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•'iliua siluatiui % | u a « l w ,, ttielr parent*, AddiesaCOX > i i. • i . - s . 3*01, P U usi mi 'I he J ,.!, v. ,17 1»« *T»Hfc>ATiNi«k~or A NEW~A"ND KLIUANT'MA- , ,k, . C f, ,d *" b»YS •" iotm*i.l* perui.ne.l . . . Inth |,ir i*'SUUy**d rateiiofautiirlu* |iiir|n*i», In dnalrou* «f »t- rsiiglag with sum* |eutli.iueu luloiru a joint slock pmtli I owpauy to MV.blaotar* th* irlicle. Addrtw, or niton ,1U it* T J. W, ROSSIHl'SOrt, luj. Bruadwey ••»»> AUCTION NOTICES. *„„. -^^^P 8 ***' **• MCLLER, Amtloneer **"HE&\£W}£**£b& °' IMB «L**^ BBTAtE OF THE FRANCIS METALLIC h.PS bOAT COM AsSfAJl J ,, t M ^ Lt J ™ * " L L AT AUCTION «u 1 UESDAY; I illy a*. lean, Mil o'clock, uu thr plenties., hy ".daTeitri* Bui rente Court, under the direction of Georg* *r*«,teu, eketltt'.| B.iuga County : I * t l n loll "I 'ami nil uetsd ai OrMupolut, on to* utterly aiu.or WMIiiugtou » u « ' , aa.I ruuul.g from L. to if eir*.n being IM) by lraifott, together with tin extensive hrr»» *ulld- ingib*r*oB,two» oriaa iub*lghi, isoay n« ted Map*. * c , tt the Auctioneer's uSJoe, J4 W all itiaat. (Al»ii. pr*v'.ou* to the above I At » o'ulunk, V the Factory of iba iraaeia Metallic LITe Boat ^ Company, at Greeupatul, L. i. Trie Tuoli, Machinery, Fliiuree,«»cludlng boiler and heat IB* apparatus, aad Patent Bight of tbe Piancls Metallic Life Hint l' unpen y For briber DUtfcntej* and etaaltwwe, esuulre on the pre- H-V-. u J r J' f . S f A S*S ALL urriiii a BKu, «o n Ue**m*a *tr**l, N. Y l4 ,orof tbe AaellooMr, 34 Wall .treat. "• * ,*S90J Jyl«;et» B ALI jrmi I'CCkKii. i ii'iHKK till, •: KOPF I ."Sal roila line Jute Hemp. aOO do do di 2U0 do covered Manila. ;«x> iio Ameitcaa Hrmp MM do siaal do. •«• Uo Vlailll* ill Pol m l i . ICCBEB, COOPER k£0 . 7U South st. All alias, laetorv *«d mill tookUer E? bur ol RfANILLA HOVE M ANILA THESS CTollI »i a lor salt by •yistt iLTKKR, CUO ft\t\ H *J'»' M ' 8 *BV*?.'A. HOLi H»« , K mauuiauureri ma.ie 'South at. OILS NOW LANI'INO k.X VOLGA, IN Lots nun, 1..1 eaie by FBOTMINUHAM ft BAIl.tH, iyll*"MftWluii« Mil Soulli etreet A CETIC ACID—Ko* , In rsronyi.Mr nale MO W IKVINlti'l.KMK kill,',!'.-.' .. k NOTICES. IV IOWI II •Br^tJlTEil THAT ON PEE AND fty eirtva M ferUia Iastra»aat «| UdeaUre, dated tbe !1^L "VL*i |r « b "'«'y. in »•• yMi ••• u«*k»*«d eifbt hH- &**.*•« forty-Biaa, made iu ealend lata balwaam EB» w A ^ f L ^ i ^ f i * ' JAMS! BEOWN, ELISHA BIUUI. WILLIAM.*-WBTMOBE iM •IEWABT UBOWN .1 tbe •ret pan. PBOCPEB M. WBTMUBK oi lb* ee**ad a^t.aarf kaeCalled mataaar Aaiarkeaby JOHN T. JlABON.BM ry • Ui N*yy af tka OftB-4fetal**,W U* Ikil* pt •w lb* IIIrN*) */ ohtaiaiaa PI JOHN T. MABON, B*w*t*> Btat**, WHM ttiri i J* a ••'•A'"* - * •• •*• Vftitad SUlM, wilk iftt*i**t lk*r*e* ^Vf k *»*»*U*» *i«f «f I *braary, ta tka yaw »M ikeaaamd •M*. U*A»^ Md «tV-*u,kl. I *U1 *• tka Brat day *i N«- '••** r - »IM ••*'••* t*»*eaad *i«bl baadr**) a-4 tfty- *lfl«>>l.»Uw*lf**^l**jfe,ai •jMa.MJJMik* M*r*kaat*' Ea •*»•••, «*• City ejr M*w t*r* .at P*l.lir AacUoa.f* •Mb lfc*»H*«lkl*A*iaali« aw t*rtie, tinwa. ft*. .. - . . .. »*»»»>B»"iE M. WBTMOBk, iraet,,. N!vV^•^*Sl , ^'* , ^^ ,u, »»"*M«•«««* "W I. IMS. ' • ' PBOferEBM. WBTMOBE,Tr*«ta. Tk »^ ••Ml*l* *c*A. ua *dtUlT*Mdai,UaUlrU*tb*A r *. •b**ta1b*r, •» Mb* HUM bAW^^IkM< r N*wjrork 1 Jar*iHk mil Tb* bbora I _ •fOMMBbM, *AUb* •J. ir- uHl" OIL—No*, i, i and ». B'Utkern, lor >ai* ii..iu etute H UIMMLEftCU IIMMai- C 'jHtK—HI '.titliieel imliiy, 'u oolu and liottlee Old u J i newnrahi'iiier, iu Iml leu, lor taniiiy u»e, Ueitvered tree uf elpeuee in li.!., H, .i u,| H, ,,»:,u 1*9 -1UM..V WINIetlNONAM.ii eWaeer-w »• I'OAK OK LKAU— Baet Kofl'elievnlte", ta taake'oir eal* K9 jy«\< l,v 'A. IhViNO i I.AHK e t i O *> klelober at Hptrllettf luipeu LkfJl C B. OIUHLK ft I ' l l , u » MaMaa laae. E l ' I N k U I K O N - W loiUi •• I ndkM Clowa' rufutid b»r le bi J*** OR1NNELL. MINlt'KN >('l>. 78 B -it|. at *ajAL AMMON^AC^EjiM.ik'luuTu R OttIN — Of fralra, . u i»tau! « oft kanil. Hue, loraaie tro,u a ore uy 3 C B.I « !» INkU IBON-N) tone " I ndb**"Ciot»»' l m u , naual i l l n n i m l ' :,>r sale tiy OHlNiVKl.L. .MlNil ' arrive, lor anio by C'O.b Kiel' l.. r at. Jy23 W. 1NVIMUCLAMK ft ^ ^OK 8ALE—I *»i> two bale* prima live feeae Kealhera, and a email lot ol Ueeewai. lift K. 6. M'Hl.Ktj(Nilr.tt k B>t'N, KJ f i n e ai. i ' LOVEIPJ—IOU balea, tor eale pt iy2H iOUA ASH V HALEN, ft CO.. 34 Broid_at_ -Kor aoapere ana*laaamuketa. In nure, 1 r aal* W. IHVINO 1'I.AUka CO MKletu.ei at. r«ri hftlkf bkd alM*.-M*w TwB, 8ft* ^Si^ J till *>»4a**et*y, tb* tfieeik *Af hoey tag ftme*.—m%m York, No*. FEOMTEB M. WETMOr~ Tb* •JMfaamlft I t ...... Ikaaaxy, 18M, kl tb* nr 1Mb, 1MB. dU ttUW*4ftMdk*. tbtiftbdaeoi koax aad plaoa — N*w Yorl, 0*«. IB. ••»*• *al» M >MtpoB*d till Thareday, tb* UktSTSw i rebruary, at • i * *k*M kwr aad pla«*.-Maw York. JaaMl Ha. iM«. rmoufuM. WETMOEET Tk* eboe* eal* lapoatpoaad till Friday, Ik* flfU*utk day B»:U, kttftft M M bow aaJ plac*.-N*w York. jr*br*a bad plac*.—N*w York. r*bntk PEOdPEBM. W1»M6EE. TnatM. A LE ol' the Iiueet ijualiy. for Ueally Uae and export, put up 'it lb* neateet >i».«, to aujt aiur market, by _jyW_^ •1UNEV WlNTBIftHHAM. K3 Beavtr at »a- A K M N KH - « i u n e u , Ik ball andhiuaiter buiaa, buuab aad £7 layer*, ikrviil* biaud*, tor «*u« by jy*l P. HALEN ft CO, 34 Broad at UIN1NK—fowera ft Wlghtniaa, CarrUe.'and PeUetiere, loi eaie oy - >4l '* ' U "»*M'"'- I »*""»"'H''»' »«• M ACCABON1— It* boaee Hue Ilkl*», laddlkf.for **J* by jy2. f BALBN ft CO., .•» tln.jal et. IVATAI sWBit.-" i^ Maj b Q l ' lilila tin* Moalu We a j I n lope, thick kud tkik. •••>•» do Pitch, city auti Doutbara. IUU do Hpiriu I urpeutiae, laudiaW. 6u do flake luipea iue K r aaie hy at M. ULACKWELL ft CO. Jy3l k. M. BLACKWELL ft CO". IM Front at. R USSIAN f LAX—About 100 ua.ee for eaia ai i71 Watai et. jyirl . - . ,\1 UTMEOB-UIO« HI *»!_ I bi»lUk. FOTAaW-lf.eaa»*A*«d B, aad lor aaie •* »™ »CHlEirrEHN BBO». B CO , OI'TrON WED C A K C - l n lota to anil by jy3l K. J. HAEhM ft MHO . U/ Water et IM Pearl at. UOLPHIN aHANUEAClOHlNO t;o. I prlaa* p*aaa(, far *al* *y P. BAlaKN m CO •» Broad at. do MM* ilaaK" 170 William et. A LMOND*-100 br.leaXamju.doc, «u bal*a fapar etneii. /am ba«a rarrtfoua. lot' n«.ee Ma. MU'CI, JOObaee Am-ante, 2U0 bal** Bicllr. Eor eal* by ioth.ISMl. '•»• ..—- Tb* abov* **i* to I w t i a M 4 UU We4ae*aWr, u . . aeeMaia dayofJu*,**** •«*«• Wu aaA i h N . - H w York, A»rU «h, 1M». PEOiPEB M WETMOBX? Wl* TxVt**. Tbe above aklay I* | » t j ual I till Tb«r**Ay, tin tw*ktl«ti. day nfOctob*r,«t tbeiMsn keair aftd »i*o*.—N*w York, JIM iktk. 1MB PBOiPEB M. WBTMOBK. jelk Tntet** Tk* above eal* la aeMaamael till Moaday, the) MM day of No- vember, at the aauie uour and plane.—New ¥otk, OetoMr Mtb. 1H6M. PKOBPEB M. WETMOEE. oati lawte Truat**. Th* •»»*»• *tl* 1* peatpoaad till Wedaceday. tb* twentr •Ifbth day of ttomac twr, at tb* **Jaa boar aad place.—New York, Novewlm tin, 1MB. *M PBOBPBB M WETMOHE. Trewte* TbaftboM (V* 1* puetaunori til' WedaeMay. Kebrtaar . tb* •Jtb, 1M0, at lb* aatm* boor and plac*.—N«w York, Docemjaat Wtii, 186». PBOAPKM M. WBTMOEE, d3 Truet**. Th* abovey eale I* eaatponad UU Wwlaawday, February 1Mb, at Ui.eanae kow aad plac*._N*w York, Febraary tth, i»>0. fat PBOBPBB M. W ETMOHE, TrnaUa. Th* abov* eale la poatponed till T«e*d*y, Apitl l?tk, at th* ***»• boot and pi***.—Sew York, Kebruerv Ibtb.llWt) 1*16 VHoBPEEM WETMOEE. Trasto* Tk* >bov««ftl* I* *o*tp*Md UU Taeedey, May 17th, kt th* m e t hour aad pLk**.—M*j«* York, April ITlb. )8«0. apis PBotPEH M. WEI MORE, Tract**. T*eaaa>v***leile*-jetpo»»d till Tharedey, laje* HI, ai t b * •am* bow aad pie** -Mew York, May 17th, 1M0. melft PMOBPBB M. WKTMOHB, Tr-tet** Tb* *•«*• *al* to *OM*OM4 till BMMday. Jary Mat, at tba aasia how and plac* — New York, Jeae Slat, 18«U. j*a PBOBPBB M. WETMOEE. Trawl**. Tb* abov* eal* la po*tjwa*d UU 1 iMtday, AHHI Mat, at tb* raea* how aad plaoe— New 75 iiaiea Molier. 3uobai*aUa<d. P. BALEN B CO, 34 Broad et jyai W ALN0T8—1MI baJaa prim* b.ujltt Eord*aos, for eale by Jydl P. UAA.EM B CO. 34 Broad at. (ik*" «'.• iy«ii ikfiStmr^at.'iiMt % && DO|li* .jei.a. C ASToB OIL— Eaat ludl., la caeee, Maaera, la bble, COTiON dEEO Oil.—tJiuu* aad Hetmad, for ea>* by jyBl H. J. BAEEE ft BUv , '4i Waut ft M P*ett a.. O UVE OIL—ia tian. aad piai*, tavoiit* oiauU, Mar eellk* and N to*, lor aala by Uii _ P BALEN ft CO. 34 Broad et [•4! VTM boa an J M A C E - Prime Ptnaag, In cat**, for Ml* by iH jy3l o C i U E F F E J y l N MMUtt. «. CO.. ivo * Uilak. •. 4^ AL SODA—Nevtcaetl*. Inetrre, ItaJlnf aadtoknlv*, for (J aalt. Iu lota to a an by git A. J. BAJkJtK B BBO-. 1A3 Water ft IM Pawl au. OHUNkB—lUHElflH-^'caake; Kiane*. W)U % and * bBlk, Ion i by P. BAA.EN ft CO., .<4 Broad at. ,yat C iAHHAWAi'Bk.KI)—ttieiiy.ktiacabeaaiid Kngneu ' Cltr.c Acid— 20k*gi b,b(iudi, luraale by jy2l •UH1EK* 1.1N (tavud. ft tAi In lota i70 Wllllara-av A df HALlUM—asnaake euperior quality, lor eairby jy2l H. 1. UAilKH ft HMO, 112 Wner a lb2 ft. i. ele a til «ON—so ea**e prune i.*tho'U, tot eal* uy v/ jy2i ...... f r>ALk.N ft Co., M Blond et. P EAHLd—An Invoice of fcaal ludia Pear It, lor m o i v i'H&OOOHk, OHHON, I Wan M , jy20 jyu J*w York, July a.*t. IMW. PBOSPBE M WETMOEE. Traate* tloft of Otnaton et tbia Compafty, bald on tba 1MB UaL, tb* follamlnk ««*tl*B»*» WW* eMUIaMWly CbOM " " Cbw. 5. MitabkU, D. BTlTSi JoMpb Itiiart. B. B*rhhail*r. M. Came-dea.Jr, B Utaadiaiar, Kami la. Mitchlll. Itlaharo Itvia, W J.Todd, A..C. KlnaaUad, Fraaeli SkMdy, ik a***uaa *4 en* B UMOJUB,wa**a PreWdaWrortb* awaia* yeyw. aM OBOBOE T. MAWS aa> polntad Baiiiataay la H W *4 THOB. L. CHBBTEB, E n , r#> *l*ra*d. ThlaCoapaay tnaaraa Uwe.liuK Houeea, iuiree, Mer.-liau- dli* of *v*ry UMGrlptton, Veeaeia la Port and ihalr Cargaaa, aad otbw preayorty to aay pwt «r th* UnlUd Btata* or Caaada atrwaoaAbtoimtM. OBOEOB T. MAWi, Bw-y N. B. BBBMfc AMWftay and Oo»n**Uor. jy»l | EHI'JH COAL —Th* NbMribar I* r*miela| tale JjoMBh Moxl*. Hufh Muwall, Oeorg* Bwib'ay, H.I. Raw*. B. F. Wkidwall, Joha A. Cran*. MOM* Taylor, Keury atoua, J. P. Bcbteeoa. Wet. B. Kirklaad, And at a aaae tba a d l a a t , JC D. B. Fali*r, Oeotf* T. Cobb, alia* Davie, F_. C. Hav*ia*y*r, W.J. Bailer. B T. Wild*, Caa*. Ckaobwlain, War. B Colli*. Wn B Nicola, Caear Yar*t. p«ta of l>ir*«v*r* oa near Broadway enact uiii, bit* bat* 1/Lf PA?EE LlWHllNO-Warrautwl 17 and uteapaat, lor eal* by tu» luauufncturvie, i*T L,. KEUCMf HVANOEH B * N N , 48 OdaT at. ^ ,H»K bALE—*wo HuMla* Cud freawM aad on* Papal . Cutler, m perfect order, tor Ml* by •i3l VVM.l*. A.-vl>HE»Vd,tl4 Wat*r »t. P O U I E H aad 8N"WFF i o T T L E o - H a l f piulPoilere, hat lb ontule, Or anil* Oluawara uiannfauiuro, tor eale uy fel3 MKNEY dNYHEH, ob 4»«avM ei 1*4 PINE FlaOOBlNO—l»',UMl l**t oe «, lor Mia by PECE ft CHUBOM.eor. Wall and Bouth*i* F OE 8ALE PITCH th* o**i alty work*d floorlnc, lor Mia by L IME, C*iu*at,fla*t*r, Lathe, Hair, Be., la good ehip^i. ord*r, o*n v*r*d oft board yaiwli in iiuani ie« to au it. Fort' " \ , Mi doiint at. Coal _ dltaat fro*, lb* mlet** of lb* old company, wblek h* warrant* ta hay ftaauiM, aad waieb ha will furalak at tbe low- e*t market prica, in lota to auit purchaMie, from boat* or r«- erreeaed frant yard. r y HBNBYBBBYB, i y 23 Oat. Oaaal sad Oaatr*. *ad Jan* aad Wan ra. F11N.\NCIAL. $35,000 TO ftOJkw—SPECIAL PABTNEE Waatad, a npltallat with tb* abov* ram l a eeib, lo join ne epeclal or aotlv* aartn*! two youag woralag men, la aa Bagllih, Fr*aeb, and ttorman Inkportrkf Bwlaaaa. Th* advarttoer* haw bad Ma javl 1 •ip*rtotie* aad navaa nrat nlat* trade. Boat •** city rofereoaee give". Nou* but princl- pal*a«adwary^MaMrpfwawi aaawhawan interview .ay ba had. Addl**.X ft O . B<>« IBM. P. O jylH ftfoula* --^—" yo L0Af | o w ajoND ANO LOBILLAEO r bUBAMcS "CO. JrI3 3wi* W HALEBONE—3SU) Urn. Arctic, a very handeow* u.i, loi ,ml,,,J __ WlLLE'W ft CO., :«U3 fMrt «i je7 Y E L L O W P I N E — tloJWO i*tt 14ai inch FLuorlog Boarui, 5, and 6 Inebe* ia wmtii. .n.lKiii'.et2)4 to binch ciuip Plank, 12 Incti** and upwurd* la width it«J,i* u feet s»S to 12*12, Oirdera 30 to M ft*t ia laneth, for >ale, to arrive, by j*<9 W, A. ELL16. 27 Old ellp. | « iUcdWAKE. TtTMBLEBS."OEC'ANTEHS.OOBLali V)T W .u>0, Lxget H**rMuga, On* culaaa plain, a «. . e aad ooutaavon lioueuiian Win**, oy in* packag* or repacnao Ureraet taarkel priree by O. If. A. HINBICHa, 1*0 Broadway, l»:^ Wg aaalra. wot, tjfcawte aWMft C HINA ClaAY—at'ir*t quality, in etore and to arrive, lor eal* uy EOWAhl»d, A * AEOE ft EDWAMIM, l>!» w Liberty at. 9 Oraode, for e„li< tiy j>'» JJOWI.rJY.COKNRBBBCO.. 172 Waier et. IkALM LEAK FANE—For eal* uy atyt laUuUttlOW; « WALKEB, 32 broad at. T°MlprMM»r^S!Ily 1 to th* LOBILLABD FINE IN OILS AND CANDLES. fiBEABB—» bbla BoWp^j^rteMtob* >1» B CALDWELL, BO OM dip. if c*idieM*aa^actaMi*.2l7*aTzM rroal*trwl,'*aT*r •al* ia aaaatrttoatoMit parehaMta Wiilii wdwilag BaaikiOtL ble*eh*d aad aatwal. Si to WWda Oil. btowkwdaadaablwiiykd, r Blwebad Wlatwft**Blaabaat OU. • BiMCbai Wlatw afti Bering Black Hah Oil. l*roOU,N*.iaadwtra. raeaara'OH •Tffwri raperat. a*£k*lBp*na, aad^daajaaUa* CaanTw. Bparaj aad Want* oil Heap, Whalafoott. OBVte, 117 l*loat a t t a w i«J0 C HtJDE WHALE OIL—77 caak* prieae qaallty, jaat laad •z Nalaoa Plana, tat *a*» by ,.1 LYLBS.POLHAMVSBCO. l»Froata». I AHD LA mai •k!4 C AB 0 gaiie pftaw wtatar kki«*ft*d Lard Ol k FOPHAM B HAXTTJN. ** Proat aad UMWaahlngto* et. f -Lagbora **nbtmn\m, ta *tora. . i«re, iu.t nireiveii. WalnaltvjuM reeavlved, for Mia by YLOB Dt BVVTBB ft CO . 47 B w Prune*, In lar*. juat rde*lv*d. w •itaVilT lAMW lb* prim* qaality, for Mia by DCVAH BOEEELEN, W Br.-ad at a*j IN k. i u f i'LEd—oo c rutat, i and li gallon*, tor au* by BT im . J.U. IJfLJfcH, £tx •'•ari!, ritt) BOTTLER», DHU«»01i*Td, AND WINE DEALERS JL — t h e aabourlbar 1* now pre^areo to secure order* loi bw FlUiag and Corking Matchlne*, wituoui which no botuar* •boul't eonlinu* a eingl* day. lb* economy of time and liquid will repay their coat fre- quently In a aiugl* month. Call and **e tUeut ia opernUoa at 63 Bauver eireel. •Vg MP BY W1NTBINQHAM. R OBBIA BOLT ROPE—WWcoil* HfAh'l Bolt R~pa, all tixat mrMt*by_ WM.DEtiEOOf.UO Front n. i. OR DALE—12 baiee ROM Cutting* Apply to ETjad BMALLWOOtl. EaELE ft CO. In Beaver et M ARACAIBO HAT*—21ctaw, la •al* bo MAEOO Cat ft CO. IHI'H.illJt l . J . . 2n At .IJ"" ,.«« ai to* .kl. i'.'.,.. kn'iia t* l<Hl.E BY yhOER '»*" THE tl?KKOO-TK O F N E W YOKK IN Tltyj SIATTEB OP THE EaTAlE OK All Kill IiAI.l.V All tbat cartgia lot or pareel ol troand.eitu a'.*. l«u»|.i.ii b«lug In the Seneutii Ward of •*.!» Yora, nu Hamilton»U,»l, hen,* IN feet I" luchee front, i !*et 9 luch»* rear, S* **. on ;b* t .at al.'e andt* on the weet .iile Fuitbe a-- c*a he obtain' at the ...... •' «• f •* c LBVfcflu'iK. Attorney Al I u'eloat. at tl.k "lui. • i.„.i r.. ... I BtBCVTOEd BALE OK VALt'ABLl: BI'OCRd. ft' - ' ' . N- " turl. i • 1' ;•,.'• i\ -. 1 •••••' In " " O^a Light Lo. »c '• Maraaaata Bast. 73 " V U'ton H bj " Mecna ilea Rank It " xvortu Auieii anf r"«l ami fiauking Co. t-t '-i.it nt.Lt.. BEAUTIFUL COU.N'IRY BEAT KOH SALK AT HYDK PAKE ON K l i kBT BANK 'ii t,i* Hudaon River, one ol tiie beet waualon* ami moat rtjTta ..n lira* on ine ilvar, wltu biioi ;o aaaW of ue..uiiiul l»n« In '«*«» »«d gard*iia. For parllcuUue apply to E . H. Luu!'w Co.. No. I Pineatreet. AWrun N. Mallei, aaou u«s. HY &UK1AN H Ml LLi)R OaV* N o . 1» Waildi**. 1*». Eaiat* at pabUcaad erivata aaie. ia,*a ol Btoi laevei W*d***4»y . u j daturdey. AT 1* O'CLOCK AT 1HK MEBCHANTB BYrHANOS "FUEBDAY. July :;a At 10o'clock, at the KACI'OrtY OK lllk' FHANCIH ME 'lALLU'LlKE BOAT CO AT OREEN HOINI.L I rHK Tl>oL«, Mt'HiNi.if, FIXlUUbtl. lexoiu^l, g hil.erand he.ni e apparatuai A N D ' A I K.N I RD'Hl OF ii hi M . A M 18 METALLC I.ir k liOA ' COMPANY. At ii o'clock, on ttie oic ulae*. BY OHliM, OK ] H K nUPHKME COURT, UNDKR I !ii:i'IHKc:IOj OKOKOR.JK Ita.^JoKN, fllkiHI • k OK KINU3 COUN1Y i2lot*o. Land, altuated at Orei n c i n l , ou th* na'taily a J« Wai-blngiou atr*et aadrua lug from I. >' M eteet. being lkt «i6n feet, together win; th* eimu.Oe »'l<k tuilaiug tneicou, 2 atoriea in belgut. lk"*K'> I*, t .>t*|.a at tbe auclioneoie oat**, 3? W-. 11 at reft 4 am** Colt, Auriiok**! BY JAMRO COU * M)\. Oat** No 34k Faloia •trwt.Comioeicwi Excuaag* Oppoll** th* City Hall, Buoalya JaatM Col* B Boa arlll give tkeli n**t attauttog to aalva el HouaeUaldFuruitar* and oW-'loor Ml** |*o*raily a>*. • Mletoi EwlKatkt*, aVv, iu kttoaknaaNu Naw Yarn.. eATtoibEfTttyta At 12o'clock,lit tliu (Joiaicerclal Exchange, No. 369Fulton •' oppnalt* City Hall, Brooklyn. Bank Stork—By order ol iho* Nonbail AOiuiuletrator—17 •bare* "'1 tbe Batk ol Oiange I'ouuty.Rcw York. iilONDAY, July 3o At It o'clock, kt the Coiamarclai kixciiang*, N o . v w v a l t a a / treat,oppoaileth* City Hall, Brooklyn V* u»bl» Lot* in tba dixtb Ward. Brooklya, oa ac.i'oau: of tbe former purcha**r uottoekpiylag with in* kftra * of *u|. -- 4 Iota, aituat* on the uo>th*aeter!y c rn*r ol Columbia and' Ha rie a atreet* 7»i per c. in. may remain ou bond aad mor*g*g* For map*, term*, and ml. ptriivulara, apply . t tha omea* ol tb* aactlua- «e». Pylion atreat, Brooklyn.aud 4t» Nee»*u»tt**t, N. Y. 4 amee M tatiuar, aw.nuait BY JAM£S M. M1LL£R. Om*» BB Plan kfJkat THURSDAY. July36. Al 42 o'clock at th* Merchani. Exchang*. All th* right, titi* aad iu areal of Perry O Uaidinar, aa a*- •ifuveot Jauez M W.'.iUw.ri, iu * aia'n claau'tg Elfvator, di .i*. bunne an emu. Machi ea, lying .t loot ol N "th Fiflk »ti*«t. WllUanieburgli. Aitu, p^tanta of Booth nr* prool smut Mtrilaw TUESDAY. Ju'y 31. At 12 o'cioek at the lUarcnaata' Excaaag* Will be (olil w thou*, reaerve. Aatoria, L. I —Th* valuable plot of ground <a tha north aid* of Broad nay, but , een R; au*u at. Me aad dunawck, near taa Eaat Riear, Iu th* vihag* ui Aatoria, L L, with the dvee ling h .«aa th*r*oni 30xi00feet. Bat* poeltlv* Map* at tb* ofllc* •BY "P! O! BDbllilT; OtBc* No 43 Wail (treat, Jauncey C art Rea Eitata, Stock*, Bond* and Mo 'gag**, kid otnor B**a- ritie* bought and aoid on c a.O'leaiou. x.oani iMgotiaiad- 8at*a ol Kuiui.ur* tlten. ad penunaliy. WBDMNBOAY. Aug' B At % o'clock, on in* piemiM*. n*ar By* l)*por, Weitohsttar County, by or. *r of tb* nxaruior, tb« Hom*at*ail Farm of th* bbeall Eatat*, iu plot* taryUg In au* troaa 14 to 2. acre*. Jlapa at tb* oifc*. Oeo. W*HM Mcnula, AactlouMr. BV BROWNE & NICHOLS Bala* Rooms No 35N»eaau Mwt, direct y .j,po.luPo*t offlc*. Th* uuuereigned have added to .hair a.reauy ipaci'U* aal*a room*, JO Naeeau »lie*t, a galiary tor th* aai* of Pain lug*. Worge of Art, Fine Furniture, Brouiea, Fancy Ou.de, Re ftc It ia on* of th* largeai iu the city, being one huud< >.d feet deep, perfectly lighted, (without refloetore,) cupeled and cualiiuned prouoiiuitadby artutsauil eonuoirseura the lw*t lighted Aic- tlou OalUry In the city. Th* loenUon u UhMUKiuaod, li*lug .llrect ly oppoeite thu f"»t Omc*. Totui»ori.nch ol Imaiueea w* ahull give our particular p*i- eonal attention ; and w* invite our frteude and th* pulilt - to viauour Oaliery and Mleeroomi, vrnich aie partlculaily adapt cd to the il.apiuy and aal* ol a.l kiuda ol luercumtuiae. We have also *st*ut'Y* accomoiodaiion for the atorag* of meieliandhw. Will alao ali.*nd lo tua aa.ea of St <'k«. Bond* and Baal E*t*U, at tha Marehaut*' Eacbaoga. Wui give OUT peiaoaai altaaitoa to in* aal* and a»praiMin*nt of Furoiiu.*, either at the r**ld*nee* oi Fainilie*, or at our aal** inuma. Liberal cash advance* mad* oa verchaudiM couaignad to a* lor **1* . Henry B H*rti, Jua , Auctioneer. B Y H E N K Y B. HEKl'8, JR. Office, No ait Pin etraat, Between Broadway and Niueau atreet*. H. B. HERTS, Jr. will giv* hi* pergonal vtentlou to aal** of Real Eatate, btocka. Bond*, kc ,ut tha Mercnauta Exchange, Alao, to aaie J oi Marehaaiibw oi avary daacrtpllon, H ueeholu Purnlinre, ftc, at private raduoaw* or al hi* epacioua Ml** room*, No. **J Pinaatrat. [UEBDAY, July 24. At 12X o'clock, at tha Merehants' Exehaag*. HI) eliarea ot the ttock of tha Mnhawa Bank of gcb«D*rtady fold stuck) hypothecutau, par va ue 4Mi. FRJOAY. July 20 At 10 o'clock, at No. 25 Howard atreet. Heceivei'adale. By order of the 8upr*m* Court, under th* direction of J. B. Blauaeon, Esq ,Hec«lv*r— A larg* I d oi E'«etiotyp* Coina, Bolutien and Battery Boxn, Tvnke with ailv*. Solution ind Battori**, a lot of Old t opp*r ami ii*tal,-.'.ethe' with Tou.a, M^'erlii- «nd 8 .at on (*v Eiactrotypiug. Also, a lot of show Case* in offico. Aim im toetl u'eij after lb* abov* At No. SVg Pin* *tre*t. A larg*lot of Eltctrotyp* Waiters, naishad and f.ufiulehad. ALSO, A lot of Declaration of Indeptadcnc* Plat**, oa copper aan matrixes. Term* c u b . By order J. d- Slausion, B*q-, Reoiver WEDNESDAY, July 25. At 12 o'clock, at th* Merchants Excaaaga Byorda: ol the Buprtme Caurt,und*rth* dirrctlon of T ohu T H.dTm\n, tag . Reilnree. (Partition Sale of)— 87 U.n.ar street—ill* valuable 4 story brick *t»re or wara- bdUM No 67 Braver street, listwreu Hanover and Wall at. For maps of the property, or further parttea are, enqwireat th* oBlce nf H. B Hart*, Jr., Auctioa**r, No. Hi Pin* siraat, orof John T. Hoffnn.»i,Ei.q ,i»oier»e, No Ci Wall street, M Mwsrs. ain'-ielliu* ft P. ne, Atturueya, No. II Wall atreat Particulars of eruu, Re will be made auown at •ale. | up WIIII II ill *-<rv~mF~W*'.!< »•.!••( f i.' yi la- » I ..t*a«i.,*pi itr.y wil oa ao'u ty (ue ^igueii i ..:." ^ ..... .»l* . ii . i achanttf, it> Hie ei'y ol Ne* Y-oa, w ti»« '.'"i i.iat. at U o' "«ii, > II i.l) M l..»'. I i . l e i u i i - $W«ai cash audlue balnncj .p S'lut »i 1 morleag* ii'-ni tmee to da* >*ar* For map* and luituer laioiiuatiou, app'| to H. H Leeds« C, 24 •<,„,,, ,ire«t. Ai P R i V A l f c SAL.K A her KM i"li I-I)I,I, iau, i. .'«•- aleei barrels, H'gUitga, IH in. int tela, niau* ta orner b> Lewis a I nines, weigh* 7 *j lbs. coat d^'JO Aaiueu i . ., ( i . . . BV t'Ki.Ko A BlM* N- .OVPeai 1* Uawe CO •at Hanover Bquara. Rose- I Mil 1'UESDAY, July Jl At 3 o'clock at loot vt Broom* etieet Rio l:ii,<ii,i ii ... .»••••-• a o tgarlioio* Hlo Janeiro w o o d , c o n i p i i . i u g UdUiDr in. v.noel logs p*l blig r*(> He I ,' . 'i n.,.ga- , i. n cargo par **H 1 Rayumuil • '-.•nit •'• ggu ! g "ui,- -iUai.l. J t . n im W .lo •:«!„ Mi-iiian Mnuotidn, l'U* oargo of IIIM N«IIJ» Hunt, Ma> • i.lu.a ui a7A !•». line qu ,ll'y U*II- an Manog uy. Black Waiuul 279 ciutciuts au>: S-aisj logs mack Walnut. Alan, al ""• .'I Oouterunui aUawa Port au Platl. Alahogany— 399 crotCAM fine q-iali'y Port au Plait* .Han .n^iiv. pei i.'iot t h puiau ulanogauv anat'auar—77.iogahn*quality Maaugaay , lido do i n Ui, naian. c per brig Ring Btomai*. 1 ei ina—a uioutna, appruvao •nuoraen aotaa {•autioga** d«v before Ml* IHI'MSIIAY, Aug o. At J o'clo; k, oa in* Marble Lot. ou South itteet, ne^r l o n . a i *tr**t. Italian Marble—Tb* *ntir* cargo**, auw diwbar.mg, •> ah pa A l a ana Or.aunlio. irout Leghorn, oou.Ktlu* Jt 211 i'."i a* miiti .II qu^uiy oiaiuary anu v*iu*o I.a.lait Marb *, u! thaloli.iwiiig luaraa, W, . M. I I and H, uouiprlslag block* ol nuu*1«lly large uud •leeiiabie sirss. Blaca ,iii'iu"l>i Hanau ilaible— 7 block* fln* quality Black aadu'.id lHarbir.jaat nrlrsd -iieau* Marble—a Mnea* eb ks* quality dl*ana Marbla Br cat* leiUarbl*—2a*laol'd ni-'Ck* Bi0ateii*M*lbla. 1 ' *a—JW*I iiann i I,I II all white ItaliHa Mamie i ilea. Otroeu Vaa**—10 Ua>u*n Vaeei nf Italian Marble,urua autniaiaud plalu. Puuiiia dtone—1> caaka Pumice S.ou*. Blab* . f liailab Ma.Die— iMftwbg, 1,2. 4 and « luck thick uea* ol lie I u Maiu.e, very nupqUdlily lerme— | uiou>'ie,apu<ov*ii *nd..r*ei ante* Catalogue* day liel re sal* aTydu. S oetti, .»ci.iu**r Ki u t K a i i U Ut/iTS Ai CO. »»M No Ids) Wal. atr**i, corner of Front ft. Oeraiu ft Belt* will give lawii p*r*ouai atiantlo. tu .-• Ml* of u'.a Aaiais at the ..lercnauie' Excoang*,aud Hwuaeun.d s'arultur* al .u» raeaueui** ol lamilus 'ireakuig up baaa*- ftoping i a «o,tolb*s*i*of sweasot OruvAueaand Marxian- dlse ***ry .M-riptKin. botnia Na* York aad Uruak jra rUBBDAY^JuirM At 11 o'clock. In trout aj tha atora. New OrlMU* Mulaise*—• bbl* N*w Oilean* MoIaisM, 4 cases R lap jerry Lordtal. e b.isea Pipe*. OUT* Oil—15 on*** Olive OH Cider Vinegar—40 t bis Cider Vinegar. Aie—4caaa* Initafai* Al*. Brauuy. aoi—25 case* B.an y, Port Win* and Sherry Win*. IC'io.- )'i.a**a Jamaica kiln,. WEDNESDAY. July 2B At 11 o'clock la front of, or within tb* Mora. Finn Champ *..*-300 caaaa "A C "superior ojttaliiy Ckam- t*g«* vViue. ol itoaai lotp .nation, ia bodd. •attiiad to debaa- tura B aud - 6 by casks Pluat, Cwtil.ou B Co pal* Brandy. Cork*—6 baies piat bottla or Min-ral Corfca W adt* Laad—2 tou* Whit* L* .o, ataortad packagea. At 11 ti eiock la front ol the etui* Old Bout bob W nieaey—Vi caaaa, .tach 1 doxea.) Bourbon Whi.kay Syearsolu Francu win* Viu*gar-8 ]g casksFr*LCk Wine Tluegar, iu bund nearly 3 yea. * ftoideaux Claret—7 caak* Horde ux Olarat. Ry* Who key -7 ubi* eupariur old By* Wnlkkay. THURaDAV. Juiy 26 At 11 o clock, ia iroat ot tit* dor* Maccaboy dnud"-7ti jars (about 14 Ba eaWlMawaboy Snuff, ion* at*m, maiiUiac UXMI by tha Enlck*rouca*r auila, Maw J* a*y j aiso, 2 i t bble. Sco*a daoft uuutti run Waruaat, laapaottua, tw aecoaat M waoM It may coaawra. Fl»ai Harr.aTgbac.-Oi. gj aalM tm quality Havana Tobac- DaaualU Bwd*tl,AUejUo».aBr"- -—— BY B t K D E l I, JUiMEasR CV aiare Mo. it B Wall atnat TUESDAY. JaiyM~ Ai 11 o uiock. m trout oi tua atai*. (Under warden* inapoctluu, lor account of wh^at it mav aw. earn ) I'ranch Maildar—II caaka ftXKF priirj p# fjr | *nch Mad*r, da-.agc- ou to* voyage, ex aiaUi Fuiy from Jgam i.lM Havana Bugar—23 bj**» prim* Marsna Sugar, s.lgntly da- inegiU Builai—40 lirkiua Butter. ALSO, (toraccount <a m a Underwriter*.) Cutlery—i case ^ssoit.*d vutieiy, d*iu*g*uon lb* voyage. kHwHADAY. July 26. At It ocioca m Uonl oi tba- ttor*. iBorauoouui-ul wavm It mavcouc*i a Blltaiaa 8h**t Zino-50 caak* a.l**.** Sheet Zinc, damaged wniue voyage. ALSO, lia and Tenia Pla'.ea—3sv boiw Tin aad T*rne Plata*, tiiguluy dam gau- ALBO. Kiigii»i. Sheet Iron— 60U bund.** English aad B. O- Bhwt Iru,dnu.B*ed on ikn voyage. Btit'taei.e;iliou-5. uuudl** Ruaal* Sheet Iran, No* 10 o 13, Uigbtty o*uiagea._ ' JL. M. Hottu.au, Auctioi a*.- BY L M. rtuFFMAJX * CO. BWte No i. l Pearl etiwt. H aaovw Sdaar* fUavSilAV. July 24, al II o'clock IJAJIAOED asaAB—2JO paukigw da^uAaWd Tea*. *;,ghlly uaiuaged. ______«_^_ Il-Jias R, Min.rfU, ABCUJcae: BY AiJyfTUKA i rAKXRiiJUE B*.re go II'- i earl et.-wt. saWW Bqaar* WEDNESDAY. JulyU- At 11 o'clnak ia front of i b* stoi -. (For account oi whom it may cone ra I Zsnta i urtsn s anduranoole vVamuls 111 bbts Zaiii* Currauta, aiightiy (talntd. 30 ob s urenobl* Waiuul* i M 40*71) 'iOUli!* . laea, ,iou ,, -.aeFUkM M MoCahLINE DE LAINKS * oa a., .ju plecea Hik. • I II i.lia'UHAMS. a cosea. iKiumtu ".lib,..-. «.iiK*d , C*M, bwkpiesea L l i l N . i P A P E R F A N S . Cataiiqiuea aiidsBiiniiea on the morning oi sale E'lmaid L t:.ji ie», A-»-tioa*ei. BV RUBHE & COHL1KS Store Not 37 and ta t i n ray etrMI. THURSDAY. Ju'y 1*7 All. > n m a al .ue auction looata. By order of the l/otUru riters A«*ut, fur Cash— 2 balea, bo piece., diU..reat xrailea, alaca Uneakia*, ol th* man* of 1) hum's a Co slightly damaged uuth* voracs nl l ..pottation Catalogues aud i>a>aRej pa) the mornlni of aai*. J B BAYERS, Auctioneer " BY OAYEKSJ & CO. SAl.KSHOt.H 26., BROADWAY KEUULAR SALEd OF gOREiON AND DOMESTIC dry aad tanyy good*, Ac., In loU to suit the retail trade. couauiting of Brown ami Blanched Sbeetluge aad shirtiuna also* ha* of print* o.' diff*ieul manulisclur**, Ecalucky Jean*' Uenin.., OulU. Alio, vie, Mouatlalu* DelauM. M*r***« ftc' Black aad Whit* Efhi Oiov... Silk Ulove*. Wultiy goodi. Jac» seta. Cru**Bwr*d aad Sw It* Miaiin*. Victoria Lawaa! Bairt lugs, ftc. ^ ^^ Ltaeii aiadg BYar** L i a t a a ia toa«d», Browa aad Bleach Oamask. Whit* and Brown Linen Table Cov.r*. Nuuklas gui « l f' t *2; -LHC V lu . j w x "" M »" rt * J . *'"t* »ud Blacg Lac* Veil*, Euioroideied delta. Collars, SL.vea, ftc. H«dware_-Kniv*e iu great arl.tv, NeedlM In boxe. of 10 Maid 15 M. each. Oold Peaa, ind Pencils ia boxee oi 12 •WMaoach,Scl**or^Sh*ar^H<K and By**, aad Pin*, ftc. Alao * Un* lot ot Saawla prlnUd, Stella. Broch* and Berexa dbaeu*. w dadd*r?Jh, P t. ,, " U Mto B o a g w l s a Krench print*, and 3 d H'lus Aaiaii Wai inaats. I ai'.B.iu»aij»^ats. Cattiegais. H- , - '• . W.'iit) _)•!• *' SL'HLEaoiN^iKH a S.OPln*t IJJUNCH HkfOARS—Punch BegaTe—Puaswar*— Puuoh A *egare— Kor tale hy J"l» CHARLES BELLOWS ft lUBsavr «i VIRU1NL*. TOBACCO AUEs. C -<OLUNS ft TrL-.CESTON, No. ti W *r*M, N Y / ageutafor th* aai* oi Leal and Mantkiad loi a- t solely on commioiou, hate lu store anil sal* t> .Irak uraudsiruui :„a -... manulacturais iu Vir», to which th* ia Eg in* auaauoa ol the trad*. lUeir iicuwitt* lap* -a* lullowiug ui and*, via . 6*. ds, BMABB 12a. I bOHTKKAND Potter and Bin *• L Van daudt, Awtwaew BY R. CLARK tk CO. Balaeroum BM B'oadway. kwgaiar Bale* of Forelga gad DoaMMie Dry Oooda, Faacy •ioodi, ftc, for Caaft, in lot* adapiad to tbe r*tall trade.cua- i»:iug uf brown aad bi*aeis*d Shaeling* aad Shirtings. Aieo, a lot oi PRINTS— lea*.Turkey red print*, Miehmonu ^iiai*. 