.1(......

..........iIIWD (lr aU lite e"olullonJ" pl"l"trtnlt"t d Ib Y- 01 00 ..on"n· Pol,·" ...II, ,h. I I h d bo,... I II It d }J ... pin am do t em Itan a Ut twent)a .. probat, 1 uniqlu~ 0 tA lJ\. _" a .......... :tf. an,. b... bNn hull' '_ the telebrauon of tlltl ..ilvtr" eddln;. ... '000>'" UIIrIUlN,

b h• _I' tb fJ mort! in brr hou..h.h1 ror , ..a,... White Fruit C"ke -Olle Clip of bU1,-

wit whi(' Ito .It......... In more aD on 11Ie mama"" of Ibe '"'un. Nicola,~i(U"r. the 10C':l'1i1f cbOl"Q for lobI! _.~- ~- ~ ter, two cu!".. of wbile .ug.r, Lhree ~'111111CarroUlrI W.. tIM ltur-ial MIlftf'J'f\ OM ~rl, (ortl 1t'an ago with Mari.. Alu floor, one balf cup .w. e\ 1I)llk. 0rMl \ea­

of "'oee fine builJiDre~ llll tlle be- andrnviaa, d,uJlI~r or tlet (:I",nd DU~tl IllOOUful crlNm of tartar, one half tM­•• r h I 1 t The ...11, of HI!Me 0«011,11 t. wu a o"e mate • ,,,oonful.oo.. ...-bitd or ei,ht. f"'itg" one

pDIDJ 0 . t ,e 1M Of'n ury., and hwr Ye.~" were 'pent b1 thl!M ..I

01. the~~,~l.~b•• w~ )ab.ID8O:~~~ two. until -the hu.baDd'. 10 fancy f,1I pound of rai'iM, an.. olle quart.e.r or ,.... u. __ -.L...... • -,'.. Tb E t pG'Ind or cit.roa, chOPI)fd.,.." ia ~"' an an .....-ute, ,,,,ruIDI- e mfI"WI,.ntlVl"I" II ,ong Plam PuddiDI--One qUirt or milk,, ....,' ledri rp'-. d\.eDedb, .o....u, grew leu attract"" to tbe Car;':'1.: t iII~.~~"'" th .:.ene. .. Ler .Iigbt ,irlith )oveline. (.ded in· ;::~~r'ra~~wi::~I:~which w.. ltMllian' ia ... alrtt8e. to wotoanh~ and ..ben Abe ..... no wine, .,ven of brandy, one leDl>Jtl perl"'r )(.~ Md lUUl1 tJI Ute nHlID' 10ftit' t.Ite tW~ whom .t. 17, he grated, ODflo.h.lf etzp of thred luet, m-oe,_

_• \M J .....:.tiI ..III' .... tn lobe al ~3, bad "edded, btl looked elM.here d I D.


laos..~t:....II V'-"1 100 for the cblltru of feTD'\le 80Ciety whidl .ugar and IlIllt II f:ll rable. ..to in a

. ...'41.~"":L.-u ~ t.bI plio..,. he, ... I lun of the world,., a KUllIian, large brdd-IIIB,-'. ~Mll..lin" ~poch and M a mewber of the IIOmcwb.t U~ r..d, Fin,,"'!n.-Pour ouneel o( • 1I l:l.r,::..,;:. th..~ of Gero lOriou. Jmlleri.l family. found neoftS5lry ,olh of , our -giSt mix well (our ouncetl... ~1lII \lie .. 01 ~e tif. t.o hia .ha,II.tiIleM. ~ the P~ncou, wbo of flour, lUis ~Ilin; if too thick add an-...tl ucl ... .. .11 • the b.. It1nn t.o ]tuwa .. faUl~I'y of IlOna othet ",toole eg~. a half tel~I)OOnful of......... iMitvy '''!fowlr~ perhal~ and dauJhteru whOle mllrrl&geS hue flavoring, Rcllt white. 10 .. floth a.nd... 1M t.nd:~ tbe modela Utlited Ule Cu.r to Hngl.nd and If!'t'eral Itir in, 8quetZ41 througb a funnel Dladtl..." ....... ' '* \b.. 1Mlriod Itller lr.ingd~s, 6n~ing nO,bapJlineu i? of writing l)llol.lf.r into palllt lined withlIeeD. pl, ..-.- .. iu \he Aulo her domertlc refatwn" beCaml! a reh- buttereJ paller. Theile ..1,& uat!d fortriIa• ~ No' oe1y ill there the gioat rUlltic; an~ e81brltOtd with ," zeal Cbarlo"e Iuue.i~_~ ",I ..Uly of lilt oomIlMlll1ln.te wl~ll ber 'former dllwte .Favorite 1t1"lt Pie.-Tilke cold roast.:.. .. the. old fa~U. are 8Uetl ..hb lbl £lith in .whicb .he died. beer or rout. meat or .ny kind, alice it,~diItiD from tb' ume AJ 'fbe particuilin or ber I.,t. dayt'M tbin, cut. it. nthel' 'maUl 11" it, wet witb...s .iaJ~ cia"" &be ~nld1 familia.r with the pu~1ie, antl the 9~ic" grav" anti tufficiently peppered DOrl.,... "be Cll:Iriep. followed. b, men.a\- progreA of ber ph'I1IClltI,decay until .be _Ited, in If, mcat.Jlio dilL. H lilled, a."..; tl.eD __ deer and chtmoil bunt- had to be . aupported chiefly on OJy.gen. amalt onion ma.y be cbopped fiue anden on !lone ••d foot, with hOlinM and Sbe~ 11'" for o.'aoy bolln ~nconlClou~ Iprinkltd over it.. Over thtl meat pour.lI *-beir .,puelj 'beD followed the fal~ waking only at mfrequent loUlrval. to I oouple of ttewed tODla~a, a littleoooen, ,weln ladi•. U1d .. man,. pn- ~l1 exprellH her env, of thOK~ who more pepper and a tlJick layerof mllbedt3e1Den in lwo di.i.ion" one beaded by enJoy ~ea.hh, Her death hlUl released pqtatoes. n,,1ce .Iowly in a modtlfllte.Arch"';" WlJheI., \be-~thet' by the her, from a life the "~king moments of oven till dIe tolJ ill tI. light hrown...yyduh ~...t; \beu .u l-di.ea, tol- .~ch brought ooly Ilaln, ILud her ,career, Potlt.o ballH, or CroqlleUelJ.-FourlbwM by pa"elI; eight IIldie. In a ~r- w~lch had passed froUi youtbful JOYou.. IRI'SI', 'III! Iv l'ot.atol'll, cold, Inaah them...... baotlDg-Gr' rJ't.er them die wild Df:SI tlJrouah much trouble lo the nego. in .. plLn with two tnblellllOOllflll!i o(bear Ind boar b~n.terlli then t.o car- tive and qt;t!et existeuce in which htlr fnwh mtllted butter. a piu(1b of Balt, IIIHI

.vn.ptaDd p.rr aDd 'woiearrilAfi' and 8Orrow cUlmtnllted, hB.S endod.M tbe ILge a little l)epper, or-o toaApolm£ul of crf'am,Ioar, and at tbe tail of aU t.he bunting- of fifty.aix. She waH a vttry oM ... oman "f1d the \)ellton yolk of olle egg; rub i~", CO't'«ed with the spoil of the cbue, at that age, and death could llot but bet wj:.,'Cther for about fivo millllllJ/!, or untIl....iDt in IU. briUiant proeeIIion of welcome to her. very smooth; bhllp9 the mixtllt8 into ballll226 penona and 142 honea. The pro- J. Town in Splinters. about. the liz~ of a walnut or Imall roll,..00 fin~ alo..t, "imt.loI'OUod the ball

tdip them into In 'gg weB lwll.Lt'n,,' ml

wi~ tbe lOuDd of mat-uaI music, Ind tbtln in tbe unEIt. sifw.c.l bread crumbs;.. . _.". I I " A corretpondtnt of t.he St. Louis I_",,_eroom oraacrieao eque.tnan fry them in boihn~ lard.diap!&,... When tbMi'l yanoUi ev01u- Globe-Democrat writing from Savoy, •ii,na were" oyer the "hole co'1ee,e onco Texu, after ~he late .torm: A Very Smart GU'lmore p-nttJed before the imperial OOSi I have witllellled inmy life mllny bar­the ttaDda.rd and flllI·bear.ra wlII.vld rowing scent"l, I hve seen the dutruc.tlIieir 8,1'; tile nat.ional anthem re- tion wrought by fire and wa*..er; I hav.,IOUndecl, and UIC~ papanl17 w.. over. been in louwn. deatroyed by bomoord»-pia. \be bilh priolt tbe IIeaia for the ment; I have nevor Hen &Jlylhing to

,.tIuw "pi t ';Qc' are .u '-ku, ao eolUp&nl fo) utLar del'llat.iora with wh.tthU ... chui.'1 fete it Yilt be. gre&l 1 wit.netatd to.day; wordl r.il me ~ben

. 1aOOIa-~ Ti.... Aprill~. I.tart. to convey an idell or the oom-"'... • .' pleteneu of the work or dettruction.

!lII1Ji':l1IirIaI. Where a few boun ago Ib,re fIl:iltCIl~ ODII of the IivfJliett, bria:btt"'lIt little towns

n ..n "- the &Jti ia Norther1l Ten., there is \O-dtiy I.... a -7, ·~he f pral.rie .tnwn with the debria of the

=.~~-r:~cJ.~':d atorm. The ve,ry l:na~al~ of wbioh tbu_ ..v.... ....~ tII'teti in t.be -boUlfl ...." bull' ,are wlilpakKl-gone,......,.",t- H Ilk( It no one kpowt wbtther, e.xcept. th",t the

J "'¥1tt~~ .h"Dli~ ::.~ ta"tied to. praiMM be~.e~n tbe ~Dt. liteof S..oy...... with •~ M \he l' of th ir ~d tbtl Indlt.D Tfrl·'to~r .ro ttrewnc..daal uw oyer theIWdoork~b W'1\h fraghlentc, mere IIphn.tel1l of whlltof -. w.t;:i: ci~ )(ou t V Wire plah!ta. 01 tho bUll De.. part Gf,.... " ,.... o~ n ern~1l Lbe town. nOlhing it left, e1ccpt. tbe hllitDeI,"'\\orbOoci,~w\'eb i~=not e~ of one. frame Ihol" tha~ ICfllll8 to have~. .. ~ . f't been JUAt on tbe ooge of the cyclone.

ff~titI.a\~7 ~~.\ hia :~r~;~ On~lblllf'oI the lI~fl.tiol\ houlle ordel)()t ill.. t/.; WtdMr in T I H alto left. Luckll)' two or tbreu large~_..~tn.'::;~~' t.IIe buildings .·venll hundred yard8 from..t.ewi..... to parobue it, 10~Iai: \he ~wn-tt: acheol beuRC, M&llOni~ HallIWD~ ,... the to leit,: Nld"boardmg bOtl&e-wf:re oUltlde of....... ~iII.aM ~ tJie v.ck. of the tltoml, lUld .-cared atJa. ............. ia hia -:'..PrO-\ IIIClM tDtiJ'ely, -rbo IJonrding houae, R....... be.J him to~~ h~ larp tWl' Ito". frame buikJillB' mu.t....~~ ....... _7.:!n~ ber..... on"lb...tr.... ell£" 01 tb........ oI~' How Lbe~ IilleoftlJeforco(wind.tllec\ricity,whaL­boJ W Willi""-:--;- r f1't'f'r i* .,.." for it ..... bodil, '.iated...~W~ ..~,~;U aoout. qu.rtertum kround,butwaanot1Ii-..nii&4ta'f~t'~aoua'l ~ injunJd.puiioJe. WofouDdeight dMd,..~~ of &II' ball boW. I',d "tt,-rOUt aeriou.y wounded.tI ..Wab,. ••YID tao., M·in. live of tbt wou.lldtKl ban Mince died.

- ftWJ ...u...,Jated merdwl,·._. Borin« lied th. .trioK ..d~~,.1H_ ..001>1 ... euil1 0&~ 1>ilI-oIl ~ ..Lite ~ 4..q;..·•..... 10 do( a

...ud~__ iII,_b Io·...'~ r ~ ""I ant no' a' • .,.11 non.... UMIt.reet. toward. bome,. whilelbeMr ill> ja4a...~ ..alted ontil'" 11M dotl.ooI na' ..._ tMo eo, lila t..i 'N 10.·....aI on' aI tile a_la • '-u.s. ..,J "";rinltb< lioo> ioe~ • pi ~me ......-.0 bIKI to...._ to b<I h. _1Ilf"'d~11, ilb .y ....... i. b.. roek-................... u..aonw attoutfor ~ • . ffto. aJlllGlt..... ... .... pUlt' ua bill....... oItwlM It.. ,le... II*"~ loa ll>..... bot


, .


H~[ rl'll'I!t"n~.,

:• .., .... 0.:...,.

'J"" tit.· "_ .w ....1.1 ~," , .......... i" 01...- .. ...., .....uw .

1'- "\Ip \Tt H I 0 '1'1'\1 fh,. I'..



.....~ ...


TBJii OJlE&TJ:ft'


Utn'(T'S r.EMCD\' "II l:Iffil tmm llr:~.In.. dIK." tllil dr:&lll IJl""ln:tl. who IIA'II .­.I,ell UTI b'l ph'l.'cbl\. In dJ~•

J1U!'o'r'~ IICllll:VV l'I....C••11 DIMMHof I'llI Kld"'''1'' Cl-.lJtlu, brtnlu',·O,....••JJrop..,.. (In"' ...... 1Ilal1' tc.., ....d 1_lJ.." .....1:" P,1Id nrlcntln.....r Lrh,f'•

J1I1:"iT'l'J II Ill'll l: II r lnCOl:r...u _1«11. (Of.1nan .ppell'_, br:la" up lit.. I) ,t<."'. QlIII '" 'N1w~llb 1.lblI no,ull-

llUNT'lI lIE.WT.n,· .."l't'll 1'111" t. th._,.Iolll. Ikw'k..." l.ohl" (ll'".-nel tJot"blllt,..),'1:1 ... 11111 1'hl:lI...... hl"lu,h••llol".I" I.IINelf Appl'4ltll, Urlahl', 1)1 • ", .1Id all

~rJ'J~.~I·lr~~,"~~";~~i;h'I'~~~r.:;r~~~:~~l~\~r"~lOI':;f1:I-=;':~i,:~r:.:8t",r~,.. m..ch.C. ...II",....... I'tl •. .tr.

Il, 11M _ of III "'''''1'O 11l..'llt ... IIY 0",

~~a:K:.:;.d\r:,r~!.'.r~ In'f."; ~II ~:;:~~...~u ~'fr\"10111~ '~'I t;,";: h': ~..~::;~~I~.,,,:,~llt,II"II~.tlt'l",\,.1 "''II rl_JI~ILnl'~1t !tlnU'n\ hp,..·r.,...I·.r ..

'" ,.".. II•••bn... ~Il_. atId hu .." .....-.. k.""!1 tn rtIl1,

On" .,lill .,It _....1_ TeL r.t Wtb".I1Urua.--orI., •• ,.......'rl"""'pl .. l.l.."")I I':' .. ' ...'1:" .... l·..... klr..... n, ..

~.n_","-'tl~IIt.,....·, ,. _

DODD &; CO.,~ II"~"'''''''''''' to 11C1"~'lo,y" .J')odd .. CO,"

-1)11't)&TV,R.'I ANI) DIiALEJL~ IN_ 'f

IIlU'lhml'J', lt'Oll, Steel allli Fal'JI1 MachineryC'tf~r r,·r J,OI.,.~ I ''''Cltl ru..... tlll tl>llo<oln~lIr..L-dulllllll:hln r wtllell •

C.A.NT01\T PXTT. T~I!I~::'Apatil •

BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER..-. _#-+.,0, 8oluv;ftaporUoD.I' tile.....,.

nnd W'nln nope or tbe Padtle~OA8t .Ian; bUDwaltJ IbeBaell­"ye that no fa...el· bere eaD beIJ:noran1. ol'U8werltll orreqnlreHl'Kument to CODl'lnce btm or u.

The ne plull altra 01' nit 'I'brelhmlllIacbln.....eo"'" ror ...111 draR.power. du.rabUlty,IalIt tb.rellltnr. 04.clean eeparallonl as I.-pro'feel' forI NNU, lI.tan"an'l..n....f"ipeno"'t,.~ .. It II to. well a" rayorably 1nI_"~ to aeect e__eDt. ntbe perCooUo. 01 all lleaplaalUld. BowIDI.aelllnea.

