Washington DC Occult

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  • 8/13/2019 Washington DC Occult


    Satanic Occult Symbols in

    Washington D.C.Complied and Edited by David J. Stewart

    "I know the blasphemy of them which say they

    are Jews, and are not, but are the

    synagogue of Satan." Revelation !

    The pentagon is an infinite occult symbol it isthe center of a pentagramand a pentagram fits

    perfectly inside a pentagon.

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    Obelisks are phallic (penis) symbols related to the Egyptian Sun god !a. "he #

    sides o$ the %ashington &onument are aligned with the cardinal directions(i.e.east west north and south). 't the ground level each side o$ the monumentmeasures . $eet long which is eual to ***inches. "he height o$ the obeliskis . $eet which is eual to **** inches.

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    "he mall in %ashington DC is laid out so the gardens and streets $orm the imageo$ an owl. "he owl is representative o$ the mythical goddess +ilith. ,leas readBohemian Grove Exposed$or much more in$ormation on the owl. "he -nitedStates o$ 'merica was chosen to lead the world into this kingdom o$ 'ntichrist

    $rom the very beginning. "he capital is %ashington D.C. which is evidenced bythe preponderance o$ occult symbols.

    eorge %ashington (a //0 1reemason) selected 1rench 1reemason ,ierre Charles+2En$antto design the city2s layout in %ashington D.C.

    "he boundaries o$ the cityestablished by eorge %ashingtonin 3453 $orm a suare 36 miles longon each side centered on theoriginally proposed location $or the%ashington &onument. "he east7west diagonal o$ the suare crossesover the Capitol building and thenorth7south diagonal crosses overthe %hite 8ouse.

    "he length o$ the north7south andeast7west diagonals is 36 milestimes the suare root o$ 9 or3#.3#9 miles. "his distance converts

    to #/# ancient Egyptian royal cubits the same $igure as the ratio between thereat ,yramid and the dimensions o$ the earth.

    "he height o$ the reat ,yramid is #:3.3/ $eet divided by 9:6 ; .

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    65339/3 miles.

    "he mean radius o$ the earth is /5*6 miles divided by .65339/3 ; #/#4.

    "he perimeter o$ the reat ,yramid is /69/ $eet divided by 9:6 ; .49miles.

    "he mean circum$erence o$ the earth is 9#::6 miles divided by .49 ;#/#:.

    /5*6 miles (radius o$ the earth) < 3#.3#9 miles ; 9:6 (number o$ cubits inthe height o$ the reat ,yramid)

    9#::6 miles (circum$erence o$ the earth) < 3#.3#9 miles ; 34*6 (cubits inthe perimeter o$ the reat ,yramid)

    Converting the radius and circum$erence o$ the earth to cubits yields the sameresults.

    "he $irst series o$ symbols = will point out deal with the seat o$ the e>ecutivebranch o$ government the %hite 8ouse indicated by the red arrow above. =$you are a oogle Earthuser you can see these satellite images $or yoursel$ atoogle &aps.

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    's you can see by my outline the %hite 8ouse sits at the ape> o$ an invertedpentagram. "his symbol is incomplete by only 9 small pieces indicated by the

    yellow lines.

    "he he>agram is nearly complete e>cept $or 3 small piece on the north7westside outlined in yellow.

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    =$ you draw the pentagram and he>agram symbols together you can see threesides o$ a cross. 1inishing the symbol on the land sitting in $ront o$ the %hite

    8ouse reveals a per$ectly symmetrical ?nights "emplar cross.

    =t has been said the %ashington &onument obelisk (bottom arrow) sits due south$rom the %hite 8ouse. "his is not e>actly true as you can see in the photoabove. =n reality the obelisk is directly south $rom the &asonic "emple (toparrow) which sits 3/ blocks north o$ the %hite 8ouse.

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    "he temple is the headuarters o$ the Supreme Council o$ Scottish !ites o$1reemasonry modeled a$ter descriptions o$ the &ausoleum o$ 8alicarnassus oneo$ the 4 wonders o$ the ancient world.

    's mentioned earlier the # sides o$ the %ashington &onument are aligned withthe cardinal directions(i.e. east west north and south). 't the ground leveleach side o$ the monument measures . $eet long which is eual to ***inches. "he height o$ the obelisk is . $eet which is eual to **** inches."he obelisk is representative o$ the male se> organ worship in nearly all pagancultures. =t is a symbol o$ man@s carnal power and might.

    Satanism and the occult are saturated with se>ual perversion child7molestingand human sacri$ices. &ost worshippers in these groups deny such claims butsome have openly pro$essed it such as the godless bise>ual'leister Crowley.Such immoral occult in$luences are prevalent in rock music $eminism and evenin Walt Disneymovies such as The CHRONICLES o N!RNI!.

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    =n this photograph =2ve indicated both the %hite 8ouse (le$t) and the Capitolbuilding (right).

    "he suare and compass symbol stretches $rom the %hite 8ouse to the Capitol.

