UPDATE ARTICLE Management Of Heart Failure With Current...

UPDATE ARTICLE Management Of Heart Failure With Current Perspectives William Ng, MBBS, MRCP Chu-Pak Lau*, MD, FRCP Division of Cardiology Department of Medicine University of Hong Kong Queen Mary Hospital Introduction Heart failure is defined as a pathophysiological state in which an abnormality of cardiac function is responsible for the failure of the heart to pump blood at a rate commensurate with the requirements of the metabolising tissues and/or to be able to do so only from an elevated filling pressure.' This abnormality in cardiac function is reflected by the occurrence of exercise intolerance. Although heart failure is known for a long time in medical history, this condition is still associated with high morbidity and mortality. Various studies have demonstrated around 50% mortality rate over 2-5 years or an annual mortality rate of about 25% in patients with left ventricular dysfunction. 2 " 3 In addition, repeated hospital-isation for treatment of worsening heart failure has placed a severe strain on the health care system. In this article, the preventive and treatment strategies currently available for the management of heart failure will be discussed. Keywords: Heart failure, aetiology, diagnosis, management Aetiology In North America, between 60-70% of adult patients with heart failure have left ventricular dysfunction secondary to ischaemic heart disease, and nonischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy accounts for approximately 20% of patients with heart failure. 4 In Hong Kong, coronary artery disease is now the most common cause of heart failure. This is due to the increasing incidence of coronary artery disease as society becomes more westernized, the increasing proportion of the elderly in the population and improved survival in patients with established heart failure and myocardial infarction. Hypertensive cardiovascular disease is probably the second most common cause. On the other hand, congestive heart failure (especially refractory right heart failure) resulting from rheumatic valvular problems still remains an important disease. Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, post-viral myocarditic cardiomyopathy, undiagnosed / inoperable congenital heart disease, untreated chronic tachyarrhythmia are some of remaining causes for patients hospitalised for heart failure. Pathophysiology of Heart Failure Heart failure is associated with changes involving the heart as well as the peripheral circulatory system (Figure 1). The initial insult is usually an abnormal increase in after-load or significant loss of functioning myocardium. Development of myocellular hypertrophy and alterations in collagen matrix occur which ultimately results in geometric changes (remodelling) of the left ventricle and reduced cardiac output. During this process, baroreflex responses are attenuated and a variety of neurohormonal systems are activated. Some of the vasoconstrictor neurohormone systems, i.e. the sympathetic nervous system, angiotensin II, aldosterone and endothelin, may also act directly on *Address for correspondence: Dr. C.P. Lau, Reader and Chief of Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital. 520 (Continued on page 522)

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Management Of Heart Failure With Current Perspectives

William Ng, MBBS, MRCPChu-Pak Lau*, MD, FRCP

Division of Cardiology

Department of Medicine

University of Hong Kong

Queen Mary Hospital


Heart failure is defined as a pathophysiological

state in which an abnormality of cardiac function is

responsible for the failure of the heart to pump blood

at a rate commensurate with the requirements of the

metabolising tissues and/or to be able to do so only

from an elevated filling pressure.' This abnormality

in cardiac function is reflected by the occurrence of

exercise intolerance. Although heart failure is knownfor a long time in medical history, this condition is

still associated with high morbidity and mortality.

Various studies have demonstrated around 50%

mortality rate over 2-5 years or an annual mortalityrate of about 25% in patients with left ventricular

dysfunction.2"3 In addition, repeated hospital-isationfor treatment of worsening heart failure has placed a

severe strain on the health care system. In thisarticle, the preventive and treatment strategies

currently available for the management of heart

failure will be discussed.

Keywords: Heart failure, aetiology, diagnosis,management


In North America, between 60-70% of adult

patients with heart failure have left ventricular

dysfunction secondary to ischaemic heart disease, andnonischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy accounts for

approximately 20% of patients with heart failure.4 In

Hong Kong, coronary artery disease is now the most

common cause of heart failure. This is due to the

increasing incidence of coronary artery disease as

society becomes more westernized, the increasingproportion of the elderly in the population and

improved survival in patients with established heartfailure and myocardial infarction. Hypertensive

cardiovascular disease is probably the second mostcommon cause. On the other hand, congestive heart

failure (especially refractory right heart failure)

resulting from rheumatic valvular problems still

remains an important disease. Idiopathic dilated

cardiomyopathy, post-viral myocarditic

cardiomyopathy, undiagnosed / inoperable congenitalheart disease, untreated chronic tachyarrhythmia are

some of remaining causes for patients hospitalised for

heart failure.

