Washington Herald. (Washington, DC ... - Chronicling...

THE WASHINGTON HEEALD FRIDAY AUGUST 23 1BO 8 I i i MARKET IS STRONGER Union Pacific and Reading Active features TRACTION STOCKS DOWN InterOIet and Third Avenne Take Further Drops If ail are of Stock Exchange Firm Without ttffect on Prices Hit of Unconfirmed Bull News Cheers the Street New York Aug 22 The market open a3T irregular this morning but with only moderate changes from last ing level of quotations and In many of the active issues the opening prices were the lowest of the day An upward move- ment began almost at the commencement of business and continued with slight in ter uption until about 2 oclock from which time until the end there was con- siderable hesitancy and moderate amount of profittaking by the profes- sional element who thought for the time being the rally bad gone far enough There wee a slightly better tae to the London market on account of the deci- sion of the directors of the Bank of Eng- land to leave the discount rate oncfcanged for the present but the good impression produced by this and by the strong week- ly statement of condition was later offset by a report that t e institution was de- clining to discount hUla where the ma- turities were at date beyond the end of September Union Pacific and RendIng Active Union Pacific was the feature of our market in point of activity with Read- Ing holding second place in this respect and both scored advances of about two points on the day with every indication that a great part of the buying of each represented the covering of short con tract The Hill stocks also made large gains and some active issues like Del aware and Hudson National Lead and the Republic Iron and Steel stocks scored large advances on comparatively few transactions On the other hand the InterboroughMet- ropplitan Issues were again weak and Third avenue declined S points to a asm low record for the present movement an rumors that the dividend on laterbor oughMetropolitan preferred would passed and that dividends of subordinate companies would not be paid unless earn ed even in the cue of the properties held under lease Affected ny Failure The fact that the announcement of the small failure on the floor of the stock exchange around 11 oclock did not cause a halt in the rally then under way tend- ed to give the market a greater appear ance of strength than it had displayed for some time past and on the idea that It was useless to fight against a rise which could not be checked by bad news speculative interests having commitments- on th short side proceeded to buy stocks for the covering of their contracts It did not seem however as if the larger shorts were disturbed or that Jndeed the announcement of the faUure came as a surprise to important Interests in the street and except that it gave rise to a recurrence of disturbing rumors it was of rio real consequence whatever nan Itamor Uuoon firmed A story which was used with some effect in intimidating the bears credited leading banker with plans for righting the situation and restoring dwftdence but there did not seem to be any substan tial grounds upon which to base such assertions It was said that either Har- riman now on the Pacific Oust had wired assurances to his associates in this city that the business outlook In the West never was better than at penn ent and that pointed to a large fall business and the vice presi- dent of the Chicago Burlington and Quincy made a statement that his road was earning on an average 390MM a week more than at this time last year and that the crops were in tee condi- tion Time money was in small supply but the exchange markets were easier on ac- count of the Bank of Englands action in continuing its 4 per cent discount TKKASOICY- Rwerre f Geld coin and IMyHMsltt Gold coin Silver 5oHa Total l l General food Gold miD and baOia Standard silver Bilvw certificates Silver bullion United States otes Treasury notes of UN National bank not Subsidiary sOvcr cote Fractional cumncr Minor cole w i In national bank depOBteata In treaanry of fWs IJato Bonds and isfeK pidd- Toul LUbUiUe- aSoedpte Cocunu- Xatonul ICVCM- HMSicellejieotM Total postal ncetotrvat Expenditures postal oept pftntal iiffr m j U5MB4S- 4JB9B DJB- HMW 11 1JBJ0- 71uata Exceea of expeadnam National tnnlr foad- Beposite tinder act Jury M KO Notes redeemed and retired aeer eat J lT M- Kotea recefved for euneat maaanitiuii- Rodempticm rf Botea To March H 1SW To date ailMXG STOCIvS- Qaotarioae are f lafcii by Integ E ft Co of the New York Pndoce Bi- aiaiice Yank C UecdHd Baaaa er Bood- JJuilding Bid Ajked CfMonHrtatial fl- Comlanarion 91 Dahy Jumbo ExtecataK St ITCS i Surer Pick 4 Great Bend Blue Bell Adaaa n Atlanta B Red Hiar B- DiamoadtieM mack BMte a- Triangte n Tramps Coaaoiidted Gold Bar Jim Butler Golden Scepter I Gibraltar Rbvtoke Montana T- iMcKirfey Daraae- OobaJt Contact lieU per If you have any furnished rooms to rent a mt vi M The Herald will bring VOU a Sv i Xt be Not the tndtea Ollll fir kL c A Silter doUan fill P Gold Crt aC bi daIJuL a 7m a R Aft s7mot i JMm a sa 15 UJIGf It u 1ZUIi fila m luIUIt ben u Geld ni m u H 56 5 0 31 n 15 12 15 U 11 n i It ill shu nights don a a ate STAPmMBr rust fen mititand a 0 en 0 usa sJs 1101110 jte 0 JN enps N01 11441011 0 bske 1111110 nial z 512UIS0 gj 7411 11 1111 N pards sis aIm Gold ed io j o o N Nipimahu crts ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BLAME GAMBLER FOR CRASH Failure of Wall Street Firm Lai at Canflclda Door New York Aug Jt The failure of Milta Eros Co a Wall firm was n flounced today on the stock axclianse and it if wild tliat the aeoount df Hieh- rd A Canned of Saratoga was eauM of the A report that the failure was connected with the failure last fall of James W Kenning was positively denied by Hen ninys friends who said he paid the Mills company ia full The story in tIle stock exchange is that the firm was carrying a large amount of stocks for Canfield It is alleged that C uiflelds margins were running low and that the firm closed out his accounts that CanfleM claimed he had not been given due notice and insisted that his stocks be replaced or delivered to him which the firm was unable to was said this afternoon the firm would probably soon resume The story that Canftelds account caused the sus- pension was denied at the office of the but In other quarters of Wall street it was said that the gambler prince had lost 300000 by the failure NEW YORK STOCK MARKET QaotatioB fwmitbed by A 0 Brown Co xaes bets of the Now York Stock BsohaoB MHBoq- rBafldfae Sal OH to noon 300400 shnrea Total snlcii 537100 aliarcti Call money H SVtj low 2 close 2 Ooete- g5alosHlskLwAii lAiua- AtoCfcal M l W Ml HK 39 Anal Oonpor m nit t 4 W- Aw C F 14M 3H4 r H K- Am Ootto Oil l m 30 S 31HS 31- AK Low 1TWI M 59 K M- Am Steel Wtjr T f S 5 9- Am JF Cd 1M 30 A WH- Am SMelt W 9K 98H M Am Smelt iL K Kfc i 4- Am aogar 1MI Itfli lt 4 111 IB- Am WB M9 ISH 7W Jl- Am WooicB a B S 9K- Aaacooda 7MJ 4M 41 AtcUaim VA M Sl Nit SW- Atchieoa lid tt- At Cent Umt- Katto A Ohio 8 K H JtU Brook K T S 48 41H Can Padae W KG 10 WM IB Cent Leather 9 Mt UK Ji IS Cbea Ohio 19N SSfc 3Bt SL Chi Ot W U M M J- c M at p as nm im u IK C N W m Mi Hlfc MtU IWi c c a st L m m m m mi C F I MO 11 2J 4 S Cols So 1101 SSH a- Colo ao M an H a Goa 600 Itttt WH 1MH MH Con Prad 389 JJfli 4 BD4 HK Con Iloa 11 SH U X HMt JSKi ttHc WH Ml D K G Ill Bii 2JH i JW4 UK See IJfta H 47 41 MW H i 3Mi let M BH B Erie aL 3W 3W 3W4 H GeL Bkcaie 1M m MW B3K- Gt Settfc iml M M8K 1K MIH UK- Bt North 2W 4K 47 4T 4f- fra Oeou u u m DJ H4 us rat Jut Mot 2J39 SV 9 tat Met MW 9i SKi 9K 9K- KM cur s a 3 s- i N un w lorn WH MS- MexfaaM Ce t l UM Wi 1TH IK K- M S P S S M Ni MH Si K- HM8PSSiLj W IS 19 13 1- M K A T 5 JRi 3W BH Minuet Padflc UM ff CT C- 8Nstioaal BaIL 4iool Lead X900 4tft 4 4W Y Central W 1M MM WH Ht- X Y O St W SW J1H 3 i K- K W Ml 71 71 8S North Amarkaew IH mi MVi mi 0K- Nerthen PwHe 111 INK 1V UTH- Padflc Maa 4K S P X K M409 117 W Itf 11- 7Preaeed Stem i N 9099 mm K a a- Kee I S MM M UK- KC I S nM M Tl 71 Rock laberi OH M Roc Uond nM 1JM fl O 4- 18t U S P M M 38 H SW- St U S W 14M K U M M- 8t L 8 W tt 9W 41 41 4H- CTeei BhaliHlit 9M H 47H 47- Beaahmi Paolo KM 8 B 8H OK- Bootheni PacOc pfd M IMt iWi M Xy 1 1 M N M W- Twaa PactfeM W SH 9H Stfl T St L i W 9 H S i 91 SW L W pM 43 i- Daka PadOc lKm W ES 191 MW- II Xoatty IM 61 II M 4 U 8 ltahbcr HI 9 tt u Hah lot m e as U Stool MW Sfti UK U S Steel FM U M K MK Va Cbemteal a- Wabaah m 11 1- 1Wata iL CURB MARKET QooUUeaa ate faraiattd ay K R ChaiKBaa Co amabatj Now York Stock G BRie CUpBaa BiawigK 13M P Mroet Mctaweot- Oaea fish Low Ctee Copper li H MHT M- Brttteh CM Copper 7H Butt CorfWoa MH 9IK WH- Cadoaio Sakway H4 T Cobalt Ceatnl 3 S B- CumrrUmd Bly TM- BcaoinJOB Copper i- Oteeac Caaaaea MH 12 12H OS- Graew Ooafaawar K 1H IH Mime Gold Miafag IK WtdwB Xaaax- anda Gaaaal mk W m W- KevaoVUtea Oaa er 4 Ofl 4 t Dated Copper SC M O Wastes loe 31 91 Now York Amj aOoetag nuiueJem of Oatted- Stetea guwmnmt hottds BU Asked 2 eonpOB UH MCK MC- 3a resMerod IW- la reghtewd BCS MHt CH- la coopoa MB MS 19- 1aaaaw Canal ia rcpjatantf MK MSH- DWrict of Calauaia Ifla lOK- Phflppfae 4 M- 0MISCBLLAABOOS BONDS New York Aug 2Gtalo bead qeetaUese oa the Now York Stock Bxehavsec Imperial Japaneee fint fit 90S Imperial Japaaeae Mooad 6e K Imperial Japaaete first E Imperial Japaoeee eeooad i S Imperial Japaaeae 4c 77 Americas Tobacco fc 97 American Tobacco 4 n 14 Baltimore and Okte geMi is 9- 9Cental of Georgia coaeorWited Mt- CheaapeaiEe and Ofcto 4He KO- CWeago Rock Island and Pacific 5s E H Chicago Bock liked aM Paettc col 4s G- SCUcafo Rock laland and PadAe tfg 4s 81 Delaware and HnefeOB 4 9- 1Dmtillen Secnritka C fc 7 K Krio canaoiidated 4e 91 Lab Shore 4e MS 90- Lmrfifilte and Namtvtto wdfied te 9- TLwriwille and Nt ta collateral 4 91 Sew York GenIal n SB Norfolk and Wojtera o iWat d 4s 9W Northern PaeiBc to- Northeni PaeiSe 3s 73- SoadMta Paei9e TClMdMc 4s 8S Union Pacttc snt 4c 9SS United States Steel S P Sa 91- TWal sake M4MM aRBhtet 4SK4XX saenky IMtt W a west ate and 5WOkO a ear age BOSHOX STOCKS QwUOona we iatafeited by E R Cbaptaan Co reMditn New York Stock Bzchanze