mcmrmammmoBrA · VOL I. PiNCKNBT, Mi™6AirriHWffi8MY^UGV3T23tl883t" NO.32. PINCKNEYDISPATCH JEAOME...

VOL I. PiNCKNBT, Mi™6AirriHWffi8MY^UGV3T23 t l883 t " NO. 32. PINCKNEYDISPATCH JEAOME WINCHELL, PUBUSHER. 4it«eriptlo« Price, $1.** per Tear. 1fc AOVEBTISniO TraaeJantadveralaenionta, » caatt pecjb*. for Aratiaaertiaa aad amount* per inch for aacheabee- aoeat iaaertlon. LottlnotiaM,l«Mtop«lMfor AadiJamrtloiL Special rataa tor rajaiM •aenUby tawjaararoaartac. i W K T l W P i^WP a^avaT NUQb A law daalrahle baalmai IbtefcmUit ala prieaa. Eaqsira of CHRI8TIAN BROWN. attfceTHacfrawltiahop. >»---*• * % BEftlDEVCl FOB SALE. ,_.,,...-, of Mra. A.CoUler,in the eaatera partof the TlUagaof Fftackaajr will be sold em WMBuhtHwiii For farther laforaiatfna, ap- ply to ___*! fMOliNOH GRIMES. aUEB. At aha oiE, A. Alicia Aug. MUx a*, Farry J. Voiee, mcmrmammmoBrA CHCRCHEfv ' / menial a£ 10½ o'clock. Alao each altaraala Bnady « venlni at (.'clock., Sunday fcAooi Immediately j Iter tie morning eerrlca/Claaa meeting follow- to,*, Ba^daT&ooL^ ^ j ^ iABai fmm lag at 10J4 o'clock- *urtf£ tfe*!? 1 A f 2f*" ^^ MrWeeeachalternate SisSUtb at}% Pit ftraJureraeepecMlyraiarifedtoattaadoaraar- w'ose. UaharifwUlba io waiting to aeat taaaa mat famiittr with the pe we. teaparted by af large dr- claof aeqaaiattnaaa aadfriesda. W/ CL T. &OCISTIB8. U.—Xeete on eecoad moatu./ Miaa L. M. COB, MB*: DB. 8UL*B, Hecretiry;^ WoxAB'a Foaaiea KueioMjurr Soconr, of _the yi. Church, meet- « ^ « * ^ ^ XABT VAH F U R , Cor. See. in Teat, Ma. m. aaaeta ai ' r«ueaaat:«* or before K. O. T. M.-Uvia L .ftret the tall of the moon in each anonth, F. A. SMLBB, Coam. L. D. BBOXAW,B.t- Maaoaia-Livingaton Laigjj **• «r»»> : "«* Jtaeonic Hall, ManVa Block, Tnaaday eraalaf oa or below the f all of the nvoea In each moat*. C. D. VJjrWorKia, W- M• C. V. VAHWINKXB, Bee. Bee, AtklaraaUaaoa la Patmaat, Xoaday moraing, Aajraat SOth, 1SBB, Oria I. Bargeea, agad ft year*. ITEMS OF HTEBE8T. War are umbrellas like pancakes? —Because they they are seldom seen •iter lent All family medicine chests should contain at least one 25 cent bottle of Hatch's Universal Cough Syrap, for sadden colds, croup and other lung difficulties. | 31-t4 TUB greatest nutmeg ever known met with a grater. Fresh Oranges and Lemons, at vtinchell's Drag 8tore. MXSBBT loves company,so does a *P-m —«. A ~-iA- AU A «. u "~ whieh "we are never prepared, and that TB same pride that - t n a k e t - i u o o n - ^ ^ y ^ " r r—» demn the faults we imagine ourselves exempt from, inclines us to despise the good qualities we are not possessed of. L 8. P. JOBXSOV, agent for the genu* ine Singer Sewing Machine. Special attention given to adjusting and repair* ing all kinds of Machines. Needles, oil and other supplies always on hand. At residence, Pinckney, Mich. Tin police are Baid to be like the rainbow, because they never appear Bt/StlifiSS^MDSr a CILCHBIBT, MANUf ACTUftEft AIS9 OtHMM tU HARNESS, COLLABS, SADDLES, Wbipa, Be^ea, Bra-bet, air. done oa short notice. Baana a fail oa Bepairing done oa short notice. B »f YM«jnnnH Blr.fc Leather Oil liaad. PlHCKHLY; hLrtiKJAH N BW MBAT .MABKET. ALFRED DEVEBEAUX, -_ Dealer ip ^.^-°^ FRESH AND ^JTRED ME$TS, AT THB OLD STAKDJOK Hoaraix ST. P1NCKNEY. Will keepflrBUttiwstock and aell at rwwonable oricea. A^fiare of the public patronage la aolio- fte^-- ' ^- ><.. ' T V. BBOWN, SHAVrNO PARLOR, Alao dealer ia'Ctgara aad Coalaetfaserjr, Hecoad door eaat of Poatontoer PINCETiK" till after the storm. -Bird Seed, separate or mixed, at WincheU's Drug Store, BOBAX.—Half a cockroaches out of the house. A large handful of powder .to ten gallons of water wilK effect a saving of fifty per cent in soap. It is an excellent den- trifice, and the best material for clea ing the scalp. Are you insured if not call and get a policy in the Suv EIBI without fur- ther delay. Jas. liarkey, Ag't "Iryott^n^giye me a penny,', said a young hopeful to his mamma, 1 know a boy who has got the measles, and I'll go and catch them." Horsford's Acid Phosphate, the most efficient and agreeable remedy for dys- pepsia, nervousness, sick headache, etc.. Call for it at WincheU's Drug Store. ;_ ___ A» editor in Iowa gays he has be- come sohollow from depending on the printing business for bread, that he proposes to sell himself for a stoye-L drive *T' Kermott's Blackberry Cordial, at WinchelTs Drug Store. To clothe the naked and feed the hungry is good; to teach men how to provide for themselves is much better. ' Flavoring Extracts fresh anoV-re- T HE W. S. MANM ESTATE, HLtutae m DRY GOODS, FANCY QOODS, fatally Groceriee, BooUaad aaoea, Hatt aad Cap*. loattacacaar. T KJ EEPLB A CADwAXL, Oaalera la HARDWABE,«TOVES& TINWARE EastMaUStnat, P)NCKH£V, ' " MtCMJOAJt /. PWCENEY. 5 B. RICHABD8 A CO, L KEWSDEALEBS, BOOKSELLERS k STATIONERS, Ma akai aad Optical PeaJBri ja Tobacco aad (¾ «ooda, Clock*,Jewelry, X Conrectiorjery a aueciauy. Cof.Maiaanaiangtaj T% X. FINCH, HGtJSE AND SKHf PAINTING, Kalaoaainiag aad Papar-aaBging, GBADrXBO A •FBCXALTf. ftHCKMCy, __ *i«CH. liable, Vanilla, Lemon, Rose, Straw berry, Pineapple, e&L, at WincheU's Drug Store. CHILDRXK are like boils. Every body- knows how to take care of those that belong to other people. A wit once asked a peasant what part he performed in the great drama* of life. "I mind my own business,"' was the reply. A hew milch cow for sale. Inquire of J. Teeple. To MAXX OLD BUTTIB FBESH.— Knead with lime water, or a very di- luted solution of washing sodiL^Simply" washing in water is often perfectly efficacious. mammmfmmi*^ R k JOINER. iaqiiM at Teeple A CadwaU'a PnKauiai, JCOB. * ;.'is * ft R A. MANN, j)mimim DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, CHotalr^iadQ<oeraiMawhjaWia% NaxttoPoatOfloa, ^^^PWCOIY, ONE pALLBYT 1LER BRO'S DRUG STORE, PINCKNEY, MICHiQAN yfft HAVB OPENED ', !a connection done. Gt?eoaa W « t of hotel. W. B. HOI [OFF. A TAMES T. BAXANt ATTORNEY t COUNSELOR AT LAW and Joatkeof taePaaea, Ofacenvtaa Brick Bloak, PZNOKNBT. W.' VANWINXLI, ATTORNEY k OOWSELORatLAW aadaQUCJTOB Thanking the people of Livingston and adjacent connties for the liberal pat- ronage bestowed upon me as—book agent for several years past, I beg leave to inform then tiiat I am now selling Lord's Prayef and CVanimand- mentsj Catholic Protestant and Re- vised Version) also large steel engrav- ing of the Presidents, pictorial Bibles, Ac. Shall be nleased to have your or- ders for any of the above. . , ,^ _TJLF^E*EH__ Cor. of Unadilla and Dexter Sts. Pinokney. marriageable young Udy, Try «WflTiChoiee, w oar new brandUo Fine Cut; it suits them alL AtLakin* Sykes 1 . . FTDSUTT, good-humor, and complac- ency of temper, outlive all the charms of a fine face, and make its decay in- visible. > 'THeBB are two things in life tor ' Work was commenced th's morning. on the R. R. bridge over the Ho on river. Bro. Adams, of the Fowle:-v!'le He- view, paid the DISPATCH olfice a i'l call this morning. He :s or>e of y ,e IJu.'.'ei*, 15cU. lb; Egrgs, 15cts. doz., Lard, llel^. lb., a.e Pinckney market p^•'. :es to-day. During the sio-m yesterday, the wind broke otf one corner from the f. out of Hollisie \s block. The dam* campers at Postage Lake, aad had the ' a^n was srfraii and"quick!yTept ra^ernovel experience of K.^ i ,)-, ]5a;ton k Campbell have been^d- RL 7 A D -' t! . ,e d'ng a line of tine .silver and plateT Jf r ? jeste:day ^.ernoor. Ouij, wul> , t 0 t ^ ir k F damage, wet clones—oot^a _ >iiL \ The sub«ci'ii)t:on to aid extension of ' telephone line to Howell, is meeting scared (?) The office of res'dent Ej^Ineer Riffgar, has been teniporai''/ removed fton,*-.. .* '» JShe pile-drifer used by the b.-.'drre builde.s, Hpped ojer, the o' her day. W.1IIA tnov txro a mni-inm ii \i.-' Diamond Dyes all shades, at Winch- ell's Ding Store. "OH, you old buffer!".as the old woman exclaimed when an engine knocked her down. while they we.e' moving v, w'th the hammer weighi^nj? over a ion, w? 7 up at the top. Machine badly s.iia-'.hed but nobody hurt. Mr. W.B. Campbell, of Howell, call- ed Oja. a few of his many Pinchney friends, Tuesday. The Annual sdhool" mee^n^r far Dist. No. 2, of Putnam, will be held at the school house in PihcLnev, on ik»n- day evening, Sept.' -'id. at 8 o'clock. The proportion to form anoiiier de- partment yand eniploy an additional teacher, wHLJbe con.side.ed at ui- meeting. -- We are obliged, to decline several •contributions for our colunns this i week. In doing so, bowevev. we do not wjsh to djscoura- e the write s.. There a* e with us many <,onsiderat'on< ' which .cannot, be known to oa .-• friend-. "IF there is anybody under the can- ister of Heaven that I have in utter excrescence," says Mrs. Partington, "it is the slanderer, going about like a boy constractor, circulAtinghis calomel upon honest folks." tVThoae reeatvlag tkjatr paper* with'a red X oyer tbia paragraph, will pleaee notice that their aabaiaipttoa expiree with next namber. A bine X aignlnaa'f*"*^**~~ " — v '"' ---••• eordaace with oar ralea, the paper tiaoed aatil aabacripttoa to expired, aad that, la ac- he paper will bealecoa- LOCAL JOTTiUGS. Mi*. JT H. Shepard has purchased from Benj. Allen the stage line be- tween Dexter and Pinckney. Mr. Al- len goes back to his farm. , Mr. Thos. Clark lost a horse Sunday last, from colic. Last week one of Mr. Lake's horses gave up the battle also. Mr. L. B. White lost a quantity of wheat and a couple of cows, the other ilay;—ne had some wheat spread upon the barn floor to dry >• be fore putting it in the bin, and his cattle broke into the barn and ate too much of the grain. Prof. W. A. Sprout, has been en- gaged as—princtpkl-of the Pinckney- public school for the coming year, and it is probable that Miss Anderson, of Muir, will be emo.-oyed as assistant. A b eak occu ved m the m^l^dim^ w it'll leas enable success. We hope the requiJtd amount may l>e oblainedv as " Ife ex'.t.'fts-ion Is an improvement of uiuuh importance to both to Wag. }U-. MTa,'key's folks are nicely .settled. injtheirnew residence, and feel quite '•at borne." Mr. Ja.s. Bu,gess, of Flint, is the g\ejt of his brother, Frank, for a few days. aV r W e return - "thanlis ^or following books and pamphlets received: To Rev. J>. H. Crane, for c(r>py H. Crane, for c(r>py of "Minu es of the General Association of Congregational Churches of Mich- igan, for IS8:V' To C. W. Ransom, of Lansing, for ••(ieneral Report of Railroad Com- missioner." To J.. A. Roys, Detroit, Catalogue of "Recent Publications." —hence they .must irust i.o oar judg- ment - where they eannot undersiand ourmoiiVes. NoCices have, been ported for a meet- ing of the township school board, at the residence of ChaT. 1 Jailey. on 110n- day evening next, Aug. 27th," to consider the petition for the formation of a new school distrct composed of portion^ of Dists. Nos. 2, 4. 8, 10 and 11. All whose interests are atfeeted by change ~are requested to be a *ueii present. remonstrance Pursuant to the published notice,"" a meeting in the interest of the Toledo,' Ann Aruor k Northern Railway-was held at tlm jtliinkur H(Jui*e, Fr^laT.. evening last. Mr. Ashley being call- ed to Uwosso. telegraphed his inability to be present, but though Dr. Haze ottered to the people of Pinckney a new proposition to be substituted at iire^optirmtbrthat previously made. TI:is~ proposition was that Pinckney raise a bonus of $10,000 to be paid when the road is completed to this place, and free right of w a \ through .Ac territory embraced for the bonus. Mr. Birkett was present and made a brief but telling speech, advising the Tnn pleasure of being loved finds its way into every heart, and Madame de 8tael has justly maintained, that .we cease tio love ourselves if we are not be- loved by another. THE ITBW HEBO FOB 1883. Varmers, call atlfarkev'sand teethe new HEBO RIAPEB a modelof perfection in MOWXB; tne wona is cnaiiengea to pro- duce jt« equal. Don't fail to see and ex- amine those beautiful Machines, every at Petty8ville a sho.t time since. It is being repaired and a new waste weir put in. The mill will soon be ready to run again. Mr. F. L. Browj has been visiting friends in Chicago, the past week. Mr/ and Mrs. E, X A U e n tender thanks to their many friends who kindly ass^teeVduring the illness and bui^lbflaT, Voree, who died at their residence A Thursday last Mr. Garren Wood started Monday for Cheboygan and the Mackinaw re- gion* where he will spend several weeks, and then retain via Chicago. rs. Geo. Brown and children, of L™ Deacon Noble started yesterday for his home in Connecticut, a tier having spent about one' year iunong friend< and.relatives in Michigan and utlier Western -States. M r. X< >ble was one »M the early settlers of Pimkney. UA built the first frame hou-e in. the- vi lage-^that-afterwards known as il >• Picket, house a poVtion of which.l'cums the back part of Mr. Allen's ie<iau - ant. The Deacon was active in t-huni and Sunday school ^ uvk; culbiisa' +VJ. the Sunday school in the Eairian sc:i»»ol house, which is now in a pro-pVious conditionr Herelal^s'sTTmiTinTei'eJ "IrT^ ciixunistances connected with the ea' \ hls.ory of the chuTC : jes aid ^uin\ V school of Pinck o,ey. -- ^.. spol una ted to accept Mr. Ashley's prop- 11 to raise the bonus, and'the fol- It is understood . that will be presented from District No. ^rj^-ceptance oi the bonus plan, and por- the territory of which would'-be "con-1'•>. u ^' tlle . be efits to be derived khlttrahly 'i1iiniiir.Ji...nnr-tlw p-.-ipM.-n.rl ••'* n a comp\et ; r.,< line. Ot^ersspoke in,encoura;rinVterms, and it was hnal/ ly voted to ositio 1 <»w i ng c 1)mmittee.appointed to canvass .'or >uliHjriptions: Dr. C. W. 'Haze, Thoinpson (»rimes, F. Reason, Wm. Hendee J.C. Dunn. Dr. C. W. Haze •mitetHttti-ly-^nvit^ded lo Mr. A s h l e y a card, infovtning him of the action of the meeting and asking/for blanka \v-th which to begin work. -'- The conditions upon which sub- •criptions will be asked are that the roan run "within three fourths of a mile of the centre of the village and iliiLt it be completed to this point in* Mdndapmorning last our citizens we're surprised and pained to learn that Orin I. Burgess, a young man re- siding in 1 he Eamanynei'ghborhood. west of town, had taken an overdose of morphine, apparently for the pur- gtbn, are the gttesu of Mrs. Motes Puller, of this v i H a g e ^ J. M. Kearney, Esq., started for Iowa, Monday, and will spend several weeks inthatStateand in Dakota, visiting his children and grandchildren,' some of whom he has not seem tor many yean. g*r7~W. P. Wilcox returned from pose of producing~deatu. On Sunday he had appeared as well as usuah con- versing-freely with his family and the depftwo years'from date of the note. .Tiie importance of th,is enternriso can i oelv be oTerestimated and we hope ihe sub-i/ription asked for may ce >pt.edi 1 v._( >l)Uiiiii i dr^s~iro~time" can be lost if P'ncknev is to secure th<> road. Common Council Proceedings. PlN-CKNEf, Miciif^Aug. 20. 18S0... Council convened and was called 16 "order l\v President Grimes.. Present: Xuusttk^ykes, Mann, Rose, Haze a Hie hard . Comp T a : nt presented claiming/that WEB; the worlcUs^aUengedtopro- wisit with his son ArUavawfnfriirttvr no sale; they can be had on trial MABEBT, Agent twenty of the boys, and they are hav ing a good time, of c o u r t t ^ V ^ visit with his son Arkie, and /amily. The Powlerville Band are in camp on the hluffat Portage Lake. There are IT has been found that, in nearly! ^P<»wnI^nardKoble.rafar^^ every civiliied country, the tree that \™Pi ,»?•» ieveral weeks ^jriift with bears the most fruit for the market is the axle-tree. , * MONEY TO LOAN at easy rates, in sums of $1,000, and upwards, on real estate security. In- quire of JAM. T. EAMAJT. OVE of the greatest evils of the world it that men praise, rather that practic, virtue. The praise of honest industery ig-fln_ftvery tongue, but it is rare that^ friends in Jackson County. Mr. I^C. Coste has a little grand-son living near Mason, only five years old wfco milk* a cow morning and W Cj —and the cow gives 10 quarts * at a milking. The South Lyon papers are "going wild" over the "household department business," . More-than half the local space of the Excelsior is given up to room to—learn the rea^ou, beeame satisfied that he had taken morphine,;; so setting out for her ;>ou Pra uk, ah u informed him of>the fact, but that gentleman on reaching his brother's room, found him in no alarming cor- dition, and being satisfied/Xvith tne ex- planation ofifered I that he had taken a small dose the nightijefore on acccmjnt of a cold^and sleeplessness) -returned home, bujt*in^ summoned soon atter^and^found tha^t a second dose had evidently been recently taken ahdtha toe young man was rapidly sinking under the influence _of it. Dr. Sigler wwimmediatelysuinmoned, but on ar* riving tt'-li^tCVaftei" 12 p. -m^- lua/ned thatjietftbhad taken place about 20 minutes previous^ The deceased was a ynnng tnjin nt good habits, and had Motion that 'he complaint in regard tosa'd nuisi-nce be laid on the table; -J&L •eet w .e' 0 Vv e report of street commi89ioner en presented, and on motion the , Wiis ae L ep ed. *' p. esen'ed by W. A, Carr,"Yates ch. Join Jeffreys, E. Jeffreys, James: ilefiVeys, L. V. Brown, J. B. iV'len and E. A. Allen, for wo:.k done 011 -v ree{s, am 1. ¢10.32/ On'moi ion the bills were allowed and orders drawn for same, by vote: Yea, Haze, Syke:, Richards and Mann. No, Rose. On motion the council adjourned ior oue week. -, — F . A. STQMTB, Clerk.— man/friends. He was'of a singular temperament, fond of study, and had probably overtaxed his mjnd with ex- ana crayon, eesaive and injudicious reading. He Doston house and is giving good satis faction. Mr. B. has taken several hundred dollars worth ot orders and Mr. A. P. Bronson, of Towah<5a, Pa., has been in this vicinity some-time so- iiciung oi'ders'ibr copying and enl&Tg- ing pictures in India ink, wate** co'.ora The work is done by a sanity in any other 'wiiy. Some en- tries made ill his diary, on Sunday, would seem to indicate "that the taking of poison' was premeditated. The funeral occured Tuesday a iter noon, at Jlhe %tman school-h'"^/ 1frv,''KLlL $ siill receiving- them. He is an. oi friend of Dr. Champhn's of this, place, who recc^mmends him to4he confi- dence of the pejjple.^A^heidesv-ile. Mr. DvonTou^is^in Pinckney for a lewl'da^STid Witt be - pteaseAto re*" ^e*3*e-15raers from any of ouTcitiiena •~A Sjxrra .Tk«cs-

Transcript of mcmrmammmoBrA · VOL I. PiNCKNBT, Mi™6AirriHWffi8MY^UGV3T23tl883t" NO.32. PINCKNEYDISPATCH JEAOME...

Page 1: mcmrmammmoBrA · VOL I. PiNCKNBT, Mi™6AirriHWffi8MY^UGV3T23tl883t" NO.32. PINCKNEYDISPATCH JEAOME WINCHELL, PUB USHER. 4it«eriptlo« Price, $1.** per Tear. 1fc AOVEBTISniO

VOL I PiNCKNBT Mitrade6AirriHWffi8MY^UGV3T23tl883t NO 32


4itlaquoeriptlolaquo Price $1 per Tear


AOVEBTISniO TraaeJantadveralaenionta raquo caatt pecjb for

Aratiaaertiaa aad amount per inch for aacheabee-aoeat iaaertlon LottlnotiaMllaquoMtoplaquolMfor AadiJamrtloiL Special rataa tor rajaiM bullaenUby tawjaararoaartac

i W K T l W P i^WP a avaT NUQb

A law daalrahle baalmai IbtefcmUit ala prieaa Eaqsira of

CHRI8TIAN BROWN attfceTHacfrawltiahop

gt raquo - - - bull bull

BEftlDEVCl FOB SALE _ - of Mra ACoUlerin the eaatera

partof the TlUagaof Fftackaajr will be sold em WMBuhtHwiii For farther laforaiatfna apshyply to bull ___



At aha oiE A Al ic ia Aug MUx a Farry J Voiee

mcmrmammmoBrA CHCRCHEfv

menial apound 10frac12 oclock Alao each altaraala Bnady laquo venlni at 7frac12 (clock Sunday fcAooi Immediately j Iter tie morning eerrlcaClaaa meeting follow-to B a ^ d a T amp o o L ^ ^ j ^ i A B a i fmm

lag at 10J4 oclock- urtfpound tfe1 A f2f ^ ^ MrWeeeachalternate SisSUtb at P i t ftraJureraeepecMlyraiarifedtoattaadoaraar-

wose UaharifwUlba io waiting to aeat taaaa mat famiittr with the pe we

teaparted by af large dr-claof aeqaaiattnaaa aadfriesda


ampOCISTIB8 UmdashXeete on eecoad

moatu Miaa L M COB MB DB 8ULB Hecretiry WoxABa Foaaiea KueioMjurr Soconr of _the

y i Church meet- trade laquo ^ laquo ^ ^ XABT VAH F U R Cor See

in Teat Ma m aaaeta ai rlaquoueaaatlaquo or before K O T M-UviaL

ftret the tall of the moon in each anonth F A SMLBB Coam

L D BBOXAWBt-Maaoaia-Livingaton Laigjj bull laquorraquoraquogtlaquo

Jtaeonic Hall ManVa Block Tnaaday eraalaf oa or below the f all of the nvoea In each moat

C D VJjrWorKia W- Mbull C V VAHWINKXB Bee Bee

AtklaraaUaaoa la Patmaat Xoaday moraing Aajraat SOth 1SBB Oria I Bargeea agad ft year


W a r are umbrellas like pancakes mdashBecause they they are seldom seen bulliter lent

All family medicine chests should contain at least one 25 cent bottle of Hatchs Universal Cough Syrap for sadden colds croup and other lung difficulties | 31-t4

TUB greatest nutmeg ever known met with a grater

Fresh Oranges and Lemons at vtinchells Drag 8tore

MXSBBT loves companyso does a

P-m mdashlaquoA ~-iA- AU A laquo u ~ whieh we are never prepared and that T B same pride that - t n a k e t - i u o o n - ^ ^ y ^ r r mdash raquo demn the faults we imagine ourselves

exempt from inclines us to despise the good qualities we are not possessed of

L 8 P JOBXSOV agent for the genu ine Singer Sewing Machine Special attention given to adjusting and repair ing all kinds of Machines Needles oil and other supplies always on hand At residence Pinckney Mich

Tin police are Baid to be like the rainbow because they never appear




Wbipa Be^ea Bra-bet air done oa short notice Baana a fail

oa Bepairing done oa short notice Bywfr raquof YMlaquojnnnH Blrfc Leather Oil liaad PlHCKHLY hLrtiKJAH


ALFRED DEVEBEAUX -_ Dealer ip ^^-deg^

FRESH AND ^JTRED M E $ T S AT THB OLD STAKDJOK Hoaraix ST P1NCKNEY Will keep flrBUttiw stock and aell at rwwonable oricea A^fiare of the public patronage la aolio-f t e ^ - -

^- gtlt T V BBOWN

S H A V r N O P A R L O R

Alao dealer iaCtgara aad Coalaetfaserjr Hecoad door eaat of Poatontoer PINCETiK

till after the storm

- B i r d Seed separate or mixed at WincheUs Drug Store

BOBAXmdashHalf a cockroaches out of the house A large handful of powder to ten gallons of water wilK effect a saving of fifty per cent in soap It is an excellent den-trifice and the best material for clea ing the scalp

Are you insured i f not call and get a policy in the S u v E I B I without furshyther d e l a y Jas liarkey Agt

Iryo t t^n^g iye me a penny said a young hopeful to his mamma 1 know a boy who has got the measles and Ill go and catch them

Horsfords Acid Phosphate the most efficient and agreeable remedy for dysshypepsia nervousness sick headache etc Call for it at WincheUs Drug Store _ ___

Araquo editor in Iowa gays he has beshycome sohollow from depending on the printing business for bread that he proposes to sell himself for a stoye-L

drive trade T

Kermotts Blackberry Cordial at WinchelTs Drug Store

To clothe the naked and feed the hungry is good to teach men how to provide for themselves is much better

Flavoring Extracts fresh anoV-re-


DRY GOODS FANCY QOODS fatally Groceriee BooUaad aaoea Hatt aad Cap


T K J EEPLB A CADwAXL Oaalera la

H A R D W A B E laquo T O V E S amp T I N W A R E EastMaUStnat





Ma akai aad Optical PeaJBri ja Tobacco aad (frac34 laquoooda ClockJewelry X Conrectiorjery a aueciauy CofMaiaanaiangtaj


HGtJSE A N D SKHf P A I N T I N G Kalaoaainiag aad Papar-aaBging

GBADrXBO A bullFBCXALTf ftHCKMCy __ ilaquoCH

liable Vanilla Lemon Rose Straw berry Pineapple eampL at WincheUs Drug Store

CHILDRXK are l ike boils Every body-knows how to take care of those that belong to other people

A wit once asked a peasant what part he performed in the great drama of life I mind my o w n business was the reply

A hew milch cow for sale Inquire of J Teeple

To M A X X OLD B U T T I B F B E S H mdash Knead with l ime water or a very dishyluted solution of washing sodiL^Simply washing in water is often perfectly efficacious mdash mdash


R k JOINER iaqiiM at Teeple A CadwaUa

PnKauiai JCOB

is ft

R A MANN j)mimim

D R Y GOODS A N D GROCERIES CHotalr iadQltoeraiMawhjaWia

NaxttoPoatOfloa ^ ^ ^ P W C O I Y





a connection done Gteoaa Wlaquot of hotel W B HOI [OFF



ATTORNEY t COUNSELOR AT L A W and Joatkeof taePaaea

Ofacenvtaa Brick Bloak PZNOKNBT



Thanking the people of Livingston and adjacent connties for the liberal patshyronage bestowed upon me asmdashbook agent for several years past I beg leave to inform then tiiat I am now selling Lords Prayef and CVanimand-mentsj Catholic Protestant and Reshyvised Version) also large steel engravshying of the Presidents pictorial Bibles Ac Shall be nleased to have your orshyders for any of the above

^ _ T J L F ^ E E H _ _ Cor of Unadilla and Dexter Sts


marriageable young Udy Try laquoWflTiChoieew oar new brandUo

Fine Cut it suits them alL AtLak in Sykes1

FTDSUTT good-humor and complacshyency of temper outlive all the charms of a fine face and make its decay inshyvisible

gtTHeBB are two things in life tor

Work was commenced ths morning on the R R bridge over the Ho on river mdash

Bro Adams of the Fowle-vle He-view paid the DISPATCH olfice a il iendly call this morning He s orgte of ye

IJuei 15cU lb Egrgs 15cts doz Lard llel^ lb ae Pinckney market p bull es to-day

During the sio-m yesterday the wind broke otf one corner from the f out of Hollisie s block The dam

campers at Postage Lake aad had the a^n was srfraii andquickyTept ra^ernovel experience of K^ i )- ] 5 a t o n k Campbell have been^d-R L 7 A D- te dng a line of tine silver and plateT J f r jesteday ^ernoor Ouij w u l gt t 0 t ^ i r k F damage wet clonesmdashoot^a _ gtiiL

The sublaquociii)ton to aid extension of telephone line to Howell is meeting

scared ()

The office of resdent Ej^Ineer Riffgar has been teniporai removed

fton- raquo mdash

JShe pile-drifer used by the b-drre buildes Hpped ojer the o her day W1IIA tnov txro a m n i - i n m ii i -

Diamond Dyes all shades at Winch-ells Ding Store

OH you old bufferas the old woman exclaimed when an engine knocked her down

while they wee moving v wth the hammer weighi nj over a ion w 7 up at the top Machine badly siia-hed but nobody hurt

Mr WB Campbell of Howell callshyed Oja a few of his many Pinchney friends Tuesday

The Annual sdhool mee^n^r far Dist No 2 of Putnam will be held at the school house in PihcLnev on ikraquon-day evening Sept -id at 8 oclock The proportion to form anoiiier deshypartment yand eniploy an additional teacher wHLJbe consideed at ui-meeting

-- We are obliged to decline several bullcontributions for our colunns this i week In doing so bowevev we do not wjsh to djscoura- e the write s There a e with us many ltonsideratonlt which cannot be known to oa -bull friend-

IF there is anybody under the canshyister of Heaven that I have in utter excrescence says Mrs Partington it is the slanderer going about like a boy constractor circulAtinghis calomel upon honest folks

tVThoae reeatvlag tkjatr paper witha red X oyer tbia paragraph will pleaee notice that their aabaiaipttoa expiree with next namber A bine X aignlnaaf ~~ mdash v ---bullbullbull eordaace with oar ralea the paper tiaoed aatil aabacripttoa to

expired aad that la acshyhe paper will bealecoa-


Mi JT H Shepard has purchased from Benj Allen the stage line beshytween Dexter and Pinckney Mr Alshylen goes back to his farm

Mr Thos Clark lost a horse Sunday last from colic Last week one of Mr Lakes horses gave up the battle also

Mr L B White lost a quantity of wheat and a couple of cows the other ilaymdashne had some wheat spread upon the barn floor to dry gtbull be fore putting it in the bin and his cattle broke into the barn and ate too much of the grain

Prof W A Sprout has been enshygaged asmdashprinctpkl-of the Pinckney-public school for the coming year and it is probable that Miss Anderson of Muir will be emo-oyed as assistant

A b eak occu ved m the m^l^dim^

w itll leas enable success We hope the requiJtd amount may lgte oblainedv as Ife extfts-ion Is an improvement of uiuuh importance to both to Wag

U- MTakeys folks are nicely settled injtheirnew residence and feel quite bullat borne

Mr Jas Bugess of Flint is the gejt of his brother Frank for a few days a V

r W e return-thanlis ^or following books and pamphlets received

To Rev Jgt H Crane for c(rgtpy H Crane for c(rgtpy of Minu es of the General Association of Congregational Churches of Michshyigan for IS8V

To C W Ransom of Lansing for bullbull(ieneral Report of Railroad Comshymissioner

To J A Roys Detroit Catalogue of Recent Publications

mdashhence they must irust io oar judgshyment-where they eannot undersiand ourmoiiVes

NoCices have been ported for a meetshying of the township school board at the residence of ChaT 1 Jailey on 110n-day evening next Aug 27th to consider the petition for the formation of a new school distrct composed of portion^ of Dists Nos 2 4 8 10 and 11 All whose interests are atfeeted by change ~are requested to be


ueii present


Pursuant to the published notice a meeting in the interest of the Toledo Ann Aruor k Northern Railway-was held at tlm jtliinkur H(Juie Fr^laT evening last Mr Ashley being callshyed to Uwosso telegraphed his inability to be present but though Dr Haze ottered to the people of Pinckney a new proposition to be substituted at iire^optirmtbrthat previously made TIis~ proposition was that Pinckney raise a bonus of $10000 to be paid when the road is completed to this place and free right of w a through Ac territory embraced for the bonus Mr Birkett was present and made a brief but telling speech advising the

Tnn pleasure of being loved finds its way into every heart and Madame de 8tael has justly maintained that we cease tio love ourselves if we are not beshyloved by another


Varmers call atlfarkevsand teethe new HEBO RIAPEB a modelof perfection in MOWXB tne wona is cnaiiengea to proshyduce jtlaquo equal Dont fail to see and exshyamine those beautiful Machines every

at Petty8ville a shot time since It is being repaired and a new waste weir put in The mill will soon be ready to run again

Mr F L Browj has been visiting friends in Chicago the past week

Mr and Mrs E X A U e n tender thanks to their many friends who kindly ass^teeVduring the illness and bui^lbflaT Voree who died at their residence A Thursday last

Mr Garren Wood started Monday for Cheboygan and the Mackinaw reshygion where he will spend several weeks and then retain via Chicago

rs Geo Brown and children of L trade

Deacon Noble started yesterday for his home in Connecticut a tier having spent about one year iunong friendlt andrelatives in Michigan and utlier Western -States M r Xlt gtble was one raquoM the early settlers o f Pimkney UA built the first frame hou-e in the- vi lage-^that-afterwards known as il gtbull Picket house a poVtion of whichlcums the back part of Mr Allens ieltiau -ant The Deacon was active in t-huni and Sunday school ^ uvk culbiisa +VJ the Sunday school in the Eairian sciraquoraquool house which is now in a pro-pVious conditionr Herelal^ssTTmiTinTeieJ IrT ciixunistances connected with the ea hlsory of the chuTCjes aid ^uin V school of Pinck oey --

spol una

ted to accept Mr Ashleys prop-11 to raise the bonus andthe fol-

It is understood that will be presented from District No ^rj^-ceptance oi the bonus plan and por-the territory of which would-be con-1bullgt u^ t l l e be efits to be derived khlttrahly i1iiniiirJinnr-tlw p--ipM-nrl bull bullbull n a competrlt line Ot^ersspoke

inencourarinVterms and it was hnal ly voted to ositio 1 ltraquow i ng c 1)mmitteeappointed to canvass or gtuliHjriptions Dr C W Haze Thoinpson (raquorimes F Reason Wm Hendee JC Dunn Dr C W Haze bullmitetHttti-ly-^nvit^ded lo Mr Ashley

a card infovtning him of the action of the meeting and askingfor blanka v-th which to begin work -- The conditions upon which sub-bullcriptions will be asked are bull that the roan run within three fourths of a mile of the centre of the village and iliiLt it be completed to this point in

Mdndapmorning last our citizens were surprised and pained to learn that Orin I Burgess a young man reshysiding in 1 he Eamanyneighborhood west of town had taken an overdose of morphine apparently for the pur-

gtbn are the gttesu of Mrs Motes Puller of this v i H a g e ^

J M Kearney Esq started for Iowa Monday and will spend several weeks inthatStateand in Dakota visiting his children and grandchildren some of whom he has not seem tor many yean

gr7~W P Wilcox returned from

pose of producing~deatu On Sunday he had appeared as well as usuah con-versing-freely with his family and the

depftwo yearsfrom date of the note Tiie importance of this enternriso can

i oelv be oTerestimated and we hope ihe sub-iription asked for may ce gtptedi 1 v_(gtl)Uiiiiiidr^s~iro~time can be lost if Pncknev is to secure thltgt road

Common Council Proceedings

PlN-CKNEf Miciif^Aug 20 18S0 Council convened and was called 16

order lv President Grimes Present Xuusttk^ykes Mann Rose Haze a Hie hard

CompTant presented claimingthat

WEB the worlcUs^aUengedtopro- wisit with his son ArUavawfnfriirttvr

no sale they can be had on trial MABEBT Agent

twenty of the boys and they are hav ing a good time of c o u r t t ^ V ^

visit with his son Arkie and amily

The Powlerville Band are in camp on the hluffat Portage Lake There are

IT has been found that in nearly ^PltraquownI^nardKoble ra far^^ every civiliied country the tree that tradePi raquobullraquo ieveral weeks ^jriift with bears the most fruit for the market is the axle-tree MONEY TO LOAN at easy rates in sums of $1000 and upwards on real estate security Inshyquire of JAM T EAMAJT

OVE of the greatest evils of the world it that men praise rather that practic virtue The praise of honest industery ig-fln_ftvery tongue but it is rare that^

friends in Jackson County

Mr I^C Coste has a little grand-son living near Mason only five years old wfco milk a cow morning and W Cj

mdashand the cow gives 10 quarts at a milking

The South Lyon papers are going wild over the household department business More-than half the local space of the Excelsior is given up to

room tomdashlearn the rea^ou beeame satisfied that he had taken morphine so setting out for her gtou Pra uk ah u informed him ofgtthe fact but that gentleman on reaching his brothers room found him in no alarming cor-dition and being satisfiedXvith tne exshyplanation ofifered I that he had taken a small dose the nightijefore on acccmjnt of a cold^and sleeplessness) -returned home bujt wasagin^ summoned soon atter^and^found tha t a second dose had evidently been recently taken ahdtha toe young man was rapidly sinking under the influence _of it Dr Sigler wwimmediatelysuinmoned but on ar riving tt-li^tCVaftei 12 p -m^- luaned thatjietftbhad taken place about 20 minutes previous^ The deceased was a ynnng tnjin nt good habits and had

Motion that he complaint in regard tosad nuisi-nce be laid on the table

-JampL bulleet

w e 0


e report of street commi89ioner en presented and on motion the

Wiis aeLep ed p esened by W A CarrYates ch Join Jeffreys E Jeffreys

James ilefiVeys L V Brown J B iVlen and E A Allen for wok done 011 -v rees am 1 cent1032 Onmoi ion the bills were allowed and orders drawn for same by vote Yea Haze Syke Richards and Mann No Rose

On motion the council adjourned ior oue week

- mdash F A STQMTB Clerkmdash

manfriends He wasof a singular temperament fond of study and had probably overtaxed his mjnd with ex- ana crayon eesaive and injudicious reading He Doston house and is giving good satis

faction Mr B has taken several hundred dollars worth ot orders and

Mr A P Bronson of Towahlt5a Pa has been in this vicinity some-time so-iiciung oidersibr copying and enlampTg-ing pictures in India ink wate coora

The work is done by a

sanity in any other wiiy Some enshytries made ill his diary on Sunday would seem to indicate that the taking of poison was premeditated The funeral occured Tuesday a iter noon at

Jlhe tman school-h^ 1frvKLlL

$ siill receiving- them He is an oi friend of Dr Champhns of this place who recc^mmends him to4he confishydence of the pejjple^A^heidesv-ile

Mr DvonTou^is^in Pinckney for a lewlda^STid Witt be -pteaseAto re e3e-15raers from any of ouTcitiiena


S j x r r a Tklaquocs -

- bull gt bullbullbull -^-^Waai bull- v1 ^rmdash



Loggiug has not been so dull iu Uncommon in four years as a t the present time

The Buetiauan manufactur ing company luaken 100000 bedsteads and IOJOOU tblelaquogt anshynually J bull W A McAndrewof Ypsllanti has written an opera which he hrtends to have given to the public by home ta lent next month

The Charlottf Leader says i m r m j wheat harvest just closed the inade it necessary to lay aside

Tttr wct weather

^ ^ ^ the improved reap^t^and self-mrnfcrtraquor ami resort-to the old style cradle

Hillsdale cuiiutv fanners have marketed 472000 poundsof wool fid1 season and it is estimated tha t 30000 pounds still remain in their hands

Thlt re is talk that jthe Chicago A West Michshyigan IUilway wilf soon extend their road to Baldwin tutcrselt-tiug there with the Fliut A Pere Marquette Road

new Wu(X) Meam heating-fwHtK-1 fc Ugtraquo ing placed in Niles

Bteairr the cent ra l school building at

Brig-lieu Withingtou of the M S T has resigned and Col Smith appointed as his sue cessui

Vilhing tons resignation takes effect Oct 2)

bullIt j s not xi bad idea sometimes to gell your proiu-rty if it is in market if you are offered a good price T h e St an foTt Herald tei s of u Tor in that city now used as a horse pasiure which could have been sold for pound17^) nine vearaago but the owner wanted $4000 About kis years_ ago pound)500 was ottered for it and reshyfused T o day it I s doubtful if it cuu be sold forcash for $lHgto and it has not produced income enough to much more tlian pay the tuxes during the past ten years ftrrsftress men ltx-ared els-vlierc b-cause the price asked was too high bdquo _ raquo

lUir-ing thv ir-at week of Augus t the Fl in t olt pen- Marquette railroad earned $4327raquo To Carrie lleisig l i y e a r s old living in Adrian

^accidental lyrhd-from-a load-of straw upon which she was riding and fell on the thills be- hind the horse The animal became frightenshyed and ran away linally striking a tree and throwing the girl against the fence Her lower jaw was broken twice a n t h e r i g h t side and she was also badly injured internally

Freddie Mead of Coorcrsvllle aged seven vcars fgll under a D ( 1 H tfcM freight train and was instantly killed He was jumping from a lath pile to a moving tlal car and missed Ids footing

The Y M C of Jackson has just moved inttgt a handsomely furnished suite of rooms

Willie Decker a 10-year old eonofWin J )eckcr of Ff eelsudSaginaw countv -]tas been missing since December last His patents vre very anxious to learn of his whereabouts ifr has a wenovcr h isxight eye and a s e i r under h i s left bull bull

Acrgtnviet named John p u p p i e s -sentenced from Hillsdale County for sheep_steuling died in prison at Jackson a-few days ago His reshymainswere sh ipped to his former homo for

burial T 7 ^ ~ Maj- T C Djiucau State-Senator from Cass

and berrieuCounties aud editor laquoraquof the Niles -Rc^mbiicmJriras been ^prxrint^-t^TreTtOT of

the southern sub-district of the Western Michishygan Infernal Revenue District whTclTis under charge of Collector VYatkins of Grand Rapids H a r b o r Springs Reporter The largest fish

known to have been caught in Litt le Traverse bay was-taken by Wilon Bros from one yC H r ppd nets a few mornings ago awl ^ y y on exhibition at the J arbor Springs tish Jjoirse bullwherenearly al the nsh caught in thegttey are packed and shipped I t was a sturgeon as ia rge as-a shark and had the fishedthat fed the multitude been- as large it wouldnt have been much of a miracle after a l b T h i s s turgeon was over six feet lontf was-^hlrty-eigbt inches iu girt and weighed fl)5 pounds

The vacancy whieliwits maUc bv tne rcsig-nation of Prof Alexander Tison professor- of

arge ta r re l though I t was made of oak and ww about MX Inches long and three incbeB In diameter ----^-

Jack Whitmore a moulder laquo1 Bat t i-Creek has jus t fallen heir t a p r o p e f t r l n JSew | y r k valued ftt 20000 ~r jP

A laav physician Miss n B B a j U H r t h c tirst medical practit ioner in facfcsolLOounty t o

tile the s ta tement required by tfce nw law^jre-quir iug such action bull

Vm A- Stockman of Detroit was at the hlilrttualtst tAinp lueeting )itigtrioD and receiv-i-d a spirit letter from his mother long ltkud which he b-lleves to be in her hand writ ing It came through the independent slat writiujf raedlumship of Win A Manhllelfl a n d t f any



ouVdoubts the authentici ty of it Mr Stockman 1 palliatlug circumstances he had been induee l can sl-ow the slate ~ tor tbeSeOorig tWne to ctteTKF

Tlie State Firemens tournament held in Marshall was a grand success

At the close of the celebration heldUy-Uwj bullrokmi people in Calvin Cass conuty ini-the la th iust a dillieulty arose between John Akein and three Wilson boys and several shots were tired one of which strirck Akciu between the eyes knocking him down He was uot seriously hur t Soon after the dillieulty lt Akeiu was at Cassopolls after warrants- for tne Wilsons a brother Macom Wilson got Into trouble with James ami Auu Curtis and waa shot dyinginstantly

The failure of Lafouutains-Baukrt Monroe shows it to have been in a very b a d ^ n d l t i o u The liabilities are cent25414 (SO nominal ass

HHOT4A]SO The lat ter include some rfal estate which is inortgageil for i iearlyyits full valuj but which is ratd at 3 500 rove r 3000 of B Lot-augers uotes (late par tner ) whieji are regarded as worthless and enough o t h w poor no^es aud accounts to cut the actual value of the assets-iiowii to 13000 if not less I t is hardly probable that^^yJiUnrS-WiUxeuljxe more than ten per cent _

The $T0oatnibrarr fund of Olivet College was a meuiorial of the hue Mrs Lucy E T u t -t h ottiinrford-Coitfr inLonor of her gifted aud lamented sou Willie Sage Tut t le Though for more than two years the library has bueu-enriched bv this fund only recently has the name of the generous donor been known The income is annually appropriated to t h e purshychase of books

The crop of wheat in Allegan^ county is not tu rn ing o u t as well as first appearances gave promise ^ h e r e is much 6hruuken aud rus ty gt o t more than tworthirds of a crop will b ^ -had^-x- _

(Jebrge C Munro of Jonesville l l lgsdale coiintvrdied at his home on the lltKh insVafter t a longillness dur ingthe-grca ter part of which1

he was id most completely pafaly^d Gen Muuro ^vas one of the pioneers of Hillsdakf cotimy and Itas-beeu prominent in sociaLdmi-potitiual life H e was a leader in t h e D e m o shycratic party for years and ^as once- candishydate for Lieutenant-Governor he was Fast Grand Commander of the Kuights Templar of this s ta tu TasUGrand H i g h f riest of Royal Arch Masons and Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodgltof Fltt A^Al of this s ta te He was burled with Masonic honors by Kireka Coumiandery6TXi^ tyTemplaT0f i i t l l sd5 le r

ThTRatfabuu Hotel property at Grand-Ran^ ids has been sold for-^HrWO A fine br ick ldock is to He ercc^u- at the txpiratiou of the present l e a

hiebeLaur an old resident of Monroe years-was found dead in--her bad of

bullis- of the heart She had been sick for hours aud her illness was not considershy

ed-dangerous 1 bull In the-band contest held in Marshall dur ing bullth tirnraquoP3 tonrnnmerjt^ie_JtaU1 e_Creek band took tirst prize

Mrs AJLmira i lyle au Eaton county pioneer died at her home in Eaton Rapids on t V IT til

the average Potatoes are not so suffered on account of the rahis

CoufnussloiUih aic atmdashwor-Umdash way for a division of Hay countv^tt mation of the new debts liabilities anlt are being determined audanei|UtaigtlcirranLre-

A big suit is iu progress iu Roscommon Brewing out of the damming of the Muskegon river which caused the Averli-gtw lt t lands J A K Stohe igt comphu^ian and C 1 FjeJds defendant- ^--

Tlis union trust coinpauyj^- -Grand Rapids so often denoungtcd as a-fraud is now bcheved io1)0 tinally ^luei^hed Benson Uidweil has beenlockedapin jai_ ami the safe desk c fc of tTi]praquocr)r)piny---m-ein tlie ^ustoi)y__uf the1



Eaton Rapids on the Inth ItTst Alter the usua

f s

Latin in Olivet College will bi4- tilled by Prof Alien B Gould w-ho has occupied the position of Professor in Latin for three years in Wil-Hairs College MfiSBSctmsettsr- Profr- Jttsepit 4 f h ^ r w i l l be arreVd nfKraquon DauieU will have charge of the library and - Prof Lobawill supply Prof Kings place as Principal of the Preparatory Department

A sad accident occurred about two mileswest of Wlvm atCliarlos Lambert s gtIr aud Mrs Lambert w re away from home leaving four children alonemdashTdicoldest about 13 years old

- rnKhbn^o4 ia t id - iampkc the day beforg-to-sce the soldiers and probably thought he would

-^4a-v-ol4ier-T- He- took his latl ier s shot-gun down and shot his sister about 11 years old The charge took effect in the back of the head and neck and she died instantly She was

_about three rods from the noy in front of the house mdash mdash bull -

A valuable race ho r sc^amed Ra^-nfond ownshyed bv Scth McLean of Bay City was killed in sy collision on-fcberace track at Charlotte dur ing the rtPrfraquoftthflrp the tTier dav The horse was

jwdued at $10000 There was a revolt al Camp Griifttli-on acshy

count of high prices and the large pavilion andluDch counter of Tom Swan the caterer was left irra demoralized condition

Several cases of typhoid fever in Muskegon three of which resulted fatally have been traced_tp_the_use of_water from one well

The BattleJJreekRemlblican says t ha t about three yearaquo ago a l a d y i n that c i ty swallowed twoptns frofla-whiejhf she-had- uffcred-aotbiag more than a sliglgtt cough b u t recent ly the cpugh grew wopfle and one morning iast week

_ she coughed u p one of the pins I t was rfisty and brittle ana easily crumbled

Heavyos t at Roscommon pri the 13th A4ar^e new chUrcEwUi soon be buil t by the

newlynorganised Presbyterian society at Batt le C e e k bull _ bull - bull

That wide-awake li t t le village o^ Coleman in Midlandcountyw_ant8 a newspaper

bullK Petoskev has a remarkably fine Sunday school orchestra consisting of 11 pieces^t d by a young lady teacher

The yield of wheat in St Joseph county sur-passesthat of any other year in i ts history

Marcellus H viand aud Peter Hook two efn-uloves of the Phoenix furniture factory Grand Rapidsftrrarrelled and Hyland was 8tabgted twice bv Hook once in the neck and once in arm tyene lat ter wound severing an artery Hook was arrested and will be arraigned when the result of H y l a n d V wounds is ascertained Both are boys of about fifteen years aud Holshylanders

T h e StateTelepriOne Itnerhas reaclrcttHJhar-lotte and is in good working order connecting Charlotte with Lansing Jackson Eaton Rapids Battle Crceky-Kamplamozoo and stat ions along these lines

A company has been formed t o purchase Heiatertnaim-s islano m w u d fcowi B y convert It - into J a summer resort for Sagi-

The island is s i tua ted ID Wild four

mUBfifror^JJayPort I t contains a i o u t 00

u-^yiCniy 1iiegt alidflie Tor-

county oK Aryuae The asse t ^ f l t l i e two conutics

through a bcx ear before eral other cauallties A Heavy vailed at the t ime and horsfs ran a


Lleutenant-ColoneLjjBges was martial before t h u f t c e u t t r ial io pay aceuunts O p in J le he was sen t eudp jo be

senlee bot eight members the court which tried him recomtneuded clemshyency iu his case on account of his excellent milshyitary record AUiAuugh it waA Lieutenaut-Cob one l l lges s secohd oncosts the President in h i a o r amp r apprQNln^ the lridlmKap(l a r a t n e e of the coari-mAKill aatd t l i i t r i t view blabiue


ofliccr li also reniarked U k t the Uupilca-tlon of a pav account by an officer involved falsehood fraud and an act of dishonorand tha t ^Ptrmency iu such a case cannot IK exshypected lgtgt auy ollieer after this warning Unshyder these circumstances probably Lieutenant-Colon 1 Ugts dois not expect U) be leniently dealt wjtii at this time There is some reasou ty feeiieve however that he will not rest easy A ide r tigta i ljugrairaquotil AltjJfsffi|maHr^laquo4braquoffe^ vjee if the case of Colonel Morrow Iate~dT General Shermans stalf shall be persistently lcmororl by the War Department I t appears tha t someof Colouil Marrows creditors in Washington are indignant at the position ofaf

h fairs in relation to that officer I t is said while tstM4^w^-HJ--ltiA-^aiitltgtraaretQi)artleipate In the beuetits accruing to the Syudieate wiifchtook up his dishonored accounts ana formea a t rus teeship with t he cnnsMnt of the_Varjjgpart_ rneut other creditors wlwsv elaluis are iquajiy goodmdashsome of them even strongermdashhave been iguortd entirely bull There Is some reason to beshylieve that this is true Meanwhile Lieutenftut Robertson u n a m b i t i o u s vouugtot l lcer who loves his professiou is to be tried by eourt-mar-ttal-fof a_dupllcatiuu of hirfpayacvounts which as explamedr happenet tm w ^ A T t t e t r r n t l r r t ^ very little discredit upon him bdquobullltbull

n o w TIJK uf i i rv Escxier~-~--Alpha B Beal w t o was arrested laquobort time

ago oujLCharge of taking an excessive tee from a widow for obtaining a pension has been disshymissed- the court holding that there had been n o violation of the statute The judge liolds that the check havlng-been cashed by the bank

And a portion of t h C amount placed with the bank on deposil^n^-Uioney was nolonger uuder the protection which is placed by the s ta tu te

over money received oh account of pensions and thefact-that defendant received part of it oh apcuuntof service rcndcrcd-docs not constishyt u t e a violatiou of the statute ^ A gtiOl)E9T CLAIM bull

S B Edmonstou et al of St^Louis^have put in a modest claim for abtnit 13000000 for property in the the eUv of Washluatou much of which is now the capitol grounds

picket of s tate troop8ktning guards At daylight next inorning Marcno marched with twen t r men aud found the savshyages to the lUnmber of J5tr menlatrongly inshytrenched and he wa^eoinpelled to retreat He uiadje^ Mcoraquod ricViinoissauce accompanied ftj-WTHMTlllaieTi mi anamUnition becoming tx4ttV 4laquo laquo i J i ^ ^ J K t t ^ j i t l F T W t f i laquo dlans were KuTed and Marengo STIfnUy wonna-ed Afuer tb akiffufeh t h e laquoavwfs had things all their ownway au^l drove off large herds

A SK1UOUS SVASB vv A swlyus cui4eut occurred on the Iron

Mountain railroad about liO- mile frqm 8i Louis Mo the other day I t appears t h a t a freight train broke down at C a ^ i t ^ n d a n engine wasaeitlaquorow from DeSoto to bring it up When about a mile fromCadit the relief engine

^e l lu ilaquod^waJr^gmrlta^Tato wadng nor th h td-ly wrecking both engines and several cars Jerome Pinston fireman of the relief engine was Wiled o u t r i g h t and Bfoome Williams its

Stevenson eugiqeej-qf the gravel fraiu had-ap arm broken aud ribs fractured Henry Moorei bragt-euittn arui brukey luterually^iid ptsrhap fatally iujured Pa t Gleun rtremaa of the

^^aiu^-fiiot-enislud^ vaUilaquomaiataixn-r son and Moore were brought to Cadit and taken to tbe railroad companys hospital-Iilenn was t ak^ f i to his home at Jcoudale Tlie aceldeut oelaquotirred In a deep cu t oa a sharp curve aatl the train io collision with the freight was^mlt-a g r a w l train but was laden with pig

JgmjincL watermelons and more than half of it was badly wrtekp d Bothemjihes were near

IX(OUUVGING Inspector Haworth Syho has geueral ehatge

of thegdi ernnient schools for theuro Indians has just re turned from the westautf submits a very encouraging report as to thework being done for that people- The s-ehools now in process of A^njiructii iU^ULbe^aiUfor use in January aud when completed the fiidlau schools throughshyout the country will accommodate 10-250

-pup i l s - - _ ___ -bullA^OtHBH ViOTUHV FOtt T^E JCEOKO

A decision was rendered by Judge Mills in the Washington police court in the civil rights case of the Rev George If Smith colored of Norwich Conn against James YV Brli proshyprietor of a -r^stauranL The^grouud of the complaint was tha t Bell had denied the accony modatlou- Af bis rcscaurant- to the plaintiff toi account of the Jatter s color and suit wa brought to enforce the criminal provisons of the aet of March 1 b~i7gt The court holds tliat

Bay countv crops are exceeding expect-auey iuider the eloiumou law au inn-keeper is bound Wheat will vield spleudidiv and oatlaquo are above to take iyaud receive all travelers uud wayfor-

(bullbull tt^^fer-TT-SrptMiiltb-Tt b y fhraquo^ f mdashbull ~r mdash-bull bull lt-~- - bullbull made u misdemeanor

fr av ele r oti accou nt

oet ampf March 1 1NT5 it is to dfserhnlnaie against a

of race and color regard-

T i t t i n y n n P r o M b l M o n U t s

prolTiyitioh 5tate conventiou met in

work of organization had been performed the state central committe wraquo^ Hindtrade in frtiiowa Chairman Merri t t Moore of Ionia secretary Wra A Taylor of Lans ing A I) Power J T Baer Porter Reals O II L Cromer D P Sagendorph S A Strong H H Bow_Bragt Jas A McKay S A Jewell A B Chenev Alfred Wise D H Stone Robert King R BMoore J B Adams P X Saunders J F A Raide Rev E P Clark Prof A M Webster Re- John Hamilton J C Tun6ton

The convention voted to raise lOOOOO for a campaign fund by selling stock at $10 each payable in four equal annual n ^ t a l l m e h t s i n

dorsed the platform of the national convention at Chicago declared in favor of consti tutional and s ta tutory prohibition of the manufacture of liquor as a beverge

rarraigned the republishycan party for bad faith ichnot submit t ing the question to the people and declared tha t the party Is incompetent to dear with the liquor question - bull

rvStaur-Hit-keeper has a right to eetabiiu-eer-t aiurvgu 1 at Ions as-todiuura for mcAltC and to designate eortaiu places or seaamprfor eustonicrs bu t uch hours and ^uerf soats must be the same for all or i^-atry discrimination be made i t imistvbeinade upon some principle or for sotnuivffou tha t the law recognizes as jti-t and reasonable and not on account of color race or previous condition of servitude bull All guests of an i r iuorres tauraut must bcglven the usiml privileges and the places designated for thejn mus t be accessible to all respectable pershysons at a uniform rate of charge From these principles it follows tha t the defendant in-rlis-erlminating against the complainant on account of hBTace amTeolor- was guilty of a miide-meanor and incurred the penalty prescribed by the second section of Hie civil r ights act of

Iudgeuieut is cutcicd accordingly This case is-in some respects a IHJVII onesince it is the first a t tempt to enforce a penalty under the cocoud fi^etion of t h e civil r ights altf wlilclh makes violation of the law a misdemeanor and u M thltgt first- effort miulc t o enforce the crlnil

^y demojrshed The bolter of one of them ex ptbded^Dd forge pte^Sat itvftft th rown over 100-yards All t h i engine men were more or less scalded by escaping steam bull The damage by the accident will amount to several thousshyand dollars


It is-stated tha t by reason of the vigorous acshytion of t h e government in prosecut ing the op ium smugg le r s on the Pacific coast the duties rollected at San Frariclscoon opium the lastflscal year were more than fUWOjBW) in



Bue Fletcher alias Burton and Mollle D t n -wood colorwljfemale convictoin the s ta te penl

ibviUft Tejwa ouwre led In the rooinajpnen tMK 1 alter s tMbed the former

with tolonjt-biadiit pocket kfilfe ihes i c r o M her r ight a rm and her J t f t breasfc and a fourth n t l g u e c k peMtra t ing the left

-_ ieaJliffrom w M u she b l cd t r t | raquo9 i lwr t tune aftdr a physician arrived

V laquo P a U t laquo M A F F A I H S

AHTtlM I t l l l X E l )

DrBoydlaquo IMMMbdquo asylum at EftQoi Eug burned a few o a j a a g o The water supply was ^Iftltyi^ MrV tfcf H r COUili IXAJoii -ltsub- dued before fbe betiding was wholly destroyed Thuroof ftU i n a a d s i patieuts were ltkflled S^ f ra l ottiers wejfe lpjured bull i

S f D D B X l iEATlj

Miss bull Fanny Dougall au estimable young lftriy laquo2 Windsor Out- daughter of James Don- gall oneof the oldest residents of t h a t town dropped dead from heart disease on Hickory island where she had beeu camping wi th a party of young pe^plj from Windsor loMever -

-at drlaquoV|Kt-ampnlaquo- htufetaftt w tu rned Jtbm a boat ride


Tlie proclamation issued bv tlie rebel leaders to the inliabitauts of Seo de UrgcLou the occa sion of the rising at that p lace ts published ~ declares tha t thiise persoius who oppose tlie r uublic will be punished with death and decret6 the separation of church and s t a t e permission of l iberty of caascieuec suppression of thu ()e-tQrian6ralxgtlitiou iif the courts of just ice in

f a y o r p l a rlaquofvoluti0narv muuieJpality which wfll administer justice luaceordanee with the consti tut ion of ISOJ bull


The t e x t o f f b e t reaty of commerce and ami--tjuiat^ffifinMezico arid Germany is pampbliehed The t rea ty contains the woigtt favored natiou clause Germans to pay n o taxes not levied on

iJiexlCAna to-be exempt lrom military service and contr ibut ions in Jieix thereof also from forced loans


While a party of miners were desevpdinjg a mine shaft a t Redruth county o f Cornwall Eog theltotber morning the rope broke preshycipitating the men to the bottom of the shaft killing lJ and seriously injuring several others bullsome fatally

excess of the collections from tha t suureu previous year ~bull



pr For three years or more capitalists have been ospectlng for coal oil in the vicinity of Canon

City Colorado ba t with indifferent resul t - A few days ago a vein wa-truck In the Luad-l a u s t m r n t j c o m p a n ^ yielded uLtbe rate of forty barre ls per day and ofexeellent quality thereby UenTonstrating to a certainty tha t coal oil exists in pav-lnR-quau-jtftiis in that vicinity bull


Westom Union reports -lirdieat) tl iat Ihp strike is pratt ieally a failure From various places come reports that operators a re re turnshying to work at the employers te rms


The telegraph slrJJiC^js^praeticalh^ ended The str iking uperators a r e f c t H r n r a g y t ^ l g R 1

keys in many places 27 leavihg^th Brothershyhood inone day in New Ylork city One of the best operators in the city said ob abandoning

JheBrptherhiKnl tkI believe in the Brother-raquoii)ftd and s t o o i t b r i t rt feng as - I -^ouW b u t re Arc beaten and nmA^s weJl rfvenp rrrst alaquo last I havlaquo signed the iiMiieJad oath and jxiti return to work Ui-morrow and 1 knowtuauy others who wlli r e tu rn at otivCyIlt

A t OIL_iSttTN

bull The Mi Stcrlingr^vy ( aex-omuioilfttioti going to Li-xlngton-faii into the rear ear of a train on tltc-Keutueky Central at

lesaof a u y p i e a o u s condition uf smdtud t A^ -^agLgKiiloding 4U0 kegs of giant pow - bull bull depejt was wrecked the engine mown t o atonisT

Wineheistvr cross-dec The

Engineer Schiller U not found YardinaHter Randall was killed LoUduccorMi-Mkhad fatal Iv injured ami several others euptgtosed t o be~ killed

A xrw I HASI oibull TUI CHINISI (ii-EsxiON

In the United Nate eircuitrrourt at Boston Judges Lowell jufd Nelson gave ah opinion in the ease of Captain Douglass of the Brilisli burk l-me churged with unlawfully bringing a Cliinese laborer to this country in the person of Ah Suong who came as ahlD^car-pcifteT The opinion reviews the^yarkms treaties with China and the_pr-ohrb1f6ry act pflssert bv cou-gress-aijtl coiicludes Wearc of opinion tha t inhilritions of the act are not to bull construed as applying to persons of the Chinese race who are not and never were subjects of or residents within the Chinese empire-

W B l n B L i m t ^ ^ T t R B X T ^ mdash mdash

Arrests of s tudents occur daily in Russia Much dissatisfaction has been discovered at the cadet school in the South As regards the a t t i tude of the s tudents in tbfrbdquo civil schools the Minister qf Education has addressed a Mr-mdash cular to all his subordinates More or less im-

a ecdltiotts propaganda have een discovered in thirteen gymnasia and ten

schoolsof a secondary class There have been serious disorders In fourteen=laquofyffmsstir^^Trre scholastic authorit ies have been u rged to enshyforce discipline in the educational inst i tut ions and to ca)l in the aid of tne police if necessary

A SCHEMEOF STOCK l O l l l l E l f

Newsbapefs inMadrid declare t h a t French speculators fafsed TSCrriOO francs for the pur- pose of corrupt ing the Spanish army and bring- ing a b o u t laquo rising The papers makiug this bdquo - -assertion promise to give more par t icular^ _ concern i^ of thc-press is abalislieiL SeiTii-ojdS^al journals jidtutt t ha t there uiav be ^ormTfoundai-ixm for the story -lt


Gjfe^BfftaJn d e m s n d s ^ n explanation of limwla in rraquotraquoraquord to the ixpulsioiiTrmifThaT ~ country of a British Jew


Tweuty-two young men who were s tudents bullin-the university a t St Petersburg and con-bullmicted withMie NiliilKt JOMI-M-II tiivraquo gtweti sent to Siberia


r-^-Uu^inuoi) firm o H ^ m n c r r w


-As AtvgtjSiiongtg--fe^a- [ peiaoiiJiLJhis flewrlgtlon^i jdcferaquo-gtdin caw-

not be-gutlty of a violation of thf act and there-fore-rMJamptitied-to be-diltichargetl ~

naw families- yowl Day six mllci from HScbawaing and

natura l growth of oak maple and trees The island was purchased by

Messrs Lawrence and Webber for the purpose indicated and an agreement has been cireulat-

edjBjd alreadv signed by about sixty of the oraquo of SaginaT 1o -carryIhfc^grQiampclL

S h o c k i u u A c c i d e n t I n W a t e r t o w n

- A frightful accident happened James Hoard Sr while driving from Mayvillc with his son James On the road home Plin Brown was a short way ahead of them dr iving a colt in a buggy the Hoards had a lumber wagon J a s Hoard J r was driving and informed his father that he was going to give Plin a t ight run o r words to that effectmdashT-hc father remonstrated bu t a t any rate the son slarted up the horses which were soon going at a very lively gait in the neigh borhood of Thomas Briggs farm n e a r J I i i r d s

Corners there is a log culvert in the road someshywhat lower thn the road grade In passing over this culvert the wheels s truck i t with such force as to raise the wagon clearoff the ground James jun ior grablted his father s coat and the ecc wag left iu his grasp for the old gontlO man was thrown from his seat I n falling he s t ruck his breast on the rapidly revolving wheel whicli clashed hltirto the g round with the velocity of a ball shot from a cannon His collision with the ground broke his jaw in three

f I plarjrn b a d l y ^ ^ 1 ^ ^IflDose and otherwise

nal provisions of the law iu terri tory where the congress of the United States has exclusive and absolute legislative jurisdiction



Tlie-wife of United States Senator W B Allison of Iowa committed suicide by drownshying herself in the Mississippi River a t Dubuque She left home i a the afternoon shor t ly af ter 1 oclock lnformlDgher servant that she was go-

TTii^to brre of Tier rretgtrborsilnstirarl however taking her gos-amer under her arm she went in anopposite direction towards the country where she has been accustomed to take almost a daily walk I t was ascertained -that she wandered around iu the outskirtsjoiJtnfl_eity during the afternoon She wasaeen ny^ever i l persons walkiag rapidly and apparently very much excited Not^ re turning by 9 oclock from the place she was supposed to be an alarm was given and soarcli insti tuted and maintainshyed throughout1 the night _ The next morning her body was disoovered by an out-going t r a 5

mdashbullmdashbeat cltiiteoi into effect


Farmers about Marshal l are now complain-7 ing of protracted drought The oat crop in

that section is nearly harfested and very keavy mdash

A prominent Bay City business man rccelv-___bdquo i lkADMJeLbfDOt fromton agent u p t h e shore

He took ltfto a cooper to be o p e n e d when s ws f o u n d t o be fullof greenback J u s t t b

- ^ - - ^ mdash 0 f 5 barrel Kww nf rnonfcr ft was not a very

tore and bruised his wholeTfaceaud frueluieir bis left a r m at the wrist- He was t aken to his home and hs lnluries attended to Mr Hoard K j ^ assava

at o c lock in the river about a jnl le below the city She had cut her gossamer placfe some stones in i t and tied them about her neck and then walked and deliberately into the river about thirty-five feet from the Dank laid down and was drowned where the water was only two and a half fcetdecp Mrs Allison was of a highly nefVdUS Tampfel past two or thrt-c years has suffered from and been treated for mental disease While at a water-cure establishment tti Western New York in lSsl under medical t rea tment shfi a t temptshyed to commit suicide in much the same manshyner bu t she was rescued She was a niece and adopteddaughter of the late St i iator Grime of Iowa a n d has been married for t cu years


The Kimball House at Atlanta Ca one of the largest and best equipped hotels in t ha t -state waft totally destroyed by-flrn the other


The elections held in Kentucky on the 0th lust resulted in the election i)f Knott Demo bull crat by about 40000 majority

VIRGINIA rtSTKAIGHT-6lTS The Republican Straight-out Convention of

Virginia met in Richmond ou - theiat^i The platform adopted favors a strict adherence1 to Republican principle1 a n d a protective tariff r indorses Ja s O iilalae- for tfee ^ r e ^ d e n e y condemns the action of the administrat ion in

mdashiii purchased Augra tetiuena ou the western coast of South Africa has seut a schooner thither aud will open trallic between their Acquisition and Cape Town The tirm will also biiv a str ip of laud stretching ] miles inland The entire area of the colony will be XiO si|iuirlaquo mile A section of the (Jermau pre-is i jubilant over the fact that the government will periiiit the hoistinu O ( 1 ho national (In uvu- the tirnia pim-hnse The KeinJ-ollicial newspnii-r the Post of Ber-lip^Sa-ys it i-j convince 1 f t e rmans would promoU home ]uaiiufacraquourcs by founding such commeieial colonies they -will not fail to receive the protection of the govd-rime-nt

mdash--mdashCALrfIX(i WAsTRlUU Ks T(raquo-raquoLOfHHv -

The Polo Komam) (rcispiipcr)says the town Of Caampamlecio-ltf on the Jsluad ofj Iscliia which was recently destroyed b v a n ear thquake is rapuTLy being reimilt Alrcady~llgtt wooden houses have 1)een erected and occupied It

-lias- heoi decided to namlaquo-strcets in the town after the king and queen of Italy At Iono anotherof lie- desolated Knvus houses- have been erected for the accommodation of



aiding Gen Mahone in the repudia t ion of one-third of the state d e b t dechtree tha t the powshyer thus given t o Mahonc has been used for the persecution of l i foiong Republicans tha t the pnwAT-gtertrTKyTfift TirfmTh tfttrat frgtp t A Vtahpn makes him vlrtaally Presldeiit of thetfitted Stattjg for-thfe 6tate of Virgtttla Tlje platform also opposes mixed schools favors c ivi lser t icc reform and honest enforcement of therecent acts of Congreee It-favors a free b a l l o f i n d jraquo-rh7ntfrff-AlaquonTir^^ltirtffrwrfhftt-rhraquo

morniog The loss will reach $1000000 with only a nominal Insurance The prompt action of t h e proprietor enabled all the guests employes to escape7 and so far as leajacn no tves were l o s t Incendiarism UalJlaquoJd

party never advocated the topositlqn of a capitation t a i V t h f t t t h e Republican par ty of Virginia placed in the State Cofistitntlon clauses t h a t t he establishment of public free schools should be made manda tory favored a jus t division of trie school funds according to population and concludes by expressing u n a terable opposH4ett^to-4tee oise-nan power It Virginia represented by Mahonc and calls the at tention or the admitilstration t o the resul ts of such a system in other states

Cf tEnTE

bull TltlPiB MCSDKK Cbas Siagel who was at w o t k - ^ t t h two

bull bfotoer J a m e s ttnd rJohnJ^dtSfr and 4t man uamod Clatrxirne a r o s o p a e n ^ h t after Ida comshypanions wero ashjapTcrushed iu their skulls ftn^ Jpbbed t b e m o f about cent00 ^ H e made his

xiLsyjUflasE A lire in MUwauiwelFTif Other Bajf dwu-uyud

llding adjoin- is also inwardly injuredand suffered from inshyternal hemorrhage The opinion is expressed bv the pbysletftfia that if inflammation can kept down FojjxjsolfllsTecovWy mayJamp^Cter-talned The patient s condltiojjltisriiowcver critical in the extreme

spital and a bu rrnrHn^rtr-fTwere confined 2 patient -iany

^ nmat fs were severely I mrued Dr Boyd Toprleto of the hospital and hi(raquo SOD lost thoir

Hvcs Loss ff

A young^atryTwlio had probably bad reasorj^rfnloubt the yoracityof the male

pound says batches ot lics^arc only equalshyed by -tboKos of baches--- HoSton Tran-


A cyclone swept through Chattanooga 1 ennraquo the otherday Tfcf 0 T-Va A Ga and Alashybama i roa t Southern depots were unroofed A^large number brbuTTdiDgs were UBFoo^ST and several blown down A flyipg t imber

Seriously injured J H Jennings j ind going

ecaplt^ StoncwW Jacksons w a ^ n o r s c Is still alivlt

was captureaTtbeicWTt day TOO A T T E i r a ^ E

IJAurence Dinman raetKev 11 G Scwell on the street of Galveston Texas and fired at t he ^mjnlster four times key_is the only foreign representative who InfHettoe wounds^vhleh resulted ra dsa th in a 4 ^ P P deg ^ ^ gt i raquo o p o s e d lleense t a x short timemdashRefr Scwell had boon too attentive to lady ii iembeps-ol-Dinman^ family-

A wicKjjn xBorto Albert Anderson a light mula t to s t a r t e d

ves while a t t empt ing to rcooue-W-paUentg^- ^ frac34 frac34 ^ ^ - frac34 frac34 5 8 ^ frac34 ^ x J l a t t 0 ^ P i W a R laquo o f the various carying compan ie s loss aboutW0005vTth no I n s ^ r a n c i T Tho ^ 1 ^ 8 frac34 V O U D K P ^ f t W ^ a f t h e p r c w c laquo r i laquo f r raquo I y agifregateltl $01568raquo tons roJmwamary- - - - 1 ^ ^ 1 frac34 ^ ^ frac34 ^ frac34 ^ ^ ^ ^ laquo raquo r ear thquake on the lanati

Andersons name was on the ticket^ antl M shall began to abuse Andersoujor k e e p i n g ^ t e (Marshail8gt-raquoameoff Marshall drew ajustol but before he could use it Apdersonhlabbed him with a pocket knife He dl t o t ire -hospital- MBTsrjWf- Karsjj three years ago and a ci yoarsjjefore that y-

families^ gt

iflraquoe P l a s t t e t n K g y p t _LOOKS KUIOHTBU

There Is a marked decrease in tlie number of deaths from cholera in Egypt On -the 13th only liii deaths were reported from Alexandria and Cairo

THE D E A T n - R j ^ J l n ^ g pound P t f o r gt u g t laquo t 4 4 - w a raquo - 0 r including 4-1 at Alexandria and six at Cairo ^ mdash


Three hundred and seventy-six deaths from cholera in Egypt on the 15th As the e p i d e m i e mdash is now diminishing the villages and c o m m u n w wd4sh6r t ly elect representatives under the scheme proposed hy Ear l Duiler in 7rft


for the 16th reached 467 Thus far 125 deaths have occurred amongthe British troops T

forty-one deaths were reported from Alexanshydria aud (A3 from othcr_ places The disease i f ^ t e ^ 1 1 B o m b a y A t l persons naving died in fhe last fortnight- ~

isle hall a popular

B l t - h O F N E W M Strfcouls Is to have JT$500C

Kev Rober t eoUifliYs^onnerl v p r e c c i c r l n Chic^giv ias accepted a callto a drorefc raKejMsh^own England

ThepopTeof Mitchell Dakota offer 30Qlpound i t c ^ a a as a bonus and KiO acres of land a raquo i site for the establishment of a university In^tbitt place - y

The German government has notined the Austr ian government tha t all pork imported into Germany jfrom Austria mSst be accomshypanied by a certificate that itbull no t American -meat x

g f t i y h o t i l t e d of Dylmmlng^M-

e d t h e

A Pbiiadelphla d i pa tch says the anthracite

h l s w a v LoltceTnaTf roan two

There are signs of anodier ear thquake on the island of Iscbis

Chblra has broken out In Ho l l and [ Cattle are dying in Texas for the want

w a t e r of

TWO thousand BodouTn a t tacked the sanitashyr ium a Setkal near Sae7 and were repulsed withalossofQOkillefl laquo P ujs i u

V sv-- ^-gte

bullV 1frac12

-frac34 ^3^-^

1 l ~ 1frac34

Alt EftfltF fNFLUfnCE


The Almost WOn^erful lWork of a Hen of GoodjjEeputation

Syracuse (N Ygt S t w d a n l t j Mrs W ^ i t ^ l tlxe alimabl w

a harnessmakerof KfiwlUi Mi Co-N Y hoard bor favorite hen _ ^ ling In the barn in a 8 t r a n M S j P ^ L precedented manner TTpdaP vfra^f the neat she found an egg oTteamptMry sUe but emblazoned with r a t ed charshyacters which nearly caused blaquor to faint SUffgoring from tho ham intothehouse stoSBsplayed the hens m i r a c u l p u ^ ^ duetto licr sons and dauehtorp some rot wiiom rushed out and spread the aiartn among the populace All further work on that day was suspended Men working in the liejd flut uy their hordes andtools in the barns after which the o-azed anxiously at the Whitnal resishydence The excitement was intensified hen the report was confirmed thai Samuel Curtis

bull ^ lt ~ -^ - ^ ^ -bull tgt


port was connnneq tnai m n n ^ ^ ^ ( ) ) ^ Mr JJecke a an honored shoemaker e (1 Qf inexplicable pains by a i

4 -


and a brother of Mrs W hitnal had be come so unnerved at the sight of the egg that he had taken to his -bed in

Htfarnv and refused to-bft-rnmforted The most skeptical were convinced of

the sacred hens genuineness when it was taken to the hotel and exhibited by

^two ot Mf Whltuara Htme-yhfl characshyters were simply raised upon the sheli as if they blaquorbceir made upon the inshyside and puffed out bv somlaquo interior agency On oue side stood out boldly the figures l4188tV (frac34 another aide was a cross and on a thiroUjiabwa^a

strange synibol^wbich sOnie thought wSs a letter( wiite Other held that it was a half moon The latter theory was more generally accepted since when the egg was IicTU tyen the light something which resembled a face was discernible in the concavity- tfTthe char aater This was inferred to represent tho man in the moon t bull

--JQn4bat night the morals and manshyners of the village of Erievillo were exshycellent beyond parallel New gt resolushytions were formed and bad habits sworn off HufibBTH T1 wfvRs no longer exshy

it as an incipient case n I found tytraquo wom-

tfcree babies going i-eighty laquo|rcus I was dumbI These women are not remarkable beauty but they lt-rtainly

__ nerve This one vas evi-y not suffering for symyatny|and

ont back to my place and the rap-dissoving vuswa of the most mono

bull4owwlaquot- -coiualxyJindgiLbj^Yl 1 i bdquo The YVidefWd7 Wort H mdash

lyiMA KEI-UHLIC 61 PEKU -Seiior A de La E Delgado Li L 1) and Counshysellor Tribunal of Justice Lime Reshypublic ut luru says One single appTI

There is a dpctor Uraquo Wisconsin named Greene 8 Apple The only co re t o tbia Apple must be au ambulance corpsmdash (N orris-town Herald

cation of St Jaobs Oil cured me comshypletely of rheumatic pains in my left arm 1 recommended ij^to two of my frienda the Mrs Dona Juana Garcia widow anlt fyfjr D Herman Decker a German gentleman Madam Jiftrnn was relievedentirely byltthe paimcure from terrible newralgic pains hi ten

frwas cur-lnexpncanre pHinsoy a single ap-

plication of the cure My brother used the great remedy for a species of paralshyysis in the arnii lie was entirely re-liev^rfrom Thid ailment by ohe or t w o | applications after havmg-irlcd num-berless other remidies-without effect

Paper hangings -Fa(se reportamp-af the execuitons of criminals [New York News -

It is a dangerous thing to allow the diarrhda or dysentary to go unchecked arid there is no need of it A small bottle of Johnson Anodyne Litwncnt wiUcuvc the most stubborn case proshyduced bullbullI a jailer knownBy the company lie keepi--[Cincinnati Merchant and Traveler

Feyepound--and ague malariousfever bil-

changed doubtful compliments and nat-irons but tendeiy embraced each other and agreed to await tmT Corningof the Lord in a commendable manner Mrs WhitnaFs household was too excited to sleep^-Her daughter ftajflh was quite illrand it was n fcare 3 7 the saorod egg^vould tend greatlv to shorten htn life Alarmed at this Frank Kicuard-son a clerk in the postoffice acknowshyledged that themiracle had been per-

- formed--througlyAis instrumentality He explained tfiat to get even -with one-bullof Mr Whitnms sons he traced the characters qxi the n^r with tallow and then placed it in vinegar After the acid hadsuiliciently oaten the shell to

-allow- tm parts traceltl with tallow to beconi^ ilaquolaquomin4uit^a-iiaEinrtTiy^ViTit=-nal ibatn deposited the e^ in the nest scared aninnocent hcu and decamped j)dr Richardsons expose has had the

ivnfortiiLate effect of dispelling the moral innuenco-of the vgg The villag-ors have retunfetrtoiheir fornier wiry37

A Delightful SnarL

Aibuuv LartrJoarnah Mr Bright in arecently published

letter savs vA mm may have a legal wife in the colonics and another legai wife in England Hqpniay bringhis Canadianlegal wife to England where when ^iH^-t^mOiiii-uur-^horiM she is not a loffill wife and where hcr-Tfhildwir l)ornhore arc not legitimate- If you can justify this 1 will not argue witliVou Upon this marks

the London Law Journal iv-Tlie statement bull may or may

t -WtJ

lious and typhoid fevers all originate in one producing cause and may all be easily prevented by Parsons Purgnttvc Fill These pills act directly and pow-erfu 1 Iy upon the bl qodlt

A ndvf color iskiicfwu by tin poetical name of bleacheji-inousii We vcuture that it is a sort-of ra t - tan colormdash j VdukTS Statesman

I a

F e c k s S o n - ^ ^ ^ Tle boy sto(A on the IJrujfglsts floor HuvlngOirbot iuc by t h o score HtbiJe biiu blood a girl in bluu

Shu wished Hbe wan r e e k s eoc tltK)

-What U tbe xHfieri^kifi between costumere and cuatumers mdash0 U know Ho t love soon runsYoTd^--Ttiara owln^tc- t t i e Blgtis of ttmdash t f toston Traveler _ _ - J

Impor t an t When you visit or leave New York City save

Baggage Exprebtape and Carriage Hire and bulltop at the Qrand Union llojel opposite Grand

KLIES roaciiei a chlpmuzilu cleare

11laquo bed-b I out br

a rate mice crows uich on Kate Vgta

itxxsuAs8 FxvrtjNjueKU HJCBraquo Toirtc the only preparat ion of belaquof OotiMJinlita K ent i re nut r i t ious pnjpertielaquo It contains b k ^ d maHlriK torce-iiener i utlnttHnd Ufe-susUtinlnR raquo u p laquo r U u 8 invaluable for IVJIOKHTKJN DYSPJtitflA ne rvous proetmtlon and

Heneral dobtllty ulsv in all raquoferaquoblelt condltlftnn whether t h e reauJt o f tsjliuuntloji n e r all formraquo ut general debtltty alraquow tn all enfeebled

Aether t h e reauJt of ealiuuntloji nershyvous prostration overwork or acuto disuunc iiarttc-

faonury eoiuplaiiiij rietors New York riuld

ulurly If roHultliur frompuljaonurycouipiut i iU i U raquo W K U bdquo H A A I U ) S C O Prpt

tn|HDoi)ot egantrootE ootlsra re

JEleffantrooms fitted up a t a cost ol one milshylion aottara red ced to $1 and upwards per day European Flan Elevator n e s t a u r a n t supplied with the beBt Horse cars stages and elevated railroad to all depots Families can Jive better for less money a t the b r a n d Union Hotel than a t any other Arab claoo hotel in thlaquo-eity h

The highest thtnraquomdashThe mercury in the ther-mometer about thia-tiuie

^4^ A Diamond Wedding

The seventy-fifth anniversary o pound m a r r i a g e of a veteraoiiif the war_of 1812_gtvapound reej^Hi^ceJe bullfefated-aad ai l -who e^utcmplate j ua tdmony I h ^ B l O t a l f o ^ s r n ^ address to (JhfrtU^rtlahan Murine Vitij Mich and they will receive a set of lgteaut^ful illumi uated canls by re turn mail

An Invaluabje Remedy None evcopt those who-lsave suffered all the

horrors of Dyspepsia can fully appreciate the value and efiicacy of Perry Davis f a in Killer H sovereign remedy

~ Y o u n g Men Middle Aged Men and All Men who sutler from earlyindiveretious ilnd Allans Brain ionil the most pltjverful invigorant ever Introduced it never fails TTT0for $gtmdashAt druggists or at AHensPhannacVV315lst Aver N Y -bullbull bullbull

Q N E pair off bwrfssaved cverv year bv Lyons PatonfMetaHic Heel Stiffcners

savs as

W A I H O V Oi~Drbull 11 tpound Doyle cousider Browns Iron J3iters_ spjKTior tonic t u any preparation i)ow in use

The eoldest tiiintr nr t i ie wuridmdashThe kitchen olleibth tovotir bare feet in a winter s niuht

s te t te rs Stoni-- i i i u e x i h x l l i ^

Creasing vital power imd render ing tho physical funet iens regular mul active

mdash keeps the system in Hood wurkinc order ima- r w r t f r C H it

r 5 raquo -liffulBxttHnnast Kiir -gt- constipation -dy-ji-

Y_ ^epslartna livercoru r uluint novousnesS - kidney und rlreiima- t ioti i lments it is in-

valuuble und bull it af- t o rdsasur detence

iiCKUist ninhirlal fe-vtM8l^eiltito^ remov-Inpall t r n rw nfirmh-diMsau 1roiH the system mdashFor mUomdashUsmdashuLI

For igt years 1 had Dyspepsia wrote John Aloriidit of Columbus O -SampuwlUid Xcr-tLir cured me Druggis ts all keep it cent150 MOTHKII SEVANS WUIIM bVHCiVnrFverishness restlesnlaquoss worni^ constipation Ttigtteies)8s ic

A bad taste iu tiie mouth means tt billious at-taidi Jj_ujjLttlait Xtrvutedfgtr the eurc~

^bullBUtHL-IXIBAT~guich complete cure MfT annoyitijr Kidney and^ Urinary Diseases kS


DruftijlHts and Dea l - generally

T H I laquo V O raquo 7 laquo S 3 I I T H -lgt-yuitpound Strattoa

Ihii^iiijisJiiJlvajisirK^-mdashmdash Oetrf) is the oincbt largest

most bullgt aorcu^h-aad practical haraquo the AHU^I al ic sinlti expufierrcejl culirii finc-t rooms and better

s ever v ay tJjin rnyother usjiK-gtraquo iioljfe in Michigan Ask

Otir graduates and the business renof troit a vt our SrVool Csll or

rid for Cr ars liliortliaad by a Practical Rcijoiter mdash


D E T H O I T Mich March il l^SO Dji P E X ( E I J Y Kalamazoomdash

Jkiti-ampin^-it is against my principles to aive testimonials respecting thFwier4fs of^proprie-tjiry medicines but the Woman s Friend now Zoa-Phora is my friend because it has relieved my wife in her last twoconfinements of the unut terable agony which attended her first lalKtr poundhe used the- Friend for about one month previousto expected eoLlmement^ to use her own lanyu-aee wpound)ill nof be withshyout it under such cireumstftuees f ir the world- - -F If P

N li--The above lLtteigtis froma premment Michigan man To a n y o n e wUhiny to write tlaquo-raquo hhii we will give his full address

J ~ H PENtariyc C

by I)ruiariiU_ I^OLGH ON KATSV Oluart ou i raw mice qiegt roaches bed-buK nntM vermin chlpmnnka I5e

krefi ltgtf C n a r g e T An elegant nona book free of^charta containing

h-atuorouB and senUmental tongs sung by Wizard (HI Companlea In their open air opncertfl^ Address llamlinraquo Wliiird UU Co Chicago Lhv ^ -

WiZAampigt OIL cures rheumatism lame back sprains bruises burns scalds Ulcers fever sores infiaoidtton of tne Kidtfeys neuralgia headache voothache bull earache soretbroat catarrh bayfever allays tnttamation and relieves pain in any part of the system Sold by druggists at SO cents don t forget to Die It And you will ban lib pain and be happy

Rulers sway the people bu t t he school-misshyter always sways the rulersmdash1 Waterloo Obsexver mdashPaaalytrte atrokee hear t disease and k l d n r j affections prevented by the use of Browns I ron Bit ters _ [

Thev alwavs talk who never think-I B



Pain-Killer Rheumatism

Neuralgia^ Cramps

Cholera Diarrhcea

is a tied irTthe affairs of men vhl^h leads on to fortune remarked a-ye t rag-mau bullafter itvarrvitiiran heiressmdash [Cincii inati ^[er-chant and Travelerr

- AN AMOK A i o WA bullmdash Dr J UTMeOtffrc says I knot irowns Iron Bitters is a yood tonic aud gives general cat isfaet ioh

bullSafe blcnvium isloomimr u p a s a business It has always been a phase of hdmnn nature to indulge lu blowing from a sgtu standpointmdash jPittsnnririi Tideirraph


Wjar j bdquo gtgtraquobullbulllaquo fitwit raquofvinplt n-ltlaquoraquo TARE BEAM liS-i-i U K H A T S TI IK K M K l t i U r

raquo( U ml WurriiDta 0 yea bull1 bj(iaJilres8


the gi otTie jvb-tiiien on are not bound- ta_altci^_6ur laws to suit ihc taste of IHQSC who visit us but it may safely be traversed Jf aCnmwlkui married to a deceased wifes sister in (anada were to come to England his wife would not cease to be his leoal_ wife and his y4nldren born tiere would lie legitimatr Lu fact the legality of a mans marringe does not depend on the place where he happens tohe or the legitimacy of his children on the place where they are born It depends on his domicile at the time of Tits- mar- ria^e A man is hot married ami unshymarried as he crosses a frontier k And


yet the House of Lords held in Hro vs Brook where an Englis-hm^tfmet

-and married his dee^asejl^vttes sistsi inI)enmarKthar t^ liot forbiddejriJnuDejiiSDark vas inyanrt in EniflntT-v And ^o although Mr

ts statement1 gtvas too broad yet tV-nwnrfVWw^wmfgtoywi4 ifbo-imag^


ined aJLondoner marrying his tleeeaset wifes sisterHi Canada That makes a case about as bad for the consistency of British laws

Not in Nood of S y m p a t h y Denver Cer LduTampvIJle Courier-Journal

On the train there was a woman with three children aged respectively five seven and nine I wonderedwhatcould induce a sane woman to start on a journey_gtyith such incumbrance pfcniretTher as a widow who was W ing shipped west to her fr iends^ | dwelt upon her past with a sort otm^ hid Bfttiafnetjpn JL inrned a riotgna imshyagination loose ujfon her mlSfwrrrces I-and presently being wearvvof the si presently lence I had preserved for gtieveral hun dred miles I went over^6 console with Tfer ConcdYg i t yonfnan my diogimt whon T inarned tfaax^slio was enroute to a circus about-eighty nutos aistantbenr on giving tho^rurchins a holiday She Informed mc in the course o i i n c eongt versation that tho trip cost her a hunshydred dollars altogether but she had cleaned $7000 on her ranch in Nebraska

t year and felt that she cSuldafford a holiday Whenever hare noticed a womanat aJheaiie or any other place ot aumMernent-with one baby I have in-

bull r~ xL



Sprains mdashAN-1

Bruises Burns

- A V B -

Scalds BBffiacIffi-


mdash A D -


FOR PAIN RellQvea Rpd cures


Sciatica Lumbago B A l K A C I i E



Soreness Cuts Bruises FROSTBITKS

BVUXM S C A L D S Araquod all other bodily achej

and palrts

FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE Sold by all Druggists and

Dealers Directions Lu 11 languages g

The Charles A Vogeler Co liuiwwM to A VCXJEUU CO)

UtlUmor Xd C8A

a week In your own town Terms and f5 outfit ~~ ArtHioBw KHraquoHettAltVHortlttnltl Maine

AttJSMTH WAJSTKl tor the Beet and Fraquosteraquot bull selling Pictorial Books and Blbtea Price reduced 33 per c e n t N A T PrrHUHHiNo Co PhUadelpbJa Pa~ S 5 t o S f 1 P r ay B tQome Hample worth | 6 f r e e w f c V Address Stlnson A Cfl Por t landMalne Y O U N G M F N l u a r c rr tLE ( KUi Vhere und we 7 raquo raquo ^ I - t TK 1 v e I o u Hlaquoauatlon circulars VADJEVTINE3BI10S Janesvt l l WU

ill free

S7y_raquo week 12 a day at home easily made Costly w bull outtltfree Addreaa lrueACo^A_ujniraquotaMalBe_ A P o a l t i v e C a r e gto K n i t e A o P l m t f r t Xo P a i n B r W cIuyneMar-nalltuwnlowa CANCER t

1 srslSonlaquotor of PatenUVilaquohlnirton I)

Send l o r O l r c q l a r - J g l

tO-^jBtain laquoood and I valid -Patents thenwltl te to orcalif upon T l l O M H 8 P A laquo gt V T pound A |

bullBFJ-laquo~Umdashyimdashvy Mt-4 o gress Sfbdquo D e t r o i t Mich At torney in Pa ten t (amjes KittabliBhed 15 years ^en^1 for DHinphlet t ree

6o yon wish altd Patents then

upon T l lOM Patents

raquo~ - JOamp


^nKamm^vmi^^^g^j^^ p A T V TvH I K f is tne well-mot and us t ^ - ^ ^ 4 1 ^ ^ ^ V^-^-ra^rTeTiffoTTrtl-wiio-wTnrtH- -swre and afo rnedicine which can tie freely usud Inshyternal ly or exnally witl iout fear of barm and with certainty at relief Its price brings it within t he rangedraquof ai-UamVit wi l lannual lg save many t imes its cost in doctor hills Pr ice -gt and Si cents and H p e r bottle Driertionsaccw^upany each bottle

IOH SALE B L A L L D l U G O t S i T ^ ^ _ _





Fresh-4 Fruitful Fields nf Fine Art raquo ri flE DETROIT ART LOAgt BKCORD an e lgc t UUKI raquohietigtu-bngtind-datly during the exliibitioamdashm-slte])tenjber and Octobers bi n-umbeis one-tarpo-Tot--u m e of VM pages Itnietand title pagtlte Subscription Xr iceF iveDonaTs -

10000 QUESTIONS ANSWERED A Popu la r Dict ionary of Fine ^Art VO lartre i

cloth bound StVehty-tlvfe cents Address bull I1KNRY A KORD

Art Ioun Bulldlnur Detroit


Treating CoiTsunipUc chitis Nasal Caldnlf

L o s s of Y o f e r ^ n ^ ether Mak^lies

stkwa Brdu^ Sore Throat

of t he gtiose

AillUWCSJow r^ity

EDUCATIONAL 1 T U U N E W C A T J E M D A B Of tUu aampJ^-


CONSERVATORY of MUSIC bull-fvry niutrcitetlGi papes S E 1 V T P l R E E to iuJ Tunscn friends Send names ami addressed M HT0lRJEE Franklin SqBoston Mass Tu IarQntan(i best appointed 3fusicA Literary ami

Art School and H O l H E o r young ladle in the wld

bull^bullnjlusti ousel (Tfii itimpUto



(lie mile west from Notre Dame Lniv School ot Art and Dcsiirn =

f6 iscivi i to[v of MHraquoI bull iiiiicUil hy Thiers of Holy lrigts The Ap-idem

-4^x0lir-w igt thorough in Prepnra0ry^Seftltr and la~iltval OljKlis Mu-io IJepiirtiiTeift tlTi 11i^fKiuiTTf

rviitoiios of Europe is urdtrmdashlaquo4w corps of TiiHhiis It comprisi

ktiliiMUMc Midland N Fiij-inratcTooni(s fojiflfsiru-IDOII Studio modeled on the grea t iVrraquochool of

-Krtrojie Diivinlaquo and Painttnp^fpolu life nrul tho antique IJnildiiijr eonjnioltlipilaquo jiiupio accouimii-dmtoiis for -l inipils - tgtr-TiiTther purtienhirs ap ph- for cntaloKue to

I T H E R SrpFRtoit ST M A R Y S Notre Dame P () Indiana

Cures Oonsumpiiiui(laquogtlds Pncu Bronchial Olfnculties1raquoronchitiltII^ tua Croup VTiooptii(r CougiviHitTall otseases of tlie Breathinjjprtuigt 1 sjgtltjfTjes aut heals the M e n -brano of the hx^gf^XyfouwA and-1iJsifTL byfiTe disease ajjji^frevctttxthe i^-Iu swciifs vrgt

-eMraquoCfoSft -tixgt Xnit wlin-li ici i nipaTiy ( ON-

^BIE NEW RICH BLOOD Aud wi l l oompiefcoly c h a n g e t ho b lood In t h e e n t i r e s y s t e m In t h r e e m o n t h s Any p e r shyr o n r h o vrill t a k e 1 P i l l e a c h n i g h t f rom 1 to 13 veekraquogtyniraquoy b e r e s to r ed t o $ounlt bull h^ i l lh if such a t h i n g hg poss ib le J t t r c u r i n g F e m a l e C o m p l a i n t s t h e s e r i l l s h a v e n-r Vqual r l iyslclansuse^ t l t em in their p r a e t i c e Sold e W i y w h e r e ^ o r cent-ny irail far

c^rf^Ie t tar -3famp)gt Send for c i r c u l a r I S J O B ^ S O X amp CO I50STOX MASS


_xaneously relieve these terrible diseases andwiil positively l hiiiu fjamuiiigf um liiffHmHnii niwytTrraaii

ilaquo_livja_ stnt free by mail Dont dflay a aiuinunt eveaticn Is better than cure bull

JOHNSONS ANODYNE LINIMENT ^ ^ ^ frac34 frac34 Nnuralffia-Inrtuwiiirt sorfLtii^ UleodiilJKit the LungsChronic Hoarseness Hncklnp fVuph Vhoopnp Cough Chronic Khounwhsru Clirwnk- HjoTluva Chronic Ovsenterv Cholera Jlorbos Kidney Tnmhlos DUc^ses of Ihf Spine and I^me-BaciL-^-ilaU-CVcrya^reL sectend for pamphlet to I S Joins-sow Ajt^o BOSTON MASS

TheJniMsitjiofItotre Oame ThfiFort ie th CoirogiwtovVaTwill open Tuesday

Sejigttember 4tlV The spacious and elepant ciIleije Vuihlinj have

dur in j r tho past year afforded stcc mngtodution to near ly five hundred resident s tuden t s Kvery f tcl I ity is afforded s tudents fur acquiring a thorough knowledge of Classics Iaw Science Mathemat ics 4r Hnifw

foa tu r t s ot the Insti tution Special i idvantases will A thorouch Commercial course i ilaquoo one ot t he

Uis those desiring

xvieraie i6-

1 Lgtc sent fres

An English Veterinary Surgeon and Chemist ntHT traveling In this country Snys that most of the Horp-ffmrTattto Powders sold here are worthless trash He says that Sheridan Condition -Powders arltraquo absolutely pure and Immense valuable Nothing on earth will make 1 is to 1 piid IIKHI Sold every where or sent by mau ibr8 letter-itamp

MAKE HENS U Y avlike Sheridan Condition Panders Dose I teaspn-

h S Jonusos t Co BOSTON MASS

G offered (hiring the coming yer t to s tudy haw ^

T H E i l l M M lirliAKLMKNT 1 p a r t m e n t for boys under th i r teen t (Catalogues iriviu^ full part icular v

on application to UEVT K W A L S H C S C

ltore rraquosntei

irpataiul L u o ^

DU ^VOLF^gttrt^at5 the abovo rjanied diseasshyes by MeTIic^fcd TnlialatioEs WBen thus ad-tni_meurottT(rd^remedies are hrnnghr uface to face

c o n t ^ t with the disease whereas if thpoundj are^waiiowed nieyri i ix t r i lh the c o n t e n W ^ h tho^tomich tuul nccj reach the or^at iaof res-

^plration I)U HCJLFE halaquo I^vjAnf judicious employshy

ment of Medieated^irhiilatipup usfcisted thou-arnls to regjiia- fheir health many nf whom had heet^jnToiiotmced irjcurahle aud given u p to^liigtytheir faintly physician aj^d friends

DR WOLFE hasprepared a list of ques t i ons -for siek people to answer hy mail They are in character the same he would ask w e n r h c Vraquoy toe tn-dtujpe of the invalid By wri t ing anshyswers to t i jese ( tuestions anyone can s^und an accurate s ta tement -of his disease and receive and use inhaling remedies at home iu any par t oTTlio I nitcd Stated or Cauada Vitgtout fneur-rims tU vi~igt to

UexXpcruie ami diiC0JUurl ol mak ing a 0 Cincinnati Aiitgtue sending liis name

duflt ^s with a bullhree-ccrrt-post-bullCircular

and [ost-t ilieo aire statnp will r ty r ive a eopy of the

Quest ions hymdashF -HHHa-maih-mdash bull DJ^-ViOLKK hits publisjied a medical boi ik

eaJIed CommnTj Sense Cause and Cure of Ciiisitmption As thma e t e a copy of which tie wil send to any body who orders i t by vatiX^lt and mclosis iiine cents jQe^poHagestAeaos Willi his nsme and postot l iee^ddress The b o o k is bull of c rea t value to anv one afflicted with a n y 4ipoundeajQ-oi-tter^sjrr Throat or Lungs --mdash

DR WOLFE has also published another b0bk iVt pages entitled Light about the ^fouee

e Live in which evtrv healthy person as eTTas-siek ough t to read -~ The^bpek has -a

pecial interest to persons who have weak Hindis or any symptom nf CougtuinptiogfAsth-

a Bronchitis^ or Catar rh Sent to any altf-i-ei-^lree by mail or receiptof six eenta i n mdash


postgt ^tflTrip^ A d d r e s s bull DR N-B WOLKE

lit S i a i i h S t CincinnatL

W N f -raquo 34




- 0^ABD Aye

^ 0laquo - bullbdquolaquo

Like a n Evi l Spirit In olden times it was thought that evil spirits came in through ci5iclamp

and keyholes The generally approved viray to keep them out wa3 to plug jipthelceyholes and laquotop the cracks yfith cotton Notwithstanding these v ^ ^ pievltsxthre mea^ures the iv a they plpaspd

So comes malaria now-a-dajfs We try to keep it out of the keyhole and it comes in^y the crack We stop up the crack and lo it comes fronv aleak in the plumbing or an7opening from some neglected drain or frora sorne unsuspected source arid unguarded direction bull raquo

Wlaquoraquo tpnncf ylwayg rrpp ti laria out but we can give it battle arid drive its effects from 6ur systems If BROWNS IROITBITTERS is taken in time malaria has nova ghost of a chance This is the great family medishycine Your druggist sells it and you ought to keep a bottle in the house


Began lif 12 yeqrs ago under tht name of

WOMANS FRIEND W i t h o u t pufferspimply on t h e p o o d v o r ^ s

of t h o s e w h o h a v e used 3t l t l ias m a d e i r i enJ

X Q T A c r B E A laquo X mdash B u t a pent a n d su re r e m e d y for al l t h o lt c o m p l a i n t s which des t roy t h e freshness it beau ty was te the s t r eng th m a r t h e hratn ness artd usefulness of m a n y G I R L S A I ^ I

our PwBiici on

en and Children StntgrntU Kvery rniMiavre 14 rctst ot raquoft eraquopccw Motalaquorlaquo(boaltl rtui ihiru Ajircit

R PENCCLLV C CO Ka l imuee M i c h

Sw T bull-bull tt

TcgtiiiouuJ 0

Diseases of Wo

AMONG T H E L A D I E S -The brilliairt iascinatins-

tints of Complexion iorwhich ladies strive are chiefly artishyficial and all who will take the trouble may secure them These roseate bewitching hues follow the use of Hagans Magnolia Balmmdasha delicate harmless and always reliable article Sold by all druggists

The MagnoInrBalni conshyceals every blemish removes Sattownes^ Tint Reflrieire-Ernptiouv all evidences of excitement and every imper fection

Its effects are immediate and so natural that no humali being cart detect Its applicashytion

v -


bull raquo bull

(+- amp bull bull

f-1 - 1


Thoboy of tin PTi-cptiMy lu

v ill

tO UCOlllt

it urlaquo D I V I I C ( I t c i d l S

resident of tin

hesi itatc wllttlliM

Ih i i t rd


Stiifr^7 (H^Captain of a base hall vlub

A scientist charges the peculiar weather of this season to the spots on thesun If old Sol doesnt behave betshyter ive shall be obliged to send Sullivan u p there to knock the spots off him


The disgraceful qua r re l between vector and people in Giace Church Deshytroit is only one more of those Incon sistent exhibitions of -the rar i ty of Christian charity under the sun We will not a t tempt to say which party is most a t fault in this case Where charity might have covered a mult i tude of sin the want o f - i t discloses pet ty failings magnified to mammoth ^pfo-portions