Pathophysiology of Heart Failure

Heart failure is associated with changes

involving the heart as well as the peripheral

circulatory system (Figure 1). The initial insult isusually an abnormal increase in after-load or

significant loss of functioning myocardium.Development of myocellular hypertrophy and

alterations in collagen matrix occur which ultimately

results in geometric changes (remodelling) of the left

ventricle and reduced cardiac output. During this

process, baroreflex responses are attenuated and a

variety of neurohormonal systems are activated.Some of the vasoconstrictor neurohormone systems,

i.e. the sympathetic nervous system, angiotensin II,aldosterone and endothelin, may also act directly on

*Address for correspondence: Dr. C.P. Lau, Reader and Chief of Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of HongKong, Queen Mary Hospital.

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Management of Heart Failure with Current Perspectives

the heart by further increasing cellular hypertrophy,

collagen synthesis and promoting increased cytosoliccalcium. These actions create a cycle within the

heart resulting in increased myocardial energyexpenditure, hastening cell injury and induction of

lethal arrhythmias. These neurohormones also inducesystemic arterial and venous vasoconstriction,

vascular remodelling and endothelial dysfunction.

These effects increase the afterload to the heart and

promote salt and water retention in the kidney,leading to circulatory congestion. Altered blood flow

to the skeletal muscle and diminished baroreceptor

response to stress and pulmonary congestion further

contribute to decreased exercise performance.5'7 The

overall effects will be clinically manifested by an

elevation in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure,low cardiac output state, peripheral oedema and

dyspnoea, and these adaptive cardiac and non-cardiacchanges further worsen heart failure. Although otherneurohormones such as the natriuretic peptides andsome prostaglandins are vasodilatory and natriuretic,

the extent of the modulation is usually not sufficientto break the aforementioned vicious cycles, especially

in the advanced stage of the disease.

Figure 1: The Pathophysiology of heart failure involves the Interaction of Intrinsic Cardiace Function withNeurohormonal Activation, Peripheral Vasoconstriction and Volume expansion. Clinical Effectsare Encircled.

j Preload «-

Cardiac remodelling

I Cardiac output

RAS = Renin Angiotensin System, SNS = Sympathetic Nervous System


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Systolic / Diastolic Dysfunction Clinical Findings in Heart Failure

The majority of patients with chronic heartfailure will have elements of both systolic anddiastolic dysfunction. The hallmark of systolicdysfunction is a reduced cardiac ejection fractiondue to myocardial injury or cell death. Systolicdysfunction is likely to be the predominantproblem in patients with previous myocardialinfarction or idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.Diastolic dysfunction reflects changes during thediastolic period and includes alterations inmyocardial relaxation (reflected by changes inearly diastole), and ventricular compliance(reflected by changes later in diastole). Sincediastolic relaxation is not a passive process butrequires energy, diastolic dysfunction may resultfrom any condition where myocardial demandsexceed supply e.g. myocardial ischaemia.Ventricular interdependence and pericardialrestraint will also influence diastolic function asin cases of restrictive cardiomyopathy and

constrictive pericarditis.8

Most of the recent large mortality trials inheart failure have enrolled patients withpredominant systolic dysfunction, providing newinsights for their management. However, thedefinitive treatment of patients with diastolicdysfunction remains controversial. On the otherhand, increased left ventricular mass andhypertrophy are still important determinants ofimpaired ventricular filling, a decrease in leftventricular wall thickness and mass appears to bea rational objective of treatment of diastolicventricular failure. Angiotensin convertingenzyme inhibitors, calcium channel blockingagents, beta-adrenergic blocking drugs andcentrally acting sympatholytic agents have beenshown to be potentially effective in reducing leftventricular mass. However, in patients withovert heart failure, diuretic therapy will beneeded,9 but excessive diuresis may bedetrimental as left ventricular filling is nowdependent on a higher than normal fillingpressure.

In severe heart failure, symptoms will usuallybe obvious and generally include fatigue, dyspnoea,peripheral oedema, orthopnoea, paroxysmalnocturnal dyspnoea, cough, weight gain, abdominaldiscomfort, and cool extremities. Patients with lesssevere heart failure may be asymptomatic at restand have only modest limitation in activities. TheNew York Heart Association (NYHA) classificationis widely used to grade the degree of symptoms ofadult heart failure patients (Table 1).

