· Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important...

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19 1 Multiplying Disciples

Transcript of   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important...

Page 1:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19

“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:8


Multiplying Disciples

Page 2:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

Leadership 2 Tim. 2:2

Four Fields of Multiplying DisciplesMark 4:26-29

Abiding Suffering/Perseverance John 15:4-5 John 12:24

**This resource is an adaption of work done by Jeff Sundell, Nathan Shank, Steve Addison, and George Patterson.


1. Going(Entry)

Empty Field

2. Sowing(Evangelism)

4. Gathering(Church Formation)

3. Growing(Discipleship)

• Short Term • Long Term

Page 3:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

Field 1. Going - Who Do We Share With?

Friends and Family A good place to begin sharing your story and God’s story is with the people you know — your circle of relationships including family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors.

Map the people you know who are not yet followers of Jesus.

Begin praying for these people every day. Identify 5 you can begin sharing your story with.

Who will you share your story with this week?

Finding a Person/House of Peace3

Page 4:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

Jesus was always on the move. He was often meeting new people and visiting new places.

In Luke 10:1-11 Jesus explained to his disciples how to connect with unreached people. Jesus sent his disciples to seek out those insiders whom the Spirit had prepared to receive the message. He called them persons of peace. They could also be called a house of peace.

The person of peace is someone who is receptive to the gospel, is well connected relationally, and has a reputation—either good or bad. The person of peace becomes a doorway for the gospel to enter and spread throughout a community.

Read Luke 10:1-11 and fill in the table below.

What the worker does What the worker doesn’t do

What the person of peace does

What type of person is the worker looking for?

Read Acts 16:11-15. Who was the person of peace?How do you find an open person? Ask to pray for them, ask if they are far or near to God, ask if you could share how to be near to God (share God’s story or your story).

AssignmentDo you know any open people? Ask if you could pray for them or share with them how to be near to God. Can you find a partner?


Page 5:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

Field 2. Sowing - What Do We Say?

Loving Like Jesus

“And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” Matthew 9:35-36

“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people…” Galatians 6:10

Jesus loved people. He went to them, ate with them, served their needs, healed their sick, and taught them about God. Often and in many ways Jesus blessed people. In the same way, we as his followers are called to do the same.

A simple way to share Jesus with people and find people of peace is through the BLESS principle:

Begin with Prayer – Pray for people’s needs. Ask “if God could meet a need in your life what would it be?” then pray for that need.

Listen – Listen to the Holy Spirit. Listen to people’s stories. What do they believe, what is their background, what do they think about Jesus. Do they consider themselves far or near to God? Ask good questions.

Eat – Have a meal with people. Have them over, go to their house, or go out to eat.

Serve – Look for opportunities to serve.

Share – Share your story (how God is real in your life), Jesus story (the good news of Jesus), or Seven Stories of Hope (Hope filled stories about Jesus)

Sharing Your and God’s Story


Page 6:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

“Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him. Luke 8:39

Sharing your story can help family, friends, and people you meet understand how they too can know Jesus.

1. Your life before you met Jesus. In a word, how would you characterize your life before you began following Jesus? Now write 2 or 3 sentences of explanation to describe this in more detail.

2. How you met Jesus. Write 2 or 3 sentences of what happened when you decided to follow Jesus. Provide a few details of what you experienced. Explain the message that was shared with you. (Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; Romans 5:8; Romans 10:9)

3. How your life has changed. In a word, how would you characterize the benefits of knowing Jesus? Now explain this in more detail in 2 or 3 sentences. You are describing the benefits to you of being a Christian.

Practice telling each part using simple words your friends would understand. The entire story should last about three minutes.

Assignment• Make a list of all the people you know who are far from God. • Who will you share your story with this week?

Sharing God’s Story

Together with your own story, you need to be able to share the gospel story with your friends and family and the people you meet.


Page 7:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

Read Paul’s summary of the gospel story in 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, and Paul’s gospel presentation in Acts 17:22-31. What do these passages tell you about the gospel?

Choose a bridge:

• Family and friends of a new disciple: “I have made a decision to become a follower of Jesus. I would like to tell you about it.”

• Family and friends of an existing disciple: “I have never shared with you why I became a follower of Jesus, and the difference he makes in my life. I would like to tell you about it.”

• Someone you meet: “Do you consider yourself near or far from God?”

Say: “Can I show you how you can be near to God?”

• Draw and explain the below picture and verses…



Check understanding by asking:

• Has what I said, made sense to you?  Repeat the gospel as necessary and emphasize it's not about a religion; it's about a relationship!  Answer any questions and come back to Rom. 10:9-10


Page 8:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

  • Do you want forgiveness for your sin?

