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  • 8/9/2019 vsm notes


    if it works its out of date.. latency

    "controller is part of the system being controlled""the control function is spread through the architecture of the system"

    "awar systems, where awareness is behaviourly identifiable" it responds to stimilus"

    "systems are and system work otherwise they are not systems"

    system's dynamics are based on internal changes, coupled with the changes in theenvironment. ultrastable (Asby term for systems that can adapt)

    systems contain control loops that are comprised of:

    sensorium and criteria of stability and transducers

    sensorium = a classification system (class library?) for transduced stimuli.

    transducer a conversion engine from stimuli to internal message

    channels (sensori input and motor effector)

    transfer function

    because the inputs, channels and tranfer functions are very large in number it is aggregated up from the neuronal level, it is difficult to know the overall TFof the systemthe connection network is called reticulum, anastomotic (connection of two systems).

    number of distinguishable items = variety

    all problems, recognition, decision, and classification are problems of uncertainty

    if you are looking for one person in 10000, the variety is 1000 and the probability of finding the right one is 1:1000

    n binary receptors can distinguish 2^n states

    we measure variety in terms of binary decisionselement of decision is a bit#

    the ecology has the capacity to self organise. this is a computational capacityunlike typical computation based on known outcomes and efficiency, just a selective mechanism formodes of organisation that are 'survival-worthy'

    distinction between an algorithm and heurisitc. the latter being a method for arriving at a goal that is not fully specified (we know what not where).general rules to get to a general goal (e.g. the general rule 'take care of thepence and the pounds will look after them' to achieve the general goal 'get wealthy')

    nature uses its algorithms to specify heuristics, we should too.

    points on heuristically designed algorithms that can be used to program computer

  • 8/9/2019 vsm notes


    s to learn and adapt (MK sounds similar to genetic algorithms etc).

    hypothetical machine: some machine with 10 inputs and a binary output. machineonly knows the inputs and no preference for the outputs (50% chance of eac). aspeaker of a metalangugethat the machine does not understand wants one output to be more frequent, needsto train the machine. will need an algedonic loop (pain pleasure).

    there is a hierarchy of meta- langaguges up the recursive control loop. to contect the objectives of each meta system the language of that system cannot be used, and it does not know the languageof the system below it, so an alegodonic loop is required .

    manager and neuron are analogous

    model so far

    decision element = sensors, effectors, anastomic reticulumeach node is connected to an algedonic loop that controls it through a pain/pleasure mechanism in order to achieve its higher order outcomes from the subsystem

    models disclose key structures of the systems under study

    models are thingsmodels are scaled down, transfered accorss, workable and appropriate

    models to determine structure of control in complex systems

    invariants need to be sought, e.g. asset should be greater than liabilities is an invariant for all firms

    lateral and central command axis of the body is an analoug of sucessful organisation.

    the information processing pattern of the nervous system invovles taking the sam

    e single stream of sensory data and using the followoing algorithmif information can be dealth at this level, deal with it by sending command signals accross the motor channels, and pass on with a 'dealt with' flag

    else filterand pass on

    filter1 remove noise2 compress (algorithmically) link here to Shanon

    information and compressabilityfiltering is complemented by arousal, the ability of the system to ampli

    fy the singals when there is a threat.

    the central command function performs the following

    test incoming data for action requirementstest and recognise any data for compression filtering etcstore a record

    Autonomic managementthe thing is the best model of itself

  • 8/9/2019 vsm notes


    organisational information gets locked into functional species

    intoceptors have to be realtime and accurate

    the link between

    sensorimotor and internal/external events needs to be managed (6 couplings)

    A state is defined as a particullar allocation of forms to events, given a particular configuration of events

    a dot as a sign for a state, fully specified. the movement of the dot in an n dimensional phase space can be used to describe transitions/trajectories.

    using the model

    the whole is encapsulated in each part (as in biology

    Beer calls himself a 'research philosopher'