The StocTibridge Sentinel believes tha t the liquor traffic could be better regulated by public Sent iment than by any law which could be fdevised While we are not prepared to endorse such an opinion fully we do recogshynize the sound commonsense of the following ext rae i from t h e article in quest ion

Is any one illogical enough to supshypose tha t a lawto prohibit w i l h n o t f e evaded it a law simply to regulate is evaded We say again as we have frigid a hundred times before and as we hope to keep on saying as long as we can pr int a lino or wag a toi mdashif thtfr-e is - o n e h u m b u g abrfe^ anshyother i n this day and ir^i+fanon it is the blind craze t o r j a - t v a s the princishypal remedy fjJi^^vT

HOWELL From our Correspondent

lulm bull Howies has purchased Louis Elmers Uarber sliop Lou will s tar t a store i n t h e building _foym_erly occupshyied by Norman Hugger as aWjoonf

hiv isonrfof-a-nuntbei of years o

Methjbdist-cli carried t hem about t o w n Monday night They 4id not tafcegtthem out oi town however Jbut left them in a rather demoralized condition

Monday morning one of the men was cleaning jus gun and trying jto draw tlie charge wnenacartridge was

I exploded The ball struck a stone and

manager of -Weimeister amp 0]Hearns store goes to Port Huron to carry on a large dry goods business of his own

Lute Boyce was tried for assault upshyon a young man from the country After spending two days in the county ja i l he paid his fine which with costs amounted to |1500

The l Ludington Record says tha t Weimeister amp O H e a r n will bui ld a $25000 hotel in Ludington soon We have heard Mr Weimeister say so also recently mdash

F A S i g k r and W P Van Winkle were in town soliciting a bonus with which to extend the telephone line from Pinckney here One hundred dollars was raised

Depot grounds - hear the centre of theyitlage have been surveyed forthe T amp A A U K They are on the Jewett addition in the southern part of town



The railroad bridge a t this point is Nearly completed

All are wait ing anxiously for the cars

Bowman Bros seem to be go

The Rogers liotfse has a goodly

lg a

glancing passed through the thigh of quarter-master Webber of Saginaw making a bad flegth wound

SOUTH L Y O N From the Picket mdash

A monstrous water tank is being erected by the G Jgt

The soldiers ta lk very harshly alxmt Swan of Detroit who ran the restaurshyant a t Island Lake and say he charged them $125 for five glasses of lemonade 10 cents for three cent postage stamps and various other pranks

Wm Greig has taken the job of building all the passenger depots from New Hudson to Stockbridge on the4raquo T Ky- alaquod wW lgtegin the one at this place a t once I t will be a depot used in cimflTo1Tlgty alI the rai 1-roads and will stand a t the junction of the G T and 1) L A N so tha t the G T will run on one side and the D L k N on the other As the T A A amp G _ T will continue to use the Egt L ampgtNT[ sidetrack they will of coursegt-trge-tlie same building I t willjMtty^contain a telegraph office wait ing rooms baggshyage room ampivwlTile the 1)-L amp N will uue theirtfresent building for freight


ie G T a n d T A Aamp G T will uilt a freight house to be

common by them used

number of transie

bull gtetro[t Hotel bulluoiLyly posted in the off ic^ bearing

folio win i n s t a t e law

ers and a fair run of stom

1frac121 store building erected bygt Mr Corbet is unoccupied and bears tife sign

for sale

It is said that^tHe Toledo and Anjr Arbor Hy folks sounded this place on the -boiul q u e s t i o n ^ y u k didn-tmdashampraquopound much encouragement

FOWLERVILLE From the Review

J M Pot ts has his frame up for a nejv dwelling on his farm -

2M round tickets were ^old fro in tins place to Island Lake Sunday and Monday ~mdash-^

fr( B Green has p u t a new roof on his | Ktw^and- - -i l ias repainted it on l t e t n -

-pr inted in large t y p e r -Htf anv uersonzkia l l willfulW~

^ a

pheme the holy naiue of God bv cursshying or reproaching7 God he shall be punishedDyirhprisdifhient in t he^oun-tyjai l not morel t h a n six months u r by-aftne -nQi^exceeding fiftybull dollars If any person who has arr ived at the agerof dgtscretion shal 1 profaneIy curse or daii^tVr or swear l)y the name of Gad JesnCfir is t or the Holy (ihost-j ie tihti on cimvicit-Ton thereof bull bi^j

The daily mail stage is a blessing duly appreciated I t brings many

rklo AV-hitmore I^aka

Mrs Chas EGrisson and Mrs Addie 1 Cutler are visiting a t the residence of their father Ferdinand Grisson Esq in Hamburg mdash^-

MrA Rogers was also visiting here

sid e

a^ioryTTme since week to St Johns

but re turned last

TTf ajiy justice of the peace be p+Cftamphcd

uy a tine not exceeding live dollars nor less than one dollar but no siu-h

prosecution shall be sustained unless it shall be commenced wi thin five days after tuT7-ommission of such offense

We suppose it is intejided to counshyteract the strong tempta t ion to proshyfanity which besets the customer when

-mdashhe walks up to settle his bill

DEXTER I min Ihn lnaraquoltgtr

Twenty of the leading stocks quoted on Wall street have sufteredUCshrinkr age of value dur ing t h e past year averaging 25 per pent In view o f this it migh t be asked J f those stocks have fallen below their real value or the money investment they represent We very much doubt-if th i s is the case^ There are few railroads a t the present time which are not pay ing a fair profit on the actual cost Of constracrionand

equipment But the tendency Ugt swell stock and debt liabilities far beshyyond the cost of property is a growing-evil For example take the railroads of our own State The s toc l fahd debt of the various corporations owning lines wi th in the S ta t e exceeds - the re^ ported cost of construction ampc by $10^ 150000-^-and the reported cost of conshystruction in all probabfmy exceeds the aer ia l c6gt bV neaHy ampfa eqUal amount

lt gt bull

Thus it will be seen t h a t Michigan has n o t less than $20000000 of fic-fttious stock and debt d r awing interest and dividends along with the genuine

When it is also considered t h a t from


1 bull it

ten to twenty per cent of the money actual ly invested is contr ibuted by way of lgtonuses from people receiving no stock o r n the r interest in return th e speculativo vuiaeof stocks is^ra^sed to a still higher percentage above first cost therexuV-so tha t in m a n y instances a six per cent dividend means ten or twelve plaquor cent in reality


t i bull


This is one of the evil a tha t tend iu unyettle the nnancial a n d business intiflrftfitaiOf tljB country a n d p r o m o t e speculative investments wh^ch so often culniinate in panics like^fchat of 1878

ti is to be hoped t h a V m a n y years J nay elapse before another panic strikes Hie country but tjris speculation toshygether with the^gambling in g ia in 1 and other imaginary products do riot ttmd to decrease the (fiances i^r such a

liaise -mdash gt x mdash bullbull bull bull


Wednesday afternoon oj l a s t ^ e e k Steve Alley his mother and sisters Mrs Pierc an^ Mrs Gudwell G i r t e d for Petoskey tlaquo attend the State camp meeting -t

Mrs Wheeler mother of dohn Wheeler in Webster dieoVlast Sunday aged 9-4- years The funeral services wigtre held at Webster church bnTues -

li B Williams contractor for building the new German - church is pushing it ahead rapidly T h e frame is up enclosed the blinds on the

spire nearly compjetedj_ and though

ANN A R B O R the Kegister

y The thirty-fifth annual fair of the bull1 Wishtenaw Counly Agnc iy tu ra l and

iplel not many feet high is a beauty and the first coat of paint on It will be an ornament to that par t of the townv~vflien completed ffnis i s the second church Mr Williams has built in Dexter within a year

A sad case of drowning occurred near th is village last Saturday evenshying It seems that wiilie Larkin a 15-year-old son of Wm Larkin who lives in a house on the farm of Walter

_Rrass a short distance from_the_ H_urpn River was left alone dur ing the aftershynoon with a smaller brother and toshyward evening he left the house not saying anything as to where he was ^o ing He did not come home at night

and L ^e -ne^^^ses rc i r wamp3 i n s t i t u t e3 for b im but he was not found unt i l Monday morning A couple of boys who wrere out hunt ing on the r iver in flrhnatj saw t h e corpiia iniho ^a tor i They gave the alarm to some ngten who were passing and they took the body from the water and carried it to the house- The boy had been subject to fits for some t ime past and probably dur ing one of these he -deliberately walked inter the river a s his tracks were plainly seejto the water s edge Ai r inques t was^held an1 a verdict of being drowned while wandering about in a demented state of mind1

was rendered bull

This morn ing Mrs S Newkirk left for a n extended visit among relatives in4he State of New York

BRIGHTON i- Kfopi theClt i tgu

DuBois Knight W B Coneiy and Gari Melchers m a d e oil and crayon sketches in camp

The Sweet Brothers sold v 14000 pounds lofmeat to the mil i t iamen

Miss Eva LaBou tahas gone io Peru Ind to take a position in a telephone exchange

Some of the M S T V took the street Tamps rn front of the Presbyterian and

Mr Hiram EllioTHas purchased the residence formerly owned by Holly Pulleii and is put t ing on some new-Iremdash- pairs

Artie Austin and H B Glen re-turned liomt from Vyamplhington bull Ty wlj^ere they have beeri with I s a a c Tel-le rVsurv^y-par^y-^n-W^nf^dAv -


THIS WEEK A SpH-lal Sale to Clean up Stock


Hest Pr in t s Summer styles 0 cts

Best Ginghams dress plaids

(Cantons and Renfrews) 11 cts

Best Ginghams small cheeks 10 cts

Best l^a^cjfUiXawjis -A 8 ctsT

Lisle Thread Gloves Silk Gloves

White Goods AT

Greatly Reduced Prices ~




- We are g iv ing equal ly good


I t beats them a l l

W e mean business^ D o n t by until you look us through






Horticultural society will be held from Tuesday till Friday October 2nd to 5th inclusive on the societys grounds A fine l is t of premiums are offered^ 7~

Miss Jane Halsey an a u n t of Mrs W W Wines who lives with the family andfamiliarly known as Aunt J a w wart 9ft years old Friday She was surprised a t dinner by a ^number of friends and relatives who had been invited for the occasion and a merry dinner-party was the result In the afternoon she rode down town and had her picture taken Miss Halsey is asect spry and active as many a lady of many lessyedia a iulshe is to be congratulated upon having reached such a hale and hearty old age

Last Wednesday night a German med John Six l iving ten miles beshy

yond Dexter was attacked and knocked down in the lumber yard near bull^lulunu


WE ampplusmnXUXJ O m 3 R

EXTRAampRBHtlfflr-BtRfittNS V saloon by Geo Stephens a hard -case from Clucago who has been hanging around the city for some time Six claimed tha t the robber took from him $75 in money and a revolver^- Steph--tm8-w^s-aTrested-aTitft^e~re^ forty cents in money was found on his person He was t iauled u p before Justice McMahon and his case adjournshyed -tril next Thursday Stephens1

brother is hexe_fronr-Chicago t ry ing to patch u p the case whether he succeeds or not remains to be seen

- bull - bull -THK most gal lant man ever hfgtW nf

is one who refrained -from kicking a dog who had bitten him beeausemdashit was a iemale dog If it wasn t for your sex said he Id kick your head off

A WHOLE t ra in of steam-cars passed over a man in Minnesota namea John Schneider^bnt-when the engineer aud conductor went to look for him he was walking off singing -Schneider Low you vas

T H E a r t of saying appropriate words i n a kindly way is one t h a t never goes out of fasnion never cease to pleaser and is within the reach ofjmmttlest-The teacher who would be successful must cult ivate the gift

bullbull T H A T all whoaie happy are equally happy is n o t t r u e A -p leasan t and a philosopher may be equally satisfied but not equally happy Happiness consists in t h e multiplicity of agreeshyable consciousness A peasant has not capacity for having equal happiness with a philosopher This question Was very happily i l lustrated by the Rev Robert Brown A smafl-crrrnk-ing-glalaquo^nd a large ftfre may be



equallv full but the large one holds more Mian tlie unalL

E A MANN East Main St Pinckney


T West Main St Opposite Globe Hotel


It Toilet Articles

IerfiMiaerjv JPine Confectionery

Togta S t a t i o n e r y t c

Gooda are aU freehand new Prioeg am always rni0D

uieilti l bona than of the puWic^tronft^ Jjall a D i m W




V - rzZt~~


- ^ - bull - laquo

r ^ -N-


1 1laquo IF-rPpPNAmm



- L_J L


bull --liKlnage

Much as hus been writ ton concerning the necessity of perfect J ^ iba i j e about our dwe l l ing there ilaquo stilr a HiV



bull ble amount of iltri Ject Line upon li norauctf oa

vmen rashythe sub-

ipoa liny and precept laquopon precept are continually needed traquo beep

a rtoTiriiJwinjr effect on AMe trade laquogt nni tin oVniand for INV lii|c of ltrooltllaquo is ile-liyeltl you Jmow the trade U just j^ood JIltlaquo lost 11

After laving down this axiom of com nicretai-p djosophy the reuilemaii leu

attention directed to this most vital matter Many people do not realize tlwtjdnJk drain and cesspool arlaquo a-falaquo tal as bullets that s tagnant water and heaps of decaying refuse are as deadly a strychnine that our dead selves in any form taken back into ourselves arc tu re death to us This is no tigure ot

aud no extravagance1 of phras bpfc the simple fact We are the

ftMf unnumbered parasitical animals bull p t f e a l l that only the most powerful iBJMKiscoye reveals them to the eye When one class of-these minute creashytures finds a home in our bodies smallshypox is the name we give to the malady they produce Another class causes scarlet ferer another measles- another consumption The diseases produced by germs developed in consequence ol elective drainage are various chielly

riraquo toasilitis and typhoiddisor-4gtt manifold-development The

ce of these germs in the system may result in a reduction of the vitality tosuch a degree that any infection will be readilv absorbed aiid_the liapless victim faff an easy prey to any slight derangement We often use-4he ojipres-aiou to throw oil disease1 and corshyrectly for when one is in perfect heaMi the germs ofdisease find no congenial soil to Sprout-and grow in We never find nioss on vigorous healthy trees or eveifc on Singles- until tbey_ b e g i n t o decaymdashthe Tiealthy fiber resists the atshytacks of floating organisms For the laquoame reason those who obey Ihe laws

tb i r reppr tcr Trrto a department when l imhrc lh iw of a l l Heen nnt p f eng wef t

1 8 8 3 T ^ I E H-IO-HIT jRXJKrisriisro- 1 8 8 3


of health posess sound fiber in which malarious and infectious-germs rind no place - to lodge ~

v The worst month in the year for tyshyphoid pneumonia is April and vfliy liecause the cold weather has kept peoshyple in doors and they have breathed in their dead selves over and over again until the typhoid germs have fastened on the^vitals multiplied in the tissues and absorbed more or less the life of the

Jndh-iduaL A sligliLcold still-fc lather depresses2he_vitality and makes the in--crease of these bull germs more and

[lots of these to different rparts of~thlaquo- country They areltulaquoed exclusively by countrymen A man walking on one of the citys streets with one of these tbttrsraquo^vmrhi be w)rse than a cyclone

germs more the tight for life

more easy until the tight for life becomes a larming and ends-we all know in too many easosl_Jhow sai11 v WtiTIc oyery-thing is frozen up it is_jjiiHcuIt to take proper care of sewage refuse piles acshycumulate drains became choked celshylars gather decaying matter waste-pipes Decome foul and all these agen-

-tnes-txmrome unless counteracted verv bullearl v in the springs to increase the tide of parasites floating intothe body with every breath Thesnbtle poison can not he detected ofteii by the riimst actlte olfacshytory nerve and 0ere are no ehcnricrtrt tests that can be applied by the non profession a p t determine their pres-

bull f hjealth And this vigiUince musfbe laquoSPfl9rciscd not only upon the outside of the cup and platter1 but it must go to the heart 6l things to - the founila- J dons and search every aaokaiitLcreiice with cleansing power _

In removing offal from our premises we need to_ remember that the wet earth does neither deodorize nor disinshyfect it dry earth alone can dothis and Iherc^hiust he suflieiont dry earth toab sorb

arranged on counters H e r e he said we have everything in the umbrelhi line from a thirty-five-cent article to out for twolvcu dollars These goods he said picking up a couple of coarse looking umbrellas are what are sold on the street-corners for fifty oente | Wt can afford to sell them for thirtytfivlaquo cents You see they are marked gingshyham but they are really of an inferior sort o f c o t t o n known as sixty-four

loth Xotiee the edge and you will see iat they are not even bound We have

jjeveral grades of this article from six-ty-four-eloth to 108-oloth Nowhcreisan umbrel la-known as the reed frame because its ribs are made of reeds inshystead of steel This however he said opening out an umbrella with a bamboo stick handle is-onK^of the lightest and most satisfactory thingicin the marke t i t is known tw a Ferguson Scotch| paragon frame1 and sells from $110 Ttpward 1 always use this umbrella myself ^vhen I do hot carry a silk one A

The next umbrella opened warf capacious as a circus tent This said the gentleman who was initiating the- visitor itraquot gt the mysteries of the trade is what we call a Storm King You see it has sixteen ribs arid is made

To THE FARMERS or rvfiNGST0N AND ADJOININO COUNTIES If you want to purchase a Reaper thisjrear examine the |Iero look it over carefully and you will tee it is up

to the times let I t is siniply cuitstructed 2nd J t has no sfde jdraft 3d It is- not liable to get out of order 4th It has no weight Upon the horsesnecks 5th It is a very light draft reaper 6th I t is easily managed

-Tthr-It is juet the machine you-want It cart be had of our agents on trial and is w-arranted to give satisfaction I refer you to the following named farmers who have purchased and are using theHero Reaper some of whom for

of eighty-four (doth Oh yas we send these

the past four years and they can testify to its merits Jesse W Sheets Unadilla Bernard MCloskey Iatnani

j4Javid Donovan Northfilaquold

| Talking of cyclonesj he continued ^h+-re- is something built especially to resist the winds of the Far West We call it the Prairie King It has sixshyteen ribs and four wire braces No matter how strong the wind may be the braces will keep the umbrella from turning inside out -

The next article picked up was deshyscribed as a Star 140 and the gentleshyman in explaining its merits said that it had patent inetal tips^and was water-propf The latter quality is-oae-jhat should recommend itself in anumbrellaT

You have seen prefty near everyshything that goes uB-de-r-the-name of-ging--fa-aviliiV saTtl the gent Icman gty_hlaquorwBS waslinglTTs time on tlie reporter and now I may tell you that we have alshypaca umbrellas ranging in price from ^ frac34 to $jy() Silk ifmbrellas are luxshyuries and there is not a veryr large dp

from Ivo-

$5 to the

mand for them We have them $ 125 up-to $rgt lii natural^rndjes ry hanttles add from 8150 to cost All these superior grades are proshyvided with paragon frames whichmake them light Silk umbrellas vary in price from ^ bull gt1bull-gt- -

What bullBee BternaLvigilaHC^ i s - t b ^ m e e of I 0sfrt o f u m b r e l l a d o e s t h e V^

lilKntv1 and not of libertv alrme rnTr+ilflrHrgt V1 bull-W+d^mdashflmdashsilk umbfeila posting pound3


lie suUicient dry the^moisture or all t luPmoisture or exhalations

1o life^wtltlTe given Out A little leaven leayeneth the wlwile lump Dne fold pipe in a house is enono-h raquorgt kill its inhabitants if it hasa good chance at them-

bull raquonav-Uvw4-()ne ueglecteTtTefuso heap

-tnraquoiliUncc cuitinglrtTrdysl^H^v



^- arjtu^caiis4d^-And^madiLilt^o^i^JiU

^-fcwJ^dc-Jieighbarhiuidmdash^V_hrok(bull n bri i in a sewer just under a closet opening into the rooms of Prince Albertcause hfVdvath

What we term modern iences include many are ofteri very detrimental plusmnoJifalllu If the bath-rooms in our houses could be so contrived as to open on A piazza which might be latticed instead of openinginto ilic house and infecti it-as they -dcy-great gain wou44mdashresu to the health of its inhabitants Well

gtbull people do not suffer so much from imshymediate exposure to malarious influ-enow as do invalids|and little children

pallid city children wltgtuld Hid than they aue if the old-washbowl ami pitcher and

t k y imfl carried out every day supershyceded the elegjint marble basin and rose-

wwm riiuued oiirmub wnmn km to the care of- servants become elegant causes of disease and death

Sunshine is the great healer sun- shine supplemented with abundance of

-fresh air i n Him was life and the life was the light of men1 In many senses are life and light interchangea-

^ ^ g words When we put seeds in the 1^cmst cover them away from i t or they will not germinate

them warmth _ moisture and irlcness and under these conditions

they develop lifei The same conditions in our houses develop active life in all malarious and infectious germs Thereshyfore when the searching sun ray peneshytrates apd illumines our interiors and the purifying air absorbs moisture and- -cause of fatal e] carries off poisonous efHuvins our rooms Whnn tha s

4lgtcrf4in4amefltal sauitary coniiiuous^Or^ngeto an end tx tng com|)lieil with There is cershytainly enough light and air and- dry varth for all uses [of health What is tteeyenilaquo4l4R4utelligenceto utilize them in such a way that health shall ^ e pro-niojted ami disease preventedmdashN Y | Tribune


laquoTlns has not been a good year foi umbrellas vsaid a large denier yesfar-

~^dnylo a yWampMlaquoltreporter thii rain viTrfc too lirtoTn^bfsTn^gra^dihtslrtkd1

seems to be high enough loi the crowd A strong common 1 umbrella howshyever is what is bought by the multishytude _ Vou see hea(lded_ with a touch of sa(fneSsln- hts voice mdash hpcoplemdashdOnt like jo invest-much in umhrellis beshycause somehow or other an umbrella

is~al way s regarded as common property and sooner or later it is bound to hi stolen Now its strange isnt it that ladnjs dont steaTeitrhothejr|s jiarasols I sell twenty times more parasols than u ittbreliMj- Ta I k i ugmdashof- parasols - he said returning from his general v i ew^f t

jubject TTere s one we sell for teii Vou wouldnt

its a fact plan of

cent umbrella Hut that is

velieve it would It s-made sonie-the thirtv-li veshy

to nothing h s(lls for two

cents We sell mdashthese at two cents aiiieco -he said ojiening a gorgeously-colored paper shade and we make a quarter of a cfentprofit at that- These [ things of course are mostly used for decorating rooms

Where is most of the carving on iinv brella haitdlos done - ^ -~


Atfg Balden tieorglaquo W Iteampson Unadilla Arthur Montague E J Wakemah Tyrone Geo R Wilcox White Oak Whedon York Hoafipiumon Asa II tirity Iosco

James Sptare Iutnani Owen Goodsijeed Hamburg WUliartn Cullen Dansville P Mc (Jann Bunker Hill Win Perry Owen Mc (ann jr John B Mc Creery Henry Ward Prod Maycdck Ioaelaquoj Elmer Chipman

(Jenrcp Bauer Brighton S K Hausef Putnimr A Force StockbriflKe Perry Barrett George Phellis White Oak Henry B Gardner Putnairi Daniel i Webb Llaquowis Love laquo John A Ward Eeslie ^J Mrs J Love and Suns Marion

kThe Hero can be seen and U for salltgt atFincfcney by JAS MARKEY General Agent for Michigan

Martin Mehin jr Hamburg bull W Nelson Wrhitmnre Lake-Warren Munson White Oak Frank Aldrich Henrietta John Flemint PJiilo Durfee Antrim H C Martin bull-SeymourBruwn- Conway O C Sasvdy ^6aco

mdash bull


LARGE STOCK LATEST STYLES I t is the r e m a r k of everyone visititt^ mi-restore that we sell bet ter goods for

lor the money than tney have ever seen offered and no one should buy shoes for themselves or their families without first seeing theinducements we present The names of ROBINSON amp B F K T E N S H A W and P J N G R E E amp SMITH inshydicate the class of goods we carry



A xn srrrs


And would invite the at tention of farv-mers who wish to lay in astoek of gro- ceries to last theni througi harvest we have t-vei-ytntng you need Suprats

f Teasr irotfees Spicesr 101raquo Hams7 Dried lleef Cheese and Canned Goods of all kinfTs If you dont foci jus t like goin^r into the haivust -tieldi^vrn^ ^ and jet a bottle of Urowns IroiTISt-t e r H o p liitters iSliiloh^ Vitalier or

some one of tho thousand and one remshyedies we keep that will do you goodmdash Don l forget t a c o m e - a n d stock-aip at once The plaee is at the

bull T^EST ENTgt


N limdash-Highest ca^h marke t val paidfor Butter and Eggs

IS We have just added to our stock a general assortment of

R O G E R S BR0S ^ ^ o r m e r l y iOvjIi done almoat-exclui f sively in Europe but during the laat year Philadelphia has turned out some exceu-tvrmHy good work In fact I may say that the-hest carving is done at present in PhiladelphiaM

How about ivory handlesF n Thev comemdashfrom Europe alt-^eUi^

ermdash Chicago 1 ribune v bull ^ bull - raquo -




BLACKSMITH All kinds of custom work and gviieraL

repairintr including

HORSE SHOEING Shop back of Manns Block PINCKNEY



bull J c u e ) lilies J m B y WalSM afldj Jersey cows are all popular just now Thlaquo old preiudioe against Jersey mosshyquitoes still existsmdashChicago Inter Ocean

mdashA society of persons are about to petition the firngsels autnorities for per-miampsion to mummify their dead They point out that one advantage is that their plan permits people to contemshyplate their ancestors anil thus perpetushyate filial piety and sentiment de race They are down oTrcremailon which they allege does not destroy thebody but only reducesJt_to- ashes producing deadly miasmas and aver that wherever as in India it has boon p rao ticed on a large scale it has been the

epidemics mal l -pox- thrntttprirtH iA

brim tlia life nan-pn ol Pnn( ice

nothing the iam of dolttor

said could save the pat ien^ml^ss some healthy young man beeanie his bedfelshylow and by enfolding^im closely in his iirms should impart ^sufficient heat to hilaquolt body to force tjnl rjiistin ate disease to break out Williams ^4)age Benjinck volunteeredfor tiie dangerous raquogtffice The experiment sueeeeded and the fftjlhftd share came fouiidedTt l)ucal bkodoptidh

Call and examine our stock whether you wish to purchase or not



WILLIAM DOLAN amp CO bull Hav^juat received a new and complete stock of

DRY GOODSBOOTS amp SHOES eflaquoKpoundftrrGROCERIES Tobacco Canned Goods Etc No remnants or vraquohe]f-worn stock We mean business^and will guarantee bottom j)riccs The public are invited to call and see for themselves gt r MAIN ST TINCKNEY MICH

_1 offer for (tale 13 ICKB frontliu tin MaialStr^ot




DETROIT CITY LAUNDRY Finot laundry Im Um Wftraquot dgt6dtraquo plaquolllaquogtd (or

t ionto I K -KICIIA^US A CO _ Amenta ftw Rnckney Mlcb1trraquoraquo-


F U R N I T U R E Pk-t tire Framing llajiairinj LiibolaUflagi Etc-



G R 0 C E R I E S W

AT WHEELERS bull bull gt

o =-





lfoasUMee 1 5 ^ and 2^xfa SaletatUs 8 c U Bird Seed 10 cts-

- - bull - mdash - bull

50c Tobacco at 40 ct^ 60c T obaceo at 50 cfe

Royal ftakinpound Inwder Parents Bakshying Powder Spicesof all kinds

- Bakefs CluK-olate Sweet ^ -^ Chocolate bull f

Cabined Corn Canned Boef Ianiifd Salmon Cauwd TiiMaUw


amp amp WHEELER


f y A

rrwT ^^w^n wpound$$rmmmsmm


Entered at tUo rostofflce is 1Mclass matter



T H E colossal skeleton of a man who musETutvi1 hbtm iwttt brother to the Carshydiff (raquoiant has been dug from the shelvshying bank of aratfine near Barnard Mo by a Lirmev named John W Hannon Twelve feet wasf the height of the preshyhistoric gentleman and hislongest ribs measured four feet in length The fact That hisrelies lmve|been dug up in Misshysouri suggests the^probability that he was the original border rullian

THK death of Miss Harriet Steer of Cincinnati in her eighty-eighth year deserves a notice She was a promishynent member of the Society of Friends a n d i o r t h e last-fifty years had been a

bullgood angel fb the poer During most of that time it was her custom every winter to prepare a huge boiler of soup on twoidaya of the week This she dis-

tributed gratuitously at her door to all who wished or necuedIt Even as late as last winter though cxfreuiely feeble she was at her self-appointed pgampt as in days gone by While otjiers t r

1)frac34 have been vainly --warring over the-abstractions this unknown

Aside from the conVemenee of th i^plaa there seemk an eternal fttnesain making tluv conderjined supply his awn gallows The expTrnie nwttrowble of conducting him to and from the place of execution are obviated anil w h e n t h e exercises are concluded his remains can be at once turned over to Ids ffnnily without further ceremony |

Tin testimony given before the Scu-iUe_Comittee on Labor and Education in session for the purpose of investigatshying the causes which led to tl^e teleshygraphers strike does not contain much that is news to lite public concerning the trouble between the Western Union Telegraph Company and its employes although a few points were brought out which heretofore have not been entirely c^ear Thestr ike has been contemplatshyed it seems by both the company and the operators since last March T h l accounts perhaps for the fact that the company was able to assume the attishytude taken when the mens_deinands were presented The basis upon which tw optrqfor expected to compromise

ological woman has been illustrating in her life the truespirit of the Christian religion

TEN- medals are about to be presented bybull thcM^yor of Baltimore to men who showed heroism and--daring intrepidshyi ty in saving lives at the time of the Trivoli dockliisastcv and a number ot others arc to be honorably mentioned in public The- lirst medal is for Chrisshytopher Doyle who saved fifteen lives and spent the rest ofthe night in diving for tho-bodies of the dead bull He was

is also given It was a reduction of the hours of labor to eight and extra pay for Sunday work The curious stateshyment was made by-Mr McClelland a prominentmanager of the strike that if the operators were defeated they would only by more powerful than-

orev-Tiiisis indeed- making the best of the situation

A n Old S e a l F o l l o w s H e r C a p t i v e Offspr ing E i g h t y Mi ies

Santa ljarbara (Oil i Press A n i n t e r e s t i n g inc ident iJl list rating

i lm^ntnrnnl -itWtJMn fgtf illl a q i n u i l fpl

7tmidmgTiei^licopy-ReAv-Williani E Starr on the outer eilgc of tiro pier wlTen the crash came- Kealjzing that he could do more_ellective work if unimpeded by liia nlnfTimpf] Wasfcnd Father Starr if it would be rightto strip before the wom-en and children Go in man us Golf

its young was brought to notieeUiring thevisitof an excursion purty to Aim-capaIsland oilthe const of California A young seal pup only a few months-old was brought awayfrom the island by littleKmcstWhitehead who desired to take it home for a pet short ly beshyfore sailing u large seal was noticed swimming around the sloop anchored

FOLKKUm Prince Albert Victor matriculates at

Cambridge this-year Pope Leo XI I I has sent a painting

from the Vatican as a gift to the Detroit ArtAssociation - ^ -

Professor Packard of Yale expects to leave soon for- Athjena -to teach in the American school there bull-

John Krowns shackles the ones xxsod on him at Harper s ferry are owned by George B Keusintpn of Boothbay Me

Mr and Mamps Tom Thumb were beshylievers in Spiritualism and would sit hours to receive communications from little Minnie Warren in the spirit land

George Bancrof t -Jared Sparks J G Palfrey and Richard Hildreth leadshying historical writers of America we$e all educated at Phillips tfxeter Acadshyemy

It is reported that ox-Mayor Isaac S Kalloeh late of San Francisco Cal intends to settle in Washington Territory and to endeavor once aga+h-4o make a new start in polities

Josh Billings is a native of Lanes-boro N H a n d there he hopes to be buried Ho has directed his children to mark the grjvve with a r o u g h stone from the quarry-Hear by

k ing Alfonso of Spa-lu wmila all the nations to take part in a grand eelebra tion in-Spainof the Columbian discovshyery of America andnot to hold the celeshybration uti Italy or America

Mr G K Bhvncbard^of Boston lias brought home from Paris the last wofk of Gustavo Dore It represents a grpup of ^Cupids playfully drawing back a curtain from before a mirror

A lineal descent of Brian Boru the last king of Ireland lives in Colorado and he h a king indeed H i s cattle cover a thousand hills and he is one of the cattle kingsof the West bull ^ H Wade is said to~be the richest

trnmin Cleveland O He made ins ntill innn hi- inrnrt inmii in rgtWiflph_

senger iuformednVh Sjmle wiio N lier shown fn7 r|L sitppcrejMr flould said she wlien youinpvfmy business vou will kill nw 1 ao t ac j raquog books v

But alter supio persuasifxujhi ourebtuied a vo l lumvand gave heiiajrfst of names of Jns friends to vhoru he [ thought she could sell Ilussull Sayo was the only one with whom she waif not successful

T h e Pope is now seventy-four says tlte London Globe a tall thin ivory-eotuplexibned man witk a benignant bullraquobulllaquo - - - - - r 1Jt bdquouAuk

1 bull i bull w hite w heat frimi w hkh tlmy umku their beflteraw expression andsnu lmg lips hearing the ^ 1 ^ V W S T K I gt Tu7gtriiui b o W n or stamp of indelible t i i m n e s s - t h e e ^ ^ bull

expfles^ sion of a man to bend but nevciTto break Some ono has aaid he has the mask of Voltaire but tins is nonsense There is none of the saturnine caducity the depressed mouth and prominent chin or spectral smile Leo XII I is tall he wears his yearb well walks up-rignt and thus raquoraquorylaquoraquoa tigtgt m^t of y s inches His hair is snow-white and naturally forms into a crown about his linely developed brow His long face is serene hrs- small eyes dancing with intelligence1 add to this a harmonious MOMorion vo i eo aind M w i d e k-nltnvlndltrn

of lansruages which he speaks with the correctness of a professor

bull raquo bull mdash - mdash

P o s t P r e s e n t a n d F u t u r e of W y o m shying

Lftfamio Dxuhoraiig mdash - bull ---bull Some writer has said-that no portion

of the globe is at this time so full of


UHlMEfti A JOlIXSOX Propr i r to in w i i to 1nuk(gt known to tlu-ir old nnd mm- ruraquotigtia n-^-tluit thiv iw iu)w proimn-il to do butter work of nil kiiwld iiitlieir line at Initfineas thitn ever befiraquorlaquo-Jluir mills having been thoroughly roftttpdtn^ ivpairodmuliniprovidmltBidn making it convenshyient for their euhtojiierti Hood raquohedlaquo for Uiampnn in connection with tlit MIMH TUey have now on hand over 5)00 hulaquolilq (if dry Bound rtraquod and

Hike i

uiuBtv wheat except forctidtoinerB anrtthnn It iw round on ncimrtita stone HIHI 1H)1UUI through 8opn

wi f i Llt Lut mgt fe

epi rate hwlts Tlioyo hiiyjiii Hour of them yruwn iirhmntjr rllaquonr Thouo hrin^in^ KrraquoetH of tolaquoK( dry sound whew wltt ood Hour and tuv8laquo briutfiny xrown or musty wheat muat expect flour from the same tliiy Iflo havt Beparaty bolta for buckwheat Aorn -11 bull fl^ mdashbull bullbull ^UU^^-Bons new improved l)ulaquotleraquoB Iron Corn iflRiera without extra charge They pay cash for all kindraquo of ijruin All pereoiiB having unsettled accorfnh with them at the mil are requested to call and pay the samo v -- mdash - -


made you he d id

A repliedthe priest as and so

-WILLIAM II VANDKRHIIT did a graec-hantling his 7Ttrt~nnd generous thing in

check for $gtO0O to the gtn-oprietor-of a hotel in theWhite Mountains to be dis-

tributed among the thirty qollege boys viwho are ticting as waiters there This

is one of the ways adopted by poor young men in-New England colleges to make a little money lor-the following year at the same time that they arc getshyting rhejjenelit of a vacation It is not tin easy part to play - t h a t of gentleshyman and scholar and waiter at the same t i m e and indeed a great many young men would rather not try it But Mr Vanderbilt s gift was

offthe cave where the capture was made uttering loud barks and U times howl-

was paid tothe annual at thetimeor to the little captive which at times barked in response to the old dams plaints The boat sailed away making for the Ventura shore When -offmdashSaa Buena-jcenttira aca lnx i i i the wind decreased the speed of the boat when a j a r g c seal was noticed near by gt

On reaching the wharf at Santa Barshybara a large seal was again discovered swimmingraquoabout the boatmdash Tn hot top secure the pup until daylight the rope was taken from its tin and it was tied up in a ju te sack and left loose on the sack Soon after coining to anchor the seal respoaded to its mother s invitation by casting itself overboard-a41mdashtied ifp~ as it was witliin a sack It is assorted-bv the man on deck-that the seal mother seized the sack and with her sharp teeth tore open the prison of her-oftsprmg

stocks when telegraph was only an ex periment and isnow well on in lift _ Miss Nellie Hunt daughter of ttrep American Minister to Russia was claim-cdTthtrmost beautiful of the coterie of American ladies at the coronation A

mighty possibilities orso rich in promisshyes for the future us the broad stretch of rich territory lying west of the Mississipshypi and this assertion comes as near the truth as a newspaper man dare get But a few years ago this portion of the Union was very -appropriately teamed a wilderness The coyotte squatt ing in the shelter of the umbrageous sage tree sang his tuneful lay and the cactus stood sadlv in the midst of the wide ~tX p HUSO of country known as the Laramie plains with no human being to love it and chershyish itmdashand sit down on it T h e very thought of an orphan cactus being dooni-od to ait in otornal ailenge with no kind vord or look for centuries and with no picnic party-anti no soft eyed young man-with ice-cream pants _on_ to come and nestle loYJmg]y_jlown_ington its fuzzy bosom is sad enough to draw tears

Paris paper describes her as fascinashytingly pre t ty

A line medallion -portrait of the late Marshall Jevyell has been made by Francis Bbull Watts a deaf-mute marble-cutter I t is said to- be an admirable portrait and was modelled entirely from a photograph

Frederick N W Crouch author of the-^ong7-uKa4We^n-^V4miuiecjiT^liiaa been rescded from paxilyJiy_al3veaIthy and ceeentric young Southerner James Marian Roche wrho assumes his name and supplies all the money that he needs

Cob Bob Ingersorrr-whois a very earn-Tst temperance man exprouood his opiil ioii ol tlie r ichly - t inished bar of the Huffman House New York Vhen he saw it thus This is tlroiUDStroTthodox sliow Ive soon You can deal out hell

from the eyes of-Bob Ingerstdl himseU mdashatthe usual Star Route pric-cr-- Until lately ytoo the Westerner who ventured across the Missouri Rifer was looked upon as a curiosity and the people watched him with apprehension for fear lie might be loadeth-7 Within the last half score of years however the West

----particularly this portion of it has wait-zshyed to the front and demanded recognishytion among the countries of the world andgot it too

- SOLDIEKS amp SAlLUKiv who were disabled by wouudH disease accident

orotlifflHvlaquoHgt-lhe-lograquo ot-u toe piles varicose veins chronic diarrluva rupture Uma of eight or ltigtar-ally BO) loos of hearing falling hack of ineaxllaquos rheumatism any disability no matter JtQKAKfMr gives you a pension Sew tind Honltx0Bhpoundtlt charyj Obtained Widows childre 1 ^ ^ ^ laquo aiirj-fatherij of soldier tlyiHg in rm M r ^ or afterwards from disease contracted or wtowfdreshyft ived while in jtho service are ^utitlWI to pOraquo-

laquoraquoion Rejected and abamlonedcUuiUB ispeciiutT BOUNTY BACK PAY AND HORSE CLAIMS CQI lWTEDgtv

INCREASE YOUR PENSION A pension can be increased at any time when

the disability warrants it As you grow older the woundtraa gradually undermined the constitution tho disease hart made you more hclplcvs fn some manner tho disabilityhas increased BO apply for an increase at once

L A M AND PATENT CLAIMS SOLICITED My eNigterteic ffrid betng hcre^Tit-heatrtrnart-erti

bull Hnable me to attend promptly toallclaims against the lioviminent tircitLirafree Address ritli tamp





l iraJiere and believe vou are in heaven wliilc voure doing it

bull proi)rfgtlt-^j ^ frac34 ltnv by the self-reliant -^riritrai3fV-gcntlbmaaly bcarmgiJoi_tliesfi 3oung men Tins is a proof- that they were highly successful in~tbis difficult role and is a remarkable compliment----a seUjxitific angler No perhaps the

boy will not clainnliat and it is hardly

N O T the least of the blessings which the Republic has conferred upon the

- French people is the great encourageshyment given to the cause of pppular edn-

mdashcation The^sehobl system has been so

This however is a mere conjecture If it did the little piip vlaquovs-KavoltUothcrwise it woiiid drown tied up in the sack The incident was the more interesting from the fact that the old seal had to follow the sloop at least eighty miles over the ocean in a hopeful -endeavor to rescue its vounar

S c i e n c o v s t h e Boy_ PeTk

An exchange says that l i e boy will claim that he -can-catch more fish than

Mr-llarnuni was in Montreal when he heardof Tom Thumbs death agd

-immediately telegraphed to (lie widow Dear J^aviiiia Yourself and family have my warmest sympathies Death is as much a part of the Divine plan as birth The Heavenly Father finally overcomes all evil with good His will be done1 -

Edgar A Foes oTcl home at Fordliam has been purchased b- Nelson Strong for $7500 This was- the house in which Foes^vifedied mlttlt whenshe

extended as to place whithin reach of of the massos far better educational fa

scientific angler let such a fisherman go out to the fish pond to - lish and when

cilities than the youth of~tne coun t r 4 J ) e hamps s a t a l i day i n the sun-emptiTcrhtot Schiller ftt-ttll^g the flask and has not caught a lish he ever before enjoyed A late and imporshy

tant f ea tm^c^ r t ^e^bv i - rhmgn ta r^ r an of public instruction is the creation of

lyGeums 6t colleges for young girlsmdash that is girlsJrojiLAve_lve to eighteen vears of agemdash in fourteen of the larger cities and towns It is anndunce^ that the State pays 1650000 francos for the building in which the 4 lyceum1 ih Parshyis -will be established French enshyterprise does not always go in the right direction but this scheme for the edushycation of girls is certainly commendashyble bull

ARKANSAS ha sno t contributed to-the world many of the valuable Inventions yf the dayj but by a stroke of genius i t has ijx rather amp novel manner become famous Lynching seems to have grown intt) a anrt of general if not legit imate

industry and the man who suggests any improvement in this summary process

of administering justice is a public ben-eiaetoiy treea has become too coinm teeh railroad br idg^s^a^o^te legraph poles are n^--aTwaygt-cJ)nvenient and

^Xraquo^fnknown in ttto-rural rrfbut they have overcome all

iaia nhitacles on Hurricane Creek by ^ gtraquo w w i w - i w uu x z u i m n n o w e e uy t r gt f l n r g f t n nUarly ft

r^ JiangtegHT mtin in Ma-Qgamp_doprvyax Qady in ih6 States j

necessary that he should But let the scisntific angler with a superb outfit of rods and reels and silk fish lines and gold-plated hooks and patent Hies the usual accompanying combination pockshyet tlask and other first-class articles TfiaTgOnoTmik^=tr|rtrtc=tmtfit of -tire

-A curious (jucstion concerning the identity of the corpse of the poet Schilshyl e r is be ing d^usj^ed in Germany and France Prof Wclckers of Halle after a careful comparison of the skull in the tomb at Weimar with the p las te r cas t

4^ftn^^invmfidiately after Sehilleija death has come~to the conclusion that

will quietly crawi around and commune with the bor who sitsTjivith a~iiattered strawhat on and one suspender his pants rolled up and both-feet dabbling in the Water The scientific angler will note that tbe-boy bas nothing in the-line of fishing-tackle except a tamarac pole a cotton fish-line one-cent hook and a

Tjakingj powder can full of angle worms but lie has a large string of fish for which he receives a good priee^frpm-thfi-scientitic angler who carries them triumphantly through town and tells the people wha t big_Jjarj^_Jie_Jhas bad No the boy does not 3ay he can catch more fish than thescientific angler the scientific angler does not safceo cither but the stubborn facts in the case stick out as prominently as a wart on a Roshyman nose

who Miss Rosalind A Young wno a couple of years ago wrote a n a r t r c l e abbi^t Pitcairns Island fo j^Ser ibners

^ fa theris pastor of jSrcjh^gn3 teacher of the

school anp^amptre Is orgamstana assistant e a c h e r r s h e is about twenty-six years

an377 wfltei^ar retired ^er-c^ptain who not long ago visited her at home she weighs two hundred pounds never had a shoe on her foot ana if necessary could swim off to- snip four miles from the island and back again to shore and then fco into jtfe litrtle church and play tbft organ nuarly ft^^ell as any youngs

was but irVyearsold and when ioc was too-poor to buy a blanket to put on_jhjjr_ bed She died in the middle of winter covered with a sheet and lier husbands -overcoat

The only objection to farming on thew-piains is tha t the 1laquo comes pretty high- -about 8000 feet The assertion however that there is al-wjamps a s e a breeze blowing aUliuteleva-l iorf j u s tmoving the leave) of the troc rnrrt blowing the cellars out friim TTTirtrr the houses occasionally is false True sometimes a whisper of wind springs up on the starboard jib and blows about doe -igt by lt^Hvv-wi^iLfu- an hour ov twoTbut nothing heavier than comer lots with big mortgages on -thenL bavt lie en blown away that we ever heard of

llaisilig cat t le is veniiu s chief inshydustry at this writing With-a good branding iron the huinbleTanclTTnancan get up a pretty nice little herdin a few years One man who went into thecat -tlo business up in the Sweetwater iVmr-orlivo years ago with an I ( mukvand a healthy branding-ironis now-wln-tlwt million He carried a charcoal furnace with him and hatlAhe brand tied to a rope He kept the iron hot and could throw it so as to leave his brand on every maver ick he saw if he could iret


the person buried in the ducal vault is

within twenty yards of it He just brand-= Trda l 1 th-e ~ctrt tre-rre eottld findmdashevery

spring and let nature tjike~lieTToTiTso I tell you pardsaid old J immy

Cannon the guide- to the writer recentshyly the Wesflras Ibst its romance On ly a little while ago r it seems t o m e where once there was nothing but the Whoop of the Tndinnjjid the song of the six-shooter now there are railroads and churches and commercial men and high schools andJhrec-card-monte men ana lecturers and daily news pap er s7 and every little while a na tura l death Wh-v within the pasf two months if the blasted papers tell the tnitbT^scTcral White Dog the famous old chief of

the_Ogalalla Sioux takes i3nuch interest in tornadoes and describes them in a- ~ bdquo peculiarly picturesque faahionUll his 4 U U B M would lwyo to move away When

n M e c a t c h ( u n d e r s t a n d - - c a t c h v v e ^ a v e ^ ^ frac34 1 - h n ^ n n g disease to iJ ig -Wind in

ow on) c-clone he says cloud Bampovrwigwammdashlvay off -Spit fire Make roar like five big herd bufshyfaloes -Always go thai w a y (pointing to the northwest) Me see plenty^ of ^ m more t h a n that many1 (counting twenty on his fingers-) When he-come Injun lie down on his beiley and gralgt soap-weed and grass Ugh Big wind

Having lived prosperously in Crajy^ fordsville Ind for several y e a r s ^ r e a

his circuni- stances warranted liHaT^in jaarrying and he acc^rdingTy coftrmlssioned his brothet^n^Germany to select a wife ^ oiseSt^gga Westphalian damsel

waschoraquoen7 ancF prompt ly islrtpped to this country Her destined lord and master went to Tpledo to meet her ~with some pert uibaiioii but the fraternal standard was found to be a good one bullThe -young woman is a p lump and pleasing person and thrifty withaU for she brought with her a stout chest filled with linen which she herself had spurn

A young woman went to sell a book to J a y Gould She hid it under her cloak and seemed mysterious No one but Mr Gould would d o she told the messenger Mr Gould was not in raquoSho would oooaraquo agaku^JShe k e p t calling daily until in despair the m

WARRANTED T O C l I R E bullwithout motiiclnomdashPain In thebmel hip


-blUtyyluraquoobalaquoraquo^geBraquora raquobull noursltrlB bullctpt

ecoi ihoklilnoTnkphiul dIleaceatorpid nrtaluul Gnli luui fmBotenr cqocv drraquop^nlaquolu cormtipotlun tton hrrnU or rupturb m t u r t i ptiea opU

oney tho

debility rampCTiTKutllaquoni puralyAlft noursltrlB raquoctptjclaquo diselaquogt ^ _ill_ver

uraquo fmbotenpy bullbullthinj bull torilaquo[potluiUr-erylaquolplaquo

i-uyturfc ltlaquotarrti pll in c i r

V l i i i n i u t i lcli i i

t iaw

ltr of tho CaENEBATITF ORfi l f l rr -nru l i w v I t ^ l l t v anlt n f B f r y c l o r t t bullWd-vlCQraquoS M alaquotlis ivenWnpujK- raquonil all tlgtoe dlaeaac oTaper-ironul Hfttuvc from ^fhatover cau^p tho continuous Hream of XalaquoiHtiMi penneatlmg through the piirUi ltm^treatofethom to a healthy action Tlitie iamp no Jiiiituiij tgtiut this oupUanco


TO THE LADIESmdash^H EibftugttlonI)laquo-raquopopiilftor^lth DUalaquoeof the Lly cr Kldnlaquoltvgt llvudMbe or Cold Weet Wfiak Ankh - -

nro afflicted with Khttumatlua Neuralgia tirrra

SwoUlaquoM or leraquo or Kwnllen Feet an Abdominal Belt

and npiilf of Magnotlc Voot BatterieBhave no superior In the rullof and rurfc of all these complaints They carry a powerful tna^aeUo force to Uio slaquoat of the dlampeaae

For L i n o Hack Weakneia of the BplnlaquotFaU-Hon and Ulceration of the W m b Incidental Han-orrhaceor Fleodlnff Painful SupDreaaed mad Ir-tflfPlarMfnitrwallun ltarrcuaea awdfhange of J3ra tali UUtQlleatApplUaoeaadOuratlregtAginfc Known

For all forms of Veniale DtfflenHlea 16 Is nnrar-rwmwtd hy anythlnif hnfnra InTented both M 6 curatlTO MKht and aa a source of power and TltallaatlOD FrtoetjfTlthcr Belt with Magnetics foot Batterte 110

Sent by exproswOOD and examination allowed or by mall on receipt of price In ordertng send measured waist and siie of shoe Remittance oaa bomadelncnx-renoy^sent in letter at our risk

ThejfAft^eton Ganrents are adapted to all agec are worn over the undurclothlnfT (not neit to the body like the many tialvnnlu and ElectrleHani Dae adrertlord no extcnrtveU) and ahonld be taken off at night Thfy-hnld tlxoirpoweromxrand areworn atall seasons of tbltynnr

Send Ht mp fo tljo Nlt-- irjnx-ture In Medical Treatshyment Without Medicine Willi tuouaandaof tonimc-

XSH MAGXJCtON AP5fiitNCRlaquoOii laquo18 atatlaquo St CltlcnKaiJli-

_ CK TllTtT

menfravircfiei t inWyoffi in^of disease I - t e l iyeuy it looks astliei^femdashus=damp14-

snufXus out i t s time to light out for the frontierv

W f c y ^ I e Did -Not S u c c e e d

Probably the most surprized man of tbe- season was the postmaster- ra t Orange this s i M a ^ w h o prepared to commit suiriclo^rt ieW gtdays ago H sehTMsV^ect_mantbTCev~Trsbon_for some niorpHnc to kill himself with

isJamily siivsnectingali was^not right -rftanged the morphine to quinine The doomed man took one of the powders and laid down to die Hi felt a buzshyzing in his head but death did no ^apshyproach with that rapidity he desired so jbu-gotjipandlQakajwULcr4raquoJKUeTi and lafd down with a feeling that death would soon relieve him of all troubles The buRAng in his head continued and after wait ing an hour on cieatn which did not arrive on schedule time he got up-about as m a d ^ mart its could found He got the balance of the rifira nrncnre^Ka minroHcopcLana efxampzn

tnem ^nd when he found tbey were c t of rel-

ined them ^nd when he-found only quinine the trifling lt

tiieiatter oyer for afe^v^aya^widthen shot himself in the h

alive at last accoun that the bullet h

he no doubt feels en chanltrg(1^-i the


at Win eh Mich

fTF^st^tm l l j gt IUCV ovv Pickno

ck-Headache dyspepsia Liver Complaint Indigestion Constipation

and PUflFr THE BLOOD N O T I C E mdash W i t h o u t a particle of doubt Zer-

PTOtts Pills are the most popular of any en theraar-a t i v e s ^ v a s Clear t o h i m lie t h o u g h f tet flaying been bofbrethepubUefw a qaartcref

a centnry and having always performed more than was promised for them i keymerit the tneoeM that

- As he was they hare Attained P r i c e a g e p e r For sale bf alhlragffiato

Kenuot ts Pills alwayg in stock at Wlncbels




mE O L D R E A D I N G C L A S S Miss Mer ry deer u t t e r e d a g r i in t of dissatisfaction

-If i t s l aw i t a i n t j u s t i c e said she bdquo bdquoraquo fumbl ing in t h e pocke t of h e r t a t t e r e d

V f f i e f ygtrn deg l u a d g c l M S -ampd c o a t - a g a r m e n t Which had evident -

1 cannot tell you tienevieve how oft it coaie to memdash


raquo r

That roife of elocution late who stood BO straight luiliM

And charged at standard literature with amla-W-WC tteeiaja bull bull bull bull ^ - - - - trade^gt

Wc did not spare the yjnerwln walefc our wwfds Were d a d i 1

We tore the meaning or thMext by raquo11 the Bght j t e 6dj i

But sTulT rear tne dbai tfBO wrote tbg How we read 60 irfe

Wndd scarcehmjlaquocolaquonl2ed their |tork In PUtiigt Nuaibei Tfcree $

Outtlde tbe snowwas smooth ifed- cleatmdash the tfuck-laiddupt

lade thji windows speak at every i s t bull - v -belle threw ua pleasant1 words

ivellers would paw Fees along the ralaquo-tlaquolaquoraquo4-laquohki--

thelr class X -Bcyoao the white browed cotftagee were uest-

MOK cold and dumb ^ bull l And far away tbe mighty world eeeme beck

oniog UB to comemdash r The womirous world of which we connep wbut

hadbeen aadijBlKbt he bull)bull I l a t b a t o l4 - | a ih ip^ rlaquo4 ing cfcssipfOistrlct ~~ tfrThree bull bull -Tt

at int^mdashitraquoJ^ampPp[r-gt Ijlauiesmdash_ iformly mispronounced the mostiiu-

bdquo - _ t a n t namesgt W |praquondered through Biography ami gave

our fancy play And with some subjects fell in lovemdashgood

only for one day In Romance and Philosophy we settled many a

-point ^ And made what poems we assailed to creak at

every Joint bullbull And many authors that we love you with me

will agree Were first time introduced tiTus In -District

Number Thr4icraquo mdash

Tourecollect Sueannah Jirnith the teachers sore distress

Who never stopjltcd at any pausemdasha Fort of day express

And timid young Sylvester Jones of inconshysistent sight

Who stumbled on the easy words and read the hard ones right J

And Jennie Green whose doleful voice was always clothed in blacks

And Samuel Hicks whose tones induced the plastering all to crack lt

And Andrew Tubbs whose various mouths were quite a show to see

Alas we cannot find -them now in District Number Three -mdash r

And Jasper Jenckes whose tears would How at rach pathetic word

Hes in the prize-fight business now and bits them hard Ive heard)

AndBenny Bayue whose every tone he tnur deguntred as in fear

(Hi3 tongue is not so timid now he is an mdash^laquoitct4ouecrgt

ly been cu t down from a juansj u ls ter bullThere as t r ue as you l i v e r t h a t there d ime has fell out a n d go t lost in the w o o d s -

T h a t s nonsense 1 said Del ia t a r t ly bullTen h u r r y I c a n t

s t and here in thUjwindlall n i g h t t i t r b lun t ly s-irok

o u t t h e old c rone N o t w i thou t

Del ia reso lu te ly

cur ious ] dove o r a f e d TaWflii foT nil1 l l ial I k n o w

S h e l aughed b u t t h e r e w a s a cer ta in ve in of ser iousness t h a t u n d e r l a y all her m i r t h so Lill s t a r e d o u t in the g r a y M a r c h af te rnyon wi th l i t t le flurries of s n o w p r i c k i n g h e r c h e e k l ike frozen needles e v e r a n d a n o n a n d t h e f lmpy frost c r ack l i ng u n d e r h e r feet whi le some few paces beh ind t r u d g e d J e b o r shya m c h a r g e d to look as l i t t le as possible l ike a n escor t ~

bullFor nobodymdash k n o w s sa id Dolia L e t m e p a s s - w h a t t h e old wi tch m a y t a k e offense

the t e a j e e n t a J L j s a i ^ B u t to contois TEe t r u t h Li l t I ve pa r raquo o rde r s

a n d tirnrst s t i ck t o c m If you haven t -

And LantyfWood whose vftrg_wa just enshydeavoring hard to change

^ATnl leapedTrn-nuodfSTFH) fiercely shrill with most bullsurprising range Also his sister Mary Jane 80 full of prudish

frlccj -Alas theyre Both In higher schools than Dis-

t r j e tyamber Three ~ ^

^o back thesevarious voices come though long the years have grown

distinct through-Aud sound uncommonly Memory a tolophonc mdash r

i] rif)mynrfraquo fnhtf rnplo^v iunl_brlutr a sense of cheer bull ^ mdash

And some can smite the nick of time and summon forth a tearV

-VJ1 l y ^ - f t W J ^ h o r r t frmtrgtv hfl^k t ^ 111 WllfMI-ever ad I grieve

And sings a song and that is less Genevieve

It brightens up the olden timt M t i i l e a t t H e mdash mdash

A-sthfr star amid the clouds of District Numshyber Three bdquo _

- W I L L CAJJLETlaquo)N Srjftmbev

pot tlie m o n e y you m u s t JJ-JO a r o u n d by the mill road 1 -V

H u t t h a t s four mi les f i i r tOer sa id the old w o m a n despa i r ing ly A n d N e d d y ^ d e a d t i red a n d so a m I And i t s i r rowih colder eve ry m i n u t e a n d these Marcji winds is h a r d on my rhe t i m a t i c s

bull You sjjould have t h o u g h t 4 t i t h a t beshyfore 1 sAid Delia indifferently -mdash

I)ejjamgtsliy d o n t ytfn le t h e r p a s s whispered LIU SHOS so old a n d mdash

bull O l d pet t i sh ly r e p e a t e d Del ia JVhy s h e s t he w o r s t old b a r p y in

-V63 f r i gh^nor l whwtj fr|1(5 e n t e r e d tho l i t t le A t t n _ at laquo^laquolaquo ri gt n k i i Ak-raquo]T rgt -raquo r ^raquo laquo i r l t i si l i one - s to r i ed cab in ono side of wliich w a s al l awrV wi th t h e forei^bf m a n y a w i n t e r s t empes t in whose low-ceiled a p a r t m e n t old Miss M e r r y d e e r lay dyshying mdash

bullbullIs it m y b o u n y gir l r i f ie said liftshyi n g he r g l a n c e to thlaquo~njgw c o m e r s face i c s i t s she as g a v e m e t h e d ime Out of he r o w n pocke t she gave it to me E v e r y o n e else t u r n e d the i r backs upon


In a T b e I m p o r t a n t F a r t I t P l a y e d M y t t e r l o u TQurder

Jacksonville (Flo) CorN- Y Mail

Arch iba ld V Newton a y o u n g m a n

who be longs t o a w e a l t h y family w h i c h

s t ands h igh in E n g l a n d has jus t been

cenvic ted in O r a n g e C o u n t y of the m u r shy

de r of S a m u e l McMil lan T h e case w a s

sensa t iona l and w h e n the j u r y o r o u g k t

in the verdict W e find the p r i sone r gu i l t y a s c h a r g e d in the m d i c t m e n t t

t a t ious noise

m e a n d l a u g h e d to see the old witch go by N o one ever g a v e m e a n y t h i n g beshyfore but sneers a n d curses For what^ g o o d to a n y b o d y was o ld wi tch Merry- deefc B u t s h e t o o k p i ty on herTiOrd

p romised hor t h ree he r m y heiress

g a t e w n n osien- u laquo vgt ^ ^ ^ - ^deg rne here p re t -AM M l s f M e r r W e was t y ^ n c a n d P u ^ gtur h a n ^ ^ i m t

But crv^rr-a^-litTrtottchlaquotr-4te^war-ui s lowly a n d r e luc tan t ly t u r n i n g the don- 4 r J _ i_i -f_^bdquo_i -v-_ T u p a l m to t h e old c r o n e s fast p u r p l i n g

handt_she g a v e a q n i c k g a s p turned k e y s d r o o p i n g h e a d a r o u n d wben Lil l hor te r f tjaTflifSa^he r e scue

S t o p a minu to i Miss Mer rydee r - said she Here as a t en -cen t piece I t s e e m s s u c h a pHylfor yot t and the poo r o l d d ) 5 h ^ y ^ o ^ g o ^ f t r i r T O ^ d - i t h i s - b i t - t e r cold n igh t bdquo A n d mdash a n d you can p a y m e the nex t t ime vow come this w a y

E h sa id Miss M e r r y d e e r shri l ly bull Who a r e y o u

over a n d d i e d Lil l c losed he r eyes t ied up the poor

old tooth less j a w s wi th h e r scented p o c k e t fcandkerchiefV-erossed the hands orTThJ pus le less bfei is t a n d verrFltor5e aga in l eav ing J e b o r a m to do w h a t hlaquo

^rm1fll^afd-tfao- f ie ld s n iece f rom O m a h a

bullWell k ind Anil


A h said the old w o m a n w h o e v e r you be y o u v e done a a n d merc i fu l deed this n ight you H g e t y o u r r e w a r d for it too I tell y o u r f o r t u n e once m o r e s topshyp i n g t h e donkey as he was half-way t h r o u g h the to l l -ga te to Del ia Penridds i t t t tn i tc d isgust O h yes juycra charm-W o t h i t l ive in t h e w o o d s fmdbdquogubdquotma a spell t h a t o t h e r folks k n o w n o t h i n g of We l l here it I s THrec^bod gujts for you T h e r e s a lover coriiingjtheres a gift of m o n e y coming a n d there s a ^ear-eorgtseieBelaquo-4fcgt g o t o bed upon- this [l i^M ( iood-bye-7-good-bye

A n d t h e donkey t r o t t e d a w a y over thc f foxe t^Toad his hoofs r i n g i n g likn miTllledSbeHs whi le Deliamdashadjusted the b a r s w i t n a l augh a u d both g i r l s r a i r I m r r i o d l y b a c k t o t h f t g l o w a n d shelter of the i i re l ighl

Ts she c r a z y sa id Iill earnestly N o t half so c r azy as vyu ftere to

iiffton tomdashll^rmdashs-mt Dnlia I t s nld Miss M e r r y d e e r Every ojio knows


birch a ruTdr icc rpenny- roya l b u n c h e s in h e r dress c u i i o u s r e m e m o r a n c e s of old Miss Mer rydee r

T h e y bur ied h e r on the moLintainside in a qua in t l i t t le g r a v e y a r d where the cows g r a z e d a t will p i c k i n g the i r way jaa iohg t h e m o s s - g r o w n tombs tones and w h e r e t h e Ien^e h a d Ions- ago fallen to r u i n s a n d peop le l a u g h e d at the idea of

i l l J enr i t ie id beicir cons t i tu ted heitess

vours lt gt peer-

uud throvs a

ill lI)]Kix JlilijirUti bull 4r



co in ing

L i l l Li l l r u n to The re s some one road

Lill Poni ie ld s t a r t e d to Jior a l ac r i ty t i ius ruthiessTv

dttor-mdashlt|uiek4 owiK the

her She go woods a n d bails t l iem intfgt d r i n k a -

tcet with d e s t r o y i n g all

t he br ight visions which had bui l t them-bull e l v t v u p a r o u n d the g l o w i n g logs in the d e e p ch imney ^

H o w m u c h is it for a foot passeng-t iivisaid she ca l l ing tjp tlumdash n a r r o w woodou s ta i rway

- B u t i t i sn t a foot |gtassenger i r r i t shya b l y re to r ted Delia wi th h e r i u p u t h full

of ha i rp in s Vdt^ uld Mis-s Meiigtdefry wi th he r d o n k e y car t T e n c e n t s

I t Was a ^ t o r t n y M a r c h sunset red a a d t h r e a t e k i n g a f o n g t l v c w e s t wi th a frozen b r e a t h of icicles in the air a n d

c a r t seomed to a d v a n c e t h e tolldigaise

look ing wi th sur j ) r ised ieyey~rt

bullThere a r c families a r o u n d he re thu t wou ld r a t h e r have old Miss M e r r y d e e r in s ickness t han a n y o the r d o c t o r in town And she s a nu r se too and s o m e th ink tha t she sees and hears more t h a n o t h e r p e o p l e

H o w old is s h deg A h u n d r e d at l e a s t said Delia

-NovTeTns iiirtke liasc -and g e t - the-t e a r e a d y for Pa-wi l l be half frozen w h e n h e c o m e s mdashmdash i mdash 1 WTimtoEHf m y t l v r e e go^wl gifU will come t r u e said Lill laughing

O h unltloubtedIy De l i a -answered wi th the most m a r k e d sa t i re

B u t Delia-Penticld her p r i sed mdashabout -amdashweekmdashs w h e n a l e t t e r a r r ived for Lil l f rom t h e lad she left behind her

W h a t d o you th ink Li 11he wro te I a m c o m i n g ^castT l ~ m i i coTriinjrto

could-for the w a t c h e r s and a t t e n d a n t s And as she whlked she -carried the s t r a n g e a r o m a t i c odor s of p ine and

of the d e a d bullJUh

t i g h t e n o u g h hflcld


appoarod utraquo Sftniotd) b o a n o g iraquo f rom Mr ( i r ay one of the L o n d o n stock ho lde r s to J E G r a h a m the m a n a g e r of the Sanford C o m p a n y N e w t o n was m e n t i o n e d in the le t te r as a n e p h e w of Mr G r a y and M a n a g e r G r a h a m w a s au thor i zed to pay h im 8S3 pe r m o n t h Newton a youth of fino a p p e a r a n c e a n d p leas ing m a n n e r s was f)opular_atdirst b u t his g o o d repu ta t ion w a s soon blastshyed T h e r e were reasons to suspec t him of forger ies a n d then caijio n^ws t h a t hGvhad left E n g l a n d because of a n out shyr a g e aga ins t Miss Pol ly l i owron Sub shysequen t ly he sent money to E n g l a n d for K a t e Bowron a sister of his a l leged vic t im a n d mee t ing he r i n N e w Y o r k marr ied her and t h e couple r e t u r n e d to C r y s t a l L a k e O r a n g e County

^ Whi lQ lh l s was go ing on ano the r topic of suspicion p resen ted itselfrThereliv~

bulled in O r a n g e County n e a r Crys ta l L a k e a m a n -named Samue l McMil lan who bore t h b - r e p u t a t i o n of being v miser a n d w a s supposed to ca r ry a l a r g e sum hi m o n e y on his pe r son He- o w n e d a

-ya luablc g rove the sale - of which he Was nego t i a t ing with N e w t o n who-wi th his wife lived n e a r by N e w t o n -knew the habi t of McMil lan of e a r n i n g money On S a t u r d a y evening - Sep ten ibe r gtn McMil lan was last seen alixe_4nst a l t e r sunset in c o m p a n y wi th Newton walkshying t o w a r d Newton s house H e never r e t u r n e d to h i ^ h o m e a n d af te r some days his ne ighbors became ahxioftVand ins t i tu ted a search for h im On the 17th d a y of O c t o b e r j i i s headless body was found in Crysta l L a k e pa r t l y cohsvimed by fishes A r o u n d the waist was a rope t o which was suspended a sack i n wh ich w a s found a n iron p o t full of nlails A few days l a te r t he h e a d o-f-the-murdered m a n was found n e a r the SAIUT spo t trnd

k c q i airnji frrum Oboun ltoi I d o a H w m t j mdash you to ea tch i t mdash N e w Y o r k Mail and E x p r e s s


An I n c o n c e i v a b l e T o r t u r e ol t h e O r i shye n t

Paris Letter

T h e A n n a m e s e h a v e b r o u g h t the Scishyence of l impa lemen t to a m u c h finer po in t t h a n m i g h t be i n f e r r e d - J r o m t h e process herptofort- ^escribftfL _ A J ^ p ^ bliicer who wi tnessed an execut ion irT T o n k i n before t h e r e c e n t t roubles g ives thoro was m u c ^ - G x o i t r m p n t i n the c o u r t fc ^ ^ t _^ bdquo _ _ J

B l i t a l t e r all w h a t does it a m o u n t to Ah old hovel c r a m m e d chuck full of y a r b s a n d roots twent ga l lons o ilaquooot beer four dozen bot t les of ague cure tihat n e v e r y e t c a r e d a n y b o d y and four acres of l a n d Wtth t h e ^tones so close t o g e t h e r o u t t h a t even tlhe sheep c a n t ge t t h e i r i i o s e s - d o w n to browse -Vxr tmrcTrof a fo r t in fteeordlng-tomv ^ a v s o t h i n k i n g

B u t she m e a n t k ind ly toward me poor thing 1 1 sa id Lil t^soft ly A n d iiil l innnnco T oravf hftr^-q d i m e 1

The next af ternoon however Lncie -timiiiill f nne back from tpwn_vith a b e a m i n g face ~~~

L o o k he re L i l l said he - You ve go t the for t in af ter_al l W h a t il ye t h i n k Old witch M e r r y d e e r had eight h u n d r e d dolhuvs in t h e sav ings bank A n d i t s yours have belived the re was t h a t much money to be m a d e out of roo t s anil y a r b s

E i g h t h u n d r e d d o l l a r s cried Delia ~TiRm=brR r-eftn-^onugiug^to her feet

niaiiy j o m Ca tesby after all when he comes o a s t

I or to these s imple-people e ight hunshydred do l la rs signified a for tune bull So this g e n t l e - n a t u r e d heroine inher-

j t ed the throe good gifts after all Tom C a t e s b y canae eas t a n d set u p life as a-

t h e very-Siirno pnrt of thp c o u n i r v w h e r e vou a re Do you k n o w t h e old r e d mi l l Wel l ( i r iel H a l l h a s bough t it a n d w o - a r e to r u n it in p a r t n e r s h i p A n d w h e n we have saved a l i t t le m o n e y Or ie l is co in ing b a c k west for t h e g i r l h e is e n g a g e d to a n d I -we l l Lil l you

-i bull i k a o w tho rest I t m a y be severa l yea r s h i f t o k m m ^ H l s ^ ^ ^ b u t w e 3 m E t d B -t h r o u g h which old M i s s M e r r y d e e r s nr~enuy ut i e n o u g h for me p re sen t dea r it will be

to be n e a r y o u

A R a b b i s D i l e m m a A wel l kr town R a b b i of

i n v i t e d to the J o l i e t pen i t en t i a ry to ad-tmfcK-^ theJ4r -eraquo5 tiie-^conviipta lit^t S a b b a t h T h e

seated is-the^

as LiM4Rit r ad i an t ly d r eami^g ove r t h e let-

bullnnt old yyoman w h o s a t o n n h e a p ^ t A m i t h f t - e l G a r consc ience we l l branehes-and-AvdiiplwiditpiLphleg- - U I

onkey i f t^roct of her y o u r e a l w a y s r e a d y e n o u g l i t o

11 s a rcas t i ca l ly r e m a r k e d old Miss f leer as the d o n k e y ca_me to a h a l t ih front of t h e tb l l -bar Now-

t h e n y o u n g - w o m a n ( t o Lil l ) why^a in t I t o be al loyed to g o o n

T e n cent jplefieV s a i ^ Ltl l t imidshyly h o l d i n g o u t he r h a n d wi th a l t - t ha t she -had ever r ead d r e a m e d or h e a r d

iat Avitphes c o m i n g back in to her the a i g h t o f t h e yel low old face

wWh i ts f r inge of w h i t e elf-lock^ t h e tejoak a n d the nose t h a t was hooked

J f e n c o D deg amp i U v s l m c amp d o l d m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ Z Merrydee r A n d for w h a t I should l ike to k j i o w

f t^1r t$e^t t -gate p l e a s e ^ oxplftuibd JLAI w i sb ing m o r e t h n o v o r t h a coustD Would come d o w n a|aiitAr ^ -_mdash

I cUnt k n o w a n y t h i n g abot i toll bull g a t e s sa id Miss MerrydeorY S t a n d Aai^6 a n d lo t tun go thiougfa T h e road w a s h e r e 1 6 frac34 before t h e y o U f U ^ n f l 1 o l l ^ 5 ^ ^ b - laquo y ^ g a t e I t s s w i n d l i n g mdash t h a t s w h a t it-is-G e t u p N o d d y

She se t t l ed heiself b a c k a m t t e g the g r een s p r u c e Doughs and p r o t r u d i n g roots-with HIT a i r o x de te rmi t i a t ion a n d c h i r r u p e d to h e r d r o w s y s teed as i f she mean t o r ide rough - shod over

t a m e runn iRg down-s ta i r s arid the ba r back- to i ta p lace

-Twn ntB MffTlaquoJMffffyjgg] she l a w

said o r you c a n t -pass T h a t s the

t a k e ior g r a n t e d Now T if only- old wi tch M e r r y d e e r bdquowould s u p p l y t h e m o n e y J should r ea l ly be l i eve in h e r

bullI g u e s s said J e b o r a m H a w l e y the h i r ed jriattT-who 4iad--laquoome in a t t h i _ m o m e n t with a pot of g lue to w a r m ovor the k i t c h e n stove t h a t o ld Miss Mer shyr y d e e r w o n t s u p p l y m a n y m o r e t h i n g s in th is w o r l d S h e s a t d e a t h s d o o r w i t h pne i imonv T h a t s w h a t I v e h e a r d ~

I s she poor old t h i n g said-Dlaquo4iA care less lv T a k e ca re J e b o r a m d o n t spi l l t h a t g l u e

S h e s trot a l awye r s c i e rk t b e r c a

il ler wi th Lill a t che household he lm A u d of cour se they l ived h a p p y ever after W h o ever h e a r d of a pair of t rue lovers t ha t d id o the rwi se W h i l e the n e i g h b o r s all m a r v e l e d cxeccdingly-rand-r e n i a r k e d wi th va r ious nasa l inflections

a b u l l e t hole was discovered in the b a c k of his sku l l O n t h e b ra in s be ing re shym o v e d a bullet d r o p p e d out w h i c h a p shyp e a r e d to fix exac t ly a pis tol N e w t o n had borr owedi rom a ne ighbor n a m e d Tr i t e Th i s wastbe--ngtystery of C r y s t a l L a k e -

Lilt t h a t t ime Newton_became ihisli of inoneV H e said tha t bis - wife s

s3iit h im rnonev H e saiil t ha t bi

r a m e T B b w r c n 1 a d~ b r o t h e r 823000 wi th which to buy an orani ie g rove on the l ake He wis suspec ted of themdashmunLer_ _oi McMil lan - however a n d was brought before J u d g e C u c k c a m a n no ted as a m e m b e r of t tie F lor ida

sunse t

T h e F l o r i d a S h i p C a n a l

CiniiuijatiTirne s^t a r - ^ - - -Pe r sons p r o m i n e n t l y couuijittcd ^ith

t h e en te rp r i se arclfrec to ay tha t t h e p r o p o s e ^ F lo r ida s h i p cana l will be coix-s t ruc tedf T h e feasibi l i ty of the p ro jec t appea r s to have been d e m o n s t r a t e d Gene ra l S tone w h o has conduc ted -~wi -STrrve-aTtd~wtrrr-^qiF -^ u bulljerint^Mul -thci cons t ruc t ion of t h e cana l iu-ease-4l ieuro-c o m p a n y decides to g o a h e a d - w r r h - t h c work is a m a n whose opinion on such mat te r^ ia va luab le Hfr a s se r t ] conii

hT t iou of H1T2 t r i a r occu r r ed v for the-proserjiuiwri wa lked down the a is le followed lw a-meduim-sied d a r k -ha i red w o m a n evulen t ly a foreigner

1 deehireTTiever^ w ^ d t ^ ^ l t e s t p n n g e r g o t abreiv^U)i Mr gtew-to r f she t u rned amvpe-orcdvirtto her face say ing W h y Ka^e T h e pr i soner as he looked up and recognized the -woman liliiamphiid unt i 1 i t sce^ii( d the blood would burs t from nis neLkTrnd_--iiliXadis whi le Mrs N e w t o n turnei l dcTatinV pale a u d r e m a i n e d several seconds with uptifrnet face a n d half-open-qips as if petriilcuT by amazement- Tiijebull-bullpresence- oX-this w o m a n in Amer ica was a comple t e surshypr ise to the defence as t h e counsel for N e w t o n subsequent ly a d m i t t e d in open court mdashHer-to-Uimoiiv wa^ l i s t e n e d - t o

a n d w a g g i n g - o f t h e head t h a t r t~was m o s t e x t r a o r d i n a r y bu t old Miss M e r r y d e e r a lwaj s w a s q u e e r

Chicago was

p r i sone r s ^^en seareo i s - t n e spae tous c h a p e l and the R a b b i a rose to g ive his discourse J u s t t h e n it o c c u r r e d to hingt X n a t l r w ^ s i t vxrry^Tderricate m a t t e r - t o add re s s his aud i ence as he wished lo

wi th brea th less in teres t I t was to the effect t h a t the Bowron family had n bulli25inthegtyoiidJluuch less yen 2 o p o i y t b inves t in o range g r o v e s r - T u a t hacKbeen the a ia in pqintrpf the de fense -^ to a c o u n t for Nesvton s n ioney aifege^r to have been sent by t h e wealjy brother in- law The Eng l i shwo a n con t i rmed

rairiaipon Pol ly

ered m a p h a d e t r i a l Dr Kins

the s tory of N e w t o n s o Bowijom

M c M i l l a n - i k e m v coarse r e o V b a i r ^ A t W y l l y t e s t i r ^ l t h a t hemdashhad f o u n d i n blood spots^oTiTi h a n d k e r d i i e f T o u n d in I S e w t o n V p o c k e t t h e morning a f t e r the m a r d e r a e m g l e - j e i L h i i i r The h a n d -kerolfief w a s e x a m i n e d las t Oc tobe r by

s p r e t ^ e m humi l ia t ion by ca l l ing thcln I-Df Wyl ly H e testified t h a t a t t h e hrst J ^convicts^ Snid h e 1 do no t k n o w h o w tb add re s s youmdashyou people If say Fe l lowCi t i zens - t h a t w o n be r i g h t I f I s ay G e n t l e m ^ don i fKnow^f I w o u l If I s ay M i n e E r i e n d s th a (lead give a w a y to mine Q o n v i c t s yon d o n t s h o u l d smile So d ings a n d vou

wou ld be If I say

lat some I

ali fust say nud--

be p k a s e d a t

a m H e s to t ake ou t his p a y in four bo t t l e s of A g u e S p r u c e C u r e a n d a g a l shyl o n o j roo t beer B u t l a w t h e r e a in 5 d ^ c ^ s n l ( H t 7 raquo r T C r - d ^ laquo gt on a b roomst ick somo d a v o r disajspear

T h e nex t day howeve r oarne a t a t rmyltl l i t t le m e s s e n g e r to t -he to l l -houso

mdashX U l t L M i s s M e r r y d j

bullyoung w o m a n as

dot I _ k j ^ y 2 _ ^ Q i d I ^ n X ^ f t o r fellgw d o w n a m i d dea fen ing

f rom t h e i n m a t e s

w a n t s to see t h e ie g ive the t h r e e

good gifts ^ o sa id he r o l l i n g his oof-fee-colored eyebal l s a r o u n d I m to show h e r do way bull Bight off p l e a s e

Lill l ooked at Del ia in a m a z e m e n t a l l laquopp S h a l l I g o sa id she O h sure ly

position tm^- jus t here De l i a PenliWtf I o u g h t

perspir ing r o a r s of Chicago^

If t M Rabbi h a d said F e l l o w H u -ttlabullargtBeings he eoulcTTrave s t a r t ed

on w h a t he h a d to say wi th no em-a r r a e s m e n t to himself o r to the poo r

fel lows w h o a r e c a g e d u p a n d -who some t imes fee h o w h a r d it is for a n y shybody t o say a k ind word to t h e m If

Hire R a b b i h a d n o t h i n g to s a y a n d d i d n t k n o w h o w to say i t h e shou ld h a v e k e p t a w a y mdash H u n d r e d s of m e n w h o ( d o n o t k n o w half a r T i m c h as t h e Rabb i h a v e g o n e to the p r i sons a n d by the p r o m p t shyings of the i r w a r m h e a r t s a n d the i r IOVQ for m a n k i n d h a v e been enab led to say words of c o m f o r t t h a t h a v e b r o u g h t tcars to the eyes of m e n who -tfe sq-ffier-i n g mdash ^ u n w h m e n t for c r ime mdashPock s S u n _ __bull

mdash - - bull bull

svvung t I t s a lonely s p o t s a i ^ D e l i a mdash u p in the woods w i thou t a n e i g h b o r s house i n s i g h t J e b o r a m h a d be t t e r i o l l o w

t i t t l e riintnnpn -Did w i t ch v o r n r t

( M e r r y d e e r may t r r rn you in to a w h i t e

c rys t a l Suppos ing t h a t he m i g h t have scra tchedmdashhis fingor and -caused th c rys t a l to g e t oh t h e handke rch i e f he w o u i d - n o t accept a a ^ i L j ^ M n c j B _ l h a t t h e r e was blood t h e r e His last exami shyna t ion revea led t h e blooltl co rpusc le s ve ry dis t inct ly a n d u n d e r the m i c r o -scope h e d iscovered ^ s i n g l e t e d h a i r mdash a

ie g r o u n d a s firmly as a t e l e g r a p h po le a n d wi th t h e u p p e r p a r t a c h a i r of i ron h a v i n g an ori i ice in the c e n t e r of t h e sea t i s conshynec ted T h e po in t of t h e s t a k e fits t h e orilice in the chai a n d t h e l a t t e r is l ow- e r e d or ra ised by m a c h i n e r y set is m o -i ton^by a-cratrkmdashso t h a t suventrifEelr-of-t be pole can be forced t h r o u g h the body of any one sea ted in t h e cha i r T h e r e is a lofty p la t form r i s ing t o t h e s a m e h e igh t us the pule a n d j - e a j d i e d b y a lad-- der T h e execu t ione r compd^CsT^jyic-t i m to m o u n t a n d t a k e his sea t in the cha i r whe reon he is i m m o v a b l y cha ined T h e n the c r a n k is t u r n e d for ty o r fifty t imesmdashthe s t a k e b e i n g bur ied fu r the r a n d fu r the r in t h e c r i m i n a l s body at each t a r n bdquo

All thisbdquoappeursMiniitterablably horshyr ible to Europeens bu t the Or i en ta l s a re no t cons t i t u t ed as we a r e T h e y fea r o rd ina ry forms of d e a t h ve ry l i t t l e a n d decap i t a t ion o r h a n g i n g has as litshyt l e t e r ro r s for t h e m as t h e W o r k H o u s e for the common A n g l o - S a x o n crimina_L_ Moreover the i r n e r v o u s sys temmdashespecshyially t h a t of t he Chinese and k ind red racesmdashis not a l t o g e t h e r simrlai to the n e r vouamp_^ysJ^urolLAy iaa__r aeW_ T h e _ F r e n c h omeer w h o witnessedTthei m e t h o d of execut ion above desc r ibed avers t h a t the c r imina l c o n t i n u e d tobdquoeat a b a n a n a unt i l the opera t ion w a s half comple t ed

bulland m a n y t r a v e l e r s concu r in b e a r i n g evidence thftt the Chinese exh ib i t u n d e r t o r t u r e a deg ree o f f o r t i t u d e equa l if not super ior to t h e well k n o w n s toic ism -

-of the -Amer icnn I n d i a n l i n t i_t_k_rather s t r a n g e to l ea rn t h a t the p a r ^ o f t h e i ron m a c h i n e r y used in the i m p a l i n g process r e f e r r ed - to bears t h e t r a d e - m a r k of a F r o n d I -i ro raquo- m as l er

assert1 dentlyLhat the t l igg ing of this w a t e r -

- way jw41 rprovo a ggtod iftVcstmen-t f o r The c o m p a n y -alaquo4mdashoi__juiit_-beneiit ) c o m m e r c e A c c o r d i n g to geiun^irStpTiT-r the es t ima ted c o s t - - h e witholdsTU-etig-ures Tor the prcscuT -- is m o d e r a t e in compar i son to the a m o u n t of business that awai t s the canal l i r e reason for his fai th in t h e c n t c r p r i s e n r a y be s t a t ed in a few w o r d - The cana l it U claimx-d would save^rrom three to Vev-en (lays tim3 fo r allTTie s f e a hie r-T ah i r sa i l ing vessels 2 y i n g into and ou t of the (itiTf of Meicolt Th i s m e a n s a d i rec t sav ing to cip-h vc^raquoef in sa lary ai id-ruu-Hp-inj|-t-^^es of_about 1gtUU Bcsiilts the miyigat ion t h r o u g h the F lo r ida Stra i t^ is exceedLngly dange rous a n d thcynnnual losses frohi w r e c k a g e a re

fOrmojjji On tliis bulluVonni if js e i t i - _ the c a n a l w o u l d save from one and a half p e r e e i U u n i n s u r a n c c -f course w i t h increased-safety of

nav iga t ion a ntf lcrwer cost t he i r a l l i c CTTgtT

w h i c h n o w m a k e s use of the G u l f would l a rge ly inc rease Gen Stonje beshylieves t h a t w i t h i n a very shor t t ime afshyte r tlie comple t ion of the cana l you will find t h a t a very l a r g e propor t ion o f t h c ^

-g ra in and co t ton of the Wes t a p d N o r t h -west t h a t now goes E a s t b y r a i l wou ld come down-the-Miss iss ippi and t h r o u g h t he canaL a n d t h e a b s u r d i t y i -f ---driving ca t t le from T e x a s a w a y u p to K a n s a s and A r k a n s a s to bo t h e n c e s h i p p e d by xai l -J j jL_Easiern maxkAt_slgtr^laquold a l so

T h e r e is no en terpr i se now con-in p r o g t e s s t h a t w o u l d

cease t e m p l a t e d o r _ t -

x a m i n a t i o n h e iounltl a s ing le b lcgtod-^oniex-gr^a te i~4w^eHt5-4r^on-ahc_cQm^

W h e n t h e d o g a

coa r se r ed hai r T h e defense fough t t h e case p o i n t by poin t tmt t h e drift w a s agair is tr t h e m a n d w h e n N e w t o n sa id t h a t h e h a d b o r r o w e d T r u c u piutol to shoo t a n a l i g a t o r t h e aud ience l a u g h e d

W h e n the j u r y c a m e in a n d gave t h e verd ic t one could have h e a r d a p i n d r o p All t h e whi le N e w t o n h a d been ne rvous shyly t w i t c h i n g his m o u s t a c h e W h e n the verd ic t was read ou t he d r o p p e d his h e a d a n d d e a t h l y pa l e wh i l e a s l igh t t r e m o r passed t h r o u g h his f r ame H e then sudshyden ly j u m p e d up a n d seized his h a t i q r -g e t t i n g tha t - the c o u r t h a d n o t a d j o u r n e d but p re sen t ly con t ro l led himself a n d r e -immud his sea t mdashHis raquoif qu i e t for a few m o m e n t s t h e n a few t e a r s t r i ck led d o w n her c h e e k s a n d s h e g r a s p e d hor h u s b a n d s a r m convuls iveshyly b u t beyond this she showed no e m o shyt ion J u d g e Ctfcke p r o n o u n c e d the vershydic t -of d e a t h

mc rce of the w o r l d t h a n the F l o r i d a -eanaK or t h a t cou ld d e p e n d - u p o n

a l a r g e r b u s i n e s s P e r h a p s Gen -amplone in his e n t h u s i a s m for the s c h e m e ^ magni t ie its i m p o r t a n c e s o m e w h a t But it is p la in e n o u g h t h a t l h c ~ p r o p o s shyed p e n i n s u l a r c a n a l w o u l d be of wonshyderful a d v a n t a g e to the c o m m e r c e of this coun t ry and especially7 of the S o u t h shywest

^ bull bull - bull

T H E D r i gt E - ^ T h e N e w Y o r k T r j b t t n e p e r t i n e n t l y

T r u e cau t ion Ma said J e n n i e t o o boy in L P a r v e n u e at N e w p o r t t h e y said those

t h c j n e l o n p a t c h a n d t h e r e a r e no trees S m i t h s w h o h a v e g o t the J o n e s co t t age r h a n d y he 4 s ings O h f o r t h e g a r 4 raquo i ^ - - a r 4 3 _ a w ^ M j s t y l i pound h ^ wal l mdashCinoin j ia i t i M e r c h a n t a n d T r a v g r e e V G o t t h e ped ig ree have t h e v

said Mrs P a r v e n u exc i ted ly w e l l y o u p e bull - J mdash T mdash

very p e r t i n e n t l y s a y s N e w s p a p e r s have an e x a s p e r a t i n g way of t a k i n g u p a ca t ch -word o r newly coined p h r a s e and w o r k i n g it t o d e a t h T h e la tes t is d u d e A s u s e d in i ts o r ig ina l a n d m o r e r e s t r i c t ed sense the word is bail enough a n d the p u b l i c is sick of it B u t now it begins to be app l ied indiscr imi na te ly to all orts a n d condi t ions of m e n who exhibi t in t h e i r m a n n e r s o r e o n T e r -sa t ion t h e d e c e n c i e s a n d amen i t i e s of social life So t h a t t o be ca l l ed a d u d e by s o m e jqnr r ia l s o ^ b amoun tu to ca l l bull

j ng a maji a g e n t l e m a n T h i s of course is a s h a b b y wayvdf t r e a t i ng peo -])le whose g o o d - b r e e d i n g is t h e i r on ly c r ime a n d J i is a l t o g e t h e r an a b s u r d pe r fo rmance on t h e p a r t of r e p u t a b l e j o u r n a l s O n e p a p e r for ins tance t h e o t h e r day i nXno t i r i e of a m u c h i a l k e d -

bullcent ^ o r e l t o m a r k i ts d is l ike of r e f inement of t h e au tho r i n t i m a t e d he was a d u d e Is it no t a b o u t

t ime t h a t this s o r t of t h i n g w a s s t o p 5

ped- T h e w o r d d u d e m u s t go

bull ^




y - - gt - bull

bull bullt V ^

1 r bull

^ t a b bull d H ^ ~ bull ^ c r ^ - i - bull-bullbull

d ia iraquo fSraquo

V ^ f^



- - 1 laquo

The Agricultural Editor

bull Dyke Fortoseiifr rambled into tho pffictt of a rural newspaper published in

crass of m r a t readers suul named Vlw Fartnrs Friend

(ini Cultivators Vhamphn Dyke WHS fresh from Denver where lie had beeif ifloing local work on a daily He wanti-d ft situationmdashhe wanted it bad fry und ho ^oonclosed a bargain with 11laquo proprieshytor of the Farmer J Friend mid Cultishyvator Champion The proprietor in-tepded to be absent for two weoks anil Dyke undertook to hold the journal^ nead steadily up stream until his reshyturn J_ l _

You wilFreceive some visitors quijo Jikely said the proprietor Enter-fraquo|n em Entertain em in a manner which will reflect credit upon the paper They will want to talk stock farming horticulture etc you know Give it f o e m strong mdash-

Dyke bowed borrowed a half-dollar got a clean shave and a jrlass of beer n d soon returned to face the music and p d j c t h e first agricultural journal with Which he had ever been connected

M I c a n feel that with mv journalistic Wlaquo rience it will be jm agricultural himself

At two bclpck jgt

just km to run paper said Dyke to




m the first visitor phowed up at the door of the office and Dyke cordially invited him inside The farmer entered hesitatinglyand re-marked that ha had laquo Y p e a t p J u gt pia^ the proprietor with whom he had an appointment to discuss engtihige

I am in charge of the journal said pyke

Q you are Well you seem to have A pretty c lean ofBee hero


Y e s replied Dyke Hut about - ihte^eHsSage- Kfisttag isla~prettv sroolf

breed -isnPt itP bull J Breed exelairaed- ihe b a n n e r

V w h v mdash bull I mean its a sure crop -something

that y o u can relymdash Crop Why It-isnt a crop at a-H Ves yes I know it isnt a crop

laid Dyke perspiring^ vmtil his collar iwgan to me l t awayvilovvrr flie ftuvk of his neek but you can do Intter ami fi)eRQer work withbulla-^ood^ttrptmsrhtjre-pn stubby ground t h a n - ^ mdash ~

T a k e it for a sulky plow do you No no f said Dyke You dont

seem to understand me Now if a Jarnaer builds an ensilage on low groundmdash -

iA Builds an ensilage You seem to have got the th ing mixtul up with some kind of a granary

Pshaw no - continued Dyke I must make myself plainer You see tlite ensilage properly mixed with one

-fmrt gttittio-and threepitrts-lt)f-npltittpts-phate of antinicfay with the adtmien of ft l ittle bran and tan-bark and the Whole flavored with nMorid ltf limn


BARGAINS IN HATS ffHtrt a t eost--t-A- L a r g e mul E l e g a n t

)[ne of N e c k w u i r at le^4fttm-ttjsI

for straw )erry

raquo i -



^ 4

Uee bullT IJ IB I IU IT mdash d ywi wilt flad

^ Yoraquor Tpetfr towioat at p w u TwiJt fragrant make the breath of all ~Boys women men and girls

The fljfanofacturers have yet tp hlt caae of Dyspepsia or Biliousness w u used aa directed to which It wA not more than satisfactory Many write that it la a wonder-fill remody We can ahow where aa high aa forty

[ pounds were gained by Ita use in breaking up chronic BiiioDsnee and Dyspepsia Ita- friends In- creaae very fast and all who uae aa directed arlaquo aurpriaed and gratified _Jbdquo SH4

BIG REDUCTION IN HOSIERY We want to sell balance (jgtf Summer stock at cost and make room for fall

witHrinter goods

CALL AND SEE TO SATISFY YOURSELVES W e Wv^4tH euromwitgtort^ sioek- in paner

ZZ- iuut tTietn Priccs TuroTjj^ccT

IN CUFFS W e lead al co inpet to is The best | =^^==^-^



-K vet- Hh-tlie ttrwii-at p-iees-l-

niakes a top-dressing b^ds whichmdash bull

^yr-ensilatre isnt nouianure io certainly not said l)yke I

^fenowirts ndt often used in tlfat way ^oif dont eaieh iny drift WhcTrl-smfr U)gt-d nssiny 1 meant turkey drlt bull ssinltiZ=-stuiling you knowmdashfor Thanksgivshyi n g mdash l F

Grcat heavens man Ensilage isnt p human food _

No not a-human food exactly1 said poor Dyke grinning like an alinsgt house idiot it isnt a food at all in live true sense of the word My plan has always been to lasso the hug with- a tracechain and after pinning his ears Dackwith a clothes pin put the ensis lagegtinto his nose with a pair of twees-J ers1

Af3r good lands

^ o W n I) io 25 pcr(Vpt less tlum other-i-laquoii e se l ng ^ie su-ne identical

uootigt Ne~mue vlaquo i-bout doubt tlie best iiiiluund- oil si in ilte market

coin deue



Cor Congress and Battoa-Sta

You donH use on-

tjilageto ring h o g s I never believcMl that i t should bo

used for that-)lTjrpoae- but vheiT^-ou want to ring hens or voting ^ealv^ei to keep them from stgtekfcgmdash

The lander gravely shook his head Pid yaiijgyar_ try ensilage on th

Jiired^girlfM said Byke dtspariitlaquoly and winking like a bat a P l l 8 0 ajh

The farmer slowly arose and with laquoome evidence orheumatic twinges in his legs mdash

Young m a n he said solemnly yon are a l o n g ways from home a m 1 you

Y e s 1 replied Dyke eyes beneath tbe sltera

A t y o u r own pi icogt Clocks Clocks

CLOCKS CLOCKS Gouigrcgat dless of cost -

BEWWGz = drojrping his

of the gTaticBs halls in-

England sad-eyed rerrtiners^Tvearily V^atch and wait for my returnbull

Go hcraquoraeyoung man go home to your feudal cuMtUr and while on your wily acrogs _tjio- r u l i n g deep muse oj the f a c t nh^t^elrsttagCTk simplyjcj^rmli food for liye sloqkmdashgut i m ^ f p r e s s l y for fami ly use ina s i l ^ v t i i e h is notli-m e less thap an a ^ i ^ t pit where corn stalks griuja m^Je^cfover alfalfa and other gre^Hfcfuck te|raquoreserved for winshyter ugeVa ere^^^khtcrdiLrit as the

j^edltoror im0afaners Friend and Cultivators1 Chariampxjpiiy

And Dyke Fortescue Jsighed aa he reshymarked to himself There aint so blamed much fun in running an agrishycultural-paper as 1 tlioiigbt1mdashTesta Sifting

- bull raquo raquo

- M TaSteur telU the AeadeDjfy 0 ^ ^ 1 Stdences at Parig thdtwonderful results

are being obtained Mithe work of yac-[ cinating live stock as a preventive against disease During the last-yltGftrbdquo l 8O0Q6 sheep about 4rQ(JPhaatl-of cattle ampul AGO horsed ha^^^eeenmdashvftooinatwlT-^efore this system was introduced the annual loss from liver-rot in one depart-InemVwas nine per cent while tmrloss gince then has beeir reduced over one-

- ^ bull ^ -mdashThe Cleveland Akron amp CpljiSjlms

Railroad now counts its time from one 0 twenty-four oclock Thus two pm ia fourteen and It) pm tWanty-t^o The plan avoids possibility of extension betweon forenoon aftd astern

--^-----^=^-- raquot9n

1VE 11AYK AftlttSTO(K43F

FARMERS AND THRESHERS wliloh we vt el at down prices

BEST COFFEE 1 ^ - Fa i rban l (S Ex Winter-strained Lard Oil No l-tard Oil

Best Quality Lardoline A No I Golden Engine Oil

In t o v w ISoiions- N o e es and

laquoraquolaquo^z t down prices

La ge line at prices below par at the


Pinckney M t e h i j f i r i ^

w raquoJ

a V

DETROIT MICH HftieF $1 to $1 raquo per day Single

iwraquo1raquo lt(UHgti -lAHlitfosi-SS to iOc 4V 1 a a 1 w-amp nraquoi4a4f y- ititt i n DfT4 and

M l O O fclaquoMl) 4wgt a n w LaaJi fi -jmni tt bull

1gt bull


OaAwroBDiCo PA CITT OF TrruinLui Peraooallj appeared bfcxore me Peter PKBUpi

whobeing sworn accordiag to law depoaea aod aayi That he haa been affected with rheuznatlam more or leaa for the paat fonr or Ave yean T H | last winter he had a very aevere attack and t i t ) the pain waa excruciating and-he could only mi about in hia own room By taking bold of aoi thing for support When the disease waa in moat acute form and the pain almoat unbet be took a dose of Wilaoni Lightning Kemi which cauaed immediate relief and the doea taken five hours after mafle a perfect ajii |] permanent cure and that since taking the two ooaea he haa been free from the diaeaae or any symptoms thereof PETER PHILLIPS

Sworn and subscribed to before raa this 9th day of Jnly A D 1880 JKO 0NEUX Notary Public

FAR RAND WILLIAMS 6 CO AotNTS Detroit Miehigatt 81t4



A J eea hew sock of tlte following goods just leceived all of which we guarantee to be the purest and best quality made inliraquolaquo WOFW-

Zero Black Oil Ford Art LoanBnirdingiystroFvMichT^


Old Process Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil TURPENTINE^Oa DRJER

YAR$mamp XXX CASTOR OIL Gasoline 74 deg aiid iCapvha Wa^er-Whiie and Legal Test Kerosene Oil Pure While Lead Colored Paints by the gallon and in paste form in 25 pound tin

Ye a e making Oils PanU and Painters Materials a oj ecialty and | L A T H amp S H I N G E i E S a r Yard on Howell Street north of the

Brick Store OFFICE AT


pails ^iTquote^UW^HTTlTCJES t^aiTany olher dealers in Livingston County-Given a call and see

TEEBL^^c GADWELL_ Jtrst door Eaat-ofWrS Mann Estate Brkk Store t

^IHE^ORMra^RU^ STORE In connection with our larjferand varied stock of


AND FINE CHEMICALS We make a spetiiaPy^of Nuisery and^gt-^Dora Suiraquolies Trusses E|i

_ Bandages Shoulder Bi ses^auCr t bull -i^es kept in a first class ^ruj^Sfore Oo Stock of


bull^fulf^a^J^opleteYembr^difgbull all theuroi standard and reliable remedies which rVe will^^a^jtew^aif reliable J|oulaquoe in the coiin^r^We keep a fall stock ofgtH iJbtanic and^Eclectic Reme^res d PaJeltDavisamp CoV New Remedies enabling bullusl dVfill any prescripiloriot LV^UyreceiptS We shall keep every= tiling plaquo^5nj^gito bflaquor traite In ougtQfbcery Department we have none but ]fcesh ana^wSlTselected goods anio^wtn sell at bottom prices To accoinmo-date our patrons we will tate-inexebange Butter and Eggs and will pay the highest markei or ice ^ ^ Respectiully

lyoft dal0 -I forM fl bull Percheron-Norman Horsee

Engliati DiafI Hurwi t- ^ -Coachers Shetland Ponies

Ilolatetn and Davon Cattle Oar customers have the advantageof our

years experience in breeding and importln collections opportunityof comparlns ( breeds low prices becalise of extent of bustmdasha and low rates of transportat^pn CataiQgues trae torrespondence solicited



bullbullpound3L A



The Detroit Art Loan Record An eight sheet published daily daring the Exhibition

volume of 430 pa acriptiob price

September and October 5i numbera one index and titie-pa^egt

ve Oollars Ten Thousand

nlar Dictionary of Pine Art 1laquo large pages 4gtoond ^Seventyjflve cent Addreaa Hen

aestione Answered A Po

Addreaa Henry





SILVER WABpoundraquo u repawd to h inckner and anzroundlne 0 uadrnpla aUvar pteted ware LUO a 4na aaaortment of Jewlt

We ate now prepared to fnrniah Pinckney and surrounding coo ouadruble aUvar plated ware at Also a ftna aaaortment of Jewelry ^

)lesf Chains and Quard Chains Necklaces LocketefChams

Solid 0ol4 Band and Set RiBflaquo Gold Silver anjHtickle Watches

tdeaignain ~

Eighptfy and Thirip-JiourJii - Foil U M of breech and mtuale-loading y

Quns also Revolvers Ammunition and Sporting Oooda Oenerallf -y BAST02L CAMPBBLI

Wert Katn Street Plnckraquoey Kiehlfaalaquo

FJJUI FOB S mdashIWal bullcttJamaixty acros plowed land) to milM wast of Pinckney aid three mllea from UntdlUa on the Hnck4y^nd I amp U 3 d S onl in^ft i TBailrogt G o o d h t w a ^ W Flna Orchard and spring of^cold waUr-Alao several acrea of Untber-iJa ^ ^ ^ white tneeropa agte growina bull terras tJfc^r a vary daalrabk B O M Apply


Page 2: mcmrmammmoBrA · VOL I. PiNCKNBT, Mi™6AirriHWffi8MY^UGV3T23tl883t" NO.32. PINCKNEYDISPATCH JEAOME WINCHELL, PUB USHER. 4it«eriptlo« Price, $1.** per Tear. 1fc AOVEBTISniO

- bull gt bullbullbull -^-^Waai bull- v1 ^rmdash



Loggiug has not been so dull iu Uncommon in four years as a t the present time

The Buetiauan manufactur ing company luaken 100000 bedsteads and IOJOOU tblelaquogt anshynually J bull W A McAndrewof Ypsllanti has written an opera which he hrtends to have given to the public by home ta lent next month

The Charlottf Leader says i m r m j wheat harvest just closed the inade it necessary to lay aside

Tttr wct weather

^ ^ ^ the improved reap^t^and self-mrnfcrtraquor ami resort-to the old style cradle

Hillsdale cuiiutv fanners have marketed 472000 poundsof wool fid1 season and it is estimated tha t 30000 pounds still remain in their hands

Thlt re is talk that jthe Chicago A West Michshyigan IUilway wilf soon extend their road to Baldwin tutcrselt-tiug there with the Fliut A Pere Marquette Road

new Wu(X) Meam heating-fwHtK-1 fc Ugtraquo ing placed in Niles

Bteairr the cent ra l school building at

Brig-lieu Withingtou of the M S T has resigned and Col Smith appointed as his sue cessui

Vilhing tons resignation takes effect Oct 2)

bullIt j s not xi bad idea sometimes to gell your proiu-rty if it is in market if you are offered a good price T h e St an foTt Herald tei s of u Tor in that city now used as a horse pasiure which could have been sold for pound17^) nine vearaago but the owner wanted $4000 About kis years_ ago pound)500 was ottered for it and reshyfused T o day it I s doubtful if it cuu be sold forcash for $lHgto and it has not produced income enough to much more tlian pay the tuxes during the past ten years ftrrsftress men ltx-ared els-vlierc b-cause the price asked was too high bdquo _ raquo

lUir-ing thv ir-at week of Augus t the Fl in t olt pen- Marquette railroad earned $4327raquo To Carrie lleisig l i y e a r s old living in Adrian

^accidental lyrhd-from-a load-of straw upon which she was riding and fell on the thills be- hind the horse The animal became frightenshyed and ran away linally striking a tree and throwing the girl against the fence Her lower jaw was broken twice a n t h e r i g h t side and she was also badly injured internally

