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English 10 Vocabulary Lists List 1: laudatory expressing praise arboreal of or like a tree breach a breaking or being broken iniquitou s immoral demise a ceasing to exist; death tumultuou s wild and noisy; uproarious wary cautious; on one's guard formidabl e causing fear or dread anthology a collection of poems, stories, songs, or excerpts amenable willing to follow advice or suggestion List 2: condemn censure; disapprove of strongly critique a critical analysis or evaluation epithet a descriptive name or title aberration a deviation from the normal or the typical dogma a doctrine; tenet; belief evanescenc e a fading from sight; vanishing feint a false show; sham metaphor a figure of speech containing an implied comparison caprice whim; a sudden, impulsive change oration a formal public speech 1

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English 10 Vocabulary Lists

List 1: laudatory expressing praise

arboreal of or like a tree

breach a breaking or being broken

iniquitous immoral

demise a ceasing to exist; death


wild and noisy; uproarious

wary cautious; on one's guard

formidable causing fear or dread

anthology a collection of poems, stories, songs, or excerpts

amenable willing to follow advice or suggestion

List 2: condemn censure; disapprove of strongly

critique a critical analysis or evaluation

epithet a descriptive name or title

aberration a deviation from the normal or the typical

dogma a doctrine; tenet; belief


a fading from sight; vanishing

feint a false show; sham

metaphor a figure of speech containing an implied comparison

caprice whim; a sudden, impulsive change

oration a formal public speech

List 3: complaisant

willing to please; obliging

forge a furnace for heating metal to be wrought; to advance

tortuous winding; full of curves


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cautious; careful

maelstrom whirlpool

miser a greedy, stingy person

caption a heading or title, as of an article

auditor a hearer or listener; a fact checker

barrage a heavy, prolonged attack of words or blows

conjunction a joining together or being joined together

List 4: benevolence

a kindly, charitable act or gift

legion a large number; multitude; a military unit

demagogue an orator who appeals to the prejudices of his audience

eradicate wipe out; destroy; to get rid of

bolster a long, narrow cushion or pillow; to support

fissure a long, narrow, deep cleft or crack

clamor a loud outcry; uproar

wizened withered; shriveled

bias a mental leaning or inclination; partiality; bent

fracas a noisy fight or loud quarrel; brawl

List 5: jurisprudence a part or division of law

hue a particular shade or tint of a given color

litigant a party to a lawsuit


a patronizing manner or behavior

curator a person in charge of a museum, library , etc.

catalyst a person or thing acting as the stimulus in bringing about a result

epitome a person or thing that shows typical qualities of something

emissary a person sent on a specific mission

philistine a person smugly narrow and conventional in views and tastes

List 6: anatomist a person who analyzes in great detail


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impeccable without defect or error; flawless

misanthrope a person who hates mankind

vagrant a person with no established residence or visible means of support

advocate a person who pleads another's cause

charlatan a person who pretends to have expert knowledge or skill

maverick a person who takes an independent stand

bourgeois middle-class


a map-maker

miasma a poisonous atmosphere

List 7: parody humorous or satirical mimicry

buttress a projecting structure built against a wall to support or reinforce it

antigen any substance that stimulates the production of antibodies

rogue a rascal; scoundrel

antidote a remedy to counteract a poison

ballad a romantic or sentimental song

epigram a short poem with a witty point


a short, entertaining account of some happening

nuance a slight or delicate variation

catapult a slingshot or type of launcher

List 8:masticate chew

forlorn without hope; desperate

paradox a statement that seems contradictory

conviction a strong belief

cadet a student at a military school; younger son or brother

genial cheerful, friendly, and sympathetic

coup a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force

credulity a tendency to believe too readily


a tendency to give in readily to others


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anathema a thing or person greatly detested

List 9: vestige a trace of something that once existed

impecunious without money

anagram a word or phrase made from another by rearranging its letters

hindsight ability to see, after the event, what should have been done

empathy ability to share in another's emotions, thoughts, or feelings


able to understand fully

anomalous abnormal; deviating from the regular arrangement

lethargic abnormally drowsy or dull; sluggish

precipitous abrupt or hasty

impenitent without regret, shame, or remorse

List 10: indispensable

absolutely necessary or required

alacrity cheerful promptness; eagerness

debase cheapen; to make lower in value, quality, character, or dignity

vituperative abusive; scolding

fortuitous accidental; by chance

cumulative accumulated; increasing in effect, size, quantity, etc.