G Boyle Chipmaa managw im F street northwest Bid ked Atlantis UH K- Bingbam K a Boston aad AHway f 2 Boston sod Mafae 157 Oihimtt and Haeta 72 73 Oonwr Baas 65 BleeWc IMwn as PltcbHKZ jrfd 123 Maaah ie4ta Bkctric 11 12 MassaekweUi Gas 62 S M fcta CeatraL ITS 1S York New Harea amid Hartford loStf 1 Beth ens ffi United Fruit Machinery Sine Machinery pfd 1074 o 43- 2S 26 41 CMS 5 6 street the trouble do- lt Arm ½ ft I X pIlL JI 31 Ii 11 11 11 SJI 42 43 J k 1 IlK Wi I a- tc I II 01 ft grin n fi- de Inrs U 31 Ole I lid s J tAt tAl H x i 3Rt II 11 ReadIng al8 JI w ft JIM ft k 31 1 1 S T 8 k QIJ IL 8 3 8 8 31 11 11 ill S 11 k Bah ie CaL A6 11 I II ft 44tl 1 1 Jill 2 If4 4 m N I S m IlK l JII1I- tJI WJ tt6 k Shore 41 I3v ill I It sa J S 1 ItS Shoe 11 4 10 10 30 41 41 II NIL N 5 1 35 10 45 11 We 11 1 0 O N N N 11 1131 0 0 31 m 0 41 47 10 35 41 31 11 55 35 10 55 1031 0 0 0 0 Bastes 0 5 4 > 4 1 7 Pt 716 5 5 5 2 11lsbs 1 7- Omlial 1 1 51 31 GOVERYMEINT BONDS i5sted 1 len- ib oupse 110 mcii 43s 145k1 Ole Puvk 3315 snqImai 1111 5531 Now ort maanen 1 Tawack- Thulty 15 Utah Vh J < ¬ < < Mills Bros Co Collapse Without Meet ou Prices MARKET DULL BUT STRONG Conditions Not Be Improved by Heavy Government Deposits exult AVoulrt lie IlcManrntloii of Gold Shipments Abroad Heavy Oregon Failure Not a Bull Factor New York Aug 21 The failure of Mills Broa Co far from jarr- ing the market did not as much as dis turb it in th slightest degree ago bad the failure jbatin announced on one of the violent breaks it might have been considered the first game bagged by Sportsman Bonaparte and an indication that he would make good the boast of killing his bag Since that time however both Bankers and brokers having had an abundant time to canvass the situation have como to the conclusion that none of the better known and more houses are vulnerable whatever may be the condition of a few lately organized or small concerns and have decided that the only big game likely to tall in the Bonaparte bug Is in mercantile and industrial circles rather than in the financial district Aa has been repeatedly pointed out brokerage houses generally have been very careful recently in insisting on cus- tomers supplying ample margins Brok- ers went through the March decline with but few casualties and they have gone through the August docllne with but one to date simply because business has been transacted with a greater care probably than previously in the history of the street That the Mills firm was an exception this rule It was reported was due to a bit of misplaced confidence- in or misunderstanding with one of the best known gamblers in the world who has been losing more money in Wall street could make in legitimate With the general understanding of the most likely solution of the Interborough Metropolitan problem that IB the sus- pension of InterboroughMetropolitan and Metropolitan dividends there wee no market depression caused by further declines in those two securi- ties Apparently It was the Impression that there was a future for both stocks even if dividends under the stress of present circumstances are peeled or re- duced The covering of it was believed constituted the greater part of the days buying la the stock market Accord- ing to some reports there was covering of W there of Union Pacific alone and various estimates placed the extent of tbe short interest at the beginning of the day all the way from 3600M to SWiW sham It was rather a dull market but a bet- ter one than on aajr previous day of week TJxmgh most of the gains were attributed to short coverIngs indications of a revival of substantial buying power were noted ia gates hi prices of many specialties and not particularly active stocks Mr Harriman waa quoted a telegraph- ing OB from Sew Francisco The outlook in UM West Was never better It te today We look for a big fall business of the failure of a Oregon trust company with IMMM deposits some- what tempered the joy over this declara- tion The Bank of England failed to raises the rate of discount and demand sterling ac- cordingly dropped off 39 points The 4S765 anti JTTv was however high enough to induce bankers to dis- courage those who have been arguing for the deposit of government money in the banks If the Secretary should place any amount of money whether it is or 530000000 in the banks at this time it was contended the relief would go to London or Germany and not to this country Inevitably the effect would be the resumption of the gold export move ment on a large scale for both England and Germany have sent securities here in such volume that have turned balance of trade for the time beinj against us There are some bankers who contend that gold shipments to Germany cannot be avoided in any event Later wten credits have been established by grain and cotton bills and the crop moving period is at its height the Sec- retary might deposit money It was said with more beneficial results LOCAL FINANCIAL GOSSIP- The chief feature of the market yes day on the Washington Stock Exchange the return of one of the supporters- of Capital Traction and the rapid bidding up of that issue from 129 to 131 1S The bidding brought out none of the stock though one broker said he had GO shares to sell but his figures were each time little above the bid pries In comparison with the bulge in Capital Traction both the ommon and preferred shares of Washington Railway and Elec tric suffered relapses the preferred special weakness Mitchell Mining was supplied in any amount to please from iOshare lots up to 300 shares all selling at 2 and fractions above Indeed so much money is tied up in Mitchell in Washington that hold ers are ready to sell on even fractional rises most of them having come to the conclusion that they can do better with the money than by playing the waiting game any longer Other trading was of small volume Opinions on the New York market E B Crew of Henry Clews Co Cable advices report a better feeling in London on short covering nevertheless the quotations tor American stocks were considerably below the New York parity and the Bank of Englands reserve is re duced from 5060 per cent last week to 4S30 per cent this week As far as the home situation is concerned there is no actual change in the underlying conditions for the better but It is apparent that strong support has given to the mar ket for the last two days for the purpose of arresting undue liquidation The stocks thus acquired by the Insiders are always fed out again as soon as the market will take them The outstanding short Interest for some past nas been quite extended and is still large The covering from this source is cal- culated to bring about rallies from time to time but there is no Indication that the corner has beep turned The money situation Is gradually growing more in tense It does not seem advisable to commit oneself to any extent on the long side G Bowie Chipman of E R Chapman todays first pricest he lower London was Ignored most of our Issues showing overnight improvement WALL STREET NOTES Could X week Important 10 he bust pref- erred aborts at the than to News lug rate I they thc wag show- Ing Men II CoIn thaa doe a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ This steadiness caused further demand for stocks from the shorts and the market advanced quite steadily until noon by which time Union Pacific and Reading were quoted at higher prices than at any time since the last break There was a dreath of news professional operators assumed a waiting nnd commision houses although consid- erably more optimistic hesitated to ad vise purchases on this rajlv The last two hours of the session wers dull with a sagging tendency I am of the opinion that the rally should be attributed to short covering and would advise wait- ing a further reaction Benjamin Woodruff of Post Flagg The market showed considerable recu- perative powers Most of buying was by shorts but there was little or no liquidation The people are taking a little more farorabte view of the situa- tion element of panic stems to be entirely lacking Messrs Mills Bi s Co announced their failure to ward midday but it was unimportant and had no effect on the market It was suspected by some that they had prob- ably gone short of the market and really was a bear failure Time money conditions are still very unsat- isfactory it being impossible to borrow any money over the end of the year WASHINGTON STOCK MARKET SafesRegular call K oclock neon MetropemaB lUUway fc 51M8 at N6K- WaahiBstam Railway omens 9 at 31- WasbtogtoM lUiJway INland 60 at MK 59 at 70 Chesapeake med Potoeaae Tetepbwt W it- LMMtoa M at 12H Mitchell liable 3 at 2tt MO at S MO at 3 5- 9atnt 3 at 2 XaUosal MetrapoWaB II at m- WasMB toB BxchMge M at 11- 1CoreoraB Fire iMunmoe 12 at IS The foHowiee are th etostac qeoettotM en yecter- d rs stock eirbaw- GOVER 1IBNT BONDS Dill Asked Phfitppiae Timed PcnteN 4i W District of CofcBBbia 3 s 1 4 GAS BONDS WaabfatgtOB Gu GompaBy 4e HO- WMhlBgtai GM CtMBpnay cut hid W RAILROAD BONDS Capital TraMioB 4- AmcoaUa and is City o4 buiban la Kcood aortiM to MM Ml- ColHahn Ir W- Metiopotttai Ss WaalrtBGUti Railway aad Beetefe 4 MI8CBLLANBOOS BONDS PotoBtac IJtaetrie LillIe lat to Norfolk aRid WaahivglOB Stsa boat W- Chea and Pot TekphoB h INK WasMaRtoa Market to IN- WMbiBfUw Market Sa WTJT W4 M0K- WashtBttoB 3Tir Ml PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS Capital Traction BMt W- WaahiBttoB rvttw y Bd Ekctrie OM- BWashiBgtOB Kaihray sad Kleocrie pM UK Norfolk and WubtetUM Steamboat 91- G aretowB GM- ChM p ake aad POIOBMM TetophoBO M Great Falls ash OM DUBIJBJO- UTYPB MACHIVB STOCKS MerfeBthahv UaotcP M- LBBatoa Monotype K- MIJCHfC HOCKS Gfeeve CaaaBea Opper i- llttcbeH WiBtos OBBtaoBy NATIONAL BAKE STOflKS Capital Xadoaul CHy lit TnoenV- a3hinetoa TubaBBi Tlaa- ttnVVt COMJUXY 8TOCK- ABMriaa Seoxitr a ttoL 29 National SaviBc aad UahM Trust IS- WaahtaftDB LiBB ad Twt m- WaahiBBtoB aofe Dst 9 DaMe trait ntcnwta M SAVING JUNK STOCKS HB Sarteoi Baak tales StTiBBB O- BMerchMts aad Meehaales Stthjat Bw OK FiLL KBTJIUilOB SEEOCKS- AiiiastOB X JflBBBRB- OIBBBB ABBJJUBi- lBtZOBONtBB Peoples PotOBMC- R s i TITUS IXStfRAJfOS JTOCKi Real LaMe Title