· Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a...

Radio Show Notes Overview 8.00 - 8.05 - Welcome to the show 8.05 - 8.15 - Intro and e-mails 8.20 - 8.25 - 2 songs 8.25 - 8.45 – Go through Facebook questions and answers 8.45 - 8.50 - 2 songs 8.50 - 9.00 - Answer questions 9.00 - 9.20 Go through Facebook questions and answers 9.20 - 9.25- 2 songs 9.25 - 9.35 – Discuss seminar feedback, info and future dates 9.35 - 9.40 - 1 song 9.40 - 9.55 – ASF, Facebook group, plug websites, CLRG, donations etc. 9.55 - 10.00 - 1 Song Total - 2 hours 1

Transcript of  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a...

Page 1:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful

Radio Show Notes


8.00 - 8.05 - Welcome to the show

8.05 - 8.15 - Intro and e-mails

8.20 - 8.25 - 2 songs

8.25 - 8.45 – Go through Facebook questions and answers

8.45 - 8.50 - 2 songs

8.50 - 9.00 - Answer questions

9.00 - 9.20 Go through Facebook questions and answers

9.20 - 9.25- 2 songs

9.25 - 9.35 – Discuss seminar feedback, info and future dates

9.35 - 9.40 - 1 song

9.40 - 9.55 – ASF, Facebook group, plug websites, CLRG, donations etc.

9.55 - 10.00 - 1 Song

Total - 2 hours


Page 2:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful

Good evening everyone and welcome to the Know Your Rights show streaming live on the internet on RAT FM. Our show is now proudly sponsored by WebGate IT Solutions - stretching your IT dollar further. If you are looking for any IT experts please contact the guys at www.webgate.net.au

My name is Mike and I'm joined again this week by Brenton.

(Introduce Brenton - they say Hi)

As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that they do informing and educating the motoring public about their rights. And, in conjunction with a number of different groups, we have now formed the new Know Your Rights group and we are committed to finding new ways to wake people up to the truth in regards to what is really going on in the world. We would especially like to thank John, who runs RAT FM for this great opportunity to do these broadcasts over his new digital radio network.

This is now our 40th official broadcast and we would like to welcome any new listeners to the show and extend a very warm welcome back all our regular listeners as well.

For those of you who are new to our show and our website, you will find a copy of all of our previous broadcasts on our Radio Show page – http://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/radio-show/ - and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge.

Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful traffic fines, the ultimate banking fraud, why personal tax is voluntary and the fact that the ATO is not a legal entity and the importance of the Commonwealth Constitution. So there's lots of great information up on-line now for all listeners – new and old alike - to refer to in case you have missed anything or want a refresh on a topic we have previously covered.

Brenton asks - "So Mike, just remind our listeners again what the purpose of these broadcasts is all about".


Page 3:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful

As always, the point of these broadcasts is to inform and educate people about the truth and about their rights. It still amazes and concerns me how many people are still brainwashed by the government propaganda about things like speeding fines - "Speed Kills" and "Every K over is a killer", people who still don't see that 9/11 or 7/7 were inside jobs or those that still don’t realise the fraud that is perpetrated by the banking elite every day.

And, once people do get their head around some of those basic truths, we want to give people strategies and techniques for taking action against these injustices and helping to set things right again.

So, in order to achieve that outcome, we do these broadcasts every week on Tuesday night between 8 and 10pm (EST) and we would love to receive listener's feedback and any questions they may have or suggestions for topics they would like us to cover via e-mail at [email protected] or feel free to sms us at 0412 711 755 or call us on (03) 9017 5093.

I want to kick this week’s show off again with a couple of e-mails that our members and listeners have sent through because they highlight some important points again that I’m sure will be of interest to our listeners.

Read out e-mails

So, there’s some food for thought as we go into our first break and, as always, we welcome your feedback and comments on those e-mails during the course of our upcoming break.

When we come back from the break, we will be addressing some of your Facebook questions and answers adn we will also be covering our exciting competition a little later in the show as well. So, as always, if you have any friends or family members that may not have tuned in yet, jump on the phone or post a message on Facebook, send them a quick text message or an e-mail and remind them that our show is on live, right now, in case they forgot.

Tell them to go to our website and click the Radio Show tab and listen in - or they can even listen on their mobile device now via Tune In as well. We're going to play a couple of songs now to give you a chance to do that and we will be back with our responses to your Facebook questions and posts shortly.