inured accustomed

absolve acquit; to pronounce free from guilt or blame

coronation act or ceremony of crowning a sovereign

surreptitious acting in a secret, stealthy way

List 11: vehement marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions

conformity action in accordance with customs, rules and prevailing opinion


action or gestures without words as a means of expression

languid without vigor or vitality; drooping; weak

pundit actual or self-professed authority


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veritable actual; being truly so

dogmatic adhering to a tenet

raucous loud and rowdy

demure affectedly modest or shy; coy

veer change direction; shift

List 12: exacerbate aggravate; to make worse

ferment agitation; commotion

winsome agreeable; gracious


agreement; harmony

succor aid; assistance; comfort

dilettante aimless follower of the arts; amateur; dabbler

desultory aimless; unmethodical; unfocused wandering;

citizenry all citizens as a group

vicissitude change of fortune

allocate allot; to distribute in shares or according to a plan

List 13: contentious always ready to argue; quarrelsome

astound amaze; to bewilder with sudden surprise

licentious amoral; lewd and lascivious

concession an act or instance of granting or yielding

altercation sinister

an angry or heated argument

sinister wicked, evil, or dishonest

codicil an appendix or supplement

assay an examination or testing

cliché an expression or idea that has become trite

circumlocutions an indirect way of expressing something

List 14: verbose wordy

consensus an opinion held by all or most


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debacle an overwhelming defeat

prig annoyingly pedantic person

abrogate annul; to cancel or repeal by authority

crescendo any gradual increase in force, intensity


any great and sudden disaster or misfortune

incantation chanted words or a formula

medieval characteristic of the Middle Ages

tome any volume of a work of several volumes

List 15: commodity anything bought and sold

hybrid anything of mixed origin; unlike parts

ostensible apparent; showing outwardly; professed


appearance of truth

annexation append; to add on or attach

novice apprentice; beginner

ratify approve or confirm

contentious argumentative

abyss chasm; a deep fissure in the earth

hierarchy arranged in order of rank, grade, class

List 16: extrapolate

arrive at conclusions or results

hubris arrogance; excessive self-conceit

aesthetic artistic; sensitive to art and beauty

dormant as if asleep; quiet; still

acrimony asperity; bitterness or harshness of temper, manner, or speech

assail assault; to attack physically and violently

alias assumed name

quiescent at rest; dormant; temporarily inactive

belligerent at war; showing a readiness to fight or quarrel

heinous atrocious; hatefully bad


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List 17: iconoclastic attacking cherished traditions

comely attractive; agreeable

ascribed attribute to a cause

cognizant aware or informed

infamy bad reputation; notoriety; disgrace

tawdry cheap and showy; gaudy; sleazy

salve balm that soothes or heals

disparate basically different; unrelated

incipient become apparent; beginning stages of something


before the flood; antiquated

List 18: replete well-filled or plentirully supplied

grovel behave humbly or abjectly


being everywhere; omnipresent

credence belief, especially in the reports or testimony of another

credulous believing anything

lithe bending easily; flexible; supple

beleaguer besiege or attack; harass

vouchsafe bestow condescendingly; guarantee

parlay bet a previously won bet

idolatry worship of idols

List 19: mordant biting, cutting, caustic, or sarcastic

competent well qualified; capable; fit

denigrate blacken someone's reputation or character

boon blessing; welcome benefit



temerity boldness; rashness


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pedantic bookish

valiant brave

intrepid brave

sunder break apart; separate; split

List 20: concise brief and to the point; short and clear


brief comprehensive summary

feckless weak; ineffective

ruffian brutal, violent, lawless person

atrocity brutality; a very displeasing or tasteless thing

terrestrial world; worldly; earthly

onerous burdensome; laborious

pragmatic busy or active in a meddlesome way

computation calculation; a method of computing

evocation calling forth

List 21: insouciant calm and untroubled; carefree

deferred yield; delay

exacerbate worsen; embitter

prodigal wasteful; extravagant; generous

compliant yielding; submissive

equanimity calmness; composure

soluble can be dissolved


can live both on land and in water

abrogate cancel, call off

implacable cannot be appeased or pacified; relentless

List 22: incorrigible cannot be corrected, improved, or reformed


cannot be disconcerted, disturbed, or excited; impassive


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unintelligible cannot be understood; incomprehensible

venal capable of being corrupted

malleable capable of being shaped

enervate weaken; debilitate

enthrall captivate; fascinate

compelling captivating; irresistibly interesting

blithe carefree; showing a gay, cheerful disposition

prudence careful management

List 23: salacious lustful; lecherous; lascivious


clumsy; bungling

ribald coarse or vulgar joking or mocking

wheedle coax; influence or persuade by flattery

solace comfort; consolation; relief

halcyon calm; peaceful

banal commonplace; dull or stale because of overuse

turmoil commotion; uproar; confusion

suffice competent or able; adequate

grouse complain; grumble

List 25:

tranquil calm, serene, peaceful

erudite learned; scholarly

obsequious compliant; dutiful

imbroglio complicated situation

constituent component; a necessary part or element

dissembled conceal true motives; pretend

covert concealed, hidden or disguised


concise but comprehensive treatise

embodiment concrete expression of an idea

inveigh condemn; censure


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List 26: pathology conditions, processes, or results of a particular disease

pinion a wing, feather or type of gear

corroborate confirm; to make more certain the validity of


confused, random

adjunct connected or attached in a secondary or subordinate way

affinity connection; close relationship

monolithic consisting of a single character; uniformity

collusion conspiring in a fraudulent scheme

duress constraint by threat; imprisonment

supercilious contemptuous; arrogant

List 27: incessant continual; never ceasing

gainsay contradict; speak or act against

repugnant offensive to the mind

polemic controversy; argument in support of a point of view

colloquial conversational; haying to do with or like conversation

cogent convincing

emend correct or improve

vitriolic corrosive; sarcastic

serene calm, peaceful, tranquil


count; determine the number of

List 28: rancor deep spite or malice

poseur a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not

regale delight with something pleasing or amusing


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excoriate denounce harshly

decry denounce; to speak out against strongly and openly

turpitude depravity


deprive of resentment; peaceable or friendly; win over

delineate describe; to depict in words

culpable deserving blame; blameworthy

decimate destroy a great number

List 29: reprieve give temporary relief to, as from trouble or pain

relinquish give up; abandon

gratuitous given freely; unwarranted

idolatrous given to idolatry; blind adoration

jocose given to joking

exculpate clear from blame


go beyond

ingratiate good graces by conscious effort

amiable good-natured; having a pleasant and friendly disposition

benign pleasant; innocent; non-malignant

List 30:

capricious erratic; flighty; tending to change abruptly

pithy essential; brief and to the point

perdition eternal damnation; complete ruin

equivocal evasive; misleading

quotidian everyday; usual or ordinary

industrious diligent; skillful

paradigm example or model

transcend exceed; surpass; excel


exceeding usual limits; incomparable; beyond ordinary existence


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List 31:

cupidity greed; avarice, didactic

wanton excessively merry; frolicsome; having no regard for others

preside exercise control or authority

abstemious self-restraint

relegate exile or banish

innate natural rather than acquired


existing or happening in the same period of time

adroit expert; clever; skillful in a physical or mental way

exculpate clear from blame

culmination climax; the highest point

intelligible clear; comprehensible

coherent clearly articulated; capable of intelligible speech and thought

witty cleverly amusing


climax; the highest point

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deference courteous regard or respect

deferential courteous; respectful or ingratiating

shroud covers, protects, or screens; veil; shelter


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pusillanimous cowardly

artisan craftsman; a worker in a skilled trade

pillory criticize or ridicule

throng crowd

quell crush; subdue; put an end to

astute cunning; having or showing a clever or shrewd mind

malediction curse; slander

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conventional customary; of, sanctioned by, or growing out of custom or usage

truncated cut short

somber dark and gloomy or dull

resplendent dazzling; splendid

forensics debate or formal argumentation

disingenuous deceitful; lacking in candor; not frank

insidious deceitful; treacherous

duplicity deception by pretending to feel and act one way while acting another

decipher decode; to make out the meaning of

embellish decorate by adding detail; ornament

immolate destroy; kill as a sacrifice

insularity detached; isolated

abhor detest; to shrink from in disgust or hatred

execrable detestable

aberrant deviant

eccentric deviating from the norm; unconventional

divergent deviating; different

vacuous devoid of matter

piety devoutness; reverence for god


difference; inconsistency

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diverse different; dissimilar

arduous difficult to do; laborious; onerous

assiduous diligent

malfeasance wrongdoing or misconduct

platitude commonplace, flat, or dull quality

cavil disagree; nit-pick; make frivolous objections

blatant disagreeably loud or boisterous

discord disagreement; conflict

reprobate disapprove of strongly

calamity disaster; deep trouble or misery

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abash disconcert; to make embarrassed and ill at ease

odium disgrace brought on by hateful action

ignominious dishonorable; disgraceful

contumacious disobedient; obstinately resisting authority

impugn dispute or contradict

profane disrespect for sacred things; irreverent

profligate dissolute; reckless; loose in morals; wanton

diversion distraction of attention

vex distress, afflict, or plague

ramify divide or spread out into branches

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beneficent doing good

hegemony dominance especially of one nation over another

glib done in a smooth, offhand fashion

quaff drink deeply in a hearty or thirsty way

goad driving impulse; spur

bacchanalian drunken

arid dry and barren; lacking enough water for things to grow

parch dry up with heat

desiccate to lose water or moisture


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moribund dying

avid eager and enthusiastic


eager and ready to fight; quarrelsome

alacrity eager willingness or readiness

facile easily accomplished; ready or fluent

irascible easily angered; quick tempered

tractable easily worked; obedient; malleable

trenchant effective; thorough; cutting; keen

maudlin effusively sentimental

exalt elevate; to praise; glorify

orator eloquent public speaker

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disconcert embarrass; confuse

