Week1introductiontosociology 2013-fall revised

Introduction to Sociology Ray Brannon

Transcript of Week1introductiontosociology 2013-fall revised

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Introduction to Sociology

Ray Brannon

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A little about myself…six kids and five grandchildren

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A long time ago in a distant galaxy ……I began to program with IBM cards on very big computers that didn’t have the power of your smart phone.

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Retired President & CEO of Choice Technologies

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The Mid Ray Brannon, Ph.D. candidatewww.inspectyourgadgets.com

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• Your picture please!• Pick two class contacts

• OMG – this syllabus is long.


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Did You Know?We Are a Piece of the Social Puzzle

The good news……


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Trapped!! Psycho –Social Interweave

• Personal destinies are linked to societal structures • Blinding pace of change

• What problem in society bothers you?

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The Challenge:To become a critical thinker on sociologic issues because …..

your personal history matters!!

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• Locating yourself in the period in which you live- how you are shaped by society and how you can shape society

• Link history and biography – three generations

• My grandfather, father, me, son, grandson

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Changing Sociological ParadigmsYour date of manufacture is not


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What is Epistemology?

\What is a Paradigm?

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Paradigm Shift: The destruction an old theory by new facts and its replacement as a new theory that fits the new facts.

Thomas Kuhn

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What is a Paradigm Shift?

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