WafhiacUm Tttto- SoBthera Pull Serrtet Cetp- GcaphophoBo COBBBO- BujapfaBplioiie proMnod- StcorKy fttengc CoBUBUy- PMcUty Stores Coeapaay HI JgWK m COTTON MARKET QaoUUoBt fandohod by Mffler Co aetabers Now York Stock and Gotten exeaaB cs sad New Ortoaac eau Bxthaoce 1313 F street aonbwoK New Aog SI The auuhet wu irrcBBlar aid largely pmfaeiitoaal leporU of rate ia Texas hone meneimed imhtete eelUBg by people who battght yesterday Buns haw been MBM- ieapresaiOB nfth the cry of too for main to help the Tome Op bet we beUrf that any rettahee- a ee mta of geBeral rains there would brief about a sharp aeeiaM Lower prices are wat4 to io- dw outside bvyhts and BMiay of the be t people who CUB see nothtoz soon then a awdetmtc crop are of th opinion that the pmeat level of prioea win hoary MOT emtat of sew mites wooer er later ia fact the Tiew in away qoartara is that aothin but the light Bwrnaeat te preTeaUoK a BVwp decUne Low bureau figate bw r win BadoBhtodly had to a recovery oeBaeqaeatly short seflhn except menU way is bstog aoided Limpoal k UftiBg- of a shut iaterest of Mae iaiporUaot and this too is aaBtost say aaUrtal dediae tor the preseat- LiTerjjeal is die 1 ts S dowa to the notBfag October ber- Jaamr New Orleans Open Hip Low Gee October ML tt OJ6 BJ3- Bftesaber 3t l 3i 128 H3t- Jarasry TTtSS ItO ItO H Spot 3IarkctR- ectaMpte PriaSales Augusta Kt Mfe BaIt X S UK Boston 16 413i M- Chadeatoa 4ttS- CiadaiiaU 1 S M Galreaton- UowUB 9 H- Mcmphte aa as s UK H Mobile 96 33 B New Orleans 21B 388W UK New Yark JWJB5 UJ6 Eff- iNerfatt 4817 1 4 Philadelphia UM 1US- Saramna if- lSt Louis S WIlmington NEW YORK MONEY New York ABC 22 Sloney on call at the stock exchange today opened at 34 per reel bleb 3 low 2U closing 344 Most of the loans were at 2 per cent Time money csatlaBed very scarce White deawBd was not particularly argent a neck larger bttsiaeM was Indicated RhIne were 6 rioT cent for thirty days 6a6i per cent for ninety dJS 8Ha7 per cent for four to six months Mercantile paper without Practically no demand in the larger money centers the few sales reported beIng roamed to saaH muitry banks Rates T6a7 per cent for four to sU months bIlls receivable and prime single T per cent tad upward for others Sterling market steady but rates iarimff the feU sharply demand selling down to 48fS5 or 39 points below yesterdays closing In the after neon there was a slight rally Rates for actual business were AS follows Sixty days 4SS05a4S310 demand 4E76iLST65 cables t8SBa4S83D bills were 4E2aJ83 The supply of grain and cotton bills was scarce none being offered WASHINGTON CATTLE MARKET OATTLEExtrafcper cwt butcher iSJaSM- jcmmon 2 9a300 rough LaOeZM HOGSPer cwt grass U5 TM erdfiiary per cwt 600a65- sJSHEEPCUpped comma EOOalT- BLAJIBS Spring choice 7 medium 6 CALVESPrime per lb F medtem 6H grass ialiii- COWaPrime fresh each 4809a5363 common 09a3a old and dr7 8 aMW I the anT t he Bull Baltic ill Ii utf WI Cob Ut 51 k if Gas sa 00 U S 111 211 f- tII 1JII lit JOO 111 n II- NaiaaII Utdaa RI t ill MI8cwMt11og OFOOKs us 1J II- I1artt k el- Ute Yon not aUnet buyers 1a vIew 01 tile of New York Op HWb Low J m 1UI IUS IUS lUk11S6 flit ItO lUG Jie J214 lii 9I5f ISI 41 change names fore- noon Commer- cial 556 350 O OO 10 114 Pet 10 115 30 Markets 10 31 10- Woddetat N is 11 o trnedcsa 1 b5egt- mmalsI ala- xrnmm ned 10 io 1- 4Metmpelita rn 10 Rime 10- IlMend 30 30 We1a a TriO IN S so ii M c s 3 tmmo 5- 1Phens 0 51 455 a N 01 n 1 41 Wssiagtsa 1 lee certainty a m- aa p ILISaILSI USSa209 lt Sleek 04 4751 40 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ½ GRAIN AND PROViSIONS Quotations iurnteked by A O Brown Co mem- ber of the New York Stock Exchange sad the Oh Board of Trade M inner Building Chicago Aug tt Wheat reatted fUnrjrfr todJ owing to the wild d Bce of youerday Cables pwred unrefpomiTe The adrenee had oarried the market above export limits M WM ertteMd hr failure of foreigners to accept nag vrbwt offered ever Right The lateral hers Ins been largely eliminated and there were many IMBT Investors who anxious to unload The TcetiUlng decline hem already dewed the spun atmosphere There to Wg demand for cash wheat on decline of No 2 bard being made at equal to SB prorates over the future There k alto a healthy wntliaeat bawd on the be- lief that biter oooflroatto of Northwestern deaaaes will be worse than the first Antwerp shows great strength Local 151698 btnbeb inertly No 2 bud but MHM of nd wtoter Seaboard tales 35 load Corn weekend with wfeoat became of increased by Ute oMwtry ftdvMoed bids sent out last night and OB forth IfctAfation Mica by leadinc tone who had sold heavily ytrtenky The corn toW yesterday bad not digested taorottealr The weather wa Mttte more aWe light raise in eastern half of Kaww ia JUt twentyfour boon Warmer weather generally with showea over moat of ears belt esc emit went of the Known River Local cash melee UtWO bttthek seaboard H loads Trade in oat was macfe tater than There wa flnaer opeBto tbaa in other grates to corcrtae by ao e of Ute helMed country Putter itttotog sales by the local have been gong oa ieduy aH day wheaerer market wu steady to Irma awl they fern Ufcea off all those bwlgw as regularly as they appeared Northwest fe Mndte ta bad tteaehiss reports Ch demand te fIR smell loU for preempt jatpatat Staple market WHEAT High Low Ctoae September 8R4 Wi SMI- Deoeeafcer K May LMK 141 CORN SepUwbtr 5- 9Ihwaber Nay v M m m- Dnaabtr 41 M 8- P011K 3 pua r 1MB H 9 HJO ttOO 1AKD- 3tpt b9TV S9B H 0 ober W October 8- w Y rk JLi WllBATWoaJisr le a UM XOL 1 Kttttam Dohtfh to Ue our S uwbrr L b So 1 MaaNoX U f 2 Xortheni iia st W to active f N 1 f o b i N i S f fc b 4 1 aacMwt K f o k No S mcami- OAT8 Mbr h lctog u 4av No 2 whit 9- Koi while Mi K 2 aaticd B- IrieM of NWM M leSSens Yaa- tWIBAT 0 o Hlsfc Low Ooao dote LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET quoted are wholesale AiMfy fancy 2SH Western tote 3M aw 01 tU22 pneev fMcy pt 4 4iry cttas UK- CHBBSBNew Yort State factory MA a- OK do t alL ItHatt swner bus K Wtslr- em fcctory aew choioa U aU 4 ilk to cod U Vtaftota BG Itee ipU M t rUt fnak- M taia Ha Wilt VirsWa SoMhtMat Vb- SMk Tennessee Ii North Cvoitoa It LIVE POULTRYR e ipt tt ral vartMt Sprtog ehkke 1 Mi te IS 1H to 1- Hto IT do saiL IT hun 0 reo i 7 tedo flail do mall M tat tin tars tow per lb B do hew 11 d M beats M- DRB8SED Iftosml varbat wish lurkeyt haw mArawm per lb M do- avontai udram UaJC do tbta old tens 11- chiHkcw hr e 13a hess dwtea MaH raisin I dotks old 8aM sprtas 13aM picas Sail DRB BED MBATS Calm Ml died Mi- hwda oC S tatM bofdnsMd whe Ut bam oontry snsarcurod ItaK- VKOBTABLESPoUtoea hoo sn per barrel lJSdJ per bond M oacmben N th CouSin per b ket L aU4 lettuce boai jroM per bushel 73 8 de do per beau rtrtac Deus gma pit ba 4et LOMLS- GRBSN FRUITSApptas loose packsd U aM patches per hen 2SMJI do MMMBB L SUNDUiaSBeeewo 39 taAow JMK hines 7hk dofer lIb MW 0 do do 5 icy N staMBS pee Ib tHW naiet per oMn a ptek flail sawinkc SaJ toot 31- 6RAl Vbeat choke a51 do fair to seed TfcJ3 da ordnuty 7W2 rye WB mix shelled white CaM do yolhm do ear I3a outs Western white X OaB do latafh Wit AND STXAWTiMthy Males 9J31M- do No 1 00 do Na t 17MtW maimS hay llttaltN dryer 1MM7J9 screw rye per ball Ut do do Mchtee Uiraahed U a- do wheat iSJ WOOL AND niDKS Wool Market MesSy hW 5- pMnUy Wool washed free of bun per ML 9 x wnraahed Ira of ban S do hussy 9K- UW a p r Ih do dry ttI7 OktsfMr- ntm each 3alOJ da dry c eh 2StJT CfilfiUai each IM NEW YORK PRODUCE New York A g 22SUGARTbe Leaeta aKrfe The local mrfcet or raw aagar it about steady ash uafiiiBifd with eeatrMapU K at 1 raaa at 9 eaata Refined sugar steady hat oaiet and aa NAVAL STORE63pirtta tarpeatiM ajriel but Irma Xacatoeiaade hernia Mi kawr with coawoa to good itiaiaed 4 al Tar tMdy at 6 Os4S for oil barraia- BUTTBRRocrtpta 1JN rckasak Market steady but prices unchanged EGGSReeeipU 73SS euos Uarint it am sad cent Wgfeer ca extra kale aad Irate FM s tb seed extras SttaM fra gathered extva MILL FEEDStnap fftk iastiiry bras ia KHxMiad sacks ta arrive tt raiddttege 2a- ettr bran SM IB bulk Western red SaSI to arrive CORN Weaker eaiU trade No 2 ektvtor M- Ne S CKi No 2 f a b ead ef Aaevit 69 No Z yellow 84 No white 4 f o b FLOUR Steady moderate trade Spring patios letoiJi sprIng dears X50al winter straf rts- 4Ma4a5 winter clears 3 a4s RYE FLOURTrade Qidet at tBOaSJS CORN MEALSteady inquiry fair Kfla haled for export 33Sal coarse neal in LMaLM choice grades salable Recdpis 73 tons Prime timothy 325 No 1 L28aL2S No 2 LMaLM No 3 KfeSS STRAW Steady fUr inquiry Long rye 6T5- BEEFModerate trade Farafly I3S91400 pack- et lLOQall59 PORK Steady moderate besteeji Mess rTfa- BM family WOO TALLOWEagr light trade City in hogshead fit LARDSteady City 0 reined continent S South American JOW reaaed BrazMiaa kegs 1149 city stearime K okostearine uomfaal Chi LIVE STOCK MARKETS Chicago Aug 22 CATTLE Receipts 6000 Steady Prime beeves 5508736 poor to median 43a545 3tocktre and feeders 269e500 cam and hectare 2Jte5J8 canners UlaiSI Texan XiSalff- lHOGSReceipte 14000 Sc lower Light S6I6SS rough 5 0aS45 mixed S5Qe615 heavy S5a59- pfea EUaS1- 5SHEEPItecttipts llWX Market steady Native sheep S25aS7fl Weetem 336a573 satire BJ5a7 Western lamb 5Sa759 New York AUg 22CATTL5Receipl3 1400 No trading in live cattle today FeellBZ ray Dressed beef in fair demand at SMaWi per pound hang beef 10 aU- CALVUSRecel ts i Feeling Sun Veah 6a9 grassers and batennilks SM11JO Dressed calves firmSHEEP XD LAMBSReoeipte 4400 Sheep steady Best lambs steady to firm others steady but motinsTvilowlj Sheep 360a5W culls 300 Iambs 6 a812 culls Ota5J- OHOGSReoeipts 2MO Feeling a trifle firmer on Buffalo advices No sates reported before ebinge POSTMASTERS ELECT OFFICERS National Convention Will Meet at Chattanooga Xext Year Aug 22 The annual national convention of Postmasters concluded Its sessions here today by selecting Chatta nooga Tenn for the next meeting place and electing the following officers President J L White Burlington Iowa first sire president Hesry Klan Jr Savannah Ga armed TCS president B N Morgan New Yoik third rico president P B Withoft Daytofi Ohio fourth rice president j R Slier Lincoln Nebr