fraught emotional, tense, anxious, distressing

poignant emotionally touching or moving

vacuity emptiness

barren uninhabited wilderness

coerce persuade with force or pressure

augment enlarge; to make greater, as in size, quantity, or strength

circumvent to avoid or try to avoid

expunge erase or remove completely

obliterate to wipe out

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fulminate explode with sudden violence

peril exposure to harm or injury; danger

effusive expressing excessive emotion

articulate expressing oneself easily and clearly


expression of sympathy with another in grief


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spendthrift extravagant

rhapsodize extravagantly enthusiastic manner

penury extreme poverty; destitution

livid extremely angry

meticulous extremely careful about details

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convoluted intricate; complicated

Lilliputian extremely small

distraught extremely troubled

countenance facial expression; composure

pallid faint in color; pale

perfidious faithless; perfidy; treacherous

apostate fallen from the faith

zealot fanatic

chimerical fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic

pernicious fatal; very destructive or injurious

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kismet fate

propitious favorable; timely

xenophobia fear or hatred of foreigners

trepidation fearful uncertainty; anxiety

dubious feeling doubt; hesitating; skeptical

apathetic feeling little or no emotion; unmoved

euphoria feeling of vigor or well-being

venerate feelings of deep respect; revere

ewe female sheep

zealous fervent; enthusiastic

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melee a fight

enamor fill with love and desire; charm


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sodden water soaked

flaccid flabby; soft

meretricious flashy; tawdry

ephemeral fleeting; short-lived

waft float, as on the wind

confluence flowing or coming together

volatile flying or able to fly

loquacious talkative

gregarious fond of the company of others; sociable

fatuous foolish or inane

temerity rash boldness

austere forbidding; having a severe or stem look or manner

prescience foreknowledge

vanguard forerunner; advance forces

improvise perform without preparation

venial forgivable; trivial

panegyric formal praise


formidable; causing fear

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squalid foul or unclean

chassis framework, typically of an automobile

frenetic frantic; frenzied

imposture fraud; deception

unfetter free from restraint; liberate

impunity freedom from punishment or harm

flippant frivolous and disrespectful; saucy

querulous full of complaint; peevish

vivacious full of life and animation; lively

nugatory futile; worthless

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merriment gaiety and fun

chivalrous gallant, courteous or honorable

aggregation gathered together; accumulated

jaunty gay and carefree; sprightly; perky

munificent generous

profuse extreme abundance

affable gentle and kindly

zephyr gentle breeze; west wind

unfeigned genuine; real; sincere

heroine girl or woman of outstanding courage and nobility

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oligarchy government by a privileged few

august great dignity or grandeur


great fear or shock that makes one feel helpless or bewildered

ebullient greatly excited

magnitude the property of relative size

verdant green; lush in vegetation

salutation greeting, addressing, or welcoming by gestures or words

wane grow dim or faint

burgeon grow forth; send out buds

malignant growing worse

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accretion growth in size by addition or accumulation

recidivism habitual return to crime

veracity habitual truthfulness; honesty

inveterate habitual; of long standing; deep-rooted

reticent habitually silent; reserved

hackles hairs on back and neck; feeling of anger or danger

hirsute hairy

recalcitrant resistance to authority


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fractious unruly

esoteric hard to understand

salubrious promoting health

salutary healthful; beneficial

ornate heavily ornamented or adorned

mnemonic helping, or meant to help, the memory

monarch hereditary head of a state

arcane hidden or secret

zenith highest point; peak

florid highly decorated; gaudy; showy; ornate



tenacity holding fast; persistant; stubborn

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sacred holy; of or connected with religion

candid honest or frank

probity honesty; integrity

inimical hostile; unfriendly

animosity hostility; a feeling of strong dislike or hatred

repine complain; mourn; fret

fervent hot; bumming; intense emotion

servile humbly yielding or submissive

famine hunger; to wither away

quixotic idealistic but impractical

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utopia idealized place

morose ill-tempered; gloomy

mythical imaginary; fictitious

emulate imitate

fervid impassioned; fervent


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indiscernible imperceptible

impalpable imperceptible; intangible

discourteous impolite; rude; ill-mannered

inculcate impress on the mind by admonition

incarcerate imprison; confine

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ameliorate improve; to make or become better