• Is there any reason you would not be willing to trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior and receive this free gift of forgiveness and new life?

  • Are you ready to invite Jesus into your into your life?

• You can do this right now.  Would you like to?

If the person says yes, they are ready to invite Jesus into their heart and life. . .

Ask them does this prayer say what you want to say in your heart to God?

Heavenly Father, I have sinned against you. I want forgiveness for all my sins. I believe Jesus died on the cross for me and rose again. Father, I give you my life to do with as you wish. I want Jesus Christ to come into my life and into my heart. I ask this in Jesus’ name.

Ask, do you want to use these words or your own?

Have them pray a prayer of commitment.

When the person accepts Christ. . .

Ask, who else needs to hear about Jesus? Make a time to begin discipleship. Take the person through the 8 Commands Lessons

If the person is not ready, but is willing to meet and learn more about Jesus. . .

Ask if you could meet again to share a story with them? Use the Seven Stories of Hope.

Sharing through Stories

Many people today are inoculated against a one-time-event-based-Gospel-presentation, but are sincerely interested in learning about the life & teachings of Jesus in an informal, non-threatening manner. The function of the 7 Stories of Hope and Creation to Christ are to provide an


Page 9:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

extended Gospel presentation that allows people to see their need for Jesus, and lead them to committed faith in Him.

7 Stories of Hope is a series of simple gospel center stories for anyone who is interested in learning more about Jesus.

Use the Discovery Bible Study Method to draw out the meaning of the passages.

1) Hope for the Rejected: (The Sinful Woman) - Luke 7:36-50

2) Hope for the Non-Religious: (Pharisee & Tax Collector) - Luke 18:9-17

3) Hope Changes Things: (Zacchaeus) – Luke 19:1-10

4) Hope Forgives: (Unforgiving Servant) - Matthew 18:21-35

5) Hope through Death: (Thieves on the Cross) – Luke 22:66-23:25; 23:32-43

6) Hope Rose from the Dead: (Resurrection) – Luke 24:1-49

7) Hope is Waiting for You: (Prodigal Son) – Luke 15:11-32

Creation to Christ – this is for people who would benefit from learning the overarching story of the Bible.

Lesson Topic Passage1 Adam and Eve Genesis 2:5-3:242 Abraham Genesis 12:1-9; 15:1-6; 21:1-7; 22:1-

183 Moses - The Passover Exodus 12:1-284 Moses - The Law Exodus 20:1-215 Moses - The Sacrificial

SystemLeviticus 4:1-35

6 The Coming Servant Isaiah 52:13-53:127 The Birth of Jesus Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-208 Jesus Forgives and Heals Luke 5:17-269 Jesus Cast out Demons Mark 5:1-2010 Jesus’ Death Luke 22:66-23:25; 23:32-4911 Jesus’ Resurrection Luke 24:1-4912 Entering the Kingdom John 3:1-21; John 14:15-27

Learning and Re-Telling a New Story

The middle part of the meeting (see p.14) is when the group learns a story. It usually is best to hear the story told before reading it. Hearing it several times several ways helps them know more accurately what it actually says.


Page 10:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

Then discuss the story together with the Bible study questions one at time (the discovery method) in order to gain better what it meant to the original hears, what it means to us and yourself personally, and what one senses the Holy Spirit wants to be applied in one’s own life.

So stick to the story and each question being discussed, letting the group talk 70% of the time. Seek the Holy Spirit’s work in people verses pushing too hard for right answers. Don’t get into politics, religion, “heady” theological discussion or debating, or just appealing but off topic “rabbits,” etc. Watch for people that dominate or others that need to be drawn out to share. Also watch the time, so you don’t short the final third of the meeting.

For the final third of the meeting the goal is to learn the story even better so it can be repeated to others in one’s friends and family list or in the community during the upcoming week. You want people to become confident and competent with that story by practicing it in the group with each other.

(1) List out the key outline points to use as mental notes how the story flows.

(2) Understand who the characters are, what they were really like, and how they relate to each other.

(3) Finally actually practice re-telling it with a sanctified imagination, alive emotional energy and whole body language verses a monotone, boring approach as if just reading something.

Use your imagination to strengthen how it actually was, but once again don’t add things not there. Make clear specific details and names, where things were, who or what moved from where to where, use good facial expressions and keep eye contact with the listeners. Be creative. Sometimes throw a ball to different people to share the next few lines. Maybe turn it into a group drama role play can be a great way to help people remember it.

Now you should be ready to go tell it to ones that are on your list as your goal for this week. Make sure everyone knows how they plan to share with.