Freddie Mead of Coorcrsvllle aged seven vcars fgll under a D ( 1 H tfcM freight train and was instantly killed He was jumping from a lath pile to a moving tlal car and missed Ids footing

The Y M C of Jackson has just moved inttgt a handsomely furnished suite of rooms

Willie Decker a 10-year old eonofWin J )eckcr of Ff eelsudSaginaw countv -]tas been missing since December last His patents vre very anxious to learn of his whereabouts ifr has a wenovcr h isxight eye and a s e i r under h i s left bull bull

Acrgtnviet named John p u p p i e s -sentenced from Hillsdale County for sheep_steuling died in prison at Jackson a-few days ago His reshymainswere sh ipped to his former homo for

burial T 7 ^ ~ Maj- T C Djiucau State-Senator from Cass

and berrieuCounties aud editor laquoraquof the Niles -Rc^mbiicmJriras been ^prxrint^-t^TreTtOT of

the southern sub-district of the Western Michishygan Infernal Revenue District whTclTis under charge of Collector VYatkins of Grand Rapids H a r b o r Springs Reporter The largest fish

known to have been caught in Litt le Traverse bay was-taken by Wilon Bros from one yC H r ppd nets a few mornings ago awl ^ y y on exhibition at the J arbor Springs tish Jjoirse bullwherenearly al the nsh caught in thegttey are packed and shipped I t was a sturgeon as ia rge as-a shark and had the fishedthat fed the multitude been- as large it wouldnt have been much of a miracle after a l b T h i s s turgeon was over six feet lontf was-^hlrty-eigbt inches iu girt and weighed fl)5 pounds

The vacancy whieliwits maUc bv tne rcsig-nation of Prof Alexander Tison professor- of

arge ta r re l though I t was made of oak and ww about MX Inches long and three incbeB In diameter ----^-

Jack Whitmore a moulder laquo1 Bat t i-Creek has jus t fallen heir t a p r o p e f t r l n JSew | y r k valued ftt 20000 ~r jP

A laav physician Miss n B B a j U H r t h c tirst medical practit ioner in facfcsolLOounty t o

tile the s ta tement required by tfce nw law^jre-quir iug such action bull

Vm A- Stockman of Detroit was at the hlilrttualtst tAinp lueeting )itigtrioD and receiv-i-d a spirit letter from his mother long ltkud which he b-lleves to be in her hand writ ing It came through the independent slat writiujf raedlumship of Win A Manhllelfl a n d t f any



ouVdoubts the authentici ty of it Mr Stockman 1 palliatlug circumstances he had been induee l can sl-ow the slate ~ tor tbeSeOorig tWne to ctteTKF

Tlie State Firemens tournament held in Marshall was a grand success

At the close of the celebration heldUy-Uwj bullrokmi people in Calvin Cass conuty ini-the la th iust a dillieulty arose between John Akein and three Wilson boys and several shots were tired one of which strirck Akciu between the eyes knocking him down He was uot seriously hur t Soon after the dillieulty lt Akeiu was at Cassopolls after warrants- for tne Wilsons a brother Macom Wilson got Into trouble with James ami Auu Curtis and waa shot dyinginstantly

The failure of Lafouutains-Baukrt Monroe shows it to have been in a very b a d ^ n d l t i o u The liabilities are cent25414 (SO nominal ass

HHOT4A]SO The lat ter include some rfal estate which is inortgageil for i iearlyyits full valuj but which is ratd at 3 500 rove r 3000 of B Lot-augers uotes (late par tner ) whieji are regarded as worthless and enough o t h w poor no^es aud accounts to cut the actual value of the assets-iiowii to 13000 if not less I t is hardly probable that^^yJiUnrS-WiUxeuljxe more than ten per cent _

The $T0oatnibrarr fund of Olivet College was a meuiorial of the hue Mrs Lucy E T u t -t h ottiinrford-Coitfr inLonor of her gifted aud lamented sou Willie Sage Tut t le Though for more than two years the library has bueu-enriched bv this fund only recently has the name of the generous donor been known The income is annually appropriated to t h e purshychase of books

The crop of wheat in Allegan^ county is not tu rn ing o u t as well as first appearances gave promise ^ h e r e is much 6hruuken aud rus ty gt o t more than tworthirds of a crop will b ^ -had^-x- _

(Jebrge C Munro of Jonesville l l lgsdale coiintvrdied at his home on the lltKh insVafter t a longillness dur ingthe-grca ter part of which1

he was id most completely pafaly^d Gen Muuro ^vas one of the pioneers of Hillsdakf cotimy and Itas-beeu prominent in sociaLdmi-potitiual life H e was a leader in t h e D e m o shycratic party for years and ^as once- candishydate for Lieutenant-Governor he was Fast Grand Commander of the Kuights Templar of this s ta tu TasUGrand H i g h f riest of Royal Arch Masons and Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodgltof Fltt A^Al of this s ta te He was burled with Masonic honors by Kireka Coumiandery6TXi^ tyTemplaT0f i i t l l sd5 le r

ThTRatfabuu Hotel property at Grand-Ran^ ids has been sold for-^HrWO A fine br ick ldock is to He ercc^u- at the txpiratiou of the present l e a

hiebeLaur an old resident of Monroe years-was found dead in--her bad of

bullis- of the heart She had been sick for hours aud her illness was not considershy

ed-dangerous 1 bull In the-band contest held in Marshall dur ing bullth tirnraquoP3 tonrnnmerjt^ie_JtaU1 e_Creek band took tirst prize

Mrs AJLmira i lyle au Eaton county pioneer died at her home in Eaton Rapids on t V IT til

the average Potatoes are not so suffered on account of the rahis

CoufnussloiUih aic atmdashwor-Umdash way for a division of Hay countv^tt mation of the new debts liabilities anlt are being determined audanei|UtaigtlcirranLre-

A big suit is iu progress iu Roscommon Brewing out of the damming of the Muskegon river which caused the Averli-gtw lt t lands J A K Stohe igt comphu^ian and C 1 FjeJds defendant- ^--

Tlis union trust coinpauyj^- -Grand Rapids so often denoungtcd as a-fraud is now bcheved io1)0 tinally ^luei^hed Benson Uidweil has beenlockedapin jai_ ami the safe desk c fc of tTi]praquocr)r)piny---m-ein tlie ^ustoi)y__uf the1



Eaton Rapids on the Inth ItTst Alter the usua

f s

Latin in Olivet College will bi4- tilled by Prof Alien B Gould w-ho has occupied the position of Professor in Latin for three years in Wil-Hairs College MfiSBSctmsettsr- Profr- Jttsepit 4 f h ^ r w i l l be arreVd nfKraquon DauieU will have charge of the library and - Prof Lobawill supply Prof Kings place as Principal of the Preparatory Department

A sad accident occurred about two mileswest of Wlvm atCliarlos Lambert s gtIr aud Mrs Lambert w re away from home leaving four children alonemdashTdicoldest about 13 years old

- rnKhbn^o4 ia t id - iampkc the day beforg-to-sce the soldiers and probably thought he would

-^4a-v-ol4ier-T- He- took his latl ier s shot-gun down and shot his sister about 11 years old The charge took effect in the back of the head and neck and she died instantly She was

_about three rods from the noy in front of the house mdash mdash bull -

A valuable race ho r sc^amed Ra^-nfond ownshyed bv Scth McLean of Bay City was killed in sy collision on-fcberace track at Charlotte dur ing the rtPrfraquoftthflrp the tTier dav The horse was

jwdued at $10000 There was a revolt al Camp Griifttli-on acshy

count of high prices and the large pavilion andluDch counter of Tom Swan the caterer was left irra demoralized condition

Several cases of typhoid fever in Muskegon three of which resulted fatally have been traced_tp_the_use of_water from one well

The BattleJJreekRemlblican says t ha t about three yearaquo ago a l a d y i n that c i ty swallowed twoptns frofla-whiejhf she-had- uffcred-aotbiag more than a sliglgtt cough b u t recent ly the cpugh grew wopfle and one morning iast week

_ she coughed u p one of the pins I t was rfisty and brittle ana easily crumbled

Heavyos t at Roscommon pri the 13th A4ar^e new chUrcEwUi soon be buil t by the

newlynorganised Presbyterian society at Batt le C e e k bull _ bull - bull

That wide-awake li t t le village o^ Coleman in Midlandcountyw_ant8 a newspaper

bullK Petoskev has a remarkably fine Sunday school orchestra consisting of 11 pieces^t d by a young lady teacher

The yield of wheat in St Joseph county sur-passesthat of any other year in i ts history

Marcellus H viand aud Peter Hook two efn-uloves of the Phoenix furniture factory Grand Rapidsftrrarrelled and Hyland was 8tabgted twice bv Hook once in the neck and once in arm tyene lat ter wound severing an artery Hook was arrested and will be arraigned when the result of H y l a n d V wounds is ascertained Both are boys of about fifteen years aud Holshylanders

T h e StateTelepriOne Itnerhas reaclrcttHJhar-lotte and is in good working order connecting Charlotte with Lansing Jackson Eaton Rapids Battle Crceky-Kamplamozoo and stat ions along these lines

A company has been formed t o purchase Heiatertnaim-s islano m w u d fcowi B y convert It - into J a summer resort for Sagi-

The island is s i tua ted ID Wild four

mUBfifror^JJayPort I t contains a i o u t 00

u-^yiCniy 1iiegt alidflie Tor-

county oK Aryuae The asse t ^ f l t l i e two conutics

through a bcx ear before eral other cauallties A Heavy vailed at the t ime and horsfs ran a


Lleutenant-ColoneLjjBges was martial before t h u f t c e u t t r ial io pay aceuunts O p in J le he was sen t eudp jo be

senlee bot eight members the court which tried him recomtneuded clemshyency iu his case on account of his excellent milshyitary record AUiAuugh it waA Lieutenaut-Cob one l l lges s secohd oncosts the President in h i a o r amp r apprQNln^ the lridlmKap(l a r a t n e e of the coari-mAKill aatd t l i i t r i t view blabiue


ofliccr li also reniarked U k t the Uupilca-tlon of a pav account by an officer involved falsehood fraud and an act of dishonorand tha t ^Ptrmency iu such a case cannot IK exshypected lgtgt auy ollieer after this warning Unshyder these circumstances probably Lieutenant-Colon 1 Ugts dois not expect U) be leniently dealt wjtii at this time There is some reasou ty feeiieve however that he will not rest easy A ide r tigta i ljugrairaquotil AltjJfsffi|maHr^laquo4braquoffe^ vjee if the case of Colonel Morrow Iate~dT General Shermans stalf shall be persistently lcmororl by the War Department I t appears tha t someof Colouil Marrows creditors in Washington are indignant at the position ofaf

h fairs in relation to that officer I t is said while tstM4^w^-HJ--ltiA-^aiitltgtraaretQi)artleipate In the beuetits accruing to the Syudieate wiifchtook up his dishonored accounts ana formea a t rus teeship with t he cnnsMnt of the_Varjjgpart_ rneut other creditors wlwsv elaluis are iquajiy goodmdashsome of them even strongermdashhave been iguortd entirely bull There Is some reason to beshylieve that this is true Meanwhile Lieutenftut Robertson u n a m b i t i o u s vouugtot l lcer who loves his professiou is to be tried by eourt-mar-ttal-fof a_dupllcatiuu of hirfpayacvounts which as explamedr happenet tm w ^ A T t t e t r r n t l r r t ^ very little discredit upon him bdquobullltbull

n o w TIJK uf i i rv Escxier~-~--Alpha B Beal w t o was arrested laquobort time

ago oujLCharge of taking an excessive tee from a widow for obtaining a pension has been disshymissed- the court holding that there had been n o violation of the statute The judge liolds that the check havlng-been cashed by the bank

And a portion of t h C amount placed with the bank on deposil^n^-Uioney was nolonger uuder the protection which is placed by the s ta tu te

over money received oh account of pensions and thefact-that defendant received part of it oh apcuuntof service rcndcrcd-docs not constishyt u t e a violatiou of the statute ^ A gtiOl)E9T CLAIM bull

S B Edmonstou et al of St^Louis^have put in a modest claim for abtnit 13000000 for property in the the eUv of Washluatou much of which is now the capitol grounds

picket of s tate troop8ktning guards At daylight next inorning Marcno marched with twen t r men aud found the savshyages to the lUnmber of J5tr menlatrongly inshytrenched and he wa^eoinpelled to retreat He uiadje^ Mcoraquod ricViinoissauce accompanied ftj-WTHMTlllaieTi mi anamUnition becoming tx4ttV 4laquo laquo i J i ^ ^ J K t t ^ j i t l F T W t f i laquo dlans were KuTed and Marengo STIfnUy wonna-ed Afuer tb akiffufeh t h e laquoavwfs had things all their ownway au^l drove off large herds

A SK1UOUS SVASB vv A swlyus cui4eut occurred on the Iron

Mountain railroad about liO- mile frqm 8i Louis Mo the other day I t appears t h a t a freight train broke down at C a ^ i t ^ n d a n engine wasaeitlaquorow from DeSoto to bring it up When about a mile fromCadit the relief engine

^e l lu ilaquod^waJr^gmrlta^Tato wadng nor th h td-ly wrecking both engines and several cars Jerome Pinston fireman of the relief engine was Wiled o u t r i g h t and Bfoome Williams its

Stevenson eugiqeej-qf the gravel fraiu had-ap arm broken aud ribs fractured Henry Moorei bragt-euittn arui brukey luterually^iid ptsrhap fatally iujured Pa t Gleun rtremaa of the

^^aiu^-fiiot-enislud^ vaUilaquomaiataixn-r son and Moore were brought to Cadit and taken to tbe railroad companys hospital-Iilenn was t ak^ f i to his home at Jcoudale Tlie aceldeut oelaquotirred In a deep cu t oa a sharp curve aatl the train io collision with the freight was^mlt-a g r a w l train but was laden with pig

JgmjincL watermelons and more than half of it was badly wrtekp d Bothemjihes were near

IX(OUUVGING Inspector Haworth Syho has geueral ehatge

of thegdi ernnient schools for theuro Indians has just re turned from the westautf submits a very encouraging report as to thework being done for that people- The s-ehools now in process of A^njiructii iU^ULbe^aiUfor use in January aud when completed the fiidlau schools throughshyout the country will accommodate 10-250

-pup i l s - - _ ___ -bullA^OtHBH ViOTUHV FOtt T^E JCEOKO

A decision was rendered by Judge Mills in the Washington police court in the civil rights case of the Rev George If Smith colored of Norwich Conn against James YV Brli proshyprietor of a -r^stauranL The^grouud of the complaint was tha t Bell had denied the accony modatlou- Af bis rcscaurant- to the plaintiff toi account of the Jatter s color and suit wa brought to enforce the criminal provisons of the aet of March 1 b~i7gt The court holds tliat

Bay countv crops are exceeding expect-auey iuider the eloiumou law au inn-keeper is bound Wheat will vield spleudidiv and oatlaquo are above to take iyaud receive all travelers uud wayfor-

(bullbull tt^^fer-TT-SrptMiiltb-Tt b y fhraquo^ f mdashbull ~r mdash-bull bull lt-~- - bullbull made u misdemeanor

fr av ele r oti accou nt

oet ampf March 1 1NT5 it is to dfserhnlnaie against a

of race and color regard-

T i t t i n y n n P r o M b l M o n U t s

prolTiyitioh 5tate conventiou met in

work of organization had been performed the state central committe wraquo^ Hindtrade in frtiiowa Chairman Merri t t Moore of Ionia secretary Wra A Taylor of Lans ing A I) Power J T Baer Porter Reals O II L Cromer D P Sagendorph S A Strong H H Bow_Bragt Jas A McKay S A Jewell A B Chenev Alfred Wise D H Stone Robert King R BMoore J B Adams P X Saunders J F A Raide Rev E P Clark Prof A M Webster Re- John Hamilton J C Tun6ton

The convention voted to raise lOOOOO for a campaign fund by selling stock at $10 each payable in four equal annual n ^ t a l l m e h t s i n

dorsed the platform of the national convention at Chicago declared in favor of consti tutional and s ta tutory prohibition of the manufacture of liquor as a beverge

rarraigned the republishycan party for bad faith ichnot submit t ing the question to the people and declared tha t the party Is incompetent to dear with the liquor question - bull

rvStaur-Hit-keeper has a right to eetabiiu-eer-t aiurvgu 1 at Ions as-todiuura for mcAltC and to designate eortaiu places or seaamprfor eustonicrs bu t uch hours and ^uerf soats must be the same for all or i^-atry discrimination be made i t imistvbeinade upon some principle or for sotnuivffou tha t the law recognizes as jti-t and reasonable and not on account of color race or previous condition of servitude bull All guests of an i r iuorres tauraut must bcglven the usiml privileges and the places designated for thejn mus t be accessible to all respectable pershysons at a uniform rate of charge From these principles it follows tha t the defendant in-rlis-erlminating against the complainant on account of hBTace amTeolor- was guilty of a miide-meanor and incurred the penalty prescribed by the second section of Hie civil r ights act of

Iudgeuieut is cutcicd accordingly This case is-in some respects a IHJVII onesince it is the first a t tempt to enforce a penalty under the cocoud fi^etion of t h e civil r ights altf wlilclh makes violation of the law a misdemeanor and u M thltgt first- effort miulc t o enforce the crlnil

^y demojrshed The bolter of one of them ex ptbded^Dd forge pte^Sat itvftft th rown over 100-yards All t h i engine men were more or less scalded by escaping steam bull The damage by the accident will amount to several thousshyand dollars


It is-stated tha t by reason of the vigorous acshytion of t h e government in prosecut ing the op ium smugg le r s on the Pacific coast the duties rollected at San Frariclscoon opium the lastflscal year were more than fUWOjBW) in



Bue Fletcher alias Burton and Mollle D t n -wood colorwljfemale convictoin the s ta te penl

ibviUft Tejwa ouwre led In the rooinajpnen tMK 1 alter s tMbed the former

with tolonjt-biadiit pocket kfilfe ihes i c r o M her r ight a rm and her J t f t breasfc and a fourth n t l g u e c k peMtra t ing the left

-_ ieaJliffrom w M u she b l cd t r t | raquo9 i lwr t tune aftdr a physician arrived

V laquo P a U t laquo M A F F A I H S

AHTtlM I t l l l X E l )

DrBoydlaquo IMMMbdquo asylum at EftQoi Eug burned a few o a j a a g o The water supply was ^Iftltyi^ MrV tfcf H r COUili IXAJoii -ltsub- dued before fbe betiding was wholly destroyed Thuroof ftU i n a a d s i patieuts were ltkflled S^ f ra l ottiers wejfe lpjured bull i

S f D D B X l iEATlj

Miss bull Fanny Dougall au estimable young lftriy laquo2 Windsor Out- daughter of James Don- gall oneof the oldest residents of t h a t town dropped dead from heart disease on Hickory island where she had beeu camping wi th a party of young pe^plj from Windsor loMever -

-at drlaquoV|Kt-ampnlaquo- htufetaftt w tu rned Jtbm a boat ride


Tlie proclamation issued bv tlie rebel leaders to the inliabitauts of Seo de UrgcLou the occa sion of the rising at that p lace ts published ~ declares tha t thiise persoius who oppose tlie r uublic will be punished with death and decret6 the separation of church and s t a t e permission of l iberty of caascieuec suppression of thu ()e-tQrian6ralxgtlitiou iif the courts of just ice in

f a y o r p l a rlaquofvoluti0narv muuieJpality which wfll administer justice luaceordanee with the consti tut ion of ISOJ bull


The t e x t o f f b e t reaty of commerce and ami--tjuiat^ffifinMezico arid Germany is pampbliehed The t rea ty contains the woigtt favored natiou clause Germans to pay n o taxes not levied on

iJiexlCAna to-be exempt lrom military service and contr ibut ions in Jieix thereof also from forced loans


While a party of miners were desevpdinjg a mine shaft a t Redruth county o f Cornwall Eog theltotber morning the rope broke preshycipitating the men to the bottom of the shaft killing lJ and seriously injuring several others bullsome fatally

excess of the collections from tha t suureu previous year ~bull



pr For three years or more capitalists have been ospectlng for coal oil in the vicinity of Canon

City Colorado ba t with indifferent resul t - A few days ago a vein wa-truck In the Luad-l a u s t m r n t j c o m p a n ^ yielded uLtbe rate of forty barre ls per day and ofexeellent quality thereby UenTonstrating to a certainty tha t coal oil exists in pav-lnR-quau-jtftiis in that vicinity bull


Westom Union reports -lirdieat) tl iat Ihp strike is pratt ieally a failure From various places come reports that operators a re re turnshying to work at the employers te rms


The telegraph slrJJiC^js^praeticalh^ ended The str iking uperators a r e f c t H r n r a g y t ^ l g R 1

keys in many places 27 leavihg^th Brothershyhood inone day in New Ylork city One of the best operators in the city said ob abandoning

JheBrptherhiKnl tkI believe in the Brother-raquoii)ftd and s t o o i t b r i t rt feng as - I -^ouW b u t re Arc beaten and nmA^s weJl rfvenp rrrst alaquo last I havlaquo signed the iiMiieJad oath and jxiti return to work Ui-morrow and 1 knowtuauy others who wlli r e tu rn at otivCyIlt

A t OIL_iSttTN

bull The Mi Stcrlingr^vy ( aex-omuioilfttioti going to Li-xlngton-faii into the rear ear of a train on tltc-Keutueky Central at

lesaof a u y p i e a o u s condition uf smdtud t A^ -^agLgKiiloding 4U0 kegs of giant pow - bull bull depejt was wrecked the engine mown t o atonisT

Wineheistvr cross-dec The

Engineer Schiller U not found YardinaHter Randall was killed LoUduccorMi-Mkhad fatal Iv injured ami several others euptgtosed t o be~ killed

A xrw I HASI oibull TUI CHINISI (ii-EsxiON

In the United Nate eircuitrrourt at Boston Judges Lowell jufd Nelson gave ah opinion in the ease of Captain Douglass of the Brilisli burk l-me churged with unlawfully bringing a Cliinese laborer to this country in the person of Ah Suong who came as ahlD^car-pcifteT The opinion reviews the^yarkms treaties with China and the_pr-ohrb1f6ry act pflssert bv cou-gress-aijtl coiicludes Wearc of opinion tha t inhilritions of the act are not to bull construed as applying to persons of the Chinese race who are not and never were subjects of or residents within the Chinese empire-

W B l n B L i m t ^ ^ T t R B X T ^ mdash mdash

Arrests of s tudents occur daily in Russia Much dissatisfaction has been discovered at the cadet school in the South As regards the a t t i tude of the s tudents in tbfrbdquo civil schools the Minister qf Education has addressed a Mr-mdash cular to all his subordinates More or less im-

a ecdltiotts propaganda have een discovered in thirteen gymnasia and ten

schoolsof a secondary class There have been serious disorders In fourteen=laquofyffmsstir^^Trre scholastic authorit ies have been u rged to enshyforce discipline in the educational inst i tut ions and to ca)l in the aid of tne police if necessary

A SCHEMEOF STOCK l O l l l l E l f

Newsbapefs inMadrid declare t h a t French speculators fafsed TSCrriOO francs for the pur- pose of corrupt ing the Spanish army and bring- ing a b o u t laquo rising The papers makiug this bdquo - -assertion promise to give more par t icular^ _ concern i^ of thc-press is abalislieiL SeiTii-ojdS^al journals jidtutt t ha t there uiav be ^ormTfoundai-ixm for the story -lt


Gjfe^BfftaJn d e m s n d s ^ n explanation of limwla in rraquotraquoraquord to the ixpulsioiiTrmifThaT ~ country of a British Jew


Tweuty-two young men who were s tudents bullin-the university a t St Petersburg and con-bullmicted withMie NiliilKt JOMI-M-II tiivraquo gtweti sent to Siberia


r-^-Uu^inuoi) firm o H ^ m n c r r w


-As AtvgtjSiiongtg--fe^a- [ peiaoiiJiLJhis flewrlgtlon^i jdcferaquo-gtdin caw-

not be-gutlty of a violation of thf act and there-fore-rMJamptitied-to be-diltichargetl ~

naw families- yowl Day six mllci from HScbawaing and

natura l growth of oak maple and trees The island was purchased by

Messrs Lawrence and Webber for the purpose indicated and an agreement has been cireulat-

edjBjd alreadv signed by about sixty of the oraquo of SaginaT 1o -carryIhfc^grQiampclL

S h o c k i u u A c c i d e n t I n W a t e r t o w n

- A frightful accident happened James Hoard Sr while driving from Mayvillc with his son James On the road home Plin Brown was a short way ahead of them dr iving a colt in a buggy the Hoards had a lumber wagon J a s Hoard J r was driving and informed his father that he was going to give Plin a t ight run o r words to that effectmdashT-hc father remonstrated bu t a t any rate the son slarted up the horses which were soon going at a very lively gait in the neigh borhood of Thomas Briggs farm n e a r J I i i r d s

Corners there is a log culvert in the road someshywhat lower thn the road grade In passing over this culvert the wheels s truck i t with such force as to raise the wagon clearoff the ground James jun ior grablted his father s coat and the ecc wag left iu his grasp for the old gontlO man was thrown from his seat I n falling he s t ruck his breast on the rapidly revolving wheel whicli clashed hltirto the g round with the velocity of a ball shot from a cannon His collision with the ground broke his jaw in three

f I plarjrn b a d l y ^ ^ 1 ^ ^IflDose and otherwise

nal provisions of the law iu terri tory where the congress of the United States has exclusive and absolute legislative jurisdiction



Tlie-wife of United States Senator W B Allison of Iowa committed suicide by drownshying herself in the Mississippi River a t Dubuque She left home i a the afternoon shor t ly af ter 1 oclock lnformlDgher servant that she was go-

TTii^to brre of Tier rretgtrborsilnstirarl however taking her gos-amer under her arm she went in anopposite direction towards the country where she has been accustomed to take almost a daily walk I t was ascertained -that she wandered around iu the outskirtsjoiJtnfl_eity during the afternoon She wasaeen ny^ever i l persons walkiag rapidly and apparently very much excited Not^ re turning by 9 oclock from the place she was supposed to be an alarm was given and soarcli insti tuted and maintainshyed throughout1 the night _ The next morning her body was disoovered by an out-going t r a 5

mdashbullmdashbeat cltiiteoi into effect


Farmers about Marshal l are now complain-7 ing of protracted drought The oat crop in

that section is nearly harfested and very keavy mdash

A prominent Bay City business man rccelv-___bdquo i lkADMJeLbfDOt fromton agent u p t h e shore

He took ltfto a cooper to be o p e n e d when s ws f o u n d t o be fullof greenback J u s t t b

- ^ - - ^ mdash 0 f 5 barrel Kww nf rnonfcr ft was not a very

tore and bruised his wholeTfaceaud frueluieir bis left a r m at the wrist- He was t aken to his home and hs lnluries attended to Mr Hoard K j ^ assava

at o c lock in the river about a jnl le below the city She had cut her gossamer placfe some stones in i t and tied them about her neck and then walked and deliberately into the river about thirty-five feet from the Dank laid down and was drowned where the water was only two and a half fcetdecp Mrs Allison was of a highly nefVdUS Tampfel past two or thrt-c years has suffered from and been treated for mental disease While at a water-cure establishment tti Western New York in lSsl under medical t rea tment shfi a t temptshyed to commit suicide in much the same manshyner bu t she was rescued She was a niece and adopteddaughter of the late St i iator Grime of Iowa a n d has been married for t cu years


The Kimball House at Atlanta Ca one of the largest and best equipped hotels in t ha t -state waft totally destroyed by-flrn the other


The elections held in Kentucky on the 0th lust resulted in the election i)f Knott Demo bull crat by about 40000 majority

VIRGINIA rtSTKAIGHT-6lTS The Republican Straight-out Convention of

Virginia met in Richmond ou - theiat^i The platform adopted favors a strict adherence1 to Republican principle1 a n d a protective tariff r indorses Ja s O iilalae- for tfee ^ r e ^ d e n e y condemns the action of the administrat ion in

mdashiii purchased Augra tetiuena ou the western coast of South Africa has seut a schooner thither aud will open trallic between their Acquisition and Cape Town The tirm will also biiv a str ip of laud stretching ] miles inland The entire area of the colony will be XiO si|iuirlaquo mile A section of the (Jermau pre-is i jubilant over the fact that the government will periiiit the hoistinu O ( 1 ho national (In uvu- the tirnia pim-hnse The KeinJ-ollicial newspnii-r the Post of Ber-lip^Sa-ys it i-j convince 1 f t e rmans would promoU home ]uaiiufacraquourcs by founding such commeieial colonies they -will not fail to receive the protection of the govd-rime-nt

mdash--mdashCALrfIX(i WAsTRlUU Ks T(raquo-raquoLOfHHv -

The Polo Komam) (rcispiipcr)says the town Of Caampamlecio-ltf on the Jsluad ofj Iscliia which was recently destroyed b v a n ear thquake is rapuTLy being reimilt Alrcady~llgtt wooden houses have 1)een erected and occupied It

-lias- heoi decided to namlaquo-strcets in the town after the king and queen of Italy At Iono anotherof lie- desolated Knvus houses- have been erected for the accommodation of



aiding Gen Mahone in the repudia t ion of one-third of the state d e b t dechtree tha t the powshyer thus given t o Mahonc has been used for the persecution of l i foiong Republicans tha t the pnwAT-gtertrTKyTfift TirfmTh tfttrat frgtp t A Vtahpn makes him vlrtaally Presldeiit of thetfitted Stattjg for-thfe 6tate of Virgtttla Tlje platform also opposes mixed schools favors c ivi lser t icc reform and honest enforcement of therecent acts of Congreee It-favors a free b a l l o f i n d jraquo-rh7ntfrff-AlaquonTir^^ltirtffrwrfhftt-rhraquo

morniog The loss will reach $1000000 with only a nominal Insurance The prompt action of t h e proprietor enabled all the guests employes to escape7 and so far as leajacn no tves were l o s t Incendiarism UalJlaquoJd

party never advocated the topositlqn of a capitation t a i V t h f t t t h e Republican par ty of Virginia placed in the State Cofistitntlon clauses t h a t t he establishment of public free schools should be made manda tory favored a jus t division of trie school funds according to population and concludes by expressing u n a terable opposH4ett^to-4tee oise-nan power It Virginia represented by Mahonc and calls the at tention or the admitilstration t o the resul ts of such a system in other states

Cf tEnTE

bull TltlPiB MCSDKK Cbas Siagel who was at w o t k - ^ t t h two

bull bfotoer J a m e s ttnd rJohnJ^dtSfr and 4t man uamod Clatrxirne a r o s o p a e n ^ h t after Ida comshypanions wero ashjapTcrushed iu their skulls ftn^ Jpbbed t b e m o f about cent00 ^ H e made his

xiLsyjUflasE A lire in MUwauiwelFTif Other Bajf dwu-uyud

llding adjoin- is also inwardly injuredand suffered from inshyternal hemorrhage The opinion is expressed bv the pbysletftfia that if inflammation can kept down FojjxjsolfllsTecovWy mayJamp^Cter-talned The patient s condltiojjltisriiowcver critical in the extreme

spital and a bu rrnrHn^rtr-fTwere confined 2 patient -iany

^ nmat fs were severely I mrued Dr Boyd Toprleto of the hospital and hi(raquo SOD lost thoir

Hvcs Loss ff

A young^atryTwlio had probably bad reasorj^rfnloubt the yoracityof the male

pound says batches ot lics^arc only equalshyed by -tboKos of baches--- HoSton Tran-


A cyclone swept through Chattanooga 1 ennraquo the otherday Tfcf 0 T-Va A Ga and Alashybama i roa t Southern depots were unroofed A^large number brbuTTdiDgs were UBFoo^ST and several blown down A flyipg t imber

Seriously injured J H Jennings j ind going

ecaplt^ StoncwW Jacksons w a ^ n o r s c Is still alivlt

was captureaTtbeicWTt day TOO A T T E i r a ^ E

IJAurence Dinman raetKev 11 G Scwell on the street of Galveston Texas and fired at t he ^mjnlster four times key_is the only foreign representative who InfHettoe wounds^vhleh resulted ra dsa th in a 4 ^ P P deg ^ ^ gt i raquo o p o s e d lleense t a x short timemdashRefr Scwell had boon too attentive to lady ii iembeps-ol-Dinman^ family-

A wicKjjn xBorto Albert Anderson a light mula t to s t a r t e d

ves while a t t empt ing to rcooue-W-paUentg^- ^ frac34 frac34 ^ ^ - frac34 frac34 5 8 ^ frac34 ^ x J l a t t 0 ^ P i W a R laquo o f the various carying compan ie s loss aboutW0005vTth no I n s ^ r a n c i T Tho ^ 1 ^ 8 frac34 V O U D K P ^ f t W ^ a f t h e p r c w c laquo r i laquo f r raquo I y agifregateltl $01568raquo tons roJmwamary- - - - 1 ^ ^ 1 frac34 ^ ^ frac34 ^ frac34 ^ ^ ^ ^ laquo raquo r ear thquake on the lanati

Andersons name was on the ticket^ antl M shall began to abuse Andersoujor k e e p i n g ^ t e (Marshail8gt-raquoameoff Marshall drew ajustol but before he could use it Apdersonhlabbed him with a pocket knife He dl t o t ire -hospital- MBTsrjWf- Karsjj three years ago and a ci yoarsjjefore that y-

families^ gt

iflraquoe P l a s t t e t n K g y p t _LOOKS KUIOHTBU

There Is a marked decrease in tlie number of deaths from cholera in Egypt On -the 13th only liii deaths were reported from Alexandria and Cairo

THE D E A T n - R j ^ J l n ^ g pound P t f o r gt u g t laquo t 4 4 - w a raquo - 0 r including 4-1 at Alexandria and six at Cairo ^ mdash


Three hundred and seventy-six deaths from cholera in Egypt on the 15th As the e p i d e m i e mdash is now diminishing the villages and c o m m u n w wd4sh6r t ly elect representatives under the scheme proposed hy Ear l Duiler in 7rft


for the 16th reached 467 Thus far 125 deaths have occurred amongthe British troops T

forty-one deaths were reported from Alexanshydria aud (A3 from othcr_ places The disease i f ^ t e ^ 1 1 B o m b a y A t l persons naving died in fhe last fortnight- ~

isle hall a popular

B l t - h O F N E W M Strfcouls Is to have JT$500C

Kev Rober t eoUifliYs^onnerl v p r e c c i c r l n Chic^giv ias accepted a callto a drorefc raKejMsh^own England

ThepopTeof Mitchell Dakota offer 30Qlpound i t c ^ a a as a bonus and KiO acres of land a raquo i site for the establishment of a university In^tbitt place - y

The German government has notined the Austr ian government tha t all pork imported into Germany jfrom Austria mSst be accomshypanied by a certificate that itbull no t American -meat x

g f t i y h o t i l t e d of Dylmmlng^M-

e d t h e

A Pbiiadelphla d i pa tch says the anthracite

h l s w a v LoltceTnaTf roan two

There are signs of anodier ear thquake on the island of Iscbis

Chblra has broken out In Ho l l and [ Cattle are dying in Texas for the want

w a t e r of

TWO thousand BodouTn a t tacked the sanitashyr ium a Setkal near Sae7 and were repulsed withalossofQOkillefl laquo P ujs i u

V sv-- ^-gte

bullV 1frac12

-frac34 ^3^-^

1 l ~ 1frac34

Alt EftfltF fNFLUfnCE


The Almost WOn^erful lWork of a Hen of GoodjjEeputation

Syracuse (N Ygt S t w d a n l t j Mrs W ^ i t ^ l tlxe alimabl w

a harnessmakerof KfiwlUi Mi Co-N Y hoard bor favorite hen _ ^ ling In the barn in a 8 t r a n M S j P ^ L precedented manner TTpdaP vfra^f the neat she found an egg oTteamptMry sUe but emblazoned with r a t ed charshyacters which nearly caused blaquor to faint SUffgoring from tho ham intothehouse stoSBsplayed the hens m i r a c u l p u ^ ^ duetto licr sons and dauehtorp some rot wiiom rushed out and spread the aiartn among the populace All further work on that day was suspended Men working in the liejd flut uy their hordes andtools in the barns after which the o-azed anxiously at the Whitnal resishydence The excitement was intensified hen the report was confirmed thai Samuel Curtis

bull ^ lt ~ -^ - ^ ^ -bull tgt


port was connnneq tnai m n n ^ ^ ^ ( ) ) ^ Mr JJecke a an honored shoemaker e (1 Qf inexplicable pains by a i

4 -


and a brother of Mrs W hitnal had be come so unnerved at the sight of the egg that he had taken to his -bed in

Htfarnv and refused to-bft-rnmforted The most skeptical were convinced of

the sacred hens genuineness when it was taken to the hotel and exhibited by

^two ot Mf Whltuara Htme-yhfl characshyters were simply raised upon the sheli as if they blaquorbceir made upon the inshyside and puffed out bv somlaquo interior agency On oue side stood out boldly the figures l4188tV (frac34 another aide was a cross and on a thiroUjiabwa^a

strange synibol^wbich sOnie thought wSs a letter( wiite Other held that it was a half moon The latter theory was more generally accepted since when the egg was IicTU tyen the light something which resembled a face was discernible in the concavity- tfTthe char aater This was inferred to represent tho man in the moon t bull

--JQn4bat night the morals and manshyners of the village of Erievillo were exshycellent beyond parallel New gt resolushytions were formed and bad habits sworn off HufibBTH T1 wfvRs no longer exshy

it as an incipient case n I found tytraquo wom-

tfcree babies going i-eighty laquo|rcus I was dumbI These women are not remarkable beauty but they lt-rtainly

__ nerve This one vas evi-y not suffering for symyatny|and

ont back to my place and the rap-dissoving vuswa of the most mono

bull4owwlaquot- -coiualxyJindgiLbj^Yl 1 i bdquo The YVidefWd7 Wort H mdash

lyiMA KEI-UHLIC 61 PEKU -Seiior A de La E Delgado Li L 1) and Counshysellor Tribunal of Justice Lime Reshypublic ut luru says One single appTI

There is a dpctor Uraquo Wisconsin named Greene 8 Apple The only co re t o tbia Apple must be au ambulance corpsmdash (N orris-town Herald

cation of St Jaobs Oil cured me comshypletely of rheumatic pains in my left arm 1 recommended ij^to two of my frienda the Mrs Dona Juana Garcia widow anlt fyfjr D Herman Decker a German gentleman Madam Jiftrnn was relievedentirely byltthe paimcure from terrible newralgic pains hi ten

frwas cur-lnexpncanre pHinsoy a single ap-

plication of the cure My brother used the great remedy for a species of paralshyysis in the arnii lie was entirely re-liev^rfrom Thid ailment by ohe or t w o | applications after havmg-irlcd num-berless other remidies-without effect

Paper hangings -Fa(se reportamp-af the execuitons of criminals [New York News -

It is a dangerous thing to allow the diarrhda or dysentary to go unchecked arid there is no need of it A small bottle of Johnson Anodyne Litwncnt wiUcuvc the most stubborn case proshyduced bullbullI a jailer knownBy the company lie keepi--[Cincinnati Merchant and Traveler

Feyepound--and ague malariousfever bil-

changed doubtful compliments and nat-irons but tendeiy embraced each other and agreed to await tmT Corningof the Lord in a commendable manner Mrs WhitnaFs household was too excited to sleep^-Her daughter ftajflh was quite illrand it was n fcare 3 7 the saorod egg^vould tend greatlv to shorten htn life Alarmed at this Frank Kicuard-son a clerk in the postoffice acknowshyledged that themiracle had been per-

- formed--througlyAis instrumentality He explained tfiat to get even -with one-bullof Mr Whitnms sons he traced the characters qxi the n^r with tallow and then placed it in vinegar After the acid hadsuiliciently oaten the shell to

-allow- tm parts traceltl with tallow to beconi^ ilaquolaquomin4uit^a-iiaEinrtTiy^ViTit=-nal ibatn deposited the e^ in the nest scared aninnocent hcu and decamped j)dr Richardsons expose has had the

ivnfortiiLate effect of dispelling the moral innuenco-of the vgg The villag-ors have retunfetrtoiheir fornier wiry37

A Delightful SnarL

Aibuuv LartrJoarnah Mr Bright in arecently published

letter savs vA mm may have a legal wife in the colonics and another legai wife in England Hqpniay bringhis Canadianlegal wife to England where when ^iH^-t^mOiiii-uur-^horiM she is not a loffill wife and where hcr-Tfhildwir l)ornhore arc not legitimate- If you can justify this 1 will not argue witliVou Upon this marks

the London Law Journal iv-Tlie statement bull may or may

t -WtJ

lious and typhoid fevers all originate in one producing cause and may all be easily prevented by Parsons Purgnttvc Fill These pills act directly and pow-erfu 1 Iy upon the bl qodlt

A ndvf color iskiicfwu by tin poetical name of bleacheji-inousii We vcuture that it is a sort-of ra t - tan colormdash j VdukTS Statesman

I a

F e c k s S o n - ^ ^ ^ Tle boy sto(A on the IJrujfglsts floor HuvlngOirbot iuc by t h o score HtbiJe biiu blood a girl in bluu

Shu wished Hbe wan r e e k s eoc tltK)

-What U tbe xHfieri^kifi between costumere and cuatumers mdash0 U know Ho t love soon runsYoTd^--Ttiara owln^tc- t t i e Blgtis of ttmdash t f toston Traveler _ _ - J

Impor t an t When you visit or leave New York City save

Baggage Exprebtape and Carriage Hire and bulltop at the Qrand Union llojel opposite Grand

KLIES roaciiei a chlpmuzilu cleare

11laquo bed-b I out br

a rate mice crows uich on Kate Vgta

itxxsuAs8 FxvrtjNjueKU HJCBraquo Toirtc the only preparat ion of belaquof OotiMJinlita K ent i re nut r i t ious pnjpertielaquo It contains b k ^ d maHlriK torce-iiener i utlnttHnd Ufe-susUtinlnR raquo u p laquo r U u 8 invaluable for IVJIOKHTKJN DYSPJtitflA ne rvous proetmtlon and

Heneral dobtllty ulsv in all raquoferaquoblelt condltlftnn whether t h e reauJt o f tsjliuuntloji n e r all formraquo ut general debtltty alraquow tn all enfeebled

Aether t h e reauJt of ealiuuntloji nershyvous prostration overwork or acuto disuunc iiarttc-

faonury eoiuplaiiiij rietors New York riuld

ulurly If roHultliur frompuljaonurycouipiut i iU i U raquo W K U bdquo H A A I U ) S C O Prpt

tn|HDoi)ot egantrootE ootlsra re

JEleffantrooms fitted up a t a cost ol one milshylion aottara red ced to $1 and upwards per day European Flan Elevator n e s t a u r a n t supplied with the beBt Horse cars stages and elevated railroad to all depots Families can Jive better for less money a t the b r a n d Union Hotel than a t any other Arab claoo hotel in thlaquo-eity h

The highest thtnraquomdashThe mercury in the ther-mometer about thia-tiuie

^4^ A Diamond Wedding

The seventy-fifth anniversary o pound m a r r i a g e of a veteraoiiif the war_of 1812_gtvapound reej^Hi^ceJe bullfefated-aad ai l -who e^utcmplate j ua tdmony I h ^ B l O t a l f o ^ s r n ^ address to (JhfrtU^rtlahan Murine Vitij Mich and they will receive a set of lgteaut^ful illumi uated canls by re turn mail

An Invaluabje Remedy None evcopt those who-lsave suffered all the

horrors of Dyspepsia can fully appreciate the value and efiicacy of Perry Davis f a in Killer H sovereign remedy

~ Y o u n g Men Middle Aged Men and All Men who sutler from earlyindiveretious ilnd Allans Brain ionil the most pltjverful invigorant ever Introduced it never fails TTT0for $gtmdashAt druggists or at AHensPhannacVV315lst Aver N Y -bullbull bullbull

Q N E pair off bwrfssaved cverv year bv Lyons PatonfMetaHic Heel Stiffcners

savs as

W A I H O V Oi~Drbull 11 tpound Doyle cousider Browns Iron J3iters_ spjKTior tonic t u any preparation i)ow in use

The eoldest tiiintr nr t i ie wuridmdashThe kitchen olleibth tovotir bare feet in a winter s niuht

s te t te rs Stoni-- i i i u e x i h x l l i ^

Creasing vital power imd render ing tho physical funet iens regular mul active

mdash keeps the system in Hood wurkinc order ima- r w r t f r C H it

r 5 raquo -liffulBxttHnnast Kiir -gt- constipation -dy-ji-

Y_ ^epslartna livercoru r uluint novousnesS - kidney und rlreiima- t ioti i lments it is in-

valuuble und bull it af- t o rdsasur detence

iiCKUist ninhirlal fe-vtM8l^eiltito^ remov-Inpall t r n rw nfirmh-diMsau 1roiH the system mdashFor mUomdashUsmdashuLI

For igt years 1 had Dyspepsia wrote John Aloriidit of Columbus O -SampuwlUid Xcr-tLir cured me Druggis ts all keep it cent150 MOTHKII SEVANS WUIIM bVHCiVnrFverishness restlesnlaquoss worni^ constipation Ttigtteies)8s ic

A bad taste iu tiie mouth means tt billious at-taidi Jj_ujjLttlait Xtrvutedfgtr the eurc~

^bullBUtHL-IXIBAT~guich complete cure MfT annoyitijr Kidney and^ Urinary Diseases kS


DruftijlHts and Dea l - generally

T H I laquo V O raquo 7 laquo S 3 I I T H -lgt-yuitpound Strattoa

Ihii^iiijisJiiJlvajisirK^-mdashmdash Oetrf) is the oincbt largest

most bullgt aorcu^h-aad practical haraquo the AHU^I al ic sinlti expufierrcejl culirii finc-t rooms and better

s ever v ay tJjin rnyother usjiK-gtraquo iioljfe in Michigan Ask

Otir graduates and the business renof troit a vt our SrVool Csll or

rid for Cr ars liliortliaad by a Practical Rcijoiter mdash


D E T H O I T Mich March il l^SO Dji P E X ( E I J Y Kalamazoomdash

Jkiti-ampin^-it is against my principles to aive testimonials respecting thFwier4fs of^proprie-tjiry medicines but the Woman s Friend now Zoa-Phora is my friend because it has relieved my wife in her last twoconfinements of the unut terable agony which attended her first lalKtr poundhe used the- Friend for about one month previousto expected eoLlmement^ to use her own lanyu-aee wpound)ill nof be withshyout it under such cireumstftuees f ir the world- - -F If P

N li--The above lLtteigtis froma premment Michigan man To a n y o n e wUhiny to write tlaquo-raquo hhii we will give his full address

J ~ H PENtariyc C

by I)ruiariiU_ I^OLGH ON KATSV Oluart ou i raw mice qiegt roaches bed-buK nntM vermin chlpmnnka I5e

krefi ltgtf C n a r g e T An elegant nona book free of^charta containing

h-atuorouB and senUmental tongs sung by Wizard (HI Companlea In their open air opncertfl^ Address llamlinraquo Wliiird UU Co Chicago Lhv ^ -

WiZAampigt OIL cures rheumatism lame back sprains bruises burns scalds Ulcers fever sores infiaoidtton of tne Kidtfeys neuralgia headache voothache bull earache soretbroat catarrh bayfever allays tnttamation and relieves pain in any part of the system Sold by druggists at SO cents don t forget to Die It And you will ban lib pain and be happy

Rulers sway the people bu t t he school-misshyter always sways the rulersmdash1 Waterloo Obsexver mdashPaaalytrte atrokee hear t disease and k l d n r j affections prevented by the use of Browns I ron Bit ters _ [

Thev alwavs talk who never think-I B



Pain-Killer Rheumatism

Neuralgia^ Cramps

Cholera Diarrhcea

is a tied irTthe affairs of men vhl^h leads on to fortune remarked a-ye t rag-mau bullafter itvarrvitiiran heiressmdash [Cincii inati ^[er-chant and Travelerr

- AN AMOK A i o WA bullmdash Dr J UTMeOtffrc says I knot irowns Iron Bitters is a yood tonic aud gives general cat isfaet ioh

bullSafe blcnvium isloomimr u p a s a business It has always been a phase of hdmnn nature to indulge lu blowing from a sgtu standpointmdash jPittsnnririi Tideirraph


Wjar j bdquo gtgtraquobullbulllaquo fitwit raquofvinplt n-ltlaquoraquo TARE BEAM liS-i-i U K H A T S TI IK K M K l t i U r

raquo( U ml WurriiDta 0 yea bull1 bj(iaJilres8


the gi otTie jvb-tiiien on are not bound- ta_altci^_6ur laws to suit ihc taste of IHQSC who visit us but it may safely be traversed Jf aCnmwlkui married to a deceased wifes sister in (anada were to come to England his wife would not cease to be his leoal_ wife and his y4nldren born tiere would lie legitimatr Lu fact the legality of a mans marringe does not depend on the place where he happens tohe or the legitimacy of his children on the place where they are born It depends on his domicile at the time of Tits- mar- ria^e A man is hot married ami unshymarried as he crosses a frontier k And


yet the House of Lords held in Hro vs Brook where an Englis-hm^tfmet

-and married his dee^asejl^vttes sistsi inI)enmarKthar t^ liot forbiddejriJnuDejiiSDark vas inyanrt in EniflntT-v And ^o although Mr

ts statement1 gtvas too broad yet tV-nwnrfVWw^wmfgtoywi4 ifbo-imag^


ined aJLondoner marrying his tleeeaset wifes sisterHi Canada That makes a case about as bad for the consistency of British laws

Not in Nood of S y m p a t h y Denver Cer LduTampvIJle Courier-Journal

On the train there was a woman with three children aged respectively five seven and nine I wonderedwhatcould induce a sane woman to start on a journey_gtyith such incumbrance pfcniretTher as a widow who was W ing shipped west to her fr iends^ | dwelt upon her past with a sort otm^ hid Bfttiafnetjpn JL inrned a riotgna imshyagination loose ujfon her mlSfwrrrces I-and presently being wearvvof the si presently lence I had preserved for gtieveral hun dred miles I went over^6 console with Tfer ConcdYg i t yonfnan my diogimt whon T inarned tfaax^slio was enroute to a circus about-eighty nutos aistantbenr on giving tho^rurchins a holiday She Informed mc in the course o i i n c eongt versation that tho trip cost her a hunshydred dollars altogether but she had cleaned $7000 on her ranch in Nebraska

t year and felt that she cSuldafford a holiday Whenever hare noticed a womanat aJheaiie or any other place ot aumMernent-with one baby I have in-

bull r~ xL



Sprains mdashAN-1

Bruises Burns

- A V B -

Scalds BBffiacIffi-


mdash A D -


FOR PAIN RellQvea Rpd cures


Sciatica Lumbago B A l K A C I i E



Soreness Cuts Bruises FROSTBITKS

BVUXM S C A L D S Araquod all other bodily achej

and palrts

FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE Sold by all Druggists and

Dealers Directions Lu 11 languages g

The Charles A Vogeler Co liuiwwM to A VCXJEUU CO)

UtlUmor Xd C8A

a week In your own town Terms and f5 outfit ~~ ArtHioBw KHraquoHettAltVHortlttnltl Maine

AttJSMTH WAJSTKl tor the Beet and Fraquosteraquot bull selling Pictorial Books and Blbtea Price reduced 33 per c e n t N A T PrrHUHHiNo Co PhUadelpbJa Pa~ S 5 t o S f 1 P r ay B tQome Hample worth | 6 f r e e w f c V Address Stlnson A Cfl Por t landMalne Y O U N G M F N l u a r c rr tLE ( KUi Vhere und we 7 raquo raquo ^ I - t TK 1 v e I o u Hlaquoauatlon circulars VADJEVTINE3BI10S Janesvt l l WU

ill free

S7y_raquo week 12 a day at home easily made Costly w bull outtltfree Addreaa lrueACo^A_ujniraquotaMalBe_ A P o a l t i v e C a r e gto K n i t e A o P l m t f r t Xo P a i n B r W cIuyneMar-nalltuwnlowa CANCER t

1 srslSonlaquotor of PatenUVilaquohlnirton I)

Send l o r O l r c q l a r - J g l

tO-^jBtain laquoood and I valid -Patents thenwltl te to orcalif upon T l l O M H 8 P A laquo gt V T pound A |

bullBFJ-laquo~Umdashyimdashvy Mt-4 o gress Sfbdquo D e t r o i t Mich At torney in Pa ten t (amjes KittabliBhed 15 years ^en^1 for DHinphlet t ree

6o yon wish altd Patents then

upon T l lOM Patents

raquo~ - JOamp


^nKamm^vmi^^^g^j^^ p A T V TvH I K f is tne well-mot and us t ^ - ^ ^ 4 1 ^ ^ ^ V^-^-ra^rTeTiffoTTrtl-wiio-wTnrtH- -swre and afo rnedicine which can tie freely usud Inshyternal ly or exnally witl iout fear of barm and with certainty at relief Its price brings it within t he rangedraquof ai-UamVit wi l lannual lg save many t imes its cost in doctor hills Pr ice -gt and Si cents and H p e r bottle Driertionsaccw^upany each bottle

IOH SALE B L A L L D l U G O t S i T ^ ^ _ _





Fresh-4 Fruitful Fields nf Fine Art raquo ri flE DETROIT ART LOAgt BKCORD an e lgc t UUKI raquohietigtu-bngtind-datly during the exliibitioamdashm-slte])tenjber and Octobers bi n-umbeis one-tarpo-Tot--u m e of VM pages Itnietand title pagtlte Subscription Xr iceF iveDonaTs -

10000 QUESTIONS ANSWERED A Popu la r Dict ionary of Fine ^Art VO lartre i

cloth bound StVehty-tlvfe cents Address bull I1KNRY A KORD

Art Ioun Bulldlnur Detroit


Treating CoiTsunipUc chitis Nasal Caldnlf

L o s s of Y o f e r ^ n ^ ether Mak^lies

stkwa Brdu^ Sore Throat

of t he gtiose

AillUWCSJow r^ity

EDUCATIONAL 1 T U U N E W C A T J E M D A B Of tUu aampJ^-


CONSERVATORY of MUSIC bull-fvry niutrcitetlGi papes S E 1 V T P l R E E to iuJ Tunscn friends Send names ami addressed M HT0lRJEE Franklin SqBoston Mass Tu IarQntan(i best appointed 3fusicA Literary ami

Art School and H O l H E o r young ladle in the wld

bull^bullnjlusti ousel (Tfii itimpUto



(lie mile west from Notre Dame Lniv School ot Art and Dcsiirn =

f6 iscivi i to[v of MHraquoI bull iiiiicUil hy Thiers of Holy lrigts The Ap-idem

-4^x0lir-w igt thorough in Prepnra0ry^Seftltr and la~iltval OljKlis Mu-io IJepiirtiiTeift tlTi 11i^fKiuiTTf

rviitoiios of Europe is urdtrmdashlaquo4w corps of TiiHhiis It comprisi

ktiliiMUMc Midland N Fiij-inratcTooni(s fojiflfsiru-IDOII Studio modeled on the grea t iVrraquochool of

-Krtrojie Diivinlaquo and Painttnp^fpolu life nrul tho antique IJnildiiijr eonjnioltlipilaquo jiiupio accouimii-dmtoiis for -l inipils - tgtr-TiiTther purtienhirs ap ph- for cntaloKue to

I T H E R SrpFRtoit ST M A R Y S Notre Dame P () Indiana

Cures Oonsumpiiiui(laquogtlds Pncu Bronchial Olfnculties1raquoronchitiltII^ tua Croup VTiooptii(r CougiviHitTall otseases of tlie Breathinjjprtuigt 1 sjgtltjfTjes aut heals the M e n -brano of the hx^gf^XyfouwA and-1iJsifTL byfiTe disease ajjji^frevctttxthe i^-Iu swciifs vrgt

-eMraquoCfoSft -tixgt Xnit wlin-li ici i nipaTiy ( ON-

^BIE NEW RICH BLOOD Aud wi l l oompiefcoly c h a n g e t ho b lood In t h e e n t i r e s y s t e m In t h r e e m o n t h s Any p e r shyr o n r h o vrill t a k e 1 P i l l e a c h n i g h t f rom 1 to 13 veekraquogtyniraquoy b e r e s to r ed t o $ounlt bull h^ i l lh if such a t h i n g hg poss ib le J t t r c u r i n g F e m a l e C o m p l a i n t s t h e s e r i l l s h a v e n-r Vqual r l iyslclansuse^ t l t em in their p r a e t i c e Sold e W i y w h e r e ^ o r cent-ny irail far

c^rf^Ie t tar -3famp)gt Send for c i r c u l a r I S J O B ^ S O X amp CO I50STOX MASS


_xaneously relieve these terrible diseases andwiil positively l hiiiu fjamuiiigf um liiffHmHnii niwytTrraaii

ilaquo_livja_ stnt free by mail Dont dflay a aiuinunt eveaticn Is better than cure bull

JOHNSONS ANODYNE LINIMENT ^ ^ ^ frac34 frac34 Nnuralffia-Inrtuwiiirt sorfLtii^ UleodiilJKit the LungsChronic Hoarseness Hncklnp fVuph Vhoopnp Cough Chronic Khounwhsru Clirwnk- HjoTluva Chronic Ovsenterv Cholera Jlorbos Kidney Tnmhlos DUc^ses of Ihf Spine and I^me-BaciL-^-ilaU-CVcrya^reL sectend for pamphlet to I S Joins-sow Ajt^o BOSTON MASS

TheJniMsitjiofItotre Oame ThfiFort ie th CoirogiwtovVaTwill open Tuesday

Sejigttember 4tlV The spacious and elepant ciIleije Vuihlinj have

dur in j r tho past year afforded stcc mngtodution to near ly five hundred resident s tuden t s Kvery f tcl I ity is afforded s tudents fur acquiring a thorough knowledge of Classics Iaw Science Mathemat ics 4r Hnifw

foa tu r t s ot the Insti tution Special i idvantases will A thorouch Commercial course i ilaquoo one ot t he

Uis those desiring

xvieraie i6-

1 Lgtc sent fres

An English Veterinary Surgeon and Chemist ntHT traveling In this country Snys that most of the Horp-ffmrTattto Powders sold here are worthless trash He says that Sheridan Condition -Powders arltraquo absolutely pure and Immense valuable Nothing on earth will make 1 is to 1 piid IIKHI Sold every where or sent by mau ibr8 letter-itamp

MAKE HENS U Y avlike Sheridan Condition Panders Dose I teaspn-

h S Jonusos t Co BOSTON MASS

G offered (hiring the coming yer t to s tudy haw ^

T H E i l l M M lirliAKLMKNT 1 p a r t m e n t for boys under th i r teen t (Catalogues iriviu^ full part icular v

on application to UEVT K W A L S H C S C

ltore rraquosntei

irpataiul L u o ^

DU ^VOLF^gttrt^at5 the abovo rjanied diseasshyes by MeTIic^fcd TnlialatioEs WBen thus ad-tni_meurottT(rd^remedies are hrnnghr uface to face

c o n t ^ t with the disease whereas if thpoundj are^waiiowed nieyri i ix t r i lh the c o n t e n W ^ h tho^tomich tuul nccj reach the or^at iaof res-

^plration I)U HCJLFE halaquo I^vjAnf judicious employshy

ment of Medieated^irhiilatipup usfcisted thou-arnls to regjiia- fheir health many nf whom had heet^jnToiiotmced irjcurahle aud given u p to^liigtytheir faintly physician aj^d friends

DR WOLFE hasprepared a list of ques t i ons -for siek people to answer hy mail They are in character the same he would ask w e n r h c Vraquoy toe tn-dtujpe of the invalid By wri t ing anshyswers to t i jese ( tuestions anyone can s^und an accurate s ta tement -of his disease and receive and use inhaling remedies at home iu any par t oTTlio I nitcd Stated or Cauada Vitgtout fneur-rims tU vi~igt to

UexXpcruie ami diiC0JUurl ol mak ing a 0 Cincinnati Aiitgtue sending liis name

duflt ^s with a bullhree-ccrrt-post-bullCircular

and [ost-t ilieo aire statnp will r ty r ive a eopy of the

Quest ions hymdashF -HHHa-maih-mdash bull DJ^-ViOLKK hits publisjied a medical boi ik

eaJIed CommnTj Sense Cause and Cure of Ciiisitmption As thma e t e a copy of which tie wil send to any body who orders i t by vatiX^lt and mclosis iiine cents jQe^poHagestAeaos Willi his nsme and postot l iee^ddress The b o o k is bull of c rea t value to anv one afflicted with a n y 4ipoundeajQ-oi-tter^sjrr Throat or Lungs --mdash

DR WOLFE has also published another b0bk iVt pages entitled Light about the ^fouee

e Live in which evtrv healthy person as eTTas-siek ough t to read -~ The^bpek has -a

pecial interest to persons who have weak Hindis or any symptom nf CougtuinptiogfAsth-

a Bronchitis^ or Catar rh Sent to any altf-i-ei-^lree by mail or receiptof six eenta i n mdash


postgt ^tflTrip^ A d d r e s s bull DR N-B WOLKE

lit S i a i i h S t CincinnatL

W N f -raquo 34




- 0^ABD Aye

^ 0laquo - bullbdquolaquo

Like a n Evi l Spirit In olden times it was thought that evil spirits came in through ci5iclamp

and keyholes The generally approved viray to keep them out wa3 to plug jipthelceyholes and laquotop the cracks yfith cotton Notwithstanding these v ^ ^ pievltsxthre mea^ures the iv a they plpaspd

So comes malaria now-a-dajfs We try to keep it out of the keyhole and it comes in^y the crack We stop up the crack and lo it comes fronv aleak in the plumbing or an7opening from some neglected drain or frora sorne unsuspected source arid unguarded direction bull raquo

Wlaquoraquo tpnncf ylwayg rrpp ti laria out but we can give it battle arid drive its effects from 6ur systems If BROWNS IROITBITTERS is taken in time malaria has nova ghost of a chance This is the great family medishycine Your druggist sells it and you ought to keep a bottle in the house


Began lif 12 yeqrs ago under tht name of

WOMANS FRIEND W i t h o u t pufferspimply on t h e p o o d v o r ^ s

of t h o s e w h o h a v e used 3t l t l ias m a d e i r i enJ

X Q T A c r B E A laquo X mdash B u t a pent a n d su re r e m e d y for al l t h o lt c o m p l a i n t s which des t roy t h e freshness it beau ty was te the s t r eng th m a r t h e hratn ness artd usefulness of m a n y G I R L S A I ^ I

our PwBiici on

en and Children StntgrntU Kvery rniMiavre 14 rctst ot raquoft eraquopccw Motalaquorlaquo(boaltl rtui ihiru Ajircit

R PENCCLLV C CO Ka l imuee M i c h

Sw T bull-bull tt

TcgtiiiouuJ 0

Diseases of Wo

AMONG T H E L A D I E S -The brilliairt iascinatins-

tints of Complexion iorwhich ladies strive are chiefly artishyficial and all who will take the trouble may secure them These roseate bewitching hues follow the use of Hagans Magnolia Balmmdasha delicate harmless and always reliable article Sold by all druggists

The MagnoInrBalni conshyceals every blemish removes Sattownes^ Tint Reflrieire-Ernptiouv all evidences of excitement and every imper fection

Its effects are immediate and so natural that no humali being cart detect Its applicashytion

v -


bull raquo bull

(+- amp bull bull

f-1 - 1


Thoboy of tin PTi-cptiMy lu

v ill

tO UCOlllt

it urlaquo D I V I I C ( I t c i d l S

resident of tin

hesi itatc wllttlliM

Ih i i t rd


Stiifr^7 (H^Captain of a base hall vlub

A scientist charges the peculiar weather of this season to the spots on thesun If old Sol doesnt behave betshyter ive shall be obliged to send Sullivan u p there to knock the spots off him


The disgraceful qua r re l between vector and people in Giace Church Deshytroit is only one more of those Incon sistent exhibitions of -the rar i ty of Christian charity under the sun We will not a t tempt to say which party is most a t fault in this case Where charity might have covered a mult i tude of sin the want o f - i t discloses pet ty failings magnified to mammoth ^pfo-portions

The StocTibridge Sentinel believes tha t the liquor traffic could be better regulated by public Sent iment than by any law which could be fdevised While we are not prepared to endorse such an opinion fully we do recogshynize the sound commonsense of the following ext rae i from t h e article in quest ion

Is any one illogical enough to supshypose tha t a lawto prohibit w i l h n o t f e evaded it a law simply to regulate is evaded We say again as we have frigid a hundred times before and as we hope to keep on saying as long as we can pr int a lino or wag a toi mdashif thtfr-e is - o n e h u m b u g abrfe^ anshyother i n this day and ir^i+fanon it is the blind craze t o r j a - t v a s the princishypal remedy fjJi^^vT

HOWELL From our Correspondent

lulm bull Howies has purchased Louis Elmers Uarber sliop Lou will s tar t a store i n t h e building _foym_erly occupshyied by Norman Hugger as aWjoonf

hiv isonrfof-a-nuntbei of years o

Methjbdist-cli carried t hem about t o w n Monday night They 4id not tafcegtthem out oi town however Jbut left them in a rather demoralized condition

Monday morning one of the men was cleaning jus gun and trying jto draw tlie charge wnenacartridge was

I exploded The ball struck a stone and

manager of -Weimeister amp 0]Hearns store goes to Port Huron to carry on a large dry goods business of his own

Lute Boyce was tried for assault upshyon a young man from the country After spending two days in the county ja i l he paid his fine which with costs amounted to |1500

The l Ludington Record says tha t Weimeister amp O H e a r n will bui ld a $25000 hotel in Ludington soon We have heard Mr Weimeister say so also recently mdash

F A S i g k r and W P Van Winkle were in town soliciting a bonus with which to extend the telephone line from Pinckney here One hundred dollars was raised

Depot grounds - hear the centre of theyitlage have been surveyed forthe T amp A A U K They are on the Jewett addition in the southern part of town



The railroad bridge a t this point is Nearly completed

All are wait ing anxiously for the cars

Bowman Bros seem to be go

The Rogers liotfse has a goodly

lg a

glancing passed through the thigh of quarter-master Webber of Saginaw making a bad flegth wound

SOUTH L Y O N From the Picket mdash

A monstrous water tank is being erected by the G Jgt

The soldiers ta lk very harshly alxmt Swan of Detroit who ran the restaurshyant a t Island Lake and say he charged them $125 for five glasses of lemonade 10 cents for three cent postage stamps and various other pranks

Wm Greig has taken the job of building all the passenger depots from New Hudson to Stockbridge on the4raquo T Ky- alaquod wW lgtegin the one at this place a t once I t will be a depot used in cimflTo1Tlgty alI the rai 1-roads and will stand a t the junction of the G T and 1) L A N so tha t the G T will run on one side and the D L k N on the other As the T A A amp G _ T will continue to use the Egt L ampgtNT[ sidetrack they will of coursegt-trge-tlie same building I t willjMtty^contain a telegraph office wait ing rooms baggshyage room ampivwlTile the 1)-L amp N will uue theirtfresent building for freight


ie G T a n d T A Aamp G T will uilt a freight house to be

common by them used

number of transie

bull gtetro[t Hotel bulluoiLyly posted in the off ic^ bearing

folio win i n s t a t e law

ers and a fair run of stom

1frac121 store building erected bygt Mr Corbet is unoccupied and bears tife sign

for sale

It is said that^tHe Toledo and Anjr Arbor Hy folks sounded this place on the -boiul q u e s t i o n ^ y u k didn-tmdashampraquopound much encouragement

FOWLERVILLE From the Review

J M Pot ts has his frame up for a nejv dwelling on his farm -

2M round tickets were ^old fro in tins place to Island Lake Sunday and Monday ~mdash-^

fr( B Green has p u t a new roof on his | Ktw^and- - -i l ias repainted it on l t e t n -

-pr inted in large t y p e r -Htf anv uersonzkia l l willfulW~

^ a

pheme the holy naiue of God bv cursshying or reproaching7 God he shall be punishedDyirhprisdifhient in t he^oun-tyjai l not morel t h a n six months u r by-aftne -nQi^exceeding fiftybull dollars If any person who has arr ived at the agerof dgtscretion shal 1 profaneIy curse or daii^tVr or swear l)y the name of Gad JesnCfir is t or the Holy (ihost-j ie tihti on cimvicit-Ton thereof bull bi^j

The daily mail stage is a blessing duly appreciated I t brings many

rklo AV-hitmore I^aka

Mrs Chas EGrisson and Mrs Addie 1 Cutler are visiting a t the residence of their father Ferdinand Grisson Esq in Hamburg mdash^-

MrA Rogers was also visiting here

sid e

a^ioryTTme since week to St Johns

but re turned last

TTf ajiy justice of the peace be p+Cftamphcd

uy a tine not exceeding live dollars nor less than one dollar but no siu-h

prosecution shall be sustained unless it shall be commenced wi thin five days after tuT7-ommission of such offense

We suppose it is intejided to counshyteract the strong tempta t ion to proshyfanity which besets the customer when

-mdashhe walks up to settle his bill

DEXTER I min Ihn lnaraquoltgtr

Twenty of the leading stocks quoted on Wall street have sufteredUCshrinkr age of value dur ing t h e past year averaging 25 per pent In view o f this it migh t be asked J f those stocks have fallen below their real value or the money investment they represent We very much doubt-if th i s is the case^ There are few railroads a t the present time which are not pay ing a fair profit on the actual cost Of constracrionand

equipment But the tendency Ugt swell stock and debt liabilities far beshyyond the cost of property is a growing-evil For example take the railroads of our own State The s toc l fahd debt of the various corporations owning lines wi th in the S ta t e exceeds - the re^ ported cost of construction ampc by $10^ 150000-^-and the reported cost of conshystruction in all probabfmy exceeds the aer ia l c6gt bV neaHy ampfa eqUal amount

lt gt bull

Thus it will be seen t h a t Michigan has n o t less than $20000000 of fic-fttious stock and debt d r awing interest and dividends along with the genuine

When it is also considered t h a t from


1 bull it

ten to twenty per cent of the money actual ly invested is contr ibuted by way of lgtonuses from people receiving no stock o r n the r interest in return th e speculativo vuiaeof stocks is^ra^sed to a still higher percentage above first cost therexuV-so tha t in m a n y instances a six per cent dividend means ten or twelve plaquor cent in reality


t i bull


This is one of the evil a tha t tend iu unyettle the nnancial a n d business intiflrftfitaiOf tljB country a n d p r o m o t e speculative investments wh^ch so often culniinate in panics like^fchat of 1878

ti is to be hoped t h a V m a n y years J nay elapse before another panic strikes Hie country but tjris speculation toshygether with the^gambling in g ia in 1 and other imaginary products do riot ttmd to decrease the (fiances i^r such a

liaise -mdash gt x mdash bullbull bull bull


Wednesday afternoon oj l a s t ^ e e k Steve Alley his mother and sisters Mrs Pierc an^ Mrs Gudwell G i r t e d for Petoskey tlaquo attend the State camp meeting -t

Mrs Wheeler mother of dohn Wheeler in Webster dieoVlast Sunday aged 9-4- years The funeral services wigtre held at Webster church bnTues -

li B Williams contractor for building the new German - church is pushing it ahead rapidly T h e frame is up enclosed the blinds on the

spire nearly compjetedj_ and though

ANN A R B O R the Kegister

y The thirty-fifth annual fair of the bull1 Wishtenaw Counly Agnc iy tu ra l and

iplel not many feet high is a beauty and the first coat of paint on It will be an ornament to that par t of the townv~vflien completed ffnis i s the second church Mr Williams has built in Dexter within a year

A sad case of drowning occurred near th is village last Saturday evenshying It seems that wiilie Larkin a 15-year-old son of Wm Larkin who lives in a house on the farm of Walter

_Rrass a short distance from_the_ H_urpn River was left alone dur ing the aftershynoon with a smaller brother and toshyward evening he left the house not saying anything as to where he was ^o ing He did not come home at night

and L ^e -ne^^^ses rc i r wamp3 i n s t i t u t e3 for b im but he was not found unt i l Monday morning A couple of boys who wrere out hunt ing on the r iver in flrhnatj saw t h e corpiia iniho ^a tor i They gave the alarm to some ngten who were passing and they took the body from the water and carried it to the house- The boy had been subject to fits for some t ime past and probably dur ing one of these he -deliberately walked inter the river a s his tracks were plainly seejto the water s edge Ai r inques t was^held an1 a verdict of being drowned while wandering about in a demented state of mind1

was rendered bull

This morn ing Mrs S Newkirk left for a n extended visit among relatives in4he State of New York

BRIGHTON i- Kfopi theClt i tgu

DuBois Knight W B Coneiy and Gari Melchers m a d e oil and crayon sketches in camp

The Sweet Brothers sold v 14000 pounds lofmeat to the mil i t iamen

Miss Eva LaBou tahas gone io Peru Ind to take a position in a telephone exchange

Some of the M S T V took the street Tamps rn front of the Presbyterian and

Mr Hiram EllioTHas purchased the residence formerly owned by Holly Pulleii and is put t ing on some new-Iremdash- pairs

Artie Austin and H B Glen re-turned liomt from Vyamplhington bull Ty wlj^ere they have beeri with I s a a c Tel-le rVsurv^y-par^y-^n-W^nf^dAv -


THIS WEEK A SpH-lal Sale to Clean up Stock


Hest Pr in t s Summer styles 0 cts

Best Ginghams dress plaids

(Cantons and Renfrews) 11 cts

Best Ginghams small cheeks 10 cts

Best l^a^cjfUiXawjis -A 8 ctsT

Lisle Thread Gloves Silk Gloves

White Goods AT

Greatly Reduced Prices ~




- We are g iv ing equal ly good


I t beats them a l l

W e mean business^ D o n t by until you look us through






Horticultural society will be held from Tuesday till Friday October 2nd to 5th inclusive on the societys grounds A fine l is t of premiums are offered^ 7~

Miss Jane Halsey an a u n t of Mrs W W Wines who lives with the family andfamiliarly known as Aunt J a w wart 9ft years old Friday She was surprised a t dinner by a ^number of friends and relatives who had been invited for the occasion and a merry dinner-party was the result In the afternoon she rode down town and had her picture taken Miss Halsey is asect spry and active as many a lady of many lessyedia a iulshe is to be congratulated upon having reached such a hale and hearty old age

Last Wednesday night a German med John Six l iving ten miles beshy

yond Dexter was attacked and knocked down in the lumber yard near bull^lulunu


WE ampplusmnXUXJ O m 3 R

EXTRAampRBHtlfflr-BtRfittNS V saloon by Geo Stephens a hard -case from Clucago who has been hanging around the city for some time Six claimed tha t the robber took from him $75 in money and a revolver^- Steph--tm8-w^s-aTrested-aTitft^e~re^ forty cents in money was found on his person He was t iauled u p before Justice McMahon and his case adjournshyed -tril next Thursday Stephens1

brother is hexe_fronr-Chicago t ry ing to patch u p the case whether he succeeds or not remains to be seen

- bull - bull -THK most gal lant man ever hfgtW nf

is one who refrained -from kicking a dog who had bitten him beeausemdashit was a iemale dog If it wasn t for your sex said he Id kick your head off

A WHOLE t ra in of steam-cars passed over a man in Minnesota namea John Schneider^bnt-when the engineer aud conductor went to look for him he was walking off singing -Schneider Low you vas

T H E a r t of saying appropriate words i n a kindly way is one t h a t never goes out of fasnion never cease to pleaser and is within the reach ofjmmttlest-The teacher who would be successful must cult ivate the gift

bullbull T H A T all whoaie happy are equally happy is n o t t r u e A -p leasan t and a philosopher may be equally satisfied but not equally happy Happiness consists in t h e multiplicity of agreeshyable consciousness A peasant has not capacity for having equal happiness with a philosopher This question Was very happily i l lustrated by the Rev Robert Brown A smafl-crrrnk-ing-glalaquo^nd a large ftfre may be



equallv full but the large one holds more Mian tlie unalL

E A MANN East Main St Pinckney


T West Main St Opposite Globe Hotel


It Toilet Articles

IerfiMiaerjv JPine Confectionery

Togta S t a t i o n e r y t c

Gooda are aU freehand new Prioeg am always rni0D

uieilti l bona than of the puWic^tronft^ Jjall a D i m W




V - rzZt~~


- ^ - bull - laquo

r ^ -N-


1 1laquo IF-rPpPNAmm



- L_J L


bull --liKlnage

Much as hus been writ ton concerning the necessity of perfect J ^ iba i j e about our dwe l l ing there ilaquo stilr a HiV



bull ble amount of iltri Ject Line upon li norauctf oa

vmen rashythe sub-

ipoa liny and precept laquopon precept are continually needed traquo beep

a rtoTiriiJwinjr effect on AMe trade laquogt nni tin oVniand for INV lii|c of ltrooltllaquo is ile-liyeltl you Jmow the trade U just j^ood JIltlaquo lost 11

After laving down this axiom of com nicretai-p djosophy the reuilemaii leu

attention directed to this most vital matter Many people do not realize tlwtjdnJk drain and cesspool arlaquo a-falaquo tal as bullets that s tagnant water and heaps of decaying refuse are as deadly a strychnine that our dead selves in any form taken back into ourselves arc tu re death to us This is no tigure ot

aud no extravagance1 of phras bpfc the simple fact We are the

ftMf unnumbered parasitical animals bull p t f e a l l that only the most powerful iBJMKiscoye reveals them to the eye When one class of-these minute creashytures finds a home in our bodies smallshypox is the name we give to the malady they produce Another class causes scarlet ferer another measles- another consumption The diseases produced by germs developed in consequence ol elective drainage are various chielly

riraquo toasilitis and typhoiddisor-4gtt manifold-development The

ce of these germs in the system may result in a reduction of the vitality tosuch a degree that any infection will be readilv absorbed aiid_the liapless victim faff an easy prey to any slight derangement We often use-4he ojipres-aiou to throw oil disease1 and corshyrectly for when one is in perfect heaMi the germs ofdisease find no congenial soil to Sprout-and grow in We never find nioss on vigorous healthy trees or eveifc on Singles- until tbey_ b e g i n t o decaymdashthe Tiealthy fiber resists the atshytacks of floating organisms For the laquoame reason those who obey Ihe laws

tb i r reppr tcr Trrto a department when l imhrc lh iw of a l l Heen nnt p f eng wef t

1 8 8 3 T ^ I E H-IO-HIT jRXJKrisriisro- 1 8 8 3


of health posess sound fiber in which malarious and infectious-germs rind no place - to lodge ~

v The worst month in the year for tyshyphoid pneumonia is April and vfliy liecause the cold weather has kept peoshyple in doors and they have breathed in their dead selves over and over again until the typhoid germs have fastened on the^vitals multiplied in the tissues and absorbed more or less the life of the

Jndh-iduaL A sligliLcold still-fc lather depresses2he_vitality and makes the in--crease of these bull germs more and

[lots of these to different rparts of~thlaquo- country They areltulaquoed exclusively by countrymen A man walking on one of the citys streets with one of these tbttrsraquo^vmrhi be w)rse than a cyclone

germs more the tight for life

more easy until the tight for life becomes a larming and ends-we all know in too many easosl_Jhow sai11 v WtiTIc oyery-thing is frozen up it is_jjiiHcuIt to take proper care of sewage refuse piles acshycumulate drains became choked celshylars gather decaying matter waste-pipes Decome foul and all these agen-

-tnes-txmrome unless counteracted verv bullearl v in the springs to increase the tide of parasites floating intothe body with every breath Thesnbtle poison can not he detected ofteii by the riimst actlte olfacshytory nerve and 0ere are no ehcnricrtrt tests that can be applied by the non profession a p t determine their pres-

bull f hjealth And this vigiUince musfbe laquoSPfl9rciscd not only upon the outside of the cup and platter1 but it must go to the heart 6l things to - the founila- J dons and search every aaokaiitLcreiice with cleansing power _

In removing offal from our premises we need to_ remember that the wet earth does neither deodorize nor disinshyfect it dry earth alone can dothis and Iherc^hiust he suflieiont dry earth toab sorb

arranged on counters H e r e he said we have everything in the umbrelhi line from a thirty-five-cent article to out for twolvcu dollars These goods he said picking up a couple of coarse looking umbrellas are what are sold on the street-corners for fifty oente | Wt can afford to sell them for thirtytfivlaquo cents You see they are marked gingshyham but they are really of an inferior sort o f c o t t o n known as sixty-four

loth Xotiee the edge and you will see iat they are not even bound We have

jjeveral grades of this article from six-ty-four-eloth to 108-oloth Nowhcreisan umbrel la-known as the reed frame because its ribs are made of reeds inshystead of steel This however he said opening out an umbrella with a bamboo stick handle is-onK^of the lightest and most satisfactory thingicin the marke t i t is known tw a Ferguson Scotch| paragon frame1 and sells from $110 Ttpward 1 always use this umbrella myself ^vhen I do hot carry a silk one A

The next umbrella opened warf capacious as a circus tent This said the gentleman who was initiating the- visitor itraquot gt the mysteries of the trade is what we call a Storm King You see it has sixteen ribs arid is made

To THE FARMERS or rvfiNGST0N AND ADJOININO COUNTIES If you want to purchase a Reaper thisjrear examine the |Iero look it over carefully and you will tee it is up

to the times let I t is siniply cuitstructed 2nd J t has no sfde jdraft 3d It is- not liable to get out of order 4th It has no weight Upon the horsesnecks 5th It is a very light draft reaper 6th I t is easily managed

-Tthr-It is juet the machine you-want It cart be had of our agents on trial and is w-arranted to give satisfaction I refer you to the following named farmers who have purchased and are using theHero Reaper some of whom for

of eighty-four (doth Oh yas we send these

the past four years and they can testify to its merits Jesse W Sheets Unadilla Bernard MCloskey Iatnani

j4Javid Donovan Northfilaquold

| Talking of cyclonesj he continued ^h+-re- is something built especially to resist the winds of the Far West We call it the Prairie King It has sixshyteen ribs and four wire braces No matter how strong the wind may be the braces will keep the umbrella from turning inside out -

The next article picked up was deshyscribed as a Star 140 and the gentleshyman in explaining its merits said that it had patent inetal tips^and was water-propf The latter quality is-oae-jhat should recommend itself in anumbrellaT

You have seen prefty near everyshything that goes uB-de-r-the-name of-ging--fa-aviliiV saTtl the gent Icman gty_hlaquorwBS waslinglTTs time on tlie reporter and now I may tell you that we have alshypaca umbrellas ranging in price from ^ frac34 to $jy() Silk ifmbrellas are luxshyuries and there is not a veryr large dp

from Ivo-

$5 to the

mand for them We have them $ 125 up-to $rgt lii natural^rndjes ry hanttles add from 8150 to cost All these superior grades are proshyvided with paragon frames whichmake them light Silk umbrellas vary in price from ^ bull gt1bull-gt- -

What bullBee BternaLvigilaHC^ i s - t b ^ m e e of I 0sfrt o f u m b r e l l a d o e s t h e V^

lilKntv1 and not of libertv alrme rnTr+ilflrHrgt V1 bull-W+d^mdashflmdashsilk umbfeila posting pound3


lie suUicient dry the^moisture or all t luPmoisture or exhalations

1o life^wtltlTe given Out A little leaven leayeneth the wlwile lump Dne fold pipe in a house is enono-h raquorgt kill its inhabitants if it hasa good chance at them-

bull raquonav-Uvw4-()ne ueglecteTtTefuso heap

-tnraquoiliUncc cuitinglrtTrdysl^H^v



^- arjtu^caiis4d^-And^madiLilt^o^i^JiU

^-fcwJ^dc-Jieighbarhiuidmdash^V_hrok(bull n bri i in a sewer just under a closet opening into the rooms of Prince Albertcause hfVdvath

What we term modern iences include many are ofteri very detrimental plusmnoJifalllu If the bath-rooms in our houses could be so contrived as to open on A piazza which might be latticed instead of openinginto ilic house and infecti it-as they -dcy-great gain wou44mdashresu to the health of its inhabitants Well

gtbull people do not suffer so much from imshymediate exposure to malarious influ-enow as do invalids|and little children

pallid city children wltgtuld Hid than they aue if the old-washbowl ami pitcher and

t k y imfl carried out every day supershyceded the elegjint marble basin and rose-

wwm riiuued oiirmub wnmn km to the care of- servants become elegant causes of disease and death

Sunshine is the great healer sun- shine supplemented with abundance of

-fresh air i n Him was life and the life was the light of men1 In many senses are life and light interchangea-

^ ^ g words When we put seeds in the 1^cmst cover them away from i t or they will not germinate

them warmth _ moisture and irlcness and under these conditions

they develop lifei The same conditions in our houses develop active life in all malarious and infectious germs Thereshyfore when the searching sun ray peneshytrates apd illumines our interiors and the purifying air absorbs moisture and- -cause of fatal e] carries off poisonous efHuvins our rooms Whnn tha s

4lgtcrf4in4amefltal sauitary coniiiuous^Or^ngeto an end tx tng com|)lieil with There is cershytainly enough light and air and- dry varth for all uses [of health What is tteeyenilaquo4l4R4utelligenceto utilize them in such a way that health shall ^ e pro-niojted ami disease preventedmdashN Y | Tribune


laquoTlns has not been a good year foi umbrellas vsaid a large denier yesfar-

~^dnylo a yWampMlaquoltreporter thii rain viTrfc too lirtoTn^bfsTn^gra^dihtslrtkd1

seems to be high enough loi the crowd A strong common 1 umbrella howshyever is what is bought by the multishytude _ Vou see hea(lded_ with a touch of sa(fneSsln- hts voice mdash hpcoplemdashdOnt like jo invest-much in umhrellis beshycause somehow or other an umbrella

is~al way s regarded as common property and sooner or later it is bound to hi stolen Now its strange isnt it that ladnjs dont steaTeitrhothejr|s jiarasols I sell twenty times more parasols than u ittbreliMj- Ta I k i ugmdashof- parasols - he said returning from his general v i ew^f t

jubject TTere s one we sell for teii Vou wouldnt

its a fact plan of

cent umbrella Hut that is

velieve it would It s-made sonie-the thirtv-li veshy

to nothing h s(lls for two

cents We sell mdashthese at two cents aiiieco -he said ojiening a gorgeously-colored paper shade and we make a quarter of a cfentprofit at that- These [ things of course are mostly used for decorating rooms

Where is most of the carving on iinv brella haitdlos done - ^ -~


Atfg Balden tieorglaquo W Iteampson Unadilla Arthur Montague E J Wakemah Tyrone Geo R Wilcox White Oak Whedon York Hoafipiumon Asa II tirity Iosco

James Sptare Iutnani Owen Goodsijeed Hamburg WUliartn Cullen Dansville P Mc (Jann Bunker Hill Win Perry Owen Mc (ann jr John B Mc Creery Henry Ward Prod Maycdck Ioaelaquoj Elmer Chipman

(Jenrcp Bauer Brighton S K Hausef Putnimr A Force StockbriflKe Perry Barrett George Phellis White Oak Henry B Gardner Putnairi Daniel i Webb Llaquowis Love laquo John A Ward Eeslie ^J Mrs J Love and Suns Marion

kThe Hero can be seen and U for salltgt atFincfcney by JAS MARKEY General Agent for Michigan

Martin Mehin jr Hamburg bull W Nelson Wrhitmnre Lake-Warren Munson White Oak Frank Aldrich Henrietta John Flemint PJiilo Durfee Antrim H C Martin bull-SeymourBruwn- Conway O C Sasvdy ^6aco

mdash bull


LARGE STOCK LATEST STYLES I t is the r e m a r k of everyone visititt^ mi-restore that we sell bet ter goods for

lor the money than tney have ever seen offered and no one should buy shoes for themselves or their families without first seeing theinducements we present The names of ROBINSON amp B F K T E N S H A W and P J N G R E E amp SMITH inshydicate the class of goods we carry



A xn srrrs


And would invite the at tention of farv-mers who wish to lay in astoek of gro- ceries to last theni througi harvest we have t-vei-ytntng you need Suprats

f Teasr irotfees Spicesr 101raquo Hams7 Dried lleef Cheese and Canned Goods of all kinfTs If you dont foci jus t like goin^r into the haivust -tieldi^vrn^ ^ and jet a bottle of Urowns IroiTISt-t e r H o p liitters iSliiloh^ Vitalier or

some one of tho thousand and one remshyedies we keep that will do you goodmdash Don l forget t a c o m e - a n d stock-aip at once The plaee is at the

bull T^EST ENTgt


N limdash-Highest ca^h marke t val paidfor Butter and Eggs

IS We have just added to our stock a general assortment of

R O G E R S BR0S ^ ^ o r m e r l y iOvjIi done almoat-exclui f sively in Europe but during the laat year Philadelphia has turned out some exceu-tvrmHy good work In fact I may say that the-hest carving is done at present in PhiladelphiaM

How about ivory handlesF n Thev comemdashfrom Europe alt-^eUi^

ermdash Chicago 1 ribune v bull ^ bull - raquo -




BLACKSMITH All kinds of custom work and gviieraL

repairintr including

HORSE SHOEING Shop back of Manns Block PINCKNEY



bull J c u e ) lilies J m B y WalSM afldj Jersey cows are all popular just now Thlaquo old preiudioe against Jersey mosshyquitoes still existsmdashChicago Inter Ocean

mdashA society of persons are about to petition the firngsels autnorities for per-miampsion to mummify their dead They point out that one advantage is that their plan permits people to contemshyplate their ancestors anil thus perpetushyate filial piety and sentiment de race They are down oTrcremailon which they allege does not destroy thebody but only reducesJt_to- ashes producing deadly miasmas and aver that wherever as in India it has boon p rao ticed on a large scale it has been the

epidemics mal l -pox- thrntttprirtH iA

brim tlia life nan-pn ol Pnn( ice

nothing the iam of dolttor

said could save the pat ien^ml^ss some healthy young man beeanie his bedfelshylow and by enfolding^im closely in his iirms should impart ^sufficient heat to hilaquolt body to force tjnl rjiistin ate disease to break out Williams ^4)age Benjinck volunteeredfor tiie dangerous raquogtffice The experiment sueeeeded and the fftjlhftd share came fouiidedTt l)ucal bkodoptidh

Call and examine our stock whether you wish to purchase or not



WILLIAM DOLAN amp CO bull Hav^juat received a new and complete stock of

DRY GOODSBOOTS amp SHOES eflaquoKpoundftrrGROCERIES Tobacco Canned Goods Etc No remnants or vraquohe]f-worn stock We mean business^and will guarantee bottom j)riccs The public are invited to call and see for themselves gt r MAIN ST TINCKNEY MICH

_1 offer for (tale 13 ICKB frontliu tin MaialStr^ot




DETROIT CITY LAUNDRY Finot laundry Im Um Wftraquot dgt6dtraquo plaquolllaquogtd (or

t ionto I K -KICIIA^US A CO _ Amenta ftw Rnckney Mlcb1trraquoraquo-


F U R N I T U R E Pk-t tire Framing llajiairinj LiibolaUflagi Etc-



G R 0 C E R I E S W

AT WHEELERS bull bull gt

o =-





lfoasUMee 1 5 ^ and 2^xfa SaletatUs 8 c U Bird Seed 10 cts-

- - bull - mdash - bull

50c Tobacco at 40 ct^ 60c T obaceo at 50 cfe

Royal ftakinpound Inwder Parents Bakshying Powder Spicesof all kinds

- Bakefs CluK-olate Sweet ^ -^ Chocolate bull f

Cabined Corn Canned Boef Ianiifd Salmon Cauwd TiiMaUw


amp amp WHEELER


f y A

rrwT ^^w^n wpound$$rmmmsmm


Entered at tUo rostofflce is 1Mclass matter



T H E colossal skeleton of a man who musETutvi1 hbtm iwttt brother to the Carshydiff (raquoiant has been dug from the shelvshying bank of aratfine near Barnard Mo by a Lirmev named John W Hannon Twelve feet wasf the height of the preshyhistoric gentleman and hislongest ribs measured four feet in length The fact That hisrelies lmve|been dug up in Misshysouri suggests the^probability that he was the original border rullian

THK death of Miss Harriet Steer of Cincinnati in her eighty-eighth year deserves a notice She was a promishynent member of the Society of Friends a n d i o r t h e last-fifty years had been a

bullgood angel fb the poer During most of that time it was her custom every winter to prepare a huge boiler of soup on twoidaya of the week This she dis-

tributed gratuitously at her door to all who wished or necuedIt Even as late as last winter though cxfreuiely feeble she was at her self-appointed pgampt as in days gone by While otjiers t r

1)frac34 have been vainly --warring over the-abstractions this unknown

Aside from the conVemenee of th i^plaa there seemk an eternal fttnesain making tluv conderjined supply his awn gallows The expTrnie nwttrowble of conducting him to and from the place of execution are obviated anil w h e n t h e exercises are concluded his remains can be at once turned over to Ids ffnnily without further ceremony |

Tin testimony given before the Scu-iUe_Comittee on Labor and Education in session for the purpose of investigatshying the causes which led to tl^e teleshygraphers strike does not contain much that is news to lite public concerning the trouble between the Western Union Telegraph Company and its employes although a few points were brought out which heretofore have not been entirely c^ear Thestr ike has been contemplatshyed it seems by both the company and the operators since last March T h l accounts perhaps for the fact that the company was able to assume the attishytude taken when the mens_deinands were presented The basis upon which tw optrqfor expected to compromise

ological woman has been illustrating in her life the truespirit of the Christian religion

TEN- medals are about to be presented bybull thcM^yor of Baltimore to men who showed heroism and--daring intrepidshyi ty in saving lives at the time of the Trivoli dockliisastcv and a number ot others arc to be honorably mentioned in public The- lirst medal is for Chrisshytopher Doyle who saved fifteen lives and spent the rest ofthe night in diving for tho-bodies of the dead bull He was

is also given It was a reduction of the hours of labor to eight and extra pay for Sunday work The curious stateshyment was made by-Mr McClelland a prominentmanager of the strike that if the operators were defeated they would only by more powerful than-

orev-Tiiisis indeed- making the best of the situation

A n Old S e a l F o l l o w s H e r C a p t i v e Offspr ing E i g h t y Mi ies

Santa ljarbara (Oil i Press A n i n t e r e s t i n g inc ident iJl list rating

i lm^ntnrnnl -itWtJMn fgtf illl a q i n u i l fpl

7tmidmgTiei^licopy-ReAv-Williani E Starr on the outer eilgc of tiro pier wlTen the crash came- Kealjzing that he could do more_ellective work if unimpeded by liia nlnfTimpf] Wasfcnd Father Starr if it would be rightto strip before the wom-en and children Go in man us Golf

its young was brought to notieeUiring thevisitof an excursion purty to Aim-capaIsland oilthe const of California A young seal pup only a few months-old was brought awayfrom the island by littleKmcstWhitehead who desired to take it home for a pet short ly beshyfore sailing u large seal was noticed swimming around the sloop anchored

FOLKKUm Prince Albert Victor matriculates at

Cambridge this-year Pope Leo XI I I has sent a painting

from the Vatican as a gift to the Detroit ArtAssociation - ^ -

Professor Packard of Yale expects to leave soon for- Athjena -to teach in the American school there bull-

John Krowns shackles the ones xxsod on him at Harper s ferry are owned by George B Keusintpn of Boothbay Me

Mr and Mamps Tom Thumb were beshylievers in Spiritualism and would sit hours to receive communications from little Minnie Warren in the spirit land

George Bancrof t -Jared Sparks J G Palfrey and Richard Hildreth leadshying historical writers of America we$e all educated at Phillips tfxeter Acadshyemy

It is reported that ox-Mayor Isaac S Kalloeh late of San Francisco Cal intends to settle in Washington Territory and to endeavor once aga+h-4o make a new start in polities

Josh Billings is a native of Lanes-boro N H a n d there he hopes to be buried Ho has directed his children to mark the grjvve with a r o u g h stone from the quarry-Hear by

k ing Alfonso of Spa-lu wmila all the nations to take part in a grand eelebra tion in-Spainof the Columbian discovshyery of America andnot to hold the celeshybration uti Italy or America

Mr G K Bhvncbard^of Boston lias brought home from Paris the last wofk of Gustavo Dore It represents a grpup of ^Cupids playfully drawing back a curtain from before a mirror

A lineal descent of Brian Boru the last king of Ireland lives in Colorado and he h a king indeed H i s cattle cover a thousand hills and he is one of the cattle kingsof the West bull ^ H Wade is said to~be the richest

trnmin Cleveland O He made ins ntill innn hi- inrnrt inmii in rgtWiflph_

senger iuformednVh Sjmle wiio N lier shown fn7 r|L sitppcrejMr flould said she wlien youinpvfmy business vou will kill nw 1 ao t ac j raquog books v

But alter supio persuasifxujhi ourebtuied a vo l lumvand gave heiiajrfst of names of Jns friends to vhoru he [ thought she could sell Ilussull Sayo was the only one with whom she waif not successful

T h e Pope is now seventy-four says tlte London Globe a tall thin ivory-eotuplexibned man witk a benignant bullraquobulllaquo - - - - - r 1Jt bdquouAuk

1 bull i bull w hite w heat frimi w hkh tlmy umku their beflteraw expression andsnu lmg lips hearing the ^ 1 ^ V W S T K I gt Tu7gtriiui b o W n or stamp of indelible t i i m n e s s - t h e e ^ ^ bull

expfles^ sion of a man to bend but nevciTto break Some ono has aaid he has the mask of Voltaire but tins is nonsense There is none of the saturnine caducity the depressed mouth and prominent chin or spectral smile Leo XII I is tall he wears his yearb well walks up-rignt and thus raquoraquorylaquoraquoa tigtgt m^t of y s inches His hair is snow-white and naturally forms into a crown about his linely developed brow His long face is serene hrs- small eyes dancing with intelligence1 add to this a harmonious MOMorion vo i eo aind M w i d e k-nltnvlndltrn

of lansruages which he speaks with the correctness of a professor

bull raquo bull mdash - mdash

P o s t P r e s e n t a n d F u t u r e of W y o m shying

Lftfamio Dxuhoraiig mdash - bull ---bull Some writer has said-that no portion

of the globe is at this time so full of


UHlMEfti A JOlIXSOX Propr i r to in w i i to 1nuk(gt known to tlu-ir old nnd mm- ruraquotigtia n-^-tluit thiv iw iu)w proimn-il to do butter work of nil kiiwld iiitlieir line at Initfineas thitn ever befiraquorlaquo-Jluir mills having been thoroughly roftttpdtn^ ivpairodmuliniprovidmltBidn making it convenshyient for their euhtojiierti Hood raquohedlaquo for Uiampnn in connection with tlit MIMH TUey have now on hand over 5)00 hulaquolilq (if dry Bound rtraquod and

Hike i

uiuBtv wheat except forctidtoinerB anrtthnn It iw round on ncimrtita stone HIHI 1H)1UUI through 8opn

wi f i Llt Lut mgt fe

epi rate hwlts Tlioyo hiiyjiii Hour of them yruwn iirhmntjr rllaquonr Thouo hrin^in^ KrraquoetH of tolaquoK( dry sound whew wltt ood Hour and tuv8laquo briutfiny xrown or musty wheat muat expect flour from the same tliiy Iflo havt Beparaty bolta for buckwheat Aorn -11 bull fl^ mdashbull bullbull ^UU^^-Bons new improved l)ulaquotleraquoB Iron Corn iflRiera without extra charge They pay cash for all kindraquo of ijruin All pereoiiB having unsettled accorfnh with them at the mil are requested to call and pay the samo v -- mdash - -


made you he d id

A repliedthe priest as and so

-WILLIAM II VANDKRHIIT did a graec-hantling his 7Ttrt~nnd generous thing in

check for $gtO0O to the gtn-oprietor-of a hotel in theWhite Mountains to be dis-

tributed among the thirty qollege boys viwho are ticting as waiters there This

is one of the ways adopted by poor young men in-New England colleges to make a little money lor-the following year at the same time that they arc getshyting rhejjenelit of a vacation It is not tin easy part to play - t h a t of gentleshyman and scholar and waiter at the same t i m e and indeed a great many young men would rather not try it But Mr Vanderbilt s gift was

offthe cave where the capture was made uttering loud barks and U times howl-

was paid tothe annual at thetimeor to the little captive which at times barked in response to the old dams plaints The boat sailed away making for the Ventura shore When -offmdashSaa Buena-jcenttira aca lnx i i i the wind decreased the speed of the boat when a j a r g c seal was noticed near by gt

On reaching the wharf at Santa Barshybara a large seal was again discovered swimmingraquoabout the boatmdash Tn hot top secure the pup until daylight the rope was taken from its tin and it was tied up in a ju te sack and left loose on the sack Soon after coining to anchor the seal respoaded to its mother s invitation by casting itself overboard-a41mdashtied ifp~ as it was witliin a sack It is assorted-bv the man on deck-that the seal mother seized the sack and with her sharp teeth tore open the prison of her-oftsprmg

stocks when telegraph was only an ex periment and isnow well on in lift _ Miss Nellie Hunt daughter of ttrep American Minister to Russia was claim-cdTthtrmost beautiful of the coterie of American ladies at the coronation A

mighty possibilities orso rich in promisshyes for the future us the broad stretch of rich territory lying west of the Mississipshypi and this assertion comes as near the truth as a newspaper man dare get But a few years ago this portion of the Union was very -appropriately teamed a wilderness The coyotte squatt ing in the shelter of the umbrageous sage tree sang his tuneful lay and the cactus stood sadlv in the midst of the wide ~tX p HUSO of country known as the Laramie plains with no human being to love it and chershyish itmdashand sit down on it T h e very thought of an orphan cactus being dooni-od to ait in otornal ailenge with no kind vord or look for centuries and with no picnic party-anti no soft eyed young man-with ice-cream pants _on_ to come and nestle loYJmg]y_jlown_ington its fuzzy bosom is sad enough to draw tears

Paris paper describes her as fascinashytingly pre t ty

A line medallion -portrait of the late Marshall Jevyell has been made by Francis Bbull Watts a deaf-mute marble-cutter I t is said to- be an admirable portrait and was modelled entirely from a photograph

Frederick N W Crouch author of the-^ong7-uKa4We^n-^V4miuiecjiT^liiaa been rescded from paxilyJiy_al3veaIthy and ceeentric young Southerner James Marian Roche wrho assumes his name and supplies all the money that he needs

Cob Bob Ingersorrr-whois a very earn-Tst temperance man exprouood his opiil ioii ol tlie r ichly - t inished bar of the Huffman House New York Vhen he saw it thus This is tlroiUDStroTthodox sliow Ive soon You can deal out hell

from the eyes of-Bob Ingerstdl himseU mdashatthe usual Star Route pric-cr-- Until lately ytoo the Westerner who ventured across the Missouri Rifer was looked upon as a curiosity and the people watched him with apprehension for fear lie might be loadeth-7 Within the last half score of years however the West

----particularly this portion of it has wait-zshyed to the front and demanded recognishytion among the countries of the world andgot it too

- SOLDIEKS amp SAlLUKiv who were disabled by wouudH disease accident

orotlifflHvlaquoHgt-lhe-lograquo ot-u toe piles varicose veins chronic diarrluva rupture Uma of eight or ltigtar-ally BO) loos of hearing falling hack of ineaxllaquos rheumatism any disability no matter JtQKAKfMr gives you a pension Sew tind Honltx0Bhpoundtlt charyj Obtained Widows childre 1 ^ ^ ^ laquo aiirj-fatherij of soldier tlyiHg in rm M r ^ or afterwards from disease contracted or wtowfdreshyft ived while in jtho service are ^utitlWI to pOraquo-

laquoraquoion Rejected and abamlonedcUuiUB ispeciiutT BOUNTY BACK PAY AND HORSE CLAIMS CQI lWTEDgtv

INCREASE YOUR PENSION A pension can be increased at any time when

the disability warrants it As you grow older the woundtraa gradually undermined the constitution tho disease hart made you more hclplcvs fn some manner tho disabilityhas increased BO apply for an increase at once

L A M AND PATENT CLAIMS SOLICITED My eNigterteic ffrid betng hcre^Tit-heatrtrnart-erti

bull Hnable me to attend promptly toallclaims against the lioviminent tircitLirafree Address ritli tamp





l iraJiere and believe vou are in heaven wliilc voure doing it

bull proi)rfgtlt-^j ^ frac34 ltnv by the self-reliant -^riritrai3fV-gcntlbmaaly bcarmgiJoi_tliesfi 3oung men Tins is a proof- that they were highly successful in~tbis difficult role and is a remarkable compliment----a seUjxitific angler No perhaps the

boy will not clainnliat and it is hardly

N O T the least of the blessings which the Republic has conferred upon the

- French people is the great encourageshyment given to the cause of pppular edn-

mdashcation The^sehobl system has been so

This however is a mere conjecture If it did the little piip vlaquovs-KavoltUothcrwise it woiiid drown tied up in the sack The incident was the more interesting from the fact that the old seal had to follow the sloop at least eighty miles over the ocean in a hopeful -endeavor to rescue its vounar

S c i e n c o v s t h e Boy_ PeTk

An exchange says that l i e boy will claim that he -can-catch more fish than

Mr-llarnuni was in Montreal when he heardof Tom Thumbs death agd

-immediately telegraphed to (lie widow Dear J^aviiiia Yourself and family have my warmest sympathies Death is as much a part of the Divine plan as birth The Heavenly Father finally overcomes all evil with good His will be done1 -

Edgar A Foes oTcl home at Fordliam has been purchased b- Nelson Strong for $7500 This was- the house in which Foes^vifedied mlttlt whenshe

extended as to place whithin reach of of the massos far better educational fa

scientific angler let such a fisherman go out to the fish pond to - lish and when

cilities than the youth of~tne coun t r 4 J ) e hamps s a t a l i day i n the sun-emptiTcrhtot Schiller ftt-ttll^g the flask and has not caught a lish he ever before enjoyed A late and imporshy

tant f ea tm^c^ r t ^e^bv i - rhmgn ta r^ r an of public instruction is the creation of

lyGeums 6t colleges for young girlsmdash that is girlsJrojiLAve_lve to eighteen vears of agemdash in fourteen of the larger cities and towns It is anndunce^ that the State pays 1650000 francos for the building in which the 4 lyceum1 ih Parshyis -will be established French enshyterprise does not always go in the right direction but this scheme for the edushycation of girls is certainly commendashyble bull

