VERISOFT GROUP Company... · 2020-02-02 · From EMV POS to Mobile NFC HCE Verisoft was always at...


Transcript of VERISOFT GROUP Company... · 2020-02-02 · From EMV POS to Mobile NFC HCE Verisoft was always at...

Page 1: VERISOFT GROUP Company... · 2020-02-02 · From EMV POS to Mobile NFC HCE Verisoft was always at the forefront of the EMV technology from the beginning with EMV Level 2 kernel development


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L e t ’s t a l k i n n o v a t i o n

At Verisoft innovation is a way of life.

Verisoft is a company who is always seeking for better and faster systems

which will simplify and beautify the way we make payments by continous

research and development.

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Our Vision

We are living at exciting times where technology is once again at a turning

point with a paradigm shift to mobile devices which are always connected

and integrated. Verisoft is at the forefront of this brave new world merging

experience and knowledge with revolutionary solutions.


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The magic of having your very own computer to program 35 years ago

become our passşon and this passion is shared by everyone which

works at Verisoft at all levels. The only change is new and bright

Young Developers which brings new ideas, skills and capabilities for

ever changing technologies and systems to build wonderful and

amazing things to simplify and secure the way we make payments.

A b o u t U s

W e h a v e s t a r t e d w h e n t h e r e v o l u t i o n b e g i n w i t h t h e

e m e r g e n c e o f p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r s w i t h A p p l e I I ,

T a n d y T R S 8 0 a n d C o m m o d o r e P E T w a s o n l y a d r e a m .

I B M P e r s o n a l C o m p u t e r w h i c h f i n a l l y b e c a m e o u r

f i r s t c o m p u t e r o n o u r d e s k w i t h 1 6 k i l o b y t e s m e m o r y

a n d a c a s s e t t e d r i v e i n 1 9 8 1 . T o d a y , w e h a v e f o u r

t i m e s t h a t m e m o r y a n d t e n t i m e s m o r e p o w e r o n a

s m a r t c a r d w e h a v e i n o u r w a l l e t .

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Meet our Office and Team

Our Office is an informal place full of young and

talented people who wants to find better ways to

bring innovative solutions to your business needs.

Dedication to perfection is demanded from top to

bottom at every step with no limits on time and

imagination until the best solution found.

Respect to our clients business objectives and

timing requirements is our goal. When you do

business with Verisoft you are sure that it will be

delivered on time and beyond your expectations.


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Verisoft Worldwide

Verisoft AS main office is at YTÜ Teknopark B1 Esenler Istanbul which is a high

technology development center with special R&D incentives. Our second

location is at Istanbul Ataturk Airport Free Trade Zone to simplify our import

and export operations with customs and tax free status of this zone.


Verisoft Americas Inc at Irvine, California is our gateway into United States

with it’s proximity to Los Angeles and Silicon Valley covering South and

Western States and Latin American Countries.

Verisoft Inc at Oakville, Ontario at Greater Toronto Area is responsible for

Canada and Northern and Eastern US States.

Verisoft Europe at Watchfield, UK is our center for reaching our customers in

England, Scotland, Ireland and Western Europe.

Verisoft Bosnia doo at Sarajevo, BH is our regional center for South East

Europe and Balkan Countries.

Verisoft Emirates at Dubai,UAE is our center for the Middle East, Africa and

Sub Continent covering Gulf Countries, Iran, Jordan, Egypt, Pakistan, India.


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O u r Re f e r e n c e s


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Planing Design





Once we complete the basic design and development we start making

improvements with close interaction with our clients to bring exceptional

solutions which meets and exceeds the original Design Goals because our aim

is always to bring most innovative and revolutionary solution to the market

which nobody thought before for the business success of our clients.

O u r Pr o c e s s

V e r i s o f t d e l i v e r s s u c c e s s w i t h a g i l e s o f t w a r e

d e v e l o p m e n t m e t h o d o l o g i e s w i t h c l o s e c o l l a b o r a t i o n

w i t h o u r c l i e n t s b y c a r e f u l l y l i s t e n i n g a n d

u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e i r u n i q u e r e q u i r e m e n t s a n d

c o n d i t i o n s .

P r o j e c t s a r e s t a r t e d w i t h a k i c k o f f m e e t i n g w i t h

c l i e n t s i n a n o p e n s e s s i o n t o l i s t e n a n d u n d e r s t a n d t h e

r e q u i r m e n t s f o l l o w e d b y a p r o o f o f c o n c e p t w o r k s h o p

a n d t h e n w e s t a r t b u i l d i n g t h e r e a l t h i n g w i t h

c o n t i n o u s i n t e r a c t i o n s a n d p i e c e w i s e r e v i e w p r o c e s s .