Play 2 songs

Go through Facebook questions and answers


Page 4:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful

Play 2 songs

Go through Facebook questions and answers.

Play 2 songs

As many of you know, we ran our latest Know Your Rights seminar in Adelaide this weekend just gone and it was a huge success. It was our best event yet, we covered more content than ever before and the feedback that we received was overwhelmingly positive so we would like to extend a huge Thank You to everyone who made it possible and an extra special Thank You to Bridget for helping us out on our registration desk for the day.

Darryl and I are already talking about where we might run our next round of seminars and we have even discussed the possibility of conducting our first overseas seminar, in New Zealand. So, to help us work out where to go to next – after out “baby break” – please be sure to fill in the form on the bottom right hand side of any of our web pages with your name, e-mail and state – and, if you are in New Zealand, just put in NZ so we know how many people would be interested in attending if we did, indeed, conduct a seminar there.

We have also had a number of requests for an advanced seminar and that is definitely something that Darryl and I will be working on during our “break”. Now, just clarify, anyone who has ever had kids will know that this break is not really a break at all, it’s just a break from these weekly shows and our seminars.

Now, speaking of our break, we sent an e-mail out to all our registered Members last week with a very special offer for sticking with us through the upcoming break and we would like to now give everyone else a head’s up on what we are proposing for the next few months.

As most people are aware, babies turn up whenever they feel like it – whether or not it is convenient for us and, in my partner’s case, given that our last bundle of joy arrived 5 and a half weeks early, that could happen pretty much any time in the next 6 weeks.

So, we will continue running our weekly broadcasts, each and every week, until the latest addition to our family arrives. Now, as I have said before, everyone needs to be aware that we could sign off with our usual “see you next week” but then not actually be on air the following week if baby number two arrives. We will, of course, try and let everyone know via e-mail and Facebook what is happening as soon as we know.


Page 5:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful

And, that reminds me, please be sure to add your name and e-mail address to the form on the bottom left of any of our web pages and, that way, you will automatically, be added to our database and you will receive any updates as they come to hand. Joining our Facebook group is also a great way of not only keeping up with what we are doing but also bouncing thoughts, ideas and questions off like-minded people as well.

Okay, so, once baby number two does arrive, my partner will need additional care for about 6 weeks and, as such, we will not be conducting any seminars during that period and we are planning on doing a live show every second week during that time.

We will be organising with John to replay one of our earlier shows on the Tuesday night’s that we aren’t going live to air so you won’t miss out on much at all. We will also be using that time to plan and prepare our next round of seminars so it is extremely important to fill out those seminar registration of interest forms ASAP so that, as soon as we know that our baby break is officially starting, we can work forward with our dates and lock in new seminar venues and dates for after that time.

Now, for those of you who have come to rely on our weekly broadcast as your “fix” of informative and educational material on your rights, we would urge you to join up as a member and use those non-live broadcast weeks to go through our vast selection of fully edited podcasts, without all the music.

And, I mentioned that we would be running a competition at the start of our show and also on yesterday’s e-mail so, as a special 40th show bonus, we have 3 just copies left of our first 35 fully edited podcasts in a twin CD pack and we are going to give those away to 3 people tonight. And, the way we’re going to do that is that we are going to give a copy each to the 3 people that make the highest donation between now and midnight tonight.

These CDs are currently for sale at $39.95 + P&H but you may make a donation of just $10 or $20 and be one of the highest donations for the night and you will score one of those twin CD packs for yourself. Now, please keep in mind that we still have to pay P&H so we would ask that people make a donation with that in mind but, as always, I will still be well and truly up until midnight and the 3 people that have made the highest donation up to that point will score one of those twin CD packs and I will announce those winners in the e-mail that we send out once our latest podcast has been uploaded so, please give generously and good luck!


Page 6:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful

The last thing that I want to mention before we go to our final song break is incredible feedback that we have been receiving from people in recent weeks about the action that they have been taking in line with all the information that we have been covering in our shows and uploading to our website. A number of people have e-mailed us and even called in live to the show to tell us all about the actions they are taking to fight back for their rights and it is that exact feedback that has inspired us to continue doing these radio shows right through our break, all-be-it, every second week for a month or so.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind people that there are many very simple things that people can do that cost little or no money and take up very little time as well.

