Valley Free Newsletter - September 2011

Choices vs. Priorities. . . Pastor Mike Sindelar SEPTEMBER 2011 It’s probably too late to sound the warning for the coming of fall and another turn of the calendar page. It’s already here. To go along with that, it is doubtless too late to sound the warning that a deluge of choices for the coming season are coming your way. That truck has likely already backed up to your house, too! For families with children at home, it makes my head spin to think of the choices you face between school, church, sports, family and work. For empty-nesters, the choices might be different in nature but no less overwhelming. No maer how hard we try, the de of choices always beckons us to live in the tyranny of the urgent. It doesn’t seem to take long to find ourselves living at breakneck speed, feeling out of control of our lives and exhausted. So how do you choose among the abundance of choices? As a fellow struggler on this topic, let me take a stab at developing a matrix for our thoughts. 1. Recognize that choices are not priories. Priories, those goals and purposes of our lives, are the matrix for weaving our way through the sea of choices we confront. When priories serve as our guide, choices are put in their proper perspecve. 2. Priories need to reflect the global picture of our lives. A choice posions itself right in front of us, demanding our aenon and looking only at the immediate view of life. A priority looks down the road at a desired future. It also considers all the aspects of life that will be affected by the choice. 3. Priories bring balance. Choices may seek the pleasure of the moment, the short-term outcome, the path of least resistance. A priority will frame our choices in light of our responsibilies, loyales and wisdom. 4. Priories bring our values to the surface of our lives. Whether we have quanfied it or not, we all have values that we live Cont’d on p.2


News & Events from Valley Evangelical Free Church.

Transcript of Valley Free Newsletter - September 2011

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Choices vs. Priorities. . . Pastor Mike Sindelar

S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1

It’s probably too late to sound the warning

for the coming of fall and another turn of

the calendar page. It’s already here. To go

along with that, it is doubtless too late to

sound the warning that a deluge of choices

for the coming season are coming your

way. That truck has likely already backed

up to your house, too!

For families with children at home, it makes

my head spin to think of the choices you

face between school, church, sports, family

and work. For empty-nesters, the choices

might be different in nature but no less

overwhelming. No matter how hard we try,

the tide of choices always beckons us to

live in the tyranny of the urgent. It doesn’t

seem to take long to find ourselves living at

breakneck speed, feeling out of control of

our lives and exhausted.

So how do you choose among the

abundance of choices? As a fellow

struggler on this topic, let me take a stab

at developing a matrix for our thoughts.

1. Recognize that choices are not

priorities. Priorities, those goals and

purposes of our lives, are the matrix

for weaving our way through the sea

of choices we confront. When

priorities serve as our guide, choices are

put in their proper perspective.

2. Priorities need to reflect the global

picture of our lives. A choice positions

itself right in front of us, demanding our

attention and looking only at the

immediate view of life. A priority looks

down the road at a desired future. It also

considers all the aspects of life that will

be affected by the choice.

3. Priorities bring balance. Choices may

seek the pleasure of the moment, the

short-term outcome, the path of least

resistance. A priority will frame our

choices in light of our responsibilities,

loyalties and wisdom.

4. Priorities bring our values to the surface

of our lives. Whether we have quantified

it or not, we all have values that we live

Cont’d on p.2

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Choices vs. Priorities (cont’d)...Pastor Mike

by. As we face choices this coming season, we need to

clarify our values and ask ourselves if the desired

direction of our lives is served by the choice we make.

5. As followers of Jesus Christ, our values and our

priorities are based on His desired outcome in our lives.

God’s Word is our priority guidebook! We should run

every decision through the matrix of Scripture. Jesus

Himself said, “Seek first the kingdom of God…” Other

biblical priorities include raising up our children in the

way of the Lord, building in a Sabbath rest,

intentionally growing in Christ and active involvement

in the Great Commission, to name a few.