"Nran~~'lIitll! BUCKEYI\ SELf.BINDEL

~ne .laUatol or B.~...,,"" ,~ all ..- .01:1":-", ~~n III W_.. ._.,

~~~#~~~ ~II:;:·I Itt:e~e:.,=".\'.:r~,.~4Vnl; VU J.wort't' .1'''1 'fl ' I....... f



260 lJ,nd 262 First Street. Portland, Or. "And Walla Walla. W. T '


T•• (lanl•••enlc.r 11..........dDeSs tar .ulterior to.y /lIorIIO... . I" ,f.' Endne\ lI.hter oa the lIol1'eA aad .r peatei' pewer. It ....ve ieeono.l~a Enllne the world~C'.o"ln.el Ille If.... walei' a" fit .Ih. Dalenl80roly PI aud 10 tlMl .r..1 _de.

............."p ,... IIS4:BlITTl.Ell FA. F.BIGBT AND SP.ING WAGON.. ,,'.w

••• r.r 111ft". (:1".11" •••~........ u., J I. eRAs. J-L nonn a. co.• Portl'ir.D.d. O~IIrOn.., I

I I,

~.. ,ASII ..w.


:BlEOu_or BOODAgricultural IlJ1plement House. '. "J

NEWBURY, HA~HaRNEa. 00., " ,I


T ill': U1rRIlVEI, \I.'IIITIIIVATllR "'ACO_S' Til! OEt.1!:8R"'TEfI.Olt;U~S811()11PLO'In TRHlWTItt.II: I,Y II •• , Uo.~Il...Jor ...1 ''\11,1111011: tbOI"'HI_h' 'rkmd llrUl: Ilall~t"nd MI~lnlf ~""': !'kILo .....

w::i-:'rll:I~~'1~1~:=~r~U'~h~~~.;;:"W'" \'hr"', "~n, Enjflll-, Mil • fuU h. ill iI'IMI'"

Nos. S. 10 orul I~ "'ront Street..1t!·W


D. J, MAlARKIY 4 CO.Produc9 Commission Merchant,

Gr:lln. FJollr. 811ttt'r. CJhcese,Ens. nups.IIMe,," "'ooL

liD)' Rnd Mill "eM.

Trial sac; 15,


lUch&rd the '1'hird'. lied.


They l'llrify tho 1110041 .

The gresle8t,JDtlril.ll of many hUlb"DdaiI ~heir wire&. ,

1'10. '" DlII~llbb~.Pb,ntcdaa. 'Prot~8'Ot· Gretln~ a distingui8bell allo­

pathic I)nysici"n~ 'wroht to the MedicalRecord III Adanta, Ua, to the effect thatlifter llllotber meon, bad f.iled, be sentro.r the Kidney Cure (Safe kidney andLiver Ollre), anti to hi" &ltoniahmentcurel a Stll10Ull calle of Bright'. DitltJa8e,by administering it, lind afterWArdsfound it equallv blluc!Jcial in otber cases.He adviled hia brothill' phylflcia"l to Oleit in preference to nnythingelll8 for kid·ney diaonJera.-----

In tile corporatiou records o[ Loices_tel', there is s~iIl llresent!d a alury cu­'rioully ill,uHrative of tho dllrknU88 andIlrcc"ution of ltidulrd'S cbllfllctt'r.Among hill cawp baggage It was hiM eus·woo t.o e"rry II cUlllbenwmc ....oOOon bed,llte",d, which he tl\'erred WfllI the onlyuOllch he could Ilk'Cll in; but in wblch hecoutrlvL-d tu Illwe U seGrt:t receptaole fortreasure, 80 tlHlt it WlAS concealed underII weight of timber. After lloa\\'orth.lo,'ield tho trool1!l pillaged Leice!iter; butthe royal bM W"i11 neglec~oo hy 0"0'1plund"rt:r liS u!M)les! lumber. The ownerof the houl6 afterwarda di&COvorin/it the,hoard, became suddenly rich, Without1m, visible cause. He bought land and,at lengtb, became mayor of Leicester.

Many yea", artenrards his widoW',who bad been left in gt'llt't afHuencC, -nsMSs&Sl'inated by her aer"flnt, who hadbeen Ilrivy to thllalfait; md at the ~rilll

of thil CUlprit. and hllr atecomplicea theWllOI" tr.nsaot.ion Cl\me Jto ·lIght. Con­O",rniog thi, W, a publlo print of 1830at.l.ttla \hat ""llOUt hllf a centutT lineetlte relio Wall JlurchlUed b'1 a fttmitur~broker in L!lico;rer, who alept in it former ,ean, and sho.-ed it to the r.u­rious; it. continuea in t.lII g1)Od CQQdUi'onapparently u wbeo.,ustd by Killg Rich­•.rtl•.being forme4 of oak, and ha.'ng abigh polish. Tbe dil.lIghterof the brokerhavit.g lUalTied ODJ B..Ibwaton, (if .Roth·leI, D~r Loiceater, the bedat.ead. wane-­moved to BabinJlton'. bOUie, ;where it iastill proaer\'ed," ,

.... ••, "'._.,. \n.I'1U Ie .., ....... I .. UIIII. IMtIM!P "011 .111 _ .~._

•••• ...... ..__...t' 1......_".


Diabt,"-I.IIIN~To ~bill ~i",tl'ehinR oomlJlaint, ~hou.

Sll~! fa!1 vlcum~. It ~uirt'l n9: Id~B'crIVt\on. Tho.:iC who 'lutfllf frotD, it.know ~llo "'y1llptum, l)err,'ctJr. Tbu Ul\·fLliling :;tlr6 fllr it is ~UNT>'II UtnLlY,the Great Killncy lind l~ivor Alediciue.This srellt Du!dicille (which 18 the ,vnlyknown rcmedy fllr Bri"ht.'a UiwlIJIe) Lu,Cllr~d mure Oill.bctC>1 thl\ll a.n" autl aUother metlicincR put to"o~hflr. Ii affiieted bv KiduP\', Liv~r, UI"dJcr 01'Urinar.v 'Di~easc",,~try flUliT'K REmmy.

r~lIdl·r. Sold by "II druggists. TrilllIlllC, 75 eenta.

.',---BIMpl..... IUaIIl B&11lJGa&Ct. tared..

TORO~'l'o., unt., JulY' 15, 18i9.MESSRS. If. ]{, W ARSlm &. Co-S'IIIS:

Your Salo Pill, wllm recnmnH\ndp.11 toillS ~ II cl,lre for ~lool'leMn06a caosed byII LlhoUN condition. TII8' trouble hilS

l~elL ctln~pltftely' reli",rell by their usc.1 h,we trlw lIlanyother rtImedil'll., whichall faUet'/. 'fJIlI dl't:ct. "liB wonderful; IClIn no\\' ell~ t:llOugh vf good pillin foodto ..·.isf}" Ill~ wl:hout fCtllill: any uup~e:i*m.ntljclI8, and am llblo to gut a. goodIIIgbt.1 r81lt even aftor 8St.ing a heartyIllclllltt II 11I.te bOllr. I havo heen ll10rut.ban Rlltillfir.!J witll tho rCllul~ nnd U1\

chCf'rfuUy recomlnond th'\IU to o~henLYoura gratefully, U. .:{..FoCJT:uw.

, .~PI·I:I.lC 1.IINI-:F.w:1'0Rll._Hllrvey, J en.

ner, GutllrlC, and other tlillCOveren ofgreat f,,(,.-tII if! nteclieal:w:ie.ndfl, have beenproperly called the World'l1 Bencfuctora.Whoovt'~ luoceeds in leMeninlZ tbft ,lainand da.ngent or the hnlnl\n family do_S~r\'C11 no Ie.", tit.le. RUNT'S RF.~{.

EDY, tbo Great Kidnll! anti Li"erM.-d,lcioa i" a. ulttdtcal mar"el. It CUMI

Ill! Complrlilltl of ~he Kidney!, Bladll'.Jr,LI~or" un.d UrinAr! Orgll.T111 _ e"onBnght a Dilleu,,-and it !Uvea valuableliv~ br the LhoU811nd .

Sold by all DrIIg'gi...tl.•m'"

I' A. free Prea"

Preparing to be Photographed

An old Inrly from tho Virginia siueWIAS in \Vlillilill'Cton tbeotbt:r dill, "nd,havlIlg hll"rJ 1l11lch of Jlrllody'l plloto­graphs, oollcltlded Hhe IIhould go in theNnnrl cPt her "li~6neM tule," fill /lhe !lX'I)rt!lisal it. She Wll!I atcornl,.uied bvI,or dllul;ht8r, 0. tall,gaunt young woman.l~r. Brady, who ill alwa.n very flClite tolUI cusUlIners, took the old lady him!IC1finto d.e O[)Ilrding room Anll seated belill II. cludr, 1'£e Iltel'l}t'd 8W"y for 1\ mo·ment, nu,l when he ret.II1"1}(,d he foundthrt oM huly earefully tucking her c1ot.htlltight ill 1Ib.)ut her feet. "Whllt in 'tho....orld Art' 'yOU doin;,:' thllt fod" sail.! Mr.Brad)'. I'WclJ,"answcrlJd the old Iudy"l know when )'OU look through t.hll~thing l!1f~re," poi'lting to t1lucllm~rtl., IIIsllll.lI bo IItBnding on my Ilt~lldl flld am,l:ot~iug r(,'IL·lv f(lr it." MI'. Brltd~, nfkrmuch trouull', ,uceL..(h~'\I in couvillcing',be old lI'tly t1ll1t, thoul(h 8hA might ap­pMr uJlllirle down in the camerll' her~1~tllf:H would r.,mllin in tlie,)roper' liO'i'

ltlOn, lI.ud thllt tucking them in abouthtlr r.et in tIJrt.t IUlI.on('r might intel'felewith. tho ortietic beauties of tbe 1,!I0to­grlltlll• • ,

True PamoUIDl.


• =~ ':;


~li&a M-'l-a-.-.-.-r ~'-llo-y-o-"-I-.intrroDi -:. 1 X ., IHTT.~n~" ~n.ture ver'l11uch, Mr, I),.ub I" Arli'lt .E ~_1'Ub, no l 1 l,rt>fer original thillg'4.- E-o ~-;;~;;;-;:;;-""""':-:::-:""="7"'_1 Ii:Ollt nit 1Il11Ie.J~ you kntlw." Aliu ~l. '01"(('1,1" (n IUn,) G'-'Il._HOyt of ,ollr he.." 1 That', whll1.10U

b t ' I " "'--.mal "11.. et \Iw OIlr.OOlf WIUJ UMA,t:m~n 1 lie rtnzl 0 !j4lmul, I sup- aour....... Iedr '_, _ .. '" 10M I S I. lIITI KII....poee." A,I.a~'. 011.1.. 1 I. l'I1Tt:Klf 1<011... '."'.u-I

&l.it' 'I alia .r(l'J~ • cwn.&l. III", llll' OJlfII'l-

IIT.:- die fur OIUI', klJntrv 'am giorull"be~lIn llrother Gardner ~Il lin "~e {nhit ullljest.v, l'but to Ih'~ to lAut beansutlact ovt oniollll anti rllil8 'taters am1I."'h stilI. 1 want to Illy IIOW an beallburtt de polyticlli campaign openlf, dtl.tany OIe:nllflr of dill club who nt·gll.1C1S hisItllrne. JllLlch to Itul'rllb rur aU1 Cll.nt.ll­Ilatft or hdp along aliI IlOflUl will be~alketl UI' he.h 1)()'IIlo'erfulaudllenl Pol!.tick", nehber )·tt put a dollar ilillolly hOIl.trlt llI11n'l4 IlOCkel, 1I0r addcJ lUI hOllenluar of brc.ltl to auy I.burin' bin II'. CUI"bMrd. 1111 olia.hunter who will ,ha'te ibaed!! wit! y01l .til' buy villI whi.~y fur,onr MtOluch \I.'ill to-Inorrow I,lll! )'011 ~..'Oldly lIy lin' IC~ you Wllllt r.lr IIrelUi. £.kt tjlll Rlone. 1...1" dl't11 do dl! hllrrahin', ~

de OOohllll', II. mtlrthin' lin' lie drinkln' ~

g' rou'll have 1\ bfottab look in' COfI' 0':yd w.ek an' morn rt'f1pl!(;t fur ye.nM'1f Ull­df'r y.·r wjfi 1$. Oa,·,.1t jilt. 1I0W, bt.u[ Ilbell ~e'l) d... Ruhjlclr: in "ickle for afunl~r OCCQ.:iioll."-f'~ Pr

Some Leading QUHUODI.

Doe. a Whale Spout Water?

A Tiger in the Slroeli or PuiI.

A young Inan who looked as if be bad Tho bcau~irlll idea of getting lomea heap of lhillllB on bis mind, but ..ho thing for nothing is nowhef'Q lUortt rearlalruggled hard to appear out..,..nlly i1y truce.ble than in a newlJp_per olfice.calw, put. .. five dol tar bill on the deHk So much hIlS been .poken, wlittl'll andof a. Detroit Il\wyct tbo otber dlly and llUII,!; 800Ut .. "fNe Ilre811


that people&'\ilI: lIaVtf come to Iu,:ee!)t th~ \erlll in Ii MCnAll

IIJ wllO~ t.o ask you n fu\"lcading aho~"Cthtr too litt!ral.flnNitlOn~" If II mlln has a I!cbeme of any kitHI

"Go tLbead," was the roply u the gprwinl1tiny be ju~t 81ep!l into tho edito·money was qllickly thrust out. of RighL. rilll room .\lld detAils it, with tl10 re­

"If Lam CII1PJ:t.-d to a Sirl And go back mark: IIrill IlOl quilt! ready to adver·en her wuar. can she d01" lise )'et, bllt a. fiJI\' 'WOrd8 will belp me

"SIlIl yOI\ for brOileh of promiSfl." 910ng." He it&ts the fflW' wOrdll, butIlllut If "he Cor.. back on ma what ean ne"('r getll relIdy to advertil8.

I dol" Two tieketll admitting lady "nrl Rent"IJunt up ....other.",. to tho "n. It X. M. To'. R'rand bsll"aNl"VOlI SqpltOlC 1 hlltvo presented bel' expectetl to produce a six-lino locI! and

with II $2 ''''11, " pair ot bracllltlLe, &}Ulr. a quartt:r of a column d8lKlription'or thoMol and. ring1" " ludics' toilets after tl;e ball is over.

"Then 3hll'II110 much aht<&d." ChUl'ch f.in and die like 'Uti worse'I'J( I beliue \hat. bOlo inflltuQ,lioD for thlln ball" The1c.DeverJ.v, u.oke~ bllt.

another i... lJut a pusin,ltwhim lAnll I flour· ucmand moro IIpace bectllllift uito'a a nlat­iah II. rovoh'et ~ t§lk: of sllicldQ 1[,bat. ~r of newl Bntl a belp to tbe elloule./1t1len1" -,.. ShoulJ a boy aaw off hi. tinger. n.or.

IIBer 'ather will proG:t.bly pitk you C. fJ. ~l~~",r dreued hia w(lund withup aud drop you into the )il'lit Illud PIlIJ., ~reAt Skill,. would be a graceful way ofdie." atutinll it, and, kellidea.. it i ... llubprofes-

"Um! SnppotItl 1 ha.cl preaento.l her II10rull" to atlver~ise. ..mother with a'twent" aMllin" umbrellal" Tbe plllell\ rut trap man bnft#ll tn nne

l"l'ben ~htl'U keep dry." Cl o( his cl1~bint:tion!of wjre arui ~old!"And her 'trotber with an accordeool' chlltlll6 bait, _leks It under the editor,IIThen he'll worry the neigbbol"L" n,OiIe an~ t!l:pl~i111 bow ~bey calch 'e~IISU[lJ>OSt.l: 8ir~ 1 bkd" (or the eah af every ,.mgle t~me the sprtng workll. ~t I

making myalf sohd with the aId Dian, IIOm~tlllllg af U1te.l8iit to ~he corum,ruty,11resent.ed him .ith sixteen dolllU'" and If you put III a pUlce Ave me ..worth of w.tab-dog1", dote~ paocn." which he quftlily .....lh

IIllo'lI set him upon yotl if yeu havo off With, (Il:1 though he hftd bestowed aanv trou~lp." f&Yor in allo .... iug editoritll eyes to gllze

;'lJml Havtl I no rwnwl'" on luch a mllrvel of intricacy,uYeIl, sir, go and lick 'be prairie nng- ~ invitllti~l} ':0 "COD~~ .down a~d

er who hM IIwlen awoy yol,lr girl's .ff~ write up our eilabilshment, II a il'n!atttOnM." doal more common than a two IIquare

"I'll do it~' , "ad" from the lime tiran. New.pe.perl"Glad to ht'~r it. 1'1\ .Iefend )'OU1 mUlt be Iilled UJI with IlOmothing or u·

CliO for IUD." other yuu knoW'.llUml" The It..-yer with fltroUg prejudi~aIIUml'" agllohut a.dvertiaiug, ~ (Gild of Heing his"Collie to think ol it be is a big~r C&IlelI reported in full in tbo neWllpapert,

man d.lAn r .m." ....ith an OCt':Iltiional reference to hi' ex·"ThrR M him lick ,011, ~ntl I'll milke ceeUingly ahle IllUllIler of conducting the

it COllt him S50." ..me. It is chooper that adYer1i/Oing,hUml 1'1I1.bink of tt." In fact ev~rybodl, who bu an ax 'touUrnl (JOice houn from 8 A. M. to (l griml, aHkM tile Il(IWlll'aper to torn ',he

1'. M." " cl'llnlr, Bnd forJPllll to o"eD 83,. thankAnd tl\o youngman trollbled with in- you, but, will kindly take a f~ copy of

ward o;itat.ion took himself Ollt. t.~., pUIK'r .. part [IllY for [UI oi.billg tbene...·&.

'The preIS bting "(roe'" 411 hands see'llbound to Ret IIlJOllrd and rillt! it. to de..tb.That is wilY MWf!I,1I1ltll1lllre 110 rich thatLhtJ)' call UlrUN to JWoy doublt! )Jriee forwllit" .,lltJ"ir, ILlid never u.~k Cuu"reM toLIItI t.llltlll by rellluving the duty ~n woodvulp.-N~w l:IllVOIl llegi"wr.

TOf rc ill au illt.ercsting dillCus~ion ~o·

ing on ill N~w 'Yoric; over tbe quelltiollwbether II. .... ho.ln does or dOCM not spoutwatcr. What do lobe Dlefl who f:O downto thu lie" aay aoout It 1-Hollton Tra.v­tier.

\Yo think thl\t those Wll0 go down tothe 8Cl\ in sldl's willllgrmt t.b'U.lho whltldOl!Il 1I0t IIpOUt water lllt.hough he blowllwater, 'l'o explain thill ween,lIng l){I,ro­dOI, it must. bo undcflltood llillt thebll,lwing of a wI, .10 iY Ilimply Iitrong re~­

piration or bro"Lb, llMI t.bat tlJe whllieill 4 WlIorlll Lloodt!d Mo.Illm!ll. with lungllJike tllOile ot IlInd ",nimul8,. and tireotllesair onl)". At lllfO mOIll('lIt. or rising tothe 8urfaoo of the 81:4, 110 forot.. out a.trolll: curl"lut of air, by which tho amllllqu&utity of wll.t~r IItfllllling ill the Cllvitvof Ilis 8pinu:le or fivOllt·bole, ilJ blowl\jn­to countl"lis ntOllllJ, forulil'g a cloud nl• proy wl,ich looks like wllile Imok" or_team. Tim l"rlU of thi!t cloud dimm:lin tht! tnl'l'.J'or aifftJrent ~ptcie" of ..bait',.0 that. tlltJ pr,lctic\'d (')'0 o[ tho wlll~le­

Ulan can u_u.Jly disLiliguilih tJUI 8e\'orlllvarict.il:M, "0\ 1:11 Ilt fI dilltllllce of lllii~1l.

Thill ~lIri+oty reMult.. from the differtllltoouforllladon anti direction of the IIpira·c1e in the IlIff-'ront ~Jlecicil of 11'110.10, "ndalso frum the fnet that IIOme MllCOICS lul\'oonly olle Ill,intclc 118fl oth('t'lI two. 'l'beourrent. idea that' the wh"l., t.lcus itt vutflusD,·id,·a of water lind fljeet8 it agttin ill••olit! strt!lI01, Uk. t.hat of A firt: nngine,ia .11. gr~t. Dlilltake, nr.d the Ilioturetl'Which rt'IJr+OlICot. him all 8j'1Outlllg ~lIch

Ih'ellfIJ8 lJigh o.loft .ni siwl,ly ridlculou.to tim 0)'0 of thtl whalenuin. Jt 1, notl)roba1.llij lhat any water wordl men'iou­ing evul' JillWl ita W3Y into thu lungs or'whlllo, I.JUt. .btu lIIortt.lly wounde4 he..ill throw obt copioua liIt''t!Lmr. or gusbt!1I,not of wall·r, Lut warm, rl'tl blood.­Nantucket (uquirer. "

A fJlcetiGulI j6llt Will recentl1 pl.yedupon tho MUllCUvtible Ouul, whu 4wdl intt;,o "MollU\.lirLrd Dilltrict of Pari.. One• ftRrllooll II :.r1 of "IA tl ret' WlllUaiaBltin thu HOlllt:Vl,rd ellch,...nd 11 freight­cued lIlultiLudo Mu~h' Il\rd,\' in clintbiufh,IlIP'IIO-t4 and bUI'ILio,!C into boull'" asthe rt'n.'C'iolllt cntatlll'ti rUlhed tiroocht~(' Atr""l A Itfl'"d' tlf ffil·lcouM 101­die"' "l.' • de.ail+'ll 10 fdlowallilJeflroytho f"n "",U1 hrut.t', wllh:h lIn·y tiul'll,ahol. Afu'r tie lb I. W''' found thail.hll li!:!'r ,..llJI II hili'! lIIongrel dou-••hicbhad bet'li .kdlullr I illled to imit IU~ themonarch I.f the fOf'Ht, IIl!1 thfOn, _hh •tIn 1*11 (hi iw tail. Iclckrtl into the.nee· ... h..rc it. blbWf' thll te.rror of tAilpeople uutll ita unhappy lifa wl\Il!uded.

, Mr. S,mk,.,'11 new hrnm. "11 onrl rap~ulI burUln,ll, 011 Lrothcr1" i.s lo be ded­Icated to l:':cJIIOII.




wilt re--All bUlllletM entrtl'tld eo hlllltjllve pr1ll1lllt .Ulll1llnll.

CONSUf. 01" CO:;"I'A RlOA.



.. U.IUGUAY•omoo roomlllloo"e III" SWw lorlllcrly

oet=npll...1 by ItOTIt~IIILIJ& Co••Ilort TOWllklltl. MilS ~. 1~.

Ih'YI •• luj".c:lh", .......""_

tt., III r\unnuIIlU .. l'f'<011111l l,llIIhU,lkm. M'1I~

Y~llnlllll!l!',ILII"lt'I'pll) -Jlllll·. IIIllI t'urkh h. t• Iliin anll ' .. IIUI rll lua. dnlilal kill Willi II,....,.. "'r'. "IIQm"..b 1t1'lu.... lh\ll1n~t, Ihc Ig, ..,bl.tr. 'I IItnllllone<l••,111 Ihll 1n000t 10001u"r

1/.1;'0: ~'I~ b~:ill~::':~':~~·~~;'-Llellk fI Ill'n-,.

rlll""lUllIt I', 1\11 OIdl'r III I(nllr'lmbl",HOKI·r:->. H";I'lle. .fnll;;!! Hr 11M' "11111 (lIll_Irlcr t~'llI'l: ~flrll'H 1.111'",11\' ~h'l'lI 1<1 1111llie \'r\'llllur_ "I' II,c "111>1 ";"111""111. I'dl!"Oelpnll'· I,.I~· lUll' lllllJeilr t.. 1"111' II,.., ~.It1IWI):I' (II hi" '·!.IlIUI~.l'" II So·IIIII.. III KIIIIl',·"Il"I~·. \\' ,1.1.1111:1"11 'l"'r!'llltry' 'II' the 291 lt,1:1.\,,,(.llIly. 1\.1).. N80. nr IOII'clncle. A.'I. of Ill'll d,I.\·. tlll'lI nlld Ilwl"I' '" .hew.~'II\It' II tlw.\ 1'111. "I,~' IIII' "l/Ifl'r ul AAII'11I·.. lI·I'IIT "hulIlllll"t II 110' ~rIIUl<'II. IUIII Illl1".I;::nHIl"It ,,( hi_ "'Ill!' I~, '11'1,1.,. lI11tl 110III! ,11 ••·llItl·):'. tl I',·,IUI 1,\Jt 'k:Lt_"lltlllubUillnIn Imn.lIlUll'C at 1M 1I1tUule In 'lloh ClI'bmlltle IIlld l'"wllll'lJ' .1IlJ In the mfollJllweKlI pl'OtI('I'I1111g~ IlgrluJI snld Illl!oh~llt beAtll.Utl. .

Wllllt.... my hllllllllllli thll Pf'al 01 Mkt.-,t'O(lrt Ihll Fifteellih l.1A)' of JUDe,.SSeal A. 0., 1880.l JAMr.SSEAVP,Y.._- Clerk HhHhl Ol.trlct Oourt.LAHHAlUn: &: HI\~~'OIW

Allurue,}'11 for 'ltlilioutll, t~t-C

D. C. H. Rothscl1ild,Shipping I.t. Commission Agent.


"'ele" df>fU"tP1j,.,111. (,"\''llllul",.

t'ot"ellll iron. Ot\!lI'on, )Inrt'h" 15801 JUl'" lJIo.'4l11 trouUlod IIIlLlIY ,)'(!lU'1l wltll.

W"nknl'llll or the kldnilSilAnd 1I:\\'l! Irllod manytlllJ'url:nl n:uH:tJIII-' lMi'ul(bt 11111 fronl 1I14'tlnlntlIllly~lcllln .. NIlIl l",onrhllnW6l1 CI'nll1h~ to ob­lain l'e!ICI·. hut Iul\'''' mot ~tl:J uldlltertllL IU~

~r'ih~I~I:'e~'!,~h~I:~~~~,ri-~.t~ti:h~~U:boJf ur It ,uul hllove dCli"ud lIA\I\I\'r h!lnllith'Oln It Ihllllllnytillull' eUiu J hIlJ~.ltl~J~a:.Ij.

Notice to Creditors.

Notice to Creditors or IosoIICUl.

Election Not[ce.N O'I'ICE IS m:IlEBY G1VL'f

IllIlt on Mcndllv, the 12th 114)' of.1111'0'. ltl."ll. I\t thl! 1'1I~)lIb room of .fU»cl1&EIl~IIl': t.VlIlpllUY. No, I. 011 Atlllms IItreel:III Itll' eh.l· Ilf Ilort '1'owll~hu; W. 'I'•••,Celli' rill "k 1.': lUll .'UI bt. hell.llor all city 01­ItCtl"' rrllllln!tlio be elte.tl't1, to Ivlt.:

MIt~'m or Ilie dl.y or Port 'J'own~od-fOI' Ill~ lI'rlll (lr (lilt' )'I'llr. '

Mnr.flllli nl' rlltlcll,· ur rort 'I'o,vllfUthJ­f(lr tlte If'rl" l,rIllW·\"l'llr.

FUlIr t'\JtlIll'lhllclI':"'fnr IIII' k'tlll 01. ,wo

/"'11I,;-111 the ,1I1l1'tl of Me&lil"l', II, T•• 'rl~1:11Q. f:,tIJ. n..rllelt. P. W. ,':lilieS anti

,I, 1},ll)1:II"llioo. \\'IIO-e b'nll:l or 11m... ez-jill'll.. .

1\1l~1I1 ~Ilitl c1Cl'tlolll-'rllllk :'IIJ'tlra I..~Ill/iUI"" In'Ilt'CCor. CIIIll!. 11. ,lout! atleln.·..rltll 11. llllrthrol'. ,IIIlIJrlI". Mul E. H.;';11,.,111 1I1lll DUIII!:1 II. HIli ~14~I'kJo. III 00ll­Jtll'l IhlllOalue.

\\'IIil'll l'Jecllou IIhlll he Olll'lllod a' &o''''''''k III thc '0",,11)011 of 8llitl (111)", alld\I11l1'Oltllllt1t! 111111111 (1('101.:11 In Ihe litter.IlIrClIl ol'the ..lime UlI! without do"lng tbevollJi•

'('!IIi done Mnl 2h'"'' 1II111t'r Ille ,llrf't'llon:11111 L)' 01'11...1' ur tIll! CIIY Cllundl 1111,1 IlJtbtill)' ofJlIlle. IlJ.~.

O. )IQRRlS flAt.t.Eft.Cltr t:hlrk.

-H..utl !hc folln",hljt 1I'~llmQnW.. nl'lt I'rcm

~~~~: lJ~~':~~~~,\~t~~~'tI·~~~· I:::l~;:'III}' dlll:llul ur OI"l(on.....111'" mWI"'. w"lllo~1Il theIr (JlII'n hllnll~. l:l\.n 00 Ile4.!n at our oftkle:

!!ltfl:rloll. Ol~lion, Mlrtb 19. IIlIebI

Il~~~~I~~~;I:~..,'~~:~i'~'U.~~;~·:?"':'~:thu 11lllilt I wo or tlll"\:o' )l:lIrlll 1111\'" IlL....n lrout\.Iud ""lin 1I(!l't\II'{l'mCIII ut Ihtl klduo)·l!.lhlrlll"t'whIch tIme l b,,\·tl IrUlII \'lIrlnu!I n'1I10t1lM

~~U~~lll~ .f."J.k~~~.:~· ~::a ml~l~ n~-:-:.:t~~~~I~fn~I;lhl:~~:;:~ It'~~I~~I~~1 :I~I~~elll·\lli. ::t\MUJo:L COx.