For example, be sure to take 30 seconds to register your interest in being part of this vital class action by registering your interest at the top right hand section of the Local Government Class Action website - www.localgovernmentclassaction.com

Go to our Local Government page and download the flyer relevant to your State and send it off with the cover letter that you can also download from that page to your local MP and see if they can answer those few simple questions.

Join up as a Facebook Member and help us spread the word on social media. We now have over 7,500 Members on the Know Your Rights Facebook group and the Aussie Speeding Fines group has just on 6,200 members. Be sure to share posts that we put up there with other on your own page and through other groups that you may also be a part of.

Contact the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines and ask them to send you out some cards and stickers and help them spread the word too and remember that we now have our own bumper stickers and business cards available for the Know Your Rights group and all you have to do is email us your postal address and we’ll send them out for you.

Then, if you want to do even more, order your copy of the Aussie Speeding Fines e-book, watch the Strawman videos and research that concept on-line and speak to the guys at Operate in the Private about setting up a private foundation.

Next week marks the start of June and that means we’re already almost half way through the year so be sure to ask yourself, “What have I done differently this year to make this year something special rather than just another year of money grabbing and control by the powers-that be.


Page 7:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful

Anyway, we’ll let you think about that as we go to our last break for the night.

Play 1 song

The guys at Aussie Speeding Fines have asked me to quickly mention their affiliate program again. So, just very quickly, if you go to their website www.Aussiespeedingfines.com you will find an affiliate link and if you join their affiliate program you can actually earn a full 33% commission on every single member that you refer to them.

So, if you joined up as an e-book member and then referred just three people who, in turn, also joined up as e-book members, then your e-book membership would, essentially, be free. This is a really great way to help out your fellow motorists, by directing them towards information that is going to educate and inform them about their rights and also earn a great little income on the side.

If anyone has a large database or a website that gets a lot of hits then this is a great opportunity to help them spread the word and make some serious cash as well. As I said before, in my view, every man or woman who travels in an automobile should have a copy of the Aussie Speeding Fines e-book in their glovebox – it’s just that simple.

Make full use of all the information that is already on our website and the ASF website too - there is a ton of free information available, people can access and download all of our podcasts, the ASF site has probably even more free info than ours does. The point is that there is a wealth of information available and it is all easily accessible on just two websites – you just need to actually access it, learn it and then use it!

As I have mentioned a few times before, we are always looking at new ways of generating some cash flow to ensure that we can continue running these weekly radio shows right throughout the year and organising some great guest speakers as well – such as Darryl and Owen Godfrey, who we had on a few weeks ago – as well as amazing people like Larry Hannigan as well. We also need to continue researching for our shows and so that we can also update our website with the latest, cutting edge information and strategies for learning about and standing up for your rights.

Again, we welcome anyone who would like to help sponsor our show or provide prizes that we could give away to our listeners to please contact us and, those who like to get involved with RAT FM as a whole, please e-mail John directly at [email protected] so he can fill you in on the finer details.


Page 8:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful

We'd like to remind everyone listening that our goal here with these broadcasts is to inform and educate people as to what is really going on in the world and to help people to really "wake up" to the truth that is all around them that they are either blinded or conditioned from seeing.

One of the great sites that we have found recently is the Wake up the Sheep website which can be found at www.wakeupthesheep.com They have a number of important stories from around the globe that we simply do not hear about here through our local media and many of them cover topics that people here really should be aware of.

One of the challenges that we have is that everyone is at different levels in regards to how "awake" they are or, once they are truly awake, how much they actually know about a particular topic.

So, the Know Your Rights Group was put together to create a one-stop website for people to come to regarding some of the most popular topics and we are looking to expand the amount of basic, introductory information that we have on that website and then, once people have their heads around those various topics, they can then go onto dedicated websites such as Aussie Speeding Fines, CLRG and the soon to be developed Bank Secrets Revealed sites to find our more specific detailed information about these various topics.

Also, we are slowly but surely building up a regular base of listeners for the Know Your Rights show and we will be doing more research and hopefully talking to some new people about all kinds of topics that concern our freedoms and Constitutional rights so be sure to block off your Tuesday nights between 8 and 10pm and, if you can't listen in live for some reason, be sure to check for our podcasts which will now be uploaded each week so you can listen in to all your favourite parts of the show.

As I have said many times before, these shows don't write themselves, it takes about 4 hours or more each week to prepare for each 2 hour show. We have to research the content and put it all together in a format that flows and makes sense. We do this in addition to trying it upload new information to our website each week or so and, as anyone who is involved in web design knows, there is a fair bit of work involved in setting up and constantly updating a website - writing the content, uploading that, constantly making little changes here and there etc. and this all costs time and money.

