Vastu for Living Room

Vastu for Living Room According to Vastu Shastra living room or drawing room should be located in east or north direction. The ideal location of a living room depends on plot facing. The living room can be in northeast direction for east and north facing house. The living room can be in northwest for west facing house. In south facing house, living room can be in southeast. Where to Place Furniture as per Vastu The furniture should be placed in west or south direction. The furniture such as showcase or heavy articles etc. should be in south or west direction. It should be rectangular or square, not in oval, circular or odd shape. Television, A.C and Telephone Place according to Vastu T.V. should be placed in southeast direction. Living room vastu opposes to place T.V. in north-east or south-west corner. Cooler or A.C should be placed in west or north direction. Avoid A.C or Cooler in southeast and northwest. Telephone should be placed in East, North or south-east. It should not be in south-west or the north-west corners. Aquarium Placement as per Vastu Directions Aquariums are beneficial to place in the North, East and North-East of living room. The faults related to north-west corner can be corrected by putting an aquarium. Avoid aquarium in south direction as it draws out positive energies from house. Painting and Pictures according to Vastu The use of painting can create a pleasant environment in the room. Painting of waterfall, rising sun provides positive energy. Avoid paintings that symbolize death, violence and negative aspects of life. Vastu Color Scheme

Transcript of Vastu for Living Room

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Vastu for Living Room

According to Vastu Shastra living room or drawing room should be located in east or north direction. The ideal location of a living room depends on plot facing. The living room can be in northeast direction for east and north facing house. The living room can be in northwest for west facing house. In south facing house, living room can be in southeast.

Where to Place Furniture as per Vastu

The furniture should be placed in west or south direction. The furniture such as showcase or heavy articles etc. should be in south or west direction. It should be rectangular or square, not in oval, circular or odd shape.

Television, A.C and Telephone Place according to Vastu

T.V. should be placed in southeast direction. Living room vastu opposes to place T.V. in north-east or south-west corner.

Cooler or A.C should be placed in west or north direction. Avoid A.C or Cooler in southeast and northwest. Telephone should be placed in East, North or south-east. It should not be in south-west or the north-west corners.

Aquarium Placement as per Vastu Directions

Aquariums are beneficial to place in the North, East and North-East of living room. The faults related to north-west corner can be corrected by putting an aquarium. Avoid aquarium in south direction as it draws out positive energies from house.

Painting and Pictures according to Vastu

The use of painting can create a pleasant environment in the room. Painting of waterfall, rising sun provides positive energy. Avoid paintings that symbolize death, violence and negative aspects of life.

Vastu Color Scheme

The color of wall in living room should be white, yellow, blue or green. Prefer light color over dark colors. Avoid black and red color in living room.

Vastu and Lighting

Lighting of living room should be bright. If chandelier is in living room, it should be slightly towards west, not at the centre of the room.

Vastu for Doors and Windows

The door of living room should be in east or north direction because doors are very auspicious in these directions. There should not be a photograph of any God in living room or at entrance door. Windows in east and north are beneficial.

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Vastu Tips for Living Room

•The East and North are best directions for living room.

•The furniture should be square or rectangular.

•Air-conditioner or cooler should be placed in West direction, not in South-east.

•Portraits of women, animals, birds, scene of war should never be displayed in living room.

•The sitting arrangement for the head of family should be in East or North direction.

•A painting showing depression should not be placed on a wall.

Bed Room VastuAccording to ancient science of directions, ‘Vastu Shastra’ peace and harmony reign through bedroom if the room is located in right direction. A properly located bedroom provides complete relaxation after a weary day and also brings good things into life. Here are given the facts which explain complete vastu for bedroom.

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Ideally master bedroom should be located in southern part of the house and all other bedrooms should be located either towards the East or North of master bedroom. Master bedroom may be located in south-west of the house. This room should be used by the head of the family and eldest son of the family. South portion is also recommended for eldest son bedroom. If there is more than one floor, the head of the family should have his bed room in south-west direction on first floor. This bedroom should not be used by young children otherwise unnecessary quarrels can take place in the house.  