Tile wrller or 1\wI fo.llowLl'1I(' I napllillIlllulJler or 1ll11O,)' )"~Irll 'IRIIIllnll', ellll:nown1"1 II )l1,..!l,llfwf 1(1 the l"d1.lo.1I" allil III no.., _tl",'Ul:r In Illu ...·!llInl f'\lwl'll)' l"'II"llI~hIHI lIotFOl'l:l!t. Oro\'Il. f..>r Iho 1l1l1l'Cd1l1Jn of India"yOllll1:

The Oregon Kidney Tea!

W. fl. HOln:llTll. s...ert'tnr~·.




N O'r1 F. IS IIEIU:llY OIV};Nthllt, litlllle<l (I"'I'U.1I111 will I~ re­

\.'t'lvl'Illlt till' AIl,IHor·.... allklll)f .1, ne~ll'OUlltS. \,..~lllllgI0" T~rr1tor.\·. IU Pori·1'\l1V1lk'11l1. up III 2 ,,'cl~'k. )1. M" All.K"-t 2,1. lS~. h,. Ihn "onf'1 01 OIlUlI)"Comll,I•• lmlt!", of' Mid 1'0111111' 1M n 1000nIn ~Jlltl \.'OII:lt1 or lIlt! IUtu 0 $4.000 "flt,1l'fllll, at II nile or IlIt~n!u lUll '0 tlXl't't'\110/ltlrt.,\,lll. per allllliin. ~11!1 IlrollO:\Jll!'to ". Olllllll'fl h)- ~ald board of ...,1101111:1'..IMH'..... lit tlwar n·.'t'lItllr Iltftllilig. AlIlt:u.'2d, ISW. lit 2 o·dnck. P. M.• lilt IlIthlIlO.'lnl rec,,,,11I1l Ilt~ rllitht 10 I"I'Jf\;t IIllJ'1\11 1111 (lrol~IIOlI~. B)' "nler of UI" bnll.rdor Coulity Cnllllllil/lllllll'rli o••fl"lrl'l'wnCollllly, W. '1'. .IA.~:Jtifl,An:T,

Uo. .Awiifnr ot ~1I1111'OlUI11.

Port 'rfl\\'Il'eIllI••1t!n..... NOII Co•• W. '1'"4t J lUlts~, 1830.

'rhe ftNit "tUluf\1 Inl'l'flug nf Ihl" trnml·a"'lltloll AUI 5r'M:'I .. ',· of N"rlll.w''''l'rllWllQhlllj(t"ll wllllJ.. 'hl'1llln FU\rl.'r·~ linn011 'l'IL!'illlr "'\'1'11111/0;1 .Itll)' O. tSSO. :11

which tim.: the "'ltOrl~ fOlr Iltt: pnM ,\'I'llrwin be preselll,.,I. llllll (>n!"l'l'lI ..11't.:Il'll In

&erVfl (or the 1'11.1;111;; relll". '1'11'1 ntl ....II,I.u.uCt! 01 every 1U1'lubcr Is C!lrll~llf uC!lrt'll,Dol· onlcr.

'nl' ~tllnUler Illllllb4'r nr r~IlRlCll'lI"10'1,-111"11 ~}Il"rll'rl)''' Ilrc...·t1t.• II. rcutlen;willI l\ tllllJ:IlIIl,,·t1r dwoultl.IITI"'J.:lllllhIlklllrl'. lI'n'II'nllv" Mltlt lil~hlnn~ 01 till'ReNJOIi. 1IIlII,·):t't'llle\1 III II,t 1I,,4>~1 "yll"Tile '1Jt:t:IJllllltlrlt t'itllllll~II"r 11,llll.lt:llll't'.by till" l'ullli.III' ..... l~ Ilul! It I. 1111 tXflctreprotlul'II,11I I.ff\l'lllltf cn·III'III·•. AIIII lIota lrllll".\· Illl'nm' '\'hhljt· uri~lltnl I"xlstl'd1'1"'.\' III all> 1,,'lIn n( II rllil~11\1I nrll'f orll, ·1.!:'lIl'r. A 1'1111 dl'''I'I'lllltflll til lilt' ~tllllll" II ~lvl:lI Itl the Ij:lgl'" 01' IIIIl 1I1t1Ka­due.

Ut·"Id!·... ,fli., tha "QII'lrff'rlr" OOlltnln'Ille USUAl Itl.tllll"It·1I1 01 J.l:'IIMI Ihllllot~ fOtlh" lu,I!,'i -IIIIlSlrllll"Il'" 1I1111 ,h",'rl"rltlllll.dl -lIil_ l;f\" 1",11" •• U11 .....,·~ ,lUll o'Ilill"'~", I ofI,:,l r !!('''c'~. CIIIIIIIJ"r ~P' 'II. '11,,1 I~1'11IIll'''.11",1 101l11lIn',I. "f "111'1' 11"IIIJ1 III ,'I'cr)' llc·fI/lt'LlIlellt of h"U'l·!l.. '" !'\,'IlIlIl111Y. 'IIl·vcry."-" Ih,' p'!....... nn' 1.1,1111)" 'tl,ted. ~o

Chllt!l lll<l,~' ~"Illj! 1111 II Ilul'pi"1: ")1111'111·!Iou In 1111.\' .:II)' .. I" lilt, UUIUlI, 11111,)' knowiJcf",p!l"lul. 'Inl Oll'\' wllllt 11I1,,\.!' ch~

nlll:lll I" luI\' til I.· Til rllll 1i._hl"lI. htH 111.0II I."t l,rk"1:' ~II~ ..hUlllll 1;,11'1.\' bt" l'h:II'];t:l1for tll"III.

1\ I.'"ur(' orti~· ··':I.hlntl QII'I'.",.I\."I.~

hi 1I,1'·1.'1Il til .~!llt"'''lItl·'h ""I...~rl"ll""1!,,loy '1IIkJI 11tt: "QIIHtUI·I.\·" I_ lIetllnlly 1lI'lItI!"t"· 01 l'I'l\rL"I'. '1'1... J,"h\I.I~'I·- rI·,·.I\'I'!nh""'IUi"II' ",'.1111.. ' 1,,..,,nll"'''1 1111' 11•.IS :U,II 11""kIJ' III'rl'lollt'll II MI. tiM' "'lotlll"I'rnle'; IIlld I'. tt I" IlIlu,u "II 1':II!1 '1111.,R(rl'ltl,," ... -,·tll. 11".1 1II.,i,llilkl: I" ~'1oI1

Ih...lr lIwn ultl"uzltH~, lur UHtl J'ur, II'\lC 01clmr~l" 'll 'lIY luldrffl (!palrtrl,

l'ubll~lIl'd b\' J.:IIIIICII Um.rrllt:lC'. i~7 III2ft/) .~IKhlh ..\VCtlllt"• .Ncw YOI·k. llt 60l'\)lItl1ll11r ,r...ar, or Ii} ('\'11" Iwr L'OI!Y.

W ~(r. Korter hl\s made a niceimprovcmellt ill his barher·.ho!>. Wo\".l1tUrll to Iiny lllllt he has Il ,hup 85lleMtl.,·litted ulllliAny 011 the Sound,He hilS II.llio liuod "l' Il bathroom for..h and rr • .ih Wlfer baths. lIe hudUlle hill best to 1111\'0 onu uf tht' fin·es' shops. alld i8 muter of hia pro·feuion.

:A Fine Thing for the Teeth.FrAh"Jfllll ~OZOOOX'I' Is I'L COlnlXl8lrll)lt

Clr t1ItlIlUr""t lIlI,l t'hllil'\'-t IIl~rt...l rn.I'" oftill.! UIlI:III:1! W·~ ... lllb ... I..lng"ulII. I-.\'.'r~·IIlj,[rellit"tlt I..i ""·...Ii kllow\l to have u btu\:·I\cll\l t:lret:t on thf': ft,tlh ami llllnlR. Itsembdlmlug or 1Illli-epllc Ilrollll'~y BUll Mr­01ll:1I1~ frllj;t'I'l\Il\,'tlUUll.t" It /I toilet IU:Jllry.~QZOnO)\'l' r~nloYe:l all cljj;I~I\.'Cllblo:

ntlllrs lronl Ilot' t)relllll ('IIll"t'C1 by cnt:urh.hAd tel'lh, &c. It I! tl,llrcly fl't'C fromI I'l! llljllrlnn'! lIlId lI\'rill 1)l1lll1lrlles 01 roothIlll~"'~ lind \lo1'l'llef!l \I'hlch de~tro)' the eu­1l1ll1'1. Olle bollle l\'illl1\5t sIx montllll,the Fourth

Dr. !.tillor

Tl:IUH15I)AY. ,II·I.Y I. 11l

,SBle. ill~rlillg • biogr.phiclIl

Ihlcll 01 Bon. J. E. EnSlillh, of

Coaneolicul, lbe reporlell nominep

or 'be [)'~II(l(lr.tio party for ViccPrftidODt, "0 luro hy tel••r.phiereporll th.t tho nl)mine(' ia tho ~ome'

wb , noted WID. B. EIiMlilb, or Indi.... Thll bel., Ute ene, a ."r)'dl!'....o' Ji'be' i. tbrowb upon ,hI'ticker. E.·,)o"ernor En~li.h, of

COII~.oticu, Ullion man, ",bil..the otbte reh..1 dl'mu(lr.t.rathtr. (luriou. hybrid.licket-Bancock. Unloa <;Jenenl l Ind English,~ rebel.

. WE ar••r..~6ed to notiCe in ttltl''Orl'gonian'' a lengthy mentiun tiltbe recent ,ilit of our diltinguished

townlmln, F. W'I

Peu1l{rove, \II

Portl.nd, It .;or, juetly commendlhil keen rore.igbt alltI bu.illon 4111'

terpri.e Ihat made Portland wh. t

.h. i. to--d.,i .1.0 cornments upnll

Mr. PetJ~gro'n'A pr.l1intion anti.ilb that PortlilluJ .uJ Purt Towll'

lend migllt be- COll1l8ctell hy a rMilroad in fite yearl' time. We reJlrel

th'at .ao.t ot .pace forhids our copy'iUI tbe article entire. .

Tu& work of llr4'patlllJl the terri·

tor}.1 fair groundl .t Qlylllpi. lor

the coming fall il II most complded

_.f1acoompliAhed by ,olulltar, eOll'


jtontrr t.t.It8HAJ.r.. ~h'ate orCalli .PI MC," 5lh Her., V. 13. Ct'·air" h.. been ordered 10 report to

Dr. T. T.,MIllor, euminini lurlleon,for. penlion,

b ,his p·-,-..-jC'd.·...',·j."'I-....-p-.-:-ign it

wOllld be'ilfwreltillg 1.00 Gne~rth. andrepabliali tome 01 the sOldling 'ut­t.era\.Cltl01 Diaoora,io paperl allll

or.t~..d. aploet eo~dier eanuida ..I d..... ,be JwO .Iebloll' "bellGrant Mded' the Repu~liean tiowet.

huumuTWtY rollo.ing the collis·

ion ba~...... '''0 1~ltlHlfS aD Long,hllnd'SourM\ (O"'e. , •••. report ofthe 1011 by fire of the .telmtl.r Se.­••nabak.,~).. bieh ,NClJ CrOIJ)~ NfoI!"York t? GIt'I: pUVf.' 90ld .SI?,ing,Oy.t., Bay .nd ~YD, on 'Ltwl(l