ARKANSAS ha sno t contributed to-the world many of the valuable Inventions yf the dayj but by a stroke of genius i t has ijx rather amp novel manner become famous Lynching seems to have grown intt) a anrt of general if not legit imate

industry and the man who suggests any improvement in this summary process

of administering justice is a public ben-eiaetoiy treea has become too coinm teeh railroad br idg^s^a^o^te legraph poles are n^--aTwaygt-cJ)nvenient and

^Xraquo^fnknown in ttto-rural rrfbut they have overcome all

iaia nhitacles on Hurricane Creek by ^ gtraquo w w i w - i w uu x z u i m n n o w e e uy t r gt f l n r g f t n nUarly ft

r^ JiangtegHT mtin in Ma-Qgamp_doprvyax Qady in ih6 States j

necessary that he should But let the scisntific angler with a superb outfit of rods and reels and silk fish lines and gold-plated hooks and patent Hies the usual accompanying combination pockshyet tlask and other first-class articles TfiaTgOnoTmik^=tr|rtrtc=tmtfit of -tire

-A curious (jucstion concerning the identity of the corpse of the poet Schilshyl e r is be ing d^usj^ed in Germany and France Prof Wclckers of Halle after a careful comparison of the skull in the tomb at Weimar with the p las te r cas t

4^ftn^^invmfidiately after Sehilleija death has come~to the conclusion that

will quietly crawi around and commune with the bor who sitsTjivith a~iiattered strawhat on and one suspender his pants rolled up and both-feet dabbling in the Water The scientific angler will note that tbe-boy bas nothing in the-line of fishing-tackle except a tamarac pole a cotton fish-line one-cent hook and a

Tjakingj powder can full of angle worms but lie has a large string of fish for which he receives a good priee^frpm-thfi-scientitic angler who carries them triumphantly through town and tells the people wha t big_Jjarj^_Jie_Jhas bad No the boy does not 3ay he can catch more fish than thescientific angler the scientific angler does not safceo cither but the stubborn facts in the case stick out as prominently as a wart on a Roshyman nose

who Miss Rosalind A Young wno a couple of years ago wrote a n a r t r c l e abbi^t Pitcairns Island fo j^Ser ibners

^ fa theris pastor of jSrcjh^gn3 teacher of the

school anp^amptre Is orgamstana assistant e a c h e r r s h e is about twenty-six years

an377 wfltei^ar retired ^er-c^ptain who not long ago visited her at home she weighs two hundred pounds never had a shoe on her foot ana if necessary could swim off to- snip four miles from the island and back again to shore and then fco into jtfe litrtle church and play tbft organ nuarly ft^^ell as any youngs

was but irVyearsold and when ioc was too-poor to buy a blanket to put on_jhjjr_ bed She died in the middle of winter covered with a sheet and lier husbands -overcoat

The only objection to farming on thew-piains is tha t the 1laquo comes pretty high- -about 8000 feet The assertion however that there is al-wjamps a s e a breeze blowing aUliuteleva-l iorf j u s tmoving the leave) of the troc rnrrt blowing the cellars out friim TTTirtrr the houses occasionally is false True sometimes a whisper of wind springs up on the starboard jib and blows about doe -igt by lt^Hvv-wi^iLfu- an hour ov twoTbut nothing heavier than comer lots with big mortgages on -thenL bavt lie en blown away that we ever heard of

llaisilig cat t le is veniiu s chief inshydustry at this writing With-a good branding iron the huinbleTanclTTnancan get up a pretty nice little herdin a few years One man who went into thecat -tlo business up in the Sweetwater iVmr-orlivo years ago with an I ( mukvand a healthy branding-ironis now-wln-tlwt million He carried a charcoal furnace with him and hatlAhe brand tied to a rope He kept the iron hot and could throw it so as to leave his brand on every maver ick he saw if he could iret


the person buried in the ducal vault is

within twenty yards of it He just brand-= Trda l 1 th-e ~ctrt tre-rre eottld findmdashevery

spring and let nature tjike~lieTToTiTso I tell you pardsaid old J immy

Cannon the guide- to the writer recentshyly the Wesflras Ibst its romance On ly a little while ago r it seems t o m e where once there was nothing but the Whoop of the Tndinnjjid the song of the six-shooter now there are railroads and churches and commercial men and high schools andJhrec-card-monte men ana lecturers and daily news pap er s7 and every little while a na tura l death Wh-v within the pasf two months if the blasted papers tell the tnitbT^scTcral White Dog the famous old chief of

the_Ogalalla Sioux takes i3nuch interest in tornadoes and describes them in a- ~ bdquo peculiarly picturesque faahionUll his 4 U U B M would lwyo to move away When

n M e c a t c h ( u n d e r s t a n d - - c a t c h v v e ^ a v e ^ ^ frac34 1 - h n ^ n n g disease to iJ ig -Wind in

ow on) c-clone he says cloud Bampovrwigwammdashlvay off -Spit fire Make roar like five big herd bufshyfaloes -Always go thai w a y (pointing to the northwest) Me see plenty^ of ^ m more t h a n that many1 (counting twenty on his fingers-) When he-come Injun lie down on his beiley and gralgt soap-weed and grass Ugh Big wind

Having lived prosperously in Crajy^ fordsville Ind for several y e a r s ^ r e a

his circuni- stances warranted liHaT^in jaarrying and he acc^rdingTy coftrmlssioned his brothet^n^Germany to select a wife ^ oiseSt^gga Westphalian damsel

waschoraquoen7 ancF prompt ly islrtpped to this country Her destined lord and master went to Tpledo to meet her ~with some pert uibaiioii but the fraternal standard was found to be a good one bullThe -young woman is a p lump and pleasing person and thrifty withaU for she brought with her a stout chest filled with linen which she herself had spurn

A young woman went to sell a book to J a y Gould She hid it under her cloak and seemed mysterious No one but Mr Gould would d o she told the messenger Mr Gould was not in raquoSho would oooaraquo agaku^JShe k e p t calling daily until in despair the m

WARRANTED T O C l I R E bullwithout motiiclnomdashPain In thebmel hip


-blUtyyluraquoobalaquoraquo^geBraquora raquobull noursltrlB bullctpt

ecoi ihoklilnoTnkphiul dIleaceatorpid nrtaluul Gnli luui fmBotenr cqocv drraquop^nlaquolu cormtipotlun tton hrrnU or rupturb m t u r t i ptiea opU

oney tho

debility rampCTiTKutllaquoni puralyAlft noursltrlB raquoctptjclaquo diselaquogt ^ _ill_ver

uraquo fmbotenpy bullbullthinj bull torilaquo[potluiUr-erylaquolplaquo

i-uyturfc ltlaquotarrti pll in c i r

V l i i i n i u t i lcli i i

t iaw

ltr of tho CaENEBATITF ORfi l f l rr -nru l i w v I t ^ l l t v anlt n f B f r y c l o r t t bullWd-vlCQraquoS M alaquotlis ivenWnpujK- raquonil all tlgtoe dlaeaac oTaper-ironul Hfttuvc from ^fhatover cau^p tho continuous Hream of XalaquoiHtiMi penneatlmg through the piirUi ltm^treatofethom to a healthy action Tlitie iamp no Jiiiituiij tgtiut this oupUanco


TO THE LADIESmdash^H EibftugttlonI)laquo-raquopopiilftor^lth DUalaquoeof the Lly cr Kldnlaquoltvgt llvudMbe or Cold Weet Wfiak Ankh - -

nro afflicted with Khttumatlua Neuralgia tirrra

SwoUlaquoM or leraquo or Kwnllen Feet an Abdominal Belt

and npiilf of Magnotlc Voot BatterieBhave no superior In the rullof and rurfc of all these complaints They carry a powerful tna^aeUo force to Uio slaquoat of the dlampeaae

For L i n o Hack Weakneia of the BplnlaquotFaU-Hon and Ulceration of the W m b Incidental Han-orrhaceor Fleodlnff Painful SupDreaaed mad Ir-tflfPlarMfnitrwallun ltarrcuaea awdfhange of J3ra tali UUtQlleatApplUaoeaadOuratlregtAginfc Known

For all forms of Veniale DtfflenHlea 16 Is nnrar-rwmwtd hy anythlnif hnfnra InTented both M 6 curatlTO MKht and aa a source of power and TltallaatlOD FrtoetjfTlthcr Belt with Magnetics foot Batterte 110

Sent by exproswOOD and examination allowed or by mall on receipt of price In ordertng send measured waist and siie of shoe Remittance oaa bomadelncnx-renoy^sent in letter at our risk

ThejfAft^eton Ganrents are adapted to all agec are worn over the undurclothlnfT (not neit to the body like the many tialvnnlu and ElectrleHani Dae adrertlord no extcnrtveU) and ahonld be taken off at night Thfy-hnld tlxoirpoweromxrand areworn atall seasons of tbltynnr

Send Ht mp fo tljo Nlt-- irjnx-ture In Medical Treatshyment Without Medicine Willi tuouaandaof tonimc-

XSH MAGXJCtON AP5fiitNCRlaquoOii laquo18 atatlaquo St CltlcnKaiJli-

_ CK TllTtT

menfravircfiei t inWyoffi in^of disease I - t e l iyeuy it looks astliei^femdashus=damp14-

snufXus out i t s time to light out for the frontierv

W f c y ^ I e Did -Not S u c c e e d

Probably the most surprized man of tbe- season was the postmaster- ra t Orange this s i M a ^ w h o prepared to commit suiriclo^rt ieW gtdays ago H sehTMsV^ect_mantbTCev~Trsbon_for some niorpHnc to kill himself with

isJamily siivsnectingali was^not right -rftanged the morphine to quinine The doomed man took one of the powders and laid down to die Hi felt a buzshyzing in his head but death did no ^apshyproach with that rapidity he desired so jbu-gotjipandlQakajwULcr4raquoJKUeTi and lafd down with a feeling that death would soon relieve him of all troubles The buRAng in his head continued and after wait ing an hour on cieatn which did not arrive on schedule time he got up-about as m a d ^ mart its could found He got the balance of the rifira nrncnre^Ka minroHcopcLana efxampzn

tnem ^nd when he found tbey were c t of rel-

ined them ^nd when he-found only quinine the trifling lt

tiieiatter oyer for afe^v^aya^widthen shot himself in the h

alive at last accoun that the bullet h

he no doubt feels en chanltrg(1^-i the


at Win eh Mich

fTF^st^tm l l j gt IUCV ovv Pickno

ck-Headache dyspepsia Liver Complaint Indigestion Constipation

and PUflFr THE BLOOD N O T I C E mdash W i t h o u t a particle of doubt Zer-

PTOtts Pills are the most popular of any en theraar-a t i v e s ^ v a s Clear t o h i m lie t h o u g h f tet flaying been bofbrethepubUefw a qaartcref

a centnry and having always performed more than was promised for them i keymerit the tneoeM that

- As he was they hare Attained P r i c e a g e p e r For sale bf alhlragffiato

Kenuot ts Pills alwayg in stock at Wlncbels




mE O L D R E A D I N G C L A S S Miss Mer ry deer u t t e r e d a g r i in t of dissatisfaction

-If i t s l aw i t a i n t j u s t i c e said she bdquo bdquoraquo fumbl ing in t h e pocke t of h e r t a t t e r e d

V f f i e f ygtrn deg l u a d g c l M S -ampd c o a t - a g a r m e n t Which had evident -

1 cannot tell you tienevieve how oft it coaie to memdash


raquo r

That roife of elocution late who stood BO straight luiliM

And charged at standard literature with amla-W-WC tteeiaja bull bull bull bull ^ - - - - trade^gt

Wc did not spare the yjnerwln walefc our wwfds Were d a d i 1

We tore the meaning or thMext by raquo11 the Bght j t e 6dj i

But sTulT rear tne dbai tfBO wrote tbg How we read 60 irfe

Wndd scarcehmjlaquocolaquonl2ed their |tork In PUtiigt Nuaibei Tfcree $

Outtlde tbe snowwas smooth ifed- cleatmdash the tfuck-laiddupt

lade thji windows speak at every i s t bull - v -belle threw ua pleasant1 words

ivellers would paw Fees along the ralaquo-tlaquolaquoraquo4-laquohki--

thelr class X -Bcyoao the white browed cotftagee were uest-

MOK cold and dumb ^ bull l And far away tbe mighty world eeeme beck

oniog UB to comemdash r The womirous world of which we connep wbut

hadbeen aadijBlKbt he bull)bull I l a t b a t o l4 - | a ih ip^ rlaquo4 ing cfcssipfOistrlct ~~ tfrThree bull bull -Tt

at int^mdashitraquoJ^ampPp[r-gt Ijlauiesmdash_ iformly mispronounced the mostiiu-

bdquo - _ t a n t namesgt W |praquondered through Biography ami gave

our fancy play And with some subjects fell in lovemdashgood

only for one day In Romance and Philosophy we settled many a

-point ^ And made what poems we assailed to creak at

every Joint bullbull And many authors that we love you with me

will agree Were first time introduced tiTus In -District

Number Thr4icraquo mdash

Tourecollect Sueannah Jirnith the teachers sore distress

Who never stopjltcd at any pausemdasha Fort of day express

And timid young Sylvester Jones of inconshysistent sight

Who stumbled on the easy words and read the hard ones right J

And Jennie Green whose doleful voice was always clothed in blacks

And Samuel Hicks whose tones induced the plastering all to crack lt

And Andrew Tubbs whose various mouths were quite a show to see

Alas we cannot find -them now in District Number Three -mdash r

And Jasper Jenckes whose tears would How at rach pathetic word

Hes in the prize-fight business now and bits them hard Ive heard)

AndBenny Bayue whose every tone he tnur deguntred as in fear

(Hi3 tongue is not so timid now he is an mdash^laquoitct4ouecrgt

ly been cu t down from a juansj u ls ter bullThere as t r ue as you l i v e r t h a t there d ime has fell out a n d go t lost in the w o o d s -

T h a t s nonsense 1 said Del ia t a r t ly bullTen h u r r y I c a n t

s t and here in thUjwindlall n i g h t t i t r b lun t ly s-irok

o u t t h e old c rone N o t w i thou t

Del ia reso lu te ly

cur ious ] dove o r a f e d TaWflii foT nil1 l l ial I k n o w

S h e l aughed b u t t h e r e w a s a cer ta in ve in of ser iousness t h a t u n d e r l a y all her m i r t h so Lill s t a r e d o u t in the g r a y M a r c h af te rnyon wi th l i t t le flurries of s n o w p r i c k i n g h e r c h e e k l ike frozen needles e v e r a n d a n o n a n d t h e f lmpy frost c r ack l i ng u n d e r h e r feet whi le some few paces beh ind t r u d g e d J e b o r shya m c h a r g e d to look as l i t t le as possible l ike a n escor t ~

bullFor nobodymdash k n o w s sa id Dolia L e t m e p a s s - w h a t t h e old wi tch m a y t a k e offense

the t e a j e e n t a J L j s a i ^ B u t to contois TEe t r u t h Li l t I ve pa r raquo o rde r s

a n d tirnrst s t i ck t o c m If you haven t -

And LantyfWood whose vftrg_wa just enshydeavoring hard to change

^ATnl leapedTrn-nuodfSTFH) fiercely shrill with most bullsurprising range Also his sister Mary Jane 80 full of prudish

frlccj -Alas theyre Both In higher schools than Dis-

t r j e tyamber Three ~ ^

^o back thesevarious voices come though long the years have grown

distinct through-Aud sound uncommonly Memory a tolophonc mdash r

i] rif)mynrfraquo fnhtf rnplo^v iunl_brlutr a sense of cheer bull ^ mdash

And some can smite the nick of time and summon forth a tearV

-VJ1 l y ^ - f t W J ^ h o r r t frmtrgtv hfl^k t ^ 111 WllfMI-ever ad I grieve

And sings a song and that is less Genevieve

It brightens up the olden timt M t i i l e a t t H e mdash mdash

A-sthfr star amid the clouds of District Numshyber Three bdquo _

- W I L L CAJJLETlaquo)N Srjftmbev

pot tlie m o n e y you m u s t JJ-JO a r o u n d by the mill road 1 -V

H u t t h a t s four mi les f i i r tOer sa id the old w o m a n despa i r ing ly A n d N e d d y ^ d e a d t i red a n d so a m I And i t s i r rowih colder eve ry m i n u t e a n d these Marcji winds is h a r d on my rhe t i m a t i c s

bull You sjjould have t h o u g h t 4 t i t h a t beshyfore 1 sAid Delia indifferently -mdash

I)ejjamgtsliy d o n t ytfn le t h e r p a s s whispered LIU SHOS so old a n d mdash

bull O l d pet t i sh ly r e p e a t e d Del ia JVhy s h e s t he w o r s t old b a r p y in

-V63 f r i gh^nor l whwtj fr|1(5 e n t e r e d tho l i t t le A t t n _ at laquo^laquolaquo ri gt n k i i Ak-raquo]T rgt -raquo r ^raquo laquo i r l t i si l i one - s to r i ed cab in ono side of wliich w a s al l awrV wi th t h e forei^bf m a n y a w i n t e r s t empes t in whose low-ceiled a p a r t m e n t old Miss M e r r y d e e r lay dyshying mdash

bullbullIs it m y b o u n y gir l r i f ie said liftshyi n g he r g l a n c e to thlaquo~njgw c o m e r s face i c s i t s she as g a v e m e t h e d ime Out of he r o w n pocke t she gave it to me E v e r y o n e else t u r n e d the i r backs upon


In a T b e I m p o r t a n t F a r t I t P l a y e d M y t t e r l o u TQurder

Jacksonville (Flo) CorN- Y Mail

Arch iba ld V Newton a y o u n g m a n

who be longs t o a w e a l t h y family w h i c h

s t ands h igh in E n g l a n d has jus t been

cenvic ted in O r a n g e C o u n t y of the m u r shy

de r of S a m u e l McMil lan T h e case w a s

sensa t iona l and w h e n the j u r y o r o u g k t

in the verdict W e find the p r i sone r gu i l t y a s c h a r g e d in the m d i c t m e n t t

t a t ious noise

m e a n d l a u g h e d to see the old witch go by N o one ever g a v e m e a n y t h i n g beshyfore but sneers a n d curses For what^ g o o d to a n y b o d y was o ld wi tch Merry- deefc B u t s h e t o o k p i ty on herTiOrd

p romised hor t h ree he r m y heiress

g a t e w n n osien- u laquo vgt ^ ^ ^ - ^deg rne here p re t -AM M l s f M e r r W e was t y ^ n c a n d P u ^ gtur h a n ^ ^ i m t

But crv^rr-a^-litTrtottchlaquotr-4te^war-ui s lowly a n d r e luc tan t ly t u r n i n g the don- 4 r J _ i_i -f_^bdquo_i -v-_ T u p a l m to t h e old c r o n e s fast p u r p l i n g

handt_she g a v e a q n i c k g a s p turned k e y s d r o o p i n g h e a d a r o u n d wben Lil l hor te r f tjaTflifSa^he r e scue

S t o p a minu to i Miss Mer rydee r - said she Here as a t en -cen t piece I t s e e m s s u c h a pHylfor yot t and the poo r o l d d ) 5 h ^ y ^ o ^ g o ^ f t r i r T O ^ d - i t h i s - b i t - t e r cold n igh t bdquo A n d mdash a n d you can p a y m e the nex t t ime vow come this w a y

E h sa id Miss M e r r y d e e r shri l ly bull Who a r e y o u

over a n d d i e d Lil l c losed he r eyes t ied up the poor

old tooth less j a w s wi th h e r scented p o c k e t fcandkerchiefV-erossed the hands orTThJ pus le less bfei is t a n d verrFltor5e aga in l eav ing J e b o r a m to do w h a t hlaquo

^rm1fll^afd-tfao- f ie ld s n iece f rom O m a h a

bullWell k ind Anil


A h said the old w o m a n w h o e v e r you be y o u v e done a a n d merc i fu l deed this n ight you H g e t y o u r r e w a r d for it too I tell y o u r f o r t u n e once m o r e s topshyp i n g t h e donkey as he was half-way t h r o u g h the to l l -ga te to Del ia Penridds i t t t tn i tc d isgust O h yes juycra charm-W o t h i t l ive in t h e w o o d s fmdbdquogubdquotma a spell t h a t o t h e r folks k n o w n o t h i n g of We l l here it I s THrec^bod gujts for you T h e r e s a lover coriiingjtheres a gift of m o n e y coming a n d there s a ^ear-eorgtseieBelaquo-4fcgt g o t o bed upon- this [l i^M ( iood-bye-7-good-bye

A n d t h e donkey t r o t t e d a w a y over thc f foxe t^Toad his hoofs r i n g i n g likn miTllledSbeHs whi le Deliamdashadjusted the b a r s w i t n a l augh a u d both g i r l s r a i r I m r r i o d l y b a c k t o t h f t g l o w a n d shelter of the i i re l ighl

Ts she c r a z y sa id Iill earnestly N o t half so c r azy as vyu ftere to

iiffton tomdashll^rmdashs-mt Dnlia I t s nld Miss M e r r y d e e r Every ojio knows


birch a ruTdr icc rpenny- roya l b u n c h e s in h e r dress c u i i o u s r e m e m o r a n c e s of old Miss Mer rydee r

T h e y bur ied h e r on the moLintainside in a qua in t l i t t le g r a v e y a r d where the cows g r a z e d a t will p i c k i n g the i r way jaa iohg t h e m o s s - g r o w n tombs tones and w h e r e t h e Ien^e h a d Ions- ago fallen to r u i n s a n d peop le l a u g h e d at the idea of

i l l J enr i t ie id beicir cons t i tu ted heitess

vours lt gt peer-

uud throvs a

ill lI)]Kix JlilijirUti bull 4r



co in ing

L i l l Li l l r u n to The re s some one road

Lill Poni ie ld s t a r t e d to Jior a l ac r i ty t i ius ruthiessTv

dttor-mdashlt|uiek4 owiK the

her She go woods a n d bails t l iem intfgt d r i n k a -

tcet with d e s t r o y i n g all

t he br ight visions which had bui l t them-bull e l v t v u p a r o u n d the g l o w i n g logs in the d e e p ch imney ^

H o w m u c h is it for a foot passeng-t iivisaid she ca l l ing tjp tlumdash n a r r o w woodou s ta i rway

- B u t i t i sn t a foot |gtassenger i r r i t shya b l y re to r ted Delia wi th h e r i u p u t h full

of ha i rp in s Vdt^ uld Mis-s Meiigtdefry wi th he r d o n k e y car t T e n c e n t s

I t Was a ^ t o r t n y M a r c h sunset red a a d t h r e a t e k i n g a f o n g t l v c w e s t wi th a frozen b r e a t h of icicles in the air a n d

c a r t seomed to a d v a n c e t h e tolldigaise

look ing wi th sur j ) r ised ieyey~rt

bullThere a r c families a r o u n d he re thu t wou ld r a t h e r have old Miss M e r r y d e e r in s ickness t han a n y o the r d o c t o r in town And she s a nu r se too and s o m e th ink tha t she sees and hears more t h a n o t h e r p e o p l e

H o w old is s h deg A h u n d r e d at l e a s t said Delia

-NovTeTns iiirtke liasc -and g e t - the-t e a r e a d y for Pa-wi l l be half frozen w h e n h e c o m e s mdashmdash i mdash 1 WTimtoEHf m y t l v r e e go^wl gifU will come t r u e said Lill laughing

O h unltloubtedIy De l i a -answered wi th the most m a r k e d sa t i re

B u t Delia-Penticld her p r i sed mdashabout -amdashweekmdashs w h e n a l e t t e r a r r ived for Lil l f rom t h e lad she left behind her

W h a t d o you th ink Li 11he wro te I a m c o m i n g ^castT l ~ m i i coTriinjrto

could-for the w a t c h e r s and a t t e n d a n t s And as she whlked she -carried the s t r a n g e a r o m a t i c odor s of p ine and

of the d e a d bullJUh

t i g h t e n o u g h hflcld


appoarod utraquo Sftniotd) b o a n o g iraquo f rom Mr ( i r ay one of the L o n d o n stock ho lde r s to J E G r a h a m the m a n a g e r of the Sanford C o m p a n y N e w t o n was m e n t i o n e d in the le t te r as a n e p h e w of Mr G r a y and M a n a g e r G r a h a m w a s au thor i zed to pay h im 8S3 pe r m o n t h Newton a youth of fino a p p e a r a n c e a n d p leas ing m a n n e r s was f)opular_atdirst b u t his g o o d repu ta t ion w a s soon blastshyed T h e r e were reasons to suspec t him of forger ies a n d then caijio n^ws t h a t hGvhad left E n g l a n d because of a n out shyr a g e aga ins t Miss Pol ly l i owron Sub shysequen t ly he sent money to E n g l a n d for K a t e Bowron a sister of his a l leged vic t im a n d mee t ing he r i n N e w Y o r k marr ied her and t h e couple r e t u r n e d to C r y s t a l L a k e O r a n g e County

^ Whi lQ lh l s was go ing on ano the r topic of suspicion p resen ted itselfrThereliv~

bulled in O r a n g e County n e a r Crys ta l L a k e a m a n -named Samue l McMil lan who bore t h b - r e p u t a t i o n of being v miser a n d w a s supposed to ca r ry a l a r g e sum hi m o n e y on his pe r son He- o w n e d a

-ya luablc g rove the sale - of which he Was nego t i a t ing with N e w t o n who-wi th his wife lived n e a r by N e w t o n -knew the habi t of McMil lan of e a r n i n g money On S a t u r d a y evening - Sep ten ibe r gtn McMil lan was last seen alixe_4nst a l t e r sunset in c o m p a n y wi th Newton walkshying t o w a r d Newton s house H e never r e t u r n e d to h i ^ h o m e a n d af te r some days his ne ighbors became ahxioftVand ins t i tu ted a search for h im On the 17th d a y of O c t o b e r j i i s headless body was found in Crysta l L a k e pa r t l y cohsvimed by fishes A r o u n d the waist was a rope t o which was suspended a sack i n wh ich w a s found a n iron p o t full of nlails A few days l a te r t he h e a d o-f-the-murdered m a n was found n e a r the SAIUT spo t trnd

k c q i airnji frrum Oboun ltoi I d o a H w m t j mdash you to ea tch i t mdash N e w Y o r k Mail and E x p r e s s


An I n c o n c e i v a b l e T o r t u r e ol t h e O r i shye n t

Paris Letter

T h e A n n a m e s e h a v e b r o u g h t the Scishyence of l impa lemen t to a m u c h finer po in t t h a n m i g h t be i n f e r r e d - J r o m t h e process herptofort- ^escribftfL _ A J ^ p ^ bliicer who wi tnessed an execut ion irT T o n k i n before t h e r e c e n t t roubles g ives thoro was m u c ^ - G x o i t r m p n t i n the c o u r t fc ^ ^ t _^ bdquo _ _ J

B l i t a l t e r all w h a t does it a m o u n t to Ah old hovel c r a m m e d chuck full of y a r b s a n d roots twent ga l lons o ilaquooot beer four dozen bot t les of ague cure tihat n e v e r y e t c a r e d a n y b o d y and four acres of l a n d Wtth t h e ^tones so close t o g e t h e r o u t t h a t even tlhe sheep c a n t ge t t h e i r i i o s e s - d o w n to browse -Vxr tmrcTrof a fo r t in fteeordlng-tomv ^ a v s o t h i n k i n g

B u t she m e a n t k ind ly toward me poor thing 1 1 sa id Lil t^soft ly A n d iiil l innnnco T oravf hftr^-q d i m e 1

The next af ternoon however Lncie -timiiiill f nne back from tpwn_vith a b e a m i n g face ~~~

L o o k he re L i l l said he - You ve go t the for t in af ter_al l W h a t il ye t h i n k Old witch M e r r y d e e r had eight h u n d r e d dolhuvs in t h e sav ings bank A n d i t s yours have belived the re was t h a t much money to be m a d e out of roo t s anil y a r b s

E i g h t h u n d r e d d o l l a r s cried Delia ~TiRm=brR r-eftn-^onugiug^to her feet

niaiiy j o m Ca tesby after all when he comes o a s t

I or to these s imple-people e ight hunshydred do l la rs signified a for tune bull So this g e n t l e - n a t u r e d heroine inher-

j t ed the throe good gifts after all Tom C a t e s b y canae eas t a n d set u p life as a-

t h e very-Siirno pnrt of thp c o u n i r v w h e r e vou a re Do you k n o w t h e old r e d mi l l Wel l ( i r iel H a l l h a s bough t it a n d w o - a r e to r u n it in p a r t n e r s h i p A n d w h e n we have saved a l i t t le m o n e y Or ie l is co in ing b a c k west for t h e g i r l h e is e n g a g e d to a n d I -we l l Lil l you

-i bull i k a o w tho rest I t m a y be severa l yea r s h i f t o k m m ^ H l s ^ ^ ^ b u t w e 3 m E t d B -t h r o u g h which old M i s s M e r r y d e e r s nr~enuy ut i e n o u g h for me p re sen t dea r it will be

to be n e a r y o u

A R a b b i s D i l e m m a A wel l kr town R a b b i of

i n v i t e d to the J o l i e t pen i t en t i a ry to ad-tmfcK-^ theJ4r -eraquo5 tiie-^conviipta lit^t S a b b a t h T h e

seated is-the^

as LiM4Rit r ad i an t ly d r eami^g ove r t h e let-

bullnnt old yyoman w h o s a t o n n h e a p ^ t A m i t h f t - e l G a r consc ience we l l branehes-and-AvdiiplwiditpiLphleg- - U I

onkey i f t^roct of her y o u r e a l w a y s r e a d y e n o u g l i t o

11 s a rcas t i ca l ly r e m a r k e d old Miss f leer as the d o n k e y ca_me to a h a l t ih front of t h e tb l l -bar Now-

t h e n y o u n g - w o m a n ( t o Lil l ) why^a in t I t o be al loyed to g o o n

T e n cent jplefieV s a i ^ Ltl l t imidshyly h o l d i n g o u t he r h a n d wi th a l t - t ha t she -had ever r ead d r e a m e d or h e a r d

iat Avitphes c o m i n g back in to her the a i g h t o f t h e yel low old face

wWh i ts f r inge of w h i t e elf-lock^ t h e tejoak a n d the nose t h a t was hooked

J f e n c o D deg amp i U v s l m c amp d o l d m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ Z Merrydee r A n d for w h a t I should l ike to k j i o w

f t^1r t$e^t t -gate p l e a s e ^ oxplftuibd JLAI w i sb ing m o r e t h n o v o r t h a coustD Would come d o w n a|aiitAr ^ -_mdash

I cUnt k n o w a n y t h i n g abot i toll bull g a t e s sa id Miss MerrydeorY S t a n d Aai^6 a n d lo t tun go thiougfa T h e road w a s h e r e 1 6 frac34 before t h e y o U f U ^ n f l 1 o l l ^ 5 ^ ^ b - laquo y ^ g a t e I t s s w i n d l i n g mdash t h a t s w h a t it-is-G e t u p N o d d y

She se t t l ed heiself b a c k a m t t e g the g r een s p r u c e Doughs and p r o t r u d i n g roots-with HIT a i r o x de te rmi t i a t ion a n d c h i r r u p e d to h e r d r o w s y s teed as i f she mean t o r ide rough - shod over

t a m e runn iRg down-s ta i r s arid the ba r back- to i ta p lace

-Twn ntB MffTlaquoJMffffyjgg] she l a w

said o r you c a n t -pass T h a t s the

t a k e ior g r a n t e d Now T if only- old wi tch M e r r y d e e r bdquowould s u p p l y t h e m o n e y J should r ea l ly be l i eve in h e r

bullI g u e s s said J e b o r a m H a w l e y the h i r ed jriattT-who 4iad--laquoome in a t t h i _ m o m e n t with a pot of g lue to w a r m ovor the k i t c h e n stove t h a t o ld Miss Mer shyr y d e e r w o n t s u p p l y m a n y m o r e t h i n g s in th is w o r l d S h e s a t d e a t h s d o o r w i t h pne i imonv T h a t s w h a t I v e h e a r d ~

I s she poor old t h i n g said-Dlaquo4iA care less lv T a k e ca re J e b o r a m d o n t spi l l t h a t g l u e

S h e s trot a l awye r s c i e rk t b e r c a

il ler wi th Lill a t che household he lm A u d of cour se they l ived h a p p y ever after W h o ever h e a r d of a pair of t rue lovers t ha t d id o the rwi se W h i l e the n e i g h b o r s all m a r v e l e d cxeccdingly-rand-r e n i a r k e d wi th va r ious nasa l inflections

a b u l l e t hole was discovered in the b a c k of his sku l l O n t h e b ra in s be ing re shym o v e d a bullet d r o p p e d out w h i c h a p shyp e a r e d to fix exac t ly a pis tol N e w t o n had borr owedi rom a ne ighbor n a m e d Tr i t e Th i s wastbe--ngtystery of C r y s t a l L a k e -

Lilt t h a t t ime Newton_became ihisli of inoneV H e said tha t bis - wife s

s3iit h im rnonev H e saiil t ha t bi

r a m e T B b w r c n 1 a d~ b r o t h e r 823000 wi th which to buy an orani ie g rove on the l ake He wis suspec ted of themdashmunLer_ _oi McMil lan - however a n d was brought before J u d g e C u c k c a m a n no ted as a m e m b e r of t tie F lor ida

sunse t

T h e F l o r i d a S h i p C a n a l

CiniiuijatiTirne s^t a r - ^ - - -Pe r sons p r o m i n e n t l y couuijittcd ^ith

t h e en te rp r i se arclfrec to ay tha t t h e p r o p o s e ^ F lo r ida s h i p cana l will be coix-s t ruc tedf T h e feasibi l i ty of the p ro jec t appea r s to have been d e m o n s t r a t e d Gene ra l S tone w h o has conduc ted -~wi -STrrve-aTtd~wtrrr-^qiF -^ u bulljerint^Mul -thci cons t ruc t ion of t h e cana l iu-ease-4l ieuro-c o m p a n y decides to g o a h e a d - w r r h - t h c work is a m a n whose opinion on such mat te r^ ia va luab le Hfr a s se r t ] conii

hT t iou of H1T2 t r i a r occu r r ed v for the-proserjiuiwri wa lked down the a is le followed lw a-meduim-sied d a r k -ha i red w o m a n evulen t ly a foreigner

1 deehireTTiever^ w ^ d t ^ ^ l t e s t p n n g e r g o t abreiv^U)i Mr gtew-to r f she t u rned amvpe-orcdvirtto her face say ing W h y Ka^e T h e pr i soner as he looked up and recognized the -woman liliiamphiid unt i 1 i t sce^ii( d the blood would burs t from nis neLkTrnd_--iiliXadis whi le Mrs N e w t o n turnei l dcTatinV pale a u d r e m a i n e d several seconds with uptifrnet face a n d half-open-qips as if petriilcuT by amazement- Tiijebull-bullpresence- oX-this w o m a n in Amer ica was a comple t e surshypr ise to the defence as t h e counsel for N e w t o n subsequent ly a d m i t t e d in open court mdashHer-to-Uimoiiv wa^ l i s t e n e d - t o

a n d w a g g i n g - o f t h e head t h a t r t~was m o s t e x t r a o r d i n a r y bu t old Miss M e r r y d e e r a lwaj s w a s q u e e r

Chicago was

p r i sone r s ^^en seareo i s - t n e spae tous c h a p e l and the R a b b i a rose to g ive his discourse J u s t t h e n it o c c u r r e d to hingt X n a t l r w ^ s i t vxrry^Tderricate m a t t e r - t o add re s s his aud i ence as he wished lo

wi th brea th less in teres t I t was to the effect t h a t the Bowron family had n bulli25inthegtyoiidJluuch less yen 2 o p o i y t b inves t in o range g r o v e s r - T u a t hacKbeen the a ia in pqintrpf the de fense -^ to a c o u n t for Nesvton s n ioney aifege^r to have been sent by t h e wealjy brother in- law The Eng l i shwo a n con t i rmed

rairiaipon Pol ly

ered m a p h a d e t r i a l Dr Kins

the s tory of N e w t o n s o Bowijom

M c M i l l a n - i k e m v coarse r e o V b a i r ^ A t W y l l y t e s t i r ^ l t h a t hemdashhad f o u n d i n blood spots^oTiTi h a n d k e r d i i e f T o u n d in I S e w t o n V p o c k e t t h e morning a f t e r the m a r d e r a e m g l e - j e i L h i i i r The h a n d -kerolfief w a s e x a m i n e d las t Oc tobe r by

s p r e t ^ e m humi l ia t ion by ca l l ing thcln I-Df Wyl ly H e testified t h a t a t t h e hrst J ^convicts^ Snid h e 1 do no t k n o w h o w tb add re s s youmdashyou people If say Fe l lowCi t i zens - t h a t w o n be r i g h t I f I s ay G e n t l e m ^ don i fKnow^f I w o u l If I s ay M i n e E r i e n d s th a (lead give a w a y to mine Q o n v i c t s yon d o n t s h o u l d smile So d ings a n d vou

wou ld be If I say

lat some I

ali fust say nud--

be p k a s e d a t

a m H e s to t ake ou t his p a y in four bo t t l e s of A g u e S p r u c e C u r e a n d a g a l shyl o n o j roo t beer B u t l a w t h e r e a in 5 d ^ c ^ s n l ( H t 7 raquo r T C r - d ^ laquo gt on a b roomst ick somo d a v o r disajspear

T h e nex t day howeve r oarne a t a t rmyltl l i t t le m e s s e n g e r to t -he to l l -houso

mdashX U l t L M i s s M e r r y d j

bullyoung w o m a n as

dot I _ k j ^ y 2 _ ^ Q i d I ^ n X ^ f t o r fellgw d o w n a m i d dea fen ing

f rom t h e i n m a t e s

w a n t s to see t h e ie g ive the t h r e e

good gifts ^ o sa id he r o l l i n g his oof-fee-colored eyebal l s a r o u n d I m to show h e r do way bull Bight off p l e a s e

Lill l ooked at Del ia in a m a z e m e n t a l l laquopp S h a l l I g o sa id she O h sure ly

position tm^- jus t here De l i a PenliWtf I o u g h t

perspir ing r o a r s of Chicago^

If t M Rabbi h a d said F e l l o w H u -ttlabullargtBeings he eoulcTTrave s t a r t ed

on w h a t he h a d to say wi th no em-a r r a e s m e n t to himself o r to the poo r

fel lows w h o a r e c a g e d u p a n d -who some t imes fee h o w h a r d it is for a n y shybody t o say a k ind word to t h e m If

Hire R a b b i h a d n o t h i n g to s a y a n d d i d n t k n o w h o w to say i t h e shou ld h a v e k e p t a w a y mdash H u n d r e d s of m e n w h o ( d o n o t k n o w half a r T i m c h as t h e Rabb i h a v e g o n e to the p r i sons a n d by the p r o m p t shyings of the i r w a r m h e a r t s a n d the i r IOVQ for m a n k i n d h a v e been enab led to say words of c o m f o r t t h a t h a v e b r o u g h t tcars to the eyes of m e n who -tfe sq-ffier-i n g mdash ^ u n w h m e n t for c r ime mdashPock s S u n _ __bull

mdash - - bull bull

svvung t I t s a lonely s p o t s a i ^ D e l i a mdash u p in the woods w i thou t a n e i g h b o r s house i n s i g h t J e b o r a m h a d be t t e r i o l l o w

t i t t l e riintnnpn -Did w i t ch v o r n r t

( M e r r y d e e r may t r r rn you in to a w h i t e

c rys t a l Suppos ing t h a t he m i g h t have scra tchedmdashhis fingor and -caused th c rys t a l to g e t oh t h e handke rch i e f he w o u i d - n o t accept a a ^ i L j ^ M n c j B _ l h a t t h e r e was blood t h e r e His last exami shyna t ion revea led t h e blooltl co rpusc le s ve ry dis t inct ly a n d u n d e r the m i c r o -scope h e d iscovered ^ s i n g l e t e d h a i r mdash a

ie g r o u n d a s firmly as a t e l e g r a p h po le a n d wi th t h e u p p e r p a r t a c h a i r of i ron h a v i n g an ori i ice in the c e n t e r of t h e sea t i s conshynec ted T h e po in t of t h e s t a k e fits t h e orilice in the chai a n d t h e l a t t e r is l ow- e r e d or ra ised by m a c h i n e r y set is m o -i ton^by a-cratrkmdashso t h a t suventrifEelr-of-t be pole can be forced t h r o u g h the body of any one sea ted in t h e cha i r T h e r e is a lofty p la t form r i s ing t o t h e s a m e h e igh t us the pule a n d j - e a j d i e d b y a lad-- der T h e execu t ione r compd^CsT^jyic-t i m to m o u n t a n d t a k e his sea t in the cha i r whe reon he is i m m o v a b l y cha ined T h e n the c r a n k is t u r n e d for ty o r fifty t imesmdashthe s t a k e b e i n g bur ied fu r the r a n d fu r the r in t h e c r i m i n a l s body at each t a r n bdquo

All thisbdquoappeursMiniitterablably horshyr ible to Europeens bu t the Or i en ta l s a re no t cons t i t u t ed as we a r e T h e y fea r o rd ina ry forms of d e a t h ve ry l i t t l e a n d decap i t a t ion o r h a n g i n g has as litshyt l e t e r ro r s for t h e m as t h e W o r k H o u s e for the common A n g l o - S a x o n crimina_L_ Moreover the i r n e r v o u s sys temmdashespecshyially t h a t of t he Chinese and k ind red racesmdashis not a l t o g e t h e r simrlai to the n e r vouamp_^ysJ^urolLAy iaa__r aeW_ T h e _ F r e n c h omeer w h o witnessedTthei m e t h o d of execut ion above desc r ibed avers t h a t the c r imina l c o n t i n u e d tobdquoeat a b a n a n a unt i l the opera t ion w a s half comple t ed

bulland m a n y t r a v e l e r s concu r in b e a r i n g evidence thftt the Chinese exh ib i t u n d e r t o r t u r e a deg ree o f f o r t i t u d e equa l if not super ior to t h e well k n o w n s toic ism -

-of the -Amer icnn I n d i a n l i n t i_t_k_rather s t r a n g e to l ea rn t h a t the p a r ^ o f t h e i ron m a c h i n e r y used in the i m p a l i n g process r e f e r r ed - to bears t h e t r a d e - m a r k of a F r o n d I -i ro raquo- m as l er

assert1 dentlyLhat the t l igg ing of this w a t e r -

- way jw41 rprovo a ggtod iftVcstmen-t f o r The c o m p a n y -alaquo4mdashoi__juiit_-beneiit ) c o m m e r c e A c c o r d i n g to geiun^irStpTiT-r the es t ima ted c o s t - - h e witholdsTU-etig-ures Tor the prcscuT -- is m o d e r a t e in compar i son to the a m o u n t of business that awai t s the canal l i r e reason for his fai th in t h e c n t c r p r i s e n r a y be s t a t ed in a few w o r d - The cana l it U claimx-d would save^rrom three to Vev-en (lays tim3 fo r allTTie s f e a hie r-T ah i r sa i l ing vessels 2 y i n g into and ou t of the (itiTf of Meicolt Th i s m e a n s a d i rec t sav ing to cip-h vc^raquoef in sa lary ai id-ruu-Hp-inj|-t-^^es of_about 1gtUU Bcsiilts the miyigat ion t h r o u g h the F lo r ida Stra i t^ is exceedLngly dange rous a n d thcynnnual losses frohi w r e c k a g e a re

fOrmojjji On tliis bulluVonni if js e i t i - _ the c a n a l w o u l d save from one and a half p e r e e i U u n i n s u r a n c c -f course w i t h increased-safety of

nav iga t ion a ntf lcrwer cost t he i r a l l i c CTTgtT

w h i c h n o w m a k e s use of the G u l f would l a rge ly inc rease Gen Stonje beshylieves t h a t w i t h i n a very shor t t ime afshyte r tlie comple t ion of the cana l you will find t h a t a very l a r g e propor t ion o f t h c ^

-g ra in and co t ton of the Wes t a p d N o r t h -west t h a t now goes E a s t b y r a i l wou ld come down-the-Miss iss ippi and t h r o u g h t he canaL a n d t h e a b s u r d i t y i -f ---driving ca t t le from T e x a s a w a y u p to K a n s a s and A r k a n s a s to bo t h e n c e s h i p p e d by xai l -J j jL_Easiern maxkAt_slgtr^laquold a l so

T h e r e is no en terpr i se now con-in p r o g t e s s t h a t w o u l d

cease t e m p l a t e d o r _ t -

x a m i n a t i o n h e iounltl a s ing le b lcgtod-^oniex-gr^a te i~4w^eHt5-4r^on-ahc_cQm^

W h e n t h e d o g a

coa r se r ed hai r T h e defense fough t t h e case p o i n t by poin t tmt t h e drift w a s agair is tr t h e m a n d w h e n N e w t o n sa id t h a t h e h a d b o r r o w e d T r u c u piutol to shoo t a n a l i g a t o r t h e aud ience l a u g h e d

W h e n the j u r y c a m e in a n d gave t h e verd ic t one could have h e a r d a p i n d r o p All t h e whi le N e w t o n h a d been ne rvous shyly t w i t c h i n g his m o u s t a c h e W h e n the verd ic t was read ou t he d r o p p e d his h e a d a n d d e a t h l y pa l e wh i l e a s l igh t t r e m o r passed t h r o u g h his f r ame H e then sudshyden ly j u m p e d up a n d seized his h a t i q r -g e t t i n g tha t - the c o u r t h a d n o t a d j o u r n e d but p re sen t ly con t ro l led himself a n d r e -immud his sea t mdashHis raquoif qu i e t for a few m o m e n t s t h e n a few t e a r s t r i ck led d o w n her c h e e k s a n d s h e g r a s p e d hor h u s b a n d s a r m convuls iveshyly b u t beyond this she showed no e m o shyt ion J u d g e Ctfcke p r o n o u n c e d the vershydic t -of d e a t h

mc rce of the w o r l d t h a n the F l o r i d a -eanaK or t h a t cou ld d e p e n d - u p o n

a l a r g e r b u s i n e s s P e r h a p s Gen -amplone in his e n t h u s i a s m for the s c h e m e ^ magni t ie its i m p o r t a n c e s o m e w h a t But it is p la in e n o u g h t h a t l h c ~ p r o p o s shyed p e n i n s u l a r c a n a l w o u l d be of wonshyderful a d v a n t a g e to the c o m m e r c e of this coun t ry and especially7 of the S o u t h shywest

^ bull bull - bull

T H E D r i gt E - ^ T h e N e w Y o r k T r j b t t n e p e r t i n e n t l y

T r u e cau t ion Ma said J e n n i e t o o boy in L P a r v e n u e at N e w p o r t t h e y said those

t h c j n e l o n p a t c h a n d t h e r e a r e no trees S m i t h s w h o h a v e g o t the J o n e s co t t age r h a n d y he 4 s ings O h f o r t h e g a r 4 raquo i ^ - - a r 4 3 _ a w ^ M j s t y l i pound h ^ wal l mdashCinoin j ia i t i M e r c h a n t a n d T r a v g r e e V G o t t h e ped ig ree have t h e v

said Mrs P a r v e n u exc i ted ly w e l l y o u p e bull - J mdash T mdash

very p e r t i n e n t l y s a y s N e w s p a p e r s have an e x a s p e r a t i n g way of t a k i n g u p a ca t ch -word o r newly coined p h r a s e and w o r k i n g it t o d e a t h T h e la tes t is d u d e A s u s e d in i ts o r ig ina l a n d m o r e r e s t r i c t ed sense the word is bail enough a n d the p u b l i c is sick of it B u t now it begins to be app l ied indiscr imi na te ly to all orts a n d condi t ions of m e n who exhibi t in t h e i r m a n n e r s o r e o n T e r -sa t ion t h e d e c e n c i e s a n d amen i t i e s of social life So t h a t t o be ca l l ed a d u d e by s o m e jqnr r ia l s o ^ b amoun tu to ca l l bull

j ng a maji a g e n t l e m a n T h i s of course is a s h a b b y wayvdf t r e a t i ng peo -])le whose g o o d - b r e e d i n g is t h e i r on ly c r ime a n d J i is a l t o g e t h e r an a b s u r d pe r fo rmance on t h e p a r t of r e p u t a b l e j o u r n a l s O n e p a p e r for ins tance t h e o t h e r day i nXno t i r i e of a m u c h i a l k e d -

bullcent ^ o r e l t o m a r k i ts d is l ike of r e f inement of t h e au tho r i n t i m a t e d he was a d u d e Is it no t a b o u t

t ime t h a t this s o r t of t h i n g w a s s t o p 5

ped- T h e w o r d d u d e m u s t go

bull ^




y - - gt - bull

bull bullt V ^

1 r bull

^ t a b bull d H ^ ~ bull ^ c r ^ - i - bull-bullbull

d ia iraquo fSraquo

V ^ f^



- - 1 laquo

The Agricultural Editor

bull Dyke Fortoseiifr rambled into tho pffictt of a rural newspaper published in

crass of m r a t readers suul named Vlw Fartnrs Friend

(ini Cultivators Vhamphn Dyke WHS fresh from Denver where lie had beeif ifloing local work on a daily He wanti-d ft situationmdashhe wanted it bad fry und ho ^oonclosed a bargain with 11laquo proprieshytor of the Farmer J Friend mid Cultishyvator Champion The proprietor in-tepded to be absent for two weoks anil Dyke undertook to hold the journal^ nead steadily up stream until his reshyturn J_ l _

You wilFreceive some visitors quijo Jikely said the proprietor Enter-fraquo|n em Entertain em in a manner which will reflect credit upon the paper They will want to talk stock farming horticulture etc you know Give it f o e m strong mdash-

Dyke bowed borrowed a half-dollar got a clean shave and a jrlass of beer n d soon returned to face the music and p d j c t h e first agricultural journal with Which he had ever been connected

M I c a n feel that with mv journalistic Wlaquo rience it will be jm agricultural himself

At two bclpck jgt

just km to run paper said Dyke to




m the first visitor phowed up at the door of the office and Dyke cordially invited him inside The farmer entered hesitatinglyand re-marked that ha had laquo Y p e a t p J u gt pia^ the proprietor with whom he had an appointment to discuss engtihige

I am in charge of the journal said pyke

Q you are Well you seem to have A pretty c lean ofBee hero


Y e s replied Dyke Hut about - ihte^eHsSage- Kfisttag isla~prettv sroolf

breed -isnPt itP bull J Breed exelairaed- ihe b a n n e r

V w h v mdash bull I mean its a sure crop -something

that y o u can relymdash Crop Why It-isnt a crop at a-H Ves yes I know it isnt a crop

laid Dyke perspiring^ vmtil his collar iwgan to me l t awayvilovvrr flie ftuvk of his neek but you can do Intter ami fi)eRQer work withbulla-^ood^ttrptmsrhtjre-pn stubby ground t h a n - ^ mdash ~

T a k e it for a sulky plow do you No no f said Dyke You dont

seem to understand me Now if a Jarnaer builds an ensilage on low groundmdash -

iA Builds an ensilage You seem to have got the th ing mixtul up with some kind of a granary

Pshaw no - continued Dyke I must make myself plainer You see tlite ensilage properly mixed with one

-fmrt gttittio-and threepitrts-lt)f-npltittpts-phate of antinicfay with the adtmien of ft l ittle bran and tan-bark and the Whole flavored with nMorid ltf limn


BARGAINS IN HATS ffHtrt a t eost--t-A- L a r g e mul E l e g a n t

)[ne of N e c k w u i r at le^4fttm-ttjsI

for straw )erry

raquo i -



^ 4

Uee bullT IJ IB I IU IT mdash d ywi wilt flad

^ Yoraquor Tpetfr towioat at p w u TwiJt fragrant make the breath of all ~Boys women men and girls

The fljfanofacturers have yet tp hlt caae of Dyspepsia or Biliousness w u used aa directed to which It wA not more than satisfactory Many write that it la a wonder-fill remody We can ahow where aa high aa forty

[ pounds were gained by Ita use in breaking up chronic BiiioDsnee and Dyspepsia Ita- friends In- creaae very fast and all who uae aa directed arlaquo aurpriaed and gratified _Jbdquo SH4

BIG REDUCTION IN HOSIERY We want to sell balance (jgtf Summer stock at cost and make room for fall

witHrinter goods

CALL AND SEE TO SATISFY YOURSELVES W e Wv^4tH euromwitgtort^ sioek- in paner

ZZ- iuut tTietn Priccs TuroTjj^ccT

IN CUFFS W e lead al co inpet to is The best | =^^==^-^



-K vet- Hh-tlie ttrwii-at p-iees-l-

niakes a top-dressing b^ds whichmdash bull

^yr-ensilatre isnt nouianure io certainly not said l)yke I

^fenowirts ndt often used in tlfat way ^oif dont eaieh iny drift WhcTrl-smfr U)gt-d nssiny 1 meant turkey drlt bull ssinltiZ=-stuiling you knowmdashfor Thanksgivshyi n g mdash l F

Grcat heavens man Ensilage isnt p human food _

No not a-human food exactly1 said poor Dyke grinning like an alinsgt house idiot it isnt a food at all in live true sense of the word My plan has always been to lasso the hug with- a tracechain and after pinning his ears Dackwith a clothes pin put the ensis lagegtinto his nose with a pair of twees-J ers1

Af3r good lands

^ o W n I) io 25 pcr(Vpt less tlum other-i-laquoii e se l ng ^ie su-ne identical

uootigt Ne~mue vlaquo i-bout doubt tlie best iiiiluund- oil si in ilte market

coin deue



Cor Congress and Battoa-Sta

You donH use on-

tjilageto ring h o g s I never believcMl that i t should bo

used for that-)lTjrpoae- but vheiT^-ou want to ring hens or voting ^ealv^ei to keep them from stgtekfcgmdash

The lander gravely shook his head Pid yaiijgyar_ try ensilage on th

Jiired^girlfM said Byke dtspariitlaquoly and winking like a bat a P l l 8 0 ajh

The farmer slowly arose and with laquoome evidence orheumatic twinges in his legs mdash

Young m a n he said solemnly yon are a l o n g ways from home a m 1 you

Y e s 1 replied Dyke eyes beneath tbe sltera

A t y o u r own pi icogt Clocks Clocks

CLOCKS CLOCKS Gouigrcgat dless of cost -

BEWWGz = drojrping his

of the gTaticBs halls in-

England sad-eyed rerrtiners^Tvearily V^atch and wait for my returnbull

Go hcraquoraeyoung man go home to your feudal cuMtUr and while on your wily acrogs _tjio- r u l i n g deep muse oj the f a c t nh^t^elrsttagCTk simplyjcj^rmli food for liye sloqkmdashgut i m ^ f p r e s s l y for fami ly use ina s i l ^ v t i i e h is notli-m e less thap an a ^ i ^ t pit where corn stalks griuja m^Je^cfover alfalfa and other gre^Hfcfuck te|raquoreserved for winshyter ugeVa ere^^^khtcrdiLrit as the

j^edltoror im0afaners Friend and Cultivators1 Chariampxjpiiy

And Dyke Fortescue Jsighed aa he reshymarked to himself There aint so blamed much fun in running an agrishycultural-paper as 1 tlioiigbt1mdashTesta Sifting

- bull raquo raquo

- M TaSteur telU the AeadeDjfy 0 ^ ^ 1 Stdences at Parig thdtwonderful results

are being obtained Mithe work of yac-[ cinating live stock as a preventive against disease During the last-yltGftrbdquo l 8O0Q6 sheep about 4rQ(JPhaatl-of cattle ampul AGO horsed ha^^^eeenmdashvftooinatwlT-^efore this system was introduced the annual loss from liver-rot in one depart-InemVwas nine per cent while tmrloss gince then has beeir reduced over one-

- ^ bull ^ -mdashThe Cleveland Akron amp CpljiSjlms

Railroad now counts its time from one 0 twenty-four oclock Thus two pm ia fourteen and It) pm tWanty-t^o The plan avoids possibility of extension betweon forenoon aftd astern

--^-----^=^-- raquot9n

1VE 11AYK AftlttSTO(K43F

FARMERS AND THRESHERS wliloh we vt el at down prices

BEST COFFEE 1 ^ - Fa i rban l (S Ex Winter-strained Lard Oil No l-tard Oil

Best Quality Lardoline A No I Golden Engine Oil

In t o v w ISoiions- N o e es and

laquoraquolaquo^z t down prices

La ge line at prices below par at the


Pinckney M t e h i j f i r i ^

w raquoJ

a V

DETROIT MICH HftieF $1 to $1 raquo per day Single

iwraquo1raquo lt(UHgti -lAHlitfosi-SS to iOc 4V 1 a a 1 w-amp nraquoi4a4f y- ititt i n DfT4 and

M l O O fclaquoMl) 4wgt a n w LaaJi fi -jmni tt bull

1gt bull


OaAwroBDiCo PA CITT OF TrruinLui Peraooallj appeared bfcxore me Peter PKBUpi

whobeing sworn accordiag to law depoaea aod aayi That he haa been affected with rheuznatlam more or leaa for the paat fonr or Ave yean T H | last winter he had a very aevere attack and t i t ) the pain waa excruciating and-he could only mi about in hia own room By taking bold of aoi thing for support When the disease waa in moat acute form and the pain almoat unbet be took a dose of Wilaoni Lightning Kemi which cauaed immediate relief and the doea taken five hours after mafle a perfect ajii |] permanent cure and that since taking the two ooaea he haa been free from the diaeaae or any symptoms thereof PETER PHILLIPS

Sworn and subscribed to before raa this 9th day of Jnly A D 1880 JKO 0NEUX Notary Public

FAR RAND WILLIAMS 6 CO AotNTS Detroit Miehigatt 81t4



A J eea hew sock of tlte following goods just leceived all of which we guarantee to be the purest and best quality made inliraquolaquo WOFW-

Zero Black Oil Ford Art LoanBnirdingiystroFvMichT^


Old Process Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil TURPENTINE^Oa DRJER

YAR$mamp XXX CASTOR OIL Gasoline 74 deg aiid iCapvha Wa^er-Whiie and Legal Test Kerosene Oil Pure While Lead Colored Paints by the gallon and in paste form in 25 pound tin

Ye a e making Oils PanU and Painters Materials a oj ecialty and | L A T H amp S H I N G E i E S a r Yard on Howell Street north of the

Brick Store OFFICE AT


pails ^iTquote^UW^HTTlTCJES t^aiTany olher dealers in Livingston County-Given a call and see

TEEBL^^c GADWELL_ Jtrst door Eaat-ofWrS Mann Estate Brkk Store t

^IHE^ORMra^RU^ STORE In connection with our larjferand varied stock of


AND FINE CHEMICALS We make a spetiiaPy^of Nuisery and^gt-^Dora Suiraquolies Trusses E|i

_ Bandages Shoulder Bi ses^auCr t bull -i^es kept in a first class ^ruj^Sfore Oo Stock of


bull^fulf^a^J^opleteYembr^difgbull all theuroi standard and reliable remedies which rVe will^^a^jtew^aif reliable J|oulaquoe in the coiin^r^We keep a fall stock ofgtH iJbtanic and^Eclectic Reme^res d PaJeltDavisamp CoV New Remedies enabling bullusl dVfill any prescripiloriot LV^UyreceiptS We shall keep every= tiling plaquo^5nj^gito bflaquor traite In ougtQfbcery Department we have none but ]fcesh ana^wSlTselected goods anio^wtn sell at bottom prices To accoinmo-date our patrons we will tate-inexebange Butter and Eggs and will pay the highest markei or ice ^ ^ Respectiully

lyoft dal0 -I forM fl bull Percheron-Norman Horsee

Engliati DiafI Hurwi t- ^ -Coachers Shetland Ponies

Ilolatetn and Davon Cattle Oar customers have the advantageof our

years experience in breeding and importln collections opportunityof comparlns ( breeds low prices becalise of extent of bustmdasha and low rates of transportat^pn CataiQgues trae torrespondence solicited



bullbullpound3L A



The Detroit Art Loan Record An eight sheet published daily daring the Exhibition

volume of 430 pa acriptiob price

September and October 5i numbera one index and titie-pa^egt

ve Oollars Ten Thousand

nlar Dictionary of Pine Art 1laquo large pages 4gtoond ^Seventyjflve cent Addreaa Hen

aestione Answered A Po

Addreaa Henry





SILVER WABpoundraquo u repawd to h inckner and anzroundlne 0 uadrnpla aUvar pteted ware LUO a 4na aaaortment of Jewlt

We ate now prepared to fnrniah Pinckney and surrounding coo ouadruble aUvar plated ware at Also a ftna aaaortment of Jewelry ^

)lesf Chains and Quard Chains Necklaces LocketefChams

Solid 0ol4 Band and Set RiBflaquo Gold Silver anjHtickle Watches

tdeaignain ~

Eighptfy and Thirip-JiourJii - Foil U M of breech and mtuale-loading y

Quns also Revolvers Ammunition and Sporting Oooda Oenerallf -y BAST02L CAMPBBLI

Wert Katn Street Plnckraquoey Kiehlfaalaquo

FJJUI FOB S mdashIWal bullcttJamaixty acros plowed land) to milM wast of Pinckney aid three mllea from UntdlUa on the Hnck4y^nd I amp U 3 d S onl in^ft i TBailrogt G o o d h t w a ^ W Flna Orchard and spring of^cold waUr-Alao several acrea of Untber-iJa ^ ^ ^ white tneeropa agte growina bull terras tJfc^r a vary daalrabk B O M Apply


Page 3: mcmrmammmoBrA · VOL I. PiNCKNBT, Mi™6AirriHWffi8MY^UGV3T23tl883t" NO.32. PINCKNEYDISPATCH JEAOME WINCHELL, PUB USHER. 4it«eriptlo« Price, $1.** per Tear. 1fc AOVEBTISniO

1 l ~ 1frac34

Alt EftfltF fNFLUfnCE


The Almost WOn^erful lWork of a Hen of GoodjjEeputation

Syracuse (N Ygt S t w d a n l t j Mrs W ^ i t ^ l tlxe alimabl w

a harnessmakerof KfiwlUi Mi Co-N Y hoard bor favorite hen _ ^ ling In the barn in a 8 t r a n M S j P ^ L precedented manner TTpdaP vfra^f the neat she found an egg oTteamptMry sUe but emblazoned with r a t ed charshyacters which nearly caused blaquor to faint SUffgoring from tho ham intothehouse stoSBsplayed the hens m i r a c u l p u ^ ^ duetto licr sons and dauehtorp some rot wiiom rushed out and spread the aiartn among the populace All further work on that day was suspended Men working in the liejd flut uy their hordes andtools in the barns after which the o-azed anxiously at the Whitnal resishydence The excitement was intensified hen the report was confirmed thai Samuel Curtis

bull ^ lt ~ -^ - ^ ^ -bull tgt


port was connnneq tnai m n n ^ ^ ^ ( ) ) ^ Mr JJecke a an honored shoemaker e (1 Qf inexplicable pains by a i

4 -


and a brother of Mrs W hitnal had be come so unnerved at the sight of the egg that he had taken to his -bed in

Htfarnv and refused to-bft-rnmforted The most skeptical were convinced of

the sacred hens genuineness when it was taken to the hotel and exhibited by

^two ot Mf Whltuara Htme-yhfl characshyters were simply raised upon the sheli as if they blaquorbceir made upon the inshyside and puffed out bv somlaquo interior agency On oue side stood out boldly the figures l4188tV (frac34 another aide was a cross and on a thiroUjiabwa^a

strange synibol^wbich sOnie thought wSs a letter( wiite Other held that it was a half moon The latter theory was more generally accepted since when the egg was IicTU tyen the light something which resembled a face was discernible in the concavity- tfTthe char aater This was inferred to represent tho man in the moon t bull

--JQn4bat night the morals and manshyners of the village of Erievillo were exshycellent beyond parallel New gt resolushytions were formed and bad habits sworn off HufibBTH T1 wfvRs no longer exshy

it as an incipient case n I found tytraquo wom-

tfcree babies going i-eighty laquo|rcus I was dumbI These women are not remarkable beauty but they lt-rtainly

__ nerve This one vas evi-y not suffering for symyatny|and

ont back to my place and the rap-dissoving vuswa of the most mono

bull4owwlaquot- -coiualxyJindgiLbj^Yl 1 i bdquo The YVidefWd7 Wort H mdash

lyiMA KEI-UHLIC 61 PEKU -Seiior A de La E Delgado Li L 1) and Counshysellor Tribunal of Justice Lime Reshypublic ut luru says One single appTI

There is a dpctor Uraquo Wisconsin named Greene 8 Apple The only co re t o tbia Apple must be au ambulance corpsmdash (N orris-town Herald

cation of St Jaobs Oil cured me comshypletely of rheumatic pains in my left arm 1 recommended ij^to two of my frienda the Mrs Dona Juana Garcia widow anlt fyfjr D Herman Decker a German gentleman Madam Jiftrnn was relievedentirely byltthe paimcure from terrible newralgic pains hi ten

frwas cur-lnexpncanre pHinsoy a single ap-

plication of the cure My brother used the great remedy for a species of paralshyysis in the arnii lie was entirely re-liev^rfrom Thid ailment by ohe or t w o | applications after havmg-irlcd num-berless other remidies-without effect

Paper hangings -Fa(se reportamp-af the execuitons of criminals [New York News -

It is a dangerous thing to allow the diarrhda or dysentary to go unchecked arid there is no need of it A small bottle of Johnson Anodyne Litwncnt wiUcuvc the most stubborn case proshyduced bullbullI a jailer knownBy the company lie keepi--[Cincinnati Merchant and Traveler

Feyepound--and ague malariousfever bil-

changed doubtful compliments and nat-irons but tendeiy embraced each other and agreed to await tmT Corningof the Lord in a commendable manner Mrs WhitnaFs household was too excited to sleep^-Her daughter ftajflh was quite illrand it was n fcare 3 7 the saorod egg^vould tend greatlv to shorten htn life Alarmed at this Frank Kicuard-son a clerk in the postoffice acknowshyledged that themiracle had been per-

- formed--througlyAis instrumentality He explained tfiat to get even -with one-bullof Mr Whitnms sons he traced the characters qxi the n^r with tallow and then placed it in vinegar After the acid hadsuiliciently oaten the shell to

-allow- tm parts traceltl with tallow to beconi^ ilaquolaquomin4uit^a-iiaEinrtTiy^ViTit=-nal ibatn deposited the e^ in the nest scared aninnocent hcu and decamped j)dr Richardsons expose has had the

ivnfortiiLate effect of dispelling the moral innuenco-of the vgg The villag-ors have retunfetrtoiheir fornier wiry37

A Delightful SnarL

Aibuuv LartrJoarnah Mr Bright in arecently published

letter savs vA mm may have a legal wife in the colonics and another legai wife in England Hqpniay bringhis Canadianlegal wife to England where when ^iH^-t^mOiiii-uur-^horiM she is not a loffill wife and where hcr-Tfhildwir l)ornhore arc not legitimate- If you can justify this 1 will not argue witliVou Upon this marks

the London Law Journal iv-Tlie statement bull may or may

t -WtJ

lious and typhoid fevers all originate in one producing cause and may all be easily prevented by Parsons Purgnttvc Fill These pills act directly and pow-erfu 1 Iy upon the bl qodlt

A ndvf color iskiicfwu by tin poetical name of bleacheji-inousii We vcuture that it is a sort-of ra t - tan colormdash j VdukTS Statesman

I a

F e c k s S o n - ^ ^ ^ Tle boy sto(A on the IJrujfglsts floor HuvlngOirbot iuc by t h o score HtbiJe biiu blood a girl in bluu

Shu wished Hbe wan r e e k s eoc tltK)

-What U tbe xHfieri^kifi between costumere and cuatumers mdash0 U know Ho t love soon runsYoTd^--Ttiara owln^tc- t t i e Blgtis of ttmdash t f toston Traveler _ _ - J

Impor t an t When you visit or leave New York City save

Baggage Exprebtape and Carriage Hire and bulltop at the Qrand Union llojel opposite Grand

KLIES roaciiei a chlpmuzilu cleare

11laquo bed-b I out br

a rate mice crows uich on Kate Vgta

itxxsuAs8 FxvrtjNjueKU HJCBraquo Toirtc the only preparat ion of belaquof OotiMJinlita K ent i re nut r i t ious pnjpertielaquo It contains b k ^ d maHlriK torce-iiener i utlnttHnd Ufe-susUtinlnR raquo u p laquo r U u 8 invaluable for IVJIOKHTKJN DYSPJtitflA ne rvous proetmtlon and

Heneral dobtllty ulsv in all raquoferaquoblelt condltlftnn whether t h e reauJt o f tsjliuuntloji n e r all formraquo ut general debtltty alraquow tn all enfeebled

Aether t h e reauJt of ealiuuntloji nershyvous prostration overwork or acuto disuunc iiarttc-

faonury eoiuplaiiiij rietors New York riuld

ulurly If roHultliur frompuljaonurycouipiut i iU i U raquo W K U bdquo H A A I U ) S C O Prpt

tn|HDoi)ot egantrootE ootlsra re

JEleffantrooms fitted up a t a cost ol one milshylion aottara red ced to $1 and upwards per day European Flan Elevator n e s t a u r a n t supplied with the beBt Horse cars stages and elevated railroad to all depots Families can Jive better for less money a t the b r a n d Union Hotel than a t any other Arab claoo hotel in thlaquo-eity h

The highest thtnraquomdashThe mercury in the ther-mometer about thia-tiuie

^4^ A Diamond Wedding

The seventy-fifth anniversary o pound m a r r i a g e of a veteraoiiif the war_of 1812_gtvapound reej^Hi^ceJe bullfefated-aad ai l -who e^utcmplate j ua tdmony I h ^ B l O t a l f o ^ s r n ^ address to (JhfrtU^rtlahan Murine Vitij Mich and they will receive a set of lgteaut^ful illumi uated canls by re turn mail

An Invaluabje Remedy None evcopt those who-lsave suffered all the

horrors of Dyspepsia can fully appreciate the value and efiicacy of Perry Davis f a in Killer H sovereign remedy

~ Y o u n g Men Middle Aged Men and All Men who sutler from earlyindiveretious ilnd Allans Brain ionil the most pltjverful invigorant ever Introduced it never fails TTT0for $gtmdashAt druggists or at AHensPhannacVV315lst Aver N Y -bullbull bullbull

Q N E pair off bwrfssaved cverv year bv Lyons PatonfMetaHic Heel Stiffcners

savs as

W A I H O V Oi~Drbull 11 tpound Doyle cousider Browns Iron J3iters_ spjKTior tonic t u any preparation i)ow in use

The eoldest tiiintr nr t i ie wuridmdashThe kitchen olleibth tovotir bare feet in a winter s niuht

s te t te rs Stoni-- i i i u e x i h x l l i ^

Creasing vital power imd render ing tho physical funet iens regular mul active

mdash keeps the system in Hood wurkinc order ima- r w r t f r C H it

r 5 raquo -liffulBxttHnnast Kiir -gt- constipation -dy-ji-

Y_ ^epslartna livercoru r uluint novousnesS - kidney und rlreiima- t ioti i lments it is in-

valuuble und bull it af- t o rdsasur detence

iiCKUist ninhirlal fe-vtM8l^eiltito^ remov-Inpall t r n rw nfirmh-diMsau 1roiH the system mdashFor mUomdashUsmdashuLI

For igt years 1 had Dyspepsia wrote John Aloriidit of Columbus O -SampuwlUid Xcr-tLir cured me Druggis ts all keep it cent150 MOTHKII SEVANS WUIIM bVHCiVnrFverishness restlesnlaquoss worni^ constipation Ttigtteies)8s ic

A bad taste iu tiie mouth means tt billious at-taidi Jj_ujjLttlait Xtrvutedfgtr the eurc~

^bullBUtHL-IXIBAT~guich complete cure MfT annoyitijr Kidney and^ Urinary Diseases kS


DruftijlHts and Dea l - generally

T H I laquo V O raquo 7 laquo S 3 I I T H -lgt-yuitpound Strattoa

Ihii^iiijisJiiJlvajisirK^-mdashmdash Oetrf) is the oincbt largest

most bullgt aorcu^h-aad practical haraquo the AHU^I al ic sinlti expufierrcejl culirii finc-t rooms and better

s ever v ay tJjin rnyother usjiK-gtraquo iioljfe in Michigan Ask

Otir graduates and the business renof troit a vt our SrVool Csll or

rid for Cr ars liliortliaad by a Practical Rcijoiter mdash


D E T H O I T Mich March il l^SO Dji P E X ( E I J Y Kalamazoomdash

Jkiti-ampin^-it is against my principles to aive testimonials respecting thFwier4fs of^proprie-tjiry medicines but the Woman s Friend now Zoa-Phora is my friend because it has relieved my wife in her last twoconfinements of the unut terable agony which attended her first lalKtr poundhe used the- Friend for about one month previousto expected eoLlmement^ to use her own lanyu-aee wpound)ill nof be withshyout it under such cireumstftuees f ir the world- - -F If P

N li--The above lLtteigtis froma premment Michigan man To a n y o n e wUhiny to write tlaquo-raquo hhii we will give his full address

J ~ H PENtariyc C

by I)ruiariiU_ I^OLGH ON KATSV Oluart ou i raw mice qiegt roaches bed-buK nntM vermin chlpmnnka I5e

krefi ltgtf C n a r g e T An elegant nona book free of^charta containing

h-atuorouB and senUmental tongs sung by Wizard (HI Companlea In their open air opncertfl^ Address llamlinraquo Wliiird UU Co Chicago Lhv ^ -

WiZAampigt OIL cures rheumatism lame back sprains bruises burns scalds Ulcers fever sores infiaoidtton of tne Kidtfeys neuralgia headache voothache bull earache soretbroat catarrh bayfever allays tnttamation and relieves pain in any part of the system Sold by druggists at SO cents don t forget to Die It And you will ban lib pain and be happy

Rulers sway the people bu t t he school-misshyter always sways the rulersmdash1 Waterloo Obsexver mdashPaaalytrte atrokee hear t disease and k l d n r j affections prevented by the use of Browns I ron Bit ters _ [

Thev alwavs talk who never think-I B



Pain-Killer Rheumatism

Neuralgia^ Cramps

Cholera Diarrhcea

is a tied irTthe affairs of men vhl^h leads on to fortune remarked a-ye t rag-mau bullafter itvarrvitiiran heiressmdash [Cincii inati ^[er-chant and Travelerr

- AN AMOK A i o WA bullmdash Dr J UTMeOtffrc says I knot irowns Iron Bitters is a yood tonic aud gives general cat isfaet ioh

bullSafe blcnvium isloomimr u p a s a business It has always been a phase of hdmnn nature to indulge lu blowing from a sgtu standpointmdash jPittsnnririi Tideirraph


Wjar j bdquo gtgtraquobullbulllaquo fitwit raquofvinplt n-ltlaquoraquo TARE BEAM liS-i-i U K H A T S TI IK K M K l t i U r

raquo( U ml WurriiDta 0 yea bull1 bj(iaJilres8


the gi otTie jvb-tiiien on are not bound- ta_altci^_6ur laws to suit ihc taste of IHQSC who visit us but it may safely be traversed Jf aCnmwlkui married to a deceased wifes sister in (anada were to come to England his wife would not cease to be his leoal_ wife and his y4nldren born tiere would lie legitimatr Lu fact the legality of a mans marringe does not depend on the place where he happens tohe or the legitimacy of his children on the place where they are born It depends on his domicile at the time of Tits- mar- ria^e A man is hot married ami unshymarried as he crosses a frontier k And


yet the House of Lords held in Hro vs Brook where an Englis-hm^tfmet

-and married his dee^asejl^vttes sistsi inI)enmarKthar t^ liot forbiddejriJnuDejiiSDark vas inyanrt in EniflntT-v And ^o although Mr

ts statement1 gtvas too broad yet tV-nwnrfVWw^wmfgtoywi4 ifbo-imag^


ined aJLondoner marrying his tleeeaset wifes sisterHi Canada That makes a case about as bad for the consistency of British laws

Not in Nood of S y m p a t h y Denver Cer LduTampvIJle Courier-Journal

On the train there was a woman with three children aged respectively five seven and nine I wonderedwhatcould induce a sane woman to start on a journey_gtyith such incumbrance pfcniretTher as a widow who was W ing shipped west to her fr iends^ | dwelt upon her past with a sort otm^ hid Bfttiafnetjpn JL inrned a riotgna imshyagination loose ujfon her mlSfwrrrces I-and presently being wearvvof the si presently lence I had preserved for gtieveral hun dred miles I went over^6 console with Tfer ConcdYg i t yonfnan my diogimt whon T inarned tfaax^slio was enroute to a circus about-eighty nutos aistantbenr on giving tho^rurchins a holiday She Informed mc in the course o i i n c eongt versation that tho trip cost her a hunshydred dollars altogether but she had cleaned $7000 on her ranch in Nebraska

t year and felt that she cSuldafford a holiday Whenever hare noticed a womanat aJheaiie or any other place ot aumMernent-with one baby I have in-

bull r~ xL



Sprains mdashAN-1

Bruises Burns

- A V B -

Scalds BBffiacIffi-


mdash A D -


FOR PAIN RellQvea Rpd cures


Sciatica Lumbago B A l K A C I i E



Soreness Cuts Bruises FROSTBITKS

BVUXM S C A L D S Araquod all other bodily achej

and palrts

FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE Sold by all Druggists and

Dealers Directions Lu 11 languages g

The Charles A Vogeler Co liuiwwM to A VCXJEUU CO)

UtlUmor Xd C8A

a week In your own town Terms and f5 outfit ~~ ArtHioBw KHraquoHettAltVHortlttnltl Maine

AttJSMTH WAJSTKl tor the Beet and Fraquosteraquot bull selling Pictorial Books and Blbtea Price reduced 33 per c e n t N A T PrrHUHHiNo Co PhUadelpbJa Pa~ S 5 t o S f 1 P r ay B tQome Hample worth | 6 f r e e w f c V Address Stlnson A Cfl Por t landMalne Y O U N G M F N l u a r c rr tLE ( KUi Vhere und we 7 raquo raquo ^ I - t TK 1 v e I o u Hlaquoauatlon circulars VADJEVTINE3BI10S Janesvt l l WU

ill free

S7y_raquo week 12 a day at home easily made Costly w bull outtltfree Addreaa lrueACo^A_ujniraquotaMalBe_ A P o a l t i v e C a r e gto K n i t e A o P l m t f r t Xo P a i n B r W cIuyneMar-nalltuwnlowa CANCER t

1 srslSonlaquotor of PatenUVilaquohlnirton I)

Send l o r O l r c q l a r - J g l

tO-^jBtain laquoood and I valid -Patents thenwltl te to orcalif upon T l l O M H 8 P A laquo gt V T pound A |

bullBFJ-laquo~Umdashyimdashvy Mt-4 o gress Sfbdquo D e t r o i t Mich At torney in Pa ten t (amjes KittabliBhed 15 years ^en^1 for DHinphlet t ree

6o yon wish altd Patents then

upon T l lOM Patents

raquo~ - JOamp


^nKamm^vmi^^^g^j^^ p A T V TvH I K f is tne well-mot and us t ^ - ^ ^ 4 1 ^ ^ ^ V^-^-ra^rTeTiffoTTrtl-wiio-wTnrtH- -swre and afo rnedicine which can tie freely usud Inshyternal ly or exnally witl iout fear of barm and with certainty at relief Its price brings it within t he rangedraquof ai-UamVit wi l lannual lg save many t imes its cost in doctor hills Pr ice -gt and Si cents and H p e r bottle Driertionsaccw^upany each bottle

IOH SALE B L A L L D l U G O t S i T ^ ^ _ _





Fresh-4 Fruitful Fields nf Fine Art raquo ri flE DETROIT ART LOAgt BKCORD an e lgc t UUKI raquohietigtu-bngtind-datly during the exliibitioamdashm-slte])tenjber and Octobers bi n-umbeis one-tarpo-Tot--u m e of VM pages Itnietand title pagtlte Subscription Xr iceF iveDonaTs -

10000 QUESTIONS ANSWERED A Popu la r Dict ionary of Fine ^Art VO lartre i

cloth bound StVehty-tlvfe cents Address bull I1KNRY A KORD

Art Ioun Bulldlnur Detroit


Treating CoiTsunipUc chitis Nasal Caldnlf

L o s s of Y o f e r ^ n ^ ether Mak^lies

stkwa Brdu^ Sore Throat

of t he gtiose

AillUWCSJow r^ity

EDUCATIONAL 1 T U U N E W C A T J E M D A B Of tUu aampJ^-


CONSERVATORY of MUSIC bull-fvry niutrcitetlGi papes S E 1 V T P l R E E to iuJ Tunscn friends Send names ami addressed M HT0lRJEE Franklin SqBoston Mass Tu IarQntan(i best appointed 3fusicA Literary ami

Art School and H O l H E o r young ladle in the wld

bull^bullnjlusti ousel (Tfii itimpUto



(lie mile west from Notre Dame Lniv School ot Art and Dcsiirn =

f6 iscivi i to[v of MHraquoI bull iiiiicUil hy Thiers of Holy lrigts The Ap-idem

-4^x0lir-w igt thorough in Prepnra0ry^Seftltr and la~iltval OljKlis Mu-io IJepiirtiiTeift tlTi 11i^fKiuiTTf

rviitoiios of Europe is urdtrmdashlaquo4w corps of TiiHhiis It comprisi

ktiliiMUMc Midland N Fiij-inratcTooni(s fojiflfsiru-IDOII Studio modeled on the grea t iVrraquochool of

-Krtrojie Diivinlaquo and Painttnp^fpolu life nrul tho antique IJnildiiijr eonjnioltlipilaquo jiiupio accouimii-dmtoiis for -l inipils - tgtr-TiiTther purtienhirs ap ph- for cntaloKue to

I T H E R SrpFRtoit ST M A R Y S Notre Dame P () Indiana

Cures Oonsumpiiiui(laquogtlds Pncu Bronchial Olfnculties1raquoronchitiltII^ tua Croup VTiooptii(r CougiviHitTall otseases of tlie Breathinjjprtuigt 1 sjgtltjfTjes aut heals the M e n -brano of the hx^gf^XyfouwA and-1iJsifTL byfiTe disease ajjji^frevctttxthe i^-Iu swciifs vrgt

-eMraquoCfoSft -tixgt Xnit wlin-li ici i nipaTiy ( ON-

^BIE NEW RICH BLOOD Aud wi l l oompiefcoly c h a n g e t ho b lood In t h e e n t i r e s y s t e m In t h r e e m o n t h s Any p e r shyr o n r h o vrill t a k e 1 P i l l e a c h n i g h t f rom 1 to 13 veekraquogtyniraquoy b e r e s to r ed t o $ounlt bull h^ i l lh if such a t h i n g hg poss ib le J t t r c u r i n g F e m a l e C o m p l a i n t s t h e s e r i l l s h a v e n-r Vqual r l iyslclansuse^ t l t em in their p r a e t i c e Sold e W i y w h e r e ^ o r cent-ny irail far

c^rf^Ie t tar -3famp)gt Send for c i r c u l a r I S J O B ^ S O X amp CO I50STOX MASS


_xaneously relieve these terrible diseases andwiil positively l hiiiu fjamuiiigf um liiffHmHnii niwytTrraaii

ilaquo_livja_ stnt free by mail Dont dflay a aiuinunt eveaticn Is better than cure bull

JOHNSONS ANODYNE LINIMENT ^ ^ ^ frac34 frac34 Nnuralffia-Inrtuwiiirt sorfLtii^ UleodiilJKit the LungsChronic Hoarseness Hncklnp fVuph Vhoopnp Cough Chronic Khounwhsru Clirwnk- HjoTluva Chronic Ovsenterv Cholera Jlorbos Kidney Tnmhlos DUc^ses of Ihf Spine and I^me-BaciL-^-ilaU-CVcrya^reL sectend for pamphlet to I S Joins-sow Ajt^o BOSTON MASS

TheJniMsitjiofItotre Oame ThfiFort ie th CoirogiwtovVaTwill open Tuesday

Sejigttember 4tlV The spacious and elepant ciIleije Vuihlinj have

dur in j r tho past year afforded stcc mngtodution to near ly five hundred resident s tuden t s Kvery f tcl I ity is afforded s tudents fur acquiring a thorough knowledge of Classics Iaw Science Mathemat ics 4r Hnifw

foa tu r t s ot the Insti tution Special i idvantases will A thorouch Commercial course i ilaquoo one ot t he

Uis those desiring

xvieraie i6-

1 Lgtc sent fres

An English Veterinary Surgeon and Chemist ntHT traveling In this country Snys that most of the Horp-ffmrTattto Powders sold here are worthless trash He says that Sheridan Condition -Powders arltraquo absolutely pure and Immense valuable Nothing on earth will make 1 is to 1 piid IIKHI Sold every where or sent by mau ibr8 letter-itamp

MAKE HENS U Y avlike Sheridan Condition Panders Dose I teaspn-

h S Jonusos t Co BOSTON MASS

G offered (hiring the coming yer t to s tudy haw ^

T H E i l l M M lirliAKLMKNT 1 p a r t m e n t for boys under th i r teen t (Catalogues iriviu^ full part icular v

on application to UEVT K W A L S H C S C

ltore rraquosntei

irpataiul L u o ^

DU ^VOLF^gttrt^at5 the abovo rjanied diseasshyes by MeTIic^fcd TnlialatioEs WBen thus ad-tni_meurottT(rd^remedies are hrnnghr uface to face

c o n t ^ t with the disease whereas if thpoundj are^waiiowed nieyri i ix t r i lh the c o n t e n W ^ h tho^tomich tuul nccj reach the or^at iaof res-

^plration I)U HCJLFE halaquo I^vjAnf judicious employshy

ment of Medieated^irhiilatipup usfcisted thou-arnls to regjiia- fheir health many nf whom had heet^jnToiiotmced irjcurahle aud given u p to^liigtytheir faintly physician aj^d friends

DR WOLFE hasprepared a list of ques t i ons -for siek people to answer hy mail They are in character the same he would ask w e n r h c Vraquoy toe tn-dtujpe of the invalid By wri t ing anshyswers to t i jese ( tuestions anyone can s^und an accurate s ta tement -of his disease and receive and use inhaling remedies at home iu any par t oTTlio I nitcd Stated or Cauada Vitgtout fneur-rims tU vi~igt to

UexXpcruie ami diiC0JUurl ol mak ing a 0 Cincinnati Aiitgtue sending liis name

duflt ^s with a bullhree-ccrrt-post-bullCircular

and [ost-t ilieo aire statnp will r ty r ive a eopy of the

Quest ions hymdashF -HHHa-maih-mdash bull DJ^-ViOLKK hits publisjied a medical boi ik

eaJIed CommnTj Sense Cause and Cure of Ciiisitmption As thma e t e a copy of which tie wil send to any body who orders i t by vatiX^lt and mclosis iiine cents jQe^poHagestAeaos Willi his nsme and postot l iee^ddress The b o o k is bull of c rea t value to anv one afflicted with a n y 4ipoundeajQ-oi-tter^sjrr Throat or Lungs --mdash

DR WOLFE has also published another b0bk iVt pages entitled Light about the ^fouee

e Live in which evtrv healthy person as eTTas-siek ough t to read -~ The^bpek has -a

pecial interest to persons who have weak Hindis or any symptom nf CougtuinptiogfAsth-

a Bronchitis^ or Catar rh Sent to any altf-i-ei-^lree by mail or receiptof six eenta i n mdash


postgt ^tflTrip^ A d d r e s s bull DR N-B WOLKE

lit S i a i i h S t CincinnatL

W N f -raquo 34




- 0^ABD Aye

^ 0laquo - bullbdquolaquo

Like a n Evi l Spirit In olden times it was thought that evil spirits came in through ci5iclamp

and keyholes The generally approved viray to keep them out wa3 to plug jipthelceyholes and laquotop the cracks yfith cotton Notwithstanding these v ^ ^ pievltsxthre mea^ures the iv a they plpaspd

So comes malaria now-a-dajfs We try to keep it out of the keyhole and it comes in^y the crack We stop up the crack and lo it comes fronv aleak in the plumbing or an7opening from some neglected drain or frora sorne unsuspected source arid unguarded direction bull raquo

Wlaquoraquo tpnncf ylwayg rrpp ti laria out but we can give it battle arid drive its effects from 6ur systems If BROWNS IROITBITTERS is taken in time malaria has nova ghost of a chance This is the great family medishycine Your druggist sells it and you ought to keep a bottle in the house


Began lif 12 yeqrs ago under tht name of

WOMANS FRIEND W i t h o u t pufferspimply on t h e p o o d v o r ^ s

of t h o s e w h o h a v e used 3t l t l ias m a d e i r i enJ

X Q T A c r B E A laquo X mdash B u t a pent a n d su re r e m e d y for al l t h o lt c o m p l a i n t s which des t roy t h e freshness it beau ty was te the s t r eng th m a r t h e hratn ness artd usefulness of m a n y G I R L S A I ^ I

our PwBiici on

en and Children StntgrntU Kvery rniMiavre 14 rctst ot raquoft eraquopccw Motalaquorlaquo(boaltl rtui ihiru Ajircit

R PENCCLLV C CO Ka l imuee M i c h

Sw T bull-bull tt

TcgtiiiouuJ 0

Diseases of Wo

AMONG T H E L A D I E S -The brilliairt iascinatins-

tints of Complexion iorwhich ladies strive are chiefly artishyficial and all who will take the trouble may secure them These roseate bewitching hues follow the use of Hagans Magnolia Balmmdasha delicate harmless and always reliable article Sold by all druggists

The MagnoInrBalni conshyceals every blemish removes Sattownes^ Tint Reflrieire-Ernptiouv all evidences of excitement and every imper fection

Its effects are immediate and so natural that no humali being cart detect Its applicashytion

v -


bull raquo bull

(+- amp bull bull

f-1 - 1


Thoboy of tin PTi-cptiMy lu

v ill

tO UCOlllt

it urlaquo D I V I I C ( I t c i d l S

resident of tin

hesi itatc wllttlliM

Ih i i t rd


Stiifr^7 (H^Captain of a base hall vlub

A scientist charges the peculiar weather of this season to the spots on thesun If old Sol doesnt behave betshyter ive shall be obliged to send Sullivan u p there to knock the spots off him


The disgraceful qua r re l between vector and people in Giace Church Deshytroit is only one more of those Incon sistent exhibitions of -the rar i ty of Christian charity under the sun We will not a t tempt to say which party is most a t fault in this case Where charity might have covered a mult i tude of sin the want o f - i t discloses pet ty failings magnified to mammoth ^pfo-portions

The StocTibridge Sentinel believes tha t the liquor traffic could be better regulated by public Sent iment than by any law which could be fdevised While we are not prepared to endorse such an opinion fully we do recogshynize the sound commonsense of the following ext rae i from t h e article in quest ion

Is any one illogical enough to supshypose tha t a lawto prohibit w i l h n o t f e evaded it a law simply to regulate is evaded We say again as we have frigid a hundred times before and as we hope to keep on saying as long as we can pr int a lino or wag a toi mdashif thtfr-e is - o n e h u m b u g abrfe^ anshyother i n this day and ir^i+fanon it is the blind craze t o r j a - t v a s the princishypal remedy fjJi^^vT

HOWELL From our Correspondent

lulm bull Howies has purchased Louis Elmers Uarber sliop Lou will s tar t a store i n t h e building _foym_erly occupshyied by Norman Hugger as aWjoonf

hiv isonrfof-a-nuntbei of years o

Methjbdist-cli carried t hem about t o w n Monday night They 4id not tafcegtthem out oi town however Jbut left them in a rather demoralized condition

Monday morning one of the men was cleaning jus gun and trying jto draw tlie charge wnenacartridge was

I exploded The ball struck a stone and

manager of -Weimeister amp 0]Hearns store goes to Port Huron to carry on a large dry goods business of his own

Lute Boyce was tried for assault upshyon a young man from the country After spending two days in the county ja i l he paid his fine which with costs amounted to |1500

The l Ludington Record says tha t Weimeister amp O H e a r n will bui ld a $25000 hotel in Ludington soon We have heard Mr Weimeister say so also recently mdash

F A S i g k r and W P Van Winkle were in town soliciting a bonus with which to extend the telephone line from Pinckney here One hundred dollars was raised

Depot grounds - hear the centre of theyitlage have been surveyed forthe T amp A A U K They are on the Jewett addition in the southern part of town



The railroad bridge a t this point is Nearly completed

All are wait ing anxiously for the cars

Bowman Bros seem to be go

The Rogers liotfse has a goodly

lg a

glancing passed through the thigh of quarter-master Webber of Saginaw making a bad flegth wound

SOUTH L Y O N From the Picket mdash

A monstrous water tank is being erected by the G Jgt

The soldiers ta lk very harshly alxmt Swan of Detroit who ran the restaurshyant a t Island Lake and say he charged them $125 for five glasses of lemonade 10 cents for three cent postage stamps and various other pranks

Wm Greig has taken the job of building all the passenger depots from New Hudson to Stockbridge on the4raquo T Ky- alaquod wW lgtegin the one at this place a t once I t will be a depot used in cimflTo1Tlgty alI the rai 1-roads and will stand a t the junction of the G T and 1) L A N so tha t the G T will run on one side and the D L k N on the other As the T A A amp G _ T will continue to use the Egt L ampgtNT[ sidetrack they will of coursegt-trge-tlie same building I t willjMtty^contain a telegraph office wait ing rooms baggshyage room ampivwlTile the 1)-L amp N will uue theirtfresent building for freight


ie G T a n d T A Aamp G T will uilt a freight house to be

common by them used

number of transie

bull gtetro[t Hotel bulluoiLyly posted in the off ic^ bearing

folio win i n s t a t e law

ers and a fair run of stom

1frac121 store building erected bygt Mr Corbet is unoccupied and bears tife sign

for sale

It is said that^tHe Toledo and Anjr Arbor Hy folks sounded this place on the -boiul q u e s t i o n ^ y u k didn-tmdashampraquopound much encouragement

FOWLERVILLE From the Review

J M Pot ts has his frame up for a nejv dwelling on his farm -

2M round tickets were ^old fro in tins place to Island Lake Sunday and Monday ~mdash-^

fr( B Green has p u t a new roof on his | Ktw^and- - -i l ias repainted it on l t e t n -

-pr inted in large t y p e r -Htf anv uersonzkia l l willfulW~

^ a

pheme the holy naiue of God bv cursshying or reproaching7 God he shall be punishedDyirhprisdifhient in t he^oun-tyjai l not morel t h a n six months u r by-aftne -nQi^exceeding fiftybull dollars If any person who has arr ived at the agerof dgtscretion shal 1 profaneIy curse or daii^tVr or swear l)y the name of Gad JesnCfir is t or the Holy (ihost-j ie tihti on cimvicit-Ton thereof bull bi^j

The daily mail stage is a blessing duly appreciated I t brings many

rklo AV-hitmore I^aka

Mrs Chas EGrisson and Mrs Addie 1 Cutler are visiting a t the residence of their father Ferdinand Grisson Esq in Hamburg mdash^-

MrA Rogers was also visiting here

sid e

a^ioryTTme since week to St Johns

but re turned last

TTf ajiy justice of the peace be p+Cftamphcd

uy a tine not exceeding live dollars nor less than one dollar but no siu-h

prosecution shall be sustained unless it shall be commenced wi thin five days after tuT7-ommission of such offense

We suppose it is intejided to counshyteract the strong tempta t ion to proshyfanity which besets the customer when

-mdashhe walks up to settle his bill

DEXTER I min Ihn lnaraquoltgtr

Twenty of the leading stocks quoted on Wall street have sufteredUCshrinkr age of value dur ing t h e past year averaging 25 per pent In view o f this it migh t be asked J f those stocks have fallen below their real value or the money investment they represent We very much doubt-if th i s is the case^ There are few railroads a t the present time which are not pay ing a fair profit on the actual cost Of constracrionand

equipment But the tendency Ugt swell stock and debt liabilities far beshyyond the cost of property is a growing-evil For example take the railroads of our own State The s toc l fahd debt of the various corporations owning lines wi th in the S ta t e exceeds - the re^ ported cost of construction ampc by $10^ 150000-^-and the reported cost of conshystruction in all probabfmy exceeds the aer ia l c6gt bV neaHy ampfa eqUal amount

lt gt bull

Thus it will be seen t h a t Michigan has n o t less than $20000000 of fic-fttious stock and debt d r awing interest and dividends along with the genuine

When it is also considered t h a t from


1 bull it

ten to twenty per cent of the money actual ly invested is contr ibuted by way of lgtonuses from people receiving no stock o r n the r interest in return th e speculativo vuiaeof stocks is^ra^sed to a still higher percentage above first cost therexuV-so tha t in m a n y instances a six per cent dividend means ten or twelve plaquor cent in reality


t i bull


This is one of the evil a tha t tend iu unyettle the nnancial a n d business intiflrftfitaiOf tljB country a n d p r o m o t e speculative investments wh^ch so often culniinate in panics like^fchat of 1878

ti is to be hoped t h a V m a n y years J nay elapse before another panic strikes Hie country but tjris speculation toshygether with the^gambling in g ia in 1 and other imaginary products do riot ttmd to decrease the (fiances i^r such a

liaise -mdash gt x mdash bullbull bull bull


Wednesday afternoon oj l a s t ^ e e k Steve Alley his mother and sisters Mrs Pierc an^ Mrs Gudwell G i r t e d for Petoskey tlaquo attend the State camp meeting -t

Mrs Wheeler mother of dohn Wheeler in Webster dieoVlast Sunday aged 9-4- years The funeral services wigtre held at Webster church bnTues -

li B Williams contractor for building the new German - church is pushing it ahead rapidly T h e frame is up enclosed the blinds on the

spire nearly compjetedj_ and though

ANN A R B O R the Kegister

y The thirty-fifth annual fair of the bull1 Wishtenaw Counly Agnc iy tu ra l and

iplel not many feet high is a beauty and the first coat of paint on It will be an ornament to that par t of the townv~vflien completed ffnis i s the second church Mr Williams has built in Dexter within a year

A sad case of drowning occurred near th is village last Saturday evenshying It seems that wiilie Larkin a 15-year-old son of Wm Larkin who lives in a house on the farm of Walter

_Rrass a short distance from_the_ H_urpn River was left alone dur ing the aftershynoon with a smaller brother and toshyward evening he left the house not saying anything as to where he was ^o ing He did not come home at night

and L ^e -ne^^^ses rc i r wamp3 i n s t i t u t e3 for b im but he was not found unt i l Monday morning A couple of boys who wrere out hunt ing on the r iver in flrhnatj saw t h e corpiia iniho ^a tor i They gave the alarm to some ngten who were passing and they took the body from the water and carried it to the house- The boy had been subject to fits for some t ime past and probably dur ing one of these he -deliberately walked inter the river a s his tracks were plainly seejto the water s edge Ai r inques t was^held an1 a verdict of being drowned while wandering about in a demented state of mind1

was rendered bull

This morn ing Mrs S Newkirk left for a n extended visit among relatives in4he State of New York

BRIGHTON i- Kfopi theClt i tgu

DuBois Knight W B Coneiy and Gari Melchers m a d e oil and crayon sketches in camp

The Sweet Brothers sold v 14000 pounds lofmeat to the mil i t iamen

Miss Eva LaBou tahas gone io Peru Ind to take a position in a telephone exchange

Some of the M S T V took the street Tamps rn front of the Presbyterian and

Mr Hiram EllioTHas purchased the residence formerly owned by Holly Pulleii and is put t ing on some new-Iremdash- pairs

Artie Austin and H B Glen re-turned liomt from Vyamplhington bull Ty wlj^ere they have beeri with I s a a c Tel-le rVsurv^y-par^y-^n-W^nf^dAv -


THIS WEEK A SpH-lal Sale to Clean up Stock


Hest Pr in t s Summer styles 0 cts

Best Ginghams dress plaids

(Cantons and Renfrews) 11 cts

Best Ginghams small cheeks 10 cts

Best l^a^cjfUiXawjis -A 8 ctsT

Lisle Thread Gloves Silk Gloves

White Goods AT

Greatly Reduced Prices ~




- We are g iv ing equal ly good


I t beats them a l l

W e mean business^ D o n t by until you look us through






Horticultural society will be held from Tuesday till Friday October 2nd to 5th inclusive on the societys grounds A fine l is t of premiums are offered^ 7~

Miss Jane Halsey an a u n t of Mrs W W Wines who lives with the family andfamiliarly known as Aunt J a w wart 9ft years old Friday She was surprised a t dinner by a ^number of friends and relatives who had been invited for the occasion and a merry dinner-party was the result In the afternoon she rode down town and had her picture taken Miss Halsey is asect spry and active as many a lady of many lessyedia a iulshe is to be congratulated upon having reached such a hale and hearty old age

Last Wednesday night a German med John Six l iving ten miles beshy

yond Dexter was attacked and knocked down in the lumber yard near bull^lulunu


WE ampplusmnXUXJ O m 3 R

EXTRAampRBHtlfflr-BtRfittNS V saloon by Geo Stephens a hard -case from Clucago who has been hanging around the city for some time Six claimed tha t the robber took from him $75 in money and a revolver^- Steph--tm8-w^s-aTrested-aTitft^e~re^ forty cents in money was found on his person He was t iauled u p before Justice McMahon and his case adjournshyed -tril next Thursday Stephens1

brother is hexe_fronr-Chicago t ry ing to patch u p the case whether he succeeds or not remains to be seen

- bull - bull -THK most gal lant man ever hfgtW nf

is one who refrained -from kicking a dog who had bitten him beeausemdashit was a iemale dog If it wasn t for your sex said he Id kick your head off

A WHOLE t ra in of steam-cars passed over a man in Minnesota namea John Schneider^bnt-when the engineer aud conductor went to look for him he was walking off singing -Schneider Low you vas

T H E a r t of saying appropriate words i n a kindly way is one t h a t never goes out of fasnion never cease to pleaser and is within the reach ofjmmttlest-The teacher who would be successful must cult ivate the gift

bullbull T H A T all whoaie happy are equally happy is n o t t r u e A -p leasan t and a philosopher may be equally satisfied but not equally happy Happiness consists in t h e multiplicity of agreeshyable consciousness A peasant has not capacity for having equal happiness with a philosopher This question Was very happily i l lustrated by the Rev Robert Brown A smafl-crrrnk-ing-glalaquo^nd a large ftfre may be



equallv full but the large one holds more Mian tlie unalL

E A MANN East Main St Pinckney


T West Main St Opposite Globe Hotel


It Toilet Articles

IerfiMiaerjv JPine Confectionery

Togta S t a t i o n e r y t c

Gooda are aU freehand new Prioeg am always rni0D

uieilti l bona than of the puWic^tronft^ Jjall a D i m W




V - rzZt~~


- ^ - bull - laquo

r ^ -N-


1 1laquo IF-rPpPNAmm



- L_J L


bull --liKlnage

Much as hus been writ ton concerning the necessity of perfect J ^ iba i j e about our dwe l l ing there ilaquo stilr a HiV



bull ble amount of iltri Ject Line upon li norauctf oa

vmen rashythe sub-

ipoa liny and precept laquopon precept are continually needed traquo beep

a rtoTiriiJwinjr effect on AMe trade laquogt nni tin oVniand for INV lii|c of ltrooltllaquo is ile-liyeltl you Jmow the trade U just j^ood JIltlaquo lost 11

After laving down this axiom of com nicretai-p djosophy the reuilemaii leu

attention directed to this most vital matter Many people do not realize tlwtjdnJk drain and cesspool arlaquo a-falaquo tal as bullets that s tagnant water and heaps of decaying refuse are as deadly a strychnine that our dead selves in any form taken back into ourselves arc tu re death to us This is no tigure ot

aud no extravagance1 of phras bpfc the simple fact We are the

ftMf unnumbered parasitical animals bull p t f e a l l that only the most powerful iBJMKiscoye reveals them to the eye When one class of-these minute creashytures finds a home in our bodies smallshypox is the name we give to the malady they produce Another class causes scarlet ferer another measles- another consumption The diseases produced by germs developed in consequence ol elective drainage are various chielly

riraquo toasilitis and typhoiddisor-4gtt manifold-development The

ce of these germs in the system may result in a reduction of the vitality tosuch a degree that any infection will be readilv absorbed aiid_the liapless victim faff an easy prey to any slight derangement We often use-4he ojipres-aiou to throw oil disease1 and corshyrectly for when one is in perfect heaMi the germs ofdisease find no congenial soil to Sprout-and grow in We never find nioss on vigorous healthy trees or eveifc on Singles- until tbey_ b e g i n t o decaymdashthe Tiealthy fiber resists the atshytacks of floating organisms For the laquoame reason those who obey Ihe laws

tb i r reppr tcr Trrto a department when l imhrc lh iw of a l l Heen nnt p f eng wef t

1 8 8 3 T ^ I E H-IO-HIT jRXJKrisriisro- 1 8 8 3


of health posess sound fiber in which malarious and infectious-germs rind no place - to lodge ~

v The worst month in the year for tyshyphoid pneumonia is April and vfliy liecause the cold weather has kept peoshyple in doors and they have breathed in their dead selves over and over again until the typhoid germs have fastened on the^vitals multiplied in the tissues and absorbed more or less the life of the

Jndh-iduaL A sligliLcold still-fc lather depresses2he_vitality and makes the in--crease of these bull germs more and

[lots of these to different rparts of~thlaquo- country They areltulaquoed exclusively by countrymen A man walking on one of the citys streets with one of these tbttrsraquo^vmrhi be w)rse than a cyclone

germs more the tight for life

more easy until the tight for life becomes a larming and ends-we all know in too many easosl_Jhow sai11 v WtiTIc oyery-thing is frozen up it is_jjiiHcuIt to take proper care of sewage refuse piles acshycumulate drains became choked celshylars gather decaying matter waste-pipes Decome foul and all these agen-

-tnes-txmrome unless counteracted verv bullearl v in the springs to increase the tide of parasites floating intothe body with every breath Thesnbtle poison can not he detected ofteii by the riimst actlte olfacshytory nerve and 0ere are no ehcnricrtrt tests that can be applied by the non profession a p t determine their pres-

bull f hjealth And this vigiUince musfbe laquoSPfl9rciscd not only upon the outside of the cup and platter1 but it must go to the heart 6l things to - the founila- J dons and search every aaokaiitLcreiice with cleansing power _