congruent in agreement; corresponding; harmonious

barrio in Spanish-speaking countries, an area of a city

untoward inappropriate; improper

untenable unjustifiable

infallible incapable of error; never wrong

nascent incipient; coming into being

oscillate vacillate, to move back and forth

myriad many; indefinitely large number

perfunctory indifferent; done merely as a duty; superficial

consecrate induct into a religious office; declare sacred

futile ineffectual; wasted effort

ineluctable inevitable; not to be avoided or escaped

uncanny inexplicable; preternaturally strange; weird


infamy; vilification

punitive inflicting, concerned with, or directed toward punishment

deleterious injurious; harmful to health or well being

rubric a category; instructions

interpolate insert between other things

edify instruct; correct morally

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contumely insult; contemptuous treatment

cerebral intellectual; appealing to the intellect rather than the emotions

didactic intended primarily to instruct

wrath intense anger; rage; fury


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zeal intense enthusiasm

usury interest at a high rate

commingle intermix; blend; to mingle together

daunt intimidate; to make afraid or discouraged

implicate to involve or connect

eccentricity irregular; odd; whimsical

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juggernaut irresistible moving object

exasperate irritate or annoy very much; aggravate

signatory joined in the signing of something

jocular joking; humorous; full of fun

jubilant joyful and triumphant; elated; rejoicing

clandestine kept secret or hidden

torpor sleepy; lethargy

dissonance lack of harmony or agreement

static lack of motion

disaffection lack of trust; to cause discontent

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lackluster lacking energy or vitality

incongruous lacking harmony or agreement

dissonant lacking in harmony; discord

impious lacking respect or dutifulness

intemperate lacking restraint; excessive

humdrum lacking variety; dull; monotonous

parlance language; idiom

tome large book

voluminous large; bulky; full

indolent lazy


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abstruse hard to understand; deep; recondite

erudition learning acquired by reading and study

assuage lessen; soothe

largess liberal giving; generous gift

herbaceous like a green leaf in texture, color, shape

brazen impudent; audacious



knoll small round hill

destitute living in complete poverty

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abominate loathe; to dislike very much

abhorrence loathing; detestation

nostalgia longing for things of the past

dissolute unconstrained by convention or morals

garrulous loquacious; wordy; talkative

uproarious loud and boisterous

enmity hostility; antagonism

din loud confusing noise

scurvy low; mean; vile; contemptible

nadir lowest point

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camaraderie loyal, warm and friendly feeling among comrades

allegiance loyalty or devotion

fealty loyalty; allegiance

lascivious lustful

sedulous diligent; persevering

incumbent lying, resting on something; imposed as a duty

hackneyed made trite by overuse

inure make accustomed to something difficult

negate make ineffective


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whet make keen; stimulate, sharpen

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impart make known; tell; reveal

slake make less intense by satisfying

obfuscate make obscure; confuse

discern make out clearly

indemnify make secure against loss

discomfit make uneasy

obviate make unnecessary

malevolence malice; spitefulness; ill will

fetid malodorous; smelly

megalomania a psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur

diction manner of expression in words

stigma mark or sign indicating something not considered normal or standard

penurious stingy

prodigious enormous

prosaic matter of fact; ordinary

baleful threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

jocund merry

peccadillo minor or petty sin; slight fault


minstrel or singer

waggish mischievous; humorous; tricky

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hoodwink mislead or confuse by trickery

fallacious misleading or deceptive

belied misrepresent; be false to

erroneous mistaken; wrong

paragon model of perfection

diffidence modesty; shyness; lacking in confidence

mercenary motivated by a desire for money or other gain

lament mourn; grieve


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lugubrious mournful often to an excessive degree

undulating moving with a wavelike motion

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impetuous moving with great, sudden energy

turbid muddy

requiem musical service for the dead

internecine characterized by bloodshed and carnage for both sides

cryptic having a hidden or ambiguous meaning; brief

proclivity natural or habitual tendency

propinquity nearness of relationship; kinship

myopic nearsighted; lacking foresight

pejorative negative in connotation; disparaging

trite no longer having originality

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obsolete no longer in use or practice

defunct no longer living or existing; dead or extinct

magnanimous noble in mind

clamorous noisy; loudly demanding or complaining

absurdity nonsense

limerick nonsense poem of five lines

indelible not able to be removed or erased

impervious not affected

dissident not agreeing

inadvertent not attentive or observant; heedless; accidental

ambiguous not clear; having two or more possible meanings


not disputable or debatable

froward not easily controlled; stubbornly willful

indomitable not easily discouraged, defeated, or subdued

insipid not exciting or interesting; dull


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apocryphal not genuine; of doubtful authorship or authenticity

adulterate to make inferior or impure

unwitting not knowing

temporal not lasting forever; limited by time

forbid prohibit

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humble not self-assertive; modest