20 ptooM Faaay Fara print*, it ptoee* Molr Amique HOSIERY—200 doaen brown and bfeaobad B*M aad aal uoer, lace uiltts, cotton gloves, Be. Alao, a lot ol UN ENB-LIUM drill dlap*r, eUachad aad urowa table oov*rs. WHITE UOODS-Brllllenie Nainaoofc nulls, jaooaat awllu, Vtetort* lawn, Swlas muslin,*mhrold*r*d *i**v*e and c,u *'»> **ln boaoat*. printed Bordnax bandk*rcktela, lawn " attUl ' mki f fei •"»• PoisB***. Chopua Unndk*rchl*to, colored 'Htoa kaudkarebleta, »<-., ftc. fefVIKT V *. U !****• •»"• *** btMk '•«•».'» •*•*••.MMI SHAWLS—A lot ot arlated Ca*hmate abawla.ftc.-o. MSWIaU gsuaud'ar, Aaotioiiaai " Hi KLOJJKROW, JOa\K9 at tJU. Star* No. SB Park Row FRIDAY. July 28~ At 10 o'clock, al 2V Park Bow. For approved endorsed notes at B month*. CLOIHINO. ac. w lilio'ii K***i*« A Urge aMortment of Cmthlng. comprising Duck, Paata, V**U and Cuata, Check Shirt*, kaucy do, Otaialia, Canton Fiaaa*! Shir • and D aw*ra, R MOM, CMI*^ PaaUlaon*. Hat*. Cap*. Woolea Shirt*, I M aud gr*y F.anuei do. ftc. ftc aavoM, iro u th* lata Sr* la Fallon ijtaej. at. SA. MafducA, 4\uetkiue*ir. BY ROBERT RA YDOCK ,.. Bt"r* 101 Liberty *tr*ak BY „.. V a . l . Mount. Aaotloaaw. BY trVlLMERDINOi* tk MUUM •TORE. No. 27 Park Place, and 24 Murray str—t Heary L. Hogu*t, Auctioneer! "~"* WlLMEKDlAU, llUUls.1 sR HUMBEK1 BALES M>OMM NO*, M *ad BARCLAY BY. F. J. f*/k*i. Auviiuaeei. 01 F. J. f ARRER. Star* la» Wall H. LEV a. AUCtloaeei f}.L,E.\Y & CO. OENERAL AUCTIONEERS aad COMMRMION MERCK AN 18. N>>. 22 Catherine street, between Bast Broadway and HewyM. B L E V Y * CO. will giv* tn*lr paraonal aitentlou to pawn- r 'ter's •*!*•: aiso to sales Jl nothing. -Irygixxis, boots and suoes, notuenoid luruitur*, liquors, ^ru.criea, and ui**caan diM oi every deecriptioa. I Uouu* takaa oacommiMion Tkomaa M. Fnakll*. Aoattuaeai. BY ERA.XRL1M BROTHERS. No. Hi Wail *ir**t, ••ppoetu thai nlarehaate' Bxeba FA4AAaja»BkA.rakA\. MYERS), ULAiisiORM * Ct#. A4/CJ20AAABB. Ng» idtM ittgirfcdt <«ir—4 MMJ 4 »—k Bar*)*** LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES mad* oa coueiguaaal*of merckaudi*. lntendml loi PU -L1L' SALAS lam* Fall of iBktl. M k AmS. CLAWHOEN ft CO. Auclloaaw*. POSITIVE BAL*. O F V .LUABx.fi BROAD TOP CUAL LANLB. W* will Mil at Public B-ie ou in* 27lh SeptemTer, Iwenty- kve Trace oi (Joal Land In in* celebrated Broad Top Coal rieid,containing aaoui six thousand five uuadradaiuea, and luesaiu* v.ll.B*soid in one etaaf. or lis Mparaie Iracta, as may a* ..eaired in* Oaaal i>** til* res kin 1* BOW rapidly taking a high po altioa U ta* New York ana *.* tern mtikets, ov*r Uu too ion bavtug b««u mined last y**;, and tue ptoductiou tula year be mg au j»r cent in t .vane* oi last year. M ml prieied partic- ular* leipecliug mee* Lauds can n* had OB application .ou* by uisli or oiaeiwise. ine aala v.ill be pciemptury. MkEBA, CLAOHOBM ft CO-Auetto*eer*, Wo. 4not »»u4.»Ar*bitia»t.PailadA C J. WOLBERl «k CO. AliCT10IMl!.P,Kg» No.»1» Area*tr*»s MIWMAButa aadBUtnata- PHAaaADfiLPHLt, AEOULAR SALES for Dry o^ods, Clotalaf, Straw Oooda Boow, SUJM. ate. la law adapted to ta* city aad country Retail trade, and by catalogue, every TUESDAY A %D FRIDAY MORI INO. dPKvlAL SALES Calaa, Fancy Oooda, P» lutings, Re. oa ntner uaya, wUi receive, as ueretolore, our careiuiaUen ,kia- iatWrai Caab Advanc** when reqaired OvWiBX^ieala r**p*ctfaliy ao.iclted. BBaKs. RbJtCES. aeeai* JuMpa W. uonkM* Co. Meeayg- EluelftEiiageaneu aaTitaad, RIM.ftCo. McCreadyft Armoai Cftar.M Aeraafeldt, E*q. yel B'ib*rt Bolllag, Ckaa. Bennett, W. L Ballard, Ross Bales, L'oleoiauftCo., Canadian, L'uit'kniioiuiay, piper a Boiler, I.J WlUwa, Jon* W. Atkinson*, taaltardl, John Land, Pwdaioul, R. ri. RohUIaa, W. li l*"»i*«r*, EPiy, Alma Oaughtar M tba Bagliaeai. A. Doughty, J. Kill •»'•'«: P. P H»ti*y, Rohei t Blanlcy, C-11 Thornton. Okt Cato. Ouoauago Plymouth Rock Edmund Wa'.ta, Arvxoua, kr , a* . POUNfiB Buuora, J- Rtiiidd***, W. C- Motion. t. P. Melton, a . W. Sunuutr*. John W. Wlnaton, i CujilaLaas.ac.fca. HALF POUND* C. Beuaett, d. Elton. Hail, IK. J "*•*. Utanl. Ihotiiee, L Orton* * Smun, IH 1'tias, •-L Ward* id Fog. H Olaaa, Uo*. naRlee, •ra Temple, ia W. Nona. —run wirar.p--n ,T Tire* w n r-Drmr-s-F, anu -raw braada CHAMPAUNE WINhS—Oi*ai*r ft Cu.'s gold label, hits latx 1 and aui'h.ir label brands Inn It WINKS—PiiuieMetuirulch'sl'aatt*, Johattnl*b*rg Cabinet Wine*, and various quailti**, shipped by D Leiden, o Cologne, Th* I'iregoin* at* »lt entitled to debenture la*, AL1S—Barclay, Perkins ft C a t Lundi n iwu Stoul Muu a tea e.-vaiaiiug Edluburg Ale Aiiaopp'a Pale Ale, Baaa' Pale Ai*. All in ln,r order landing per ships Atuaiou, Rhine and Am Bagto, lor aai* by ml4 OARDNER O. VVELIN. 217 f ulum st. SAINT PERAY MOUSSEUA. HIB JCSTLY CELEBRATED WINE, BO HlOHLt »l prectatad hy coauolaeeure. Is one ol the b**t growth* ol th Rhoa*, and charact*ria*d by ltidalicucy aad *prightlluM*. ant aBavortaat paitakee oi 'ue odor of th* vlolat and raapherry I It it uu excellent light dinner wine aad preferred by away U < Chautpaga*. Imported aad for Ml* by tu* *ol* agaut aud coa *i«u** IHOS MCMULLEN, 44 R*a«*r*t.,N*w Yorf .- Ord«r» r«c*lv*d fur direct ahipment. aa) * M ARASCHINO and CHAMPAQNB-100caw:* Maraaubl- ini , AD do Cbampagn*, tor aal* by mti HOWLAND R ASP1NWALL, 54 South et. DOW BLACKBURN ft CO . No. "luBbiAVBR ST., ia JCl far for Ml* trui Bonded WarehouM* : Brandy—Heanaawy'a pale, dark, aad Loadoa eolor, la bj'» T. CaasM •%, ROM Bud, ixtanafett, Nit Browa tg It Tail, rold, infey italaataa. t/tcl* Tom.SVa, Ntohol**.2d*. P' meet, Jt' M.lvia, f /drum*!, I uc**t Couipaa ..u !«*,*•* aad a Wards, Ala, r HttUtel* .'a>. aad otu« SEOARsUldAJoT Walker, 18* "It* br**d la ta. C ENTRAL AMERICAN uox**, lor Mia by •*» <sV W HEEL WIH1, US Wall it 'I'D rOBACCOMSTS.-Tlu Foil, lu •• of 100 poaadg, 1 for Ml* by CARNBB ft HASKELD aau SB Piatt at. i.-a**a flu Beaver *t. ui'22 |>RINCIPE 8BOABB-A fliuTaMorut af tb* vailou. B brinda, superlot quali y, iu bond aadiy paid, lor aala by J,S - THOdkAS OWEN SON, tbnaoai.ua 'pURklBH TOitACCO-2J balw m i and 50 B QUI, lor aai* by O. M. BRAtMei TI, SB Bl H AVANA s i s O A R S -KoT aafelY. H lHOMAB~» BROS. 12»P*arl*trwt— Millar Comuu, Loudon*, Oparw, ZaidM, Concha*. Loa- dras * iuo, Regalia, Pr**a*d Loud m*. ii lit Britlaitloa, Ma- il* Regalia, Pr*e*ed Rogiili LoudrM, galRv Cuban*, and «re vaa, of the following brauua, via : luaeuuidad, Nix.maua, Una Nina, una, Torre Tablra, Katreila Flja, Sobr* Sugur, Muctezunisuteiw, Para, Flori- da, Chile, Flor debt Mama. Antiquaui Caruwuclla, Rafael Suar*z,Luaa, Cauaaa, ROM ReiuvaJ, tlega, larca, Kvmla, Flrmexa, SaaUagUMa, Atlia, Auatreliarioy ave. Ml rail, RH- ica, b igaxu,Cuauo tohrlnas, KultuiaBia, Mourar, Pilaroito, Cul,Piaarro, Chlci, Ageiaanuiou, uvi. Lnlun, Fi*l, Na sioua IPaiaiaila. W. M. TUtUB a UROS., lidBioadwcwnwog Caawsl. f j AVAR A SEOARsv^CliARLKMELLOWk) a CO. *1 11 *»ea... at. offer for eal* a large wety ol tba beet brand* ot Havana Segar*. carefully teiecteo in iu* stock uf sit* moet celebrated lactone* m tiaeaua, lbuiuag tb* variouig.au** aad eiaeaof Cauaaa*, PartigSy, Punoh Igaro* and Eapaaoiaa, alio, Ingulnldau, PaimeUc.Oommercite, JOM H a l l Vichot, latiuudau, Noriega, ac. ae. aad a leaseonuieni of madtum grudee oi uutueroue brand*, to waict** attentloaof buyer* I* an lie lied tulW R J P»». Ri- Oku—Beaver brand, la pliie* aad \ plpt_ Haw—Superior old Jauiulca, •ar*iully s*l*ct*d la Loadoa Sherries—Sierra, a full aasortmaut, lacludlag AaioatlUad la bacta, Itogaheada, aad qr. caaka. Porta—Cnrbburas, of various gradaa, Madeira*—hlackhurr'shueold Win** Claret*—Nut'ituiel Johnston ft Boa*' "First CUM" Wla*s oi viuugvsul 1U44, 1H48, anu 1851. Alio, Rauxaa, Moutoa L*ovi lie, Larose, and others, In glai*. Sauteruea— N*lh'l Johnnton ft Sow, of dlffareul grad a ludiag Cbawaaa Yquem. W HISKKY-25 puncheons Joha Mehan's celebrated Iriab Whiskey iaudfug Horn sUamsiiip City of MancuMtar, ia woud, and for aala at 24 B*av*r *t feU BARCLAY B LIVINGSTON H AVANA PLANTATIONS-libii,/oi aala by old J OsiAEDE BAY. 47 IVi B. RUM~—in trtiibouud packAgM, for export, maaaias 1™ * lured and for »ale by FURMANft CO.,BacMMorito It CoggawalU Cran* ft Co.,IU Fruat st, cor. Wall- H OLLAND OIN— Iti pipe* and ihree-quarl*r pip**.,'a*i, brand, for isle from Bonded Warehouse, by _»20 HENRY SNYDER. No. 85 Reaver etraat C vV^TLLE dOAP—lOuoxeeeuiatnor CMtil* Sop, toreele by i j*l IAS. W. EL WELL a CO • 57 South et ^ « IDNEY WINTBINOHAM.S3 Bearer •trwl. ottbr* forw 7 loi ,.rivale uae, Wineol tb* lineal quality, vi*.; Vino dl Pasto, oloroeo and Club Sherilee, SHudeiuaa'* hueat Porta oi varmuegrade*, in wood aud glass, Royal RUM aad Imperial CkaaipWHsa, and tba nneet Cid*t lo be bad la tba world, elthei in W*" teeHa , lo* bom* art or export dU C IDER BRANDY—12 bbl* Jersey, for sal* by 1*3) of very (uperior qaallty N*w B. W. PHBLPB, 13 Oreeawlch *t W HITE PORT—Cocgbwa'a, la qr.ca. ba, for aala hy EDW. BLACKBURN a CO. 10 Reaver at jt*Biovi»Ui>i». L^LOCR—Baltimore Faaiiy B li braaded "Moaat Clara M. voaataatly aa head, a or at J AMAICA BUM—In bond or duty paid, for gtua oy MAiTLAND, PHELPS A CO., jipjs^ 48 and 47 Exchange Place. W " HiSkUKB—S paaeaeuu* " OBAN " nigh graa* ol Seotaa 18 puna. Dundaa Hill Highland Malt. Jwa, Sue Suoteb Valt. lilay, do. io. Cawpletoa, do. do. Oteupatrick, do. da. lilenur; do. do. BofBl xHaMIMty. Menaa'eealabra'' *Irl*k, Londonderry. Murpay'* do. Cork. Burk, do. Oalway. i In Roadad Warehnaa* aad lor aala by BARCLAY ft UV1NOSTC N. 24 Beaver et. 20 16 SO 3 B SI 14 1 Allthi al uo. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. abovt Jl 7 . aaley DOW LEY. CORN** CO ITS Water at. | | WlLJAAaUiN, sat atafo^a^ *^EEP-sy»bbfeR*pWA**Mt1Brt*»« Islaad P«iH W.A.*VOBt«BON,2/l iraa hare ia atore, and offer Ml Froat *i. Bl* Maw, Prune, Auip*, aad Pork, lor aal* by MM W. A. WORB prukv* Af ON, 21 Froat m w t . AA AMS.-S0 tier uea ttamsj Nya'i>*•*> Owad Ham*, pat A A an *xpr***iy lor lamlly UM.foaa.ny ""' 3 CORR ( MARTgW O-, St Broad atraai. D RIED APPLES and PsaAUHEsy^sVslberu, for MI* by " _api3 Al. COLDEN ulUaaM. oa. aoeAn sir**.. 10 port, •dtnkH*. *toaaja*i*d U a e u i , lorex- r Ml* by A. M-COFIN.taFroatai. BY FURiSEsB, BRlNLEY *k CO H*.*m Market rtreas BPRINOSALE ARJTIBH AND SIAPLR DBY OOO EVEEY 1UEBDAY. By CasaioBwa, ea all mouth* credit. Aattuaetiveead dMirahieuwrtineatof Fail BRygdRy a*- e, liquors, C. cries, sud mescuan Liberal auvaai't-*a mad* oa tka MBM juat landed, fe 33 Krout at. ap7 giDJgg ANA> ^KlNi>. W OOL-Au invole* of Eaat ladia Wool, for n l * by THBODORE DEHON, 10 Wall .t, BY u.-ii'is A. Mathews, Aactioaeoi BUTLER, SCHULTZ dt M**TJ»MW*, jyi» near Broadwny. H IDEo-48 Maracallio Hide*, for aal* by _ap7_ MAROOPB R CO,»3Soata «tr**t. H TDRS—dtagrMB •alted Cblrago Wavy weight*, for MI* d lft hy EASTMAN ft LLOYD, 40 aad 42 Bread »i W OOL—SO packag*s Taiaajyln Mora,for *al*by ~ m2i BRBWEBTt CALDWELL. 20 O U »llp W OOL—mi DilNWMtat and sorted grad**, lor aala awaabed CaHforaia, a* ILLBTB ft CO.. 303Paarl si jy!3 B-yaVTLI __ T ALLOW^—Baltableforsfclpiaent, alway* on hanl TALLOW Olle^tij- jyll v*r *t. S EA ELEPHANT' 01L-Ju,i"k) falls b Elephant Oil, la bhd*. tferesa aad bbl*. bl**ch*d wlnli.- So m*aaf*ctnr*daa !ei Ml* la qwxntltta* t* *alt panhaMr* by _'**' _ JAMBS PRYKRaCO ,217Froal»l 0 1LS-Wlater,tparm aad WhalaOll*. constantly ea naad and for Ml* by jyi CABTWRIOHf ft HARBISON, 111 Front st ANDLBa—lOOti BOIM Adamaaila* Caadta*. Id 2o aad 40 noted bniM. OIL—No. 2 Lard Oil, for Ml* by jyll B. P. C VAN BOKKBLBN. W Broad *t %BJ HALE OIL—IW bbl* rejected crad* Wh«le Oil. aalf hy >2 Winter Sparta Oil—4,000 gall* WlaterBperiii OU. fw JAMBS PRTBR B CO.. M7 Pr at •> I AILS sygwgmllnw Wlatersperm \J mo do do What*. or B w Ml* by CARTWRIUHT B HARRISON, HI Froat (treat. I v* ix) AL mcwmmBzm »">•• on 1*7 rf_ 1 Baacca Oil froat tb* P*aa*yrVtalt Sprlags,tarMia by SCHIRFFBUN. BROS B CO PU " P»"nl*nm o r Wliiwetsl. T ALLOW-tacaW* a* JOHN 'lULLoW*AftBASkt-W»MilTCblrasy*ms**nias I .t sate* J dl 1 CRAOIN R CO. PaaRhst HIMIM, IM _. Miatf SMYTH ft CO.. SI TmyM wood i 10AT SKINB—Wm pttnte Wwt I*dla, la store, for sa I * by •JT apj BPWARJJBECH.sa Reaver st B W. BOPnW R CO., 771 Psarl it. of*r lor HI*— . dun dry Bteaok Ay 11 O -. and Cow Hid**, in bond 20 baudtoa Aman a D**' Bklw 3riMhs*Nutrl»H, IM. l7kmiMOoat Bki 9. 60 liatM unwMhei Metal mWonl. 70bal**aawwb*aBBi.i*Rln*Waoa ja aJ IliEB—iotdry HMw. lot sal* by ' fl dig DKailLL B CO.. IBS P r » a t «t |\l UTR1A SKINS—12 baiM *up*f K>r, for sa * l.y ILJ IS W. W. DtFOMESr B C O . . B S o a t t *t. I IDES-MUKI dry California, for sale by H JalO W1LLBTB ft CO.. 303 Pf.rl st IVOR BALbW* rolU Leather. Ai r oS SCRANTONfcl __ __ • NDIAN DRESSED DEER SKINS-For saTe tiy I. jaI7 A. B. SANDS R CO., 141 William »t. BAATENTLEATHER—Silver Madal am. A VLLMAN. 1» Old *i.,i For sal* by C Lourtois A- ROBERT, bl Cod*. UHIN BONEB—aO^WM^ctwfa^ s«l*hy B W. HOPES B CO 7.«P*aTl*t. in28 Salesroom *4 Cadar »treeR diieclly oppuaile Peal Omc*. BUTLER. 6CHULTZ aHVlATHEWS will give vbMr par •onttl attention to sales of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, FANCY OOODS, WORKS OF ART, ind all dewriptjoaa Jl mcrchandU* at their epaclou* *ui**room. Salw oi houMhou farnitur*at th* rendencM of familie*. Ai*i> t—o. of RBAX ESTATE, SHIPS, STOCKS, BONDS, a. ii ottia a jriti** al tb* MERCHANTS' EKCHANOE. Apprais*m*Btoffuraltur**ado:ocranlrL*. I.lheral ca*h auvsaf *e maj* coa*iiri'-.i*7U William Mvers, Aactlontrer. BY HE.NRV O. EVAiXfe. Stor*, No. 85 Maldea Lacs. For th* Ml* of Crockery, China, (ilacs, and Cattery CM sign meat* solicit**!, and advaaeea mad*. REGULAR SALES ON TUESDAY THROUONOO THE SEASON OF BAR THEN WARE, CHINA AND QLAJS W ABB TUESDAY. July 21. At Id J clock, at No. 85 M* ilea L»a* RY CATALO iUB—For IHsii—A fall aad compl*.* w*orv MAt of best White uranite, French Culua, plain aud banded, l»i»«awiu*. C. C- edged, Yellow aad Rockiugiuun Ware, plated and Britanaia Cnstori, Lanteins, ftc ftc At Private Bale—A complete assortment of Earthenware, constating of whit* granite and ;U kind* of common war* SBjswwittvSja. by tb* packag* or from th* «h*lv*e,in tot* to auil oily and country trade, at a liberal discount from regular trade price*, for e w b . teood* parebwad from tb* *bc>*w wil' He trarefully r*patek*d lov shlpni** A. 8. Rlcharda, Aaetlou I. BY RJCHAR08 « WtiliiNu/ ••ooa**oa* «• i. ». ifMBBiou. Store No. 44 Court land *tr*e W BONESDAY, at 101* *'cloc * at tb* anction room Bona,Shoee,andBrogaa* 800 cSta* Boot*,Sho*», and Br* S u a , omnprUiug a d**lrabl* aMortnaat of frMb and seaaoas 1* gom! direct irom th* manufactur*r(,adapted to th* Narts •m, Southern, Weetern, aad City Trad*. Private Sale—Meu'e grain, thick aad kip boot* aad broga t, geate calf and buff congr***; boy* aad youth*' thlab aan kin- Mot*; worn**'* copper aai I boot*; woman'* lutlag he* 1 gaitari l*o. mis*** sad ehttdTeo'' w• and ynhtaere of all eiaoe """""" *~ NOTICE. Tue Hani ware and General Aucttoa Business, coadneted by the late JOHN 8. VAN ANTWERP, will be continued oa srci nut ui his widow hy the uatleraigned, aatfer the aame -•! JOHN E. VAN ANTWBRP'B BON. Dec 12th, IBS*. JOHN H VAN ANTWBBP BY JOHN £ . VAM ANT WERT'S SOiN. More No. 73 William street, near Libert* MONDAY. Juiy 23 Pawnbroker* Sale of H. Baraait. ho 1 • Grwnwicb avaaw. si . . u i i i . Juiy 21 Clothing Sa s of adeater r*tir*d irom basinon. WEDNASOAY, July 2s JUitguM'* Phld by order ot Ja.iob.p tai.ei. iHbRBDAY. J-.iy2a Clothing ;ial* of adeaiei retiring tr m buslnea*. >'RiDAl, J my *7. Pawnbrok*r»Sal* of S. Pakker. No 27 North William at jnj. Ji'.rtl-usi,AUft.ones. *5Y JOH1 MuRTlMEri. lo Eaat Broadway, oota*r ol Othwln* itrMl Pawnbrokei* Ss.ee MONDAY, July 23 By or-'er of A H o man, J 1 Center strwt. TUESDAY. July 24 By order of J. L Plwi ipa, 66 Chatham streei. tHUHSl AY. JityZS. By ord*r of B Coeteuo, attlPea-latrett. FRTUAY, Julr 27 By ord*r ef 9 J. Levy «9o Broom* street. HUM Ai. July JO By order of P. O*niy,07 Division *tre*t. ilfejil, July 31. By order of D O Ferguson. 171 Vanck street. - : W. N. MWM, Auctioueer. BY W In. L* VV!8 dt SOA. Store. No US Bewery in* partacuiu astaa.waol in* tiaue is a*que*aea. . aaipmeat* by Uasoa Lia* till Batarday. FMENCM UOODB EVERY FRIDAY. Ry Cateiuga* oa Six aaoatba Credit. •waael C. Cook, Aaatlwaw. B* Ut l l L H , IJUUR at Cu. .auTioaAaa* aan esNttiaaios wBacauaTi, Wo. laH *X)tttA-yrosTt*tT*ot,a»<we Walaa BVBRI MONDAY AND THURSDAY, •ALE OF OHOCSHIKB—At 11 efeloca. B*gaiafdaiMol orawrto*,Braadi*a,WiaM,lA.,*,*»>. MAniigAny, Mwble, Wool, China, Bariuaa and wisar. v»i a RM*r***ea—Meawi. Dataa B Co., New Y*rk. " MOM* Taylor ft Co •' BarclayftLivlagat. a «• ASACoN—UaawSustmMSides)2iniidoSnouiai*r*, tarsal* D oy W • A. W ORkU ada & Frani a gi'LOUR S bbfedoabl* extra ou mli, made trom enoice B? white WhMt, expreasly luriaaip u» 500 bbl*. wwodiawn mill*, maaeron Mlected Kwtwki White Wheat. 5utibbU.H*wyCUyiaiU»— ia ate aid lor sale by o3i COBR. MARTIN Ct.. SB Broad atr*et. B EEF—WOO barr*l*CkM*go Met ISO do OS 10 do si fougut For Mi* by POST. S«aUJBCO.,tl ) Bwliat slip u R1ED REEF—A*) :i*re*s Diild'(,in*t0M, ana wr MI CORB.MAR11N »>-,tUBr.*.lsLroet. H AMS—*J te* C- Dumeld a Co. 160 IM Young America. 200 tea D . Rlck*u» a Co Ali*xua*war eared, put *p eawly tor family uw. fot • a l t Ir* JORB. M ABl'lN » ii *B B r o a d a t r e o t ^ I S B UROUNDY FORT WINE-76 quarter cask* h**vy Ru gundy Fwl Wine, in bond, for aa.e by TOWaSEND, CLINCH R DIKE, j*25 87 and w Froat gt._ A LCOHOL-—Ki\ VA 101 per cent, th* be*t in tba market iiuuiufactUKU aad l«r sale by xri*^i;-.irr _i r\ 'V- t J,MJBBA.-WEBB. IM Ptrlrt. ff. ni•|. tt ^ U^ L 0 ^ 0 '?• F * 1 Cod"*** Maruuwt old Cogaw alio, Roch*U* aad Bordeaux. w Whiakay-15 punebeow olgh-latored Scotch WbJakay. WIBM 100 quarter caak* Herri a Sou'* Port Win*. 2o0quwterca*k*andocta •* Pal* and Browa Bb*m 30 caaw Sh*rry Wla*. bottled la Cadia. 800 CBM* Ciwat, various gr*d*«. 30 basket* Champaga*. Ale and Porter—300 caak* Ediabargb Ala, Younger'a Abbey £'Z?" Ti **»«"*biAlUopp'. Eaat India Pale At*; 200 caak* SB^SSXFV* *•*»' BBi Portw; for Ml*, la bond w duty P*Jd,*t24B*avarstrMt,by ' J BARCLAY R LIVINGSTON Htdg Hound, in wBteh ttie e»uiud.,if 5t>n nf Cupl HuaABf was brutal'y murdtred, ain well known in thisctt, Th* last luiued caw is now beton* Mr. Hiizer, the Soncitoi ol th* 'I'reaf iry, and shown a licgifof itiyficiiioincii on th* pan of me Dutch ktiihoritiei at B.tiavta, atrouiitins altnoit to the wt- leiice of j'ltihceps frimtftlg 'l'he opinion otiUins that we utiould nave » new convention with Hie (loveruinent ot the Hague, and that unlit tucti Con vention shall bd rautieii, ihe tutted Stale* oug-ht by alt means to send MIUH ol our moei oflkienl an.' prompt naval oificerg i.u thai station to guard agamsl fuither liijuslice. Jogpph Gales, of the Xatinnal Intelligencer, died nighl in tlio ievHiity tvtih year oi his age. He was dining iwo-tuiidi oi hi* lite connected with that ei- tablighment. For geveral year* ptst ho had kwen very mliiin, but continued hit occasional visita to the office until toward the close of tn*t week. Hav mg deiervedly tyeen held m the highest eateem by all cladgaa of the coiiununiiy. his deceatts occatioiid tha tteepeat sorrow. Mr. Gales i* to be buried from hit country seat, Eikingban, i<esr the city. There will probably be a large and imposing procogaion. The Postmatter Genera! it about to lstae an im portant circular to Postmaaters, requiring arnoog other thingt, that in all cases postage stamps and not money be uted in pre payment ot pontage*, and prohibiting Ubvuse of the ratintj ttamp in cancelling postage stamps. A neglect to cancel postage BMSBBS effectually or to pottmark letters plainly, will be re- gardedas cause tor seriout censure, il not removal, and all Poatmaster* art) required to report every in sisnee ot such neglect to the appointment office, lu- ttructione are also to be tagiied in execution ot the recent proviaion of Congress for the return of letter* to the writer* theruot, when they are not taken out of the ufnee by thoae to whom they are addressed. NEW JERSEY POLITICS. NKWARE, July 21 —The Democratic Primary meeting* for tbe appointment ot delegate* to the Electoral Convention, to be held on Wedneaday next, uu held last evening. Great onthwuiasiu was manifested in both wingt. In two wan* the friends of Douglaa bolted, aud will send rival delegates. Those friendly to union are believed to be largely in the majority. The State Convention ia expected to be one ot the most exciting ever held in New Jertey. MASSACHUSETTS POLITICS- BOSTON, July 21at.—A public reception wag given to the Hon. Anton Burltngame by his cons'ituents in Cambridge last evening, at whicn speeches were made by Mr. BurliDgame, Governor Banka, and Hon. John Sargeaut. There was a large attend- ance. » REFUBL1CAN BATIFICATlON MEBl'INO AT V1N- CENNBS, IND. ViNCBNNKs, Ind., July 21. 186J.—Fro'ji fix to ten thoutaod people assembled here to-day to hear Hon. Catsuit M. Clay, of Kentucky, speak. The meeting was the largest political gathering ever held in this section of the State. Extra traina were tun over the railroads, and the greatest enthusiasm was inanilested. One delegation wae headed by eight yoke of oxen, drawing a platform upou which wete a number of men splitting rails. Speeches were matte bv Judge Kuchell and Mathaniel Usher. i Lunga OS NB» V'TK. I par cent, premium Ngw Uki.giss, July SO —Cotton quiet, sale* TW baies, market tlotMtg witn an improved demand at IHc fot tnitldiinp. Sa:rs otihe wefk 83i0 bales. RecetpUoi the week lito tmles against ISOo bNles List year. Lu- liorts. ot llie week 'JOOd b a i n * . Rir-ipts at this p»m aftsadoi last yea; lOJ.OOn b a l e s , d i t t o at all «t»ulhern auftt TOT.ii.0 uaiei- Sto.'k at this port 51.5t 0 Uilos Vioui declimnn ami wUlS* ai !) 40 a » - SO- Pork quiet *i B20 in for M«i»s. l.ard steady at U ' t c in barreis, and lilt a t e in kep* Tobacco firm. Lugs aUBMHlBl BBS l e a f 7!%»»Je. Cotfce firm al I3*lie tor Rio. taies of tlie w e e k iSOO l a g s 'toe*, in port taw* baa* *sain»t 2e,iN>. la»ty*ai Freights an*! Ekchai'ite unaitertil. «F"E£R'S METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY il CoLi'ati* it., BaookLia. Cepuriti /er I-.' C'enrnraeU Eagsursr rh* t*x*Vta.*rklng comp*usat*d Baromttar I* *ipr*M*d Is lncu**i u.* Mii-markiug Tbermoaieur la degtoM Fahr** halt Both at* placed 10 IMI above th* ground, and SO I** above the level of the menu tide. In the shade Th* lore* o lb* wind Is given lu pound* on tb* *quai* foot, and tb* rati la l-ioo of lacbM. Jill 30 AMP II. Thermometer lir.M- 3 AM. 1 AM- H aVSk 7S ^i H Highest stand, 80 , RvWStt, 74. Baroiuetti 11 sa 3 i i TIM U *•*• 29.T0 t'J.oO '-'« ii^ t9.M H i g h e s t « t a n d . 2'J.bO , lowest stand, 20.J1. T P M . . . T h e w i n d h., calm. II •• •' S S. E , calm. 3 A.M.. " B.8.B..calm. 7 " ., " W S.W., »i pound. U •• .. " \V. B. W , lit pound. 3 P.M.. " W S. \V., S)g pouud. quantity of fallen rain 0.01 inches, .in v 21 i n s 3*2. i'htriuometer. 11 f.M. 3 AM. 7 AM. It AM. 7S 08 SS 73 The highest stand, *0; lowest st and, SS. Barometer. It P.M. 3 AM- T » M. 11 AJi. aO-70 80.78 19-87 20.90 Highest stand, 29.90 ; lowest stand, 1B.M M...The wind VV., U pound. W., Ik pound. .in, 7 P.M. SS 7 PM. 29.79 $3 3 P M 20.52 J BR1LLONIN COONAC BRANDY-Vintage* of 1S61 a M and h7. la half, quarter aud eighth pip**. In band, lot ft**** C. A. ROBERT.dltiedar etTall QOUOONE^SPIRITS-Oi acknowieiigan superiority and unequalled purity, tor sale by the manulaclurer. '•»» JAMES A WEBB, lea Pewl *t C 'OONAC BRAN OlES-Tii* Via* Orowar*' Coinp.ny aad * Jam** Hrueeey a Co.—Several invoices of above braids, new landing from brig Haber, from Ciiaretvie, iot aal* by .•>*!" JOHN OSBORN. *a Ataayer «tt*et. A HrHUBOuiua***,BouaCo. aixlra*Duf>lla Stout, bottled aud lor MM iu any quantity aud deliveied ire* ol expea ui2d by SYDNEY W1NTR1NOHAM. 631taav*r*l. A L.COHOL—6U obi* 96 per cunt. Alcohol, t or aaie by »PB1 O. a A. DOwS a CO.. 20 South i AiBB-'JSO bbls Chicago *ulppl*sa*f, for Mala low hy JL» mio k. r aw. a OU.. 20 Saw g> SCOTT, JB., Auctwrneer. ihMiLai rwaet, opposite tea Caavem fetaasa, Fawrsft a w Fmktr**te, witadattftta. BEOt.Av.iR SALES OF a>MBEOIIlEBIBB, #uoui, Bllk»,Bliiaoni,s aa MiiUnary i»ovd» will ke oBakfc ccu*ignm*nl*ar* MatpaeUliiy Mibsited. Mtwee. WAUTB fei MJUaiiMOata. •28 I00l*v9* Cilirorala Wool, wiah*d BIW nnwaahatl 'alllnrnla Sheep Skins, icrauie y WILLETS ft C O M Pearl *t MiOOL VV BHBEPBBINS—300 CallrnraliBhiep Skins . aiB**v»i C i OAT SKINS—1 bale Tamptcrsfny Mia by » D2 JOHN W SMYTH ft CO T | IDES—44(i Buenoe Ayree dry ox aad cow Hn.**, la *tor* JTE lor Ml* by apM _ T. DELANO, M Beiver and 1*1 Pewl »t*. \Mj'iMJla—Wathed aaa aawaeaw amyraa, Crirse* aad Bag •IB , for aal* by 43. M BRAOOIOTTI. 114 P**n *t S PBRM CANDLDB-300 box**, ror Ml* by 1*18 ALANBON,SWAIN ft O. Ill I O'W ft'tONB H«a*y aad Olyecrla* Soap, ia j papw M**a, Imtwrtsxl a i d for MI* by f*aT liARPMRR f VBLIW.»lt Faltea it. F PHAM B HAT.TUN. BB FBONT A N D 10B WASBJ lafton SUM.,, a*v* la stor* tad «B*rforMM— BlMchMmadiibteaeied Wlaur WkafeOII, do _ . _ *• Bwiafl WbaU Oil. AIM, Bleached Wiatw Mad oil, do Bpriag land Oil, ef our *w* aMintfMinva, tad e t oml WMtaf*, •»»*•*, I i a s t t i o i l . Had OH, Blepbaat Oil le*t*Po*t01l,*adaUblad*eoi*teallrfoi Ml*. I* quaatltltt t.. suit pari"haeere. Sperm and AdaaiaathwCitdlM.la ISB. MB, M B , » » *SB mee aad la car tone nf fancy Mwrs lalw SB *wb. tJOAP STOCRS-Or*M*Tsl|.,w,T*llow Oil and glealaa, la k!* lot* lo *ilt purohesers-lor sal* by iyl» ,. B. D. C. TAB SOKKBLBW.B9 Brwd *t M ENHADEN OlL—t'oaiteatly -m hind and lot ail* by l*iS AL AMBON, *WAIN ft CO 111 Water at. A" I»AMAN7!NE CANDLBS-OI lh.»7w"qa*"iiiy;i.o7Mi; A by CABTWBIUHT a HABBJSON. Ill FYoit.? ( " VlfBMltAL SPERM^ CANDLEB^-lOisj bo.**, . „,p,Tio"i j artlr,l«,aa»ort*d *lx*t,p*cfd I* every style. MaaaiacturM •ad for MM by 1*1* JAB PBYBB ft CO , in Froi. et INDIA RJJBBEtl. . tttl I A PERCHA-Por sale hv * jr "'*- _ MORBWOO0 Bi OO^, taBrcad rt^ < " 1 UTfAVERCMA^-IW"i lbs, for Ml* by l^TCMiVNBENr. CLINCH ft DIRE.07 and M Prmt at BNIHA^tUBHER—rin* Par*,ft»rMl* by •* w OKOICN ft TAPX. K\ BMV»V at fNDIA RUMUBR—attaet ma prime quality E»*i India, jaS I arrived per ship Huseer, lor •» I* by all a l> iwtta.atN m t'ti *4*ed « trrhiMi f . H IDES -n-V* dry Baeao*Ayr** Ot sud Cow Hide* 2U« graaaMlted Bwim Ay.M Cow Hid**. WBDNBSDAY, July 25. ksrs Sal* of Wa cbe* aad J*w*lry by order W. Biiapton B Co , 18H B o w i r y . THURSDAY, July2S. . Pawibrok*r'*8U*a4 WatcbM, Jewelry, Bc„ Re., by ordtl J B a J. BImbeoB.n Chatham street FRIDAY, July 27. Pawntirol era Sal* of Man aad Women'* Clothing by order J. R. R J. 81, «**on, 26 Chatham Ir—t, ttlohard* Klngsiand, Awtioaeei. BY RICHARDS KLNOSLAND * CO. Sale* Room lit Broadway, between Maldea Laae and Llbarty strwt. liEOULAR8Al.ES ON TUBS!) AY AND P RID AY rHROroHOUTTHE SEASON OF 4kRDW*RE. PHY OOODS, FANCY OOODS. ft* iBSgrwt Mlted BwawAyrwOk MM**, laadlw Wil fer salt by lis B W ROPBBRcq..TirMTl »t Ooi. i'OB BALE-3UU bate* ttjatrtur Baww*. Saxoay •ad Merluo Wm I. lliiW nale* aiiMrlor hiwwbed Euro Bfe* Wool. *a do do waai.nl Cordova Won). Fe* sale by * ff M FOREST a CO .mftnnie * t 'RRNCH CALF BBINS.-A. Bare, Jr , Naitee BS For *al* ny C. A. ROBERT, 84 Cedar *l__ H ~~AkVrg,D SllEEP SKINS-B D. Split., Hoaus aid Fle"»b- •1, oa hand, and lor Ml* by mkilS BARCLAY ft LIVINGSTON, 2* ttaaver «t I lOAtSRINS—2 bale* Buenos Ay res, lot ail* h I fin W W. DtFOREBT ft CO . « Mnulh *t f 'omlelry BOWER ft C O . 45 South st Inst l*sded from T*»as, oi fln* quality, for sale h, DOWI.EY, CORNERS ft CO, 173 #«i„, si W OO la—A **Tah lot,forMl* rty m* HA VIS a HOLMES. lR4 8„eihfi W OOL-»WpVgiT*iat nl8 W OOL jeifJ HAIR—lii.lsjo "mixed Hors* Hair, lor Ml* hy mil ItOWLBV. CORNkikd ftt <k , n KKR 8RINS— A small lot, far salehy 1*27 DOW_LBY, CORJNJEMS ft CO. 172 W*t*r at H AIR— lAbaleo <»lsed Biten.ia Ayr** riora* Hair, ol M" rlor quality, for sale »y ,e.1 WW ngPOREST ft CO . (Ti B o i t h _ Y J Ilis-S-.'.) ilt» siiLitharn Hl<!»s, for sal* ns II jyu RL7H A KDB. BENE AHU BJ'O.. 4S South it [INS—Whale*, for aaie hy niEon. VIETOR a nun ijtiikdry 21H, *«tl landing froui »chr RateWeston, RICHARD WALTERS, OKNEBAL AUC'TONEEH AND COMMISSION >l ENCHANT, N*. »i Ci.iiiariti.ieir«ei *nrl IS E M I Broadway, New York MtirciiKin'ls* i i-uMbold aad etbor Furniture, HoraM, Wa giini. ,'arrlnr Haiaess, tail ill kinds of Pcraoaal Properti '•ought and *oiu MerekMtdiM, Cerwctliig, Mirror*, Pianos, W*tchw, Dtt monda, jewelry, Firearms,Sewing Macttln**, Nautical,Surgi- cal and durveylng I .