A west sided bedroom is good for children. An eastern bedroom can be used for children. But this room should not be used by newly wed couples because it can cause unnecessary quarrel between the couple. Teenager girls should have their bedrooms in north-west direction. The bedroom should not be constructed in central portion of the house or in basement as it may lead to mental tension. Also bed room should not be constructed above porch and kitchen. An attached bathroom can be in north-west or south-east of bedroom.

Bed Location

The beds should be of good quality wood and metal bed should be avoided. The bed should be placed in such a way as the foot of the bed should be in North and does not face the door. It should not touch walls keeping 2 or 3 inches distance. Avoid placing bed in corners or under the beam. The space under the bed should be clean and clutter free. Due to paucity of space modern vastu says to use box bed.

Keep storage space clean and clutter free. Do not keep utensils and metal in storage space. This may cause mental stress and diseases.

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Cabinet Location

Cabinet/Almirah should be placed in south-west of the room opening towards North. It should be placed leaving south-east, north-east, south-west, north-west corners and east and north directions of the room.

Television and Electrical Appliances Location

Avoid television in bedroom. If you place T.V. in bedroom, it should be kept in south-east of bedroom. It should never be placed in front of bed as it works like a mirror. Thus placed mirror is not good for health. Electrical appliances should be kept in south-east of the room.

Doors and Windows Location

The door of bedroom should be in the East or the North. Windows in the East and North of the room are beneficial.

Color Scheme

Color affects our mind and changes the mood. Vastu recommends light colors. Light colors are better than dark colors. The color of bedroom should be light rose, pink, blue, yellow and green. Avoid black and red color in bedroom. Yellow and white marble should not be used in bedroom.

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As per vastu lighting is an essential part of bedroom. Comfortable lighting is the key to excellent bedroom. The bedroom should not have too bright or too dim lighting. Keeping an up-lighter in south-east is good.


Do not display pictures of war, cruelty, sadness, single bird, any animal and wild animals in bedroom. Generally people having religious nature display idols of God in bedroom. They should place these idols in ‘pooja Room’.


Do not use mirror in bedrooms. If it can not be avoided, keep it in such a position that should not reflect your shadow while sleeping. Keep a curtain on mirror to avoid reflection. To avoid mirrors in bedroom means to avoid unnecessary quarrels between the couple.

Tips for Vastu Bedroom

• As a general rule of vastu, south-west corner of bedroom should not be left empty. Always keep heavy things, furniture etc. in this portion in every room.

• South-west side of the house and of all rooms inside the house should always be heavier than the East and north-east side. Maximum open space should be left in north-east side of the room and house.

• Nobody’s bedroom should be exactly in the middle of the building.

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• Some buildings do not get proper east-west and north-south directions. They have corners only. In bed rooms of such buildings, for getting the proper direction, one should not put his bed in an oblique position.

• As far as possible, the almirah should not be in the bedroom. If it is necessary, it should be placed in a way leaving the south-east, the north-east, the south-west and the northwest corners as well as the east and the north directions.

Dining Room Vastu

According to vastu dining room should be located in east or west portion of the house. If the kitchen is on ground floor, dining room should not be on upper floor. The room should be located adjacent to kitchen or drawing room. Having meal in such located dining room will be beneficial for you, ensures Vastu.

Vastu Dining Location

Dining room should be located in west direction whereas kitchen should be made in south-east direction. Dining room should not be located in south side. Water arrangement should be in north-east direction.

Color: The color of dining room should be light like pink, light green, cream etc. Avoid black and white color.

Shape of dining table: According to vastu dining table should be in square shape and rectangular shape. It should not be in round shape, egg shape, and oval shape.

Location of TV and electronic appliances: Electrical appliances like fridges should be in south-east direction. Television should not be placed in the dining room.

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While taking food Family members should face east, west or north directions. Do not face south direction as it creates quarrels among family members. It’s best to face east or west direction while eating.

