kvjhunjhunu.orgkvjhunjhunu.org/bst12.docx · Web viewAmit and Vikki are working in the same...

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Jaipur Region Question Bank Subject: Business Studies CLASS – XII

Transcript of kvjhunjhunu.orgkvjhunjhunu.org/bst12.docx · Web viewAmit and Vikki are working in the same...

Page 1: kvjhunjhunu.orgkvjhunjhunu.org/bst12.docx · Web viewAmit and Vikki are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at lunch time Vikki informed Amit that

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

Jaipur Region

Question Bank

Subject: Business Studies


Page 2: kvjhunjhunu.orgkvjhunjhunu.org/bst12.docx · Web viewAmit and Vikki are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at lunch time Vikki informed Amit that

Part - A


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Chapter -1


Short answer type-1. Identify which level of Management would take following decisions.

a) Recruitment of causal laborers.b) Give performance reports to top management.c) Introducing a new product line.d) Deciding the capital structure of the company.

2. “Effectiveness and Efficiency are two sides of the same coin which need to bebalanced in management decision. “Explain this statement with the help of anexample.

3. ‘ In order to be successful , an organization must change its goals according to the needs of the environment. Whish characteristics of management are highlighted in this statement.

4. Which function of management is bridges the gap between where we stand today and where we want to reach/

5. Name the function of management which establishes organization structure and establishes authority and responsibility relations?

6. In which functions of management standards are compared with actual, deviations are find out and corrective steps are taken?

7. “A good manager is born not made.. “Do you agree? Give reason.8. To meet the objectives of the firm. The Asian Paints contributes large amount of funds to

enable farmers to use local resources effectively. Identify the management objective it tried to achieve.

9. “The task of management is to make people work towards achieving the organizational goals, by marketing their strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant.” Identify the dimension of management.

10. The activities involved in managing an enterprise are common to all organizations whether social or political’ which characteristics of management is highlighted by this statement?

Long answer type-1. “Management is the trinity of art, science and profession.” In the light of this statement explain

the nature of Management.

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2. “Co-ordination is the process of achieving unity of action among interdependent activity and department of an organization”. “Explain the nature of co-ordination in the light of this statement.

3. “Lack of proper management results in wastage of time, money and efforts. “Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons in support of your answer.

4. Explain any five characteristics of management.5. “Management is essential for successful running of an enterprise”, How?6. Mr. Anil working as a ‘Sales department Head in XYZ Ltd. Name the level of Management he is

working? Explain any two functions performed by him?

Value based Questions:1. X limited is not be able to use its resources efficiently .There is lot of wastage of raw material and machine hours. What kind of values is ignored by the organization and what would be its consequences.2. Department Heads of a leading company are themselves setting standards for the respective departments without paying any heed to organisational objectives. What kind of values is ignored by Department Heads and what would be its consequences.3. X limited is running business successfully. It uses environment friendly methods of production and is also providing employment opportunities to disadvantaged sections of society.

1. Identify the objective of management which it wants to fulfill by doing such activities 2. State any two other objectives that the management should fulfill 3. Identify two values which management communicate by fulfilling the objectives stated in part(1)

4. Amar Ltd.is engaged in production of electrical goods The company’s profits and market share are declining. The production department blames the marketing department for not meeting the sales targets and the marketing department blames the production department for producing goods which are not of good quality and do not meet the customer’s expectations. The finance department blames both the production and marketing departments for declining return on investment. 1.What quality of management do you think the company is lacking? 2.List its two features 3.List any two values which are ignored by employees of Amar Ltd.

5. A Cloth manufacturer distributes its defective product at free of cost (after getting them repaired from Nari Niketan at lower cost) to orphanage. a.Which values are being attested in this solution? b. Identify and explain objective of management highlighted in above case

6. A leading shoe manufacturing company is using banned animal skin to make products which are in demand and thus making large profit .Which marketing concept is ignored here .Management of Global Ltd. Fulfils all its objectives and the organization is able to work effectively and efficiently. It is using environment friendly methods of production and disposing off the waste material

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either by recycling it or using the same for landfill in such a manner that the aquatic life is not disturbed. Thus it also provides employment opportunities to the disadvantaged sections of the society. a) Identify the objective of management of Global Ltd. Which it wants to fulfill by doing the above activities. b) State any two other objectives that the management of Global Ltd. Should fulfil. c) Identify any two values which management of Global Ltd. Can communicate through fulfilling the objectives as stated in part (b) d) Identify any two values which Global Ltd desires to emphasise through its above stated activities. 7. Rahul Ltd., a leading Manufacturer of iron and steel decided to open up a new branch in remote area in Rajasthan. So that unemployed youth from the rural areas could get same opportunities as those available in the urban areas. This initiative has raised the standard of living of people in rural areas. All children in these families are getting good education and these families are also actively contributing the nation building through their dedicated work. a) Identify the objective e of management highlighted in the above mentioned case. b) Give any two advantages of following the above objective. c) Which values can be emphasized by following the above objective?

Chapter -2

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Short answer type-

1. How are principles of management formed?2. Which principle of management promotes team spirit.?3. Which principle of management suggests that a subordinate should receive orders from and be

accountable to one superior?

4. Who gave the concept of scientific management? What was his profession?5. Which principle of scientific management suggests the introduction of scientific investigation

and analysis of management practice?6. Which principle of management is violated if an employee is asked to receive orders from two

superiors?7. “Workers should be encouraged to develop and carry out their plans for improvements”.

Identify the principle of management formulated by Fayol.8. It has been observed that the prevailing situation in an organization is due to the violations of

the principle of ‘order’. What might have been your observation?9. Which principle of management is violated when a manager grants one month medical leave to

a superior with pay and only one week medical leave to an accountant?10. Mohan a manager, expects his colleagues to get work out of subordinates without giving them

any powers. Which principle of management is being overlooked and why? Workers should be encouraged to develop and carry out their plans for improvements.” Identify the principle of management formulated by Fayol.

11. The production manager of Bharat Ltd. instructs a salesman to go slow in selling the product, whereas the marketing manager is insisting on fast selling to achieve the target. Which principle of management is being violated in this case? State the consequences of violation of this principle.

12. Hina and Harish are typists in a company having same educational qualifications. Hina is getting Rs. 3,000 per month and Harish Rs. 4,000 per month as salary for the same working hours. Which principle of management is violated in this case? Name and explain the principle.

13. Which principle of management envisages that each group of activities having the same objectives must have one head and one plan? Explain the principle with a suitable example.

14. If an organisation does not provide the right place for physical and human resources in the organisation, which principle is violated? What are its consequences?