•ifiintonU, HoriM, Wag'ku*. CarriagM, Harnysss,Sleight, etfi.,«tc, or uioaey toaay amouni advanced ou above, on satistactory term*, to be aud or Mored. Bale Days, MONDAYS WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS. Out-door salM at Auction solicited. Oood* received to b* *old oi commlmloa. Btnrw* to L«t Edward Schaack, Awttoawr. BY K. & F. H. HCHKNCK. *0< Tlolggg* kNU OKUSIAJ. COMNneiOP MgaCtlaaTI Sale*Room, No 141 Broadway E ft V H WHENCE renwtfully *oltelt coo*1gum*nt* ol aer"iiaiulliei lor s.ile at t ublii 'tact ton Th»y hold ragulai saint "I Ftirul.ure, Piano-tortea, Dry Oooda, I's.iti niis. Statu- ary, Wloet, Liquors ami Sngars, Diamoud* and ,*w*'ry. Books ami -Hfctlotiery, HorMs amlCsrriagw. and M*rch«*dlM g*n«r:tUy, uu n* liajlay ami sal* of Wiiieh their spacious saies room oUnrsgrmu tAcllitlM. Lli'eiai ..dvences uiu.le on cun- BlBinuiita when iteslte-1, aad prompt i- luitis lo ml case* They especially *ollcil th* sale oi HouMiiold i'orii itu «, .6 which they -.nil give their p*r*ona! attebtloa *Uh*r at b* resl.ieaiaa ot l;iiuil •* hraWing up kotiMaeeplDg, or a. ' e h spaclo'is *ala* toom, where they hav* aaviusl*.! laoiiitlee fot be it lei'lev a*.I eale nf the seme WilitatuS DUe,A*«UM*W. BY WILLIAM B. DUKE. OBkw No. 9 Aauniea* Eachang• Bank Bulldlag. Cedir at wl corner of Broadway, (baMBM* RMI Batata, StocbL, Bond*, etc. at pub Ik .gdprivate tali; •alMot Howobotd Furnitur*,Orcc*rU*aadMerehaadlMgea- •nlly, itteaiiei .o personally •taglrar k*ptof Lot*. Howe*. Stor**, Country Betideac**, etc. at Private Bale and to Let Meaty ta Loan oa Bond aad Mortgage. William H. Franklin, Aacttrawr. BY WM. H. FRANKLIN. Oxen* No. S Bioad street. B i l l Batata at Public tad PTtvat* Sate. Pnrtlealar itt*»tlon will be gtvea o aaias of Stock t.Boid* ind otk*r SeeuretlM; •bra, Vetseht, MarcbaadlM, and Salw ef Faraitw* at private rwhtencw. M. C. Bad*. Auctlaaw: Bv EZRA LUDLOW, Jt. Stor* No. SS Cedai « . , (tmassdlstoly o*awite tw Post OBVtt.) Eztx LuBiow, fa. will attendtn the MIM« MerehajidlM of Hi dwcrlptww. Storks, Boad», and otbw SwwRRs, Bet. Eatate, and Vowel interest, it the Eereheate Bxcaaw*. Pa»- eltsraalesat taavmMear* nf .-w*ers or »« tbelf eal.a —mast MY V W. BEiSNETT «t CO., . vBaiiiMin* to aad oi v'»nno*,B*ti*s»*tftoa.) AUOXlONBBRa AND COMMAaWlON '.ENCHANTS, MM. 20 aad 20 So«ta Cuariw t r w t , BalUgawe. OBbr w a r a t t v l c w i * tat Mereaaate, Mtaafaeiarer* aai trtdtrt oi Maw York lor taa tala of Dry Oood*, Boots aad ' ana MerchaadlM gewsvaUy.sdsam i-OUTMERN FLOUR—SiUtabter eipon taa in* tiid* • 3 branded— Columbia MUU Extra Oeorgwa. Blanord do do d< Evermay do do dt SIonlioM do do a Woott r" *-L* !• It Barcelona tuperna* d Spiingiand do dt L Wauoa do d Emmert a N**7com*r d Souibur do d B. C Pry do d' H iin-i do d- Oownay do di Half bbl* nauled MontroM *xtra, W*odl*y MUU Iu hn* orWr adoai aud la stor*. ir sals by SAb-FOBD R DOE. gaJMSj Front d IN fOMl'OOAAr—an conM queue* i taa extreme dUBculty ganerally tipertawW e procuring ii ail It* uatlv* purity aad *t<-«lleno*, a , _ OENU1NE POET WINE, W iavalaat. t for metRcjaal aad lli*-M*1aa pwawaa, OSBOHN a co., OF OPORTO, (tbe only mercantile MteblienmMi la Oporto whleb a w • braach la th* Uaited Stete«a hav* adopted tbe plan of anip- plng the BMW vintage*, la bom* of an* down *acn, under then own brand mark aud guarantee, whereby consumer* ar* ena- blad to obtain th* choicest qualitl**, la th* original puckagta, ta exactly th* nm condition u unported. For tala by Carbart a Brotner, ss Broadway, Oithatm Brother*, 86 Broad (trwt, H. B. R.;rk. 6a Fulton itrwi, Pr*d. fl. Cowan*. 73 Warm strwt. Rent, Lowlier R Co., M Broad strwt. Stent, Falg* R Co., 117 Broadway. * Ordere rordiiectimportaiioa*, from taa Trade ealy, riaMi w and forwarded te Oporto by myla'ataw JQRN OSbuRN. 46 Beaver »i C UBA RUM—SO and*. Cuba Rum, ia bond or duty paid. Sr MM by URINNELL, MINTUBN ft C o ! , 7b Soutn (treat 1*6 I NDIA MESS BEB#-67jt|*,cdiic»go Inula Mess Beef, put up for tne English oi China gets, for Ml* by j*l» CRAU1N R CO. PtckiiluUM, 383 W*st 12th*t. C LEAR BaEF—M? bbia Calo suitable f«r Weet ladia •Maui .i ii .us, tag sale iy i»li CAwkteiN R CO Packlaouie. 363 W w t 12th *t. E XTRA INDIA BEBF-620 se* Cnicig*. ear own I branu, put ap tor th* Blast iadiaiket. for MM by j*li CMAOiN B CO- PacktaiBM, 363 Wwt latb M. ;, 18H. POTATOES, ONION* —For exportatloa aw) L tamtly aw, for aaie try •It IS B CO., W Soatb P ROVISIONS PORK-WOO bbls Maw PwE 1000 bbl* Prima do. -1000 bbl* extra W*etd*wtBetX too bbl* d* er tie by y»> J. H. OBJ B CO.. M Water ex. INDIA AND INDIA MBb^BaiAaiic tferee*extra India 1 xtoef. ia tiercM do India SbnM, HlrtWartaialWaxttaiM for private or pWltawla. Alii johnOampba BELL AM A, M. i nsta'ai, A n li. JI a. BY \. M. n i l * . AI,\K, No. 23 Bowary. Cristalar will give his p«r*oual attenili* to win of ( sOATSEINS-Whalw, T ,'. :l "KWITZ.'.MPaiflit. in'» sale hy DOWLRY. CORNERS ft CO.,l7l Water it. a.. aJTOtiBBRIIRIE CLAY-'Warranled best quality for <;*ae 1^ ui.-.l'f, ft' , ho anle hy EDWARDS, LA PARUR B EDWARDS, , rt ti.1 Lil'sttr et W OOL—Atk.ntlO |ha I'hlll, for sal* hy lyio DOWLEY. CORNERS ft CO., 17a Wafer at. H IDES—HMO Bu**o* Ayr** la boat! AXM do duty nahl, o r m l * hy - *--'.-•, ,..- *_ W ^ n,e r " , »* a f . b W ' . W South it '.ATIIKR--W toll* Soulheiu , * * , loi sale uy <•'• BHBWER ft CALDWE1.U atOldsllv D! houMlml.l fiinilinr*,*lih*r at te*rMlil*ae*or p'.rltMlkrea*i*g Uo hoitMikitaplug, or at hi*slots. Alio, to **t*( of Uoeksol clothing, ilar goodo, brmt* and ahuet, grocer!**, liquors, and men'JinudiMo! *v»ry dwrrlptioo, na which he «'H mag* rash atWsai-** wheaia-giilied. Regular salM «H clothing and dry geoils h«ld *\<«ry Monday tlnriagth* ***eon, which, a* W*ll e* ait ggaetal tana, win i>* *dv*riis*tijiii he tiaiiv ii«r ___^^ Hnie* A. ChlUoi, Aacii,iue*r. HY COLS * CMII.TON. oftic* No 4'. N****n street. Th* •'il'*cTlt i *r» will give their personal atientlon to the aulas nf Real Kaliite, V***nl», Stocks and Hotnla at the Man hanta' SBllltngi A teniamr kspt Mr the ilupoaal nf Heal Eslate al py|*»te sale. I^iani tiegotlaleit .m Jt"*i Estate ___ S. \ .». BOCMiT, AuenonffM". gate* Baaftt sSsawel Ftat.aiori and William sir**t.#. N . V I*..,a..mti AH citlltin paid It lh* sale of Housahn'il Parnttar* id f»mllle*dic.l.nl»a iou»*ke*plng at tneir restitenctis , alio, toMsxTtaaSt and As. gne*a»i,i*s. Homes, Carriages, Asc, and Il i^a Bat* St Ke* ttsttta, S teat, Bonds, ft.'., at the Mer- ih*nts' .i.-iiHL-fn. Hfier to Peter Nay lor, E*»i„ 7B Broad sire Jor-a H Dnaltam. Esq . ift E l.fth strwt. MONDAY. July 2J (\ .r.-ii•> Saie— . nt'.v i.-,u«. i-,p wai-'ti. , I uhalte A.t a geuaril Msortiiitiat of HouMbold "Furniture . Jli, AactionMf. BY CAMPBELL tk FUZPATsUCK. Stor* 177 Pearl strMt, betwwi Pit* and Cedw *trt*M. Regular SalM of CroWiry, China aad O l u e m . . Liberal Cash Advaawe at*de on eoMbjaaWBia of IBVORM li port uv to arrive, to b* Mid a taction. At Private Sute-A larg. at varRn lioeh if CUaa, OlM aad a5*rtu**war*. at * t i n t dtwnaat. ror u i k , frets rajai* >.i* - • • M. Ofiughty, AnetlonMr. BY M. DbfOHTY. Sale- Room, TO Nasssu atreet, betetMB Joha lad Fulton. M. DOUGHTY win giv* bl* personal attention to Balw ef RMI Prist*, Ptocki, Be , at tea M*icb**U' Exehaag*. Also t»*al««of HotiMhotd Pur allure at th* Teskleacea of familie*. Stocks oi cabinet maker* at hi* salts room te abov*. vTllllan Dmnont, Auct! mw.- BY WILLiAM DITI10NT. awaa-., OBw No. 4 Wui aliwl W. D., will alvt alt oeraoea. *tteatloa to tbe MIM of RMI Estate, Stork*. Ship*, Furiltwe. Be j i l w , awaty barrowta •ail Kianeu oa bond aa.I mortaage $.»V«* to Limn n B»n. aid Mortgage.li sams *f Sl'sa, .•* aawv.ls _ , B. T. Wilis. AMttaBStf. "" Bt' WILLS W ELSWORTH. • Store <Vi LItarty strwt. "a* door Eaat ef Broadwav W ft E. grv* thair pertoaai attantloa te wte* of atetv Je- •cri.iti oi oi property and merebaadht*. Also, r*ga v MM* nf EARTH KNW A RE. OUASS, CHINA, SILVER PLATEI) WkHKand P ANCV OOOn.Hgeiiersllr. s-***a**»w fjmt llj 1**T tlOm^JxeTexet UbaratCwb'wvaauae, wttkaat *gtraaawrt,i lejiittn in grklai *abt TaoU itarM art tttuaMd ia tba wa ire ef bwii IM, **sd their akswrstaw ot avwa tbaa autaei ytar* la t w awttaw * a*ta*s*,*a»ble tk«mtatSRt grwt advaa .a*w*ov*r aay taaarhoaM latai* city. Williwai MM. i^<yry,Ew-,Caaal*rBaak»f tat BeyabU* Maawn. Massarty a Co.. New York. BuieMatioddwd, Jetepb C. JstaSS B 4>.,PaIUa1*vpaae •• ' Wsa. WoWwaiaaCe.Baltlavti*, - Cbaaa, Lilly a Oe. B. PrattftBretwr, •• C**wid.E.-etWr AC*. •• BY TAYLOR 4% GARDNER, AUCriONBBRS, No«-*aadS*tarmaa sttaw, BalUmar* BPRIMU A"LRS, 1SS0. Ou BaiMtaBrlli*s^Fr**sK,SWIM. ti*rn>Aa udAwavtaaa M\ aAoODB.Ci.OTHS, CASB1MEBEB. BAT INS, Bw. will w bald rcgalariy BVBBY mUBBDAY IWaagbaat tw eeaeoa.ua Mg •avAtbtWtatta- Special Sate* ol CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, BOOTS aw aM0BB,MdR**dy-mad.';L0fHlNti BYBBY MONDAY. __ , LlWriiCwft A d t t e w *M4taaaa aawliaggmti tar Pablo wPrtvitattiw. TAYLOR B •ABDNBB.Awtlawaira. BtprewatadbyiBAACHONItl. . . . ^ Comm**lrtatb.w addrswiid te him, baa ISIS, N. Y. Pet* 01 Wa.willwttw*atlyatt*Wtdt*. laB MM* BtWaVfiy* wit by was FAB: TMAN B LlD.ao aad 42 Broad et & 2PUT PEASi I*VB bbl* *r.p*riwiBh aad Amerie»a,ior 7 tale by je21 A. IQFFIN.ta Froat »t F : ABL BARLBY-SV» half obi aal* by J*2l _ "" A-OF FIN. M Froat M CUTPA SOUTHBRN FLOUR WOO bbl* tatia gTT*d*rlcg*barfBBdad Btlltmeai. 1000 do do do do Ewi*. 1000 da do Oeorgetowa, de Oaag/eia. For Ml* by mhis W, M. NEWMAN 3„ TBPtwI itrwt. tUREASE BUtTBR—M)k*B*.forty •J wy" aylS CAB fWRIOHT a HAJON. IU Froat G.ALMON-102 tbl*. No, •T3 for sal* by J*27 1 SaluMalifw iMpeetlon, JAMES HUNT A g o 114 Frrmt *t. u BRBINOS-100barrti*awTu 1 '°'»w 0 . i Htrriags. ol a ujerior qaallty, tut Mil By. . tM JAB. l*UJs*A^O;^^FiWBtM l\ EW 8CTTBB^PaekwnSia? ,lu » rt « MU tfor ship m*at towaigkClimitM, by Bwtanm an ss. CARTWRIOHI a-»RlBON. HI Fra«t, Jj9 F LOUR—aoou bbi* o*ii' tH HOW' •• '^INWALL. 64 South*. H ^ . ^ ' ^ ' ^ ^ . W E . tSWitar Rrwt. E XTRA CANADA PbOC^ sm bbl* Paaally Flow. b**a SW too _' *00 de Tor wit by mhii do tatri do do SI it d* DnmfriM. McplaLtaf. Ltieola. Pboaix. w. H. WMANft CO., TB Petri M. W. II hea-h. Auatiu, wi. BY W H BBACH. (OBMW, NO. 44 Piae atloet.) REAL EST ATC, STOCES aud BONDS told at ,«iMlc aad vx.e me SM*a a A,ls II tn- .VliC itf! HNI'A' KBTHANOB. IJ tit . vtnueii! BY HOFFMAK8 *k CO., .ismoasaa* ABB waauaiioa BBBOBABTB, Me. S Nertft Chwlwrtrwt,Baltlenr. PAJU. BAlaatt OF IMPORTED AND OOMBBTIB DEI wOODS, BVBBY TUESDAY. OasUmoata* credit-CoMiriatng Fr*nen,BiM«b,*teravi awAaMrRaaFwKyiMMapwBotai*; Alw.lall tayrnaa M Cloth,Casalm.r*i, VMtlagaft. , adapted ta thtCletUa •HMP SALE Of CABPatlS AVERT PBIDAY. By tAtaitnw, oa «ia xaoatas'ere.. -Faiiaawrtgwataf ti .at.Brtwtia.IafTaiaandVeattlai. rtt" Cwh*dvaaew»aad***m*r*aai*». » latai •ftVkVsMst. Bt»i«MntadbyaVoM^aW.Dr;.« - Addrwthim. BJK Mil. P**t OB*e. tad*d tar aablMS) IaOVINYIIalaB. Kf. ». t>. HENRY « Wi_a_^.__ AUCTIONBBBB AMD £0li^«« o w MBBCHANTS, l»al«viir*,Eeiitacky, Art BOW occupy tag on* ef th* mo*t *P , «» M ,»»« I ••* '«•»•» Auction HOUM* Wwt ' for th* Sal* of Dry Articles, Fin* F • \. allure, Boot* idvancaa mcie oa Cuaeuyamont* Th*y r*tar te W Iwloa, Laul*' ft ( *• B. B. CbitwadW R Co. ; on* „i th* mo*i spacwae aaa ewt iigatea i ol lb* Mountiiw, partteulwly adapta* t»ood* *lw lo' Oil Paiatlag* Faat] tuV*.Biuis *ad Show, ac. Llbetii CM* C™^gS^^^ tpl7 CABTVBIQHtt M* f>oW 1<*> »» »»"' M pORE-M*s», PrlM*. irfearPtrL city iwp*ct lot, for •yjjT* fJDRABBft CO ,21 Wttwtg OICHMOwP CROSS aDLIBtJB-lWM) bbl*. time »^^ fOT ^riy.irMA»BCC,7BPwrlrtr«i, fRRlBD APPLES BMP f im *> P* 0 "** »•• shipment, for I j ya Ml * br PEA HOWARD, g caaattattita. »f 8 HOULDBRB-M Steohtd, too rml* yil •aitty »Boata*t. l 3 P^ip9-BBBi. ttttara co ed.tagged,for e^e by A. UiAEE m 0O.. ai Water at. B TQ7jr7J~ H 7ji B ^riercM "Joku MarWidi" attra fa- rSfmj&Z&T****'" "^ Clnclftnitl H DRBEft C0,3IWat*r*t •V. liOllIBa fkJUtp 8 WiikteA Aartioww By PHILLIP R. WILKIN*. om«e *fo. io f>i***trwl, Btorm'e Poiuua, Steal E*t*te, 8t>.cksami Butt'.s at Public tad Prlv»tv •-' *,* Oitt.linirsales.it KiraiiiieiidMen-haadiM al'eail*.! to. J R*i si.i Itpt for parties daelroas of Iwatsg nr *ht*l*ln a . i t t t i t Brie.' ae.l MnrtgM*- ftmn.sej Wtiltr,Au'<tl<i«ai, BY THOMAS i MILLER . . _ . _ . _ Offltw, N o 14 lrc*rlw»f. T J M will attend p*r*n**U, ,a th* »«ern»iatti a of pu'f h*. m and Sale* nf Real Kstat**, .iml nbralatag Loait oa Bnud •ad Mortgage Sevaral irnii tn loan 8*'»r<lr*ry dMlrahi* oiflneetB tblsbnlldiag to let at alow rant. VBttua sterns INST. LOOTB. Me- W|LLlA»IS"i5* BUYLE, 4UCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS No 10 NORTH R1AIN SlBKBr.Bl. LOUIS, M*. KiMfS* M%a^Ci%H0» > CS.»« a •'•* ta , Caab Advaaea. *HUM *a tb*rtaalplof gwdt. Stttlementt mad* tbrw day* after MI* aavaiaacti. MIMI*. My.r*. Cl»f b«BftC-J- PMRtBiipbMi Stuart R B^otatifcPW^labJa. L. B B, Cartl. *^"»^yf* - _ wh " Tw vfyek TrjavwaadR ftrtm, N.Ywk. •• wo^i ^•^• t a, L a^T « Crow, Mel reedy B Co St. Lout*, . 1 1 wvevga «VI!li*rai- la. ' i l -V ^n* rtt* brand*, fw •aio'by jyu R TCE-liO tttrcw, tjfft ,w ^ jy9 D..WY.C' --- PPteS.forMlehy UOsvKS a CO ,172 Water *t. AMS-200 ttercsx**** •«*. sugar carta, for ship- 1 fawisS- -7«n__ ._. _ ... — VAB3EEBLEH. •tat .ad fo-^gjanwri. For Ml.by II BACoV-i jyl2 ... , _ _ _ *"TAi.T EOO FLof*** Otdlag —PartlM dMiriag to G «1,-T. Mr., Md- «*+l SffL SL^" ,, } 'il «o wall to apply at o. ai BMtMB will bt made In order ef ••VBT 1 '" u n w r . D B ABPtTALL.taB SB Soatb st. i « Brat war. wli.adeia wit t* W CYRLid W. FIELD ft CO WHOLESALE PAPRK DEALERS, NO a*aj AT BBEK- •tu atre.t, N*w Y. rk, od*r lor aai* th* l*rg*r,t, and b**t. se, tented assorimeat of Papere to W found in the United Stats* among which may b* loitad. Herds.* Psp«i, Manilla Wtapping ^HEY-JB-c^h^agllib^.^^ Baailw DaR V/ tad Sw Appl p O B B - 8 0 0 bbilkw afAMi Po B7 3nnbbl»»«»ff 0 ™- ZHuSSm.'wBTMaw Pnrk. BEEFJwrmySraMdr^^^MMiB^^^ Fer iv" aillhvP- C VAN CREI.IN^iW Broad at a T a i l T T ^ n ^ i * ANTTXARR*pWb*d for C»llfornia, Ailstrat.*,!'! tb* Itxiwi ici atylw as to assay, tkslr jpoRf tfaNSJ, BOTllaEDli FORl'UOAir-ta jyo , %m7HlSEEY-10u0 bbls atectifled; StaS bbl* old Bourbon': VV Sou bbl* Moaongah*la. ' N. E. Rum—lu iron honud paekage*. for export. Brauuy -la naif, quarter and eighth piima. Alcouol—in > tan or tin*. I.iu—lu pipes or ffti*. Pure SpLua—Iu pipe*, half pipw or bbl* For sale by ... ,„„ _ J C DAYTON m CO. '"' 107 Float ana bO, 71 and li Robinaua «t*. A LCOHOL—SO and 06 per cent., (or sal* by maaulaetuier". i. 0 " " ----- - i)-!7 . ... UAk'TON a CO-, l<|7 f 3oat and n,t, 71 and 13 Robinaua at*. D *5FW™R *INE—Vintage 18^8, of the brand of Otboria ft Co, ror Mlt in pipas, hud* aud quaitera, by JOHN OSekOiiN. 46 Beaver it. jy» FJOLOONE SPJ_RITS-A *t,y jyn proof rauuired. J C.DAY TONE CO , 107 Front and 90,71 and 73 Atabtwon ate. W HITtj FOR* WlaE-of ike branu of tjtborn B Co. for saw, by JOHN OSBORN, it Beaver »t. jBIw M l IP CHAIN DLtiK\. QAMVU-m «mK . !*2L Alta,glyYnf OAKUM 600 btiw nperlor, *jr D •uo balw aavy, COTTON. BM balwbwtwvy. IB (tor* aad lo. aaie ay AUlie. WH1TLOCX m CO.. ST Srmtfc a*, man n y WlUat. _».» WM. A. FREEBORN R CO.. ESS South *t. K BNTLBDOB—100 tw* Kentledge, taltable fog for wit nbeap, by Ja7 PBTTKB B WILSON. MB »>utb at. J UTE ROPE—t30lmlMl8rwll»,iowlaadlB,from*blp Realm for sale by <«M BOBBON R F0SD1CK. 77 South at. T BBRY R DELL A TORRE. 100 Soutn meet, orttrtai Blanufacturer* aad Aa*ate,hav* coustaatly oa baad , . Chain CablM—Short link aad st ad link, bwt prwtd, all ttwt . . do aa .C»owat,forgeiwwatalcwaw,aUilaw. Anchor*—Engltah and Ajawicw Iroa a-d wood-rtock. ai Bunt ng-B«atLondoB,*ll cokrsaadwMuba. Iwtxfbta BuMla aad Manilla Cordage. Russia aad Manilla Bolt Bow. Oang* of Rlgriag mid* 'a order, Oakum of ail qualities. Cotton Seine* and Selaa Twlae. Sttaw made to onlw. of any iltt •rrb. ggytb ta_ - WglY. MM f fiOBl BALE-SO baleiiTtvw Mow Cutting*,forw l * by ia!8 WIKCUIM niaattai .. An - •'• WAKEMAN. DIMON R d o . W Boat B a t ffoPE CUT w DSIW, lor sale by **-*? WEB R CALDWELL. BO Old ally C H | A . M, CABLB-12Sfotbo*w IM iBch, for Ml* by ^ ,|1B DDWHAaf B DI'MON. S7 South et CELSlOB PATENT CORDAOK COMPANY, WA- eleasil^lJf** ".""fl- 9nm Jf BBOOaLVrt.-Th* aadtr- Jaf.m J^1 T " p ' , ' BU<, A " at * of m * Pactory for tb* maaa rots ?™AL!£ !l tHof *' *'• «"*J w, l'»« ,d «> tewiva aad ew k2t B »IrV" w,ta,rom ?. nm,ad, fttaAtcb,atibt lowett aw ^LaW* HOWIMNDRFROTHINaHAM, -!?**il IPS Wall strMt. corner Froat. JUTB-M0 bal** Jute,forsal*, 1* bond or duty paM, by •*_,, MAITLA1YD, PHBLPS a COT ITU 4S aad 47 Eictang* Flaw. DRUGS AND DYES. V AW ^ L, s4.K AK ft^il mM, > w| Mwinan. for Mlt by jyU THBOO VIETOR ft^TJCCEWITE, SB Ptarl ta ,ly 11 IO WNSEND, CLINCH a DIRBI S7 a INDIGO—Mean*. jyn - O IL EKMuN-30 c brands,forwla b- jyll •ele bv 09 Frott *t. B..ul*rsoa'a and otWr favorite . ror wit ty SCHBFFF.LIN BROS B CO . 170 William it. H.J BAKERftSRo. iuwiterBI William n. •10 L. good BM IS* Pwrl itt COIB YARN-For mlt b} J5» . ARCHER R BULL-177 Wtltr it. IVA TOWNSBND.uHNCHftDIRgi.fi- ft go Front «t -CISM aad nan of emu, f„ r ,,„ „r^ ' TOWNBEND, CLINCH R DIKE. M USTARD SEED" THRO BELL AND EVERETT MEETIBO AT CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI, July 21, iStiO.—Notwithstanding a heavy rain atorm, the Bell and Everett meeting last ni K ht wa* 1--er- -«d vary enthutiattic. Speeches Scott Harniwn, Hon. J. n. irWinifliou.Oataf'iaTHtiV, Join W. Finnsll, and others. A resolution was adopted for holding a Stale Convention at Chilli- cotna on the 16th ol August, tor the purpose of nom- inating a State ticket. POLITICAL MASS MEETINOS AT ST. LOUIS, ST. Lovia, July 21.—The democracy, are holding an imtnenae maw meeting at their headquarters to- night, to ratity their nomination for Congress, the Legis attire and couuty officers. Mr. Haesarouck, of Cincinnati, and Judge Trumbull, of Illiuois, are addressing a Republican meeting at Lucas market to-night. Mr. Blair has apoken to hia sonatituenta every evening thia week. He seems to have energetically opened the canvass. THB SCHENECTADY DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CON- TENTION SCHBNEOTADY. (N. Y.,) Julv 21at.—The Na- tional Democratic County Convention met to-day at tha Eagle Hutel. It was largely attended. 1 he nomination ol Breckinridge was ratified with great enthusiasm. James 8. Woodruff was elected delegate, and E. F. Loveridgft, editor of the Daily Mew; alternate, to the Syracuse Bute Convention, to be neld Auguat 7. The Douglas men tried in vain to get in under bogus ward certificates. MOVBMXNTS OF MR. DOUOLAB. SAKATOOA, July 21.—Hon S. A. Douglas arrived here at two o'clock this afternoon. He was received at the depot by a large number of his friends, who, with a band of music, accompanied hiss to the United States Hotel, where he made a few remaiks One hundred guns were fired. DOUGLAS RATIFICATIOTTMBBTINO AT FULTON, W. Y FULTON, July 21.—The people rallied en matte in this place last night to ratify the nominations ol Douglas and Johnson. Three immense meetings were hekl at the same time, which were addressed by Hon. Edward Marshall, of Kentucky; Hon. San ford E. Cnurcfi, aud Hon. Francis B. Spinoli. l'he greateat enthusiasm prevailed. After the meeting the Douglaa clubs had a good torch-light proces- sion. At least five thousand people attended the meeting. OBN. LANE IN NORTH CAROLINA. RALEIGH, July 22.—Gen. Lane was received at Shocce Springs on Friday by a large concourse of citizens, and the militia of Warren and the sur- rounding counties. After reviewing the troops, he retpondedeto an addreaa from the Attorney General of the State. A salute was fired, and there was a grand entertainment. His presence in hia native State creates great enthusiasm. He visited this city and Kittreli's Springs yesterday. LEGAL DECISION AGAINST THB AMERICAN TELE- GRAPH COMPANY. NEW HAVEN, Conn., July 21,—In the late case of the American Telegraph Company against John Buckingham, of Fairfield, which was an application for an injunction reatraining the defendant from cut- ting dowR the pole* of the Telegraph Company in frost of hia premises ; the Superior Court of this State has dismissed th* petition with;costa, OR the ground that tb* Company never obtained the defendant's permis- sion to locate their poles in that patt of the highway belonging to him, and were consequently trespassers. ARRIVAL OF THB^OUAVBS AT BOSTON. BotToif. July 21.—The Zouaves arrived here at about seven o'clock, and were received by the First Company of the Second Battalion. Owing to the rain this afternoon, the drill of the Zouaves was postponed until Monday morning, when it will take place on the Common. They are the guests of the Second Battalion, and occupy the armory of the Bat- talion as their headquarters. Invitations are pom ins in for the Zouaves to visit Sslem, Portland, and other places further Eaat ; but it is understood they wil I take their departure from her* on Monday, and make Philadelphia their next stopping place. THE MILWAUKEE ANDMIS8I8SIPPI RAILROAD MILWAUKEE, Juiy 21, 1W0.—At a meeting of the Common Council of this city tl is afternoon, it wss unanimously resolved to oppose the scheme to capi- talise the indebtedness of tbe Milwaukee and Missis sippi Railroad, unless the city is put on an equal footing with the other creditors for the full amount of the city bonds issued for the benefit of said road. ACCIDENT TO THB OVERLAND MAIL COACH. VAN BUBBN, Ark., July 81—Intelligence has TBBcbed here this evening that the Overland Msil Coach, coming east from California, met with a se- llout accident at the mountain pass of the Choctaw nation. The teamransway, killing one person, se- riously injuring several others, and completely wrecking the coacb. The mail, in coiisequence of tbe accident, will be delayed some thirty hours be- yond its usual time. DUEL AT BLOOEY ISLAND, MO. ST. Louie, July 21.—A duel was fought on Bloody island, ooposita tbia city, to day, between Emmett McDonald and Sylvan Carton. After two •hot* with rifles, at a diMance of one hundred and fifty test, tome compromise was effected. Neither party was injured. CONTINUED MASSACRE OF THB CHRISTIANS IN BesToi*, July 21.—A letter to the Boston TVasg/- ler, dated June 21, announces that Zehich, tl e last stronghold of the Christians at Lebanon, had been captured and burned, and that the Christians were flying in sll direction*, it waa rumored that Sidon had also been destroyed, and twenty five hundred Christian* msssscred. The defence of Zshich heroic. n. 60 7 PJR ?0 4* 78 3 9* 79.SJ TP. II " 3 A.M. T " 11 " 3F M. W.N.VV., H pound. W.N.W., R. pound. N..V..YV., !g pound- B J K . % pound. IMPORT ATI OJNS. im, »».. aaxai to Metcst ft L> towa Bm ix Inns McUoigall, lu days from Ltugtu, CB, coal, to J S Wiinuey ft Co Si la Heuiin.au- Haa.t .... i •».!.• • 'i U*lv*atoa, with col ton. to rt W !.«.> la ft Co. Hth Inst, cil fortunes, t">» Br skip Portland McLoud, ftj«M ApSlacuicJila lor I I .'tllKiol 4 ds nut ju i n, 1*1 till , eta -iii •»•>. sp'.ke a'e u. a.np Victoria, h*ue*lot fjalml't under canvass Uav.ng dam.gei: her engtb* Schi Juil* A kilhck Nicaerson, Ud»ys fmut Segua, urh «u»at and in.'lajavs. to master St t.-hr C r Martha:,, Marshall, fiom Nassau, NP, via l st (••aad lodays.wiib run. t. J En M cVht Levi Roue, Thomas, 'i data Irom Abaco, with pine an • e>. to j B*eaa sclir tin Bias. Rowland. S day* flout C*t island, ulth pin* apples, r> C Acserly M-tit I D Wsgaer Bydet.4 days from Ch*rl**ton, with naval stotM. In Dol net. Puttei ft Co Schi B Bkiier. H»r sen, idaya from Wilmington, NC with naval notes.tu 1) C Munsy fi, in ficnuinke, Harria, irom Waihiagtou, NC, with lumber, to J ti W'luaui* . Schr F* ii"i. Williams, 4 .lays from Wcatlotd, NC. with whett, t o l O Willie*,s Schr Dauviile, Chester, 4 days from B chmond, with flour and tobacco, to C H Piersnu a Co Schr Mirgatet, Heoseu, « dsvsfroin City Pnmt, with tBRMW lo mutt r. Schr J 0 Wright. Wailen, from Vlrgiula. Sotr Ban Louis. Bremer, trom Vligiuln Sckt C J Eirlckaon, Colllna, Irom Vtigint*. Si hr Bauvanl.Oreeu, from Virginia S, ui Perrts, Bush, trom Virginia. Schr Ida Cramsr. Cote, from Virgiate. Schr Oame Cock, Huut. from New Hareu. Schr Pennsylvania, Laud, from Norwk li. SlMtuer Elltabelh. McLaughlin, Horn Baltimore, with mdse to W Dal/e.l Steamer Boston, Sellew, from Philadelphia with tn.le* and passengers, to F Parkin*. Meanter Nuvalty, BMW, Irom Phiiadalphi*. with tadM, to Lopet B Rtrkp*lrick toeaiiier Taouu), Ely, frcm Philadelphia, with BbtBajs* Loper ft Rlrkpatriok Steamer Ai'hraclt*. JotM, from Phiiadalphi*. with mdis, to J ft N Hi lags Stsauier AlbatmM, Jon**, from Providence BAILED—Steam thin* Glasgow, Llv*ipool; Fuitoa. Havre, North Star, Asplnwsll, Ea'aak. K a m i , NP. AwusU, Sa vauuah, Yorktown, Nonolk, ftc; Locust Point, Ba'tiutoi*. Sli.nticwllo. Waabiagton, DC; Palapeoo, Portland, ahlp Cuiu lierlaml, Liverpool. Wind—During the day WSW, al soaiat N W. SiBDT Hook. July 3'.—BaiMt-SlMm *hlpa Uiuioe, for L vstn wl, ind Fuitoa. for Havre, cl*ai*d the bull PM. 32d—On buk nwr tb* light wip, aad two brig* la tb* bay •HIUUU IB. Wind mudeiaie, W- CIMI. HMHLAHW. July 21—SusMi-One Wrk cirth* Highland*— no other ve***l* tu light bound la. W imi fi**a, S, CIMT. StMin shit l*ab*t, of tb* Cbarieeton aid Havana line, BOW oa tb* iarg* Section*! Dock, for tW parpow ol bavlas bar coy par patched StMm *hlp EmpltaClty, of lb* N*w York aad Havaaa Hit. is tow on tb* gr**t Balance Deck fer tW purpeM of b*l*g r* csulked Steam ship Columbia, ef tb* Ch*jl*stoa Uae, ea Saturday evening, ete*m«d round to tW Morgin Work*, fool of 13th at, for lb* purpoM of haviag ww titw put la. uw ' LZW naawHll. PIOVW*LO*. R -l SU»I.UOB. Mart*, P»W VCkat _ a._a_aa ZAI-Ar at.am hip Ei-oslattiTa, H WM, Boston, brlgtOcMB MM, Mavagues. PbteW A P»g*. L-wU. C*rl*na«M PLYBlOUTH— Ar 18 h. htig M'utsi'tiil to, NYorb POKl'LAND-Ar ?otti siaimship Che«W*k«. Crow*U, NY ri. balk Auia. 1 iaUMy, B ston. CUI brig I autas'ta, Uy*'. Sas » POBT^MOUTH-Ar i?ih ship L**l Wondhury. Vauag. Bt Ufws, rfhs H»'rl*t, Bti»*B, Noftolk. N*w York Packet. Dvla. Aleiaad'ia . . _ . . . -. PORt TOWNSBND, WT-*r 10th ult, Brh*rk Armlatic*. Riih.rdau.Sao Pr=ueiacovii Victoria Cid brtga Cansoit, MuCU'iaa. Irom Por* Ma»il*oa for Hoee- uiu, MtMhantu »u. So d, fm do for San Fr»*c|*co. i n , - I ' d tiaras tisa Hal. Carleton, from TMkattt k l Baa fiauciaco. tin' , *., >f-v,-ll Irom geltwck fordo. I8tti—kr ship Vtsunls, Beats,——— Cld bark Meuiua, Boyd, nom Port Madison Id. S*> Fraa- f|at'o, iwu—C .1 bark W R Sorantoo, Cathcart, from Pott Ladlow loi Kan Fraaclseo ". ^ 30th— »rbr'g FIBCIICO, Plnkham, from Oregoa via Victoria lor l"" t M*di*«n 3ist—Ar ehlpi.iwui, Witts, from Chin* via Bab Frtacltto for Hort Oaiiiil* .".: i - Ar steamship Panama, HU-IMB. h o t S a a Frawtaw via Yi-tnrla for Olympla •i kl -C ..I steamship Panama, Hudson, from Olvmplt fw Saa t*tau*i*no ' _,. PROVTNCErOWN-Ai lath, ichr Mary El taa, TALCAHUANO—Rark Boawa-SS b*logout skla*. 3Mdry ox hidM Oeorg* B Hobeoa; M0 i|ti* braul wood A Rogers ft Sou; 1*0 lb* old copnei Capl Pienbw**; 2NW qt I* copper or*. 121 iarsr.ipper, Hl'J lisgi reguius, 37 ba.*a whit* wo.il. 3 do black do, k3S do eider. SAOU a—Bark Oeorg* LMIM—466 hhda 29 to* IBS bbl* sugar Young* R Co. NASSAU, NP—Schr C T Maishall-3000 dox pin* apple* J Bneaa. A8PINWALL— Brig Arabella—2 bale* deer iklns, a&3 hide* B Iiwlu R Co, 7t>4 Runhardt a Co; 4H3 B Blanco; 769 Hwdy B Everetli; 1J46 Victor a Duckwitz; 310 J M Muu z a Co; al'2 Cath aj R Co; 641 CatWal a Co; 227 A C Roealr* ft.Co, 1 bag ooflio E Channel R Co; 1 Mines' Muonay; 4 6 bwta, IS bales deer akine M EchevcrrU; 427 hid**, iio pkg* ladia. rubber W H Has**>, 26 li*l*« do J O Muctveil; 1 pkg dwr Win* Larkm, Staekpol* R Co, oi Boston, jtW kidu C H*yd*ck*r; 2 os G N ie - olas; 2 bait * coohiaoal W T FiMman. of Hoeton; 2 r* tagar* H E Fiscaer, of Hamburg; 9 hale* goat skin* J S c l i a m i c W r , t>t Boiton; 3D pkg* goat akin* G Hotnoa; 223 balo* bars, 3 bales •kins, *1U hid**, Holmhoe ft llnaill*), 2 halea Oicbilla «/«•»: 62 do bark J M Muu./ fe Co; 160 sack* cocoa M Echevaina, 9J4 hid**. 11 bale* dwr akin* B Lumtbuigh R Co; 1 box inu / - F Hunt; 41S hides, 343 sack* cocoa aula Handy fe Evaittl; 6 cs »w^a.taaaaAaU-aiaalMd«*r iklni Le*jcr*ft fe Co; 2 bag* colt oe •kin*, 46 caroouc, bark Otd*r. ~" *"""* " **"" *'"* ^ B T CKOIX—Schr John a Mai v-r«W» bwb Mlt Culbert a flnUy. •^ rr _- -•• rASSBNGJtRS A/UUVED. In the (teauiship nwi-Aa,.uwait-l.eu G W Jon**. U S Minister to New O.enidt; Jo* N Scot; A J Center. Cspt Dow; M Parage; T 0 Lead heeler aud wile, JeeNasn;Oi. Luce; Dr Pstlagi.i; J Jon**; S i. Isaacs, J NM ; J L Mauuro; A D Mler; W Weetto, M Flares; Mr Husaou, W W Caldwell; Mra u'l, aiy, A D* A*urn,, D Bruachon; Mr Muur*; aui i*iwa; Mr Taylor; Or B u m aud wit*; I WharUabiuy; M Luiasdcu; P McClure; Mr* Lindsay; 1' (i een, J uog* Isa*'- luas; JamaiOieely aud wile, u amriii; T Bmraeti; L B Mofl' man; F A Hhttuiau; C S Pack; MisLimUot, W CCatnpDru. S n i;yk*mau; Mr* Ireveju; Mi* Wnud; J daumler, .>. iie- pecher; Earahaw and .lie, M Redding, M Rowers; f Gtuu- don; J W Vi ioiy, S J Beaid; Isaac Vans; Capt D Wuudrult U B A; Dr O Brian; Chas O Gray; Mr* A T Oak**; Billy Bite. aad wit*. la Steamship Jam** own from Richmond—Jno B Wilwu, W H LGoodiuau. Mrs Geo B Hugei*, Nalnl Henry anu lady, Miss J Ring. Mis* S (iosime, Ed Adams, McFsrlaud.Mlss H reck, Mr*E F«an, E J M *r«, Jno Parry, l ,pt J F Dupu>, RKmg Mr* Dupuy and i citildran Mr* Bngtum, Ed eiutoi i - u la dy, MlasMomton.MC Bowles, Dr. d W Caruiichasl, W a Prattle*, Wui J Ihoiupoa.iMrar'owars and 2 culla.eu, J Calr. J Iristand laty, EJBufotd, Wm H Watt, Wm Steele, Alia Alex Mill, Miss Hill, HI 11r, tall* M Atch*.. Mr* F B Dixon, Mm* Holloa, MIM JuiiiMuuioa, O S Hut a. MOM* N*wwlt tar, Jno E Turn*. Jno M* leu. Capl Gao W Alien, lady wd i d*ugh-*re, X A McNalr.Oe Petlit. Mil** Ambe;, Jno Rob era, E r M S Davrl, J R Mooie, W V Mott a R cwaery, sun Davia ic R B Sialon, L. R Hicii, Jaant M Duncua, R gtobin •on, Capt Daniel Walter* anu lady, andS steerage. In th* «bip Great Hepaulic, Horn San Franemoe—Mr* II Vaacalvw la lb* ataamahip Raltlmora from Baltimore—Mr Al'reo Freand and lady, Wuiey Ricketu, lady aud child, Joan A ROM. lutheechr Nancy from Hallfu—Mow* Wtlllng, Bdwtrd Bwluoarn*. Ia tb* ahip Maria from St Jag" de Cuba—J Lamoale. J Y Smith. W Aryuca, P Marclta, MIM Siuaae, W Faoari, Ma Boliau. In tut Brig Arabella from Aiptawali—Capt Joha MeNabb, G George* of France, Eurebie Figwrw ol Nicaragua, JUM S'lgwroa of do. FASSKNtfMHB SAILtU In the vteamshlp Ouuatnw Inr i,lv tpool—R Maury ir Gen J Agg, John W Hence, Jtra Urady, Wiiiiem Alona^peny, wl e •ad oaild; MbwClan Bey; MrtEUta Key Biuul aai sou, aim Colnns, Mr* a-a* Moo.