Usii.4b notes

SOL USII.4b: Immigration and the Growth of Cities Lisa Pennington Social Studies Instructional Specialist Portsmouth Public Schools


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SOL USII.4b: Immigration and the Growth of Cities

Lisa PenningtonSocial Studies Instructional SpecialistPortsmouth Public Schools

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Immigrant: a person who comes to another country to live and work.

Oppressive: limiting the rights and freedoms of individuals.

Specialization: concentration on the manufacture of a particular product.

Division of labor: each person does one specific part of the whole process.

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Essential Understandings

Population changes, growth of cities, and new inventions produced interaction and often conflict between different cultural groups.

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Reasons for Increased Immigration

• Hope for better opportunity• Religious freedom• Escape from oppressive governments• Adventure

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Essential Understandings: Why cities developed

Population changes, growth of cities, and new inventions produced problems in urban areas.

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Reasons why Cities Developed

Specialized industries including steel (Pittsburgh) and meat packing (Chicago).

Immigration from other countries.

Movement of Americans from rural to urban areas for job opportunities.

Pittsburgh steel mill.

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Cities with Specialized Industries Pittsburgh: steel Chicago: meat packing Boston: textiles New York City: clothing Cleveland: steel Gary: steel Philadelphia: ship building Western Pennsylvania: oil

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Political machine: a party organization headed by a single boss or group that commands enough votes to maintain political control of a city, county, or state.

Urbanization: growth in cities. Tenement: a building made up of many

apartments. Ghetto: a specific area in a city where an

ethnic group of similar culture, religion, and language lives.

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Industrial Revolution: change in production methods from human to machine power.

Entrepreneur: a person who takes a risk to establish a business.

Factors of production: labor, capital, natural resources, and a transportation system to move the finished product to markets.

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Essential Knowledge

Rapid industrialization and urbanization led to overcrowded immigrant neighborhoods and tenements.

Challenges faced by cities include tenements and ghettos and political corruption (political machines).

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Essential Knowledge

Inventions had both positive and negative effects on society.

Inventions contributed to great change and industrial growth.

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The development of the telegraph by Samuel Morse.

Lighting and mechanical uses of electricity by Thomas Edison (light bulb and phonograph).

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Telephone service developed by Alexander Graham Bell.

Typewriter invented by Christopher Sholes.

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Atlantic cable developed by Cyrus Field.

George Eastman creates an affordable camera (Kodak).

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Cable cars invented by Andrew Hallidie.

Electric street railroad invented by Frank Sprague.

Invention of the gas powered automobile by the Duryea brothers.

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George Pullman invented the sleeping car.

George Westinghouse invents the air brake.

Elijah McCoy invents a device that oils engines.

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Essential Understandings

Population changes, growth of cities and new inventions produced reform situations that sought to provide services to crowded immigrant neighborhoods and remedy poverty.

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Settlement houses: community centers in urban areas established by social and religious workers to meet the needs of people in poor neighborhoods.

Hull House: a settlement house in Chicago established in 1889 by Jane Addams.

Tammany Hall: a political machine run by New York Democrats; Boss Tweed was the leader.

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Efforts to solve immigration problems

Settlement houses, such as Hull House, founded by Jane Addams

Political machines that gained power by attending to the needs of new immigrants (e.g., jobs, housing)

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Discrimination against immigrants

Chinese and Irish immigrants, as well as other groups such as American Indians were discriminated against in several ways:

Dawes Act of 1887: Native Americans were ordered to become educated, to become citizens, and not to sell their land for 25 years.

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882: banned immigration from China for 10 years.

Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1908: limited the number of Japanese immigrants to the United States.

Irish immigrants: suffered discrimination because of their Catholic religion.

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Think About It…

Why did immigration increase? Why did cities develop? What inventions created great

change and industrial growth in the United States?

What challenges faced Americans as a result of social and technological changes?