Lighting: Lights create positive energy. The décor of dining room should be arranged according to the mood and taste of the family. Lighting should create easy and relaxed environment. Candles and lamps give special effects to any meal. Ceiling lights should fall vertically and mainly focus on the surface of dining table. Scenery and paintings give positive effect in dining room.

Window and Door: Window should be placed in north or east side as compared to south or west side. If the house is located in north direction, the entrance should be in north direction. If the house is located in east direction, the face of entrance should be in the east.

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If the room is located in south direction, the face of entrance should be in the South and if it is in north direction, the entrance should be in the north.Main entrance door and dining room door should not face directly to each other. Toilet should not be attached to dining room.

Study Room Vastu

The right place is very important for study as it affects the concentration of students. Many times students complain that they are not able to concentrate on studies. The remedy to these problems has been formulated by our ancestors through ‘Vastu Shastra’.

Here are few vastu tips which can help students to achieve success in their studies.

The study room should be located in the directions which are considered auspicious for studies such as East, North or north-east of the house. As per Vastu, these directions improve the power of concentration while studying. Make sure that there is no mirror reflection in their room. This may have effect of doubling their work load. Make sure that the student does not study under a beam otherwise he or she feels unnecessary pressure.

Locate Study Table according to Vastu

The placement of study table is important for concentration. You should place study table facing East or North. Do make sure that the child should face East or North while studying. The table should not stick to the wall. There should be open space in front of child as it augments fresh ideas. The child should have a solid wall behind him as it signifies support.

The study table should be square or rectangular as per vastu, it should not be too big or too small. A table of small size can be uncomfortable while working and a table of big size can affect working capacity of the child.

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Placement of Bookshelves as per Vastu

Bookshelves and cabinets should be placed in the East, North, and North-east directions. The cabinets should not be placed in the center of room. It is best to leave central portion of study room empty. Avoid placing bookshelf above study table. It may create unnecessary stress for child. Study table should not be cluttered with lots of books.

Color scheme as per Vastu

The walls of study room should be painted in light colors rather than dark colors. Light colors are very auspicious according to vastu and enhance learning power of students. Avoid black color in study room.

Proper Lighting

The study room should have proper light. Dim lights are not favorable for child’s education and growth. Sunlight gives us energy for doing work so the windows of study room should be in East and North of the room. A table lamp is another source of proper light which helps in concentrating on the task. If the child is using table lamp, it should be placed in south-east of the table.

Vastu Tips to Create an Effective Enviornment in Study Room

•The room to be chosen for study should be in the East , North or the North-East direction of the house. These directions improve the absorption power.

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•Ensure that your child sleeps with his head towards East or South. The head towards east helps in learning whereas the head towards south helps in maintaining magnetic balance of the body or earth. Avoid bed in study room as it may make child lazy.

•Avoid television in study room because it interrupts concentration of students.

•Place computer in south-east of the room.

•Make the room noiseless. The study room should not have any noisy toilet on the floor above or below the room.

•Do let the child study under a beam.

•Make study room clean, clutter free and noise free.

Vastu for Kitchen

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According to Vastu Shastra, the lord of ‘Agni’ (Fire) prevails in south-east direction. So ideally the kitchen should be located in south-east of the home. The second best option is north-west part of the home. The stove should be placed in south-east direction of the kitchen so that the cook may face east direction while cooking.

East quadrant is considered an excellent location for kitchen because this area brings prosperity. South-east is the best direction for the kitchen. North quadrant is second option and north-west is direction. In diagonal plots, avoid north quadrant which has ill effects on female members. West quadrant gives average results for kitchen. The kitchen should not be placed under or above Pooja Room, Toilet or Bed Room.

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Let’s discuss the directions of various items of the kitchen.

The Entrance: Entry door of kitchen should be in the East, North or West. The door of kitchen should not be in any of the corners.

Cooking Gas: The gas stove should be in southeast corner, a few inches away from the wall. It should not be in front of the main door of the kitchen. Gas stove or any other cooking material should be placed in such a way as allows the cook to face only towards the East while cooking. If the lady faces west while cooking, it may lead to health problems. Cooking with face towards the south may lead to financial problems in the family. No shelf should be placed above cooking gas.