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2013Garanti Bank is our

customer for 20 years.

Verisoft designed and

developed the first

POS of this bank in

1993 as well last POS

in 2013.


2015Gulf Bank Kuwait is going to

be the first bank in the

world to enroll customers


capture using an Apple iPad




2007Verisoft delivered the

first instantly issued EMV

debit and credit cards

with customer PIN

selection in AUB Kuwait.

2010Metro Bank was the first

bank to get banking

license in UK after 150

years which issued debit

and credit EMV cards

from Temenos T24 core

bank system integration.

2011Boubyan Bank was the

first bank to break the

boundries of a branch

with a mobile GPRS



Mobile PIN

Web Based InstantEMV

Core Bank InstanEMV

Ke e p I m p r o v i n g

S u c c e s s c o m e s f r o m c o n t i n o u s e v o l u t i o n o f o u r

p r o d u c t s a c c o r d i n g t o m a r k e t r e q u i r e m e n t s a n d

t e c h n o l o g i c a l c h a n g e s a s s h o w n b e l o w . .


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2000EMV Level 2 POS was

the entry point of

Verisoft into the EMV

to help banks get

ready for accepting

EMV cards.

2003PowerEMV was the

batch EMV card

issuance software for

Datacard, CIM and

Matica embossers.

2007InstantEMV was the

distributed in branch

instant card issuance

solution with customer

PIN selection.

2015InstantMATIC was

the self service card

kiosk which

delivered instant

credit, debit and

gift cards at bank

branches and retail


2016SkyCard NFC HCE is

the new way of

putting digital cards

in Android mobile

phones by Verisoft.

F r o m E M V P O S t o M o b i l e N F C H C E

V e r i s o f t w a s a l w a y s a t t h e f o r e f r o n t o f t h e E M V

t e c h n o l o g y f r o m t h e b e g i n n i n g w i t h E M V L e v e l 2

k e r n e l d e v e l o p m e n t t o t h e l a t e s t m o b i l e N F C H C E .



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Social Media




We get

merchants and



S o c i a l M e d i a I n t e g r a t i o n

W e c a n n o t t h i n k o f a n y I T p r o j e c t w i t h o u t s o c i a l

m e d i a i n t e g r a t i o n a s t h i s b e c a m e t h e l i f e s t y l e o f

t h e n e w g e n e r a t i o n . W e a r e l i n k i n g o u r s o l u t i o n s

w i t h F a c e b o o k , T w i t t e r a n d L i n k e d I n t o

d y n a m i c a l l y s e n d m e s s a g e s f r o m o u r t r a n s a c t i o n s .


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Software and Innovation is our passion.

And it shows in everything we do.

We develop great software

because we like what we do!

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FlyPOSFlyPOS is the world’s smallest and lightest POS at 60

grams yet has a powerful 32 bits ARM 9 CPU and Linux

O/S. It supports both Bluetooth and WiFi simultaneously

and can work indepedently or in conjunction with a

Android or IOS tablet.

Bluebird MT360

Bluebird MT360 is an all in one portable EFT/POS terminal

with Microsoft Windows CE O/S. We can provide a wide

range of vertical applications from In Flight Sales to Door to

Door Delivery Systems with credit or debit card payments.

Magtek ExpressCard 2000ExpressCard with Verisoft InstantEMV provides in

branch instant credit or debit card issuance with

customer PIN selection.

InstantMATICInstantMATIC is the multifunction self service solution

for branch teller automation. Modular options range from

instant card issuance to cash top and bill payments,

statement and boarding pass printing.

NFC HCE on Samsung S6 EdgeNFC HCE is the way of future payments with the latest

Android 4.4 KitKat smart phones. Verisoft provides a

comprehensive yet easy to use solution called SkySTAR

to help banks move in to fast lane.

Apple iPad KYC EnrolmentApple iPad is now star of the new generation bank branches

with Verisoft KYC Enrolment solution. Customer is identified

from an existing ID or Credit/Debit card and PIN, signature,

addres, phone and email captured on the spot. After

selecting the desired card a text message is sent to your

mobile and you can collect your new card from a kiosk or

branch desktop printer within few minutes.