In removing offal from our premises we need to_ remember that the wet earth does neither deodorize nor disinshyfect it dry earth alone can dothis and Iherc^hiust he suflieiont dry earth toab sorb

arranged on counters H e r e he said we have everything in the umbrelhi line from a thirty-five-cent article to out for twolvcu dollars These goods he said picking up a couple of coarse looking umbrellas are what are sold on the street-corners for fifty oente | Wt can afford to sell them for thirtytfivlaquo cents You see they are marked gingshyham but they are really of an inferior sort o f c o t t o n known as sixty-four

loth Xotiee the edge and you will see iat they are not even bound We have

jjeveral grades of this article from six-ty-four-eloth to 108-oloth Nowhcreisan umbrel la-known as the reed frame because its ribs are made of reeds inshystead of steel This however he said opening out an umbrella with a bamboo stick handle is-onK^of the lightest and most satisfactory thingicin the marke t i t is known tw a Ferguson Scotch| paragon frame1 and sells from $110 Ttpward 1 always use this umbrella myself ^vhen I do hot carry a silk one A

The next umbrella opened warf capacious as a circus tent This said the gentleman who was initiating the- visitor itraquot gt the mysteries of the trade is what we call a Storm King You see it has sixteen ribs arid is made

To THE FARMERS or rvfiNGST0N AND ADJOININO COUNTIES If you want to purchase a Reaper thisjrear examine the |Iero look it over carefully and you will tee it is up

to the times let I t is siniply cuitstructed 2nd J t has no sfde jdraft 3d It is- not liable to get out of order 4th It has no weight Upon the horsesnecks 5th It is a very light draft reaper 6th I t is easily managed

-Tthr-It is juet the machine you-want It cart be had of our agents on trial and is w-arranted to give satisfaction I refer you to the following named farmers who have purchased and are using theHero Reaper some of whom for

of eighty-four (doth Oh yas we send these

the past four years and they can testify to its merits Jesse W Sheets Unadilla Bernard MCloskey Iatnani

j4Javid Donovan Northfilaquold

| Talking of cyclonesj he continued ^h+-re- is something built especially to resist the winds of the Far West We call it the Prairie King It has sixshyteen ribs and four wire braces No matter how strong the wind may be the braces will keep the umbrella from turning inside out -

The next article picked up was deshyscribed as a Star 140 and the gentleshyman in explaining its merits said that it had patent inetal tips^and was water-propf The latter quality is-oae-jhat should recommend itself in anumbrellaT

You have seen prefty near everyshything that goes uB-de-r-the-name of-ging--fa-aviliiV saTtl the gent Icman gty_hlaquorwBS waslinglTTs time on tlie reporter and now I may tell you that we have alshypaca umbrellas ranging in price from ^ frac34 to $jy() Silk ifmbrellas are luxshyuries and there is not a veryr large dp

from Ivo-

$5 to the

mand for them We have them $ 125 up-to $rgt lii natural^rndjes ry hanttles add from 8150 to cost All these superior grades are proshyvided with paragon frames whichmake them light Silk umbrellas vary in price from ^ bull gt1bull-gt- -

What bullBee BternaLvigilaHC^ i s - t b ^ m e e of I 0sfrt o f u m b r e l l a d o e s t h e V^

lilKntv1 and not of libertv alrme rnTr+ilflrHrgt V1 bull-W+d^mdashflmdashsilk umbfeila posting pound3


lie suUicient dry the^moisture or all t luPmoisture or exhalations

1o life^wtltlTe given Out A little leaven leayeneth the wlwile lump Dne fold pipe in a house is enono-h raquorgt kill its inhabitants if it hasa good chance at them-

bull raquonav-Uvw4-()ne ueglecteTtTefuso heap

-tnraquoiliUncc cuitinglrtTrdysl^H^v



^- arjtu^caiis4d^-And^madiLilt^o^i^JiU

^-fcwJ^dc-Jieighbarhiuidmdash^V_hrok(bull n bri i in a sewer just under a closet opening into the rooms of Prince Albertcause hfVdvath

What we term modern iences include many are ofteri very detrimental plusmnoJifalllu If the bath-rooms in our houses could be so contrived as to open on A piazza which might be latticed instead of openinginto ilic house and infecti it-as they -dcy-great gain wou44mdashresu to the health of its inhabitants Well

gtbull people do not suffer so much from imshymediate exposure to malarious influ-enow as do invalids|and little children

pallid city children wltgtuld Hid than they aue if the old-washbowl ami pitcher and

t k y imfl carried out every day supershyceded the elegjint marble basin and rose-

wwm riiuued oiirmub wnmn km to the care of- servants become elegant causes of disease and death

Sunshine is the great healer sun- shine supplemented with abundance of

-fresh air i n Him was life and the life was the light of men1 In many senses are life and light interchangea-

^ ^ g words When we put seeds in the 1^cmst cover them away from i t or they will not germinate

them warmth _ moisture and irlcness and under these conditions

they develop lifei The same conditions in our houses develop active life in all malarious and infectious germs Thereshyfore when the searching sun ray peneshytrates apd illumines our interiors and the purifying air absorbs moisture and- -cause of fatal e] carries off poisonous efHuvins our rooms Whnn tha s

4lgtcrf4in4amefltal sauitary coniiiuous^Or^ngeto an end tx tng com|)lieil with There is cershytainly enough light and air and- dry varth for all uses [of health What is tteeyenilaquo4l4R4utelligenceto utilize them in such a way that health shall ^ e pro-niojted ami disease preventedmdashN Y | Tribune


laquoTlns has not been a good year foi umbrellas vsaid a large denier yesfar-

~^dnylo a yWampMlaquoltreporter thii rain viTrfc too lirtoTn^bfsTn^gra^dihtslrtkd1

seems to be high enough loi the crowd A strong common 1 umbrella howshyever is what is bought by the multishytude _ Vou see hea(lded_ with a touch of sa(fneSsln- hts voice mdash hpcoplemdashdOnt like jo invest-much in umhrellis beshycause somehow or other an umbrella

is~al way s regarded as common property and sooner or later it is bound to hi stolen Now its strange isnt it that ladnjs dont steaTeitrhothejr|s jiarasols I sell twenty times more parasols than u ittbreliMj- Ta I k i ugmdashof- parasols - he said returning from his general v i ew^f t

jubject TTere s one we sell for teii Vou wouldnt

its a fact plan of

cent umbrella Hut that is

velieve it would It s-made sonie-the thirtv-li veshy

to nothing h s(lls for two

cents We sell mdashthese at two cents aiiieco -he said ojiening a gorgeously-colored paper shade and we make a quarter of a cfentprofit at that- These [ things of course are mostly used for decorating rooms

Where is most of the carving on iinv brella haitdlos done - ^ -~


Atfg Balden tieorglaquo W Iteampson Unadilla Arthur Montague E J Wakemah Tyrone Geo R Wilcox White Oak Whedon York Hoafipiumon Asa II tirity Iosco

James Sptare Iutnani Owen Goodsijeed Hamburg WUliartn Cullen Dansville P Mc (Jann Bunker Hill Win Perry Owen Mc (ann jr John B Mc Creery Henry Ward Prod Maycdck Ioaelaquoj Elmer Chipman

(Jenrcp Bauer Brighton S K Hausef Putnimr A Force StockbriflKe Perry Barrett George Phellis White Oak Henry B Gardner Putnairi Daniel i Webb Llaquowis Love laquo John A Ward Eeslie ^J Mrs J Love and Suns Marion

kThe Hero can be seen and U for salltgt atFincfcney by JAS MARKEY General Agent for Michigan

Martin Mehin jr Hamburg bull W Nelson Wrhitmnre Lake-Warren Munson White Oak Frank Aldrich Henrietta John Flemint PJiilo Durfee Antrim H C Martin bull-SeymourBruwn- Conway O C Sasvdy ^6aco

mdash bull


LARGE STOCK LATEST STYLES I t is the r e m a r k of everyone visititt^ mi-restore that we sell bet ter goods for

lor the money than tney have ever seen offered and no one should buy shoes for themselves or their families without first seeing theinducements we present The names of ROBINSON amp B F K T E N S H A W and P J N G R E E amp SMITH inshydicate the class of goods we carry



A xn srrrs


And would invite the at tention of farv-mers who wish to lay in astoek of gro- ceries to last theni througi harvest we have t-vei-ytntng you need Suprats

f Teasr irotfees Spicesr 101raquo Hams7 Dried lleef Cheese and Canned Goods of all kinfTs If you dont foci jus t like goin^r into the haivust -tieldi^vrn^ ^ and jet a bottle of Urowns IroiTISt-t e r H o p liitters iSliiloh^ Vitalier or

some one of tho thousand and one remshyedies we keep that will do you goodmdash Don l forget t a c o m e - a n d stock-aip at once The plaee is at the

bull T^EST ENTgt


N limdash-Highest ca^h marke t val paidfor Butter and Eggs

IS We have just added to our stock a general assortment of

R O G E R S BR0S ^ ^ o r m e r l y iOvjIi done almoat-exclui f sively in Europe but during the laat year Philadelphia has turned out some exceu-tvrmHy good work In fact I may say that the-hest carving is done at present in PhiladelphiaM

How about ivory handlesF n Thev comemdashfrom Europe alt-^eUi^

ermdash Chicago 1 ribune v bull ^ bull - raquo -




BLACKSMITH All kinds of custom work and gviieraL

repairintr including

HORSE SHOEING Shop back of Manns Block PINCKNEY



bull J c u e ) lilies J m B y WalSM afldj Jersey cows are all popular just now Thlaquo old preiudioe against Jersey mosshyquitoes still existsmdashChicago Inter Ocean

mdashA society of persons are about to petition the firngsels autnorities for per-miampsion to mummify their dead They point out that one advantage is that their plan permits people to contemshyplate their ancestors anil thus perpetushyate filial piety and sentiment de race They are down oTrcremailon which they allege does not destroy thebody but only reducesJt_to- ashes producing deadly miasmas and aver that wherever as in India it has boon p rao ticed on a large scale it has been the

epidemics mal l -pox- thrntttprirtH iA

brim tlia life nan-pn ol Pnn( ice

nothing the iam of dolttor

said could save the pat ien^ml^ss some healthy young man beeanie his bedfelshylow and by enfolding^im closely in his iirms should impart ^sufficient heat to hilaquolt body to force tjnl rjiistin ate disease to break out Williams ^4)age Benjinck volunteeredfor tiie dangerous raquogtffice The experiment sueeeeded and the fftjlhftd share came fouiidedTt l)ucal bkodoptidh

Call and examine our stock whether you wish to purchase or not



WILLIAM DOLAN amp CO bull Hav^juat received a new and complete stock of

DRY GOODSBOOTS amp SHOES eflaquoKpoundftrrGROCERIES Tobacco Canned Goods Etc No remnants or vraquohe]f-worn stock We mean business^and will guarantee bottom j)riccs The public are invited to call and see for themselves gt r MAIN ST TINCKNEY MICH

_1 offer for (tale 13 ICKB frontliu tin MaialStr^ot




DETROIT CITY LAUNDRY Finot laundry Im Um Wftraquot dgt6dtraquo plaquolllaquogtd (or

t ionto I K -KICIIA^US A CO _ Amenta ftw Rnckney Mlcb1trraquoraquo-


F U R N I T U R E Pk-t tire Framing llajiairinj LiibolaUflagi Etc-



G R 0 C E R I E S W

AT WHEELERS bull bull gt

o =-





lfoasUMee 1 5 ^ and 2^xfa SaletatUs 8 c U Bird Seed 10 cts-

- - bull - mdash - bull

50c Tobacco at 40 ct^ 60c T obaceo at 50 cfe

Royal ftakinpound Inwder Parents Bakshying Powder Spicesof all kinds

- Bakefs CluK-olate Sweet ^ -^ Chocolate bull f

Cabined Corn Canned Boef Ianiifd Salmon Cauwd TiiMaUw


amp amp WHEELER


f y A

rrwT ^^w^n wpound$$rmmmsmm


Entered at tUo rostofflce is 1Mclass matter



T H E colossal skeleton of a man who musETutvi1 hbtm iwttt brother to the Carshydiff (raquoiant has been dug from the shelvshying bank of aratfine near Barnard Mo by a Lirmev named John W Hannon Twelve feet wasf the height of the preshyhistoric gentleman and hislongest ribs measured four feet in length The fact That hisrelies lmve|been dug up in Misshysouri suggests the^probability that he was the original border rullian

THK death of Miss Harriet Steer of Cincinnati in her eighty-eighth year deserves a notice She was a promishynent member of the Society of Friends a n d i o r t h e last-fifty years had been a

bullgood angel fb the poer During most of that time it was her custom every winter to prepare a huge boiler of soup on twoidaya of the week This she dis-

tributed gratuitously at her door to all who wished or necuedIt Even as late as last winter though cxfreuiely feeble she was at her self-appointed pgampt as in days gone by While otjiers t r

1)frac34 have been vainly --warring over the-abstractions this unknown

Aside from the conVemenee of th i^plaa there seemk an eternal fttnesain making tluv conderjined supply his awn gallows The expTrnie nwttrowble of conducting him to and from the place of execution are obviated anil w h e n t h e exercises are concluded his remains can be at once turned over to Ids ffnnily without further ceremony |

Tin testimony given before the Scu-iUe_Comittee on Labor and Education in session for the purpose of investigatshying the causes which led to tl^e teleshygraphers strike does not contain much that is news to lite public concerning the trouble between the Western Union Telegraph Company and its employes although a few points were brought out which heretofore have not been entirely c^ear Thestr ike has been contemplatshyed it seems by both the company and the operators since last March T h l accounts perhaps for the fact that the company was able to assume the attishytude taken when the mens_deinands were presented The basis upon which tw optrqfor expected to compromise

ological woman has been illustrating in her life the truespirit of the Christian religion

TEN- medals are about to be presented bybull thcM^yor of Baltimore to men who showed heroism and--daring intrepidshyi ty in saving lives at the time of the Trivoli dockliisastcv and a number ot others arc to be honorably mentioned in public The- lirst medal is for Chrisshytopher Doyle who saved fifteen lives and spent the rest ofthe night in diving for tho-bodies of the dead bull He was

is also given It was a reduction of the hours of labor to eight and extra pay for Sunday work The curious stateshyment was made by-Mr McClelland a prominentmanager of the strike that if the operators were defeated they would only by more powerful than-

orev-Tiiisis indeed- making the best of the situation

A n Old S e a l F o l l o w s H e r C a p t i v e Offspr ing E i g h t y Mi ies

Santa ljarbara (Oil i Press A n i n t e r e s t i n g inc ident iJl list rating

i lm^ntnrnnl -itWtJMn fgtf illl a q i n u i l fpl

7tmidmgTiei^licopy-ReAv-Williani E Starr on the outer eilgc of tiro pier wlTen the crash came- Kealjzing that he could do more_ellective work if unimpeded by liia nlnfTimpf] Wasfcnd Father Starr if it would be rightto strip before the wom-en and children Go in man us Golf

its young was brought to notieeUiring thevisitof an excursion purty to Aim-capaIsland oilthe const of California A young seal pup only a few months-old was brought awayfrom the island by littleKmcstWhitehead who desired to take it home for a pet short ly beshyfore sailing u large seal was noticed swimming around the sloop anchored

FOLKKUm Prince Albert Victor matriculates at

Cambridge this-year Pope Leo XI I I has sent a painting

from the Vatican as a gift to the Detroit ArtAssociation - ^ -

Professor Packard of Yale expects to leave soon for- Athjena -to teach in the American school there bull-

John Krowns shackles the ones xxsod on him at Harper s ferry are owned by George B Keusintpn of Boothbay Me

Mr and Mamps Tom Thumb were beshylievers in Spiritualism and would sit hours to receive communications from little Minnie Warren in the spirit land

George Bancrof t -Jared Sparks J G Palfrey and Richard Hildreth leadshying historical writers of America we$e all educated at Phillips tfxeter Acadshyemy

It is reported that ox-Mayor Isaac S Kalloeh late of San Francisco Cal intends to settle in Washington Territory and to endeavor once aga+h-4o make a new start in polities

Josh Billings is a native of Lanes-boro N H a n d there he hopes to be buried Ho has directed his children to mark the grjvve with a r o u g h stone from the quarry-Hear by

k ing Alfonso of Spa-lu wmila all the nations to take part in a grand eelebra tion in-Spainof the Columbian discovshyery of America andnot to hold the celeshybration uti Italy or America

Mr G K Bhvncbard^of Boston lias brought home from Paris the last wofk of Gustavo Dore It represents a grpup of ^Cupids playfully drawing back a curtain from before a mirror

A lineal descent of Brian Boru the last king of Ireland lives in Colorado and he h a king indeed H i s cattle cover a thousand hills and he is one of the cattle kingsof the West bull ^ H Wade is said to~be the richest

trnmin Cleveland O He made ins ntill innn hi- inrnrt inmii in rgtWiflph_

senger iuformednVh Sjmle wiio N lier shown fn7 r|L sitppcrejMr flould said she wlien youinpvfmy business vou will kill nw 1 ao t ac j raquog books v

But alter supio persuasifxujhi ourebtuied a vo l lumvand gave heiiajrfst of names of Jns friends to vhoru he [ thought she could sell Ilussull Sayo was the only one with whom she waif not successful

T h e Pope is now seventy-four says tlte London Globe a tall thin ivory-eotuplexibned man witk a benignant bullraquobulllaquo - - - - - r 1Jt bdquouAuk

1 bull i bull w hite w heat frimi w hkh tlmy umku their beflteraw expression andsnu lmg lips hearing the ^ 1 ^ V W S T K I gt Tu7gtriiui b o W n or stamp of indelible t i i m n e s s - t h e e ^ ^ bull

expfles^ sion of a man to bend but nevciTto break Some ono has aaid he has the mask of Voltaire but tins is nonsense There is none of the saturnine caducity the depressed mouth and prominent chin or spectral smile Leo XII I is tall he wears his yearb well walks up-rignt and thus raquoraquorylaquoraquoa tigtgt m^t of y s inches His hair is snow-white and naturally forms into a crown about his linely developed brow His long face is serene hrs- small eyes dancing with intelligence1 add to this a harmonious MOMorion vo i eo aind M w i d e k-nltnvlndltrn

of lansruages which he speaks with the correctness of a professor

bull raquo bull mdash - mdash

P o s t P r e s e n t a n d F u t u r e of W y o m shying

Lftfamio Dxuhoraiig mdash - bull ---bull Some writer has said-that no portion

of the globe is at this time so full of


UHlMEfti A JOlIXSOX Propr i r to in w i i to 1nuk(gt known to tlu-ir old nnd mm- ruraquotigtia n-^-tluit thiv iw iu)w proimn-il to do butter work of nil kiiwld iiitlieir line at Initfineas thitn ever befiraquorlaquo-Jluir mills having been thoroughly roftttpdtn^ ivpairodmuliniprovidmltBidn making it convenshyient for their euhtojiierti Hood raquohedlaquo for Uiampnn in connection with tlit MIMH TUey have now on hand over 5)00 hulaquolilq (if dry Bound rtraquod and

Hike i

uiuBtv wheat except forctidtoinerB anrtthnn It iw round on ncimrtita stone HIHI 1H)1UUI through 8opn

wi f i Llt Lut mgt fe

epi rate hwlts Tlioyo hiiyjiii Hour of them yruwn iirhmntjr rllaquonr Thouo hrin^in^ KrraquoetH of tolaquoK( dry sound whew wltt ood Hour and tuv8laquo briutfiny xrown or musty wheat muat expect flour from the same tliiy Iflo havt Beparaty bolta for buckwheat Aorn -11 bull fl^ mdashbull bullbull ^UU^^-Bons new improved l)ulaquotleraquoB Iron Corn iflRiera without extra charge They pay cash for all kindraquo of ijruin All pereoiiB having unsettled accorfnh with them at the mil are requested to call and pay the samo v -- mdash - -


made you he d id

A repliedthe priest as and so

-WILLIAM II VANDKRHIIT did a graec-hantling his 7Ttrt~nnd generous thing in

check for $gtO0O to the gtn-oprietor-of a hotel in theWhite Mountains to be dis-

tributed among the thirty qollege boys viwho are ticting as waiters there This

is one of the ways adopted by poor young men in-New England colleges to make a little money lor-the following year at the same time that they arc getshyting rhejjenelit of a vacation It is not tin easy part to play - t h a t of gentleshyman and scholar and waiter at the same t i m e and indeed a great many young men would rather not try it But Mr Vanderbilt s gift was

offthe cave where the capture was made uttering loud barks and U times howl-

was paid tothe annual at thetimeor to the little captive which at times barked in response to the old dams plaints The boat sailed away making for the Ventura shore When -offmdashSaa Buena-jcenttira aca lnx i i i the wind decreased the speed of the boat when a j a r g c seal was noticed near by gt

On reaching the wharf at Santa Barshybara a large seal was again discovered swimmingraquoabout the boatmdash Tn hot top secure the pup until daylight the rope was taken from its tin and it was tied up in a ju te sack and left loose on the sack Soon after coining to anchor the seal respoaded to its mother s invitation by casting itself overboard-a41mdashtied ifp~ as it was witliin a sack It is assorted-bv the man on deck-that the seal mother seized the sack and with her sharp teeth tore open the prison of her-oftsprmg

stocks when telegraph was only an ex periment and isnow well on in lift _ Miss Nellie Hunt daughter of ttrep American Minister to Russia was claim-cdTthtrmost beautiful of the coterie of American ladies at the coronation A

mighty possibilities orso rich in promisshyes for the future us the broad stretch of rich territory lying west of the Mississipshypi and this assertion comes as near the truth as a newspaper man dare get But a few years ago this portion of the Union was very -appropriately teamed a wilderness The coyotte squatt ing in the shelter of the umbrageous sage tree sang his tuneful lay and the cactus stood sadlv in the midst of the wide ~tX p HUSO of country known as the Laramie plains with no human being to love it and chershyish itmdashand sit down on it T h e very thought of an orphan cactus being dooni-od to ait in otornal ailenge with no kind vord or look for centuries and with no picnic party-anti no soft eyed young man-with ice-cream pants _on_ to come and nestle loYJmg]y_jlown_ington its fuzzy bosom is sad enough to draw tears

Paris paper describes her as fascinashytingly pre t ty

A line medallion -portrait of the late Marshall Jevyell has been made by Francis Bbull Watts a deaf-mute marble-cutter I t is said to- be an admirable portrait and was modelled entirely from a photograph

Frederick N W Crouch author of the-^ong7-uKa4We^n-^V4miuiecjiT^liiaa been rescded from paxilyJiy_al3veaIthy and ceeentric young Southerner James Marian Roche wrho assumes his name and supplies all the money that he needs

Cob Bob Ingersorrr-whois a very earn-Tst temperance man exprouood his opiil ioii ol tlie r ichly - t inished bar of the Huffman House New York Vhen he saw it thus This is tlroiUDStroTthodox sliow Ive soon You can deal out hell

from the eyes of-Bob Ingerstdl himseU mdashatthe usual Star Route pric-cr-- Until lately ytoo the Westerner who ventured across the Missouri Rifer was looked upon as a curiosity and the people watched him with apprehension for fear lie might be loadeth-7 Within the last half score of years however the West

----particularly this portion of it has wait-zshyed to the front and demanded recognishytion among the countries of the world andgot it too

- SOLDIEKS amp SAlLUKiv who were disabled by wouudH disease accident

orotlifflHvlaquoHgt-lhe-lograquo ot-u toe piles varicose veins chronic diarrluva rupture Uma of eight or ltigtar-ally BO) loos of hearing falling hack of ineaxllaquos rheumatism any disability no matter JtQKAKfMr gives you a pension Sew tind Honltx0Bhpoundtlt charyj Obtained Widows childre 1 ^ ^ ^ laquo aiirj-fatherij of soldier tlyiHg in rm M r ^ or afterwards from disease contracted or wtowfdreshyft ived while in jtho service are ^utitlWI to pOraquo-

laquoraquoion Rejected and abamlonedcUuiUB ispeciiutT BOUNTY BACK PAY AND HORSE CLAIMS CQI lWTEDgtv

INCREASE YOUR PENSION A pension can be increased at any time when

the disability warrants it As you grow older the woundtraa gradually undermined the constitution tho disease hart made you more hclplcvs fn some manner tho disabilityhas increased BO apply for an increase at once

L A M AND PATENT CLAIMS SOLICITED My eNigterteic ffrid betng hcre^Tit-heatrtrnart-erti

bull Hnable me to attend promptly toallclaims against the lioviminent tircitLirafree Address ritli tamp





l iraJiere and believe vou are in heaven wliilc voure doing it

bull proi)rfgtlt-^j ^ frac34 ltnv by the self-reliant -^riritrai3fV-gcntlbmaaly bcarmgiJoi_tliesfi 3oung men Tins is a proof- that they were highly successful in~tbis difficult role and is a remarkable compliment----a seUjxitific angler No perhaps the

boy will not clainnliat and it is hardly

N O T the least of the blessings which the Republic has conferred upon the

- French people is the great encourageshyment given to the cause of pppular edn-

mdashcation The^sehobl system has been so

This however is a mere conjecture If it did the little piip vlaquovs-KavoltUothcrwise it woiiid drown tied up in the sack The incident was the more interesting from the fact that the old seal had to follow the sloop at least eighty miles over the ocean in a hopeful -endeavor to rescue its vounar

S c i e n c o v s t h e Boy_ PeTk

An exchange says that l i e boy will claim that he -can-catch more fish than

Mr-llarnuni was in Montreal when he heardof Tom Thumbs death agd

-immediately telegraphed to (lie widow Dear J^aviiiia Yourself and family have my warmest sympathies Death is as much a part of the Divine plan as birth The Heavenly Father finally overcomes all evil with good His will be done1 -

Edgar A Foes oTcl home at Fordliam has been purchased b- Nelson Strong for $7500 This was- the house in which Foes^vifedied mlttlt whenshe

extended as to place whithin reach of of the massos far better educational fa

scientific angler let such a fisherman go out to the fish pond to - lish and when

cilities than the youth of~tne coun t r 4 J ) e hamps s a t a l i day i n the sun-emptiTcrhtot Schiller ftt-ttll^g the flask and has not caught a lish he ever before enjoyed A late and imporshy

tant f ea tm^c^ r t ^e^bv i - rhmgn ta r^ r an of public instruction is the creation of

lyGeums 6t colleges for young girlsmdash that is girlsJrojiLAve_lve to eighteen vears of agemdash in fourteen of the larger cities and towns It is anndunce^ that the State pays 1650000 francos for the building in which the 4 lyceum1 ih Parshyis -will be established French enshyterprise does not always go in the right direction but this scheme for the edushycation of girls is certainly commendashyble bull

ARKANSAS ha sno t contributed to-the world many of the valuable Inventions yf the dayj but by a stroke of genius i t has ijx rather amp novel manner become famous Lynching seems to have grown intt) a anrt of general if not legit imate

industry and the man who suggests any improvement in this summary process

of administering justice is a public ben-eiaetoiy treea has become too coinm teeh railroad br idg^s^a^o^te legraph poles are n^--aTwaygt-cJ)nvenient and

^Xraquo^fnknown in ttto-rural rrfbut they have overcome all

iaia nhitacles on Hurricane Creek by ^ gtraquo w w i w - i w uu x z u i m n n o w e e uy t r gt f l n r g f t n nUarly ft

r^ JiangtegHT mtin in Ma-Qgamp_doprvyax Qady in ih6 States j

necessary that he should But let the scisntific angler with a superb outfit of rods and reels and silk fish lines and gold-plated hooks and patent Hies the usual accompanying combination pockshyet tlask and other first-class articles TfiaTgOnoTmik^=tr|rtrtc=tmtfit of -tire

-A curious (jucstion concerning the identity of the corpse of the poet Schilshyl e r is be ing d^usj^ed in Germany and France Prof Wclckers of Halle after a careful comparison of the skull in the tomb at Weimar with the p las te r cas t

4^ftn^^invmfidiately after Sehilleija death has come~to the conclusion that

will quietly crawi around and commune with the bor who sitsTjivith a~iiattered strawhat on and one suspender his pants rolled up and both-feet dabbling in the Water The scientific angler will note that tbe-boy bas nothing in the-line of fishing-tackle except a tamarac pole a cotton fish-line one-cent hook and a

Tjakingj powder can full of angle worms but lie has a large string of fish for which he receives a good priee^frpm-thfi-scientitic angler who carries them triumphantly through town and tells the people wha t big_Jjarj^_Jie_Jhas bad No the boy does not 3ay he can catch more fish than thescientific angler the scientific angler does not safceo cither but the stubborn facts in the case stick out as prominently as a wart on a Roshyman nose

who Miss Rosalind A Young wno a couple of years ago wrote a n a r t r c l e abbi^t Pitcairns Island fo j^Ser ibners

^ fa theris pastor of jSrcjh^gn3 teacher of the

school anp^amptre Is orgamstana assistant e a c h e r r s h e is about twenty-six years

an377 wfltei^ar retired ^er-c^ptain who not long ago visited her at home she weighs two hundred pounds never had a shoe on her foot ana if necessary could swim off to- snip four miles from the island and back again to shore and then fco into jtfe litrtle church and play tbft organ nuarly ft^^ell as any youngs

was but irVyearsold and when ioc was too-poor to buy a blanket to put on_jhjjr_ bed She died in the middle of winter covered with a sheet and lier husbands -overcoat

The only objection to farming on thew-piains is tha t the 1laquo comes pretty high- -about 8000 feet The assertion however that there is al-wjamps a s e a breeze blowing aUliuteleva-l iorf j u s tmoving the leave) of the troc rnrrt blowing the cellars out friim TTTirtrr the houses occasionally is false True sometimes a whisper of wind springs up on the starboard jib and blows about doe -igt by lt^Hvv-wi^iLfu- an hour ov twoTbut nothing heavier than comer lots with big mortgages on -thenL bavt lie en blown away that we ever heard of

llaisilig cat t le is veniiu s chief inshydustry at this writing With-a good branding iron the huinbleTanclTTnancan get up a pretty nice little herdin a few years One man who went into thecat -tlo business up in the Sweetwater iVmr-orlivo years ago with an I ( mukvand a healthy branding-ironis now-wln-tlwt million He carried a charcoal furnace with him and hatlAhe brand tied to a rope He kept the iron hot and could throw it so as to leave his brand on every maver ick he saw if he could iret


the person buried in the ducal vault is

within twenty yards of it He just brand-= Trda l 1 th-e ~ctrt tre-rre eottld findmdashevery

spring and let nature tjike~lieTToTiTso I tell you pardsaid old J immy

Cannon the guide- to the writer recentshyly the Wesflras Ibst its romance On ly a little while ago r it seems t o m e where once there was nothing but the Whoop of the Tndinnjjid the song of the six-shooter now there are railroads and churches and commercial men and high schools andJhrec-card-monte men ana lecturers and daily news pap er s7 and every little while a na tura l death Wh-v within the pasf two months if the blasted papers tell the tnitbT^scTcral White Dog the famous old chief of

the_Ogalalla Sioux takes i3nuch interest in tornadoes and describes them in a- ~ bdquo peculiarly picturesque faahionUll his 4 U U B M would lwyo to move away When

n M e c a t c h ( u n d e r s t a n d - - c a t c h v v e ^ a v e ^ ^ frac34 1 - h n ^ n n g disease to iJ ig -Wind in

ow on) c-clone he says cloud Bampovrwigwammdashlvay off -Spit fire Make roar like five big herd bufshyfaloes -Always go thai w a y (pointing to the northwest) Me see plenty^ of ^ m more t h a n that many1 (counting twenty on his fingers-) When he-come Injun lie down on his beiley and gralgt soap-weed and grass Ugh Big wind

Having lived prosperously in Crajy^ fordsville Ind for several y e a r s ^ r e a

his circuni- stances warranted liHaT^in jaarrying and he acc^rdingTy coftrmlssioned his brothet^n^Germany to select a wife ^ oiseSt^gga Westphalian damsel

waschoraquoen7 ancF prompt ly islrtpped to this country Her destined lord and master went to Tpledo to meet her ~with some pert uibaiioii but the fraternal standard was found to be a good one bullThe -young woman is a p lump and pleasing person and thrifty withaU for she brought with her a stout chest filled with linen which she herself had spurn

A young woman went to sell a book to J a y Gould She hid it under her cloak and seemed mysterious No one but Mr Gould would d o she told the messenger Mr Gould was not in raquoSho would oooaraquo agaku^JShe k e p t calling daily until in despair the m

WARRANTED T O C l I R E bullwithout motiiclnomdashPain In thebmel hip


-blUtyyluraquoobalaquoraquo^geBraquora raquobull noursltrlB bullctpt

ecoi ihoklilnoTnkphiul dIleaceatorpid nrtaluul Gnli luui fmBotenr cqocv drraquop^nlaquolu cormtipotlun tton hrrnU or rupturb m t u r t i ptiea opU

oney tho

debility rampCTiTKutllaquoni puralyAlft noursltrlB raquoctptjclaquo diselaquogt ^ _ill_ver

uraquo fmbotenpy bullbullthinj bull torilaquo[potluiUr-erylaquolplaquo

i-uyturfc ltlaquotarrti pll in c i r

V l i i i n i u t i lcli i i

t iaw

ltr of tho CaENEBATITF ORfi l f l rr -nru l i w v I t ^ l l t v anlt n f B f r y c l o r t t bullWd-vlCQraquoS M alaquotlis ivenWnpujK- raquonil all tlgtoe dlaeaac oTaper-ironul Hfttuvc from ^fhatover cau^p tho continuous Hream of XalaquoiHtiMi penneatlmg through the piirUi ltm^treatofethom to a healthy action Tlitie iamp no Jiiiituiij tgtiut this oupUanco


TO THE LADIESmdash^H EibftugttlonI)laquo-raquopopiilftor^lth DUalaquoeof the Lly cr Kldnlaquoltvgt llvudMbe or Cold Weet Wfiak Ankh - -

nro afflicted with Khttumatlua Neuralgia tirrra

SwoUlaquoM or leraquo or Kwnllen Feet an Abdominal Belt

and npiilf of Magnotlc Voot BatterieBhave no superior In the rullof and rurfc of all these complaints They carry a powerful tna^aeUo force to Uio slaquoat of the dlampeaae

For L i n o Hack Weakneia of the BplnlaquotFaU-Hon and Ulceration of the W m b Incidental Han-orrhaceor Fleodlnff Painful SupDreaaed mad Ir-tflfPlarMfnitrwallun ltarrcuaea awdfhange of J3ra tali UUtQlleatApplUaoeaadOuratlregtAginfc Known

For all forms of Veniale DtfflenHlea 16 Is nnrar-rwmwtd hy anythlnif hnfnra InTented both M 6 curatlTO MKht and aa a source of power and TltallaatlOD FrtoetjfTlthcr Belt with Magnetics foot Batterte 110

Sent by exproswOOD and examination allowed or by mall on receipt of price In ordertng send measured waist and siie of shoe Remittance oaa bomadelncnx-renoy^sent in letter at our risk

ThejfAft^eton Ganrents are adapted to all agec are worn over the undurclothlnfT (not neit to the body like the many tialvnnlu and ElectrleHani Dae adrertlord no extcnrtveU) and ahonld be taken off at night Thfy-hnld tlxoirpoweromxrand areworn atall seasons of tbltynnr

Send Ht mp fo tljo Nlt-- irjnx-ture In Medical Treatshyment Without Medicine Willi tuouaandaof tonimc-

XSH MAGXJCtON AP5fiitNCRlaquoOii laquo18 atatlaquo St CltlcnKaiJli-

_ CK TllTtT

menfravircfiei t inWyoffi in^of disease I - t e l iyeuy it looks astliei^femdashus=damp14-

snufXus out i t s time to light out for the frontierv

W f c y ^ I e Did -Not S u c c e e d

Probably the most surprized man of tbe- season was the postmaster- ra t Orange this s i M a ^ w h o prepared to commit suiriclo^rt ieW gtdays ago H sehTMsV^ect_mantbTCev~Trsbon_for some niorpHnc to kill himself with

isJamily siivsnectingali was^not right -rftanged the morphine to quinine The doomed man took one of the powders and laid down to die Hi felt a buzshyzing in his head but death did no ^apshyproach with that rapidity he desired so jbu-gotjipandlQakajwULcr4raquoJKUeTi and lafd down with a feeling that death would soon relieve him of all troubles The buRAng in his head continued and after wait ing an hour on cieatn which did not arrive on schedule time he got up-about as m a d ^ mart its could found He got the balance of the rifira nrncnre^Ka minroHcopcLana efxampzn

tnem ^nd when he found tbey were c t of rel-

ined them ^nd when he-found only quinine the trifling lt

tiieiatter oyer for afe^v^aya^widthen shot himself in the h

alive at last accoun that the bullet h

he no doubt feels en chanltrg(1^-i the


at Win eh Mich

fTF^st^tm l l j gt IUCV ovv Pickno

ck-Headache dyspepsia Liver Complaint Indigestion Constipation

and PUflFr THE BLOOD N O T I C E mdash W i t h o u t a particle of doubt Zer-

PTOtts Pills are the most popular of any en theraar-a t i v e s ^ v a s Clear t o h i m lie t h o u g h f tet flaying been bofbrethepubUefw a qaartcref

a centnry and having always performed more than was promised for them i keymerit the tneoeM that

- As he was they hare Attained P r i c e a g e p e r For sale bf alhlragffiato

Kenuot ts Pills alwayg in stock at Wlncbels




mE O L D R E A D I N G C L A S S Miss Mer ry deer u t t e r e d a g r i in t of dissatisfaction

-If i t s l aw i t a i n t j u s t i c e said she bdquo bdquoraquo fumbl ing in t h e pocke t of h e r t a t t e r e d

V f f i e f ygtrn deg l u a d g c l M S -ampd c o a t - a g a r m e n t Which had evident -

1 cannot tell you tienevieve how oft it coaie to memdash


raquo r

That roife of elocution late who stood BO straight luiliM

And charged at standard literature with amla-W-WC tteeiaja bull bull bull bull ^ - - - - trade^gt

Wc did not spare the yjnerwln walefc our wwfds Were d a d i 1

We tore the meaning or thMext by raquo11 the Bght j t e 6dj i

But sTulT rear tne dbai tfBO wrote tbg How we read 60 irfe

Wndd scarcehmjlaquocolaquonl2ed their |tork In PUtiigt Nuaibei Tfcree $

Outtlde tbe snowwas smooth ifed- cleatmdash the tfuck-laiddupt

lade thji windows speak at every i s t bull - v -belle threw ua pleasant1 words

ivellers would paw Fees along the ralaquo-tlaquolaquoraquo4-laquohki--

thelr class X -Bcyoao the white browed cotftagee were uest-

MOK cold and dumb ^ bull l And far away tbe mighty world eeeme beck

oniog UB to comemdash r The womirous world of which we connep wbut

hadbeen aadijBlKbt he bull)bull I l a t b a t o l4 - | a ih ip^ rlaquo4 ing cfcssipfOistrlct ~~ tfrThree bull bull -Tt

at int^mdashitraquoJ^ampPp[r-gt Ijlauiesmdash_ iformly mispronounced the mostiiu-

bdquo - _ t a n t namesgt W |praquondered through Biography ami gave

our fancy play And with some subjects fell in lovemdashgood

only for one day In Romance and Philosophy we settled many a

-point ^ And made what poems we assailed to creak at

every Joint bullbull And many authors that we love you with me

will agree Were first time introduced tiTus In -District

Number Thr4icraquo mdash

Tourecollect Sueannah Jirnith the teachers sore distress

Who never stopjltcd at any pausemdasha Fort of day express

And timid young Sylvester Jones of inconshysistent sight

Who stumbled on the easy words and read the hard ones right J

And Jennie Green whose doleful voice was always clothed in blacks

And Samuel Hicks whose tones induced the plastering all to crack lt

And Andrew Tubbs whose various mouths were quite a show to see

Alas we cannot find -them now in District Number Three -mdash r

And Jasper Jenckes whose tears would How at rach pathetic word

Hes in the prize-fight business now and bits them hard Ive heard)

AndBenny Bayue whose every tone he tnur deguntred as in fear

(Hi3 tongue is not so timid now he is an mdash^laquoitct4ouecrgt

ly been cu t down from a juansj u ls ter bullThere as t r ue as you l i v e r t h a t there d ime has fell out a n d go t lost in the w o o d s -

T h a t s nonsense 1 said Del ia t a r t ly bullTen h u r r y I c a n t

s t and here in thUjwindlall n i g h t t i t r b lun t ly s-irok

o u t t h e old c rone N o t w i thou t

Del ia reso lu te ly

cur ious ] dove o r a f e d TaWflii foT nil1 l l ial I k n o w

S h e l aughed b u t t h e r e w a s a cer ta in ve in of ser iousness t h a t u n d e r l a y all her m i r t h so Lill s t a r e d o u t in the g r a y M a r c h af te rnyon wi th l i t t le flurries of s n o w p r i c k i n g h e r c h e e k l ike frozen needles e v e r a n d a n o n a n d t h e f lmpy frost c r ack l i ng u n d e r h e r feet whi le some few paces beh ind t r u d g e d J e b o r shya m c h a r g e d to look as l i t t le as possible l ike a n escor t ~

bullFor nobodymdash k n o w s sa id Dolia L e t m e p a s s - w h a t t h e old wi tch m a y t a k e offense

the t e a j e e n t a J L j s a i ^ B u t to contois TEe t r u t h Li l t I ve pa r raquo o rde r s

a n d tirnrst s t i ck t o c m If you haven t -

And LantyfWood whose vftrg_wa just enshydeavoring hard to change

^ATnl leapedTrn-nuodfSTFH) fiercely shrill with most bullsurprising range Also his sister Mary Jane 80 full of prudish

frlccj -Alas theyre Both In higher schools than Dis-

t r j e tyamber Three ~ ^

^o back thesevarious voices come though long the years have grown

distinct through-Aud sound uncommonly Memory a tolophonc mdash r

i] rif)mynrfraquo fnhtf rnplo^v iunl_brlutr a sense of cheer bull ^ mdash

And some can smite the nick of time and summon forth a tearV

-VJ1 l y ^ - f t W J ^ h o r r t frmtrgtv hfl^k t ^ 111 WllfMI-ever ad I grieve

And sings a song and that is less Genevieve

It brightens up the olden timt M t i i l e a t t H e mdash mdash

A-sthfr star amid the clouds of District Numshyber Three bdquo _

- W I L L CAJJLETlaquo)N Srjftmbev

pot tlie m o n e y you m u s t JJ-JO a r o u n d by the mill road 1 -V

H u t t h a t s four mi les f i i r tOer sa id the old w o m a n despa i r ing ly A n d N e d d y ^ d e a d t i red a n d so a m I And i t s i r rowih colder eve ry m i n u t e a n d these Marcji winds is h a r d on my rhe t i m a t i c s

bull You sjjould have t h o u g h t 4 t i t h a t beshyfore 1 sAid Delia indifferently -mdash

I)ejjamgtsliy d o n t ytfn le t h e r p a s s whispered LIU SHOS so old a n d mdash

bull O l d pet t i sh ly r e p e a t e d Del ia JVhy s h e s t he w o r s t old b a r p y in

-V63 f r i gh^nor l whwtj fr|1(5 e n t e r e d tho l i t t le A t t n _ at laquo^laquolaquo ri gt n k i i Ak-raquo]T rgt -raquo r ^raquo laquo i r l t i si l i one - s to r i ed cab in ono side of wliich w a s al l awrV wi th t h e forei^bf m a n y a w i n t e r s t empes t in whose low-ceiled a p a r t m e n t old Miss M e r r y d e e r lay dyshying mdash

bullbullIs it m y b o u n y gir l r i f ie said liftshyi n g he r g l a n c e to thlaquo~njgw c o m e r s face i c s i t s she as g a v e m e t h e d ime Out of he r o w n pocke t she gave it to me E v e r y o n e else t u r n e d the i r backs upon


In a T b e I m p o r t a n t F a r t I t P l a y e d M y t t e r l o u TQurder

Jacksonville (Flo) CorN- Y Mail

Arch iba ld V Newton a y o u n g m a n

who be longs t o a w e a l t h y family w h i c h

s t ands h igh in E n g l a n d has jus t been

cenvic ted in O r a n g e C o u n t y of the m u r shy

de r of S a m u e l McMil lan T h e case w a s

sensa t iona l and w h e n the j u r y o r o u g k t

in the verdict W e find the p r i sone r gu i l t y a s c h a r g e d in the m d i c t m e n t t

t a t ious noise

m e a n d l a u g h e d to see the old witch go by N o one ever g a v e m e a n y t h i n g beshyfore but sneers a n d curses For what^ g o o d to a n y b o d y was o ld wi tch Merry- deefc B u t s h e t o o k p i ty on herTiOrd

p romised hor t h ree he r m y heiress

g a t e w n n osien- u laquo vgt ^ ^ ^ - ^deg rne here p re t -AM M l s f M e r r W e was t y ^ n c a n d P u ^ gtur h a n ^ ^ i m t

But crv^rr-a^-litTrtottchlaquotr-4te^war-ui s lowly a n d r e luc tan t ly t u r n i n g the don- 4 r J _ i_i -f_^bdquo_i -v-_ T u p a l m to t h e old c r o n e s fast p u r p l i n g

handt_she g a v e a q n i c k g a s p turned k e y s d r o o p i n g h e a d a r o u n d wben Lil l hor te r f tjaTflifSa^he r e scue

S t o p a minu to i Miss Mer rydee r - said she Here as a t en -cen t piece I t s e e m s s u c h a pHylfor yot t and the poo r o l d d ) 5 h ^ y ^ o ^ g o ^ f t r i r T O ^ d - i t h i s - b i t - t e r cold n igh t bdquo A n d mdash a n d you can p a y m e the nex t t ime vow come this w a y

E h sa id Miss M e r r y d e e r shri l ly bull Who a r e y o u

over a n d d i e d Lil l c losed he r eyes t ied up the poor

old tooth less j a w s wi th h e r scented p o c k e t fcandkerchiefV-erossed the hands orTThJ pus le less bfei is t a n d verrFltor5e aga in l eav ing J e b o r a m to do w h a t hlaquo

^rm1fll^afd-tfao- f ie ld s n iece f rom O m a h a

bullWell k ind Anil


A h said the old w o m a n w h o e v e r you be y o u v e done a a n d merc i fu l deed this n ight you H g e t y o u r r e w a r d for it too I tell y o u r f o r t u n e once m o r e s topshyp i n g t h e donkey as he was half-way t h r o u g h the to l l -ga te to Del ia Penridds i t t t tn i tc d isgust O h yes juycra charm-W o t h i t l ive in t h e w o o d s fmdbdquogubdquotma a spell t h a t o t h e r folks k n o w n o t h i n g of We l l here it I s THrec^bod gujts for you T h e r e s a lover coriiingjtheres a gift of m o n e y coming a n d there s a ^ear-eorgtseieBelaquo-4fcgt g o t o bed upon- this [l i^M ( iood-bye-7-good-bye

A n d t h e donkey t r o t t e d a w a y over thc f foxe t^Toad his hoofs r i n g i n g likn miTllledSbeHs whi le Deliamdashadjusted the b a r s w i t n a l augh a u d both g i r l s r a i r I m r r i o d l y b a c k t o t h f t g l o w a n d shelter of the i i re l ighl

Ts she c r a z y sa id Iill earnestly N o t half so c r azy as vyu ftere to

iiffton tomdashll^rmdashs-mt Dnlia I t s nld Miss M e r r y d e e r Every ojio knows


birch a ruTdr icc rpenny- roya l b u n c h e s in h e r dress c u i i o u s r e m e m o r a n c e s of old Miss Mer rydee r

T h e y bur ied h e r on the moLintainside in a qua in t l i t t le g r a v e y a r d where the cows g r a z e d a t will p i c k i n g the i r way jaa iohg t h e m o s s - g r o w n tombs tones and w h e r e t h e Ien^e h a d Ions- ago fallen to r u i n s a n d peop le l a u g h e d at the idea of

i l l J enr i t ie id beicir cons t i tu ted heitess

vours lt gt peer-

uud throvs a

ill lI)]Kix JlilijirUti bull 4r



co in ing

L i l l Li l l r u n to The re s some one road

Lill Poni ie ld s t a r t e d to Jior a l ac r i ty t i ius ruthiessTv

dttor-mdashlt|uiek4 owiK the

her She go woods a n d bails t l iem intfgt d r i n k a -

tcet with d e s t r o y i n g all

t he br ight visions which had bui l t them-bull e l v t v u p a r o u n d the g l o w i n g logs in the d e e p ch imney ^

H o w m u c h is it for a foot passeng-t iivisaid she ca l l ing tjp tlumdash n a r r o w woodou s ta i rway

- B u t i t i sn t a foot |gtassenger i r r i t shya b l y re to r ted Delia wi th h e r i u p u t h full

of ha i rp in s Vdt^ uld Mis-s Meiigtdefry wi th he r d o n k e y car t T e n c e n t s

I t Was a ^ t o r t n y M a r c h sunset red a a d t h r e a t e k i n g a f o n g t l v c w e s t wi th a frozen b r e a t h of icicles in the air a n d

c a r t seomed to a d v a n c e t h e tolldigaise

look ing wi th sur j ) r ised ieyey~rt

bullThere a r c families a r o u n d he re thu t wou ld r a t h e r have old Miss M e r r y d e e r in s ickness t han a n y o the r d o c t o r in town And she s a nu r se too and s o m e th ink tha t she sees and hears more t h a n o t h e r p e o p l e

H o w old is s h deg A h u n d r e d at l e a s t said Delia

-NovTeTns iiirtke liasc -and g e t - the-t e a r e a d y for Pa-wi l l be half frozen w h e n h e c o m e s mdashmdash i mdash 1 WTimtoEHf m y t l v r e e go^wl gifU will come t r u e said Lill laughing

O h unltloubtedIy De l i a -answered wi th the most m a r k e d sa t i re

B u t Delia-Penticld her p r i sed mdashabout -amdashweekmdashs w h e n a l e t t e r a r r ived for Lil l f rom t h e lad she left behind her

W h a t d o you th ink Li 11he wro te I a m c o m i n g ^castT l ~ m i i coTriinjrto

could-for the w a t c h e r s and a t t e n d a n t s And as she whlked she -carried the s t r a n g e a r o m a t i c odor s of p ine and

of the d e a d bullJUh

t i g h t e n o u g h hflcld


appoarod utraquo Sftniotd) b o a n o g iraquo f rom Mr ( i r ay one of the L o n d o n stock ho lde r s to J E G r a h a m the m a n a g e r of the Sanford C o m p a n y N e w t o n was m e n t i o n e d in the le t te r as a n e p h e w of Mr G r a y and M a n a g e r G r a h a m w a s au thor i zed to pay h im 8S3 pe r m o n t h Newton a youth of fino a p p e a r a n c e a n d p leas ing m a n n e r s was f)opular_atdirst b u t his g o o d repu ta t ion w a s soon blastshyed T h e r e were reasons to suspec t him of forger ies a n d then caijio n^ws t h a t hGvhad left E n g l a n d because of a n out shyr a g e aga ins t Miss Pol ly l i owron Sub shysequen t ly he sent money to E n g l a n d for K a t e Bowron a sister of his a l leged vic t im a n d mee t ing he r i n N e w Y o r k marr ied her and t h e couple r e t u r n e d to C r y s t a l L a k e O r a n g e County

^ Whi lQ lh l s was go ing on ano the r topic of suspicion p resen ted itselfrThereliv~

bulled in O r a n g e County n e a r Crys ta l L a k e a m a n -named Samue l McMil lan who bore t h b - r e p u t a t i o n of being v miser a n d w a s supposed to ca r ry a l a r g e sum hi m o n e y on his pe r son He- o w n e d a

-ya luablc g rove the sale - of which he Was nego t i a t ing with N e w t o n who-wi th his wife lived n e a r by N e w t o n -knew the habi t of McMil lan of e a r n i n g money On S a t u r d a y evening - Sep ten ibe r gtn McMil lan was last seen alixe_4nst a l t e r sunset in c o m p a n y wi th Newton walkshying t o w a r d Newton s house H e never r e t u r n e d to h i ^ h o m e a n d af te r some days his ne ighbors became ahxioftVand ins t i tu ted a search for h im On the 17th d a y of O c t o b e r j i i s headless body was found in Crysta l L a k e pa r t l y cohsvimed by fishes A r o u n d the waist was a rope t o which was suspended a sack i n wh ich w a s found a n iron p o t full of nlails A few days l a te r t he h e a d o-f-the-murdered m a n was found n e a r the SAIUT spo t trnd

k c q i airnji frrum Oboun ltoi I d o a H w m t j mdash you to ea tch i t mdash N e w Y o r k Mail and E x p r e s s


An I n c o n c e i v a b l e T o r t u r e ol t h e O r i shye n t

Paris Letter

T h e A n n a m e s e h a v e b r o u g h t the Scishyence of l impa lemen t to a m u c h finer po in t t h a n m i g h t be i n f e r r e d - J r o m t h e process herptofort- ^escribftfL _ A J ^ p ^ bliicer who wi tnessed an execut ion irT T o n k i n before t h e r e c e n t t roubles g ives thoro was m u c ^ - G x o i t r m p n t i n the c o u r t fc ^ ^ t _^ bdquo _ _ J

B l i t a l t e r all w h a t does it a m o u n t to Ah old hovel c r a m m e d chuck full of y a r b s a n d roots twent ga l lons o ilaquooot beer four dozen bot t les of ague cure tihat n e v e r y e t c a r e d a n y b o d y and four acres of l a n d Wtth t h e ^tones so close t o g e t h e r o u t t h a t even tlhe sheep c a n t ge t t h e i r i i o s e s - d o w n to browse -Vxr tmrcTrof a fo r t in fteeordlng-tomv ^ a v s o t h i n k i n g

B u t she m e a n t k ind ly toward me poor thing 1 1 sa id Lil t^soft ly A n d iiil l innnnco T oravf hftr^-q d i m e 1

The next af ternoon however Lncie -timiiiill f nne back from tpwn_vith a b e a m i n g face ~~~

L o o k he re L i l l said he - You ve go t the for t in af ter_al l W h a t il ye t h i n k Old witch M e r r y d e e r had eight h u n d r e d dolhuvs in t h e sav ings bank A n d i t s yours have belived the re was t h a t much money to be m a d e out of roo t s anil y a r b s

E i g h t h u n d r e d d o l l a r s cried Delia ~TiRm=brR r-eftn-^onugiug^to her feet

niaiiy j o m Ca tesby after all when he comes o a s t

I or to these s imple-people e ight hunshydred do l la rs signified a for tune bull So this g e n t l e - n a t u r e d heroine inher-

j t ed the throe good gifts after all Tom C a t e s b y canae eas t a n d set u p life as a-

t h e very-Siirno pnrt of thp c o u n i r v w h e r e vou a re Do you k n o w t h e old r e d mi l l Wel l ( i r iel H a l l h a s bough t it a n d w o - a r e to r u n it in p a r t n e r s h i p A n d w h e n we have saved a l i t t le m o n e y Or ie l is co in ing b a c k west for t h e g i r l h e is e n g a g e d to a n d I -we l l Lil l you

-i bull i k a o w tho rest I t m a y be severa l yea r s h i f t o k m m ^ H l s ^ ^ ^ b u t w e 3 m E t d B -t h r o u g h which old M i s s M e r r y d e e r s nr~enuy ut i e n o u g h for me p re sen t dea r it will be

to be n e a r y o u

A R a b b i s D i l e m m a A wel l kr town R a b b i of

i n v i t e d to the J o l i e t pen i t en t i a ry to ad-tmfcK-^ theJ4r -eraquo5 tiie-^conviipta lit^t S a b b a t h T h e

seated is-the^

as LiM4Rit r ad i an t ly d r eami^g ove r t h e let-

bullnnt old yyoman w h o s a t o n n h e a p ^ t A m i t h f t - e l G a r consc ience we l l branehes-and-AvdiiplwiditpiLphleg- - U I

onkey i f t^roct of her y o u r e a l w a y s r e a d y e n o u g l i t o

11 s a rcas t i ca l ly r e m a r k e d old Miss f leer as the d o n k e y ca_me to a h a l t ih front of t h e tb l l -bar Now-

t h e n y o u n g - w o m a n ( t o Lil l ) why^a in t I t o be al loyed to g o o n

T e n cent jplefieV s a i ^ Ltl l t imidshyly h o l d i n g o u t he r h a n d wi th a l t - t ha t she -had ever r ead d r e a m e d or h e a r d

iat Avitphes c o m i n g back in to her the a i g h t o f t h e yel low old face

wWh i ts f r inge of w h i t e elf-lock^ t h e tejoak a n d the nose t h a t was hooked

J f e n c o D deg amp i U v s l m c amp d o l d m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ Z Merrydee r A n d for w h a t I should l ike to k j i o w

f t^1r t$e^t t -gate p l e a s e ^ oxplftuibd JLAI w i sb ing m o r e t h n o v o r t h a coustD Would come d o w n a|aiitAr ^ -_mdash

I cUnt k n o w a n y t h i n g abot i toll bull g a t e s sa id Miss MerrydeorY S t a n d Aai^6 a n d lo t tun go thiougfa T h e road w a s h e r e 1 6 frac34 before t h e y o U f U ^ n f l 1 o l l ^ 5 ^ ^ b - laquo y ^ g a t e I t s s w i n d l i n g mdash t h a t s w h a t it-is-G e t u p N o d d y

She se t t l ed heiself b a c k a m t t e g the g r een s p r u c e Doughs and p r o t r u d i n g roots-with HIT a i r o x de te rmi t i a t ion a n d c h i r r u p e d to h e r d r o w s y s teed as i f she mean t o r ide rough - shod over

t a m e runn iRg down-s ta i r s arid the ba r back- to i ta p lace

-Twn ntB MffTlaquoJMffffyjgg] she l a w

said o r you c a n t -pass T h a t s the

t a k e ior g r a n t e d Now T if only- old wi tch M e r r y d e e r bdquowould s u p p l y t h e m o n e y J should r ea l ly be l i eve in h e r

bullI g u e s s said J e b o r a m H a w l e y the h i r ed jriattT-who 4iad--laquoome in a t t h i _ m o m e n t with a pot of g lue to w a r m ovor the k i t c h e n stove t h a t o ld Miss Mer shyr y d e e r w o n t s u p p l y m a n y m o r e t h i n g s in th is w o r l d S h e s a t d e a t h s d o o r w i t h pne i imonv T h a t s w h a t I v e h e a r d ~

I s she poor old t h i n g said-Dlaquo4iA care less lv T a k e ca re J e b o r a m d o n t spi l l t h a t g l u e

S h e s trot a l awye r s c i e rk t b e r c a

il ler wi th Lill a t che household he lm A u d of cour se they l ived h a p p y ever after W h o ever h e a r d of a pair of t rue lovers t ha t d id o the rwi se W h i l e the n e i g h b o r s all m a r v e l e d cxeccdingly-rand-r e n i a r k e d wi th va r ious nasa l inflections

a b u l l e t hole was discovered in the b a c k of his sku l l O n t h e b ra in s be ing re shym o v e d a bullet d r o p p e d out w h i c h a p shyp e a r e d to fix exac t ly a pis tol N e w t o n had borr owedi rom a ne ighbor n a m e d Tr i t e Th i s wastbe--ngtystery of C r y s t a l L a k e -

Lilt t h a t t ime Newton_became ihisli of inoneV H e said tha t bis - wife s

s3iit h im rnonev H e saiil t ha t bi

r a m e T B b w r c n 1 a d~ b r o t h e r 823000 wi th which to buy an orani ie g rove on the l ake He wis suspec ted of themdashmunLer_ _oi McMil lan - however a n d was brought before J u d g e C u c k c a m a n no ted as a m e m b e r of t tie F lor ida

sunse t

T h e F l o r i d a S h i p C a n a l

CiniiuijatiTirne s^t a r - ^ - - -Pe r sons p r o m i n e n t l y couuijittcd ^ith

t h e en te rp r i se arclfrec to ay tha t t h e p r o p o s e ^ F lo r ida s h i p cana l will be coix-s t ruc tedf T h e feasibi l i ty of the p ro jec t appea r s to have been d e m o n s t r a t e d Gene ra l S tone w h o has conduc ted -~wi -STrrve-aTtd~wtrrr-^qiF -^ u bulljerint^Mul -thci cons t ruc t ion of t h e cana l iu-ease-4l ieuro-c o m p a n y decides to g o a h e a d - w r r h - t h c work is a m a n whose opinion on such mat te r^ ia va luab le Hfr a s se r t ] conii

hT t iou of H1T2 t r i a r occu r r ed v for the-proserjiuiwri wa lked down the a is le followed lw a-meduim-sied d a r k -ha i red w o m a n evulen t ly a foreigner

1 deehireTTiever^ w ^ d t ^ ^ l t e s t p n n g e r g o t abreiv^U)i Mr gtew-to r f she t u rned amvpe-orcdvirtto her face say ing W h y Ka^e T h e pr i soner as he looked up and recognized the -woman liliiamphiid unt i 1 i t sce^ii( d the blood would burs t from nis neLkTrnd_--iiliXadis whi le Mrs N e w t o n turnei l dcTatinV pale a u d r e m a i n e d several seconds with uptifrnet face a n d half-open-qips as if petriilcuT by amazement- Tiijebull-bullpresence- oX-this w o m a n in Amer ica was a comple t e surshypr ise to the defence as t h e counsel for N e w t o n subsequent ly a d m i t t e d in open court mdashHer-to-Uimoiiv wa^ l i s t e n e d - t o

a n d w a g g i n g - o f t h e head t h a t r t~was m o s t e x t r a o r d i n a r y bu t old Miss M e r r y d e e r a lwaj s w a s q u e e r

Chicago was

p r i sone r s ^^en seareo i s - t n e spae tous c h a p e l and the R a b b i a rose to g ive his discourse J u s t t h e n it o c c u r r e d to hingt X n a t l r w ^ s i t vxrry^Tderricate m a t t e r - t o add re s s his aud i ence as he wished lo

wi th brea th less in teres t I t was to the effect t h a t the Bowron family had n bulli25inthegtyoiidJluuch less yen 2 o p o i y t b inves t in o range g r o v e s r - T u a t hacKbeen the a ia in pqintrpf the de fense -^ to a c o u n t for Nesvton s n ioney aifege^r to have been sent by t h e wealjy brother in- law The Eng l i shwo a n con t i rmed

rairiaipon Pol ly

ered m a p h a d e t r i a l Dr Kins

the s tory of N e w t o n s o Bowijom

M c M i l l a n - i k e m v coarse r e o V b a i r ^ A t W y l l y t e s t i r ^ l t h a t hemdashhad f o u n d i n blood spots^oTiTi h a n d k e r d i i e f T o u n d in I S e w t o n V p o c k e t t h e morning a f t e r the m a r d e r a e m g l e - j e i L h i i i r The h a n d -kerolfief w a s e x a m i n e d las t Oc tobe r by

s p r e t ^ e m humi l ia t ion by ca l l ing thcln I-Df Wyl ly H e testified t h a t a t t h e hrst J ^convicts^ Snid h e 1 do no t k n o w h o w tb add re s s youmdashyou people If say Fe l lowCi t i zens - t h a t w o n be r i g h t I f I s ay G e n t l e m ^ don i fKnow^f I w o u l If I s ay M i n e E r i e n d s th a (lead give a w a y to mine Q o n v i c t s yon d o n t s h o u l d smile So d ings a n d vou

wou ld be If I say

lat some I

ali fust say nud--

be p k a s e d a t

a m H e s to t ake ou t his p a y in four bo t t l e s of A g u e S p r u c e C u r e a n d a g a l shyl o n o j roo t beer B u t l a w t h e r e a in 5 d ^ c ^ s n l ( H t 7 raquo r T C r - d ^ laquo gt on a b roomst ick somo d a v o r disajspear

T h e nex t day howeve r oarne a t a t rmyltl l i t t le m e s s e n g e r to t -he to l l -houso

mdashX U l t L M i s s M e r r y d j

bullyoung w o m a n as

dot I _ k j ^ y 2 _ ^ Q i d I ^ n X ^ f t o r fellgw d o w n a m i d dea fen ing

f rom t h e i n m a t e s

w a n t s to see t h e ie g ive the t h r e e

good gifts ^ o sa id he r o l l i n g his oof-fee-colored eyebal l s a r o u n d I m to show h e r do way bull Bight off p l e a s e

Lill l ooked at Del ia in a m a z e m e n t a l l laquopp S h a l l I g o sa id she O h sure ly

position tm^- jus t here De l i a PenliWtf I o u g h t

perspir ing r o a r s of Chicago^

If t M Rabbi h a d said F e l l o w H u -ttlabullargtBeings he eoulcTTrave s t a r t ed

on w h a t he h a d to say wi th no em-a r r a e s m e n t to himself o r to the poo r

fel lows w h o a r e c a g e d u p a n d -who some t imes fee h o w h a r d it is for a n y shybody t o say a k ind word to t h e m If

Hire R a b b i h a d n o t h i n g to s a y a n d d i d n t k n o w h o w to say i t h e shou ld h a v e k e p t a w a y mdash H u n d r e d s of m e n w h o ( d o n o t k n o w half a r T i m c h as t h e Rabb i h a v e g o n e to the p r i sons a n d by the p r o m p t shyings of the i r w a r m h e a r t s a n d the i r IOVQ for m a n k i n d h a v e been enab led to say words of c o m f o r t t h a t h a v e b r o u g h t tcars to the eyes of m e n who -tfe sq-ffier-i n g mdash ^ u n w h m e n t for c r ime mdashPock s S u n _ __bull

mdash - - bull bull

svvung t I t s a lonely s p o t s a i ^ D e l i a mdash u p in the woods w i thou t a n e i g h b o r s house i n s i g h t J e b o r a m h a d be t t e r i o l l o w

t i t t l e riintnnpn -Did w i t ch v o r n r t

( M e r r y d e e r may t r r rn you in to a w h i t e

c rys t a l Suppos ing t h a t he m i g h t have scra tchedmdashhis fingor and -caused th c rys t a l to g e t oh t h e handke rch i e f he w o u i d - n o t accept a a ^ i L j ^ M n c j B _ l h a t t h e r e was blood t h e r e His last exami shyna t ion revea led t h e blooltl co rpusc le s ve ry dis t inct ly a n d u n d e r the m i c r o -scope h e d iscovered ^ s i n g l e t e d h a i r mdash a

ie g r o u n d a s firmly as a t e l e g r a p h po le a n d wi th t h e u p p e r p a r t a c h a i r of i ron h a v i n g an ori i ice in the c e n t e r of t h e sea t i s conshynec ted T h e po in t of t h e s t a k e fits t h e orilice in the chai a n d t h e l a t t e r is l ow- e r e d or ra ised by m a c h i n e r y set is m o -i ton^by a-cratrkmdashso t h a t suventrifEelr-of-t be pole can be forced t h r o u g h the body of any one sea ted in t h e cha i r T h e r e is a lofty p la t form r i s ing t o t h e s a m e h e igh t us the pule a n d j - e a j d i e d b y a lad-- der T h e execu t ione r compd^CsT^jyic-t i m to m o u n t a n d t a k e his sea t in the cha i r whe reon he is i m m o v a b l y cha ined T h e n the c r a n k is t u r n e d for ty o r fifty t imesmdashthe s t a k e b e i n g bur ied fu r the r a n d fu r the r in t h e c r i m i n a l s body at each t a r n bdquo

All thisbdquoappeursMiniitterablably horshyr ible to Europeens bu t the Or i en ta l s a re no t cons t i t u t ed as we a r e T h e y fea r o rd ina ry forms of d e a t h ve ry l i t t l e a n d decap i t a t ion o r h a n g i n g has as litshyt l e t e r ro r s for t h e m as t h e W o r k H o u s e for the common A n g l o - S a x o n crimina_L_ Moreover the i r n e r v o u s sys temmdashespecshyially t h a t of t he Chinese and k ind red racesmdashis not a l t o g e t h e r simrlai to the n e r vouamp_^ysJ^urolLAy iaa__r aeW_ T h e _ F r e n c h omeer w h o witnessedTthei m e t h o d of execut ion above desc r ibed avers t h a t the c r imina l c o n t i n u e d tobdquoeat a b a n a n a unt i l the opera t ion w a s half comple t ed

bulland m a n y t r a v e l e r s concu r in b e a r i n g evidence thftt the Chinese exh ib i t u n d e r t o r t u r e a deg ree o f f o r t i t u d e equa l if not super ior to t h e well k n o w n s toic ism -

-of the -Amer icnn I n d i a n l i n t i_t_k_rather s t r a n g e to l ea rn t h a t the p a r ^ o f t h e i ron m a c h i n e r y used in the i m p a l i n g process r e f e r r ed - to bears t h e t r a d e - m a r k of a F r o n d I -i ro raquo- m as l er

assert1 dentlyLhat the t l igg ing of this w a t e r -

- way jw41 rprovo a ggtod iftVcstmen-t f o r The c o m p a n y -alaquo4mdashoi__juiit_-beneiit ) c o m m e r c e A c c o r d i n g to geiun^irStpTiT-r the es t ima ted c o s t - - h e witholdsTU-etig-ures Tor the prcscuT -- is m o d e r a t e in compar i son to the a m o u n t of business that awai t s the canal l i r e reason for his fai th in t h e c n t c r p r i s e n r a y be s t a t ed in a few w o r d - The cana l it U claimx-d would save^rrom three to Vev-en (lays tim3 fo r allTTie s f e a hie r-T ah i r sa i l ing vessels 2 y i n g into and ou t of the (itiTf of Meicolt Th i s m e a n s a d i rec t sav ing to cip-h vc^raquoef in sa lary ai id-ruu-Hp-inj|-t-^^es of_about 1gtUU Bcsiilts the miyigat ion t h r o u g h the F lo r ida Stra i t^ is exceedLngly dange rous a n d thcynnnual losses frohi w r e c k a g e a re

fOrmojjji On tliis bulluVonni if js e i t i - _ the c a n a l w o u l d save from one and a half p e r e e i U u n i n s u r a n c c -f course w i t h increased-safety of

nav iga t ion a ntf lcrwer cost t he i r a l l i c CTTgtT

w h i c h n o w m a k e s use of the G u l f would l a rge ly inc rease Gen Stonje beshylieves t h a t w i t h i n a very shor t t ime afshyte r tlie comple t ion of the cana l you will find t h a t a very l a r g e propor t ion o f t h c ^

-g ra in and co t ton of the Wes t a p d N o r t h -west t h a t now goes E a s t b y r a i l wou ld come down-the-Miss iss ippi and t h r o u g h t he canaL a n d t h e a b s u r d i t y i -f ---driving ca t t le from T e x a s a w a y u p to K a n s a s and A r k a n s a s to bo t h e n c e s h i p p e d by xai l -J j jL_Easiern maxkAt_slgtr^laquold a l so

T h e r e is no en terpr i se now con-in p r o g t e s s t h a t w o u l d

cease t e m p l a t e d o r _ t -

x a m i n a t i o n h e iounltl a s ing le b lcgtod-^oniex-gr^a te i~4w^eHt5-4r^on-ahc_cQm^

W h e n t h e d o g a

coa r se r ed hai r T h e defense fough t t h e case p o i n t by poin t tmt t h e drift w a s agair is tr t h e m a n d w h e n N e w t o n sa id t h a t h e h a d b o r r o w e d T r u c u piutol to shoo t a n a l i g a t o r t h e aud ience l a u g h e d

W h e n the j u r y c a m e in a n d gave t h e verd ic t one could have h e a r d a p i n d r o p All t h e whi le N e w t o n h a d been ne rvous shyly t w i t c h i n g his m o u s t a c h e W h e n the verd ic t was read ou t he d r o p p e d his h e a d a n d d e a t h l y pa l e wh i l e a s l igh t t r e m o r passed t h r o u g h his f r ame H e then sudshyden ly j u m p e d up a n d seized his h a t i q r -g e t t i n g tha t - the c o u r t h a d n o t a d j o u r n e d but p re sen t ly con t ro l led himself a n d r e -immud his sea t mdashHis raquoif qu i e t for a few m o m e n t s t h e n a few t e a r s t r i ck led d o w n her c h e e k s a n d s h e g r a s p e d hor h u s b a n d s a r m convuls iveshyly b u t beyond this she showed no e m o shyt ion J u d g e Ctfcke p r o n o u n c e d the vershydic t -of d e a t h

mc rce of the w o r l d t h a n the F l o r i d a -eanaK or t h a t cou ld d e p e n d - u p o n

a l a r g e r b u s i n e s s P e r h a p s Gen -amplone in his e n t h u s i a s m for the s c h e m e ^ magni t ie its i m p o r t a n c e s o m e w h a t But it is p la in e n o u g h t h a t l h c ~ p r o p o s shyed p e n i n s u l a r c a n a l w o u l d be of wonshyderful a d v a n t a g e to the c o m m e r c e of this coun t ry and especially7 of the S o u t h shywest

^ bull bull - bull

T H E D r i gt E - ^ T h e N e w Y o r k T r j b t t n e p e r t i n e n t l y

T r u e cau t ion Ma said J e n n i e t o o boy in L P a r v e n u e at N e w p o r t t h e y said those

t h c j n e l o n p a t c h a n d t h e r e a r e no trees S m i t h s w h o h a v e g o t the J o n e s co t t age r h a n d y he 4 s ings O h f o r t h e g a r 4 raquo i ^ - - a r 4 3 _ a w ^ M j s t y l i pound h ^ wal l mdashCinoin j ia i t i M e r c h a n t a n d T r a v g r e e V G o t t h e ped ig ree have t h e v

said Mrs P a r v e n u exc i ted ly w e l l y o u p e bull - J mdash T mdash

very p e r t i n e n t l y s a y s N e w s p a p e r s have an e x a s p e r a t i n g way of t a k i n g u p a ca t ch -word o r newly coined p h r a s e and w o r k i n g it t o d e a t h T h e la tes t is d u d e A s u s e d in i ts o r ig ina l a n d m o r e r e s t r i c t ed sense the word is bail enough a n d the p u b l i c is sick of it B u t now it begins to be app l ied indiscr imi na te ly to all orts a n d condi t ions of m e n who exhibi t in t h e i r m a n n e r s o r e o n T e r -sa t ion t h e d e c e n c i e s a n d amen i t i e s of social life So t h a t t o be ca l l ed a d u d e by s o m e jqnr r ia l s o ^ b amoun tu to ca l l bull

j ng a maji a g e n t l e m a n T h i s of course is a s h a b b y wayvdf t r e a t i ng peo -])le whose g o o d - b r e e d i n g is t h e i r on ly c r ime a n d J i is a l t o g e t h e r an a b s u r d pe r fo rmance on t h e p a r t of r e p u t a b l e j o u r n a l s O n e p a p e r for ins tance t h e o t h e r day i nXno t i r i e of a m u c h i a l k e d -

bullcent ^ o r e l t o m a r k i ts d is l ike of r e f inement of t h e au tho r i n t i m a t e d he was a d u d e Is it no t a b o u t

t ime t h a t this s o r t of t h i n g w a s s t o p 5

ped- T h e w o r d d u d e m u s t go

bull ^




y - - gt - bull

bull bullt V ^

1 r bull

^ t a b bull d H ^ ~ bull ^ c r ^ - i - bull-bullbull

d ia iraquo fSraquo

V ^ f^



- - 1 laquo

The Agricultural Editor

bull Dyke Fortoseiifr rambled into tho pffictt of a rural newspaper published in

crass of m r a t readers suul named Vlw Fartnrs Friend

(ini Cultivators Vhamphn Dyke WHS fresh from Denver where lie had beeif ifloing local work on a daily He wanti-d ft situationmdashhe wanted it bad fry und ho ^oonclosed a bargain with 11laquo proprieshytor of the Farmer J Friend mid Cultishyvator Champion The proprietor in-tepded to be absent for two weoks anil Dyke undertook to hold the journal^ nead steadily up stream until his reshyturn J_ l _

You wilFreceive some visitors quijo Jikely said the proprietor Enter-fraquo|n em Entertain em in a manner which will reflect credit upon the paper They will want to talk stock farming horticulture etc you know Give it f o e m strong mdash-

Dyke bowed borrowed a half-dollar got a clean shave and a jrlass of beer n d soon returned to face the music and p d j c t h e first agricultural journal with Which he had ever been connected

M I c a n feel that with mv journalistic Wlaquo rience it will be jm agricultural himself

At two bclpck jgt

just km to run paper said Dyke to




m the first visitor phowed up at the door of the office and Dyke cordially invited him inside The farmer entered hesitatinglyand re-marked that ha had laquo Y p e a t p J u gt pia^ the proprietor with whom he had an appointment to discuss engtihige

I am in charge of the journal said pyke

Q you are Well you seem to have A pretty c lean ofBee hero


Y e s replied Dyke Hut about - ihte^eHsSage- Kfisttag isla~prettv sroolf

breed -isnPt itP bull J Breed exelairaed- ihe b a n n e r

V w h v mdash bull I mean its a sure crop -something

that y o u can relymdash Crop Why It-isnt a crop at a-H Ves yes I know it isnt a crop

laid Dyke perspiring^ vmtil his collar iwgan to me l t awayvilovvrr flie ftuvk of his neek but you can do Intter ami fi)eRQer work withbulla-^ood^ttrptmsrhtjre-pn stubby ground t h a n - ^ mdash ~

T a k e it for a sulky plow do you No no f said Dyke You dont

seem to understand me Now if a Jarnaer builds an ensilage on low groundmdash -

iA Builds an ensilage You seem to have got the th ing mixtul up with some kind of a granary

Pshaw no - continued Dyke I must make myself plainer You see tlite ensilage properly mixed with one

-fmrt gttittio-and threepitrts-lt)f-npltittpts-phate of antinicfay with the adtmien of ft l ittle bran and tan-bark and the Whole flavored with nMorid ltf limn


BARGAINS IN HATS ffHtrt a t eost--t-A- L a r g e mul E l e g a n t

)[ne of N e c k w u i r at le^4fttm-ttjsI

for straw )erry

raquo i -



^ 4

Uee bullT IJ IB I IU IT mdash d ywi wilt flad

^ Yoraquor Tpetfr towioat at p w u TwiJt fragrant make the breath of all ~Boys women men and girls

The fljfanofacturers have yet tp hlt caae of Dyspepsia or Biliousness w u used aa directed to which It wA not more than satisfactory Many write that it la a wonder-fill remody We can ahow where aa high aa forty

[ pounds were gained by Ita use in breaking up chronic BiiioDsnee and Dyspepsia Ita- friends In- creaae very fast and all who uae aa directed arlaquo aurpriaed and gratified _Jbdquo SH4

BIG REDUCTION IN HOSIERY We want to sell balance (jgtf Summer stock at cost and make room for fall

witHrinter goods

CALL AND SEE TO SATISFY YOURSELVES W e Wv^4tH euromwitgtort^ sioek- in paner

ZZ- iuut tTietn Priccs TuroTjj^ccT

IN CUFFS W e lead al co inpet to is The best | =^^==^-^



-K vet- Hh-tlie ttrwii-at p-iees-l-

niakes a top-dressing b^ds whichmdash bull

^yr-ensilatre isnt nouianure io certainly not said l)yke I

^fenowirts ndt often used in tlfat way ^oif dont eaieh iny drift WhcTrl-smfr U)gt-d nssiny 1 meant turkey drlt bull ssinltiZ=-stuiling you knowmdashfor Thanksgivshyi n g mdash l F

Grcat heavens man Ensilage isnt p human food _

No not a-human food exactly1 said poor Dyke grinning like an alinsgt house idiot it isnt a food at all in live true sense of the word My plan has always been to lasso the hug with- a tracechain and after pinning his ears Dackwith a clothes pin put the ensis lagegtinto his nose with a pair of twees-J ers1

Af3r good lands

^ o W n I) io 25 pcr(Vpt less tlum other-i-laquoii e se l ng ^ie su-ne identical

uootigt Ne~mue vlaquo i-bout doubt tlie best iiiiluund- oil si in ilte market

coin deue



Cor Congress and Battoa-Sta

You donH use on-

tjilageto ring h o g s I never believcMl that i t should bo

used for that-)lTjrpoae- but vheiT^-ou want to ring hens or voting ^ealv^ei to keep them from stgtekfcgmdash

The lander gravely shook his head Pid yaiijgyar_ try ensilage on th

Jiired^girlfM said Byke dtspariitlaquoly and winking like a bat a P l l 8 0 ajh

The farmer slowly arose and with laquoome evidence orheumatic twinges in his legs mdash

Young m a n he said solemnly yon are a l o n g ways from home a m 1 you

Y e s 1 replied Dyke eyes beneath tbe sltera

A t y o u r own pi icogt Clocks Clocks

CLOCKS CLOCKS Gouigrcgat dless of cost -

BEWWGz = drojrping his

of the gTaticBs halls in-

England sad-eyed rerrtiners^Tvearily V^atch and wait for my returnbull

Go hcraquoraeyoung man go home to your feudal cuMtUr and while on your wily acrogs _tjio- r u l i n g deep muse oj the f a c t nh^t^elrsttagCTk simplyjcj^rmli food for liye sloqkmdashgut i m ^ f p r e s s l y for fami ly use ina s i l ^ v t i i e h is notli-m e less thap an a ^ i ^ t pit where corn stalks griuja m^Je^cfover alfalfa and other gre^Hfcfuck te|raquoreserved for winshyter ugeVa ere^^^khtcrdiLrit as the

j^edltoror im0afaners Friend and Cultivators1 Chariampxjpiiy

And Dyke Fortescue Jsighed aa he reshymarked to himself There aint so blamed much fun in running an agrishycultural-paper as 1 tlioiigbt1mdashTesta Sifting

- bull raquo raquo

- M TaSteur telU the AeadeDjfy 0 ^ ^ 1 Stdences at Parig thdtwonderful results

are being obtained Mithe work of yac-[ cinating live stock as a preventive against disease During the last-yltGftrbdquo l 8O0Q6 sheep about 4rQ(JPhaatl-of cattle ampul AGO horsed ha^^^eeenmdashvftooinatwlT-^efore this system was introduced the annual loss from liver-rot in one depart-InemVwas nine per cent while tmrloss gince then has beeir reduced over one-

- ^ bull ^ -mdashThe Cleveland Akron amp CpljiSjlms

Railroad now counts its time from one 0 twenty-four oclock Thus two pm ia fourteen and It) pm tWanty-t^o The plan avoids possibility of extension betweon forenoon aftd astern

--^-----^=^-- raquot9n

1VE 11AYK AftlttSTO(K43F

FARMERS AND THRESHERS wliloh we vt el at down prices

BEST COFFEE 1 ^ - Fa i rban l (S Ex Winter-strained Lard Oil No l-tard Oil

Best Quality Lardoline A No I Golden Engine Oil

In t o v w ISoiions- N o e es and

laquoraquolaquo^z t down prices

La ge line at prices below par at the


Pinckney M t e h i j f i r i ^

w raquoJ

a V

DETROIT MICH HftieF $1 to $1 raquo per day Single

iwraquo1raquo lt(UHgti -lAHlitfosi-SS to iOc 4V 1 a a 1 w-amp nraquoi4a4f y- ititt i n DfT4 and

M l O O fclaquoMl) 4wgt a n w LaaJi fi -jmni tt bull

1gt bull


OaAwroBDiCo PA CITT OF TrruinLui Peraooallj appeared bfcxore me Peter PKBUpi

whobeing sworn accordiag to law depoaea aod aayi That he haa been affected with rheuznatlam more or leaa for the paat fonr or Ave yean T H | last winter he had a very aevere attack and t i t ) the pain waa excruciating and-he could only mi about in hia own room By taking bold of aoi thing for support When the disease waa in moat acute form and the pain almoat unbet be took a dose of Wilaoni Lightning Kemi which cauaed immediate relief and the doea taken five hours after mafle a perfect ajii |] permanent cure and that since taking the two ooaea he haa been free from the diaeaae or any symptoms thereof PETER PHILLIPS

Sworn and subscribed to before raa this 9th day of Jnly A D 1880 JKO 0NEUX Notary Public

FAR RAND WILLIAMS 6 CO AotNTS Detroit Miehigatt 81t4



A J eea hew sock of tlte following goods just leceived all of which we guarantee to be the purest and best quality made inliraquolaquo WOFW-

Zero Black Oil Ford Art LoanBnirdingiystroFvMichT^


Old Process Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil TURPENTINE^Oa DRJER

YAR$mamp XXX CASTOR OIL Gasoline 74 deg aiid iCapvha Wa^er-Whiie and Legal Test Kerosene Oil Pure While Lead Colored Paints by the gallon and in paste form in 25 pound tin

Ye a e making Oils PanU and Painters Materials a oj ecialty and | L A T H amp S H I N G E i E S a r Yard on Howell Street north of the

Brick Store OFFICE AT


pails ^iTquote^UW^HTTlTCJES t^aiTany olher dealers in Livingston County-Given a call and see

TEEBL^^c GADWELL_ Jtrst door Eaat-ofWrS Mann Estate Brkk Store t

^IHE^ORMra^RU^ STORE In connection with our larjferand varied stock of


AND FINE CHEMICALS We make a spetiiaPy^of Nuisery and^gt-^Dora Suiraquolies Trusses E|i

_ Bandages Shoulder Bi ses^auCr t bull -i^es kept in a first class ^ruj^Sfore Oo Stock of


bull^fulf^a^J^opleteYembr^difgbull all theuroi standard and reliable remedies which rVe will^^a^jtew^aif reliable J|oulaquoe in the coiin^r^We keep a fall stock ofgtH iJbtanic and^Eclectic Reme^res d PaJeltDavisamp CoV New Remedies enabling bullusl dVfill any prescripiloriot LV^UyreceiptS We shall keep every= tiling plaquo^5nj^gito bflaquor traite In ougtQfbcery Department we have none but ]fcesh ana^wSlTselected goods anio^wtn sell at bottom prices To accoinmo-date our patrons we will tate-inexebange Butter and Eggs and will pay the highest markei or ice ^ ^ Respectiully

lyoft dal0 -I forM fl bull Percheron-Norman Horsee

Engliati DiafI Hurwi t- ^ -Coachers Shetland Ponies

Ilolatetn and Davon Cattle Oar customers have the advantageof our

years experience in breeding and importln collections opportunityof comparlns ( breeds low prices becalise of extent of bustmdasha and low rates of transportat^pn CataiQgues trae torrespondence solicited



bullbullpound3L A



The Detroit Art Loan Record An eight sheet published daily daring the Exhibition

volume of 430 pa acriptiob price

September and October 5i numbera one index and titie-pa^egt

ve Oollars Ten Thousand

nlar Dictionary of Pine Art 1laquo large pages 4gtoond ^Seventyjflve cent Addreaa Hen

aestione Answered A Po

Addreaa Henry





SILVER WABpoundraquo u repawd to h inckner and anzroundlne 0 uadrnpla aUvar pteted ware LUO a 4na aaaortment of Jewlt

We ate now prepared to fnrniah Pinckney and surrounding coo ouadruble aUvar plated ware at Also a ftna aaaortment of Jewelry ^

)lesf Chains and Quard Chains Necklaces LocketefChams

Solid 0ol4 Band and Set RiBflaquo Gold Silver anjHtickle Watches

tdeaignain ~

Eighptfy and Thirip-JiourJii - Foil U M of breech and mtuale-loading y

Quns also Revolvers Ammunition and Sporting Oooda Oenerallf -y BAST02L CAMPBBLI

Wert Katn Street Plnckraquoey Kiehlfaalaquo

FJJUI FOB S mdashIWal bullcttJamaixty acros plowed land) to milM wast of Pinckney aid three mllea from UntdlUa on the Hnck4y^nd I amp U 3 d S onl in^ft i TBailrogt G o o d h t w a ^ W Flna Orchard and spring of^cold waUr-Alao several acrea of Untber-iJa ^ ^ ^ white tneeropa agte growina bull terras tJfc^r a vary daalrabk B O M Apply


Page 4: mcmrmammmoBrA · VOL I. PiNCKNBT, Mi™6AirriHWffi8MY^UGV3T23tl883t" NO.32. PINCKNEYDISPATCH JEAOME WINCHELL, PUB USHER. 4it«eriptlo« Price, $1.** per Tear. 1fc AOVEBTISniO


bull raquo bull

(+- amp bull bull

f-1 - 1


Thoboy of tin PTi-cptiMy lu

v ill

tO UCOlllt

it urlaquo D I V I I C ( I t c i d l S

resident of tin

hesi itatc wllttlliM

Ih i i t rd


Stiifr^7 (H^Captain of a base hall vlub

A scientist charges the peculiar weather of this season to the spots on thesun If old Sol doesnt behave betshyter ive shall be obliged to send Sullivan u p there to knock the spots off him


The disgraceful qua r re l between vector and people in Giace Church Deshytroit is only one more of those Incon sistent exhibitions of -the rar i ty of Christian charity under the sun We will not a t tempt to say which party is most a t fault in this case Where charity might have covered a mult i tude of sin the want o f - i t discloses pet ty failings magnified to mammoth ^pfo-portions

The StocTibridge Sentinel believes tha t the liquor traffic could be better regulated by public Sent iment than by any law which could be fdevised While we are not prepared to endorse such an opinion fully we do recogshynize the sound commonsense of the following ext rae i from t h e article in quest ion

Is any one illogical enough to supshypose tha t a lawto prohibit w i l h n o t f e evaded it a law simply to regulate is evaded We say again as we have frigid a hundred times before and as we hope to keep on saying as long as we can pr int a lino or wag a toi mdashif thtfr-e is - o n e h u m b u g abrfe^ anshyother i n this day and ir^i+fanon it is the blind craze t o r j a - t v a s the princishypal remedy fjJi^^vT

HOWELL From our Correspondent

lulm bull Howies has purchased Louis Elmers Uarber sliop Lou will s tar t a store i n t h e building _foym_erly occupshyied by Norman Hugger as aWjoonf

hiv isonrfof-a-nuntbei of years o

Methjbdist-cli carried t hem about t o w n Monday night They 4id not tafcegtthem out oi town however Jbut left them in a rather demoralized condition

Monday morning one of the men was cleaning jus gun and trying jto draw tlie charge wnenacartridge was

I exploded The ball struck a stone and

manager of -Weimeister amp 0]Hearns store goes to Port Huron to carry on a large dry goods business of his own

Lute Boyce was tried for assault upshyon a young man from the country After spending two days in the county ja i l he paid his fine which with costs amounted to |1500

The l Ludington Record says tha t Weimeister amp O H e a r n will bui ld a $25000 hotel in Ludington soon We have heard Mr Weimeister say so also recently mdash

F A S i g k r and W P Van Winkle were in town soliciting a bonus with which to extend the telephone line from Pinckney here One hundred dollars was raised

Depot grounds - hear the centre of theyitlage have been surveyed forthe T amp A A U K They are on the Jewett addition in the southern part of town



The railroad bridge a t this point is Nearly completed

All are wait ing anxiously for the cars

Bowman Bros seem to be go

The Rogers liotfse has a goodly

lg a

glancing passed through the thigh of quarter-master Webber of Saginaw making a bad flegth wound

SOUTH L Y O N From the Picket mdash

A monstrous water tank is being erected by the G Jgt

The soldiers ta lk very harshly alxmt Swan of Detroit who ran the restaurshyant a t Island Lake and say he charged them $125 for five glasses of lemonade 10 cents for three cent postage stamps and various other pranks

Wm Greig has taken the job of building all the passenger depots from New Hudson to Stockbridge on the4raquo T Ky- alaquod wW lgtegin the one at this place a t once I t will be a depot used in cimflTo1Tlgty alI the rai 1-roads and will stand a t the junction of the G T and 1) L A N so tha t the G T will run on one side and the D L k N on the other As the T A A amp G _ T will continue to use the Egt L ampgtNT[ sidetrack they will of coursegt-trge-tlie same building I t willjMtty^contain a telegraph office wait ing rooms baggshyage room ampivwlTile the 1)-L amp N will uue theirtfresent building for freight


ie G T a n d T A Aamp G T will uilt a freight house to be

common by them used

number of transie

bull gtetro[t Hotel bulluoiLyly posted in the off ic^ bearing

folio win i n s t a t e law

ers and a fair run of stom

1frac121 store building erected bygt Mr Corbet is unoccupied and bears tife sign

for sale

It is said that^tHe Toledo and Anjr Arbor Hy folks sounded this place on the -boiul q u e s t i o n ^ y u k didn-tmdashampraquopound much encouragement

FOWLERVILLE From the Review

J M Pot ts has his frame up for a nejv dwelling on his farm -

2M round tickets were ^old fro in tins place to Island Lake Sunday and Monday ~mdash-^

fr( B Green has p u t a new roof on his | Ktw^and- - -i l ias repainted it on l t e t n -

-pr inted in large t y p e r -Htf anv uersonzkia l l willfulW~

^ a

pheme the holy naiue of God bv cursshying or reproaching7 God he shall be punishedDyirhprisdifhient in t he^oun-tyjai l not morel t h a n six months u r by-aftne -nQi^exceeding fiftybull dollars If any person who has arr ived at the agerof dgtscretion shal 1 profaneIy curse or daii^tVr or swear l)y the name of Gad JesnCfir is t or the Holy (ihost-j ie tihti on cimvicit-Ton thereof bull bi^j

The daily mail stage is a blessing duly appreciated I t brings many

rklo AV-hitmore I^aka

Mrs Chas EGrisson and Mrs Addie 1 Cutler are visiting a t the residence of their father Ferdinand Grisson Esq in Hamburg mdash^-

MrA Rogers was also visiting here

sid e

a^ioryTTme since week to St Johns

but re turned last

TTf ajiy justice of the peace be p+Cftamphcd

uy a tine not exceeding live dollars nor less than one dollar but no siu-h

prosecution shall be sustained unless it shall be commenced wi thin five days after tuT7-ommission of such offense

We suppose it is intejided to counshyteract the strong tempta t ion to proshyfanity which besets the customer when

-mdashhe walks up to settle his bill

DEXTER I min Ihn lnaraquoltgtr

Twenty of the leading stocks quoted on Wall street have sufteredUCshrinkr age of value dur ing t h e past year averaging 25 per pent In view o f this it migh t be asked J f those stocks have fallen below their real value or the money investment they represent We very much doubt-if th i s is the case^ There are few railroads a t the present time which are not pay ing a fair profit on the actual cost Of constracrionand

equipment But the tendency Ugt swell stock and debt liabilities far beshyyond the cost of property is a growing-evil For example take the railroads of our own State The s toc l fahd debt of the various corporations owning lines wi th in the S ta t e exceeds - the re^ ported cost of construction ampc by $10^ 150000-^-and the reported cost of conshystruction in all probabfmy exceeds the aer ia l c6gt bV neaHy ampfa eqUal amount

lt gt bull

Thus it will be seen t h a t Michigan has n o t less than $20000000 of fic-fttious stock and debt d r awing interest and dividends along with the genuine

When it is also considered t h a t from


1 bull it

ten to twenty per cent of the money actual ly invested is contr ibuted by way of lgtonuses from people receiving no stock o r n the r interest in return th e speculativo vuiaeof stocks is^ra^sed to a still higher percentage above first cost therexuV-so tha t in m a n y instances a six per cent dividend means ten or twelve plaquor cent in reality


t i bull


This is one of the evil a tha t tend iu unyettle the nnancial a n d business intiflrftfitaiOf tljB country a n d p r o m o t e speculative investments wh^ch so often culniinate in panics like^fchat of 1878

ti is to be hoped t h a V m a n y years J nay elapse before another panic strikes Hie country but tjris speculation toshygether with the^gambling in g ia in 1 and other imaginary products do riot ttmd to decrease the (fiances i^r such a

liaise -mdash gt x mdash bullbull bull bull


Wednesday afternoon oj l a s t ^ e e k Steve Alley his mother and sisters Mrs Pierc an^ Mrs Gudwell G i r t e d for Petoskey tlaquo attend the State camp meeting -t

Mrs Wheeler mother of dohn Wheeler in Webster dieoVlast Sunday aged 9-4- years The funeral services wigtre held at Webster church bnTues -

li B Williams contractor for building the new German - church is pushing it ahead rapidly T h e frame is up enclosed the blinds on the

spire nearly compjetedj_ and though

ANN A R B O R the Kegister

y The thirty-fifth annual fair of the bull1 Wishtenaw Counly Agnc iy tu ra l and

iplel not many feet high is a beauty and the first coat of paint on It will be an ornament to that par t of the townv~vflien completed ffnis i s the second church Mr Williams has built in Dexter within a year

A sad case of drowning occurred near th is village last Saturday evenshying It seems that wiilie Larkin a 15-year-old son of Wm Larkin who lives in a house on the farm of Walter

_Rrass a short distance from_the_ H_urpn River was left alone dur ing the aftershynoon with a smaller brother and toshyward evening he left the house not saying anything as to where he was ^o ing He did not come home at night

and L ^e -ne^^^ses rc i r wamp3 i n s t i t u t e3 for b im but he was not found unt i l Monday morning A couple of boys who wrere out hunt ing on the r iver in flrhnatj saw t h e corpiia iniho ^a tor i They gave the alarm to some ngten who were passing and they took the body from the water and carried it to the house- The boy had been subject to fits for some t ime past and probably dur ing one of these he -deliberately walked inter the river a s his tracks were plainly seejto the water s edge Ai r inques t was^held an1 a verdict of being drowned while wandering about in a demented state of mind1

was rendered bull

This morn ing Mrs S Newkirk left for a n extended visit among relatives in4he State of New York

BRIGHTON i- Kfopi theClt i tgu

DuBois Knight W B Coneiy and Gari Melchers m a d e oil and crayon sketches in camp

The Sweet Brothers sold v 14000 pounds lofmeat to the mil i t iamen

Miss Eva LaBou tahas gone io Peru Ind to take a position in a telephone exchange

Some of the M S T V took the street Tamps rn front of the Presbyterian and

Mr Hiram EllioTHas purchased the residence formerly owned by Holly Pulleii and is put t ing on some new-Iremdash- pairs

Artie Austin and H B Glen re-turned liomt from Vyamplhington bull Ty wlj^ere they have beeri with I s a a c Tel-le rVsurv^y-par^y-^n-W^nf^dAv -


THIS WEEK A SpH-lal Sale to Clean up Stock


Hest Pr in t s Summer styles 0 cts

Best Ginghams dress plaids

(Cantons and Renfrews) 11 cts

Best Ginghams small cheeks 10 cts

Best l^a^cjfUiXawjis -A 8 ctsT

Lisle Thread Gloves Silk Gloves

White Goods AT

Greatly Reduced Prices ~




- We are g iv ing equal ly good


I t beats them a l l

W e mean business^ D o n t by until you look us through






Horticultural society will be held from Tuesday till Friday October 2nd to 5th inclusive on the societys grounds A fine l is t of premiums are offered^ 7~

Miss Jane Halsey an a u n t of Mrs W W Wines who lives with the family andfamiliarly known as Aunt J a w wart 9ft years old Friday She was surprised a t dinner by a ^number of friends and relatives who had been invited for the occasion and a merry dinner-party was the result In the afternoon she rode down town and had her picture taken Miss Halsey is asect spry and active as many a lady of many lessyedia a iulshe is to be congratulated upon having reached such a hale and hearty old age

Last Wednesday night a German med John Six l iving ten miles beshy

yond Dexter was attacked and knocked down in the lumber yard near bull^lulunu


WE ampplusmnXUXJ O m 3 R

EXTRAampRBHtlfflr-BtRfittNS V saloon by Geo Stephens a hard -case from Clucago who has been hanging around the city for some time Six claimed tha t the robber took from him $75 in money and a revolver^- Steph--tm8-w^s-aTrested-aTitft^e~re^ forty cents in money was found on his person He was t iauled u p before Justice McMahon and his case adjournshyed -tril next Thursday Stephens1

brother is hexe_fronr-Chicago t ry ing to patch u p the case whether he succeeds or not remains to be seen

- bull - bull -THK most gal lant man ever hfgtW nf

is one who refrained -from kicking a dog who had bitten him beeausemdashit was a iemale dog If it wasn t for your sex said he Id kick your head off

A WHOLE t ra in of steam-cars passed over a man in Minnesota namea John Schneider^bnt-when the engineer aud conductor went to look for him he was walking off singing -Schneider Low you vas

T H E a r t of saying appropriate words i n a kindly way is one t h a t never goes out of fasnion never cease to pleaser and is within the reach ofjmmttlest-The teacher who would be successful must cult ivate the gift

bullbull T H A T all whoaie happy are equally happy is n o t t r u e A -p leasan t and a philosopher may be equally satisfied but not equally happy Happiness consists in t h e multiplicity of agreeshyable consciousness A peasant has not capacity for having equal happiness with a philosopher This question Was very happily i l lustrated by the Rev Robert Brown A smafl-crrrnk-ing-glalaquo^nd a large ftfre may be



equallv full but the large one holds more Mian tlie unalL

E A MANN East Main St Pinckney


T West Main St Opposite Globe Hotel


It Toilet Articles

IerfiMiaerjv JPine Confectionery

Togta S t a t i o n e r y t c

Gooda are aU freehand new Prioeg am always rni0D

uieilti l bona than of the puWic^tronft^ Jjall a D i m W




V - rzZt~~


- ^ - bull - laquo

r ^ -N-


1 1laquo IF-rPpPNAmm



- L_J L


bull --liKlnage

Much as hus been writ ton concerning the necessity of perfect J ^ iba i j e about our dwe l l ing there ilaquo stilr a HiV



bull ble amount of iltri Ject Line upon li norauctf oa

vmen rashythe sub-

ipoa liny and precept laquopon precept are continually needed traquo beep

a rtoTiriiJwinjr effect on AMe trade laquogt nni tin oVniand for INV lii|c of ltrooltllaquo is ile-liyeltl you Jmow the trade U just j^ood JIltlaquo lost 11

After laving down this axiom of com nicretai-p djosophy the reuilemaii leu

attention directed to this most vital matter Many people do not realize tlwtjdnJk drain and cesspool arlaquo a-falaquo tal as bullets that s tagnant water and heaps of decaying refuse are as deadly a strychnine that our dead selves in any form taken back into ourselves arc tu re death to us This is no tigure ot

aud no extravagance1 of phras bpfc the simple fact We are the

ftMf unnumbered parasitical animals bull p t f e a l l that only the most powerful iBJMKiscoye reveals them to the eye When one class of-these minute creashytures finds a home in our bodies smallshypox is the name we give to the malady they produce Another class causes scarlet ferer another measles- another consumption The diseases produced by germs developed in consequence ol elective drainage are various chielly

riraquo toasilitis and typhoiddisor-4gtt manifold-development The

ce of these germs in the system may result in a reduction of the vitality tosuch a degree that any infection will be readilv absorbed aiid_the liapless victim faff an easy prey to any slight derangement We often use-4he ojipres-aiou to throw oil disease1 and corshyrectly for when one is in perfect heaMi the germs ofdisease find no congenial soil to Sprout-and grow in We never find nioss on vigorous healthy trees or eveifc on Singles- until tbey_ b e g i n t o decaymdashthe Tiealthy fiber resists the atshytacks of floating organisms For the laquoame reason those who obey Ihe laws

tb i r reppr tcr Trrto a department when l imhrc lh iw of a l l Heen nnt p f eng wef t

1 8 8 3 T ^ I E H-IO-HIT jRXJKrisriisro- 1 8 8 3


of health posess sound fiber in which malarious and infectious-germs rind no place - to lodge ~

v The worst month in the year for tyshyphoid pneumonia is April and vfliy liecause the cold weather has kept peoshyple in doors and they have breathed in their dead selves over and over again until the typhoid germs have fastened on the^vitals multiplied in the tissues and absorbed more or less the life of the

Jndh-iduaL A sligliLcold still-fc lather depresses2he_vitality and makes the in--crease of these bull germs more and

[lots of these to different rparts of~thlaquo- country They areltulaquoed exclusively by countrymen A man walking on one of the citys streets with one of these tbttrsraquo^vmrhi be w)rse than a cyclone

germs more the tight for life

more easy until the tight for life becomes a larming and ends-we all know in too many easosl_Jhow sai11 v WtiTIc oyery-thing is frozen up it is_jjiiHcuIt to take proper care of sewage refuse piles acshycumulate drains became choked celshylars gather decaying matter waste-pipes Decome foul and all these agen-

-tnes-txmrome unless counteracted verv bullearl v in the springs to increase the tide of parasites floating intothe body with every breath Thesnbtle poison can not he detected ofteii by the riimst actlte olfacshytory nerve and 0ere are no ehcnricrtrt tests that can be applied by the non profession a p t determine their pres-

bull f hjealth And this vigiUince musfbe laquoSPfl9rciscd not only upon the outside of the cup and platter1 but it must go to the heart 6l things to - the founila- J dons and search every aaokaiitLcreiice with cleansing power _

In removing offal from our premises we need to_ remember that the wet earth does neither deodorize nor disinshyfect it dry earth alone can dothis and Iherc^hiust he suflieiont dry earth toab sorb

arranged on counters H e r e he said we have everything in the umbrelhi line from a thirty-five-cent article to out for twolvcu dollars These goods he said picking up a couple of coarse looking umbrellas are what are sold on the street-corners for fifty oente | Wt can afford to sell them for thirtytfivlaquo cents You see they are marked gingshyham but they are really of an inferior sort o f c o t t o n known as sixty-four

loth Xotiee the edge and you will see iat they are not even bound We have

jjeveral grades of this article from six-ty-four-eloth to 108-oloth Nowhcreisan umbrel la-known as the reed frame because its ribs are made of reeds inshystead of steel This however he said opening out an umbrella with a bamboo stick handle is-onK^of the lightest and most satisfactory thingicin the marke t i t is known tw a Ferguson Scotch| paragon frame1 and sells from $110 Ttpward 1 always use this umbrella myself ^vhen I do hot carry a silk one A

The next umbrella opened warf capacious as a circus tent This said the gentleman who was initiating the- visitor itraquot gt the mysteries of the trade is what we call a Storm King You see it has sixteen ribs arid is made

