USER GUIDE - Software Asset Management (SAM) | Snow … · BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency...

USER GUIDE Product Snow Integration Manager Version 4.7 Release date 2016-05-16 Document date 2016-05-16

Transcript of USER GUIDE - Software Asset Management (SAM) | Snow … · BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency...

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Product Snow Integration Manager

Version 4.7

Release date 2016-05-16

Document date 2016-05-16

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CONTENT ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT .................................................................................................................................. 3

PREREQUISITES ................................................................................................................................................ 3

INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................................................. 4

CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................................................................. 5

GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 INVENTORY FILE HANDLING ........................................................................................................................................ 6 CONNECTOR OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 8

VMware AirWatch .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Symantec Altiris 6/7 ..................................................................................................................................... 10 BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping ....................................................................................... 11 Citrix XenServer ............................................................................................................................................ 12 Dell KACE 1000 ............................................................................................................................................. 17 FrontRange Discovery ................................................................................................................................... 18 HEAT Discovery ............................................................................................................................................. 19 HP Discovery & Dependency Mapping Inventory ......................................................................................... 20 HP Server Automation .................................................................................................................................. 21 IBM BigFix Inventory ..................................................................................................................................... 22 IBM License Metric Tool ............................................................................................................................... 23 IBM Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed .................................................................................................... 25 Inventory File Forwarder .............................................................................................................................. 26 iQuate iQSonar ............................................................................................................................................. 27 LANDesk........................................................................................................................................................ 28 Microsoft Hyper-V ........................................................................................................................................ 29 Microsoft SCCM 2007/2012 ......................................................................................................................... 31 MobileIron .................................................................................................................................................... 33 Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization ................................................................................................................. 34 ServiceNow Connector .................................................................................................................................. 35 ServiceNow Scoped Application Connector .................................................................................................. 36 Snow Device Manager .................................................................................................................................. 37 Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner .................................................................................................................... 38 Snow Xml ...................................................................................................................................................... 39 VMware vSphere .......................................................................................................................................... 40

LOGGING ............................................................................................................................................................. 42 ABOUT SNOW INTEGRATION MANAGER ..................................................................................................................... 42

IMPORT PROVIDER SETTINGS ......................................................................................................................... 43

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ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT This document describes how to install and configure Snow Integration Manager.

PREREQUISITES Very important! Read before beginning the installation.

Verify that the server meets the system requirements for this product; see the document System Requirements for all Snow products, which is available for download at

For configuration of the Snow Integration Connectors, a user account with read-only access rights to the database or on the server is normally required. If additional access rights are required for a specific connector, these will be described in detail in the section of that particular connector.

Configuration of Snow third party inventory connector for IBM TAD4D requires that IBM Data Server Driver Package is installed on the server where the Snow Integration Manager is installed.

Download the latest version of Snow Integration Manager from

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INSTALLATION Make sure that the requirements listed in System Requirements for all Snow products are fulfilled before continuing with the installation.

1. Uninstall any previous versions of Snow Integration Manager (or Snow External Data Provider).

2. To start the installation, double-click the file SetupSIM.exe.

3. The Snow Integration Manager Setup wizard is started. Click Next.

4. Read and accept the terms of the End User License Agreement. Click Next.

5. In the Custom setup step, select which connectors to install, and select location for the installation files.

Click Next.

6. In the Ready to install Snow Integration Manager step, click Install to start the installation

7. After the installation has completed, click Finish to exit the Snow Integration Manager Setup wizard.

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CONFIGURATION To configure the Snow Integration Manager, open the Snow Integration Manager Properties which is located in the start menu.

GENERAL Select global settings for Site id and aggregation scheduling.

The global Site id setting can be overridden using the Site id setting in the connector specific options.

NOTE: The global setting for aggregation scheduling will affect all connectors. If connectors are to be scheduled separately, do not enable this setting.