unscrupulous not restrained by ideas of right and wrong

obtuse not sharp or pointed; blunt

devious not straightforward or frank

inexorable not to be moved by entreaty; unyielding; relentless

spurious not true or genuine; false

egregious notorious; shocking

apprentice novice; any learner or beginner

remonstrate object; protest

hermetic obscure and mysterious; occult

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pecuniary obsessed by money

impede obstruct or delay

procure obtain; secure

sporadic occasional; not constant or regular

despotic of or like a despot; autocratic; tyrannical

petrous of or like rock; hard

seminal of reproduction; germinal; originative

homogeneous of the same race or kind

fulsome offensively flattering

immolate offer as a sacrifice

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unctuous oily; greasy

expatriate one not living in their home country

harbinger precursor; portent


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hedonist one who believes pleasure is sole aim in life

martinet one who issues orders; demands conformity

aesthete one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature

sycophant one who seeks favor by flattering; a parasite

unity oneness; singleness

defiance open, bold resistance to authority or opposition

adversary opponent; a person who opposes or fights against another

remand order back; return to service

syntax orderly or systematic arrangement of words

prose ordinary speech; dull

adorn ornament; to put decorations on

frieze ornamental band formed by a series of decorations

pariah outcast

peripheral outer; external; lying at the outside

proscribed to outlaw; ostracize; banish

plethora many; overabundance; excess


overworked; fatigued

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cosseted pampered

analogy drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity in some respect

translucent partially transparent or clear

ardor passion; emotional warmth

remunerative pay for service; compensating; rewarding

amicable peaceable; showing good will

petulant peevish; impatient or irritable

sagacity penetrating intelligence and sound judgment

contrite penitent; feeling sorry for sins

tactile perceived by touch

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cognizance perception or knowledge

sagacious perceptive; shrewd; having insight

immaculate perfectly clean; unsoiled

treachery perfidy, disloyalty , or treason

tangential peripheral; only slightly connected

idiosyncrasy personal peculiarity or mannerism

tempt persuade; induce or entice

filial pertaining to a son or daughter

juxtapose place side by side

unequivocal plain; obvious

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perspicuous plainly expressed

affluent plentiful; abundant; flowing freely

nib point of a pen

bombast talk or writing that sounds grand or important but has little meaning

bombastic pompous; puffed up with conceit; using inflated language

indigent poor

latent potential but undeveloped; dormant

efficacy power to produce desired effect

stentorian powerful in sound; extremely loud

impuissance powerlessness; feebleness

ascetic practicing self-denial; austere

extol praise highly

commend praise; to express approval of

laudable praiseworthy; commendable

predilection preconceived liking; partiality or preference

jaundiced prejudiced; envious; yellowed

precocious premature development

malinger pretend to be ill to escape duty or work; shirk


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pretending to be very holy

hypocrisy pretending to be what one is not

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endemic prevailing among a specific group

pervade prevalent throughout

tenet principle, doctrine, or belief held as a truth

promulgated proclaim; make public; put into effect

dilatory procrastination; given to delay

kinetic producing motion

lachrymose producing tears

profundity profound; intellectually deep

protuberance projection; bulge

protract prolong in time or space; extend; lengthen

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notoriety prominent or well-known person, often unfavorably

propriety proper, fitting, or suitable

commensurate proportionate; corresponding in extent or degree

haughty proud; arrogant

endow provide with some talent or quality

remedial providing a remedy

cathartic purgative; inducing a figurative cleansing

enigmatic puzzling

contentious quarrelsome; disagreeing violently

nostrum questionable medicine

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complacency quiet satisfaction; contentment

taciturn quiet; habitually silent

quiescent quiet; still; inactive

discursive rambling; passing from one topic to another

paramount ranking higher than any other


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voracious ravenous; gluttonous

officious ready to serve; obliging

upbraid rebuke severely or bitterly

abjure recant; to give up (opinions) publicly

inchoate recently begun; rudimentary

recumbent reclining; lying down


refusal to compromise

venerable regarded with reverential respect

ostracism rejection or exclusion by general consent

palliate relieve without curing; make less severe

recompense repay; compensate

importuned repeatedly urged

propagate reproduce; multiply

bovine resembling a cow; placid or dull

submission resignation; obedience; meekness

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sedition resistance to authority

reparation restoration to good condition

stint an unbroken period of time during which you do something

restitution return to a former condition or situation

vengeance revenge

remuneration reward; pay; compensation

enigma puzzle; a perplexing and ambiguous statement

conundrum riddle; difficult problem

derision ridicule

indignation righteous anger

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eminent rising above other things or places

