Wait 121

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Transcript of Wait 121

  • 7/26/2019 Wait 121


    I. Case History

    1. Background of Information

    Name: Agent X

    Age: 3 years oldGender: Male

    at!ers Name: "e#

    Mot!ers Name: C!arlene$i%lings Name: $te&!anie' Isa%ella

    amily(s Medical History: His fat!er %lood line !as dia%etes and ast!ma.

    ). *escri&tion of +resenting +ro%lem

    Agent X is a 3 year old %oy ,!o !as a !ard time to co&e ,it! t!e normal

    de-elo&mental milestones of !is age. He is t!e middle c!ild of t!e 3 si%lings yet

    on !is current age !e !as a !ard time -er%aliing !o, !e feels or create )/0 ,ord

    &!rases. He sometimes inflicts &ain on !is !ead %y %anging it to a ,all or &lastic

    %ottle. Agent X also !as no &ro&er eye contact u&on con-ersing ,it! ot!er &eo&le.

    Agent X likes to stay on corners and does not ,ant to socialie ,it! ot!er &eo&le

    if necessary %ut ,!en !e is at !ome !e lo-es to run around and !e(s -ery acti-e.

    3. *iagnosis

    According to t!e *$M/' Agent X fits in )22.450.6Autism $&ectrum

    *isorder %ased on t!e follo,ing criterion7 A' B' C' *' 84"efer to t!e *$M/

    &osted at t!e %ack6. 9!e se-erity of t!e condition is on le-el 3' ,!ic! means t!at

    !is social communication !as adeficit in -er%al and non-er%al social

    communication skill t!at causes im&airments in functioning' -ery limited

    initiation of social interactions' and minimal res&onse to social o-ertures from

    ot!ers.Agent X said !is first ,ords on age ). !at ,ord;,!en;,!ere;!o,;

    He also no, !as a !ard time e#&ressing !is ,ants and !is needs ,!en !e

    asks for somet!ing and !e seeks attention like touc!ing !is mot!er(s !and ,!en

    !e ,ants to eat' drink ,atc!' and !e also !as no eye contact during con-ersation

    ,it! ot!er &eo&le and!as a !ard time uttering ,ords4A6. In t!e restricted'

  • 7/26/2019 Wait 121


    re&etiti-e %e!a-iors infle#i%ility of %e!a-ior' difficulty co&ing ,it!' or ot!er

    restricted"*$ $A C"I98"IA

    $A *$M. *istress and9 and from BM9;

    C!ild(s Indi-idual 9reatment +lan

    A. Coo&eration and reinforcereffecti-eness

    aits a&&ro&riately for u& to 1 counts if reinforcement deli-ery is

    delayed.B. "ece&ti-e language

    ill %e a%le to select an item t!at is t!e @same or @different form an

    array of t,o items ,!en s!o,n a t!ird item.

    C. Mout! Imitation ill s&ontaneously imitate 0 sounds &er session.

    *. +lay and Massage

    Massage to stimulate muscle mo-ements.

    Gi-es -er%al res&onses ,!en &laying ,it! toys and talking to &eers.

    8. *ressing

    Can untie s!oe lace in one s!oe.

  • 7/26/2019 Wait 121


    . Grooming

    Can %rus! !is teet! inde&endently.

    G. Gross motor

    um& o-er and matc!ing cards acti-ity.

    +lease focus on t!e I8 A"8A$ of t!e inter-ention and discuss your )/3 goals for Agent Xinstead

    III. Current $tatus

    As seen and o%ser-ed in t!e actual &resentation' t!e client s!o,s a !ealt!y

    li-ing' t!e clients follo, all t!e sc!eduled t!era&y and session. In a matter of

    time' agent X ,ill !a-e an im&ro-ement in t!e current condition if t!e family and

    agent # ,ill continue to manifest t!e urgency for de-elo&ment. 8-en t!e &rogress

    runs slo, %ut still it is useful %ecause great t!ings starts at sim&le t!ings. Be

    s&ecific and conciseAccording to t!e institution' agent X !as !is greatim&ro-ement since t!e day !e first started !is t!era&y. 9!e concluding ,ords

    must C>M8 ">M D>E since you are t!e ones ,!o do t!e study and not t!e


    I. "ecommendation

    9!e aut!or ,ould like to recommend a &rogram t!at !el&s Agent X in t!e

    s&eec! de&artment. irst off t!e aut!or ,ould like for Agent X to indulge in

    articulation&ronunciation en!ancement &rograms %ecause !e could not murmursim&le ,ords t!is ,ould !el& !im %ecome fluent to !o&efully ask for !is needs

    more clearly. After t!e &ronunciation en!ancement aut!or ,ould like to

    recommend e#&ression %ased en!ancement &rograms to !el& !im gat!er u& !is

    t!oug!ts to s&eak clearly. After t!ese s&ecific communication &rograms t!e aut!or

    ,ould like to recommend im&ro-ing Agent X socialiation skills' %y using

    modelling tec!ni=ues suc! as t!e co-ert modelling ,!ic! indulges t!e Agent X to

    let !im imagine !is self in a scenario ,!ere !e is talking to a stranger or ne,

    &erson ,!ic! could !el& !im in future situations ,!en ne, &eo&le try to con-erse

    !im and li-e modeling ,!ere ) teac!ers may s!o, !o, &eo&le normally con-erse

    and act in a con-ersation so Agent X ,ould kno, !o, to act ,!en t!e gi-en

    situation comes along. Also gi-ing rela#ation tec!ni=ues like %reat!ing e#ercise

    or counting ,!ile closing !is eyes could !el& Agent X in stressful situations

    ,!ere !e could feel rela#ed in an an#ious state. 9!ese &rograms may !el& Agent

    X ,!en !e goes to t!e regular sc!ool ,!ic! is t!e goal of t!is inter-ention.

    "e-ise or re&!rase and +F8A$8 read *$M for reference