**ad ohuu, G aibw, S Bar triad . oilet, Joseph Wltsoa, W M i.yoa, S Oiualt, RoWrt C Rutbwtll, Ibouiw Cwweli,OeO'g* L Davie, Jowpat Ri d ask, Willwm Smita, J WCuwaru, Win Baiter, Rail* M BTM, Mrs B M Sw»yne, MIM McLougblin, G Sway ue, MiM H«yM, Mia* E Croabie' Ml*a W'aimo*, u uaviuceut, Kev John Siauon anu wil*, H A Denny—aad lit la tb* *t**r*g*. total ISO In the Steaiusiup Fuitun for Southampton and Havre—Mr R Mr* C'l Heniy Boh leu and two aervauta. Mis* Bubtau, Mats N Banian, Ma*t«r avohlen, aaaatei H Bnhlen, jr, Mr C a i ea* iee,Pttila; Mr M Ptllot, Mie* Mary Pii.ot, fll,.a Mallidi Pli- lot and Mrvant; MIM L flilot, Mr A Piilot, Mr and Mra E Mottet and servant, Charleston »C, Mi A U Agnau, M l and Mra Juan Jo*h Marqusz, four ehlioran and sei vant, Mb* Mar qu«z, Mr and Mi* Pout*, three children and aervaut, Allss F* rere and Mrvant, Mr Ferrere, Mr A Beatapiaud, New Yoii, Mr Miguel Solei, Mr J A Reyuea, Havana; Ml* AchlU N Y; MiM Avhili, N k; Mr and Mra HScnucliaro, chl u ant, Mrvant, N Y, Hon a J Jobwon, 8C; Mr Al E lhibaud, N Y; Frank Bruquler, N Y; Mr Maartaa, Mr and Mi* Tiubar*. child an* Mivant, Dr George EUlgtr, Fa* ; Mesara Otto, Eillg.n. E CMtillion G CwtUitoa, *-n* ; Jo* Caum, M Y; M A Merrltt, Mr aad Mra mrchaud, San Fraaclsco, Valwiiii* RatMl, Spain; FDelluc. N Y; Loais Leo Wolll, MlM P Ellean, MlM A aliMu, N Y; Mr aud Mr* Peaeni. •hl.d lad servant; Mr wd Mi* Md* Hacior, tbrw chlioreu •ad wrvut; Mr wa Mr* J uc«, Cuarle* A Hristed, Rile Pou *ert,|i.F Brtdg*. N ». Louis M**l, N O; Mr and Mrs EP* linne, N O; MwMr Palanue, N O; MlM Host witch, N k; J CKuha, GUvMtpa, T*xas; Mr Cutl.'o. V Stag*. M H Ttaki, T Cinautaa, Cvbo; Louie a K*y, Ci*ment Brusou, MlM Maty Avagnoa, Loul* RMla, Mr Caatelloa, Mrt M A oe Lewz, Mr* Vial. Bl*t*r Bt John, St* *t Mary Oicjorina, tti*t*r Maiy of th*Good Sbwbtrd. RH Fall. L B Bitie, F Vtvit, Mr* Marl* DUtliu, Mr* V Lleg*, dir Caiel, B CftaWpoi. FPt- cheux. Jicob Hagist, Buflalo; JamwM Quick*, L a I.acbit, MrGoMM, Mr Aubtrt, B Du.jue*u*, F Vstot—Total 130. Sped*. •«S6^B3. Ia taa aieemehip A*r*s a for 8*v»nnab—Edwtrd Dtlotwt, Mr. Maiy Crockrtut, David Murray, wit* aad child, MtaMr Allan Mamy, Mr* W J Reed. A J Halwl, A W Reen, Bobt Salisbury, Henry Htrwood, O W Barloa, Site* M Hw>, Mr aad M n 0 Alarwei, Mr* Jtmw Hetld, Mr* Stoae, J H Bikes. J Prudon, Wolf. Wolfaov, t, R Stoa*. A H Powell, Augustus Brown, B W Bwb, J S Pack, *r*d*rlek Ward. Dr J B Parry, wift aad two cbildrtt, F M Robbln*, Ttonwi Dorcey. A Ltwh- Hn, J S Carter, Mr Dure, J F Wheatoa, N S Ntwhowa, M im M NewhouM, W S Taylor, wife aad eervaat, Dr W T Heidi, Samuti F Haiid, W J Clamant*; A Plersoa, nnd S In tht *twr- •B* la tbt (taamihlp Yorktown for Norfolk, Re—J P Yorwr, J M Coaaolly, Altxindir McKmttr, JtmM M Aadnwi, (tat J Batter. MriBtadolpb,Mr*Drummend,M Wiluc*. D 8 Catr- iy, A Hitchcock, W Goodrich, H*nry Revere, W T Lowry, lady tad child, MR* M Jarvl*, Jsffsrwa Peyton, MlM Olhe Raymond, S Dowall, Dr Andrew*, D Fr*d*rich,MI*s B Kelly, Mr* Wlluu nnd infant, W G Pollock, B W Hall, R J Hirrls, W L Sklaaar, W H Purrywr and lady, MIM Miry Wlteon, M W Cb*Mbro**h, David MkWid* tad wile, Mr GoSba, Mr Gamlay, Q Bu*bw, T Rlehardsoa, W H H u t , Wtulim iu, Tbomw Btiaktay, MR* Brown, Rtv Mr Sanuder*. and 18 In tb* MARINE fNEWS. SAILING DAYS OP 8 T B A M SHIPS nWM THB URITBB gTATBS. Shrp$ Arabia VanderMIt ... A4MW ...Bottot ... Ntw York ... City of Baltlm*re.New York ... Africa Teutenia Jam Brtmta Ctaada Gnat Eastern. Anujo anropa Persia Tlio Nwth Brltoa . Ctaada ...... Illinois Bontmtoa ... New York ... .. Nt w York ... .. New York ... ... New York.-... .- Bono* ...NawYork ... ... N*w York . . ...N*wYork .. .. N*w York ... m ... Liverpool... ...Havre ... Liverpool... .. LrverpooJ ... . Hamburg ... ... Liverpool .. ...Brtmta ... Liverpool.. ... Halllax, Be ... Havre ... Liverpool ... ... Liverpool ... raoH svaora .. Livartwl .... •••Liverpool .... .. N*» York ... ..(gtebec .. Liverpool Boat a .. Soutbimptoa ...Liverpool .... City WwhrmrtoB.Liverpool ... Priaw Albert. Ad* Austrilwtta.. Arago Arw» Baropa Panda .... ,., ...Oalway .... .. Liverpool . .. ..Liverpool .... .. Boathamptoa .. Seathimptot . .. Liverpool .... .. Liverpool .... . N*w York .. .. Quebec .... . New York ... .. New York .. .. New York ... ..New York .... .. New York ... ..New York ... . Beaton .. N*w York ... AH* Jtly 25 .... Juiy 28 July 2S ..... Aug l Aug 1 At* S AW 4 ...... AW S Aug 16 Aug It Aug 22 Atg29 .... Jtly 11 Jtly 11 .... July 1* July 18 July IS July IS July 31 .... July 21 .... July 2i .... July 25 Jtly 36 .... July 28 AW 7 67 and 89 Froat* "vl,'a!SS.. ^rl " ,, ••'"' »»M oy VIETOR ft |ii;i KWITE. « Petri st irl'» Y ap I Lo"w"sfrTBK 2«o flrkltitm lbiMcb, *y*llow. . HIOBIE BMITH, '••ri street, cor. of Pin*. 3V kvdwarc J. Wirrta, auction**! VAN WYCR tOWSWinDi vVArtrlfNS Stores No* 14 and IS Vesey Streot. Rook Papot, Ne*» '* Culi rd Papai i. Cap and L«t"r r»p»', Hath auu Not* Ledger lisaue a>v*lcp*, " fthcathlng B OURKO n.t by Straw Ham lag S .o* Tea Ratting ac, ftc. old lOURROI WHISKET-T:. bbl J. H URAtE ft CO coDMt „la;., Ji vt.'irii. Bt. <»t\, lo jail f> <i keg* TM d* •«.'i is Ifsin do tn w n d* do do sa )fl9 _^_^ ^ rtoi*, aforMil by JP19 i. I. t. I. . HIOBIE earl etreet Fny *ili hy SMITH of p*in «1 hiiXM .||,erlB<li»h Dairy Cheese, I dtsBIE BMITH I fear I street, cor. Pine. IfcjaTaion, la i ALivi^So^srV-w callfita'mon, lai «ood order, for Iw75* WILLS'/ 'O .aw Pearl *t_mBS FiANTON MATTTNli-llyFroiRrfo r i*T.-Fy" ~ y , _J"^ 2 i "MMrTH ft flONB. 28 C OTTON-R*pack«Mf„tto«'i«h 1 ir t)( Mll ,„ MBSST *-T M»»rsiLL*«*.nr.>ay South*! irca tatrs, 100 Will C A w N hft?P,^ 4 rf.t!!L HA *,'' 8 - puiB » nd jBjjiiiBjij tac7. F,U aalHy lW ' ,l TmU " Ha •"* 27 * ,d _. m » a . ARCHER* SCLL, 187 Water strwt ..i-?L M ""' Tm%)m ih ' , %?E rtT ^ P" ^W arrival*, for ••'•^ ^ A l«" » C O . SU Pla**i JV3 N AVAL STORES-am MB .110 •HOW +J »V4 lOW-Cantot ur *l in It pr UHRl for Ml* hy RICH, I-2Kr..ntit. h«rr*l* rlplrit* Tnrpenlln*. *~" do Tar. do eirral'ai* Roes - , l U ''," . ' lo No. I and Common R,»it. Aa*.Ttm*.l ot Hosan for Soap and Oal makers us. always a »"" «*1* h"° Turpantlne p%cktii lnr . n , fl)r ,hi um „t. J ?12 fl P;J:-J;AN BOEKRL1N. BfHIrwd *t. W °2.h7. Vt, y*\? ,,nw t"" , '• fl ' n,Tn » wa»hi.T antiunwaiir. w *H,ron*iantlnrip*bii.cK, iiand. Pov ivi* by IT™ «" COUSINi.nYftCf».r)S,»*th Wlfllam*! f>OPE CU lylt) fl.VUi i—N "*l*a, i.ir aala hy D.COLDEN MURRAY,*.: Son jealousy it tuppotert were in gootl circum- lth it. DEATH O P A RAILROAD AGENT TOI.KBO, July 21.—A. M. Bsker, General Law Agent tor the Michigan Southern and Northern tn diana Railroad, died at Adrian this morning, from »n attack uf hemorrhage of the lung*. BUPPOSBD MURDER AND SUICIDE SOMMVILLB, PA., July 22nd. Mr. Lewis and wife were found dead yesterday near Chimney Rock Prom murk* upon her throat, it is the supposition that he nrat choked her to death, and then cut his throat and arm with B razor, to be the caute. The parties stances -had no family. KATAI. ACCIDENT AT EAST0N. EIKTON, July 23nd.—William Citvanagh, an em pioymon th* Lehigh Valley Railroad, wa* accident- ally run river la*t night by an engine and silled DROWNED WHILK BATHING HKKVUM, MO, July 31—John Benaine WM drowned while bathing her" la«t evening. FIRES IN THE PINE FORESTS OP NEW .f*!«tEY PHILADELPHIA, July 21, ISiMk,—For ton day* oast , aeriout fires tatVB been r.iRing mNhe pine foroete of New Jpraey, on the line oi Hie Ussgjden anil Atlantic ' lOBBIIM. 4 48|BOOBSBTa 10 7 IPS) i l T i 7 MI a n s a WATBB mora tar* To Sad the nm of Bleu WATBI ar IARDV BOOB, 4ml*ct S« mMeSw/rtwt tht t/bovt. rtr BUS TIBS AT BILL OATS, t*4 lSaur and 41 wuntfyy STAlE OF NEW YORK, *~ Poar WABVCSS' Orrici. 109 Wail (trwt. | Nottet it htrtrry giv*r., it accordance with Mellon 4, of tht Act *w**d April 14, 18ST, u t i t l d d aa Act to r* orgaulM tbt W*rd*n*' Ofllc* of tbe Port of New York, to all peaaow lata- rwted In or having charge of th* sithiect matter of stsch inquiry txtmlnatlon or *urv*y, that tb* following veeaels w * now aav d*r axinlnttloa by the Port Ward***, *•<• that th* Mid tei- vtyt or •iamiiatiiias will he completad withla taa day* wit •ar.-M.llng thl* totlc*. ot botrd Mid r a w *. Ski,. .1.hit Merrick Plsi M | R. Ship Ocean Hall* .. Pl»r 41 do EDMUND B. SEAMAN, Prwldwt. J A. HBawTMAR, Becretar* PORT OF NEW YOKE -JULY 12. ISSO AKMIYMb Slcam ship AI 1*1, Miner, uu Asputwall 14th tnat, with pas- MlKers. Be, to D M AlMt. Staain ship R R Cay ler. Crocker, from Savaniieli. with r»iU»e »ad paaaengcrs, to H B Cromwi U a »'„ »nh lust, oil i'rytng Pan Skoal, passed ste*m snip Josepn Whitaey, nom H<m.< n lor Savannah. Mtnedate, off (Jape Lookout, p*a»a<t .team amp J M A.igni, hence Inr Chnrleit.n, 21at, 2--I mil*, d niniii lis ra*. p*»«>-il a pr.>[>rHi>r painted -iiile, hi.uudS. Htcstu ihlp Jimn.-iowii, aainner, from BaTSgtead, Be, v ith »,;•.. *• , t<> l.ifli.t.ii ft llelneken. gleam ship Baltimore, Q sen, 4J hours from Baltimore, with tads* and paticu-;era, tn ltte.i.a,,..si a Fieunil fhioMary. lof Maihiehead) Brnlgei, irom Havr* Jun* :2, with iii'liH and 'JOC paseenaers, to James E Ward I drath and 4 iiirth* Sth in».,ou th* Grand Httiaa *p«l* tiihlng *chr M.ihi«h»»il. Kuapp, wi it H.iKKi flan. Heard from J i n * », fjanuel, Rnight, U,4un, Jitiy 4, The Sevs, Standi«y, 11,«t»», J'lit /», A n Ruight, Tb->mp*on, I ,tn>, Jut* «V% Eid'rklg* MKUOKANDA. Brig 81*11*. Lt'ly, from Penucoln e *b 19 for Rio J*a*no, put iuto P*raimbaco Jua* 12 for repair*, hiviag anil topMli. ap uug lor*Lopntut inJ rectived other slight dtmsg*. Ba* would sail ia about w**k. Ptshiw sch Rufa* Chuata. from Gloucetter for B»y Cbil*ur, struck Dry L*tlg«, off Chcbogu* Point, 21 last, la a deuM fog The f g hiving aoou iftir clear* i off, l.'apt Lemuel Rooblua weu tto her awlet IBC* aad brought h*i Into Yarmouth, NS- Her k**l wa* damaged, bat ue sh* did But leak aW proceeded ou her voy w a w x t day Ship Euterpe, at Ban Franci* -o 2Mb ult from New Yoik, * as 2S days to the euuator la the Atlaatlc, erowtd la awM W, 52 days ta the Strilte of L e Malre; ww 11 dayt etJ Cine Hon with nM*y WMtbar; WM 36 day* lo lh* ».|**tor la tbt PkClSc, croued |a loa 112 Wj siac* ihea bad lmht aortbwly wtads; it»v* bun IU day* within <hr*e hatdred milM of tbl* port Tb* KuMrp*. white *nt*i iug tk* harbor PM of th*M<h,wwt tabor* on tb* btmcb about ball milt wait of Port Point, but succeeded iu gattiw off a f*w boat* aftirwird*. ifwr dttcbarg ig about 1 iu tot* iralght. Bha lew* very little Ship Polvawta at Siu Fraaclsco 2Sth nit, from Naw York. report. — Ei)>*rl**ced vty baavy waaJtar ta tb* North At tea- PROVIDENCB-Ar JXb, st**mabtp W**tch**t*r, New York, brig* Ian i*.(Br) KlM«. Pico*; O mu«. Hn ade.phla. sen* B*^u*. Bad*. Bal Imo •; Otoca. Deaert, Eilatljcinuort. WbneRock. Eiwo>d, Alway; S (aal, Ofldw. ^erolank's Laadl g, NY, Stophtu Wit*rm*a, Coi*mia Port Eweii tor P*wtuck*t; sloop* wm H How*u. Brolhtrt ia, Ntw Yotk, Miry F 8**r«, B**r*. PatcbofW. LI _ S d, *cha Aua* amith, a Itn, SWBauduab, »lackm*a. D L Siuigt*. Nuns Robert Otlftllaa, Smith. Bad ca- v L O s , Witii*. lor fbliadelphii, Chai.ar, Manaa. do, K*u Stawart, Mather, New York; N t m i Walls, Rut* , H.ory Gibba, Saaw. .ud M*t*or, Chue, ta, alooiHaary J Scuddai. sVltew, Al- bany. _ ,. _ M RICHMOND—Ar 19th. bug Oowa Belle, Beuaoa. Nay SAN FHANCISCO-Ar Sim alt, brig Mi.ebiatmw. r Port Mad on „ . __ — Sid Dutch aklp BelloBa. Rlelm, MiMtlaa; barka Camilla. (Br) Husaeil. Melbouiw, N S Ptrklta. Bunker.Puget Btuadi rlvaek. Mvaew. no; Ork. Tr*»k, V l d o n * . 2»d— Ar eiMtaer Columhla, Dall, Umttua Ud—Sid atesmer PaciSc. Slaplta, Victoria, brum Bottle* Mo.tan.flan Pedro. Arago, H>.we, Cow Ray; lib *eki Elwa, Howes, Mazattea- ,^ _. . _ 2tta-*ld win* Mkialsbt, Brock. Mylbourw. Blank fa- rlor. Marphv, Matatlan; bark tMld HBBMI. Browa, Baya Biver. brig Quoddy Belle, Wllltasw,.Humboldt iMh—At at.amcr S*u*tor, Swtey, Baa Die*.-, bark Oak Hill. Ctrlloa. Twkitet. Sin ihlp Laonora. MttohtU. Ptget Send; b a i h aaMBBBB* DKU, Victoria, tug IR du*. Hatch. Humboldt 28th—Ar brig Fiauklm Adwu, tua,Saa «dwalla. 1*C. Sid *bip B'.Ua B Ella, Laat. Bydaey, *«hr Ortotea. Manm. .;*i-Ar buk Brontea, N*w*il, Setback. WT; tatyaPyMt af ha DM, Garcia. Wa Pedro; J B 4.U. t, B.uiin, Albion Biwr 2Stlt-ar ihlp Polyt**la, Murw. 1JS day* from N York; brbje Gl*uu*. L eds. Port Otto u, G*> Eawrv, Huty, HumWl.t. Sid *ebrD*»b*w*y.WoodJ*y. Humboldt Sflib— Ar ship Oo*w Pwil. Crow -II, 131 dayt from NYe k; Mur Lewi* Perry, HwbM, Saa Padre via SaaU Cataltaa aad Wu Bwbart- Bid M*ata*r Columhla, Dill. Umtaw; buk* Ytakta»Le*tM. Hoaolulu; Tneiwe. (Datek) Stamina;, M*luoara*. At Poiat Loeam laudvwi 29ta. hart Wml Mwrl.t. WUlRwa, from Colambi* Rtvir; Said war Guiltita, Oudwe, Ptata Am* "^SALEM-At ISthiehr M Wtrlac. Montgomery, NYerR 29th—Ar brig Fimaclar, Huktll, Pultedaipoia; apW Wwt- ovsr, Nii-astsou. Bicamoud. Alice Lw, Fwtar, Philadelphia; Coriuaa M, Joaea, R York Bid *c*r Gold** W'ui.ghoit, Par* SAVANNaM-Cid ISth, brig Hiattb Raloa. Mttkwwt, Portland; *cbr North StaU. Horkta, R Y l k . •OMEBBET-Ai *»tfc. achr Philaadar Armtaroag. LRvaall, Bslti.o.'te _ TAUNTON—Sid 20th. Mb* Salmca Wwbburn, Threiaw, Phiiid*. B S Dean, Cook, Btlxtbethport _ , _ WILMINGTON. NC-At in b, Sp bark Bwtradte, Baaa, Havaaa Cld achi Calliope, O'Naal, Boston. YABMOUTH-Al I7ta, ecut Bliss Jaae, Howe*. N York. In tW Pacific la tea UO W, 100 dayt eat; look (be N B mdis in lit It N; havi been 20days from tbt Euuator to thia port. with heavy head gate* Juw ilia, let 36 tS N. Ion 128 30 W, •t 11 40 P M.eiiui iu contnet wiib tn* bark Ork, Tr *k, from San Francisco for Vict rie. cairied away all our beW gwr, bub stays, buwaprit aad iboudi, *nd a port tea of tb* cutwatei Both VMMte war* uuder double iMfed topsails, it being very dara and a liMvy Ma runalw Tba mia it iht btlmoi ti* nark left bar halm b*f re tb* vanwlt struck, baaca tW tccldwt; W Wd hi* teft wm, JIW, aud rlta orokaa. Tba baik w w out down for* aad aft. oa tbe port *M*, I M mod of hi* Wad tew ton* W* sunpited him wit sail ,c«a<M, etc, to eaabte bl JI to r*sch Saa Dtega, tad took off htr p*M*w*r*. TW Ork Ion for*topm**t aad btau of foramMi, ateo mala top-a-lnnt. Oa th* 2ith,*aw lh* bark itaadiug to the owtward, with forwall ind (tay.til. 1'be Poiywcii laid by th* Oik 36 hour*,tad sav* every Maiatwc* to Wr-*k» WM poricctiy tight. Liwratct Dili, Brit mitt of itoamer Ketnebw, hetce it Phuadilphli, fill oTtrbotrd 33d itat, ia iW DStewara river, wd wis drowned. Htnry Thompwa. Mamaa a wtiv* of Osrawy, WM triuntt.* bowsprit ofshipOeew Purl, Apl 31, oa bar from N*w York to San Pranciaco, and IM*. aroxBN May IS. lit 13 S, lot 22, *bp CroawtU, Cymmtt, from Boa- ton Mitch 30forC ileum Jun* T, i*t i t M B, ion 31 14 W, aklp Grwlt* Stat*, from LI verpo.il for Ctieatta June 21, lit 41 S3, loa 36, three-mwt *chr B C 1*1111, from 8 vinuih fer Parrots Spala, 23 di tat. July 4, ao lit,ftc. (hy tht Hector, it N t w Bedford)schr Franaw Arth*mu-, Gould, tblrtaea day* from Macalw for 81 lhomn Julv 4, lit 47 43. loa7 51 W, ship Northern Crown, Mwrili, from Loadoa for Calcutta July 5, tat 24 SO, Ion 62 10, sch Crystal Ptltci, of Boston. from N Tort for Porto Rico •to date, lit 44 40 N. .on 33 31 W, Ajctrlcan ship Mlebwl Milter. No dtte,fee,wu pwstd itwmtr Qu bar City, from NYoik for Htvtua. vVKdTijlB CM it Ntw Bedford 20tb iau. dtl* Noitaeva Llfkt, (of Palmavenirhip-I. Atlantic Ocean end Davis I n l ' i Sid tr in Piuviacetonn nth ia.l, bark J H 1.avail, Tribbte, Atlantic Ocean. Ar at E gartowa 20th laat, bark Bow Pool, Fl*b*r, from Pa clfic Ocean, with l,t50 bbl* oil ill told Seat bom* 300 bbl*. Took SO ep coming bom* a F0RZ1ON rOMJM Patted Gibraltar Juw it, bark Jam** Smith. Snow, from MarMiite* for Naw Yuik, brig M W Holt, Dodge, from de for Boston. Sid from Liverpool 4 h laat, Wlpa E Webb, PIMMI, N*W- nort, B, to lo*d for Bivinaab; Mb, Algonqula,Emery, t a d C a w H Lunt, Moon, Calcutta. At do 6th. la th* river ready, ship* Como, Cobb, Calcutta; Lady Blssalngton, Btanett. for do: Somarwt. Johaaoa, for Adea; Javenta, Young, for Bio Janeiro; Harvest Q iwa. Young, for NYork. wsayaas, At Sombrero July 4. bark M B Troat. Amw; brig* L*nl, Tiaver*. Itttht Blllngwood, ltd Wm Mwon Oardlwr; *ch* Swum.Elliott, sud Sw Witch, Wick*, ill wl* cirgo AtStTh mia 3Bth ult, buk .trwa Faster, for Mirwtlto 30th, dl*g; brig Mary H, Laae. from Boatoa, w 37th, wkv Mi- nerva, (Hn Fletcher, from NTork for Pane*. In dlttrwe, tr 28ih; ywbt Wyvara, for sale, wtg ordtri; (twmar Albert Hora, far 'ale. Ar at CieafwcM 1Mb tart, tark M B Stataoa Jordaa. Bm> taa; b'lg Naataiktt, Daabar, M>llbrldg* At Nuteltw tth i i t t , tart* B H Ealgbt, Gray, aad E*eorla- zi.Byder. for NYork 30th; ChrtetoiWr. (Br) for de 12th; brig* P 8*ncb*z Dell, Fickttt, for do lllh; Micblw, Bboppy, for de 16th. At Havana 1Mb i w t , ships P*rtb*a«n. Ers-ln*. for NYork; Jiw Parker, Nichols, for Loadoa; Bawrt, Bryaat, for Ftl- mouth; btrki A'bertlna, Bartut; Mteawood, P * n 1 Mary J Klmbill, MeL*llaa,aadOld Hickory, Holmes, fur NYork; O orgeTbemu, Fou.for Portland; Lucy Ellsitata. Hotiatr, aid Uadlw, Marrlmw, for Boatoa; Kata Llft'ola. MeLwa, ror Baittmor*; Aletira Coombe, DrlWwtitr, for BeoaediMt Oriftoa. Davit, aad Mirmloa. Adam*, ate; baik Old Domla- oa, Jehawt, do; brlf* Z o w , Tarry, for PortlaW. V**u*,(Br) for Ntw Orltaw; weet ladia, Tbompeon, w B Sawyar, Frtettt, tad feotlaadtColllat, u*c, *oh* R M Derolll, Heu- drickson.fnr Sost.n; W*ad*r*r, Moore, aac At Mataaw* Utb teat, brig B B Maiktet, L*awr, for Prov- Ideaee abt 13th Aral Halifax nth iwt, brigt Aaaa Mirlt, Joyce, Boatoa for Mlramlchl; Alton, Randall. Boatoa (aad old 17tb for Port Medwir); 1Mb, Rlohtrd Browa. Strum. NYork; Amertea, Byaa. PhUadelphla; Utb, eteanaeblp Europe, Ltlich. Boatoa, w d pr«c**d*d lor Liverpool; sch* Plovtr, Nlci*iMa, Pitera- burg; U w l e Tom, Duffoit, Rlchtnoud, 14th, War*, Atwoed, RIohmoBd; 16th, brig* Grand Muter, Sampler, Pbiladtlpbia, Boston, O'Brien, Boatoa; Mb* August*, Pnktr, Batten via Sb.lhouru.; Bell*. Gil tat, NYork. Cld 17ih, Hark H.llfai. O'Brtet, Boatoa; brig Am*rlct,Ryii. Mttega- Ar it Yarmouth, N S , 10th ln*t, brig Leader, Crwby, New York. Ant Chatham, NB. J Ith Iwt, achr Bait Oothi. Maitla, Boston. Cld Mb. brig Gmrgl B Letoea, McFbee, Beaton. Ar at Richaliucto IA iaal, brig Spy, Settoa. Cld 28th alt, ttbr JMB Browa, Beaten. Ar it St Joha, NB. 16th iwt, sliia A H Sttvta*, Hliaum, Bostoa; schr B L THtey, Bishop, NYork; rth, schs Oaward, Moarne; Lyanfleld, Am**, aad Laura, Holdtr, BWon. Cld 16th, iblpe Hirrferburg, Wtewall, Peaartb Bead*; Ca- v»ll*r, Crockett, Liverpool; C B Hazel lw, Gllkey, do; 17th. MbiEHNuh.Stioat.WllmteftoaNC; IStb, P**rl, WWlp- tey, Boston. DOMESr/c" POETS. ALBANY-SId ITtt, su op Elltl Ward, Providtm *. 18th-Ar Mb* S C Calhoun. Watt; Jwob Btymead. Htady, Emma Hotchg'u, porter, aad AdelaMt, C"lsm»n. Baetoa. Bid sloop* Joha Hanry, Btttatwa, Norwich; Ella Jwa, Gould, Provldaae*. 19th—Ar nh* O K, Rtymoad, Bill Blvtr; CBM Hawwy, AH**, Ntw Havta; J W Bell, Dayton. Provldeac* Sid Mb* Citizen, Woodbull, tad Bterliag, Hay*, PmvMcaee; •lew J G Perry, Gedwy, Piwturket ALEXANDRIA-Ar 30th. Wip Eutern Star,Hwry, S>m- brerii Island; tcbr Ialitd City, Coaklln, NYork. Sid schs Martball Perrla, Glbta, and Miry M B**ka.Banks. Boatoa; Guidon Rule, Wllber, N York. BALTIMOBB—Ar 30th. ««m*hip F W Braw, Foster. NYork; Prus ship Dlwbarg. Wtegman, Cardiff, B; tcbr L B Cowpertli > lit, Noftrt, NYork. Cld stwmshlp* Bid DaFord, Htltett. Boatoa v It Norfolk; Frnkilt, Dougherty, Bwtoa. Alao eld, stesmeklp Biltlmer*. Greene, NYork; hr g Ouwa Vlctorlt, Monro, w**t Indies, schr Samael Eddy, Pattea NYork. Bid ihlp B Tltayai. Mtaroe, Bt John, NB; anhr l*duv,St<>k*- ly, Wnt TndiM BATH-Ar lllh. btrk J J Ilithnr*. Hubiwou, B.*'ot fw Btabmiad. BBLPAST-Ar 16th, *rlir William Sevens, Keadall, Ntw York. 17th—BUS *chr BllwOtl*, Ryder, NYork BEVEaLY-Ar mb, achr I F ft ptti ollldir, !*imaa, Piiitedel- Wie* Row, Smith, Bugnr for do. a o s r O N - A r 3ptt, taiga Crtwford. Small. BtlMmort; !.•"*»*» ""_•*•, EliitWlhptvn; ichs S*aj FrcBklli.Du snrt*town, NC, Lacy Child. Relley, Hal'I atore, i » J lit Gwtri - • ^ T J J ^ A ^ - A r 18th, Mhi F.Mttdtt. Hooper, Calais for NYork; Htro.Ctrtr, dear po't for do l»tt-Ar schs Wm Cirtoll, Calpmia, Frttklla to NYoik. EwicsBoe*. Smhh, Bawnr for do. *-•-»•« N*l Dtntea, at Jwa- ^la n 'ciM» , "I!'Yol• , k , HM ' tt K " i ^' M "' r »'"'«^" , ' p * ^ Aite- Cld btra Telegraph. OIIM, Croeatadt; *chr M*rn T»ylor, Nick*r*on. Phltedalphla 2l*t—Ar brigs T W Rowltad. Rowtead, Marsvilte*, Velwa, S*rn*td, Port Eweu, a, h . A*tr*a.Pl.*,B*ltimorr, J Kiarafwa, Somen, t-hlia leiphla Cld *.*amsj|p 8 h Spiuldiw, Howes,Baltimore vteNnrfnlk, BBHi1 Trinity, I.aa.I, G*K*ston (2U cl*»r»Bc*, having repair- ed), Ualon. Tripp, Ballintoie, brig Mirta Wright, Port an Prlnc*; irhs M*rcy Tay or. Nnk*ra..a, PhllM* phi*. •,<,.• Lawr. nca. Allen, New Tors, Howard, Baker, do, MooallsH, Tothlll, Wilmington, NC, George L Green, GrMn, Phliadel- I tin. CHARLE.trON-CId I8.h, Span toller* Bott, Millet, Bar- celona 21et- Ar steamship J»» Ailger, A.l.ms, NTork. DIGHrON-Atiiith, tchr WmMtsua, Bngh**, Atcia ,ltia for Taunton. P-4I.I, RIVKR-Ar IBtft, • h« L N Go'fr*y. Elhi. Bali nnre. Vi.uatalii, Di»ls, Aib**y, Jams* ft damuel, E.imbetlpn.t; (loom Vigilant, Hcata, do; M n y F Int.. I'at. iii'Kin . L i Skih—SliI a. us Piyaway, Kavit, Phltedelphli i.AHni.Nh'H- Ar IHh, M hi Charu 1 ), Ballsy, v Toil, P*ail-nt, Baker, N-.rth „Mo ia*. Honesty, y,„,.„ fi V IMh -AJ ecnr Coram, PktUdttptlli ,'Aa—Sid.'hr Win B Horse,, BttSV, NYoik <IEOKtaErOWN.se:-At 14th. bngtHu ma, trMggaa BM- fj»t. Buatian, l>.iBkwat*T, Rt aland lilh—t li thr Muuailgkt, tiutta, B-.*tnu. 16'h-Arscnr S, r ,h B,„„», IV,anu-,t . 1 ..—.,• n i. l .Tii' 1 '"'» "'•'** ""an. P»l*er, Slattintqa* HAHrKt)r<n-a r rata, aaa* Hiei.O, eiat.an, AUtaay; t'p J*i-hl*. Hla- my, NTtVb. .U'l. .did stei-nenS-iphli, Bfll, Phllulalplt'i; BillW.O*r. Trtmpsr. k n i,n, HoLMKS'S HOLE, Ju'y IK, I ' M - A r hrtg Pr-rtn Rico, Hart, Sean, Im!* irk UKUCli.Kli.fi) ai'aMiaVV w r g g i -mn Aaaia* and 100.tuba cbatat Stat A? Darry Butter, fur eal* by W. MIOSIS BMITH. jyio 171 Pewl totea.cwPlw.__ G ROUND NUTS-For mto by THBOOOBai DEHON. 10 Wall at. tySO a w r Broadway. _1HAASE BUTlER-IW» 1 GBO B. F, k w w , lor w i * ay BRRAS fe CO. w B jyA9 H ADDOCK—7 warn* ww, dry aad la good wlppiaf fir sal* by JRu FMYB. i*li itlSSw iVLoUR-l •7 jys 1 bbliMtr* Soaihwa, ft wla by J H. DRAKEfeCO. 31 1 'OWNSEND, CLINCH R DIKB. ST aad W Froat mrwt. biv* ia ttor*. wd o**rforMl*: -Sumatra aad Slafaawa Pepper, Jamaica Platato, Csuia, la CUM* aad mat*, t Clove*, Dutch Co,'* No. 1 aad prim* Panaag Nat meg Calcutta aad Alricaa Gingur, Camla Vtra Aim, Carwwt, iladra*, and Manila ladigj ol all auantle*. Ateo, a fall aaauritwat of Grwa aad Biwh Tw*, tmbracia* awry virtaty •IwiRy aaddssjcnplwa ol tyaWaa. sBj of iiiMu wd Black lWa^fawtta* I 'EA-Afail 1 rweat lia^oruilow, for w l a by my3 TO WNSEND, CUNCH a DIKE. *7 R SB Front at. RIED AFPLaiS-aW Mas prim* tnau. aoa li 1*17 aiARDINES-iaui -9 ap? ty JAMBS L DAVIS, IBS staWa mre*> iGillowtwnllaMe,taolLfotwT*by MAAGiUS a 1 ) 1 . A t Auvata at J^ftltftlTME' tJssrt, aad Nateua Date R Ota., tft t a t *Os •twdrkaca^ajrti.taavonMaaalioiMii ' RUBS 9RLL>>** rkaca^ajrtLtmpoitodaualioiMMky tARLEst m t i i s i t Hi) " ftwaew saJ ARD1NES—tjf variouafavovlt* Utaad 10 for w l * by ia MaadyS CAYLUS OB BUYTKR a CO. W *7BWVW*tW H UFUSSTOBY, NM. 7 A N D * t R O N i STSkSRl aava la etore and ofltrt for«ate,eitbw ta wma w data jtgf taa •oiluwlnf gwde; SttJ bejgt Wavy Samauafteppw too ban Jtratoa Piamato., MS tatt But IadU tNaBta. Wk*nAj!iBaa«.asfar. JBBowwtftd IIAJW aval* Cattta SO cavM* NatnMfA 25 caste Mae* AJ0 cam* Ciuii fiia AW bate. aadWteCtevw 390 bate* Tlov*a*m* 100 wakt 'ateory alAim, Java, Maaracalhe, Rto, St. Demlaga. aad tiaw BBS* ooBw. of vartow gitdm. tat f^BBMSB fe BLACEWELL'S Fieilci, Saacw, wj Ceasii V meal* eowtwlly ou aaad.of uircct Importatma _'*33 GARDNER O. f VRUN. SW Faltaa ta. M ULAWRSJBVSI obis M*W Oriean* Molmwt. tBmyiasjwa Uty aad uandsom* order,forwte ia iota to wji aat* * 6 cbat«u. by JAB. HUN TEB a CO.. IH Freal IT AVtSH ooUNDB-Bi 0 ,b* Aim* troat Soaaste, for MR bl ' •v if* GRA Y fe LEONARD,» LeeWM* Sltti- w_ UGAJt— I5S bbdTisslmt TtTM BOW teawlw. .-• WM By" bJ aiyn J H BROWERa i 7 . * Btata L ARD—ihOU k*gs paime L ML? Laid, ttsr Mint """" W HIGBIA SMITH jyiy m A 1RBABB BUTTER-** pwkiaw,for tale by "J J*AU GEO B FERRli. a C O . SS L .._. .. ta.HRLi.ED ALMO^DS-t* H> 4 *wwt Ua.rl'* . 3 bbm K5 bltmr do. For su* ny iriB st my BMP. OBPORBST R CO ,83 Sjutk M P */" 1 ?. t, .? AF kAW>-atBa*d aad M ap la pant aat UBI of til IIIM, *ad IB gwutittei suit at fa* lowett awtt Set ,rtew,loraal*by POPHAM It KARTON, SB *JI- L AJaD-Put up in ttercM, barrel*, t*ga, sails aai tawTaT dlffarent slzee always oa naad for aaliimeas te Sua^ America and Cultural*, lor salt ay iyi3 S. D. C. VAM BO alway* oa naad fer laipmtas ta Sua A D C Jf'BOKKBLBN. 1 P EPPER - vamatra tad Slwapwe, for Ml* by ~~"" TOWNSBND, CLINCH a DIRE, a? and OPwattt. | R / HITE BEANS-tOO bbl*. for wi* ny ** A M. OOI FFIN.g4PT*Wf4 A BRO WROOT—SOU t a n relmt Florid* Arrowreet, la ttata -taVSiratte try BBNNKR A OBARB, 113 Wall*. jylS •a.ALl-d00*aw*,lof MMty 0 •'« gSMTLLBCO I .._ u_ HELLED PEA NUTV-itin.iw poaad* trim* twltad w O atta. Ia lota t* (inpirchawr*. la »tor* aaJfortale by •1* D GILMABTIN. M Sarelw " P V*a UT fT A ** Mr J w **• •» BiMitswa Paaawt, ww ta band aadforwte by J»» I >WSSSMlTHfefX) .mirraatta. I 1VERPOOL GROUND SALT-.*float aad ta it***, tar Li MI* m lots 10 salt puicWur* by _i«iB NESMITH B SONS, 3B Soatb ta. r p o GROCERS-Atioutityef Grocctr* soatet, 36 w d BB B Ib*. for MM ebwa ty "*i JBB. CODDTNGTON B CO.. S7 Bread at. C "MAN'S LONDON MUSTS tr. •vl.otpacktag. importad . 1*212 GABONEtQ yi I4MNB SALT-7S0 wckr Maraaall• -sv City of Brooklya, aslant, t a d for 'nyli NSSatTTH fe I C « MAN'S LONDCN MUFIARO-Of ail qtaUttoTia tr. •l*«>tr-ickiBg, imported aad fot Ml* by J.2J2 GARDNEaG VYBUN. 317 faJtanta. MiTibalil taetw I for wn by ' 1 BUNS, r Sited, wrwta I b R l l D A P P l J . v - m M . N i w York Stant. ft, Mi* ay 1* '«»» GBO B. FBRB1S a CO . SS Brisk** ti 'pAMABlNlitwiw at*t TtJtarttamvteMwt tad Bw tala By * J«B B W BOPRBROO 73P*wl*t, QUVE^OIL-Julmte BkeUy.iudiMM.vlrgla swlti, £7 JQ13 SCHTBFFBUN, BEOS. B CO., 110 vTmtaa>-ga. piMBNTO-M bt«t Plmwto, for ml* et » PBPBO PALAP. MB Wttarta. i \ | OLASBBS --I.I* b«wawd• c.b* UOUSM-S,for ttie W - lT * "»>3 F. T MONTELL R BABlOW. UW Will *t. pl«*W-lo,oiiiaiam. primeSmyr.iffig*.taatora sVW IM *ata m7 »y D GILMAB l'l w *v tMr-uv *tr*a tt ICB—80 tc*. pt im* quality, la store, 01 tala by >y3 1x5-Lay, CORNERS ft LO 173 I^HJCBSB-am buiM saptrtar BwlWl dairy,fortail by v/ mis IJiWatar at CHABIkSaMI F I«-OfM.d.Mr,pUcwfw^^^^ pollCHOMG TBA-SO Mli tWeutaOMWgj'tV JT tbe Sa*st quality prod -~ - tala Ainaaat mbi lw CARYRCO, SSPtatW. R ICE FU>UB-SWbawior*ate ny -3d DEMILL R CO . IBS F'iai C OCOA-13 bag* Maraoalbo Cocoa. ,wtteaStd,fartataty «eT HAROOUB B CO . it Soula «t S TAINED CASSIA-aJhtim*u. for*.H» by s»lS RUFUS STOBT.V aadSFtaatta VV BAKBBB EZTBA COCOA SHiLLS lBM~ta«t & a30 D f?OLDEN MURBAT, Sol* Agaai.MtVtAb tt- t " i'OB SALE-21*'mrxs Uvirpool Groaad Bait, "™ ' M STUBGES, CLE ARM AN ft j g flO Wall t» ilARACAIBO cOFFEE-A ...... ,„ IT". iMWktW tfl MAITLAND. PHBLPB R CO., ^ PIS 4» ami 47 E i c h w t * F l a w B LACE TEAS-Itssl kf chatt* Ml* oy a 10 Sott-teuw aad Cougua, it QOODRIPOE % WALKER. 33 Srnad tl K BF1NBD LBAF LARD—Fit up sipiamty (or tW C*lr- •••tit aad W M Indlt mark .«, couatwlli on Wad, aad atai PriPHuM , murii «*•-..,.'. D ANIEL GILMARtlN ft u i , »a t a n , . , ...... .... "i". •tor* and otr* for sal*, u fo!'..wi; Sh hales Pr'acws Alio >id* 20ti aag* raragoa* AlmuaW ISnbagalvaca do JO bales H S do. -gihaiM MaruUiw de at hu*s Bwitet w 2Nt boxes Sh*lt«d do Uli gags oV da .W caaka Canary do do. Wicawa Prunu, In larsaad MBRB .SW do Cauion Glncer, it syrep 'AS' boxM l'U II* Soap, Prime Smyrna Pig*. In casks aad CMM I».KW pnaati* prim* SWUM Peaaaw Ri case* 'jMat* a Cttrua. v MTO toxaa Five ( rackets Haislni, ia whole, half aad guarttt boxaa, baaca andltt •r mRS C 'OFFBB-llsJBi,«i ' at ror Ml* hy C v*ram**t lava A ROBERT. 61 Cedar «i A LMONM-Etlwi*B>ria«^sksa,ia*t arriteal per H P"|MS7 1 a*is Filbert*, B*I Mediator, fur MI* a* ni'rii.Haco ** ».... a-- a, *.AKKH ft l' t'S OOOBLft VANTLI.A . ' m i " I.ATE -**> tnnea. warraa .1 . tit, In ^aa-ry aa 1 ,1. , Paris i'h.a-.tate » 1,1 at .turn nail tn* at IF*, inr MI* hy ) COLDSN ^UBvUf.sx.leAgaat, -jg sK*ta*i w ram! sn :ej,-T'n-if"-|j|:- jaws ismejiL Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of w lar*. juat rde*lv*d - fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/Newspaper 18/New York NY Morning... ·...