bland Sound. Qut of about. 600pauenge'loll bc./d OOar'lUppoaedto hue been druwnMi.

~~~."~",a.~,~,,,~~::,,:~~~ms. 1 ""'TOo< '~I::M~'~:~~;~:':"'h"h"""'lIl-, F. F. ~rrl'r~. ur thIs dtr. 13 '· ... r}' or It '1\:lrltorr l\'Ij:lf'>! lit lJolrtul (rollt tah.·111.' 111llo: 11Il}' tl~flJal part in I'll {'RtIO:1 lor fhe

", 11,11111I \\:I~ rt'Ct'llll}' IlHlnten.,,1 Cor l:hlcl IllUIl:'lltrll.tu or tlttl 1I1Illon. slllt. IIInU~lIr\' 1,\' ..llh'r llllllllll". lJd\\Cml Nt'llt dll1.en~. lUlvlng till! COtllIllOll!:()/l\1 or ollr

,'. I" .', Will "·Il.nlllltf}' Itt hcnrt. ''I"(' l~lnllot ~IIl:lIl\ t11~11l'8:1\" t1IlOl tlll ,'ut." .....111" lll1:; Iu}l"l,;te 11111111; w,... ·k. hn\'lu,J III CIHo.l}' Olll' (l,,,·'tt.'11 "veet/Uor.', \\-Ilolly. nf the );11;!ltt


, ,slru.:glll that h:li ItI~t OIK:!ll'lI ((.If the "!l'l:-wlin Itlllll.lt-C'1l ltr.·c~lcc1 IWI Illu evil I':lo-~'\ I r n II

I tVlIO IlL-re~'l'l1t.

to lhe 1:1' Ill"', It call1lot be lItmll'l.l. tlult III ilplle or (lIeIT II 'IIPI)O;('(1 the U. S. t'tIlIWt of 18.-;0 gl'll\'e IlLUlt8 of 11I1111)" 01 i~ Illtlivlllllill

wlll.!cnl.p n llOlllll:uloll of 471,00(\000 In lnembc~. lilt' ltcpulJlIt'8l1 l)IlrO' lIa" giventhe l·/lloll. of 1.000.000 In Call1onlill. 1.- thc 1)t.'O!'!C 01 11m Uulh.'11 Stilies 1\ !l0otl000.000 'll the PMcll\c Stales. Illd 300.000 ,;ovcrlllllent. Nor C'lll It ever bu IOIKot­III Stlu Fntlll·IR"O. The l>OPllhulon of the U!B l!l:lt It IVI~ lhla pOlllh:al jI:H1r. ll\.tlllgCO:l"t !I:IS n~)lIt douolcu 51uoo the la~t lU the IIgell~ 01 our pcol'!t'at larKe. IvhlcllC~II.iII,i \1'1l.S DlIl.'.JC. currll...l to II lthlllllJllltlIt cnd 0I111 01 tho

TUI: nlll" :'\Illnnllli Allthem l'!nlltlt.',l most tl,lrrlth: iltl'ugglclI L:llO\\l1l to Ili.ot.ory.

''C'l'Ihlmblll'' 111(1 oomPM"f1 b)' the fAtI)OU" It moreover prcllCrvlo.'lI ami Itrlllly l'.Ftn~

Glhnorcof Yt"'Ynrk "III be olle of the lIelll.'lI for u~ al\(I Our dl\idl\:l\'" I.'hllunm("attlI1!!Or the oolebrntklu In tlili pill'C. whAt I" 8001Cthlllg mOl1l thau u. Inerel\' rill! ""III lit: the flf!lt tlmll or ItI fttliltr. L"OltglolllerlltlOl1 01 11lUtlpCnt,hmt Stln~&-Il

1111 OM Ptl~f Bonnd... nnmbtr ot ropl... real IInUOII, 'fhe v\tal pt'lm:lplo whkh""III ~ (thlrlbllttd all th~ J1:rOIlnU3 nut Will tOllgllt for t.o the bllter em.l Ii Ihlli)IOIllIIIY. '. tllllot their 1Illtlou. ,tllouah compollOd 01

A(l:ftftt'lp'G to t~ N. Y. "Trlbllllt'." the ~1)llrIUf' 1l1ll11.1I..tlQl.:t poHtlrAl bodla. I..ntl'erthclui!l, a t.'OUltllOliwOalth All poWer­

toWll or IIAmMtlld. 011 LQ}II{ (,lllmi. N. fill 111 III own vrovillt.'e$, anll cu.,-ble.Y .. ml1~t bt' II \'el'y 1W!llltll,)' pllu'C. 'rhere while Rethll, 01 l'OUt't', wlthlll oonllitti.a.re. It !IIY". 2G 1)C0llle llvlue there. wliMe tllmllt llmill. ot IlimlnJlug IUt.I europ,:lllgoolllblulld Rg~ llmollllt to 2.33~ yellr;!. RlllaWI whIch it may deem for the wellu.reTheoll1ellt Ii!- tOI, Ilnd the ycungellt la SO of thc whole peO(Ikl.J In IIpite of tho (at...

, etll" of Alte. Seventeen OrtbCtll Are each 11011' opvo-1Uoll of a m11lO1111.o'er no yeaTl old, and their co'n~hloo ag""'I"{'llch 1.1171 )'tart, Tboul(h thtt hlCl'eRl!N ~neral prolJper·

TilE ALU. DVHC"N80LD.-'·~lteam- Ity 0' the eountry h.,i bceu all lmpNt4tltfRc:or III brlulltlJ{ .oout the Jlte5ellt ht;lll­

'dllp Altlx, D!ln(lI.n, enplfd In l'\.lllnln,C tilY Itlne of the I>ublll.: ftlulncel It catlllOttrpm I"ornftud to Puree Sound portl. ha, be IIonbt.ed thllt Ihe energetic, !llld at thebeen ~Id 1;)1 the owner, H.,O. I1ume. to 1!l1ll"11I11I: pru()Cllt ntlllllulttrutioll 01 thefila Pllcinc CoIl.. Steamahlp Com(lDlIY. ollken nl the 'f1'eAsurr uuder Rellllblh.'ltl!llltl will be put 011 the Monlert:y. OR1., 11'1(', Illu ,,:olLtrlbutoo III 110 lellll Utl~ 10tOlIt... 'J"he price paM 'M the iteanuhlll dIM em1. To-U:I)', thl b11IIlIWO ilK'et 01III MM di t\Il."e bcllu ';(0.000. the Uulte!t Se.te" showj ta mpre ~vorable'

Ih8RIID.-At Dtlll~llep. W, 'f...t tlllAlldli1 slell.tton tluUl tlun/of lIuy uthertile ftIIfllence of Mr• .fohn Thornton, lJlttluulll Chrlitcullorn. ,.

Jlme 20th. Vr: Ylelulel Hlnnt'hl\n 10 Lenylllg Ollt of ehe f1ut'lltlon 'UtIt JOo

MTI. ltllchl'"l Johntoll, an 01 Dnn,lttlle~. called (l"Murt..s ul Illll parllt.,!,. which. Ill.The brldli Ii a' aillter of ~rl'l!. 'I'horuloll. rt!r .11, IU'CU( vt:rf 1l1~1" wl'l)l:ht with theIImll.! IlroIlOUt1t.'Cd I lI108t t'~lhnnble IlIrlS llln~1 or '·oh:r". it Ij Uillicult 10 tll.t.'O\'tI" of

tl)' thoH who ktH)l" Ilet beo.L Mr. ~fltl- wll;lt I/vsltl'.: Ilrllldj.l!t"r!. t:XI"1:I,t lJCr11llpj,neltAlI I, AlIellly. lu(ItI~lrlnu~)'onng mIn. thc .lugJe OtiC "I Stllh.... W,b·f., Illt~ ~Ul.hllitb1r I"ellll'l'itd by m.nl frl'·IIII... All. U\:ratlc ~rJrllrc.. ll~ ~v''Cilll I.'lll'HlIJiuuiIJOILI'II oot wl~hH for the wdllulI IUIlI 01" 1I11'·IIt.'UU, 'rlill IllIelrlllll vi Swtl!ll111\1>)'I'neYi or Ihe twain tlllll mrttle 0111' JUl<htii lilll bwt!t1 tllONJIIghly IIml lIul.lUJf1e1h. 1It1lk.-d by thtl wl&r. helll.'tl It I.! II ut"ad IlIIIu.,;Tll~ Ill/Jtorlcnl kAwre 01 GelleT1l1 Ihtl· the Siluthcrll qlK!1l1011 19 IIIBO nlorlbntlll;

,,'OCk·,.. uomlnllliotl wl1k11 ,,111 be r.1n!tdl~ the return to llleCl~ p:lymcnll I. " nXlo.1.1'lA~tellll t6 rIle DelluM:nlllc IIAt:l.lf, COIlIIRt, Ciu.t, trlec.l autl proven by tlltl eJ:pcrlellt....•III the fllt:l: thAt he Illpt'rlnltlllktl the Illlllg- or IWO )·tUllf. 'I'IM:! "lrll'l' lull oIlier quc..IlIg 01 MI'l!. Snrrntt. In that, hnwetcr. tlOlll or political ",'Ullomy, C'UI llcv~r dl·ho II'.~ Oldy l)trfotmln,C hill dUly 111111111' viti!: the ~pltl o( (lie Wl1l1trJ' 11110 ~i1tl.

til" orders or IIIll rrreldfllt, TIme he WA. l.:lIlll1rtlce. thnugh III (hose IIlrtutly t:xl.. t·not I'l"JI11r«l to !Il1nr Jf'tr 0."111 "I!!fl. WA~ Ilig. Ihere wIll btl llIUllCrOU! mid tllveNc....110lly dUtI to nn 1l1l1)llr1UclPd /Iud ~r. nlllllIOlt..... to the bel" tollNe fo bo lim.hal_ mlc'rlkell leniency 011 tlltl pllrt ot ,I Illt"d \o\'IUI rtlptce to Ibc~ l1Urt:l'tlit lIrob.yh'lol'loll~ goverl1mellt.-··8t.~.·· Il·mJ.

'I'm~, nomluAUon of A dlltltlgllllhNI III tile Ae..~lons or Cou~retS lor fhe PlutUlIIl'I" .nkller fhr the Pl'f!l!ldellcy, wh,. rour '~1l11l, th.: Delll()l·r.us, or II. Vt'I'y 11I1'glltook AO Ailth'e Aud l'OlIIlIIcuOtIS pAr' III mAJol'Il)' ot thtllll. 11ll\'c IhuWll thu.t th.·)·crnshlhr flllt tile pro·!~\"t'ry (:Olllalt.r:tcJ, I'l:Kan.1 tlltl pre-emIUl·lIl.'t' 0( Ihdr l)ltrt)" It..

1.4 d l'1\mr Il"noll~fl'llll()t' Ih.. ' tht! Oclll~ ot lIJOI1l IlllportDllt.'tl thnn tho w~1I btoln~

t:t:\tk putt ha, ~n f~tI to al'1.no\,h. 01 tlltl oouut.y. It III no~ worth whikl toedKe tlie 1lt't.'C'Vlty nf tile Irrl'pfeAAIble euumcrate the dlft~rellt n)Cll~lll\lll Illtn>­("0IlnI..1. ro llb.lIdnll Itl (itt! 8lAtN Hight" duu.'tII~llli the vor"l1 tl~rt"OIl !llIlt clelrlJ"lOil"QI,tlll. Alld .cqlll..~ III 1110 .rbltral.enl pro\'e lhls, 1I0r will It btIl1t:'CtliUry to ell\!

Df Iho \YAr. til flirt, rmln thli da,u tim IIlSllIllCC-'I wht·rfl III" DeIlIOt.T1U•• Clltllugold OtimOCl'fltlc p:lrly may hI! rrgll"It.'d .. ,. down MPlu'9prllltioli billl untler 1\ Ilililt'pral."tlclIll)' exlillct.-··Bee." plt'll 01 U'01101ll1. hlne mAterllllly hIler·

rtllttl with t1~ h~eltllllale (1)Qnlllflflll or 1111'

AJoIONG the notable Vial tor, tu iCO'Unflltl/lt. Awl It CAntlot be tklllt.'tithat lin ImlllClllse :UllfIIltlt oj tlmt! WIlIl'OIl_

Port 1'owlIlelld l~i8 week ';.1'0 Hotl. lIlIIlIa! by them III Ihe IAllklug 01 bUlI-W. McPher80n Hill, \tullhy vinl!' •.:011I00 IpetL'1ltl1J. whllt' tilt! 1'I.'Il! bUilUMa

yard Owner, of $lmomtL Valley. Cal., lJerul't! (;o1lj{1W5 hD bl.'f.'(1 uel:Il'\:led. 'I'h.'

IIl1d HoraCII r.. Hill t of Sail Frill llIMI1 IIllltlbcr of lIllll J)IlMt'<l I\t tl.e 11111cilco. Th'ue ((ellilemen lUG hrotl,. llHIluu. III wiliell tho publle wel111re WR~

wtll."-'rued "hoWl! how IIlllch valiutbte time"rlof our worthy 10...1I1A1l1n, Dr. N. •

",Ilil \¥lliIW b)' IIIfMe :to-CIlI tt'gl"latol1l.T... lOO....KI1t8T"Yft._Tbe pro" D. Hi:l, Rml or Hon. R. C. ail:, 01 I have 1111l" hi IIJCilllfl'lll way. I'tlerretl

...r,".1 HcIh.~k" of ,. ttn'emmenl t.land Co. The first Ilamed gentle. to tho relll.t1tc elllu" 01 tho h"o lX\rtle-.

mal. b., "b..n ltIirlJ I.id In the mell hid ne...r "isited Pu~et SOUTH] to 11M: UOllfWl.'l\Ul:l of Uttl Ilf'Olllt'; .ud "Ill.

Ibad,. A=(e.·,tl" "0 '-min de belor•• ''"1 n:preued themlel"el a~ ~1lI1! flllllre dlir. Itl~ the IllbJecl, " d " ~.~ . bid d' more In IJtotAll. I,u...re,cl! hi. wll••nd her liul~ 10"1 e ljir _ "II I, In pre Ictlll a

all" tpendln. in diMi~lion. hund «rlild Itu r, 80t only (or ,be SouQd OOl'iti TO TII'- llI:rnuc I..um.-A' In'.red. of .doll," (I( lIIonlPl ...rn.d 1 hy but (ur Port: Towa...d in panicallr....11,,:\1 y~It'l"Ila, IIR,'rnOOIl J,I)t1le C•• ""IIi'

tbal .il. o~e.. the "~'Iult. ~ht' Ttie f"mer ene ollhem Ow III a Ii •• of Will. 1'. BIl.l'll. t1fl..1 al b.:r IMlIllQ In Ihll Senljble AdvIce.h d • clry. )I,.. Iurd WM thft,llllll"hler of '0 ,.'

IV'IIV wo."n, thrOllah iliA...... , .... tl'.n lin red..,acre 'tineyard in eMil ,. on IU-e a~~':l1 t'Vl'ry tlll\' lIltfllllCh Ihe..-_. " J~v. Oll\'lt.lllllli Mil. K. ,J. SIll''' lind Ibe 1'OlIlIlIt1:' III UCW~lllll)t'l. nllt( lIy yuur tlrl1ll._itli her I('In, \bro .. n Qpol\ ,b. mere, fu~nill, 1114 bl' betn a member oC lhf'l 1'1~ll'r 01 Mill. I.,;li''' ••f. )I. ~kh!ll. ~hc 1l1~' lOll"!: "OltII.rhlll~ (ur ~"IIII' 11Jiptllll'l11iof J.ft'.non eOUIlI!••nl1 Iht'! "er.' Cltolj(ornia Slate Senate. The )l,lUII Wll~ born 11'1 \\"1"1..'01111111. IUlil t'Tlloe ttl rhe !IUU 11\'", "'OIlIIJllllllllh"t rOll kllu\\" lUIIII.

o II L ' ;. lUll KI)()Ilt ftlnl yOIl I!:,·t ,lltUl'HlIJ,(t'tl ~1"'1lI1_<lared (or .1 pappor...lthn,,~h thl' Kf'f. on..e ., wU lor ytar." mOllt 801111,1 Willi her I)/Ironul III U611. Their IUK ,tlUUtl~· wllh bill 1I'lIu _11I'Ot.... Y"w....'., ,.Ioot'" oC • hu band hll' heCln fiuect'l,ful stock IJroker ill Siln I!-'ran t1l'!'t rnllr Jl'AI'I Itl lhe 'I',:rtllnry Went tl) U'lw )'f'H1 ~,.llllllll:lOry l,ro"flh"l OIIr.K.'·S.eonltabtly .m,llnvrd in Btitilk Col. ~:i~o. III thllt busine.. ho I&ccumu- JfII'ut I\t Ptlrt Ludlow, Ant:r ",Muh Illl'y Ar;OUllT F•.owr.l: 11'111 ..'11'1' pllll.r,lpIII'Il-

, .- 01 f 111\"ell III Vlllt'nrlll, P"rt 'j'nwnH!lI11 Jlllt! 1I11l111ll1Ih,·rt'1I111'11t.Iut\\tlhllUHill·nh.:I_oUlIIbia.t hIlI" ""••"" 11t'11 OIUlld na"f'I '"tf'd a hllD\llnmo (orrutic i Itud 1m! . " lilldll~ ~vllr ~lllIIlleh. ~kk hl'lUlfll'h.. , 1111-

. .. .' . • . 81'IIUI•. til ttl! IIr thl'l'f1 p'I\'·'eC II,,· girl bltu:d l'(lllthl'lIe.o\•• 11.l111111l1luil 01 the h.'llrt••pporled ~ I fl'ml!y Jll"l U eaJlII~, ~'4 1I'711 1.1,!. allho~KP con,pltrlll:vely A nUll JIRtlrWllnlllll1e \\'OIIiAn ctllll'f!It'1i lil'r_ 11I'.lrlllullI. 1V1I\l'rllni.h. Julhltl" llt Illu I'll:'I\ot.. The Inlel'fllll\~ J\i'CfIlClI o( Ih,! .. \Jlllft mall, retIred (rom I,UIIIIlI"" 10I'el' III tile mn.. t rl'tull'r lIllIl Wllllllll.l: Ill,lli. HI 1111' 'IOIlU.. 1. pUU"' -1.111. lo.,1I1t!·11 ""'!Cllr,

. • II i I I I 1111 1".".,11111 ,,"IIIIIIIIrl" IIr Ilt~ /It,",1 III\\'.tor, is lbat. f!"" 1114)1 a~tl. jllFot d· tI'''1 hI' !Jrlllcely 1llCl/tue, \Ve are lI'r In II I\'! I II' 10m "1f'f::unt.lilCllUl!It.f. MI,JrI~1. ~Il": Wit 1\J.k ~ml Co X:" 'I" ",lll'1er tiM! dUlh of Ihl' ""i(I', tht': hIM I!'IJII~) fllllice "illi" from lIueh 8i~ht, For nbolll ,Ilfl'\! nnr· II IJ t ,hI' ~lIU' 1ll.....111 ,hUlC~I"'JlHd It' LN i-Illill"t' uOltl", GIIl:.:lC·!1...-. d 1 d d I ceilo I I H 'hc Rho II qllit/' IlL her ..'OlIIbhIMtl"ll nf IIllllulh ,\tmL"I"tFIAJWy'lIlr'rlOl"IIUllhd Iry I,.~ ~ ower all (4)mall e t I.' • I,. ~u.,,~ OrA. ,y,~ I Ietlli1111l11l ",IIIQulIlplinn. 10 \\'111.:11 lIltl'lIt fIr /I IT'2't1l>tr .11." rl1r .5 l'l·llr~. Two Il()tt~.. h. ",Inlf II1I~t\l... SIU.! liultt ppr· lilllll411 np~lIll1i .(ur t~Ht pr~"llthle. Ill' IA"t f"l1 ,1\11,,1. f-:\'t'rylllllljt' II1IIt.net'- \1\'111 r,·IlI·\'1J yOll.

lOfIal ,""pert1 of Ihe Utl'uMtl h~ I e,lm.rt uf ra,"lal III IhlS lll'ctlllrl, ,lUll. \",'IIll'y. I'1lrlIlK" .If dJ1II1! "ml ml'lll. -----------Ci"",to un. a. h..,inll he.. " hflr wu .,.uJd I.. pltll'I"d to 'chronicle I CIlI l'klll t'flu!,t do 10 leu,\l'lheu her 1111)"1 011 Vacant Flaceela.f.1 P'Oteclor. "'e I,ne yet 10 th"tllao. ,'IHlh '\'I~ 110m'. hilt 1111 1\'1111 lno IUlIe I 'u ,fll' l!Pllhll rlhk will 111'\'''r Ot"vllr If1I..1'0( che ebCI dsplh of .leprll\it\' .1\'1111, )1 rot. nO)'11 ""11eR OIlC' II( lilt' Itll'I-l .I',m Uft! \",rlil'ulu \llIh J,lur h'I"II., RIIlI

_____ ,., •. b II . ,', TlU: Driti.h trair.illU' IlIi,l "tllllli 1l1llh1LIt,. 1lU''"''''"bl... IIlI·elll·". 11I.-'mllJ:hl.rI1:1l'I'III'" I 1.'111 C\"'r\' lilly \~ Ith lhul tUIlIlt..d--.eu VI u't I II (II OW elillt el lC/JOtt'lI111 Irllll' l,;hrl'lhm ,,"011I111 It 11:'1. IrIOlh·',""Io. SIIZOUltN'r. F'rll:1l )"011111to be called rh. meln,.." man in ha••tlutheenheartl from th.rollv h __ I R I . I II' "II 10ol.'n~"'tll'JIi.J'I·IJII~ellllnl~l~rollf'"

, ,. , ' n till, 11 Col Un! 0 II ec • lUll I Ie W, It! IUIlI IllIhlll,,"I~1. 'rllU 1l't'IJI 01 I"'r"llll~Amen...; btl' if Ihere iili 10 he a I 18 tnel lurn tlf a bOl t e fOUlld on 11I1 ~1 whl! IIchllll' 11t'1I11' In thtlilltle dr_ \\ 1'0 II"" !;OZOU(}:,\, I' 1M'\: A rt'llrl"Il~1I('f)nt.Nt tor th. p".hi I Wt' are nfIPrince Ellward', hllnli, ill which a .-1,. "II"'" ~he \\'11. h;·~t l.1"nWIl. III II..,. l"IIIl'llt"·. willi 1111' ~tllIl' II 11!004:'''lC hUI'.

• I '1' . f t.I J I Ilinoe dllh!lf'II-"n 11I.J·...-hJwe I'i~t \lh~t 1\1lI',' III" brulh I~ I'url ....I. /lull rrml1·".,1'" opinion th., thi. pllrt. 01 lhf' 1.511 Y "" rlttOIl /lute "IS utln l atel 111,.\, I"lIII lle'er rf'21l11l_llw' 1,.hliIMI.lUlf. "WC'l't 11.,.1 rnt,llllllt. II I~ llltlll101o.t 01...try oaR.' Icut turD out all eli, in April, tlllinil fllat lhe ahip .... Mtr. ..11111t:tt.. l~lre cr I 1""IIlJZ. 'tM II/terl· lale all'l. '1111c I..,,",,,, 111.1.1 I~ ttlrir,ly rree

. 5illlcill" ill IlI.t :170 1.01.1 Ion". 21~ lIdlll( lrllJlhtr.-.. rukL'!&etlt.....·' or .Juue fr"llI 11.e UtlJI'l.·t1Ol,I"1t .tlU IIIJur10UIJ ill·,..........'-. \... it· 14(h. 'UltlicUl.vr'l'QO\IIP~t.,.&c.

\v ..: ItlUO not rl)Olll for the Delll o­

crlltic platform this week, but .illinlert it entir•• with COOImentl nut


NOTlC~ the ctlllllgrS illot Jul)' .ll'·ertisemcllt.

will deli"rr the NAtion.

T;l~ [J:;-;;IRnd "Uccllll~S lJeenllolJto )1iIlcr ,Ii.: n~hard91 of that city.


-. -'-



2 ;

..< '



Jld, C.-..110fj'l~


, "

EHAN ....."


J :J'luon1ll11nw1lI'e. 28



...Port TdWnsend,~ • t .. I

,WiI;b4: Terr, ';olIO I .11·[,

,CloIl_~_ilia H

Choicest of ][eats, . ,

J. F.

L. SMITH" F. T ~R flyo



JlDporler and De

Also, Comed. Beef and }'ork, 8mok06Meat.,. Pork: IIlltl Bologna $mRgJ'I,

Bela Che<.'lie, 'frtpe. flc•• tlc.