1. In the Site id box, type the name provided by the Service Provider (SPE platforms only), or the default site name used in the Snow Inventory installation (Enterprise).

2. In the Scheduling section, schedule an aggregation interval (or disable it).

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INVENTORY FILE HANDLING Select method for handling of inventory data.

1. When Snow Inventory Server is running on the same server as the Snow Integration Manager, click the Save to local inventory server check box, and then specify the incoming folder in the Inventory incoming file folder box.

Example: C:\Program Files\Snow

Software\Snow Inventory\Data\Incoming

2. When sending the inventory data to a remote server, click the Save to remote inventory server check box (i.e. Snow Inventory Data Receiver) and then type the complete URL in the Url box.


To enter proxy settings, click Proxy.

To activate the proxy functionality, click the Use proxy check box.

In the Settings section, use the default proxy configured in Internet Explorer by clicking the Use default proxy check box, or configure manual proxy settings in the boxes.

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3. The Software filtering section lists folder paths and file types, which by default are excluded from/included in the inventory.

NOTE: Software filtering is only applicable for the Microsoft SCCM 2007/2012 and LANDesk connectors.


By default, all content of the folder


will be excluded except for the folder


By default, only .exe and .dll file types will be included in the inventory, but more file types can be added.

To remove a filter, select filter in the list and click Remove.

To create a new filter, click Add.

4. To exclude a folder, type a path in the Filter box, and the click the Excluding check box.

Click Save.

5. To include a folder in an already excluded path, type a path in the Filter box, and then leave the Excluding check box cleared.

Click Save.

6. To include a new file extension, type the extension in the Filter box, and then click the Is extension check box.

Click Save.

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CONNECTOR OPTIONS Select which connectors to configure. For details of the specific configuration options for each connector, see the sections that follow.

1. To add connectors, select connector in the Available connectors list and then click Add >>.

2. To remove connectors from the Active connectors list, select connector and then click << Remove.

3. To configure connector specific options, click Settings; see the sections that follow.

4. To configure a schedule for a selected Active connector, click Schedule.

5. To rename an Active connector, select connector and then click Rename.

6. To start an immediate aggregation for a selected connector, click Aggregate selected. This option is mostly used for testing purposes.

7. In the Missing metadata reporting level list, select how to handle reporting of missing metadata.

8. To include software that lacks description, click the Include software with missing metadata check box. The filename will be used as placeholder for the description.

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The AirWatch connector uses an API connection.

1. In the API URL (Host) box, type the URL to the AirWatch Web API.


2. In the User Id and Password boxes, type credentials for a user account with access to the AirWatch Web API. The account needs to have the API role assigned.

3. Type the token for AirWatch authentication in the Authentication token box.

4. To only include information on registered devices, click the Include only enrolled devices check box.

5. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

6. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

7. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

8. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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The Symantec Altiris 6/7 connector uses a database connection.

1. In the Server box, type the SQL server name.

2. Type user credentials for the Symantec Altiris database in the User id and Password boxes

- or -

Click the Use integrated security checkbox.

3. In the Database list, select database.

4. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

5. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

6. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

7. Optionally, type a Site Id for this connector.

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The BMC ADDM connector uses an API connection.


1. In the Server box, type the server URL. Example:

2. Type user credentials for the server connection in the User id and Password boxes.

3. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

4. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

5. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

6. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.


1. To include or exclude computers, define a filter based on a computer attribute. Multiple criteria can be used in the filter.

2. To add the created filter, click Add.

3. To test the filter and check the result, click Preview.

4. To remove a created filter, click Remove.

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The Citrix XenServer connector uses an API connection.

1. Type a Site name for this collection of XenServer servers.

2. To add one or more XenServer servers to scan for virtual machines, click Add.

3. Type the Name of the server.

4. To use the typed name of the server instead of the default name, click the Use this name as datacenter name checkbox.

5. Select whether HyperThreading is enabled on the hosts to ensure that correct processor core count is reported to Snow License Manager.