liturgy ritual for public worship


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gambol romp; to skip about

capacious roomy; spacious

rasp rough, grating tone

circuitous roundabout; indirect; devious

maraud rove in search of plunder

boisterous rowdy; noisy and unruly

sanguine ruddy complexion; cheerful; hopeful

boor rude, awkward, or ill-mannered person

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churlish rude; surly

bane ruin; death; deadly harm

bucolic rustic; pastoral

cynical sarcastic; sneering

paucity scarcity

literati scholarly or learned people

lambaste scold or denounce severely

contemptuous scornful; disdainful

gouge scrape or hollow out

forage search for food or provisions

recluse secluded; solitary

stealth secret, furtive, or artfully sly behavior

occult secret; esoteric

specious seeming reasonable but incorrect

sophistry deliberately invalid, seemingly plausible argument to deceive

eclectic drawn from various systems, doctrines, or sources

narcissism self-love


self-satisfied or smug

divergence separating, or branching off

toady servile flatterer; a "yes" man

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exemplary serving as a model or example

ensconced settle in; hide; conceal

ossify settle or fix rigidly

ignominious shameful; dishonorable; disgraceful

effrontery shameless boldness; impudence; temerity

amorphous shapeless; formless

acerbic sharp, bitter, or harsh in temper and language

univocal sharply defined sense or nature; unambiguous

incisive sharply expressive

gossamer sheer like cobwebs

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abridge shorten; to reduce in scope or extent

evinced show clearly

disparage show disrespect for; belittle

flout show scorn or contempt

decisive showing determination or firmness

exuberance showing high spirits

acute sharp; intense; of critical importance

wither shrivel; wilt

eschew shun

preclude shut out; prevent

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occlude close off

winnow sift; separate good parts from bad

presage sign or warning of a future event; omen

portent sign; omen; something that foreshadows a coming event

symbiosis similar relationship of mutual interdependence

ambivalence simultaneous conflicting feelings toward a person or thing

stymie situation in which one is obstructed or frustrated


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raconteur skilled at telling stories or anecdotes

cunning skillful or clever

obloquy slander; disgrace; infamy

calumniate slander; to spread false and harmful statements

soporific sleep or sleepiness


sleight of hand

tenuous slender or fine

saturnine sluggish, morose, or taciturn

supine lying face up; passive

wile sly trick

snide derisive

guile slyness and cunning

modicum small amount

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hummock small hill

yacht small watercraft for pleasure cruises, racing

aromatic smelling sweet or spicy; fragrant or pungent

sardonic sneering; sarcastic; cynical

welter soaked, stained, or bathed

emollient softening; soothing

sully soil, stain, tarnish by disgracing

acquisition something or someone acquired or added

mollify soothe

dolorous sorrowful; having mental anguish

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mellifluous sounding sweet and smooth; honeyed

polyglot speaking several languages

diatribe speech full of bitterness

listless spiritless; languid


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cleave split; to divide by a blow

vitiate spoil; corrupt

salient standing out conspicuously; prominent

germinate start developing or growing

equipoise state of balance or equilibrium

unification state of being unified

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maxim statement of a general truth

viscous having a relatively high resistance to flow; sticky

extant still existing; not extinct

galvanize stimulate by shock; stir up; revitalize; to rustproof

provocative stimulating; erotic

piquant attracting or delighting; provocative

pungent stinging; sharp in taste; caustic

parsimonious stingy

foment stir up; instigate forbearance

placate stop from being angry; appease

forthright straightforward; direct; frank

fortify strengthen

utilitarian stressing usefulness over beauty

orthodox strictly conforming to the traditional

aspiration strong desire or ambition

penchant strong liking or fondness

antipathy strong or deep-rooted dislike



refractory resistant to authority; unmeltable furnace lining material

obdurate stubborn; unyielding

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etymology study of word parts

timorous subject to fear; timid

yielding submissive; obedient


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underling subordinate position

humus substance formed by decaying vegetable matter

vicarious substitute; experience second-hand

auspicious successful; favored by fortune

wrench sudden, sharp twist or pull

redolent suggestive of an odor; fragrant

espouse support or advocate

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sanction support; encouragement; approval

consummate supreme; complete or perfect in every way

capitulated surrendered

ambient surrounding

vacillate sway to and fro; waver; totter

dulcet sweet sounding; melodious

celerity swiftness

turgid swollen; distended

methodology system of procedures

semaphore system of signaling

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sartorial of or relating to clothing

heed take careful notice of

rapacious taking by force; plundering

voluble talkative

loquacity talkativeness

palpable tangible; easily perceived by the senses

belated tardy; late or too late

piquancy tart; something that stimulates taste

crass tasteless, insensitive, and coarse

vapid tasteless; flavorless; flat


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raffish tawdry; vulgar; low

inculcate teach

tedium tediousness

incursion temporary invasion

abeyance temporary suspension

carping tending to find fault

conciliatory tending to reconcile

evanescent tending to vanish like vapor


terse; concise; aphoristic

compatible work well together, get along well together, combine

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compulsion driving force

haste the act of hurrying; quickness of motion

espionage spying

abstinence voluntarily doing without pleasures

combustion the process of burning

divination foretelling future events; clever conjecture

bilge the bulge of a barrel or cask; bottom of a boat

abduction kidnapping

anarchy complete absence of government

distillate the essence; purified form

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pith the essential part; substance