STOVES, TIX PLATE,.U~"D PIPil, l'U)l1't!l

And Hou.se·HoJ·Hard...

The First-plass sleall!shi': Se


WiLL 1.1:,\ \1& ,

Port Town ••nd for'Alllkli Terr'y, nhd WilY l'r

o ••, .b•• ' .... hi., eM, -- '


Port TOW"iClId~ PortIa............... .,..,.For }""'relr;ht 01' PMtla~, App~ Or ro D. v. n. IOTlI8C:








Chas. C. Bartlett,







&"lrOI HoloIBul1di"g:HEAO OF

II ~. .1,. ,.'


''''.II t'ur ~t rutlt".

Port TOW"""'I<I .... \V. T·I MA..RK]~'I'Xutdnot"tnl·....m..~lfoll1nn 1l0lnl.l '

S-TlI" \ll\l11l1"81~~;t~1;;:-l.~11Illlltjlanily Opposite :Wa:.binat4D. Hotelon IUlnd, 11Ie •• "

Choicest brands of domesticand· imported.O%Gr.A.R_,

Inelndlng tho'·ST,(l.tIO>l,"

"aOlfO'!'f:'I'. '1




,\1 fj)lIo'lt'lI:


'-GOLDEN nUT.'E. I'"C,\ nu; 1,;0IL."

".1'.'\ '1';':) nWAn)O~TWIS'l',"

"OI.D.JUDO.;." &L'"nncla

f1ol,rptlrtnr nf!ll]l(lrl.numt;or('In'\"ll£TTR~cmAR nOf,I)I:1l;S, PIPa.

)J.\TVIl£ll., PI.AYISO CA.ltOS. );111,WIIl'h 1\"0 ..lilIlCII I\t the


w. C. HA~LECK,



,,: :,1," ':.01 I~, , . , I I tL. 1"01 t ~l

"E:7 Solid Cold and llilver W8toh.. 8,:,d oI_8'''~.·'" --'ON PUGET liIOUND'-- ' I'. II ,

Alao a fine Itseorlllleni of Clock., Spel",'l.c1ell, &Iid &Qd ~ted ~I ...,

.. r". Fl,P', Fielilllntl M.,iM Glutes. MUflic.1 In.trum.;'III, B:t~. II

Goods vvarr;:;'~tedas represe;nted.Gil'" W.\TClIES A~1l J£WELftY dtJaneliantt rtlPlltt'1ltt .tnl Wll'rMted forObfl year•.-,.

Bartlett's J~'Yeh:y" ·$i~le'!,;,

, --'X'he :Pl-.-t at c ok~.....~ .'





Ii)"£leo. ...~.

" J

Large A.s80rtment Of' GoodS.:. ' If I

• • • 1.- ". I I • ..

Not enumerated, ~;which ,m w.Ul. l~~,,,:at. the• ,..... • ." ,., • /I

Low'est Markot P"08i~, I I,'! I

WIlIIlO)' t1~ hlghl'5I. prloolll ()(Q. (0,

WOOL HIDES, FURa ani mRS,c;r KILL ,... MlIu plL&FQ fM.",. ....

-c.-c. BARTLIW• lOW jJ




Tllfl whol.. 10 eO,l1Cllltl1l wit" t\ GRA~DDAl.L, at'Nllw ~1ItM)lIlc Uall.


"EX'tclllh'c COlllllllttl'l':_S. WR~"rl1lltl1,Will. JIOl.ld Ind '1'. M. Illilillllvl1cl. 8r.

011 Silhllt':-·t\lhll Jl. l'l'tefilou. ThOi!.)Iltllill 111111 AllIh'IiW lJoJtltllc.

011 !JuJU nltc~nll':-Jollll:SI.lft, Wm.HIn~k, Will. Mlgllr,..

011 Ct>",IllOlIlI-':-U. 8. )1I1/t...., J. F.SIk--ehnll. SlIIU'l JIlllt:llt;k.

Oil ColllHloll:-O. II. lIo!l'olllo. J. IL0)1'" Froill" \\ hl*...~'.

011 1I0l...e IIn''I.·:-II.~. l'eU"stl'OYI". J" SltiJJw IIM-lillil:~. r. A. U",II,:II. tiro Will II KIOIII' )~~C1l6SGg.1I

.)u 1111·" IlAlI:-IJnu lilli, F. A. Klrt· !'lAX J..lCj\~t'I:-t.'O. J-'V1U'LAX n••,,11""n. ,1,.. 1.1, II. I.. 11I1I1'r· EU fAT£:'

0" IIth~r 1"Il11·&:-li. W.lentlltll. J. 'r. 011 all i~lrU 01 tL. r~1 r :... :0;

~nrrl~ Intl.l, I.. \\,.....nrr. .1ll11·:\lll.ASU.lutM4l.aLOtull.

MII..k: 11IIt! Il:elt:-W. II. Ht't~rt·.~. .'a.a- lUI'" .-. .Wlllnnllllt. \\ 1lI. 11.111'\.1(. ''''' ,. T••-'-" ,,"' .

• r'llllhl.:-Allru Wrlr fl"llilk )Ir~",I ..... r u sa • U ~I...,•.. II. 1J",,,n. "" a.

C. K. 8.I.II)'1I1.lW. 1-" -:--:-::--:-:-:-:I·,..... .. "·ul. 70.- H&1.e 1 • ~l"''''

W. II. II. I."" II). • ...It j IIlI.ll.Ullo--IA&oI~ ~fM~I"n.llrl' I nlN. Lppr) \OJ ~

~cualli%ONITIle t'·lllUerGEO. 1';. STAHR 11111 bcftl

c1ulftfn'll. fltld will tuve VICTOIHA rm10~nA Y. July GIll. at l,bom 4, .l. )I.:

nolttrullli. wIll Itu\"p. I'OH'I' TUWX­~E~ l> 011 TUL'ILlll)' lItorulll:; liner Iho b1111.



RU>lNllW /lA·CF., }'OR oml,5.Tn 1111 01 ",hlu!l tlie wh.n«!T' will rel.'lIV't1.prize. .


HORSE HAGE It I ...... M.. orlV', fSOfor Ille ,",'1111I1111 horH!; te<'Ollll be,,,, ell·U'11l1'\J rtlf'. }~ntrrUIL'I.) ft.>e. f5 lor flndlhorlt'. opeu 10 "'II horllCtl. 11 olily twohor.:e. nm 110 lICoollt.1llrlZtl will btl given,

l~DIAN CAXOF. RAC";. BUlr'lnceI('t.'. ,I. Prl7.e (nr Wllllll!r. 110. Sccollll

r. rl7J." ~ &lIck or !lour. No M'Olld »rUo.tlt 0111)' twu tlllter.

BASE.RAr,L GA)IF. II~~' P. }1.I'rlz~, 'SO to fhc WllllihljiC cI b.

·l'Iie I'orl Cumbie UII"fI 0", Club IeneIIl'l"'lttl'll "dHtl1L'Il~'" Rnd wll Ilhly '"Itlilhu 'ort TO\YlISCllll boIl.

On!er of tl:lcn:lic.:MlMle, by BAml.

Prnyer, by OhRplaln.'',Columbla,'' !lOW .Amerll':'l1 :Nation­

al HyUlIl, by Choir.OIlATION,

8y Dt. T. ·r. .MINOtt Ollllor.l!lI§I{', by llAnd.-----




S..\f~UTE AT SUNlUSJt:. Boat rocc.to .tnrl" lrom Union .'h.rf lit 7:30, A. M,Prize f6l.l lor the .....htlllllg bout. I'CCOnd~r. elltranoo fee. }:I.lrltlll'e r~'8 fa (or~Ilch boot; 110 1e(,'Ond lIlrlU.' If only twoboar. etleer.

CUtTntiXM,ur PAn"D! At 9 o·cl~k.

~§ze~PROCF.S510N .Ul (orm on Wlter

l!tmt IIlltler thc tll"'1'tloll al lhe ORANDMAUSIIAL OF TU£ DAY. ',nel mRrchthrl\ll&U the tOWI) to the Orolll!d!t, ou tlluIIUI, .






MAI"II~IJ,-In SlIlIllwr. Plen.<e Co".fUll\':H. IS~. by JlC\'. J. R. 'J'homl>'lon.or Ol),,".,liio Mr. fo'nlllc1!1 n. Cook, or~1'0L:llll FMII~. IIlul MlJ'. Laura C., loet.'OutlIhllll(hltlr III Mr. nml Mnt. 10". W. ~lcOltrt)',

Illior WIshlllj:;roli 'l'~trlrCJr}'. l\1r. CooL:WRII ('(!llllr (I( Ihe Olympl:l elllUy ""tlwt't'kl,\· "JO:l'hn/' IIK'II nr Iht~ Ne\' '1'111'"

11I8. dllll,· Iud \\'l'llkly "lJtJrnhl," nml I.IItlW Illlb1111l11l~ 1116 "'1'I'kl)' "'l'hnCl'." ofSI'0I;UIl FNl!ll. lie WIlJI clech'l.l Il lIlfllltlcr or Ihe !lulL 'l'crrJtnrlnl Council. fllldI\'nll nl-n lUI Prc.-lIltJllt. Ill! II " yOIIll$t

I1I:lU nr llldll"trllllt~. monll' Imbll!!. 1\1l11IUlll \\'on ~lh\.'l"'_JlO Illr by IndOIllIl"blo "II'

crj!~·. The Indy In tll1t!·ll"" I_ (rom OIlL'III 111l,l "lo-t rC"Ill'Clllhlc (ulllllle.1 III tll('I'll IIlhlP "ltl!e)·. We nCklln\fltllllttl l'Om.pllnll.'llu. null \,1111 till,! IUlfJilY l'OlIlJle JO)'III lllt:lr rIcl\' relltl...l.I.

'('hfO rommlu"e nil cnlllltlnll for tlot Ctlle·brllt!ollllu.olre tn t'XIIMil their IlIullkA leithe I1I'0pl,' or I'm", 'I'0\V1lM!1ll1 ror ,!tell',"I)111111 JlhtJr,~1 t1nIlIUlnll. lOr ,,-1I:ltblc* IlIr Iht,ll111ll..-r. AIlIh:lp:atluA'R n'r)' IlIl'){tJllltcllII.:111\'1'. !l11ll't"'I·r. Iltl')' are (lblll(I'I1 to ~lkll

>Illite tlXrt'utll'tl tlOlllUlolill ""llcre ,"cll ClillUt:l all't,lldl-d.


POUT 'J'OWS!ElriU, W. '1'.. ~Ullr 30,1860.GEN'tU:)lt:lri:-

I 11I1.\'u tllu Iiollor 10 IIckllo\Yll'Ilge lherc\'I'IPL 01 )'our khaluohl Iuvlthlj( me 10\/('II\'cr Ill" 01'111 lUll 011 Ihe 0l'l.1tilull 01 111l:l,.'\'ldll'Rtloll 01 the "llllln'I~lrr fir our Nlt~

Illllllil Illllepell'Jclll'ti III Port 'J'OIVUAt.iIlI',

W. '1'.• !llld IIc~-et.II11Jl: LO .rollr 1'(lllrtl"Ollllr~lUl'it, remain VelY trul)'. &u.•

'l'1I0~IA . '1'. AliSOn.U. S. MILI.HIl. I.1. J.'. Sllr.tU.\X, COllllllllk'C.S. lI,un,OCK.

..---Ata ft'JrulJtrmtetluJ(- 01 CI}[ounfB14ker"

r.ntl~e. I. U. O. tr.: held In Pm~ 'fOWtl­

llCU<t. JUllt lU, 1880. the followlllK prelim.'ble alllj resohulons were ad0lltal:

\"Irilr.:Ilf.A'l, It 1m. (lICruled tho SnpremtlRuler 01 tile Ul1h'cn;c to L'llll (rom (lur(ralCI'lIlAl circle our LttIoVl.'tl nro. Altl'OOWlllle, thcre(ole bo It

lh:soLVv,n, That In tile deAth or Bro.AI(I'~~I W,,1I0 our J.(ltlgo anti Order hlllllo~t n 1.:IlltJ nml fill thrill member, anl! thecommunity a good citizen.

HY.SOl.VW, That we exteml to t.helrlf'lltl.l 01 ollr dCl'(':lscd Rl"Olller (lnr heMrl·(l:1t 1}'t11IHUh,l\ looklll)C lor l'Oll'lOlntloll to11111I "'!Io 11M prolllllM:\IIQ ItI~l;ml III timeof tMlblu .1l(1 Amlctlon all .... ho Ilut tholrtrt1~t In 11Im.

R~:SOL\'E.D. 'I'llnl the Lodge be drapedIn mourulnlf (or thirty till)' •

n~I.\·.:u. 'I'hllt" co[lY 01 tllm rt500ItitlolI~ 00 (orYo'lutled to tho reJatl'es ofOllr Brother nnUer ~AI of the J.ooge, lIullAlso pullllshclllJl ~he IOOlI pnP'=rt.

:i!llbllllttLod In F. L. Anll 'I'.A. A. PLUMlIV.~ JR.,A. H.'rt:;clum.U: C. WH.I.150N.




Tm: ,dUllltll'r T.Nltln. Cnlll OOrlll~ll.

nlturnl'1IIIII'1. wet.·k (mill Illlr .Hl'or,' lIt'lllInK es!,t'lllrhlll, The (Ill' lI"n}<l ofT Cflpt·Fh\lfcry tiro JIl~1 jCulll}: 1>111 ('II ;1!'1I~UIl IImlwill no\\' IUl\'fl 1\ rut tlllill Ilt'XI Y..-IIr..

Tlly. .chMlII'r Ewlnrn h~1I, n:tl1rn",1trom • '1ll.'I.'CP8rtli I'Cflllllg ItCn~nll 011' ('Ill'"Jo'laller~'. 8111' III III lilli' 11Ilrhor, 'Clillr,N, 'I'. Ollvl'r. or tlll'l. IJlIll'l.'. hcr nmllllllt,COlllllll\l!lIct. Ill(orlll~ II~ IIINt lit: lull'Il,I·11Iklnlt II c,ulse 1\\'3Y UlluOl"lh fnr 11ft'\\'Inolllh~.

Cv.lS!U!\ Ih;rrlls.-A('t'Ot,l!njf 10 III"·fl'rrltqrlll.1 L"'l1""~ In.t roll1pll'I!'tl. IhI"plptll:Hlon ot Pllft 'I'owll't.'llIl Is 1,lu" All Orll'llt:\1 {ntvl.'1l.'r rn',ocrlooll 1111..- lIu8yIluudred IUll1 'l'Vt'IIItt!Il. 'flltl'rOlIiI" l)nll"· -cell(·. wlrllt'!I~!1 011 hI8l0l'luJIHll"et: "OnrIlltion nf ,It.ncrll 'II Cllmll~' I~ lII'\'I~H'(,1'1i !Ilto.mer lRlIIlt!i1 01111 w:"...h whlrh 11M tf,ltunell'ell :l.1lell\\"l'l\'l.'. ,howlllll "" IIlI'f!!118t· loIlrt or Alltlocll. t\'IICI'8 tilt' 1.11 dpl"1 "'('T'Il

o"er lut )'I:l\r tlr LWO Illlmlr«l Rlld Ihlrry, nr~t Vlllt'li C1lrl~f1an,. Tlll"rtl Will 110ImVIIIl( Ihe will!!,'" fill!:C!, 1Il'l propll·. 110

Ot:.sPICAIlL" CoSm:CT.-J. l"t·l·hmfd~y. 1"llllfr. Tile 1'ltJ'lllllll:tJflI nlltlllltllllCl'Chllll.whell the J)aklHll "'rrlvl'Il. CJlIlllllll l1'ul til..., 11'I're fill t tL"hON III IIglilP."" whldlbe<!:11 l)lI\L"C I Iii ItfIolhloll Ilf Nlltltl ur Illlr rlill III' 11110 rhl,! .-alui. A Irnnrof cllllld-.t:ltlzenl for tho purl""''' or Ihlll~ It ~llll'" wifll Ihi"lr ,lrh·l.'I'1'. lAy 011 tim bt'Ul'll, T'tlld)'In hOllor "I l)nelnr Mlnllr. II ho "a" II ro 1tl\1I*lfOr rile 11'IOI1!l 11110 Ihe Illierior.pit afn/l;l·r. AlJntlt 11111111 ~Ille IIll o,ml,lt· Amlltllt' Ihe nrtlc:" Inlllll'li WI'ro bn%l'f

'Ileak wcnt'llIl ,plk~l\wn nl 1111' IflUt. lllllrkt'li .nll..1, C. Affft ttCO.• :.OWlo:l.I..:No one eeelll¥tl to kilOill' wi", 11 \1\'11' 111;11 ~IA~!,. II. !-t. A.; ,1,,1\\ Illlllh:lt lllt.'V'MI,.Ihlll eshlbtloo hi" l,."IllIlt'I"lit llJl ,. IlnluTf'. t,llllt'lllm,lIdIH'* lWei 1l'1M:1It1l tlley ·l'Mlr.but If he h:lll been fUllll,1 nttt W~ ""ulll", It 'I'I~ willi !llher Kocwl~ 'fI1'''' ho~t"1 otlglleM tllll' he ""1II11111l/l\'~ lIt'('ll r"'llr~1 In 111t'lw'''' of &:;11""1,,, ri.r Irnll*llflMlltloll It'I rrre rkkl tllrnllxh thfl t.I"~, '_Irltl" lOr 11 .\Illl"ch, Tim. Ih. kill 01 Ihe W t

~I ,Iud filII. 1t11l'1 he It'nnlll Illve bo'ett "1"1. Iktek III I'flllt"lllt.., HI 111'_1 ,,.. llIel••ludl:111 he ,,,,,I ~11f'(1 wllhflll~ ttll "'ltr4.dorllmCllt of IlIr !tllil Il'lItl..".. ....Ilrtn dk'- tof ~lllltlUI ..tt. lh:u lulut)ll IJIi"M!1I'lelT olle o( IIIf' '1,lkea 'fl'•• 1t·llhllrtltll. f._INn tl.~,n..... \1\ h.· ......... r;lr 'rlrhu,1 min.

, I na C;:UIl". -" htt.l40r (\ 1.1 • Ilrnuko4f>.··alii' the .,11I. "'Ith .1I~I...r Oill'! 11,111 '*not bttu 1'\ litre IIl'ntlk' bI' IJlml~",,1 III hi, - C-... )o',.,...h 01'.1"1'" ron ,;;;jIr Ull h:wdwere I'RtI. "ltd 11M! ",Inti WI' tlMI I' Ill" lit U. II. 11,,1111'1111',.trnt'etl 'rlM! 1lol.1Ot 'I'l\.l 1111 t at Itwo I --------------­.teame~bY" I'rae 1U11.ber lI'r "ttl" ,"ltl'''II' I _LAIN. FANe! JO. WORKwbo welwnaed hinl bolUC rl~ht Ildrtlll. a-:.ft.'Uh......' Lt. A ....... OrncL


SWUUlll'iG I" "nil the go" with Ihe bo)'1lIo w.,,-d:ly•.

IJIIl you '·~lI1.~k" somn ltrl\wberrll"llllttill' l're..byterlun (lIstlvallllllt nenlllgP

}fR, Ifolcntnb Is h"'lnp: lllArgo l,.'AI1"85AlglI p.,lllial for his bll!hlll!lI e!lIIblhh·mellt.

Mil, \r. }~. 'rull hA' JU8L reillrued 'Irfll1llhe SI,;PKlt mine!. lie L'aIled on II! thl­week.

'1'111-: litlorlou~ nltl Fourth Iii 10 hA,'C Il

roll~II'K '~hl\ke up" III l'ort 'l'olVll!endIhlll time.

rtiK. ltolh,IClilld I~ mAking n .mAII 00.glnlling AKlIl1I llt the oh.lltnn(l. with Ell·111111 p;ood!.

All TIly.lll!n!'01l ror lllrn\\'brmt'!t open~,

tho Illllrket I~ bchlK floodetl with tlull klm1or p.'llnw ('OlIxera.

'1'm; ~(jrthcrll Pnl'!lIc six )'('llt'l\' extell­11011 bill ",ClIt over the Collg"lteloUQI lIeS·

11011 without ~Clloll.

80MB of Ol1r Jt'trt.1l'SOn L'OuntYIlIet.i1. r.Nbthlll IrnhlL't1 for all, exclthl¥ trial of

.~ 011 30101ld11111est.Tuy. $eltltlc "Fln Blick" (,'(Im4'll to haml 'I'he lollowlll~ letter ulllahll Itself:

rt~1l1lLrly. It I. lIterll1Jy Crltmmed with f I~. 1', ~ "'frll1lllllh" at Esqnhn4lr.Ilem,. fllnllY Aml other\YI~. .lun.25. 1 :lO. I

WE Am rcquClItl'd tn ,tllie thAt tile po!ll I)UN $ul:-I beg to admowletlge UIl!

oftll'lJ In Ihl~ plnL'" ;\'111 be dfm.'fl for bll!sl· rooIlplOf Yflllr !cUer of yest~n~")" .".111110fiC" on Ihe 5th IUllt.. RUer 0 o'clock. tlutlll.: )'011 Ilmllhe clflztll!t ot lort lQwlI·

". )( J ~In .willi tor thclr ''ery khlllllwitatioll 10 mePIIIVATIt SCIIOOL.- NI. .met r· 10 IJe IlI"t,'~lIt with tJlO "Triumph" c;lll 61h

JE"". or ,1,ls plll~~. Will. open" lIlrlvlltl' .lul,l\) celebrate your NlulolHll holtlillY.sclioollloIL;;e. 011 I lIt!l1la) , Jllly O~,. \'V1Il yOll be IfOOd 1!II01llih fo CfIIl'ft" to the

)111. S. I.. Ull!llkk Is In Port Dl*l"m'er~' c1117....U.. III)" nfJprecltltlotl of Ihelr OOtl~

IIgllln. 1)f'r-nuAlI}"UI'frIAlelllllllg hli IlIl"gl' e~y. ,mel ur.I'~ to tlll,'1Il Illy ~grettlt llornmllulllcllIrh:g eiltllbllshmcllt' llt Ihnt beillg' II!Jle to HVHIl lIlytcll of 11~l1' hOiJ.lI-polot. Ildll}·. r Illll Denr SIr.

'fm: hl'lA: Rhl'f'1 Anchor ""n!, fI(llli III S~1l 0- Your lIIu5t..otSll·t'8lr,,·t.FrallcilCA. tho OIlier tillY. tnr t2uoo. A. .T. (Slg/l~ll J J. U. $Tt:RI.1l"Q.JllI"!I.lllllll Jollll Smith 1Jc1!lJ{ her pllr· Ht'llr AllmlrnJ 1\1111 Commaneler III Chll·l.c11"'"e~. S. \V A'uiUJAS }<;'"4j.,

MA-STEn '(;h:ull(''' Wl)Otl. IlOU 01 !lMI Chlllfltl"U of the CIII1.eIlI', •

'11 .... 'l'illlellclent or IIIO.IInll' mill UI £XL'CIl1h'U GOllllUItb.>c,

OrlU r ,"- 'p 'J' IPort 1)I~'Over)', l~ mnkllilt a Ihort vhlt til orr Oft"II;<e1l\ ,

Ihc Snllild. TilE ".A1'.O:'.

IT 15 wlil.~Ilf'l't'tl lll11t on" 01 Ihe r"lit1nm~e'il 01 DIlIIJt!'IlI.'lll' will "nOll ~l "'",111('(11'_ II. Pnrt Tn\\'lI~lId )'lluth •• COI,..rt1~ III Int" l'tke Or c",kt',

'rm; Port GUllible M'"C bft'l pla)'t'~

1"\\'0' dlilrlt'ffil lhe ,rerUll"r St'1I1e I...brlllJ: Illl~m lloll'n 10 ti,l· pillee OIl llle (,IIIIU81. Thc)' \0\ III II"II"e llu,t lIort nc 7 A,)I

'I'm: PM!,It' or Port '!'IHI'l1flelld QIl~ltt II'OOI1lfU.t thornnlChly "I'IO*t,..I" 011 11111 ~tlll"

ot IIlc wt'lltlH'r. IJlIl'lllg tile P:I-t \\'l't),;e..eryoody hn~ lWi.!1I leillug c\'er}'bod1 cl.,·

IIOW warlll It \\"11'1..

'fm:" hllV08tl..dn~' I"e-blll' ({nm~ IIIChlmncullI. r,il,;t SlIlIdllY the ~nhlll"(1I'

club frOIll Fort Tnwll~l.Il bl'al 11111 Chlll1·1lC1111l hOy8 on Ih!!lr OWlI grounds. 110111.Itles report largr. 'l'Ol"C!'.

WOlril'II!.RS will Jll'wr L'I'll~Il_lIt '"n11hllnll)' rver. Our "pnrcill" 11l111l III I'orl.IIUlIl hAll 1111l.·m·t·rt't\ lhllt Ille mOlllh (l'

.hme collullll8 :lIlhl~'" IIlI~ )'~Ilr. St.:c 11\.dt\t~ Oil our Inlhlu Ilng~.

Go 1111(1 "L~ Mr. Will 10111" nOI". rll~hlnll'

.h18 j111l1l0.. /lllil ollll'r lllu"!('BI 1I,llrll'Illellt.~, Mr. W. b 11 ll.'l'IIIt.,. tlllli. wllel'ho Jtt.'u hl~ !,lItellt Inr Il ~'Il\'ltlg Ill,lch'w'.",III ,·..loul*1I Ih.· llrlll\'t'i!.·'