To THE FARMERS or rvfiNGST0N AND ADJOININO COUNTIES If you want to purchase a Reaper thisjrear examine the |Iero look it over carefully and you will tee it is up

to the times let I t is siniply cuitstructed 2nd J t has no sfde jdraft 3d It is- not liable to get out of order 4th It has no weight Upon the horsesnecks 5th It is a very light draft reaper 6th I t is easily managed

-Tthr-It is juet the machine you-want It cart be had of our agents on trial and is w-arranted to give satisfaction I refer you to the following named farmers who have purchased and are using theHero Reaper some of whom for

of eighty-four (doth Oh yas we send these

the past four years and they can testify to its merits Jesse W Sheets Unadilla Bernard MCloskey Iatnani

j4Javid Donovan Northfilaquold

| Talking of cyclonesj he continued ^h+-re- is something built especially to resist the winds of the Far West We call it the Prairie King It has sixshyteen ribs and four wire braces No matter how strong the wind may be the braces will keep the umbrella from turning inside out -

The next article picked up was deshyscribed as a Star 140 and the gentleshyman in explaining its merits said that it had patent inetal tips^and was water-propf The latter quality is-oae-jhat should recommend itself in anumbrellaT

You have seen prefty near everyshything that goes uB-de-r-the-name of-ging--fa-aviliiV saTtl the gent Icman gty_hlaquorwBS waslinglTTs time on tlie reporter and now I may tell you that we have alshypaca umbrellas ranging in price from ^ frac34 to $jy() Silk ifmbrellas are luxshyuries and there is not a veryr large dp

from Ivo-

$5 to the

mand for them We have them $ 125 up-to $rgt lii natural^rndjes ry hanttles add from 8150 to cost All these superior grades are proshyvided with paragon frames whichmake them light Silk umbrellas vary in price from ^ bull gt1bull-gt- -

What bullBee BternaLvigilaHC^ i s - t b ^ m e e of I 0sfrt o f u m b r e l l a d o e s t h e V^

lilKntv1 and not of libertv alrme rnTr+ilflrHrgt V1 bull-W+d^mdashflmdashsilk umbfeila posting pound3


lie suUicient dry the^moisture or all t luPmoisture or exhalations

1o life^wtltlTe given Out A little leaven leayeneth the wlwile lump Dne fold pipe in a house is enono-h raquorgt kill its inhabitants if it hasa good chance at them-

bull raquonav-Uvw4-()ne ueglecteTtTefuso heap

-tnraquoiliUncc cuitinglrtTrdysl^H^v



^- arjtu^caiis4d^-And^madiLilt^o^i^JiU

^-fcwJ^dc-Jieighbarhiuidmdash^V_hrok(bull n bri i in a sewer just under a closet opening into the rooms of Prince Albertcause hfVdvath

What we term modern iences include many are ofteri very detrimental plusmnoJifalllu If the bath-rooms in our houses could be so contrived as to open on A piazza which might be latticed instead of openinginto ilic house and infecti it-as they -dcy-great gain wou44mdashresu to the health of its inhabitants Well

gtbull people do not suffer so much from imshymediate exposure to malarious influ-enow as do invalids|and little children

pallid city children wltgtuld Hid than they aue if the old-washbowl ami pitcher and

t k y imfl carried out every day supershyceded the elegjint marble basin and rose-

wwm riiuued oiirmub wnmn km to the care of- servants become elegant causes of disease and death

Sunshine is the great healer sun- shine supplemented with abundance of

-fresh air i n Him was life and the life was the light of men1 In many senses are life and light interchangea-

^ ^ g words When we put seeds in the 1^cmst cover them away from i t or they will not germinate

them warmth _ moisture and irlcness and under these conditions

they develop lifei The same conditions in our houses develop active life in all malarious and infectious germs Thereshyfore when the searching sun ray peneshytrates apd illumines our interiors and the purifying air absorbs moisture and- -cause of fatal e] carries off poisonous efHuvins our rooms Whnn tha s

4lgtcrf4in4amefltal sauitary coniiiuous^Or^ngeto an end tx tng com|)lieil with There is cershytainly enough light and air and- dry varth for all uses [of health What is tteeyenilaquo4l4R4utelligenceto utilize them in such a way that health shall ^ e pro-niojted ami disease preventedmdashN Y | Tribune


laquoTlns has not been a good year foi umbrellas vsaid a large denier yesfar-

~^dnylo a yWampMlaquoltreporter thii rain viTrfc too lirtoTn^bfsTn^gra^dihtslrtkd1

seems to be high enough loi the crowd A strong common 1 umbrella howshyever is what is bought by the multishytude _ Vou see hea(lded_ with a touch of sa(fneSsln- hts voice mdash hpcoplemdashdOnt like jo invest-much in umhrellis beshycause somehow or other an umbrella

is~al way s regarded as common property and sooner or later it is bound to hi stolen Now its strange isnt it that ladnjs dont steaTeitrhothejr|s jiarasols I sell twenty times more parasols than u ittbreliMj- Ta I k i ugmdashof- parasols - he said returning from his general v i ew^f t

jubject TTere s one we sell for teii Vou wouldnt

its a fact plan of

cent umbrella Hut that is

velieve it would It s-made sonie-the thirtv-li veshy

to nothing h s(lls for two

cents We sell mdashthese at two cents aiiieco -he said ojiening a gorgeously-colored paper shade and we make a quarter of a cfentprofit at that- These [ things of course are mostly used for decorating rooms

Where is most of the carving on iinv brella haitdlos done - ^ -~


Atfg Balden tieorglaquo W Iteampson Unadilla Arthur Montague E J Wakemah Tyrone Geo R Wilcox White Oak Whedon York Hoafipiumon Asa II tirity Iosco

James Sptare Iutnani Owen Goodsijeed Hamburg WUliartn Cullen Dansville P Mc (Jann Bunker Hill Win Perry Owen Mc (ann jr John B Mc Creery Henry Ward Prod Maycdck Ioaelaquoj Elmer Chipman

(Jenrcp Bauer Brighton S K Hausef Putnimr A Force StockbriflKe Perry Barrett George Phellis White Oak Henry B Gardner Putnairi Daniel i Webb Llaquowis Love laquo John A Ward Eeslie ^J Mrs J Love and Suns Marion

kThe Hero can be seen and U for salltgt atFincfcney by JAS MARKEY General Agent for Michigan

Martin Mehin jr Hamburg bull W Nelson Wrhitmnre Lake-Warren Munson White Oak Frank Aldrich Henrietta John Flemint PJiilo Durfee Antrim H C Martin bull-SeymourBruwn- Conway O C Sasvdy ^6aco

mdash bull


LARGE STOCK LATEST STYLES I t is the r e m a r k of everyone visititt^ mi-restore that we sell bet ter goods for

lor the money than tney have ever seen offered and no one should buy shoes for themselves or their families without first seeing theinducements we present The names of ROBINSON amp B F K T E N S H A W and P J N G R E E amp SMITH inshydicate the class of goods we carry



A xn srrrs


And would invite the at tention of farv-mers who wish to lay in astoek of gro- ceries to last theni througi harvest we have t-vei-ytntng you need Suprats

f Teasr irotfees Spicesr 101raquo Hams7 Dried lleef Cheese and Canned Goods of all kinfTs If you dont foci jus t like goin^r into the haivust -tieldi^vrn^ ^ and jet a bottle of Urowns IroiTISt-t e r H o p liitters iSliiloh^ Vitalier or

some one of tho thousand and one remshyedies we keep that will do you goodmdash Don l forget t a c o m e - a n d stock-aip at once The plaee is at the

bull T^EST ENTgt


N limdash-Highest ca^h marke t val paidfor Butter and Eggs

IS We have just added to our stock a general assortment of

R O G E R S BR0S ^ ^ o r m e r l y iOvjIi done almoat-exclui f sively in Europe but during the laat year Philadelphia has turned out some exceu-tvrmHy good work In fact I may say that the-hest carving is done at present in PhiladelphiaM

How about ivory handlesF n Thev comemdashfrom Europe alt-^eUi^

ermdash Chicago 1 ribune v bull ^ bull - raquo -




BLACKSMITH All kinds of custom work and gviieraL

repairintr including

HORSE SHOEING Shop back of Manns Block PINCKNEY



bull J c u e ) lilies J m B y WalSM afldj Jersey cows are all popular just now Thlaquo old preiudioe against Jersey mosshyquitoes still existsmdashChicago Inter Ocean

mdashA society of persons are about to petition the firngsels autnorities for per-miampsion to mummify their dead They point out that one advantage is that their plan permits people to contemshyplate their ancestors anil thus perpetushyate filial piety and sentiment de race They are down oTrcremailon which they allege does not destroy thebody but only reducesJt_to- ashes producing deadly miasmas and aver that wherever as in India it has boon p rao ticed on a large scale it has been the

epidemics mal l -pox- thrntttprirtH iA

brim tlia life nan-pn ol Pnn( ice

nothing the iam of dolttor

said could save the pat ien^ml^ss some healthy young man beeanie his bedfelshylow and by enfolding^im closely in his iirms should impart ^sufficient heat to hilaquolt body to force tjnl rjiistin ate disease to break out Williams ^4)age Benjinck volunteeredfor tiie dangerous raquogtffice The experiment sueeeeded and the fftjlhftd share came fouiidedTt l)ucal bkodoptidh

Call and examine our stock whether you wish to purchase or not



WILLIAM DOLAN amp CO bull Hav^juat received a new and complete stock of

DRY GOODSBOOTS amp SHOES eflaquoKpoundftrrGROCERIES Tobacco Canned Goods Etc No remnants or vraquohe]f-worn stock We mean business^and will guarantee bottom j)riccs The public are invited to call and see for themselves gt r MAIN ST TINCKNEY MICH

_1 offer for (tale 13 ICKB frontliu tin MaialStr^ot




DETROIT CITY LAUNDRY Finot laundry Im Um Wftraquot dgt6dtraquo plaquolllaquogtd (or

t ionto I K -KICIIA^US A CO _ Amenta ftw Rnckney Mlcb1trraquoraquo-


F U R N I T U R E Pk-t tire Framing llajiairinj LiibolaUflagi Etc-



G R 0 C E R I E S W

AT WHEELERS bull bull gt

o =-





lfoasUMee 1 5 ^ and 2^xfa SaletatUs 8 c U Bird Seed 10 cts-

- - bull - mdash - bull

50c Tobacco at 40 ct^ 60c T obaceo at 50 cfe

Royal ftakinpound Inwder Parents Bakshying Powder Spicesof all kinds

- Bakefs CluK-olate Sweet ^ -^ Chocolate bull f

Cabined Corn Canned Boef Ianiifd Salmon Cauwd TiiMaUw


amp amp WHEELER


f y A

rrwT ^^w^n wpound$$rmmmsmm


Entered at tUo rostofflce is 1Mclass matter



T H E colossal skeleton of a man who musETutvi1 hbtm iwttt brother to the Carshydiff (raquoiant has been dug from the shelvshying bank of aratfine near Barnard Mo by a Lirmev named John W Hannon Twelve feet wasf the height of the preshyhistoric gentleman and hislongest ribs measured four feet in length The fact That hisrelies lmve|been dug up in Misshysouri suggests the^probability that he was the original border rullian

THK death of Miss Harriet Steer of Cincinnati in her eighty-eighth year deserves a notice She was a promishynent member of the Society of Friends a n d i o r t h e last-fifty years had been a

bullgood angel fb the poer During most of that time it was her custom every winter to prepare a huge boiler of soup on twoidaya of the week This she dis-

tributed gratuitously at her door to all who wished or necuedIt Even as late as last winter though cxfreuiely feeble she was at her self-appointed pgampt as in days gone by While otjiers t r

1)frac34 have been vainly --warring over the-abstractions this unknown

Aside from the conVemenee of th i^plaa there seemk an eternal fttnesain making tluv conderjined supply his awn gallows The expTrnie nwttrowble of conducting him to and from the place of execution are obviated anil w h e n t h e exercises are concluded his remains can be at once turned over to Ids ffnnily without further ceremony |

Tin testimony given before the Scu-iUe_Comittee on Labor and Education in session for the purpose of investigatshying the causes which led to tl^e teleshygraphers strike does not contain much that is news to lite public concerning the trouble between the Western Union Telegraph Company and its employes although a few points were brought out which heretofore have not been entirely c^ear Thestr ike has been contemplatshyed it seems by both the company and the operators since last March T h l accounts perhaps for the fact that the company was able to assume the attishytude taken when the mens_deinands were presented The basis upon which tw optrqfor expected to compromise

ological woman has been illustrating in her life the truespirit of the Christian religion

TEN- medals are about to be presented bybull thcM^yor of Baltimore to men who showed heroism and--daring intrepidshyi ty in saving lives at the time of the Trivoli dockliisastcv and a number ot others arc to be honorably mentioned in public The- lirst medal is for Chrisshytopher Doyle who saved fifteen lives and spent the rest ofthe night in diving for tho-bodies of the dead bull He was

is also given It was a reduction of the hours of labor to eight and extra pay for Sunday work The curious stateshyment was made by-Mr McClelland a prominentmanager of the strike that if the operators were defeated they would only by more powerful than-

orev-Tiiisis indeed- making the best of the situation

A n Old S e a l F o l l o w s H e r C a p t i v e Offspr ing E i g h t y Mi ies

Santa ljarbara (Oil i Press A n i n t e r e s t i n g inc ident iJl list rating

i lm^ntnrnnl -itWtJMn fgtf illl a q i n u i l fpl

7tmidmgTiei^licopy-ReAv-Williani E Starr on the outer eilgc of tiro pier wlTen the crash came- Kealjzing that he could do more_ellective work if unimpeded by liia nlnfTimpf] Wasfcnd Father Starr if it would be rightto strip before the wom-en and children Go in man us Golf

its young was brought to notieeUiring thevisitof an excursion purty to Aim-capaIsland oilthe const of California A young seal pup only a few months-old was brought awayfrom the island by littleKmcstWhitehead who desired to take it home for a pet short ly beshyfore sailing u large seal was noticed swimming around the sloop anchored

FOLKKUm Prince Albert Victor matriculates at

Cambridge this-year Pope Leo XI I I has sent a painting

from the Vatican as a gift to the Detroit ArtAssociation - ^ -

Professor Packard of Yale expects to leave soon for- Athjena -to teach in the American school there bull-

John Krowns shackles the ones xxsod on him at Harper s ferry are owned by George B Keusintpn of Boothbay Me

Mr and Mamps Tom Thumb were beshylievers in Spiritualism and would sit hours to receive communications from little Minnie Warren in the spirit land

George Bancrof t -Jared Sparks J G Palfrey and Richard Hildreth leadshying historical writers of America we$e all educated at Phillips tfxeter Acadshyemy

It is reported that ox-Mayor Isaac S Kalloeh late of San Francisco Cal intends to settle in Washington Territory and to endeavor once aga+h-4o make a new start in polities

Josh Billings is a native of Lanes-boro N H a n d there he hopes to be buried Ho has directed his children to mark the grjvve with a r o u g h stone from the quarry-Hear by

k ing Alfonso of Spa-lu wmila all the nations to take part in a grand eelebra tion in-Spainof the Columbian discovshyery of America andnot to hold the celeshybration uti Italy or America

Mr G K Bhvncbard^of Boston lias brought home from Paris the last wofk of Gustavo Dore It represents a grpup of ^Cupids playfully drawing back a curtain from before a mirror

A lineal descent of Brian Boru the last king of Ireland lives in Colorado and he h a king indeed H i s cattle cover a thousand hills and he is one of the cattle kingsof the West bull ^ H Wade is said to~be the richest

trnmin Cleveland O He made ins ntill innn hi- inrnrt inmii in rgtWiflph_

senger iuformednVh Sjmle wiio N lier shown fn7 r|L sitppcrejMr flould said she wlien youinpvfmy business vou will kill nw 1 ao t ac j raquog books v

But alter supio persuasifxujhi ourebtuied a vo l lumvand gave heiiajrfst of names of Jns friends to vhoru he [ thought she could sell Ilussull Sayo was the only one with whom she waif not successful

T h e Pope is now seventy-four says tlte London Globe a tall thin ivory-eotuplexibned man witk a benignant bullraquobulllaquo - - - - - r 1Jt bdquouAuk

1 bull i bull w hite w heat frimi w hkh tlmy umku their beflteraw expression andsnu lmg lips hearing the ^ 1 ^ V W S T K I gt Tu7gtriiui b o W n or stamp of indelible t i i m n e s s - t h e e ^ ^ bull

expfles^ sion of a man to bend but nevciTto break Some ono has aaid he has the mask of Voltaire but tins is nonsense There is none of the saturnine caducity the depressed mouth and prominent chin or spectral smile Leo XII I is tall he wears his yearb well walks up-rignt and thus raquoraquorylaquoraquoa tigtgt m^t of y s inches His hair is snow-white and naturally forms into a crown about his linely developed brow His long face is serene hrs- small eyes dancing with intelligence1 add to this a harmonious MOMorion vo i eo aind M w i d e k-nltnvlndltrn

of lansruages which he speaks with the correctness of a professor

bull raquo bull mdash - mdash

P o s t P r e s e n t a n d F u t u r e of W y o m shying

Lftfamio Dxuhoraiig mdash - bull ---bull Some writer has said-that no portion

of the globe is at this time so full of


UHlMEfti A JOlIXSOX Propr i r to in w i i to 1nuk(gt known to tlu-ir old nnd mm- ruraquotigtia n-^-tluit thiv iw iu)w proimn-il to do butter work of nil kiiwld iiitlieir line at Initfineas thitn ever befiraquorlaquo-Jluir mills having been thoroughly roftttpdtn^ ivpairodmuliniprovidmltBidn making it convenshyient for their euhtojiierti Hood raquohedlaquo for Uiampnn in connection with tlit MIMH TUey have now on hand over 5)00 hulaquolilq (if dry Bound rtraquod and

Hike i

uiuBtv wheat except forctidtoinerB anrtthnn It iw round on ncimrtita stone HIHI 1H)1UUI through 8opn

wi f i Llt Lut mgt fe

epi rate hwlts Tlioyo hiiyjiii Hour of them yruwn iirhmntjr rllaquonr Thouo hrin^in^ KrraquoetH of tolaquoK( dry sound whew wltt ood Hour and tuv8laquo briutfiny xrown or musty wheat muat expect flour from the same tliiy Iflo havt Beparaty bolta for buckwheat Aorn -11 bull fl^ mdashbull bullbull ^UU^^-Bons new improved l)ulaquotleraquoB Iron Corn iflRiera without extra charge They pay cash for all kindraquo of ijruin All pereoiiB having unsettled accorfnh with them at the mil are requested to call and pay the samo v -- mdash - -


made you he d id

A repliedthe priest as and so

-WILLIAM II VANDKRHIIT did a graec-hantling his 7Ttrt~nnd generous thing in

check for $gtO0O to the gtn-oprietor-of a hotel in theWhite Mountains to be dis-

tributed among the thirty qollege boys viwho are ticting as waiters there This

is one of the ways adopted by poor young men in-New England colleges to make a little money lor-the following year at the same time that they arc getshyting rhejjenelit of a vacation It is not tin easy part to play - t h a t of gentleshyman and scholar and waiter at the same t i m e and indeed a great many young men would rather not try it But Mr Vanderbilt s gift was

offthe cave where the capture was made uttering loud barks and U times howl-

was paid tothe annual at thetimeor to the little captive which at times barked in response to the old dams plaints The boat sailed away making for the Ventura shore When -offmdashSaa Buena-jcenttira aca lnx i i i the wind decreased the speed of the boat when a j a r g c seal was noticed near by gt

On reaching the wharf at Santa Barshybara a large seal was again discovered swimmingraquoabout the boatmdash Tn hot top secure the pup until daylight the rope was taken from its tin and it was tied up in a ju te sack and left loose on the sack Soon after coining to anchor the seal respoaded to its mother s invitation by casting itself overboard-a41mdashtied ifp~ as it was witliin a sack It is assorted-bv the man on deck-that the seal mother seized the sack and with her sharp teeth tore open the prison of her-oftsprmg

stocks when telegraph was only an ex periment and isnow well on in lift _ Miss Nellie Hunt daughter of ttrep American Minister to Russia was claim-cdTthtrmost beautiful of the coterie of American ladies at the coronation A

mighty possibilities orso rich in promisshyes for the future us the broad stretch of rich territory lying west of the Mississipshypi and this assertion comes as near the truth as a newspaper man dare get But a few years ago this portion of the Union was very -appropriately teamed a wilderness The coyotte squatt ing in the shelter of the umbrageous sage tree sang his tuneful lay and the cactus stood sadlv in the midst of the wide ~tX p HUSO of country known as the Laramie plains with no human being to love it and chershyish itmdashand sit down on it T h e very thought of an orphan cactus being dooni-od to ait in otornal ailenge with no kind vord or look for centuries and with no picnic party-anti no soft eyed young man-with ice-cream pants _on_ to come and nestle loYJmg]y_jlown_ington its fuzzy bosom is sad enough to draw tears

Paris paper describes her as fascinashytingly pre t ty

A line medallion -portrait of the late Marshall Jevyell has been made by Francis Bbull Watts a deaf-mute marble-cutter I t is said to- be an admirable portrait and was modelled entirely from a photograph

Frederick N W Crouch author of the-^ong7-uKa4We^n-^V4miuiecjiT^liiaa been rescded from paxilyJiy_al3veaIthy and ceeentric young Southerner James Marian Roche wrho assumes his name and supplies all the money that he needs

Cob Bob Ingersorrr-whois a very earn-Tst temperance man exprouood his opiil ioii ol tlie r ichly - t inished bar of the Huffman House New York Vhen he saw it thus This is tlroiUDStroTthodox sliow Ive soon You can deal out hell

from the eyes of-Bob Ingerstdl himseU mdashatthe usual Star Route pric-cr-- Until lately ytoo the Westerner who ventured across the Missouri Rifer was looked upon as a curiosity and the people watched him with apprehension for fear lie might be loadeth-7 Within the last half score of years however the West

----particularly this portion of it has wait-zshyed to the front and demanded recognishytion among the countries of the world andgot it too

- SOLDIEKS amp SAlLUKiv who were disabled by wouudH disease accident

orotlifflHvlaquoHgt-lhe-lograquo ot-u toe piles varicose veins chronic diarrluva rupture Uma of eight or ltigtar-ally BO) loos of hearing falling hack of ineaxllaquos rheumatism any disability no matter JtQKAKfMr gives you a pension Sew tind Honltx0Bhpoundtlt charyj Obtained Widows childre 1 ^ ^ ^ laquo aiirj-fatherij of soldier tlyiHg in rm M r ^ or afterwards from disease contracted or wtowfdreshyft ived while in jtho service are ^utitlWI to pOraquo-

laquoraquoion Rejected and abamlonedcUuiUB ispeciiutT BOUNTY BACK PAY AND HORSE CLAIMS CQI lWTEDgtv

INCREASE YOUR PENSION A pension can be increased at any time when

the disability warrants it As you grow older the woundtraa gradually undermined the constitution tho disease hart made you more hclplcvs fn some manner tho disabilityhas increased BO apply for an increase at once

L A M AND PATENT CLAIMS SOLICITED My eNigterteic ffrid betng hcre^Tit-heatrtrnart-erti

bull Hnable me to attend promptly toallclaims against the lioviminent tircitLirafree Address ritli tamp





l iraJiere and believe vou are in heaven wliilc voure doing it

bull proi)rfgtlt-^j ^ frac34 ltnv by the self-reliant -^riritrai3fV-gcntlbmaaly bcarmgiJoi_tliesfi 3oung men Tins is a proof- that they were highly successful in~tbis difficult role and is a remarkable compliment----a seUjxitific angler No perhaps the

boy will not clainnliat and it is hardly

N O T the least of the blessings which the Republic has conferred upon the

- French people is the great encourageshyment given to the cause of pppular edn-

mdashcation The^sehobl system has been so

This however is a mere conjecture If it did the little piip vlaquovs-KavoltUothcrwise it woiiid drown tied up in the sack The incident was the more interesting from the fact that the old seal had to follow the sloop at least eighty miles over the ocean in a hopeful -endeavor to rescue its vounar

S c i e n c o v s t h e Boy_ PeTk

An exchange says that l i e boy will claim that he -can-catch more fish than

Mr-llarnuni was in Montreal when he heardof Tom Thumbs death agd

-immediately telegraphed to (lie widow Dear J^aviiiia Yourself and family have my warmest sympathies Death is as much a part of the Divine plan as birth The Heavenly Father finally overcomes all evil with good His will be done1 -

Edgar A Foes oTcl home at Fordliam has been purchased b- Nelson Strong for $7500 This was- the house in which Foes^vifedied mlttlt whenshe

extended as to place whithin reach of of the massos far better educational fa

scientific angler let such a fisherman go out to the fish pond to - lish and when

cilities than the youth of~tne coun t r 4 J ) e hamps s a t a l i day i n the sun-emptiTcrhtot Schiller ftt-ttll^g the flask and has not caught a lish he ever before enjoyed A late and imporshy

tant f ea tm^c^ r t ^e^bv i - rhmgn ta r^ r an of public instruction is the creation of

lyGeums 6t colleges for young girlsmdash that is girlsJrojiLAve_lve to eighteen vears of agemdash in fourteen of the larger cities and towns It is anndunce^ that the State pays 1650000 francos for the building in which the 4 lyceum1 ih Parshyis -will be established French enshyterprise does not always go in the right direction but this scheme for the edushycation of girls is certainly commendashyble bull

ARKANSAS ha sno t contributed to-the world many of the valuable Inventions yf the dayj but by a stroke of genius i t has ijx rather amp novel manner become famous Lynching seems to have grown intt) a anrt of general if not legit imate

industry and the man who suggests any improvement in this summary process

of administering justice is a public ben-eiaetoiy treea has become too coinm teeh railroad br idg^s^a^o^te legraph poles are n^--aTwaygt-cJ)nvenient and

^Xraquo^fnknown in ttto-rural rrfbut they have overcome all

iaia nhitacles on Hurricane Creek by ^ gtraquo w w i w - i w uu x z u i m n n o w e e uy t r gt f l n r g f t n nUarly ft

r^ JiangtegHT mtin in Ma-Qgamp_doprvyax Qady in ih6 States j

necessary that he should But let the scisntific angler with a superb outfit of rods and reels and silk fish lines and gold-plated hooks and patent Hies the usual accompanying combination pockshyet tlask and other first-class articles TfiaTgOnoTmik^=tr|rtrtc=tmtfit of -tire

-A curious (jucstion concerning the identity of the corpse of the poet Schilshyl e r is be ing d^usj^ed in Germany and France Prof Wclckers of Halle after a careful comparison of the skull in the tomb at Weimar with the p las te r cas t

4^ftn^^invmfidiately after Sehilleija death has come~to the conclusion that

will quietly crawi around and commune with the bor who sitsTjivith a~iiattered strawhat on and one suspender his pants rolled up and both-feet dabbling in the Water The scientific angler will note that tbe-boy bas nothing in the-line of fishing-tackle except a tamarac pole a cotton fish-line one-cent hook and a

Tjakingj powder can full of angle worms but lie has a large string of fish for which he receives a good priee^frpm-thfi-scientitic angler who carries them triumphantly through town and tells the people wha t big_Jjarj^_Jie_Jhas bad No the boy does not 3ay he can catch more fish than thescientific angler the scientific angler does not safceo cither but the stubborn facts in the case stick out as prominently as a wart on a Roshyman nose

who Miss Rosalind A Young wno a couple of years ago wrote a n a r t r c l e abbi^t Pitcairns Island fo j^Ser ibners

^ fa theris pastor of jSrcjh^gn3 teacher of the

school anp^amptre Is orgamstana assistant e a c h e r r s h e is about twenty-six years

an377 wfltei^ar retired ^er-c^ptain who not long ago visited her at home she weighs two hundred pounds never had a shoe on her foot ana if necessary could swim off to- snip four miles from the island and back again to shore and then fco into jtfe litrtle church and play tbft organ nuarly ft^^ell as any youngs

was but irVyearsold and when ioc was too-poor to buy a blanket to put on_jhjjr_ bed She died in the middle of winter covered with a sheet and lier husbands -overcoat

The only objection to farming on thew-piains is tha t the 1laquo comes pretty high- -about 8000 feet The assertion however that there is al-wjamps a s e a breeze blowing aUliuteleva-l iorf j u s tmoving the leave) of the troc rnrrt blowing the cellars out friim TTTirtrr the houses occasionally is false True sometimes a whisper of wind springs up on the starboard jib and blows about doe -igt by lt^Hvv-wi^iLfu- an hour ov twoTbut nothing heavier than comer lots with big mortgages on -thenL bavt lie en blown away that we ever heard of

llaisilig cat t le is veniiu s chief inshydustry at this writing With-a good branding iron the huinbleTanclTTnancan get up a pretty nice little herdin a few years One man who went into thecat -tlo business up in the Sweetwater iVmr-orlivo years ago with an I ( mukvand a healthy branding-ironis now-wln-tlwt million He carried a charcoal furnace with him and hatlAhe brand tied to a rope He kept the iron hot and could throw it so as to leave his brand on every maver ick he saw if he could iret


the person buried in the ducal vault is

within twenty yards of it He just brand-= Trda l 1 th-e ~ctrt tre-rre eottld findmdashevery

spring and let nature tjike~lieTToTiTso I tell you pardsaid old J immy

Cannon the guide- to the writer recentshyly the Wesflras Ibst its romance On ly a little while ago r it seems t o m e where once there was nothing but the Whoop of the Tndinnjjid the song of the six-shooter now there are railroads and churches and commercial men and high schools andJhrec-card-monte men ana lecturers and daily news pap er s7 and every little while a na tura l death Wh-v within the pasf two months if the blasted papers tell the tnitbT^scTcral White Dog the famous old chief of

the_Ogalalla Sioux takes i3nuch interest in tornadoes and describes them in a- ~ bdquo peculiarly picturesque faahionUll his 4 U U B M would lwyo to move away When

n M e c a t c h ( u n d e r s t a n d - - c a t c h v v e ^ a v e ^ ^ frac34 1 - h n ^ n n g disease to iJ ig -Wind in

ow on) c-clone he says cloud Bampovrwigwammdashlvay off -Spit fire Make roar like five big herd bufshyfaloes -Always go thai w a y (pointing to the northwest) Me see plenty^ of ^ m more t h a n that many1 (counting twenty on his fingers-) When he-come Injun lie down on his beiley and gralgt soap-weed and grass Ugh Big wind

Having lived prosperously in Crajy^ fordsville Ind for several y e a r s ^ r e a

his circuni- stances warranted liHaT^in jaarrying and he acc^rdingTy coftrmlssioned his brothet^n^Germany to select a wife ^ oiseSt^gga Westphalian damsel

waschoraquoen7 ancF prompt ly islrtpped to this country Her destined lord and master went to Tpledo to meet her ~with some pert uibaiioii but the fraternal standard was found to be a good one bullThe -young woman is a p lump and pleasing person and thrifty withaU for she brought with her a stout chest filled with linen which she herself had spurn

A young woman went to sell a book to J a y Gould She hid it under her cloak and seemed mysterious No one but Mr Gould would d o she told the messenger Mr Gould was not in raquoSho would oooaraquo agaku^JShe k e p t calling daily until in despair the m

WARRANTED T O C l I R E bullwithout motiiclnomdashPain In thebmel hip


-blUtyyluraquoobalaquoraquo^geBraquora raquobull noursltrlB bullctpt

ecoi ihoklilnoTnkphiul dIleaceatorpid nrtaluul Gnli luui fmBotenr cqocv drraquop^nlaquolu cormtipotlun tton hrrnU or rupturb m t u r t i ptiea opU

oney tho

debility rampCTiTKutllaquoni puralyAlft noursltrlB raquoctptjclaquo diselaquogt ^ _ill_ver

uraquo fmbotenpy bullbullthinj bull torilaquo[potluiUr-erylaquolplaquo

i-uyturfc ltlaquotarrti pll in c i r

V l i i i n i u t i lcli i i

t iaw

ltr of tho CaENEBATITF ORfi l f l rr -nru l i w v I t ^ l l t v anlt n f B f r y c l o r t t bullWd-vlCQraquoS M alaquotlis ivenWnpujK- raquonil all tlgtoe dlaeaac oTaper-ironul Hfttuvc from ^fhatover cau^p tho continuous Hream of XalaquoiHtiMi penneatlmg through the piirUi ltm^treatofethom to a healthy action Tlitie iamp no Jiiiituiij tgtiut this oupUanco


TO THE LADIESmdash^H EibftugttlonI)laquo-raquopopiilftor^lth DUalaquoeof the Lly cr Kldnlaquoltvgt llvudMbe or Cold Weet Wfiak Ankh - -

nro afflicted with Khttumatlua Neuralgia tirrra

SwoUlaquoM or leraquo or Kwnllen Feet an Abdominal Belt

and npiilf of Magnotlc Voot BatterieBhave no superior In the rullof and rurfc of all these complaints They carry a powerful tna^aeUo force to Uio slaquoat of the dlampeaae

For L i n o Hack Weakneia of the BplnlaquotFaU-Hon and Ulceration of the W m b Incidental Han-orrhaceor Fleodlnff Painful SupDreaaed mad Ir-tflfPlarMfnitrwallun ltarrcuaea awdfhange of J3ra tali UUtQlleatApplUaoeaadOuratlregtAginfc Known

For all forms of Veniale DtfflenHlea 16 Is nnrar-rwmwtd hy anythlnif hnfnra InTented both M 6 curatlTO MKht and aa a source of power and TltallaatlOD FrtoetjfTlthcr Belt with Magnetics foot Batterte 110

Sent by exproswOOD and examination allowed or by mall on receipt of price In ordertng send measured waist and siie of shoe Remittance oaa bomadelncnx-renoy^sent in letter at our risk

ThejfAft^eton Ganrents are adapted to all agec are worn over the undurclothlnfT (not neit to the body like the many tialvnnlu and ElectrleHani Dae adrertlord no extcnrtveU) and ahonld be taken off at night Thfy-hnld tlxoirpoweromxrand areworn atall seasons of tbltynnr

Send Ht mp fo tljo Nlt-- irjnx-ture In Medical Treatshyment Without Medicine Willi tuouaandaof tonimc-

XSH MAGXJCtON AP5fiitNCRlaquoOii laquo18 atatlaquo St CltlcnKaiJli-

_ CK TllTtT

menfravircfiei t inWyoffi in^of disease I - t e l iyeuy it looks astliei^femdashus=damp14-

snufXus out i t s time to light out for the frontierv

W f c y ^ I e Did -Not S u c c e e d

Probably the most surprized man of tbe- season was the postmaster- ra t Orange this s i M a ^ w h o prepared to commit suiriclo^rt ieW gtdays ago H sehTMsV^ect_mantbTCev~Trsbon_for some niorpHnc to kill himself with

isJamily siivsnectingali was^not right -rftanged the morphine to quinine The doomed man took one of the powders and laid down to die Hi felt a buzshyzing in his head but death did no ^apshyproach with that rapidity he desired so jbu-gotjipandlQakajwULcr4raquoJKUeTi and lafd down with a feeling that death would soon relieve him of all troubles The buRAng in his head continued and after wait ing an hour on cieatn which did not arrive on schedule time he got up-about as m a d ^ mart its could found He got the balance of the rifira nrncnre^Ka minroHcopcLana efxampzn

tnem ^nd when he found tbey were c t of rel-

ined them ^nd when he-found only quinine the trifling lt

tiieiatter oyer for afe^v^aya^widthen shot himself in the h

alive at last accoun that the bullet h

he no doubt feels en chanltrg(1^-i the


at Win eh Mich

fTF^st^tm l l j gt IUCV ovv Pickno

ck-Headache dyspepsia Liver Complaint Indigestion Constipation

and PUflFr THE BLOOD N O T I C E mdash W i t h o u t a particle of doubt Zer-

PTOtts Pills are the most popular of any en theraar-a t i v e s ^ v a s Clear t o h i m lie t h o u g h f tet flaying been bofbrethepubUefw a qaartcref

a centnry and having always performed more than was promised for them i keymerit the tneoeM that

- As he was they hare Attained P r i c e a g e p e r For sale bf alhlragffiato

Kenuot ts Pills alwayg in stock at Wlncbels




mE O L D R E A D I N G C L A S S Miss Mer ry deer u t t e r e d a g r i in t of dissatisfaction

-If i t s l aw i t a i n t j u s t i c e said she bdquo bdquoraquo fumbl ing in t h e pocke t of h e r t a t t e r e d

V f f i e f ygtrn deg l u a d g c l M S -ampd c o a t - a g a r m e n t Which had evident -

1 cannot tell you tienevieve how oft it coaie to memdash


raquo r

That roife of elocution late who stood BO straight luiliM

And charged at standard literature with amla-W-WC tteeiaja bull bull bull bull ^ - - - - trade^gt

Wc did not spare the yjnerwln walefc our wwfds Were d a d i 1

We tore the meaning or thMext by raquo11 the Bght j t e 6dj i

But sTulT rear tne dbai tfBO wrote tbg How we read 60 irfe

Wndd scarcehmjlaquocolaquonl2ed their |tork In PUtiigt Nuaibei Tfcree $

Outtlde tbe snowwas smooth ifed- cleatmdash the tfuck-laiddupt

lade thji windows speak at every i s t bull - v -belle threw ua pleasant1 words

ivellers would paw Fees along the ralaquo-tlaquolaquoraquo4-laquohki--

thelr class X -Bcyoao the white browed cotftagee were uest-

MOK cold and dumb ^ bull l And far away tbe mighty world eeeme beck

oniog UB to comemdash r The womirous world of which we connep wbut

hadbeen aadijBlKbt he bull)bull I l a t b a t o l4 - | a ih ip^ rlaquo4 ing cfcssipfOistrlct ~~ tfrThree bull bull -Tt

at int^mdashitraquoJ^ampPp[r-gt Ijlauiesmdash_ iformly mispronounced the mostiiu-

bdquo - _ t a n t namesgt W |praquondered through Biography ami gave

our fancy play And with some subjects fell in lovemdashgood

only for one day In Romance and Philosophy we settled many a

-point ^ And made what poems we assailed to creak at

every Joint bullbull And many authors that we love you with me

will agree Were first time introduced tiTus In -District

Number Thr4icraquo mdash

Tourecollect Sueannah Jirnith the teachers sore distress

Who never stopjltcd at any pausemdasha Fort of day express

And timid young Sylvester Jones of inconshysistent sight

Who stumbled on the easy words and read the hard ones right J

And Jennie Green whose doleful voice was always clothed in blacks

And Samuel Hicks whose tones induced the plastering all to crack lt

And Andrew Tubbs whose various mouths were quite a show to see

Alas we cannot find -them now in District Number Three -mdash r

And Jasper Jenckes whose tears would How at rach pathetic word

Hes in the prize-fight business now and bits them hard Ive heard)

AndBenny Bayue whose every tone he tnur deguntred as in fear

(Hi3 tongue is not so timid now he is an mdash^laquoitct4ouecrgt

ly been cu t down from a juansj u ls ter bullThere as t r ue as you l i v e r t h a t there d ime has fell out a n d go t lost in the w o o d s -

T h a t s nonsense 1 said Del ia t a r t ly bullTen h u r r y I c a n t

s t and here in thUjwindlall n i g h t t i t r b lun t ly s-irok

o u t t h e old c rone N o t w i thou t

Del ia reso lu te ly

cur ious ] dove o r a f e d TaWflii foT nil1 l l ial I k n o w

S h e l aughed b u t t h e r e w a s a cer ta in ve in of ser iousness t h a t u n d e r l a y all her m i r t h so Lill s t a r e d o u t in the g r a y M a r c h af te rnyon wi th l i t t le flurries of s n o w p r i c k i n g h e r c h e e k l ike frozen needles e v e r a n d a n o n a n d t h e f lmpy frost c r ack l i ng u n d e r h e r feet whi le some few paces beh ind t r u d g e d J e b o r shya m c h a r g e d to look as l i t t le as possible l ike a n escor t ~

bullFor nobodymdash k n o w s sa id Dolia L e t m e p a s s - w h a t t h e old wi tch m a y t a k e offense

the t e a j e e n t a J L j s a i ^ B u t to contois TEe t r u t h Li l t I ve pa r raquo o rde r s

a n d tirnrst s t i ck t o c m If you haven t -

And LantyfWood whose vftrg_wa just enshydeavoring hard to change

^ATnl leapedTrn-nuodfSTFH) fiercely shrill with most bullsurprising range Also his sister Mary Jane 80 full of prudish

frlccj -Alas theyre Both In higher schools than Dis-

t r j e tyamber Three ~ ^

^o back thesevarious voices come though long the years have grown

distinct through-Aud sound uncommonly Memory a tolophonc mdash r

i] rif)mynrfraquo fnhtf rnplo^v iunl_brlutr a sense of cheer bull ^ mdash

And some can smite the nick of time and summon forth a tearV

-VJ1 l y ^ - f t W J ^ h o r r t frmtrgtv hfl^k t ^ 111 WllfMI-ever ad I grieve

And sings a song and that is less Genevieve

It brightens up the olden timt M t i i l e a t t H e mdash mdash

A-sthfr star amid the clouds of District Numshyber Three bdquo _

- W I L L CAJJLETlaquo)N Srjftmbev

pot tlie m o n e y you m u s t JJ-JO a r o u n d by the mill road 1 -V

H u t t h a t s four mi les f i i r tOer sa id the old w o m a n despa i r ing ly A n d N e d d y ^ d e a d t i red a n d so a m I And i t s i r rowih colder eve ry m i n u t e a n d these Marcji winds is h a r d on my rhe t i m a t i c s

bull You sjjould have t h o u g h t 4 t i t h a t beshyfore 1 sAid Delia indifferently -mdash

I)ejjamgtsliy d o n t ytfn le t h e r p a s s whispered LIU SHOS so old a n d mdash

bull O l d pet t i sh ly r e p e a t e d Del ia JVhy s h e s t he w o r s t old b a r p y in

-V63 f r i gh^nor l whwtj fr|1(5 e n t e r e d tho l i t t le A t t n _ at laquo^laquolaquo ri gt n k i i Ak-raquo]T rgt -raquo r ^raquo laquo i r l t i si l i one - s to r i ed cab in ono side of wliich w a s al l awrV wi th t h e forei^bf m a n y a w i n t e r s t empes t in whose low-ceiled a p a r t m e n t old Miss M e r r y d e e r lay dyshying mdash

bullbullIs it m y b o u n y gir l r i f ie said liftshyi n g he r g l a n c e to thlaquo~njgw c o m e r s face i c s i t s she as g a v e m e t h e d ime Out of he r o w n pocke t she gave it to me E v e r y o n e else t u r n e d the i r backs upon


In a T b e I m p o r t a n t F a r t I t P l a y e d M y t t e r l o u TQurder

Jacksonville (Flo) CorN- Y Mail

Arch iba ld V Newton a y o u n g m a n

who be longs t o a w e a l t h y family w h i c h

s t ands h igh in E n g l a n d has jus t been

cenvic ted in O r a n g e C o u n t y of the m u r shy

de r of S a m u e l McMil lan T h e case w a s

sensa t iona l and w h e n the j u r y o r o u g k t

in the verdict W e find the p r i sone r gu i l t y a s c h a r g e d in the m d i c t m e n t t

t a t ious noise

m e a n d l a u g h e d to see the old witch go by N o one ever g a v e m e a n y t h i n g beshyfore but sneers a n d curses For what^ g o o d to a n y b o d y was o ld wi tch Merry- deefc B u t s h e t o o k p i ty on herTiOrd

p romised hor t h ree he r m y heiress

g a t e w n n osien- u laquo vgt ^ ^ ^ - ^deg rne here p re t -AM M l s f M e r r W e was t y ^ n c a n d P u ^ gtur h a n ^ ^ i m t

But crv^rr-a^-litTrtottchlaquotr-4te^war-ui s lowly a n d r e luc tan t ly t u r n i n g the don- 4 r J _ i_i -f_^bdquo_i -v-_ T u p a l m to t h e old c r o n e s fast p u r p l i n g

handt_she g a v e a q n i c k g a s p turned k e y s d r o o p i n g h e a d a r o u n d wben Lil l hor te r f tjaTflifSa^he r e scue

S t o p a minu to i Miss Mer rydee r - said she Here as a t en -cen t piece I t s e e m s s u c h a pHylfor yot t and the poo r o l d d ) 5 h ^ y ^ o ^ g o ^ f t r i r T O ^ d - i t h i s - b i t - t e r cold n igh t bdquo A n d mdash a n d you can p a y m e the nex t t ime vow come this w a y

E h sa id Miss M e r r y d e e r shri l ly bull Who a r e y o u

over a n d d i e d Lil l c losed he r eyes t ied up the poor

old tooth less j a w s wi th h e r scented p o c k e t fcandkerchiefV-erossed the hands orTThJ pus le less bfei is t a n d verrFltor5e aga in l eav ing J e b o r a m to do w h a t hlaquo

^rm1fll^afd-tfao- f ie ld s n iece f rom O m a h a

bullWell k ind Anil


A h said the old w o m a n w h o e v e r you be y o u v e done a a n d merc i fu l deed this n ight you H g e t y o u r r e w a r d for it too I tell y o u r f o r t u n e once m o r e s topshyp i n g t h e donkey as he was half-way t h r o u g h the to l l -ga te to Del ia Penridds i t t t tn i tc d isgust O h yes juycra charm-W o t h i t l ive in t h e w o o d s fmdbdquogubdquotma a spell t h a t o t h e r folks k n o w n o t h i n g of We l l here it I s THrec^bod gujts for you T h e r e s a lover coriiingjtheres a gift of m o n e y coming a n d there s a ^ear-eorgtseieBelaquo-4fcgt g o t o bed upon- this [l i^M ( iood-bye-7-good-bye

A n d t h e donkey t r o t t e d a w a y over thc f foxe t^Toad his hoofs r i n g i n g likn miTllledSbeHs whi le Deliamdashadjusted the b a r s w i t n a l augh a u d both g i r l s r a i r I m r r i o d l y b a c k t o t h f t g l o w a n d shelter of the i i re l ighl

Ts she c r a z y sa id Iill earnestly N o t half so c r azy as vyu ftere to

iiffton tomdashll^rmdashs-mt Dnlia I t s nld Miss M e r r y d e e r Every ojio knows


birch a ruTdr icc rpenny- roya l b u n c h e s in h e r dress c u i i o u s r e m e m o r a n c e s of old Miss Mer rydee r

T h e y bur ied h e r on the moLintainside in a qua in t l i t t le g r a v e y a r d where the cows g r a z e d a t will p i c k i n g the i r way jaa iohg t h e m o s s - g r o w n tombs tones and w h e r e t h e Ien^e h a d Ions- ago fallen to r u i n s a n d peop le l a u g h e d at the idea of

i l l J enr i t ie id beicir cons t i tu ted heitess

vours lt gt peer-

uud throvs a

ill lI)]Kix JlilijirUti bull 4r



co in ing

L i l l Li l l r u n to The re s some one road

Lill Poni ie ld s t a r t e d to Jior a l ac r i ty t i ius ruthiessTv

dttor-mdashlt|uiek4 owiK the

her She go woods a n d bails t l iem intfgt d r i n k a -

tcet with d e s t r o y i n g all

t he br ight visions which had bui l t them-bull e l v t v u p a r o u n d the g l o w i n g logs in the d e e p ch imney ^

H o w m u c h is it for a foot passeng-t iivisaid she ca l l ing tjp tlumdash n a r r o w woodou s ta i rway

- B u t i t i sn t a foot |gtassenger i r r i t shya b l y re to r ted Delia wi th h e r i u p u t h full

of ha i rp in s Vdt^ uld Mis-s Meiigtdefry wi th he r d o n k e y car t T e n c e n t s

I t Was a ^ t o r t n y M a r c h sunset red a a d t h r e a t e k i n g a f o n g t l v c w e s t wi th a frozen b r e a t h of icicles in the air a n d

c a r t seomed to a d v a n c e t h e tolldigaise

look ing wi th sur j ) r ised ieyey~rt

bullThere a r c families a r o u n d he re thu t wou ld r a t h e r have old Miss M e r r y d e e r in s ickness t han a n y o the r d o c t o r in town And she s a nu r se too and s o m e th ink tha t she sees and hears more t h a n o t h e r p e o p l e

H o w old is s h deg A h u n d r e d at l e a s t said Delia

-NovTeTns iiirtke liasc -and g e t - the-t e a r e a d y for Pa-wi l l be half frozen w h e n h e c o m e s mdashmdash i mdash 1 WTimtoEHf m y t l v r e e go^wl gifU will come t r u e said Lill laughing

O h unltloubtedIy De l i a -answered wi th the most m a r k e d sa t i re

B u t Delia-Penticld her p r i sed mdashabout -amdashweekmdashs w h e n a l e t t e r a r r ived for Lil l f rom t h e lad she left behind her

W h a t d o you th ink Li 11he wro te I a m c o m i n g ^castT l ~ m i i coTriinjrto

could-for the w a t c h e r s and a t t e n d a n t s And as she whlked she -carried the s t r a n g e a r o m a t i c odor s of p ine and

of the d e a d bullJUh

t i g h t e n o u g h hflcld


appoarod utraquo Sftniotd) b o a n o g iraquo f rom Mr ( i r ay one of the L o n d o n stock ho lde r s to J E G r a h a m the m a n a g e r of the Sanford C o m p a n y N e w t o n was m e n t i o n e d in the le t te r as a n e p h e w of Mr G r a y and M a n a g e r G r a h a m w a s au thor i zed to pay h im 8S3 pe r m o n t h Newton a youth of fino a p p e a r a n c e a n d p leas ing m a n n e r s was f)opular_atdirst b u t his g o o d repu ta t ion w a s soon blastshyed T h e r e were reasons to suspec t him of forger ies a n d then caijio n^ws t h a t hGvhad left E n g l a n d because of a n out shyr a g e aga ins t Miss Pol ly l i owron Sub shysequen t ly he sent money to E n g l a n d for K a t e Bowron a sister of his a l leged vic t im a n d mee t ing he r i n N e w Y o r k marr ied her and t h e couple r e t u r n e d to C r y s t a l L a k e O r a n g e County

^ Whi lQ lh l s was go ing on ano the r topic of suspicion p resen ted itselfrThereliv~

bulled in O r a n g e County n e a r Crys ta l L a k e a m a n -named Samue l McMil lan who bore t h b - r e p u t a t i o n of being v miser a n d w a s supposed to ca r ry a l a r g e sum hi m o n e y on his pe r son He- o w n e d a

-ya luablc g rove the sale - of which he Was nego t i a t ing with N e w t o n who-wi th his wife lived n e a r by N e w t o n -knew the habi t of McMil lan of e a r n i n g money On S a t u r d a y evening - Sep ten ibe r gtn McMil lan was last seen alixe_4nst a l t e r sunset in c o m p a n y wi th Newton walkshying t o w a r d Newton s house H e never r e t u r n e d to h i ^ h o m e a n d af te r some days his ne ighbors became ahxioftVand ins t i tu ted a search for h im On the 17th d a y of O c t o b e r j i i s headless body was found in Crysta l L a k e pa r t l y cohsvimed by fishes A r o u n d the waist was a rope t o which was suspended a sack i n wh ich w a s found a n iron p o t full of nlails A few days l a te r t he h e a d o-f-the-murdered m a n was found n e a r the SAIUT spo t trnd

k c q i airnji frrum Oboun ltoi I d o a H w m t j mdash you to ea tch i t mdash N e w Y o r k Mail and E x p r e s s


An I n c o n c e i v a b l e T o r t u r e ol t h e O r i shye n t

Paris Letter

T h e A n n a m e s e h a v e b r o u g h t the Scishyence of l impa lemen t to a m u c h finer po in t t h a n m i g h t be i n f e r r e d - J r o m t h e process herptofort- ^escribftfL _ A J ^ p ^ bliicer who wi tnessed an execut ion irT T o n k i n before t h e r e c e n t t roubles g ives thoro was m u c ^ - G x o i t r m p n t i n the c o u r t fc ^ ^ t _^ bdquo _ _ J

B l i t a l t e r all w h a t does it a m o u n t to Ah old hovel c r a m m e d chuck full of y a r b s a n d roots twent ga l lons o ilaquooot beer four dozen bot t les of ague cure tihat n e v e r y e t c a r e d a n y b o d y and four acres of l a n d Wtth t h e ^tones so close t o g e t h e r o u t t h a t even tlhe sheep c a n t ge t t h e i r i i o s e s - d o w n to browse -Vxr tmrcTrof a fo r t in fteeordlng-tomv ^ a v s o t h i n k i n g

B u t she m e a n t k ind ly toward me poor thing 1 1 sa id Lil t^soft ly A n d iiil l innnnco T oravf hftr^-q d i m e 1

The next af ternoon however Lncie -timiiiill f nne back from tpwn_vith a b e a m i n g face ~~~

L o o k he re L i l l said he - You ve go t the for t in af ter_al l W h a t il ye t h i n k Old witch M e r r y d e e r had eight h u n d r e d dolhuvs in t h e sav ings bank A n d i t s yours have belived the re was t h a t much money to be m a d e out of roo t s anil y a r b s

E i g h t h u n d r e d d o l l a r s cried Delia ~TiRm=brR r-eftn-^onugiug^to her feet

niaiiy j o m Ca tesby after all when he comes o a s t

I or to these s imple-people e ight hunshydred do l la rs signified a for tune bull So this g e n t l e - n a t u r e d heroine inher-

j t ed the throe good gifts after all Tom C a t e s b y canae eas t a n d set u p life as a-

t h e very-Siirno pnrt of thp c o u n i r v w h e r e vou a re Do you k n o w t h e old r e d mi l l Wel l ( i r iel H a l l h a s bough t it a n d w o - a r e to r u n it in p a r t n e r s h i p A n d w h e n we have saved a l i t t le m o n e y Or ie l is co in ing b a c k west for t h e g i r l h e is e n g a g e d to a n d I -we l l Lil l you

-i bull i k a o w tho rest I t m a y be severa l yea r s h i f t o k m m ^ H l s ^ ^ ^ b u t w e 3 m E t d B -t h r o u g h which old M i s s M e r r y d e e r s nr~enuy ut i e n o u g h for me p re sen t dea r it will be

to be n e a r y o u

A R a b b i s D i l e m m a A wel l kr town R a b b i of

i n v i t e d to the J o l i e t pen i t en t i a ry to ad-tmfcK-^ theJ4r -eraquo5 tiie-^conviipta lit^t S a b b a t h T h e

seated is-the^

as LiM4Rit r ad i an t ly d r eami^g ove r t h e let-

bullnnt old yyoman w h o s a t o n n h e a p ^ t A m i t h f t - e l G a r consc ience we l l branehes-and-AvdiiplwiditpiLphleg- - U I

onkey i f t^roct of her y o u r e a l w a y s r e a d y e n o u g l i t o

11 s a rcas t i ca l ly r e m a r k e d old Miss f leer as the d o n k e y ca_me to a h a l t ih front of t h e tb l l -bar Now-

t h e n y o u n g - w o m a n ( t o Lil l ) why^a in t I t o be al loyed to g o o n

T e n cent jplefieV s a i ^ Ltl l t imidshyly h o l d i n g o u t he r h a n d wi th a l t - t ha t she -had ever r ead d r e a m e d or h e a r d

iat Avitphes c o m i n g back in to her the a i g h t o f t h e yel low old face

wWh i ts f r inge of w h i t e elf-lock^ t h e tejoak a n d the nose t h a t was hooked

J f e n c o D deg amp i U v s l m c amp d o l d m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ Z Merrydee r A n d for w h a t I should l ike to k j i o w

f t^1r t$e^t t -gate p l e a s e ^ oxplftuibd JLAI w i sb ing m o r e t h n o v o r t h a coustD Would come d o w n a|aiitAr ^ -_mdash

I cUnt k n o w a n y t h i n g abot i toll bull g a t e s sa id Miss MerrydeorY S t a n d Aai^6 a n d lo t tun go thiougfa T h e road w a s h e r e 1 6 frac34 before t h e y o U f U ^ n f l 1 o l l ^ 5 ^ ^ b - laquo y ^ g a t e I t s s w i n d l i n g mdash t h a t s w h a t it-is-G e t u p N o d d y

She se t t l ed heiself b a c k a m t t e g the g r een s p r u c e Doughs and p r o t r u d i n g roots-with HIT a i r o x de te rmi t i a t ion a n d c h i r r u p e d to h e r d r o w s y s teed as i f she mean t o r ide rough - shod over

t a m e runn iRg down-s ta i r s arid the ba r back- to i ta p lace

-Twn ntB MffTlaquoJMffffyjgg] she l a w

said o r you c a n t -pass T h a t s the

t a k e ior g r a n t e d Now T if only- old wi tch M e r r y d e e r bdquowould s u p p l y t h e m o n e y J should r ea l ly be l i eve in h e r

bullI g u e s s said J e b o r a m H a w l e y the h i r ed jriattT-who 4iad--laquoome in a t t h i _ m o m e n t with a pot of g lue to w a r m ovor the k i t c h e n stove t h a t o ld Miss Mer shyr y d e e r w o n t s u p p l y m a n y m o r e t h i n g s in th is w o r l d S h e s a t d e a t h s d o o r w i t h pne i imonv T h a t s w h a t I v e h e a r d ~

I s she poor old t h i n g said-Dlaquo4iA care less lv T a k e ca re J e b o r a m d o n t spi l l t h a t g l u e

S h e s trot a l awye r s c i e rk t b e r c a

il ler wi th Lill a t che household he lm A u d of cour se they l ived h a p p y ever after W h o ever h e a r d of a pair of t rue lovers t ha t d id o the rwi se W h i l e the n e i g h b o r s all m a r v e l e d cxeccdingly-rand-r e n i a r k e d wi th va r ious nasa l inflections

a b u l l e t hole was discovered in the b a c k of his sku l l O n t h e b ra in s be ing re shym o v e d a bullet d r o p p e d out w h i c h a p shyp e a r e d to fix exac t ly a pis tol N e w t o n had borr owedi rom a ne ighbor n a m e d Tr i t e Th i s wastbe--ngtystery of C r y s t a l L a k e -

Lilt t h a t t ime Newton_became ihisli of inoneV H e said tha t bis - wife s

s3iit h im rnonev H e saiil t ha t bi

r a m e T B b w r c n 1 a d~ b r o t h e r 823000 wi th which to buy an orani ie g rove on the l ake He wis suspec ted of themdashmunLer_ _oi McMil lan - however a n d was brought before J u d g e C u c k c a m a n no ted as a m e m b e r of t tie F lor ida

sunse t

T h e F l o r i d a S h i p C a n a l

CiniiuijatiTirne s^t a r - ^ - - -Pe r sons p r o m i n e n t l y couuijittcd ^ith

t h e en te rp r i se arclfrec to ay tha t t h e p r o p o s e ^ F lo r ida s h i p cana l will be coix-s t ruc tedf T h e feasibi l i ty of the p ro jec t appea r s to have been d e m o n s t r a t e d Gene ra l S tone w h o has conduc ted -~wi -STrrve-aTtd~wtrrr-^qiF -^ u bulljerint^Mul -thci cons t ruc t ion of t h e cana l iu-ease-4l ieuro-c o m p a n y decides to g o a h e a d - w r r h - t h c work is a m a n whose opinion on such mat te r^ ia va luab le Hfr a s se r t ] conii

hT t iou of H1T2 t r i a r occu r r ed v for the-proserjiuiwri wa lked down the a is le followed lw a-meduim-sied d a r k -ha i red w o m a n evulen t ly a foreigner

1 deehireTTiever^ w ^ d t ^ ^ l t e s t p n n g e r g o t abreiv^U)i Mr gtew-to r f she t u rned amvpe-orcdvirtto her face say ing W h y Ka^e T h e pr i soner as he looked up and recognized the -woman liliiamphiid unt i 1 i t sce^ii( d the blood would burs t from nis neLkTrnd_--iiliXadis whi le Mrs N e w t o n turnei l dcTatinV pale a u d r e m a i n e d several seconds with uptifrnet face a n d half-open-qips as if petriilcuT by amazement- Tiijebull-bullpresence- oX-this w o m a n in Amer ica was a comple t e surshypr ise to the defence as t h e counsel for N e w t o n subsequent ly a d m i t t e d in open court mdashHer-to-Uimoiiv wa^ l i s t e n e d - t o

a n d w a g g i n g - o f t h e head t h a t r t~was m o s t e x t r a o r d i n a r y bu t old Miss M e r r y d e e r a lwaj s w a s q u e e r

Chicago was

p r i sone r s ^^en seareo i s - t n e spae tous c h a p e l and the R a b b i a rose to g ive his discourse J u s t t h e n it o c c u r r e d to hingt X n a t l r w ^ s i t vxrry^Tderricate m a t t e r - t o add re s s his aud i ence as he wished lo

wi th brea th less in teres t I t was to the effect t h a t the Bowron family had n bulli25inthegtyoiidJluuch less yen 2 o p o i y t b inves t in o range g r o v e s r - T u a t hacKbeen the a ia in pqintrpf the de fense -^ to a c o u n t for Nesvton s n ioney aifege^r to have been sent by t h e wealjy brother in- law The Eng l i shwo a n con t i rmed

rairiaipon Pol ly

ered m a p h a d e t r i a l Dr Kins

the s tory of N e w t o n s o Bowijom

M c M i l l a n - i k e m v coarse r e o V b a i r ^ A t W y l l y t e s t i r ^ l t h a t hemdashhad f o u n d i n blood spots^oTiTi h a n d k e r d i i e f T o u n d in I S e w t o n V p o c k e t t h e morning a f t e r the m a r d e r a e m g l e - j e i L h i i i r The h a n d -kerolfief w a s e x a m i n e d las t Oc tobe r by

s p r e t ^ e m humi l ia t ion by ca l l ing thcln I-Df Wyl ly H e testified t h a t a t t h e hrst J ^convicts^ Snid h e 1 do no t k n o w h o w tb add re s s youmdashyou people If say Fe l lowCi t i zens - t h a t w o n be r i g h t I f I s ay G e n t l e m ^ don i fKnow^f I w o u l If I s ay M i n e E r i e n d s th a (lead give a w a y to mine Q o n v i c t s yon d o n t s h o u l d smile So d ings a n d vou

wou ld be If I say

lat some I

ali fust say nud--

be p k a s e d a t

a m H e s to t ake ou t his p a y in four bo t t l e s of A g u e S p r u c e C u r e a n d a g a l shyl o n o j roo t beer B u t l a w t h e r e a in 5 d ^ c ^ s n l ( H t 7 raquo r T C r - d ^ laquo gt on a b roomst ick somo d a v o r disajspear

T h e nex t day howeve r oarne a t a t rmyltl l i t t le m e s s e n g e r to t -he to l l -houso

mdashX U l t L M i s s M e r r y d j

bullyoung w o m a n as

dot I _ k j ^ y 2 _ ^ Q i d I ^ n X ^ f t o r fellgw d o w n a m i d dea fen ing

f rom t h e i n m a t e s

w a n t s to see t h e ie g ive the t h r e e

good gifts ^ o sa id he r o l l i n g his oof-fee-colored eyebal l s a r o u n d I m to show h e r do way bull Bight off p l e a s e

Lill l ooked at Del ia in a m a z e m e n t a l l laquopp S h a l l I g o sa id she O h sure ly

position tm^- jus t here De l i a PenliWtf I o u g h t

perspir ing r o a r s of Chicago^

If t M Rabbi h a d said F e l l o w H u -ttlabullargtBeings he eoulcTTrave s t a r t ed

on w h a t he h a d to say wi th no em-a r r a e s m e n t to himself o r to the poo r

fel lows w h o a r e c a g e d u p a n d -who some t imes fee h o w h a r d it is for a n y shybody t o say a k ind word to t h e m If

Hire R a b b i h a d n o t h i n g to s a y a n d d i d n t k n o w h o w to say i t h e shou ld h a v e k e p t a w a y mdash H u n d r e d s of m e n w h o ( d o n o t k n o w half a r T i m c h as t h e Rabb i h a v e g o n e to the p r i sons a n d by the p r o m p t shyings of the i r w a r m h e a r t s a n d the i r IOVQ for m a n k i n d h a v e been enab led to say words of c o m f o r t t h a t h a v e b r o u g h t tcars to the eyes of m e n who -tfe sq-ffier-i n g mdash ^ u n w h m e n t for c r ime mdashPock s S u n _ __bull

mdash - - bull bull

svvung t I t s a lonely s p o t s a i ^ D e l i a mdash u p in the woods w i thou t a n e i g h b o r s house i n s i g h t J e b o r a m h a d be t t e r i o l l o w

t i t t l e riintnnpn -Did w i t ch v o r n r t

( M e r r y d e e r may t r r rn you in to a w h i t e

c rys t a l Suppos ing t h a t he m i g h t have scra tchedmdashhis fingor and -caused th c rys t a l to g e t oh t h e handke rch i e f he w o u i d - n o t accept a a ^ i L j ^ M n c j B _ l h a t t h e r e was blood t h e r e His last exami shyna t ion revea led t h e blooltl co rpusc le s ve ry dis t inct ly a n d u n d e r the m i c r o -scope h e d iscovered ^ s i n g l e t e d h a i r mdash a

ie g r o u n d a s firmly as a t e l e g r a p h po le a n d wi th t h e u p p e r p a r t a c h a i r of i ron h a v i n g an ori i ice in the c e n t e r of t h e sea t i s conshynec ted T h e po in t of t h e s t a k e fits t h e orilice in the chai a n d t h e l a t t e r is l ow- e r e d or ra ised by m a c h i n e r y set is m o -i ton^by a-cratrkmdashso t h a t suventrifEelr-of-t be pole can be forced t h r o u g h the body of any one sea ted in t h e cha i r T h e r e is a lofty p la t form r i s ing t o t h e s a m e h e igh t us the pule a n d j - e a j d i e d b y a lad-- der T h e execu t ione r compd^CsT^jyic-t i m to m o u n t a n d t a k e his sea t in the cha i r whe reon he is i m m o v a b l y cha ined T h e n the c r a n k is t u r n e d for ty o r fifty t imesmdashthe s t a k e b e i n g bur ied fu r the r a n d fu r the r in t h e c r i m i n a l s body at each t a r n bdquo

All thisbdquoappeursMiniitterablably horshyr ible to Europeens bu t the Or i en ta l s a re no t cons t i t u t ed as we a r e T h e y fea r o rd ina ry forms of d e a t h ve ry l i t t l e a n d decap i t a t ion o r h a n g i n g has as litshyt l e t e r ro r s for t h e m as t h e W o r k H o u s e for the common A n g l o - S a x o n crimina_L_ Moreover the i r n e r v o u s sys temmdashespecshyially t h a t of t he Chinese and k ind red racesmdashis not a l t o g e t h e r simrlai to the n e r vouamp_^ysJ^urolLAy iaa__r aeW_ T h e _ F r e n c h omeer w h o witnessedTthei m e t h o d of execut ion above desc r ibed avers t h a t the c r imina l c o n t i n u e d tobdquoeat a b a n a n a unt i l the opera t ion w a s half comple t ed

bulland m a n y t r a v e l e r s concu r in b e a r i n g evidence thftt the Chinese exh ib i t u n d e r t o r t u r e a deg ree o f f o r t i t u d e equa l if not super ior to t h e well k n o w n s toic ism -

-of the -Amer icnn I n d i a n l i n t i_t_k_rather s t r a n g e to l ea rn t h a t the p a r ^ o f t h e i ron m a c h i n e r y used in the i m p a l i n g process r e f e r r ed - to bears t h e t r a d e - m a r k of a F r o n d I -i ro raquo- m as l er

assert1 dentlyLhat the t l igg ing of this w a t e r -

- way jw41 rprovo a ggtod iftVcstmen-t f o r The c o m p a n y -alaquo4mdashoi__juiit_-beneiit ) c o m m e r c e A c c o r d i n g to geiun^irStpTiT-r the es t ima ted c o s t - - h e witholdsTU-etig-ures Tor the prcscuT -- is m o d e r a t e in compar i son to the a m o u n t of business that awai t s the canal l i r e reason for his fai th in t h e c n t c r p r i s e n r a y be s t a t ed in a few w o r d - The cana l it U claimx-d would save^rrom three to Vev-en (lays tim3 fo r allTTie s f e a hie r-T ah i r sa i l ing vessels 2 y i n g into and ou t of the (itiTf of Meicolt Th i s m e a n s a d i rec t sav ing to cip-h vc^raquoef in sa lary ai id-ruu-Hp-inj|-t-^^es of_about 1gtUU Bcsiilts the miyigat ion t h r o u g h the F lo r ida Stra i t^ is exceedLngly dange rous a n d thcynnnual losses frohi w r e c k a g e a re

fOrmojjji On tliis bulluVonni if js e i t i - _ the c a n a l w o u l d save from one and a half p e r e e i U u n i n s u r a n c c -f course w i t h increased-safety of

nav iga t ion a ntf lcrwer cost t he i r a l l i c CTTgtT

w h i c h n o w m a k e s use of the G u l f would l a rge ly inc rease Gen Stonje beshylieves t h a t w i t h i n a very shor t t ime afshyte r tlie comple t ion of the cana l you will find t h a t a very l a r g e propor t ion o f t h c ^

-g ra in and co t ton of the Wes t a p d N o r t h -west t h a t now goes E a s t b y r a i l wou ld come down-the-Miss iss ippi and t h r o u g h t he canaL a n d t h e a b s u r d i t y i -f ---driving ca t t le from T e x a s a w a y u p to K a n s a s and A r k a n s a s to bo t h e n c e s h i p p e d by xai l -J j jL_Easiern maxkAt_slgtr^laquold a l so

T h e r e is no en terpr i se now con-in p r o g t e s s t h a t w o u l d

cease t e m p l a t e d o r _ t -

x a m i n a t i o n h e iounltl a s ing le b lcgtod-^oniex-gr^a te i~4w^eHt5-4r^on-ahc_cQm^

W h e n t h e d o g a

coa r se r ed hai r T h e defense fough t t h e case p o i n t by poin t tmt t h e drift w a s agair is tr t h e m a n d w h e n N e w t o n sa id t h a t h e h a d b o r r o w e d T r u c u piutol to shoo t a n a l i g a t o r t h e aud ience l a u g h e d

W h e n the j u r y c a m e in a n d gave t h e verd ic t one could have h e a r d a p i n d r o p All t h e whi le N e w t o n h a d been ne rvous shyly t w i t c h i n g his m o u s t a c h e W h e n the verd ic t was read ou t he d r o p p e d his h e a d a n d d e a t h l y pa l e wh i l e a s l igh t t r e m o r passed t h r o u g h his f r ame H e then sudshyden ly j u m p e d up a n d seized his h a t i q r -g e t t i n g tha t - the c o u r t h a d n o t a d j o u r n e d but p re sen t ly con t ro l led himself a n d r e -immud his sea t mdashHis raquoif qu i e t for a few m o m e n t s t h e n a few t e a r s t r i ck led d o w n her c h e e k s a n d s h e g r a s p e d hor h u s b a n d s a r m convuls iveshyly b u t beyond this she showed no e m o shyt ion J u d g e Ctfcke p r o n o u n c e d the vershydic t -of d e a t h

mc rce of the w o r l d t h a n the F l o r i d a -eanaK or t h a t cou ld d e p e n d - u p o n

a l a r g e r b u s i n e s s P e r h a p s Gen -amplone in his e n t h u s i a s m for the s c h e m e ^ magni t ie its i m p o r t a n c e s o m e w h a t But it is p la in e n o u g h t h a t l h c ~ p r o p o s shyed p e n i n s u l a r c a n a l w o u l d be of wonshyderful a d v a n t a g e to the c o m m e r c e of this coun t ry and especially7 of the S o u t h shywest

^ bull bull - bull

T H E D r i gt E - ^ T h e N e w Y o r k T r j b t t n e p e r t i n e n t l y

T r u e cau t ion Ma said J e n n i e t o o boy in L P a r v e n u e at N e w p o r t t h e y said those

t h c j n e l o n p a t c h a n d t h e r e a r e no trees S m i t h s w h o h a v e g o t the J o n e s co t t age r h a n d y he 4 s ings O h f o r t h e g a r 4 raquo i ^ - - a r 4 3 _ a w ^ M j s t y l i pound h ^ wal l mdashCinoin j ia i t i M e r c h a n t a n d T r a v g r e e V G o t t h e ped ig ree have t h e v

said Mrs P a r v e n u exc i ted ly w e l l y o u p e bull - J mdash T mdash

very p e r t i n e n t l y s a y s N e w s p a p e r s have an e x a s p e r a t i n g way of t a k i n g u p a ca t ch -word o r newly coined p h r a s e and w o r k i n g it t o d e a t h T h e la tes t is d u d e A s u s e d in i ts o r ig ina l a n d m o r e r e s t r i c t ed sense the word is bail enough a n d the p u b l i c is sick of it B u t now it begins to be app l ied indiscr imi na te ly to all orts a n d condi t ions of m e n who exhibi t in t h e i r m a n n e r s o r e o n T e r -sa t ion t h e d e c e n c i e s a n d amen i t i e s of social life So t h a t t o be ca l l ed a d u d e by s o m e jqnr r ia l s o ^ b amoun tu to ca l l bull

j ng a maji a g e n t l e m a n T h i s of course is a s h a b b y wayvdf t r e a t i ng peo -])le whose g o o d - b r e e d i n g is t h e i r on ly c r ime a n d J i is a l t o g e t h e r an a b s u r d pe r fo rmance on t h e p a r t of r e p u t a b l e j o u r n a l s O n e p a p e r for ins tance t h e o t h e r day i nXno t i r i e of a m u c h i a l k e d -

bullcent ^ o r e l t o m a r k i ts d is l ike of r e f inement of t h e au tho r i n t i m a t e d he was a d u d e Is it no t a b o u t

t ime t h a t this s o r t of t h i n g w a s s t o p 5

ped- T h e w o r d d u d e m u s t go

bull ^




y - - gt - bull

bull bullt V ^

1 r bull

^ t a b bull d H ^ ~ bull ^ c r ^ - i - bull-bullbull

d ia iraquo fSraquo

V ^ f^



- - 1 laquo

The Agricultural Editor

bull Dyke Fortoseiifr rambled into tho pffictt of a rural newspaper published in

crass of m r a t readers suul named Vlw Fartnrs Friend

(ini Cultivators Vhamphn Dyke WHS fresh from Denver where lie had beeif ifloing local work on a daily He wanti-d ft situationmdashhe wanted it bad fry und ho ^oonclosed a bargain with 11laquo proprieshytor of the Farmer J Friend mid Cultishyvator Champion The proprietor in-tepded to be absent for two weoks anil Dyke undertook to hold the journal^ nead steadily up stream until his reshyturn J_ l _

You wilFreceive some visitors quijo Jikely said the proprietor Enter-fraquo|n em Entertain em in a manner which will reflect credit upon the paper They will want to talk stock farming horticulture etc you know Give it f o e m strong mdash-

Dyke bowed borrowed a half-dollar got a clean shave and a jrlass of beer n d soon returned to face the music and p d j c t h e first agricultural journal with Which he had ever been connected

M I c a n feel that with mv journalistic Wlaquo rience it will be jm agricultural himself

At two bclpck jgt

just km to run paper said Dyke to




m the first visitor phowed up at the door of the office and Dyke cordially invited him inside The farmer entered hesitatinglyand re-marked that ha had laquo Y p e a t p J u gt pia^ the proprietor with whom he had an appointment to discuss engtihige

I am in charge of the journal said pyke

Q you are Well you seem to have A pretty c lean ofBee hero


Y e s replied Dyke Hut about - ihte^eHsSage- Kfisttag isla~prettv sroolf

breed -isnPt itP bull J Breed exelairaed- ihe b a n n e r

V w h v mdash bull I mean its a sure crop -something

that y o u can relymdash Crop Why It-isnt a crop at a-H Ves yes I know it isnt a crop

laid Dyke perspiring^ vmtil his collar iwgan to me l t awayvilovvrr flie ftuvk of his neek but you can do Intter ami fi)eRQer work withbulla-^ood^ttrptmsrhtjre-pn stubby ground t h a n - ^ mdash ~

T a k e it for a sulky plow do you No no f said Dyke You dont

seem to understand me Now if a Jarnaer builds an ensilage on low groundmdash -

iA Builds an ensilage You seem to have got the th ing mixtul up with some kind of a granary

Pshaw no - continued Dyke I must make myself plainer You see tlite ensilage properly mixed with one

-fmrt gttittio-and threepitrts-lt)f-npltittpts-phate of antinicfay with the adtmien of ft l ittle bran and tan-bark and the Whole flavored with nMorid ltf limn


BARGAINS IN HATS ffHtrt a t eost--t-A- L a r g e mul E l e g a n t

)[ne of N e c k w u i r at le^4fttm-ttjsI

for straw )erry

raquo i -



^ 4

Uee bullT IJ IB I IU IT mdash d ywi wilt flad

^ Yoraquor Tpetfr towioat at p w u TwiJt fragrant make the breath of all ~Boys women men and girls

The fljfanofacturers have yet tp hlt caae of Dyspepsia or Biliousness w u used aa directed to which It wA not more than satisfactory Many write that it la a wonder-fill remody We can ahow where aa high aa forty

[ pounds were gained by Ita use in breaking up chronic BiiioDsnee and Dyspepsia Ita- friends In- creaae very fast and all who uae aa directed arlaquo aurpriaed and gratified _Jbdquo SH4

BIG REDUCTION IN HOSIERY We want to sell balance (jgtf Summer stock at cost and make room for fall

witHrinter goods

CALL AND SEE TO SATISFY YOURSELVES W e Wv^4tH euromwitgtort^ sioek- in paner

ZZ- iuut tTietn Priccs TuroTjj^ccT

IN CUFFS W e lead al co inpet to is The best | =^^==^-^



-K vet- Hh-tlie ttrwii-at p-iees-l-

niakes a top-dressing b^ds whichmdash bull

^yr-ensilatre isnt nouianure io certainly not said l)yke I

^fenowirts ndt often used in tlfat way ^oif dont eaieh iny drift WhcTrl-smfr U)gt-d nssiny 1 meant turkey drlt bull ssinltiZ=-stuiling you knowmdashfor Thanksgivshyi n g mdash l F

Grcat heavens man Ensilage isnt p human food _

No not a-human food exactly1 said poor Dyke grinning like an alinsgt house idiot it isnt a food at all in live true sense of the word My plan has always been to lasso the hug with- a tracechain and after pinning his ears Dackwith a clothes pin put the ensis lagegtinto his nose with a pair of twees-J ers1

Af3r good lands

^ o W n I) io 25 pcr(Vpt less tlum other-i-laquoii e se l ng ^ie su-ne identical

uootigt Ne~mue vlaquo i-bout doubt tlie best iiiiluund- oil si in ilte market

coin deue



Cor Congress and Battoa-Sta

You donH use on-

tjilageto ring h o g s I never believcMl that i t should bo

used for that-)lTjrpoae- but vheiT^-ou want to ring hens or voting ^ealv^ei to keep them from stgtekfcgmdash

The lander gravely shook his head Pid yaiijgyar_ try ensilage on th

Jiired^girlfM said Byke dtspariitlaquoly and winking like a bat a P l l 8 0 ajh

The farmer slowly arose and with laquoome evidence orheumatic twinges in his legs mdash

Young m a n he said solemnly yon are a l o n g ways from home a m 1 you

Y e s 1 replied Dyke eyes beneath tbe sltera

A t y o u r own pi icogt Clocks Clocks

CLOCKS CLOCKS Gouigrcgat dless of cost -

BEWWGz = drojrping his

of the gTaticBs halls in-

England sad-eyed rerrtiners^Tvearily V^atch and wait for my returnbull

Go hcraquoraeyoung man go home to your feudal cuMtUr and while on your wily acrogs _tjio- r u l i n g deep muse oj the f a c t nh^t^elrsttagCTk simplyjcj^rmli food for liye sloqkmdashgut i m ^ f p r e s s l y for fami ly use ina s i l ^ v t i i e h is notli-m e less thap an a ^ i ^ t pit where corn stalks griuja m^Je^cfover alfalfa and other gre^Hfcfuck te|raquoreserved for winshyter ugeVa ere^^^khtcrdiLrit as the

j^edltoror im0afaners Friend and Cultivators1 Chariampxjpiiy

And Dyke Fortescue Jsighed aa he reshymarked to himself There aint so blamed much fun in running an agrishycultural-paper as 1 tlioiigbt1mdashTesta Sifting

- bull raquo raquo

- M TaSteur telU the AeadeDjfy 0 ^ ^ 1 Stdences at Parig thdtwonderful results

are being obtained Mithe work of yac-[ cinating live stock as a preventive against disease During the last-yltGftrbdquo l 8O0Q6 sheep about 4rQ(JPhaatl-of cattle ampul AGO horsed ha^^^eeenmdashvftooinatwlT-^efore this system was introduced the annual loss from liver-rot in one depart-InemVwas nine per cent while tmrloss gince then has beeir reduced over one-

- ^ bull ^ -mdashThe Cleveland Akron amp CpljiSjlms

Railroad now counts its time from one 0 twenty-four oclock Thus two pm ia fourteen and It) pm tWanty-t^o The plan avoids possibility of extension betweon forenoon aftd astern

--^-----^=^-- raquot9n

1VE 11AYK AftlttSTO(K43F

FARMERS AND THRESHERS wliloh we vt el at down prices

BEST COFFEE 1 ^ - Fa i rban l (S Ex Winter-strained Lard Oil No l-tard Oil

Best Quality Lardoline A No I Golden Engine Oil

In t o v w ISoiions- N o e es and

laquoraquolaquo^z t down prices

La ge line at prices below par at the


Pinckney M t e h i j f i r i ^

w raquoJ

a V

DETROIT MICH HftieF $1 to $1 raquo per day Single

iwraquo1raquo lt(UHgti -lAHlitfosi-SS to iOc 4V 1 a a 1 w-amp nraquoi4a4f y- ititt i n DfT4 and

M l O O fclaquoMl) 4wgt a n w LaaJi fi -jmni tt bull

1gt bull


OaAwroBDiCo PA CITT OF TrruinLui Peraooallj appeared bfcxore me Peter PKBUpi

whobeing sworn accordiag to law depoaea aod aayi That he haa been affected with rheuznatlam more or leaa for the paat fonr or Ave yean T H | last winter he had a very aevere attack and t i t ) the pain waa excruciating and-he could only mi about in hia own room By taking bold of aoi thing for support When the disease waa in moat acute form and the pain almoat unbet be took a dose of Wilaoni Lightning Kemi which cauaed immediate relief and the doea taken five hours after mafle a perfect ajii |] permanent cure and that since taking the two ooaea he haa been free from the diaeaae or any symptoms thereof PETER PHILLIPS

Sworn and subscribed to before raa this 9th day of Jnly A D 1880 JKO 0NEUX Notary Public

FAR RAND WILLIAMS 6 CO AotNTS Detroit Miehigatt 81t4



A J eea hew sock of tlte following goods just leceived all of which we guarantee to be the purest and best quality made inliraquolaquo WOFW-

Zero Black Oil Ford Art LoanBnirdingiystroFvMichT^


Old Process Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil TURPENTINE^Oa DRJER

YAR$mamp XXX CASTOR OIL Gasoline 74 deg aiid iCapvha Wa^er-Whiie and Legal Test Kerosene Oil Pure While Lead Colored Paints by the gallon and in paste form in 25 pound tin

Ye a e making Oils PanU and Painters Materials a oj ecialty and | L A T H amp S H I N G E i E S a r Yard on Howell Street north of the

Brick Store OFFICE AT


pails ^iTquote^UW^HTTlTCJES t^aiTany olher dealers in Livingston County-Given a call and see

TEEBL^^c GADWELL_ Jtrst door Eaat-ofWrS Mann Estate Brkk Store t

^IHE^ORMra^RU^ STORE In connection with our larjferand varied stock of


AND FINE CHEMICALS We make a spetiiaPy^of Nuisery and^gt-^Dora Suiraquolies Trusses E|i

_ Bandages Shoulder Bi ses^auCr t bull -i^es kept in a first class ^ruj^Sfore Oo Stock of


bull^fulf^a^J^opleteYembr^difgbull all theuroi standard and reliable remedies which rVe will^^a^jtew^aif reliable J|oulaquoe in the coiin^r^We keep a fall stock ofgtH iJbtanic and^Eclectic Reme^res d PaJeltDavisamp CoV New Remedies enabling bullusl dVfill any prescripiloriot LV^UyreceiptS We shall keep every= tiling plaquo^5nj^gito bflaquor traite In ougtQfbcery Department we have none but ]fcesh ana^wSlTselected goods anio^wtn sell at bottom prices To accoinmo-date our patrons we will tate-inexebange Butter and Eggs and will pay the highest markei or ice ^ ^ Respectiully

lyoft dal0 -I forM fl bull Percheron-Norman Horsee

Engliati DiafI Hurwi t- ^ -Coachers Shetland Ponies

Ilolatetn and Davon Cattle Oar customers have the advantageof our

years experience in breeding and importln collections opportunityof comparlns ( breeds low prices becalise of extent of bustmdasha and low rates of transportat^pn CataiQgues trae torrespondence solicited



bullbullpound3L A



The Detroit Art Loan Record An eight sheet published daily daring the Exhibition

volume of 430 pa acriptiob price

September and October 5i numbera one index and titie-pa^egt

ve Oollars Ten Thousand

nlar Dictionary of Pine Art 1laquo large pages 4gtoond ^Seventyjflve cent Addreaa Hen

aestione Answered A Po

Addreaa Henry





SILVER WABpoundraquo u repawd to h inckner and anzroundlne 0 uadrnpla aUvar pteted ware LUO a 4na aaaortment of Jewlt

We ate now prepared to fnrniah Pinckney and surrounding coo ouadruble aUvar plated ware at Also a ftna aaaortment of Jewelry ^

)lesf Chains and Quard Chains Necklaces LocketefChams

Solid 0ol4 Band and Set RiBflaquo Gold Silver anjHtickle Watches

tdeaignain ~

Eighptfy and Thirip-JiourJii - Foil U M of breech and mtuale-loading y

Quns also Revolvers Ammunition and Sporting Oooda Oenerallf -y BAST02L CAMPBBLI

Wert Katn Street Plnckraquoey Kiehlfaalaquo

FJJUI FOB S mdashIWal bullcttJamaixty acros plowed land) to milM wast of Pinckney aid three mllea from UntdlUa on the Hnck4y^nd I amp U 3 d S onl in^ft i TBailrogt G o o d h t w a ^ W Flna Orchard and spring of^cold waUr-Alao several acrea of Untber-iJa ^ ^ ^ white tneeropa agte growina bull terras tJfc^r a vary daalrabk B O M Apply


Page 5: mcmrmammmoBrA · VOL I. PiNCKNBT, Mi™6AirriHWffi8MY^UGV3T23tl883t" NO.32. PINCKNEYDISPATCH JEAOME WINCHELL, PUB USHER. 4it«eriptlo« Price, $1.** per Tear. 1fc AOVEBTISniO

1 1laquo IF-rPpPNAmm



- L_J L


bull --liKlnage

Much as hus been writ ton concerning the necessity of perfect J ^ iba i j e about our dwe l l ing there ilaquo stilr a HiV



bull ble amount of iltri Ject Line upon li norauctf oa

vmen rashythe sub-

ipoa liny and precept laquopon precept are continually needed traquo beep

a rtoTiriiJwinjr effect on AMe trade laquogt nni tin oVniand for INV lii|c of ltrooltllaquo is ile-liyeltl you Jmow the trade U just j^ood JIltlaquo lost 11

After laving down this axiom of com nicretai-p djosophy the reuilemaii leu

attention directed to this most vital matter Many people do not realize tlwtjdnJk drain and cesspool arlaquo a-falaquo tal as bullets that s tagnant water and heaps of decaying refuse are as deadly a strychnine that our dead selves in any form taken back into ourselves arc tu re death to us This is no tigure ot

aud no extravagance1 of phras bpfc the simple fact We are the

ftMf unnumbered parasitical animals bull p t f e a l l that only the most powerful iBJMKiscoye reveals them to the eye When one class of-these minute creashytures finds a home in our bodies smallshypox is the name we give to the malady they produce Another class causes scarlet ferer another measles- another consumption The diseases produced by germs developed in consequence ol elective drainage are various chielly

riraquo toasilitis and typhoiddisor-4gtt manifold-development The

ce of these germs in the system may result in a reduction of the vitality tosuch a degree that any infection will be readilv absorbed aiid_the liapless victim faff an easy prey to any slight derangement We often use-4he ojipres-aiou to throw oil disease1 and corshyrectly for when one is in perfect heaMi the germs ofdisease find no congenial soil to Sprout-and grow in We never find nioss on vigorous healthy trees or eveifc on Singles- until tbey_ b e g i n t o decaymdashthe Tiealthy fiber resists the atshytacks of floating organisms For the laquoame reason those who obey Ihe laws

tb i r reppr tcr Trrto a department when l imhrc lh iw of a l l Heen nnt p f eng wef t

1 8 8 3 T ^ I E H-IO-HIT jRXJKrisriisro- 1 8 8 3


of health posess sound fiber in which malarious and infectious-germs rind no place - to lodge ~

v The worst month in the year for tyshyphoid pneumonia is April and vfliy liecause the cold weather has kept peoshyple in doors and they have breathed in their dead selves over and over again until the typhoid germs have fastened on the^vitals multiplied in the tissues and absorbed more or less the life of the

Jndh-iduaL A sligliLcold still-fc lather depresses2he_vitality and makes the in--crease of these bull germs more and

[lots of these to different rparts of~thlaquo- country They areltulaquoed exclusively by countrymen A man walking on one of the citys streets with one of these tbttrsraquo^vmrhi be w)rse than a cyclone

germs more the tight for life

more easy until the tight for life becomes a larming and ends-we all know in too many easosl_Jhow sai11 v WtiTIc oyery-thing is frozen up it is_jjiiHcuIt to take proper care of sewage refuse piles acshycumulate drains became choked celshylars gather decaying matter waste-pipes Decome foul and all these agen-

-tnes-txmrome unless counteracted verv bullearl v in the springs to increase the tide of parasites floating intothe body with every breath Thesnbtle poison can not he detected ofteii by the riimst actlte olfacshytory nerve and 0ere are no ehcnricrtrt tests that can be applied by the non profession a p t determine their pres-

bull f hjealth And this vigiUince musfbe laquoSPfl9rciscd not only upon the outside of the cup and platter1 but it must go to the heart 6l things to - the founila- J dons and search every aaokaiitLcreiice with cleansing power _

In removing offal from our premises we need to_ remember that the wet earth does neither deodorize nor disinshyfect it dry earth alone can dothis and Iherc^hiust he suflieiont dry earth toab sorb

arranged on counters H e r e he said we have everything in the umbrelhi line from a thirty-five-cent article to out for twolvcu dollars These goods he said picking up a couple of coarse looking umbrellas are what are sold on the street-corners for fifty oente | Wt can afford to sell them for thirtytfivlaquo cents You see they are marked gingshyham but they are really of an inferior sort o f c o t t o n known as sixty-four

loth Xotiee the edge and you will see iat they are not even bound We have

jjeveral grades of this article from six-ty-four-eloth to 108-oloth Nowhcreisan umbrel la-known as the reed frame because its ribs are made of reeds inshystead of steel This however he said opening out an umbrella with a bamboo stick handle is-onK^of the lightest and most satisfactory thingicin the marke t i t is known tw a Ferguson Scotch| paragon frame1 and sells from $110 Ttpward 1 always use this umbrella myself ^vhen I do hot carry a silk one A

The next umbrella opened warf capacious as a circus tent This said the gentleman who was initiating the- visitor itraquot gt the mysteries of the trade is what we call a Storm King You see it has sixteen ribs arid is made

To THE FARMERS or rvfiNGST0N AND ADJOININO COUNTIES If you want to purchase a Reaper thisjrear examine the |Iero look it over carefully and you will tee it is up

to the times let I t is siniply cuitstructed 2nd J t has no sfde jdraft 3d It is- not liable to get out of order 4th It has no weight Upon the horsesnecks 5th It is a very light draft reaper 6th I t is easily managed

-Tthr-It is juet the machine you-want It cart be had of our agents on trial and is w-arranted to give satisfaction I refer you to the following named farmers who have purchased and are using theHero Reaper some of whom for

of eighty-four (doth Oh yas we send these

the past four years and they can testify to its merits Jesse W Sheets Unadilla Bernard MCloskey Iatnani

j4Javid Donovan Northfilaquold

| Talking of cyclonesj he continued ^h+-re- is something built especially to resist the winds of the Far West We call it the Prairie King It has sixshyteen ribs and four wire braces No matter how strong the wind may be the braces will keep the umbrella from turning inside out -

The next article picked up was deshyscribed as a Star 140 and the gentleshyman in explaining its merits said that it had patent inetal tips^and was water-propf The latter quality is-oae-jhat should recommend itself in anumbrellaT

You have seen prefty near everyshything that goes uB-de-r-the-name of-ging--fa-aviliiV saTtl the gent Icman gty_hlaquorwBS waslinglTTs time on tlie reporter and now I may tell you that we have alshypaca umbrellas ranging in price from ^ frac34 to $jy() Silk ifmbrellas are luxshyuries and there is not a veryr large dp

from Ivo-

$5 to the

mand for them We have them $ 125 up-to $rgt lii natural^rndjes ry hanttles add from 8150 to cost All these superior grades are proshyvided with paragon frames whichmake them light Silk umbrellas vary in price from ^ bull gt1bull-gt- -

What bullBee BternaLvigilaHC^ i s - t b ^ m e e of I 0sfrt o f u m b r e l l a d o e s t h e V^

lilKntv1 and not of libertv alrme rnTr+ilflrHrgt V1 bull-W+d^mdashflmdashsilk umbfeila posting pound3


lie suUicient dry the^moisture or all t luPmoisture or exhalations

1o life^wtltlTe given Out A little leaven leayeneth the wlwile lump Dne fold pipe in a house is enono-h raquorgt kill its inhabitants if it hasa good chance at them-

bull raquonav-Uvw4-()ne ueglecteTtTefuso heap

-tnraquoiliUncc cuitinglrtTrdysl^H^v



^- arjtu^caiis4d^-And^madiLilt^o^i^JiU

^-fcwJ^dc-Jieighbarhiuidmdash^V_hrok(bull n bri i in a sewer just under a closet opening into the rooms of Prince Albertcause hfVdvath

What we term modern iences include many are ofteri very detrimental plusmnoJifalllu If the bath-rooms in our houses could be so contrived as to open on A piazza which might be latticed instead of openinginto ilic house and infecti it-as they -dcy-great gain wou44mdashresu to the health of its inhabitants Well

gtbull people do not suffer so much from imshymediate exposure to malarious influ-enow as do invalids|and little children

pallid city children wltgtuld Hid than they aue if the old-washbowl ami pitcher and

t k y imfl carried out every day supershyceded the elegjint marble basin and rose-

wwm riiuued oiirmub wnmn km to the care of- servants become elegant causes of disease and death

Sunshine is the great healer sun- shine supplemented with abundance of

-fresh air i n Him was life and the life was the light of men1 In many senses are life and light interchangea-

^ ^ g words When we put seeds in the 1^cmst cover them away from i t or they will not germinate

them warmth _ moisture and irlcness and under these conditions

they develop lifei The same conditions in our houses develop active life in all malarious and infectious germs Thereshyfore when the searching sun ray peneshytrates apd illumines our interiors and the purifying air absorbs moisture and- -cause of fatal e] carries off poisonous efHuvins our rooms Whnn tha s

4lgtcrf4in4amefltal sauitary coniiiuous^Or^ngeto an end tx tng com|)lieil with There is cershytainly enough light and air and- dry varth for all uses [of health What is tteeyenilaquo4l4R4utelligenceto utilize them in such a way that health shall ^ e pro-niojted ami disease preventedmdashN Y | Tribune


laquoTlns has not been a good year foi umbrellas vsaid a large denier yesfar-

~^dnylo a yWampMlaquoltreporter thii rain viTrfc too lirtoTn^bfsTn^gra^dihtslrtkd1

seems to be high enough loi the crowd A strong common 1 umbrella howshyever is what is bought by the multishytude _ Vou see hea(lded_ with a touch of sa(fneSsln- hts voice mdash hpcoplemdashdOnt like jo invest-much in umhrellis beshycause somehow or other an umbrella

is~al way s regarded as common property and sooner or later it is bound to hi stolen Now its strange isnt it that ladnjs dont steaTeitrhothejr|s jiarasols I sell twenty times more parasols than u ittbreliMj- Ta I k i ugmdashof- parasols - he said returning from his general v i ew^f t

jubject TTere s one we sell for teii Vou wouldnt

its a fact plan of

cent umbrella Hut that is

velieve it would It s-made sonie-the thirtv-li veshy

to nothing h s(lls for two

cents We sell mdashthese at two cents aiiieco -he said ojiening a gorgeously-colored paper shade and we make a quarter of a cfentprofit at that- These [ things of course are mostly used for decorating rooms

Where is most of the carving on iinv brella haitdlos done - ^ -~


Atfg Balden tieorglaquo W Iteampson Unadilla Arthur Montague E J Wakemah Tyrone Geo R Wilcox White Oak Whedon York Hoafipiumon Asa II tirity Iosco

James Sptare Iutnani Owen Goodsijeed Hamburg WUliartn Cullen Dansville P Mc (Jann Bunker Hill Win Perry Owen Mc (ann jr John B Mc Creery Henry Ward Prod Maycdck Ioaelaquoj Elmer Chipman

(Jenrcp Bauer Brighton S K Hausef Putnimr A Force StockbriflKe Perry Barrett George Phellis White Oak Henry B Gardner Putnairi Daniel i Webb Llaquowis Love laquo John A Ward Eeslie ^J Mrs J Love and Suns Marion

kThe Hero can be seen and U for salltgt atFincfcney by JAS MARKEY General Agent for Michigan

Martin Mehin jr Hamburg bull W Nelson Wrhitmnre Lake-Warren Munson White Oak Frank Aldrich Henrietta John Flemint PJiilo Durfee Antrim H C Martin bull-SeymourBruwn- Conway O C Sasvdy ^6aco

mdash bull


LARGE STOCK LATEST STYLES I t is the r e m a r k of everyone visititt^ mi-restore that we sell bet ter goods for

lor the money than tney have ever seen offered and no one should buy shoes for themselves or their families without first seeing theinducements we present The names of ROBINSON amp B F K T E N S H A W and P J N G R E E amp SMITH inshydicate the class of goods we carry



A xn srrrs


And would invite the at tention of farv-mers who wish to lay in astoek of gro- ceries to last theni througi harvest we have t-vei-ytntng you need Suprats

f Teasr irotfees Spicesr 101raquo Hams7 Dried lleef Cheese and Canned Goods of all kinfTs If you dont foci jus t like goin^r into the haivust -tieldi^vrn^ ^ and jet a bottle of Urowns IroiTISt-t e r H o p liitters iSliiloh^ Vitalier or

some one of tho thousand and one remshyedies we keep that will do you goodmdash Don l forget t a c o m e - a n d stock-aip at once The plaee is at the

bull T^EST ENTgt


N limdash-Highest ca^h marke t val paidfor Butter and Eggs

IS We have just added to our stock a general assortment of

R O G E R S BR0S ^ ^ o r m e r l y iOvjIi done almoat-exclui f sively in Europe but during the laat year Philadelphia has turned out some exceu-tvrmHy good work In fact I may say that the-hest carving is done at present in PhiladelphiaM

How about ivory handlesF n Thev comemdashfrom Europe alt-^eUi^

ermdash Chicago 1 ribune v bull ^ bull - raquo -




BLACKSMITH All kinds of custom work and gviieraL

repairintr including

HORSE SHOEING Shop back of Manns Block PINCKNEY



bull J c u e ) lilies J m B y WalSM afldj Jersey cows are all popular just now Thlaquo old preiudioe against Jersey mosshyquitoes still existsmdashChicago Inter Ocean

mdashA society of persons are about to petition the firngsels autnorities for per-miampsion to mummify their dead They point out that one advantage is that their plan permits people to contemshyplate their ancestors anil thus perpetushyate filial piety and sentiment de race They are down oTrcremailon which they allege does not destroy thebody but only reducesJt_to- ashes producing deadly miasmas and aver that wherever as in India it has boon p rao ticed on a large scale it has been the

epidemics mal l -pox- thrntttprirtH iA

brim tlia life nan-pn ol Pnn( ice

nothing the iam of dolttor

said could save the pat ien^ml^ss some healthy young man beeanie his bedfelshylow and by enfolding^im closely in his iirms should impart ^sufficient heat to hilaquolt body to force tjnl rjiistin ate disease to break out Williams ^4)age Benjinck volunteeredfor tiie dangerous raquogtffice The experiment sueeeeded and the fftjlhftd share came fouiidedTt l)ucal bkodoptidh

Call and examine our stock whether you wish to purchase or not



WILLIAM DOLAN amp CO bull Hav^juat received a new and complete stock of

DRY GOODSBOOTS amp SHOES eflaquoKpoundftrrGROCERIES Tobacco Canned Goods Etc No remnants or vraquohe]f-worn stock We mean business^and will guarantee bottom j)riccs The public are invited to call and see for themselves gt r MAIN ST TINCKNEY MICH

_1 offer for (tale 13 ICKB frontliu tin MaialStr^ot




DETROIT CITY LAUNDRY Finot laundry Im Um Wftraquot dgt6dtraquo plaquolllaquogtd (or

t ionto I K -KICIIA^US A CO _ Amenta ftw Rnckney Mlcb1trraquoraquo-


F U R N I T U R E Pk-t tire Framing llajiairinj LiibolaUflagi Etc-



G R 0 C E R I E S W

AT WHEELERS bull bull gt

o =-





lfoasUMee 1 5 ^ and 2^xfa SaletatUs 8 c U Bird Seed 10 cts-

- - bull - mdash - bull

50c Tobacco at 40 ct^ 60c T obaceo at 50 cfe

Royal ftakinpound Inwder Parents Bakshying Powder Spicesof all kinds

- Bakefs CluK-olate Sweet ^ -^ Chocolate bull f

Cabined Corn Canned Boef Ianiifd Salmon Cauwd TiiMaUw


amp amp WHEELER


f y A

rrwT ^^w^n wpound$$rmmmsmm


Entered at tUo rostofflce is 1Mclass matter



T H E colossal skeleton of a man who musETutvi1 hbtm iwttt brother to the Carshydiff (raquoiant has been dug from the shelvshying bank of aratfine near Barnard Mo by a Lirmev named John W Hannon Twelve feet wasf the height of the preshyhistoric gentleman and hislongest ribs measured four feet in length The fact That hisrelies lmve|been dug up in Misshysouri suggests the^probability that he was the original border rullian

THK death of Miss Harriet Steer of Cincinnati in her eighty-eighth year deserves a notice She was a promishynent member of the Society of Friends a n d i o r t h e last-fifty years had been a

bullgood angel fb the poer During most of that time it was her custom every winter to prepare a huge boiler of soup on twoidaya of the week This she dis-

tributed gratuitously at her door to all who wished or necuedIt Even as late as last winter though cxfreuiely feeble she was at her self-appointed pgampt as in days gone by While otjiers t r

1)frac34 have been vainly --warring over the-abstractions this unknown

Aside from the conVemenee of th i^plaa there seemk an eternal fttnesain making tluv conderjined supply his awn gallows The expTrnie nwttrowble of conducting him to and from the place of execution are obviated anil w h e n t h e exercises are concluded his remains can be at once turned over to Ids ffnnily without further ceremony |

Tin testimony given before the Scu-iUe_Comittee on Labor and Education in session for the purpose of investigatshying the causes which led to tl^e teleshygraphers strike does not contain much that is news to lite public concerning the trouble between the Western Union Telegraph Company and its employes although a few points were brought out which heretofore have not been entirely c^ear Thestr ike has been contemplatshyed it seems by both the company and the operators since last March T h l accounts perhaps for the fact that the company was able to assume the attishytude taken when the mens_deinands were presented The basis upon which tw optrqfor expected to compromise

ological woman has been illustrating in her life the truespirit of the Christian religion

TEN- medals are about to be presented bybull thcM^yor of Baltimore to men who showed heroism and--daring intrepidshyi ty in saving lives at the time of the Trivoli dockliisastcv and a number ot others arc to be honorably mentioned in public The- lirst medal is for Chrisshytopher Doyle who saved fifteen lives and spent the rest ofthe night in diving for tho-bodies of the dead bull He was

is also given It was a reduction of the hours of labor to eight and extra pay for Sunday work The curious stateshyment was made by-Mr McClelland a prominentmanager of the strike that if the operators were defeated they would only by more powerful than-

orev-Tiiisis indeed- making the best of the situation

A n Old S e a l F o l l o w s H e r C a p t i v e Offspr ing E i g h t y Mi ies

Santa ljarbara (Oil i Press A n i n t e r e s t i n g inc ident iJl list rating

i lm^ntnrnnl -itWtJMn fgtf illl a q i n u i l fpl

7tmidmgTiei^licopy-ReAv-Williani E Starr on the outer eilgc of tiro pier wlTen the crash came- Kealjzing that he could do more_ellective work if unimpeded by liia nlnfTimpf] Wasfcnd Father Starr if it would be rightto strip before the wom-en and children Go in man us Golf

its young was brought to notieeUiring thevisitof an excursion purty to Aim-capaIsland oilthe const of California A young seal pup only a few months-old was brought awayfrom the island by littleKmcstWhitehead who desired to take it home for a pet short ly beshyfore sailing u large seal was noticed swimming around the sloop anchored

FOLKKUm Prince Albert Victor matriculates at

Cambridge this-year Pope Leo XI I I has sent a painting

from the Vatican as a gift to the Detroit ArtAssociation - ^ -

Professor Packard of Yale expects to leave soon for- Athjena -to teach in the American school there bull-

John Krowns shackles the ones xxsod on him at Harper s ferry are owned by George B Keusintpn of Boothbay Me

Mr and Mamps Tom Thumb were beshylievers in Spiritualism and would sit hours to receive communications from little Minnie Warren in the spirit land

George Bancrof t -Jared Sparks J G Palfrey and Richard Hildreth leadshying historical writers of America we$e all educated at Phillips tfxeter Acadshyemy