kernel the most central part; a grain

denouement the outcome, solution, unraveling, or clarification of a

brevity the quality of being brief

alloy the relative purity of gold or silver; fineness

contentment the state of being satisfied

context set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event

hence thereafter; subsequently


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attenuation thin out

meager barely adequate

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menace threatening harm or evil

truculent defiantly aggressive

ominous threatening; sinister

subliminal threshold of consciousness

jettison throw overboard

assimilate to absorb and incorporate

arouse to awaken, as from sleep

equivocate to be deliberately ambiguous

cadge to beg or get by begging

afflict to cause pain or suffering to; distress very much

bilk to cheat or swindle; defraud

arrogate to claim or seize as one's own

cajole to gently coax with flattery


to condemn strongly

bewilder to confuse hopelessly

incise to cut into with a sharp tool

beguiled to deceive; cheat; charm; coax

arbitrate to decide a dispute

avow to declare openly or admit frankly

abate to deduct; to make less

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drub to defeat soundly in a fight or contest

concoct to devise, invent, or plan

detonate to explode violently and noisily

condone to forgive, pardon, or overlook

abscond to go away hastily and secretly

amble to go easily and unhurriedly

acclaim to greet with loud applause or approval


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coalesce to grow together; to unite or merge

bequeath to hand down; pass on

yearn to have longing or desire

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comprise to include; contain

conjoin to join together; unite; combine

devastate to make helpless; overwhelm; destroy

impinge to make inroads or encroach

convey to make known

aggrandize to make seem greater

debilitate to make weak or feeble

mitigate to moderate or minimize

hone to perfect; sharpen; yearn

conspire to plan and act together secretly

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cultivate to promote development or growth

castigate to punish or rebuke severely

chasten to punish; to refine; to make purer in style

alleviate to reduce or decrease; lighten or relieve

decelerate to reduce speed; slow down

allude to refer in a casual or indirect way

defuse to render harmless

proliferate to quickly reproduce or spread

disabuse to rid of false ideas; misconception

appease to satisfy or relieve

chide to scold

berate to scold or rebuke severely

abrade to scrape or rub off

confiscat to seize by authority


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delegate a representative; to transfer power to someone

appraise to set a price for; decide the value of

baste to sew with long, loose stitches

traduce to speak falsely; badmouth

assert to state positively; declare; affirm

abide to stay; stand fast; remain

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demur to take exception; object

fulminate to thunder; explode

coddle to treat tenderly

covet to want ardently; long for with envy

bask to warm oneself pleasantly, as in the sunlight

knell tolling of a bell

surfeit too great an amount or supply; excess

ineffable too overwhelming to be expressed or described in words

vocation trade, profession, or occupation

metamorphose transform

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transmute transform; convert

diaphanous translucent; see-through

lucid transparent

perfidy treacherous; betrayal of trust

lionize treat as a celebrity

encroach trespass or intrude

ruse trick or artifice

doggerel trivial, awkward, satirical verse

penitent truly sorry for having sinned and willing to atone

veracious truthful

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prolific productive; bearing in abundance


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inefficacious unable to produce the desired effect

immutable unchangeable

nebulous unclear; vague; hazy; cloudy

delirium uncontrollably wild excitement or emotion

disquietude uneasiness; anxiety

stolid unexcitable; impassive

callous unfeeling; lacking pity or mercy

hapless unfortunate; unlucky; luckless

amalgamate unite; combine

omnipotent unlimited power or authority

hypothesis a tentative theory

arbitrary without reason; unregulated

obstinate stubborn

obstreperous unruly; boisterous; noisy

feral untamed; wild

treacherous untrustworthy or insecure

mendacity untruthfulness

indignity unworthiness or disgrace


upset the composure of

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exhort urge

exigency urgent situation

laconic using few words

variegated varied; diversified

craven very cowardly; abjectly afraid

tyranny very cruel and unjust use of power or authority

copious plentiful; abundant

diminutive very small; tiny

opulent very wealthy or rich


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nefarious wicked

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stringent vigorous; rigid; binding

miscreant villain

idealist visionary or dreamer

quixotic foolish idealistic

mercurial volatile; changeable; fickle

raffish vulgar; crude

vagabond wandering; moving from place to place

ribald wanton; profane

bellicose warlike

dross waste matter; worthless stuff; rubbish

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