6. Type IP address, Port, User account, and Password to access the server. XenServer uses port 80 by default, so use that port on a default installation.

7. To verify the connection, click Test.

8. Click OK to save settings and close the Citrix XenServer dialog box.

9. Click OK to save the settings.

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The connector will be able to extract more information from virtual machines with XenServer Tools installed. Install XenServer Tools on all VMs to retrieve the maximum amount of information.


If a VM is not running, it is not necessarily associated with any host. It is only when a VM is running that a host is defined. This means that a VM that is not running may in fact be associated with *no* host.

When the connector is trying to figure out which host a VM is associated with, the following logic is used:

1. If the VM is running, the host is known and we use that.

2. If the VM is not running, the host is inferred by the VM's affinity field (the preferred starting host).

3. If the host could not be inferred, the VM is ignored.


1. Configure the connector to communicate over HTTPS by specifying port 443 in the server settings.

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A default XenServer installation uses a self-signed certificate for TLS/SSL.

To make the connector work over HTTPS, either replace the default certificate with one from a trusted certificate authority, or add XenServer’s self-signed certificate to the client machine’s trusted certificate store.

To replace XenServer’s default certificate, refer to the XenServer documentation.

To trust the self-signed certificate, perform the following steps on the machine that the connector is running on:

1. Start Internet Explorer using the running as administrator option.

2. Navigate to the XenServer over HTTPS.

3. If this warning is displayed, XenServer is not using a trusted certificate.

4. Click Continue to this website.

5. Click the Security report icon in the URL, and then click View certificates.

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6. In the Certificate dialog, click Install Certificate...

7. The Certificate Import Wizard is started.

8. Select Local Machine, and then click Next.

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9. Select Place all certificates in the following store.

10. Click Browse, and then select Trusted Root Certification Authorities.

Click OK.

11. Click Next.

12. Click Finish to start the import.

13. A message box should be displayed informing that the import was successful.

14. Restart Internet Explorer and verify that it is possible to navigate to the XenServer over HTTPS without getting a certificate warning.

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The Dell KACE 1000 connector uses a database connection.

1. In the Server box, type the MySQL server name.

2. Type user credentials for the Dell KACE 1000 database in the User id and Password boxes

- or -

Click the Use integrated security check box.

3. Type the name of the Database.

4. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

5. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

6. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

7. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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The FrontRange Discovery connector uses a database connection.

1. In the Server box, type the SQL server name.

2. Type user credentials for the FrontRange Discovery database in the User id and Password boxes

- or –

Click the Use integrated security check box.

3. In the Database list, select database.

4. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

5. In the Organizations that start with box, specify an organization filter which will be used to select computers that are connected to those organizations. Use % as a wildcard.

6. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

7. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

8. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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The HEAT Discovery connector uses a database connection.

1. In the Server box, type the SQL server name.

2. Type user credentials for the HEAT Discovery database in the User id and Password boxes

- or –

Click the Use integrated security check box.

3. In the Database list, select database.

4. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

5. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

6. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

7. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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The HP DDMI connector reads data from files in a folder.

The HP Discovery & Dependency Mapping Inventory (HP DDMI) connector opens each of the HP DDMI scan files (.xsf) and converts the inventory data to a standard Snow inventory file that can be integrated with the Snow database.

1. In the XSF scan file folder box, type the folder where the HP DDMI connector will look for HP DDMI XSF scan files.

2. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

3. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

4. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

NOTE: Due to high CPU and memory usage the recommendation is to use a server with higher performance than the recommended minimum SIM server requirements, or there is a risk that the HP DDMI aggregation will underperform.

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The HP Server Automation connector uses an API connection.

1. In the Server box, type the server URL. Example:

2. Type user credentials for the server connection in the User id and Password boxes.

3. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

4. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

5. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

6. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.