Once at your home practice again, tell it to the floor, to the ceiling, and to the wall, then find somebody you are comfortable with to tell it too right away.

Field 3. Growing - How Do We Disciple?

Short Term Discipleship


Page 11:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

Immediate and BOLD Follow Up

When someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The devil would love to come and snatch away or snuff out the word they just received. Immediate follow up helps establish the believer in the faith.

The Commands of Christ

The Commands of Christ are the basics to the Christian faith. They are intended to help a new believer establish a good foundation for their faith. The lessons are in a discovery Bible study format. Those facilitating the lessons are not meant to teach the lesson, rather to help the new believer(s) discover the answers through asking questions. The lessons are also obedience based. Jesus said we are to teach his followers to “obey” everything he has commanded us.

The commands follow a basic outline of the Christian life from Acts 2:36-47. A healthy disciple and healthy church will walk in and live out the example of Acts 2.

The lessons follow a 3/3 process. The first third of the meeting is for looking back, the second third for looking up, and the last third for looking forward. Both the discovery Bible study method and the 3/3 process are explained in more detail below.

Lastly, the new believer should be encouraged to teach these lessons to someone he or she leads to Christ. These lessons are designed to be easily transferred by either young or old believers.

Long Term Discipleship

What comes after The Commands of Christ? Long term discipleship! Long term discipleship is focused on helping a new believer become a lifelong follower of Jesus through studying, understanding and obeying Scripture. One simple way of doing this is going through Books of the Bible, a chapter a day, using the Discovery Method.

Good places to start are the book of Mark, John, Genesis, Exodus, Ephesians, and Romans.

Immediate and BOLD Follow Up

The acronym BOLD gives you some simple next steps to instruct a new believer in.

Be baptize immediately


Page 12:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

Obey all of Christ’s commands

Live a new life

Declare what God has done for you

After someone comes to Christ have them read Matthew 28:18-20. See the page on Great Commission DNA

B e baptize immediately

See Great Commission DNA

O bey all of Christ’s commands

See Great Commission DNA

L ive a new life

Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and 1 Peter 2:9-11

After reading each passage ask: What does this passage say about who you are in Christ?

Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

Ask: According to this passage what happened to you when you placed your faith in Jesus? How did it happen? Why did it happen?

D eclare what God has done for you

Make a relational map of the new believer’s friends and family. Teach them how to share their story and the gospel story.

Great Commission DNA

Immediately after someone comes to Christ read Matthew 28:18-20 and explain the five parts below.


Page 13:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me…

Ask: When you think of authority what comes to mind? Putting your faith in Jesus is not just about belief; it’s also about giving him authority over your life as the Leader/King/Lord of your life. Are you willing to give Jesus authority over your life?


…Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,…

Now that you believe in and follow Jesus you get to be his disciple. Do you know what a disciple is? Explain that a disciple is someone who follows Jesus as the leader of their life. A disciple is literally someone who learns to be like the one he follows. A disciple of Jesus learns to be like Jesus. Are you willing to be Jesus disciple?


…baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,…

What does this passage say is the first step of a disciple? To be baptized. Read Romans 6:4 and explain what baptism means. Read or tell the story of the Ethiopian Acts 8:26-40. Explain to them that the two conditions for baptism are belief in Jesus and a willingness to obey him. Are you willing to be baptized? Ask them when this week they would like to get baptized.


…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…

This verse tells us what a disciple does after they are baptized. They learn to obey Christ commands. Tell them you would like to begin meeting with them to teach them 10 important commands of Christ. Set up a time to meet.

He is with you

…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

This is Jesus’ promise to you. He will always be with you. He will never leave you! God has a wonderful purpose for your life. In verse 19 it tells us we get to join with God and help other people become disciples of Jesus. He promises to be with you to help others know about Jesus.Three-Thirds Discipleship ProcessUse this three-part process to guide your time with a new believer(s).

Look back Look up Look forward

1. Mutual care: How are you 5. New lesson*: Enough 6. Practice* the lesson until 13

Page 14:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

doing? Highs and lows.

2. Worship: Praising God in a simple, relevant way.

3. Loving Accountability*• Follow: How did you apply the lesson from last time?

• Fish: Did you share your story and/or Jesus’ story?

• Did you find a person ofpeace?

• Is there anyone you can train?

4. Casting vision* for being and making disciples.

Biblical content to obey and pass it on.

Short term discipleship:• Commands of Christ

Long term discipleship• Books of the Bible

everyone is confident and competent to apply the learning.

Ex. Retell your story,Jesus’ story, or this week’s story.

7. Set grow and go goals and pray:* Goals for personal growth, sharing the gospel, and training others.

If time is short, make it a priority to cover the sections with an asterix*

Read over the outline above, close your book, and then see how much of it you can recall from memory.