As a church, we want to help you establish biblical and

godly priorities for your family. We want to be an active

partner in you fulfilling God’s purposes in your life. In the

rush of choices, the temptation is to minimize your

participation in God’s community of Believers. Make your

spiritual development a priority!

Finally, as a pastor I urge you to seek Biblical priorities in

the choices you confront. Jesus offers a greater choice

when He says, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from

me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest

for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is

light.” (Matthew 11:29-30)

Finally, again as a pastor, we will be seeking ways to help

you manage your priorities this year. I often joke that my

goal is to get people to the church at least four nights a

week. That joke is no longer funny…as a church, we desire

to bring you the pathway of the Lord and to collaborate

with Him in walking in the ease, grace and rest of His ways.

May our priorities as a church and as families, reflect His

priorities for our lives in the coming season.

Looking forward to a year of God’s favor at Valley.

PRESCHOOLERS (2-5 year-olds) will be

getting an overview of Old and New

Testament stories. They will use colorful,

cool, teaching tools (gizmos) to tap into

their God-given desire to play.

Kindergarten-1st graders will spend two

quarters experiencing God's view of family

and work. Third quarter they will explore

the Ten Commandments.

2nd and 3rd graders will study Jesus

Christ's life and ministry. Third quarter

they will encounter God's presence and

power among the early Christian church.

4th and 5th graders will spend two quarters

studying Bible Champions. Third quarter

they will experience the fascinating life of

David, a “man after God's own heart.”

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Another fall is here and another year of opportunity lay ahead of

us. Out of all the ministries in the church, perhaps none of them

change more than the nursery. Kids grow and move on. New

babies are born. New families start attending. As a result, we

need to always be ready with workers to handle any number of

children on any given Sunday.

Nursery workers come in all

shapes and sizes. Some are

parents of young children and

are working with their own

children as well as the other

children. Some are parents of

older children who are missing

their own little ones and using

this as an opportunity to serve

with their older child. Others

are grandparents who love to

sit and snuggle, love on the

little ones, and read stories that

not only entertain but teach. Some are teens that are looking for

an opportunity to serve in their church and love little children.

While we have many wonderful workers it’s always nice to

have a few more to add to our list. This avoids anyone from

becoming burned out and also shows that the church as a body

is in agreement on the importance of children’s ministry.

Perhaps you aren’t comfortable being a leader in a nursery. We

are always looking for assistants as well. This year they are

needed greatly in the infant nursery as we have had several new

babies lately (and a few on the way) that just need to be cuddled

and loved on. We’re looking for workers from ages 9-90 to be

assistants in our nurseries. We are looking for leaders as well.

There are many blessings for those who work in the church

nursery. Besides hugs and crayon drawings, the Bible has

specific promises about God’s presence when children are

welcomed and loved in Jesus’ name. (Mark 9:36-37)

Serving helps the church over all by allowing church goers to

focus on worship, rather than worrying about their children. As

we dedicate children in our church we all promise to be a part of

that child’s life, to show Christ’s love, and to stand alongside

and to help the parents as they raise the child. Working in the

nursery gives you the opportunity to fulfill that promise.

Service is essential for our own spiritual growth. You may have

never looked at it this way, but a growing Christian is always a

serving Christian. The first (and sometimes lasting) feelings a

child will have toward church is formed in the nursery


The church nursery is the first contact young families will have

with our church. Our friendly greeting and exceptional care for

their children can make a great first impression for our church.

If they don’t feel like their children are safe, they will not

return – and rightly so. At one point this last year I had a mom

tell me that their first impression with our nursery, as well as

their child’s positive reaction upon picking them up, was a big

decision in their decision to return to Valley.

Your service in the church nursery is also a powerful

opportunity for prayer. Imagine how God might begin to

change and work in this upcoming generation if every time you

worked in the nursery you would take a few minutes to pray for

these children.

I will be passing the job as Nursery Director to Amy

McGowan. She has graciously accepted to take on this task as I

move on to other areas. We will be working together this fall to

set up the new schedule so feel free to talk to Jan Schmit, Amy,

or myself if you’re interested in serving. Even if you do two

Sundays a year, you and the children will be blessed.

Thank you!

Nursery News...Janis Soule, Nursery Director

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allow Jon’s legacy to continue to be written through these

motorcycles that are being used to impact lives for eternity. In

His graciousness, He continues to turn our grief into a blessing

for pastors around the world.

Plans are underway for the 2011 Jon “Just Get ER Done”

Memorial Motorcycle Ride which will take place Sunday

September 25th, leaving once again from Fireman’s Park in

downtown Chaska to explore another beautiful route. We hope

that you’ll be able to join us for the bike ride and/or dinner as

we celebrate Jon’s life while raising funds for a cause that

reflects two of the passions of Jon’s heart – motorcycles and



Jon is the son of Valley members, Dave & Cindy Just, and he

grew up in the ministry of Valley Free Church. Jon died in a

motorcycle accident in 2004 at the age of 23.

Our hearts are filled with gratitude as we have watched God

use your precious financial gifts to the 2010 Jon “Just Get ‘ER

Done” Memorial Motorcycle Ride. We serve a BIG GOD!

Amazingly, over $17,500 was raised which was enough for

NINE motorcycles to be purchased for indigenous pastors -

eight bikes in Africa (divided between Kenya and Uganda) and

one in Peru!! These motorcycles are crucial in enabling these

pastors to reach remote tribes and people groups with the

love of Jesus.

We have also been reminded this past year that we serve a

loving God who cares about the details of each of our lives. On

May 29, 2010, Jon would have celebrated his golden 29th

birthday. That day was a difficult one for us as we wondered

how we might have celebrated that milestone with Jon. But,

God graciously knew we were in need of a “God sighting” and

provided us with an incredible way to remember that special

birthday - those nine motorcycles from 2010 bring the grand

total to 29!

We are truly humbled that God would

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I work with a variety of people of all ages at ReachGlobal. My

co-workers and I strategize about the ENGAGE process, how

we can better prepare missionary candidates for their field of

service. You know, as I just wrote that statement, I thought to

myself, “How in the world could we ever improve on what

God is already doing in someone’s life to prepare them for

ministry?” But the reality is, followers of Christ need guidance

no matter who they are and especially those thinking about

overseas missions. I have the privilege of walking with them

as they take those steps of obedience. They have so many

questions and we discover what God is leading them through.

They are raising their ministry partners for prayer and financial

support. Some are very successful and full of joy and

gratefulness as they see God meet their needs and build their

support. Others struggle with figuring out what their priorities

are, who they should talk with or where to go. Inevitably, it is

an incredible journey as God takes them through some

significant trials along the way. God is building in them a

stronger faith and character because they will need it.

Sometimes, we think that missionaries or missionary

candidates have it all together. After all, they have made the

ultimate sacrifice. They are giving up their own desires for

God’s complete control of their lives and even to the point of

moving to another culture because of a deep desire to share

Christ. I continually see God at work in peoples live to get

their attention. Sometimes it’s obvious what the Lord is

working on and sometimes they are blind to it altogether.

More accurately, we are all in the ENGAGE process with God.

God continues to lead us through difficult times to learn to be

more like His son, Christ. He leads us right to them, if we like

it or not! We go through these sufferings because He loves and

wants the very best for us and to prepare us for greater things.

This year for Women’s Bible Study, we’re going to look at the

“fruit of the Spirit”. Paul is pretty clear to the folks in Galatia


. . . Sandy Sindelar, Women’s Minisries Coordinator

that they need to get their lives firmly planted on God’s grace,

the grace that gives us complete freedom in Christ and a life

filled with the Holy Spirit. Have you ever been around someone

that just radiates the “fruit of the Spirit” on a regular basis?

What does that look like?

Here’s what Galatians 5:22 & 23 says:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such

things there is no law.

I heard someone use the expression the other day, “this side of

glory”. Isn’t that just where we are? We want to follow God

wherever that might be, however we need to change, to be more

like him. All this takes place “this side of glory” to be ready for

our home for eternity. A life surrendered to Him today as He

works in us, pleases God. It’s living beyond yourself and

choosing to submit to His character. In the process, those who

don’t know Christ will see the “fruit of the Spirit” in us. What a

powerful way to let other’s see who God is, by surrendering our

lives to His Spirit.

We will meet every other Tuesday evening this fall beginning

October 4 at 6:45pm. I hope you can come. Let’s pray for a

great year as we walk together in His Spirit. Please invite your

friends to join us. Questions? Contact Sandy Sindelar at

[email protected]

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According to the Vision Council of America, approximately 75%

of Americans wear corrective eyewear. Why? To correct

blurred, confused, or poor vision. There are many reasons why

we need sight, none more integral than:

1. We like to see. If you are near a beautiful mountain

landscape, you enjoy seeing it. Vision brings you joy.

2. We need to see. If there is danger in the road ahead, you

need to avoid it. Vision brings you safety. If there is a task

to be done, you need to see what you are doing. Vision


The problem is, so often in the Christian life our sight is blurred,

confused, and poor. Although God is gracious enough to offer

us His Word to help clear our view, it’s not a guarantee that all

obstructions will be gone. It seems that far too often we are left

saying, “What is God up to? Where is He taking us? Why did He

allow this to happen? I don’t understand where I am to go, or

what I am to do.” Sounds familiar doesn’t it.

Rather than allowing frustration and doubt to creep in at those

moments, we need to heed the words of God to his servant

Habakkuk, “Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be

astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would

not believe if told” (Habakkuk 1:5). In this wonderful little book

of the Old Testament, Habakkuk is without vision and

understanding. He’s left saying to God, “None of this makes

sense! Why are you not doing something! Why do you idly

stand by as wrong is done!” God’s response, “I am doing


How encouraging is that! As we approach this upcoming

ministry season we do not know what God has in store. We do

not know who will fill the seats, or who will volunteer, or how a

particular event will make an impact. When our lenses are

scratched, our sight blocked, and our vision is blurred, there is

only one response, trust in the LORD, for He is up to something.

He is Up to Something . . .Pastor Andrew Peterson

...Candace Wisely

Now is the time to be collecting treasures for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Goodies like small toys, school supplies and hygiene items are of great value to the children who receive these gifts. Just remember no liquids like glue, shampoo, conditioner etc…can be shipped in these boxes. Each box is delivered with the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Greatest Gift of All! As a church family we have 3 ways of participating this year: 1. Filling shoeboxes (last year we filled 125 boxes!) 2. Serving in our church as we are a Relay Center during the

week of November 14-20 (We will need volunteers for 2 hour shifts during this week.)

3. Serving on December 3 from 6:00-10:00 pm at the local collection Center (50 spots are reserved for VEFC!)

Questions? Contact Candace Wisely at 952-401-7994 or [email protected].

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From Ethiopia with Love . . . Dan & Karee Koepp

The past three months have been a

whirlwind in the Koepp household

with many changes and excitement

with the addition of Yoseph

Anthony to our family. Many of

you have heard our adoption story

and prayed with us as we have

been on this adventure. We are so

very grateful for your support and prayers as we

have witnessed the wonders that God has planned for us as a

family. We await the future wonders that He will provide as we

continue on this journey.

As we reflect on what has brought us to today, we cannot help

but feel David’s awe that he shares in Psalm 40:5…Many, O

Lord my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you

planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and

tell of them, they would be too many to declare.

We have experienced so many wonders, that it is hard to know

where to begin. In 2001 we were first prompted by God to

explore adoption. At the time we simply desired to have a

family, but God had started to reveal His plan that we would

someday grow our family through adoption. As we welcomed

four biological children into our family, God continued to grow

our adoption desires by telling us that our family was not

complete. Our problem was we had our own preconditions

before we were willing to fully commit to God’s plan. That is

when He reminded us of His faithfulness. God took care of our

preconditions and cleared the path for us to follow Him. At

that same time, He opened our hearts to orphans and the

needs in Ethiopia leading us to our agency, All God’s Children

International. It was finally time for us

to take this leap of faith.

We started the paperwork in February

2010 and not until April did we actually

start the waiting process. Then after

almost 10 months of waiting, we

learned about Yoseph on February 24,

2011. We have been so blessed by

God’s provision throughout the

waiting process. There were

numerous changes in the

program in Ethiopia and

many decisions that needed

to be made, but God

provided us the answers and

ultimately led us to our son,

Yoseph. We prayed that

when we were matched

with a child that we would have confidence and know that the

child was chosen by God for our family. God reminded us even

in the small details that this is His plan. Yoseph was born on

January 16, 2011 which means he was likely conceived in this

world on April 23, 2010. This is the exact day that we received

approval from our agency on our adoption request. God

aligned so many details, big and small, for us to be united as

Yoseph’s forever family.

From the time of Yoseph’s referral in February to his

homecoming, we also faced a lot of challenges with changes in

the court process in Ethiopia, scrutiny by the US Embassy, and

travel difficulties. But throughout it all, we were sustained by

God’s faithfulness and the prayers of so many supporters. God

moved mountains, endless paperwork, and financial hurdles so

that Yoseph could be in our arms forever on Father’s Day and

was welcomed home by his excited sisters and brother June 24,

2011. God has performed many wonders throughout our

journey and He is continuing to share more wonders every day.

We still can’t even fathom what this means in God’s future

plans for Yoseph or us. But what we can be assured of is that

God’s plan is great and we just want to submit to His plan, fulfill

it, and praise Him for it. We encourage everyone to listen and

follow God’s will in your life. It may

mean caring for widows and orphans

or something completely different.

Like us, you may find yourself on a

rollercoaster ride with joyous highs

and terrifying lows. But the thrill of a

wild ride makes God’s blessings all the

more evident and awesome. By

following God and His heart, you will

be blessed beyond measure.

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TH 1 7:00 pm Worship Team Rehearsal

SU 4 10:00 am Worship Service—Teen Challenge Choir

W 7 6:30 pm Missions Outreach Team Meeting

TH 8 7:00 pm Worship Team Rehearsal

SA 10 7:30 am Men’s Monthly Breakfast

SU 11 10:00 am 12:00 pm

6:00 pm

Worship Service Get Connected—food, fun, fellowship CruX

M 12 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study

TU 13 7:00 pm Elder Board Meeting


TH 15 7:00 pm 7:30 pm

Worship Team Rehearsal Web Team Meeting

SU 18

8:45 am 10:00 am 11:45 am

6:00 pm

Sunday School Worship Service Fishing Free-For-All (Men Only!) CruX

M 19 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study

W 21 6:30 pm Missions Outreach Team Meeting

TH 22 7:00 pm Worship Team Rehearsal

SU 25

8:45 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm

6:00 pm

Sunday School Worship Service Jon Just Get ‘Er Done Motorcycle Ride CruX

TH 29 7:00 pm Worship Team Rehearsal

F 30 7:00 pm The Movie “Courageous” Opens (Eden Prairie AMC Theater)

See bulletins for weekly updates/changes to this calendar

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Where do

YOU fit in?

picnic... no need to bring anything to eat, it’s all provided!

kid’s activities... including Bouncy House, face painting, carnival & yard games

lawn chairs... feel free to bring them

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Fax: 952-448-5119

150 Engler Blvd

Chaska, MN 55318

Register online at or pick up a form

in the foyer!


With Dr. David Jeremiah

Begins Sept. 12th / / 7:00 pm