fifth rios president Sobel Erie Pa and treasurer Gen Thomas C Lawler Rockford lIt A resolution was Copied recommending the passage of an postal Tate to be used in small of money through the l cage eleventh Lib tit sales cash at tIt abe hem a f pre- dicted est a bugs Ute steed Opus 55 SI tAt IfIb M It it OATS It tl Ui It t U 8111 UI ue UIDSr Ui UIi rw ia u ur IL o 1ai No SI S SiIIl Dec JIPI6 UP4 IU JA JM 111 OOXIIIK fMS Dee IIII RCTrSJtDe serte and aaitst I I slots Md uwa 14 t 6 this POULTRY f LtUO Xu7Jui Vkguia IJIdD per lidS bests per calM 151 air a seal ate No y It dull I gras fee beet ouc k u aM Mat tt at UI ud 1aIU ebar I HAYFirm Si calO S1 sheep Jamb Erie Ja lsa ore a nd sums malls ort were sales salem due abort 101 0 55 0 105 s a 0 0 aber N 47 4031 May 45 111 51- 5Jary 511 S11 744 155 111 anise a a- Na 104 heed uses 5511 401 0 51St 0 111311 1114 hay 140 141 4 51- Mi 0 vices teay sid 1111 31 son Near aid 17 Maid SS lease pas cab Or hineS oeiiea aid atou- seaiby box bouds 141 51 lb I I sea abisS Mad usupsd aisle SI maclasses N test Bad 14 Western ants 30421 dug 2 11 a ¬ < < > ¬ ¬ FINANCIAL I I t DAILY COURT RECORD Thursday Auguat 22 1007 Equity Court No 1 JUSTICE STAFFORD Bricga n Gadding at aL reference to SoUdtor J Wibaer Latfaner- CokawB TS Gonwut It aL tine to Sic transcript extended to October 1 1937 GonpbimBts did W H Sboto and hates Warns delcadaais Hayden Jobmoa 31 J Colbert tint France Horiejr TS Husky rate ac to alimony CoKpiaia sats solicitor B L USa defendants wHdtors B Ambrose and L C WllHaawo- ala ra Albert U KiehaidaoB decree Mtbatitetitas tisSue Cowpfatoaiif soHeHots Sbeohy Sheehy Htackbm vs CwapbeU bill ditmissed with costa CXistplateaats solIcitors John G Capers and L h dotuiduBfs SOlICItOr John Eldest SblbsMUd T StabbMeki order tKW datiBS with No 2RK aqidty mud dtoehaistez ads Oaa- pMM i sotkitor J 8 Baaby jolth d tlsadaB- tMttetton L fc Fnltm Cox v Circuit Court Tfo 1 JUSTICE STAFFORD Uwbiek n Kkhank order of pHhBeaUM PJata taTs attonseys Btadlejr Bradley Probate Court JUSTICE STAFFORD frtete of Pimklt Kaeabor order for adarid- btator t pay men AUwaoft B B Bah nvL Boise of Ajadnw J Apple petition for letters f AUoneyt HafetM SJsdow In n Oeancr L Vrisht awotataeac of Jose phhw A LawrawK oostnaed AttanNy W tom WVBMSOB- IB n Wffliam I Hyatt et L Carrie Howtos ap pofaM jMrdtea heed X OlL J J- In n MOMS I Thomw Walker goMdiaa hush Attorney Thorn Water Estate of vm m Causeway nib hush Match V UK with Fetitioa of Ado IL Ouaanay teatasMatary Auonvy L CabeH WHttatt- Xota o of hat Kappd will dated 103 Sled with potttfon of AWM Kappai tom letters lam AUoraey Walter H Martew Jr Equity Suite N 383 I re L rteb td e to BU MMe tmtta Osnpfeteutc JoHcHoH 3ekr Lawsuits No ma U R jr Weber m OMHtMaie Beach mUsty Coaimv daaasw 5MOO PtatedflTs at tonacy llowatd BoydT No MS UaahnB Crwk TS B iUn re awl Ohio Rafteoad Coaapaay tnimmr SS30L llatattffs- attnrnej Wikoa J Laasbtrt C W Fowler sal JUhmd McLaaa REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS N abaci nortaweat between Fourth and Fifth tnttftGaarfaM A Baker e wx t Alice F S Ktaae peat let 3 aaaaie SO 3i- Xaa IM 1 IB Push street aoatbeat Daaiei- OCcaaor to Jaaaee M CarHsk lots 3t SL and 91 ovm W Juan M CarUak to Daniel OOaaaar Ice We sad Mary OLeery ia fee IRa ttaner Park flUaw M TernV tnntae to A I E Uleh mat A G Baehoar lets 3 to 23 iqaara SKI to c lots 44 to 41 E J am- KReaoAaate J Miller to label J Vtatar lib U- t K block O JML Thirtieth street aoitawert n ar M itreetRobcn L- MUAetaa taste SO George L yjchofaoa part lot K square 1K 961 George Ntateam et ax to the Georgetown Gaslight put lot M s un 1K6 SKX- LJitetweodOeors B McDroaU to Jaaata M Baker lot m tt- Petwcrth Gfibert C Spttatr et HZ to V feffl- JoaMas lot 44 Week 3- 5Pkaeaat PtaawWflraim Robtewa to Lettte Rob mon part lot 4 on Sprwe Set fo KM Tenth street aorthwettL Mdeadoa Kiss and James Gram tmeteec to P EgMa lat 18 ajwre 3 JM Grant PackJoba P F AVMto et az to Mar Ayera lot R block 3w SM- No Ul B strict eoatheaatrMary a Ryan to Waite- rS Piatt lot US maan JSfi M- LLe Dent PaikXavsa L SiSter to WWara A Ooknua part tel X Mock I H- No MB B street toBtfceMt aMor Pratt to Mary sad WUHaa P Ryaa lot Ma aymro 6 DEEDS OF TRUST MfattroedaMm X Baker It ux to Less Tobmer and lW t Khtg to scene Byron U Ocahaa- ayjtt thne yeses 5 per cst seoiaMMftHy lot 131 6 aan MBJnlfa MiddletOB to Cbaries F Baja and Mcgee T Mitchell to sours Perpetual Bofldtes Association JSIOO lot S Squire 39BUw F KHa to Walter R Wilcox aad Gecrga F HUll to store Jacob KohtbaA- MN and Theodosk B DoBBeifea SUM three ears C per cent aeaaiaBBwJly lot 16- BOBHS BBS George K Howard et or to JWM H Witoon and Levte S Frey to secure dtfaeas Equitable AsocaaUea ut GeorsetowB- H Se parts X 4 8 and 1L V Hoed to William D Clark and George C to secure BMred G Davis cent semiannually part Le Drait ParkWQliam A Oetto n to T Lwk- WilHfe and Eraeet H Daniel to se are Emma L Oittr WeW mmthly paytaeBts 9 6 per- cent fettiaMmaliy part lot 26 block L Square mGhartos Butt et us to JOBB B Lamer and Joh A HaafltoB to Uw Washing- ton cad That Company 7003 three years S per cent gemiaamtally lets M K 33 TJ and 74 THE WASHINGTON HERALD baa the largest morning circulation In the District of Columbia Itcmembor The Herald when placing legal advertise meats MARRIAGE LICENSES Asntey L HerrIng 24 of Staunton Va and Mary M Tones 23 of Waywabaro Va Ray Rich- ard R RJede- JJoteph C Fakteiab 22 mad Clara L Walton 13 both of Richmond Vs ReT D a iUcLsod Arthur E Koopnum 37 of New York City and Ida B McLanrk S3 ef Brooklyn N Y Lewis L ONeal justice of the peace Patrick Tiereer 27 anti Mary A Fitzpatrick 31 Rer Patrick B Orara Harvey A Arnold 44 and Cantya M Bebst 33 beth of Wuttuatfttrt Pa Bar n Sebreeder COLORED head L FraMer of GrecalcTd Md and lieu delta Harris 3 of Petersburg Va Rer Walter H Brooks DEATH RECORD Morn Lcria MM 7th st nw 31 years Haanab H Mulloy 1901 Sib st nw S3 years Florence L Perkins 32 Grant pL nw 43 years Sarah K Knee BrJghtwood D C 78 Frederick S Kimbuk 354 B st ne 60 years Mary C Reeret Emergency Hospital 31 yean Eliza Warden Home for Incurables E6 years Welbr Bradsiuw 2244 11th st nw M months Lou Moore Brightwood D C T months George Bookman 1102 L st nw 3 months COLoRED Joseph R Guy ITS Columbia road nw 37 years Richard Lewis 515 9th st 5T years Punk Brace H8 nit st c 31 years Alice Panned 14JS Decatur court nw 5 years Biraert 2 Chester court 6 yoire John H Corn 217 Snows court nw 5 years Tines A Ear 411 D st sc I year IHa Yow Pram the Tenders Stalearaan he ever take any mar riage vows Patrice Oh yes he vowed held never get married Jamestown visitors are arriving dally and locking for furnished rooms An The Herald will get them Th Herald has the largest circulation at Norfolk of any Washington paper I auditor tin Vichdtcn oS W DadS Pre JJ Jt Scott J- IM lied t- arn June 5 tilt Co 5 IIZUN sa III 9 L Cola II W BIle S Jr C 11 I Building Bad Gut three years per secure Loin i years J me Dyer PatienceDId a- In and Junes wn Drabs maIn aakmhiadrs isaiah 1 Albert ash 35 H- and Sins street I ala lot 1ill 6 > > ¬ ¬ ¬ FINANCIAL Prudence and Progress Are inseparably linked in the history of the growth of the Vashington Loan and Trust Company The permanent progress made by this company is largely the outcome of the pru- dence shown management No question can ever arise as to safety of funds in trusted to its care INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS THE WASHINGTON LOAN TRUST Capital and Surplus 1650000 JOHK JOY EDSOK President th I COMPANY in j ¬ ¬ Saving money is like rolling a stone down hill hard est part is starting After a little while what you have saved and put in this bank will go on growing of its own accord for we pay 3 per cent interest compounded twice a 7th St and Was Ave nw BRANCHES 7th and H Sts ae- 4X 7th SL sw Deposits more than a Million mud Threequarters Home or InvestmentI- f TO have property to tell laiptuiul or sobvbaakt m talk with fM a to the beat oarte a enstoaur at a fair price If you uc big te a BOB or an intr tisust it b a atnMgo thing if it cannst 4- fovad UBoae the bu e Maabtr on ew Hats At a x rate Jet ns show jw hwr- waM roTI lay to please you v Swartzell Rheem Hensey Co WARXEB BUILDIXG- flS F STREET NORThWEST Capital lOQBMOSu Issued Direct- on principal cities of the world Letters of Credit issued Exchange bought and sold Investments collections made Stocks Bonds bought sold National BANK- Pa Ave opposite U S Treasury home or abroad should use the Travelers Checks of the American Express Company K by baric These cbecte an CM- i rUWe late aH yrfadpal CVKBCM aod fin Bish the safest means funds shiest NATIONAL Bankers and Brokers 30 BROAD ST an WALDORFASTORIA NEW YORK Private Wires to All Principal Citisi WASHINGTON OFFICES mUKSEY BUILDING Phonos Main JJJj1 Minima Kn York Stock Eib p and PriMJj3 En mn- oo Capuzaya 1000 Round Mountain 1000 Benedictln 1009 Red Mountain 1000 St Ives Stocks Carried on Marajn Money Loaned on Mining Shares IRVING K FA8BIHGTON CO Members Sew York Frcdsei Eitluge F C MncsUDd BOND BUILDING Phone M 3622 WASHINGTON D C LOAN COMPANIES 02 WHEN IN NEED OF CAPITAL LOAN J Can and Will You loan money on Furniture and Pianos at minimum rate of interest Loans with com- panies paid off and larger sam advanced at a lower rate than you are now seyia 602 F Street N W ESTABLISHED 1878 Sudden Changes From Harpers Weekly Evelyn I hear teat Reggy Windy called hte new motor boat tl Lobsier but It isnt a lobster now not George Because It turned turtle The Retort Courteens From Punch Old cab driver at the end of a some- what heated argument 1 know wots the matter with you the winds got in that ole in yar end and set yer tongue wa SUm Chances From Puck Injured man What do you think of iny chances doctor Physician Well the internal Injury will undoubtedly prove fatal but lencourag ingly you have nothing to fear from the broken arm I r1 MAKE TilE START Home Savings Dank J O- ft 4fId mil I D Ie Riggs Every One WHO TRAVELSa- t st esimylug aeIIIhDi THE TRADERS BANK PA uE A O BROWN CO I WANTED FOR SALE I ellis Mgr MONEYTH- E CO- ve other a I I I GeorgeYes EvelynWhy gin year Vs aesmu SC a 4 140000 rats or 9THSL 1 ioenm ¬ <

