Waste Managment by Manish Bhandari

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  • 8/9/2019 Waste Managment by Manish Bhandari


    Waste managementWaste manage


    Disposal, processing, controlling, recycling, andreusing the solid, liquid, and gaseouswastes of

    plants, animals, humans,food and other

    organisms. It includes control within a closedecological system to maintain a habitableenvironment.

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    According to type-there are 9

    classification of waste:-

    Type0. Trash- is basically yourpaperwaste which is disposed -it is thepaper waste and after disposing less than 5% of residual solidremain.

    Type1. Rubbish-Rubbish is 80% trash plus 20% restaurant waste.10% out of this will be incombustible (cannot be burnt) (plastic,ceramic)

    Two types: -Combustible and non combustible

    Combustible is paper plastic, cardboard, wood, rubber and alsodiscarded linen

    Non combustible- tin, can, metal, glass, ceramic etc

    Type 2 is Refuse- It is 50% type of which is trash and 50% type 1. hasa residual moisture content of 50 % (which means part of is trash

    and part of is it requires to be burnt at a higher temperature.

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    Type 3 - is Garbage- All the food waste under it has 70% water

    Type 4 - is Residue- It includes all solid waste (in practice) this category

    Includes, garbage, rubbish, ashes and also dead animal or bird products.


    is Ashes- It is residue from fire used for cooking, heating or burning of Waste.

    Type 6-

    Biological waste- Human and animal remains resulting from patient Diagnosisand treatment procedure.

    Type 7-

    Liquid by product waste- usually toxic and dangerous for health, must beTreated with a disinfectant prior to disposal insanitary sewers.


    Solid by product waste- which is toxic capable of being sterilized, Packageand discarded with normal trash.

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    Solid waste from hotel

    Solid wastes: domestic, commercialand industrial wastes especially

    common as co-disposal of wastes

    Examples: plastics, Styrofoam

    containers, bottles,

    cans, papers, scrap iron, and other trash

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    Liquid waste from hotel

    Liquid Wastes:wastes in liquid form

    Examples: domesticwashings, chemicals, oils, waste

    water from,

    manufacturing industriesand other sources

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    Classification of Wastes according to

    their Properties


    can be degraded (paper, wood, fruits andothers)


    cannot be degraded (plastics, bottles, old

    machines,cans, Styrofoam containers and others)

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    Reduce Waste- Reduce office paper waste by implementing a formal

    policy to duplex all draft reports and by makingtraining manuals and personnel information availableelectronically.

    - Improve product design to use less materials.

    - Switch to reusable transport containers.

    - Purchase products in bulk.

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    - Reuse office furniture and supplies, such asinteroffice envelopes, file folders, and paper.

    - Use durable towels, tablecloths, napkins,dishes, cups, and glasses.

    - Encourage employees to reuse officematerials rather than purchase new ones.

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    ecologically sound waste

    waste reduction

    segregation at source

    recycling and re-use

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    What is an EMS?

    An EMS is a formal set of policies and procedures thatdefine how an organization will evaluate, manage, andtrack its environmental impact. It follows the basicmodel:

    Plan > Do > Check > Act

    This facilitates cost-effective environmental

    performance by defining and continuously improvingthe process and actions that an organization undertakesto meet its environmental goals.

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    Stages in the Implementation of EMS


    Identify all environmental aspects: anyenvironmental or health and safety impactsresulting from activities and services. The

    organization then evaluates each aspectaccording to a variety of criteria:understanding of eco-ethics

    environmental and health effects

    economic impacts


    After establishing a complete list of significantaspects, the organization sets environmental goalsand develops a plan to achieve those goals.

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    2. DoThe do-phase of the model involves implementation of theenvironmental plan through employee training and establishment ofoperation controls.

    3. CheckEvaluates progress toward meeting program goals through ongoingmonitoring and measuring and periodic EMS audits.

    4. ActInvolves taking corrective action to update and improve theenvironmental plan. For example, if an organization makessignificant progress on one environmental aspect, anotherenvironmental aspect will replace it on the priority list.