It is reported that ox-Mayor Isaac S Kalloeh late of San Francisco Cal intends to settle in Washington Territory and to endeavor once aga+h-4o make a new start in polities

Josh Billings is a native of Lanes-boro N H a n d there he hopes to be buried Ho has directed his children to mark the grjvve with a r o u g h stone from the quarry-Hear by

k ing Alfonso of Spa-lu wmila all the nations to take part in a grand eelebra tion in-Spainof the Columbian discovshyery of America andnot to hold the celeshybration uti Italy or America

Mr G K Bhvncbard^of Boston lias brought home from Paris the last wofk of Gustavo Dore It represents a grpup of ^Cupids playfully drawing back a curtain from before a mirror

A lineal descent of Brian Boru the last king of Ireland lives in Colorado and he h a king indeed H i s cattle cover a thousand hills and he is one of the cattle kingsof the West bull ^ H Wade is said to~be the richest

trnmin Cleveland O He made ins ntill innn hi- inrnrt inmii in rgtWiflph_

senger iuformednVh Sjmle wiio N lier shown fn7 r|L sitppcrejMr flould said she wlien youinpvfmy business vou will kill nw 1 ao t ac j raquog books v

But alter supio persuasifxujhi ourebtuied a vo l lumvand gave heiiajrfst of names of Jns friends to vhoru he [ thought she could sell Ilussull Sayo was the only one with whom she waif not successful

T h e Pope is now seventy-four says tlte London Globe a tall thin ivory-eotuplexibned man witk a benignant bullraquobulllaquo - - - - - r 1Jt bdquouAuk

1 bull i bull w hite w heat frimi w hkh tlmy umku their beflteraw expression andsnu lmg lips hearing the ^ 1 ^ V W S T K I gt Tu7gtriiui b o W n or stamp of indelible t i i m n e s s - t h e e ^ ^ bull

expfles^ sion of a man to bend but nevciTto break Some ono has aaid he has the mask of Voltaire but tins is nonsense There is none of the saturnine caducity the depressed mouth and prominent chin or spectral smile Leo XII I is tall he wears his yearb well walks up-rignt and thus raquoraquorylaquoraquoa tigtgt m^t of y s inches His hair is snow-white and naturally forms into a crown about his linely developed brow His long face is serene hrs- small eyes dancing with intelligence1 add to this a harmonious MOMorion vo i eo aind M w i d e k-nltnvlndltrn

of lansruages which he speaks with the correctness of a professor

bull raquo bull mdash - mdash

P o s t P r e s e n t a n d F u t u r e of W y o m shying

Lftfamio Dxuhoraiig mdash - bull ---bull Some writer has said-that no portion

of the globe is at this time so full of


UHlMEfti A JOlIXSOX Propr i r to in w i i to 1nuk(gt known to tlu-ir old nnd mm- ruraquotigtia n-^-tluit thiv iw iu)w proimn-il to do butter work of nil kiiwld iiitlieir line at Initfineas thitn ever befiraquorlaquo-Jluir mills having been thoroughly roftttpdtn^ ivpairodmuliniprovidmltBidn making it convenshyient for their euhtojiierti Hood raquohedlaquo for Uiampnn in connection with tlit MIMH TUey have now on hand over 5)00 hulaquolilq (if dry Bound rtraquod and

Hike i

uiuBtv wheat except forctidtoinerB anrtthnn It iw round on ncimrtita stone HIHI 1H)1UUI through 8opn

wi f i Llt Lut mgt fe

epi rate hwlts Tlioyo hiiyjiii Hour of them yruwn iirhmntjr rllaquonr Thouo hrin^in^ KrraquoetH of tolaquoK( dry sound whew wltt ood Hour and tuv8laquo briutfiny xrown or musty wheat muat expect flour from the same tliiy Iflo havt Beparaty bolta for buckwheat Aorn -11 bull fl^ mdashbull bullbull ^UU^^-Bons new improved l)ulaquotleraquoB Iron Corn iflRiera without extra charge They pay cash for all kindraquo of ijruin All pereoiiB having unsettled accorfnh with them at the mil are requested to call and pay the samo v -- mdash - -


made you he d id

A repliedthe priest as and so

-WILLIAM II VANDKRHIIT did a graec-hantling his 7Ttrt~nnd generous thing in

check for $gtO0O to the gtn-oprietor-of a hotel in theWhite Mountains to be dis-

tributed among the thirty qollege boys viwho are ticting as waiters there This

is one of the ways adopted by poor young men in-New England colleges to make a little money lor-the following year at the same time that they arc getshyting rhejjenelit of a vacation It is not tin easy part to play - t h a t of gentleshyman and scholar and waiter at the same t i m e and indeed a great many young men would rather not try it But Mr Vanderbilt s gift was

offthe cave where the capture was made uttering loud barks and U times howl-

was paid tothe annual at thetimeor to the little captive which at times barked in response to the old dams plaints The boat sailed away making for the Ventura shore When -offmdashSaa Buena-jcenttira aca lnx i i i the wind decreased the speed of the boat when a j a r g c seal was noticed near by gt

On reaching the wharf at Santa Barshybara a large seal was again discovered swimmingraquoabout the boatmdash Tn hot top secure the pup until daylight the rope was taken from its tin and it was tied up in a ju te sack and left loose on the sack Soon after coining to anchor the seal respoaded to its mother s invitation by casting itself overboard-a41mdashtied ifp~ as it was witliin a sack It is assorted-bv the man on deck-that the seal mother seized the sack and with her sharp teeth tore open the prison of her-oftsprmg

stocks when telegraph was only an ex periment and isnow well on in lift _ Miss Nellie Hunt daughter of ttrep American Minister to Russia was claim-cdTthtrmost beautiful of the coterie of American ladies at the coronation A

mighty possibilities orso rich in promisshyes for the future us the broad stretch of rich territory lying west of the Mississipshypi and this assertion comes as near the truth as a newspaper man dare get But a few years ago this portion of the Union was very -appropriately teamed a wilderness The coyotte squatt ing in the shelter of the umbrageous sage tree sang his tuneful lay and the cactus stood sadlv in the midst of the wide ~tX p HUSO of country known as the Laramie plains with no human being to love it and chershyish itmdashand sit down on it T h e very thought of an orphan cactus being dooni-od to ait in otornal ailenge with no kind vord or look for centuries and with no picnic party-anti no soft eyed young man-with ice-cream pants _on_ to come and nestle loYJmg]y_jlown_ington its fuzzy bosom is sad enough to draw tears

Paris paper describes her as fascinashytingly pre t ty

A line medallion -portrait of the late Marshall Jevyell has been made by Francis Bbull Watts a deaf-mute marble-cutter I t is said to- be an admirable portrait and was modelled entirely from a photograph

Frederick N W Crouch author of the-^ong7-uKa4We^n-^V4miuiecjiT^liiaa been rescded from paxilyJiy_al3veaIthy and ceeentric young Southerner James Marian Roche wrho assumes his name and supplies all the money that he needs

Cob Bob Ingersorrr-whois a very earn-Tst temperance man exprouood his opiil ioii ol tlie r ichly - t inished bar of the Huffman House New York Vhen he saw it thus This is tlroiUDStroTthodox sliow Ive soon You can deal out hell

from the eyes of-Bob Ingerstdl himseU mdashatthe usual Star Route pric-cr-- Until lately ytoo the Westerner who ventured across the Missouri Rifer was looked upon as a curiosity and the people watched him with apprehension for fear lie might be loadeth-7 Within the last half score of years however the West

----particularly this portion of it has wait-zshyed to the front and demanded recognishytion among the countries of the world andgot it too

- SOLDIEKS amp SAlLUKiv who were disabled by wouudH disease accident

orotlifflHvlaquoHgt-lhe-lograquo ot-u toe piles varicose veins chronic diarrluva rupture Uma of eight or ltigtar-ally BO) loos of hearing falling hack of ineaxllaquos rheumatism any disability no matter JtQKAKfMr gives you a pension Sew tind Honltx0Bhpoundtlt charyj Obtained Widows childre 1 ^ ^ ^ laquo aiirj-fatherij of soldier tlyiHg in rm M r ^ or afterwards from disease contracted or wtowfdreshyft ived while in jtho service are ^utitlWI to pOraquo-

laquoraquoion Rejected and abamlonedcUuiUB ispeciiutT BOUNTY BACK PAY AND HORSE CLAIMS CQI lWTEDgtv

INCREASE YOUR PENSION A pension can be increased at any time when

the disability warrants it As you grow older the woundtraa gradually undermined the constitution tho disease hart made you more hclplcvs fn some manner tho disabilityhas increased BO apply for an increase at once

L A M AND PATENT CLAIMS SOLICITED My eNigterteic ffrid betng hcre^Tit-heatrtrnart-erti

bull Hnable me to attend promptly toallclaims against the lioviminent tircitLirafree Address ritli tamp





l iraJiere and believe vou are in heaven wliilc voure doing it

bull proi)rfgtlt-^j ^ frac34 ltnv by the self-reliant -^riritrai3fV-gcntlbmaaly bcarmgiJoi_tliesfi 3oung men Tins is a proof- that they were highly successful in~tbis difficult role and is a remarkable compliment----a seUjxitific angler No perhaps the

boy will not clainnliat and it is hardly

N O T the least of the blessings which the Republic has conferred upon the

- French people is the great encourageshyment given to the cause of pppular edn-

mdashcation The^sehobl system has been so

This however is a mere conjecture If it did the little piip vlaquovs-KavoltUothcrwise it woiiid drown tied up in the sack The incident was the more interesting from the fact that the old seal had to follow the sloop at least eighty miles over the ocean in a hopeful -endeavor to rescue its vounar

S c i e n c o v s t h e Boy_ PeTk

An exchange says that l i e boy will claim that he -can-catch more fish than

Mr-llarnuni was in Montreal when he heardof Tom Thumbs death agd

-immediately telegraphed to (lie widow Dear J^aviiiia Yourself and family have my warmest sympathies Death is as much a part of the Divine plan as birth The Heavenly Father finally overcomes all evil with good His will be done1 -

Edgar A Foes oTcl home at Fordliam has been purchased b- Nelson Strong for $7500 This was- the house in which Foes^vifedied mlttlt whenshe

extended as to place whithin reach of of the massos far better educational fa

scientific angler let such a fisherman go out to the fish pond to - lish and when

cilities than the youth of~tne coun t r 4 J ) e hamps s a t a l i day i n the sun-emptiTcrhtot Schiller ftt-ttll^g the flask and has not caught a lish he ever before enjoyed A late and imporshy

tant f ea tm^c^ r t ^e^bv i - rhmgn ta r^ r an of public instruction is the creation of

lyGeums 6t colleges for young girlsmdash that is girlsJrojiLAve_lve to eighteen vears of agemdash in fourteen of the larger cities and towns It is anndunce^ that the State pays 1650000 francos for the building in which the 4 lyceum1 ih Parshyis -will be established French enshyterprise does not always go in the right direction but this scheme for the edushycation of girls is certainly commendashyble bull

ARKANSAS ha sno t contributed to-the world many of the valuable Inventions yf the dayj but by a stroke of genius i t has ijx rather amp novel manner become famous Lynching seems to have grown intt) a anrt of general if not legit imate

industry and the man who suggests any improvement in this summary process

of administering justice is a public ben-eiaetoiy treea has become too coinm teeh railroad br idg^s^a^o^te legraph poles are n^--aTwaygt-cJ)nvenient and

^Xraquo^fnknown in ttto-rural rrfbut they have overcome all

iaia nhitacles on Hurricane Creek by ^ gtraquo w w i w - i w uu x z u i m n n o w e e uy t r gt f l n r g f t n nUarly ft

r^ JiangtegHT mtin in Ma-Qgamp_doprvyax Qady in ih6 States j

necessary that he should But let the scisntific angler with a superb outfit of rods and reels and silk fish lines and gold-plated hooks and patent Hies the usual accompanying combination pockshyet tlask and other first-class articles TfiaTgOnoTmik^=tr|rtrtc=tmtfit of -tire

-A curious (jucstion concerning the identity of the corpse of the poet Schilshyl e r is be ing d^usj^ed in Germany and France Prof Wclckers of Halle after a careful comparison of the skull in the tomb at Weimar with the p las te r cas t

4^ftn^^invmfidiately after Sehilleija death has come~to the conclusion that

will quietly crawi around and commune with the bor who sitsTjivith a~iiattered strawhat on and one suspender his pants rolled up and both-feet dabbling in the Water The scientific angler will note that tbe-boy bas nothing in the-line of fishing-tackle except a tamarac pole a cotton fish-line one-cent hook and a

Tjakingj powder can full of angle worms but lie has a large string of fish for which he receives a good priee^frpm-thfi-scientitic angler who carries them triumphantly through town and tells the people wha t big_Jjarj^_Jie_Jhas bad No the boy does not 3ay he can catch more fish than thescientific angler the scientific angler does not safceo cither but the stubborn facts in the case stick out as prominently as a wart on a Roshyman nose

who Miss Rosalind A Young wno a couple of years ago wrote a n a r t r c l e abbi^t Pitcairns Island fo j^Ser ibners

^ fa theris pastor of jSrcjh^gn3 teacher of the

school anp^amptre Is orgamstana assistant e a c h e r r s h e is about twenty-six years

an377 wfltei^ar retired ^er-c^ptain who not long ago visited her at home she weighs two hundred pounds never had a shoe on her foot ana if necessary could swim off to- snip four miles from the island and back again to shore and then fco into jtfe litrtle church and play tbft organ nuarly ft^^ell as any youngs

was but irVyearsold and when ioc was too-poor to buy a blanket to put on_jhjjr_ bed She died in the middle of winter covered with a sheet and lier husbands -overcoat

The only objection to farming on thew-piains is tha t the 1laquo comes pretty high- -about 8000 feet The assertion however that there is al-wjamps a s e a breeze blowing aUliuteleva-l iorf j u s tmoving the leave) of the troc rnrrt blowing the cellars out friim TTTirtrr the houses occasionally is false True sometimes a whisper of wind springs up on the starboard jib and blows about doe -igt by lt^Hvv-wi^iLfu- an hour ov twoTbut nothing heavier than comer lots with big mortgages on -thenL bavt lie en blown away that we ever heard of

llaisilig cat t le is veniiu s chief inshydustry at this writing With-a good branding iron the huinbleTanclTTnancan get up a pretty nice little herdin a few years One man who went into thecat -tlo business up in the Sweetwater iVmr-orlivo years ago with an I ( mukvand a healthy branding-ironis now-wln-tlwt million He carried a charcoal furnace with him and hatlAhe brand tied to a rope He kept the iron hot and could throw it so as to leave his brand on every maver ick he saw if he could iret


the person buried in the ducal vault is

within twenty yards of it He just brand-= Trda l 1 th-e ~ctrt tre-rre eottld findmdashevery

spring and let nature tjike~lieTToTiTso I tell you pardsaid old J immy

Cannon the guide- to the writer recentshyly the Wesflras Ibst its romance On ly a little while ago r it seems t o m e where once there was nothing but the Whoop of the Tndinnjjid the song of the six-shooter now there are railroads and churches and commercial men and high schools andJhrec-card-monte men ana lecturers and daily news pap er s7 and every little while a na tura l death Wh-v within the pasf two months if the blasted papers tell the tnitbT^scTcral White Dog the famous old chief of

the_Ogalalla Sioux takes i3nuch interest in tornadoes and describes them in a- ~ bdquo peculiarly picturesque faahionUll his 4 U U B M would lwyo to move away When

n M e c a t c h ( u n d e r s t a n d - - c a t c h v v e ^ a v e ^ ^ frac34 1 - h n ^ n n g disease to iJ ig -Wind in

ow on) c-clone he says cloud Bampovrwigwammdashlvay off -Spit fire Make roar like five big herd bufshyfaloes -Always go thai w a y (pointing to the northwest) Me see plenty^ of ^ m more t h a n that many1 (counting twenty on his fingers-) When he-come Injun lie down on his beiley and gralgt soap-weed and grass Ugh Big wind

Having lived prosperously in Crajy^ fordsville Ind for several y e a r s ^ r e a

his circuni- stances warranted liHaT^in jaarrying and he acc^rdingTy coftrmlssioned his brothet^n^Germany to select a wife ^ oiseSt^gga Westphalian damsel

waschoraquoen7 ancF prompt ly islrtpped to this country Her destined lord and master went to Tpledo to meet her ~with some pert uibaiioii but the fraternal standard was found to be a good one bullThe -young woman is a p lump and pleasing person and thrifty withaU for she brought with her a stout chest filled with linen which she herself had spurn

A young woman went to sell a book to J a y Gould She hid it under her cloak and seemed mysterious No one but Mr Gould would d o she told the messenger Mr Gould was not in raquoSho would oooaraquo agaku^JShe k e p t calling daily until in despair the m

WARRANTED T O C l I R E bullwithout motiiclnomdashPain In thebmel hip


-blUtyyluraquoobalaquoraquo^geBraquora raquobull noursltrlB bullctpt

ecoi ihoklilnoTnkphiul dIleaceatorpid nrtaluul Gnli luui fmBotenr cqocv drraquop^nlaquolu cormtipotlun tton hrrnU or rupturb m t u r t i ptiea opU

oney tho

debility rampCTiTKutllaquoni puralyAlft noursltrlB raquoctptjclaquo diselaquogt ^ _ill_ver

uraquo fmbotenpy bullbullthinj bull torilaquo[potluiUr-erylaquolplaquo

i-uyturfc ltlaquotarrti pll in c i r

V l i i i n i u t i lcli i i

t iaw

ltr of tho CaENEBATITF ORfi l f l rr -nru l i w v I t ^ l l t v anlt n f B f r y c l o r t t bullWd-vlCQraquoS M alaquotlis ivenWnpujK- raquonil all tlgtoe dlaeaac oTaper-ironul Hfttuvc from ^fhatover cau^p tho continuous Hream of XalaquoiHtiMi penneatlmg through the piirUi ltm^treatofethom to a healthy action Tlitie iamp no Jiiiituiij tgtiut this oupUanco


TO THE LADIESmdash^H EibftugttlonI)laquo-raquopopiilftor^lth DUalaquoeof the Lly cr Kldnlaquoltvgt llvudMbe or Cold Weet Wfiak Ankh - -

nro afflicted with Khttumatlua Neuralgia tirrra

SwoUlaquoM or leraquo or Kwnllen Feet an Abdominal Belt

and npiilf of Magnotlc Voot BatterieBhave no superior In the rullof and rurfc of all these complaints They carry a powerful tna^aeUo force to Uio slaquoat of the dlampeaae

For L i n o Hack Weakneia of the BplnlaquotFaU-Hon and Ulceration of the W m b Incidental Han-orrhaceor Fleodlnff Painful SupDreaaed mad Ir-tflfPlarMfnitrwallun ltarrcuaea awdfhange of J3ra tali UUtQlleatApplUaoeaadOuratlregtAginfc Known

For all forms of Veniale DtfflenHlea 16 Is nnrar-rwmwtd hy anythlnif hnfnra InTented both M 6 curatlTO MKht and aa a source of power and TltallaatlOD FrtoetjfTlthcr Belt with Magnetics foot Batterte 110

Sent by exproswOOD and examination allowed or by mall on receipt of price In ordertng send measured waist and siie of shoe Remittance oaa bomadelncnx-renoy^sent in letter at our risk

ThejfAft^eton Ganrents are adapted to all agec are worn over the undurclothlnfT (not neit to the body like the many tialvnnlu and ElectrleHani Dae adrertlord no extcnrtveU) and ahonld be taken off at night Thfy-hnld tlxoirpoweromxrand areworn atall seasons of tbltynnr

Send Ht mp fo tljo Nlt-- irjnx-ture In Medical Treatshyment Without Medicine Willi tuouaandaof tonimc-

XSH MAGXJCtON AP5fiitNCRlaquoOii laquo18 atatlaquo St CltlcnKaiJli-

_ CK TllTtT

menfravircfiei t inWyoffi in^of disease I - t e l iyeuy it looks astliei^femdashus=damp14-

snufXus out i t s time to light out for the frontierv

W f c y ^ I e Did -Not S u c c e e d

Probably the most surprized man of tbe- season was the postmaster- ra t Orange this s i M a ^ w h o prepared to commit suiriclo^rt ieW gtdays ago H sehTMsV^ect_mantbTCev~Trsbon_for some niorpHnc to kill himself with

isJamily siivsnectingali was^not right -rftanged the morphine to quinine The doomed man took one of the powders and laid down to die Hi felt a buzshyzing in his head but death did no ^apshyproach with that rapidity he desired so jbu-gotjipandlQakajwULcr4raquoJKUeTi and lafd down with a feeling that death would soon relieve him of all troubles The buRAng in his head continued and after wait ing an hour on cieatn which did not arrive on schedule time he got up-about as m a d ^ mart its could found He got the balance of the rifira nrncnre^Ka minroHcopcLana efxampzn

tnem ^nd when he found tbey were c t of rel-

ined them ^nd when he-found only quinine the trifling lt

tiieiatter oyer for afe^v^aya^widthen shot himself in the h

alive at last accoun that the bullet h

he no doubt feels en chanltrg(1^-i the


at Win eh Mich

fTF^st^tm l l j gt IUCV ovv Pickno

ck-Headache dyspepsia Liver Complaint Indigestion Constipation

and PUflFr THE BLOOD N O T I C E mdash W i t h o u t a particle of doubt Zer-

PTOtts Pills are the most popular of any en theraar-a t i v e s ^ v a s Clear t o h i m lie t h o u g h f tet flaying been bofbrethepubUefw a qaartcref

a centnry and having always performed more than was promised for them i keymerit the tneoeM that

- As he was they hare Attained P r i c e a g e p e r For sale bf alhlragffiato

Kenuot ts Pills alwayg in stock at Wlncbels




mE O L D R E A D I N G C L A S S Miss Mer ry deer u t t e r e d a g r i in t of dissatisfaction

-If i t s l aw i t a i n t j u s t i c e said she bdquo bdquoraquo fumbl ing in t h e pocke t of h e r t a t t e r e d

V f f i e f ygtrn deg l u a d g c l M S -ampd c o a t - a g a r m e n t Which had evident -

1 cannot tell you tienevieve how oft it coaie to memdash


raquo r

That roife of elocution late who stood BO straight luiliM

And charged at standard literature with amla-W-WC tteeiaja bull bull bull bull ^ - - - - trade^gt

Wc did not spare the yjnerwln walefc our wwfds Were d a d i 1

We tore the meaning or thMext by raquo11 the Bght j t e 6dj i

But sTulT rear tne dbai tfBO wrote tbg How we read 60 irfe

Wndd scarcehmjlaquocolaquonl2ed their |tork In PUtiigt Nuaibei Tfcree $

Outtlde tbe snowwas smooth ifed- cleatmdash the tfuck-laiddupt

lade thji windows speak at every i s t bull - v -belle threw ua pleasant1 words

ivellers would paw Fees along the ralaquo-tlaquolaquoraquo4-laquohki--

thelr class X -Bcyoao the white browed cotftagee were uest-

MOK cold and dumb ^ bull l And far away tbe mighty world eeeme beck

oniog UB to comemdash r The womirous world of which we connep wbut

hadbeen aadijBlKbt he bull)bull I l a t b a t o l4 - | a ih ip^ rlaquo4 ing cfcssipfOistrlct ~~ tfrThree bull bull -Tt

at int^mdashitraquoJ^ampPp[r-gt Ijlauiesmdash_ iformly mispronounced the mostiiu-

bdquo - _ t a n t namesgt W |praquondered through Biography ami gave

our fancy play And with some subjects fell in lovemdashgood

only for one day In Romance and Philosophy we settled many a

-point ^ And made what poems we assailed to creak at

every Joint bullbull And many authors that we love you with me

will agree Were first time introduced tiTus In -District

Number Thr4icraquo mdash

Tourecollect Sueannah Jirnith the teachers sore distress

Who never stopjltcd at any pausemdasha Fort of day express

And timid young Sylvester Jones of inconshysistent sight

Who stumbled on the easy words and read the hard ones right J

And Jennie Green whose doleful voice was always clothed in blacks

And Samuel Hicks whose tones induced the plastering all to crack lt

And Andrew Tubbs whose various mouths were quite a show to see

Alas we cannot find -them now in District Number Three -mdash r

And Jasper Jenckes whose tears would How at rach pathetic word

Hes in the prize-fight business now and bits them hard Ive heard)

AndBenny Bayue whose every tone he tnur deguntred as in fear

(Hi3 tongue is not so timid now he is an mdash^laquoitct4ouecrgt

ly been cu t down from a juansj u ls ter bullThere as t r ue as you l i v e r t h a t there d ime has fell out a n d go t lost in the w o o d s -

T h a t s nonsense 1 said Del ia t a r t ly bullTen h u r r y I c a n t

s t and here in thUjwindlall n i g h t t i t r b lun t ly s-irok

o u t t h e old c rone N o t w i thou t

Del ia reso lu te ly

cur ious ] dove o r a f e d TaWflii foT nil1 l l ial I k n o w

S h e l aughed b u t t h e r e w a s a cer ta in ve in of ser iousness t h a t u n d e r l a y all her m i r t h so Lill s t a r e d o u t in the g r a y M a r c h af te rnyon wi th l i t t le flurries of s n o w p r i c k i n g h e r c h e e k l ike frozen needles e v e r a n d a n o n a n d t h e f lmpy frost c r ack l i ng u n d e r h e r feet whi le some few paces beh ind t r u d g e d J e b o r shya m c h a r g e d to look as l i t t le as possible l ike a n escor t ~

bullFor nobodymdash k n o w s sa id Dolia L e t m e p a s s - w h a t t h e old wi tch m a y t a k e offense

the t e a j e e n t a J L j s a i ^ B u t to contois TEe t r u t h Li l t I ve pa r raquo o rde r s

a n d tirnrst s t i ck t o c m If you haven t -

And LantyfWood whose vftrg_wa just enshydeavoring hard to change

^ATnl leapedTrn-nuodfSTFH) fiercely shrill with most bullsurprising range Also his sister Mary Jane 80 full of prudish

frlccj -Alas theyre Both In higher schools than Dis-

t r j e tyamber Three ~ ^

^o back thesevarious voices come though long the years have grown

distinct through-Aud sound uncommonly Memory a tolophonc mdash r

i] rif)mynrfraquo fnhtf rnplo^v iunl_brlutr a sense of cheer bull ^ mdash

And some can smite the nick of time and summon forth a tearV

-VJ1 l y ^ - f t W J ^ h o r r t frmtrgtv hfl^k t ^ 111 WllfMI-ever ad I grieve

And sings a song and that is less Genevieve

It brightens up the olden timt M t i i l e a t t H e mdash mdash

A-sthfr star amid the clouds of District Numshyber Three bdquo _

- W I L L CAJJLETlaquo)N Srjftmbev

pot tlie m o n e y you m u s t JJ-JO a r o u n d by the mill road 1 -V

H u t t h a t s four mi les f i i r tOer sa id the old w o m a n despa i r ing ly A n d N e d d y ^ d e a d t i red a n d so a m I And i t s i r rowih colder eve ry m i n u t e a n d these Marcji winds is h a r d on my rhe t i m a t i c s

bull You sjjould have t h o u g h t 4 t i t h a t beshyfore 1 sAid Delia indifferently -mdash

I)ejjamgtsliy d o n t ytfn le t h e r p a s s whispered LIU SHOS so old a n d mdash

bull O l d pet t i sh ly r e p e a t e d Del ia JVhy s h e s t he w o r s t old b a r p y in

-V63 f r i gh^nor l whwtj fr|1(5 e n t e r e d tho l i t t le A t t n _ at laquo^laquolaquo ri gt n k i i Ak-raquo]T rgt -raquo r ^raquo laquo i r l t i si l i one - s to r i ed cab in ono side of wliich w a s al l awrV wi th t h e forei^bf m a n y a w i n t e r s t empes t in whose low-ceiled a p a r t m e n t old Miss M e r r y d e e r lay dyshying mdash

bullbullIs it m y b o u n y gir l r i f ie said liftshyi n g he r g l a n c e to thlaquo~njgw c o m e r s face i c s i t s she as g a v e m e t h e d ime Out of he r o w n pocke t she gave it to me E v e r y o n e else t u r n e d the i r backs upon


In a T b e I m p o r t a n t F a r t I t P l a y e d M y t t e r l o u TQurder

Jacksonville (Flo) CorN- Y Mail

Arch iba ld V Newton a y o u n g m a n

who be longs t o a w e a l t h y family w h i c h

s t ands h igh in E n g l a n d has jus t been

cenvic ted in O r a n g e C o u n t y of the m u r shy

de r of S a m u e l McMil lan T h e case w a s

sensa t iona l and w h e n the j u r y o r o u g k t

in the verdict W e find the p r i sone r gu i l t y a s c h a r g e d in the m d i c t m e n t t

t a t ious noise

m e a n d l a u g h e d to see the old witch go by N o one ever g a v e m e a n y t h i n g beshyfore but sneers a n d curses For what^ g o o d to a n y b o d y was o ld wi tch Merry- deefc B u t s h e t o o k p i ty on herTiOrd

p romised hor t h ree he r m y heiress

g a t e w n n osien- u laquo vgt ^ ^ ^ - ^deg rne here p re t -AM M l s f M e r r W e was t y ^ n c a n d P u ^ gtur h a n ^ ^ i m t

But crv^rr-a^-litTrtottchlaquotr-4te^war-ui s lowly a n d r e luc tan t ly t u r n i n g the don- 4 r J _ i_i -f_^bdquo_i -v-_ T u p a l m to t h e old c r o n e s fast p u r p l i n g

handt_she g a v e a q n i c k g a s p turned k e y s d r o o p i n g h e a d a r o u n d wben Lil l hor te r f tjaTflifSa^he r e scue

S t o p a minu to i Miss Mer rydee r - said she Here as a t en -cen t piece I t s e e m s s u c h a pHylfor yot t and the poo r o l d d ) 5 h ^ y ^ o ^ g o ^ f t r i r T O ^ d - i t h i s - b i t - t e r cold n igh t bdquo A n d mdash a n d you can p a y m e the nex t t ime vow come this w a y

E h sa id Miss M e r r y d e e r shri l ly bull Who a r e y o u

over a n d d i e d Lil l c losed he r eyes t ied up the poor

old tooth less j a w s wi th h e r scented p o c k e t fcandkerchiefV-erossed the hands orTThJ pus le less bfei is t a n d verrFltor5e aga in l eav ing J e b o r a m to do w h a t hlaquo

^rm1fll^afd-tfao- f ie ld s n iece f rom O m a h a

bullWell k ind Anil


A h said the old w o m a n w h o e v e r you be y o u v e done a a n d merc i fu l deed this n ight you H g e t y o u r r e w a r d for it too I tell y o u r f o r t u n e once m o r e s topshyp i n g t h e donkey as he was half-way t h r o u g h the to l l -ga te to Del ia Penridds i t t t tn i tc d isgust O h yes juycra charm-W o t h i t l ive in t h e w o o d s fmdbdquogubdquotma a spell t h a t o t h e r folks k n o w n o t h i n g of We l l here it I s THrec^bod gujts for you T h e r e s a lover coriiingjtheres a gift of m o n e y coming a n d there s a ^ear-eorgtseieBelaquo-4fcgt g o t o bed upon- this [l i^M ( iood-bye-7-good-bye

A n d t h e donkey t r o t t e d a w a y over thc f foxe t^Toad his hoofs r i n g i n g likn miTllledSbeHs whi le Deliamdashadjusted the b a r s w i t n a l augh a u d both g i r l s r a i r I m r r i o d l y b a c k t o t h f t g l o w a n d shelter of the i i re l ighl

Ts she c r a z y sa id Iill earnestly N o t half so c r azy as vyu ftere to

iiffton tomdashll^rmdashs-mt Dnlia I t s nld Miss M e r r y d e e r Every ojio knows


birch a ruTdr icc rpenny- roya l b u n c h e s in h e r dress c u i i o u s r e m e m o r a n c e s of old Miss Mer rydee r

T h e y bur ied h e r on the moLintainside in a qua in t l i t t le g r a v e y a r d where the cows g r a z e d a t will p i c k i n g the i r way jaa iohg t h e m o s s - g r o w n tombs tones and w h e r e t h e Ien^e h a d Ions- ago fallen to r u i n s a n d peop le l a u g h e d at the idea of

i l l J enr i t ie id beicir cons t i tu ted heitess

vours lt gt peer-

uud throvs a

ill lI)]Kix JlilijirUti bull 4r



co in ing

L i l l Li l l r u n to The re s some one road

Lill Poni ie ld s t a r t e d to Jior a l ac r i ty t i ius ruthiessTv

dttor-mdashlt|uiek4 owiK the

her She go woods a n d bails t l iem intfgt d r i n k a -

tcet with d e s t r o y i n g all

t he br ight visions which had bui l t them-bull e l v t v u p a r o u n d the g l o w i n g logs in the d e e p ch imney ^

H o w m u c h is it for a foot passeng-t iivisaid she ca l l ing tjp tlumdash n a r r o w woodou s ta i rway

- B u t i t i sn t a foot |gtassenger i r r i t shya b l y re to r ted Delia wi th h e r i u p u t h full

of ha i rp in s Vdt^ uld Mis-s Meiigtdefry wi th he r d o n k e y car t T e n c e n t s

I t Was a ^ t o r t n y M a r c h sunset red a a d t h r e a t e k i n g a f o n g t l v c w e s t wi th a frozen b r e a t h of icicles in the air a n d

c a r t seomed to a d v a n c e t h e tolldigaise

look ing wi th sur j ) r ised ieyey~rt

bullThere a r c families a r o u n d he re thu t wou ld r a t h e r have old Miss M e r r y d e e r in s ickness t han a n y o the r d o c t o r in town And she s a nu r se too and s o m e th ink tha t she sees and hears more t h a n o t h e r p e o p l e

H o w old is s h deg A h u n d r e d at l e a s t said Delia

-NovTeTns iiirtke liasc -and g e t - the-t e a r e a d y for Pa-wi l l be half frozen w h e n h e c o m e s mdashmdash i mdash 1 WTimtoEHf m y t l v r e e go^wl gifU will come t r u e said Lill laughing

O h unltloubtedIy De l i a -answered wi th the most m a r k e d sa t i re

B u t Delia-Penticld her p r i sed mdashabout -amdashweekmdashs w h e n a l e t t e r a r r ived for Lil l f rom t h e lad she left behind her

W h a t d o you th ink Li 11he wro te I a m c o m i n g ^castT l ~ m i i coTriinjrto

could-for the w a t c h e r s and a t t e n d a n t s And as she whlked she -carried the s t r a n g e a r o m a t i c odor s of p ine and

of the d e a d bullJUh

t i g h t e n o u g h hflcld


appoarod utraquo Sftniotd) b o a n o g iraquo f rom Mr ( i r ay one of the L o n d o n stock ho lde r s to J E G r a h a m the m a n a g e r of the Sanford C o m p a n y N e w t o n was m e n t i o n e d in the le t te r as a n e p h e w of Mr G r a y and M a n a g e r G r a h a m w a s au thor i zed to pay h im 8S3 pe r m o n t h Newton a youth of fino a p p e a r a n c e a n d p leas ing m a n n e r s was f)opular_atdirst b u t his g o o d repu ta t ion w a s soon blastshyed T h e r e were reasons to suspec t him of forger ies a n d then caijio n^ws t h a t hGvhad left E n g l a n d because of a n out shyr a g e aga ins t Miss Pol ly l i owron Sub shysequen t ly he sent money to E n g l a n d for K a t e Bowron a sister of his a l leged vic t im a n d mee t ing he r i n N e w Y o r k marr ied her and t h e couple r e t u r n e d to C r y s t a l L a k e O r a n g e County

^ Whi lQ lh l s was go ing on ano the r topic of suspicion p resen ted itselfrThereliv~

bulled in O r a n g e County n e a r Crys ta l L a k e a m a n -named Samue l McMil lan who bore t h b - r e p u t a t i o n of being v miser a n d w a s supposed to ca r ry a l a r g e sum hi m o n e y on his pe r son He- o w n e d a

-ya luablc g rove the sale - of which he Was nego t i a t ing with N e w t o n who-wi th his wife lived n e a r by N e w t o n -knew the habi t of McMil lan of e a r n i n g money On S a t u r d a y evening - Sep ten ibe r gtn McMil lan was last seen alixe_4nst a l t e r sunset in c o m p a n y wi th Newton walkshying t o w a r d Newton s house H e never r e t u r n e d to h i ^ h o m e a n d af te r some days his ne ighbors became ahxioftVand ins t i tu ted a search for h im On the 17th d a y of O c t o b e r j i i s headless body was found in Crysta l L a k e pa r t l y cohsvimed by fishes A r o u n d the waist was a rope t o which was suspended a sack i n wh ich w a s found a n iron p o t full of nlails A few days l a te r t he h e a d o-f-the-murdered m a n was found n e a r the SAIUT spo t trnd

k c q i airnji frrum Oboun ltoi I d o a H w m t j mdash you to ea tch i t mdash N e w Y o r k Mail and E x p r e s s


An I n c o n c e i v a b l e T o r t u r e ol t h e O r i shye n t

Paris Letter

T h e A n n a m e s e h a v e b r o u g h t the Scishyence of l impa lemen t to a m u c h finer po in t t h a n m i g h t be i n f e r r e d - J r o m t h e process herptofort- ^escribftfL _ A J ^ p ^ bliicer who wi tnessed an execut ion irT T o n k i n before t h e r e c e n t t roubles g ives thoro was m u c ^ - G x o i t r m p n t i n the c o u r t fc ^ ^ t _^ bdquo _ _ J

B l i t a l t e r all w h a t does it a m o u n t to Ah old hovel c r a m m e d chuck full of y a r b s a n d roots twent ga l lons o ilaquooot beer four dozen bot t les of ague cure tihat n e v e r y e t c a r e d a n y b o d y and four acres of l a n d Wtth t h e ^tones so close t o g e t h e r o u t t h a t even tlhe sheep c a n t ge t t h e i r i i o s e s - d o w n to browse -Vxr tmrcTrof a fo r t in fteeordlng-tomv ^ a v s o t h i n k i n g

B u t she m e a n t k ind ly toward me poor thing 1 1 sa id Lil t^soft ly A n d iiil l innnnco T oravf hftr^-q d i m e 1

The next af ternoon however Lncie -timiiiill f nne back from tpwn_vith a b e a m i n g face ~~~

L o o k he re L i l l said he - You ve go t the for t in af ter_al l W h a t il ye t h i n k Old witch M e r r y d e e r had eight h u n d r e d dolhuvs in t h e sav ings bank A n d i t s yours have belived the re was t h a t much money to be m a d e out of roo t s anil y a r b s

E i g h t h u n d r e d d o l l a r s cried Delia ~TiRm=brR r-eftn-^onugiug^to her feet

niaiiy j o m Ca tesby after all when he comes o a s t

I or to these s imple-people e ight hunshydred do l la rs signified a for tune bull So this g e n t l e - n a t u r e d heroine inher-

j t ed the throe good gifts after all Tom C a t e s b y canae eas t a n d set u p life as a-

t h e very-Siirno pnrt of thp c o u n i r v w h e r e vou a re Do you k n o w t h e old r e d mi l l Wel l ( i r iel H a l l h a s bough t it a n d w o - a r e to r u n it in p a r t n e r s h i p A n d w h e n we have saved a l i t t le m o n e y Or ie l is co in ing b a c k west for t h e g i r l h e is e n g a g e d to a n d I -we l l Lil l you

-i bull i k a o w tho rest I t m a y be severa l yea r s h i f t o k m m ^ H l s ^ ^ ^ b u t w e 3 m E t d B -t h r o u g h which old M i s s M e r r y d e e r s nr~enuy ut i e n o u g h for me p re sen t dea r it will be

to be n e a r y o u

A R a b b i s D i l e m m a A wel l kr town R a b b i of

i n v i t e d to the J o l i e t pen i t en t i a ry to ad-tmfcK-^ theJ4r -eraquo5 tiie-^conviipta lit^t S a b b a t h T h e

seated is-the^

as LiM4Rit r ad i an t ly d r eami^g ove r t h e let-

bullnnt old yyoman w h o s a t o n n h e a p ^ t A m i t h f t - e l G a r consc ience we l l branehes-and-AvdiiplwiditpiLphleg- - U I

onkey i f t^roct of her y o u r e a l w a y s r e a d y e n o u g l i t o

11 s a rcas t i ca l ly r e m a r k e d old Miss f leer as the d o n k e y ca_me to a h a l t ih front of t h e tb l l -bar Now-

t h e n y o u n g - w o m a n ( t o Lil l ) why^a in t I t o be al loyed to g o o n

T e n cent jplefieV s a i ^ Ltl l t imidshyly h o l d i n g o u t he r h a n d wi th a l t - t ha t she -had ever r ead d r e a m e d or h e a r d

iat Avitphes c o m i n g back in to her the a i g h t o f t h e yel low old face

wWh i ts f r inge of w h i t e elf-lock^ t h e tejoak a n d the nose t h a t was hooked

J f e n c o D deg amp i U v s l m c amp d o l d m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ Z Merrydee r A n d for w h a t I should l ike to k j i o w

f t^1r t$e^t t -gate p l e a s e ^ oxplftuibd JLAI w i sb ing m o r e t h n o v o r t h a coustD Would come d o w n a|aiitAr ^ -_mdash

I cUnt k n o w a n y t h i n g abot i toll bull g a t e s sa id Miss MerrydeorY S t a n d Aai^6 a n d lo t tun go thiougfa T h e road w a s h e r e 1 6 frac34 before t h e y o U f U ^ n f l 1 o l l ^ 5 ^ ^ b - laquo y ^ g a t e I t s s w i n d l i n g mdash t h a t s w h a t it-is-G e t u p N o d d y

She se t t l ed heiself b a c k a m t t e g the g r een s p r u c e Doughs and p r o t r u d i n g roots-with HIT a i r o x de te rmi t i a t ion a n d c h i r r u p e d to h e r d r o w s y s teed as i f she mean t o r ide rough - shod over

t a m e runn iRg down-s ta i r s arid the ba r back- to i ta p lace

-Twn ntB MffTlaquoJMffffyjgg] she l a w

said o r you c a n t -pass T h a t s the

t a k e ior g r a n t e d Now T if only- old wi tch M e r r y d e e r bdquowould s u p p l y t h e m o n e y J should r ea l ly be l i eve in h e r

bullI g u e s s said J e b o r a m H a w l e y the h i r ed jriattT-who 4iad--laquoome in a t t h i _ m o m e n t with a pot of g lue to w a r m ovor the k i t c h e n stove t h a t o ld Miss Mer shyr y d e e r w o n t s u p p l y m a n y m o r e t h i n g s in th is w o r l d S h e s a t d e a t h s d o o r w i t h pne i imonv T h a t s w h a t I v e h e a r d ~

I s she poor old t h i n g said-Dlaquo4iA care less lv T a k e ca re J e b o r a m d o n t spi l l t h a t g l u e

S h e s trot a l awye r s c i e rk t b e r c a

il ler wi th Lill a t che household he lm A u d of cour se they l ived h a p p y ever after W h o ever h e a r d of a pair of t rue lovers t ha t d id o the rwi se W h i l e the n e i g h b o r s all m a r v e l e d cxeccdingly-rand-r e n i a r k e d wi th va r ious nasa l inflections

a b u l l e t hole was discovered in the b a c k of his sku l l O n t h e b ra in s be ing re shym o v e d a bullet d r o p p e d out w h i c h a p shyp e a r e d to fix exac t ly a pis tol N e w t o n had borr owedi rom a ne ighbor n a m e d Tr i t e Th i s wastbe--ngtystery of C r y s t a l L a k e -

Lilt t h a t t ime Newton_became ihisli of inoneV H e said tha t bis - wife s

s3iit h im rnonev H e saiil t ha t bi

r a m e T B b w r c n 1 a d~ b r o t h e r 823000 wi th which to buy an orani ie g rove on the l ake He wis suspec ted of themdashmunLer_ _oi McMil lan - however a n d was brought before J u d g e C u c k c a m a n no ted as a m e m b e r of t tie F lor ida

sunse t

T h e F l o r i d a S h i p C a n a l

CiniiuijatiTirne s^t a r - ^ - - -Pe r sons p r o m i n e n t l y couuijittcd ^ith

t h e en te rp r i se arclfrec to ay tha t t h e p r o p o s e ^ F lo r ida s h i p cana l will be coix-s t ruc tedf T h e feasibi l i ty of the p ro jec t appea r s to have been d e m o n s t r a t e d Gene ra l S tone w h o has conduc ted -~wi -STrrve-aTtd~wtrrr-^qiF -^ u bulljerint^Mul -thci cons t ruc t ion of t h e cana l iu-ease-4l ieuro-c o m p a n y decides to g o a h e a d - w r r h - t h c work is a m a n whose opinion on such mat te r^ ia va luab le Hfr a s se r t ] conii

hT t iou of H1T2 t r i a r occu r r ed v for the-proserjiuiwri wa lked down the a is le followed lw a-meduim-sied d a r k -ha i red w o m a n evulen t ly a foreigner

1 deehireTTiever^ w ^ d t ^ ^ l t e s t p n n g e r g o t abreiv^U)i Mr gtew-to r f she t u rned amvpe-orcdvirtto her face say ing W h y Ka^e T h e pr i soner as he looked up and recognized the -woman liliiamphiid unt i 1 i t sce^ii( d the blood would burs t from nis neLkTrnd_--iiliXadis whi le Mrs N e w t o n turnei l dcTatinV pale a u d r e m a i n e d several seconds with uptifrnet face a n d half-open-qips as if petriilcuT by amazement- Tiijebull-bullpresence- oX-this w o m a n in Amer ica was a comple t e surshypr ise to the defence as t h e counsel for N e w t o n subsequent ly a d m i t t e d in open court mdashHer-to-Uimoiiv wa^ l i s t e n e d - t o

a n d w a g g i n g - o f t h e head t h a t r t~was m o s t e x t r a o r d i n a r y bu t old Miss M e r r y d e e r a lwaj s w a s q u e e r

Chicago was

p r i sone r s ^^en seareo i s - t n e spae tous c h a p e l and the R a b b i a rose to g ive his discourse J u s t t h e n it o c c u r r e d to hingt X n a t l r w ^ s i t vxrry^Tderricate m a t t e r - t o add re s s his aud i ence as he wished lo

wi th brea th less in teres t I t was to the effect t h a t the Bowron family had n bulli25inthegtyoiidJluuch less yen 2 o p o i y t b inves t in o range g r o v e s r - T u a t hacKbeen the a ia in pqintrpf the de fense -^ to a c o u n t for Nesvton s n ioney aifege^r to have been sent by t h e wealjy brother in- law The Eng l i shwo a n con t i rmed

rairiaipon Pol ly

ered m a p h a d e t r i a l Dr Kins

the s tory of N e w t o n s o Bowijom

M c M i l l a n - i k e m v coarse r e o V b a i r ^ A t W y l l y t e s t i r ^ l t h a t hemdashhad f o u n d i n blood spots^oTiTi h a n d k e r d i i e f T o u n d in I S e w t o n V p o c k e t t h e morning a f t e r the m a r d e r a e m g l e - j e i L h i i i r The h a n d -kerolfief w a s e x a m i n e d las t Oc tobe r by

s p r e t ^ e m humi l ia t ion by ca l l ing thcln I-Df Wyl ly H e testified t h a t a t t h e hrst J ^convicts^ Snid h e 1 do no t k n o w h o w tb add re s s youmdashyou people If say Fe l lowCi t i zens - t h a t w o n be r i g h t I f I s ay G e n t l e m ^ don i fKnow^f I w o u l If I s ay M i n e E r i e n d s th a (lead give a w a y to mine Q o n v i c t s yon d o n t s h o u l d smile So d ings a n d vou

wou ld be If I say

lat some I

ali fust say nud--

be p k a s e d a t

a m H e s to t ake ou t his p a y in four bo t t l e s of A g u e S p r u c e C u r e a n d a g a l shyl o n o j roo t beer B u t l a w t h e r e a in 5 d ^ c ^ s n l ( H t 7 raquo r T C r - d ^ laquo gt on a b roomst ick somo d a v o r disajspear

T h e nex t day howeve r oarne a t a t rmyltl l i t t le m e s s e n g e r to t -he to l l -houso

mdashX U l t L M i s s M e r r y d j

bullyoung w o m a n as

dot I _ k j ^ y 2 _ ^ Q i d I ^ n X ^ f t o r fellgw d o w n a m i d dea fen ing

f rom t h e i n m a t e s

w a n t s to see t h e ie g ive the t h r e e

good gifts ^ o sa id he r o l l i n g his oof-fee-colored eyebal l s a r o u n d I m to show h e r do way bull Bight off p l e a s e

Lill l ooked at Del ia in a m a z e m e n t a l l laquopp S h a l l I g o sa id she O h sure ly

position tm^- jus t here De l i a PenliWtf I o u g h t

perspir ing r o a r s of Chicago^

If t M Rabbi h a d said F e l l o w H u -ttlabullargtBeings he eoulcTTrave s t a r t ed

on w h a t he h a d to say wi th no em-a r r a e s m e n t to himself o r to the poo r

fel lows w h o a r e c a g e d u p a n d -who some t imes fee h o w h a r d it is for a n y shybody t o say a k ind word to t h e m If

Hire R a b b i h a d n o t h i n g to s a y a n d d i d n t k n o w h o w to say i t h e shou ld h a v e k e p t a w a y mdash H u n d r e d s of m e n w h o ( d o n o t k n o w half a r T i m c h as t h e Rabb i h a v e g o n e to the p r i sons a n d by the p r o m p t shyings of the i r w a r m h e a r t s a n d the i r IOVQ for m a n k i n d h a v e been enab led to say words of c o m f o r t t h a t h a v e b r o u g h t tcars to the eyes of m e n who -tfe sq-ffier-i n g mdash ^ u n w h m e n t for c r ime mdashPock s S u n _ __bull

mdash - - bull bull

svvung t I t s a lonely s p o t s a i ^ D e l i a mdash u p in the woods w i thou t a n e i g h b o r s house i n s i g h t J e b o r a m h a d be t t e r i o l l o w

t i t t l e riintnnpn -Did w i t ch v o r n r t

( M e r r y d e e r may t r r rn you in to a w h i t e

c rys t a l Suppos ing t h a t he m i g h t have scra tchedmdashhis fingor and -caused th c rys t a l to g e t oh t h e handke rch i e f he w o u i d - n o t accept a a ^ i L j ^ M n c j B _ l h a t t h e r e was blood t h e r e His last exami shyna t ion revea led t h e blooltl co rpusc le s ve ry dis t inct ly a n d u n d e r the m i c r o -scope h e d iscovered ^ s i n g l e t e d h a i r mdash a

ie g r o u n d a s firmly as a t e l e g r a p h po le a n d wi th t h e u p p e r p a r t a c h a i r of i ron h a v i n g an ori i ice in the c e n t e r of t h e sea t i s conshynec ted T h e po in t of t h e s t a k e fits t h e orilice in the chai a n d t h e l a t t e r is l ow- e r e d or ra ised by m a c h i n e r y set is m o -i ton^by a-cratrkmdashso t h a t suventrifEelr-of-t be pole can be forced t h r o u g h the body of any one sea ted in t h e cha i r T h e r e is a lofty p la t form r i s ing t o t h e s a m e h e igh t us the pule a n d j - e a j d i e d b y a lad-- der T h e execu t ione r compd^CsT^jyic-t i m to m o u n t a n d t a k e his sea t in the cha i r whe reon he is i m m o v a b l y cha ined T h e n the c r a n k is t u r n e d for ty o r fifty t imesmdashthe s t a k e b e i n g bur ied fu r the r a n d fu r the r in t h e c r i m i n a l s body at each t a r n bdquo

All thisbdquoappeursMiniitterablably horshyr ible to Europeens bu t the Or i en ta l s a re no t cons t i t u t ed as we a r e T h e y fea r o rd ina ry forms of d e a t h ve ry l i t t l e a n d decap i t a t ion o r h a n g i n g has as litshyt l e t e r ro r s for t h e m as t h e W o r k H o u s e for the common A n g l o - S a x o n crimina_L_ Moreover the i r n e r v o u s sys temmdashespecshyially t h a t of t he Chinese and k ind red racesmdashis not a l t o g e t h e r simrlai to the n e r vouamp_^ysJ^urolLAy iaa__r aeW_ T h e _ F r e n c h omeer w h o witnessedTthei m e t h o d of execut ion above desc r ibed avers t h a t the c r imina l c o n t i n u e d tobdquoeat a b a n a n a unt i l the opera t ion w a s half comple t ed

bulland m a n y t r a v e l e r s concu r in b e a r i n g evidence thftt the Chinese exh ib i t u n d e r t o r t u r e a deg ree o f f o r t i t u d e equa l if not super ior to t h e well k n o w n s toic ism -

-of the -Amer icnn I n d i a n l i n t i_t_k_rather s t r a n g e to l ea rn t h a t the p a r ^ o f t h e i ron m a c h i n e r y used in the i m p a l i n g process r e f e r r ed - to bears t h e t r a d e - m a r k of a F r o n d I -i ro raquo- m as l er

assert1 dentlyLhat the t l igg ing of this w a t e r -

- way jw41 rprovo a ggtod iftVcstmen-t f o r The c o m p a n y -alaquo4mdashoi__juiit_-beneiit ) c o m m e r c e A c c o r d i n g to geiun^irStpTiT-r the es t ima ted c o s t - - h e witholdsTU-etig-ures Tor the prcscuT -- is m o d e r a t e in compar i son to the a m o u n t of business that awai t s the canal l i r e reason for his fai th in t h e c n t c r p r i s e n r a y be s t a t ed in a few w o r d - The cana l it U claimx-d would save^rrom three to Vev-en (lays tim3 fo r allTTie s f e a hie r-T ah i r sa i l ing vessels 2 y i n g into and ou t of the (itiTf of Meicolt Th i s m e a n s a d i rec t sav ing to cip-h vc^raquoef in sa lary ai id-ruu-Hp-inj|-t-^^es of_about 1gtUU Bcsiilts the miyigat ion t h r o u g h the F lo r ida Stra i t^ is exceedLngly dange rous a n d thcynnnual losses frohi w r e c k a g e a re

fOrmojjji On tliis bulluVonni if js e i t i - _ the c a n a l w o u l d save from one and a half p e r e e i U u n i n s u r a n c c -f course w i t h increased-safety of

nav iga t ion a ntf lcrwer cost t he i r a l l i c CTTgtT

w h i c h n o w m a k e s use of the G u l f would l a rge ly inc rease Gen Stonje beshylieves t h a t w i t h i n a very shor t t ime afshyte r tlie comple t ion of the cana l you will find t h a t a very l a r g e propor t ion o f t h c ^

-g ra in and co t ton of the Wes t a p d N o r t h -west t h a t now goes E a s t b y r a i l wou ld come down-the-Miss iss ippi and t h r o u g h t he canaL a n d t h e a b s u r d i t y i -f ---driving ca t t le from T e x a s a w a y u p to K a n s a s and A r k a n s a s to bo t h e n c e s h i p p e d by xai l -J j jL_Easiern maxkAt_slgtr^laquold a l so

T h e r e is no en terpr i se now con-in p r o g t e s s t h a t w o u l d

cease t e m p l a t e d o r _ t -

x a m i n a t i o n h e iounltl a s ing le b lcgtod-^oniex-gr^a te i~4w^eHt5-4r^on-ahc_cQm^

W h e n t h e d o g a

coa r se r ed hai r T h e defense fough t t h e case p o i n t by poin t tmt t h e drift w a s agair is tr t h e m a n d w h e n N e w t o n sa id t h a t h e h a d b o r r o w e d T r u c u piutol to shoo t a n a l i g a t o r t h e aud ience l a u g h e d

W h e n the j u r y c a m e in a n d gave t h e verd ic t one could have h e a r d a p i n d r o p All t h e whi le N e w t o n h a d been ne rvous shyly t w i t c h i n g his m o u s t a c h e W h e n the verd ic t was read ou t he d r o p p e d his h e a d a n d d e a t h l y pa l e wh i l e a s l igh t t r e m o r passed t h r o u g h his f r ame H e then sudshyden ly j u m p e d up a n d seized his h a t i q r -g e t t i n g tha t - the c o u r t h a d n o t a d j o u r n e d but p re sen t ly con t ro l led himself a n d r e -immud his sea t mdashHis raquoif qu i e t for a few m o m e n t s t h e n a few t e a r s t r i ck led d o w n her c h e e k s a n d s h e g r a s p e d hor h u s b a n d s a r m convuls iveshyly b u t beyond this she showed no e m o shyt ion J u d g e Ctfcke p r o n o u n c e d the vershydic t -of d e a t h

mc rce of the w o r l d t h a n the F l o r i d a -eanaK or t h a t cou ld d e p e n d - u p o n

a l a r g e r b u s i n e s s P e r h a p s Gen -amplone in his e n t h u s i a s m for the s c h e m e ^ magni t ie its i m p o r t a n c e s o m e w h a t But it is p la in e n o u g h t h a t l h c ~ p r o p o s shyed p e n i n s u l a r c a n a l w o u l d be of wonshyderful a d v a n t a g e to the c o m m e r c e of this coun t ry and especially7 of the S o u t h shywest

^ bull bull - bull

T H E D r i gt E - ^ T h e N e w Y o r k T r j b t t n e p e r t i n e n t l y

T r u e cau t ion Ma said J e n n i e t o o boy in L P a r v e n u e at N e w p o r t t h e y said those

t h c j n e l o n p a t c h a n d t h e r e a r e no trees S m i t h s w h o h a v e g o t the J o n e s co t t age r h a n d y he 4 s ings O h f o r t h e g a r 4 raquo i ^ - - a r 4 3 _ a w ^ M j s t y l i pound h ^ wal l mdashCinoin j ia i t i M e r c h a n t a n d T r a v g r e e V G o t t h e ped ig ree have t h e v

said Mrs P a r v e n u exc i ted ly w e l l y o u p e bull - J mdash T mdash

very p e r t i n e n t l y s a y s N e w s p a p e r s have an e x a s p e r a t i n g way of t a k i n g u p a ca t ch -word o r newly coined p h r a s e and w o r k i n g it t o d e a t h T h e la tes t is d u d e A s u s e d in i ts o r ig ina l a n d m o r e r e s t r i c t ed sense the word is bail enough a n d the p u b l i c is sick of it B u t now it begins to be app l ied indiscr imi na te ly to all orts a n d condi t ions of m e n who exhibi t in t h e i r m a n n e r s o r e o n T e r -sa t ion t h e d e c e n c i e s a n d amen i t i e s of social life So t h a t t o be ca l l ed a d u d e by s o m e jqnr r ia l s o ^ b amoun tu to ca l l bull

j ng a maji a g e n t l e m a n T h i s of course is a s h a b b y wayvdf t r e a t i ng peo -])le whose g o o d - b r e e d i n g is t h e i r on ly c r ime a n d J i is a l t o g e t h e r an a b s u r d pe r fo rmance on t h e p a r t of r e p u t a b l e j o u r n a l s O n e p a p e r for ins tance t h e o t h e r day i nXno t i r i e of a m u c h i a l k e d -

bullcent ^ o r e l t o m a r k i ts d is l ike of r e f inement of t h e au tho r i n t i m a t e d he was a d u d e Is it no t a b o u t

t ime t h a t this s o r t of t h i n g w a s s t o p 5

ped- T h e w o r d d u d e m u s t go

bull ^




y - - gt - bull

bull bullt V ^

1 r bull

^ t a b bull d H ^ ~ bull ^ c r ^ - i - bull-bullbull

d ia iraquo fSraquo

V ^ f^



- - 1 laquo

The Agricultural Editor

bull Dyke Fortoseiifr rambled into tho pffictt of a rural newspaper published in

crass of m r a t readers suul named Vlw Fartnrs Friend

(ini Cultivators Vhamphn Dyke WHS fresh from Denver where lie had beeif ifloing local work on a daily He wanti-d ft situationmdashhe wanted it bad fry und ho ^oonclosed a bargain with 11laquo proprieshytor of the Farmer J Friend mid Cultishyvator Champion The proprietor in-tepded to be absent for two weoks anil Dyke undertook to hold the journal^ nead steadily up stream until his reshyturn J_ l _

You wilFreceive some visitors quijo Jikely said the proprietor Enter-fraquo|n em Entertain em in a manner which will reflect credit upon the paper They will want to talk stock farming horticulture etc you know Give it f o e m strong mdash-

Dyke bowed borrowed a half-dollar got a clean shave and a jrlass of beer n d soon returned to face the music and p d j c t h e first agricultural journal with Which he had ever been connected

M I c a n feel that with mv journalistic Wlaquo rience it will be jm agricultural himself

At two bclpck jgt

just km to run paper said Dyke to




m the first visitor phowed up at the door of the office and Dyke cordially invited him inside The farmer entered hesitatinglyand re-marked that ha had laquo Y p e a t p J u gt pia^ the proprietor with whom he had an appointment to discuss engtihige

I am in charge of the journal said pyke

Q you are Well you seem to have A pretty c lean ofBee hero


Y e s replied Dyke Hut about - ihte^eHsSage- Kfisttag isla~prettv sroolf

breed -isnPt itP bull J Breed exelairaed- ihe b a n n e r

V w h v mdash bull I mean its a sure crop -something

that y o u can relymdash Crop Why It-isnt a crop at a-H Ves yes I know it isnt a crop

laid Dyke perspiring^ vmtil his collar iwgan to me l t awayvilovvrr flie ftuvk of his neek but you can do Intter ami fi)eRQer work withbulla-^ood^ttrptmsrhtjre-pn stubby ground t h a n - ^ mdash ~

T a k e it for a sulky plow do you No no f said Dyke You dont

seem to understand me Now if a Jarnaer builds an ensilage on low groundmdash -

iA Builds an ensilage You seem to have got the th ing mixtul up with some kind of a granary

Pshaw no - continued Dyke I must make myself plainer You see tlite ensilage properly mixed with one

-fmrt gttittio-and threepitrts-lt)f-npltittpts-phate of antinicfay with the adtmien of ft l ittle bran and tan-bark and the Whole flavored with nMorid ltf limn


BARGAINS IN HATS ffHtrt a t eost--t-A- L a r g e mul E l e g a n t

)[ne of N e c k w u i r at le^4fttm-ttjsI

for straw )erry

raquo i -



^ 4

Uee bullT IJ IB I IU IT mdash d ywi wilt flad

^ Yoraquor Tpetfr towioat at p w u TwiJt fragrant make the breath of all ~Boys women men and girls

The fljfanofacturers have yet tp hlt caae of Dyspepsia or Biliousness w u used aa directed to which It wA not more than satisfactory Many write that it la a wonder-fill remody We can ahow where aa high aa forty

[ pounds were gained by Ita use in breaking up chronic BiiioDsnee and Dyspepsia Ita- friends In- creaae very fast and all who uae aa directed arlaquo aurpriaed and gratified _Jbdquo SH4

BIG REDUCTION IN HOSIERY We want to sell balance (jgtf Summer stock at cost and make room for fall

witHrinter goods

CALL AND SEE TO SATISFY YOURSELVES W e Wv^4tH euromwitgtort^ sioek- in paner

ZZ- iuut tTietn Priccs TuroTjj^ccT

IN CUFFS W e lead al co inpet to is The best | =^^==^-^



-K vet- Hh-tlie ttrwii-at p-iees-l-

niakes a top-dressing b^ds whichmdash bull

^yr-ensilatre isnt nouianure io certainly not said l)yke I

^fenowirts ndt often used in tlfat way ^oif dont eaieh iny drift WhcTrl-smfr U)gt-d nssiny 1 meant turkey drlt bull ssinltiZ=-stuiling you knowmdashfor Thanksgivshyi n g mdash l F

Grcat heavens man Ensilage isnt p human food _

No not a-human food exactly1 said poor Dyke grinning like an alinsgt house idiot it isnt a food at all in live true sense of the word My plan has always been to lasso the hug with- a tracechain and after pinning his ears Dackwith a clothes pin put the ensis lagegtinto his nose with a pair of twees-J ers1

Af3r good lands

^ o W n I) io 25 pcr(Vpt less tlum other-i-laquoii e se l ng ^ie su-ne identical

uootigt Ne~mue vlaquo i-bout doubt tlie best iiiiluund- oil si in ilte market

coin deue



Cor Congress and Battoa-Sta

You donH use on-

tjilageto ring h o g s I never believcMl that i t should bo

used for that-)lTjrpoae- but vheiT^-ou want to ring hens or voting ^ealv^ei to keep them from stgtekfcgmdash

The lander gravely shook his head Pid yaiijgyar_ try ensilage on th

Jiired^girlfM said Byke dtspariitlaquoly and winking like a bat a P l l 8 0 ajh

The farmer slowly arose and with laquoome evidence orheumatic twinges in his legs mdash

Young m a n he said solemnly yon are a l o n g ways from home a m 1 you

Y e s 1 replied Dyke eyes beneath tbe sltera

A t y o u r own pi icogt Clocks Clocks

CLOCKS CLOCKS Gouigrcgat dless of cost -

BEWWGz = drojrping his

of the gTaticBs halls in-

England sad-eyed rerrtiners^Tvearily V^atch and wait for my returnbull

Go hcraquoraeyoung man go home to your feudal cuMtUr and while on your wily acrogs _tjio- r u l i n g deep muse oj the f a c t nh^t^elrsttagCTk simplyjcj^rmli food for liye sloqkmdashgut i m ^ f p r e s s l y for fami ly use ina s i l ^ v t i i e h is notli-m e less thap an a ^ i ^ t pit where corn stalks griuja m^Je^cfover alfalfa and other gre^Hfcfuck te|raquoreserved for winshyter ugeVa ere^^^khtcrdiLrit as the

j^edltoror im0afaners Friend and Cultivators1 Chariampxjpiiy

And Dyke Fortescue Jsighed aa he reshymarked to himself There aint so blamed much fun in running an agrishycultural-paper as 1 tlioiigbt1mdashTesta Sifting

- bull raquo raquo

- M TaSteur telU the AeadeDjfy 0 ^ ^ 1 Stdences at Parig thdtwonderful results

are being obtained Mithe work of yac-[ cinating live stock as a preventive against disease During the last-yltGftrbdquo l 8O0Q6 sheep about 4rQ(JPhaatl-of cattle ampul AGO horsed ha^^^eeenmdashvftooinatwlT-^efore this system was introduced the annual loss from liver-rot in one depart-InemVwas nine per cent while tmrloss gince then has beeir reduced over one-

- ^ bull ^ -mdashThe Cleveland Akron amp CpljiSjlms

Railroad now counts its time from one 0 twenty-four oclock Thus two pm ia fourteen and It) pm tWanty-t^o The plan avoids possibility of extension betweon forenoon aftd astern

--^-----^=^-- raquot9n

1VE 11AYK AftlttSTO(K43F

FARMERS AND THRESHERS wliloh we vt el at down prices

BEST COFFEE 1 ^ - Fa i rban l (S Ex Winter-strained Lard Oil No l-tard Oil

Best Quality Lardoline A No I Golden Engine Oil

In t o v w ISoiions- N o e es and

laquoraquolaquo^z t down prices

La ge line at prices below par at the


Pinckney M t e h i j f i r i ^

w raquoJ

a V

DETROIT MICH HftieF $1 to $1 raquo per day Single

iwraquo1raquo lt(UHgti -lAHlitfosi-SS to iOc 4V 1 a a 1 w-amp nraquoi4a4f y- ititt i n DfT4 and

M l O O fclaquoMl) 4wgt a n w LaaJi fi -jmni tt bull

1gt bull


OaAwroBDiCo PA CITT OF TrruinLui Peraooallj appeared bfcxore me Peter PKBUpi

whobeing sworn accordiag to law depoaea aod aayi That he haa been affected with rheuznatlam more or leaa for the paat fonr or Ave yean T H | last winter he had a very aevere attack and t i t ) the pain waa excruciating and-he could only mi about in hia own room By taking bold of aoi thing for support When the disease waa in moat acute form and the pain almoat unbet be took a dose of Wilaoni Lightning Kemi which cauaed immediate relief and the doea taken five hours after mafle a perfect ajii |] permanent cure and that since taking the two ooaea he haa been free from the diaeaae or any symptoms thereof PETER PHILLIPS

Sworn and subscribed to before raa this 9th day of Jnly A D 1880 JKO 0NEUX Notary Public

FAR RAND WILLIAMS 6 CO AotNTS Detroit Miehigatt 81t4



A J eea hew sock of tlte following goods just leceived all of which we guarantee to be the purest and best quality made inliraquolaquo WOFW-

Zero Black Oil Ford Art LoanBnirdingiystroFvMichT^


Old Process Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil TURPENTINE^Oa DRJER

YAR$mamp XXX CASTOR OIL Gasoline 74 deg aiid iCapvha Wa^er-Whiie and Legal Test Kerosene Oil Pure While Lead Colored Paints by the gallon and in paste form in 25 pound tin

Ye a e making Oils PanU and Painters Materials a oj ecialty and | L A T H amp S H I N G E i E S a r Yard on Howell Street north of the

Brick Store OFFICE AT


pails ^iTquote^UW^HTTlTCJES t^aiTany olher dealers in Livingston County-Given a call and see

TEEBL^^c GADWELL_ Jtrst door Eaat-ofWrS Mann Estate Brkk Store t

^IHE^ORMra^RU^ STORE In connection with our larjferand varied stock of


AND FINE CHEMICALS We make a spetiiaPy^of Nuisery and^gt-^Dora Suiraquolies Trusses E|i

_ Bandages Shoulder Bi ses^auCr t bull -i^es kept in a first class ^ruj^Sfore Oo Stock of


bull^fulf^a^J^opleteYembr^difgbull all theuroi standard and reliable remedies which rVe will^^a^jtew^aif reliable J|oulaquoe in the coiin^r^We keep a fall stock ofgtH iJbtanic and^Eclectic Reme^res d PaJeltDavisamp CoV New Remedies enabling bullusl dVfill any prescripiloriot LV^UyreceiptS We shall keep every= tiling plaquo^5nj^gito bflaquor traite In ougtQfbcery Department we have none but ]fcesh ana^wSlTselected goods anio^wtn sell at bottom prices To accoinmo-date our patrons we will tate-inexebange Butter and Eggs and will pay the highest markei or ice ^ ^ Respectiully

lyoft dal0 -I forM fl bull Percheron-Norman Horsee

Engliati DiafI Hurwi t- ^ -Coachers Shetland Ponies

Ilolatetn and Davon Cattle Oar customers have the advantageof our

years experience in breeding and importln collections opportunityof comparlns ( breeds low prices becalise of extent of bustmdasha and low rates of transportat^pn CataiQgues trae torrespondence solicited



bullbullpound3L A



The Detroit Art Loan Record An eight sheet published daily daring the Exhibition

volume of 430 pa acriptiob price

September and October 5i numbera one index and titie-pa^egt

ve Oollars Ten Thousand

nlar Dictionary of Pine Art 1laquo large pages 4gtoond ^Seventyjflve cent Addreaa Hen

aestione Answered A Po

Addreaa Henry





SILVER WABpoundraquo u repawd to h inckner and anzroundlne 0 uadrnpla aUvar pteted ware LUO a 4na aaaortment of Jewlt

We ate now prepared to fnrniah Pinckney and surrounding coo ouadruble aUvar plated ware at Also a ftna aaaortment of Jewelry ^

)lesf Chains and Quard Chains Necklaces LocketefChams

Solid 0ol4 Band and Set RiBflaquo Gold Silver anjHtickle Watches

tdeaignain ~

Eighptfy and Thirip-JiourJii - Foil U M of breech and mtuale-loading y

Quns also Revolvers Ammunition and Sporting Oooda Oenerallf -y BAST02L CAMPBBLI

Wert Katn Street Plnckraquoey Kiehlfaalaquo

FJJUI FOB S mdashIWal bullcttJamaixty acros plowed land) to milM wast of Pinckney aid three mllea from UntdlUa on the Hnck4y^nd I amp U 3 d S onl in^ft i TBailrogt G o o d h t w a ^ W Flna Orchard and spring of^cold waUr-Alao several acrea of Untber-iJa ^ ^ ^ white tneeropa agte growina bull terras tJfc^r a vary daalrabk B O M Apply


Page 6: mcmrmammmoBrA · VOL I. PiNCKNBT, Mi™6AirriHWffi8MY^UGV3T23tl883t" NO.32. PINCKNEYDISPATCH JEAOME WINCHELL, PUB USHER. 4it«eriptlo« Price, $1.** per Tear. 1fc AOVEBTISniO

rrwT ^^w^n wpound$$rmmmsmm


Entered at tUo rostofflce is 1Mclass matter



T H E colossal skeleton of a man who musETutvi1 hbtm iwttt brother to the Carshydiff (raquoiant has been dug from the shelvshying bank of aratfine near Barnard Mo by a Lirmev named John W Hannon Twelve feet wasf the height of the preshyhistoric gentleman and hislongest ribs measured four feet in length The fact That hisrelies lmve|been dug up in Misshysouri suggests the^probability that he was the original border rullian

THK death of Miss Harriet Steer of Cincinnati in her eighty-eighth year deserves a notice She was a promishynent member of the Society of Friends a n d i o r t h e last-fifty years had been a

bullgood angel fb the poer During most of that time it was her custom every winter to prepare a huge boiler of soup on twoidaya of the week This she dis-

tributed gratuitously at her door to all who wished or necuedIt Even as late as last winter though cxfreuiely feeble she was at her self-appointed pgampt as in days gone by While otjiers t r

1)frac34 have been vainly --warring over the-abstractions this unknown

Aside from the conVemenee of th i^plaa there seemk an eternal fttnesain making tluv conderjined supply his awn gallows The expTrnie nwttrowble of conducting him to and from the place of execution are obviated anil w h e n t h e exercises are concluded his remains can be at once turned over to Ids ffnnily without further ceremony |

Tin testimony given before the Scu-iUe_Comittee on Labor and Education in session for the purpose of investigatshying the causes which led to tl^e teleshygraphers strike does not contain much that is news to lite public concerning the trouble between the Western Union Telegraph Company and its employes although a few points were brought out which heretofore have not been entirely c^ear Thestr ike has been contemplatshyed it seems by both the company and the operators since last March T h l accounts perhaps for the fact that the company was able to assume the attishytude taken when the mens_deinands were presented The basis upon which tw optrqfor expected to compromise

ological woman has been illustrating in her life the truespirit of the Christian religion

TEN- medals are about to be presented bybull thcM^yor of Baltimore to men who showed heroism and--daring intrepidshyi ty in saving lives at the time of the Trivoli dockliisastcv and a number ot others arc to be honorably mentioned in public The- lirst medal is for Chrisshytopher Doyle who saved fifteen lives and spent the rest ofthe night in diving for tho-bodies of the dead bull He was

is also given It was a reduction of the hours of labor to eight and extra pay for Sunday work The curious stateshyment was made by-Mr McClelland a prominentmanager of the strike that if the operators were defeated they would only by more powerful than-

orev-Tiiisis indeed- making the best of the situation

A n Old S e a l F o l l o w s H e r C a p t i v e Offspr ing E i g h t y Mi ies

Santa ljarbara (Oil i Press A n i n t e r e s t i n g inc ident iJl list rating

i lm^ntnrnnl -itWtJMn fgtf illl a q i n u i l fpl

7tmidmgTiei^licopy-ReAv-Williani E Starr on the outer eilgc of tiro pier wlTen the crash came- Kealjzing that he could do more_ellective work if unimpeded by liia nlnfTimpf] Wasfcnd Father Starr if it would be rightto strip before the wom-en and children Go in man us Golf

its young was brought to notieeUiring thevisitof an excursion purty to Aim-capaIsland oilthe const of California A young seal pup only a few months-old was brought awayfrom the island by littleKmcstWhitehead who desired to take it home for a pet short ly beshyfore sailing u large seal was noticed swimming around the sloop anchored

FOLKKUm Prince Albert Victor matriculates at

Cambridge this-year Pope Leo XI I I has sent a painting

from the Vatican as a gift to the Detroit ArtAssociation - ^ -

Professor Packard of Yale expects to leave soon for- Athjena -to teach in the American school there bull-

John Krowns shackles the ones xxsod on him at Harper s ferry are owned by George B Keusintpn of Boothbay Me

Mr and Mamps Tom Thumb were beshylievers in Spiritualism and would sit hours to receive communications from little Minnie Warren in the spirit land

George Bancrof t -Jared Sparks J G Palfrey and Richard Hildreth leadshying historical writers of America we$e all educated at Phillips tfxeter Acadshyemy

It is reported that ox-Mayor Isaac S Kalloeh late of San Francisco Cal intends to settle in Washington Territory and to endeavor once aga+h-4o make a new start in polities

Josh Billings is a native of Lanes-boro N H a n d there he hopes to be buried Ho has directed his children to mark the grjvve with a r o u g h stone from the quarry-Hear by

k ing Alfonso of Spa-lu wmila all the nations to take part in a grand eelebra tion in-Spainof the Columbian discovshyery of America andnot to hold the celeshybration uti Italy or America

Mr G K Bhvncbard^of Boston lias brought home from Paris the last wofk of Gustavo Dore It represents a grpup of ^Cupids playfully drawing back a curtain from before a mirror

A lineal descent of Brian Boru the last king of Ireland lives in Colorado and he h a king indeed H i s cattle cover a thousand hills and he is one of the cattle kingsof the West bull ^ H Wade is said to~be the richest

trnmin Cleveland O He made ins ntill innn hi- inrnrt inmii in rgtWiflph_

senger iuformednVh Sjmle wiio N lier shown fn7 r|L sitppcrejMr flould said she wlien youinpvfmy business vou will kill nw 1 ao t ac j raquog books v

But alter supio persuasifxujhi ourebtuied a vo l lumvand gave heiiajrfst of names of Jns friends to vhoru he [ thought she could sell Ilussull Sayo was the only one with whom she waif not successful

T h e Pope is now seventy-four says tlte London Globe a tall thin ivory-eotuplexibned man witk a benignant bullraquobulllaquo - - - - - r 1Jt bdquouAuk

1 bull i bull w hite w heat frimi w hkh tlmy umku their beflteraw expression andsnu lmg lips hearing the ^ 1 ^ V W S T K I gt Tu7gtriiui b o W n or stamp of indelible t i i m n e s s - t h e e ^ ^ bull

expfles^ sion of a man to bend but nevciTto break Some ono has aaid he has the mask of Voltaire but tins is nonsense There is none of the saturnine caducity the depressed mouth and prominent chin or spectral smile Leo XII I is tall he wears his yearb well walks up-rignt and thus raquoraquorylaquoraquoa tigtgt m^t of y s inches His hair is snow-white and naturally forms into a crown about his linely developed brow His long face is serene hrs- small eyes dancing with intelligence1 add to this a harmonious MOMorion vo i eo aind M w i d e k-nltnvlndltrn

of lansruages which he speaks with the correctness of a professor

bull raquo bull mdash - mdash

P o s t P r e s e n t a n d F u t u r e of W y o m shying

Lftfamio Dxuhoraiig mdash - bull ---bull Some writer has said-that no portion

of the globe is at this time so full of


UHlMEfti A JOlIXSOX Propr i r to in w i i to 1nuk(gt known to tlu-ir old nnd mm- ruraquotigtia n-^-tluit thiv iw iu)w proimn-il to do butter work of nil kiiwld iiitlieir line at Initfineas thitn ever befiraquorlaquo-Jluir mills having been thoroughly roftttpdtn^ ivpairodmuliniprovidmltBidn making it convenshyient for their euhtojiierti Hood raquohedlaquo for Uiampnn in connection with tlit MIMH TUey have now on hand over 5)00 hulaquolilq (if dry Bound rtraquod and

Hike i

uiuBtv wheat except forctidtoinerB anrtthnn It iw round on ncimrtita stone HIHI 1H)1UUI through 8opn

wi f i Llt Lut mgt fe

epi rate hwlts Tlioyo hiiyjiii Hour of them yruwn iirhmntjr rllaquonr Thouo hrin^in^ KrraquoetH of tolaquoK( dry sound whew wltt ood Hour and tuv8laquo briutfiny xrown or musty wheat muat expect flour from the same tliiy Iflo havt Beparaty bolta for buckwheat Aorn -11 bull fl^ mdashbull bullbull ^UU^^-Bons new improved l)ulaquotleraquoB Iron Corn iflRiera without extra charge They pay cash for all kindraquo of ijruin All pereoiiB having unsettled accorfnh with them at the mil are requested to call and pay the samo v -- mdash - -


made you he d id

A repliedthe priest as and so

-WILLIAM II VANDKRHIIT did a graec-hantling his 7Ttrt~nnd generous thing in

check for $gtO0O to the gtn-oprietor-of a hotel in theWhite Mountains to be dis-

tributed among the thirty qollege boys viwho are ticting as waiters there This

is one of the ways adopted by poor young men in-New England colleges to make a little money lor-the following year at the same time that they arc getshyting rhejjenelit of a vacation It is not tin easy part to play - t h a t of gentleshyman and scholar and waiter at the same t i m e and indeed a great many young men would rather not try it But Mr Vanderbilt s gift was

offthe cave where the capture was made uttering loud barks and U times howl-

was paid tothe annual at thetimeor to the little captive which at times barked in response to the old dams plaints The boat sailed away making for the Ventura shore When -offmdashSaa Buena-jcenttira aca lnx i i i the wind decreased the speed of the boat when a j a r g c seal was noticed near by gt

On reaching the wharf at Santa Barshybara a large seal was again discovered swimmingraquoabout the boatmdash Tn hot top secure the pup until daylight the rope was taken from its tin and it was tied up in a ju te sack and left loose on the sack Soon after coining to anchor the seal respoaded to its mother s invitation by casting itself overboard-a41mdashtied ifp~ as it was witliin a sack It is assorted-bv the man on deck-that the seal mother seized the sack and with her sharp teeth tore open the prison of her-oftsprmg

stocks when telegraph was only an ex periment and isnow well on in lift _ Miss Nellie Hunt daughter of ttrep American Minister to Russia was claim-cdTthtrmost beautiful of the coterie of American ladies at the coronation A

mighty possibilities orso rich in promisshyes for the future us the broad stretch of rich territory lying west of the Mississipshypi and this assertion comes as near the truth as a newspaper man dare get But a few years ago this portion of the Union was very -appropriately teamed a wilderness The coyotte squatt ing in the shelter of the umbrageous sage tree sang his tuneful lay and the cactus stood sadlv in the midst of the wide ~tX p HUSO of country known as the Laramie plains with no human being to love it and chershyish itmdashand sit down on it T h e very thought of an orphan cactus being dooni-od to ait in otornal ailenge with no kind vord or look for centuries and with no picnic party-anti no soft eyed young man-with ice-cream pants _on_ to come and nestle loYJmg]y_jlown_ington its fuzzy bosom is sad enough to draw tears

Paris paper describes her as fascinashytingly pre t ty

A line medallion -portrait of the late Marshall Jevyell has been made by Francis Bbull Watts a deaf-mute marble-cutter I t is said to- be an admirable portrait and was modelled entirely from a photograph

Frederick N W Crouch author of the-^ong7-uKa4We^n-^V4miuiecjiT^liiaa been rescded from paxilyJiy_al3veaIthy and ceeentric young Southerner James Marian Roche wrho assumes his name and supplies all the money that he needs

Cob Bob Ingersorrr-whois a very earn-Tst temperance man exprouood his opiil ioii ol tlie r ichly - t inished bar of the Huffman House New York Vhen he saw it thus This is tlroiUDStroTthodox sliow Ive soon You can deal out hell

from the eyes of-Bob Ingerstdl himseU mdashatthe usual Star Route pric-cr-- Until lately ytoo the Westerner who ventured across the Missouri Rifer was looked upon as a curiosity and the people watched him with apprehension for fear lie might be loadeth-7 Within the last half score of years however the West

----particularly this portion of it has wait-zshyed to the front and demanded recognishytion among the countries of the world andgot it too

- SOLDIEKS amp SAlLUKiv who were disabled by wouudH disease accident

orotlifflHvlaquoHgt-lhe-lograquo ot-u toe piles varicose veins chronic diarrluva rupture Uma of eight or ltigtar-ally BO) loos of hearing falling hack of ineaxllaquos rheumatism any disability no matter JtQKAKfMr gives you a pension Sew tind Honltx0Bhpoundtlt charyj Obtained Widows childre 1 ^ ^ ^ laquo aiirj-fatherij of soldier tlyiHg in rm M r ^ or afterwards from disease contracted or wtowfdreshyft ived while in jtho service are ^utitlWI to pOraquo-

laquoraquoion Rejected and abamlonedcUuiUB ispeciiutT BOUNTY BACK PAY AND HORSE CLAIMS CQI lWTEDgtv

INCREASE YOUR PENSION A pension can be increased at any time when

the disability warrants it As you grow older the woundtraa gradually undermined the constitution tho disease hart made you more hclplcvs fn some manner tho disabilityhas increased BO apply for an increase at once

L A M AND PATENT CLAIMS SOLICITED My eNigterteic ffrid betng hcre^Tit-heatrtrnart-erti

bull Hnable me to attend promptly toallclaims against the lioviminent tircitLirafree Address ritli tamp





l iraJiere and believe vou are in heaven wliilc voure doing it

bull proi)rfgtlt-^j ^ frac34 ltnv by the self-reliant -^riritrai3fV-gcntlbmaaly bcarmgiJoi_tliesfi 3oung men Tins is a proof- that they were highly successful in~tbis difficult role and is a remarkable compliment----a seUjxitific angler No perhaps the

boy will not clainnliat and it is hardly

N O T the least of the blessings which the Republic has conferred upon the

- French people is the great encourageshyment given to the cause of pppular edn-

mdashcation The^sehobl system has been so

This however is a mere conjecture If it did the little piip vlaquovs-KavoltUothcrwise it woiiid drown tied up in the sack The incident was the more interesting from the fact that the old seal had to follow the sloop at least eighty miles over the ocean in a hopeful -endeavor to rescue its vounar

S c i e n c o v s t h e Boy_ PeTk

An exchange says that l i e boy will claim that he -can-catch more fish than

Mr-llarnuni was in Montreal when he heardof Tom Thumbs death agd

-immediately telegraphed to (lie widow Dear J^aviiiia Yourself and family have my warmest sympathies Death is as much a part of the Divine plan as birth The Heavenly Father finally overcomes all evil with good His will be done1 -

Edgar A Foes oTcl home at Fordliam has been purchased b- Nelson Strong for $7500 This was- the house in which Foes^vifedied mlttlt whenshe

extended as to place whithin reach of of the massos far better educational fa

scientific angler let such a fisherman go out to the fish pond to - lish and when

cilities than the youth of~tne coun t r 4 J ) e hamps s a t a l i day i n the sun-emptiTcrhtot Schiller ftt-ttll^g the flask and has not caught a lish he ever before enjoyed A late and imporshy

tant f ea tm^c^ r t ^e^bv i - rhmgn ta r^ r an of public instruction is the creation of

lyGeums 6t colleges for young girlsmdash that is girlsJrojiLAve_lve to eighteen vears of agemdash in fourteen of the larger cities and towns It is anndunce^ that the State pays 1650000 francos for the building in which the 4 lyceum1 ih Parshyis -will be established French enshyterprise does not always go in the right direction but this scheme for the edushycation of girls is certainly commendashyble bull

ARKANSAS ha sno t contributed to-the world many of the valuable Inventions yf the dayj but by a stroke of genius i t has ijx rather amp novel manner become famous Lynching seems to have grown intt) a anrt of general if not legit imate

industry and the man who suggests any improvement in this summary process

of administering justice is a public ben-eiaetoiy treea has become too coinm teeh railroad br idg^s^a^o^te legraph poles are n^--aTwaygt-cJ)nvenient and

^Xraquo^fnknown in ttto-rural rrfbut they have overcome all

iaia nhitacles on Hurricane Creek by ^ gtraquo w w i w - i w uu x z u i m n n o w e e uy t r gt f l n r g f t n nUarly ft

r^ JiangtegHT mtin in Ma-Qgamp_doprvyax Qady in ih6 States j

necessary that he should But let the scisntific angler with a superb outfit of rods and reels and silk fish lines and gold-plated hooks and patent Hies the usual accompanying combination pockshyet tlask and other first-class articles TfiaTgOnoTmik^=tr|rtrtc=tmtfit of -tire

-A curious (jucstion concerning the identity of the corpse of the poet Schilshyl e r is be ing d^usj^ed in Germany and France Prof Wclckers of Halle after a careful comparison of the skull in the tomb at Weimar with the p las te r cas t

4^ftn^^invmfidiately after Sehilleija death has come~to the conclusion that

will quietly crawi around and commune with the bor who sitsTjivith a~iiattered strawhat on and one suspender his pants rolled up and both-feet dabbling in the Water The scientific angler will note that tbe-boy bas nothing in the-line of fishing-tackle except a tamarac pole a cotton fish-line one-cent hook and a

Tjakingj powder can full of angle worms but lie has a large string of fish for which he receives a good priee^frpm-thfi-scientitic angler who carries them triumphantly through town and tells the people wha t big_Jjarj^_Jie_Jhas bad No the boy does not 3ay he can catch more fish than thescientific angler the scientific angler does not safceo cither but the stubborn facts in the case stick out as prominently as a wart on a Roshyman nose

who Miss Rosalind A Young wno a couple of years ago wrote a n a r t r c l e abbi^t Pitcairns Island fo j^Ser ibners

^ fa theris pastor of jSrcjh^gn3 teacher of the

school anp^amptre Is orgamstana assistant e a c h e r r s h e is about twenty-six years

an377 wfltei^ar retired ^er-c^ptain who not long ago visited her at home she weighs two hundred pounds never had a shoe on her foot ana if necessary could swim off to- snip four miles from the island and back again to shore and then fco into jtfe litrtle church and play tbft organ nuarly ft^^ell as any youngs

was but irVyearsold and when ioc was too-poor to buy a blanket to put on_jhjjr_ bed She died in the middle of winter covered with a sheet and lier husbands -overcoat

The only objection to farming on thew-piains is tha t the 1laquo comes pretty high- -about 8000 feet The assertion however that there is al-wjamps a s e a breeze blowing aUliuteleva-l iorf j u s tmoving the leave) of the troc rnrrt blowing the cellars out friim TTTirtrr the houses occasionally is false True sometimes a whisper of wind springs up on the starboard jib and blows about doe -igt by lt^Hvv-wi^iLfu- an hour ov twoTbut nothing heavier than comer lots with big mortgages on -thenL bavt lie en blown away that we ever heard of

llaisilig cat t le is veniiu s chief inshydustry at this writing With-a good branding iron the huinbleTanclTTnancan get up a pretty nice little herdin a few years One man who went into thecat -tlo business up in the Sweetwater iVmr-orlivo years ago with an I ( mukvand a healthy branding-ironis now-wln-tlwt million He carried a charcoal furnace with him and hatlAhe brand tied to a rope He kept the iron hot and could throw it so as to leave his brand on every maver ick he saw if he could iret


the person buried in the ducal vault is

within twenty yards of it He just brand-= Trda l 1 th-e ~ctrt tre-rre eottld findmdashevery

spring and let nature tjike~lieTToTiTso I tell you pardsaid old J immy

Cannon the guide- to the writer recentshyly the Wesflras Ibst its romance On ly a little while ago r it seems t o m e where once there was nothing but the Whoop of the Tndinnjjid the song of the six-shooter now there are railroads and churches and commercial men and high schools andJhrec-card-monte men ana lecturers and daily news pap er s7 and every little while a na tura l death Wh-v within the pasf two months if the blasted papers tell the tnitbT^scTcral White Dog the famous old chief of

the_Ogalalla Sioux takes i3nuch interest in tornadoes and describes them in a- ~ bdquo peculiarly picturesque faahionUll his 4 U U B M would lwyo to move away When

n M e c a t c h ( u n d e r s t a n d - - c a t c h v v e ^ a v e ^ ^ frac34 1 - h n ^ n n g disease to iJ ig -Wind in

ow on) c-clone he says cloud Bampovrwigwammdashlvay off -Spit fire Make roar like five big herd bufshyfaloes -Always go thai w a y (pointing to the northwest) Me see plenty^ of ^ m more t h a n that many1 (counting twenty on his fingers-) When he-come Injun lie down on his beiley and gralgt soap-weed and grass Ugh Big wind

Having lived prosperously in Crajy^ fordsville Ind for several y e a r s ^ r e a

his circuni- stances warranted liHaT^in jaarrying and he acc^rdingTy coftrmlssioned his brothet^n^Germany to select a wife ^ oiseSt^gga Westphalian damsel

waschoraquoen7 ancF prompt ly islrtpped to this country Her destined lord and master went to Tpledo to meet her ~with some pert uibaiioii but the fraternal standard was found to be a good one bullThe -young woman is a p lump and pleasing person and thrifty withaU for she brought with her a stout chest filled with linen which she herself had spurn

A young woman went to sell a book to J a y Gould She hid it under her cloak and seemed mysterious No one but Mr Gould would d o she told the messenger Mr Gould was not in raquoSho would oooaraquo agaku^JShe k e p t calling daily until in despair the m

WARRANTED T O C l I R E bullwithout motiiclnomdashPain In thebmel hip


-blUtyyluraquoobalaquoraquo^geBraquora raquobull noursltrlB bullctpt

ecoi ihoklilnoTnkphiul dIleaceatorpid nrtaluul Gnli luui fmBotenr cqocv drraquop^nlaquolu cormtipotlun tton hrrnU or rupturb m t u r t i ptiea opU

oney tho

debility rampCTiTKutllaquoni puralyAlft noursltrlB raquoctptjclaquo diselaquogt ^ _ill_ver

uraquo fmbotenpy bullbullthinj bull torilaquo[potluiUr-erylaquolplaquo

i-uyturfc ltlaquotarrti pll in c i r

V l i i i n i u t i lcli i i

t iaw

ltr of tho CaENEBATITF ORfi l f l rr -nru l i w v I t ^ l l t v anlt n f B f r y c l o r t t bullWd-vlCQraquoS M alaquotlis ivenWnpujK- raquonil all tlgtoe dlaeaac oTaper-ironul Hfttuvc from ^fhatover cau^p tho continuous Hream of XalaquoiHtiMi penneatlmg through the piirUi ltm^treatofethom to a healthy action Tlitie iamp no Jiiiituiij tgtiut this oupUanco


TO THE LADIESmdash^H EibftugttlonI)laquo-raquopopiilftor^lth DUalaquoeof the Lly cr Kldnlaquoltvgt llvudMbe or Cold Weet Wfiak Ankh - -

nro afflicted with Khttumatlua Neuralgia tirrra

SwoUlaquoM or leraquo or Kwnllen Feet an Abdominal Belt

and npiilf of Magnotlc Voot BatterieBhave no superior In the rullof and rurfc of all these complaints They carry a powerful tna^aeUo force to Uio slaquoat of the dlampeaae

For L i n o Hack Weakneia of the BplnlaquotFaU-Hon and Ulceration of the W m b Incidental Han-orrhaceor Fleodlnff Painful SupDreaaed mad Ir-tflfPlarMfnitrwallun ltarrcuaea awdfhange of J3ra tali UUtQlleatApplUaoeaadOuratlregtAginfc Known

For all forms of Veniale DtfflenHlea 16 Is nnrar-rwmwtd hy anythlnif hnfnra InTented both M 6 curatlTO MKht and aa a source of power and TltallaatlOD FrtoetjfTlthcr Belt with Magnetics foot Batterte 110

Sent by exproswOOD and examination allowed or by mall on receipt of price In ordertng send measured waist and siie of shoe Remittance oaa bomadelncnx-renoy^sent in letter at our risk

ThejfAft^eton Ganrents are adapted to all agec are worn over the undurclothlnfT (not neit to the body like the many tialvnnlu and ElectrleHani Dae adrertlord no extcnrtveU) and ahonld be taken off at night Thfy-hnld tlxoirpoweromxrand areworn atall seasons of tbltynnr

Send Ht mp fo tljo Nlt-- irjnx-ture In Medical Treatshyment Without Medicine Willi tuouaandaof tonimc-

XSH MAGXJCtON AP5fiitNCRlaquoOii laquo18 atatlaquo St CltlcnKaiJli-

_ CK TllTtT

menfravircfiei t inWyoffi in^of disease I - t e l iyeuy it looks astliei^femdashus=damp14-

snufXus out i t s time to light out for the frontierv

W f c y ^ I e Did -Not S u c c e e d

Probably the most surprized man of tbe- season was the postmaster- ra t Orange this s i M a ^ w h o prepared to commit suiriclo^rt ieW gtdays ago H sehTMsV^ect_mantbTCev~Trsbon_for some niorpHnc to kill himself with

isJamily siivsnectingali was^not right -rftanged the morphine to quinine The doomed man took one of the powders and laid down to die Hi felt a buzshyzing in his head but death did no ^apshyproach with that rapidity he desired so jbu-gotjipandlQakajwULcr4raquoJKUeTi and lafd down with a feeling that death would soon relieve him of all troubles The buRAng in his head continued and after wait ing an hour on cieatn which did not arrive on schedule time he got up-about as m a d ^ mart its could found He got the balance of the rifira nrncnre^Ka minroHcopcLana efxampzn

tnem ^nd when he found tbey were c t of rel-

ined them ^nd when he-found only quinine the trifling lt

tiieiatter oyer for afe^v^aya^widthen shot himself in the h

alive at last accoun that the bullet h

he no doubt feels en chanltrg(1^-i the


at Win eh Mich

fTF^st^tm l l j gt IUCV ovv Pickno

ck-Headache dyspepsia Liver Complaint Indigestion Constipation

and PUflFr THE BLOOD N O T I C E mdash W i t h o u t a particle of doubt Zer-

PTOtts Pills are the most popular of any en theraar-a t i v e s ^ v a s Clear t o h i m lie t h o u g h f tet flaying been bofbrethepubUefw a qaartcref

a centnry and having always performed more than was promised for them i keymerit the tneoeM that

- As he was they hare Attained P r i c e a g e p e r For sale bf alhlragffiato

Kenuot ts Pills alwayg in stock at Wlncbels




mE O L D R E A D I N G C L A S S Miss Mer ry deer u t t e r e d a g r i in t of dissatisfaction

-If i t s l aw i t a i n t j u s t i c e said she bdquo bdquoraquo fumbl ing in t h e pocke t of h e r t a t t e r e d

V f f i e f ygtrn deg l u a d g c l M S -ampd c o a t - a g a r m e n t Which had evident -

1 cannot tell you tienevieve how oft it coaie to memdash


raquo r

That roife of elocution late who stood BO straight luiliM

And charged at standard literature with amla-W-WC tteeiaja bull bull bull bull ^ - - - - trade^gt

Wc did not spare the yjnerwln walefc our wwfds Were d a d i 1

We tore the meaning or thMext by raquo11 the Bght j t e 6dj i

But sTulT rear tne dbai tfBO wrote tbg How we read 60 irfe

Wndd scarcehmjlaquocolaquonl2ed their |tork In PUtiigt Nuaibei Tfcree $

Outtlde tbe snowwas smooth ifed- cleatmdash the tfuck-laiddupt

lade thji windows speak at every i s t bull - v -belle threw ua pleasant1 words

ivellers would paw Fees along the ralaquo-tlaquolaquoraquo4-laquohki--

thelr class X -Bcyoao the white browed cotftagee were uest-

MOK cold and dumb ^ bull l And far away tbe mighty world eeeme beck

oniog UB to comemdash r The womirous world of which we connep wbut

hadbeen aadijBlKbt he bull)bull I l a t b a t o l4 - | a ih ip^ rlaquo4 ing cfcssipfOistrlct ~~ tfrThree bull bull -Tt

at int^mdashitraquoJ^ampPp[r-gt Ijlauiesmdash_ iformly mispronounced the mostiiu-

bdquo - _ t a n t namesgt W |praquondered through Biography ami gave

our fancy play And with some subjects fell in lovemdashgood

only for one day In Romance and Philosophy we settled many a

-point ^ And made what poems we assailed to creak at

every Joint bullbull And many authors that we love you with me

will agree Were first time introduced tiTus In -District

Number Thr4icraquo mdash

Tourecollect Sueannah Jirnith the teachers sore distress

Who never stopjltcd at any pausemdasha Fort of day express

And timid young Sylvester Jones of inconshysistent sight

Who stumbled on the easy words and read the hard ones right J

And Jennie Green whose doleful voice was always clothed in blacks

And Samuel Hicks whose tones induced the plastering all to crack lt

And Andrew Tubbs whose various mouths were quite a show to see

Alas we cannot find -them now in District Number Three -mdash r

And Jasper Jenckes whose tears would How at rach pathetic word

Hes in the prize-fight business now and bits them hard Ive heard)

AndBenny Bayue whose every tone he tnur deguntred as in fear

(Hi3 tongue is not so timid now he is an mdash^laquoitct4ouecrgt

ly been cu t down from a juansj u ls ter bullThere as t r ue as you l i v e r t h a t there d ime has fell out a n d go t lost in the w o o d s -

T h a t s nonsense 1 said Del ia t a r t ly bullTen h u r r y I c a n t

s t and here in thUjwindlall n i g h t t i t r b lun t ly s-irok

o u t t h e old c rone N o t w i thou t

Del ia reso lu te ly

cur ious ] dove o r a f e d TaWflii foT nil1 l l ial I k n o w

S h e l aughed b u t t h e r e w a s a cer ta in ve in of ser iousness t h a t u n d e r l a y all her m i r t h so Lill s t a r e d o u t in the g r a y M a r c h af te rnyon wi th l i t t le flurries of s n o w p r i c k i n g h e r c h e e k l ike frozen needles e v e r a n d a n o n a n d t h e f lmpy frost c r ack l i ng u n d e r h e r feet whi le some few paces beh ind t r u d g e d J e b o r shya m c h a r g e d to look as l i t t le as possible l ike a n escor t ~

bullFor nobodymdash k n o w s sa id Dolia L e t m e p a s s - w h a t t h e old wi tch m a y t a k e offense

the t e a j e e n t a J L j s a i ^ B u t to contois TEe t r u t h Li l t I ve pa r raquo o rde r s

a n d tirnrst s t i ck t o c m If you haven t -

And LantyfWood whose vftrg_wa just enshydeavoring hard to change

^ATnl leapedTrn-nuodfSTFH) fiercely shrill with most bullsurprising range Also his sister Mary Jane 80 full of prudish

frlccj -Alas theyre Both In higher schools than Dis-

t r j e tyamber Three ~ ^

^o back thesevarious voices come though long the years have grown

distinct through-Aud sound uncommonly Memory a tolophonc mdash r

i] rif)mynrfraquo fnhtf rnplo^v iunl_brlutr a sense of cheer bull ^ mdash

And some can smite the nick of time and summon forth a tearV

-VJ1 l y ^ - f t W J ^ h o r r t frmtrgtv hfl^k t ^ 111 WllfMI-ever ad I grieve

And sings a song and that is less Genevieve

It brightens up the olden timt M t i i l e a t t H e mdash mdash

A-sthfr star amid the clouds of District Numshyber Three bdquo _

- W I L L CAJJLETlaquo)N Srjftmbev

pot tlie m o n e y you m u s t JJ-JO a r o u n d by the mill road 1 -V

H u t t h a t s four mi les f i i r tOer sa id the old w o m a n despa i r ing ly A n d N e d d y ^ d e a d t i red a n d so a m I And i t s i r rowih colder eve ry m i n u t e a n d these Marcji winds is h a r d on my rhe t i m a t i c s

bull You sjjould have t h o u g h t 4 t i t h a t beshyfore 1 sAid Delia indifferently -mdash

I)ejjamgtsliy d o n t ytfn le t h e r p a s s whispered LIU SHOS so old a n d mdash

bull O l d pet t i sh ly r e p e a t e d Del ia JVhy s h e s t he w o r s t old b a r p y in

-V63 f r i gh^nor l whwtj fr|1(5 e n t e r e d tho l i t t le A t t n _ at laquo^laquolaquo ri gt n k i i Ak-raquo]T rgt -raquo r ^raquo laquo i r l t i si l i one - s to r i ed cab in ono side of wliich w a s al l awrV wi th t h e forei^bf m a n y a w i n t e r s t empes t in whose low-ceiled a p a r t m e n t old Miss M e r r y d e e r lay dyshying mdash

bullbullIs it m y b o u n y gir l r i f ie said liftshyi n g he r g l a n c e to thlaquo~njgw c o m e r s face i c s i t s she as g a v e m e t h e d ime Out of he r o w n pocke t she gave it to me E v e r y o n e else t u r n e d the i r backs upon


In a T b e I m p o r t a n t F a r t I t P l a y e d M y t t e r l o u TQurder

Jacksonville (Flo) CorN- Y Mail

Arch iba ld V Newton a y o u n g m a n

who be longs t o a w e a l t h y family w h i c h

s t ands h igh in E n g l a n d has jus t been

cenvic ted in O r a n g e C o u n t y of the m u r shy

de r of S a m u e l McMil lan T h e case w a s

sensa t iona l and w h e n the j u r y o r o u g k t

in the verdict W e find the p r i sone r gu i l t y a s c h a r g e d in the m d i c t m e n t t

t a t ious noise

m e a n d l a u g h e d to see the old witch go by N o one ever g a v e m e a n y t h i n g beshyfore but sneers a n d curses For what^ g o o d to a n y b o d y was o ld wi tch Merry- deefc B u t s h e t o o k p i ty on herTiOrd

p romised hor t h ree he r m y heiress

g a t e w n n osien- u laquo vgt ^ ^ ^ - ^deg rne here p re t -AM M l s f M e r r W e was t y ^ n c a n d P u ^ gtur h a n ^ ^ i m t

But crv^rr-a^-litTrtottchlaquotr-4te^war-ui s lowly a n d r e luc tan t ly t u r n i n g the don- 4 r J _ i_i -f_^bdquo_i -v-_ T u p a l m to t h e old c r o n e s fast p u r p l i n g

handt_she g a v e a q n i c k g a s p turned k e y s d r o o p i n g h e a d a r o u n d wben Lil l hor te r f tjaTflifSa^he r e scue

S t o p a minu to i Miss Mer rydee r - said she Here as a t en -cen t piece I t s e e m s s u c h a pHylfor yot t and the poo r o l d d ) 5 h ^ y ^ o ^ g o ^ f t r i r T O ^ d - i t h i s - b i t - t e r cold n igh t bdquo A n d mdash a n d you can p a y m e the nex t t ime vow come this w a y