When gathering inventory data from HP Server Automation (HPSA) using this integration connector the actual servers running the HPSA software itself will not be included and presented in Snow License Manager.

This is due to a limitation in the HPSA API that excludes these servers from the list of devices managed by HPSA.

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The IBM BigFix Inventory connector uses an API connection, and can be used for gathering data from both BigFix Inventory and ILMT version 9 (based on BigFix).

1. In the BigFix Web API URL box, type the URL to the BigFix Web API.

2. In the User Id and Password boxes, type credentials for a user account with access to the BigFix Web API.

3. The BigFix inventory port and BigFix platform port boxes show the default ports set by IBM. The ports can be changed.

4. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

5. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

6. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

7. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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The IBM License Metric Tool connector can either use a database connection or import reports that have been exported from IBM ILMT.


1. In the Input Source section, select the DB2 database option.

2. In the Server text box, type the DB2 server name.

3. Type user credentials for the IBM License Metric Tool database in the User id and Password boxes.

4. In the Database box, type the name of the database.

5. In the Port box, type the database server port.

6. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

7. In the Period for peak capacity reporting box, type the number of days to be included in the period for Sub Capacity Reporting.

8. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

9. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

10. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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1. In the Input Source section, select the CSV files option

2. In the Folder text box, type the folder where the connector will look for inventory files.

3. In the Mappings section, select ILMT version; ILMT v 7.x or ILMT v9.x.

4. Map the Target fields to the Source fields in the ILMT file.

Either type the Source fields manually, or click Get headers from file to use the header of an import file as template. Then click on each Source row and select a field from the list that is shown.

5. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

6. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

7. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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The IBM TAD4D connector uses a database connection.

1. In the Server box, type the DB2 server name.

2. Type user credentials for the IBM TAD4D database in the User id and Password boxes.

3. Type the name of the Database.

4. Type the Port of the database server.

5. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

6. In the Period (days) field, select the number of days to be included in the period for Sub Capacity Reporting.

7. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

8. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

9. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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The Inventory File Forwarder connector reads data from files in a folder.

1. In the Inventory file folder box, type the folder where the connector will look for inventory files.

2. In the Data receiver url box, type the complete URL to the Inventory Data Receiver.


3. To verify the connection, click Test.

4. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

5. To activate the proxy functionality, click the Use proxy check box

6. In the Settings section, use the default proxy configured in Internet Explorer by clicking the Use default proxy check box, or configure manual proxy settings by using the boxes.

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The iQSonar connector uses a database connection.

1. In the Server box, type the SQL server name.

2. Type user credentials for the iQSonar database in the User id and Password boxes

- or –

Click the Use integrated security check box.

3. In the Database list, select database.

4. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

5. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

6. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

7. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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The LANDesk connector uses a database connection.

1. In the Server box, type the SQL server name.

2. Type user credentials for the LANDesk database in the User id and Password boxes

- or –

Click the Use integrated security check box.

3. In the Database list, select database.

4. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

5. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

6. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

7. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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The Microsoft Hyper-V connector uses an API connection.


When running SIM from Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008, Windows Management Framework 3.0 must be installed.

Logon credentials:

o Standalone Hyper-V servers:

The credentials must have access to the server’s WMI interface.

o VMM servers:

The user must be an Administrator on the VMM server.

The user must also be added to a role with read rights in Virtual Machine Manager Console on the VMM server (in the console, go to Settings|User roles).

VMM servers: Make sure that PowerShell Remoting is enabled on the server. Example of PowerShell script:

o Enable-PSRemoting –Force

If the connection fails to a server that is not a member of the domain, or if connection by IP address is used, the server’s IP address (or name) might need to be added to “TrustedHosts” on the local computer. Example of PowerShell script:

set-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value “,, …”

NOTE: The recommendation is to either install the Snow Inventory Client for Windows on the virtual machines or gather inventory data from the virtual machines using another SIM connector. The Hyper-V connector does not perform software scan on the virtual machines.