  • 8/9/2019 Waste Managment by Manish Bhandari


    Hilton hotel corporation focuses on

    the environment

    HHC provide guidelines for housekeeping dept.where the goals are to reduce-reuse-recycle

    Water conservation:every hotel within the family ofhotels take part in Green Program-conserve topreserve" this enables the guest to decide whenthe room attendant will change the used linens.While check-in to the hotel, usually a informationcard is placed on the side of the bed-side table &on towel racks along the clean linens which aguest wants can either re-use or change on daily

    basis.Like this we save over 12 gallons of fresh water amonth while also using waste water & the use ofchemicals & energy resources.

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    Linens & other textiles: condemned bed-linen, towels &curtains should be re-used for making dusters, iron-boardcovers, pillow-slips etc.

    Segregation of garbage: segregation of wet & dry garbageshould be adopted for re-cycling, reusing & recoveringwaste. Provide different recycle bins for dry garbage like

    paper, napkins etc, wet garbage likeoasis,flowers,cottons,tissue papers, Crockery & cutlery,Food,Newspaper & Plastics.

    Left over food can be recycled in a composite bin to producemanure or in a biogas plant to obtain biogas as fuel.

    Sewage: a sewage treatment plant is an effective way of

    recycling water generated in the hotel thus produced may beused in gardening & for flushing toilets.

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    What as an employee can we do?

    Switch off lights & fans that are not in use.

    Report any leaky faucets or pipes.

    Draw the draperies to use daylight.

    Usage of cold water detergents reduces theneed of hot water.

    Biodegradable detergents should be used.

    Use non-toxic cleaners, sanitizers, paints &

    pesticides all throughout the hotel.Guest left over amenities should be used inpublic & staff washrooms.

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    Water from laundry can also be used as treatedwater.

    Replace paper hand towels with air dryer in publicrestrooms.

    Provide soap & other amenities in dispensersrather than as individually wrapped items.

    Eliminate the need of plastics & its water bottles byusing reusable glass bottles.

    Unwanted linen, toiletries, uniforms, crockery,

    carpets & blankets can be donated to charitableorganizations.

    Unused toilet tissue from rolls to small byunwinding together to use in guest room.

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    What more?

    Hilton continues to implement programs to provide the latestin laundering equipment that utilize the greatest waterreduction technologies.

    HHC has also installed restricted flow showers as well asautomated faucets & toilets located within washroomsdedicated to public areas.

    Each & every hotels are now virtually 100% LED which isenvironmentally friendly.

    We are now using R-134A refrigerant in large chillers whichis an HFC refrigerant rather than a CFC which containschlorine & will be phased out over time.

    Team members are encouraged to participate in various outreach projects, such as planting trees & undertaking certainactivities that help to restore our natural resources.

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    Doubletree hotels have an exclusive sponsorshipof a three-year, nationwide environmentaleducation project with the importance of nature &respect for one of the earths most vital resources

    through the Exploring trees.Hilton Garden Inn, the award winning mid-pricedhotel announced the introduction of theecotainer,an environmentally friendly coffee cup inmore than 340 locations across North America.

    The cup is the only all-natural hot beverage papercup available that is coated with a com-basedplastic that requires less energy & generates lessgreenhouse gas during manufacturing.

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    The Hilton Walt Disney World resort usesappliances to conserve energy & has implementedpaper, cardboard, aluminum & steel can,magazine, kitchen grease, fluorescent lamp toreduce waste. In addition, the property installed

    low flow toilets, faucets & showerheads as well ascharcoal air filters.

    The Conrad & Doubletree use PURE airpurification systems, mattresses & pillow coversthat protect from dust & bacteria, specially treated

    carpet & upholstery & a filtered shower system.Solar water heating is done at Pointe Hilton ResortTapatio Cliffs.

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    HHC headquarters uses all recycledglass, plastic, paper & aluminum inBeverly Hills.

    The centre has retrofitted with moreenergy efficient overhead lighting & isinstalling sensors in the copy rooms,conference rooms, selected offices &restrooms so that the lights will go offwhen these rooms are not in use.

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