Table 1: New York Heart AssociationClassification of Heart Failure

Class I No symptoms

Class II Symptoms with ordinary activity

Class III Symptoms with less than ordinary activity

Class IV Symptoms at rest

Nevertheless, symptoms might not alwayscorrelate with severity of left ventriculardysfunction. Sometimes, patients with severe leftventricular systolic dysfunction still remainrelatively asymptomatic; and bear in mind the factthat prognosis of patients with heart failure dependsvery much on residual left ventricular function(ejection fraction) rather than heart failuresymptoms.

On physical examination in patients withsevere heart failure, a low or normal bloodpressure may be found. Sinus tachycardia (heartrate above 100 beats/min) is common, and pulsusalternans may be present, The periphery may becharacteristically cool with oedema of varyingdegrees. Patients may be diaphoretic and appealcyanotic. The lung signs include tachypnoea,crackles, wheezing and pleural effusion. Palpationof the cardiac apex usually reveals a displaced apexlaterally. Tachycardia, gallop rhythms (S3 and SJand murmurs of mitral regurgitation are verycommon. In severe cases of right sided failure,


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Management of Heart Failure with Current Perspectives

tricuspid regurgitation is present, the jugular venouspressure is elevated and hepatojugular reflex ispositive. Hepatosplenomegaly, and occasionallyascites, may be observed.

Chest radiography will characteristically showcardiomegaly, the presence of interstitial oedema,vascular redistribution, peribronchial cuffing andpleural effusions. Calcification of the aortic ormitral valves may be present, as well ascalcification in a left ventricular aneurysm.

ECG findings vary considerably. Atrialfibrillation and atrial flutter are common as aresupraventricular and ventricular ectopic beats.Nonspecific ST-T wave changes may occur, and it isnot uncommon to find evidence of an old myocardialinfarction or left ventricular hypertrophy. Prior Qwave myocardial infarction (Figure 2), particularlyin two different regions, suggest systolic dysfunction,while left ventricular hypertrophy may be associatedwith diastolic dysfunction. A complete left bundlebranch block may represent an underlyingcardiomyopathy or may obscure underlying Q wavesfrom prior myocardial infarction.

Complete blood count is useful to excludeanaemia. A haemoglobin below 9 g/dL mayprecipitate or aggravate congestive heart failure.

Serum sodium is an excellent and inexpensivetest that indicates neurohormonal activation.Sodium level is also inversely proportional toplasma renin level10 and the lower the sodium, thehigher the renin and the worse the prognosis forsurvival. Serum potassium is also important.Maintenance of a potassium level on the high sidee.g. 4.0 to 5.0 mmol/L is recommended, as theserum potassium underestimates intracellularpotassium level. The lower the potassium, theworse the prognosis, and the same holds true formagnesium." Renal function is often abnormal inpatients with severe heart failure. Both urea andcreatinine may continue to increase withdeteriorating left ventricular function and the needfor high dose diuretic therapy. Serum electrolytesand uric acid are frequently altered by diuretictherapy. Severe right-sided heart failure mayimpair liver function. A thyroid function test isimportant to exclude thyroid dysfunction as a causeof heart failure (Table 2).

Figure 2: Patient with Old Extensive Anterior Myocardial Infarction and Left Ventricular AneurysmalDilatation


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Table!: Diagnostic andInvestigations


Laboratory Tests:

Non-invasive Tests:

Invasive Tests:

Complete Blood Picture

RFT, LFT, urate

Thyroid Function Test



Exercise Testing

Radionucleide Imaging

Haemodynamic Monitoring

Cardiac Catheterisation

+/- Biopsy

Cardiac Diagnostic Tests


Objective noninvasive assessments of cardiacperformance are indicated in all patients with knownor suspected heart failure. The data obtained bythese techniques help to differentiate systolic fromdiastolic dysfunction, exclude other causes ofdyspnoea such as pulmonary diseases and arepredictive of outcome and may guide the selection oftherapy in individual patients. Each techniqueprovides different kinds of information, anddepending on the specific information sought, one orthe other test may be performed.