Page 1: w lar*. juat rde*lv*d - fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/Newspaper 18/New York NY Morning... · J*** OR1NNELL . MINlt'KN >('l> 78 B -it| at *ajAL AMMON^AC^EjiM.ik'luuTu ROttIN —

bulliliua siluatiui | u a laquo l w ttielr parent AddiesaCOX

gt i i bull i - s 301 P U

usi mi I he J


17 1raquolaquo TraquoHfcgtATiNilaquok~or A NEW~AND KLIUANTMA- k Cf d braquoYS bull iotmil peruinel Inth |ir iSUUyd rateiiofautiirlu |iiir|niraquo In dnalrou laquof raquot-rsiiglag with sum |eutliiueu luloiru a joint slock iraquo p m t l i I owpauy to MVblaotar th irlicle Addrtw or n i t o n

1U it T J W ROSSIHlSOrt l u j Bruadwey bull bullraquoraquogt

AUCTION NOTICES bdquo bdquo - ^ ^ ^ P 8 bull M C L L E R Amtloneer HEamppoundWpoundpoundbamp deg IMB laquoL^ BBTAtE OF


AsSfAJl J t M ^ L t J trade L L AT AUCTION laquou 1 UESDAY I illy a lean M i l oclock uu thr plenties hy daTeitri Bui rente Court under the direction of Georg rlaquoteu eketltt | Biuga County

I t l n loll I ami nil uetsd ai OrMupolut on to u t t e r l y aiuor WMIiiugtou raquo u laquo aaI ruuulg from L to if eirn being IM) by lraifott together with tin extensive hrrraquoraquo ulld-ingibroBtworaquo oriaa iublghi isoay nlaquo ted

Map c t t the Auctioneers uSJoe J4 W all itiaat (Alraquoii prvou to the above I

At raquo oulunk V the Factory of iba iraaeia Metallic LITe Boat ^ Company at Greeupatul L i Trie Tuoli Machinery Fliiureelaquoraquocludlng boiler and heat

IB apparatus aad Patent Bight of tbe Piancls Metallic Life Hint l unpen y

For br iber DUtfcntej and etaaltwwe esuulre on the pre-

H-V-uJ rJ fSfASSALL u r r i i i i a BKu laquoo n Uema trl N Y l 4 o r o f tbe AaellooMr 34 Wall treat bull S90J Jyllaquoetraquo


j r m i

ICCkKii i iiiHKK t i l l bull KOPF bull I Sal roila line Jute Hemp

aOO do do di 2U0 do covered Manila laquoxgt iio Ameitcaa Hrmp MM do siaal do

bull bulllaquobull Uo Vlailll ill Pol m l i I C C B E B COOPER kpound0 7U South st

All alias laetorv laquod mill tookUer E

bur ol


MANILA T H E S S C T o l l I raquoi a lor salt by

bullyistt iLTKKR CUO ftt HJraquoM8BVAHOLi HraquolaquoK

mauuiauureri maie

South at

OILS NOW LANIINO kX VOLGA IN Lots nun 11 eaie by

FBOTMINUHAM ft BAI l tH iyllMftWluiilaquo Mil Soulli etreet

ACETIC ACIDmdashKo In rsronyiMr nale nraquo MO W IKVINltil KMK k i l l -



IV I O W I II bullBr^tJlTEil THAT ON PEE AND fty eirtva M bull ferUia Iastraraquoaat laquo| UdeaUre dated tbe 1 L VLi |rlaquoblaquoy in raquobullbull yMi bullbullbull ulaquokraquolaquod eifbt hH-ampbulllaquo forty-Biaa made i u ealend lata balwaam EBraquo w A ^ f L ^ i ^ f i JAMS BEOWN ELISHA BIUUI WILLIAM-WBTMOBE iM bullIEWABT UBOWN 1 tbe bullret pan PBOCPEB M WBTMUBK oi lb eead a^taarf kaeCalled mataaar Aaiarkeaby JOHN T JlABONBM ry bull Ui Nyy af tka OftB-4 fetal W U Ikil p t bullw l b IIIrN) ohtaiaiaa

PI JOHN T MABON Bwtgt Btat W H M ttiri i

J a bull bull bullA - bullbull bullbull Vftitad SUlM wilk ifttit lkre ^Vf bull k raquo raquo U raquo ilaquof laquof I braary ta tka yaw raquo M ikeaaamd bullM U A raquo ^ Md laquotV-ukl I U1 bull tka Brat day i Nlaquo-bullbullr- raquo I M bull bull bull bull traquoeaad ilaquobl baadr) a-4 tfty-lfllaquogtgtlraquoUwlf^ljfeai bulljMaMJJMik Mrkaat Ea bull raquo bull bull bull laquo bull City ejr Mw t r at Pllir AacUoaf bullMb lfcraquoHlaquolklAiaalilaquo a w trtie t i n w a ft

- raquoraquoraquoraquogtBraquoiE M WBTMOBk i r a e t

NvV^bull^Sl^^^u raquoraquoMlaquobulllaquolaquolaquo W I IMS

bull PBOferEBM WBTMOBETrlaquota Tk raquo ^ bull bull M l l cAuadtUlTMdaiUaUlrUtbAr

bullbta1br bullraquo Mb HUM bAW^^IkMlt r Nwjrork 1 JariHk mil T b bbora I _

bullfOMMBbM AUb bullJ i r -

uHl OILmdashNo i i and raquo BUtkern lor gtai iiiu etute H UIMMLEftCU IIMMai-

C j H t K mdash H I titliieel iml i iy u oolu and liottlee Old u J i newnrahiiiier iu Iml leu lor taniiiy uraquoe Ueitvered tree

uf elpeuee in li H iu| H raquou 19 -1UMV W I N I e t l N O N A M i i eWaeer-w

raquo bull IOAK OK LKAUmdash Baet Koflelievnlte ta taakeoir eal K9 jylaquolt lv A I h V i N O i IAHK e t i O gt klelober at

Hptrllettf l u i p e u

LkfJl C B OIUHLK ft I l l u raquo MaMaa laae E l I N k U I K O N - W loiUi bullbull I ndkM Clowa rufutid braquor

le bi J OR1NNELL M I N l t K N gt ( l gt 78 B -it| at

ajAL AMMON^AC^EjiMikluuTu

ROttIN mdash Of fralra u iraquotau laquo oft kanil Hue loraaie trou a ore uy

3 C B I

laquo raquo I N k U I B O N - N ) tone I ndbCiotraquoraquo lmu naual i l l n n i m l gtr sale tiy

OHlNiVKlL M l N i l

arrive lor anio by COb Kiel l r at Jy23 W 1NVIMUCLAMK ft

^^OK 8ALEmdashI raquoigt bull two bale prima live feeae Kealhera

and a email lot ol Ueeewai lift K 6 MHlKtj(Nilrtt k BgttN KJ f ine ai

i L O V E I P J mdash I O U balea tor eale pt iy2H

i O U A ASH V HALEN ft CO 34 Broid_at_

-Kor aoapere analaaamuketa In nure 1 r aal W IHVINO 1 I A U k a CO MKletuei at

rlaquori hftlkf bkd alM-Mw T w B 8ft

^Si^ J till gtraquo4aety tb t f i e e i k Af hoey tag ftmemdashmm York No

FEOMTEB M WETMOr~ Tb bullJMfaamlft I t

Ikaaaxy 18M kl tb n r 1Mb 1MB

d U

ttUW4ftMdk t b t i f t b d a e o i koax aad plaoa mdash Nw Yorl 0laquo

I B bull bullraquobull alraquo M gtMtpoBd till Thareday tb UktSTSw i rebruary at bull i kM k w r aad plalaquo-Maw York J a a M l

Ha iMlaquo rmoufuM WETMOEET Tk eboe eal lapoatpoaad till Friday Ik flfUutk day

BraquoU kttftft M M b o w aaJ plac -Nw York jrbra bad placmdashNw York rbntk PEOdPEBM W 1 raquo M 6 E E


AL E ol the Iiueet ijualiy for Ueally Uae and export put up it lb neateet gtiraquolaquo to aujt aiur market by

_jyW_^ bull 1 U N E V WlNTBIftHHAM K3 Beavtr at raquoa- A K M N KH - laquo i u n e u Ik ball andhiuaiter buiaa buuab aad pound 7 layer ikrviil biaud tor laquoulaquo by

jyl P HALEN ft CO 34 Broad at UIN1NKmdashfowera ft Wlghtniaa CarrUeand PeUetiere

loi eaie oy - gt 4 l U raquo M - I raquo raquo H raquo raquolaquobull

MACCABON1mdash It boaee Hue Ilklraquo laddlkffor J by jy2 f BALBN ft CO bullraquo tlnjal et

I V A T A I sWBit- i ^ Maj b

Q l

lilila tin Moalu We a j I n lope thick kud tkik bullbullbullgtbullraquo do Pitch city auti Doutbara IUU do Hpiriu I urpeutiae laudiaW 6u do flake l u i p e a iue K r aaie hy



Jy3l k M B L A C K W E L L ft CO IM Front at

RUSSIAN f LAXmdashAbout 100 uaee for eaia ai i71 Watai et jyirl -

1 UTMEOB-UIOlaquo HI raquo_

IbiraquolUk FOTAaW-lf eaaraquoAlaquod B aad lor aaie bull

raquotrade raquo C H l E i r r E H N BBOraquo B CO OITrON W E D C A K C - l n lota to anil by jy3l K J HAEhM ft MHO U Water et IM Pearl at

U O L P H I N aHANUEAClOHlNO t o I prlaa p a a a ( far a l y

P BAlaKN m CO bullraquo Broad at

do MM ilaaK

170 William et

AL M O N D - 1 0 0 brleaXamjudoc laquou bala fapar etneii am balaquoa rarrtfoua lot nlaquoee Ma M U C I JOObaee Am-ante 2U0 bal Bicllr

Eor eal by

iothISMl bull raquo bull mdash -Tb abov i to Iwt iaM4 UU We4aeaWr u aeeMaia

d a y o f J u bulllaquolaquobull W u aaA i h N - H w York AraquorU laquo h 1Mraquo PEOiPEB M WETMOBX

Wl TxVt Tbe above aklay I | raquo t j ual I till TblaquorAy t in twktllaquoti day

nfOctobrlaquot tbeiMsn keair aftd raquoiomdashNw York J I M iktk 1MB PBOiPEB M WBTMOBK

j e l k T n t e t Tk above eal la aeMaamael ti l l Moaday the) MM day of N o shy

vember at the aauie uour and planemdashNew yenotk OetoMr Mtb 1H6M PKOBPEB M W E T M O E E

oati lawte Truat Th bullraquoraquoraquobull tl 1 peatpoaad till Wedaceday tb twentr

bullIfbth day of ttomac twr at tb Jaa boar aad placemdashNew York N o v e w l m t i n 1MB

M P B O B P B B M WETMOHE Trewte TbaftboM ( V 1 puetaunori til WedaeMay Kebrtaar tb

bullJtb 1M0 at lb aatm boor and placmdashNlaquow York Docemjaat Wtii 186raquo PBOAPKM M WBTMOEE

d3 bull Truet Th abovey eale I eaatponad UU Wwlaawday February 1Mb

at Uieanae kow aad p lac _Nw York Febraary tth iraquogt0 fat P B O B P B B M W ETMOHE TrnaUa Th abov eale la poatponed till Tlaquoedy Apitl ltk at th

raquobull boot and pimdashSew York Kebruerv IbtbllWt) 116 V H o B P E E M WETMOEE Trasto Tk gtbovlaquolaquoftl I otpMd UU Taeedey May 17th kt th

m e t hour aad pLkmdashMjlaquo York April ITlb )8laquo0 apis P B o t P E H M WEI MORE Tract Teaaagtvleile-jetporaquoraquod til l Tharedey laje HI ai t b

bullam b o w aad pie - M e w York May 17th 1M0 melft PMOBPBB M WKTMOHB Tr-tet Tb bull laquo bull al to O M O M 4 til l BMMday Jary Mat at tba

aasia h o w and plac mdash New York J e a e Slat 18laquoU j a P B O B P B B M W E T M O E E Trawl Tb abov eal la potjwad UU 1 iMtday A H H I Mat at tb

raea h o w aad plaoemdash New

75 iiaiea Molier 3uobaiaUaltd

P BALEN B C O 34 Broad et jya i

WALN0T8mdash1MI baJaa prim bujltt Eordaos for eale by Jydl P UAAEM B CO 34 Broad at

( i k laquobull iylaquoii ikfiStmr^atiiMt ampamp D O | l i je i a

CA S T o B OILmdash Eaat lud l la caeee Maaera la bble C O T i O N d E E O OilmdashtJiuu aad Hetmad for eagt by

jyBl H J B A E E E ft BUv 4i Waut ft M Pett a

OU V E OILmdashia t i a n aad piai tavoiit o iauU Mar eellk and N to lor aala by

Uii _ P BALEN ft CO 34 Broad et

[bull4 VTM b o a an J M A C E - Prime Ptnaag In cat for Ml by iH jy3l o C i U E F F E J y l N MMUtt laquo CO ivo Uilak bull 4^ A L SODAmdashNevtcaetl Inetrre ItaJlnf aadtoknlv for (J aalt Iu lota to a an by

git A J BAJkJtK B BBO- 1A3 Water ft IM P a w l a u O H U N k B mdash l U H E l f l H - ^ c a a k e Kiane W)U and bBlk

Ion i by P BAAEN ft CO lt4 Broad at yat

CiAHHAWAiBkKI)mdashttieiiyktiacabeaaiid Kngneu Cltrc Acidmdash 20kgi bb(iudi luraale by

jy2l bullUH1EK 11N (tavud ft tAi

In lota

i70 Wllllara-av

Adf HALlUMmdashasnaake euperior quality lor eairby jy2l H 1 UAilKH ft HMO 112 Wner a lb2 ft i ele

a t i l laquoONmdashso eae prune ithoU tot eal uy v jy2i f rgtALkN ft C o M Blond et

PEAHLdmdashAn Invoice of fcaal ludia Pear It lor m o iv iHampOOOHk OHHON I Wan M


j y u J w York July at IMW


tloft of Otnaton et tbia Compafty bald on tba 1MB UaL tb follamlnk laquolaquotlBraquoraquo WW eMUIaMWly CbOM

Cbw 5 MitabkU D BTlTSi JoMpb Itiiart B Brhhailr M Came-dea Jr B Utaadiaiar Kami la Mitchlll Itlaharo Itvia W JTodd AC KlnaaUad Fraael i SkMdy ik auaa 4 en B U M O J U B w a a

PreWdaWrortb a w a i a yeyw a M OBOBOE T MAWS aagt polntad Baiiiataay l a H W 4 THOB L CHBBTEB E n rgt lrad

ThlaCoapaay tnaaraa UweliuK Houeea iuiree Mer-liau-d l i of vry UMGrlptton Veeaeia la Port and ihalr Cargaaa aad otbw preayorty to aay p w t laquor th UnlUd Btata or Caaada atrwaoaAbtoimtM OBOEOB T M A W i Bw-y

N B BBBMfc AMWftay and OoraquonUor jyraquol | EHIJH C O A L mdash Th NbMribar I rmie la | tale

JjoMBh Moxl Hufh Muwal l Oeorg Bwibay H I Raw B F Wkidwall Joha A Cran MOM Taylor Keury a toua J P Bcbteeoa Wet B Kirklaad

And at a aaae tba a d l a a t JC

D B Falir Oeotf T Cobb alia Davie F_ C Haviayr W J Bailer B T Wild Caa Ckaobwla in War B Colli W n B N i c o l a Caear Y a r t

plaquota of lgt i r laquovr oa

near Broadway enact uiii bit bat 1 L f P A E E L l W H l l N O - W a r r a u t w l

17 and uteapaat lor eal by turaquo luauufncturvie iT L KEUCMf H V A N O E H B N N 48 OdaT at

^HraquoK bALEmdashwo HuMla C u d freawM aad on Papal Cutler m perfect order tor Ml by

bulli3l VVMl A-vlgtHEraquoVdtl4 Watr raquot

PO U I E H aad 8NWFF i o T T L E o - H a l f piulPoi lere hat lb ontule Or anil Oluawara uiannfauiuro tor eale uy

fel3 MKNEY dNYHEH ob 4raquolaquoavM ei


P I N E FlaOOBlNOmdashlraquoUMl lt oe laquo lor Mia by

P E C E ft CHUBOMeor Wall and Bouthi FO E 8 A L E PITCH

th oi alty workd floorlnc lor Mia by

LI M E Ciuatflatr Lathe Hair Be l a good ehip^i ordr on vrd oft board yaiwl i in iiuani ielaquo to au it

Fort Mi doiint at

Coal _ dltaat fro lb mlet of l b old company wblek h

warrant ta hay ftaauiM aad waieb ha will furalak at tbe low-et market prica in lota to auit purchaMie from boat or rlaquo-erreeaed frant yard

r y H B N B Y B B B Y B i y 23 Oat Oaaal s a d Oaatr ad Jan aad W a n ra


$35000 TO ftOJkwmdashSPECIAL P A B T N E E mdash Waatad a npltallat with tb abov ram la

ee ib lo join ne epeclal or aotlv aartn two youag woralag men la aa Bag l l ih Fraeb and ttorman Inkportrkf Bwlaaaa Th advarttoer h a w bad Ma j a v l 1 bulliprtotie aad navaa nrat nlat trade Boat bull city rofereoaee give Nou but princl-palalaquoadwary^MaMrpfwawi a a a w h a w a n interview a y ba had AddlX ft O Bltgtlaquo IBM P O jylH ftfoula

--^mdash y o L 0 A f | o w a j o N D A N O LOBILLAEO r

b U B A M c S CO JrI3 3wi

WHALEBONEmdash3SU) Urn Arctic a very handeow ui loi m l J _ _ WlLLEW ft CO laquoU3 fMrt laquoi je7

YELLOW PINEmdash tloJWO itt 14ai inch FLuorlog Boarui 5 and 6 Inebe ia wmtii

nlKiiiet2)4 to binch ciuip Plank 12 Incti and upwurd la width

itlaquoJi u feet sraquoS to 1212 Oirdera 30 to M ftt ia laneth for gtale to arrive by

jlt9 W A ELL16 27 Old ellp

| laquo i U c d W A K E TtTMBLEBSOECANTEHSOOBLali V)T W ugt0 Lxget HrMuga On cu laaa plain a laquo e aad ooutaavon lioueuiian Win oy in packag or repacnao Ureraet taarkel priree by

O If A HINBICHa 10 Broadway lraquo^ Wg aaalra wot tjfcawte aWMft

CH I N A ClaAYmdashatirt quality in etore and to arrive lor eal uy EOWAhlraquod A AEOE ft E D W A M I M

lgtraquo w Liberty at

9 Oraode for ebdquolilt tiy jgtraquo JJOWIrJYCOKNRBBBCO 172 Waier et

I k A L M L E A K FANEmdashFor eal uy atyt l a U u U t t l O W laquo W A L K E B 32 broad at

TdegMlprMMraquor^SIly1to th LOBILLABD FINE IN

OILS AND CANDLES fiBEABBmdashraquo bbla BoWp^j^rteMtob

gt1raquo B CALDWELL BO OM dip

if cidieMaa^actaMi2l7aTzM rroaltrwlaTr bullal ia aaaatrttoatoMit parehaMta

Wiilii wdwilag BaaikiOtL bleehd aad aatwal S i to WWda Oil btowkwdaadaablwiiykd

r Blwebad Wlatw ft Blaabaat OU bull BiMCbai Wlatw afti Bering Black Hah Oil

lroOUNiaadwtra raeaaraOH

bullTffwri raperat apoundklBpna aad daajaaUa CaanTw Bparaj aad Want oil Heap Whalafoott

OBVte 117 lloat a t t a w ilaquoJ0

CHtJDE WHALE OILmdash77 caak prieae qaallty jaat laad bull z Nalaoa Plana tat araquo by

1 LYLBSPOLHAMVSBCO l raquo F r o a t a raquo I AHD LA mai

bull k 4


0 gaiie pftaw wtatar kkilaquoftd Lard Ol kFOPHAM B HAXTTJN

Proat aad UMWaahlngto et f-Lagbora nbtmnm ta tora

ilaquore iut nireiveii WalnaltvjuM reeavlved for Mia by YLOB D t B V V T B B ft CO 47 B w

Prune In lar juat rdelvd w bullitaVilT

lAMW lb prim qaality for Mia by D C V A H B O E E E L E N W Br-ad at

a j IN k i u f iLEdmdashoo c rutat i and li gallon tor a u by B T im JU IJfLJfcH poundtx bull bull a r i

r i t t ) BOTTLERraquo DHUlaquoraquo01iTd A N D W I N E D E A L E R S JL mdashthe aabourlbar 1 now pre^areo to secure order loi

bw FlUiag and Corking Matchlne wituoui which no botuar bullboult eonlinu a eingl day

l b economy of time and liquid wi l l repay their coat freshyquently In a aiugl month Call and e tUeut ia opernUoa at 63 Bauver eireel


ROBBIA BOLT ROPEmdashWWcoil HfAhl Bolt R~pa al l tixat mrMtby_ W M D E t i E O O f U O Front n mraquo

i OR DALEmdash12 baiee R O M Cutting Apply to ETjad BMALLWOOtl E a E L E ft CO In Beaver et

MARACAIBO HATmdash21ctaw la bullal bo MAEOO Cat ft CO

IHIHillJt l J 2n At IJ laquolaquo ai to kl i bull kniia t

lltHlE BY yhOER raquo THE t lKKOO-TK O F NEW YOKK IN Tltyj SIATTEB OP THE E a T A l E OK All K i l l IiAIl V All tbat cartgia lot or pareel ol troandeitu a llaquouraquo| i i i blaquolug In the Seneutii Ward of bullraquo Yora nu HamiltonraquoUraquol hen IN feet I luchee front i et 9 luchraquo rear S bull on b t at ale andt on the weet iile Fu i tbe

a-- ca he obtain at the gtraquo bull bull laquobull f bull c L B V f c f l u i K Attorney

Al I ueloat at tlk lui bull ibdquoi r I B t B C V T O E d BALE OK VALt ABLl BIOCRd ft - N- turl i bull 1 bull bull i - 1 bullbullbullbullbull bull

In O^a Light Lo raquoc bull Maraaaata Bast 73 V Uton H bj Mecna ilea Rank I t xvortu Auieii a n f rlaquol ami fiauking Co

t-t - i i t ntLt B E A U T I F U L COUNIRY BEAT

KOH SALK AT HYDK PAKE ON K l i kBT B A N K ii ti Hudaon River one ol tiie beet waualon ami moat rtjTta n lira on ine ilvar wltu biioi o aaaW of ueuiiiul lraquonlaquo In laquolaquoraquo raquolaquod gardiia For parllcuUue apply to E H Luuw bull Co No I Pineatreet

AWrun N Mal le i a a o u ulaquos HY ampUK1AN H Ml L L i ) R

OaV No 1raquo Wai ld i 1raquo Eaiat at pabUcaad erivata aaie iaa ol Btoi l aeve i

Wd4raquoy u j daturdey AT 1 OCLOCK AT 1HK MEBCHANTB B Y r H A N O S

FUEBDAY July a At 10oclock at the KACIOrtY OK l l l k FHANCIH M E

l A L L U L l K E BOAT CO AT OREEN H O I N I L I rHK TlgtoLlaquo M t H i N i i f F I X l U U b t l lexoiu^l g

hi l erand heni e apparatuai A N D A I KN I R D H l O F i i hi M A M 18 M E T A L L C Iir k liOA COMPANY

At i i oclock on ttie oic ulae BY O H l i M OK ] H K nUPHKME COURT U N D K R

I i i i I H K c I O j OKOKORJK Ita^JoKN f l lkiHI bull k OK KINU3 COUN1Y

i2 loto Land altuated at Orei n c i n l ou th nataily a Jlaquo Wai-blngiou atret aadrua lug from I gt M e t e e t being lkt laquoi6n feet together win th e i m u O e raquolltk tuilaiug tneicou 2 atoriea in belgut lkKgt I t

gtt|a at tbe auclioneoie oat 3 W- 11 at reft

4 am Colt Auriiok BY JAMRO COU M)

Oat No 34k Falo ia bull trwt Comioeicwi Excuaag Oppoll th City Hall B u o a l y a

JaatM Col B Boa arlll give tkeli nt attauttog to aalva el HouaeUaldFuruitar and oW-loor Ml |oraily agt bull Mletoi EwlKatkt aVv iu kttoaknaaNu Naw Yarn

eATtoibEfTttyta At 12oclocklit tliu (Joiaicerclal Exchange No 369Fulton bull

oppnalt City Hall Brooklyn Bank StorkmdashBy order ol iho Nonbai l AOiuiuletratormdash17

bullbare 1 tbe Batk ol Oiange IouutyRcw York i i lONDAY July 3o

At It oclock kt the Coiamarclai kixciiang N o v w v a l t a a

treatoppoaileth City Hall Brooklyn

V uraquoblraquo Lot in tba dixtb Ward Brooklya oa acioau of tbe former purchar uottoekpiylag with in kftra of u| - -

4 Iota aituat on the uogtthaetery c rnr ol Columbia and Ha rie a atreet

7raquoi per c in may remain ou bond aad morgg For map term and ml ptriivulara apply t tha omea ol tb aactlua-laquoeraquo Mraquo Pylion atreat Brooklynaud 4traquo Neeraquouraquottt N Y

4 amee M tatiuar a w n u a i t BY JAMpoundS M M1LLpoundR

Omraquo BB Plan kfJkat

THURSDAY July36 Al 42 oclock at th Merchani Exchang

Al l th right titi aad iu areal of Perry O Uaidinar aa a-bulli fuveot Jauez M WiUwri iu aian claautg Elfvator di i b u n n e an emu Machi ea lying t loot ol N th Fiflk raquotilaquot WllUanieburgli Aitu p^tanta of Booth nr prool smut Mtrilaw

TUESDAY Juy 31 At 12 ocioek at the lUarcnaata Excaaag

Will be (olil w thou reaerve Aatoria L I mdashTh valuable plot of ground lta tha north aid

of Broad nay but een R auu at Me aad dunawck near taa Eaat Riear Iu th vihag ui Aatoria L L with the dvee ling h laquoaa thron i30xi00feet Bat poeltlv Map at tb ofllc

bullBY P O BDbllilT OtBc N o 43 Wail (treat Jauncey C art

Rea Eitata Stock Bond and Mo gag k i d otnor Ba-ritie bought and aoid on c aOleaiou xoani iMgotiaiad-8ata ol Kuiuiur t lten ad penunaliy

WBDMNBOAY Aug B At oclock on in piemiM nar By l)por Weitohsttar

County by or r of tb nxaruior tblaquo Homatail Farm of th bbeall Eatat iu plot taryUg In au troaa 14 to 2 acre

Jlapa at tb oifc Oeo W H M Mcnula AactlouMr

BV BROWNE amp NICHOLS Bala Rooms No 35Nraquoeaau M w t direct y jpoluPot offlc

Th uuuereigned have added to hair areauy ipaciU aala room JO Naeeau raquoliet a galiary tor th aai of Pain lug Worge of Art Fine Furniture Brouiea Fancy Oude Re ftc It ia on of th largeai iu the city being one huudlt gtd feet deep perfectly lighted (without refloetore) cupeled and cualiiuned prouoiiuitadby artutsauil eonuoirseura the lwt lighted Aic-tlou OalUry In the city Th loenUon u UhMUKiuaod lilug llrect ly oppoeite thu fraquot Omc

Totuiraquoorinch ol Imaiueea w ahull give our particular pi-eonal attention and w invite our frteude and th pulilt - to viauour Oaliery and Mleeroomi vrnich aie partlculaily adapt cd to the ilapiuy and aal ol al kiuda ol luercumtuiae

We have also stutY accomoiodaiion for the atorag of meieliandhw Will alao alind lo tua aaea of St ltklaquo Bond and Baal EtU at tha Marehaut Eacbaoga Wui give OUT peiaoaai altaaitoa to in aal and araquopraiMinnt of Furo i iu either at the rldnee oi Fainilie or at our aal inuma

Liberal cash advance mad oa verchaudiM couaignad to a lor 1

Henry B Hrti Jua Auctioneer B Y H E N K Y B H E K l 8 J R

Office No ait Pin etraat Between Broadway and Niueau atreet

H B HERTS Jr will giv hi pergonal vtent lou to aal of Real Eatate btocka Bond k c ut tha Mercnauta Exchange Alao to aaie J oi Marehaaiibw oi avary daacrtpllon H ueeholu Purnlinre ftc at private raduoaw or al hi epacioua Ml room No J P i n a a t r a t

[ U E B D A Y July 24 At 12X oclock at tha Merehants Exehaag

HI) eliarea ot the ttock of tha Mnhawa Bank of gcblaquoDrtady fold stuck) hypothecutau par va ue 4Mi

FRJOAY July 20 A t 10 oclock at No 25 Howard atreet

Heceiveiadale By order of the 8uprm Court under th direction of J B

Blauaeon Esq Heclaquolvrmdash A larg I d oi Elaquoetiotyp Coina Bolutien and Battery B o x n

Tvnke with ailv Solution ind Battori a lot of Old t oppr ami i i ta l - e the with Toua M^erlii- laquond 8 at on (v Eiactrotypiug Also a lot of show Case in offico Aim im toetl ueij after lb abov

At No SVg Pin tret A larglot of Eltctrotyp Waiters naishad and fufiulehad

ALSO A lot of Declaration of Indeptadcnc Plat oa copper aan

matrixes Term c u b By order J d- Slausion Bq- R e o i v e r

W E D N E S D A Y July 25 At 12 oclock at th Merchants Excaaaga

Byorda ol the Buprtme Caurtundrth dirrctlon of Tohu T HdTmn tag Reilnree (Partition Sale of)mdash

87 Unar streetmdashill valuable 4 story brick traquore or wara-bdUM No 67 Braver street listwreu Hanover and Wall at

For maps of the property or further parttea are enqwireat th oBlce nf H B Hart Jr Auctioar No Hi Pin siraat orof John T HoffnnraquoiEiq iraquooierraquoe No Ci Wall street M Mwsrs ain-ielliu ft P ne Atturueya No II Wall atreat

Particulars of eruu R e will be made auown at bullale

| up WIIII II ill -ltrv~mF~Wlt raquobullbullbull( f i yi l a - raquo I talaquoi pi itry wil oa aou ty (ue ^igueii

i raquol ii i achanttf itgt Hie eiy ol N e Y-oa w tiraquolaquo i iiat at U o laquoii gt II il) M l raquo I i

l e i u i i - $Wlaquoai cash audlue balnncj p Slut raquoi 1 morleag ii-ni tmee to da gtar For map and luituer laioiiuatiou app | to H H L e e d s laquo C 24 bull lt bdquo irelaquot

Ai P R i V A l f c SALK A her K M i l i I-I)II iau i laquobull- aleei barrels HgUitga

IH in int tela niau ta orner bgt Lewis a I nines weigh 7 j lbs coat d JO

Aaiueu i ( i BV t K i K o A

BlM N - OVPeai 1

Uawe CO bull bullat Hanover Bquara


I Mil

1 U E S D A Y July Jl At 3 oclock at loot vt Broom etieet

Rio liiltiii ii raquobullbullbullbull-bull a o tgar l io io Hlo Janeiro woodconipiiiug UdUiDr in vnoel logs pl blig r(gt He

I i nga- i n cargo par H 1 Rayumuil bull -bullnit bullbull ggu g ui- -iUail J t n im W lo bulllaquobdquo

Mi-ii ian Mnuotidn mdash lU oargo of IIIM NlaquoIIJraquo Hunt Magt bull ilua ui a7A bullraquo line qu lly UII- an Manog uy

Black Waiuul 279 ciutciuts augt S - a i s j logs mack Walnut Alan al bull I Oouterunui aUawa

Port au Platl Alahoganymdash 399 crotCAM fine q-ialiy Port au Plait Han n^iiv pei iiot t h puiau

ulanogauv anatauarmdash77iogahnquality Maaugaay l i d o do i n Ui naian c per brig Ring Btomai

1 ei inamdasha uioutna appruvao bullnuoraen aotaa bullautioga dlaquov before Ml

IHIMSIIAY Aug o At J oclo k oa in Marble Lot ou South i t teet

ne^r l o n a i trt Italian MarblemdashTb ntir cargo auw d iwbar mg bullgt

ah pa A l a ana Oraunlio irout Leghorn oouKtlu Jt 211 ii a miiti II qu^uiy oiaiuary anu viuo Ialait Marb u thaloliiwiiig luaraa W M I I and H uouiprlslag block ol nuu1laquolly large uud bullleeiiabie sirss