15. Name and explain the technique of Taylor which is the strongest motivator for a worker to reach standard performance.

16. The production manager of an automobile company asked the foreman to achieve a target production of 200 units (scooters) per day. But he did not give him the authority to requisition

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tools and materials from the stores department. Can the production manager blame the foreman if he is not able to achieve the desired target? Explain briefly the principle relating to the situation.

Long answer type-1. An organization follows the principles of management. What are the positive effects of each of the

following principles of management on the organization. a) Scalar chain. b) Espirit decorps c) Division of work d) Unity of Derection e) Subordination of individual interest to general interest f) Equity2. Explain the nature of Management principles.3. Taylor’s technique of Management is universally applicable. Do you agree? Give any four reasons in

support of your answer.4. Explain the technique of differential wage system. Develop an imaginary plane of differential piece

rates to be introduced for the works, engaged in sewing shirts. 5. If an organization does not provide the right place for physical and human recourses in the

organization, which principle is violated? What are its consequences?6. The production manager of an automobile company asked the foreman to achieve a target

production of 200 units (Scooters) per day. But he did not give him the authority to requisition tools and materials from the store department. Can the production managers blame the foreman if he is not able to achieve the desire target? Explain briefly the principle relating to the situation.

7. Name and explain that principle of Fayol which suggest that communication from top to bottom should follow the official lines of command?

8. Identify the technique of scientific management which are described by the statement given below:-

i. When specialists supervise each worker.ii. Change in the attitude of workers and management towards one another. From

competition to Co-operation.

iii. When uniformity is introduced in materials. Machine, tools, method of works and working conditions after, due research.

9. A principle of management states that the work should be divided into small tasks as it leads to specialisation and increased output. Name and explain the principle with an example. State two adverse effects if this principle is not followed.

10. The directors of Bhupender Ltd., an organisation manufacturing computers, want to double the sales and have given this responsibility to their sales manager. The sales manager has no authority either to increase the sales expenses or appoint new salesmen. Hence, he could not achieve this target. Is the sales manager responsible for not achieving the target? Explain, in brief, the relevant principle in support of your answer.

11. It has been observed that the prevailing situation in an organization is due to the violations of the principle of ‘order’. What might have been your observation?

12. Identify the technique of scientific management which are described by the statement given below:- i. When specialists supervise each worker.

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ii. Change in the attitude of workers and management towards one another. From competition to Co-operation iii. When uniformity is introduced in materials. Machine, tools, method of works and working conditions after, due research.13. Taylor’s techniques of management are universally applicable. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your

answer.14. One of technique given by F.W. Taylor violates principle given by Henry Fayol. Identify that and explain.15. One of technique given by F.W. Taylor is extension of principle given by Henry Fayol. Identify that and


Value based Questions:1. Manager of an organisation knows that newly appointed worker belongs to the reserved

category and he always undermines that employee’s performance. Identify the Fayol’s principle which is violated and also list values ignored.

2. Mudit is continuously shifted from one job to another in an organisation without giving him adequate time to settle down in any department. Identify the Fayol’s principle which is violated and also list values ignored.

3. Suresh is working under supervisor Ramesh. Suresh always give useful ideas which have resulted in gains for organisation but Suresh never acknowledges him and he also use to take credit for suggestions given by Ramesh. Which Principle of management is being violated and what values are ignored by Ramesh and what will be the consequences.

4. Mohan always comes 1 hour late in the office and leave half an hour before the scheduled time. No penal action is taken against him. Other employees also started coming late in the office. Management is very disturbed with this and has started scolding the employees.(a) Which management principle is being violated in the given case?(b) Explain the principle.(c) Mention one probable adverse consequence of violation of the given principle(d) State the value being ignored by employees in above case

5. 1) Shiva Ltd. was not performing well. After detailed analysis it was discovered that workers of the Production Department were not satisfied with the behavior of Mr. Ajay, the production manager, as workers were forced to work for long hours without any rest. Keeping this in view this the management decided to replace Mr. Ajay with Mr. Vijay who had recently completed his M.B.A. from IIM Ahmedabad. Mr. Vijay did a detailed analysis of work which involved heavy manual labour. He allowed small pauses to the workers so that they could recharge their energy for optimum contribution. a) Name and explain the technique of Scientific Management adopted by Mr. Vijay. b) He further desires to find out the best ways of doing a job. Suggest to him the technique of scientific management. c) State the `Values’ emphasized by allowing small pauses to workers.

6. Tanya and Sharma, having same educational qualifications are working as managers in Alfa Ltd. Tanya belongs to a rural area where employment opportunities are very less whereas Sharma belongs to a urban area. Ignoring many other differences between the two management of Alfa Ltd. appointed them as assistant manager, on the same salary package of Rs.45000 per month. i) Name and briefly explain the principle of management being followed in the above

case. ii) Identify the values on which Management of Alfa Ltd. emphasis by not differentiating

between the two.

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7. Kumaran is working in a Shoe manufacturing Co. The management asked him to work overtime so as to produce more in order to meet increase in demand in the market. But he was not paid adequate wages for extra time and so he never contributed to his maximum. a) Which principle of Fayol is violated in the above case? b) Give two positive effects of following the above principle. c) Which values can be emphasized by following the above principle? d) Which values are ignored in the above situation?

8. Vaibhav, an employee in Yamuna Ltd., was instructed by Mr. Vinayak (Production manager) to increase production of steel due to excess stock of steel. On the other hand, Mr. Madhav (Sales manager) directed him not to increase the steel production as there was low demand for steel in the market. Vaibhav got confused regarding whose order to follow and hence was unable to work in a proper manner. Because of overlapping orders and instructions, Vaibhav was unable to satisfy both the bosses which led to conflict in the organization.i) Name and explain the principle not being followed.ii) Give any two advantages of following this principle.iii) Name the values that can be gained by following the above principle.

9. One of the principles of scientific management emphasizes that to make the employees learn the `best method’ of production, training to workers is essential. It further emphasizes that each person should be scientifically selected and the work assigned to the employees should suit physical, mental and intellectual capabilities.i) Name and explain the principle of scientific management involved.ii) Name the principle of scientific management which is concerned with selecting the

best way of performing a job through application of scientific analysis and not by intuition or hit and trial methods.

iii) Name the value emphasized by following the principle in part (a) above.

Chapter -3Business Environment

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Short answer type-1. Which element / dimension of business environment involves improvement and innovations

which provide new ways of producing goods and services and new methods and techniques of operating a business.