Echocardiography is imperative in patients withheart failure to provide a low cost, comprehensive,noninvasive diagnostic and prognostic assessmentwith measurement of ventricular function, chamberdimension, muscle mass, valvular function, detectionof intracardiac thrombus or masses, and indirectestimation of cardiac haemodynamics12 (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Two-dimensional Echocardiography ina Patient with Dilated Cardiomyopathy(Ejection Fraction = 35%)

(a) Systole

(b) Diastole

Radionuclide angiography is recommended inpatients with heart failure as an accurate,reproducible noninvasive technique for measurementof ventricular function and left ventricular ejectionfraction.13 The myocardial stress thallium imaging(either induced by exercise or by pharmacologicalmeans) is frequently employed to look for reversiblemyocardial ischaemia in patients with heart failure.This imaging technique may be particularly usefulwhen revascularisation procedures are beingconsidered in heart failure patients.14


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Management of Heart Failure with Current Perspectives

An exercise test, especially coupled withcardiopulmonary assessment, may be used to excludeirreversible causes of heart failure. In addition, thisalso helps to confirm a diagnosis of limited functionalcapacity, to assess major limiting symptoms, tomonitor response to therapy or to prescribeappropriate level of daily activities.


In critically ill patients, clinical assessment ofthe severity of the haemodynamic abnormalities isfrequently inaccurate and haemodynamic monitoringmay confirm the mechanism and the severity of thelow output state. However, haemodynamicmonitoring is usually not required for the initiation oftherapy with vasoactive drugs in patients with stable

chronic heart failure.16

Coronary angiography is not routinely requiredin patients with congestive heart failure. Mostpatients in whom left ventricular dysfunction aresecondary to coronary artery disease have had aprevious myocardial infarction and, therefore, theprimary diagnosis of their condition is usually not indoubt. Patients who present with anginal symptomsdespite medical therapy or documented evidence ofmyocardial ischaemia should undergo a completeevaluation including coronary angiography, and anindication for myocardial revascularisation should bedetermined. In some cases, the aetiology of thecardiomyopathy may be uncertain, and this must beestablished by coronary angiography.

At present, routine endomyocardial biopsies arenot recommended in patients with dilatedcardiomyopathy since the likelihood of makingdiagnoses of treatable disease is too low to justify thesmall risk of cardiac perforation. In addition,endomyocardial biopsies are not indicated in patientswith suspected myocarditis because the frequency ofdiagnostic biopsies is low and there are no convincingdata to support the use of immunosuppressivetherapy. However, endomyocardial biopsies arerecommended for the diagnosis of cardiac lesions in

which there are known therapies, and when thediagnosis cannot be made reliably without a cardiacbiopsy e.g. diagnosis of cardiac allograft rejection.17

The prognostic indicators of heart failure aresummarized in Table 3. The functional state of thepatients and exercise capacity are excellent indicatorsof survival.

Table 3: Prognostic Indicators of Survival inHeart Failure

• Functional Class

• Exercise Capacity and Maximum Oxygen Consumption

• Presence of Residual Ischaemia

• Serum Sodium

• Serum Catecholamines

• Ejection Fraction

Medical Treatment of Heart Failure


The goals of treatment of heart failure are toreduce symptoms, decrease the need for repeatedhospitalisations and improve survival. In addition,the factors which precipitate or aggravate heartfailure should be recognised and managed in concertwith the heart failure. The role of a CardiacRehabilitation Programme is well recognised, and hasbeen documented to reduce reinfarction and exerciseperformance in patients with heart failure. In short,it is a programme that concentrates various facultiessuch as doctors, nursing staff and allied healthprofessionals to give a more efficient services. Theaims of the program include: firstly, risk factorsmodification in patients with established coronaryartery disease; secondly, education and counselling ofpatients and family members on the understanding ofdisease and finally, the advisability of light regularactivity commensurate with patients' functionalcapacity. Structured exercise programmes improveexercise capacity and decrease symptoms, althoughthe long term efficacy in survival remains to bestudied.


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Diuretics remain useful for management of heartfailure.18 The principal mechanism of action is toreduce excessive salt and water retention with areduction in preload, which results in a decrease insymptoms from pulmonary and systemic congestion.Most symptomatic patients will require diuretictherapy, may be in low doses, and combinationdiuretic therapy is helpful in refractory heart failure.It is conventional to use a potassium sparing agentsbefore stepping up high dose loop diuretic.Furthermore, such combination diuretic therapy mayensure a more efficient diuresis since they act ondifferent sites of the renal tubular system.Nevertheless, major adverse effects include excessivereduction in preload with reduced cardiac output,aggravation of fatigue, electrolyte disturbances,prerenal renal failure and neurohormonal activationmay be harmful in patients. The possibility ofinducing hyperkalaemia and further renal dysfunctionwhen using combination diuretic therapy togetherwith the almost ubiquitous use of angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor should beconsidered. The optimal dose of diuretic isdetermined by minimal oedema and congestionwithout compromising the cardiac filling pressure.This is determined by a jugular venous pressure of<8 cm of water and absence of significanthepatojugular reflex and prerenal azotaemia (Table4). Patients should keep daily charts of their optimalbody weight and serum electrolytes should be closelymonitored.