So, if you enjoy these broadcasts and appreciate all the new information that we keep adding to our Know Your Rights website then please help us out by making a donation via the link on our Home page.


Page 9:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful

Also, if anyone has any related events, meetings, rallies, seminars or anything like that, please let us know here at RAT FM or via the Know Your Rights Group website and we will gladly promote any relevant events during our show and even get you live on air to discuss them.

We're going to finish off tonight by reminding everyone that, as always, nothing in this broadcast is to be considered as legal or financial advice and we recommend that listeners do their own, independent research into all of the topics we discussed and we recommend websites such as:

www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.auwww.aussiespeedingfines.com www.banksecretsrevealed.com.au

And finally, just before we go, don't forget to listen in to the other great shows that RATFM now has on air.

Monday nights now feature Alternative and Indie rock with Drop D between 8 and 10pm and also from 8 til midnight on Thursday for the heavy metal show, Disaster Zone with The General and Dr Death. There are also a wide variety of other shows being played throughout the day and evening now on RAT FM so be sure to tune in at different times to find some more shows that you enjoy.

Thanks and we will be back with you next Tuesday night at 8.00pm.

Sign Off.


Page 10:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful


Hi all,

Am after a copy of the oath sworn by Victorian coppers when they accept their appointment to the job.

I feel the need to sue a couple of jacks personally and wish to word the subpoena and civil claim in the correct format so they are not protected by the Victorian government

Cheers all

SherriiOk so I objected the fine and now I have the letter for court I am going to plea not guilty by letter as the court is 4.5hrs from my home, problem I'm having is the officers statement claiming I said "you can't prove that" "I want a receipt" when I in fact asked him TO prove that was my car captured and "WAS there a picture showing it was my car" as I didn't believe he captured my car from a row of cars to which he told me "I don't have to"


I just have a question for you guys if anyone is able to help me smile emoticon

Today I received a parking fine at my university for $50 for parking in a permit zone, I am very vigilant on parking there as there are far too many permit zones and reserved parking areas compared to places students can actually pay to park. When I pulled into this parking spot where I had been issued the fine, I looked around but couldn't see from where I was a sign stating that it was a permit zone, I know this would be hard to prove as they will say that they had signs in certain spots, I should have took photos of where i was parked at the time showing that the signs weren't visible from where I was parked but didn't think to do that until after I had left, would taking photo's be worth anything? Does the university have a right to enforce parking fines such as this? I believe they are regulated by the council as they are paid to the council so I can only assume the council polices this and enforces them, is there anything I can do at all in this situation? Or should I just give in to this institution and pay this ridiculous fine? I think it's terrible they would fine students so much money considering council parking fines around the city are about $30/35, what a joke. I was only there for two hours.

Bridget posted a timely reminder for everyone to “like” the Block their Shot campaign on Facebook .


Page 11:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful

Joe Cordiano

There’s a lot I have to say about this topic so hang on to your hat, more to follow including references.

The television is a weapon, plain and simple yet such a large percentage of the population don’t know anything that didn’t come from that tube. They believe everything they hear and see on the “news” when such overwhelming evidence exists to disprove it; but these people will never see it because all they know is the tube.

The television is for fiction. Everything that comes from it is fiction. The people on these “reality” shows are professional actors. You can find them listed as members of Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the American federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA).

The “news” is a sad, sick, cruel joke. How many of you know someone who fell into a deep depression over Sandy Hook? Shocker of shockers, it was all staged and the “incident” never happened; and the list goes on – and on – and on.


If i have a GPS in my car and it says that the speed limit is 80 (and I do 80) and you look at the speed sign that says 70. Would i get fined?


Hey y'all this group is such a good idea .

I really just wanted total peace of mind with a situation that I've got to go to court on. So, basically on the 7/4 my license was suspended. I never received a letter from Vic Roads until the 17/4! So never knew. And got pulled over the next day- 8/4 for driving while suspended it was a completely honest mistake if I knew I wouldn't have driven. So now have to go to court on the 17 June.

Has anyone got or know any positive testimonies of similar or alike cases where they’ve gone to court and it turned out well?