Blaca iiiiulgti Hanau i laiblemdash 7 block fln quality Black

aaduid lHarbirjaat nrlrsd -iieau Marblemdasha Mnea eb ks quality dlana Marbla Br cat leiUarblmdash2alaold ni-Ck B i 0 a t e i i M l b l a 1 amdashJWI i i a n n i II II all white ItaliHa Mamie i ilea Otroeu Vaamdash10 Uagtun Vaeei nf Italian Marbleurua

autniaiaud plalu Puuiiia dtonemdash1gt caaka Pumice Sou Blab f liailab MaDiemdash iMftwbg 12 4 and laquo luck thick

uea ol l i e I u Maiue very nupqUdlily lermemdash | uiougtieapultovii ndrei ante Catalogue day liel re sal

aTydu S oet t i raquoci iur Ki u t K a i i U U t i T S Ai CO

raquo raquo M N o Ids) Wal atri corner of Front ft Oeraiu ft Belt will give lawii prouai at iant lo tu - bull Ml

of ua Aaiais at the lercnauie Excoangaud Hwuaeund sarultur al uraquo raeaueui ol lamilus ireakuig up baaa-ftoping i a laquoo to lbs iof s w e a s o t OruvAueaand Marxian-dlse ry M-riptKin botnia N a York aad Uruak jra

rUBBDAY^JuirM At 11 oclock In trout aj tha atora

New OrlMU Mulaisemdashbull bbl Nw Oilean MoIaisM 4 cases R lap jerry Lordtal e bisea Pipe

OUT Oilmdash15 on Olive OH Cider Vinegarmdash40 t bis Cider Vinegar Aiemdash4caaa I n i t a f a i Al Brauuy aoimdash25 case Ban y Port Win and Sherry Win ICio- )iaa Jamaica kiln

W E D N E S D A Y July 2B At 11 oclock la front of or within tb Mora

Finn Champ -300 caaaa A C superior ojttaliiy Ckam-tglaquo vViue ol i toaa i lotp nation ia bodd bullatti iad to debaa-tura

B aud - 6 by casks Pluat Cwti l ou B Co pal Brandy Corkmdash6 baies piat bottla or Min-ral Corfca W adt Laadmdash2 tou Whit L o ataortad packagea

At 11 ti eiock la front ol the etui Old Bout bob W nieaeymdashVi caaaa tach 1 doxea) Bourbon

Whikay Syearsolu Francu win Viugar-8 ]g casksFrLCk Wine Tluegar iu

bund nearly 3 yea ftoideaux Claretmdash7 caak Horde ux Olarat Ry Who key - 7 ubi eupariur old By Wnlkkay

THURaDAV Juiy 26 At 11 o clock ia iroat ot tit dor

Maccaboy dnud-7ti jars (about 14 B a eaWlMawaboy Snuff ion atm maiiUiac UXMI by tha Enlckroucar auila Maw J ay j aiso 2 i t bble S c o a daoft uuutti r u n Waruaat laapaottua t w aecoaat M waoM It may

coaawra Flraquoai HarraTgbac-Oi g j aalM tm quality Havana Tobac-

DaaualU BwdtlAUejUoraquoaBr- - mdash mdash BY B t K D E l I JUiMEasR CV

aiare Mo it B Wall atnat TUESDAY JaiyM~

Ai 11 o uiock m trout oi tua atai (Under warden inapoctluu lor account of wh at it mav aw

earn ) Iranch MaildarmdashII caaka ftXKF priirjpfjr|nch Madr

da-agc- ou to voyage ex aiaUi Fuiy from Jgam ilM Havana Bugarmdash23 bjraquo prim Marsna Sugar slgntly da-

inegiU Builaimdash40 lirkiua Butter

A L S O ( t o r a c c o u n t lta ma Underwriter)

Cutlerymdashi case ^ssoitd vut ie iy diuguon lb voyage kHwHADAY July 26

At I t oc ioca m Uonl oi tba- ttor iBorauoouui-ul wavm It mavcouci a

Blltaiaa 8ht Z i n o - 5 0 caak al Sheet Zinc damaged wniue voyage

ALSO l i a and Tenia Plaeamdash3sv b o i w Tin aad Trne Plata

tiiguluy dam gau-ALBO

Kiigiiraquoi Sheet Ironmdash 60U bund English aad B O- Bhwt IrudnuBed on ikn voyage

B t i t t a e i e i l i o u - 5 uuudl Ruaal Sheet Iran No 10 o 13 Uigbtty ouiagea_

JL M Hottuau Auctioi a-BY L M rtuFFMAJX CO

BWte No i l Pearl etiwt H aaovw Sdaar fUavSilAV July 24 al II oclock

I J A J I A O E D asaABmdash2JO paukigw da uAaWd Tea ghlly uaiuaged _ _ _ _ _ _ laquo _ ^ _

I l - J i a s R MinrfU ABCUJcae

BY AiJyfTUKA i rAKXRiiJUE Bre g o II- i earl et-wt Hraquo saWW Bqaar

W E D N E S D A Y J u l y U -At 11 oclnak ia front of i b stoi -

(For account oi whom it may c o n e ra I Zsnta i urtsn s anduranoole vVamuls

111 bbts Zaiii Currauta aiightiy (talntd 30 ob s urenobl Waiuul

i M 4071) iOUli laea iou - a e F U k M M M o C a h L I N E DE L A I N K S

oa a ju plecea Hik bull I II iliaUHAMS a cosea i K i u m t u l i b - laquo i iKd CM bwkpiesea L l i l N i P A P E R F A N S Cataiiqiuea aiidsBiiniiea on the morning oi sale

Elmaid L tji ieraquo A-raquo-tioaei BV R U B H E amp C O H L 1 K S

Store Not 37 and ta t i n ray etrMI THURSDAY Juy 17

A l l gt n m a al ue auction looata By order of the lotUru riters Alaquout fur Cashmdash

2 balea bo piece diUreat xrailea a laca Uneakia ol th man of 1) h u m s a Co slightly damaged uuth voracs nl l pottation

Catalogues aud igtagtaRej pa) the mornlni of aai

J B BAYERS Auctioneer BY O A Y E K S J amp C O


dry aad tanyy good Ac In loU to suit the retail trade couauiting of Brown ami Blanched Sbeetluge aad shirtiuna also ha of print o diffieul manulisclur Ecalucky Jean Uenin OulU Alio v i e Mouatlalu DelauM Mrlaquo ftc Black aad Whit Efhi Oiov Silk Ulove Wultiy goodi J a c raquo seta CruBwrd aad Sw It Miaiin Victoria Lawaa Bairt lugs ftc ^ ^ ^

Ltaeii a iadg BYar Liataa ia toalaquodraquo Browa aad Bleach Oamask Whit and Brown Linen Table Covr Nuuklas gui laquo l f t 2 - L H C V l u j w x M raquo r t J t raquoud Blacg Lac Veil Euioroideied delta Collars SLvea ftc

Hlaquodware_-Knive iu great arltv NeedlM In boxe of 10 M a i d 15 M each Oold Peaa i n d Pencils ia boxee oi 12 bullWMaoachSclor^Shar^HltK and By aad Pin ftc

Alao Un lot ot Saawla prlnUd Stella Broch and Berexa dbaeu w daddrJhPt U Mto B o a g w l s a Krench print and 3 d

bull Hlus Aaiaii W a i inaats I aiBiuraquoaijraquo^ats Catt iegais H- - bull Wiit)

_) bull bull SLHLEaoiN^iKH a S O P l n t IJJUNCH HkfOARSmdashPunch BegaTemdashPuaswarmdash Puuoh

A egaremdash Kor tale hy Jlraquo C H A R L E S BELLOWS ft l U B s a v r laquoi


C-ltOLUNS ft TrL-CESTON No t i W rM N Y ageutafor th aai oi Leal and Mantkiad l o i a- t

solely on commioiou hate lu store anil sal tgt Irak uraudsiruui bdquoa - manulacturais iu Virraquo to which th ia Eg in auaauoa ol the trad lUeir i i c u w i t t lap

-a lullowiug ui and via 6 ds B M A B B 12a

Ib O H T K K A N D Potter and Bin

bull L Van daudt A w t w a e w BY R CLARK tk CO

Balaeroum BM Boadway kwgaiar Bale of Forelga gad DoaMMie Dry Oooda Faacy

bullioodi ftc for Caaft in lot adapiad to tbe rtall tradecua-iraquoiug uf brown aad biaeisd Shaeling aad Shirtings

Aieo a lot oi PRINTSmdash leaTurkey red print Miehmonu ^iiai 20 ptooM Faaay Fara print i t ptoee Molr Amique

HOSIERYmdash200 doaen brown and bfeaobad BM aad aal uoer lace uiltts cotton gloves Be

Alao a lot ol U N E N B - L I U M drill dlapr eUachad aad urowa table oovrs

WHITE UOODS-Brlll lenie Nainaoofc n u l l s jaooaat awl lu Vtetort lawn Swlas muslinmhroldrd ive and c uraquogt ln boaoat printed Bordnax bandkrcktela lawn at tUlmkif f e i bullraquobull PoisB Chopua Unndkrchlto colored Htoa kaudkarebleta raquolt- ftc fefVIKTVUbull bull raquo bull btMk bulllaquobullraquoraquo bullbullbullbullMMI SHAWLSmdashA lot ot arlated Cahmate abawla ftc -o

MSWIaU gsuaudar Aaotioiiaai Hi KLOJJKROW JOaK9 at tJU

Star No SB Park Row F R I D A Y July 2 8 ~

At 10 oclock al 2V Park Bow For approved endorsed notes at B month

C L O I H I N O ac w lilioii Kilaquo A Urge aMortment of Cmthlng comprising Duck Paata

VU and Cuata Check Shirt kaucy do Otaialia Canton Fiaaa Shir bull and D awra R MOM C M I ^ PaaUlaon Hat Cap Woolea Shirt I M aud gry Fanuei do ftc ftc aavoM iro u th lata Sr la Fal lon ijtaej

at SA MafducA 4uetkiueir BY ROBERT RA YDOCK

Btr 101 Liberty trak


bdquo V a l Mount Aaotloaaw BY trVlLMERDINOi tk M U U M

bullTORE No 27 Park Place and 24 Murray strmdasht Heary L Hogut Auctioneer ~


F J fki Auviiuaeei 0 1 F J f ARRER

Star laraquo Wall

H LEV a AUCtloaeei fLEY amp CO


Ngtgt 22 Catherine street between Bast Broadway and HewyM B L E V Y CO will giv tnlr paraonal aitentlou to pawn-

r ters bullbull aiso to sales Jl nothing -Irygixxis boots and suoes notuenoid luruitur liquors ^rucriea and uicaan diM oi every deecriptioa I Uouu takaa oacommiMion

Tkomaa M F n a k l l Aoattuaeai BY ERAXRL1M BROTHERS

No Hi Wail irt bullbullppoetu thai nlarehaate Bxeba FA4AAajaraquoBkArakA

M Y E R S ) U L A i i s i O R M Ct A4CJ20AAABB

Ngraquo idtM ittgirfcdt ltlaquoirmdash4 MMJ 4 raquomdashk Bar) L I B E R A L CASH A D V A N C E S mad oa coueiguaaalof

merckaudi lntendml loi PU -L1L S A L A S l a m Fall of iBktl M k AmS CLAWHOEN ft CO Aucl loaaw


W will Mil at Public B-ie ou in 27lh SeptemTer I w e n t y -kve Trace oi (Joal Land In in celebrated Broad Top Coal rieidcontaining aaoui six thousand five uuadradaiuea and luesaiu v l l Bsoid in one etaaf or lis Mparaie Iracta a s may a eaired

i n Oaaal igt t i l res kin 1 BOW rapidly taking a high po altioa U ta N e w York ana tern mtikets ovr U u too ion bavtug blaquolaquou mined last y and tue ptoductiou tula year be mg au jraquor cent in t vane oi last year M ml prieied particshyular leipecliug mee Lauds can n had OB application o u by uisli or oiaeiwise i n e aala vill be pciemptury

M k E B A C L A O H O B M ft CO-Auettoeer Wo 4 n o t raquo raquo u 4 raquo A r b i t i a raquo t P a i l a d A

C J W O L B E R l laquok CO AliCT10IMlPKgraquo Noraquo1raquo Areatrraquos M I W M A B u t a aadBUtnata-

PHAaaADfiLPHLt A E O U L A R SALES for Dry o^ods Clotalaf Straw Oooda

Boow SU JM ate la law adapted to ta city aad country Retail trade and by catalogue every

TUESDAY A D FRIDAY MORI INO dPKvlAL SALES Calaa Fancy Oooda Praquo lutings Re oa

ntner uaya wUi receive as ueretolore our careiuiaUen kia-

iatWrai Caab Advanc when reqaired OvWiBX^ieala rpctfaliy aoiclted

BBaKs RbJtCES aeeai JuMpa W uonkM Co Meeayg- Eluel f tEi iageaneu

aaTitaad R I M ft Co McCreadyft Armoai CftarM Aeraafeldt Eq yel

Bibrt Bolllag Ckaa Bennett W L Ballard Ross Bales Loleoiau ft Co Canadian Luitkniioiuiay piper a Boiler I J WlUwa

Jon W Atkinson taaltardl John Land Pwdaioul R ri RohUIaa W li lraquoilaquor E P i y

Alma Oaughtar M tba Bagliaeai

A Doughty J Kill bullraquobulllaquo P P Hraquotiy Rohei t Blanlcy C-11 Thornton Okt Cato Ouoauago Plymouth Rock Edmund Wata Arvxoua kr a POUNf iB Buuora J- Rtiiidd W C- Motion t P Melton a W Sunuutr John W Wlnaton i C u j i l a L a a s a c f c a H A L F P O U N D

C Beuaett d

Elton Hail

IK J bull Utanl Ihotiiee L Orton Smun

I H 1tias bull-L Ward

id Fog H Olaaa Uo naRlee bullra Temple ia W Nona

mdash r u n wirarp--n TTire w n r-Drmr-s-F anu -raw braada

C H A M P A U N E WINhSmdashOiair ft Cus gold label hits latx 1 and auihir label brands

I n n It WINKSmdashPiiuieMetuirulchslaatt Johattnlbrg Cabinet Wine and various quailti shipped by D Leiden o Cologne

Th Iiregoin at raquolt entitled to debenture la

AL1SmdashBarclay Perkins ft C a t Lundi n iwu Stoul

Muu a t e a e-vaiaiiug Edluburg Ale Aiiaoppa Pale Ale Baaa Pale Ai All in lnr order landing per ships Atuaiou Rhine and Am

Bagto lor aai by ml4 OARDNER O V V E L I N 217 f ulum st


raquol prectatad hy coauolaeeure Is one ol the bt growth ol th Rhoa and charactriad by ltidalicucy aad prightlluM ant aBavortaat paitakee oi ue odor of th vlolat and raapherry

I It it uu excellent light dinner wine aad preferred by away U lt Chautpaga Imported aad for Ml by tu ol agaut aud coa

ilaquou IHOS MCMULLEN 44 Ralaquort Nw Yorf

- Ordlaquorraquo rlaquoclvd fur direct ahipment aa)

MA R A S C H I N O and CHAMPAQNB-100caw Maraaubl-ini AD do Cbampagn tor aal by

mti H O W L A N D R ASP1NWALL 54 South et D O W B L A C K B U R N ft CO No luBbiAVBR ST i a JCl far for Ml t r u i Bonded WarehouM

BrandymdashHeanaawya pale dark aad Loadoa eolor la bjraquo


CaasM bull

ROM Bud ixtanafett N i t Browa tg

It Tail rold infey italaataa

t tc l TomSVa Ntohol2d

P meet Jt M lv ia f drum I uct Couipaa u

laquobull aad a Wards Ala r HttUtel agt aad otulaquo


Walker 18 It brd

la ta CE N T R A L AMERICAN uox lor Mia by

bullraquo ltsV W H E E L W I H 1 US Wall i t I D r O B A C C O M S T S - T l u F o i l lu bull bull of 100 poaadg 1 for Ml by

C A R N B B ft H A S K E L D aau SB Piatt at

i-aa flu Beaver t


| gt R I N C I P E 8 B O A B B - A fliuTaMorut af tb vai lou B brinda superlot quali y iu bond aadiy paid lor aala by

J S - THOdkAS O W E N SON tbnaoaiua p U R k l B H TOitACCO-2J balw m i and 50 B QUI lor aai by O M BRAtMei TI SB Bl

HA V A N A s i s O A R S -KoT aafe lY H lHOMAB~raquo BROS 12raquoParltrwtmdash

Millar Comuu Loudon Oparw ZaidM Concha Loa-dras iuo Regalia Prad Loud m i i l i t Britlaitloa Mashyi l Regalia Preed R o g i i l i LoudrM galRv Cuban and laquore vaa of the following brauua via

luaeuuidad Nixmaua Una Nina una Torre Tablra Katreila Flja Sobr Sugur Muctezunisuteiw Para Florishyda Chile Flor debt Mama Antiquaui Caruwuclla Rafael SuarzLuaa Cauaaa R O M ReiuvaJ t lega l a r c a Kvmla Flrmexa SaaUagUMa Atlia Auatreliarioy ave Ml rail RH-ica b igaxuCuauo tohrlnas KultuiaBia Mourar Pilaroito CulPiaarro Chlc i Ageiaanuiou u v i Lnlun Fil N a sioua IPaiaiaila W M T U t U B a UROS

l i d B i o a d w c w n w o g C a a w s l

f j AVAR A SEOARsv^CliARLKMELLOWk) a CO 1 1 1 raquoea at offer for eal a large wety ol tba beet brand ot Havana Segar carefully teiecteo in iu stock uf sit moet celebrated lactone m tiaeaua lbuiuag tb var iou ig au aad eiaeaof Cauaaa PartigSy Punoh Igaro and Eapaaoiaa alio Ingulnldau PaimeUcOommercite J O M H a l l Vichot latiuudau Noriega a c ae aad a leaseonuieni of madtum grudee oi uutueroue brand to waict attentloaof buyer I an lie lied tulW

RJPraquoraquo R i -

OkumdashBeaver brand la pliie aad plpt_ HawmdashSuperior old Jauiulca bullariully slctd l a Loadoa SherriesmdashSierra a full aasortmaut lacludlag AaioatlUad

la bacta Itogaheada aad qr caaka PortamdashCnrbburas of various gradaa Madeiramdashhlackhurrshueold Win ClaretmdashNutituiel Johnston ft Boa First C U M Wlas

oi v iuugvsul 1U44 1H48 anu 1851 Al io Rauxaa Moutoa Lovi lie Larose and others In glai

Sauterueamdash Nlh l Johnnton ft Sow of dlffareul grad a ludiag Cbawaaa Yquem

WH I S K K Y - 2 5 puncheons Joha Mehans celebrated Iriab Whiskey iaudfug Horn sUamsiiip City of MancuMtar ia

woud and for aala at 24 Bavr t feU BARCLAY B L I V I N G S T O N

HA V A N A P L A N T A T I O N S - l i b i i o i aala by old J O s i A E D E B A Y 47 bull

IVi B RUM~mdashin trtiibouud packAgM for export maaaias 1trade lured and for raquoale by

F U R M A N f t CO BacMMorito It CoggawalU Cran ft Co IU Fruat s t cor Wall-

HO L L A N D OINmdash Iti pipe and ihree-quarlr pip ai brand for i s l e from Bonded Warehouse by

_raquo20 HENRY SNYDER No 85 Reaver etraat

CvV^TLLE dOAPmdashlOuoxeeeuiatnor CMtil Sop toree le by i j l IAS W E L WELL a CO bull 57 South et

^laquo I D N E Y W I N T B I N O H A M S 3 Bearer bull t r w l ottbr f o r w 7 loi rivale uae Wineo l tb lineal quality v i V ino dl

Pasto oloroeo and Club Sherilee SHudeiuaa hueat Porta oi varmuegrade in wood aud glass Royal R U M aad Imperial CkaaipWHsa and tba nneet Cidt lo be bad l a tba world elthei in W teeHa lo bom art or export d U

CI D E R BRANDYmdash12 bbl Jersey for sal by


of very (uperior qaallty Nw

B W PHBLPB 13 Oreeawlch t

WHITE PORTmdashCocgbwaa la qr ca ba for aala hy EDW BLACKBURN a CO 10 Reaver at

jtBioviraquoUigtiraquo L^LOCRmdashBaltimore Faaiiy B li braaded Moaat Clara M voaataatly aa head a or at

JAMAICA BUMmdashIn bond or duty paid for gtua oy MAiTLAND PHELPS A CO

jipjs^ 48 and 47 Exchange Place

W HiSkUKBmdashS paaeaeuu OBAN nigh graa ol Seotaa 18 puna Dundaa Hill Highland Malt

Jwa Sue Suoteb Valt l i l a y do i o Cawpletoa do do Oteupatrick do da lilenur do do BofBl xHaMIMty Menaaeealabra Irlk Londonderry Murpay do Cork Burk do Oalway i In Roadad Warehnaa aad lor aala by BARCLAY ft UV1NOSTC N 24 Beaver et

20 16 SO 3 B

SI 14 1

Allthi al

uo do do do do do do do abovt

Jl7 aaley

DOW L E Y C O R N bull CO ITS Water at | | WlLJAAaUiN sat atafo^a^ ^EEP-syraquobbfeRpWAMt1Brtraquolaquo Islaad P laquo i H W A V O B t laquo B O N 2 l


hare ia atore and offer M l Froat i

Bl Maw Prune Auip aad Pork lor aal by

MM W A WORB prukv Af

ON 21 Froat mwt AA AMS-S0 tier uea ttamsj Nyaigtbullgt Owad Ham pat A A an xpriy lor lamlly UM foaa ny

3 CORR(MARTgW O- St Broad atraai

DRIED APPLES and PsaAUHEsy sVslberu for MI by _api3 Al COLDEN u l U a a M oa aoeAn sir

10 port

bulldtnkH toaajaid Uaeui lorex-r Ml by

A M-COFINtaFroatai

BY FURiSEsB BRlNLEY k CO Hm Market rtreas


EVEEY 1UEBDAY By CasaioBwa ea all mouth credit

Aattuaetiveead dMirahieuwrtineatof Fail BRygdRy a-

e liquors C bdquo c r i e s sud mescuan Liberal auvaait-a mad oa tka M B M

juat landed fe 33 Krout at ap7

g i D J g g A N A gt ^KlNigt

WO O L - A u invole of Eaat ladia Wool for n l by bull THBODORE D E H O N 10 Wall t

BY u-iiis A Mathews Aactioaeoi


jyiraquo near Broadwny

HI D E o - 4 8 Maracallio Hide for aal by _ a p 7 _ MAROOPB R COraquo3Soata laquotrt

HTDRSmdashdtagrMB bullalted Cblrago Wavy weight for M I d lft hy E A S T M A N ft LLOYD 40 aad 42 Bread raquoi

W OOLmdashSO packags Taiaajyln Morafor alby ~

m2i B R B W E B T t C A L D W E L L 20 O U raquollp

WOOLmdashmi D i l N W M t a t and sorted grad lor aala

awaabed CaHforaia a

ILLBTB ft CO 303Paarl si

jy3 B-yaVTLI __

TALLOW^mdashBaltable for sfclpiaent alway on hanl TALLOW O l l e ^ t i j -

j y l l

vr t

SEA ELEPHANT 01L-Juik) falls b Elephant Oil la bhd tferesa aad bbl

blchd wlnli- So maafctnrdaa

ei Ml l a qwxntltta t alt panhaMr by _ _ JAMBS P R Y K R a C O 2 1 7 F r o a l raquo l

01LS-Wlater tparm aad WhalaOll constantly e a naad and for Ml by

jy i C A B T W R I O H f ft HARBISON 111 Front st ANDLBamdashlOOti B O I M Adamaaila Caadta Id 2o aad 40

noted bniM OILmdashNo 2 Lard Oil for Ml by jyl l B P C V A N BOKKBLBN W Broad t

BJ H A L E OILmdashIW bbl rejected crad Whlaquole Oil

aalf hy gt 2

Winter Sparta Oilmdash4000 gall WlaterBperiii OU fw JAMBS PRTBR B CO M7 Pr at bullgt

I AILS sygwgmllnw Wlatersperm J mo do do What

o r B w Ml by


Iv ix) AL mcwmmBzm raquogtbullbull on 17

rf_ 1 Baacca Oil froat tb PaayrVtalt Sprlags tar Mia by


Praquonlnm o r

Wli iwets l

TA L L O W - t a c a W a J O H N

lULLoWAftBASkt-WraquoMilTCblrasymsnias I t s a t e J dl 1 C R A O I N R CO PaaRhst HIMIM IM

_ M i a t f SMYTH ft CO SI



i 1 0 A T SKINBmdashWm pttnte Wwt Idla la store for sa I by bullJT apj B P W A R J J B E C H s a Reaver st

B W BOPnW R CO 771 Psarl it ofr lor H I mdash d u n dry Bteaok Ay 11 bull O - and Cow Hid in bond

20 baudtoa Aman a D B k l w 3riMhsNutrlraquoH IM l7kmiMOoat Bki 9 60 liatM unwMhei Metal mWonl 70balaawwbaBBiiRlnWaoa ja

a J IliEBmdashiotdry H M w lot sal by f l dig D K a i l L L B CO IBS Prraquoat laquot | l UTR1A SKINSmdash12 baiM upf Kgtr for sa ly ILJ IS W W D t F O M E S r B CO B S o a t t t bull I I D E S - M U K I dry California for sale by H JalO W1LLBTB ft CO 303 P f r l st IVOR BALbW rolU Leather Ai r oS S C R A N T O N f c l _ _ __ bull N D I A N DRESSED DEER S K I N S - F o r saTe tiy I jaI7 A B S A N D S R CO 141 William raquot BAATENTLEATHERmdashSilver Madal am A

V L L M A N 1raquo Old ii

For sal by C Lourtois

A- ROBERT bl Cod

U H I N BONEBmdashaO^WM^ctwfa^ slaquolhy B W HOPES B CO 7laquoPaTlt in28

Salesroom 4 Cadar raquotreeR diieclly oppuaile Peal Omc BUTLER 6CHULTZ aHVlATHEWS will give vbMr par

bullonttl attention to sales of HOUSEHOLD F U R N I T U R E FANCY OOODS WORKS OF ART ind all dewriptjoaa Jl mcrchandU at their epaclou uiroom S a l w oi houMhou farniturat th rendencM of familie Aiigt tmdasho of RBAX ESTATE SHIPS STOCKS BONDS a ii ott ia a jriti al tb MERCHANTS E K C H A N O E

AppraismBtoffuralturadoocranlrL Ilheral cah auvsaf e m a j olaquo coaiiri-i7U

William Mvers Aactlontrer BY HENRV O EVAiXfe

Stor No 85 Maldea Lacs For th Ml of Crockery China (ilacs and Cattery C M

sign meat solicit and advaaeea mad REGULAR SALES ON TUESDAY T H R O U O N O O


TUESDAY July 21 At Id J clock at No 85 M ilea Lraquoa

RY CATALO i U B mdash F o r IHsiimdashA fall aad compl w o r v M A t of best White uranite French Culua plain aud banded lraquoiraquolaquoawiu C C- edged Yellow aad Rockiugiuun Ware plated and Britanaia Cnstori Lanteins ftc ftc

At Private BalemdashA complete assortment of Earthenware constating of whit granite and U kind of common war SBjswwittvSja by tb packag or from th laquohlvein tot to auil oily and country trade at a liberal discount from regular trade price for e w b teood parebwad from tb bcgtw wil He trarefully rpatekd lov shlpni

A 8 Rlcharda Aaetlou I BY RJCHAR08 laquo WtiliiNu

bullbullooaoa laquobull i raquo ifMBBiou Store No 44 Court land tre

W B O N E S D A Y at 101 cloc at tb anction room BonaShoeeandBrogaa 800 cSta BootShoraquo and Br

Su a omnprUiug a dlrabl aMortnaat of frMb and seaaoas 1 gom bull direct irom th manufacturr(adapted to th Narts

bull m Southern Weetern aad City Trad Private SalemdashMeue grain thick aad kip boot aad broga t

geate calf and buff congr boy aad youth thlab aan kin-Mot worn copper aai I boot woman l u t l a g he 1 gaitari lo mis sad ehttdTeo w bull and ynhtaere of all e iaoe

~ NOTICE Tue Hani ware and General Aucttoa Business coadneted by

the late J O H N 8 V A N ANTWERP will be continued oa srci nut ui his widow hy the uatleraigned aatfer the aame -bull J O H N E V A N ANTWBRPB BON

Dec 12th IBS JOHN H V A N A N T W B B P

BY JOHN pound VAM ANT WERTS SOiN More No 73 William street near Libert

M O N D A Y Juiy 23 Pawnbroker Sale of H Baraait ho 1 bull Grwnwicb avaaw

s i u i i i Juiy 21 Clothing Sa s of adeater rtird irom bas inon

WEDNASOAY July 2s JUitguM Phld by order ot Jaiobp taiei

i H b R B D A Y J-iy2a Clothing ial of adeaie i retiring tr m buslnea

gt R i D A l J my 7 PawnbrokrraquoSal of S Pakker No 27 North William at

j n j Ji rtl-usiAUftones 5Y JOH1 MuRTlMEri

lo Eaat Broadway ootar ol O t h w l n itrMl

Pawnbrokei Ssee M O N D A Y July 23

By or-er of A H o man J 1 Center strwt TUESDAY July 24

By order of J L Plwi ipa 66 Chatham streei t H U H S l AY JityZS

By ordr of B Coeteuo attlPea-latrett FRTUAY Julr 27

By ordr ef 9 J Levy laquo9o Broom street H U M A i July JO

By order of P Oniy07 Division tret i l f e j i l July 31

By order of D O Ferguson 171 Vanck street


W N MWM Auctioueer BY W In L VV8 dt SOA

Store No US Bewery

in partacuiu astaawaol in tiaue is aqueaea aaipmeat by Uasoa Lia till Batarday

FMENCM UOODB EVERY FRIDAY Ry Cateiuga oa Six aaoatba Credit

bullwaael C Cook Aaatlwaw B U t l lLH IJUUR at Cu

auTioaAaa aan esNttiaaios wBacauaTi Wo laH X)tttA-yrosTttTotaraquoltwe Walaa


BgaiafdaiMol orawrtoBraadiaWiaMlAraquogt MAniigAny Mwble Wool China Bariuaa and wisar vraquoi a

RMreamdashMeawi Dataa B Co New Yrk MOM Taylor ft Co bull

Barclay ft Livlagat a laquobull

ASACoNmdashUaawSustmMSides)2iniidoSnouiair tarsal D oy W bull A W ORkU ada amp Frani a giLOUR S bbfedoabl extra ou mli made trom enoice B white WhMt expreasly luriaaip uraquo

500 bbl wwodiawn mill maaeron Mlected Kwtwki White Wheat

5utibbUHwyCUyiaiUraquomdash ia ate aid lor sale by o3i COBR MARTIN Ct SB Broad atret

BEEFmdash WOO barrlCkMgo Met ISO do

OS 10 do si fougut For Mi by

POST S laquo a U J B C O t l ) B w l i a t sl ip

u R1ED REEFmdashA) ires Diild(int0M ana wr M I CORBMAR11N raquogt-tUBrlsLroet

HAMSmdashJ te C- Dumeld a Co 160 I M Young America 200 tea D Rlckuraquo a Co

A l i x u a w a r eared put p eawly tor family u w fot bullalt Ir JORB M ABl lN raquo ii B Broad a t r e o t ^ I S

BU R O U N D Y FORT W I N E - 7 6 quarter cask hvy Ru gundy F w l Wine in bond for aae by

T O W a S E N D CLINCH R D I K E j25 87 and w Froat g t _

ALCOHOL-mdashKi VA 101 per cent th bet i n tba market iiuuiufactUKU aad llaquor sale by

x r i ^ i - i r r _ i r V - t J M J B B A - W E B B IM Ptrlrt f f n i bull | t t ^ U ^ L 0 ^ 0 bull F 1 bull Cod Maruuwt old C o g a w a l io RochU aad Bordeaux w W h i a k a y - 1 5 punebeow olgh-latored Scotch WbJakay

W I B M 100 quarter caak Herri bull a Sou Port Win 2o0quwtercakandocta bull Pal and Browa B b m

30 caaw Shrry Wla bottled la Cadia 800 CBM Ciwat various grdlaquo

30 basket Champaga A l e and Portermdash300 caak Ediabargb A l a Youngera Abbey

poundZTi raquolaquobiAlUopp Eaat India Pa le At 200 caak SB^SSXFV bullraquo BBi Portw for Ml la bond w duty PJdt24BavarstrMtby


Htdg Hound in wBteh ttie eraquouiudif 5tgtn nf Cupl HuaABf was brutaly murdtred ain well known in thisctt Th last luiued caw is now beton Mr Hiizer the Soncitoi ol th Ireaf iry and shown a licgifof itiyficiiioincii on th pan of me Dutch ktiihoritiei at Btiavta atrouiitins altnoit to the wt-leiice of jltihceps frimtftlg lhe opinion otiUins that we utiould nave raquo new convention with Hie (loveruinent ot the Hague and that unlit tucti Con vention shall bd rautieii ihe tutted Stale oug-ht by alt means to send MIUH ol our moei oflkienl an prompt naval oificerg iu thai station to guard agamsl fuither liijuslice

Jogpph Gales of the Xatinnal Intelligencer died nighl in tlio ievHiity tvtih year oi his age He was dining iwo-tuiidi oi hi lite connected with that ei-tablighment For geveral year ptst ho had kwen very mliiin but continued hit occasional visita to the office until toward the close of tnt week Hav mg deiervedly tyeen held m the highest eateem by all cladgaa of the coiiununiiy his deceatts occatioiid tha tteepeat sorrow

Mr Gales i to be buried from hit country seat Eikingban iltesr the city There will probably be a large and imposing procogaion

The Postmatter Genera it about to lstae an im portant circular to Postmaaters requiring arnoog other thingt that in all cases postage stamps and not money be uted in pre payment ot pontage and prohibiting Ubvuse of the ratintj ttamp in cancelling postage stamps A neglect to cancel postage BMSBBS effectually or to pottmark letters plainly will be re-gardedas cause tor seriout censure il not removal and all Poatmaster art) required to report every in sisnee ot such neglect to the appointment office lu-ttructione are also to be tagiied in execution ot the recent proviaion of Congress for the return of letter to the writer theruot when they are not taken out of the ufnee by thoae to whom they are addressed

N E W JERSEY POLITICS NKWARE July 21 mdashThe Democratic Primary

meeting for tbe appointment ot delegate to the Electoral Convention to be held on Wedneaday next u u held last evening Great onthwuiasiu was manifested in both wingt In two wan the friends of Douglaa bolted aud will send rival delegates Those friendly to union are believed to be largely in the majority The State Convention ia expected to be one ot the most exciting ever held in New Jertey

MASSACHUSETTS POLITICS-BOSTON July 21atmdash A public reception wag given

to the Hon Anton Burltngame by his consituents in Cambridge last evening at whicn speeches were made by Mr BurliDgame Governor Banka and Hon John Sargeaut There was a large attendshyance raquo


ViNCBNNKs Ind July 21 186JmdashFroji fix to ten thoutaod people assembled here to-day to hear Hon Catsuit M Clay of Kentucky speak The meeting was the largest political gathering ever held in this section of the State Extra traina were tun over the railroads and the greatest enthusiasm was inanilested One delegation wae headed by eight yoke of oxen drawing a platform upou which wete a number of men splitting rails Speeches were matte bv Judge Kuchell and Mathaniel Usher

i Lunga OS N B raquo VTK I par cent premium N g w U k i g i s s July SO mdashCotton quiet sa l e TW baies

market tlotMtg wi tn an improved d e m a n d at IHc fot tnitldiinp Sars o t i h e w e f k 83i0 bales R e c e t p U o i the w e e k l i t o tmles against ISOo bNles List year Lu-liorts ot l l ie w e e k JOOd bain R i r - i p t s at this praquom a f t s a d o i last yea lOJOOn ba les ditto at all laquotraquoulhern auftt TOTii0 uaie i - Stok at this port 515t 0 Ui los Viou i d e c l i m n n ami w U l S ai ) 40 a raquo - SO- Pork quiet i B20 in for Mlaquoiraquos lard s teady at U t c in barreis and l i l t a t e in kep T o b a c c o firm Lugs aUBMHlBl BBS leaf 7raquoraquoJe Cotfce firm al I 3 l i e tor R i o t a i e s of tlie w e e k iSOO l a g s toe in port taw baa sa inraquo t 2eiNgt l a raquo t y a i Fre ights an Ekchai i te unaitert i l


i l C o L i a t i i t B a o o k L i a

Cepuriti er I- CenrnraeU Eagsursr rh txVtarklng compusatd Baromttar I iprMd Is

lncui u Mii-markiug Tbermoaieur la degtoM Fahr halt Both at placed 10 I M I above th ground and SO I above the level of the menu tide In the shade Th lore o lb wind Is given lu pound on tb quai foot and tb rati la l-ioo of lacbM

J i l l 30 AMP I I Thermometer

lirM- 3 A M 1 AM- H aVSk 7S ^i laquo H

Highes t s tand 80 RvWStt 74 Baroiuetti

11 s a 3 i i T I M U bullbull 29T0 tJoO -laquo ii^ t9M

Highes t laquotand 2JbO l o w e s t s tand 20J1 T P M T h e wind h ca lm

II bullbull bull S S E ca lm 3 A M B 8 B c a l m 7 W S W raquoi pound

U bullbull V B W l i t pound 3 P M W S V S)g pouud

q u a n t i t y of fa l len rain 001 inches i n v 21 i n s 32

ihtriuometer 11 fM 3 AM 7 AM It AM

7S 08 SS 73 The highest stand 0 lowest st and SS

Barometer It PM 3 AM- T raquo M 11 AJi aO-70 8078 19-87 2090

Highest stand 2990 lowest stand 1BM M T h e wind VV U pound

W I k pound



7 PM 2979

laquo $3

3 P M 2052

J B R 1 L L O N I N COONAC B R A N D Y - V i n t a g e of 1S61 a M and h7 l a half quarter aud eighth pip In band lot

ft C A ROBERTd l t i edar e t T a l l

Q O U O O N E ^ S P I R I T S - O i acknowieiigan superiority and unequalled purity tor sale by the manulaclurer

bullraquoraquo JAMES A W E B B lea P e w l t

C O O N A C BRAN O l E S - T i i Via Orowar Coinpny aad Jam Hrueeey a ComdashSeveral invoices of above braids

new landing from brig Haber from Ciiaretvie iot aal by bullgt JOHN OSBORN a Ataayer laquottet

AH r H U B O u i u a B o u a C o aixlraDufgtlla Stout bottled aud lor M M iu any quantity aud deliveied ire ol expea bull

ui2d by S Y D N E Y W1NTR1NOHAM 631taavrl

ALCOHOLmdash6U obi 96 per cunt Alcohol tor aaie by raquoPB1 O a A D O w S a CO 20 South i

AiBB-JSO bbls Chicago ulpplsaf for Mala low hy JLraquo mio k r aw a OU 20 Saw

ggt SCOTT JB Auctwrneer bull ihMiLai rwaet opposite tea Caavem fetaasa

Fawrsft a w Fmktrte witadattftta BEOtAviR SALES OF agtMBEOIIlEBIBB

uoui BllkraquoBliiaonis aa MiiUnary iraquoovdraquo will ke oBakfc ccuignmnlar MatpaeUliiy Mibsited





I00lv9 Cilirorala Wool wiahd BIW nnwaahatl alllnrnla Sheep Skins icrauie y WILLETS ft C O M Pearl t

MiOOL VV BHBEPBBINSmdash300 CallrnraliBhiep Skins

a iBvraquo i C i OAT SKINSmdash1 bale Tamptcrsfny Mia by raquo D2 J O H N W SMYTH ft CO

T | IDESmdash44(i Buenoe Ayree dry ox aad cow Hn la tor J T E lor Ml by

apM _ T D E L A N O M Beiver and 11 P e w l raquot

MjiMJlamdashWathed aaa a a w a e a w amyraa Crirse aad Bag

bullIB for aal by

43 M BRAOOIOTTI 114 Pn t

SPBRM C A N D L D B - 3 0 0 box ror Ml by 118 A L A N B O N S W A I N ft O I l l

I OW fttONB Hlaquoay aad Olyecrla Soap ia j papw Ma Imtwrtsxl a id for M I by faT l iARPMRR raquo f VBLIWraquo l t F a l t e a i t

FPHAM B HATTUN BB F B O N T A N D 10B WASBJ lafton S U M av la stor tad laquoBr for M M mdash

BlMchMmadi ibteaeied Wlaur WkafeOII do _ _ bull Bwiafl WbaU Oil AIM

Bleached Wiatw Mad o i l do Bpriag land Oil ef our w aMintfMinva t a d e

toml WMtaf bullraquoraquobull I i a s t t i o i l Had OH Blepbaat Oil letPot01ladaUbladeoiteallrfoi Ml I quaatltltt

t suit parihaeere Sperm and AdaaiaathwCitdlMla ISB MB M B raquo raquo SB

mee aad la car tone nf fancy Mwrs l a l w SB wb tJOAP STOCRS-OrMTsl|wTllow Oil and glealaa la k lot lo ilt purohesers-lor sal by

iylraquo B D C TAB SOKKBLBWB9 Brwd t

M ENHADEN OlLmdashtoaiteatly -m hind and lot ail by liS AL AMBON WAIN ft CO 111 Water at

A I raquo A M A N 7 N E CANDLBS-OI lhraquo7wqaiiiyio7Mi A by CABTWBIUHT a HABBJSON I l l F Y o i t

