Using machine learning to determine drivers of bounce and conversion (part 2)

Using machine learning to determine drivers of bounce and conversion (part 2) Velocity 2016 New York

Transcript of Using machine learning to determine drivers of bounce and conversion (part 2)

Page 1: Using machine learning to determine drivers of bounce and conversion (part 2)

Using machine learning to determine drivers

of bounce and conversion(part 2)

Velocity 2016 New York

Page 2: Using machine learning to determine drivers of bounce and conversion (part 2)

Pat Meenan@patmeenan

Tammy Everts@tameverts

Page 3: Using machine learning to determine drivers of bounce and conversion (part 2)

What we did (and why we did it)

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Get the code


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Deep learning


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Random forestLots of random decision trees

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Vectorizing the data• Everything needs to be numeric• Strings converted to several inputs as

yes/no (1/0)• i.e. Device manufacturer• “Apple” would be a discrete input

• Watch out for input explosion (UA String)

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Balancing the data• 3% conversion rate• 97% accurate by always guessing

no• Subsample the data for 50/50 mix

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Smoothing the dataML works best on normally

distributed data

scaler = StandardScaler()x_train = scaler.fit_transform(x_train)x_val = scaler.transform(x_val)

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Validation data• Train on 80% of the data• Validate on 20% to prevent

overfitting–Training accuracy from validation set

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Input/output relationships

• SSL highly correlated with conversions• Long sessions highly correlated with

not bouncing• Remove correlated features from


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Training random forest

clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=FOREST_SIZE, criterion='gini', max_depth=None, min_samples_split=2, min_samples_leaf=1, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None, bootstrap=True, oob_score=False, n_jobs=12, random_state=None, verbose=2, warm_start=False, class_weight=None), y_train)

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Feature importancesclf.feature_importances_

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Training deep learning

model = Sequential()model.add(...)model.compile(optimizer='adagrad', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=["accuracy"]), y_train, nb_epoch=EPOCH_COUNT, batch_size=32, validation_data=(x_val, y_val), verbose=2, shuffle=True)

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Understanding deep learning

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Brute force FTW• 93 input “features”• Train 93 models with 1 input–Measuring the prediction accuracy of each

• Train 92 models with 2 inputs– Top feature from first round–Measure combined prediction accuracy

• Lather, rinse, repeat…

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Visualizing the model• Take trained model (X inputs)

• Vary inputs–100ms to 20 seconds in 100ms intervals

• Apply the data smoothing from training set• model.predict_proba

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What we learned

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What’s in our beacon?

• Top-level – domain, timestamp, SSL• Session – start time, length (in pages), total load time• User agent – browser, OS, mobile ISP• Geo – country, city, organization, ISP, network speed• Bandwidth• Timers – base, custom, user-defined• Custom metrics• HTTP headers

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Finding 1Maybe everything doesn’t matter

after all

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Bounce rate

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Finding 2DOM ready (aka DOM content

loaded) and average session load time were the best indicators of

bounce rate

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Up to 89.5% accuracy

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Finding 3When it came to getting high

predictability, conversion data was tougher than bounce data

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81% prediction accuracy was as high as we got

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Finding 4Pages with more scripts were

more less likely to convert

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Finding 5The number of DOM elements

matters…a lot

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Finding 6Mobile-related measurements weren’t meaningful predictors of conversions

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Finding 7Some conventional metrics

were not as important as we thought

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Feature Importance (bounce)

Start render 69 ~top 3

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Things to watch out for

(other than dangling prepositions)

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Yep, checkout pages are SLOW

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1. YMMV2. Do try this at home3. Gather your RUM data (lots of

it)4. Run the machine learning

against it5. If you get unexpected results,

keep digging

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