E h sa id Miss M e r r y d e e r shri l ly bull Who a r e y o u

over a n d d i e d Lil l c losed he r eyes t ied up the poor

old tooth less j a w s wi th h e r scented p o c k e t fcandkerchiefV-erossed the hands orTThJ pus le less bfei is t a n d verrFltor5e aga in l eav ing J e b o r a m to do w h a t hlaquo

^rm1fll^afd-tfao- f ie ld s n iece f rom O m a h a

bullWell k ind Anil


A h said the old w o m a n w h o e v e r you be y o u v e done a a n d merc i fu l deed this n ight you H g e t y o u r r e w a r d for it too I tell y o u r f o r t u n e once m o r e s topshyp i n g t h e donkey as he was half-way t h r o u g h the to l l -ga te to Del ia Penridds i t t t tn i tc d isgust O h yes juycra charm-W o t h i t l ive in t h e w o o d s fmdbdquogubdquotma a spell t h a t o t h e r folks k n o w n o t h i n g of We l l here it I s THrec^bod gujts for you T h e r e s a lover coriiingjtheres a gift of m o n e y coming a n d there s a ^ear-eorgtseieBelaquo-4fcgt g o t o bed upon- this [l i^M ( iood-bye-7-good-bye

A n d t h e donkey t r o t t e d a w a y over thc f foxe t^Toad his hoofs r i n g i n g likn miTllledSbeHs whi le Deliamdashadjusted the b a r s w i t n a l augh a u d both g i r l s r a i r I m r r i o d l y b a c k t o t h f t g l o w a n d shelter of the i i re l ighl

Ts she c r a z y sa id Iill earnestly N o t half so c r azy as vyu ftere to

iiffton tomdashll^rmdashs-mt Dnlia I t s nld Miss M e r r y d e e r Every ojio knows


birch a ruTdr icc rpenny- roya l b u n c h e s in h e r dress c u i i o u s r e m e m o r a n c e s of old Miss Mer rydee r

T h e y bur ied h e r on the moLintainside in a qua in t l i t t le g r a v e y a r d where the cows g r a z e d a t will p i c k i n g the i r way jaa iohg t h e m o s s - g r o w n tombs tones and w h e r e t h e Ien^e h a d Ions- ago fallen to r u i n s a n d peop le l a u g h e d at the idea of

i l l J enr i t ie id beicir cons t i tu ted heitess

vours lt gt peer-

uud throvs a

ill lI)]Kix JlilijirUti bull 4r



co in ing

L i l l Li l l r u n to The re s some one road

Lill Poni ie ld s t a r t e d to Jior a l ac r i ty t i ius ruthiessTv

dttor-mdashlt|uiek4 owiK the

her She go woods a n d bails t l iem intfgt d r i n k a -

tcet with d e s t r o y i n g all

t he br ight visions which had bui l t them-bull e l v t v u p a r o u n d the g l o w i n g logs in the d e e p ch imney ^

H o w m u c h is it for a foot passeng-t iivisaid she ca l l ing tjp tlumdash n a r r o w woodou s ta i rway

- B u t i t i sn t a foot |gtassenger i r r i t shya b l y re to r ted Delia wi th h e r i u p u t h full

of ha i rp in s Vdt^ uld Mis-s Meiigtdefry wi th he r d o n k e y car t T e n c e n t s

I t Was a ^ t o r t n y M a r c h sunset red a a d t h r e a t e k i n g a f o n g t l v c w e s t wi th a frozen b r e a t h of icicles in the air a n d

c a r t seomed to a d v a n c e t h e tolldigaise

look ing wi th sur j ) r ised ieyey~rt

bullThere a r c families a r o u n d he re thu t wou ld r a t h e r have old Miss M e r r y d e e r in s ickness t han a n y o the r d o c t o r in town And she s a nu r se too and s o m e th ink tha t she sees and hears more t h a n o t h e r p e o p l e

H o w old is s h deg A h u n d r e d at l e a s t said Delia

-NovTeTns iiirtke liasc -and g e t - the-t e a r e a d y for Pa-wi l l be half frozen w h e n h e c o m e s mdashmdash i mdash 1 WTimtoEHf m y t l v r e e go^wl gifU will come t r u e said Lill laughing

O h unltloubtedIy De l i a -answered wi th the most m a r k e d sa t i re

B u t Delia-Penticld her p r i sed mdashabout -amdashweekmdashs w h e n a l e t t e r a r r ived for Lil l f rom t h e lad she left behind her

W h a t d o you th ink Li 11he wro te I a m c o m i n g ^castT l ~ m i i coTriinjrto

could-for the w a t c h e r s and a t t e n d a n t s And as she whlked she -carried the s t r a n g e a r o m a t i c odor s of p ine and

of the d e a d bullJUh

t i g h t e n o u g h hflcld


appoarod utraquo Sftniotd) b o a n o g iraquo f rom Mr ( i r ay one of the L o n d o n stock ho lde r s to J E G r a h a m the m a n a g e r of the Sanford C o m p a n y N e w t o n was m e n t i o n e d in the le t te r as a n e p h e w of Mr G r a y and M a n a g e r G r a h a m w a s au thor i zed to pay h im 8S3 pe r m o n t h Newton a youth of fino a p p e a r a n c e a n d p leas ing m a n n e r s was f)opular_atdirst b u t his g o o d repu ta t ion w a s soon blastshyed T h e r e were reasons to suspec t him of forger ies a n d then caijio n^ws t h a t hGvhad left E n g l a n d because of a n out shyr a g e aga ins t Miss Pol ly l i owron Sub shysequen t ly he sent money to E n g l a n d for K a t e Bowron a sister of his a l leged vic t im a n d mee t ing he r i n N e w Y o r k marr ied her and t h e couple r e t u r n e d to C r y s t a l L a k e O r a n g e County

^ Whi lQ lh l s was go ing on ano the r topic of suspicion p resen ted itselfrThereliv~

bulled in O r a n g e County n e a r Crys ta l L a k e a m a n -named Samue l McMil lan who bore t h b - r e p u t a t i o n of being v miser a n d w a s supposed to ca r ry a l a r g e sum hi m o n e y on his pe r son He- o w n e d a

-ya luablc g rove the sale - of which he Was nego t i a t ing with N e w t o n who-wi th his wife lived n e a r by N e w t o n -knew the habi t of McMil lan of e a r n i n g money On S a t u r d a y evening - Sep ten ibe r gtn McMil lan was last seen alixe_4nst a l t e r sunset in c o m p a n y wi th Newton walkshying t o w a r d Newton s house H e never r e t u r n e d to h i ^ h o m e a n d af te r some days his ne ighbors became ahxioftVand ins t i tu ted a search for h im On the 17th d a y of O c t o b e r j i i s headless body was found in Crysta l L a k e pa r t l y cohsvimed by fishes A r o u n d the waist was a rope t o which was suspended a sack i n wh ich w a s found a n iron p o t full of nlails A few days l a te r t he h e a d o-f-the-murdered m a n was found n e a r the SAIUT spo t trnd

k c q i airnji frrum Oboun ltoi I d o a H w m t j mdash you to ea tch i t mdash N e w Y o r k Mail and E x p r e s s


An I n c o n c e i v a b l e T o r t u r e ol t h e O r i shye n t

Paris Letter

T h e A n n a m e s e h a v e b r o u g h t the Scishyence of l impa lemen t to a m u c h finer po in t t h a n m i g h t be i n f e r r e d - J r o m t h e process herptofort- ^escribftfL _ A J ^ p ^ bliicer who wi tnessed an execut ion irT T o n k i n before t h e r e c e n t t roubles g ives thoro was m u c ^ - G x o i t r m p n t i n the c o u r t fc ^ ^ t _^ bdquo _ _ J

B l i t a l t e r all w h a t does it a m o u n t to Ah old hovel c r a m m e d chuck full of y a r b s a n d roots twent ga l lons o ilaquooot beer four dozen bot t les of ague cure tihat n e v e r y e t c a r e d a n y b o d y and four acres of l a n d Wtth t h e ^tones so close t o g e t h e r o u t t h a t even tlhe sheep c a n t ge t t h e i r i i o s e s - d o w n to browse -Vxr tmrcTrof a fo r t in fteeordlng-tomv ^ a v s o t h i n k i n g

B u t she m e a n t k ind ly toward me poor thing 1 1 sa id Lil t^soft ly A n d iiil l innnnco T oravf hftr^-q d i m e 1

The next af ternoon however Lncie -timiiiill f nne back from tpwn_vith a b e a m i n g face ~~~

L o o k he re L i l l said he - You ve go t the for t in af ter_al l W h a t il ye t h i n k Old witch M e r r y d e e r had eight h u n d r e d dolhuvs in t h e sav ings bank A n d i t s yours have belived the re was t h a t much money to be m a d e out of roo t s anil y a r b s

E i g h t h u n d r e d d o l l a r s cried Delia ~TiRm=brR r-eftn-^onugiug^to her feet

niaiiy j o m Ca tesby after all when he comes o a s t

I or to these s imple-people e ight hunshydred do l la rs signified a for tune bull So this g e n t l e - n a t u r e d heroine inher-

j t ed the throe good gifts after all Tom C a t e s b y canae eas t a n d set u p life as a-

t h e very-Siirno pnrt of thp c o u n i r v w h e r e vou a re Do you k n o w t h e old r e d mi l l Wel l ( i r iel H a l l h a s bough t it a n d w o - a r e to r u n it in p a r t n e r s h i p A n d w h e n we have saved a l i t t le m o n e y Or ie l is co in ing b a c k west for t h e g i r l h e is e n g a g e d to a n d I -we l l Lil l you

-i bull i k a o w tho rest I t m a y be severa l yea r s h i f t o k m m ^ H l s ^ ^ ^ b u t w e 3 m E t d B -t h r o u g h which old M i s s M e r r y d e e r s nr~enuy ut i e n o u g h for me p re sen t dea r it will be

to be n e a r y o u

A R a b b i s D i l e m m a A wel l kr town R a b b i of

i n v i t e d to the J o l i e t pen i t en t i a ry to ad-tmfcK-^ theJ4r -eraquo5 tiie-^conviipta lit^t S a b b a t h T h e

seated is-the^

as LiM4Rit r ad i an t ly d r eami^g ove r t h e let-

bullnnt old yyoman w h o s a t o n n h e a p ^ t A m i t h f t - e l G a r consc ience we l l branehes-and-AvdiiplwiditpiLphleg- - U I

onkey i f t^roct of her y o u r e a l w a y s r e a d y e n o u g l i t o

11 s a rcas t i ca l ly r e m a r k e d old Miss f leer as the d o n k e y ca_me to a h a l t ih front of t h e tb l l -bar Now-

t h e n y o u n g - w o m a n ( t o Lil l ) why^a in t I t o be al loyed to g o o n

T e n cent jplefieV s a i ^ Ltl l t imidshyly h o l d i n g o u t he r h a n d wi th a l t - t ha t she -had ever r ead d r e a m e d or h e a r d

iat Avitphes c o m i n g back in to her the a i g h t o f t h e yel low old face

wWh i ts f r inge of w h i t e elf-lock^ t h e tejoak a n d the nose t h a t was hooked

J f e n c o D deg amp i U v s l m c amp d o l d m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ Z Merrydee r A n d for w h a t I should l ike to k j i o w

f t^1r t$e^t t -gate p l e a s e ^ oxplftuibd JLAI w i sb ing m o r e t h n o v o r t h a coustD Would come d o w n a|aiitAr ^ -_mdash

I cUnt k n o w a n y t h i n g abot i toll bull g a t e s sa id Miss MerrydeorY S t a n d Aai^6 a n d lo t tun go thiougfa T h e road w a s h e r e 1 6 frac34 before t h e y o U f U ^ n f l 1 o l l ^ 5 ^ ^ b - laquo y ^ g a t e I t s s w i n d l i n g mdash t h a t s w h a t it-is-G e t u p N o d d y

She se t t l ed heiself b a c k a m t t e g the g r een s p r u c e Doughs and p r o t r u d i n g roots-with HIT a i r o x de te rmi t i a t ion a n d c h i r r u p e d to h e r d r o w s y s teed as i f she mean t o r ide rough - shod over

t a m e runn iRg down-s ta i r s arid the ba r back- to i ta p lace

-Twn ntB MffTlaquoJMffffyjgg] she l a w

said o r you c a n t -pass T h a t s the

t a k e ior g r a n t e d Now T if only- old wi tch M e r r y d e e r bdquowould s u p p l y t h e m o n e y J should r ea l ly be l i eve in h e r

bullI g u e s s said J e b o r a m H a w l e y the h i r ed jriattT-who 4iad--laquoome in a t t h i _ m o m e n t with a pot of g lue to w a r m ovor the k i t c h e n stove t h a t o ld Miss Mer shyr y d e e r w o n t s u p p l y m a n y m o r e t h i n g s in th is w o r l d S h e s a t d e a t h s d o o r w i t h pne i imonv T h a t s w h a t I v e h e a r d ~

I s she poor old t h i n g said-Dlaquo4iA care less lv T a k e ca re J e b o r a m d o n t spi l l t h a t g l u e

S h e s trot a l awye r s c i e rk t b e r c a

il ler wi th Lill a t che household he lm A u d of cour se they l ived h a p p y ever after W h o ever h e a r d of a pair of t rue lovers t ha t d id o the rwi se W h i l e the n e i g h b o r s all m a r v e l e d cxeccdingly-rand-r e n i a r k e d wi th va r ious nasa l inflections

a b u l l e t hole was discovered in the b a c k of his sku l l O n t h e b ra in s be ing re shym o v e d a bullet d r o p p e d out w h i c h a p shyp e a r e d to fix exac t ly a pis tol N e w t o n had borr owedi rom a ne ighbor n a m e d Tr i t e Th i s wastbe--ngtystery of C r y s t a l L a k e -

Lilt t h a t t ime Newton_became ihisli of inoneV H e said tha t bis - wife s

s3iit h im rnonev H e saiil t ha t bi

r a m e T B b w r c n 1 a d~ b r o t h e r 823000 wi th which to buy an orani ie g rove on the l ake He wis suspec ted of themdashmunLer_ _oi McMil lan - however a n d was brought before J u d g e C u c k c a m a n no ted as a m e m b e r of t tie F lor ida

sunse t

T h e F l o r i d a S h i p C a n a l

CiniiuijatiTirne s^t a r - ^ - - -Pe r sons p r o m i n e n t l y couuijittcd ^ith

t h e en te rp r i se arclfrec to ay tha t t h e p r o p o s e ^ F lo r ida s h i p cana l will be coix-s t ruc tedf T h e feasibi l i ty of the p ro jec t appea r s to have been d e m o n s t r a t e d Gene ra l S tone w h o has conduc ted -~wi -STrrve-aTtd~wtrrr-^qiF -^ u bulljerint^Mul -thci cons t ruc t ion of t h e cana l iu-ease-4l ieuro-c o m p a n y decides to g o a h e a d - w r r h - t h c work is a m a n whose opinion on such mat te r^ ia va luab le Hfr a s se r t ] conii

hT t iou of H1T2 t r i a r occu r r ed v for the-proserjiuiwri wa lked down the a is le followed lw a-meduim-sied d a r k -ha i red w o m a n evulen t ly a foreigner

1 deehireTTiever^ w ^ d t ^ ^ l t e s t p n n g e r g o t abreiv^U)i Mr gtew-to r f she t u rned amvpe-orcdvirtto her face say ing W h y Ka^e T h e pr i soner as he looked up and recognized the -woman liliiamphiid unt i 1 i t sce^ii( d the blood would burs t from nis neLkTrnd_--iiliXadis whi le Mrs N e w t o n turnei l dcTatinV pale a u d r e m a i n e d several seconds with uptifrnet face a n d half-open-qips as if petriilcuT by amazement- Tiijebull-bullpresence- oX-this w o m a n in Amer ica was a comple t e surshypr ise to the defence as t h e counsel for N e w t o n subsequent ly a d m i t t e d in open court mdashHer-to-Uimoiiv wa^ l i s t e n e d - t o

a n d w a g g i n g - o f t h e head t h a t r t~was m o s t e x t r a o r d i n a r y bu t old Miss M e r r y d e e r a lwaj s w a s q u e e r

Chicago was

p r i sone r s ^^en seareo i s - t n e spae tous c h a p e l and the R a b b i a rose to g ive his discourse J u s t t h e n it o c c u r r e d to hingt X n a t l r w ^ s i t vxrry^Tderricate m a t t e r - t o add re s s his aud i ence as he wished lo

wi th brea th less in teres t I t was to the effect t h a t the Bowron family had n bulli25inthegtyoiidJluuch less yen 2 o p o i y t b inves t in o range g r o v e s r - T u a t hacKbeen the a ia in pqintrpf the de fense -^ to a c o u n t for Nesvton s n ioney aifege^r to have been sent by t h e wealjy brother in- law The Eng l i shwo a n con t i rmed

rairiaipon Pol ly

ered m a p h a d e t r i a l Dr Kins

the s tory of N e w t o n s o Bowijom

M c M i l l a n - i k e m v coarse r e o V b a i r ^ A t W y l l y t e s t i r ^ l t h a t hemdashhad f o u n d i n blood spots^oTiTi h a n d k e r d i i e f T o u n d in I S e w t o n V p o c k e t t h e morning a f t e r the m a r d e r a e m g l e - j e i L h i i i r The h a n d -kerolfief w a s e x a m i n e d las t Oc tobe r by

s p r e t ^ e m humi l ia t ion by ca l l ing thcln I-Df Wyl ly H e testified t h a t a t t h e hrst J ^convicts^ Snid h e 1 do no t k n o w h o w tb add re s s youmdashyou people If say Fe l lowCi t i zens - t h a t w o n be r i g h t I f I s ay G e n t l e m ^ don i fKnow^f I w o u l If I s ay M i n e E r i e n d s th a (lead give a w a y to mine Q o n v i c t s yon d o n t s h o u l d smile So d ings a n d vou

wou ld be If I say

lat some I

ali fust say nud--

be p k a s e d a t

a m H e s to t ake ou t his p a y in four bo t t l e s of A g u e S p r u c e C u r e a n d a g a l shyl o n o j roo t beer B u t l a w t h e r e a in 5 d ^ c ^ s n l ( H t 7 raquo r T C r - d ^ laquo gt on a b roomst ick somo d a v o r disajspear

T h e nex t day howeve r oarne a t a t rmyltl l i t t le m e s s e n g e r to t -he to l l -houso

mdashX U l t L M i s s M e r r y d j

bullyoung w o m a n as

dot I _ k j ^ y 2 _ ^ Q i d I ^ n X ^ f t o r fellgw d o w n a m i d dea fen ing

f rom t h e i n m a t e s

w a n t s to see t h e ie g ive the t h r e e

good gifts ^ o sa id he r o l l i n g his oof-fee-colored eyebal l s a r o u n d I m to show h e r do way bull Bight off p l e a s e

Lill l ooked at Del ia in a m a z e m e n t a l l laquopp S h a l l I g o sa id she O h sure ly

position tm^- jus t here De l i a PenliWtf I o u g h t

perspir ing r o a r s of Chicago^

If t M Rabbi h a d said F e l l o w H u -ttlabullargtBeings he eoulcTTrave s t a r t ed

on w h a t he h a d to say wi th no em-a r r a e s m e n t to himself o r to the poo r

fel lows w h o a r e c a g e d u p a n d -who some t imes fee h o w h a r d it is for a n y shybody t o say a k ind word to t h e m If

Hire R a b b i h a d n o t h i n g to s a y a n d d i d n t k n o w h o w to say i t h e shou ld h a v e k e p t a w a y mdash H u n d r e d s of m e n w h o ( d o n o t k n o w half a r T i m c h as t h e Rabb i h a v e g o n e to the p r i sons a n d by the p r o m p t shyings of the i r w a r m h e a r t s a n d the i r IOVQ for m a n k i n d h a v e been enab led to say words of c o m f o r t t h a t h a v e b r o u g h t tcars to the eyes of m e n who -tfe sq-ffier-i n g mdash ^ u n w h m e n t for c r ime mdashPock s S u n _ __bull

mdash - - bull bull

svvung t I t s a lonely s p o t s a i ^ D e l i a mdash u p in the woods w i thou t a n e i g h b o r s house i n s i g h t J e b o r a m h a d be t t e r i o l l o w

t i t t l e riintnnpn -Did w i t ch v o r n r t

( M e r r y d e e r may t r r rn you in to a w h i t e

c rys t a l Suppos ing t h a t he m i g h t have scra tchedmdashhis fingor and -caused th c rys t a l to g e t oh t h e handke rch i e f he w o u i d - n o t accept a a ^ i L j ^ M n c j B _ l h a t t h e r e was blood t h e r e His last exami shyna t ion revea led t h e blooltl co rpusc le s ve ry dis t inct ly a n d u n d e r the m i c r o -scope h e d iscovered ^ s i n g l e t e d h a i r mdash a

ie g r o u n d a s firmly as a t e l e g r a p h po le a n d wi th t h e u p p e r p a r t a c h a i r of i ron h a v i n g an ori i ice in the c e n t e r of t h e sea t i s conshynec ted T h e po in t of t h e s t a k e fits t h e orilice in the chai a n d t h e l a t t e r is l ow- e r e d or ra ised by m a c h i n e r y set is m o -i ton^by a-cratrkmdashso t h a t suventrifEelr-of-t be pole can be forced t h r o u g h the body of any one sea ted in t h e cha i r T h e r e is a lofty p la t form r i s ing t o t h e s a m e h e igh t us the pule a n d j - e a j d i e d b y a lad-- der T h e execu t ione r compd^CsT^jyic-t i m to m o u n t a n d t a k e his sea t in the cha i r whe reon he is i m m o v a b l y cha ined T h e n the c r a n k is t u r n e d for ty o r fifty t imesmdashthe s t a k e b e i n g bur ied fu r the r a n d fu r the r in t h e c r i m i n a l s body at each t a r n bdquo

All thisbdquoappeursMiniitterablably horshyr ible to Europeens bu t the Or i en ta l s a re no t cons t i t u t ed as we a r e T h e y fea r o rd ina ry forms of d e a t h ve ry l i t t l e a n d decap i t a t ion o r h a n g i n g has as litshyt l e t e r ro r s for t h e m as t h e W o r k H o u s e for the common A n g l o - S a x o n crimina_L_ Moreover the i r n e r v o u s sys temmdashespecshyially t h a t of t he Chinese and k ind red racesmdashis not a l t o g e t h e r simrlai to the n e r vouamp_^ysJ^urolLAy iaa__r aeW_ T h e _ F r e n c h omeer w h o witnessedTthei m e t h o d of execut ion above desc r ibed avers t h a t the c r imina l c o n t i n u e d tobdquoeat a b a n a n a unt i l the opera t ion w a s half comple t ed

bulland m a n y t r a v e l e r s concu r in b e a r i n g evidence thftt the Chinese exh ib i t u n d e r t o r t u r e a deg ree o f f o r t i t u d e equa l if not super ior to t h e well k n o w n s toic ism -

-of the -Amer icnn I n d i a n l i n t i_t_k_rather s t r a n g e to l ea rn t h a t the p a r ^ o f t h e i ron m a c h i n e r y used in the i m p a l i n g process r e f e r r ed - to bears t h e t r a d e - m a r k of a F r o n d I -i ro raquo- m as l er

assert1 dentlyLhat the t l igg ing of this w a t e r -

- way jw41 rprovo a ggtod iftVcstmen-t f o r The c o m p a n y -alaquo4mdashoi__juiit_-beneiit ) c o m m e r c e A c c o r d i n g to geiun^irStpTiT-r the es t ima ted c o s t - - h e witholdsTU-etig-ures Tor the prcscuT -- is m o d e r a t e in compar i son to the a m o u n t of business that awai t s the canal l i r e reason for his fai th in t h e c n t c r p r i s e n r a y be s t a t ed in a few w o r d - The cana l it U claimx-d would save^rrom three to Vev-en (lays tim3 fo r allTTie s f e a hie r-T ah i r sa i l ing vessels 2 y i n g into and ou t of the (itiTf of Meicolt Th i s m e a n s a d i rec t sav ing to cip-h vc^raquoef in sa lary ai id-ruu-Hp-inj|-t-^^es of_about 1gtUU Bcsiilts the miyigat ion t h r o u g h the F lo r ida Stra i t^ is exceedLngly dange rous a n d thcynnnual losses frohi w r e c k a g e a re

fOrmojjji On tliis bulluVonni if js e i t i - _ the c a n a l w o u l d save from one and a half p e r e e i U u n i n s u r a n c c -f course w i t h increased-safety of

nav iga t ion a ntf lcrwer cost t he i r a l l i c CTTgtT

w h i c h n o w m a k e s use of the G u l f would l a rge ly inc rease Gen Stonje beshylieves t h a t w i t h i n a very shor t t ime afshyte r tlie comple t ion of the cana l you will find t h a t a very l a r g e propor t ion o f t h c ^

-g ra in and co t ton of the Wes t a p d N o r t h -west t h a t now goes E a s t b y r a i l wou ld come down-the-Miss iss ippi and t h r o u g h t he canaL a n d t h e a b s u r d i t y i -f ---driving ca t t le from T e x a s a w a y u p to K a n s a s and A r k a n s a s to bo t h e n c e s h i p p e d by xai l -J j jL_Easiern maxkAt_slgtr^laquold a l so

T h e r e is no en terpr i se now con-in p r o g t e s s t h a t w o u l d

cease t e m p l a t e d o r _ t -

x a m i n a t i o n h e iounltl a s ing le b lcgtod-^oniex-gr^a te i~4w^eHt5-4r^on-ahc_cQm^

W h e n t h e d o g a

coa r se r ed hai r T h e defense fough t t h e case p o i n t by poin t tmt t h e drift w a s agair is tr t h e m a n d w h e n N e w t o n sa id t h a t h e h a d b o r r o w e d T r u c u piutol to shoo t a n a l i g a t o r t h e aud ience l a u g h e d

W h e n the j u r y c a m e in a n d gave t h e verd ic t one could have h e a r d a p i n d r o p All t h e whi le N e w t o n h a d been ne rvous shyly t w i t c h i n g his m o u s t a c h e W h e n the verd ic t was read ou t he d r o p p e d his h e a d a n d d e a t h l y pa l e wh i l e a s l igh t t r e m o r passed t h r o u g h his f r ame H e then sudshyden ly j u m p e d up a n d seized his h a t i q r -g e t t i n g tha t - the c o u r t h a d n o t a d j o u r n e d but p re sen t ly con t ro l led himself a n d r e -immud his sea t mdashHis raquoif qu i e t for a few m o m e n t s t h e n a few t e a r s t r i ck led d o w n her c h e e k s a n d s h e g r a s p e d hor h u s b a n d s a r m convuls iveshyly b u t beyond this she showed no e m o shyt ion J u d g e Ctfcke p r o n o u n c e d the vershydic t -of d e a t h

mc rce of the w o r l d t h a n the F l o r i d a -eanaK or t h a t cou ld d e p e n d - u p o n

a l a r g e r b u s i n e s s P e r h a p s Gen -amplone in his e n t h u s i a s m for the s c h e m e ^ magni t ie its i m p o r t a n c e s o m e w h a t But it is p la in e n o u g h t h a t l h c ~ p r o p o s shyed p e n i n s u l a r c a n a l w o u l d be of wonshyderful a d v a n t a g e to the c o m m e r c e of this coun t ry and especially7 of the S o u t h shywest

^ bull bull - bull

T H E D r i gt E - ^ T h e N e w Y o r k T r j b t t n e p e r t i n e n t l y

T r u e cau t ion Ma said J e n n i e t o o boy in L P a r v e n u e at N e w p o r t t h e y said those

t h c j n e l o n p a t c h a n d t h e r e a r e no trees S m i t h s w h o h a v e g o t the J o n e s co t t age r h a n d y he 4 s ings O h f o r t h e g a r 4 raquo i ^ - - a r 4 3 _ a w ^ M j s t y l i pound h ^ wal l mdashCinoin j ia i t i M e r c h a n t a n d T r a v g r e e V G o t t h e ped ig ree have t h e v

said Mrs P a r v e n u exc i ted ly w e l l y o u p e bull - J mdash T mdash

very p e r t i n e n t l y s a y s N e w s p a p e r s have an e x a s p e r a t i n g way of t a k i n g u p a ca t ch -word o r newly coined p h r a s e and w o r k i n g it t o d e a t h T h e la tes t is d u d e A s u s e d in i ts o r ig ina l a n d m o r e r e s t r i c t ed sense the word is bail enough a n d the p u b l i c is sick of it B u t now it begins to be app l ied indiscr imi na te ly to all orts a n d condi t ions of m e n who exhibi t in t h e i r m a n n e r s o r e o n T e r -sa t ion t h e d e c e n c i e s a n d amen i t i e s of social life So t h a t t o be ca l l ed a d u d e by s o m e jqnr r ia l s o ^ b amoun tu to ca l l bull

j ng a maji a g e n t l e m a n T h i s of course is a s h a b b y wayvdf t r e a t i ng peo -])le whose g o o d - b r e e d i n g is t h e i r on ly c r ime a n d J i is a l t o g e t h e r an a b s u r d pe r fo rmance on t h e p a r t of r e p u t a b l e j o u r n a l s O n e p a p e r for ins tance t h e o t h e r day i nXno t i r i e of a m u c h i a l k e d -

bullcent ^ o r e l t o m a r k i ts d is l ike of r e f inement of t h e au tho r i n t i m a t e d he was a d u d e Is it no t a b o u t

t ime t h a t this s o r t of t h i n g w a s s t o p 5

ped- T h e w o r d d u d e m u s t go

bull ^




y - - gt - bull

bull bullt V ^

1 r bull

^ t a b bull d H ^ ~ bull ^ c r ^ - i - bull-bullbull

d ia iraquo fSraquo

V ^ f^



- - 1 laquo

The Agricultural Editor

bull Dyke Fortoseiifr rambled into tho pffictt of a rural newspaper published in

crass of m r a t readers suul named Vlw Fartnrs Friend

(ini Cultivators Vhamphn Dyke WHS fresh from Denver where lie had beeif ifloing local work on a daily He wanti-d ft situationmdashhe wanted it bad fry und ho ^oonclosed a bargain with 11laquo proprieshytor of the Farmer J Friend mid Cultishyvator Champion The proprietor in-tepded to be absent for two weoks anil Dyke undertook to hold the journal^ nead steadily up stream until his reshyturn J_ l _

You wilFreceive some visitors quijo Jikely said the proprietor Enter-fraquo|n em Entertain em in a manner which will reflect credit upon the paper They will want to talk stock farming horticulture etc you know Give it f o e m strong mdash-

Dyke bowed borrowed a half-dollar got a clean shave and a jrlass of beer n d soon returned to face the music and p d j c t h e first agricultural journal with Which he had ever been connected

M I c a n feel that with mv journalistic Wlaquo rience it will be jm agricultural himself

At two bclpck jgt

just km to run paper said Dyke to




m the first visitor phowed up at the door of the office and Dyke cordially invited him inside The farmer entered hesitatinglyand re-marked that ha had laquo Y p e a t p J u gt pia^ the proprietor with whom he had an appointment to discuss engtihige

I am in charge of the journal said pyke

Q you are Well you seem to have A pretty c lean ofBee hero


Y e s replied Dyke Hut about - ihte^eHsSage- Kfisttag isla~prettv sroolf

breed -isnPt itP bull J Breed exelairaed- ihe b a n n e r

V w h v mdash bull I mean its a sure crop -something

that y o u can relymdash Crop Why It-isnt a crop at a-H Ves yes I know it isnt a crop

laid Dyke perspiring^ vmtil his collar iwgan to me l t awayvilovvrr flie ftuvk of his neek but you can do Intter ami fi)eRQer work withbulla-^ood^ttrptmsrhtjre-pn stubby ground t h a n - ^ mdash ~

T a k e it for a sulky plow do you No no f said Dyke You dont

seem to understand me Now if a Jarnaer builds an ensilage on low groundmdash -

iA Builds an ensilage You seem to have got the th ing mixtul up with some kind of a granary

Pshaw no - continued Dyke I must make myself plainer You see tlite ensilage properly mixed with one

-fmrt gttittio-and threepitrts-lt)f-npltittpts-phate of antinicfay with the adtmien of ft l ittle bran and tan-bark and the Whole flavored with nMorid ltf limn


BARGAINS IN HATS ffHtrt a t eost--t-A- L a r g e mul E l e g a n t

)[ne of N e c k w u i r at le^4fttm-ttjsI

for straw )erry

raquo i -



^ 4

Uee bullT IJ IB I IU IT mdash d ywi wilt flad

^ Yoraquor Tpetfr towioat at p w u TwiJt fragrant make the breath of all ~Boys women men and girls

The fljfanofacturers have yet tp hlt caae of Dyspepsia or Biliousness w u used aa directed to which It wA not more than satisfactory Many write that it la a wonder-fill remody We can ahow where aa high aa forty

[ pounds were gained by Ita use in breaking up chronic BiiioDsnee and Dyspepsia Ita- friends In- creaae very fast and all who uae aa directed arlaquo aurpriaed and gratified _Jbdquo SH4

BIG REDUCTION IN HOSIERY We want to sell balance (jgtf Summer stock at cost and make room for fall

witHrinter goods

CALL AND SEE TO SATISFY YOURSELVES W e Wv^4tH euromwitgtort^ sioek- in paner

ZZ- iuut tTietn Priccs TuroTjj^ccT

IN CUFFS W e lead al co inpet to is The best | =^^==^-^



-K vet- Hh-tlie ttrwii-at p-iees-l-

niakes a top-dressing b^ds whichmdash bull

^yr-ensilatre isnt nouianure io certainly not said l)yke I

^fenowirts ndt often used in tlfat way ^oif dont eaieh iny drift WhcTrl-smfr U)gt-d nssiny 1 meant turkey drlt bull ssinltiZ=-stuiling you knowmdashfor Thanksgivshyi n g mdash l F

Grcat heavens man Ensilage isnt p human food _

No not a-human food exactly1 said poor Dyke grinning like an alinsgt house idiot it isnt a food at all in live true sense of the word My plan has always been to lasso the hug with- a tracechain and after pinning his ears Dackwith a clothes pin put the ensis lagegtinto his nose with a pair of twees-J ers1

Af3r good lands

^ o W n I) io 25 pcr(Vpt less tlum other-i-laquoii e se l ng ^ie su-ne identical

uootigt Ne~mue vlaquo i-bout doubt tlie best iiiiluund- oil si in ilte market

coin deue



Cor Congress and Battoa-Sta

You donH use on-

tjilageto ring h o g s I never believcMl that i t should bo

used for that-)lTjrpoae- but vheiT^-ou want to ring hens or voting ^ealv^ei to keep them from stgtekfcgmdash

The lander gravely shook his head Pid yaiijgyar_ try ensilage on th

Jiired^girlfM said Byke dtspariitlaquoly and winking like a bat a P l l 8 0 ajh

The farmer slowly arose and with laquoome evidence orheumatic twinges in his legs mdash

Young m a n he said solemnly yon are a l o n g ways from home a m 1 you

Y e s 1 replied Dyke eyes beneath tbe sltera

A t y o u r own pi icogt Clocks Clocks

CLOCKS CLOCKS Gouigrcgat dless of cost -

BEWWGz = drojrping his

of the gTaticBs halls in-

England sad-eyed rerrtiners^Tvearily V^atch and wait for my returnbull

Go hcraquoraeyoung man go home to your feudal cuMtUr and while on your wily acrogs _tjio- r u l i n g deep muse oj the f a c t nh^t^elrsttagCTk simplyjcj^rmli food for liye sloqkmdashgut i m ^ f p r e s s l y for fami ly use ina s i l ^ v t i i e h is notli-m e less thap an a ^ i ^ t pit where corn stalks griuja m^Je^cfover alfalfa and other gre^Hfcfuck te|raquoreserved for winshyter ugeVa ere^^^khtcrdiLrit as the

j^edltoror im0afaners Friend and Cultivators1 Chariampxjpiiy

And Dyke Fortescue Jsighed aa he reshymarked to himself There aint so blamed much fun in running an agrishycultural-paper as 1 tlioiigbt1mdashTesta Sifting

- bull raquo raquo

- M TaSteur telU the AeadeDjfy 0 ^ ^ 1 Stdences at Parig thdtwonderful results

are being obtained Mithe work of yac-[ cinating live stock as a preventive against disease During the last-yltGftrbdquo l 8O0Q6 sheep about 4rQ(JPhaatl-of cattle ampul AGO horsed ha^^^eeenmdashvftooinatwlT-^efore this system was introduced the annual loss from liver-rot in one depart-InemVwas nine per cent while tmrloss gince then has beeir reduced over one-

- ^ bull ^ -mdashThe Cleveland Akron amp CpljiSjlms

Railroad now counts its time from one 0 twenty-four oclock Thus two pm ia fourteen and It) pm tWanty-t^o The plan avoids possibility of extension betweon forenoon aftd astern

--^-----^=^-- raquot9n

1VE 11AYK AftlttSTO(K43F

FARMERS AND THRESHERS wliloh we vt el at down prices

BEST COFFEE 1 ^ - Fa i rban l (S Ex Winter-strained Lard Oil No l-tard Oil

Best Quality Lardoline A No I Golden Engine Oil

In t o v w ISoiions- N o e es and

laquoraquolaquo^z t down prices

La ge line at prices below par at the


Pinckney M t e h i j f i r i ^

w raquoJ

a V

DETROIT MICH HftieF $1 to $1 raquo per day Single

iwraquo1raquo lt(UHgti -lAHlitfosi-SS to iOc 4V 1 a a 1 w-amp nraquoi4a4f y- ititt i n DfT4 and

M l O O fclaquoMl) 4wgt a n w LaaJi fi -jmni tt bull

1gt bull


OaAwroBDiCo PA CITT OF TrruinLui Peraooallj appeared bfcxore me Peter PKBUpi

whobeing sworn accordiag to law depoaea aod aayi That he haa been affected with rheuznatlam more or leaa for the paat fonr or Ave yean T H | last winter he had a very aevere attack and t i t ) the pain waa excruciating and-he could only mi about in hia own room By taking bold of aoi thing for support When the disease waa in moat acute form and the pain almoat unbet be took a dose of Wilaoni Lightning Kemi which cauaed immediate relief and the doea taken five hours after mafle a perfect ajii |] permanent cure and that since taking the two ooaea he haa been free from the diaeaae or any symptoms thereof PETER PHILLIPS

Sworn and subscribed to before raa this 9th day of Jnly A D 1880 JKO 0NEUX Notary Public

FAR RAND WILLIAMS 6 CO AotNTS Detroit Miehigatt 81t4



A J eea hew sock of tlte following goods just leceived all of which we guarantee to be the purest and best quality made inliraquolaquo WOFW-

Zero Black Oil Ford Art LoanBnirdingiystroFvMichT^


Old Process Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil TURPENTINE^Oa DRJER

YAR$mamp XXX CASTOR OIL Gasoline 74 deg aiid iCapvha Wa^er-Whiie and Legal Test Kerosene Oil Pure While Lead Colored Paints by the gallon and in paste form in 25 pound tin

Ye a e making Oils PanU and Painters Materials a oj ecialty and | L A T H amp S H I N G E i E S a r Yard on Howell Street north of the

Brick Store OFFICE AT


pails ^iTquote^UW^HTTlTCJES t^aiTany olher dealers in Livingston County-Given a call and see

TEEBL^^c GADWELL_ Jtrst door Eaat-ofWrS Mann Estate Brkk Store t

^IHE^ORMra^RU^ STORE In connection with our larjferand varied stock of


AND FINE CHEMICALS We make a spetiiaPy^of Nuisery and^gt-^Dora Suiraquolies Trusses E|i

_ Bandages Shoulder Bi ses^auCr t bull -i^es kept in a first class ^ruj^Sfore Oo Stock of


bull^fulf^a^J^opleteYembr^difgbull all theuroi standard and reliable remedies which rVe will^^a^jtew^aif reliable J|oulaquoe in the coiin^r^We keep a fall stock ofgtH iJbtanic and^Eclectic Reme^res d PaJeltDavisamp CoV New Remedies enabling bullusl dVfill any prescripiloriot LV^UyreceiptS We shall keep every= tiling plaquo^5nj^gito bflaquor traite In ougtQfbcery Department we have none but ]fcesh ana^wSlTselected goods anio^wtn sell at bottom prices To accoinmo-date our patrons we will tate-inexebange Butter and Eggs and will pay the highest markei or ice ^ ^ Respectiully

lyoft dal0 -I forM fl bull Percheron-Norman Horsee

Engliati DiafI Hurwi t- ^ -Coachers Shetland Ponies

Ilolatetn and Davon Cattle Oar customers have the advantageof our

years experience in breeding and importln collections opportunityof comparlns ( breeds low prices becalise of extent of bustmdasha and low rates of transportat^pn CataiQgues trae torrespondence solicited



bullbullpound3L A



The Detroit Art Loan Record An eight sheet published daily daring the Exhibition

volume of 430 pa acriptiob price

September and October 5i numbera one index and titie-pa^egt

ve Oollars Ten Thousand

nlar Dictionary of Pine Art 1laquo large pages 4gtoond ^Seventyjflve cent Addreaa Hen

aestione Answered A Po

Addreaa Henry





SILVER WABpoundraquo u repawd to h inckner and anzroundlne 0 uadrnpla aUvar pteted ware LUO a 4na aaaortment of Jewlt

We ate now prepared to fnrniah Pinckney and surrounding coo ouadruble aUvar plated ware at Also a ftna aaaortment of Jewelry ^

)lesf Chains and Quard Chains Necklaces LocketefChams

Solid 0ol4 Band and Set RiBflaquo Gold Silver anjHtickle Watches

tdeaignain ~

Eighptfy and Thirip-JiourJii - Foil U M of breech and mtuale-loading y

Quns also Revolvers Ammunition and Sporting Oooda Oenerallf -y BAST02L CAMPBBLI

Wert Katn Street Plnckraquoey Kiehlfaalaquo

FJJUI FOB S mdashIWal bullcttJamaixty acros plowed land) to milM wast of Pinckney aid three mllea from UntdlUa on the Hnck4y^nd I amp U 3 d S onl in^ft i TBailrogt G o o d h t w a ^ W Flna Orchard and spring of^cold waUr-Alao several acrea of Untber-iJa ^ ^ ^ white tneeropa agte growina bull terras tJfc^r a vary daalrabk B O M Apply


Page 7: mcmrmammmoBrA · VOL I. PiNCKNBT, Mi™6AirriHWffi8MY^UGV3T23tl883t" NO.32. PINCKNEYDISPATCH JEAOME WINCHELL, PUB USHER. 4it«eriptlo« Price, $1.** per Tear. 1fc AOVEBTISniO



mE O L D R E A D I N G C L A S S Miss Mer ry deer u t t e r e d a g r i in t of dissatisfaction

-If i t s l aw i t a i n t j u s t i c e said she bdquo bdquoraquo fumbl ing in t h e pocke t of h e r t a t t e r e d

V f f i e f ygtrn deg l u a d g c l M S -ampd c o a t - a g a r m e n t Which had evident -

1 cannot tell you tienevieve how oft it coaie to memdash


raquo r

That roife of elocution late who stood BO straight luiliM

And charged at standard literature with amla-W-WC tteeiaja bull bull bull bull ^ - - - - trade^gt

Wc did not spare the yjnerwln walefc our wwfds Were d a d i 1

We tore the meaning or thMext by raquo11 the Bght j t e 6dj i

But sTulT rear tne dbai tfBO wrote tbg How we read 60 irfe

Wndd scarcehmjlaquocolaquonl2ed their |tork In PUtiigt Nuaibei Tfcree $

Outtlde tbe snowwas smooth ifed- cleatmdash the tfuck-laiddupt

lade thji windows speak at every i s t bull - v -belle threw ua pleasant1 words

ivellers would paw Fees along the ralaquo-tlaquolaquoraquo4-laquohki--

thelr class X -Bcyoao the white browed cotftagee were uest-

MOK cold and dumb ^ bull l And far away tbe mighty world eeeme beck

oniog UB to comemdash r The womirous world of which we connep wbut

hadbeen aadijBlKbt he bull)bull I l a t b a t o l4 - | a ih ip^ rlaquo4 ing cfcssipfOistrlct ~~ tfrThree bull bull -Tt

at int^mdashitraquoJ^ampPp[r-gt Ijlauiesmdash_ iformly mispronounced the mostiiu-

bdquo - _ t a n t namesgt W |praquondered through Biography ami gave

our fancy play And with some subjects fell in lovemdashgood

only for one day In Romance and Philosophy we settled many a

-point ^ And made what poems we assailed to creak at

every Joint bullbull And many authors that we love you with me

will agree Were first time introduced tiTus In -District

Number Thr4icraquo mdash

Tourecollect Sueannah Jirnith the teachers sore distress

Who never stopjltcd at any pausemdasha Fort of day express

And timid young Sylvester Jones of inconshysistent sight

Who stumbled on the easy words and read the hard ones right J

And Jennie Green whose doleful voice was always clothed in blacks

And Samuel Hicks whose tones induced the plastering all to crack lt

And Andrew Tubbs whose various mouths were quite a show to see

Alas we cannot find -them now in District Number Three -mdash r

And Jasper Jenckes whose tears would How at rach pathetic word

Hes in the prize-fight business now and bits them hard Ive heard)

AndBenny Bayue whose every tone he tnur deguntred as in fear

(Hi3 tongue is not so timid now he is an mdash^laquoitct4ouecrgt

ly been cu t down from a juansj u ls ter bullThere as t r ue as you l i v e r t h a t there d ime has fell out a n d go t lost in the w o o d s -

T h a t s nonsense 1 said Del ia t a r t ly bullTen h u r r y I c a n t

s t and here in thUjwindlall n i g h t t i t r b lun t ly s-irok

o u t t h e old c rone N o t w i thou t

Del ia reso lu te ly

cur ious ] dove o r a f e d TaWflii foT nil1 l l ial I k n o w

S h e l aughed b u t t h e r e w a s a cer ta in ve in of ser iousness t h a t u n d e r l a y all her m i r t h so Lill s t a r e d o u t in the g r a y M a r c h af te rnyon wi th l i t t le flurries of s n o w p r i c k i n g h e r c h e e k l ike frozen needles e v e r a n d a n o n a n d t h e f lmpy frost c r ack l i ng u n d e r h e r feet whi le some few paces beh ind t r u d g e d J e b o r shya m c h a r g e d to look as l i t t le as possible l ike a n escor t ~

bullFor nobodymdash k n o w s sa id Dolia L e t m e p a s s - w h a t t h e old wi tch m a y t a k e offense

the t e a j e e n t a J L j s a i ^ B u t to contois TEe t r u t h Li l t I ve pa r raquo o rde r s

a n d tirnrst s t i ck t o c m If you haven t -

And LantyfWood whose vftrg_wa just enshydeavoring hard to change

^ATnl leapedTrn-nuodfSTFH) fiercely shrill with most bullsurprising range Also his sister Mary Jane 80 full of prudish

frlccj -Alas theyre Both In higher schools than Dis-

t r j e tyamber Three ~ ^

^o back thesevarious voices come though long the years have grown

distinct through-Aud sound uncommonly Memory a tolophonc mdash r

i] rif)mynrfraquo fnhtf rnplo^v iunl_brlutr a sense of cheer bull ^ mdash

And some can smite the nick of time and summon forth a tearV

-VJ1 l y ^ - f t W J ^ h o r r t frmtrgtv hfl^k t ^ 111 WllfMI-ever ad I grieve

And sings a song and that is less Genevieve

It brightens up the olden timt M t i i l e a t t H e mdash mdash

A-sthfr star amid the clouds of District Numshyber Three bdquo _

- W I L L CAJJLETlaquo)N Srjftmbev

pot tlie m o n e y you m u s t JJ-JO a r o u n d by the mill road 1 -V

H u t t h a t s four mi les f i i r tOer sa id the old w o m a n despa i r ing ly A n d N e d d y ^ d e a d t i red a n d so a m I And i t s i r rowih colder eve ry m i n u t e a n d these Marcji winds is h a r d on my rhe t i m a t i c s

bull You sjjould have t h o u g h t 4 t i t h a t beshyfore 1 sAid Delia indifferently -mdash

I)ejjamgtsliy d o n t ytfn le t h e r p a s s whispered LIU SHOS so old a n d mdash

bull O l d pet t i sh ly r e p e a t e d Del ia JVhy s h e s t he w o r s t old b a r p y in

-V63 f r i gh^nor l whwtj fr|1(5 e n t e r e d tho l i t t le A t t n _ at laquo^laquolaquo ri gt n k i i Ak-raquo]T rgt -raquo r ^raquo laquo i r l t i si l i one - s to r i ed cab in ono side of wliich w a s al l awrV wi th t h e forei^bf m a n y a w i n t e r s t empes t in whose low-ceiled a p a r t m e n t old Miss M e r r y d e e r lay dyshying mdash

bullbullIs it m y b o u n y gir l r i f ie said liftshyi n g he r g l a n c e to thlaquo~njgw c o m e r s face i c s i t s she as g a v e m e t h e d ime Out of he r o w n pocke t she gave it to me E v e r y o n e else t u r n e d the i r backs upon


In a T b e I m p o r t a n t F a r t I t P l a y e d M y t t e r l o u TQurder

Jacksonville (Flo) CorN- Y Mail

Arch iba ld V Newton a y o u n g m a n

who be longs t o a w e a l t h y family w h i c h

s t ands h igh in E n g l a n d has jus t been

cenvic ted in O r a n g e C o u n t y of the m u r shy

de r of S a m u e l McMil lan T h e case w a s

sensa t iona l and w h e n the j u r y o r o u g k t

in the verdict W e find the p r i sone r gu i l t y a s c h a r g e d in the m d i c t m e n t t

t a t ious noise

m e a n d l a u g h e d to see the old witch go by N o one ever g a v e m e a n y t h i n g beshyfore but sneers a n d curses For what^ g o o d to a n y b o d y was o ld wi tch Merry- deefc B u t s h e t o o k p i ty on herTiOrd

p romised hor t h ree he r m y heiress

g a t e w n n osien- u laquo vgt ^ ^ ^ - ^deg rne here p re t -AM M l s f M e r r W e was t y ^ n c a n d P u ^ gtur h a n ^ ^ i m t

But crv^rr-a^-litTrtottchlaquotr-4te^war-ui s lowly a n d r e luc tan t ly t u r n i n g the don- 4 r J _ i_i -f_^bdquo_i -v-_ T u p a l m to t h e old c r o n e s fast p u r p l i n g

handt_she g a v e a q n i c k g a s p turned k e y s d r o o p i n g h e a d a r o u n d wben Lil l hor te r f tjaTflifSa^he r e scue

S t o p a minu to i Miss Mer rydee r - said she Here as a t en -cen t piece I t s e e m s s u c h a pHylfor yot t and the poo r o l d d ) 5 h ^ y ^ o ^ g o ^ f t r i r T O ^ d - i t h i s - b i t - t e r cold n igh t bdquo A n d mdash a n d you can p a y m e the nex t t ime vow come this w a y

E h sa id Miss M e r r y d e e r shri l ly bull Who a r e y o u

over a n d d i e d Lil l c losed he r eyes t ied up the poor

old tooth less j a w s wi th h e r scented p o c k e t fcandkerchiefV-erossed the hands orTThJ pus le less bfei is t a n d verrFltor5e aga in l eav ing J e b o r a m to do w h a t hlaquo

^rm1fll^afd-tfao- f ie ld s n iece f rom O m a h a

bullWell k ind Anil


A h said the old w o m a n w h o e v e r you be y o u v e done a a n d merc i fu l deed this n ight you H g e t y o u r r e w a r d for it too I tell y o u r f o r t u n e once m o r e s topshyp i n g t h e donkey as he was half-way t h r o u g h the to l l -ga te to Del ia Penridds i t t t tn i tc d isgust O h yes juycra charm-W o t h i t l ive in t h e w o o d s fmdbdquogubdquotma a spell t h a t o t h e r folks k n o w n o t h i n g of We l l here it I s THrec^bod gujts for you T h e r e s a lover coriiingjtheres a gift of m o n e y coming a n d there s a ^ear-eorgtseieBelaquo-4fcgt g o t o bed upon- this [l i^M ( iood-bye-7-good-bye

A n d t h e donkey t r o t t e d a w a y over thc f foxe t^Toad his hoofs r i n g i n g likn miTllledSbeHs whi le Deliamdashadjusted the b a r s w i t n a l augh a u d both g i r l s r a i r I m r r i o d l y b a c k t o t h f t g l o w a n d shelter of the i i re l ighl

Ts she c r a z y sa id Iill earnestly N o t half so c r azy as vyu ftere to

iiffton tomdashll^rmdashs-mt Dnlia I t s nld Miss M e r r y d e e r Every ojio knows


birch a ruTdr icc rpenny- roya l b u n c h e s in h e r dress c u i i o u s r e m e m o r a n c e s of old Miss Mer rydee r

T h e y bur ied h e r on the moLintainside in a qua in t l i t t le g r a v e y a r d where the cows g r a z e d a t will p i c k i n g the i r way jaa iohg t h e m o s s - g r o w n tombs tones and w h e r e t h e Ien^e h a d Ions- ago fallen to r u i n s a n d peop le l a u g h e d at the idea of

i l l J enr i t ie id beicir cons t i tu ted heitess

vours lt gt peer-

uud throvs a

ill lI)]Kix JlilijirUti bull 4r



co in ing

L i l l Li l l r u n to The re s some one road

Lill Poni ie ld s t a r t e d to Jior a l ac r i ty t i ius ruthiessTv

dttor-mdashlt|uiek4 owiK the

her She go woods a n d bails t l iem intfgt d r i n k a -

tcet with d e s t r o y i n g all

t he br ight visions which had bui l t them-bull e l v t v u p a r o u n d the g l o w i n g logs in the d e e p ch imney ^

H o w m u c h is it for a foot passeng-t iivisaid she ca l l ing tjp tlumdash n a r r o w woodou s ta i rway

- B u t i t i sn t a foot |gtassenger i r r i t shya b l y re to r ted Delia wi th h e r i u p u t h full

of ha i rp in s Vdt^ uld Mis-s Meiigtdefry wi th he r d o n k e y car t T e n c e n t s

I t Was a ^ t o r t n y M a r c h sunset red a a d t h r e a t e k i n g a f o n g t l v c w e s t wi th a frozen b r e a t h of icicles in the air a n d

c a r t seomed to a d v a n c e t h e tolldigaise

look ing wi th sur j ) r ised ieyey~rt

bullThere a r c families a r o u n d he re thu t wou ld r a t h e r have old Miss M e r r y d e e r in s ickness t han a n y o the r d o c t o r in town And she s a nu r se too and s o m e th ink tha t she sees and hears more t h a n o t h e r p e o p l e

H o w old is s h deg A h u n d r e d at l e a s t said Delia

-NovTeTns iiirtke liasc -and g e t - the-t e a r e a d y for Pa-wi l l be half frozen w h e n h e c o m e s mdashmdash i mdash 1 WTimtoEHf m y t l v r e e go^wl gifU will come t r u e said Lill laughing

O h unltloubtedIy De l i a -answered wi th the most m a r k e d sa t i re

B u t Delia-Penticld her p r i sed mdashabout -amdashweekmdashs w h e n a l e t t e r a r r ived for Lil l f rom t h e lad she left behind her

W h a t d o you th ink Li 11he wro te I a m c o m i n g ^castT l ~ m i i coTriinjrto

could-for the w a t c h e r s and a t t e n d a n t s And as she whlked she -carried the s t r a n g e a r o m a t i c odor s of p ine and

of the d e a d bullJUh

t i g h t e n o u g h hflcld


appoarod utraquo Sftniotd) b o a n o g iraquo f rom Mr ( i r ay one of the L o n d o n stock ho lde r s to J E G r a h a m the m a n a g e r of the Sanford C o m p a n y N e w t o n was m e n t i o n e d in the le t te r as a n e p h e w of Mr G r a y and M a n a g e r G r a h a m w a s au thor i zed to pay h im 8S3 pe r m o n t h Newton a youth of fino a p p e a r a n c e a n d p leas ing m a n n e r s was f)opular_atdirst b u t his g o o d repu ta t ion w a s soon blastshyed T h e r e were reasons to suspec t him of forger ies a n d then caijio n^ws t h a t hGvhad left E n g l a n d because of a n out shyr a g e aga ins t Miss Pol ly l i owron Sub shysequen t ly he sent money to E n g l a n d for K a t e Bowron a sister of his a l leged vic t im a n d mee t ing he r i n N e w Y o r k marr ied her and t h e couple r e t u r n e d to C r y s t a l L a k e O r a n g e County

^ Whi lQ lh l s was go ing on ano the r topic of suspicion p resen ted itselfrThereliv~

bulled in O r a n g e County n e a r Crys ta l L a k e a m a n -named Samue l McMil lan who bore t h b - r e p u t a t i o n of being v miser a n d w a s supposed to ca r ry a l a r g e sum hi m o n e y on his pe r son He- o w n e d a

-ya luablc g rove the sale - of which he Was nego t i a t ing with N e w t o n who-wi th his wife lived n e a r by N e w t o n -knew the habi t of McMil lan of e a r n i n g money On S a t u r d a y evening - Sep ten ibe r gtn McMil lan was last seen alixe_4nst a l t e r sunset in c o m p a n y wi th Newton walkshying t o w a r d Newton s house H e never r e t u r n e d to h i ^ h o m e a n d af te r some days his ne ighbors became ahxioftVand ins t i tu ted a search for h im On the 17th d a y of O c t o b e r j i i s headless body was found in Crysta l L a k e pa r t l y cohsvimed by fishes A r o u n d the waist was a rope t o which was suspended a sack i n wh ich w a s found a n iron p o t full of nlails A few days l a te r t he h e a d o-f-the-murdered m a n was found n e a r the SAIUT spo t trnd

k c q i airnji frrum Oboun ltoi I d o a H w m t j mdash you to ea tch i t mdash N e w Y o r k Mail and E x p r e s s


An I n c o n c e i v a b l e T o r t u r e ol t h e O r i shye n t

Paris Letter

T h e A n n a m e s e h a v e b r o u g h t the Scishyence of l impa lemen t to a m u c h finer po in t t h a n m i g h t be i n f e r r e d - J r o m t h e process herptofort- ^escribftfL _ A J ^ p ^ bliicer who wi tnessed an execut ion irT T o n k i n before t h e r e c e n t t roubles g ives thoro was m u c ^ - G x o i t r m p n t i n the c o u r t fc ^ ^ t _^ bdquo _ _ J

B l i t a l t e r all w h a t does it a m o u n t to Ah old hovel c r a m m e d chuck full of y a r b s a n d roots twent ga l lons o ilaquooot beer four dozen bot t les of ague cure tihat n e v e r y e t c a r e d a n y b o d y and four acres of l a n d Wtth t h e ^tones so close t o g e t h e r o u t t h a t even tlhe sheep c a n t ge t t h e i r i i o s e s - d o w n to browse -Vxr tmrcTrof a fo r t in fteeordlng-tomv ^ a v s o t h i n k i n g

B u t she m e a n t k ind ly toward me poor thing 1 1 sa id Lil t^soft ly A n d iiil l innnnco T oravf hftr^-q d i m e 1

The next af ternoon however Lncie -timiiiill f nne back from tpwn_vith a b e a m i n g face ~~~

L o o k he re L i l l said he - You ve go t the for t in af ter_al l W h a t il ye t h i n k Old witch M e r r y d e e r had eight h u n d r e d dolhuvs in t h e sav ings bank A n d i t s yours have belived the re was t h a t much money to be m a d e out of roo t s anil y a r b s

E i g h t h u n d r e d d o l l a r s cried Delia ~TiRm=brR r-eftn-^onugiug^to her feet

niaiiy j o m Ca tesby after all when he comes o a s t

I or to these s imple-people e ight hunshydred do l la rs signified a for tune bull So this g e n t l e - n a t u r e d heroine inher-

j t ed the throe good gifts after all Tom C a t e s b y canae eas t a n d set u p life as a-

t h e very-Siirno pnrt of thp c o u n i r v w h e r e vou a re Do you k n o w t h e old r e d mi l l Wel l ( i r iel H a l l h a s bough t it a n d w o - a r e to r u n it in p a r t n e r s h i p A n d w h e n we have saved a l i t t le m o n e y Or ie l is co in ing b a c k west for t h e g i r l h e is e n g a g e d to a n d I -we l l Lil l you

-i bull i k a o w tho rest I t m a y be severa l yea r s h i f t o k m m ^ H l s ^ ^ ^ b u t w e 3 m E t d B -t h r o u g h which old M i s s M e r r y d e e r s nr~enuy ut i e n o u g h for me p re sen t dea r it will be

to be n e a r y o u

A R a b b i s D i l e m m a A wel l kr town R a b b i of

i n v i t e d to the J o l i e t pen i t en t i a ry to ad-tmfcK-^ theJ4r -eraquo5 tiie-^conviipta lit^t S a b b a t h T h e

seated is-the^

as LiM4Rit r ad i an t ly d r eami^g ove r t h e let-

bullnnt old yyoman w h o s a t o n n h e a p ^ t A m i t h f t - e l G a r consc ience we l l branehes-and-AvdiiplwiditpiLphleg- - U I

onkey i f t^roct of her y o u r e a l w a y s r e a d y e n o u g l i t o

11 s a rcas t i ca l ly r e m a r k e d old Miss f leer as the d o n k e y ca_me to a h a l t ih front of t h e tb l l -bar Now-

t h e n y o u n g - w o m a n ( t o Lil l ) why^a in t I t o be al loyed to g o o n

T e n cent jplefieV s a i ^ Ltl l t imidshyly h o l d i n g o u t he r h a n d wi th a l t - t ha t she -had ever r ead d r e a m e d or h e a r d

iat Avitphes c o m i n g back in to her the a i g h t o f t h e yel low old face

wWh i ts f r inge of w h i t e elf-lock^ t h e tejoak a n d the nose t h a t was hooked

J f e n c o D deg amp i U v s l m c amp d o l d m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ Z Merrydee r A n d for w h a t I should l ike to k j i o w

f t^1r t$e^t t -gate p l e a s e ^ oxplftuibd JLAI w i sb ing m o r e t h n o v o r t h a coustD Would come d o w n a|aiitAr ^ -_mdash

I cUnt k n o w a n y t h i n g abot i toll bull g a t e s sa id Miss MerrydeorY S t a n d Aai^6 a n d lo t tun go thiougfa T h e road w a s h e r e 1 6 frac34 before t h e y o U f U ^ n f l 1 o l l ^ 5 ^ ^ b - laquo y ^ g a t e I t s s w i n d l i n g mdash t h a t s w h a t it-is-G e t u p N o d d y

She se t t l ed heiself b a c k a m t t e g the g r een s p r u c e Doughs and p r o t r u d i n g roots-with HIT a i r o x de te rmi t i a t ion a n d c h i r r u p e d to h e r d r o w s y s teed as i f she mean t o r ide rough - shod over

t a m e runn iRg down-s ta i r s arid the ba r back- to i ta p lace

-Twn ntB MffTlaquoJMffffyjgg] she l a w

said o r you c a n t -pass T h a t s the

t a k e ior g r a n t e d Now T if only- old wi tch M e r r y d e e r bdquowould s u p p l y t h e m o n e y J should r ea l ly be l i eve in h e r

bullI g u e s s said J e b o r a m H a w l e y the h i r ed jriattT-who 4iad--laquoome in a t t h i _ m o m e n t with a pot of g lue to w a r m ovor the k i t c h e n stove t h a t o ld Miss Mer shyr y d e e r w o n t s u p p l y m a n y m o r e t h i n g s in th is w o r l d S h e s a t d e a t h s d o o r w i t h pne i imonv T h a t s w h a t I v e h e a r d ~

I s she poor old t h i n g said-Dlaquo4iA care less lv T a k e ca re J e b o r a m d o n t spi l l t h a t g l u e

S h e s trot a l awye r s c i e rk t b e r c a

il ler wi th Lill a t che household he lm A u d of cour se they l ived h a p p y ever after W h o ever h e a r d of a pair of t rue lovers t ha t d id o the rwi se W h i l e the n e i g h b o r s all m a r v e l e d cxeccdingly-rand-r e n i a r k e d wi th va r ious nasa l inflections

a b u l l e t hole was discovered in the b a c k of his sku l l O n t h e b ra in s be ing re shym o v e d a bullet d r o p p e d out w h i c h a p shyp e a r e d to fix exac t ly a pis tol N e w t o n had borr owedi rom a ne ighbor n a m e d Tr i t e Th i s wastbe--ngtystery of C r y s t a l L a k e -

Lilt t h a t t ime Newton_became ihisli of inoneV H e said tha t bis - wife s

s3iit h im rnonev H e saiil t ha t bi

r a m e T B b w r c n 1 a d~ b r o t h e r 823000 wi th which to buy an orani ie g rove on the l ake He wis suspec ted of themdashmunLer_ _oi McMil lan - however a n d was brought before J u d g e C u c k c a m a n no ted as a m e m b e r of t tie F lor ida

sunse t

T h e F l o r i d a S h i p C a n a l

CiniiuijatiTirne s^t a r - ^ - - -Pe r sons p r o m i n e n t l y couuijittcd ^ith

t h e en te rp r i se arclfrec to ay tha t t h e p r o p o s e ^ F lo r ida s h i p cana l will be coix-s t ruc tedf T h e feasibi l i ty of the p ro jec t appea r s to have been d e m o n s t r a t e d Gene ra l S tone w h o has conduc ted -~wi -STrrve-aTtd~wtrrr-^qiF -^ u bulljerint^Mul -thci cons t ruc t ion of t h e cana l iu-ease-4l ieuro-c o m p a n y decides to g o a h e a d - w r r h - t h c work is a m a n whose opinion on such mat te r^ ia va luab le Hfr a s se r t ] conii

hT t iou of H1T2 t r i a r occu r r ed v for the-proserjiuiwri wa lked down the a is le followed lw a-meduim-sied d a r k -ha i red w o m a n evulen t ly a foreigner

1 deehireTTiever^ w ^ d t ^ ^ l t e s t p n n g e r g o t abreiv^U)i Mr gtew-to r f she t u rned amvpe-orcdvirtto her face say ing W h y Ka^e T h e pr i soner as he looked up and recognized the -woman liliiamphiid unt i 1 i t sce^ii( d the blood would burs t from nis neLkTrnd_--iiliXadis whi le Mrs N e w t o n turnei l dcTatinV pale a u d r e m a i n e d several seconds with uptifrnet face a n d half-open-qips as if petriilcuT by amazement- Tiijebull-bullpresence- oX-this w o m a n in Amer ica was a comple t e surshypr ise to the defence as t h e counsel for N e w t o n subsequent ly a d m i t t e d in open court mdashHer-to-Uimoiiv wa^ l i s t e n e d - t o

a n d w a g g i n g - o f t h e head t h a t r t~was m o s t e x t r a o r d i n a r y bu t old Miss M e r r y d e e r a lwaj s w a s q u e e r

Chicago was

p r i sone r s ^^en seareo i s - t n e spae tous c h a p e l and the R a b b i a rose to g ive his discourse J u s t t h e n it o c c u r r e d to hingt X n a t l r w ^ s i t vxrry^Tderricate m a t t e r - t o add re s s his aud i ence as he wished lo

wi th brea th less in teres t I t was to the effect t h a t the Bowron family had n bulli25inthegtyoiidJluuch less yen 2 o p o i y t b inves t in o range g r o v e s r - T u a t hacKbeen the a ia in pqintrpf the de fense -^ to a c o u n t for Nesvton s n ioney aifege^r to have been sent by t h e wealjy brother in- law The Eng l i shwo a n con t i rmed

rairiaipon Pol ly

ered m a p h a d e t r i a l Dr Kins

the s tory of N e w t o n s o Bowijom

M c M i l l a n - i k e m v coarse r e o V b a i r ^ A t W y l l y t e s t i r ^ l t h a t hemdashhad f o u n d i n blood spots^oTiTi h a n d k e r d i i e f T o u n d in I S e w t o n V p o c k e t t h e morning a f t e r the m a r d e r a e m g l e - j e i L h i i i r The h a n d -kerolfief w a s e x a m i n e d las t Oc tobe r by

s p r e t ^ e m humi l ia t ion by ca l l ing thcln I-Df Wyl ly H e testified t h a t a t t h e hrst J ^convicts^ Snid h e 1 do no t k n o w h o w tb add re s s youmdashyou people If say Fe l lowCi t i zens - t h a t w o n be r i g h t I f I s ay G e n t l e m ^ don i fKnow^f I w o u l If I s ay M i n e E r i e n d s th a (lead give a w a y to mine Q o n v i c t s yon d o n t s h o u l d smile So d ings a n d vou

wou ld be If I say

lat some I

ali fust say nud--

be p k a s e d a t

a m H e s to t ake ou t his p a y in four bo t t l e s of A g u e S p r u c e C u r e a n d a g a l shyl o n o j roo t beer B u t l a w t h e r e a in 5 d ^ c ^ s n l ( H t 7 raquo r T C r - d ^ laquo gt on a b roomst ick somo d a v o r disajspear

T h e nex t day howeve r oarne a t a t rmyltl l i t t le m e s s e n g e r to t -he to l l -houso

mdashX U l t L M i s s M e r r y d j

bullyoung w o m a n as

dot I _ k j ^ y 2 _ ^ Q i d I ^ n X ^ f t o r fellgw d o w n a m i d dea fen ing

f rom t h e i n m a t e s

w a n t s to see t h e ie g ive the t h r e e

good gifts ^ o sa id he r o l l i n g his oof-fee-colored eyebal l s a r o u n d I m to show h e r do way bull Bight off p l e a s e

Lill l ooked at Del ia in a m a z e m e n t a l l laquopp S h a l l I g o sa id she O h sure ly

position tm^- jus t here De l i a PenliWtf I o u g h t

perspir ing r o a r s of Chicago^

If t M Rabbi h a d said F e l l o w H u -ttlabullargtBeings he eoulcTTrave s t a r t ed

on w h a t he h a d to say wi th no em-a r r a e s m e n t to himself o r to the poo r

fel lows w h o a r e c a g e d u p a n d -who some t imes fee h o w h a r d it is for a n y shybody t o say a k ind word to t h e m If

Hire R a b b i h a d n o t h i n g to s a y a n d d i d n t k n o w h o w to say i t h e shou ld h a v e k e p t a w a y mdash H u n d r e d s of m e n w h o ( d o n o t k n o w half a r T i m c h as t h e Rabb i h a v e g o n e to the p r i sons a n d by the p r o m p t shyings of the i r w a r m h e a r t s a n d the i r IOVQ for m a n k i n d h a v e been enab led to say words of c o m f o r t t h a t h a v e b r o u g h t tcars to the eyes of m e n who -tfe sq-ffier-i n g mdash ^ u n w h m e n t for c r ime mdashPock s S u n _ __bull

mdash - - bull bull

svvung t I t s a lonely s p o t s a i ^ D e l i a mdash u p in the woods w i thou t a n e i g h b o r s house i n s i g h t J e b o r a m h a d be t t e r i o l l o w

t i t t l e riintnnpn -Did w i t ch v o r n r t

( M e r r y d e e r may t r r rn you in to a w h i t e

c rys t a l Suppos ing t h a t he m i g h t have scra tchedmdashhis fingor and -caused th c rys t a l to g e t oh t h e handke rch i e f he w o u i d - n o t accept a a ^ i L j ^ M n c j B _ l h a t t h e r e was blood t h e r e His last exami shyna t ion revea led t h e blooltl co rpusc le s ve ry dis t inct ly a n d u n d e r the m i c r o -scope h e d iscovered ^ s i n g l e t e d h a i r mdash a

ie g r o u n d a s firmly as a t e l e g r a p h po le a n d wi th t h e u p p e r p a r t a c h a i r of i ron h a v i n g an ori i ice in the c e n t e r of t h e sea t i s conshynec ted T h e po in t of t h e s t a k e fits t h e orilice in the chai a n d t h e l a t t e r is l ow- e r e d or ra ised by m a c h i n e r y set is m o -i ton^by a-cratrkmdashso t h a t suventrifEelr-of-t be pole can be forced t h r o u g h the body of any one sea ted in t h e cha i r T h e r e is a lofty p la t form r i s ing t o t h e s a m e h e igh t us the pule a n d j - e a j d i e d b y a lad-- der T h e execu t ione r compd^CsT^jyic-t i m to m o u n t a n d t a k e his sea t in the cha i r whe reon he is i m m o v a b l y cha ined T h e n the c r a n k is t u r n e d for ty o r fifty t imesmdashthe s t a k e b e i n g bur ied fu r the r a n d fu r the r in t h e c r i m i n a l s body at each t a r n bdquo

All thisbdquoappeursMiniitterablably horshyr ible to Europeens bu t the Or i en ta l s a re no t cons t i t u t ed as we a r e T h e y fea r o rd ina ry forms of d e a t h ve ry l i t t l e a n d decap i t a t ion o r h a n g i n g has as litshyt l e t e r ro r s for t h e m as t h e W o r k H o u s e for the common A n g l o - S a x o n crimina_L_ Moreover the i r n e r v o u s sys temmdashespecshyially t h a t of t he Chinese and k ind red racesmdashis not a l t o g e t h e r simrlai to the n e r vouamp_^ysJ^urolLAy iaa__r aeW_ T h e _ F r e n c h omeer w h o witnessedTthei m e t h o d of execut ion above desc r ibed avers t h a t the c r imina l c o n t i n u e d tobdquoeat a b a n a n a unt i l the opera t ion w a s half comple t ed

bulland m a n y t r a v e l e r s concu r in b e a r i n g evidence thftt the Chinese exh ib i t u n d e r t o r t u r e a deg ree o f f o r t i t u d e equa l if not super ior to t h e well k n o w n s toic ism -

-of the -Amer icnn I n d i a n l i n t i_t_k_rather s t r a n g e to l ea rn t h a t the p a r ^ o f t h e i ron m a c h i n e r y used in the i m p a l i n g process r e f e r r ed - to bears t h e t r a d e - m a r k of a F r o n d I -i ro raquo- m as l er

assert1 dentlyLhat the t l igg ing of this w a t e r -

- way jw41 rprovo a ggtod iftVcstmen-t f o r The c o m p a n y -alaquo4mdashoi__juiit_-beneiit ) c o m m e r c e A c c o r d i n g to geiun^irStpTiT-r the es t ima ted c o s t - - h e witholdsTU-etig-ures Tor the prcscuT -- is m o d e r a t e in compar i son to the a m o u n t of business that awai t s the canal l i r e reason for his fai th in t h e c n t c r p r i s e n r a y be s t a t ed in a few w o r d - The cana l it U claimx-d would save^rrom three to Vev-en (lays tim3 fo r allTTie s f e a hie r-T ah i r sa i l ing vessels 2 y i n g into and ou t of the (itiTf of Meicolt Th i s m e a n s a d i rec t sav ing to cip-h vc^raquoef in sa lary ai id-ruu-Hp-inj|-t-^^es of_about 1gtUU Bcsiilts the miyigat ion t h r o u g h the F lo r ida Stra i t^ is exceedLngly dange rous a n d thcynnnual losses frohi w r e c k a g e a re

fOrmojjji On tliis bulluVonni if js e i t i - _ the c a n a l w o u l d save from one and a half p e r e e i U u n i n s u r a n c c -f course w i t h increased-safety of

nav iga t ion a ntf lcrwer cost t he i r a l l i c CTTgtT

w h i c h n o w m a k e s use of the G u l f would l a rge ly inc rease Gen Stonje beshylieves t h a t w i t h i n a very shor t t ime afshyte r tlie comple t ion of the cana l you will find t h a t a very l a r g e propor t ion o f t h c ^

-g ra in and co t ton of the Wes t a p d N o r t h -west t h a t now goes E a s t b y r a i l wou ld come down-the-Miss iss ippi and t h r o u g h t he canaL a n d t h e a b s u r d i t y i -f ---driving ca t t le from T e x a s a w a y u p to K a n s a s and A r k a n s a s to bo t h e n c e s h i p p e d by xai l -J j jL_Easiern maxkAt_slgtr^laquold a l so

T h e r e is no en terpr i se now con-in p r o g t e s s t h a t w o u l d

cease t e m p l a t e d o r _ t -

x a m i n a t i o n h e iounltl a s ing le b lcgtod-^oniex-gr^a te i~4w^eHt5-4r^on-ahc_cQm^

W h e n t h e d o g a

coa r se r ed hai r T h e defense fough t t h e case p o i n t by poin t tmt t h e drift w a s agair is tr t h e m a n d w h e n N e w t o n sa id t h a t h e h a d b o r r o w e d T r u c u piutol to shoo t a n a l i g a t o r t h e aud ience l a u g h e d

W h e n the j u r y c a m e in a n d gave t h e verd ic t one could have h e a r d a p i n d r o p All t h e whi le N e w t o n h a d been ne rvous shyly t w i t c h i n g his m o u s t a c h e W h e n the verd ic t was read ou t he d r o p p e d his h e a d a n d d e a t h l y pa l e wh i l e a s l igh t t r e m o r passed t h r o u g h his f r ame H e then sudshyden ly j u m p e d up a n d seized his h a t i q r -g e t t i n g tha t - the c o u r t h a d n o t a d j o u r n e d but p re sen t ly con t ro l led himself a n d r e -immud his sea t mdashHis raquoif qu i e t for a few m o m e n t s t h e n a few t e a r s t r i ck led d o w n her c h e e k s a n d s h e g r a s p e d hor h u s b a n d s a r m convuls iveshyly b u t beyond this she showed no e m o shyt ion J u d g e Ctfcke p r o n o u n c e d the vershydic t -of d e a t h

mc rce of the w o r l d t h a n the F l o r i d a -eanaK or t h a t cou ld d e p e n d - u p o n

a l a r g e r b u s i n e s s P e r h a p s Gen -amplone in his e n t h u s i a s m for the s c h e m e ^ magni t ie its i m p o r t a n c e s o m e w h a t But it is p la in e n o u g h t h a t l h c ~ p r o p o s shyed p e n i n s u l a r c a n a l w o u l d be of wonshyderful a d v a n t a g e to the c o m m e r c e of this coun t ry and especially7 of the S o u t h shywest

^ bull bull - bull

T H E D r i gt E - ^ T h e N e w Y o r k T r j b t t n e p e r t i n e n t l y

T r u e cau t ion Ma said J e n n i e t o o boy in L P a r v e n u e at N e w p o r t t h e y said those

t h c j n e l o n p a t c h a n d t h e r e a r e no trees S m i t h s w h o h a v e g o t the J o n e s co t t age r h a n d y he 4 s ings O h f o r t h e g a r 4 raquo i ^ - - a r 4 3 _ a w ^ M j s t y l i pound h ^ wal l mdashCinoin j ia i t i M e r c h a n t a n d T r a v g r e e V G o t t h e ped ig ree have t h e v

said Mrs P a r v e n u exc i ted ly w e l l y o u p e bull - J mdash T mdash

very p e r t i n e n t l y s a y s N e w s p a p e r s have an e x a s p e r a t i n g way of t a k i n g u p a ca t ch -word o r newly coined p h r a s e and w o r k i n g it t o d e a t h T h e la tes t is d u d e A s u s e d in i ts o r ig ina l a n d m o r e r e s t r i c t ed sense the word is bail enough a n d the p u b l i c is sick of it B u t now it begins to be app l ied indiscr imi na te ly to all orts a n d condi t ions of m e n who exhibi t in t h e i r m a n n e r s o r e o n T e r -sa t ion t h e d e c e n c i e s a n d amen i t i e s of social life So t h a t t o be ca l l ed a d u d e by s o m e jqnr r ia l s o ^ b amoun tu to ca l l bull

j ng a maji a g e n t l e m a n T h i s of course is a s h a b b y wayvdf t r e a t i ng peo -])le whose g o o d - b r e e d i n g is t h e i r on ly c r ime a n d J i is a l t o g e t h e r an a b s u r d pe r fo rmance on t h e p a r t of r e p u t a b l e j o u r n a l s O n e p a p e r for ins tance t h e o t h e r day i nXno t i r i e of a m u c h i a l k e d -

bullcent ^ o r e l t o m a r k i ts d is l ike of r e f inement of t h e au tho r i n t i m a t e d he was a d u d e Is it no t a b o u t

t ime t h a t this s o r t of t h i n g w a s s t o p 5

ped- T h e w o r d d u d e m u s t go

bull ^




y - - gt - bull

bull bullt V ^

1 r bull

^ t a b bull d H ^ ~ bull ^ c r ^ - i - bull-bullbull

d ia iraquo fSraquo

V ^ f^



- - 1 laquo

The Agricultural Editor

bull Dyke Fortoseiifr rambled into tho pffictt of a rural newspaper published in

crass of m r a t readers suul named Vlw Fartnrs Friend

(ini Cultivators Vhamphn Dyke WHS fresh from Denver where lie had beeif ifloing local work on a daily He wanti-d ft situationmdashhe wanted it bad fry und ho ^oonclosed a bargain with 11laquo proprieshytor of the Farmer J Friend mid Cultishyvator Champion The proprietor in-tepded to be absent for two weoks anil Dyke undertook to hold the journal^ nead steadily up stream until his reshyturn J_ l _

You wilFreceive some visitors quijo Jikely said the proprietor Enter-fraquo|n em Entertain em in a manner which will reflect credit upon the paper They will want to talk stock farming horticulture etc you know Give it f o e m strong mdash-

Dyke bowed borrowed a half-dollar got a clean shave and a jrlass of beer n d soon returned to face the music and p d j c t h e first agricultural journal with Which he had ever been connected

M I c a n feel that with mv journalistic Wlaquo rience it will be jm agricultural himself

At two bclpck jgt

just km to run paper said Dyke to




m the first visitor phowed up at the door of the office and Dyke cordially invited him inside The farmer entered hesitatinglyand re-marked that ha had laquo Y p e a t p J u gt pia^ the proprietor with whom he had an appointment to discuss engtihige

I am in charge of the journal said pyke

Q you are Well you seem to have A pretty c lean ofBee hero


Y e s replied Dyke Hut about - ihte^eHsSage- Kfisttag isla~prettv sroolf

breed -isnPt itP bull J Breed exelairaed- ihe b a n n e r

V w h v mdash bull I mean its a sure crop -something

that y o u can relymdash Crop Why It-isnt a crop at a-H Ves yes I know it isnt a crop

laid Dyke perspiring^ vmtil his collar iwgan to me l t awayvilovvrr flie ftuvk of his neek but you can do Intter ami fi)eRQer work withbulla-^ood^ttrptmsrhtjre-pn stubby ground t h a n - ^ mdash ~

T a k e it for a sulky plow do you No no f said Dyke You dont

seem to understand me Now if a Jarnaer builds an ensilage on low groundmdash -

iA Builds an ensilage You seem to have got the th ing mixtul up with some kind of a granary

Pshaw no - continued Dyke I must make myself plainer You see tlite ensilage properly mixed with one

-fmrt gttittio-and threepitrts-lt)f-npltittpts-phate of antinicfay with the adtmien of ft l ittle bran and tan-bark and the Whole flavored with nMorid ltf limn


BARGAINS IN HATS ffHtrt a t eost--t-A- L a r g e mul E l e g a n t

)[ne of N e c k w u i r at le^4fttm-ttjsI

for straw )erry

raquo i -



^ 4

Uee bullT IJ IB I IU IT mdash d ywi wilt flad

^ Yoraquor Tpetfr towioat at p w u TwiJt fragrant make the breath of all ~Boys women men and girls

The fljfanofacturers have yet tp hlt caae of Dyspepsia or Biliousness w u used aa directed to which It wA not more than satisfactory Many write that it la a wonder-fill remody We can ahow where aa high aa forty

[ pounds were gained by Ita use in breaking up chronic BiiioDsnee and Dyspepsia Ita- friends In- creaae very fast and all who uae aa directed arlaquo aurpriaed and gratified _Jbdquo SH4

BIG REDUCTION IN HOSIERY We want to sell balance (jgtf Summer stock at cost and make room for fall

witHrinter goods

CALL AND SEE TO SATISFY YOURSELVES W e Wv^4tH euromwitgtort^ sioek- in paner

ZZ- iuut tTietn Priccs TuroTjj^ccT

IN CUFFS W e lead al co inpet to is The best | =^^==^-^



-K vet- Hh-tlie ttrwii-at p-iees-l-

niakes a top-dressing b^ds whichmdash bull

^yr-ensilatre isnt nouianure io certainly not said l)yke I

^fenowirts ndt often used in tlfat way ^oif dont eaieh iny drift WhcTrl-smfr U)gt-d nssiny 1 meant turkey drlt bull ssinltiZ=-stuiling you knowmdashfor Thanksgivshyi n g mdash l F

Grcat heavens man Ensilage isnt p human food _

No not a-human food exactly1 said poor Dyke grinning like an alinsgt house idiot it isnt a food at all in live true sense of the word My plan has always been to lasso the hug with- a tracechain and after pinning his ears Dackwith a clothes pin put the ensis lagegtinto his nose with a pair of twees-J ers1

Af3r good lands

^ o W n I) io 25 pcr(Vpt less tlum other-i-laquoii e se l ng ^ie su-ne identical

uootigt Ne~mue vlaquo i-bout doubt tlie best iiiiluund- oil si in ilte market

coin deue



Cor Congress and Battoa-Sta

You donH use on-

tjilageto ring h o g s I never believcMl that i t should bo

used for that-)lTjrpoae- but vheiT^-ou want to ring hens or voting ^ealv^ei to keep them from stgtekfcgmdash

The lander gravely shook his head Pid yaiijgyar_ try ensilage on th

Jiired^girlfM said Byke dtspariitlaquoly and winking like a bat a P l l 8 0 ajh

The farmer slowly arose and with laquoome evidence orheumatic twinges in his legs mdash

Young m a n he said solemnly yon are a l o n g ways from home a m 1 you

Y e s 1 replied Dyke eyes beneath tbe sltera

A t y o u r own pi icogt Clocks Clocks

CLOCKS CLOCKS Gouigrcgat dless of cost -

BEWWGz = drojrping his

of the gTaticBs halls in-

England sad-eyed rerrtiners^Tvearily V^atch and wait for my returnbull

Go hcraquoraeyoung man go home to your feudal cuMtUr and while on your wily acrogs _tjio- r u l i n g deep muse oj the f a c t nh^t^elrsttagCTk simplyjcj^rmli food for liye sloqkmdashgut i m ^ f p r e s s l y for fami ly use ina s i l ^ v t i i e h is notli-m e less thap an a ^ i ^ t pit where corn stalks griuja m^Je^cfover alfalfa and other gre^Hfcfuck te|raquoreserved for winshyter ugeVa ere^^^khtcrdiLrit as the

j^edltoror im0afaners Friend and Cultivators1 Chariampxjpiiy

And Dyke Fortescue Jsighed aa he reshymarked to himself There aint so blamed much fun in running an agrishycultural-paper as 1 tlioiigbt1mdashTesta Sifting

- bull raquo raquo

- M TaSteur telU the AeadeDjfy 0 ^ ^ 1 Stdences at Parig thdtwonderful results

are being obtained Mithe work of yac-[ cinating live stock as a preventive against disease During the last-yltGftrbdquo l 8O0Q6 sheep about 4rQ(JPhaatl-of cattle ampul AGO horsed ha^^^eeenmdashvftooinatwlT-^efore this system was introduced the annual loss from liver-rot in one depart-InemVwas nine per cent while tmrloss gince then has beeir reduced over one-

- ^ bull ^ -mdashThe Cleveland Akron amp CpljiSjlms

Railroad now counts its time from one 0 twenty-four oclock Thus two pm ia fourteen and It) pm tWanty-t^o The plan avoids possibility of extension betweon forenoon aftd astern

--^-----^=^-- raquot9n

1VE 11AYK AftlttSTO(K43F

FARMERS AND THRESHERS wliloh we vt el at down prices

BEST COFFEE 1 ^ - Fa i rban l (S Ex Winter-strained Lard Oil No l-tard Oil

Best Quality Lardoline A No I Golden Engine Oil

In t o v w ISoiions- N o e es and

laquoraquolaquo^z t down prices

La ge line at prices below par at the


Pinckney M t e h i j f i r i ^

w raquoJ

a V

DETROIT MICH HftieF $1 to $1 raquo per day Single

iwraquo1raquo lt(UHgti -lAHlitfosi-SS to iOc 4V 1 a a 1 w-amp nraquoi4a4f y- ititt i n DfT4 and

M l O O fclaquoMl) 4wgt a n w LaaJi fi -jmni tt bull

1gt bull


OaAwroBDiCo PA CITT OF TrruinLui Peraooallj appeared bfcxore me Peter PKBUpi

whobeing sworn accordiag to law depoaea aod aayi That he haa been affected with rheuznatlam more or leaa for the paat fonr or Ave yean T H | last winter he had a very aevere attack and t i t ) the pain waa excruciating and-he could only mi about in hia own room By taking bold of aoi thing for support When the disease waa in moat acute form and the pain almoat unbet be took a dose of Wilaoni Lightning Kemi which cauaed immediate relief and the doea taken five hours after mafle a perfect ajii |] permanent cure and that since taking the two ooaea he haa been free from the diaeaae or any symptoms thereof PETER PHILLIPS

Sworn and subscribed to before raa this 9th day of Jnly A D 1880 JKO 0NEUX Notary Public

FAR RAND WILLIAMS 6 CO AotNTS Detroit Miehigatt 81t4



A J eea hew sock of tlte following goods just leceived all of which we guarantee to be the purest and best quality made inliraquolaquo WOFW-

Zero Black Oil Ford Art LoanBnirdingiystroFvMichT^


Old Process Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil TURPENTINE^Oa DRJER

YAR$mamp XXX CASTOR OIL Gasoline 74 deg aiid iCapvha Wa^er-Whiie and Legal Test Kerosene Oil Pure While Lead Colored Paints by the gallon and in paste form in 25 pound tin

Ye a e making Oils PanU and Painters Materials a oj ecialty and | L A T H amp S H I N G E i E S a r Yard on Howell Street north of the

Brick Store OFFICE AT


pails ^iTquote^UW^HTTlTCJES t^aiTany olher dealers in Livingston County-Given a call and see

TEEBL^^c GADWELL_ Jtrst door Eaat-ofWrS Mann Estate Brkk Store t

^IHE^ORMra^RU^ STORE In connection with our larjferand varied stock of


AND FINE CHEMICALS We make a spetiiaPy^of Nuisery and^gt-^Dora Suiraquolies Trusses E|i

_ Bandages Shoulder Bi ses^auCr t bull -i^es kept in a first class ^ruj^Sfore Oo Stock of


bull^fulf^a^J^opleteYembr^difgbull all theuroi standard and reliable remedies which rVe will^^a^jtew^aif reliable J|oulaquoe in the coiin^r^We keep a fall stock ofgtH iJbtanic and^Eclectic Reme^res d PaJeltDavisamp CoV New Remedies enabling bullusl dVfill any prescripiloriot LV^UyreceiptS We shall keep every= tiling plaquo^5nj^gito bflaquor traite In ougtQfbcery Department we have none but ]fcesh ana^wSlTselected goods anio^wtn sell at bottom prices To accoinmo-date our patrons we will tate-inexebange Butter and Eggs and will pay the highest markei or ice ^ ^ Respectiully

lyoft dal0 -I forM fl bull Percheron-Norman Horsee

Engliati DiafI Hurwi t- ^ -Coachers Shetland Ponies

Ilolatetn and Davon Cattle Oar customers have the advantageof our

years experience in breeding and importln collections opportunityof comparlns ( breeds low prices becalise of extent of bustmdasha and low rates of transportat^pn CataiQgues trae torrespondence solicited



bullbullpound3L A



The Detroit Art Loan Record An eight sheet published daily daring the Exhibition

volume of 430 pa acriptiob price

September and October 5i numbera one index and titie-pa^egt

ve Oollars Ten Thousand

nlar Dictionary of Pine Art 1laquo large pages 4gtoond ^Seventyjflve cent Addreaa Hen

aestione Answered A Po

Addreaa Henry





SILVER WABpoundraquo u repawd to h inckner and anzroundlne 0 uadrnpla aUvar pteted ware LUO a 4na aaaortment of Jewlt

We ate now prepared to fnrniah Pinckney and surrounding coo ouadruble aUvar plated ware at Also a ftna aaaortment of Jewelry ^

)lesf Chains and Quard Chains Necklaces LocketefChams

Solid 0ol4 Band and Set RiBflaquo Gold Silver anjHtickle Watches

tdeaignain ~

Eighptfy and Thirip-JiourJii - Foil U M of breech and mtuale-loading y

Quns also Revolvers Ammunition and Sporting Oooda Oenerallf -y BAST02L CAMPBBLI

Wert Katn Street Plnckraquoey Kiehlfaalaquo

FJJUI FOB S mdashIWal bullcttJamaixty acros plowed land) to milM wast of Pinckney aid three mllea from UntdlUa on the Hnck4y^nd I amp U 3 d S onl in^ft i TBailrogt G o o d h t w a ^ W Flna Orchard and spring of^cold waUr-Alao several acrea of Untber-iJa ^ ^ ^ white tneeropa agte growina bull terras tJfc^r a vary daalrabk B O M Apply


Page 8: mcmrmammmoBrA · VOL I. PiNCKNBT, Mi™6AirriHWffi8MY^UGV3T23tl883t" NO.32. PINCKNEYDISPATCH JEAOME WINCHELL, PUB USHER. 4it«eriptlo« Price, $1.** per Tear. 1fc AOVEBTISniO

d ia iraquo fSraquo

V ^ f^



- - 1 laquo

The Agricultural Editor

bull Dyke Fortoseiifr rambled into tho pffictt of a rural newspaper published in

crass of m r a t readers suul named Vlw Fartnrs Friend

(ini Cultivators Vhamphn Dyke WHS fresh from Denver where lie had beeif ifloing local work on a daily He wanti-d ft situationmdashhe wanted it bad fry und ho ^oonclosed a bargain with 11laquo proprieshytor of the Farmer J Friend mid Cultishyvator Champion The proprietor in-tepded to be absent for two weoks anil Dyke undertook to hold the journal^ nead steadily up stream until his reshyturn J_ l _

You wilFreceive some visitors quijo Jikely said the proprietor Enter-fraquo|n em Entertain em in a manner which will reflect credit upon the paper They will want to talk stock farming horticulture etc you know Give it f o e m strong mdash-

Dyke bowed borrowed a half-dollar got a clean shave and a jrlass of beer n d soon returned to face the music and p d j c t h e first agricultural journal with Which he had ever been connected

M I c a n feel that with mv journalistic Wlaquo rience it will be jm agricultural himself

At two bclpck jgt

just km to run paper said Dyke to




m the first visitor phowed up at the door of the office and Dyke cordially invited him inside The farmer entered hesitatinglyand re-marked that ha had laquo Y p e a t p J u gt pia^ the proprietor with whom he had an appointment to discuss engtihige

I am in charge of the journal said pyke

Q you are Well you seem to have A pretty c lean ofBee hero


Y e s replied Dyke Hut about - ihte^eHsSage- Kfisttag isla~prettv sroolf

breed -isnPt itP bull J Breed exelairaed- ihe b a n n e r

V w h v mdash bull I mean its a sure crop -something

that y o u can relymdash Crop Why It-isnt a crop at a-H Ves yes I know it isnt a crop

laid Dyke perspiring^ vmtil his collar iwgan to me l t awayvilovvrr flie ftuvk of his neek but you can do Intter ami fi)eRQer work withbulla-^ood^ttrptmsrhtjre-pn stubby ground t h a n - ^ mdash ~

T a k e it for a sulky plow do you No no f said Dyke You dont

seem to understand me Now if a Jarnaer builds an ensilage on low groundmdash -

iA Builds an ensilage You seem to have got the th ing mixtul up with some kind of a granary

Pshaw no - continued Dyke I must make myself plainer You see tlite ensilage properly mixed with one

-fmrt gttittio-and threepitrts-lt)f-npltittpts-phate of antinicfay with the adtmien of ft l ittle bran and tan-bark and the Whole flavored with nMorid ltf limn


BARGAINS IN HATS ffHtrt a t eost--t-A- L a r g e mul E l e g a n t

)[ne of N e c k w u i r at le^4fttm-ttjsI

for straw )erry

raquo i -



^ 4

Uee bullT IJ IB I IU IT mdash d ywi wilt flad

^ Yoraquor Tpetfr towioat at p w u TwiJt fragrant make the breath of all ~Boys women men and girls

The fljfanofacturers have yet tp hlt caae of Dyspepsia or Biliousness w u used aa directed to which It wA not more than satisfactory Many write that it la a wonder-fill remody We can ahow where aa high aa forty

[ pounds were gained by Ita use in breaking up chronic BiiioDsnee and Dyspepsia Ita- friends In- creaae very fast and all who uae aa directed arlaquo aurpriaed and gratified _Jbdquo SH4

BIG REDUCTION IN HOSIERY We want to sell balance (jgtf Summer stock at cost and make room for fall

witHrinter goods

CALL AND SEE TO SATISFY YOURSELVES W e Wv^4tH euromwitgtort^ sioek- in paner

ZZ- iuut tTietn Priccs TuroTjj^ccT

IN CUFFS W e lead al co inpet to is The best | =^^==^-^



-K vet- Hh-tlie ttrwii-at p-iees-l-

niakes a top-dressing b^ds whichmdash bull

^yr-ensilatre isnt nouianure io certainly not said l)yke I

^fenowirts ndt often used in tlfat way ^oif dont eaieh iny drift WhcTrl-smfr U)gt-d nssiny 1 meant turkey drlt bull ssinltiZ=-stuiling you knowmdashfor Thanksgivshyi n g mdash l F

Grcat heavens man Ensilage isnt p human food _

No not a-human food exactly1 said poor Dyke grinning like an alinsgt house idiot it isnt a food at all in live true sense of the word My plan has always been to lasso the hug with- a tracechain and after pinning his ears Dackwith a clothes pin put the ensis lagegtinto his nose with a pair of twees-J ers1

Af3r good lands

^ o W n I) io 25 pcr(Vpt less tlum other-i-laquoii e se l ng ^ie su-ne identical

uootigt Ne~mue vlaquo i-bout doubt tlie best iiiiluund- oil si in ilte market

coin deue



Cor Congress and Battoa-Sta

You donH use on-

tjilageto ring h o g s I never believcMl that i t should bo

used for that-)lTjrpoae- but vheiT^-ou want to ring hens or voting ^ealv^ei to keep them from stgtekfcgmdash

The lander gravely shook his head Pid yaiijgyar_ try ensilage on th

Jiired^girlfM said Byke dtspariitlaquoly and winking like a bat a P l l 8 0 ajh

The farmer slowly arose and with laquoome evidence orheumatic twinges in his legs mdash

Young m a n he said solemnly yon are a l o n g ways from home a m 1 you

Y e s 1 replied Dyke eyes beneath tbe sltera

A t y o u r own pi icogt Clocks Clocks

CLOCKS CLOCKS Gouigrcgat dless of cost -

BEWWGz = drojrping his

of the gTaticBs halls in-

England sad-eyed rerrtiners^Tvearily V^atch and wait for my returnbull

Go hcraquoraeyoung man go home to your feudal cuMtUr and while on your wily acrogs _tjio- r u l i n g deep muse oj the f a c t nh^t^elrsttagCTk simplyjcj^rmli food for liye sloqkmdashgut i m ^ f p r e s s l y for fami ly use ina s i l ^ v t i i e h is notli-m e less thap an a ^ i ^ t pit where corn stalks griuja m^Je^cfover alfalfa and other gre^Hfcfuck te|raquoreserved for winshyter ugeVa ere^^^khtcrdiLrit as the

j^edltoror im0afaners Friend and Cultivators1 Chariampxjpiiy

And Dyke Fortescue Jsighed aa he reshymarked to himself There aint so blamed much fun in running an agrishycultural-paper as 1 tlioiigbt1mdashTesta Sifting

- bull raquo raquo

- M TaSteur telU the AeadeDjfy 0 ^ ^ 1 Stdences at Parig thdtwonderful results

are being obtained Mithe work of yac-[ cinating live stock as a preventive against disease During the last-yltGftrbdquo l 8O0Q6 sheep about 4rQ(JPhaatl-of cattle ampul AGO horsed ha^^^eeenmdashvftooinatwlT-^efore this system was introduced the annual loss from liver-rot in one depart-InemVwas nine per cent while tmrloss gince then has beeir reduced over one-

- ^ bull ^ -mdashThe Cleveland Akron amp CpljiSjlms

Railroad now counts its time from one 0 twenty-four oclock Thus two pm ia fourteen and It) pm tWanty-t^o The plan avoids possibility of extension betweon forenoon aftd astern

--^-----^=^-- raquot9n

1VE 11AYK AftlttSTO(K43F

FARMERS AND THRESHERS wliloh we vt el at down prices

BEST COFFEE 1 ^ - Fa i rban l (S Ex Winter-strained Lard Oil No l-tard Oil

Best Quality Lardoline A No I Golden Engine Oil

In t o v w ISoiions- N o e es and

laquoraquolaquo^z t down prices

La ge line at prices below par at the


Pinckney M t e h i j f i r i ^

w raquoJ

a V

DETROIT MICH HftieF $1 to $1 raquo per day Single

iwraquo1raquo lt(UHgti -lAHlitfosi-SS to iOc 4V 1 a a 1 w-amp nraquoi4a4f y- ititt i n DfT4 and

M l O O fclaquoMl) 4wgt a n w LaaJi fi -jmni tt bull

1gt bull


OaAwroBDiCo PA CITT OF TrruinLui Peraooallj appeared bfcxore me Peter PKBUpi

whobeing sworn accordiag to law depoaea aod aayi That he haa been affected with rheuznatlam more or leaa for the paat fonr or Ave yean T H | last winter he had a very aevere attack and t i t ) the pain waa excruciating and-he could only mi about in hia own room By taking bold of aoi thing for support When the disease waa in moat acute form and the pain almoat unbet be took a dose of Wilaoni Lightning Kemi which cauaed immediate relief and the doea taken five hours after mafle a perfect ajii |] permanent cure and that since taking the two ooaea he haa been free from the diaeaae or any symptoms thereof PETER PHILLIPS

Sworn and subscribed to before raa this 9th day of Jnly A D 1880 JKO 0NEUX Notary Public

FAR RAND WILLIAMS 6 CO AotNTS Detroit Miehigatt 81t4



A J eea hew sock of tlte following goods just leceived all of which we guarantee to be the purest and best quality made inliraquolaquo WOFW-

Zero Black Oil Ford Art LoanBnirdingiystroFvMichT^


Old Process Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil TURPENTINE^Oa DRJER

YAR$mamp XXX CASTOR OIL Gasoline 74 deg aiid iCapvha Wa^er-Whiie and Legal Test Kerosene Oil Pure While Lead Colored Paints by the gallon and in paste form in 25 pound tin

Ye a e making Oils PanU and Painters Materials a oj ecialty and | L A T H amp S H I N G E i E S a r Yard on Howell Street north of the

Brick Store OFFICE AT


pails ^iTquote^UW^HTTlTCJES t^aiTany olher dealers in Livingston County-Given a call and see

TEEBL^^c GADWELL_ Jtrst door Eaat-ofWrS Mann Estate Brkk Store t

^IHE^ORMra^RU^ STORE In connection with our larjferand varied stock of


AND FINE CHEMICALS We make a spetiiaPy^of Nuisery and^gt-^Dora Suiraquolies Trusses E|i

_ Bandages Shoulder Bi ses^auCr t bull -i^es kept in a first class ^ruj^Sfore Oo Stock of


bull^fulf^a^J^opleteYembr^difgbull all theuroi standard and reliable remedies which rVe will^^a^jtew^aif reliable J|oulaquoe in the coiin^r^We keep a fall stock ofgtH iJbtanic and^Eclectic Reme^res d PaJeltDavisamp CoV New Remedies enabling bullusl dVfill any prescripiloriot LV^UyreceiptS We shall keep every= tiling plaquo^5nj^gito bflaquor traite In ougtQfbcery Department we have none but ]fcesh ana^wSlTselected goods anio^wtn sell at bottom prices To accoinmo-date our patrons we will tate-inexebange Butter and Eggs and will pay the highest markei or ice ^ ^ Respectiully

lyoft dal0 -I forM fl bull Percheron-Norman Horsee

Engliati DiafI Hurwi t- ^ -Coachers Shetland Ponies

Ilolatetn and Davon Cattle Oar customers have the advantageof our

years experience in breeding and importln collections opportunityof comparlns ( breeds low prices becalise of extent of bustmdasha and low rates of transportat^pn CataiQgues trae torrespondence solicited



bullbullpound3L A



The Detroit Art Loan Record An eight sheet published daily daring the Exhibition

volume of 430 pa acriptiob price

September and October 5i numbera one index and titie-pa^egt

ve Oollars Ten Thousand

nlar Dictionary of Pine Art 1laquo large pages 4gtoond ^Seventyjflve cent Addreaa Hen

aestione Answered A Po

Addreaa Henry





SILVER WABpoundraquo u repawd to h inckner and anzroundlne 0 uadrnpla aUvar pteted ware LUO a 4na aaaortment of Jewlt

We ate now prepared to fnrniah Pinckney and surrounding coo ouadruble aUvar plated ware at Also a ftna aaaortment of Jewelry ^

)lesf Chains and Quard Chains Necklaces LocketefChams

Solid 0ol4 Band and Set RiBflaquo Gold Silver anjHtickle Watches

tdeaignain ~

Eighptfy and Thirip-JiourJii - Foil U M of breech and mtuale-loading y

Quns also Revolvers Ammunition and Sporting Oooda Oenerallf -y BAST02L CAMPBBLI

Wert Katn Street Plnckraquoey Kiehlfaalaquo

FJJUI FOB S mdashIWal bullcttJamaixty acros plowed land) to milM wast of Pinckney aid three mllea from UntdlUa on the Hnck4y^nd I amp U 3 d S onl in^ft i TBailrogt G o o d h t w a ^ W Flna Orchard and spring of^cold waUr-Alao several acrea of Untber-iJa ^ ^ ^ white tneeropa agte growina bull terras tJfc^r a vary daalrabk B O M Apply