O u r B e a u t i f u l S o l u t i o n s

T h e r e i s n o e n d t o i n n o v a t i o n a n d V e r i s o f t b r i n g s

t h e l a t e s t t e c h n o l o g i e s t o t h e m a r k e t . S o m e o f

t h e s e e x c e p t i o n a l s o l u t i o n s a r e p r e s e n t e d h e r e .


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Simple and Clean are the keywordS for this state of the art software which evolved over twenty

years from a pure C software to an Informix 4GL system and to Oracle Database on UNIX with

PowerBuilder GUI and finally ported to Microsoft .NET platform with C#.

Fast and Powerful CARDIX.NET is a comprehensive EMV Issuer and Acquirer system covering both

front office and back office functions with easy to use and maintain web based user interface.

Innovative and Comprehensive CARDIX.NET will help new banks and processors in USA to the latest

EMV , Contactless and NFC technologies from legacy magstripe systems. With 360 degrees coverage

from instant issuance of cards in the branches to EFT/POS and ATM switching, from real time online

monitoring and detection of fraud to provisioning mobile phones for EMV, from prepaid to debit and

credit cards, CARDIX.NET is the solution you are looking for.

C A R D I X . N E T

V e r i s o f t h a v e d e v e l o p e d a s t a t e o f t h e a r t c a r d

p r o c e s s i n g s y s t e m n a m e d C A R D I X . N E T o n

M i c r o s o f t . N E T p l a t f o r m . .


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V e r i s o f t d e c i d e d t o i n v e s t i n U S A f o r b r i n g i n g i t ’ s

3 0 y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e i n c h i p a n d c o n t a c t l e s s c a r d s

f o r h e l p i n g U S B a n k s i n t h e i r m i g r a t i o n t o E M V . .


EMV Liability Shift which means the

responsibility of credit and debit card fraud

liabilty shifting on the party who has not

implemented the EMV chip card migration

from the legacy magnetic stripe cards.

Every year US banks are loosing hundreds of

millions of dollars to fraud and hacking due to

use of easily copyable magnetic cards and

poor implementations and lack of encryption

at retail and banking systems.

This problem has been effectively solved with

EMV chip cards in the rest of the world since

1996 yet USA delayed this move until 2015

and still majority of the cards still remain as

magnetic cards with continued risks.

2 billion cards need to be replaced by EMV

chip cards and only a very small proportion of

cards of the largest banks and POS terminals

of major retailers migrated to EMV.

Verisoft decided to establish in USA and bring

consultancy, education and software

development services for EMV chip,

contactless and NFC mobile payments to US

banks and card processors after implementing

a project in Denver for Google for their Google

Wallet Card in 2013 from Verisoft Canada Inc.

Verisoft have established it’s subsidiary

Verisoft Americas Inc in Irvine, California and

started working with a US company Magtek of

Seal Beach, CA for designing and producing

self service kiosks. Verisoft and Magtek will be

delivering together a major project of

thousands of kiosks as an export with US

Magtek printers and Verisoft software inside.

Verisoft Americas Inc have developed an NFC

and QR Android Tablet solution with SONY and

exported hundreds of tablets from USA.

Verisoft Americas Inc signed 3 major contracts

in USA with Four Corner Payments Inc of

Concord, CA; Quantum Rails Inc of Denver,

CO and SezginPay Inc of San Francisco, CA

worth more than 3 million dollars.

Verisoft Americas Inc will contribute directly

to US economy with local value add, trade,

exports, taxes and job creation as well as

indirect contribution with it’s customers

contributing the same which has already

started: companies formed, staff hired,

premises rented, business ventures


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F o u r C o r n e r Pa y m e n t s

V e r i s o f t s h a r e s a v i s i o n w i t h F o u r C o r n e r P a y m e n t s

i n U S A w h i c h i s a n e w c a r d p r o c e s s o r

w i t h a s t r a t e g i c e x p e r i e n c e i n

p r e p a i d , g i f t , d e b i t a n d c r e d i t c a r d s . .


EMV Liability Shift is just around the corner

and yet USA is lagging seriously in moving to

this critical technology for credit and debit

cards. Only a handful of big processors and for

a select customer segment EMV cards will be

delivered in Q4 2015.

Yet nobody in Prepaid Space is even thinking


which recognized the significant risks which

will shift on to prepaid cards when most of the

credit and debit cards will become EMV chip


The Crooks will shift towards the weakest

link which are those cards which remains

magstripe, i.e. prepaid and gift cards because

this is exactly what happened in the rest of the

world which completed their EMV migration

ten years ago.