Transcript of Washington Herald. (Washington, DC ... - Chronicling...

Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC ... - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1907-08-23/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · 8 I THE WASHINGTON HEEALD FRIDAY AUGUST 23 1BO




Union Pacific and ReadingActive features


InterOIet and Third Avenne TakeFurther Drops Ifail are of StockExchange Firm Without ttffect onPrices Hit of Unconfirmed BullNews Cheers the Street

New York Aug 22 The market opena3T irregular this morning but with onlymoderate changes from lasting level of quotations and In many ofthe active issues the opening prices werethe lowest of the day An upward move-ment began almost at the commencementof business and continued with slight inter uption until about 2 oclock fromwhich time until the end there was con-

siderable hesitancy and moderateamount of profittaking by the profes-sional element who thought for the timebeing the rally bad gone far enough

There wee a slightly better tae to theLondon market on account of the deci-sion of the directors of the Bank of Eng-land to leave the discount rate oncfcangedfor the present but the good impressionproduced by this and by the strong week-ly statement of condition was later offsetby a report that t e institution was de-clining to discount hUla where the ma-turities were at date beyond the end ofSeptemberUnion Pacific and RendIng ActiveUnion Pacific was the feature of our

market in point of activity with Read-Ing holding second place in this respectand both scored advances of about twopoints on the day with every indicationthat a great part of the buying of eachrepresented the covering of short contract The Hill stocks also made largegains and some active issues like Delaware and Hudson National Lead andthe Republic Iron and Steel stocks scoredlarge advances on comparatively fewtransactions

On the other hand the InterboroughMet-ropplitan Issues were again weak andThird avenue declined S points to a asmlow record for the present movement anrumors that the dividend on laterboroughMetropolitan preferred wouldpassed and that dividends of subordinatecompanies would not be paid unless earned even in the cue of the properties heldunder lease

Affected ny FailureThe fact that the announcement of the

small failure on the floor of the stockexchange around 11 oclock did not causea halt in the rally then under way tend-ed to give the market a greater appearance of strength than it had displayedfor some time past and on the idea thatIt was useless to fight against a risewhich could not be checked by bad newsspeculative interests having commitments-on th short side proceeded to buy stocksfor the covering of their contracts Itdid not seem however as if the largershorts were disturbed or that Jndeedthe announcement of the faUure came asa surprise to important Interests in thestreet and except that it gave rise to arecurrence of disturbing rumors it wasof rio real consequence whatever

nan Itamor Uuoon firmedA story which was used with some

effect in intimidating the bears creditedleading banker with plans for righting

the situation and restoring dwftdence butthere did not seem to be any substantial grounds upon which to base suchassertions It was said that either Har-riman now on the Pacific Oust hadwired assurances to his associates inthis city that the business outlook Inthe West never was better than at pennent and that pointed toa large fall business and the vice presi-dent of the Chicago Burlington andQuincy made a statement that his roadwas earning on an average 390MM aweek more than at this time last yearand that the crops were in tee condi-tion

Time money was in small supply butthe exchange markets were easier on ac-count of the Bank of Englands actionin continuing its 4 per cent discount


Rwerre fGeld coin and IMyHMsltt

Gold coinSilver 5oHa

Total l lGeneral food

Gold miD and baOia

Standard silverBilvw certificatesSilver bullionUnited States otesTreasury notes of UNNational bank notSubsidiary sOvcr coteFractional cumncrMinor cole w iIn national bank depOBteataIn treaanry of fWs IJatoBonds and isfeK pidd-


aSoedpteCocunu-Xatonul ICVCM-HMSicellejieotM

Total postal ncetotrvatExpenditures postal

oept pftntal iiffr m j




Exceea of expeadnam

National tnnlr foad-Beposite tinder act Jury M KONotes redeemed and retired aeer eat

J lT M-

Kotea recefved for euneat maaanitiuii-

Rodempticm rf BoteaTo March H 1SW

To date


Qaotarioae are f lafcii by Integ Eft Co of the New York Pndoce Bi-aiaiice Yank C UecdHd Baaaa er Bood-JJuilding

Bid AjkedCfMonHrtatial fl-

Comlanarion 91Dahy

Jumbo ExtecataKSt ITCS iSurer Pick 4Great BendBlue BellAdaaa nAtlanta BRed Hiar B-DiamoadtieM mack BMte a-Triangte nTramps CoaaoiidtedGold BarJim ButlerGolden Scepter IGibraltarRbvtokeMontana T-

iMcKirfey Daraae-OobaJt Contact

lieU per

If you have any furnished rooms torent a mt vi M The Herald will bringVOU a Sv i Xt



the tndtea Ollll

fir kL c

ASilter doUan fill


Gold CrtaC bidaIJuL



Aft s7mot iJMm asa 15


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Failure of Wall Street Firm Laiat Canflclda Door

New York Aug Jt The failure of MiltaEros Co a Wall firm was nflounced today on the stock axclianseand it if wild tliat the aeoount df Hieh-

rd A Canned of Saratoga waseauM of the

A report that the failure was connectedwith the failure last fall of James WKenning was positively denied by Henninys friends who said he paid the Millscompany ia full

The story in tIle stock exchange is thatthe firm was carrying a large amount ofstocks for Canfield It is alleged thatC uiflelds margins were running low andthat the firm closed out his accounts thatCanfleM claimed he had not been givendue notice and insisted that his stocksbe replaced or delivered to him whichthe firm was unable to

was said this afternoon the firmwould probably soon resume The storythat Canftelds account caused the sus-pension was denied at the office of the

but In other quarters of Wallstreet it was said that the gamblerprince had lost 300000 by the failure


QaotatioB fwmitbed by A 0 Brown Co xaesbets of the Now York Stock BsohaoB MHBoq-


Sal OH to noon 300400 shnreaTotal snlcii 537100 aliarctiCall money H SVtj low 2 close 2

Ooete-g5alosHlskLwAii lAiua-

AtoCfcal M l W Ml HK 39

Anal Oonpor m nit t 4 W-Aw C F 14M 3H4 r H K-

Am Ootto Oil l m 30 S 31HS 31-

AK Low 1TWI M 59 K M-

Am Steel Wtjr T f S 5 9-

Am JF Cd 1M 30 A WH-Am SMelt W 9K 98H MAm Smelt iL K Kfc i 4-

Am aogar 1MI Itfli lt 4 111 IB-Am WB M9 ISH 7W Jl-

Am WooicB a B S 9K-Aaacooda 7MJ 4M 41AtcUaim VA M Sl Nit SW-Atchieoa lid tt-At Cent Umt-

Katto A Ohio 8 K H JtUBrook K T S 48 41HCan Padae W KG 10 WM IBCent Leather 9 Mt UK Ji IS

Cbea Ohio 19N SSfc 3Bt SL

Chi Ot W U M M J-

c M at p as nm im u IKC N W m Mi Hlfc MtU IWic c a st L m m m m miC F I MO 11 2J 4 SCols So 1101 SSH a-Colo ao M an H a

Goa 600 Itttt WH 1MH MHCon Prad 389 JJfli 4 BD4 HKCon Iloa 11 SHU X HMt JSKi ttHc WH MlD K G Ill Bii 2JH i JW4UK See IJfta H 47 41

MW H i 3Milet M BH B

Erie aL 3W 3W 3W4 HGeL Bkcaie 1M m MW B3K-

Gt Settfc iml M M8K 1K MIH UK-Bt North 2W 4K 47 4T 4f-fra Oeou u u m DJ H4 us ratJut Mot 2J39 SV 9

tat Met MW 9i SKi 9K 9K-KM cur s a 3 s-i N un w lorn WH MS-

MexfaaM Ce t l UM Wi 1TH IK K-

M S P S S M Ni MH Si K-HM8PSSiLj W IS 19 13 1-

M K A T 5 JRi 3W BHMinuet Padflc UM ff CT C-8Nstioaal BaIL4iool Lead X900 4tft 4 4W

Y Central W 1M MM WH Ht-

X Y O St W SW J1H 3 i K-K W Ml 71 71 8S

North Amarkaew IH mi MVi mi 0K-Nerthen PwHe 111 INK 1V UTH-Padflc Maa 4K SP X K M409 117 W Itf 11-7Preaeed Stem i N 9099mm K a a-

Kee I S MM M UK-KC I S nM M Tl 71Rock laberi OH MRoc Uond nM 1JM fl O 4-18t U S P M M 38 H SW-

St U S W 14M K U M M-

8t L 8 W tt 9W 41 41 4H-

CTeei BhaliHlit 9M H 47H 47-

Beaahmi Paolo KM 8 B 8H OK-Bootheni PacOc pfd M IMt iWi M

Xy 1 1 M N M W-

Twaa PactfeM W SH 9H StflT St L i W 9 H S i 91 SW

L W pM 43 i-

Daka PadOc lKm W ES 191 MW-II Xoatty IM 61 II M 4U 8 ltahbcr HI 9 ttu Hah lot m e asU Stool MW Sfti UKU S Steel FM U M K MKVa Cbemteal a-Wabaah m 11 1-1Wata iL


QooUUeaa ate faraiattd ay K R ChaiKBaaCo amabatj Now York Stock G BRieCUpBaa BiawigK 13M P Mroet Mctaweot-

Oaea fish Low CteeCopper li H MHT M-

Brttteh CM Copper 7HButt CorfWoa MH 9IK WH-

Cadoaio Sakway H4 TCobalt Ceatnl 3 S B-

CumrrUmd Bly TM-

BcaoinJOB Copper i-

Oteeac Caaaaea MH 12 12H OS-Graew Ooafaawar K 1H IHMime Gold Miafag IKWtdwB Xaaax-

anda Gaaaal mk W m W-KevaoVUtea Oaa er 4

Ofl 4 tDated Copper SC M OWastes loe 31 91

Now York Amj aOoetag nuiueJem of Oatted-Stetea guwmnmt hottds

BU Asked2 eonpOB UH MCK MC-

3a resMerod IW-

la reghtewd BCS MHt CH-la coopoa MB MS 19-1aaaaw Canal ia rcpjatantf MK MSH-

DWrict of Calauaia Ifla lOK-Phflppfae 4 M-


New York Aug 2Gtalo bead qeetaUese oathe Now York Stock BxehavsecImperial Japaneee fint fit 90SImperial Japaaeae Mooad 6e KImperial Japaaete first E

Imperial Japaoeee eeooad i SImperial Japaaeae 4c 77Americas Tobacco fc 97American Tobacco 4 n 14

Baltimore and Okte geMi is 9-9Cental of Georgia coaeorWited Mt-CheaapeaiEe and Ofcto 4He KO-

CWeago Rock Island and Pacific 5s E HChicago Bock liked aM Paettc col 4s G-

SCUcafo Rock laland and PadAe tfg 4s 81Delaware and HnefeOB 4 9-1Dmtillen Secnritka C fc 7 KKrio canaoiidated 4e 91Lab Shore 4e MS 90-

Lmrfifilte and Namtvtto wdfied te 9-TLwriwille and Nt ta collateral 4 91Sew York GenIal n SB

Norfolk and Wojtera o iWat d 4s 9WNorthern PaeiBc to-

Northeni PaeiSe 3s 73-

SoadMta Paei9e TClMdMc 4s 8S

Union Pacttc snt 4c 9SSUnited States Steel S P Sa 91-

TWal sake M4MM aRBhtet 4SK4XX saenkyIMtt W a west ate and 5WOkO a ear age


QwUOona we iatafeited by E R CbaptaanCo reMditn New York Stock Bzchanze G BoyleChipmaa managw im F street northwest

Bid kedAtlantis UH K-Bingbam K aBoston aad AHway f 2Boston sod Mafae 157Oihimtt and Haeta 72 73Oonwr Baas 65

BleeWc IMwn asPltcbHKZ jrfd 123Maaah ie4ta Bkctric 11 12MassaekweUi Gas 62 SM fcta CeatraL ITS 1S

York New Harea amid Hartford loStf 1

Beth ens ffi

United FruitMachinery

Sine Machinery pfd

1074o 43-

2S 2641 CMS

5 6










31 Ii11 11 11

SJI42 43



Wi Ia-tcI II


ftgrin n fi-de Inrs U




sJ tAt


x i3Rt



ReadIng al8JI

w ft JIM

ftk 31




88 31

11 11

ill S 11

kBah ie



IIIft 44tl

1 1


If4 4 mN I S






Shore 41 I3v


IIt sa







3041 41



5 1






0O N N N


11310 0







3111 55

3510 55

1031 0 00 0

Bastes 05 4


4 1 7



5 55 2

11lsbs 1 7-

Omlial 1

1 5131


i5sted 1

len-ib oupse 110





Puvk 3315snqImai 1111


Nowortmaanen 1

Tawack-Thulty 15








Mills Bros Co Collapse

Without Meet ou Prices


Conditions Not Be Improvedby Heavy Government Depositsexult AVoulrt lie IlcManrntloii of

Gold Shipments Abroad HeavyOregon Failure Not a Bull Factor

New York Aug 21 The failure ofMills Broa Co far from jarr-ing the market did not as much as disturb it in th slightest degreeago bad the failure jbatin announced onone of the violent breaks it might havebeen considered the first game bagged bySportsman Bonaparte and an indicationthat he would make good the boast ofkilling his bag

Since that time however both Bankersand brokers having had an abundant timeto canvass the situation have como to theconclusion that none of the better knownand more houses are vulnerablewhatever may be the condition of a fewlately organized or small concerns andhave decided that the only big gamelikely to tall in the Bonaparte bug Is inmercantile and industrial circles ratherthan in the financial district

Aa has been repeatedly pointed outbrokerage houses generally have beenvery careful recently in insisting on cus-

tomers supplying ample margins Brok-ers went through the March decline withbut few casualties and they have gonethrough the August docllne with but oneto date simply because business hasbeen transacted with a greater careprobably than previously in the historyof the street That the Mills firm wasan exception this rule It was reportedwas due to a bit of misplaced confidence-in or misunderstanding with one of thebest known gamblers in the world whohas been losing more money in Wallstreet could make in legitimate

With the general understanding of themost likely solution of the InterboroughMetropolitan problem that IB the sus-pension of InterboroughMetropolitan

and Metropolitan dividends therewee no market depression caused byfurther declines in those two securi-ties Apparently It was the Impressionthat there was a future for both stockseven if dividends under the stress ofpresent circumstances are peeled or re-duced

The covering of it was believedconstituted the greater part of the daysbuying la the stock market Accord-ing to some reports there was coveringof W there of Union Pacific aloneand various estimates placed the extentof tbe short interest at the beginning ofthe day all the way from 3600M to SWiWsham

It was rather a dull market but a bet-ter one than on aajr previous day of

week TJxmgh most of the gains wereattributed to short coverIngs indicationsof a revival of substantial buying powerwere noted ia gates hi prices of manyspecialties and not particularly activestocks

Mr Harriman waa quoted a telegraph-ing OB from Sew Francisco

The outlook in UM West Was neverbetter It te today We look for abig fall business

of the failure of a Oregon trustcompany with IMMM deposits some-what tempered the joy over this declara-tion

The Bank of England failed to raises therate of discount and demand sterling ac-

cordingly dropped off 39 points The4S765 anti JTTv was however

high enough to induce bankers to dis-courage those who have been arguing forthe deposit of government money in thebanks If the Secretary should place anyamount of money whether it isor 530000000 in the banks at this timeit was contended the relief would goto London or Germany and not to thiscountry Inevitably the effect would bethe resumption of the gold export movement on a large scale for both Englandand Germany have sent securities here insuch volume that have turnedbalance of trade for the time beinjagainst us There are some bankers whocontend that gold shipments to Germanycannot be avoided in any event Laterwten credits have been established bygrain and cotton bills and the cropmoving period is at its height the Sec-retary might deposit money It was saidwith more beneficial results


The chief feature of the market yesday on the Washington Stock Exchange

the return of one of the supporters-of Capital Traction and the rapid biddingup of that issue from 129 to 131 1S Thebidding brought out none of the stockthough one broker said he had GO sharesto sell but his figures were each timelittle above the bid pries

In comparison with the bulge in CapitalTraction both the ommon and preferredshares of Washington Railway and Electric suffered relapses the preferred

special weakness

Mitchell Mining was supplied in anyamount to please from iOshare lots upto 300 shares all selling at 2 and fractionsabove Indeed so much money is tiedup in Mitchell in Washington that holders are ready to sell on even fractionalrises most of them having come to theconclusion that they can do better withthe money than by playing the waitinggame any longer

Other trading was of small volume

Opinions on the New York marketE B Crew of Henry Clews Co

Cable advices report a better feeling inLondon on short covering neverthelessthe quotations tor American stocks wereconsiderably below the New York parityand the Bank of Englands reserve is reduced from 5060 per cent last week to4S30 per cent this week As far as thehome situation is concerned there is noactual change in the underlying conditionsfor the better but It is apparent thatstrong support has given to the market for the last two days for the purposeof arresting undue liquidation Thestocks thus acquired by the Insiders arealways fed out again as soon as themarket will take them The outstandingshort Interest for some past nasbeen quite extended and is still largeThe covering from this source is cal-culated to bring about rallies from timeto time but there is no Indication thatthe corner has beep turned The moneysituation Is gradually growing more intense It does not seem advisable tocommit oneself to any extent on thelong side

G Bowie Chipman of E R Chapmantodays first pricest he

lower London was Ignored most of ourIssues showing overnight improvement



X week










lug rate


they thc

























This steadiness caused further demandfor stocks from the shorts and themarket advanced quite steadily untilnoon by which time Union Pacific andReading were quoted at higher pricesthan at any time since the last breakThere was a dreath of news professionaloperators assumed a waitingnnd commision houses although consid-erably more optimistic hesitated to advise purchases on this rajlv The lasttwo hours of the session wers dull witha sagging tendency I am of the opinionthat the rally should be attributed toshort covering and would advise wait-ing a further reaction

Benjamin Woodruff of Post FlaggThe market showed considerable recu-

perative powers Most of buying wasby shorts but there was little or noliquidation The people are taking alittle more farorabte view of the situa-tion element of panic stemsto be entirely lacking Messrs MillsBi s Co announced their failure toward midday but it was unimportantand had no effect on the market It wassuspected by some that they had prob-ably gone short of the market and really

was a bear failure Timemoney conditions are still very unsat-isfactory it being impossible to borrowany money over the end of the year


SafesRegular call K oclock neonMetropemaB lUUway fc 51M8 at N6K-

WaahiBstam Railway omens 9 at 31-

WasbtogtoM lUiJway INland 60 at MK 59 at 70

Chesapeake med Potoeaae Tetepbwt W it-LMMtoa M at 12HMitchell liable 3 at 2tt MO at S MO at 3 5-

9atnt 3 at 2XaUosal MetrapoWaB II at m-WasMB toB BxchMge M at 11-1CoreoraB Fire iMunmoe 12 at IS

The foHowiee are th etostac qeoettotM en yecter-d rs stock eirbaw-


Phfitppiae Timed PcnteN 4i WDistrict of CofcBBbia 3 s 1 4

GAS BONDSWaabfatgtOB Gu GompaBy 4e HO-

WMhlBgtai GM CtMBpnay cut hid WRAILROAD BONDS

Capital TraMioB 4-

AmcoaUa and isCity o4 buiban la

Kcood aortiM to MM Ml-

ColHahn Ir W-Metiopotttai Ss

WaalrtBGUti Railway aad Beetefe 4

MI8CBLLANBOOS BONDSPotoBtac IJtaetrie LillIe lat toNorfolk aRid WaahivglOB Stsa boat W-Chea and Pot TekphoB h INKWasMaRtoa Market to IN-