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    "o the east o$ the Capitol sits a complete he>agram

    ' bird2s7eye view o$ the Capitol building reveals a $igure resembling an owl. "heowl is a symbol which represents an pagan deity. Aocturnal birds are symbols o$sorcery and metaphysics because black magick cannot $unction in the light o$truth (day) and is power$ul only when surrounded by ignorance (night). "he owlis considered wise because the creature is able to see through the darkness o$ignorance and materialityB hence its association with the goddess 'thenaand itsveneration during the nocturnal cremation o$ care ceremony at the ohemian


    =n his book The Se"ret !r"hite"t#re o O#r Nation$s Capital pagan David Ovasonstates that there are...

    "zodiacs in the city, and at least 1,000 zodiacal and planetarysymbols..." SOURCE: The Se"ret !r"hite"t#re o O#r Nation$sCapitalB by David OvasonB pg. 36 8arper CollinsB 3555

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    %ashington D.C. is absolutely in$ested with occult and astrology symbols.

    =n his book Ovason documents the location o$ over 9/ Satanic odiacs in the$ederal district alone %hy should od bless 'mericaF

    'bove the dome o$ the Capitol building stands Lady Li%ertas the goddess =sis.

    uarding the entrance to the Capitol building is Aimrod (aal) in the likeness o$the !oman god &ars whom the Egyptians called Osiris. 's you can see $rom theimage below this entrance is identical to that o$ the !oman ,anthenono$ theods 7 as well as the reek ,arthenon.

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    "here are several signi$icant buildings in the District o$ Columbia with theseancient designs including The White Ho#se.

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    "he central part o$ the Supreme Court building is modeled a$ter the "emple o$'rtemis one o$ the 4 wonders o$ the ancient world.

    "he eorge %ashington &asonic &emorial modeled a$ter descriptions o$ the,haros o$ 'le>andria7 another wonder o$ the ancient world sits across the,otomac in 'le>andria Girginia Hust inside the diagonal suare border o$ D.C.

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    "his statue o$ %ashington in the Smithsonian &useum o$ 'merican 8istory wasmodeled a$ter descriptions o$ the statue o$ Ieus at Olympia one o$ the 4wonders o$ the ancient world. "he museum is aligned to the cardinal directionsthe statue sits at the western end o$ the main $loor $acing east. Compare thisportrayal o$ %ashington to the images o$ Ieus and aphomet 7 do you notice anysimilaritiesF

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    Satan on our Dollar

    "he eye represents +uci$er the 'rin"e o Dar(ness)who trans$orms himsel$ intoan angel o$ light (9nd Corinthians 33/).

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    "Historiana!thor Ralph Epperson has spent many yearsresearchin the history o# the $reat Seal, and has disco%eredthat those &ho desined the t&o circles committed 'merica to&hat has been called "' Secret (estiny." )his #!t!re "destiny" isso !npleasant that those &ho &anted the chanes it entails hadto conceal that tr!th in symbols."

    SOURCE: The New World Order, bac* co%er, by Ralph '.

    Epperson+ 10+ -S/: 01213412+ p!blisher: 5U6-US5RESS, )!cson, 'rizona.

    "he capstone o$ the pyramid is symbolic o$ the antichrist who when he comeswill complete the pyramid. "he beast system is now being prepared aka theNe* World Order. elow you can get an idea o$ the power structure o$ theseoccult groups. =$ you want to do research look up the various groups on theinternet such as the &other o Dar(ness.

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    The special positions at the top of the pyramid are those who arewholly committed to the Luciferian Ideology, i.e., a Totalitarian

    Godless Police State

    "hese things are all very real $olks. %e read in 9nd "hessalonians 936 that themasses o$ this world %=++ E deceived when the 'ntichrist comes because theydon@t love the tr#tho$ od@s %ord K!nd *ith all de"eiva%leness o#nri+hteo#sness in them that perish, %e"a#se they re"eived not the love of the

    truth) that they mi+ht %e saved-K

    "he =nternational Conspiracy

    =t means Satan is the god o$ this world Hust as 9nd Corinthians ## declares. %esee $ar too many articles on the internet today e>posing the occult but notenough that tie it all in with the %ord o$ od. 1olks a bunch o$ $acts will nevermake any sense until you shine the +ight o$ od@s %ord upon it. "he %ord o$ odis the missing key. Satan is the god o$ this sin$ul world and he controls hisservants through occult organiations such as .reemasonry) S(#ll and Bones) and

    Bohemian Grove. "he term K=lluminatiK re$ers to the highest and most evilpeople in the pyramid structure. 1ew people realie that Communism is simply amask $or the Ne* World Order. ,lease read about The L#"ier Tr#st.