Germ••;r.Du,ull. Jlloe !H.-Io tbo Prn'8ien diel

to d",. dariug dtlbattl ou the chnrcb bill,Herr OeunlllitOa ru,ld tb" he Ind bllt friend.,collld not "o~ tor tb. (llurtb .rliole, .. hecon.iduol'l it i~admia~.bI8tb~t bilbop. whobad ben jadlci.I\. rOloo"ood from Lb4llr difl­el!lllA lor rtIIi.tiog 1••llhoulll be tllCalled.

e"••r.1 Nfl•••, Lo~DOl'f, JUGe '22.-Tbe St.ndard pub­

IitthlNl tbe tollo.IDg Baenos AJUK lpeelll 0'Juoe 161h: "A revolutioD hIlS broktlo ootIlDrllbe oU,. i, bltlliegert.'·

Bombr., D.... (rom OlLbnl cnn!irDl8 raportNof n. gODer.1 rhriliR lU Centr/ll .blll. '

Tu I akhmiAh bfotwetln Albtllll ..nlt llnd}tuDtllnegrluI, on Ihll pl4ioll of Podogrltu.tbe Mootell!tfltiult .er" IlriYllO back nn{lerIbllllt.·r ot tbft Rnllll of Poc.Jojfritr:a.nokl,Jllne~~.-Tho Inumpb of clllno.11I

In muoldpll electioD' haa exceeded tbehlRbeat t'IL('IKltllioua. 01 fourl'en nellU·ell!l t4f" teturned tUlrleeD c.udidates•

Irbb 4m.lr.. 'LOlI'ooll. 11108 22.-Tbe 8tlndard IU,:

"Tbe Hume RulerS bue ret}uellted Parnellto IOlrodlloe 'I Jl41W bill tor tba relief ot thoIrilb peopf6, I....ie.. of Ibeillefeuiug di....tr," and tb. ont.hrelk of tJ'pbold fuc!r 110lO'y.,..I-QlAtr!cla. Th. blU will ",k for.t 100••~ Irora tbo Irieb Obtlr<l!l faud II • Kilt .

J. ,........P"au, lune il.-Tb••mD..t, bill wu

TO*, bJ tb. wbole L.ft aKaiolt tbe tlg4t.At. IDllelia. 01 811nlllon belona;illg to theLjlft CAIlIt". it w~ ff1101Yed, b, s yote of 1710 11. to dder aDy ded.loa on the ImueetJbill.

Republican plprl1l nnsolmon.l, Ippro.et~e lIpeecn or O.mbettD iD d"f~er tbtlpitilllf)' awntl.t)' hili. Ih.llp'pertt ot all.bldu of polltie", agrl'e"bat he eliDDot muah10DIer abtll.un froUl lLOOlIptlDR tb...reml.r­.hlp' , \,'

Capital Punbbment lJt China.

--.._-"'our milhon unmarried "Qlnen In tba

count,.,. and 1~-tft't,1Il quut.liun .teadtlyAdvlnCtn~. Wbat. it to be do t

.A.propoH of tbe l'tenleneo JURto I'ro·nOllucoo uIlCn ChUB HOIl, forlllerly theAlIIblWUtdor of China _t, tlli" court,Prof. Vll'llliliefl' (urniJJhel t.hu to!lI)Wiligt'xl'lantttiollll: ACL-onJillg to the hlolestPl:lkil\ newHIlapel', ClIult 11ou, thoughcVUUCUllll:tI to 00 bcheaded. ill litH. t.v I.Johnlllt.'(.hatilly put to deuth, lmt k'Jllt inpri,on fur the prclJcnt., l~ft.pi\.icl Itl'n·ttmcel nro promptly clIorr/ed lIUt ill thocase of iIlKurg;·utlt and cc!rtltiu othurCliilllleK of critlliD.I~ whOrl dolay llI'Hlttetldlitl~1' the Ilf'OCO of the coulitry. InBnch Cd~ 6van tho JOClIl rD/LUititrntll ittlmpowered to enDlmarilj tllk~ 1ifu if leuoeetnll it necllHlll.r)'. Du, ordinarii)' thee.secutionl throughout tb~ eWI,il'll takeplflCl.l "imuitaucuullly at lbl.l autulltualeqUInOlf, nt. winch tiwe ,Ihe KJ1lttl''OtTiaillJ lb. 'rclI1ple of Heayen 1_0 clearhimll61t of tile .in of ahtduin~ blood.Henca if Q.n artier crimiu.l ill Ilenl6llctJdtbe day after Ul6 autumnal equinox, behu a ~holl,l ytar of hIS life, .toill buforohim. :Moreov~.., for a eerlui.l thlw bu­tor tile equillox tile ImJistc, of TorLureltreccnts lIud euminel tbtt lilllll uf thecoudtlmnetl (row 1IJ1llUr14 uf the eml'ire,Ilud relXlrUl to tho EW))f'.1'Or til., tllUlIfl!I

of thoee lellM. de.rTing of clelllr'ul'y.Tho 'f;m(ll'lrur thlm flrdcn 8Qll1c to IJeexecutL'<I fortbwitb, iUld u:.pi\(',1 uthcI'8tor a ..odlel' 1far. Tiu Millell li.~ ofthe doomed am carried to all 1"lrtil ofltM empir, hy oouriert. OD. li:<... l ell1

,1111111 flelltf'.lIctd orimin.l••m br"!lillie.to tl pubIWllltac.!, .."ere the Itl...dc 1111"an!: opt·ued 111I1 tlul EillllI.'ror'. onl,'rscarrit!ll uut. 011 til. 11110... UI'I III. he­htwledllolth ••word or comlllCln kl HOilOme are ItrntlHI~ L,. Mint; d,...:£eclu'er t'le gro"lld, lor tbe jiLLt II II'"Ok'd in ·hlll lklll..adiuM i~ rf',;artledIU re "'.MOle-ful th n It.rau",ling. lut theI.ltc. I te-i tb bot.Iy .,.bolt·. It hill! thelorlller dllomanlM:... I\.- 't. PeW' butlUo!OI.

A very singular termination to a. loveaffltir, 11I}8 tht:t Little Rock Gazette hiltjust OCClIned nearthiliCity. SUIne'time"go n young mlln, whom it would do 110doub' be WIlU to cull Jaml's, fell in 10\'6or lhougJlt he dill, with a young IlMl~whom. it would be ""ell to call ::;UI«\II,Prtl.lltlcal U.luell, botb of t.Il~Ul. ThefOllflnoSll of Jamea WM8 rpt,urnL'«l, Jl\m~1I

toill SIlKIIn that lu' lovcd her, amt SU811l1tulll JUlllt'S tlmt IIhe lovotl him. JnlnClla!l~l'd SUJ!ltn to IIltury him, ami SUlmll!Mud that 'lhe "·ould. ThA )'Oltllg lIlun

Im!1 spent bleclJleRs nightK in CtJlltlJm·IJlntins tho pril~ he wU811t.temptil1g towin. b~t when lIe found t.bat the polu ofnt.tmctlOlla hru.! knockcu thel.l»enaimRlon"of SUiian', aU't!ct.ion&, lie ceaaotl hl8ingthe cov!;! ... lit night anti slupto loundl.,._Filllilly he mU8I.'tI: II[ dOll" love tbatgid. 1 wi!!b tho.t Iliad not act.ed 10r(\~hly in ('ngalting myfv If tD her. Itwould alUloKt brf'Rk hl'r hCltl't ir [ wereto tell Il~r of mv misLlIke. Sbe it! 60atfection:ue. What It. tool IL llhtn is I"SU'Ii~ did not pllM .11 thiB time ....ithoutmusing: ",Vomlln are ISO imlm!ltive,"Abe though&. i'l am enpg~ to that.ma.n, and. I ttee~re tbat I do noto 10TO

him. [would bl'Ollok the cngaltorucnt,but be mi~ht kill hituaelf. 1 don'tknow .... hat to do," The pa.rtire contir!.Urm to bl;tatIectionate \,?ward eacb otber,and tlll~ b8.IUCl ~f'ilve troublu aff...'Ctedalike Iho mind of each. Sevell,,1 Jlightftago thlt l,fftlCtionate ))l,rti~e Slit bcllideeach otber.

""Su8.n"" ",m'Tk~ Jl1l1um. /flia yout.hink that. man shonld lOlI.rrv a ""Ot~lal\wben h does.'t love her, merely to pro·IQrV;e hil bOllor T' ,

"No, tio YOll1""1 don't, think that he ehould. HI

tbe Wl~)', SUI"- 1 think that it would bebatter for UII 1I0t. t.o get nUlrried.. I havoUflill mistaken; I don't love you. IhOllO that you will forgi ...e mp.. Have 1wronged YOU ('

"GloriOIlM lUlln," Mi.1 the Ilirl. uYGUhavo lifted a hOllY)' weight f!'om myhearl, J do not lovo yUil, IliRJ th6 fellrof flLtal fe,uh, IIU l,lVI,lI" kl'I'~ IIII' frombrclLking tho cllgllgl.ll\l{mt."

"fa tUI,t lOr' Mkoll JlI.OlCll. lUtton·i'ilu:d 1"

III IIpuk truthftllly."u\Ve!J, J will mllln,:a;:ollt.'11. r thou.;ltt.

you CRI~fl flu' 111(',"

"And r thought you co.t't.·d for 11I(',"

"I'll ho b1ilitt:'rcd if thiJi aWlli:.- 11~l'n't

bOt I",~~ay with llIl.'. l'3tty, SUll.""Yes.""Now let.'s 11'101.: lit this buainelts 11

litl'" c10llf!r. We aro both \·~ty fmnk.[ thillk thnt frll.nk people mKL:u tho besthUllblmdli alld wivos. Wo t1ll1h·t"Stlll1dCl;I.l:!J otlll:}" fil'8t. TatO. '1'011 111'", dun'tyou-t.h!t. is, dOl}'t ~'Oll elilorhin sowo·thmg of7ial,l alredion fpr Ul~'"

l.y-~'etl, don't 101' for DlO 1""'Yes. SUppolIll.ll.S NO' unllersl.tUIII

f'll.o:h otber &0 well, th'IL£ w'o l:fot IUar·riod."

"All riglit.," IlDd tob/) CflTCmony Wll.'lperformed ilt a countr,. church hUlt


Word. ue tbe key of the btllrt.

In _ ,t.on: on Summit .treet may beeaon an animall tbe lilte of whieh fe..,people in Toledo b.,,, nero Iten. It jM" moDitel' Soutoh Ali. vampire, the muohIln;aded blood .uchZ' of that count".Tbls rare CI'elItUrll ,erb,pl the oaly Jiy.iog apooilD~· of the kind in the country,II abon' 0 ... and • ball fetlt Ionl'. bOoS ..Illtir or piercing bl•• ",es whi\lh Ilhme

Jik~ dialUond-, • double row o( .harl'tetllJll wimllar to tboec of the ",euel. _ndill powerful winp. whoo .uelcheol fullleogtb, m8lllure t.o ud on~lIalf fPetfrofU roin~ to point. , Thfl ..mpire h,m&"IIl,llJHlOded (I'OIIm II '-lDr in thd o,mtor' ofit!! al'" bl _ ..ir o( f(lrIuiJable cl••",&llll when in re~ reM!hl\'leti " C':IUIM'lllumbrell.: iUl Uody i, euv"N!d ..itb acomfort.able COlt. of (ur, .hile itl _u.iifuU, J.roIKlrti ....IlM hNtl...bioh II" _rtl,nltl Itable liD.ilal itl to ,h.t.o( _ dl ..iD·utl\'e bh.ck·and lIIn terriff d'lf, i.I 111.1·rDuullled by • I,.ir of la.8(>, Illt·lI.ba,)O"dl"&t3. Thia .truni(O cN'.turfl·w .JDIOtllttotally blind durlll~1 tbod.y. b.lu ni1l:htiLII httlu e,ea IwillkJe .. illl aat.oai-,ulIgbri:li"ncy. The 't&IDI)iru i. k, pt in •tetlJI)I'r1Lltlr8 o( about. Ilerentl dt'gJ"l!6l,ill. older to ~I~·or. at DelIorl, u IK.IIhibleWith the clUnate of iu nativd htJlIle.­Toledo CtJIU'Ilertilll

A remflrhble ca.ac of Jim jams CAmeunder the obllerva~ionof olfh:er F1tllliJr·min a "bort time agt~ in , 8mall roomin the rnr of NG. JI~ Almond stroot,.The victim was Clara Walkt'r, Sho8flid that thre" dll.)'~ ago tihu hnd cele·brated her llight,Eelltll lJirthclay b)" Ullin·tentlont,lly "etting "err drullk. Tilt"cff'~t. prodbc,~d by tim ov~rdOK" of Hllir·ite Wal lID coarming tlIlLt. "hL cuntinuedt.lu; drUllk up to ~lUJt. lligM. When dis·covcred by tbe <>mC~I' tshe WIlR in tbe Mctof adjullting the end of,. Ilieee of olotho!t.lino afound her neck, pl1l1'aratory tochoking ont htlr Iiff, HcfterDiln preVClltl.li.l her fl'oln c~l'rying out hcr eelf·dtltitructi'6 dt!aill:n, fOl" wilich killd IIctIIhe Willi at firat greatly ellra~d. blltafter becoming Clllm IIhl.l thllll·kt.>d herdclivtl.rcr. 'While tbo officer waa vol un·toct"ing &Omo goot.l advice, tbe WOlDllQ~mo 10 a.:ri~ of 8briekll. She im.g­med that the room waa filled with in­fAnt..., and thAt. huge raLlt were devour·ing them. ~be leaped upon a cha.ir,aUld fro~ tJle ch&ir tQ t.he bed, and (romthu lHM.I. to ~8 WILIMt.ud, utterlv dilue­garcliug the cOIllMX)ulmt dltomllge to\litclu~r and bo..l, all tho time .nn~ing

her hand! and atl.tl.ring 8hrlll crie~ off, Dr, li'-o ,. mlniac.

I:)he ..u Inken to the Cbo!ltnut. atriletKtat-ion, .Iulre, ill CArnast and pitifulword14, "hft rl~acri,bed Lhe horrlblo fllttl oft.wo or threll of Ibe imttgillary blt1>i~a.

She laid thcN! wern IICvera.1 moro in theroom, amllJefore going to h~r cell plud·ed with t.tatll to tho BeTgeant t.o Kant.!sollie ontt to prevent IU"Lilar dcttructionof t.ho ilillooeu~ hy tho raplLoioulI roouents. 1'11" Ilerge&uto prolU'BeL! to seethat all th.. r~t. were killed. whi~h

seenwd to pOoCHV the mlman, and Illlmi!e.cila.ugetl her ,..boll! ,COuntenance u thuturnkerdhl bLi dutv.-St. L')ui. Globe·Detllocr.t.

A .Oirl ..lUI Ule Ilm·Jam•.

A Vampire from Alia.


r •••'.1 8Ianl"••••GOLD BILL, IUDe 18.-A turible IechleDt

at tblt y,llowlacllt' mille ~rred at 11:30o·aloe., oeelLllionad bJ • c.rload of wol.faHillg {rum 116tor the IDrfllCe to tlte btlUom..ber. elKb\ ll1eD wen ou tbo ."Ip. rll.,••" illltaollJ .lIIud. oliliely: Ktlil 0111.­~her. Al TtI.lIIb,. TilllotbJ Wil1I.Int aud E.W'bilt'bull.... lulu" Tro:~ll. h.., a t1.Habbrokeo, H. WiIIl.m. bllll an Irat olf. WartttlJGII,.l" IDd Fru\ U.u.moad .re IlIgbt!, Ill·JIlKd.

""••11... f ...... lel"'l.8u.,.. Cua, Jon. tlJ.-The !rill 01 Otto,

n,f'.•.mIlIJ TrHllU'er. oUrllld .ltb emhool'slNuenlof pubhe fDDlie.••1 ooD~lad.d ttl·..a" ADd U:II u'IlIDg Lb. jUt,. tl'touwd I..rdiet 01 alliltJ.

a ..", fill ••••••• fAt·S...,. F ....c:uw. Jan. ,)O.-.\t lb. "Dd lot1/)-(1., th..rl .eu I." UUlllllllt1 beld one b1

lb.?,r I~baek a~d lb. otber b, Ibe'De• ..­UIUIO WIDI of lb. W. P. 0, Tbe (fteu­'*clu·f'I e&lI:e Brill 0110 Ibe AUIlIt 411d pr~

elupted tb. rOlltrlult. r.i_luR thl AmarleloG+tK. 5o0n after, Wllhltll W.llock, 01 nailDUloeralJe .IDiI, made hi. 'ppelrloe••ud

hlerof .Ar and ttllulne. bAI obtaio"'l1 DAtnr­.llndoo 'i au tll~li.n .ubjett .itbou~ pt!r­mi~liI;,o of the EgyptiAD ~(lYerum",nt or tbepcrll'. Ibull ..1"ciElS noder the protecllion oftbll lttl.llau lloveromellt bls IDlWIlOIII IJrop­erl, wblob. it t. geDtran, IOppllllltd, reaUJbelonlCfl to tbe kbedl'c. (jlcbiu l',ulb" loftEgypt yCilllrdll' ..ilbout hll'lUK a pll.wport!ruw tbe ~Ylluln G()VCrlllD~n•.

Hu,..I".. lIIo,·enl,·nl".ST. !'UICIUl.DtltlO. JUlIlI 17.-Tbo GrlDll

Duke COlilltuulIlill in"l1'6Ctell Newu meD of1'1'" wbieb IUtllU If'lufur,·~ Ibfl fI"et ill Ol.llWrU,,'all'l·e. 'fwo orUl&l:lrtl Mllilt·d for tho V..eilio00 SUlldM·. Auothl1f enlbler and" ft"lllill~1I.ltnv ..·ill !pH fur \'1"divOIIttJck loy the elldut 14il w~ek, ud 1be remlladtlr \0. thoconrllll of tbe lD<JlItb.

S.uIIII '\nl""t"$.Lol'lPos, Jl10e 17.-A ttllef(TalD from Doen·

011 A\'rell Jlll)"'1 hoatllilil!lI hlfll be~l1o.Turkl!Oh .,,0'.,....

YUlN1U, JIIOIl n.-Tbo anll'l'er o! tbePorte to Ibe IlhmticIII notfl Is better tbllllWIUl lIutieipllled, III' II II~UPI.I the dl!cilionof tbe power. load places itfltlU on Ille MmobMil with them, Tbcrtll~, ho.ner, a reSllr­vatioll tbnt ulodl.tion Mbould not lolerhlrll.itb tbe free (leclllloDII of tb. Porte, but it.IUI nner Up4ltl'M, th.t tbe Potte .....oaldItlbn::it beforo bowi"/: tbe dec;elon of tbepo."r!!. Tbe InlulIDce III thllt the .ction ofthe POWllB ball DO~ fII,i1lld 10 produoe !lomoilllprell.ion upun tlltt .:.1tIt.:&.D III to Ihe .eri·OUloeM of bill pClllition.

t:ncll._ Or.'.....k ...LITI01'OOt., lune 18.-A IIIMiIIlR Wlin elr.

mpnt b6elluseOaehlli P..h•• formerly min.cuillf '.'1 lb.1 the srlin lude rl!m_in. verydull. There I. almua' au utire celliltion Intbe d.DI.tld .1 the pti.cioal mull.III. and •decline of 1I11pflElllill to a .billioll ia RenllraUyteportlld upon a limhad Imont of bUllh:»..!.tr'DIIl\C'l.Id •• CargOlll oft ClOUt ooollnue int lit ff'qUOlt .'. ateedy pricee,

I,.eal 0 E ••' ••d.

LolIOOH, JtJ,II. ut.-In tbe BonN of Oom·mnllll to·dllY, Rir Wllfrod Li••oD'lIloeal op­tion reholuliou, Rhiog tn tbs Inhabitanlll of"DJ diltrie' tbe rlgbt 01 delermltlius whetberlieenll~1I til pllulio boa'fll .bln be retlder.dor Dol. Iud .... bleb blUl betl1 reJeoled tll "'­etll eltcoeuivo ......011.. "III lLdopltd-2~g

yelll to 203 l1aJI. Olatllwnlt ud LordHattiualO. Toted 'iaina~ lbe bill, aad POI­tar, Sir WUliem tlarMltu&. Mr. Cb.mberlilitlaDd~m. tltb.r Dluabel'lt or Ihe Oo.ernmeotToted for it. ..............".

P.-II,IG" 2I.-In .n "l"otio. t~dllJ ftlrlllI.nloipel oOQ....llor rorPIlt'I"ob.hae qUlrter,TNlElllquetat. a OOlllmuniet, DO" 1.N". OQI·edonia, .......111 i.3SS .otel u.d hil.oppo­n.nt 1.68(f.

_ ..I••d ... I...-Ia.d.Lo\llo'lf; ",1:10.. 20.-Tlle lllCOod rlllaln~ of

tb,. Iril,h Iud bill 10 tbe hmlill ot OOalDlOnlII Il.xed for the 2'ld iUlt. The bill provldellIhlt until the 3111t (If Deaember, 1881. ej.c,lXIeDta tor nOllpilymeDt or reat In certalD.cberlul~l dhnrioll, .here dillU'e1i ill II"'"lent, Ih~1I bo d".mllld II • dilturbllllO'J oftf'Da~ laudlordll, wllbin the IUl!iWIDg of tblllan.l)ord and le'lall' \Wt of 1870•

Alfred Oatbrooe Hilrd1111d Robert P"berLawrie, botb Ilonlenallv... , hl"lt bel'li un­lIe.ttd III membdi 01 plrlilllDtltlt fur CIlU­lerbtlrt.

A Dublin dilpatcb '&11 ~blt tbere ill nolooller auy doubt thlt tho famine fenr hill'lppured ill lowe Plitti of Wdlltero. and!SoaU. IrelAnd. .

I!:l.IaU<lb ..........

1.luU'CIQt., ,JIID·I1.-Tbll Coarillr llat~

Ih "i' I""" "fII't" dl.......1008 In tb. c.b­Iliel n'Kbl lIuo. ~O•. Ohau.bul..lll, pl&i~