Page 12:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful


Ok people. Need to know which way to go and what mu realistic chances are of not loosing my house in the mean time. Long story short. Tax man is after me. I was working overseas for 10 weeks early 2013. I earnt approx 35k and upon returning declared earnings with tax accountant that year who said. Don't worry about it they will never find it. Well turns out they did and are now putting their hand out. To say I'm fairly pissed off at the accountant is an understatement. But alas, with a little more knowledge than what I had then, I’m wondering what my chances are of beating the tax office and avoiding paying probably 12k for it – again, without losing my house.

I do remember reading a while ago that a few have challenged the very creation of the tax office in a maggots court and heard that it was accepted that it wasn’t’ created lawfully but I’m not sure of the actual outcome. Any ideas certainly encouraged and I’ll carefully consider how to proceed forward here, hopefully without requiring lots of lube.



Hi All, got a question regarding debt collectors - what's the deal if they keep on chasing you by phone, and you do not confirm your details over the phone (for privacy reasons) but clearly they don't have your address as you have not received any correspondence in the mail? Can they still damage your credit rating?

Tristram (Yes, that’s the correct spelling)

In need of some serious advice.. I appeared in court today for fines someone got in a car I sold them, unfortunately I didn't hand in the disposal notice because I knew the person and thought I was doing him a favor and saving him on stamp duty for a $500 car. I tried to get in contact with the person so he can take the fines on but no response, I sent stat decs of but the courts are telling me I had left it to late. I'm being charged as the owner of the vehicle and not the driver so all the evidence I have to prove I was 150 kays away from were the fines originated is useless. Should I fork out a shit load of money for a lawyer to maybe win the case or just cop it on the chin, accept the fines and loss of points and learn a valuable lesson from my mistake?


Page 13:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful


My partner just received a fine 4 going thru a red light because he owns the car but I was the 1 driving.I don't go thru red lights so would like a few pointers on how 2 contest this crap plz


So I did the 3 letter process from aus speeding fines. Some of you may remember? Got summoned to court by Acting Sgt Colin John Parry on 4 April .Was unable to attend due to flight booked ticket for thailand for 3 weeks, Sent letter to Maggotstrate court with copy of itinerary stating Cant make the invite to their party.Found me guilty, in my absence for doing 57km in an unsigned 50km zone, fined $238.30.not so bad but didn't get my day in court but today I get an offender levy for $107.10

Well, they can go get a right royal wolly @#$% right up them. Anyone help me out with a remedy for the bullshit fiasco.


Hi everyone i was just looking at the image of my alleged offence and i noticed that there is another car just behind me. Does that make that evidence invalid?Thank you


Went to court today. I got charged with speeding. the magistrate said i raised some valid points and had some doubt but not beyond all reasonable doubt.I agoing to purchase the script - which is the court script and possibly potentially post it so that others can use this with their defence.

At a certain point during the hearing, i could see the body language change of the judge and this indicated to me that the magistrate was going to say i was guilty. Not from her words, but from the way her body was positioned and what facial gestures/features. What they don’t tell you but from the way her body was positioned and what facial gestures/features.is that you get an additional levy – guilt levy if they find you guilty – this is $107.10


Page 14:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful

I am super annoyed, firstly, I wasn’t speeding. Justice does not prevail, no such thing as innocence until proven guilty. The officer’s word is as valid as my word.


Hi Group. I have a question for anyone who help me out with this. When a sheriff knocks on the door wanting to enforcement warrants for outstanding road toll fines, is there anything that can be done we he or she goes to arrest and bail. I have been to the courts twice now to deal with road toll fines....had them thrown out twice also, but wonder what can I do about the sheriff and their antics

But today I get an offender levy for $107.10. Well, they can go get a right royal wolly @#$% right up them.Anyone help me out with a remedy for the bullshit fiasco.Cheers

as with a little more knowledge than what I had then I'm wondering what my chances are of beating the tax office and avoiding paying probably 12k for it. Again without loosing my house. I do remember reading a while ago. That a few have challenged the very creation of the tax office in a maggots courts and heard that it was accepted that it wasn't created lawfully but I'm not sure of the actual outcome. Any ideas certainly encouraged and I'll carefully consider how to proceed forward here hopefully without requiring lots of lube. Thanks.Has anyone got or know of any positive testimonies of similar or alike cases where they've gone to court and it turned out well?

The people on these “reality” shows are professional actors. You can find them listed as members of Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA).

omes from it is fiction. The people on these “reality” shows are professional actors. You can find them listed as members of Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA).


Page 15:  · Web view- and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge. Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful