Value and attitude




Transcript of Value and attitude

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AttitudeAttitude is defined as “a is defined as “a learned predisposition to respond learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect unfavorable manner with respect to a given object.” That is, to a given object.” That is, attitudes affect behavior at a attitudes affect behavior at a different level than do values…different level than do values…

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Attitude ComponentsAttitude Components

Affective ComponentAffective ComponentThe emotional or feeling segment of an attitude.The emotional or feeling segment of an attitude.

Cognitive componentCognitive componentThe opinion or belief segment of an attitude.The opinion or belief segment of an attitude.

Behavioral ComponentBehavioral ComponentAn intention to behave in a certain way toward An intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something.someone or something.

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Formation of Attitudes


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it is the direct contact between the individual and an attitude object .The experience comes when a direct contact is established.

ASSOCIATION Man is a social animal. He comes across no of people in his daily life.

According to Blair.J.Kolasa . ” the influence of group on the attitudes of the individual is inversely proportional to the distance of group from the individual”

FAMILY The most of the what an individual express the opinion is the result of family

influence. A child soon after its birth becomes a Hindu, Muslim, Christ, Vysya etc…… because of family. A child’s attitudes influence by family members.

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PEER GROUP an equal age and taste group is called peer group.

Peer group attitude influence means what we often seek others who shares attitudes similar to our own or else we change our attitude to confirm to the attitudes for those in the peer group whose approval is importance to us.

SOCIETY the society at large influence the attitudes of an

individual. The differences in attitudes is due to social factors. The society provides different experiences in culture, practices, religion, ethnical differences, caste, race, structure etc

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PERSONALITY FACTOR each individual has its own personality. He is

different to others irrespective his personal factors. A person may have different types of personalities such as authoritarian, cooperative, soft corner, sharing, daring etc. in each case his attitude toward an object is totally different from others.

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Attitude TypesAttitude Types

Most of the research in OB has been concerned with three Most of the research in OB has been concerned with three attitudes…attitudes…

Job InvolvementJob InvolvementIdentifying with the job, actively participating in it, and Identifying with the job, actively participating in it, and considering performance important to self-worth.considering performance important to self-worth.

Organizational CommitmentOrganizational CommitmentIdentifying with a particular organization and its goals, Identifying with a particular organization and its goals, and wishing to maintain membership in the and wishing to maintain membership in the organization.organization.

Job SatisfactionJob SatisfactionA collection of positive and/or negative feelings that an A collection of positive and/or negative feelings that an individual holds toward his or her job. individual holds toward his or her job.

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ValuesValues represent basic convictions that- represent basic convictions that-

A specific mode of conduct or end-state of A specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence.mode of conduct or end-state of existence.

Value is a judgmental element of what is Value is a judgmental element of what is right, good, or desirable.right, good, or desirable.

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Importance of ValuesImportance of Values1 2

Individuals enter organizations with notions of what is right and wrong with which they interpret behaviors or outcomes


Values generally influence attitudes and behavior.

Values lay the foundation for the understanding of attitudes and motivation because they influence our perceptions.


Value based management. Directly or indirectly the management is related to people.

Value based management. Directly or indirectly the management is related to people.

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Sources Of Values


the experiences of own or others provides sufficient values to individuals. Every individual considers most valuable which satisfies him.

ASSOCAITION the values are derived from the asssociation with group of

people. It includes the friends, teachers, professional association etc which add values to the system. The values which an individual accepts earlier may get change when they associate with peer group and hence when the association changes the values too changes.

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The most of the what an individual express the opinion is the result of family influence. A child soon after its birth becomes a Hindu, Muslim, Christ, Vysya etc…… because of family. A child’s attitudes influence by family members.

CULTURAL FACTORS an individual is inherited with cultural values and

when he joins an organisation he associates himself with organisational cultures. They are the factors which are transferred from generation to generation.

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RELIGIOUS FACTORS every religion has a set of values, practices, beliefs,

conducts which are straight away passed on to individuals. When an individual identity with a religion he represents a set of values.

SOCIAL FACTORS the society at large influence the attitudes of an

individual. The differences in attitudes is due to social factors. The society provides different experiences in culture, practices, religion, ethnical differences, caste, race, structure etc

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ROLE DEMAND the position of a person in an organisation

expects him to imbibe certain positional values. One should have dual roles to play i.e an individual and as an officer.

HALO EFFECT the attachment of certain values based on unique

feature of an individual is called as Halo effect. Here, the series of values are coined based on the single character.

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Types of ValuesTypes of Values

Terminal Values


Instrumental Values

Rokeach Value Survey… Rokeach Value Survey…

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Terminal ValuesTerminal Values

Desirable end-Desirable end-states of states of existence; the existence; the goals that a goals that a person would like person would like to achieve during to achieve during his or her lifetime.his or her lifetime.

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Instrumental ValuesInstrumental Values

Preferable Preferable modes of modes of behavior or behavior or means of means of achieving one’s achieving one’s terminal values.terminal values.

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