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1. Type the Site name for this collection of Hyper-V servers.

This setting will override the Global site id.

2. To add one or more Hyper-V servers to scan for virtual machines, click Add.

3. In the Server name or IP box, type the hostname or IP address of the server (type “.” for localhost).

4. Specify whether this is a single Hyper-V server or a VMM server controlling one or more Hyper-V hosts.

For a VMM server, select whether HyperThreading is enabled on the hosts to ensure that the correct number of processor cores is reported to Snow License Manager.

5. Type logon credentials in the User (username or DOMAIN\username) and Password boxes.

6. By default, each virtual machine’s name is its Fully Qualified Domain Name (computer name + domain; MYCOMPUTER.mydomain.local). If only the computer name is needed, click the Remove domain suffix… check box.

7. To verify the connection, click Test.

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The Microsoft SCCM 2007/2012 connector uses a database connection.


1. In the Server box, type the SQL server name.

2. Type user credentials for the SCCM database in the User id and Password boxes

- or –

Click the Use integrated security check box.

3. In the Database list, select database.

4. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

5. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

6. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

7. Select Identifier.

8. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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The SCCM data source options gives a better overview of the SCCM setup and what views and fields the Snow Integration Manager is able to aggregate from. It is also possible to apply filters to collections and clients.

1. Collection filter In the Collection filter (Site ID) box, type the Site ID’s that clients will be aggregated from. Use semi colon as separator.

2. Client filter In the Client filter box, type the names of the clients that will be aggregated. Use semi colon as separator.

A wildcard (* or %) can be used to match several clients.

Example: Type STO-* for all clients with a name beginning with “STO-“.

3. Enable Apply software exclusion filters to metering data by clicking the check box.

4. To test the filters, click Preview.

Select the Use config value check box to use the last aggregation date. Note that this will either be the last aggregation date if such a value exists, or todays date subtracted with the number of months specified for initial aggregation.

Clear the Use config value check box to select a manual date for the preview.

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The MobileIron connector uses an API connection.

1. In the Core Admin Portal URL box, type the URL to the MobileIron Core Admin Portal.


2. In the User Name and Password boxes, type credentials for a user account in the MobileIron Core Admin Portal. The account needs to have the API role assigned.

3. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

4. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

5. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

6. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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The Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization connector uses an API connection.

1. Type a Site name for this collection of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization servers.

This setting will override the Global site id.

2. To add one or more Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager connections to scan for physical and virtual machines, click Add.

3. Type the Name of the datacenter.

NOTE: This name will only be used for reference in the Snow RHEV Scanner Configurator list. The actual datacenter name is collected via the API.

4. Type the Webservice url for the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager API


5. In the User and Password boxes, type user credentials for an account with access to the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager API.

6. To verify the connection, click Test.

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The ServiceNow connector uses an API connection.

NOTE: Use the ServiceNow connector for the ServiceNow releases Dublin, Eureka, and Fuji (up to patch 8).

NOTE Prior to configuring the ServiceNow connector, apply the Snow CMDB Integration update set to the ServiceNow instance.

1. In the SLM Web API URL box, type the URL to the Snow License Manager Web API.

2. In the User Name and Password boxes, type credentials for a user account with administrative privileges in the Snow License Manager platform.

3. To verify the SLM connection, click Test connection.

4. For SPE platforms only In the Customer list, select the customer for whom information will be replicated.

5. In the ServiceNow URL box, type the URL to the ServiceNow instance.

6. In the User Name and Password boxes, type user credentials for an administrative account in the ServiceNow platform.

7. To verify the ServiceNow connection, click Test connection.

8. To exclude replication of inventory information on users, disable the option Include Users (the option is enabled by default).

9. To reset an ongoing incremental import and perform a full import instead, click Clear Last Import Date.

NOTE: A user account is required for ServiceNow web services authentication. The user account needs to be associated with the soap, import_transformer, itil, and sam roles.