Table 4: Diuretics - Practice Points

• Thiazide diuretics not useful if creatinine clearance < 30ml/min

• Frusemide should be started at 20-40 mg/day. Single doseup to 160 mg/day more effective than divided doses

• AviodNSAID

• Monitor potassium level twice weekly until stable (aim at>4 mmol/l)

• Monitor daily body weight (optimum wt: JVP < 8 cm, noHJ reflex)

ACE Inhibitors

ACE inhibitor therapy has been shown to reducemortality, improve quality of life (decreasehospitalisation, increase exercise tolerance) andreduce the risk of myocardial infarction in patientswith NYHA class II to IV congestive heart failure.19'21 Patients with the lowest ejection fractions andworst symptoms derive the most benefit. Inasymptomatic patients with left ventriculardysfunction, ACE inhibitors can also preventdeterioration to overt heart failure and preventmyocardial infarction in patients with LVEF 35 % orless.22 In the early post infarct period22"26, as well asin the days after, starting ACE inhibitors have beenshown to decrease mortality, prevent progression toovert heart failure and to reduce the risk of recurrentmyocardial infarction.27"29 The improvement in bothshort-term and long-term outcome suggests that thebenefit of ACE inhibitors may not be due entirely toan attenuation of ventricular remodelling, whichcould be expected to occur over a long period, thusit is postulated that most of the benefit is achievedthrough a primary cardioprotective effect as well asthrough the prompt blockade of the deleterious effectsof neurohumoral activation.30"31 Side effects of ACEinhibitors include cough, hypotension (especiallyfirst-dose effect), angioedema, altered taste sensation,skin rash and rarely, reversible bone marrowsuppression. Patients at greatest risk of worseningrenal function and hyperkalaemia include those withbilateral renal artery stenosis, renal impairment andhypertension. Though ACE inhibitors has beenshown to differ in affinity for receptors in cardiacand peripheral tissues, these significance requiresfurther evaluation and their preferred use inparticular clinical situations e.g hypertension needfurther study;32"33 but the consensus still hold thatACE inhibitors appear largely interchangeable, theefficacy seem to be a class effect rather than theaction of a particular prototype. Similarly, the issueon which dosage of ACE inhibitor should be usedclinically remain disputed and certainly await furtherstudies (such as the latest ATLAS trial which assessthe efficacy of different doses of ACE inhibitors inthe management of heart failure). However, the


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appropriate doses used in these large mortality trialscan be used as initial guidelines. Practical points forthe usage of ACE inhibitors are listed in Table 5.

Table 5: ACE Inhibitors - Practice Points

• Exclude volume depletion:orthostatic hypotension, prerenal azotaemia, metabolicalkalosis

• First dose hypotension and elderly:test dose e.g. 6.25 mg captoprll (or 2.5 mg enalapril)then 12.5 mg tds

• Monitor weekly for:increase in serum creatinine (>40 umol/l)potassium level > 5.5 nanolsymptomatic hypotension

• Efficacy may occur only after several months

• Consider hydrallazine/isosorbide if ACE Inhibitors nottolerated

• Dose: captopril 2.5 mg tds to 50 mg bdenalapril 2.5 mg Qd to 10 mg bd

If serum creatinine >250 umol/l — half dose

• Cough: may be due to worsening heart failurereduce dose and reassurance, try anti-tussive

• Avoid potassium-sparing diuretics

Other Vasodilators

Losartan, an orally active, non-peptideangiotensin II receptor antagonist has been introducedto provide pharmacological blockade of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Its effect on bloodpressure, renal function, systemic and regionalhaemodynamic effects seems comparable to ACEinhibitors.34 The main advantages of Losartan overACE inhibitors are firstly, the adverse effects seenwith ACE inhibitors that are attributed to non-reninangiotensin system effects (notably angioedema andcough) may be less frequent in patients treated witha selective angiotensin II receptor blocker. Secondly,


enzymes have been described which are capable ofproducing angiotensin II via metabolic pathwaysindependent of the classical renin-angiotensin systemroute, thus bypassing the action of ACE inhibitors.Losartan, being an angiotensin II receptor blocker,can antagonise the effects of the end-product(angiotensin II) specifically.35"37 In clinical studies,there are supporting evidence that short-termadministration of Losartan in patients withsymptomatic heart failure has resulted in beneficialhaemodynamic effects.38 Though its long termbenefits especially on importance in survival awaitsfurther studies for documentation. Nevertheless,Losartan may be an alternative to patients who cannottolerate ACE inhibitors because of their side effects.

