Vivek Raju birthday

Happy Birthday ! 8 th

Transcript of Vivek Raju birthday



Joined IIM when he was 6 years old

But too much pressure

Upar se GS internship ne M**C**d di

The ultimate photobomber

The President that IIM B deserved but didn’t get

He tried a lot to find real love

Lekin kuch nahi mila to he started the Kandha Club

JC Selections to begin shortly Kandha Club Secy

Kandha Club is a not for profit organization ran by forever alone male PGP

students. It aims to provide a pillar of support to females in times of distress.

His wild hobby

Yess yess. Just like

that. Yess

Oh my god

Kapish. You are so


Kitni sundar

vaadiyan hain !!

The ultimate designer

Eat , Sleep , Party


Thanks for hooshing me. Aaah that was fun !! Mmmmm