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The ServiceNow Scoped Application connector uses an API connection.

NOTE: Use the ServiceNow Scoped Application connector for the ServiceNow releases Fuji (from patch 9) and Geneva.

NOTE: Prior to configuring the ServiceNow Scoped Application connector, install the Snow CMDB Integration scoped application from the ServiceNow Store.

1. In the SLM Web API URL box, type the URL to the Snow License Manager Web API.

2. In the User Name and Password boxes, type credentials for a user account with administrative privileges in the Snow License Manager platform.

3. To verify the SLM connection, click Test connection.

4. For SPE platforms only In the Customer list, select the customer for whom information will be replicated.

5. In the ServiceNow URL box, type the URL to the ServiceNow instance.

6. In the User Name and Password boxes, type user credentials for an administrative account in the ServiceNow platform.

7. To verify the ServiceNow connection, click Test connection.

8. To exclude replication of inventory information on users, disable the option Include Users (the option is enabled by default).

9. To reset an ongoing incremental import and perform a full import instead, click Clear Last Import Date.

NOTE: A user account is required for ServiceNow web services authentication. The user account needs to be associated with the x_snsab_snow_cmdb.snw role

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The Snow Device Manager connector uses an API connection.

1. In the SDM Web API URL box, type the URL to the Snow Device Manager Web API.

2. In the Domain, User Name, and Password boxes, type credentials for a domain user account with administrative privileges in the Snow Device Manager platform.

3. To only include information on registered devices, click the Include only enrolled devices check box.

4. To verify the connection, click Test connection.

5. In the Initial aggregation length field, select number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

6. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, click Clear Last Aggregation Date.

7. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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The Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner connector reads data from files in a folder.

This connector is used for import of Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner 2.x output xml files. It is also used for processing of inventory result xml files generated by the Snow Inventory Client for Unix.

1. Add one or more folders where Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner will look for xml files.

2. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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The Snow XML connector reads data from files in a folder.

Snow XML is an xml format that enables integration of data from any other hardware and/or software inventory system. The Snow XML connector reads data from a structured xml file and converts it to the standard Snow Inventory format.

1. Browse for a folder where Snow XML will look for xml files.

2. Optionally, type a Site id for this connector.

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The VMware vSphere connector uses an API connection.

1. Type a Site name for this collection of vSphere servers.

This setting will override the Global site id.

2. To add one or more vSphere servers to scan for virtual machines, click Add.

3. Type the Name of the server.

4. To use the typed name instead of vSphere’s default “ha-datacenter” name, click the Use this name as default name for data center check box.

5. Type the Webservice url and user

credentials to access the server’s VMware vSphere Web Services SDK.

6. To verify the connection, click Test.

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NOTE: The user account that is used for access should be assigned the vCenter Server Role Read-only (minimum requirement) or higher.

To have the complete license key for each vSphere host displayed in Snow License Manager, the user account needs to be assigned a vCenter Server Role with the granted privilege Licenses of the Global privilege category.

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On the Logging tab specifications can be made on what information to append to the log files, how the files are formatted, where they are located, and allowed number and size of the files (default settings are recommended).

ABOUT SNOW INTEGRATION MANAGER To check the version of the installed Snow Integration Manager:

1. In Snow Integration Manager Properties, press F1 on your keyboard. The About – Snow Integration Manager dialog box appears.

2. Click OK to close the About – Snow Integration Manager dialog box.

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IMPORT PROVIDER SETTINGS From Snow Integration Manager (named EDP when released) version 4.1 it is possible to import the active provider settings from an earlier External Data Provider 3.x installation, if installed on the same computer. All existing settings on the General tab (company name, site name, schedules) for the Snow Integration Manager will remain the same as in the earlier installation.

The Snow Integration Manager Properties application presents the user with an option to import the settings the first time it starts.

Note that this message will be displayed only once regardless of the answer being Yes or No.