USAF Turbulence Categories


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Transcript of USAF Turbulence Categories

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Table 2.2. Guide for Default Aircraft Turbulence Category Type.

Military Aircraft Turbulence Categories Aircraft Type Turbulence Category

OH-58 T-41 T-51 UH-1 AH-1 I

A-29* AH-64 B-2A (see Note 1) B-52

C-37 C-130 C-20 C-12 C-40B 

C-5A/B  C-9A/C  CC18-180 CH-47CT-43A E-3B  E-4B  E-8 F-15

F-16 K C-135 T-1A T-6 T-38

T-53 TG-15* TG-16* U-25* U-21

UH-72A H-3 H-69 CV-22 (see Note 3) 


A-10 C-17A C-21A C-27 C-32A/B EA-6B  E-9 F-18 F-22 (see Note 1) 

K C-10 MC-12 MQ-1/C  R Q-4A U-2

UV-18A/B  UV-20


B-1B  MQ-9 IV

Civilian Aircraft Turbulence Categories Aircraft Type Turbulence Category

B-350 C-150 C-172 C-175 C-182

C-185 DA-20 PA-38 PAY-3


A-319 A-320 A-321 A-300

A-340(200-300) A-340(500-600)

B-200 B-727 B-737(600-900) B-747B-777 BE-20 C-208 C-310 C-402

C-414A C-421 CD-8 CL-600 CRJ 

DC-8 (Super 62) DC-8 G-520 PA-18

Gulf stream IV/V L-13 L-23 MD-80


B-737-200 B-757 B-767 DC-8 (Super63) DC-10 DHC-6 E-145 JS-41 LJ-

25 LJ-35 LJ-55 LJ-60 MD-11


Note 1:  Turbulence categor ies for aircraf t with auto gust alleviation systems are likely less 

suscepti ble to turbulence than their com puted category.Note 2:  For new or emerging airframes all turbulence categor izations should be forwardedto AFLC/MC/XZIG with suff icient lead-time to allow for gather ing data, calculating gust 

loading/turbulence categor ies, and modifying the Turbcat sof tware pr ior to addition to this 

table.Note 3:  The CV-22 has as pects of f light that include rotor-wing operations and therefore

ob jective gust load calculations and turbulence categor izations are not possi ble for rotor phase of f light. Note 4:  Aster isked aircraf t do not have an ob jective study to suppor t the category but are being worked at time of publication for future edition. Categor ization is best f it based on

available infor mation.In General: category from its default value.

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Table 2.3. Aircraft Turbulence Intensity Conversion Chart. Weakne sse s. Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) is  a transitory event  resulting

from  the for mation and collapse of unstable atmos pher ic waves  and vor tices  overtime. For this reason, turbulent areas on turbulence forecast products depict regions 

where environmental  conditions  are most  favorable for repetitive generation and

collapse of the atmos pher ic waves  and vor tices  res ponsi ble for the ma jor ity ofturbulence events. Turbulence char ts are s pecif ied for Category II aircraf t with a clean

airframe cruising in level  f light  at  the most  eff icient  cruising air s peed at  a The MIL-STD depiction used in these products  degrades  product resolution. The minimum  resolvable feature on standard products  is 

approximately 60 nautical  miles  (108 k ilometer s). Higher def inition products 

rendered as  color f ills  (see Figure  2.11) are dis played at  signif icantly f inerresolutions as high as 2 to 7 nautical miles (4-12 k m) and may be used to execute

missions, es pecially in the lower levels  of the atmos phere where mechanical  or

terrain induced turbulence is more prevalent.

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Figure 2.9. Standard Regional-Scale Low-Level Mechanical/CAT Forecast Product,

Surface to FL180 Layer (25 OWS).

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Figure 2.10. Standard High-Level Turbulence Product (17 OWS).

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