Remember: Do Stick to the bible stories. Do only talk 30% and let your group talk 70%. Do let the Holy Spirit work, rather than looking for right answers. Do facilitate the group through asking questions. Do have fun! Don’t talk about politics or religion, either good or bad. Don’t chase “rabbits” (subjects which are appealing, but off the topic) Don’t dominate the conversation; let everyone participate

The Commands of Christ


Page 15:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

First, draw a dashed circle. This dashed circle represents a gathering of believers.

Baptism God’s Word Lord’s Supper (v38, 41) (v40, 42) (v42, 46)

These symbols represent 9 basic functions of a church we see in Acts 2:36-47. Some of these functions have already

been studied in the 9 lessons, others have simply been practiced week to week without studying a specific lesson on the

function (ex. God’s Word, Worship)

Field 4. Gathering - How Do We Form Churches?

Church CircleFive Functions of the Church


Page 16:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and withall your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the firstand greatest commandment.  And the second is like it:‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-38

Forming groups is about gathering new believers to become a self-lead, self-sustaining, and Christ-centered community of believers. Part of establishing a group is helping the group gain a Biblical-centered purpose and identity.

1. Look back

• Mutual Care - Share a highlight and a challenge from the past week.• Worship - Is there something you can thank God for? Pray.• Accountability - How did it go following what we learned last week?

• Vision – Share the big picture – Mark 1:17

2. Look up• Read: Matthew 22:37-39; John 13:34; Matthew 28:19-20• What do the passages teach us about following Jesus/God?• How would you break these three passages into five purposes of a fellowship?

Further study. . .Read Acts 2:38-47, 11:19-30, 13:1-3: Discuss how the churches in these passages are demonstrating the five functions of a fellowship.

1. Love God (Mt. 22:37) - Worship2. Love Believers (Jn. 13:34) – Fellowship 3. Love the Lost (Mt. 22:39) - Ministry4. Go (Mt. 28:19) - Mission

5. Teach Others (Mt. 28:20) - Discipleship

3. Look forward

• How are we doing at the five functions? Is there anything we can do better?• Memorize Matthew 22:37-38• Pray

Basics of a Church

1 Head: Jesus Christ is the head of the churchEphesians 1:22-23


Page 17:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

2 Authorities:1. The Word of God – 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Col 3:16-17; John 8:31-32; 2. The Spirit of God – John 14:16; 15:26-27, 16:7-15

3 Offices/Leaders:1. Elders, Pastor, Overseer, Bishop – 1 Timothy 3:1-7; 1 Peter 5:1-42. Deacons – Acts 6, choose among yourselves; 1 Timothy 3:8-13

* Treasurer – example of Jesus’ disciples, John 13:29 3. Priesthood - 1 Peter 2:9; Revelation 1:6; Eph 4:11-12

* Body of Christ – Romans 12:4-8; 1 Corinthians 12:4-31

4 Marks of Maturity:1. Self‐supporting – Acts 11:27‐30, 2 Cor. 1:1‐52. Self‐governing – Acts 6:1‐7, Acts 15:22, 25; Ephesians 4:11‐163. Self‐propagating –Acts 11:19‐26, Acts 13:1‐44. Self‐correcting – 2 Timothy 3:16‐17, Acts 15:1‐34

5 Functions of the Church: Matthew 22:36-39; John 13:34,35; Matthew 28:18-201. Worship – Loving God2. Fellowship – Loving the body of Christ3. Ministry – Loving the lost4. Evangelism/Missions – Going5. Discipleship – Teaching others to obey Christ’s commands

Read Acts 2:38-47, 13:1-3: Discuss how the churches in these passages are demonstrating the five functions of a healthy church.


“…and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2


Page 18:   · Web viewWhen someone accepts Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior it is important to follow up with them as soon as possible, even within the next day or two. The

Identifying Future Leaders

• Look for people who are FAST – Faithful (2 Tim. 2:2), Available (Luke 9:62), Servant- hearted (Matthew 20:26-28), and Teachable (Matthew 18:2-4)

Mentor’s Job

• Model – Model, in all areas of your life, what it means to follow Jesus and to make disciples. 1 Corinthians 11:1, 2 Thessalonians 2:8

• Assist – Come along side, to support, help, and encourage the leader in their walk with Christ and in making disciples. Acts 18:9-11

• Watch – Give the new leader responsibilities – to share Christ, to lead 7 commands of Christ, and form groups. Matthew 10

• Leave – Allow the leader to develop and flourish out from under your wings. Continue supporting the leader, but let him/her own the mission and the work. Ephesians 20:17-38