Hydrallazine and nitrates in combinationimprove exercise tolerance and appear to improvesurvival in patients with NYHA class II to III heartfailure39, though this drug combination is not welltolerated in as most as one-third of patients.Furthermore, the improvement in survival appears tobe less than with ACE inhibitors.40 Therefore, theymay be used as an alternative for patients who areintolerance of ACE inhibitors. Whether these couldbe used in combination with ACE inhibitors remainuncertain.

First-generation calcium channel blockers(nifedipine, diltiazem, verapamil) are notrecommended for routine use in patients with systolicdysfunction;41"42 newer agents (amlodipine, felodipineand nicardipine) are being assessed in ongoingclinical trials but are also not recommended forroutine use in heart failure.43"44 There is no dataconcerning the role of other vasodilators such asprazosin, minoxidil and alpha-methyl-dopa.

Digitalis and Other Inotropic Drugs

The use of positive inotropic agents in patientswith heart failure has been the subject of greatcontroversy. The variety of agents that have beenproposed are generally classified as digitalisglycosides or nonglycosides, and the latter includes

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phosphodiesterase inhibitors, beta-adrenergic receptoragonists and dopaminergic-receptor agonists. In viewof their haemodynamic profile, the phospho-diesterase inhibitors initially appeared to be awelcome addition to therapies for heart failure, butsubsequent clinical trials with drugs such as milrinoneand enoximone indicated that these agents were notonly of no benefit, but had an adverse effect onsurvival.45"46 These drugs continue to be usedintravenously to treat acute haemodynamic situationsbut they have no role in the long term managementof heart failure.

The parent dopaminergic agents, dobutamine and,dopamine, are only of limited value in the long termmanagement of heart failure, primarily because oftheir mandatory intravenous route of administration.Intermittent administration, either as in out-patient orduring brief hospital admission, has resulted inhaemodynamic improvement, questionableimprovement of symptoms and no improvement onsurvival.47'48 Ideally, dobutamine should beadministrated initially in a hospital intensive care unitsetting and a dose-response curve constructed usinghaemodynamic monitoring. The usual starting doseis 2.5 ug/kg/min and the dose titrated to optimisecardiac index. Although up to 15 ug/kg/min mayoccasionally be acutely used, 80% of the maximumhaemodynamic response is generally observed at 6 to8 ug/kg/min - the usual dose used for homeintravenous therapy. A recent study suggested thatby avoiding a high dose, dobutamine appears to bewell tolerated and may significantly improvesymptoms.49

In patients with atrial fibrillation and leftventricular failure, digoxin should be the initial agentused for this clinical situation because both beta-blockers and/or calcium channel antagonists mayhave negative inotropic effects and therefore berelatively contraindicated. However, the inability ofdigoxin to control exercise-induced tachycardiaadequately in this clinical setting often requires theaddition of one of these agents. In patients withsinus rhythm, a large body of evidence indicatesindirectly that digoxin is useful in improving

symptoms, increasing exercise tolerance, improvingthe ejection fraction, and will result in clinicaldeterioration when discontinued;50^3 one of whichwas the RADIANCE Trial, which studied patientswith NYHA functional class II or III heart failure andan ejection fraction < 35 % who were clinically stablewhile receiving digoxin, diuretics and an ACEinhibitor. Patients were randomised to eithercontinue digoxin therapy or receive placebo for 12weeks. Digoxin withdrawal was associated withsignificant clinical deterioration, including reductionin exercise time, an increased need for emergencycare/ hospitalisation for decompensated heart failureand a lower quality of life score. Nevertheless, theissue of whether digoxin prolongs life in patients withheart failure remains to be answered, but is the primeoutcome being tested in the ongoing DigoxinInvestigation Group (DIG) mortality trial in 1995(Table 6).