( VlfBMltAL SPERM^ CANDLEB^-lOisj bo bdquopTioi j artlrllaquoaaraquoortd lxtpcfd I every style MaaaiacturM

bullad for M M by 11 JAB PBYBB ft CO i n Fro i et

INDIA RJJBBEtl t t t l I A P E R C H A - P o r sale hv j r - _ MORBWOO0 Bi OO taBrcad rt^

lt 1 UTfAVERCMA^-IWi lbs for Ml by l^TCMiVNBENr CLINCH ft DIRE07 and M Prmt at

B N I H A ^ t U B H E R mdash r i n ParftraquorMl by bull w OKOICN ft TAPX K BMVraquoV at f N D I A RUMUBRmdashattaet ma prime quality Eraquoi India j a S I arrived per ship Huseer lor bullraquo I by a l l a lgt iwtta atN m t ti 4ed laquo t r r h i M i f

HIDES -n-V dry BaeaoAyr Ot sud Cow Hide 2Ulaquo graaaMlted B w i m AyM Cow Hid

W B D N B S D A Y July 25 ksrs Sal of Wa cbe aad Jwlry by order W

Biiapton B Co 18H Bowiry THURSDAY July2S

Pawibrokr8Ua4 WatcbM Jewelry B c bdquo Re by ordtl J B a J BImbeoBn Chatham street

F R I D A Y July 27 Pawntirol era Sal of Man aad Women Clothing by order

J R R J 81 laquoon 26 Chatham Irmdasht

ttlohard Klngsiand Awt ioaee i BY RICHARDS KLNOSLAND CO

Sale Room l i t Broadway between Maldea Laae and Llbarty strwt

l i E O U L A R 8 A l E S ON TUBS) AY A N D P RID AY r H R O r o H O U T T H E SEASON O F


i B S g r w t Mlted B w a w A y r w O k MM l a a d l w Wil fer salt by

l i s B W R O P B B R c q T i r M T l raquot

O o i i O B BALE-3UU bate ttjatrtur Baww Saxoay bullad Merluo Wm I

lliiW nale aiiMrlor h i w w b e d E u r o Bfe Wool a do do waainl Cordova Won) Fe sale by

ff M FOREST a CO mftnnie

t RRNCH CALF B B I N S - A Bare Jr Nai tee BS For al ny C A ROBERT 84 Cedar l__

H~~AkVrgD S l l E E P S K I N S - B D Split Hoaus a i d Fleraquob-bull 1 oa hand and lor Ml by

mkilS BARCLAY ft LIVINGSTON 2 ttaaver laquot

I l O A t S R I N S mdash 2 bale Buenos Ay res lot ail h I fin W W DtFOREBT ft CO laquo Mnulh t

f omlelry BOWER ft C O 45 South st

Inst lsded from Traquoas oi fln quality for sale h DOWIEY CORNERS ft CO 173 laquo i bdquo si

WOO lamdashA Tah lot for Ml rty

m HA VIS a HOLMES lR4 8bdquoe ih f i

WO O L - raquo W p V g i T i a t n l 8

WOOL jeifJ

H A I R mdash l i i l s j o mixed Hors Hair lor Ml hy mi l ItOWLBV CORNkikd ftt ltk nKKR 8RINSmdash A small lot far salehy

127 DOW_LBY CORJNJEMS ft CO 172 Wtr at

H AIRmdash lAbaleo ltraquolsed Bitenia Ayr riora Hair ol M rlor quality for sale raquoy

e1 W W n g P O R E S T ft CO (Ti B o i t h _ Y J Il is-S- ) iltraquo siiLitharn Hlltraquos for sal ns I I j y u RL7H A KDB BENE AHU B J O 4S South it

[INSmdashWhale for aaie hy

niEon VIETOR a nun ijtiikdry 21H laquotl landing froui raquochr RateWeston


gtl ENCHANT N raquo i Ciiiiaritiieirlaquoei nrl IS E M I Broadway New York

MtirciiKinls i i-uMbold aad etbor Furniture HoraM Wa giini arrlnr Haiaess tail i l l kinds of Pcraoaal Properti bullought and oiu

MerekMtdiM Cerwctliig Mirror Pianos Wtchw Dtt monda jewelry FirearmsSewing Macttln NauticalSurgishycal and durveylng I bullifiintonU HoriM Wagku CarriagM HarnysssSleight e t f i laquo tc or uioaey toaay amouni advanced ou above on satistactory term to be aud or Mored Bale Days M O N D A Y S WEDNESDAYS and F R I D A Y S Out-door salM at Auction solicited Oood received to b old

o i commlmloa Btnrw to Llaquot

Edward Schaack A w t t o a w r BY K amp F H HCHKNCK

0lt Tlo lggg kNU OKUSIAJ COMNneiOP MgaCtlaaTI SaleRoom No 141 Broadway

E ft V H W H E N C E renwt fu l ly oltelt coo1gumnt ol aeriiaiulliei lor sile at t ublii tact ton Thraquoy hold ragulai saint I Ftirulure Piano-tortea Dry Oooda Isiti n i i s Statushyary Wloet Liquors ami Sngars Diamoud and wry Books ami -Hfctlotiery HorMs amlCsrriagw and MrchlaquodlM gnlaquortUy uu n liajlay ami sal of Wiiieh their spacious saies room oUnrsgrmu tAcllitlM Llieiai dvences uiule on cun-BlBinuiita when iteslte-1 aad prompt i- luitis lo ml case They especially ollcil th sale oi HouMiiold iorii itu laquo 6 which they -nil give their prona attebtloa Uhr at b reslieaiaa ot liiuil bull hraWing up kotiMaeeplDg or a e h spaclois ala toom where they hav aaviusl laoiiitlee fot be it leilev aI eale nf the seme

WilitatuS D U e A laquo U M W BY WILLIAM B DUKE

OBkw No 9 Aauniea Eachangbull Bank Bulldlag Cedir at w l corner of Broadway (baMBM

R M I Batata StocbL Bond etc at pub Ik gdprivate tal i bullalMot Howobotd FurniturOrccrUaadMerehaadlMgea-bulln l ly itteaiiei o personally

bulltaglrar kptof Lot Howe Stor Country Betideac etc at Private Bale and to Let Meaty ta Loan oa Bond aad Mortgage

William H Franklin Aacttrawr BY WM H FRANKLIN

Oxen No S Bioad street B i l l Batata at Public tad PTtvat Sate Pnrtlealar ittraquotlon

will be gtvea o aaias of Stock t Bo id ind otkr SeeuretlM bullbra Vetseht MarcbaadlM and Salw ef F a r a i t w at private rwhtencw

M C Bad Auct laaw Bv EZRA LUDLOW Jt

Stor No SS Cedai laquo (tmassdlstoly oawite t w Post OBVtt) E z t x LuBiow fa will attendtn the M I M laquo MerehajidlM

of Hi dwcrlptww Storks Boadraquo and otbw SwwRRs Bet Eatate and Vowel interest i t the Eereheate Bxcaaw Paraquo-eltsraalesat taavmMear nf -wers or raquolaquo tbelf eala mdash mast

MY V W B E i S N E T T laquo t C O vBaiiiMin to aad oi vraquonnoBtisraquot ft oa)

AUOXlONBBRa A N D COMMAaWlON ENCHANTS M M 20 aad 20 Solaquota Cuariw t r w t BalUgawe

OBbr w a r a t t v l c w i tat Mereaaate Mtaafaeiarer aai trtdtrt oi Maw York lor taa tala of Dry Oood Boots aad

ana MerchaadlM gewsvaUysdsam

i-OUTMERN FLOURmdashSiUtabter e ipon taa in t i id bull 3 brandedmdash

Columbia MUU Extra Oeorgwa Blanord do do dlt Evermay do do dt SIonlioM do do a W o o t t r -L bull It Barcelona tuperna d Spiingiand do dt L Wauoa do d Emmert a N7comr d Souibur do d B C Pry do d H i i n - i do d-Oownay do di

Half bbl nauled MontroM xtra Wodly MUU Iu hn orWr adoai aud la stor ir sals by

SAb-FOBD R DOE gaJMSj Front d

IN fOMlOOAArmdashan c o n M queue i taa extreme dUBculty ganerally t ipertawW e

procuring ii ail It uatlv purity aad tlt-laquolleno a _ OENU1NE POET WINE

W iavalaat t for metRcjaal aad lli-M1aa pwawaa OSBOHN a co OF OPORTO

(tbe only mercantile MteblienmMi la Oporto whleb a w bull braach la th Uaited Stetelaquoa hav adopted tbe plan of anip-plng the BMW vintage la bom of an d o w n acn under then own brand mark aud guarantee whereby consumer ar ena-blad to obtain th choicest qualitl la th original puckagta ta exactly th n m condition u unported F o r tala by

Carbart a Brotner s s Broadway Oithatm Brother 86 Broad ( t rwt H B Rrk 6a Fulton i t rwi Prd fl Cowan 73 W a r m s trwt Rent Lowlier R Co M Broad s trwt Stent Fa lg R Co 117 Broadway

Ordere rordiiectimportaiioa from taa Trade ea ly riaMi w and forwarded te Oporto by

mylaataw JQRN O S b u R N 46 Beaver raquoi

CUBA RUMmdashSO and Cuba Rum ia bond or duty paid S r M M by U R I N N E L L M I N T U B N ft C o

7b Soutn (treat


INDIA MESS B E B - 6 7 j t | c d i i c raquo g o Inula Mess Beef put up for tne English oi China gets for Ml by

jlraquo CRAU1N R CO PtckiiluUM 383 Wst 12tht

CLEAR BaEFmdashM bbia Calo suitable flaquor Weet ladia bullMaui i ii us tag sale iy

i raquo l i CAwkteiN R CO Packlaouie 363 W w t 12th t

EXTRA I N D I A B E B F - 6 2 0 se Cnicig ear own I branu put ap tor th Blast iadiaiket for M M by

j l i CMAOiN B CO- PacktaiBM 363 Wwt latb M

18H POTATOES O N I O N mdashFor exportatloa aw) L tamtly a w for aaie try

bull I t IS B CO W Soatb


1000 bbl Prima do -1000 bbl extra WetdwtBetX

too bbl d er t ie by

yraquogt J H OBJ B CO M Water ex INDIA AND INDIA MBb^BaiAaiic tfereeextra India 1 xtoef i a tiercM do India

SbnM HlrtWartaialWaxttaiM for private or pWltawla Al i i

johnOampba BELL


A M i nstaai A n li JI a BY M n i l AIK

No 23 Bowary Cristalar will give his plaquoroual attenili to w i n of

( s O A T S E I N S - W h a l w T l KWITZMPaifl it

inraquo sale hy

DOWLRY CORNERS ft CO l7l Water it

a aJTOt iBBRIIRIE CLAY-Warranled best quality for ltae 1 ^ ui- l f ft ho anle hy


W OOLmdashAtkntlO |ha Ihlll for sal hy lyio D O W L E Y CORNERS ft CO 17a Wafer at

HIDESmdashHMO Buo Ayr la boat AXM d o d u t y n a h l o r m l h y

- -- -bull - _ W ^ n e r raquo a f b W W South it ATIIKR--W toll Soulheiu loi sale uy

ltbullbull BHBWER ft CALDWE1U a t O l d s l l v D

houMlmll fiinilinrlihr at terMlilaeor prltMlkreaig Uo hoitMikitaplug or at hislots Alio to t( of U o e k s o l clothing ilar goodo brmt and ahuet grocer liquors and menJinudiMo vraquory dwrrlptioo na which he laquoH mag rash atWsai- wheaia-giilied Regular salM laquoH clothing and dry geoils hlaquold ltlaquory Monday tlnriagth eon which a Wll e

ait ggaetal tana win igt dvriistijiii he tiaiiv iilaquor ___^^ Hnie A ChlUoi Aaciiiuer HY COLS CMIITON

oftic No 4 Nn street Th bullilcTltirraquo will give their personal atientlon to the aulas

nf Real Kaliite Vnlraquo Stocks and Hotnla at the Man hanta SBll l tngi A teniamr kspt Mr the ilupoaal nf Heal Eslate al py|raquote sale I^iani tiegotlaleit m Jti Estate ___

S raquo BOCMiT AuenonffM gate Baaftt s S s a w e l Ftataiori and William sirt N V

Iamti AH citlltin paid It lh sale of Housahnil Parnttar id fraquomlllediclnlraquoa iouraquokeplng at tneir restitenctis alio toMsxTtaaSt and As gnearaquoiis Homes Carriages Asc and Il i^a Bat St Ke ttsttta S t ea t Bonds ft at the Mer-ihnts i-iiHL-fn Hfier to Peter Nay lor Eraquoibdquo 7B Broad sire Jor-a H Dnaltam Esq ift E lfth strwt

M O N D A Y July 2J ( r-iibullgt Saiemdash ntv i-ulaquo i-p wai-ti I uhalte At a

geuaril Msortiiitiat of HouMbold Furniture


Stor 177 Pearl strMt betwwi Pit and Cedw trtM Regular SalM of CroWiry China aad O l u e m Liberal Cash Advaawe atde on eoMbjaaWBia of IBVORM l i

port uv to arrive to b Mid a taction At Private Sute-A larg at varRn lioeh if CUaa OlM

aad a5rtuwar at t i n t dtwnaat ror u i k frets rajai gt i - bull bull

M Ofiughty AnetlonMr BY M DbfOHTY

Sale- Room TO Nasssu atreet betetMB Joha l a d Fulton M DOUGHTY win giv bl personal attention to Balw ef

R M I Prist Ptocki Be at tea MicbU Exehaag Also traquoallaquolaquoof HotiMhotd Pur allure at th Teskleacea of familie Stocks oi cabinet maker at hi salts room t e abov

vTllllan Dmnont Auct mw-BY WILLiAM DITI10NT

a w a a - O B w No 4 W u i a l i w l W D will a lv t a l t oeraoea tteatloa to tbe M I M of R M I

Estate Stork Ship F u r i l t w e Be j i l w awaty barrowta bullail Kianeu oa bond aaI mortaage

$raquoVlaquo to Limn n Braquon a id Mortgageli sams f Slsa bull a a w v l s


bull Store ltVi LItarty s trwt a door Eaat ef Broadwav W ft E grv thair pertoaai attantloa te wte of atetv Je-

bullcriiti oi oi property and merebaadht Also rga v M M nf EARTH KNW A RE OUASS CHINA SILVER PLATEI) WkHKand P ANCV OOOnHgeiiersllr s-araquow

fjmt l l j 1 T tlOm^JxeTexet

UbaratCwbwvaauae wttkaat gtraaawrti l e j i i t tn in grklai abt TaoU itarM art tttuaMd ia tba w a ire ef bwii IM sd their akswrstaw ot avwa tbaa autaei ytar la t w awttaw atasaraquoble tklaquom ta tSRt grwt advaa awovr aay taaarhoaM latai city W i l l i w a i MM i^ltyryEw-CaaalrBaakraquof tat BeyabU

Maawn Massarty a Co New York B u i e M a t i o d d w d

bull Jetepb C JstaSS B 4gtPaIUa1vpaae bullbull Wsa WoWwaiaaCeBaltlavti

- Cbaaa Lilly a Oe B Pratt ft Bretwr

bullbull CwidE-etWr AC bullbull


Nolaquo-aadStarmaa sttaw BalUmar BPRIMU A L R S 1SS0

Ou BaiM taBrllis^FrsK SWIM tirngtAa udAwavtaaa M aAoODBCiOTHS CASB1MEBEB BAT INS Bw will w bald rcgalariy

BVBBY mUBBDAY IWaagbaat tw eeaeoaua Mg bullavAtbtWtatta-

Special Sate ol CARPETS OIL CLOTHS BOOTS aw aM0BBMdRdy-madL0fHlNti

BYBBY MONDAY __ LlWriiCwft Adttew M4taaaa aawliaggmti tar Pablo

wPrtvitattiw TAYLOR B bullABDNBBAwtlawaira

BtprewatadbyiBAACHONItl ^ Commlrtatbw addrswiid te him baa ISIS N Y Pet 01

WawillwttwatlyattWtdt laB

MM BtWaVfiy wit by was FAB TMAN B LlDao aad 42 Broad et

amp2 P U T PEASi IVB bbl rpriwiBh aad Amerieraquoaior 7 tale by je21 A IQFFINta Froat raquot

F ABL BARLBY-SVraquo half obi aal by J2l _ A-OF FIN M Froat M

CUTPA SOUTHBRN FLOUR WOO bbl tatia gTTdrlcgbarfBBdad Btlltmeai 1000 do do do do Ewi 1000 da do Oeorgetowa de Oaageia

For Ml by mhis W M NEWMAN 3bdquo TBPtwI itrwt

tUREASE BUtTBRmdashM)kBforty bull J wy aylS CAB fWRIOHT a HAJON IU Froat GALMON-102 tbl No bullT3 for sal by


1 SaluMalifw iMpeetlon

JAMES HUNT A g o 114 Frrmt t

u B R B I N O S - 1 0 0 b a r r t i a w T u 1 deg raquo w 0 i Htrr iags ol a ujerior qaallty tut Mil By

tM JAB l U J s A ^ O ^ ^ F i W B t M

l EW 8 C T T B B ^ P a e k w n S i a l u raquo r t laquo M U t f o r ship mat towaigkClimitM by Bwtanm an s s CARTWRIOHI a-raquoRlBON HI Fralaquot Jj9

FLOURmdashaoou bbi oii t H H O W bull bull ^INWALL 64 South

H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W E tSWitar Rrwt

EXTRA CANADA PbOC^ sm bbl Paaally Flow ba SW too

_ 00 de Tor w i t by

mhi i

do t a t r i do do

SI i t d

DnmfriM McplaLtaf Lt ieola Pboaix

w H WMANft CO TB Petri M

W I I hea -h Auatiu w i BY W H BBACH

(OBMW NO 44 Piae atloet) REAL EST ATC STOCES aud BONDS told at laquoiMlc aad

vxe m e SMa a Als II tn- VliC itf H N I A K B T H A N O B IJ tit v t n u e i i

BY HOFFMAK8 k CO ismoasaa ABB waauaiioa BBBOBABTB

Me S Nertft Chwlw rtrwt Baltlenr PAJU BAlaatt OF IMPORTED AND OOMBBTIB


OasUmoata credit-CoMiriatng FrnenBiMlaquobteravi awAaMrRaaFwKyiMMapwBotai Alwlall tayrnaa M ClothCasalmri VMtlagaft adapted ta thtCletUa bullHMP

SALE O f CABPatlS AVERT PBIDAY By tAtaitnw oa laquoia xaoatasere -Fa i iaawrtgwataf t i

atBrtwtiaIafTaiaandVeattlai r t t Cwhdvaaewraquoaadmraairaquo raquo latai

bullftVkVsMst BtraquoilaquoMntadbyaVoM^aWDrlaquo -

Addrwth im BJK M i l Pt OBe

tadd tar aablMS)


raquo tgt HENRY laquo W i _ a _ ^ _ _ AUCTIONBBBB AMD pound 0 l i ^ laquo laquo o w M B B C H A N T S

lraquoallaquoviirEeiitacky Art BOW occupy tag on ef th mot P laquoraquo M raquoraquolaquo I bull bull laquo bullraquo bullraquo

Auction H O U M W w t for th Sal of Dry Articles F in F bull allure Boot idvancaa mc ie oa Cuaeuyamont

Thy rtar te W I w l o a Laul ft ( bull B B CbitwadW R Co

on bdquoi th moi spacwae aaa e w t iigatea i ol l b Mounti iw partteulwly adapta traquoood lw lo Oil Paiatlag F a a t ]

tuVBiuis ad Show a c L lbet i i C M

C trade ^ g S ^ ^ ^ tpl7 CABTVBIQHtt M fgtoW 1ltgt raquoraquo raquo raquo M pORE-Msraquo PrlM irfearPtrL city iwpct lot for bull y j j T fJDRABBft CO 21 Wttwtg


raquo ^ ^ f O T ^ r i y i r M A raquo B C C 7 B P w r l r t r laquo i

fRRlBD APPLES BMP fimgt P0 raquobullbull shipment for I

j y a M l b r PEA HOWARD g caaattattita

raquo f

8H O U L D B R B - M Steohtd too rml

y i l

bull a i t t y raquoBoatat

l 3 P^ip9-BBBi ttttara co ed tagged for e^e by

A UiAEE m 0O ai Water at

BTQ7jr7J~H7jiB^riercM Joku MarWidi attra fa-rSfmjampZampT ^ Clnclftnitl

H DRBEft C03IWatrt

bull V liOllIBa

fkJUtp 8 WiikteA Aartioww By PHILLIP R WILKIN

omlaquoe fo io fgtitrwl Btorme Po iuua Steal Ette 8tgtcksami Butts at Public tad Prlvraquotv bull-

Oittlinirsalesit K i r a i i i i e i i d M e n - h a a d i M aleail to J Ri s i i Itpt for parties daelroas of Iwatsg nr htlln a i t t t i t Brie ael MnrtgM-

ftmnsej WtiltrAulttlltilaquoai

BY THOMAS i MILLER _ _ _ Offltw N o 14 l r c r l w raquo f T J M will attend prnU a th raquolaquoernraquoiatti a of puf h

m and Sale nf Real Kstat iml nbralatag Loa i t oa Bnud bullad Mortgage Sevaral irni i tn loan

8raquorltlrry dMlrahi oiflneetB tblsbnlldiag to let at a low rant

VBttua sterns INST LOOTB Me-


N o 10 NORTH R1AIN S l B K B r B l LOUIS M KiMfS Ma^CiH0raquo gt CSraquolaquo abull bull t abull

Caab Advaaea HUM a tb rtaalpl of gwdt Stttlementt mad tbrw day after MI

aavaiaacti MIMI Myr Clraquof blaquoB ft C-J- PMRtBiipbMi

Stuart R B^otatifcPW^labJa L B B Cartl ^ raquo ^ y f - _ w h

Tw vfyek TrjavwaadR ftrtm NYwk bullbull w o ^ i ^ bull ^ bull t a L a ^ T laquo Crow Mel reedy B Co St Lout

1 1 wvevga laquoVIlirai-la i l -V ^n r t t

brand fw bullaioby j y u

RTCE-liO tttrcw t j f f t w ^ jy9 DWYC

--- PPteSforMlehy UOsvKS a CO 172 Water t

AMS-200 ttercsx bull laquo sugar carta for ship-1 fawisS-

- 7 laquo n _ _ _ _ mdash


bulltat ad fo-^gjanwri For Mlby II B A C o V - i jyl2 _ _ _

TAiT EOO F L o f Otdlag mdashPartlM dMiriag to G laquo1-T Mr Md- laquo+l SffL SL^ bull il laquoo wall to apply at o ai BMtMB will bt made In order ef

bull bull V B T 1 u n w r D B ABPtTALL ta B SB Soatb st

i laquo Brat war w l i a d e i a wit t


aaj AT B B E K -

bull t u atret Nw Y rk odr lor aai th lrgrt and bt se tented assorimeat of Papere to W found in the United Stats among which may b loitad

Herds Psplaquoi Manilla Wtapping

^ H E Y - J B - c ^ h ^ a g l l i b ^ ^ ^ Baai lw DaR V tad S w Appl

p O B B - 8 0 0 bbilkw afAMi Po B7 3nnbblraquoraquolaquoraquoff0trade-

ZHuSSmwBTMaw Pnrk B E E F J w r m y S r a M d r ^ ^ ^ M M i B ^ ^ ^ Fer i v a i l l h v P - C VAN CREIIN^iW Broad at

a T a i l T T ^ n ^ i ANTTXARRpWbd for Craquollfornia I raquo Ailstrat tb Itxiwi i c i atylw as to assay tkslr

j p o R f tfaNSJ B O T l l a E D l i F O R l U O A i r - t a

j y o

m7HlSEEY-10u0 bbls atectifled StaS bbl old Bourbon VV Sou bbl Moaongahla N E Rummdashlu iron honud paekage for export Brauuy - l a naif quarter and eighth piima Alcouolmdashin gt tan or tin Iiumdashlu pipes or ffti Pure SpLuamdashIu pipe half pipw or bbl For sale by bdquobdquo _ J C DAYTON m CO 107 F l o a t ana bO 71 and li Robinaua laquot

ALCOHOLmdashSO and 06 per cent (or sal by maaulaetuier i 0 - - - - - -

i)-7 UAkTON a CO- llt|7 f 3oat and nt 71 and 13 Robinaua at

D 5FWtradeR I N E mdash V i n t a g e 18^8 of the brand of Otboria ft Co ror M l t in pipas hud aud quaitera by

JOHN OSekOiiN 46 Beaver i t jyraquo

F J O L O O N E SPJ_RITS-A ty j y n

proof rauuired J CDAY TONE CO 107 Front and 9071 and 73 Atabtwon ate

WHITtj F O R W l a E - o f ike branu of tjtborn B Co for saw by JOHN OSBORN i t Beaver raquot jBIw

M l IP CHAIN DLtiK QAMVU-m laquomK 2L AltaglyYnf OAKUM

600 btiw nperlor jr D bulluo balw aavy COTTON BM balwbwtwvy IB (tor aad lo aaie ay

AUlie WH1TLOCX m CO ST Srmtfc a man n y W l U a t

_raquoraquo WM A FREEBORN R CO ESS South t

KBNTLBDOBmdash100 tw Kentledge taltable fog for wit nbeap by

Ja7 PBTTKB B WILSON MB raquogtutb at

JUTE ROPEmdasht30lmlMl8rwllraquoiowlaadlBfromblp Realm for sale by

ltlaquoM BOBBON R F0SD1CK 77 South at

TBBRY R DELL A TORRE 100 Soutn m e e t orttrtai Blanufacturer aad Aaatehav coustaatly oa baad

Chain CablMmdashShort link aad st ad link bwt prwtd all t t w t d o aa CraquoowatforgeiwwatalcwawaUilaw AnchormdashEngltah and Ajawicw Iroa a-d wood-rtock ai Bunt ng-BlaquoatLondoBll cokrsaadwMuba Iwtxfbta BuMla aad Manilla Cordage Russia aad Manilla Bolt Bow Oang of Rlgriag mid a order Oakum of ail qualities Cotton Seine and Selaa Twlae Sttaw made to onlw of any i l t t bull r r b ggytb t a _ - WglY MM

f fiOBl BALE-SO baleiiTtvw Mow Cutting for w l by ia8 W I K C U I M niaattai An mdash - bullbull W A K E M A N DIMON R d o W Boat B a t

f f o P E CUT w DSIW lor sale by - WEB R CALDWELL BO Old ally C H | A M CABLB-12Sfotbow IM iBch for Ml by ^ | 1 B DDWHAaf B D I M O N S7 South et

CELSlOB PATENT CORDAOK COMPANY W A -e l e a s i l ^ l J f f l - 9nmJf BBOOaLVrt-Th aadtr-J a f m J^1T p BUlt Aat of m Pactory for tb maaa rotstradeALpoundl tHof bull laquoJwlraquolaquod laquogt tewiva aad ew k2tBraquoIrVwta romnmadfttaAtcbatibt lowett a w ^ L a W HOWIMNDRFROTHINaHAM -il IPS Wall strMt corner Froat

JUTB-M0 bal Jute for sal 1 bond or duty paM by bull_ MAITLA1YD PHBLPS a COT

ITU 4S aad 47 Eictang Flaw


VA W ^ L s 4 K A K f t ^ i l m M gt w | laquo Mwinan for Mlt by j y U THBOO VIETOR ft^TJCCEWITE SB Ptarl ta

ly 11 IO W N S E N D CLINCH a D I R B I S7 a INDIGOmdashMean

jyn -

OIL EKMuN-30 c brands for wla b-

j y l l

bulle le bv 09 F r o t t t

Bulrsoaa and otWr favorite ror w i t t y S C H B F F F L I N BROS B CO 170 William it

HJ BAKERftSRo iuwi terBI

William n

bull10 L good BM

IS P w r l i t t

COIB Y A R N - F o r m l t b J 5 raquo ARCHER R BULL-177 W t l t r i t

IVA T O W N S B N D u H N C H f t D I R g i f i - ft go Front laquot -CISM aad nan of emu fbdquor bdquo bdquor



B E L L A N D E V E R E T T M E E T I B O AT CINCINNATI CINCINNATI July 21 iStiOmdash Notwithstanding a

heavy rain atorm the Bell and Everett meeting last niKht wa 1--er- -laquod vary enthutiattic Speeches Scott Harniwn Hon J n irWinifliouOatafiaTHtiV Join W Finnsll and others A resolution was adopted for holding a Stale Convention at Chilli-cotna on the 16th ol August tor the purpose of nomshyinating a State ticket

POLITICAL MASS MEETINOS AT ST LOUIS ST Lovia July 21mdashThe democracy are holding

an imtnenae maw meeting at their headquarters toshynight to ratity their nomination for Congress the Legis attire and couuty officers Mr Haesarouck of Cincinnati and Judge Trumbull of Illiuois are addressing a Republican meeting at Lucas market to-night

Mr Blair has apoken to hia sonatituenta every evening thia week He seems to have energetically opened the canvass


SCHBNEOTADY (N Y) Julv 21atmdashThe Nashytional Democratic County Convention met to-day at tha Eagle Hutel It was largely attended 1 he nomination ol Breckinridge was ratified with great enthusiasm James 8 Woodruff was elected delegate and E F Loveridgft editor of the Daily Mew alternate to the Syracuse Bute Convention to be neld Auguat 7 The Douglas men tried in vain to get in under bogus ward certificates

MOVBMXNTS OF MR DOUOLAB SAKATOOA July 21mdash Hon S A Douglas arrived

here at two oclock this afternoon He was received at the depot by a large number of his friends who with a band of music accompanied hiss to the United States Hotel where he made a few remaiks One hundred guns were fired


FULTON July 21mdashThe people rallied en matte in this place last night to ratify the nominations ol Douglas and Johnson Three immense meetings were hekl at the same time which were addressed by Hon Edward Marshall of Kentucky Hon San ford E Cnurcfi aud Hon Francis B Spinoli lhe greateat enthusiasm prevailed After the meeting the Douglaa clubs had a good torch-light processhysion At least five thousand people attended the meeting

O B N L A N E I N N O R T H C A R O L I N A RALEIGH July 22mdashGen Lane was received at

Shocce Springs on Friday by a large concourse of citizens and the militia of Warren and the surshyrounding counties After reviewing the troops he retpondedeto an addreaa from the Attorney General of the State A salute was fired and there was a grand entertainment His presence in hia native State creates great enthusiasm He visited this city and Kittrelis Springs yesterday


NEW HAVEN Conn July 21mdashIn the late case of the American Telegraph Company against John Buckingham of Fairfield which was an application for an injunction reatraining the defendant from cutshyting dowR the pole of the Telegraph Company in frost of hia premises the Superior Court of this State has dismissed th petition withcosta OR the ground that tb Company never obtained the defendants permisshysion to locate their poles in that patt of the highway belonging to him and were consequently trespassers

A R R I V A L O F T H B ^ O U A V B S A T BOSTON BotToif July 21mdashThe Zouaves arrived here at

about seven oclock and were received by the First Company of the Second Battalion Owing to the rain this afternoon the drill of the Zouaves was postponed until Monday morning when it will take place on the Common They are the guests of the Second Battalion and occupy the armory of the Batshytalion as their headquarters Invitations are pom ins in for the Zouaves to visit Sslem Portland and other places further Eaat but it is understood they wil I take their departure from her on Monday and make Philadelphia their next stopping place

T H E M I L W A U K E E A N D M I S 8 I 8 S I P P I RAILROAD MILWAUKEE Juiy 21 1W0mdashAt a meeting of the

Common Council of this city tl is afternoon it wss unanimously resolved to oppose the scheme to capishytalise the indebtedness of tbe Milwaukee and Missis sippi Railroad unless the city is put on an equal footing with the other creditors for the full amount of the city bonds issued for the benefit of said road


TBBcbed here this evening that the Overland Msil Coach coming east from California met with a seshyllout accident at the mountain pass of the Choctaw nation The team ran sway killing one person seshyriously injuring several others and completely wrecking the coacb The mail in coiisequence of tbe accident will be delayed some thirty hours beshyyond its usual time

DUEL AT BLOOEY ISLAND MO ST Louie July 21mdashA duel was fought on Bloody

island ooposita tbia city to day between Emmett McDonald and Sylvan Carton After two bullhot with rifles at a diMance of one hundred and fifty test tome compromise was effected Neither party was injured


BesToi July 21mdashA letter to the Boston TVasg-ler dated June 21 announces that Zehich tl e last stronghold of the Christians at Lebanon had been captured and burned and that the Christians were flying in sll direction it waa rumored that Sidon had also been destroyed and twenty five hundred Christian msssscred The defence of Zshich heroic

n 60

7 PJR 0 4


3 9 79SJ

T P II 3 A M T

11 3 F M

WNVV H pound W N W R pound NVYV g pound-B J K pound


i m raquo raquo aaxai to Metcs t ft Lgt t o w a Bm ix Inns McUoigal l lu days from Ltugtu CB

coal to J S Wiinuey ft Co Si la H e u i i n a u - Haat i bullraquobull bull i Ulvatoa with col

ton to rt W laquogt la ft Co Hth Inst cil fortunes t gt raquo Br skip Portland McLoud ftjlaquoM ApSlacuicJila lor I I tllKiol 4 ds nut ju i n 11 t i l l eta -iii bullraquobullgt spke ae u anp Victoria huelot f j a l m l t under canvass Uavng damgei her engtb

Schi Juil A k i l h c k Nicaerson U d raquo y s fmut Segua u r h laquouraquoat and inlajavs to master

St t-hr C r Martha Marshall fiom Nassau NP via l st (bullbullaad lodayswi ib run t J En M

cVht Levi Roue Thomas i data Irom Abaco with pine an

bull egt to j Beaa sclir t in Bias Rowland S day flout Ct island ulth pin

apples rgt C Acserly M-tit I D Wsgaer Bydet4 days from Chrlton with naval

stotM In Dol net Puttei ft Co Schi B Bki ier Hraquor sen idaya from Wilmington NC with

naval notes tu 1) C Munsy fi in ficnuinke Harria irom Waihiagtou NC with lumber

to J ti Wluaui bdquo Schr F i i i Williams 4 lays from Wcatlotd NC with

whett t o l O Willies Schr Dauviile Chester 4 days from B chmond with flour

and tobacco to C H Piersnu a Co Schr Mirgatet Heoseu laquo dsvsfroin City Pnmt with tBRMW

lo m u t t r Schr J 0 Wright Wailen from Vlrgiula Sotr Ban Louis Bremer trom Vligiuln Sckt C J Eirlckaon Colllna Irom Vtigint Si hr BauvanlOreeu from Virginia S ui Perrts Bush trom Virginia Schr Ida Cramsr Cote from Virgiate Schr Oame Cock Huut from New Hareu Schr Pennsylvania Laud from Norwk li SlMtuer Elltabelh McLaughlin Horn Baltimore with mdse

to W Dale l Steamer Boston Sellew from Philadelphia with tnle and

passengers to F Parkin Meanter Nuvalty BMW Irom Phiiadalphi with tadM to

Lopet B Rtrkplrick toeaiiier Taouu) Ely frcm Philadelphia with BbtBajs Loper

ft Rlrkpatriok Steamer Aihraclt JotM from Phiiadalphi with mdis

to J ft N Hi lags Stsauier AlbatmM Jon from Providence BAILEDmdashSteam thin Glasgow Llvipool Fuitoa Havre

North Star Asplnwsll Eaaak K a m i N P A w u s U Sa vauuah Yorktown Nonolk ftc Locust Point Batiutoi Slinticwllo Waabiagton DC Palapeoo Portland ahlp Cuiu lierlaml Liverpool

WindmdashDuring the day WSW al soaiat N W

SiBDT Hook July 3 mdashBaiMt-SlMm hlpa U i u i o e for L vstn wl ind Fuitoa for Havre claid the b u l l PM

32dmdashOn b u k nwr tb light w i p aad two brig la tb bay bullHIUUU IB Wind mudeiaie W- C I M I

H M H L A H W July 21mdashSusMi-One Wrk cirth Highlandmdash no other vel tu light bound la W imi fia S CIMT

StMin sh i t labt of tb Cbarieeton a i d Havana line tlaquo BOW oa tb iarg Section Dock for tW parpow ol bavlas bar coy par patched

StMm hlp EmpltaClty of lb Nw York aad Havaaa H i t is tow on tb grt Balance Deck fer tW purpeM of blg r csulked

Steam ship Columbia ef tb Chjlstoa Uae ea Saturday evening etemlaquod round to tW Morgin Work fool of 13th a t for lb purpoM of haviag w w t i t w put la

uw LZW n a a w H l l PIOVWLO R -l SUraquoIUOB Mart PraquoW VCkat _ a _a_aa

ZAI-Ar atam hip Ei-oslattiTa H W M Boston brlgtOcMB MM Mavagues PbteW A Praquog L-wU CrlnalaquoM

PLYBlOUTHmdash Ar 18 h htig Muts i t i i l to NYorb P O K l L A N D - A r otti siaimship ChelaquoWklaquo CrowU

NY r i balk Auia 1 iaUMy B ston CUI brig I autasta Uy Sas raquo P O B T ^ M O U T H - A r iih ship Ll Wondhury Vauag Bt

Ufws rfhs Hraquorlt BtiraquoB Noftolk Nw York Packet D v l a Ale iaad ia _ -

PORt T O W N S B N D W T - r 10th ult Brhrk Armlatic R i i h r d a u S a o Pr=ueiacovii Victoria

Cid brtga Cansoit MuCUiaa Irom Por Maraquoiloa for Hoee-uiu MtMhantu raquou So d fm do for San Frraquoc|co

i n - I d tiaras tisa Hal Carleton from TMkattt k l Baa f iauciaco tin gtf-v-ll Irom geltwck fordo

I8ttimdashkr ship Vtsunls Beatsmdashmdashmdash Cld bark Meuiua Boyd nom Port Madison Id Sgt Fraa-

f|ato iwumdashC 1 bark W R Sorantoo Cathcart from Pott Ladlow

loi Kan Fraaclseo ^ 30thmdash raquorbrg F I B C I I C O Plnkham from Oregoa via Victoria

lor l t Mdilaquon 3istmdashAr e h l p i i w u i Witts from Chin via Bab F r t a c l t t o

for Hort Oaiiiil i - Ar steamship Panama H U - I M B h o t Saa F r a w t a w via

Yi-tnrla for Olympla bulli kl - C I steamship Panama Hudson from Olvmplt fw Saa

ttauino _ P R O V T N C E r O W N - A i lath ichr Mary El taa

TALCAHUANOmdashRark Boawa-SS b logout skla 3Mdry ox hidM Oeorg B Hobeoa M0 i|ti braul wood A Rogers ft S o u 10 lb old copnei Capl Pienbw 2NW qt I copper or 121 iarsripper HlJ lisgi reguius 37 baa whit woil 3 do black do k3S do eider

SAOU amdashBark Oeorg LMIMmdash466 hhda 29 to IBS bbl sugar Young R Co

N A S S A U NPmdashSchr C T Maishall-3000 dox pin apple J Bneaa

A 8 P I N W A L L mdash Brig Arabellamdash2 bale deer ik lns aamp3 hide B I iwlu R Co 7tgt4 Runhardt a Co 4H3 B Blanco 769 H w d y B Everetli 1J46 Victor a Duckwitz 310 J M Muu z a Co al2 Cath aj R Co 641 CatWal a Co 227 A C Roealr ftCo 1 bag ooflio E Channel R Co 1 Mines Muonay 4 6 bwta IS bales deer akine M EchevcrrU 427 hid iio pkg ladia rubber W H Hasgt 26 lillaquo do J O M u c t v e i l 1 pkg d w r Win Larkm Staekpol R Co oi Boston jtW k i d u C Hydckr 2 os G N ie -olas 2 bait coohiaoal W T FiMman of Hoeton 2 r tagar H E Fiscaer of Hamburg 9 hale goat skin J Scl iamicWr tgtt Boiton 3D pkg goat akin G Hotnoa 223 balo bars 3 bales bullkins 1U hid Holmhoe ft llnaill) 2 halea Oicbi l la laquolaquobullraquo 62 do bark J M M u u fe Co 160 sack cocoa M Echevaina 9J4 hid 11 bale dwr akin B Lumtbuigh R Co 1 box inu -F Hunt 41S hides 343 sack cocoa aula Handy fe Evaittl 6 cs raquow^ataaaaAaU-aiaalMdlaquor ik ln i Lejcrft fe Co 2 bag colt oe bullkin 46 caroouc bark Otdr ~

^ B T CKOIXmdashSchr John a Mai v-rlaquoWraquo b w b Mlt Culbert a f l n U y bull^rr_- -bullbull

rASSBNGJtRS AUUVED In the (teauiship n w i - A a u w a i t - l e u G W Jon U S

Minister t o N e w Oenidt Jo N S c o t A J Center Cspt Dow M Parage T 0 Lead heeler aud wile J e e N a s n O i Luce Dr Pstlagi i J Jon S i Isaacs J N M J L Mauuro A D Mler W Weetto M Flares Mr Husaou W W Caldwell Mra u l a iy A D Aurn D Bruachon Mr Muur aui iiwa Mr Taylor Or B u m aud wit I WharUabiuy M Luiasdcu P McClure Mr Lindsay 1 (i een J uog Isa-luas JamaiOieely aud wile u amri i i T Bmraeti L B Mofl man F A Hhttuiau C S Pack MisLimUot W CCatnpDru S n iykmau Mr Ireveju Mi Wnud J daumler gt i ie-pecher Earahaw and l i e M Redding M Rowers f Gtuu-don J W Vi ioiy S J Beaid Isaac Vans Capt D Wuudrult U B A Dr O Brian Chas O Gray Mr A T Oak Billy B i t e aad wit

l a Steamship Jam own from RichmondmdashJno B Wilwu W H LGoodiuau Mrs Geo B Hugei Nalnl Henry anu lady Miss J Ring Mis S (iosime Ed Adams McFsrlaudMlss H reck M r E Flaquoan E J M rlaquo Jno Parry l pt J F Dupugt R K m g Mr Dupuy and i citildran Mr Bngtum Ed e iu to i i - u la dy M l a s M o m t o n M C Bowles Dr d W Caruiichasl W a Prattle Wui J IhoiupoaiMrarowars and 2 cul la eu J Calr J Ir i s tand laty EJBufo td Wm H Watt Wm Steele Alia Alex Mill Miss Hill HI 11r tall M Atch Mr F B Dixon Mm Holloa M I M J u i i i M u u i o a O S Hut a M O M Nwwlt tar Jno E Turn Jno M leu Capl Gao W Al ien lady w d i dugh-re X A McNalr Oe Petl it Mil Ambe Jno Rob era Er M S Davrl J R Mooie W V Mott a R c w a e r y sun Davia ic R B Sialon L R H i c i i Jaant M Duncua R gtobin bullon Capt Daniel Walter anu lady andS steerage