Dining in Kitchen:

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The food should never be served at the dining table placed in the center of the kitchen. Dining table should be placed in north-west corner of the room. One should only face towards east or north while taking food for good digestion.

Gas Cylinder: Gas Cylinder should be kept in south-east. Empty Cylinder should be kept in south-west.

Refrigerator: The direction of refrigerator should be in south-east, south, west or north direction. Refrigerator should not be in north-east direction. If the refrigerator is in south-west direction, it should be a feet away from corner otherwise it always gets out of order.

Electric Equipments: Heaters, conventional ovens, micro-waves ovens should be placed in south-east or south side of the kitchen; never in north-east portion.

Sink: Sink (wash basin) should be in north-east corner as far as possible.

Storage: The storage racks should be made on southern or western wall Essential commodities like boxes of grain, spices, pulses, etc. should be in south or west direction. The water source including pitcher, water filter, etc. may be kept in north-east.

Flooring: Ceramic tiles, mosaic, marble are good choices for kitchen flooring. Ceramic tile flooring is recommended to accommodate Indian conditions as it is stain-free, dust-free and scratch resistant.

Windows: There should be one or two windows or air holes in the east direction of the kitchen. An exhaust fan in the East is good.

Color Scheme: The color of floor and walls should be yellow, orange, rose, chocolate or red. It should not be black as far as possible.

Vastu and Interior Decoration

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Vastu provides some guidelines for interior decoration of the house. Comprehension of zones is important while doing interior of home. Zones are divided into two categories like negative and positive zones. Vastu clarifies to keep positive zones light as compared to negative zones. Heavy furniture and objects should be placed in negative zones whereas light furniture can be placed in positive zones. Negative zones or heavy directions are the South, West and Southwest. Positive zones or light directions are the North, East and Northeast. Here are given some tips for interior decoration of the house according to Vastu.

Placement of Furniture as Per Vastu

•Sofa set should be placed in south and west portion of the room. The person sitting on sofa should face north or east directions. .

•Bed should be kept in southwest direction of the bedroom leaving southwest corner.

•Almirah having valuables or jewellery should be kept in southwest of the room leaving southwest corner. It should be opened towards the North.

•Dining table can be placed in north-west of the kitchen, living room or dining room.

•Study table should be placed in the North or East of the room.

•Aquarium in the North, East or North-east is good as it has water. The North, East and North-east are directions of water.

Paintings and Statues

Paintings of natural scenes like sunrise, water fall etc. are suggested by Vastu. The paintings depicting scenes of war, violence should be avoided. The statue of God should be avoided in bedroom. The statues of Lord Ganesha are used as decorative pieces popularly. Place the statue of God in prayer room. Avoid keeping heavy statue in North-east of the room and house.

Electrical Appliances

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Electrical appliances should also be kept in right directions. Heating appliances like gas, ovens, microwave should be kept in southeast directions. Geyser should also be installed in south-east of bathroom. Cooler, A.C and Fridge should be placed in northwest of the room. T.V can be placed in the North, East or Southeast of the room. Avoid electrical appliances in north-east of the room.


Prefer curtains of light color for bedroom. Avoid red and black color curtains in bedroom. The curtains of dark color can be used in living room.


Vastu recommends placing mirror on north and east wall of the room. Avoid mirror in study room and opposite to bed in bedroom.

Indoor Plants

Indoor plants are very popular in home decoration. Avoid cactus and thorny plants in the house. Avoid big plants in north-east of the house.

Paint Colors

The paint of light color is good as per Vastu. Prefer light blue, green, pink and cream color for rooms. Avoid red and black color in the house.

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Mosaic, Ceramic Tile and Marble are good choice for flooring. Avoid white marble in rooms. This is considered auspicious for Pooja room and Temples.


Flat ceiling is good for residential purposes. The ceiling of a room should not be elevated.