    "he hidden secret behind Communism is that %all Street bankers wereinstrumental in creating it. = recently read an e>cellent book... '!WNS in theG!&E by %illiam uy Carr (35:). =$ you want to learn all the details o$ the=lluminati and their sinister evil plan to take over the world then this is the bookto read '!WNS IN THE G!&Ee>poses how every maHor war over the past 96

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    years has been deliberately caused $inanced and pro$ited $rom by the money7lenders. 's shocking as it may sound this includes the!meri"an Revol#tionwhich gave birth to 'merica. On pages #57: %illiam uy Carr tells how the

    !meri"an Revol#tionwas plotted and planned by the same international groupwhich plotted the English and 1rench revolutionsB and how the international$inanciers obtained control o$ the 'merican economy. Lou@ll never hear the truth

    in a public school classroom.

    People listen to those who continually cry, as they did in

    Spain, "Communism can never cause a revolution here."

    They listen to those who give them a sense of false security.

    The majority of citizens are like children, who hide their heads

    under the lankets when they fear danger. !t should e

    rememered that pulling the edclothes over ones head

    never saved a person from an assassin, a rapist, or an

    e#ploding om. $S%&'C() PAWNS IN THE GAME, page

    *+, y -illiam uy Carr, */01.

    = couldn@t have described 'mericans today any better "hey are only listening to

    those who give them a sense o$ 1'+SE SEC-!="L "hey are hiding their headsunder their blankets. ,lease read It Can$t Happen Hereby Congressman !on,aul. "hese uotes $rom '!WNS IN THE G!&E(and = highly recommend the book)should clearly evidence to you that history does repeat itsel$ or in other termspeople never learn

    "he $ollowing uote is $rom page =M in the introduction concerning theInternational Conspira"y

    2ery few people seem to appreciate that 3ucifer is the

    rightest and most intelligent of the heavenly host and,

    ecause he is a pure spirit, he is indestructile. The

    Scriptures tell us his power is such that he caused one4third of

    the most intelligent of the heavenly host to defect from od,

    and join him, ecause he claimed ods Plan for the rule of

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    the universe is weak and impractical ecause it is ased on

    the premise that lesser eings can e taught to know, love,

    and wish to serve 5im voluntarily out of respect for 5is own

    infinite perfections. The 3uciferian ideology states might is

    right. !t claims eings of proven superior intelligence have the

    right to rule those less gifted ecause the masses dont know

    what is est for them. The 3uciferian ideology is what we call

    totalitarianism to4day.

    The %ld Testament is simply the history of how Satan ecame

    prince of the world, and caused our first parents to defect from

    od. !t relates how the synagogue of Satan was estalished

    on this earth, it tells how it has worked since to prevent ods

    Plan for the rule of the universe eing estalished on this

    earth. Christ came to earth when the conspiracy reached the

    stage that, to use 5is own -ords, Satan controlled all those in

    high places. 5e e#posed the synagogue of Satan $'ev.

    +)/67)/16 he denounced those who elonged to it as sons of

    the 8evil $3ucifer1, whom 5e castigated as the father of lies

    $9ohn )::1 and the prince of deceit $+nd Cor. **)*:1. 5e was

    specific in 5is statement that those who comprised the

    synagogue of Satan were those who called themselves 9ews,

    ut were not, and did lie $'ev. +)/6 7)/1. 5e identified the

    ;oney4Changers $

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    Conspiracy up to date

    !n *==: ">n >ct of od" placed the dam -eishaupt, a 9esuit

    trained professor of canon law, defected from Christianity, and

    emraced the 3uciferian ideology while teaching in

    !ngoldstadt &niversity. !n *==? the money lenders $who had

    recently organized the 5ouse of 'othschild1, retrained him to

    revise and modernize the age4old protocols designed to give

    the synagogue of Satan ultimate world domination so they

    can impose 3uciferian ideology upon what remains of the

    5uman 'ace, after the final social cataclysm, y use of

    Satanic despotism. -eishaupt completed his task ;ay *st,


    The plan reAuired the destruction of >33 e#isting governments

    and religions. This ojective was to e reached y dividing

    the masses, whom he termed oyim $meaning human cattle1

    into opposing camps

    'merica has been hiHacked by criminals i.e. the illuminati. Don@t believe meF

    "hen maybe you@ll believe Congresswoman Cynthia &c?inney or Congressman !on,aul. 8alliburton was recently awarded a contract to build concentration camps=A '&E!=C' "he truth is that our political leaders are ,'%AS in a global gamecontrolled by murderous and sinister thugs who manipulate this world@s wealthand resources. Our political leaders are mere puppets to the puppeteers and weare the gullible sheep.

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    !ere"s a photo of #ondolee$$a %ice at the &nited 'ations

    in ())* with the numbers +++ behind her. 'oti


    1reemasonry and Judaism Secret ,owers ehind !evolution

    Jeremiah 11:9-10...

    "And the LORD said unto me,


    is found among the men of Judah, and among the

    inhabitants of Jerusalem. They are turned back to theiniquities of their forefathers, hich refused to hear my

    ords! and they ent after other gods to sere them# the

    house of $srael and the house of Judah

    ...hae broken my coenant hich $ made ith their fathers.