WMbiBfUw Market Sa WTJT W4 M0K-WashtBttoB 3Tir Ml

PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKSCapital Traction BMt W-WaahiBttoB rvttw y Bd Ekctrie OM-BWashiBgtOB Kaihray sad Kleocrie pM UKNorfolk and WubtetUM Steamboat 91-

G aretowB GM-ChM p ake aad POIOBMM TetophoBO MGreat Falls ash OM DUBIJBJO-

UTYPB MACHIVB STOCKSMerfeBthahv UaotcP M-LBBatoa Monotype K-

MIJCHfC HOCKSGfeeve CaaaBea Opper i-

llttcbeH WiBtos OBBtaoBy


CapitalXadoaul CHy lit


a3hinetoa TubaBBi Tlaa-ttnVVt COMJUXY 8TOCK-

ABMriaa Seoxitr a ttoL 29National SaviBc aadUahM Trust IS-WaahtaftDB LiBB ad Twt m-WaahiBBtoB aofe Dst 9DaMe trait ntcnwta M

SAVING JUNK STOCKSHB Sarteoi Baaktales StTiBBB O-BMerchMts aad Meehaales Stthjat Bw OK




PeoplesPotOBMC-R s i


Real LaMe TitleWafhiacUm Tttto-

SoBthera Pull Serrtet Cetp-GcaphophoBo COBBBO-BujapfaBplioiie proMnod-StcorKy fttengc CoBUBUy-

PMcUty Stores Coeapaay



QaoUUoBt fandohod by Mffler Co aetabersNow York Stock and Gotten exeaaB cs sad New

Ortoaac eau Bxthaoce 1313 F street aonbwoKNew Aog SI The auuhet wu irrcBBlar aid

largely pmfaeiitoaal leporU of rate ia Texashone meneimed imhtete eelUBg by people whobattght yesterday Buns haw been MBM-

ieapresaiOB nfth the cry of too for main to helpthe Tome Op bet we beUrf that any rettahee-a ee mta of geBeral rains there would brief abouta sharp aeeiaM Lower prices are wat4 to io-

dw outside bvyhts and BMiay of the be t peoplewho CUB see nothtoz soon then a awdetmtc crop areof th opinion that the pmeat level of prioea win

hoary MOT em tat of sew mites wooer er later iafact the Tiew in away qoartara is that aothin butthe light Bwrnaeat te preTeaUoK a BVwp decUneLow bureau figate bw r win BadoBhtodly hadto a recovery oeBaeqaeatly short seflhn except

menU way is bstog aoided Limpoal k UftiBg-of a shut iaterest of Mae iaiporUaot and thistoo is aaBtost say aaUrtal dediae tor the preseat-

LiTerjjeal is die 1 ts S dowa to the notBfag



New OrleansOpen Hip Low Gee

October ML tt OJ6 BJ3-Bftesaber 3t l 3i 128 H3t-Jarasry TTtSS ItO ItO H

Spot 3IarkctR-ectaMpte PriaSales

Augusta Kt Mfe

BaIt X S UKBoston 16 413i M-

Chadeatoa 4ttS-CiadaiiaU 1 S MGalreaton-UowUB 9 H-Mcmphte aa as s UK HMobile 96 33 BNew Orleans 21B 388W UKNew Yark JWJB5 UJ6 Eff-

iNerfatt 4817 1 4Philadelphia UM 1US-

Saramna if-lSt Louis SWIlmington


New York ABC 22 Sloney on call at the stockexchange today opened at 34 per reel bleb 3low 2U closing 344 Most of the loans were at2 per cent

Time money csatlaBed very scarce White deawBdwas not particularly argent a neck larger bttsiaeMwas Indicated RhIne were 6 rioT cent for thirtydays 6a6i per cent for ninety dJS 8Ha7 per centfor four to six months

Mercantile paper without Practically nodemand in the larger money centers the few salesreported beIng roamed to saaH muitry banksRates T6a7 per cent for four to sU months bIllsreceivable and prime single T per cent tadupward for others

Sterling market steady but rates iarimff thefeU sharply demand selling down to 48fS5 or

39 points below yesterdays closing In the afterneon there was a slight rally Rates for actualbusiness were AS follows Sixty days 4SS05a4S310demand 4E76iLST65 cables t8SBa4S83D

bills were 4E2aJ83 The supply of grain andcotton bills was scarce none being offered


OATTLEExtrafcper cwt butcher iSJaSM-jcmmon 2 9a300 rough LaOeZM

HOGSPer cwt grass U5 TM erdfiiary percwt 600a65-

sJSHEEPCUpped comma EOOalT-BLAJIBS Spring choice 7 medium 6CALVESPrime per lb F medtem 6H grass

ialiii-COWaPrime fresh each 4809a5363 common09a3a old and dr7 8 aMW



anT t he


ill Iiutf














II-NaiaaII Utdaa



MI8cwMt11og OFOOKsus



k el-Ute


not aUnet buyers 1a vIew 01 tile of

New YorkOp HWb Low J m1UI IUS IUS lUk11S6flit ItO lUGJie J214 lii

9I5f ISI41











115 30

Markets 10



Woddetat N is





mmalsI ala-xrnmm ned 10

io 1-4Metmpelita rn 10Rime 10-IlMend 30 30



so ii

M c s3

tmmo 5-1Phens 0 51

455 aN






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> ¬




Quotations iurnteked by A O Brown Co mem-

ber of the New York Stock Exchange sad the OhBoard of Trade M inner Building

Chicago Aug tt Wheat reatted fUnrjrfr todJowing to the wild d Bce of youerday Cablespwred unrefpomiTe The adrenee had oarried themarket above export limits M WM ertteMd hrfailure of foreigners to accept nag vrbwt offeredever Right The lateral hers Ins beenlargely eliminated and there were manyIMBT Investors who anxious to unload TheTcetiUlng decline hem already dewed the spun

atmosphere There to Wg demand for cashwheat on decline of No 2 bard beingmade at equal to SB prorates over the futureThere k alto a healthy wntliaeat bawd on the be-

lief that biter oooflroatto of Northwestern deaaaeswill be worse than the first Antwerp shows greatstrength Local 151698 btnbeb inertlyNo 2 bud but MHM of nd wtoter Seaboard tales35 load

Corn weekend with wfeoat became of increasedby Ute oMwtry ftdvMoed bids sent

out last night and OB forth IfctAfation Mica by

leadinc tone who had sold heavily ytrtenky Thecorn toW yesterday bad not digestedtaorottealr The weather wa Mttte moreaWe light raise in eastern half of Kaww ia JUttwentyfour boon Warmer weather generally

with showea over moat of ears belt esc

emit went of the Known River Local cash melee

UtWO bttthek seaboard H loadsTrade in oat was macfe tater than

There wa flnaer opeBto tbaa in other gratesto corcrtae by ao e of Ute helMed country

Putter itttotog sales by the localhave been gong oa ieduy aH day wheaerermarket wu steady to Irma awl they fern Ufcea offall those bwlgw as regularly as they appearedNorthwest fe Mndte ta bad tteaehiss reportsCh demand te fIR smell loU for preempt jatpatatStaple marketWHEAT High Low Ctoae

September 8R4 Wi SMI-

Deoeeafcer KMay LMK 141

CORNSepUwbtr 5-9IhwaberNay

vM m m-

Dnaabtr 41

M 8-

P011K3 pua r 1MB H 9 HJO ttOO

1AKD-3tpt b9TV S9B H0 ober W

October 8-

w Y rk JLi WllBATWoaJisr le a

UM XOL 1 Kttttam Dohtfh to Ue ourS uwbrr L b So 1 MaaNoX U f

2 Xortheni iia st W to active fN 1 f o b i N i S f fc b 4

1 aacMwt K f o k No S mcami-OAT8 Mbr h lctog u 4av No 2 whit 9-

Koi while Mi K 2 aaticd B-

IrieM of NWM M leSSensYaa-

tWIBAT 0 o Hlsfc Low Ooao dote


quoted are wholesale

AiMfy fancy 2SH Western tote 3M aw01 tU22 pneev fMcy pt 4 4iry cttas UK-

CHBBSBNew Yort State factory MA a-

OK do t alL ItHatt swner bus K Wtslr-em fcctory aew choioa U aU 4 ilk to codU Vtaftota

BG Itee ipU M t rUt fnak-M taia Ha Wilt VirsWa SoMhtMat Vb-

SMk Tennessee Ii North Cvoitoa ItLIVE POULTRYR e ipt tt ral vartMt

Sprtog ehkke 1 Mi te IS 1H to 1-Hto IT do saiL IT hun 0 reo i 7

tedo flail do mall M tat tintars tow per lb B do hew 11 d M

beats M-

DRB8SED Iftosml varbatwish lurkeyt haw mArawm per lb M do-

avontai udram UaJC do tbta old tens 11-

chiHkcw hr e 13a hess dwtea MaH raisinI dotks old 8aM sprtas 13aM picas Sail

DRB BED MBATS Calm Ml died Mi-hwda oC S tatM bofdnsMd whe Ut bamoontry snsarcurod ItaK-

VKOBTABLESPoUtoea hoo sn per barrellJSdJ per bond M oacmben N thCouSin per b ket L aU4 lettuce boai jroM

per bushel 73 8 de do per beaurtrtac Deus gma pit ba 4et LOMLS-

GRBSN FRUITSApptas loose packsd U aMpatches per hen 2SMJI do MMMBB L

SUNDUiaSBeeewo 39 taAow JMK hines7hk dofer lIb MW 0 do do 5 icy N

staMBS pee Ib tHW naiet peroMn a ptek flail sawinkc SaJ

toot 31-

6RAl Vbeat choke a51 do fair to seedTfcJ3 da ordnuty 7W2 rye WB mix shelledwhite CaM do yolhm do ear I3aouts Western white X OaB do latafh Wit

AND STXAWTiMthy Males 9J31M-do No 1 00 do Na t 17MtW maimShay llttaltN dryer 1MM7J9 screw rye perball Ut do do Mchtee Uiraahed U a-

do wheat iSJWOOL AND niDKS Wool Market MesSy hW 5-

pMnUy Wool washed free of bun per ML

9 x wnraahed Ira of ban S do hussy 9K-

UW a p r Ih do dry ttI7 OktsfMr-ntm each 3alOJ da dry c eh 2StJT CfilfiUai

each IM


New York A g 22SUGARTbe Leaeta aKrfe

The local mrfcet or raw aagar it about steady ashuafiiiBifd with eeatrMapU K at 1 raaa

at 9 eaata Refined sugar steady hat oaiet and aa

NAVAL STORE63pirtta tarpeatiM ajriel butIrma Xacatoeiaade hernia Mi kawrwith coawoa to good itiaiaed 4 al TartMdy at 6 Os4S for oil barraia-

BUTTBRRocrtpta 1JN rckasak Market steadybut prices unchanged

EGGSReeeipU 73SS euos Uarint it am sadcent Wgfeer ca extra kale aad Irate FM s tb

seed extras SttaM fra gathered extva

MILL FEEDStnap fftk iastiiry brasia KHxMiad sacks ta arrive tt raiddttege 2a-

ettr bran SM IB bulk Western red SaSI toarrive

CORN Weaker eaiU trade No 2 ektvtor M-

Ne S CKi No 2 f a b ead ef Aaevit 69 NoZ yellow 84 No white 4 f o b

FLOUR Steady moderate trade Spring patiosletoiJi sprIng dears X50al winter straf rts-

4Ma4a5 winter clears 3 a4sRYE FLOURTrade Qidet at tBOaSJSCORN MEALSteady inquiry fair Kfla haled

for export 33Sal coarse neal in LMaLMchoice grades salable Recdpis 73

tons Prime timothy 325 No 1 L28aL2S No 2LMaLM No 3 KfeSS

STRAW Steady fUr inquiry Long rye 6T5-BEEFModerate trade Farafly I3S91400 pack-

et lLOQall59PORK Steady moderate besteeji Mess rTfa-

BM family WOOTALLOWEagr light trade City in hogshead

fitLARDSteady City 0 reined continent S

South American JOW reaaed BrazMiaa kegs 1149city stearime K okostearine uomfaal Chi


Chicago Aug 22 CATTLE Receipts 6000Steady Prime beeves 5508736 poor to median43a545 3tocktre and feeders 269e500 cam andhectare 2Jte5J8 canners UlaiSI Texan XiSalff-

lHOGSReceipte 14000 Sc lower Light S6I6SSrough 5 0aS45 mixed S5Qe615 heavy S5a59-pfea EUaS1-

5SHEEPItecttipts llWX Market steady Nativesheep S25aS7fl Weetem 336a573 satire

BJ5a7 Western lamb 5Sa759New York AUg 22CATTL5Receipl3 1400 No

trading in live cattle today FeellBZ ray Dressedbeef in fair demand at SMaWi per pound hangbeef 10 aU-

CALVUSRecel ts i Feeling Sun Veah 6a9grassers and batennilks SM11JO Dressed calves

firmSHEEPXD LAMBSReoeipte 4400 Sheep

steady Best lambs steady to firm others steadybut motinsTvilowlj Sheep 360a5W culls 300Iambs 6 a812 culls Ota5J-

OHOGSReoeipts 2MO Feeling a trifle firmer onBuffalo advices No sates reported before ebinge


National Convention Will Meet atChattanooga Xext Year

Aug 22 The annual nationalconvention of Postmasters concluded Itssessions here today by selecting Chattanooga Tenn for the next meeting placeand electing the following officers

President J L White Burlington Iowa firstsire president Hesry Klan Jr Savannah Gaarmed TCS president B N Morgan New Yoikthird rico president P B Withoft Daytofi Ohiofourth rice president j R Slier Lincoln Nebrfifth rios president Sobel Erie Pa andtreasurer Gen Thomas C Lawler Rockford lIt

A resolution was Copied recommendingthe passage of an postalTate to be used in small ofmoney through the



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Thursday Auguat 22 1007Equity Court No 1

JUSTICE STAFFORDBricga n Gadding at aL reference to

SoUdtor J Wibaer Latfaner-CokawB TS Gonwut It aL tine to Sic transcript

extended to October 1 1937 GonpbimBts didW H Sboto and hates Warns delcadaais

Hayden Jobmoa 31 J Colbert tintFrance

Horiejr TS Husky rate ac to alimony CoKpiaiasats solicitor B L USa defendants wHdtorsB Ambrose and L C WllHaawo-

ala ra Albert U KiehaidaoB decree MtbatitetitastisSue Cowpfatoaiif soHeHots Sbeohy Sheehy

Htackbm vs CwapbeU bill ditmissed with costaCXistplateaats solIcitors John G Capers and L h

dotuiduBfs SOlICItOr John EldestSblbsMUd T StabbMeki order tKW datiBS

with No 2RK aqidty mud dtoehaistez ads Oaa-pMM i sotkitor J 8 Baaby jolth d tlsadaB-tMttetton L fc Fnltm Cox v


Uwbiek n Kkhank order of pHhBeaUM PJatataTs attonseys Btadlejr Bradley


frtete of Pimklt Kaeabor order for adarid-btator t pay men AUwaoft B B BahnvL

Boise of Ajadnw J Apple petition for letters fAUoneyt HafetM SJsdow

In n Oeancr L Vrisht awotataeac of Josephhw A LawrawK oostnaed AttanNy Wtom WVBMSOB-

IB n Wffliam I Hyatt et L Carrie Howtos appofaM jMrdtea heed X OlL J J-

In n MOMS I Thomw WalkergoMdiaa hush Attorney Thorn Water

Estate of vm m Causeway nib hush MatchV UK with Fetitioa of Ado IL Ouaanay

teatasMatary Auonvy L CabeH WHttatt-

Xota o of hat Kappd will dated 103Sled with potttfon of AWM Kappai tom letters lam

AUoraey Walter H Martew Jr

Equity SuiteN 383 I re L rteb td e to BU

MMe tmtta Osnpfeteutc JoHcHoH 3ekr

LawsuitsNo ma U R jr Weber m OMHtMaie Beach

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No MS UaahnB Crwk TS B iUn re awlOhio Rafteoad Coaapaay tnimmr SS30L llatattffs-attnrnej Wikoa J Laasbtrt C W Fowler salJUhmd McLaaa


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Ktaae peat let 3 aaaaie SO 3i-Xaa IM 1 IB Push street aoatbeat Daaiei-

OCcaaor to Jaaaee M CarHsk lots 3t SL and91 ovm W Juan M CarUak to DanielOOaaaar Ice We sad Mary OLeery ia fee IRa

ttaner Park flUaw M TernV tnntae to AI E Uleh mat A G Baehoar lets 3 to 23

iqaara SKI to c lots 44 to 41 E


KReaoAaate J Miller to label J Vtatar lib U-

t K block O JML

Thirtieth street aoitawert n ar M itreetRobcn L-

MUAetaa taste SO George L yjchofaoa partlot K square 1K 961 George Ntateamet ax to the Georgetown Gaslightput lot M s un 1K6 SKX-

LJitetweodOeors B McDroaU to Jaaata M Bakerlot m tt-

Petwcrth Gfibert C Spttatr et HZ to V feffl-JoaMas lot 44 Week 3-

5Pkaeaat PtaawWflraim Robtewa to Lettte Robmon part lot 4 on Sprwe Set

fo KM Tenth street aorthwettL Mdeadoa Kissand James Gram tmeteec to PEgMa lat 18 ajwre 3 JM

Grant PackJoba P F AVMto et az to MarAyera lot R block 3w SM-

No Ul B strict eoatheaatrMary a Ryan to Waite-rS Piatt lot US maan JSfi M-

LLe Dent PaikXavsa L SiSter to WWara AOoknua part tel X Mock I H-

No MB B street toBtfceMt aMor Pratt toMary sad WUHaa P Ryaa lot Ma aymro



MfattroedaMm X Baker It ux to Less Tobmerand lW t Khtg to scene Byron U Ocahaa-ayjtt thne yeses 5 per cst seoiaMMftHy lot131

6 aan MBJnlfa MiddletOB to Cbaries F Bajaand Mcgee T Mitchell to sours Perpetual

Bofldtes Association JSIOO lot SSquire 39BUw F KHa to Walter R Wilcox aad

Gecrga F HUll to store Jacob KohtbaA-MN and Theodosk B DoBBeifea SUM threeears C per cent aeaaiaBBwJly lot 16-

BOBHS BBS George K Howard et or to JWM HWitoon and Levte S Frey to secure dtfaeasEquitable AsocaaUea ut GeorsetowB-H Se parts X 4 8 and 1L

V Hoed to William D Clark andGeorge C to secure BMred G Davis

cent semiannuallypart

Le Drait ParkWQliam A Oetto n to T Lwk-WilHfe and Eraeet H Daniel to se are EmmaL Oittr WeW mmthly paytaeBts 9 6 per-cent fettiaMmaliy part lot 26 block L

Square mGhartos Butt et us to JOBB B Lamerand Joh A HaafltoB to Uw Washing-ton cad That Company 7003 three yearsS per cent gemiaamtally lets M K 33 TJand 74

THE WASHINGTON HERALD baathe largest morning circulation In theDistrict of Columbia Itcmembor TheHerald when placing legal advertisemeats


Asntey L HerrIng 24 of Staunton Va andMary M Tones 23 of Waywabaro Va Ray Rich-

ard R RJede-JJoteph C Fakteiab 22 mad Clara L Walton 13

both of Richmond Vs ReT D a iUcLsodArthur E Koopnum 37 of New York City and

Ida B McLanrk S3 ef Brooklyn N Y Lewis LONeal justice of the peace

Patrick Tiereer 27 anti Mary A Fitzpatrick 31Rer Patrick B Orara

Harvey A Arnold 44 and Cantya M Bebst 33

beth of Wuttuatfttrt Pa Bar n SebreederCOLORED

head L FraMer of GrecalcTd Md and lieudelta Harris 3 of Petersburg Va Rer WalterH Brooks

DEATH RECORDMorn Lcria MM 7th st nw 31 yearsHaanab H Mulloy 1901 Sib st nw S3 yearsFlorence L Perkins 32 Grant pL nw 43 yearsSarah K Knee BrJghtwood D C 78

Frederick S Kimbuk 354 B st ne 60 yearsMary C Reeret Emergency Hospital 31 yeanEliza Warden Home for Incurables E6 yearsWelbr Bradsiuw 2244 11th st nw M monthsLou Moore Brightwood D C T monthsGeorge Bookman 1102 L st nw 3 months

COLoREDJoseph R Guy ITS Columbia road nw 37 yearsRichard Lewis 515 9th st 5T yearsPunk Brace H8 nit st c 31 yearsAlice Panned 14JS Decatur court nw 5 yearsBiraert 2 Chester court 6 yoireJohn H Corn 217 Snows court nw 5 yearsTines A Ear 411 D st sc I year

IHa YowPram the Tenders Stalearaan

he ever take any marriage vows

Patrice Oh yes he vowed held neverget married

Jamestown visitors are arriving dallyand locking for furnished rooms An

The Herald will get them Th Heraldhas the largest circulation at Norfolk

of any Washington paper








J JJt Scott J-


lied t-arn

June 5






W BIle





Bad Gutthree years per

secureLoin i








Junes wn





1 Albert









1ill 6







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Home or InvestmentI-f TO have property to tell laiptuiul

or sobvbaakt mtalk with fM a to the beatoarte a enstoaur at a fair price If youuc big te a BOB or an intr tisustit b a atnMgo thing if it cannst 4-

fovad UBoae the bu e Maabtr on ewHats At a x rate Jet ns show jw hwr-waM roTI lay to please you

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loan money on Furniture and Pianos atminimum rate of interest Loans with com-panies paid off and larger sam advanced at alower rate than you are now seyia

602 F Street N WESTABLISHED 1878

Sudden ChangesFrom Harpers Weekly

Evelyn I hear teat Reggy Windy calledhte new motor boat tl Lobsier

but It isnt a lobster nownot

George Because It turned turtle

The Retort CourteensFrom Punch

Old cab driver at the end of a some-what heated argument 1 know wots thematter with you the winds got in thatole in yar end and set yer tongue wa

SUm ChancesFrom Puck

Injured man What do you think of inychances doctor

Physician Well the internal Injury willundoubtedly prove fatal but lencouragingly you have nothing to fear from thebroken arm I


Home Savings Dank


O-ft 4fId








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I IIGeorgeYesEvelynWhy




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