Lighting should be bright in the house because dim light is not favorable for the residents of the house.

Vastu Tips for Plants and Trees

Vastu Shastra being an ancient science deals in residential buildings, factories and industries. Vastu can be applied on flowers and plants in the house. The plants play significant role in activating positive energy to our day to day life. Here is what Vastu says about plants.

•Tulsi or Basil plant is most powerful and auspicious plant. The plant should be located in the North, East and North-east of the house. Tulsi can be grown at the front or the back of the house.

•Banyan and Peepel tree are sacred trees so they should be planted near temple or sacred place.

•The trees should not be planted in front of the entrance of house.

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•Big trees can be planted in the South and West portion of the house. They should not be too close to the building as they block sunlight and roots of the tree can damage foundation. The roots of big trees absorb sunlight and do not allow them to reach the house.

•Small trees can be planted in the East and North side. But no tree should be planted in North-east corner.

•Thorny plants should not be planted in the house as these plants except rose can have negative energy.

•The creepers should be planted near entrance door. It should not be raised on compound wall of the building. It is good to plant creeper in garden.

•Avoid milky trees in the house as it may affect the health of family members.

•Flowering plants should be placed in the South-west portion of the house. Jasmine, Rose, Marigold, Champak, Mogra and Prijat are good around the house as it gives positive energy.

•Money plant should also be planted inside the house as it brings good luck to the house.

•No big tree should be planted in the centre of the house.

•A rock garden should be in southwest portion of the house, not in the northeast portion of the house.

Vastu for Bathroom and Toilet

According to bathroom vastu, bathroom is located in North or North-West portion of the house. If bathroom is located in wrong direction, it can cause health and financial problems. Bathroom should not be in South, South-East and South-West direction. South sided bathroom can cause adverse effects on the health of female members.

As per Toilet Vastu, toilet should be located in west or northwest direction. Avoid construction of toilet at the centre and in the east, northeast of the house. The toilet seat should be placed in such a way that the person sitting could face the North or the South. Now a day toilet combined with bathroom is becoming popular due to lack of space. Combined bathroom and toilet should be in north-west direction. It should not be adjacent to Pooja Room, kitchen and under the stairs.

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Geyser and other electrical appliances like heater and switchboard should be installed in south-east corner of bathroom. Taps and showers are fixed in north direction. Placing bath tubs in east, west or north-east direction is good. Wash basin and shower can be either in north-east, north or east direction. The North is a good direction for vanity mirror.

Water closet should be placed in the West and the South direction of the toilet. A water closet should be placed near a window or an outer wall.

Exhaust fans are necessary if there is no window in the bathroom. The slope of bathroom floor should be in the North. It should not to be in south-west or south-east direction.

Septic tank should be in northwest of the house. It should not be in south-east, north-east, north or east directions. The tank should be higher than floor level of the building.

The door of bathroom should be in North or East direction. It should not be placed in south-west direction. In a bathroom there should be a small and airy window either in East, West or North direction. If the window is in south direction, it would have adverse effects on health.

The color of bathroom tiles can be white, sky blue and light blue. It helps in giving a fresh look to bathroom. Avoid dark colors like black or red. The slope of floor in bathroom should be towards East or North direction.

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Vastu Tips for Bathroom and Toilet

•It should not be located in east, north or northeast direction.

•It should not be in northeast and center place of the house.

•It should not be near kitchen and under the stairs.

•If a change room is built in bathroom, it should be in South or West direction.

•The mirror should be on northern or eastern wall.

•The door should not be in south-west direction.

•Washing machine can be placed in south-east and north-west direction directions.

Vastu Tips for Doors and Windows

The doors and windows are essential furnishing articles of the house. These are used for insulation purposes. They provide comfort in working at the house. The following are important points that one should consider before designing the doors and windows.

•Maximum number of doors and windows should open in the North and East as compared to the South and West.

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•The doors and windows should be in even numbers like 2, 4, 6, 8 etc. but not 10 and multiple of 8.

•The main door of house should be taller than other doors. It should be of two shutters.