Four Corner Payments decided to start with

EMV right from the beginning and also decided

to bring NFC HCE which is the future of the

payments on smart phones and came to

Verisoft to build this processing solution for


With more than 20 years experience in EMV

Verisoft delivered solutions in 30 countries for

more than 50 banks for the full spectrum from

personalization of EMV cards to EMV POS and

ATM switching systems, issuer and acquirer

processing to self service kiosks, loyalty and

gift card systems to NFC HCE mobile payments.

Verisoft and Four Corner Payments joined

hands to bring this unsurpassed experience to

USA as strategic partners.

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Q u a n t u m R a i l s

Q U A N T U M R A I L S i s a n e w c r e d i t , d e b i t a n d p r e p a i d

c a r d p r o c e s s o r i n D e n v e r , C o l o r a d o w h i c h s e l e c t e d

V E R I S O F T CARDIX.NET f o r t h e i r c a r d p r o c e s s i n g p l a t f o r m .


Quantum Rails is a new payment systems

processor in Denver, Colorado which started as

an extension of their magnetic and chip card

production facilities at Catalyst. ( C3EMV.COM )

Previously Verisoft and Catalyst worked

together at IPS DENVER for the implementation

of Google Wallet Card with MasterCard PayPass

and Discover ZIP.

When Quantum Rails was formed to complete

the supply chain for EMV and Contactless

cards they have selected Verisoft due their

past experience from the Google Wallet Card

project implemented in 2013.

Quantum Rails targets more than ten thousand

small and medium size banks and credit unions

which are underserved and sidelined to major

banks during the EMV card migration in USA.

Verisoft and Quantum Rails came together to

bring state of the art EMV, Contactless and NFC

mobile payment systems experience from

Europe to USA and help these banks rapidly

upgrade to secure chip card technology from

the legacy magstripe cards which are

vulnerable to fraud losses.

Verisoft CARDIX.NET platform based on

Microsoft .NET technology will bring the agility

and flexibility to Quantum Rails in this

implementation where two billion cards which

needs to be changed.

CARDIX.NET will work in conjunction with the

largest US card processor:

and will process credit, debit and prepaid

cards and mobile payment devices with NFC

such as ApplePay, GooglePay and SamsungPay.

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V e r i s o f t i R i S P A Y p l a t f o r m w a s c h o o s e n b y t h e n e w m o b i l e

l o y a l t y p r o c e s s o r S E Z G I N P A Y i n S a n F r a n c i s c o , C A .


Verisoft designed and developed mobile

loyalty and payment systems which works


contactless and chip cards using mobile

tablets and smart phones. Verisoft developed

end to end system which works on the cloud.

SEZGINPAY established in San Francisco to

provide loyalty and incentive solutions to US

banking industry selected VERISOFT iRiS

Mobile Loyalty and Campaign Management

platform which will be connected all major

US payment processors such as TSYS, FIS,

FIRST DATA, VANTIV, FISERV, etc and provide

mobile apps which will provide online real

time points awarding and redemption


Customer and Merchant Portals will be

provided for the participants to manage their

cards and points in a frictionless user

experience with mobiles and wearable

devices. Legacy cards, barcodes and QR

codes will be processed by ECRs and Tablets.

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I n s t a n t E M V a t M e t r o B a n k U K

A m e r i c a n e n t e r p r e n e u r V e r n o n H i l l d e c i d e d t o

c h a n g e t h e w a y b a n k i n g d o n e i n U K a n d o b t a i n e d

t h e f i r s t b a n k i n g l i c e n s e a f t e r 1 5 0 y e a r s a n d

M e t r o B a n k o p p e n e d d o o r s w i t h V e r i s o f t I n s t a n t E M V


Metro Bank is designed as a customer friendly

bank which is open 7 days from 08:00 AM to

08:00 PM at night. The main promise of the


ON THE SPOT after opening your account with

customer selected PIN.

Verisoft delivered this promise on time with

InstantEMV which can instantly issue debit and

credit cards within 3 minutes on desktop card

printers and let the customers to choose their

own PIN codes during card activation step with

Magtek DynaPro PIN PADs.

Metro Bank later expanded this system to issue

dual interface PayPass MasterCard contactless

cards and 70 Magtek ExpressCard 2000 printers

including US Embassy in London.

Metro Bank reduced the customers waiting for

their credit, debit cards and PIN envelope from

14 days to 10 minutes in UK and Verisoft have

helped deliver this promise.

Verisoft InstantEMV has been delivered to

banks around the world to provide best instant

card issuance solution to their customers.

