Website Speed :: Fox Valley Computing Professionals, September 2014



A talk on making websites faster, touching on various topics such as testing and load testing

Transcript of Website Speed :: Fox Valley Computing Professionals, September 2014

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Hi….I’m Eric

Just a bit about me● Drupal developer at Straight North● Builds things out of wood● Likes fast things● Has written 5 novels● New pretty much not doing

anything anymore...

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Faster / Stronger / Better

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Covering What Tonight

● Speed Overview● Measuring Results● Tools

o Browsero Servero HAR Files (http archive)

● What is happening under the hood● Working Under Pressure

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...and not covered.

● Responsive Images (we’ll touch on this)● Fonts (we won’t touch this at all)

o Google Make Web Fast Video on Fonts


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Incremental Changes

Start Simple and Big move from Little and Complex

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● Build your site● Browser Web Tools Inspector | Network● Google PageSpeed Insights

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Notice I did not say “Turn on caching”.Nor did I say minify, compress or otherwise put into effect:

“Make rocket go now!”

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● btools Inspector | Networ

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● PhantomJSo Headless WebKit scriptable w/a javascript API

To HAR file bin/phantomjs netsniff.js SITE > site.har

● YSlowo from site or HAR fileo to plain text or JSON

yslow ● --info {basic | all} ● --format {plain | json}● site.har

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HAR Viewer

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Hey, Nice Picture!

● Sprites● CSS (rounded corners, drop

shadows..etc)● SVG● Compress

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Responsive SVG re-sizing

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Tricks & Tips & other Lovely Things

● Incremental changes● Understand your REAL

bottlenecks● Code for Mobile First● Checkout HTML5 Prefetch

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What is happening under the hood

“New Relic gets you immediate code-level visibility to build faster software, create better products, and delight your customers.” - sales pitch

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New Relic Example

Logging into

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Let’s Test What We’ve Learned

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Apache JMeter

● Deskop application● 100% Open Source● Designed for testing website loads● Can work “out of the box”● Added scripts for more indepth data

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In Depth Data

● CPU● Memory

All fine and long as...

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● Based on JMeter● SaaS● Easier to configure and use● Prettier● ...and not free

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Show Notes


Eric [email protected]@michalsenGoogle+