•There should not be any obstruction in front of main door like big trees; pole etc. There should not be any temple opposite to the house too.

•The doors should not be placed in center of the wall. It should be far from the centre. It should not be in extreme corner.

•For doors and windows one type of wood should be used. Teak wood is the best option for doors and windows.

•The doors and windows should be rectangular. The doors having irregular or square shapes are not auspicious.

•The doors should not close automatically; it may affect the health of children.

•The doors should not be over size or under sized. Its size should be of ratio 2:1 in regard to height and width.

•If the door is making noise while moving, it should be repaired otherwise it can cause quarrel.

•There should not be cracked door in a house. It should be replaced as soon as possible.

•The entrance door should be well decorated with pictures and decorative pieces.

•The main entrance door of two houses opposite to each other should not be opened towards to each other.

•If there is more than one floor in a building, one door over another door should be avoided.

Vastu and Colors

Colors pacify our mind and stimulate energy. The colors have significant effect on our mood, health and happiness. The impact of colors on us is emotional, intellectual, materialistic, physical and intuitive.

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The right choice of color helps us in enhancing the flow of energy in the house. Here are some Vastu guidelines, which will help you to pick the right Vastu colors for every room of your house.

Directions and Colors

Colors are based on directions represented by various planets. For example, north rooms of a house, represented by the planet ‘Mercury’ can be painted in light shades of green as the green is representative color of Mercury. The colors of the planets govern directions as follows

 Direction  Planet  Color

 East  Sun  White

 West  Saturn  Blue

 North  Mercury  Green

 South  Mars  Pink, Coral Red

 North-East  Jupiter  Tone of yellows, Cream

 South-West  Rahu   All Greens

 South-East  Venus  Silver White

 North-West  Moon  White

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Impact of Colors

Colors inspire our emotions and behavior. These have great impact on our life. The following colors are considered auspicious for the enhancement of ‘Vastu’ of a building.

Red: It symbolizes bravery and power. It’s dramatic, emotional and active. It should not be used in bedrooms because of its energizing quality. It can also be stressful for those who are nervous.

Orange: This color inspires spirituality and power. It encourages positive feeling, happiness, joy and good social relationship. Peach color can also be used as it is a cool color.

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Green: It represents nature, hope, freshness. It brings harmony, quick healing, good and healthy environment to the room. Most of the hospitals are using this color because of its quick healing quality. Green color is good for study room as it rejuvenate the ideas.

Yellow: It gives a sense of patience and wisdom. It represents sunlight which symbolizes power. If a room gets direct sunlight, do not paint the walls with yellow color. For ’Pooja’ room, yellow color is perfect.

Blue: It symbolizes spring, new growth and relaxation. This is cool color can be used for bedrooms or meditation room.

Purple: This color inspires faith, respect and trust. Never paint entire room in purple color as it may be overpowering. However a light purple color can be used for a calming environment.

White: it’s an elegant color and looks good when combined with other colors. White ceilings are suggested by most of the people as it reflects the light and brightens the room. This color can be used in north-west bedroom.

Pink:This color represents joy, happiness and pure feeling. It can be used in master bedroom and bedrooms in the South and Southwest.

Black: it indicates lack of hope and confidence. It gives us depressed and tensed feel. Avoid black and gray color in house as these may cause frustration and hopelessness.

Choosing the Paint Color according to Vastu

Bedroom : Pink is an auspicious color for bedroom. Light blue and light green are also good for bedroom. Choose green color for children’s bedroom because it can helps in study of children.

Living Room: Yellow, blue, green, tan and beige are best colors for living room as these colors are pleasant for guests.

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Kitchen: The white is the best color for kitchen. Yellow, orange, rose pink, chocolate and red colors are also good colors for kitchen.

Bathroom: It can be of white or a mix of black and white or gray colors. Pink and other pastel colors are also good.

Dining Room: The Pink, green and blue colors are good for dining room as this place needs to be painted in refreshing colors for the family eats and entertains there. Avoid black and white or mixture of black and white in the room.