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V e r i s o f t I n s t a n t M A T I C s e l f s e r v i c e k i o s k w a s d e s i g n e d

f o r t h e U S E M V c h i p c a r d m i g r a t i o n w i t h a m o t o r i z e d

c a r d r e a d e r w h i c h r e a d s a n d r e t a i n s t h e l e g a c y

m a g s t r i p e c a r d i n s i d e a n d d e l i v e r s a n e w

c h i p o r c o n t a c t l e s s c a r d i n r e t u r n .


Verisoft designs and produces InstantMATIC

kiosks which can instantly issue debit, credit,

prepaid and gift cards with these state of the

art self service machines. These machines can

do much more than instantly issuing cards

7 x 24 x 365 and can print agreements and

statements with A4 laser printer, scan A4

forms, can read invoices with barcodes and QR

codes for bill payment, you can sell gift or

prepaid cards with banknotes or credit/debit

cards and print receipts or even airline

boarding passes!

InstantMATIC comes with a 7 hoppers embosser

or 4 hoppers thermal card printer depending on

your needs. It can print customer designed

picture cards or photo ID cards like national ID

cards, drivers licenses , health cards, loyalty

cards or insurance cards.

Verisoft can design the kiosk according to

colours, shapes and specifications of the


InstantMATIC is the ideal alternative delivery

channel self service station of a modern bank.

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i S A F E K Y C w i t h A p p l e i PA D

A n o t h e r i n t e r e s t i n g s o l u t i o n f r o m V e r i s o f t i s i S A F E .

Y o u c a n i n s e r t c h i p b a s e d I D c a r d s o r E M V b a n k d e b i t

a n d c r e d i t c a r d s t o i d e n t i f y a n d e n r o l c u s t o m e r s

s e c u r e l y a n d c o l l e c t K Y C d a t a a u t o m a t i c a l l y .


Verisoft designed and developed a very special

application called ISAFE with an Apple iPad

which will be used to enroll the customer to

the banking system.

Verisoft designed a KYC process which can

read the National ID or bank chip card to

automatically capture and verify the

customer details including customer picture,

passport and visa pages, online capture of

the signature and customer selected initial

PIN and after entering address, email and

phone numbers and selecting the desired

card InstantEMV can print a new debit or

credit cards on a small desktop embosser

within minutes.

Serving your bank customers with a sleek

Apple iPad is going to be so cool and

fashionable; another first in the world from

Verisoft .

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Tu r k i s h A r m y I D C a r d s

V e r i s o f t P o w e r L I F E s m a r t c a r d l i f e c y c l e m a n a g e m e n t

a n d p e r s o n a l i z a t i o n s y s t e m w a s i m p l e m e n t e d a t

T u r k i s h A r m e d F o r c e s S m a r t I D C e n t e r .


Verisoft designed, developed and implemented

a very complex MULTOS based smart ID card

system for Turkish Army General Command for

issuing 2.5 million ID cards with 6 applications


CONTROL and BIOMETRICS. The system runs on

Datacard DC9000 embosser system and with

Thales P3. Verisoft PowerEMV handles the card

personalization and PowerLIFE manages post

issuance application and data updates.

This system can be used for any national ID,

driver’s license or social security card system.

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N e w G e n e r a t i o n E C R P O S

T u r k i s h M i n i s t r y o f F i n a n c e h a v e m a n d a t e d a n e w l a w

t o c o m b i n e F i s c a l C a s h R e g i s t e r s ( E C R ) w i t h B a n k i n g

E F T / P O S t e r m i n a l s f o r e f f e c t i v e t a x c o n t r o l i n 2 0 1 4 .


Leading Banks and POS vendors came to

Verisoft to develop their banking applications

into these new generation ECR/POS terminals

in order to continue to their merchant

acquiring business as the terminal ownership

shifted from banks to the merchants. Verisoft

have developed banking solutions on

6 different ECRPOS models and for a wide

range of banks including BKM: Turkish National

Interbank Switch Center’s new TechPOS

Specification. It is now possible to do acquiring

with 26 banks with a single POS application

with this specification and Verisoft was the

first and still the only company which certified

for VISA ADVT and MasterCard MTIP

Contactless and Contact as well as BKM


New Generation ECRPOS is a market in

Turkey for 4 million terminals replacement

project of 3 billion dollars!