,',In. fib. boatll (,f tr.dfl••I~~ to r.Ilr1•blot pl'lftClp'" arltl.. bro-......1lI11' I.Uur. or thl,:".llImfIuL tv r",..11 thr &,t1. lIr!!r. fro_'bir ~U.I rllur101I1,,"f tb. C.lio' 01 0,)(111 Uope.• I ,tlltr ~.' ...L I••utlt:'VlLh_d OD UNdo11IU,fb·...tln.l" I.U.tK.lI,

&""........ t .-_loi",'u_C.olIO. ,hul n.-Tben il much nelt..


TIlURSDAY, JUN,; 31, 1>SO.

Appolnl ••'lIt.ll t:...tlr"'IMLThe lieute Clou!rmld the foilowUlg 110m I·

natioul: LieU!. Col. SatAO"} Wood, depotyJlIJtlJllter KtDual: Ralldolpb G. Ebert, ofOr180n, .u~et'tl; Ru. n.,id Wilaon, (IfColondo. pOitehaplalniCbu. A.. WItherell,of Nuada. ~i!ltl!r of llUld e~.oe,'~ C.nooCit,: Ricbud H. F.,. "101 altha.Um,dllalDdllUlI, Oregon; Thol. Obetlnut, po_tm......ter, 8i1'f1!rton. Colorado; Col. Dnmm, adjo·Lull geDeral; Otto Mears. of Oolorado. JohnB. no..-mao, of KrDtlootJ, Alfred B. Meith·am, of Wa,billlilIOD, D.O.• OlIO. W. Uon­fllpllllDJ, of Oolumbo", Ohio, and John J.2>_~_.I....1 a._............. l_l..." •• '" .....'f

the ~mr:ntmade with the Ute I"dianl;ltc:Ob Beilfllrieb. of Laul,I'OIl, 10 be oolner

·01111. O.ited 8tale. mInt ,t N... Orlolill.I.Vd••••••f ••n....... ' ••4 ..

W£DINOTOIf, 11lD. 17.-U. S. Treu1uerGilftllin to-dl,laltnaet.d tbe ellbotrouorerat X•• Orle-a && h19"- to tlll beat ed...n.__ OD aeeo1Int of tbe lti1llln~ fDDd of tb.Ualoo Paeilla Rltilroad 'l~i,8511, and on tbeOIDtnl Pulllo sni.670...............

W"'.IJfGTOIf, l~e It.-Tbe omllial IEealDtiDUI to faU O. GnJlt MeD. 8ec1'llIAr1BllermaQ b.. dl:ected tbe CoUeator 01 Otl'"~, at Chaf"t~. tt 0., to dlllCODUlloethl .emOfl 01 Wm. A. HIYo. II IDlpeatOf

. 01 ib.& dittrlet a'tel' tbe }3,h 101t. BIJae".. .. 8ov.t~ OaroU... dtltt:... to the Cbio..10 COll.1'eDtioD aDd II..a,.. 'toled for Grn' In_dieDOI to f,n,tfaotloa"

~ , ~ ....., ........III.~,n...... Col. lD.'" 18.-&. LHdfln.apeoial ah.. (be ""Ii 01 lb. IIlIMtiD« .tdI••lDtn' allion , ....,. n. mMtiD,"., .....', atLeDCl" b, melD" of &batLD.ICMI. aM Idopled ,.fi.. of neo1alJon....... te ..am. work at t.l1ItI OD wblollu.a, .....pJoJ'd prniou. 10 the atrlb.0"" ala. o aaned 10 teOOIDlU tb."h& bou ., in futuo a. bf'ro'Itofore,aDd ..WI pl"," to aM tbtir iDlll'O" to_we UlM.,Miu rUlllr..II, adopted tbrough·

lWt Ute _po AI ... maUer noW' 'land"alDen ,re to ao to ..ork at tbe old pnee.,......1'&. Do4 I.. be dh,baDdec1, ho.ner,Il1at OWOilln ... maucers make 00 eou.....u. •.,.pt tb&& 1••,.iIl u.e Lb.lr Ut­IUDM in fnor of l1&e allDeral adoption of... eia~t "our 1,1&em. Koou" nd olber'Jea4tra were@uII'antl!ed immtUllt, ftom ar­..llf tb«,rel!lna. 11 tII••loersaotowotlt.>oIJlonow. all til. min" wtll I'ftnmo .hbfall fotC". Moon.,. ... feleued. All tb..mu. Ire tUUll.olrllld out Illetipt one oom­pUf. E.llt,Jtbiog II qUtel.

.,.' I.. New .esleo.!....." 1'. Moo ltlGI J8.-CiUzenl

01 It,". 0it1 aDliI 9lmattJ ...e aim" ltan-: for W'Dt of pfon,ioDIl. N'll ODe pouud

dtloGr. pota&oe.. bleea or ltapte IItQH.i­Uee 0( life.o to be fJlltaiud for 10.tI ormODe,; Dfilb·" ..n eJ1etlu «ir e'Alera el­....... be OG\ nIt,IIIl'O ..'1, bela. uoal­,taiaable. B,.. ~.I. comrlell!l,. pr~lrattldi. _qU.DOll, 'both " Biber Oit, alld....~ V~ria" raid~a tbe CAUl' ofaUU'UIlI:" ,"' Gt.. Biteh telllSl'lphed 00•.W~,-DtI,lbtl be be.. 01 DO InlKbttitUe '''!iDa •• f:roo'''' '1 I.dlana.

J ......._ ..., .......b •. I

Haw You, 1tnMo 18,-Th,. na.al retarollNOW I~ ,....aoca ot lIrvokllll to beW.OOO, aD. IDernN of 72,000 1n 6u ,ears.

......... 01.....

Cauaeo. IIlD' It.-Cell.''' BapenllorWriflbl" lillli ar. DIlIrl1 eo~lIted, .uti io­dIoat.. tbe popnl.tlon of OlHcaao to be_ ••m,ooo.•

a-&a WI'" Ot!ftlr.1 hitft'.

W.wu'OTO•• Jaoe20.-QeD.lobo A. Snt·ter, \be dlaeo.tr of gold In Oallfumil, died.Md ,...may. lla bad. beeP. lick abotl' •".." 'Wi" bl....-t:.OD of tn kidatl}l.

._Ulwa' I'luetla...~ lue an.-p....UC.,. eomlna:ill ......_.,.. an4 D.li;ol. ftlp: t dw..~oI. oout'J Uter&J11 Ollde, ••'.', "d tbe...... to.ope and otb. DrIJpert, ..1I1 be1aMInJ"".. Th. rala I..t ....11 ••elled.,........ a....1aiD. Ii" II It.. ner..bat.. );00.11.

......~•• CO_I•• We-a.

OoLlJltMl" ~IID. 20.-10 ref.mlll 10 IIi,.....~tM ...WI to UalUorolL tbe p",l­.... aPt thai if b. 101' .t all It .m lta II... II 8apCiaIabe., tala tHM bsJl.g CO "lob.....'" 1. Ii•• wIIiIIwI I•• 81&\01 F ..iraIwMlt 1M a1tWl8 04 lh, moBIb. He w,1lateDd .. trip to 0,,-,00. Iud poBibl,. to.... t.u _ortll....... aa.-,daa.

WMat:ltn'Oll, 11l11l1 211.-The Oaln.r.,~ lto....•• Arcue ....el, Ill"" Yuu·.... for areilo r.lool. Tbe ...da.lll Brul..b... ea..ol ..", till b:ll!lIie.n tlll4. TDtI~doa .w be a penoul .e.r 01 Capt.HiwtaI•• no W\ll bell' III ..~II....

.~I""'·7u....B..I(p11 awt ..apntdhDlllIlJl abelr....ltfJ

O:eIa.ltlJ I, 1m 1o .Ill" I, lti811: lkcf'lp4.0' "10". t111.o1ll.12Cl; 10ltrllal "'.t10Ult'U3._,iUu; ....,".11.11.. lit, ':I1.tlll ti~',wuJ.u. 1,111: upt'Plhufta. eml 111011_ u-.-.. "',"'0,4073: "u, S3b 6:J1.140 ...,. tIJ,I81.filiUO; l...rtol' (lD"'I"".)."1' ioU. IUbll",r tWO'I1.H>Il.)••i~.UG,lj3;.. .. I'. lJIll l.. chbt. '''.:133,51'. H""I

U.,flJ,tH... TW."blbuto. ..... uld..d;Be la po "aJ tIl"'adJtDlts_ ....!:~~ C-'l I_tal dauW'l M~' ...k..

• ~. I-B.... ""1." U4.rrwat,. Or ~, ...~~. . D' 0 UHI~" ­'WI~1"'. ({,II1"~. "'01)'. W T.; 1· .... ,..........'1 W. T. P....... trI ••~......-.-..... IIl.rn. J. ben''''' lJ~I••b_.. UH"r O,. ... i "'''111 M...m-.u'~ ..lM- , COUll". O"'I'-'u. •

r' ,........ ~ h.-rDf t 8N!11 ar••1111.......... K....,.... h ••• Ulolll(b~ •bl...... .-~ ..... _ra,ed ,Ilia tIlkrlWQO,





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A. R. JOIllSTOa co..__ I.~-o.D. A. •••• C.

weDll8 Early ..~ Ofl~

1'r..l'lllr'j\ ~lIlk.\· I:nkll,

lIiwtll'lI'lt l'\lnn Wtl~11,

SWI.'CI"'IH \';l' 1'IIJI\'II,



,E.... w..'E...

BUCKI,:n: ;III\\'EI: .",1 REAPllB.•

"II&ATo JUf,O&TI, a.ur..,n..

:;0.,,,,,Ferrum"" ....J ,,1,'(

.Pomad-, I II"

I' R'.... flIII,.And all ir:UclM UI4Ml tIM' ,u.. TOil....

EtO., I 1':ETC., I' 'II

ETC., J III 'I'. E1l!., ,, ,j E'l'(}.

QDIek BoIoo aod s-u Pn>ato. ,

O.r.full, OOmO"'4ft'" ~-


aXLe. BT.&.TIONEJEI.Y"t .-re..d ' , ". Hf.3qMi---..WholcllIllo Mil I t:bil-- 'T


.. T -1. .. " '11.ttI...W'T


HrriJ , I

t "·..-n-I':


Oill and

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OJ. ,:-; t,rn. Qtlal i I,v_


GERRISH & CO:" ",.

-- WllllltIlI:Ll,. Rlltl Hl'lnii lklt.l'~I'll iu-__ I ,'1 • 1..'I" 'I

General Merchandi's'e


W BY EXPIlF.'l8 08 lUlL,P1oolp<ly_ ...


v. r.-====="-.-=:!=--=====,...

ma_Complete Stock

___ Ii.. " tr


n.lIll1o· Il.nd ~';I,it, l'''''I'''lllcl'll' Tuo""

:)11'1' ClULllIlJ,·I')',



Tcrdtorial Ulliversity.Seot~ .. w, T.


1'U1Il'l'U IVNSEND, 1". T.

, ·jtt·wirnill.


"'atollt. ~lf1olicinl:'" ur "II kllllj-:

­A I.~ &IIlIOrtlDenL

C:t ..... ~ .. 1Dtlon.

By N. D. HILL" SON PortTownsend;Wr

~h__ et""'1Cl'''dca' lcIeauac, Xonul Uld, 001lllMJ'Cla1---

I'..w For 1'.......

..11oo won ""I...... at t'olJ I.... end); _d...... dI•• orpM. kct oat, ndrl 1M, ..... '- qulity. .. '" ......Ity .. ..,. at .., ,",",," t _

rropu DOU_1IM1 '" iLhit ,.....u! ,,,

i, to 'I~~'__ .b..-. by 1001. na.&-­unp. .lteotI \.M me 01. ,e.-hoi... arelJIe belL Cu.t tJr.e iato lJiecea 1.1I ill~

lone. and pfut tMm IlIt iDC!-1t deep ill aeuld tr.QMI, and lh., _ill be .Ix iueb.bip &lid 1'Md, to II.IIl It, .... &i.. I.MlanI n 1)lat. .. t"eIdy.

A fl. Iweel. .....hI .io~ld baye aplace in ""ery pnieD. E",r, cook &AdbOUMkeerer kno... the "aI\I., of Uke Ii....lJe p-.lcb of berbl upoo whick .he mahasuch d..111 dr&fLl in .uauan', and whlc},(urni,h. h« with & nice oollect.ion lorWinll'r leUOoing, without. ..hich theTh&lIk'aiYing turkey would lc:.e ana.vor, while atroJlg kind. are u excel·lent. .., medicioe.

If ,.OU dtAire \of' S'Jt a lar~ yield ofrich wilk ,iva your cows, every day,.ater Idightly sailed, in which bran hubeen ,Urted at the rate of one qUllrt totwo Callons of water. You ... ilI find, ifyOll have not. tried thil daily pnlctiee.that )'onr cow "..ill give 25 per (.'Cut.more lUilk iwmediateh unJtlr t.he etr..--et8

of it., and ehe will beoomu 80 accustomedto the diet that abe will refull8 to drinkclCfl,r water unleu nry thiT1lty.

Mr, WIiI, llyers, of Pitt.Cold, N. Y.,recently lost a cow in wbicb, on poat.mortem ftxaruiomtion, were fotlnd lixfully develollAd calvet, the amallef>t ofwblch weighed twenty.two and a halfpoundL '!'htl cow Wal a tbree·yt'ar-oldIIhortrhorn. Hi ve of the caIn. woremale and the otber a beifer. The A~itl.

havp been atuffed and will be prf'fUIn'edll!I a curiosity.

An Englillh gilroncF writea to tbeGardDI~n' Cbronichl th~". Jut 16&1011 beapv1ild a (ood drtlllling of chuCOAI toIIOwe or hi, pvu at tho time 01 lO.. ing,and tb.t tbOlll gre.... vfry Il'tOng aDd re•isted milde.. ntirelYt while tboaeloOwoill t.be uauw. uwn..,. w.... a tott.l Jail­tlrt, or nearly 80, the mildew a~tac.ingtheUi AI 100II U tbt'.,y were in fiower.Tbe charcoal used was ",hEl refuse ofchftmical works, lJui WLll very finelyPOWdllrtd,~, _

A To.chor of Pockotplcting,I

TW61lty years ago Cheater establilhe'.1m~bool in 1.<lndou dedicated to the de­votlea of St. Nicholas, and be lpeedil1()btained many pupil", The D101lt wellkl,own ii.nJ .lr:ilfuI1Iickpod:et.!J who hlLveJlllid t.lIe penalty of being caught, andthOle wllo w.re c1e\'er enouih to evadetbtl clutebc. of the myrmidon. of the111W', have ..Il been moulded according tothe ChcMeri..n method. And ' ....beD itill stated that in twenty ,ean Obetterhae been .~le to ama. a fortw:ae of fiftythou-.nd pouuda .terling. ttle groat im,)>orttonctl and eOicacy of his Jeuonl willbe thorouJ{hly appl"eCliated. Bill l'uVil.,on leaving hi. in.titut.ion. ",ere formedinto bl.nd. of Len, ·.,Inder *h. guidance ofa "JlCboolruuter j" and it. wu uDder theaegis of thll ever-..atchful gu.rdian thAtthey overn.n the eart.h. ~"'o-tbird. ofthe "prolit.a" wire faiLbfun, .nd punc­tuaU, paid to the iIIua~riOUI pro­'euor. Cheater dl"wtaned himHlf buttwice in hia career by "workina" per­100&111 ;. it "'.. lot PariIl, dllring the I.woJue. :i1bibitioftl. In 1878, he ....u arrett.ed anti condemned to aix mont.hl'impnmuruenl j .... b...... moreoytr,proldlJi\ld from .,,, ~nLtrlllg France&gJLia. JJe hu ainue dil~ oflb. ~''',U 01 Ilia ..liUli...... to "woof hi. papil d mired to Oiro-.i"SMm...liIere'" 1"'" deaJ 01IIf'OId'lY. IhYing lIOtIH nry urgent.aLan Ie) leule J. r_n., Itt altplit'd, af.cb,.~1.,......... to,....-. sit.. capi ,..... t.M...1, ..... _ h... ,. '7":' ..... ,.,.. ........ s. a III I -,.., .. ,.. t. IJt-t ft'!'.~ - ... ," _..... •••• .. ... ltF.p.f:I .. r ..... -.......... .~----......­, _.

II 1110 le&lUlol~ sar•..- -A grout deal or anxiety i. being felt,

~d col)l¥lemble earnest IJ~Oll)&th)'

w~ted an the..llOUibiJii1 of diaater 100'Mr. nec.eCL'Ie.lp1orinl Yewl, theJ.n­nette. It would not Le J'8!lOQ1Jle, afteroonllidcrinl .11 the factll "lating to herto IIl1pJIOIl!I t~.t .he ill io the .Jightftlperil In tbe1irat plli~, in 8pite of .11reportl to t.be ClOntrar11Ilhei,"tron~.nd

well fitt.vfl (ot' the undertakimr. She....11 pnrchued by Mr. Bennett or AllenYOUl.IS, wbo wall wi\h MeClin:OCk, tbeArii: explorer, and iI himself one of the A rou ia Tolf!d'l".i .. _If....mOIlt tl'l[perienced Artie naYlg~ton. ~ efWhen har owner 1l&r1M witb her, it.... three c~jWrea, bf.cam. ...witb &:I much confidence that h. oll'.red i.Dlriguiq "-'0. ud prodIftd .wtab her back at the IfIliDC ,.ice at vorce ill an 0....... fDdiane .. U.the end of the tbrefl yean of eq>ect.Mlab- did DOt .,. .. word at it at bo.e.lienee. Lif'utenam DeLolle bad ber put. Oac da,. Ilia old"t clupl.~ aat OOOll into dry dock", and became utili' paretll of p&herua from .. lad, lD Ind, 1'--'tied by borin, tbat. ehe w... perltICL)y apoliL 1L..... an old ClOpy cia aMlin.".clund. Ah the mlUtmmut Ihe ill De,""~. An .d..e:~meDla~1aloooet ebt\rtly of mahogany. :fIer bull her at.t.entiOD, Jt.... arPli tlOlllU Ib~":.wit' A\AllSnlJall ironwood Irw .. diYoree jor Mr ... tm. •four inchea in thicknell8. She" IlO lnother. The yoang lady dercMtd &0modeled u t,I') riseeuUy frJm t.he watAlr viait her fr'ew.l in ]lMHanapolit. udwhen nippedl by the ice, ....~8re;n ,lie!' Lhe to wake an e.lcul'tiOll to the (lO.fttr,.chief danger t.o nil veasel. travennag Ar- wbt-ro the drrorce had bMn Cnllll4!d.iio regions. Her form ill thuefore &I She returned with anipie e.id.!-1J(:e tbatgreat. an element of .rety u ....r lUI» hef ftlotller .... Jiyina lIPit,h. dkooradnor It.nlDg\h. Frevioua YoY'lCii haye am. SbtI abow_ .... fMMr & ODf'Y 81...tod her ~i~qI"UJll\'~' Three I~ ¥l"~..,,,~ llAd 'jl!d i •lim.. .... . lin lI.'.il\. JJ6y loIi,.. 'qool .lhbeot'il.... aIwithI~~ ~~ ,.neral thj1Bopr fOjf t;Dl.utt.l~~~~~~~feet ahon.~~..oti1W ~,but w.· '1-....-abe eee.1 ...~~\.rffuinatbe ¥iabL' ~ and .. Cl&ih1 map." be Mid jlilt dam. .' S~ ...11.1~r ktrd:.gtJl· Mt i .. _ ......,te to makeeDed ~D"zi ice~e.by ha.....ln. \d. ..et¥1L will. tG.....et ....d conreufeet of her 1il:1w ilfid inl "'itb liOlld' dea'J:;' an', an,l .." .b..~ I t.a.,. done." "('OQ·

w001, b~lI.yi:, bolted, jlolll~ ~fo" I••ina f. fin" l" SH~' lAid t'o~ girl "h ia!:lIm Vhn~ 'l\t..." 80Dle of Ute MiII-- ..ho i, ,he 1IP0IDMl in t'e ...qu..lit.i~ ....6th the JtUlaette ro--tllrt it h, Qo.t.Tr t'IL \&" "I thoapl u ••.II.nd whitll wlll"ltand he!' in ~ ,,~d Aro you to rna"" b.rt" 1'( .... 10 h.I6in all t.h", trauble .he i.likely to h....fllft lIl&I'rieci her," *YOG mUll. Dol ao \0'he regIon. of 'J-1,.ual IIIOW'. and mamma l'l. She bfu" be J'OGf wifeice. It is p~blfP'III", DO lIbip ever again Wore abe hen" Ule f..malleft Oil a ,imilar OIll18lon better fitted to t1·uth." 'l"e y~unl My wu eqad toencounler, 'the iD~idell.'tal haMlll1I" anal t.be t!ln~ll!ney. , The t~.btiet. tpIH-t-er.witb lJClwen of1atrenglh 'end ~ndlU"al&C.'" '."y of ber p&rmt'll ma'nlap ..n c10fiebetter lI.hle to lurvi"e ttew. .. Nt IUU"t. l:ihe i~v,ited .n 'th~ frieuds

The intention. of tbe commander of IUld had them marned apin I,)y lhu samethe Jellllllut.te aeelO to havo beenmisap- Ulilli~ter who 'performed \lift, "~llon'yprehollllf'tl. Hill 1eai,n wu to mOI'6 twcpg y~ar8 I..I~>r-= St,. >took~lna }Oslowly and dilCreetiy. Ho only 1llt'IUlt hll.ve her mot,her llrlvnl pr""!lll, lUld toe­to ml\he Wrangel I.and before ~be cr<me bIKrk('(fto Iil'r' ill n. cpmer,·llPlllll\ ftndof the llJ.llt'StlUlOn ..nd e.t.llblilh bimenlf Ulllllllllft I~ married IlbOiin AS I..st ns thoIlt 8ODle'COn.,elJie~~ point thereon for the IllW CIlll tlo it. Whether 1h8J tl'u~h i:iWinter. This Summt'1' be .ftI to ex- ever klUilWIl uClKludll tI~ 104-" PaHIlplore A.u.l tAke bls vMMI up afong tbe will n(H'or tt-II i~ r IUD 1tll'8, and for•boro of. WroUlgelfAnd, never Ilaving it IIIl1.ijlJ)JIl~1:l ,.ke 1 never tiliall'J .DtJt~ tnor Ill~inl hinl~l~ ~ ho drawn away tl~1I liceut to rue,. UCIU', that Il;Om~ otherfrom it into into dlingel'Oul oce~n cur- cllllmttl "'fwld SUit yourcoultltnUcn Let-rent&. lliB llupreme effol"t'to retch the tcr tlmn tbiL» .Pole W&8 to be mado u tho carlita.. poll- Hi -"'''b---CC:--jn3ible IIl0mttl~ in the Spring for SUlolller nt. au\; amp "', Iof 1881. Even t~en htl had no thuuilht ClLmping putit8 will "!OOn 4e iJ\ orderor t.akin, lt~ Vf'L'le1 a'"y froOI the wlid lllld th~ ,foliowiDJ hint. allonb camp bbcM,land, Oil.' wltich )Ie. JlllOOd bill (rom tho coh}DJu, of AJie!A'l1Id iAiDAe.ehief reliance.. Hil northwaTd1:rl~ ~~II ) 1 JlrO\'c to be of beneli~ to IJOnle of ourtoo be I"M:~ ""t~.. 8~&U on1r, u,.,t~ng f".t.IfjJ8 ~lIt1ol1(!lto,lthl;,!IQU.~ii 90boldl,'Ot1'·(nttb t fl dortltertMu)M. pOint l:!urnmer eXCUMl~~nll:l/ITilUtllIsOO In mal:.ofWrangMl1,..anA _u\d,~o ..bappo~ to 'ina)' hed i.1.'U~t. Bef!'!~tyour.find tba.t ,Mk~.;;rto 1. N 1M tan' llelf ~ purlua'deJ"th'l£ umps and hoi.i.eland of Iiluit.ed arOt., ovtlr tbe Vl/.lit IlIr· lows arc good .Dough fM .. tired DIan.

race of tbo frozen ooetIn extondins to- tf you cut boughs, do not lflt large sticlua",.rd the Pole. '1'ha\ Lbere is danger in GO into tho bedj only put in tbe .maller

. oarrying out luch pLJ.na ill f)bvioU80 but twig. and lellYt'L Try your bed beforeit is rather to the hardy ad,enturera you 'turn in,' and lelt if it i. comfort­~ban to their VeaHl. It ill furth,.:; evi· ahle. JII Ii pernilUlflnt ClL'rIP 10U olllJbtdent that wba\eYflr peril there m", 1>(>, to take time enough to keep tha bedit hll not yet bean encountered. his IOftj and I like best fot lohi.. IlUrl>Ole tou Ylot 1'elliote and inb.ngibtu. carry 1\ In/utl'MIt when I can, or to take

'rhe neecll•• al..,.m AetNa to llue .8Itck a",llill it with lltr".., ,having!!.risc!> fram tho repon of the returned or wha~ not.. . TbiH ·lIlab. a w'-Icb bo~.whuler., who •• the .moke of tbe Jean- ter bed, nud CIlIi be taken ou~ dally toneUe. and thouibt th",y 116rceived ~he ~16 Itr and lun. n.. thi. I ayoid thecoune aba ..u punuing. There wem clutwr ~here alwaya ia inaide a lent fill.~wo weekI af fine weae.her aner 1Ma, ed with boughdj Imd, more than all, tlll,.durilJg which time she mi.';bt han mao ground or floor doel no~ mould in dampt.erl..lIt i.111.ug:ed 11I:r llU~'iun, and b.d "Weatll~r from t.he aecuDiulat.iou of rub.abundane. opportunity t.o get. into ure bi.-lh on it. It i. better to IIleep oft· the\Vintfor qUlu·te~ The desert.cd ..halon ground if you Clan, t'lJpeoiaU, if you area.~ .upposed to be aomewbel"e near the rbtutulot.ic.) For tbill purpose build IOlD8

point where .he w.. lut Iteh, wbieh IOrt of a plp,tfornl tkn ioc.... or moremay btl a hundred miltlll from ..bu'fl Iba Jligh, tb.~ will do fetr a seat in daJtime.DOW iL A. oue mile in the fnlHn lOne You cali mAk'! a hOrt of Ipring.bottomis &II ten in ~mperate latitud-, the ex· .trair if JOu CAn find tho polt'a f/)r i~ andploren may know nothins of the neigh- have a little ing.nuity and patience; orborhood of their imperiled countrJmen. you can more quickly drive four largeShould Lbo)' be IIeu.rtr than tl,la est;' atakel, and nllil a frame wo:-1c I.tl ~hpm

mated diat_uee, and ,bould tbfl,.11 come to which 'OU CAD nail boai-d. or barrel.together, .. terioul inroad .would be Itav~. AU thl. kinl1 of work mURt bemade OD the .taros 01 the J el&unetLe, 8trong, or you can lilwe DO rough and'Which ..onld re.oder her premature r&- loumble lport. or. it. We usro to see inttlrn to lower lll.titudea nllOtlU&r1· Such UlI; li.rm, 8Omet.illlflll, a 1naUreu with ..a contingency, however, IMIU uUpoIIi· bot.tom,of rubber clotlt, nnd a tOI} ofl"le. houy drilling, with rather more cotton

But who, it may be wed, il reaponwi. quilt~d be~ween them tb..n La put into aUte for aendini llIen into thue cold tbick zoIQ(ortv. Such. 1ft&t"rna I. anorLhl:m waten itl punuitoltbe retree-t· fllle thill' to d-.rtr in a W.,,"OII wLen YOlling .bllca in ahipl that may be memo are 011 a mllrcbj but. )'ou can make aleilllly cnuhed ...1181:1 tllf'iy &r"" caught IOft.er bed lll~l\ thi.! it .l our are itt a llU­even in an ordinary icc pad:t Oui,)" l1U1M1I\ O&lUp."American ...balewt'n art luilty (If .uc:b ----:---indiacreuon. En,Hah and &otch .hal· h i...oodtrrf'uJ .11.1. fool. ho,. are.ing vtllilitl. compared _iLb lobe. £raiJ A tharlPlb' widow of OIIr cit 0"1&1 atraft a.re II IOtid wood to epK,bolls. 11M. tIoy, ...d a INIn fro.. "1'••1The Ju.nnette., for ..ho.e -.ld11O much wutl to be &rpointed ~l, father tofrill ""J.iI~ted. .000ld bfar t ..w" tOe.... It. ... ORI, lu\ ~1 tW.,nir'li anI olle of ..IIkh ..ould ..IIile lit. P..tI IIWt ..... IItrolU..rbh-~r dlt':l& 10 aLoma. No ooe ..i doo.Q a-a..... .-" .........to dtll;t' ,he J.I"1b 01 Arelic gplora,hIIl. kfld:" .,~ ,.r -::::::1One dlUl "er to Utat nanl. 1.011.1 ud bH ...... r ~ ..) tty I. a .'Attd. I ',," Ibl"'''' .. ; _t 1" .... Ie ....tJH.:,.. :...~ p••a.iJil, .....t Lit .....1 "ad', t~ ,

, JO 10 t.,. 'hK'. 'In Y ~ ;j" ,. laC· • ,.Df)tl-U 1"te-IIII,... "-"wylf1wn ...."."..,. .. d ! .~y

'0 pn wit 1m- .u I. I


PUGET SOU D ARGUS. TIL •., I lalll mIll .. E J. • z.

•-...••~ -•t~


, fur ,hid

Prepared by Dr. J. C. A,er a. Co.,l'nodl'" ••d "nalIrs"-.l1 CtNt1l"tI.

Low.tl. Mall.-.0 aT ..u. ~"IIT.~__"

Cathartic Pills

A"':Il'A PH..... 11m an d!muAt mm ,,.,.('QDulr.tion or .CosLht:neu. I"dlre=.·tloll. OJilMlpa1a., '.au It :\r,pctll.C'.J'oul Stom...It "'lttl Urt"lth, nluln("~

Iltudat.hfO• .r.o.. 01 M ..lno.'Y. )llun,bftC!l"RllJolltlle:lNl, oJ.nOOk,.. IUIIUmaHltll.':rllIIUon••,ul ~Idll Otkll~1J, Drnp.r•T.UIlO.... "'o"nll-y Nf'uralr1a., ('(tIl<-..(j",petrr. t>t"r"lW!n. UJiat'ntl'''f" ('".outI'll", Oltol'l.1f!ra or tlio I.l\·f'r. nu,1 nIl",Itt'r III.....~,.. """,ltl".,. Il""IfIl " tllllOnlrl"ell"""t;! v( tho i11;nnh·. al'flllrllfu.

Aflla !)I'nncr PfII tlll'yllt\1'tUO t'f!1\Al.

Whllo /{Cntla III 1l~lr vt100. Illf"JQ; 1'['LL8tII'ft 1F1f! mllst 11l0MllJ:1o 4l11lllrl1rrllltll(rtldmr­110 lhut ,.It h., 1'",pll\.1\-'II.IUIlI nm·e,. "'\1.'mlu llnk'~ Ibft 1101\"f!I. IIru l\lflllf-llcd, andthl'l1 lhl'lr Ir,nllllm·.llt !lr:lllng. Tlu·Y ..llrnll­late the llpP'rlr,t al..1 .11~",rh'fl "rJ!'lfn.. ; Ih".,"opn8MlO rmrlf'f Hltd ~"rlth '11" 1110fll1. amiI"'roan rIln_""l bCllllth btl \'li:Ot to Ihowhol• .,..~ru.




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Th.. ttt·:.1 .1'''' of "" I "11.,1\ I• II I... 110o·11 In '·II'"I"'iot. It. t • l'\IlIlll...·ltIth••..., 1M tllil\ltri.JIIr , .. JII-.,. *1.

-,...=-~""Apr til Arr 8 .Apr lu

1I~1~ Jf~;': N~~ :J ....DfI III I olj.In" " JIlIlt! III

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u. _....-- ...._ no111, I G....,.._

01... ,..,---'---..-...,... - ...... • '""'- ... " orpI ,..

,.. Be .. • .... M ••,..I.....Klt~ 4,," ._..... \I UI(.Ifl~ f'ltlH!,

.... ... •• JItIru bJ ,b. ~I.'e l.l

IM*t N'" 1I.".a.. Na. • by -Ofkin, .ithln 1M ran••

....1.1'\1 1M .....b 41r .rt'M. r ~.... 'r il\t.1 ,tl~ Or Of -

•• I .,....., ,.rt i. IN ere'..... 1M t 01 1b4t ncaapait- a,-iaalt Jltc.~MOOd in lk III ucb pe.rt/cul.r • 'lie mlIC ht f'd°

tpriel of 1 • ror _hid- ..... 'I"''''' II ...,. d.J .... t "1IV1H,f'...d. • Br lu G..eft' in Ib~ at tI n~mbtn p ,.. lbl. Onl~r I nutwerle, .«fI1. 8m", ,...... M .... known l.if' fit '';flll~. AI..... Iii I •COCDlMllded Nunl dl,.,.n, "mil,. mrtnbu l,r lhe Indr'lM'lulent ,lI .. ,\ar, di,.ilion,," bui.., beeu -..de ... tJoud T"mlllan raUllul rem.1II III

U.j9t .G 1 tQ 1M ,.1., ., red ltal'ldlng wbil~ Iloldlnlt nlf"'-upon llae .ee ion o( G........ Graul r,hip in tbe .o·ull~t! "~hllll ilec."1.0 Ihf'l Pretid.ee:,." .inee tb, Iltler Wtlre Ilh'IIIJJIlIl¥, t...v

HOD. JIm•• Eo EacH__ or Coo. munl r M!e~ iOll, 10 u.urp the

DICrieuI, ..h...u ••••; , DODl' PO"". ,ulhu,;" .nJ Il.n.lin~.r ,10, Snbor4 iRa Ie Lo41 eDIrector'.ioMld bl lILe Ci.oi~ ••ti eoe nOOll I. O. G. T. It decillred il. eun .. ic· ,for i...Pre15d...... bora in lbat UOD Ih.t (or m..r. th.n • qu.tler ur WASHINGTON TUIUTon

Itale in 1812. A:I"oulh 68 ynrs • C.oturl our Order haa gi'ell wu, So. Sal"lMIollAr.O rOilullc4l l"no," Ilrlf)

old he. ,i,or".1 and aeti,., aDd i. m.1l a position uf e-qulllilY with i ~:a~~~(~iu;:·~I'):.~;~:I~~.w'~,\j,~:-~""~~~ooaaider.d a wultb1 m.n. 10 18~~ mIll in ,II ufficial poeitilllli 111l..I IJrIlC· : ~::.':::::::~):'::~k· ::~~I'tn \~!,I.::;~Be ... eIee1ltC1 a member of the ticat wurk, a.lld thai tbe lillie hIlS ~ ~~~':.:::::::';'I~~~·~:li~:·:lrl~.~~"=;!.~

8'0'0~.-.'o.r Oo" ••o,,·eul. I"~ fuII1 come whell .... e bnulJ iUii t 1l8llnJIlIUt .... ~nJII.II ••.. II"v.TJW,.,.~...~ 10 1l~lnJl;I.r .."'l.8"kl·"tl1)lln("C..S H )'arll.,

1881 be "a. obOfien a melllb#r of thllt wmnall he gi"en Ihe Lallot on lJ.i~~l~":.::,,:;,r~~:~::;-n~~·ltl~~.~",~III'r1 J

,,__..... ~lId in 1862.11 r•.•I.e ... ·1 .11 qUelIlUII. rdalinK 10 tho 11(lliur 1lll'lQtlt'l'r ........ W.II.htlr.t ..... J.". JW>lh--. ..-u I' F-hllL:(>,t~,.· .. "orl .w",h~on •. ~"'" R*",-~

and ..ned durinllbe war in Con Ir.t6c in the .tH·or.1 Slltel of uur ~ ~·~~~~~ft;,::::.~rr.:~~l~··::::.~I~~=t:~~~".... MAlthoD.h.n eamnt D('QI' jori,dic:ion. The maller ur Wor· !II~I ~.... 'n"W'·ne.¥ ..... K~ I'lithoor

,h G • Lo" h hi .." ,~l.·."C,·""·.·.··;.:."I·'·.'·,'\'\.··,·,,··.·.·.· ..~'-l,~l~,',"·,·:0(1'" iD prlaoipJ. and finA ClUII"ic 1 rllllu u&,tI Will I oroug.v "ft.. ....- n

"\ioD, h. aeaLou.11 lUpported th~ war l.Ii~cu'lI..d, lIud tt·ferrtli lu ••ptCI.d ": UoI&.J'·"BRI~;~~·LljEiA:·UIln-r1L&1I

medQre, of the admini.tration "01' commit' •• to hannonize lhtl 8) ilem, 1 rer.ot"Yl!rRnoe ... nClnrla ... 1).11I J,lcllfln..I,1

i. (or tb. abolltlllO of ':"'er, in .ml rl"pun stich recummend'lion. : 1~~'i~~::::~·~I ...I~~iiliii,:::~~l~I~".~I'I'~:~1.,., 10 ~ III t:e bit 11111....... "·Irln..." ....... Wni Ir\ Ina

til. ,Pi_dec. 01 COIUlhhil." B~ ia. lUlu .tn~lI'ullltlllll U I ~y ueellled Sf: f.ol.km RullI Saw WO:""Ultlllta r Joh'~r)

atre.auoul upponetlt of pro~eclioll. uece...r)''' tha IClliull UtJtt Y~lIr.

If, ... ,leoted Go....rtlOr of 0011. The eOlllmiuee cU1I8illll 01 lltOlhulIIa~hClIl' 0"" Glne,.1 JOII h R. S. D. Hllalillllft, uf WiICOII.ill; J .....

."le,. HI~.. ,,, .Ifeted ';181) to UI~ckl ~f Pelln"lf,"i~j S.lll~.d1~,~ ........., ti ..J firltprowtt..n,- P'IW~,) uf England; \\. 8. "II·

Iy.poken o( II • 0 ndidatl'J r lh lialllll, of CIIIIIld", aud J. H. Stuhb!, lUMMI"~ or ~ r v' .. 1

Pnaidellcy. On the flei h'of el': U: "Kllllt, lh~ fulluwillg ullicetl... Q...&. i."1, iD lB7~, I.e .a••~ ....or~ cholen and Illllt.lled:

pointed "olfill the fln,lIoYt .'ld tnok 111ht \Vurlhy Grllud Tt'lllpl.r,Colontl J J Hieklll. T-' '11hit ..at It. the oommenc.ro,nt of the •. It , .l.JllUIIiVI t',

(0"1 Hoond ConlreA. ae il.aauo. KeAhll"'-1~ n,~ht Worthy UnuH.!••lld btdluiellDan rather th. a CpuDlie urI !allluci O.v~er, ~1.lIll1lelpolilioian. t 'e~, Ellvlll.nc.lr Ril(ht Worthy GnllliJ

"'- 2:1 Vlc*l,;I'cmpl.r, Mr•. C. £",.I,n Gil

TIII.....CI IITI.IIL C.IVlI. b"" i!oulh Carulill'; Il,.hl Wo,'h)'rllolrtAl' ft uJt )'1lA;$CllI(jO- PT. T01"·~."':I1) YICTUltlA.n... uralld Secrelary. F. U. htt8nt. Kl·lIr·7 _ ~ (~l DPJ N'1lI!Jr.tluj Hia: ht Wurthy Gralld.

:.;I~~:A.M !ttt~ . eJr.;r P'.ll r. d.dO • rtj"'" I. '_" y.Ci1••ll~..... rfIM'el!eUlill,I ..e1w ..IN-Ark.n. IIh.l. Dean F. Curtl~, Clmlun. "._ 08nJM'C'&ktI... 10Ilt.... JiI..m.-.,.. Yurk; fli,Rht Worlb,lirand l)ei>u'1_1cbIpa. }llllllftnIli. ~e. Jt'JIle,'. ~~W' M I I 'I SoY",ONo. P.un~II""La;.W"~\·Irr:hl1.. a,.la,.l rl. rllb A. l.enn.rJ, \.·4PT...U:X".l~lItm.,;o."uJllnu_nil .......... ftft' It~lIl. Rn. Dr, BottOll, M,.... ; lli~hl Wurth! Grand \VI~~..~A:A"" u~ Tilt; tvl.1.0WL\'(;

.... It 8oII0u••,.. p1Widl'nt. Tltl" Ghaplam. Rn. William Scull, Que. , •

~':r'''''' Ii<' I lllu""Ul"'-;I~ ,. II.., Onw. beo. Co••d.; R'II.. Wu"hy U"nd , 1" .

01 .11 a. IKIQIlrdlftJ. "~or VIC\... G .,P .l II .~.. 01 ~~ U"u, Mrs. Ellen S. 8uulhworth. 1'"1' --- -.. • •• uulll~l. ·w t'IIn. C • .".!'" 10 On ",,-1"1 ,\1'" to .wtlllObio. "11 I utr"iIIe. PenUl1luui.j Ri~hl ." ~ :: ~~)' :

The a.bQ.n. rMlni :el"Krwphic dill' Worlh.r Granll &ellliuei t W. w. .1"':11 10,. .. "noll! Ilf

~ ... hrieft, thllt. ll11cl~UI B. \\"OllIIlltock, ~t. DruI,,,,,ickj ., --'----"-'~.e--*-1__ 'he. "~med around which. fnr· C r- \••bl. '"tfonIH.p,.,.~"""] hllf Sur,erilllt"lItJf'lIt uf, Ju,enilo 1'~ ;lteAlIl" III I life y\... rorlJl It· no"n

'11 D . Teml,I.,., ~Ir•. Lillie J. I),.I"uw, Ofl rhe .1M, ""h·crtl"l'tr. "l"'~'. It..,. gMI1,,~1 IV>~. _II. (I,'lli11e,'" h ~ '11.1, on Ihe ."IIMI' (or , llh:h 1.llt·)· ani

Iff 111 6i:..- .~e )." C6tln.eticnfj V.1f Rt~hl IMINhaa.... nUll am Ilot l"'II"(~l"lI!Jle.

II. rfOpruen1ed rI t ,Imr· ott.r Grand TempI", Th<'O. 1>. Fan troa Port Tow....d 0 Ian FranollCo••ni~bi ,~.W.\"ri~l, to i1it K"lll:" f't Wal ltuWll, \\'lIelHllili. Firat Cebl", 820........ 01\.."..,.. aio or Ih",,.perlnee l>",t1 it 'ar,ely in Ih' e~tit W rlh G • II' Steerlge •• 0• _ ... L.... n IJ 'S I C ReductioI' III fright - 1I1'n'aflrr tlit'.. r-t_yfl\Mt du" " ••pillr' If' or, rOINt'r .IlIUtl .pp~r, IIf '",Ij(llr,lwhhil.t1-'I_'rlllrltt'.hln.. ' htooo"fOtbe day or Imall IbIIlJlI." The UII .\fMnetle I"; ~IlIlIIlUd. will r!'tnain il' Ilt'r I'M' "III beti1~lru''t1 "' »I,··r 'ntl.pree~ ~i? ot Cnngr.... lUI the Ulliled Sta~ea unin Seu:f'lIlher. tif" FrtllI. 1U1I1 ,,0,., ,Ill.. ~llll,' II.U HAn.1ta, In coo t1htlln, a 11 .."ding na Rf dd 1 ,O:\Gf: of l'u,.·t Sutt..,1 11l\"·I'IIjt'l·rc II)' I'.tloa.l .......... OOlIDaluee, 'lId •• re ,lInci! th.t time, will lHt )f.~.:o;. Cu'. ~"'""Il'11I fill VI,1tltlll. "'IIIliM at••Iand t.ken lJy Preilid"u1 at OCltan Oro"f!t New JtrA"'. t't! lIJ11I"r t·u.fom u,,,,ot "t·"L IInll ".111

d .. G ~ :oinT IIlJ "uhJ,·.1 In "lIl'·\lnI1l;111.1I1 "'1' nUl!!'an '10 .BI1e, un. \bit qatnhn. rand Lodgel Iud 'It her. dl"l"i,illg IUlll lIu".· ttllf"..rhh·~ III Rill Iirllllt' "'1u,e OCHlinhulM '.. lin&. tu lhft ell hi ... If!tflcfl-I mlY .ddrell hi", Ill..". Io'or frd)ClJl lit pllHl\lttl "I'yl' .... lii"Il'tl:oounc-e..ellt o( IImperallee pllu"l" 'fl' . f . or h> H. f. .•• nB., I.:-t..\to look rot.ltd 10 th. I'n'l!lmf'1l1 It, Jour.. a, u IltclCoftdlllg' will Ilcm!f111 AlZtllt ror 1'111('" Nlll1lll.01 .a&loo.1 "."iCli" la",.. Til,. he (ltlhlillhed -'thin Ibtl1 d.,.., .lId ."un 'l'OWII~~llft...,.,.ar. ud "~meQ .drao-e IJ" 1ICI\'flll IhoUIUJ cnplu c,li.lril.ule.,) •• Tht.l It h I ,SRR··, .. ·I "ttlt'. "lflu· ••,I"'fltu",r,...

I .O'emeull au Ibe oUI,rn~lh I rouM "'U~ II.. Or.,)I.". I . ,\lJtll"l'tloIlt. lIALUT.11·p•• I·mll,n'l. ~I,.

:.~ ..1i.h~.DI'd .nd pr"Krnal"'" The _UI'I.I, df'pou U ~al~nfl'~ ItL&IN. FANCY JOB WORKl.nJ netruit "re l\uw b,illl nUDU\ cd EI~cnl~ Itl 11_ ~\ll:Grll OrY1C1:."