In th laquobip Great Hepaulic Horn San FranemoemdashMr II Vaacalvw

l a lb ataamahip Raltlmora from BaltimoremdashMr Alreo Freand and lady Wuiey Ricketu lady aud child Joan A ROM

l u t h e e c h r Nancy from Hal l fumdashMow Wtl l lng Bdwtrd Bwluoarn

Ia tb ahip Maria from St Jag de CubamdashJ Lamoale J Y Smith W Aryuca P Marclta M I M Siuaae W Faoari Ma Boliau

In tut Brig Arabella from AiptawalimdashCapt Joha MeNabb G George of France Eurebie F i g w r w ol Nicaragua J U M Slgwroa of do

FASSKNtfMHB SAILtU In the vteamshlp Ouuatnw Inr i lv tpoolmdashR Maury ir Gen

J Agg John W Hence Jtra Urady Wiiiiem Alona^peny wl e bullad oaild M b w C l a n Bey M r t E U t a Key Biuul a a i sou a i m Colnns Mr a - a Mooad ohuu G a i b w S Bar triad oilet Joseph Wltsoa W M iyoa S Oiual t RoWrt C Rutbwtl l I b o u i w CwweliOeOg L Davie Jowpat Ri d ask Willwm Smita J WCuwaru Win Baiter Rail M B T M Mrs B M Swraquoyne M I M McLougblin G Sway ue MiM HlaquoyM Mia E Croabie Mla Waimo u uaviuceut Kev John Siauon anu wil H A Dennymdashaad l i t la tb trg total ISO

In the Steaiusiup Fuitun for Southampton and HavremdashMr R Mr C l Heniy Boh leu and two aervauta Mis Bubtau Mats N Banian Matlaquor avohlen aaaatei H Bnhlen jr Mr C a i ea iee Ptt i la Mr M Ptllot Mie Mary Pii ot flla Mal l id i Pl i-lot and Mrvant M I M L f l i l o t Mr A Pii lot Mr and Mra E Mottet and servant Charleston raquoC Mi A U Agnau M l and

Mra Juan Joh Marqusz four ehlioran and sei vant M b Mar qulaquoz Mr and Mi Pout three children and aervaut Allss F rere and Mrvant Mr Ferrere Mr A Beatapiaud New Y o i i Mr Miguel Solei Mr J A Reyuea Havana Ml AchlU N Y MiM Avhili N k Mr and Mra HScnucliaro chl u ant Mrvant N Y Hon a J J o b w o n 8C Mr Al E lhibaud N Y Frank Bruquler N Y Mr Maartaa Mr and Mi Tiubar child an Mivant Dr George EUlgtr F a Mesara Otto E i l l g n E CMtillion G CwtUitoa -n Jo Caum M Y M A Merrltt Mr aad Mra m r c h a u d San Fraaclsco Va lwi i i i RatMl Spain F D e l l u c N Y Loais Leo Wolll MlM P El lean MlM A a l i M u N Y Mr aud Mr Peaeni bullh l d l a d servant Mr w d Mi M d Hacior t b r w chlioreu bullad w r v u t Mr w a Mr J uclaquo Cuarle A Hristed Rile Pou e r t | i F Brtdg N raquo Louis Ml N O Mr and Mrs E P l i n n e N O MwMr Palanue N O MlM H o s t witch N k J C K u h a GUvMtpa Txas Mr C u t l o V Stag M H Ttaki T Cinautaa Cvbo Louie a Ky Ciment Brusou MlM Maty Avagnoa Loul RMla Mr Caatelloa Mrt M A oe L e w z Mr Vial Bltr Bt John St t Mary Oicjorina ttitr Maiy of thGood Sbwbtrd R H Fall L B B i t i e F V t v i t Mr Marl DUt l iu Mr V Lleg dir Caiel B CftaWpoi F P t -cheux J icob Hagist Buflalo J a m w M Quick L a Iacbit MrGoMM Mr Aubtrt B Dujueu F VstotmdashTotal 130 Sped bulllaquoS6^B3

Ia taa aieemehip Ars a for 8vraquonnabmdashEdwtrd D t l o t w t M r M a i y Crockrtut David Murray wit aad child MtaMr Allan M a m y Mr W J Reed A J H a l w l A W R e e n Bobt Salisbury Henry Htrwood O W Barloa Site M Hwgt Mr aad M n 0 Alarwei Mr J t m w Hetld Mr Stoae J H Bikes J Prudon Wolf Wolfaov t R Stoa A H Powel l Augustus Brown B W B w b J S Pack rdrlek Ward Dr J B Parry wift aad two cbi ldrt t F M Robbln Ttonwi Dorcey A L t w h -Hn J S Carter Mr Dure J F Wheatoa N S N t w h o w a M im M NewhouM W S Taylor wife aad eervaat Dr W T Heidi Samuti F Hai id W J Clamant A Plersoa nnd S In tht twr-bullB

l a t b t (taamihlp Yorktown for Norfolk RemdashJ P Yorwr J M Coaaolly A l tx ind ir M c K m t t r JtmM M A a d n w i ( tat J Batter MriBtadolpbMrDrummendM W i l u c D 8 Catr-iy A Hitchcock W Goodrich Hnry Revere W T Lowry lady t a d child MR M Jarvl Jsffsrwa Peyton MlM O l h e Raymond S Dowall Dr Andrew D FrdrichMIs B Kelly Mr W l l u u nnd infant W G Pollock B W Hall R J Hirrls W L Sklaaar W H Purrywr and lady M I M M i r y Wlteon M W CbMbroh David MkWid t a d wi le Mr GoSba Mr Gamlay Q Bubw T Rlehardsoa W H H u t W t u l i m i u Tbomw Btiaktay MR Brown Rtv Mr Sanuder and 18 In tb



Arabia VanderMIt

A4MW Bottot Ntw York

City of BaltlmreNew York Africa Teutenia Jam Brtmta Ctaada Gnat Eastern Anujo anropa Persia

Tlio Nwth Brltoa Ctaada Illinois Bontmtoa

New York Nt w York New York

New York- - Bono NawYork Nw York NwYork Nw York

m Liverpool Havre Liverpool LrverpooJ Hamburg



Liverpool Halllax Be Havre Liverpool Liverpool

raoH svaora Livartwl

bullbullbullLiverpool Nraquo York (gtebec

Liverpool Boat a

Soutbimptoa Liverpool

City WwhrmrtoBLiverpool Priaw Albert Ad Austrilwtta Arago Arwraquo Baropa Panda


Liverpool Liverpool Boathamptoa Seathimptot Liverpool Liverpool

Nw York Quebec New York New York New York New York New York N e w York

Beaton Nw York

AH Jtly 25

Juiy 28 July 2S

A u g l Aug 1 At S AW 4

A W S Aug 16 Aug It Aug 22 Atg29

J t l y 11 Jtly 11

July 1 July 18 July IS July IS July 31

July 21 July 2i July 25

Jtly 36 July 28

AW 7

67 and 89 Froat

vlaSS^rl bullbull raquoraquoM oy VIETOR ft | i i i KWITE laquo Petri st

irlraquo mdash

Y ap I LowsfrTBKmdash

2laquoo flrkltitm lbiMcb yllow

HIOBIE BMITH bullbullri street cor of Pin

3 V kvdwarc J Wirrta auction

V A N W Y C R tOWSWinDi v V A r t r l f N S Stores No 14 and IS Vesey Streot

Rook Papot Neraquo Culi rd Papai i Cap and L laquo t r rraquopraquo Hath auu Not Ledger l isaue agtvlcp fthcathlng

BOURKO n t by

Straw Ham lag S o Tea Ratting a c ftc

old l O U R R O I W H I S K E T - T bbl J H U R A t E ft CO

coDMt bdquola Ji v t i r i i

Bt ltraquot lo

ja i l

fgt lti keg TM d bulllaquoi i s

Ifsin do

tn w


d do do

sa ) f l9 _^_^

^ rtoi a for Mil by

J P 1 9

i I t I HIOBIE earl etreet

Fny i l i hy SMITH

of pin

laquo1 hiiXM | | er lBltl iraquoh D a i r y Cheese I

dtsBIE BMITH I fear I street cor Pine

IfcjaTaion la i ALiv i^So^srV-w callfitamon lai laquoood order for I w 7 5 WILLS O a w Pearl t_mBS

F i A N T O N MATTTNli-llyFroiRrforiT-Fy ~ y_J^2i M M r T H ft flONB 28

COTTON-RpacklaquoMfbdquot tolaquo ilaquoh 1 i r t ) ( M l l bdquo MBSST - T M raquo raquo r s i L L laquo n r gt a y


irca tatrs 100 Will

C A w N hftP^ 4 rf t L H A 8 - p u i B raquond jBjjii iBjij tac7 FU aalHy lW l TmU Habull 2 7 d

_mraquoa ARCHER SCLL 187 Water strwt

i-LM Tm)m i h E r t T ^ P ^W arrival for bull bull bull ^ ^ A l laquo raquo C O SU P l a i JV3

NA V A L S T O R E S - a m MB 110

bullHOW +J raquoV4

l O W - C a n t o t url in It p r U H R l for Ml hy

RICH I-2Kr nt i t

hlaquorrl rlplrit Tnrpenlln ~ do Tar do eirral ai R o e s

- l U l o No I and Common Rraquo i t AaTtml ot Hosan for Soap and Oal makers u s always bdquo a

raquo laquo1 hdeg Turpantlne pcktii l n r n f l ) r h i u m bdquo t

J 1 2 fl P J - J A N BOEKRL1N BfHIrwd t

W deg2h7Vty n w t bull flnTnraquo waraquohiT antiunwaiir w HroniantlnripbiicK iiand Pov ivi by ITtrade laquo COUSINinYftCfraquor)Sraquoth Wlfllam

f gt O P E CU lylt) f l VUi imdashN la iir aala hy


jealousy it tuppotert were in gootl circum-

lth it

D E A T H O P A R A I L R O A D A G E N T TOIKBO July 21mdashA M Bsker General Law

Agent tor the Michigan Southern and Northern tn diana Railroad died at Adrian this morning from raquon attack uf hemorrhage of the lung


were found dead yesterday near Chimney Rock Prom murk upon her throat it is the supposition that he nrat choked her to death and then cut his throat and arm with B razor to be the caute The parties stances -had no family

KATAI ACCIDENT AT EAST0N E I K T O N J u l y 23nd mdashWil l iam Citvanagh an em

p i o y m o n t h Lehigh Val ley Railroad wa accident-ally run river lat night by an engine and s i l l ed

DROWNED WHILK BATHING H K K V U M M O July 3 1 mdash J o h n Benaine W M

drowned w h i l e bathing her lalaquot evening

FIRES IN THE PINE FORESTS OP NEW flaquotEY P H I L A D E L P H I A July 21 ISiMkmdashFor ton day oast

aeriout fires tatVB been riRing m N h e pine foroete of N e w Jpraey on the line o i Hie Ussgjden anil Atlantic

l O B B I I M 4 48|BOOBSBTa 10 7 IPS) i l T i 7 M I a n s a WATBB mora

tar To Sad the nm of B leu W A T B I ar I A R D V B O O B 4mlct Slaquo mMeSwrtwt tht tbovt rtr B U S T I B S A T B I L L O A T S t4 lSaurand 41 wuntfyy

S T A l E O F N E W YORK ~ P o a r W A B V C S S O r r i c i 109 Wail ( trwt |

Nottet i t htrtrry givr i t accordance with Mellon 4 of tht Act wd April 14 18ST u t i t l d d aa Act to r orgaulM tbt Wrdn Ofllc of tbe Port of New York to all peaaow lata-rwted In or having charge of th sithiect matter of stsch inquiry txtmlnatlon or urvy that tb following veeaels w now aav dr a x i n l n t t l o a by the Port Ward bullltbull that th Mid t e i -vtyt or bull iami iat i i ias will he completad withla taa day w i t bullar-Mllng thl totlc o t botrd Mid r a w

Ski 1hit Merrick P l s i M | R Ship Ocean Hall Plraquor 41 do

E D M U N D B S E A M A N P r w l d w t J A HBawTMAR Becretar


AKMIYMb Slcam ship A I 11 Miner uu Asputwall 14th tnat with pas-

MlKers Be to D M AlMt Staain ship R R Cay ler Crocker from Savaniieli with rraquoiUraquoe

raquoad paaaengcrs to H B Cromwi U a raquobdquo raquo n h lust oil irytng Pan Skoal passed stem snip Josepn Whitaey nom Hltmlt n lor Savannah Mtnedate off (Jape Lookout paraquoaltt team amp J M Aigni hence Inr Chnrleitn 21at 2--I mil d n i n i i i l i s ra praquolaquogt-il a prgt[gtrHigtr painted - i i i l e hiuudS

Htcstu ihlp Jimn-iowii aainner from BaTSgtead Be v ith raquo bull bull tltgt liflitii ft l lelneken

gleam ship Baltimore Q sen 4J hours from Baltimore with tads and paticu-era tn ltteiasi a Fieunil

fh ioMary lof Maihiehead) Brnlgei irom Havr Jun 2 with iiiliH and JOC paseenaers to James E Ward I drath and 4 iiirth Sth inraquo ou th Grand Httiaa plaquol tiihlng chr Mihilaquohraquoraquoil Kuapp wi it HiKKi flan Heard from J i n raquo fjanuel Rnight U4un Jitiy 4 The Sevs Standilaquoy 11laquotraquoraquo J l i t raquo A n Ruight Tb-gtmpon I tngt J u t laquoV Eidrklg

MKUOKANDA Brig 8111 Ltly from Penucoln e b 19 for Rio Jano

put iuto Praimbaco Jua 12 for repair hiviag an i l topMli ap uug lorLopntut i n J rectived other slight dtmsg Ba would sail ia about bull wk

P t sh iw sch Rufa Chuata from Gloucetter for Braquoy Cbilur struck Dry Ltlglaquo off Chcbogu Point 21 last la a deuM fog The f g hiving aoou i f t ir clear i off lapt Lemuel Rooblua weu tto her awlet IBC aad brought hi Into Yarmouth N S -Her kl wa damaged bat ue sh did But leak aW proceeded ou her voy w a w x t day

Ship Euterpe at Ban Franci -o 2Mb ult from N e w Yoik as 2S days to the euuator la the Atlaatlc erowtd la awM W 52 days ta the Strilte of Le Malre w w 11 dayt etJ Cine H o n with nMy WMtbar W M 36 day lo lh raquo|tor la tbt PkClSc croued | a loa 112 Wj siac ihea bad lmht aortbwly wtads itraquov b u n IU day within lthre hatdred milM of tbl port Tb KuMrp white nti iug tk harbor PM of thMlthwwt tabor on tb btmcb about ball mil t wait of Port Point but succeeded iu gatt iw off a fw boat aftirwird i f w r dttcbarg i g about 1 iu tot iralght Bha l e w very little

Ship Polvawta at S i u Fraaclsco 2Sth nit from Naw York report mdash Ei)gtrlced v t y baavy waaJtar ta tb North At tea-

P R O V I D E N C B - A r JXb stmabtp Wtchtr New York brig I a n i(Br) KlMlaquo P i c o O mulaquo Hn adephla sen B^u B a d Bal Imo bull Otoca Deaert Eilatljcinuort WbneRock Eiwogtd Alway S (aa l Of ldw ^erolanks Laadl g NY Stophtu Witrma Co imia Port Eweii tor Pwtuckt sloop w m H Howu Brolhtrt ia N t w Yotk Miry F 8rlaquo Br PatcbofW LI _

S d cha Aua amith a Itn SWBauduab raquo lackma D L Siuigt N u n s Robert Otlftllaa Smith Bad ca- v L O s Witii lor fbliadelphii Chaiar Manaa do K u Stawart Mather New York N t m i Walls Rut Hory Gibba Saaw ud Mtor C h u e t a alooiHaary J Scuddai sVltew A l shybany _ _ M

RICHMONDmdashAr 19th bug O o w a Belle Beuaoa Nay SAN F H A N C I S C O - A r Sim alt brig M i e b i a t m w r

Port Mad on bdquo __ mdash Sid Dutch aklp BelloBa Rlelm M i M t l a a barka Camilla

(Br) Husaeil Melbouiw N S Ptrklta BunkerPuget Btuadi rlvaek M v a e w no Ork Trraquok V l d o n

2raquodmdash Ar eiMtaer Columhla Dall Umttua UdmdashSid atesmer PaciSc Slaplta Victoria brum Bottle

Motanflan Pedro Arago Hgtwe C o w Ray l i b eki E lwa Howes Mazattea- ^ _ _

2 t t a - l d w i n Mkialsbt Brock Mylbourw Blank f a -rlor Marphv Matatlan bark tMld H B B M I Browa Baya Biver brig Quoddy Belle WllltaswHumboldt

iMhmdashAt atamcr Sutor Swtey Baa Die- bark Oak Hil l Ctrlloa Twkitet

Sin ihlp Laonora MttohtU Ptget S e n d baih aaMBBBB D K U Victoria t u g IR du Hatch Humboldt

28thmdashAr brig Fiauklm A d w u t u a S a a laquodwal la 1C Sid bip BUa B Ella Laat Bydaey laquohr Ortotea Manm

i - A r b u k Brontea Nwil Setback W T tatyaPyMt af ha D M Garcia Wa Pedro J B 4U t Buiin Albion B i w r

2 S t l t - a r ihlp Polytla Murw 1JS day from N York brbje G l u u L eds Port Otto u Ggt Eawrv H u t y HumWlt

Sid ebrDraquobwyWoodJy Humboldt Sflibmdash Ar ship Oow P w i l Crow -II 131 dayt from N Y e k

Mur Lewi Perry HwbM Saa Padre via S a a U Cataltaa aad Wu Bwbart-

Bid Matar Columhla Di l l U m t a w b u k YtaktaraquoLetM Hoaolulu Tne iwe (Datek) Stamina Mluoara

At Poiat Loeam laudvwi 29ta hart Wml Mwrl t WUlRwa from Colambi Rtvir Said war Guiltita Oudwe P t a t a Am

^ S A L E M - A t ISthiehr M Wtrlac Montgomery NYerR 29thmdashAr brig Fimaclar H u k t l l Pultedaipoia apW Wwt-

ovsr Nii-astsou Bicamoud Alice L w Fwtar Philadelphia Coriuaa M Joaea R York

Bid cr Gold Wuighoit Par S A V A N N a M - C i d ISth brig H i a t t b Raloa Mttkwwt

Portland cbr North StaU Horkta R Y l k bull O M E B B E T - A i raquotfc achr Philaadar Armtaroag LRvaall

Bsltiote _ TAUNTONmdashSid 20th Mb Salmca Wwbburn Threiaw

Phii id B S Dean Cook Btlxtbethport _ _ WILMINGTON N C - A t in b Sp bark Bwtradte Baaa

Havaaa Cld achi Calliope ONaal Boston Y A B M O U T H - A l I7ta ecut B l i s s Jaae Howe N York

In tW Pacific la tea UO W 100 dayt eat look (be N B m d i s in l i t It N havi been 20days from tbt Euuator to thia port with heavy head gate J u w i l i a let 36 tS N Ion 128 30 W bullt 11 40 P M e i i u i iu contnet wiib tn bark Ork Tr k from San Francisco for Vict rie cairied away all our beW g w r bub stays buwaprit aad iboudi nd a port tea of tb cutwatei Both VMMte war uuder double iMfed topsails it being very dara and a liMvy Ma r u n a l w Tba m i a i t ih t b t lmoi t i nark left bar halm bf re tb vanwlt struck baaca tW tcc ldwt W Wd hi teft w m J I W aud rlta orokaa Tba baik w w out down for aad aft oa tbe port M I M m o d of hi Wad t e w ton W sunpited him wit sail claquoaltM etc to eaabte bl JI to rsch Saa Dtega t a d took off htr pMwr TW Ork Ion fortopmt aad btau of foramMi ateo mala top-a- lnnt Oa th 2ithaw lh bark itaadiug to the owtward with forwall ind (tayt i l 1be P o i y w c i i laid by th Oik 36 hourtad sav every Maiatwc to W r - k raquo W M poricctiy tight

L i w r a t c t D i l i Brit m i t t of itoamer K e t n e b w hetce i t Phuadilphli f i l l oTtrbotrd 33d itat ia iW DStewara river w d w i s drowned

Htnry Thompwa Mamaa a w t i v of O s r a w y W M triuntt bowsprit o f s h i p O e e w P u r l Apl 31 oa bar from Nw York to San Pranciaco and IM

aroxBN May IS l it 13 S lot 22 bp CroawtU Cymmtt from Boa-

ton Mitch 30 for C i l eum Jun T it i t M B ion 31 14 W aklp Grwlt Stat from LI

verpoil for Ctieatta June 21 l it 41 S3 loa 36 three-mwt chr B C 11111 from

8 vinuih fer Parrots Spala 23 d i tat July 4 ao l i t ftc (hy tht Hector i t N t w Bedford)schr

Franaw Arthmu- Gould tblrtaea day from Macalw for 81 l h o m n

Julv 4 l i t 47 43 loa7 51 W ship Northern Crown Mwrili from Loadoa for Calcutta

July 5 tat 24 SO Ion 62 10 sch Crystal P t l t c i of Boston from N Tort for Porto Rico

bullto date l i t 44 40 N on 33 31 W Ajctrlcan ship Mlebwl Milter

No dtte fee w u pwstd itwmtr Qu bar City from NYoik for Htvtua

vVKdTijlB CM i t N t w Bedford 20tb i a u dtl Noitaeva Llfkt (of

Pa lmaven irh ip - I Atlantic Ocean end Davis I n l i Sid tr in Piuviacetonn n t h ia l bark J H 1avail Tribbte

Atlantic Ocean Ar at E gartowa 20th laat bark B o w Pool Flbr from Pa

clfic Ocean wi th lt50 bbl oil i l l told Seat bom 300 bbl Took SO ep coming bom

bdquo a F0RZ1ON rOMJM

Patted Gibraltar J u w it bark Jam Smith Snow from MarMiite for Naw Yuik brig M W Holt Dodge from de for Boston

Sid from Liverpool 4 h laat Wlpa E Webb P I M M I N W -nort B to lod for Bivinaab Mb AlgonqulaEmery tad C a w H Lunt M o o n Calcutta

At do 6th la th river ready ship Como Cobb Calcutta Lady Blssalngton Btanett for do Somarwt Johaaoa for Adea Javenta Young for Bio Janeiro Harvest Q i w a Young for NYork wsayaas

At Sombrero July 4 bark M B Troat Amw brig Lnl Tiaver I t t t h t Blllngwood l t d Wm M w o n Oardlwr ch S w u m E l l i o t t sud S w Witch Wick i l l w l cirgo

A t S t T h mia 3Bth ult b u k t r w a Faster for M i r w t l t o 30th dlg brig Mary H Laae from Boatoa w 37th wkv Mishynerva (Hn Fletcher from NTork for Pane In dlttrwe t r 28ih y w b t Wyvara for sale wtg ordtri ( twmar Albert Hora far ale

Ar at CieafwcM 1Mb tart tark M B Stataoa Jordaa Bmgt taa blg Naataiktt Daabar Mgtllbrldg

At N u t e l t w tth i i t t tart B H Ealgbt Gray aad Eeorla-z i B y d e r for NYork 30th ChrtetoiWr (Br) for de 12th brig P 8ncbz D e l l Fickttt for do l l lh M i c b l w Bboppy for de 16th

At Havana 1Mb i w t ships Prtbalaquon Ers- ln for NYork J i w Parker Nichols for Loadoa Bawrt Bryaat for F t l -mouth btrki Abertlna Bartut Mteawood P n 1 Mary J Klmbil l M e L l l a a a a d O l d Hickory Holmes fur NYork O orgeTbemu Fou for Portland Lucy E l l s i t a t a Hotiatr a i d U a d l w Marrlmw for Boatoa Kata Llft ola M e L w a ror Baittmor Aletira Coombe Dr lWwt i t r for BeoaediMt Oriftoa Davit aad Mirmloa Adam a t e baik Old Domla-oa J e h a w t do brlf Z o w Tarry for PortlaW Vu(Br)

for N t w O r l t a w w e e t ladia Tbompeon w B Sawyar Frtettt t a d feot laadtCol l lat uc oh R M Derolll Heu-dricksonfnr Sost n Wadrr Moore aac

At Mataaw Utb teat brig B B Maiktet L a w r for Prov-Ideaee abt 13th

Aral Halifax n th i w t brigt A a a a M i r l t Joyce Boatoa for Mlramlchl Alton Randall Boatoa (aad old 17tb for Port Medwir) 1Mb Rlohtrd Browa Strum NYork Amertea Byaa PhUadelphla Utb eteanaeblp Europe L t l i c h Boatoa w d prlaquocdd lor Liverpool sch Plovtr N l c i i M a Pitera-burg U w l e Tom Duffoit Rlchtnoud 14th War Atwoed RIohmoBd 16th brig Grand M u t e r Sampler Pbiladtlpbia Boston OBrien Boatoa Mb August P n k t r Batten via Sblhouru Bell Gil tat NYork

Cld 17ih Hark H l l fa i OBrtet Boatoa brig Amr lc t Ry i i Mttega-

Ar i t Yarmouth N S 10th lnt brig Leader Crwby N e w York

A n t Chatham N B J Ith Iwt achr Bai t Oothi Mait la Boston Cld Mb brig Gmrgl B Letoea McFbee Beaton

Ar at Richaliucto IA iaal brig Spy Settoa Cld 28th alt ttbr J M B Browa Beaten

Ar i t St Joha N B 16th i w t sliia A H Sttvta H l i a u m Bostoa schr B L THtey Bishop NYork r t h schs Oaward Moarne Lyanfleld Am aad Laura Holdtr BWon

Cld 16th iblpe Hirrferburg Wtewall Peaartb Bead Ca-vraquollr Crockett Liverpool C B Hazel l w Gllkey do 17th M b i E H N u h S t i o a t W l l m t e f t o a N C IStb Prl WWlp-tey Boston

D O M E S r c P O E T S A L B A N Y - S I d ITtt su op E l l t l Ward Providtm 18th-Ar Mb S C Calhoun Watt J w o b Btymead Htady

Emma Hotchgu porter aad AdelaMt Clsmraquon Baetoa Bid sloop Joha Hanry Bt t tatwa Norwich Ella J w a

Gould Provldaae 19thmdashAr n h O K Rtymoad B i l l Blvtr C B M Hawwy

AH N t w Havta J W Bell Dayton Provldeac Sid Mb Citizen Woodbull tad Bterliag Hay PmvMcaee

bull l e w J G Perry Gedwy Piwturket A L E X A N D R I A - A r 30th Wip Eutern S t a r H w r y Sgtm-

brerii Island tcbr Ia l i td City Coaklln NYork Sid schs Martball Perrla Glbta and Miry M BkaBanks

Boatoa Guidon Rule Wllber N York BALTIMOBBmdashAr 30th laquo laquo m h i p F W B r a w Foster

NYork Prus ship Dlwbarg Wtegman Cardiff B tcbr L B Cowpertli gt l i t Noftrt NYork

Cld stwmshlp B i d DaFord Htltett Boatoa v It Norfolk F r n k i l t Dougherty Bwtoa

Alao eld stesmeklp Biltlmer Greene NYork hr g O u w a Vlctorlt Monro wt Indies schr Samael Eddy Pattea NYork

Bid ihlp B Tltayai Mtaroe Bt John N B anhr lduvStltgtk-ly W n t TndiM

B A T H - A r l l lh btrk J J Il ithnr Hubiwou Bot fw Btabmiad

B B L P A S T - A r 16th rlir William S e v e n s Keadal l N t w York

17thmdashBUS chr B l l w O t l Ryder NYork B E V E a L Y - A r m b achr I F ft

p t t i ollldir imaa Piiitedel-

Wie Row Smith Bugnr for do a o s r O N - A r 3ptt taiga Crtwford Small BtlMmort bullraquoraquo _bullbull EliitWlhptvn ichs Saj FrcBkl l i Du snrttown NC Lacy Child Relley HalI atore i raquo J

l i t Gwtri

- bull ^ T J J ^ A ^ - A r 18th Mhi F M t t d t t Hooper Calais for NYork H t r o C t r t r dear pot for do

l raquo t t - A r schs Wm Cirto l l Calpmia F r t t k l l a to NYoik E w i c s B o e Smhh Bawnr for do -bull -raquobulllaquo

Nl D t n t e a at J w a -

^lanciMraquoIYolbullk H M t t K i ^ M r raquo laquo ^ p ^ Aite-Cld btra Telegraph O I I M Croeatadt chr Mrn Traquoylor

Nickron Phltedalphla 2ltmdashAr brigs T W Rowltad Rowtead Marsvilte V e l w a

Srntd Port Eweu a h AtraPlBltimorr J Kiarafwa Somen t-hlia leiphla

Cld amsj|p 8 h S p i u l d i w HowesBaltimore vteNnrfnlk BBHi1 Trinity I aaI GKston (2U clraquorraquoBc having repairshyed) Ualon Tripp Ballintoie brig Mirta Wright Port an Prlnc irhs Mrcy Tay or Nnkraa Phl lM phi bullltbull Lawr nca Allen New Tors Howard Baker do Mooal lsH Tothlll Wilmington NC George L Green GrMn Phliadel-I tin

C H A R L E t r O N - C I d I8h Span tol ler Bot t Millet Barshycelona

21et- Ar steamship Jraquoraquo Ailger Al ms NTork D I G H r O N - A t i i i t h tchr WmMtsua Bngh Atcia ltia

for Taunton P-4II R I V K R - A r IBtft bull hlaquo L N Gofry E l h i Bali

nnre Viuatalii Diraquols Aiby Jams ft damuel Eimbetlpnt (loom Vigilant Hcata do M n y F I n t Iat iiiKin Li

SkihmdashSliI a us Piyaway Kavit Phltedelphl i i AHni NhH- Ar IHh M hi Charu1) Ballsy v Toil

Pail-nt Baker N-rth bdquoMo ia Honesty y bdquo bdquo f i V IMh - A J ecnr Coram PktUdttptl l i AamdashSidhr Win B Horse BttSV NYoik lt I E O K t a E r O W N s e - A t 14th b n g t H u ma trMggaa BM-

fjraquot Buatian lgtiBkwatT R t aland lilhmdasht l i thr Muuailgkt tiutta B-tnu 16 h-Arscnr S r h Bbdquobdquoraquo I V a n u - t 1 mdashbull n i l T i i 1 raquo bull an Praquoler Slattintqa H A H r K t ) r lt n - a r rata aaa Hiei O e iat an AUtaay tp

Ji-hl Hla- my NTtVb Ul did ste i -nenS-iphl i Bfll Phllulalplti B i l l W O r

Trtmpsr k n in HoLMKSS H O L E Juy IK I M - A r hrtg Pr-rtn Rico

Hart S e a n

Im irk

UKUCliKlifi) aiaMiaVV w r g g i -mn Aaaia and 100tuba cbatat Stat A Darry Butter fur eal by

W MIOSIS BMITH jyio 171 Pewl toteacwPlw__

GROUND NUTS-For mto by THBOOOBai DEHON 10 Wall at

tySO a w r Broadway _1HAASE BUTlER-IWraquo 1

GBO B F k w w lor w i ay B R R A S fe CO w B jyA9

HADDOCKmdash7 warn w w dry aad la good wlppiaf fir sal by JRu FMYB ili i t lSSw

iVLoUR-l bull7 jys

1 bbliMtr Soaihwa f t wla by J H DRAKE fe CO 31

1OWNSEND CLINCH R DIKB ST aad W Froat mrwt biv ia ttor wd or for Ml -Sumatra aad Slafaawa

Pepper Jamaica Platato Csuia la CUM aad mat t Clove Dutch Co No 1 aad prim Panaag Nat meg Calcutta aad Alricaa Gingur Camla Vtra Aim Carwwt iladra and Manila ladigj ol all auantle Ateo a fall aaauritwat of Grwa aad Biwh Tw tmbracia awry virtaty bullIwiRy aaddssjcnplwa ol tyaWaa sBj

of iiiMu wd Black lWa^fawtta I E A - A f a i l 1 r w e a t l ia^orui low for w l a by

my3 TO WNSEND C U N C H a D I K E 7 R SB Front at

R I E D AFPLaiS-aW Mas prim t n a u aoa li 117

a iARDINES- iau i - 9 ap

ty JAMBS L DAVIS IBS staWa mregt iGillowtwnllaMetaolLfotwTby

MAAGiUS a 1 ) 1 A t Auvata at J ^ f t l t f t l T M E tJssrt aad Nateua Date R Ota tft t a t Os bulltwdrkaca^ajrtitaavonMaaalioiMii

RUBS 9 R L L gt gt rkaca^ajrtLtmpoitodaualioiMMky

tARLEst m t i i s i t Hi) ftwaew saJ ARD1NESmdashtjf variouafavovlt Utaad 1 0 for w l by

i a M a a d y S CAYLUS OB BUYTKR a CO


HUFUSSTOBY N M 7 A N D t R O N i STSkSRl aava la etore and ofltrt forlaquoateeitbw ta wma w data j t g f taa

bulloiluwlnf gwde SttJ bejgt Wavy Samauafteppw too b a n Jtratoa Piamato MS ta t t B u t IadU tNaBta WknAjiBaalaquoasfar JBBowwtftd IIAJW aval Cattta SO cavM NatnMfA 25 caste Mae

AJ0 cam Ciuii f i i a AW bate aadWteCtevw 390 bate Tlovam 100 wakt ateory

alAim Java Maaracalhe Rto St Demlaga aad tiaw BBS ooBw of vartow gitdm tat f^BBMSB fe BLACEWELLS Fieilci Saacw w j Ceasii V meal eowtwlly ou aaadof uircct Importatma _33 GARDNER O f VRUN SW Faltaa ta

MULAWRSJBVSI obis MW Oriean Molmwt tBmyiasjwa Uty aad uandsom order for wte ia iota to wji aat

6 cbatlaquou by JAB HUN TEB a CO IH Freal I T AVtSH ooUNDB-Bi 0 b Aim troat Soaaste for MR bl bullv if GRA Y fe LEONARDraquo LeeWM Sltti-w_ UGAJtmdash I5S bbdTisslmt TtTM BOW teawlw - bull WM By bJ aiyn J H BROWERa i 7 Btata

LARDmdashihOU kgs paime L ML Laid ttsr M i n t

W HIGBIA SMITH jy iy m A 1RBABB B U T T E R - p w k i a w f o r t a l e by J JAU GEO B F E R R l i a C O SS L _ taHRLiED A L M O ^ D S - t Hgt4 wwt U a r l 3 bbm K5 bltmr do For s u ny

iriB st m y

BMP O B P O R B S T R C O 83 Sjutk M

P 1 t A F k A W gt - a t B a d aad M ap la pant aa t U B I of t i l I I I M ad IB gwut i t te i traquo suit at fa lowett a w t t

Set r tew loraa lby POPHAM It K A R T O N S B J I -

LAJaD-Put up in ttercM barrel tga sails aa i tawTaT dlffarent slzee always oa naad for aaliimeas te S u a ^

America and Cultural lor salt ay iyi3 S D C VAM BO

alway oa naad fer laipmtas ta Sua A


PEPPER - vamatra tad Slwapwe for Ml by ~~

TOWNSBND CLINCH a DIRE a and OPwattt |R HITE BEANS-tOO bbl for wi ny raquo A M OOI FFINg4PTWf4 A BRO WROOTmdashSOU tan relmt Florid Arrowreet la ttata

-taVSiratte try BBNNKR A OBARB 113 Wall jylS bull a A L l - d 0 0 a w l o f M M t y 0 bulllaquo gSMTLLBCO I _ u_ HELLED PEA NUTV-itiniw poaad trim twltad w O atta Ia lota t (inpirchawr la raquotor aaJ for tale by

bull1 D GILMABTIN M Sarelw

PV a U T f T A MrJw bull bullraquo BiMitswa Paaawt ww ta band aad for wte by

Jraquoraquo I gtWSSSMlTHfefX) mirraatta I 1VERPOOL GROUND SALT-float aad ta it tar Li MI m lots 10 salt puicWur by _ilaquoiB NESMITH B SONS 3B Soatb ta r p o GROCERS-Atioutityef Grocctr soatet 36 wd BB B Ib for MM ebwa ty i JBB CODDTNGTON B CO S7 Bread at

C MANS LONDON MUSTS tr bullvlotpacktag importad

1212 G A B O N E t Q y i

I4MNB S A L T - 7 S 0 wckr Maraaallbull -sv City of Brooklya aslant tad for

n y l i NSSatTTH fe I

C laquo MANS LONDCN M U F I A R O - O f ail q t a U t t o T i a t r bullllaquogttr-ickiBg imported aad fot Ml by

J2J2 G A R D N E a G V Y B U N 317 faJtanta MiTibalil taetw

I for w n by 1 BUNS r

Sited wrwta

IbRl lD APPlJv-mMNiw York Stant ft Mi ay 1 laquoraquoraquo GBO B FBRB1S a CO SS Brisk ti pAMABlNlitwiw att TtJtarttamv te Mwt tad Bw tala By JlaquoB B W BOPRBROO 73Pwlt

QUVE^OIL-Julmte BkeUyiudiMMvlrgla swlti pound7

JQ13 SCHTBFFBUN BEOS B CO 110 vTmtaagt-ga piMBNTO-M btlaquot Plmwto for ml et raquo raquo PBPBO PALAP MB Wttarta i | OLASBBS --II blaquowawdbull cb UOUSM-Sfor ttie W -l T raquogt3 F T MONTELL R BABlOW UW Will t pllaquoW-looiiiaiam primeSmyri ffig ta atora sVW IM ata m7 raquoy D GILMAB ll w v tMr-uv tra

ttICBmdash80 tc pt im quality la store 01 tala by gty3 1 x 5 - L a y CORNERS ft L O 173

I^HJCBSB-am buiM saptrtar BwlWl dairy for tai l by v mis

IJiWatar at

CHABIkSaMI F I laquo - O f M d M r p U c w f w ^ ^ ^ ^

p o l l C H O M G TBA-SO Mli t W e u t a O M W g j t V JT tbe Sast quality prod -~ -tala A i n a a a t

mbi lw CARYRCO SSPtatW

RICE FUgtUB-SWbawiorate ny -3d DEMILL R CO IBS Fiai

COCOA-13 bag Maraoalbo Cocoa wt teaStd fartataty laquoeT HAROOUB B CO it Soula laquot

STAINED CASSIA-aJhtimu forHraquo by sraquolS RUFUS STOBTV aadSFtaatta


a30 D fOLDEN MURBAT Sol AgaaiMtVtAb tt-

t iOB SALE-21mrxs Uvirpool Groaad Bait trade

M STUBGES CLE ARM AN ft j g flO Wall traquo ilARACAIBO cOFFEE-A bdquo I T iMWktW t f l MAITLAND PHBLPB R CO ^

PIS 4raquo ami 47 E i c h w t F law B LACE TEAS-Itssl kf chatt

Ml oy a 10

Sott-teuw aad Cougua i t

QOODRIPOE W A L K E R 33 Srnad tl

K B F 1 N B D L B A F LARDmdashFit up sipiamty (or tW Clr-bull bull bull t i t aad W M Indlt mark laquo couatwl l i on Wad aad

atai Pr iPHuM m u r i i laquo bull -

DA N I E L G I L M A R t l N ft u i raquoa t a n i bulltor and otr for sal u fowi

Sh hales Pracws Alio gtid 20ti aag raragoa AlmuaW ISnbagalvaca do JO bales H S do -gihaiM MaruUiw de at h u s B w i t e t w

2Nt boxes Shltlaquod do Uli gags oV da W caaka Canary do do Wicawa Prunu In larsaad MBRB

SW do Cauion Glncer i t syrep AS boxM l U II Soap Prime Smyrna Pig In casks aad CMM IraquoKW pnaati prim S W U M Peaaaw Ri case jMat a Cttrua v MTO toxaa Five ( rackets Haislni ia whole half aad guarttt boxaa baaca a n d l t t

bullr mRS

C O F F B B - l l s J B i laquo i at ror Ml hy C

vramt lava A ROBERT 61 Cedar laquoi

ALMONM-EtlwiBgtrialaquo^sksaiat arriteal per H P|MS7 1 a is Filbert BI Mediator fur M I a

niriiHaco raquo a-- a AKKH ft l tS OOOBLft V A N T L I A m i IATE -gt tnnea warraa 1 t i t In ^aa-ry aa 1 1

Paris iha-tate raquo 11 at turn nail tn at IF inr M I hy ) COLDSN ^ U B v U f s x l e A g a a t -jg sKtai

w r a m sn

ej -Tn-if- | j | - j a w s ismejiL

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Thomas M Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