BEKO Informatik Infoteks Bluebird

TR 220 InPOS Fusions MT-360E

Page 25: VERISOFT GROUP Company... · 2020-02-02 · From EMV POS to Mobile NFC HCE Verisoft was always at the forefront of the EMV technology from the beginning with EMV Level 2 kernel development

C a r d Pe r s o i n C A N A D A & U S A

2 b i l l i o n magnet i c deb i t and c red i t c a rd s

wi l l be conve r ted t o EMV ch ip and

con tac t l e s s c a rd s i n USA w i th i n 3 yea r s .


Verisoft implememted EMV conversion systems in

more than 30 countries around the world for

hundreds of millions cards since 2003. Verisoft

PowerEMV system is the leading software which

is hardware and chip vendor independent

solution for this process. USA and Canada lacks

this knowledge and experience needed for

efficient and large scale conversion and falling

behind in schedule. Only, less than 5% conversion

was made and there is still a huge 95% market

exists where Verisoft and Strategic Business

Partner can establish a network of chip vendor

independent personalization centers to serve USA

and Canadian Banks.

Card Personalization is a very lucrative

business which should be carefully considered.

Page 26: VERISOFT GROUP Company... · 2020-02-02 · From EMV POS to Mobile NFC HCE Verisoft was always at the forefront of the EMV technology from the beginning with EMV Level 2 kernel development

B l u e b i r d M T 3 6 0 E

M i c r o s o f t W i n d o w s C E 6 . 5 b a s e d B l u e b i r d i s a f u l l y

E M V L e v e l 1 & 2 a n d P C I P T S 3 . 1 t e r m i n a l w h i c h

V e r i s o f t c a n p r o g r a m f o r a w i d e r a n g e o f v e r t i c a l

m i s s i o n s p e c i f i c E C R P O S a p p l i c a t i o n s .


When you need a solution more than a simple

chip and PIN transaction you can come to

Verisoft to develop a custom vertical

application such as delivery, ERP, restaurant or

transportation where we can integrate

barcodes, QR codes, contact and contactless

cards, NFC with on screen signature capture or

even finger print verification.

We can integrate the solution into SAP, Oracle

or Microsoft SQLServer databases and

implement the terminal application with .NET.

Therefore, you can access and update your

back office software systems online prior to

and after the payment transaction.

Robust Gorilla Glass with capacitive touch

screen and full color display with icons and

product and photo display capability very

attractive and efficient applications can be


Page 27: VERISOFT GROUP Company... · 2020-02-02 · From EMV POS to Mobile NFC HCE Verisoft was always at the forefront of the EMV technology from the beginning with EMV Level 2 kernel development


L i n u x b a s e d F L Y P O S i s t h e s m a l l e s t E M V L e v e l 1 & 2

a n d P C I P T S 3 . 1 P O S t e r m i n a l w h i c h i s o n l y 6 0 g r a m s .

V e r i s o f t i s n o w d e v e l o p i n g d i f f e r e n t s e c t o r a l .


Paying with credit and debit cards with chip

and PIN in taxis and at other such independent

merchants will be possible with FLYPOS which

can connect to an Apple IOS or Android mobile

device which will serve as a 3G / GPRS mobile

gateway. One such example is the BiTaksi

application which lets you find a taxi nearby

and call this taxi automatically. After the

completion of the ride the taxi side Android

application will send the payment details to

FLYPOS and the customer will tap his

contactless card or NFC mobile or dip his chip

card and enter his PIN to make the payment.

FLYPOS will get the online authorization via

Android device and will send the result and

complete the transaction.

Verisoft is developing this and a wide range of

mobile device and tablet connected

applications with FLYPOS.

Page 28: VERISOFT GROUP Company... · 2020-02-02 · From EMV POS to Mobile NFC HCE Verisoft was always at the forefront of the EMV technology from the beginning with EMV Level 2 kernel development

C a n Yo u S e e t h e F u t u r e ?

V e r i s o f t a n d F o u r C o r n e r P a y m e n t s

a l r e a d y h a v e t h e f u t u r e i n t h e i r h a n d s !



He who lives in the past has

no chance in the future.

Verisoft and Four Corner

Payments joined forces in

USA to bring the latest

technology to the market.

NFC HCE with VISA PayWave

contactless virtual card

running on latest Android 4.4

KitKat smart phones brings

fast and efficient payment

technology just like ApplePay

running on Apple 6 and Apple


It is fast and practical and

future generations will be

making their payments only

with their smart devices.

And for the rest of us, the

baby boomers and in

between, those who just

don’t want to give up their

plastic cards yet or while

learning to use NFC who

wants a back up technology

Four Corner Payments and

Verisoft will bring the best in

plastic technology: Dual

Interface EMV cards. This

way they will be able to pay

with the legacy and latest