2. Which environment prohibits the advertisement of alcoholic beverages?3. Banking sector reforms have led to easier credit terms and better services. This is an example of

a key component of the “Business Environment “ name this component?4. ‘Demand for reservation in jobs for minorities refers to an example of key component of general

environment of business. Name this component.5. It is the process by which government control over the industry is being loosened. Give the term

to which this statement is trying to indicate.6. Which process aims at giving greater role to the private sector role to the public sector?

Long answer type-1. State the characteristics of business environment.2. State the economic reforms since 1991 or new Economics policy.3. State the difference between general and specific environment with example.4. Explain any five positive effects of liberalization and globalization on business and industry.5. Write the impact of changes in government policy on business and industries.6. What economic changes have been initiated by the Government of India since 1991? Explain

their impact on business and industry in brief.7. What do you mean by business environment? Explain its dimension in brief.8. Explain any five features of business environment?9. How does business environment get the first mover advantage and helps in

tapping the resources?10. Why is it important to understand the environment in shaping the future of business?11. What are the benefits of understanding the business environment?12. Shifts in the presence of women in the workforce come under which environment? Explain that

environment.13. "Business environment is is easy to understand in parts separately but it is difficult to understand in

totality.” Identify feature of Business environment from this statement and explain other features.14. Identify dimension of business environment related to following situations:

i) It is common now to see CD-ROM’s, computerized information kiosks, and Internet/ World Wide Web multimedia pages highlighting the virtues of products.ii) Demand to reserve jobs for minorities and womeniii) Advertisements, including packets of cigarettes carry the statutory warning ‘Cigarette smoking is injurious to health’.iv) Money supply in the economy

v) The health-and-fitness trend has harmed business in other industries like dairy processing, tobacco and liquor vi) High inflation rates generally result in constraints on business enterprises as they increase the various costs of business such as the purchase of raw materials or machinery and payment of wages and salaries

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vii) The government in Hyderabad is taking keen interest in boosting IT industry as a result the state is most commonly known as Cyberabad instead of Hyderabad

Value based questions 1 .Gamma Ltd is a chemical producing company. It has not set up its waste disposal unit. All the

chemical waste is thrown in river. What kind of organisational values are ignored by the company? 2. Manager of firm always take in account the business environment while determining the plans of

business. What values are reflected in the manager’s behaviour?3. A leading book publishing company identified the importance of ‘value based questions’ in CBSE

and published book based on these types of questions. Book became popular .Seeing the demand ,few book sellers started charging high price. Identify the point of significance highlighted here. What value is shown by book publishing company and what value is ignored by book sellers

4. .Mr. Prasanth Gupta is the owner and manager of a grocery store. He attended a management seminar. The topic was on globalisation and impact of technology on business. He was shocked by many television ads and mailers to see different opportunities available on the internet for his expansion. To upgrade the technology in his business outside the city and he feels internet does not have any application to the retail industry. What should Mr. Prasanth do to avoid any negative impact of the changes in business environment? By adopting technological environment what values Mr. Prasanth can exhibit in his business

5. Decline in interest rates on housing loans declared by RBI. Name the component of business environment. What values we inculcated by this component of business environment?

6. ‘Alcohol beverages are prohibited to be advertised on media’. Which component of general environment prohibits advertise ? What values are boosted by the government?

7. The government restricted the use of LPG cylinders to only nine per family per year. Name the dimension of business environment highlighted in the above. Explain the dimension. What is the value hereby elicited by the government?

8. ‘Demand for reservation in jobs for minorities’. Identify the type of dimension of business environment. State the values promoted in the above.

9. Male CEOs are most preferred for all type of organization. Don’t you think female executive need to have a fair chance? If so give valuable suggestions. (a) Women empowerment. Equality Recognising the talent..

Chapter -4

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Short answer type-1. The planning function of management is conducted at which level of management?2. One of the functions of management is considered as a base for all other functions.

Name that Function.3. Which limitation of planning suggests that the employees stop thinking and become the

blind followers of Plan?4. A company needs a detailed plan for its new project- construction of shopping mall.

What type of plan is it?5. In which type of plan the sequence to perform a job is determined?6. Which plans suggest action and non-action of employees?7. “No Smoking : the statement is related to which type of plan?8. Mc Donald does not give its franchise to any other company which is running food

business. This is related to which type of plan?9. Name the type of plan which serve as a guide for overall business planning and define

the future state of affair which the organization strive to realize?10. In which step of planning process the planners make prediction and assumptions

regarding future?11. Planning is an activity which enables a manager to look ahead and anticipate changes.

Mention the benefit of planning highlighted here.12. Planning ensures clarity in thoughts and actions, works is carried on smoothly without

interruptions . Which importance of planning is mentioned here?

Long answer type-1. “Planning is beneficial to all. “Explain in brief the benefits of planning function of Management.2. What are the various steps involved in the process of planning? Discuss.3. Explain briefly any five types of plans.4. Why does planning sometimes fail in spite of the best efforts of Management? Give reasons.5. How does planning creates rigidity and restricts creativity?6. “Planning and controlling are both interrelated and interlinked terms. “Explain.7. .“Planning is not a guarantee of success of a business.” Comment.8. ‘Though planning is an important tool of management yet it is not remedy for all types of

problems’. Do you agree with this statement? Give any five reasons to support your answer.9. “No enterprise can achieve its objectives without systematic planning.” Do you agree with this

statement? Give any six reasons in support of your answer.

Value based questions

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10. What values are followed by business organizations which make plans?11. 1. The CEO of XYZ Ltd. an automobile enterprise dreams of his company becoming the best

player in future, for which he sets the objectives, forecasts the future and develops various courses of action. i) Identify the management function which is highlighted here. ii) What are the various values the CEO is striving to achieve?

12. What values does planning emphasize by reducing wasteful activities and establishing standards?

13. “Planning is a mental exercise”. What human value is being emphasized? 14. “Planning reduces creativity”. What value is violated in this statement? 15. What values does the Manager practice by revising the plan?16. If rules are flexible and different for different people what values are being violated

Chapter -5


Page 14: kvjhunjhunu.orgkvjhunjhunu.org/bst12.docx · Web viewAmit and Vikki are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at lunch time Vikki informed Amit that

Short answer type-1. Name the function of management which co-ordinate the Physical, Financial, and Human

resources and establishes productive relations among them for achievement of specific goals.

2. Name and explain the two steps in the process of organizing which comes after identification

and division of work and departmentation.

3. Aman Ltd. is manufacturing Toys and has Production Sales, Purchase and finance Department,

which type of organization structure would you suggest to them? State any three advantage of

this organization structure.?

4. Hindustan Ltd. is manufacturing computers, soaps and textile . Which type of organizational

structure would suit the requirement of such organization? State any three advantages of this

organization structure?

5. It is a System of consciously coordinated activities of two or more person towards a common

objectives. Mention this system of organization and explain its two features.

6. Q. 6 It is a network of personal and social relations not established or required by the formal

organization but arising spontaneously as people associate with one another. Name this

organization and give its three advantages.

7. Q.7 The directors of Narmada Ltd. An organization manufacturing computer have asked

their marketing manager to achieve a target rate of 100 computers per day. The marketing

manager has delegates the task to his deputy sales manager working under him. The deputy

sales managers could not achieve he target. Is the marketing manager responsible for the failure

of his deputy sales manager? Explain in brief , the relevant principle in support of your answer.?

8. The Director of Kamal Ltd, an organization manufacturing computer want to double the sales

and given this responsibility to their sales manager. The Sales Manager has no authority either

to increase , sales expense or appoint new salesman. Hence, he could not achieve this target. Is

the sales manager responsible for not achieving the target? Explain in brief , the relevant

principal in support of your answer.?

9. It refer to the systematic delegation of authority from top management to the lower level

managers. Mention the name of it.

10. “If we delegate the authority, we multiply it by two if we decentralize it, we multiply it by many

“ how?

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11. The employee of ABC Ltd. Take part in volleyball matches on Sunday. Name the types of

organization formed.

12. “The first Step in the process of organizing is identification and division of work” Why is he work

divided into manageable activities?

13. Name the organization which has the benefit of Easy to fix responsibility?

14. Name the type of organization which does not have predetermined objectives?

15. A Fashion design house has the following main job:-

(1) Manufacturing (2) Finance (3)Marketing (4) Personal (5) Research and Development

Which organizational structure will you prefer for this type of a company and why?

Long answer type-1. Ashish Medicines International Pvt. Ltd., is a diversified company and has seven branches all

over the world. Each branch is concerned with the production and sales of only one type of medicine. What type or organizational structure would you suggest for the company and why? Give any two advantages and disadvantages of such structure.

2. Distinguish between formal and informal organizations on the basis of a) Flow of communication b) Origin c) Nature d) Authority e) Leadership f) Behaviour

3. In Large scale organizations delegation of authority is not required at all. “Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons in support of your answer.

4. Hindustan Ltd. is manufacturing computers, soaps and textile . Which type of organizational structure would suit the requirement of such organization? State any three advantages of this organization structure?

5. The directors of Gunjan Ltd., an organisation manufacturing colour televisions, have asked their production manager to achieve a target production of 150 televisions per day. The production manager has asked his foreman to achieve this target, but he did not give him the authority for the requisition of tools and materials from the stores department. The foreman could not achieve the desired target. Can the directors blame the production manager, and can the production manager blame his foreman for not achieving the target? Explain in brief the relevant principles relating to this situation in support of your answer.

6. Sushma Ltd. is engaged in the production of marble articles. The members of the organisation have friendly relationships among them. What type of organisation is Sushma Ltd.? Explain any three benefits of developing such an organisation.

7. “Delegation is based on the elementary principle of division of work.” Explain8. “If we delegate the authority, we multiply it by two. If we decentralise it, we multiply it by

many.” How

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9. The employee of ABC Ltd. Take part in volleyball matches on Sunday. Name the types of organization formed.

10. “A manager is of the view that he is not responsible for the quality of work that he has delegated to his subordinate”. Do you agree with this viewpoint? justify your answer by giving proper arguments.

11. Bhuvan & Co. are running a shoe manufacturing company successfully. So they planned to expand their business activities by adding more line of products i.e., leather bags, belts and garments. Which type of structure would you recommend after expansion and why?

Value based questions12. Manager of a reputed company believes in retaining power with himself. It results in continuous

delay in decision – making as workers have to ask him before taking any action. Can you think of the reasons why he is functioning in this particular manner?

13. 2. An organisation is thinking of decentralising the decision making authority to every level in the organisation. Name the values, which business organisation is following.

14. The Informal Organization is used primarily for spreading rumors .Its existence cannot be removed .What values should be imbibed to make the Informal Organization effective and useful?

15. An Organization should allocate work to employees who are best suited for the job. In practice it is not so, most business organizations are dominated by fresh engineers, Bschool graduates. Experience persons are not given preference in the present scenario. What values are missing in these kinds of job allocation? Give suggestions.

16. A manager, no matter how capable he / she is, cannot manage to do every task on his /her own. Effective delegation reduces his/her workload .Though work is delegated he/she is still accountable . (i) Why is accountability absolute? (ii) What values does accountability bring in?

17. A lot is spoken about decentralization and its merits but in the walk of life this had led to a lot of scandals. What values should be followed in order to avoid such scandals.

Chapter -6


Page 17: kvjhunjhunu.orgkvjhunjhunu.org/bst12.docx · Web viewAmit and Vikki are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at lunch time Vikki informed Amit that

Short answer type-1. Which function of management helps in obtaining right people and putting them on the right

jobs?2. It implies introducing the selected employees to other employees and familiarizing him with the

rules and policies of the organization. Name it.3. “Internal sources of recruitment are better than external sources of recruitment”. Do you agree

with this statement. Give any two reasons in support of your answer.4. Himesh is working as a supervisor in a company. Due to his hard work he is promoted to the

post of Production Manager. Now the post of supervisor is vacant and no one can be transferred or promoted to this post. Name the source of recruitment the company will use to fill up this post.

5. It is the process of identifying and choosing the best person out of a number of prospective candidates for a job. Name it.

6. Which step in the process of selection helps the manager to eliminate unqualified or unfit job seekers based on the information supplied in the application forms.

7. It is the process of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job. Which process is refers to here.

8. Trainee is put under the guidance of a master worker to require a higher level of skill. For example to become plumber , electrician etc. Which method of training is referred here.

9. In which type of training , employees learn their jobs on the equipments they will be using, but the training is conducted away from the actual work floor. Explain two other methods relating to this.

10. “There is no need of human resource planning as so many people are available in the market these days” do you agree with this statement? Give reasons.

11. A newly appointed personnel manager is of the view that there is no need for training the workers”. Do you agree with his views? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Long answer type-1. “External sources of recruitment are better than internal sources of recruitment,” Do you agree

with this statement? Give four reasons in support of your answer.2. “It is a process of increasing knowledge and skills”.” It is a process of learning and growth.”

Identify two concepts and differentiate between them.3. “An organisation can achieve its objectives only when it has the right persons in the

right positions.” In the light of this statement, identify the management function and explain any four points highlighting its importance .

4. “There is no need of staffing as so many people are available in the market these days.” Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons.

5. Why is staffing considered as both a line as-well as a staff activity ?

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6. It implies introducing the selected employees to other employees and familiarizing him with the rules and policies of the organization. Name it.

7. Himesh is working as a supervisor in a company. Due to his hard work he is promoted to the post of Production Manager. Now the post of supervisor is vacant and no one can be transferred or promoted to this post. Name the source of recruitment the company will use to fill up this post. State any three advantages of using this source of recruitment.

8. It is the process of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job. It refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees grow .Which two processes are referred here. Identify them and differentiate between them.

9. The quality of Production is not as per standards. On investigation it was observed that most of the workers were not fully aware of the proper operation of the machinery.What could be the way to improve the accuracy?

10. An organisation provides security services. It requires such candidates who are reliable and don’t leak out the secrets of their clients. What step should be incorporated in selection process?

11. A company is manufacturing paper plates and bowls. It produces 100000 plates and bowls each day. Due to local festival, it got an urgent order of extra 50,000 plates bowls. Advise how the company will fulfill its order and which method of recruitment would you suggest.

Value based Questions:1. Name values which management follows when it arranges for training and development

programmes for employees.2. The unsatisfied workers of reputed company had beaten General Manager and put factory

ablaze. Which values are ignored by workers3. Campus Recruitment is a good source of recruitment. But there is a wide difference in their

salary structure, when compared to others who are appointed through other sources. List the values ignored here.

4. There is favoritism shown by some senior executives, in terms of promotion, hike in salary, granting of leave .Will employees be happy in such an environment .What values are to be adopted?

Chapter -7Directing

Page 19: kvjhunjhunu.orgkvjhunjhunu.org/bst12.docx · Web viewAmit and Vikki are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at lunch time Vikki informed Amit that

Short answer type-1. It is concern with instructing, guiding and inspiring people in the organizations achieve its

objectives. Name it.

2. Every manager from top executive to supervisor performs the functions of directing. Which

characteristics of directing are referred here.

3. It take place throughout the life of the organization irrespective of people occupying managerial

positions. Mention the characteristic of directing high lighted here and also explains two more


4. “Directing is the least important functions of management”. Do you agree with this statement?

Give any two reasons in support of your Answer.

5. “Directing is not at all reinsured in an organization” do you agree? Give any two reasons in

support of your Answer.

6. “A supervisor is not at all reinsured in an organization” do you agree? Give any three reasons in

support of your Answer.

7. “The post of supervisor should be abolished in the hierarchy of managers”. Do you agree? Give

any three reasons in support of your Answer.

8. It means overseeing the subordinates at work. Which element of directing is referred to?

9. It is defined as the process of influencing other people to work willingly for group objectives.

Mention this element of directing.

10. Name the type of formal communication in which the persons of the departments, one at a

higher position other at lower, communication with each other. Also state the problem which

may arise in this type of communications.

11. Name the type of written communication in which two departmental heads communicate with

each other. Why is this type of communication reinsured?

12. Q.18. Name the process of exchanging ideas ,facts and information?

13. Q.19. Name the element of directing under which sub-ordinates share his views with his


14. Q.20. Which type of communication takes place between superior sub-ordinates in the office?

15. Q.21. Name and explain the last steps of communication process.

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16. Q.22. Name the grapevine network in which an individual communicate with only those people

whom he trusts?

Long answer type-1. Supervisor acts as a link between workers and management. How?

2. Which element of directing helps in inspiring subordinates to give their best to the organization.

Explain any three points of importance of this element.

3. Under these incentives schemes employees are offered company shares at a set price which is

lower than market. Which incentive scheme is mentioned here? Also explain three more

financial incentives.

4. To satisfy the social and psychological needs which type of incentives are needed? Explain four

types of such incentives.

5. Amit and Vikki are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at

lunch time Vikki informed Amit that due to computerization many people are going to be

retrenched soon from the organization.

Name which type of communication of this. State any two limitations of this type of


6. There are some barriers in communications, which are concerned with encoding and decoding

of message. State any three such barriers.

7. There are some barriers in communications which are concerned with organizational structure

and regulations. State any three barriers.

8. There are some barriers in communication which are concerned with the state of mind of both

the sender and the receiver. State any three such barriers.

9. You are the Personnel Manager in a company. Your supervisor tells you that the workers are efficient and hence there is no need to supervise them. Would you! agree with him? Give reasons in support of your answer.

10. Name the type of formal communication in which two Departmental Heads communicate with each other. Give any two reasons why this type of communication is required.

11. “Directing is the least important functions of management”. Do you agree with this statement? Give any two reasons in support of your Answer.

12. Explain any four factors which are likely to disrupt effective communication.13. “Directing helps to initiate action by people in the organisation.” Comment.14. “Directing is the heart of the management process.” Do you agree? Give any three reasons in

support of your answer.

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15. The workers of an organisation complain that their superior Mr. Bhupender does not listen to their suggestions and takes all the decisions without consulting them. Name the leadership style adopted by him and explain its disadvantages.

16. Maslow defines one of the needs in the need hierarchy as the “desire to become everything one is capable of becoming.” Identify and explain the need.

17. In an organisation all the employees take things easy and are free to approach anyone for minor queries and problems. This has resulted in everyone talking to each other and inefficiency in the office. It has also resulted in loss of secrecy and all confidential information being leaked out. What system do you think the manager should adopt to improve communication?

Value based Questions:

18. Mr .Manoj is working as a manager in JMD Ltd. He always uses harsh tone while communicating with subordinates. What values are ignored by Mr. Manoj

19. Ms. Hayden is a very experienced and highly qualified manager. All her subordinates respect he because she does not force her opinions on others and listens to their suggestions as well as problems before taking decisions. What values do think she has?

20. Goodwill Tyre manufacturing Co. appoints Mr. Ravi as supervisor of their production department. He is kind and guides his subordinates. He clarifies their doubts in performing the task. This helps the worker to achieve their targets. As a supervisor, what functions will you perform to cope with the situation. What positive values exhibited by Mr. Ravi?

21. Mr. Vimal Nath, a sales manager, achieved his sales targets one month in advance. His achievement was displayed on the notice board and a certificate for the best performance was awarded to him by the CEO of the Co. Name the type of incentive offered to the employees. What values can be generated among the workers by adopting this incentive?

22. In an organization, all employees take things easy and are free to approach anyone for minor queries and problems. This has resulted in everyone talking to each other and thus resulting inefficiency in the office. It has resulted in loss of secrecy and leakage of confidential information. What system do you think the manager should adopt to improve communication? What values are overlooked by the management in the above case?

23. Nippon Ltd. an organization manufacturing generators. The marketing manager delegates the task to five sales representatives working under him. Among them the three sales representatives was able to achieve their respective targets. As a result the marketing manager talks to the CEO of the company to recognize the performance of the three sales representatives. The company decides to upgrade their cadre and their salary package also. Name and explain the element of directing function which the company assures the three representatives to achieve their targets. What values does the company inculcate to the other two sales representatives?

Chapter -8


Page 22: kvjhunjhunu.orgkvjhunjhunu.org/bst12.docx · Web viewAmit and Vikki are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at lunch time Vikki informed Amit that

Short answer type-1. Which function of management ensures that actual activities confirm to planed activities?

2. Name the concept which suggests that only significant deviations which go beyond the

permissible limit should brought to the notice of management.

3. Which technique of control is concerned with the contribution of actual and planed


4. “Comparing the actual performance with the laid standards, finding out the deviations and

taking corrective action is an important function of a function of management”. Name the

function and explain the process.

5. Which principle of management control is based on the belief that “ an attempt to control

everything ,may end up controlling nothing”

6. There are several techniques for measurement of performance. Name any four7. Which feature of controlling does it refer to when it is said that controlling is exercised at all

levels of management? 8. Name and explain the concept which suggests that only significant deviations which go beyond

the permissible limit should brought to the notice of management9. Which function of management ensures work accomplishment according to plan?

Long answer type-1. There are two managers Rahim and Pankaj. Rahim is saying that ‘controlling is forward looking’

whereas according to Pankaj ‘controlling is looking back’ . Who is correct? Explain why.

2. Employees know well in advance what they are expected to do and what are the standards of

performance on the basis of which they will be appraised, which in turn help them to give better

performance. Which importance of controlling is highlighted here?

3. Which function of management ensures work accomplishment according to plan? Name and

explain the importance of the function.

4. “There is close and reciprocal relationship between planning and controlling”. Explain the

statement through an example.

5. “Controlling is a systematic process involving a series of steps.

6. “In ideal control system is the one that checks every bit of performance”. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons to support your answer.

7. Name the function which reviews the operations in a business unit.

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8. An ideal control system is the one that checks every bit of performance’. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons to support your answer.

9. "Planning is prescriptive whereas, controlling is evaluative. "How?10. If planning is done carefully and accordingly other functions of management are going in the

right direction, then there is no need of the controlling function of management. Do you agree with the statement? Give reasons in support of your answer.

11. ABC Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing ready made garments. The target production is 500 shirts per day. The company has been successfully attaining this target until last three months. The actual production has been varying between 400-450 shirts. Which management function is needed to rectify the situation? Write any two features associated with it.

Value based Questions:1. An effective system of controlling discourages dishonesty among employees. What values does this

statement shows.

2. Management of company decided to install CCTV Cameras in factory .Workers resisted this decision of management. Identify the step of Controlling in first line. Also identify value reflected in management decision and value ignored by workers.

3. The employees in an organization are aware of the standards against which their performance will be compared. Highlight the significance of controlling function. Identify the value highlighted in this statement.

4. What is Management by Exception? Identify the values promoted by it.5. Give examples of values which are in the form of qualitative standards.

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Part - B



Financial management

Page 25: kvjhunjhunu.orgkvjhunjhunu.org/bst12.docx · Web viewAmit and Vikki are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at lunch time Vikki informed Amit that

Short answer type-1. A company wants to establish a new unit in which a machinery worth Rs.10 lakhs is involved.

Identify the type of decision involved in financial management.2. A decision is taken to raise money for long term capital needs of the business from certain

sources. What is this decision called ?3. A decision is taken to distribute certain parts of the profit to shareholders after paying tax. What

is this decision called?4. Name the source of finance carrying two fixed obligations viz., interest and redemption.5. In case of inflation, does an enterprise need more or less of the working capital?6. Identify the decision taken in financial management which affects the liquidity as well as the

profitability of business.7. State why the working capital needs for a service industry are different from that of a

manufacturing industry.8. To avoid the problem of shortage and surplus of funds what is required in financial

management? Name the concept.9. What do you mean by Working Capital?10. What do you mean by Net Working Capital?11. What are current Assets?12. What are current Liabilities?13. Define Financing decisions14. What is financial risk?15. What do you mean by Flotation cost?

Long answer type-1. “Determination of capital structure of company is influenced by a number of factors. “Explain any

four such factors.2. Explain any six factors affecting the dividend decision.3. How does `trading on equity’ increase the return on equity shares? Explain with an example.4. Explain the importance of Financial planning in financial management.5. Explain the concept of “wealth Maximisation “as an objective of financial Management.6. “A decision to invest in Fixed Capital is an irreversible decision.” Explain briefly.7. “A capital budgeting decision is capable of changing the financial fortune of a business.” Do you

agree? Why or why not?8. Under which situation the EPS of a company falls with increased use of debt? Explain with the help

of an example.9. How does loan components or debentures in the capital structure act as lever to raise the return on

equity share capital ?10. What is meant by “Financial Leverage”? How does it affect the capital structure of a company?

Explain with the help of an example of favourable financial leverage.11. Capital structure decision is essentially optimisation of risk-return relationship. Comment

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12. The directors of a manufacturing company are thinking of issuing Rs. 20 lacs additional debentures for expansion of their production capacity. This will lead to an increase . in debt-equity ratio from 2:1 to 3:1. What are the risks involved in it ? What factors other than risk do you think the directors should keep in view before taking the decision ?

13. You are the finance manager of a company. The board of directors have asked you to determine the working capital requirement for the company. State the factors that you would take in consideration while determining the requirement of working capital for the company.

14. Discuss the primary objective of Financial Management.15. “Financial Planning is not equivalent to or substitute for Financial Management” .Do you agree?

Explain.16. How does working capital affect both the liquidity as well as profitability of a business ?17. A businessman who wants to start a manufacturing concern, approaches you to suggest him

whether the following manufacturing concern would require large or small working capital:

(a) Bread (b) Coolers (c) Sugar (d) Motorcar (e) Furniture manufactured against specific orders (f) Locomotives.

Value based Questions1. Financial Planning is essentially the preparation of a financial blueprint of organizations’

future operations. The objective of financial planning is to ensure that enough funds are available at right time.

i) What will happen if enough funds are not available at the right time? ii) State any two importance of financial planning. iii) Identify the value which is being emphasized in financial planning

2. Investors generally view increase in dividend declared as a positive note, and stock prices react positively to it but on the other side Companies Act places certain restrictions on payouts as dividend. These restrictions are adhered to while declaring the dividend.

i) Identify the factor affecting dividend decision under which investor considers the increase in dividend as a good news.

ii) Identify the value which is being emphasized by the Companies Act in placing certain restriction on payouts as dividends.

3. A company is planning to expand. The ROI is below the industry average. Cash flow position is also not too good.

i) Suggest the source of finance it must choose to go ahead with its plan.ii) If they choose to raise funds by Debt what value is lacking in it?iii)

Chapter 10

Page 27: kvjhunjhunu.orgkvjhunjhunu.org/bst12.docx · Web viewAmit and Vikki are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at lunch time Vikki informed Amit that

Financial Market

Short answer type-1. Name the market where companies issue new securities.2. How many stock exchanges are there in India?3. Why secondary market is considered as market for second hand securities?4. Which money market security is also known as Zero Coupon Bond?5. Explain the term : Price Rigging6. A wants to get his company listed in National Stock Exchange. His company’s paid up capital is Rs.

20,00,000. Can he get it listed? Kindly advise him.7. What do you mean by ‘Bridge financing’ ?8. What do you mean by Zero coupon Bonds?

Long answer type-4. Distinguish between Capital market and money Market on the basis of following- (i)

Participants (ii) Duration (iii) instruments5. Nature of ‘Capital market” can be well explained with the help of its features . State any

three such features of Capital Market.6. Nature of ‘Money Market’ can be well explained with the help of its features. State and

three such features of money market.7. State any three objectives of NSE.8. ‘SEBI is the watchdog of security market’. Comment.9. ‘Stock market imparts liquidity to investment’. Comment.10. State any two methods of issuing securites in Primary Market.11. Explain the terms: (i) Bulls (ii) Bears (iii) Stag12. The directors of a company want to modernise its plant and machinery by making a

public issue of shares. They wish to approach stock exchange, while the finance manager prefers to approach a consultant for the new public issue of shares. Advise the directors whether to approach stock exchange or a consultant for new public issue of shares and why? Also advise about the different methods which the company may adopt for the new public issue of shares.

13. You are a finance expert. One of your friends comes to you and tells you that the capital market and the money market are one and the same, whereas you differ with him. How would you convince him? Give any four reasons.

14. “SEBI is the watch dog of the securities markets”. Do you agree? Give reasons. 15. “In today’s Commercial world, the stock exchange performs many vital functions.” Do

you agree? Give any four reasons in support of your answer. 16. “Primary markets contribute to capital formation directly, secondary markets do so

indirectly.” Explain

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17. ‘Money market instruments are more liquid than capital market instruments’. Comment.

Value based Questions1. A company wants to expand and raise funds by issuing shares to select individuals

known to them closely and not going in for public issue. i) Name the method of floating in the above case? ii) What values must be kept in mind in the above issue?

2. Mr. X one of the directors of XYZ Ltd knew that bonus shares were to be announced in the next meeting and he expected the price to rise. He bought 10,000 shares. By the end of few weeks the price increased by Rs.9 He sold his shares and a made huge profit

(i) Name the Act of Mr.? Is it permitted? (ii) What value is lacking in him?

3. A Stock exchange is an institution which provides a platform for buying and selling of existing securities. As a market, the stock exchange facilitates conversion of a security into money and vice versa. Stock exchanges help companies to raise finance, provide liquidity and safety of investment to the investors, pricing of securities etc.

(i) State two more functions of Stock exchange. (ii) Name the values which stock exchange strives to fulfill through its functions.

4. NSE is the latest, most modern and technology driven exchange. It is set up by Leading financial institutions, banks and insurance and other financial Intermediaries and managed by professionals.

(i) State the objectives with which it was set. (ii) What values are looked upon by National stock exchange to serve the

various stakeholders?5. Priyanka’s grandfather who was unwell, called her and gave her a gift packet. Priyanka

opened the packet and saw many crumpled share certificates, debentures and bonds inside. Her grandfather told her that they had been left behind by her late father. As no trading is now done in physical form, Priyanka wants to know the process by adopting which she is in a position to deal with these share certificates, debentures and bonds.

a) Identify and state the process. b) Also give two reasons to Priyanka why dealing with shares, debentures and bonds in physical form had been stopped.

6. Mr Raman was holding 1,000 equity shares of Infosys Limited. To raise the funds, the company offered shares in the ratio 5:1 against the shares held by him at a price below the market price, which he accepted. As the shares were in physical form, he contacted a depository participant to convert them into electronic form. Later, after few years, he needed money for his child’s education and decided to sell the shares.

(a) Name the method of issuing further equity shares by the company. (b) Name the term used to convert the shares into electronic form. (c) Advice Mr. Raman how he can sell his shares to arrange the funds

Chapter 11

Marketing Management

Page 29: kvjhunjhunu.orgkvjhunjhunu.org/bst12.docx · Web viewAmit and Vikki are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at lunch time Vikki informed Amit that

Short answer type-1. Name one of the first companies in the world to actively study the influence of consumer products

on the environment.2. Give two examples of convenience product.3. Name two shopping products.4. Name two techniques of sales promotion.5. What factor changes want into demand?6. Which goods last long and contribute directly to the making or developing of finished goods?7. Name the elements which are popularly known as 3 p’s if marketing.8. Which goods are of unique character and buyer identifies with them?9. Name and explain the concept which concentrates on the need of the customers.10. “A toy car free with Maggi Noodles” is an example of one of the techniques of sales promotion.

Name the technique.11. What will be the marketing strategy of a company, which believes in production concept of

marketing?12. Give two examples of speciality products.

Long answer type-7. Give some innovative ideas of getting information about the trends/demand pattern in

market.8. Sony Ltd. Introduced a television set with new features in the market at a high price but

when the same features used by other electronic companies in their television sets then the prices of Sony Ltd’s television sets was reduced by the company. Mention the name of strategy the company is following. Also explain the strategy in short.

9. Distinguish between Selling and Marketing on the basis of following points: (i) Focus (ii) Objective (iii) Supremacy.

10. Explain any three functions of ‘packaging’.11. ‘Expenditure on advertising is a social waste.’ Do you agree?Discuss.12. ‘Blindly following the goal of customer satisfaction had led to many social and

environmental ills.’ Do you agree ? What should be done?13. ‘Product is a bundle of utilities.’ Do you agree? Comment.14. How does branding help in creating product differentiation? Discuss.15. List the promotional messages given on the package of any three consumer products of

your choice and comment how can these promotional messages help in the sale of these products.

16. In marketing, product is a mixture of tangible and intangible attributes. How?17. Draw the label of shampoo bottle.

Value Based Questions1. It is one of the elements of market mix which contains one of the most important decisions that a marketer has to take to promote sales. This decision was taken by Mr. Mukund, Marketing manager of Intel Ltd. which facilitated the customers in product

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identification and hence ensured quality. It also built up their confidence and help in increasing their level of satisfaction. Apart from this, they provide educational scholarships for poor children in the society. Identify the element of marketing mix. Name any two values being emphasised by ensuring quality products for customers and by running an orphanage home. 2. Mr. David, working as Sales executive in Mahalaxmi Ltd. possesses good marketing techniques. His techniques involve oral presentation of message in the form of conversation with prospective customers for the purpose of making sales. Name the promotional tool used by Mr. David. Identify the values which can be inculcated by using the technique in the above case. 3. Gupta & Co. is manufacturing cosmetics. They decide to launch a new range of herbal products. As they are in a hurry, they have tested the products on rats only. The necessary information is missing on the package. The management also plans to launch a new factory in a tribal area where the required products are easily available and the labourmen, women and children are available for work at low wages in the absence of development opportunities and schools. (i) Which values do you find disturbing in the above para? (ii) Will the decision to install a new unit in a tribal area help society? Highlight the social values involved in his decision. 4. ABC Ltd. manufactures computer appliances. They massively advertise about their products with incomplete & wrong information. More or less their products are not of superior quality. They charge higher prices for their products. State the objections to above advertising. Name the values which are not followed by ABC Ltd.

Chapter 12

Consumer Protection

Page 31: kvjhunjhunu.orgkvjhunjhunu.org/bst12.docx · Web viewAmit and Vikki are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at lunch time Vikki informed Amit that

Short answer type-1. Which consumer right gives the business firm freedom to set up their own consumer service and

grievance cell?2. Ahmed wants to buy an iron. As an aware customer how can he be sure about the quality of

iron?3. Mohit filed a case against ‘Domestic Cooling ltd.’ in the ‘District Forum’, but was not satisfied

with the orders of the District Forum. Where can he appeal further against the decisions of District Forum?

4. Ram wants to buy ghee. How can he check the quality of product?5. Amrit filed a case against ‘Volvo Ltd.’ in the ‘State Commission’. But he was not satisfied with

the orders of the ‘State Commission’. Name the authority to which he can appeal against the decisions of ‘State Commission’.

6. Can a consumer file complaint in consumer court without having cash memo?7. Name any two consumer rights.8. List any three consumer organizations in India.9. Who is a consumer?10. Why is consumer protection required in India?11. Suggest any three remedies or reliefs available to consumer on his complaints.12. Can a consumer appeal against the judgement of National Commission? If yes, than where?13. Who can file a complaint in consumer court?14. Explain the following as ways and means of consumer protection: (i) Consumer Awareness (ii)

Government.15. Rita wants to buy a packet of juice. As an aware customer how can she be sure about the quality

of juice she plans to buy?16. When or under what circumstances the complaints can be filed?17. Name two consumer rights defined by UNO.18. Rajiv, a vegetarian was traveling in Rajdhani Express was served food and later he found out that

it had a non-vegetarian content. His sentiments were hurt. Will Rajiv be able to claim compensation, which right of the consumer is violated?

Long answer type-1. Which consumer right gives the business firms freedom to set up their own consumer service

and grievance cells?2. A shopkeeper sold you some spices, claiming that they were pure. Later a laboratory test

formed that those were adulterated what precautions should you have taken before buying and what remedies are available to you for the wrong act?

3. “Bhuvan, who was a vegetarian went to a snack bar for having French fries and later found out that it had non vegetarian content. Neither the advertisement nor the packing of the product displaced that the product has non vegetarian content. Will Bhuvan be able to claim compensation which right of the consumer is violated”?

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4. Sandeep purchased a diesel car for Rs. 7 lacs from an automobile company and found its engine defective. Despite many complaints the defect was not rectified .Suggest to him the appropriate authority where he could file a complaint under consumer protection Act.

5. Prakhar purchased an ISI Mark electric iron from Bharat Electricals. Since it was not working properly , so he approached seller. Seller satisfies Prakhar by saying that he will ask manufacture to replace iron. Manufacturer refuse to replace and Bharat Electricals decided to file complaint in consumer court. Can Bharat Electricals do this? Why or why not?

6. Rajiv, a consumer purchased medicines without noticing the date of expiry. He also did not obtain the cash memo. Do you think he will be able to protect himself by the loss caused due to expired medicine? Give reasons to support your answer.

Value based questions7. What are the values behind promoting Consumer Protection?8. A packet of biscuit does not bear a green or red dot indicative of vegetarian or non-vegetarian

food item. What values are ignored?9. Under the Consumer Protection Act, every consumer has a right to be protected against goods

and services which are hazardous to life and health. Alpha Ltd. manufactures and sells substandard refrigerators. As these appliances did not confirm to the safety norms and a mark assuring quality specification was missing. Cases were noticed where these substandard refrigerators had caused serious injury to many consumers. Suggest any two precautions to be taken by the consumer while purchasing the refrigerator. Which values do you find disturbing in the above paragraph

10. The owner of a restaurant is charging Rs.40 for a bottle of juice from a customer whereas the maximum retail price of the bottle of juice is Rs.17. One of the consumers (a member of NGO) has objected to this but the owner continues to do this malpractice. (i) Identify any two social values that the traders must follow?

11. Harsha purchased some grocery items from a general store. After reaching home she found a talcum powder in her bag which was not billed for. She checked the date of expiry and other details and after satisfying herself she started using it. Immediately she developed some skin problems. (i) What are the values to be conveyed to the society from the above and how?

12. A consumer has the freedom to choose from a variety of products at competitive prices. The marketers should offer a wide variety of products in terms of quality, brand, price, size etc. Ramya (a class X student) was in need of a geometry box. She went to the nearest shop and the shopkeeper showed her a variety of geometry boxes at different prices. She selected a box and paid Rs.300, the maximum retail price of the box, and took the cash memo for the same. Name the consumer right exercised by Ramya. Name the values which are emphasized in the above case.

13. Prakash purchased an ISI Mark electric induction stove from ‘Rama electricals. While using he found that it was not working properly. He approached the seller and complained for the same. The seller satisfies Prakash by saying that he will ask the manufacturer to replace this induction stove. Name the consumer right Prakash exercised in the above situation. Name the value which is followed in the above case.

Page 33: kvjhunjhunu.orgkvjhunjhunu.org/bst12.docx · Web viewAmit and Vikki are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at lunch time Vikki informed Amit that

Under Guidance of MR. G.S. Mehta, Principal, KV No.1 Pratap Nagar Udaipur

Prepared By- Ms. Ritu Vinayak, PGT Commerce, KV No.1 Pratap Nagar Udaipur

Page 34: kvjhunjhunu.orgkvjhunjhunu.org/bst12.docx · Web viewAmit and Vikki are working in the same organization but in different departments. One day at lunch time Vikki informed Amit that