Table 6: Digoxin - Practice Points

• Indicated in more severe HF:EF<40%Symptomatic after ACE Inhibitors

• No loading dose:Normal RFT: 0.25 mg/day and level in 1 weekAbnormal RFT: 0.125 mg/day and level in 2-3 weeks

• Digoxin toxicity:Confusion, nausea, anorexia, visual change, arrhythmias

• Digoxin interaction:Quinidine, verapamil, amiodarone, antibiotics,anticholinergics

The recent observation that vesnarinone, a newnon-phosphodiesterase inhibitor inotropic agent,reduces morbidity and mortality in patients with heartfailure requires supporting confirmation studiesbefore its routine use can be recommended.54 Itsmechanism of action is not fully understood butpostulated to serve as an immunomodulator byinhibiting cytokines production stimulated by thefailing heart.55'56


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Beta-blockers have been postulated in positivelymodifying the pathophysiological pathways ofmortality and morbidity in heart failure by reducingneuroendocrine activation, reduction in' myocardialischaemia and suppression of ventricular arrhythmias.Nevertheless, there has been a widespread reluctanceto use beta-blockers in heart failure for fear ofworsening the congestive heart failure. Certainly,beta-blockers is indicated in the management of post-myocardial infarct patients.57"59 In addition, theimpact of beta-blocker in patients with idiopathicdilated cardiomyopathy has been addressed in onelarge randomised trial which showed reduction indeaths or the need of heart transplantation as well asless clinical deterioration in heart failureparameters.60

One of the problems of beta-blocker is the non-selective beta-2-blocking effects on the arterial tree,resulting in vasoconstriction and compromisation oftissue flow. Therefore, beta-blocker with partialagonistic action may offer a benefit over conventionalones. In a randomised study performed by ourinstitution on the use of labetalol61 which possessalpha-agonist property, there is an increase inexercise performance compare with placebo. A newthird generation beta-blockade (e.g. Carvediol) hasbeen developed with combined vasodilatory andalpha-blockade effects.62"63 Its advantages inminimising myocardial depression and at the sametime preventing natural progression of heart failuredraw a lot of enthusiasm. Several small studies haveshown improvements in ejection fraction and reducedleft ventricular dimensions with its use, and inpreliminary reports a survival benefit was observedfor all classes of heart failure with the use ofcarvediol when compared with placebo54.

Treatment of Refractory Heart Failure

Patients who remain symptomatic with signs ofsevere heart failure despite standard therapy for heartfailure represent a serious medical condition with a

very poor prognosis, as many as 50% of thesepatients dying within three to six months. Clearly,the best option is cardiac transplantation. However,due to the limited capacity of this option, otherstrategies have been developed. General supportivemeasures form the cornerstone of therapy. Theseinclude salt and fluid restriction, a balanced diet andrest periods, particularly after meals. The use ofvarious combination of diuretics has proven useful inimproving some patients with refractory heart failure.Combination diuretics, such as frusemide, thiazides,metolazone, triamterene or spirono-lactone can bevery useful. However, the risks of combinationdiuretics are not negligible, and include hyper- orhypokalaemia, hyponatremia and worsening renalfailure. Some reliable patients can regulate theirdaily dosage of diuretics according to daily weightstaken at home. Combination of various vasodilatorscan also be useful. In addition to ACE inhibitors,nitrates and hydrallazine can be added to the regimenbut careful monitoring of blood pressure is requiredand in some patients, haemodynamic monitoring isneeded to balance optimal therapy against thehypotensive effects of the agent. During periods ofacute decompensation, intravenous nitroglycerine (1to 2 ug/kg/min) and dobutamine/ dopamine have beenfound to be useful in some patients. However,patients should be monitored closely for arrhythmias,electrolyte imbalances and haemodynamicdisturbances. Finally, short-term use of nitroprussideand amrinone infusions can also be considered as lastresorts (Table 7).

Table 7: Persistent Heart Failure

• Exclude reversible causes:e.g. compliance, dietary indiscretion, anaemia, infection,NSAID

• DiureticsLarge dose (e.g. frusemide 480 mg/day)Intravenous diureticsMetalozone 2.5 mg single dose

• Spironolactone (beware of hyperkalaemia)

• Hydrallazine/isosorbidePND: nitrate patch at sleep

• Transplantation

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Surgical Treatment for Heart Failure

Coronary artery disease is a major cause of

heart failure. Although the risk ofrevascularisation is increased in patients withpoor left ventricular function and severecoronary artery disease, long term surgicalsurvival benefits appear greatest in patients withthe most severe left ventricular function,coronary disease and anginal symptoms.Therefore, patients with coronary artery disease

and demonstrable ischaemia should be consideredfor revascularisation. A low ejection fraction or

presence of congestive heart failure should bean indication rather than a contraindication to


In patients with potentially resectable left

ventricular aneurysm, aneurysm resection with orwithout bypass grafting should be considered,

and in patients with overt heart failure it isrecommended surgery should be performedbefore severe irreversible global dysfunction or

acute decompensation occurs.69 In addition,patients with life threatening ventriculararrhythmias and coronary artery disease with anarea of resectable scar should be referred forconsideration of map-directed surgical resectionand cure of their ventricular tachycardia at thetime of revascularisation and left ventricularrepair.70 Lastly, the importance of valvularrepair or replacement in the treatment of heart

failure should be remembered.

Cardiomyoplasty is an experimental techniquethat may be of benefit in selected groups ofpatients with severe congestive heart failure anddilated cardiomyopathy as a bridge to cardiactransplantation. In addition, small studies hasshown improvements in functional class andshort term survival with this surgicaltechnique.71"72

Other forms of ventricular assist devices(e.g. Heart Mate) and the total artificial heart

are still under clinical trial and the routine use

in clinical practice require further supportingdata.73"74 At present, these are still bridging

devices to maintain the life of patients prior tocardiac transplantation.

Cardiac Transplantation

The most common indications for hearttransplantation in adults are cardiomyopathy and

coronary artery disease. Outcome has improvedwith the introduction of the immunosuppressantcyclosporine in the early 1980s. Five-yearsurvival after transplantation now exceeds 70%,one-year survival is around 88% and the 30-daymortality is 10% due to graft failure, acuterejection or infection.75 However, after twoyears, accelerated coronary artery disease,

probably on an immune basis, becomes theleading cause of death; and these patients maydie suddenly as they do not experience angina

because of surgical denervation. In addition,the accelerated atherosclerosis differs from theusual variety in that it is more diffuse, distal,cellular, with less lipid accumulation andcollateral vessels are rare.76"77

Principal selection criteria for candidatessuitable for heart transplantation are intractableheart failure despite optimal medical therapy andnot amenable to conventional surgery, with a

poor 12-month prognosis and with likelihood ofrehabilitation. Contraindications to hearttransplantation include recent malignancy, recentdrug or alcohol abuse, untreated infection,irreversible renal disease (creatinine greater than200 umol/L) or hepatic disease, irreversiblepulmonary hypertension (pulmonary vascular

resistance more than 6 Wood units), surgicaltechnical factors, noncompliance with medicalcare, poor rehabilitation potential, severeperipheral or cerebrovascular disease, markedcachexia or obesity, and insulin-dependentdiabetes with end organ disease. With


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Management of Heart Failure with Current Perspectives

experience, the number of absolutecontraindications to heart transplantation havedeclined.78-79

Ancilliary Treatment

Anticoagulant therapy is stronglyrecommended in all patients with heart failureand associated atrial fibrillation. However, inpatients who are noncompliance or at risk fromwarfarin therapy, aspirin is recommended.Although anticoagulation is not recommended asa routine in heart failure patients with sinusrhythm, it should be considered in patients withsevere LV dysfunction, demonstrated intracardiacthrombus, or other risks for arterial or venousthrombosis.80 However, a recent meta-analysisshowed that patients with severe heart failure insinus rhythm gain no benefit fromanticoagulation.81 Thus, in an uncomplicatedpatient with heart failure, the routine ofanticoagulation, with its inherited risk and theneed for monitoring, is not recommended.

Antiarrhythmic therapy is indicated forpatients with severe symptomatic rhythmdisturbances. Patients with near rniss suddendeath, ventricular fibrillation and sustainedventricular tachycardia require effective therapy.Atrial arrhythmias, particularly atrial fibrillation,can result in significant disability. The use ofantiarrhythmic drugs, however, is not onlygenerally less effective and associated withincreased risk of proarrhythmic effects in thesetting of heart failure, but are also associatedto a varying degree with negative inotropiceffects, making control of heart failure moredifficult. Drug therapy is recommended onlyfor life-threatening or significantly symptomaticarrhythmias. Type I agents (quinidine,procainamide, disopyramide, flecainide,propafenone) should be avoided. Type III drugssuch as sotalol and amiodarone are effective andusually considered first-line agents.82 Recently,the Grupo de Estudio de la Sobrevida en la

insuficiencia Cardiaca en Argentina (GESICA)trial suggested that low dose amiodarone candecrease mortality (both sudden death and deathdue to progressive heart failure) and hospitaladmission in patients with heart failure in apopulation that was mainly represented by dilatedcardiomyopathy.83'84

Patients with severe heart failure have asignificant risk of sudden cardiac death whichmay be unpredictable and the routine use of animplantable cardioverters/defibrillators (AICD) insuch patients is a matter of intensive clinicalresearch. At present, it is implanted inpatients, as a form of life-saving device, whoare prone to develop haemodynamically unstableventricular tachyarrhythmia (as an alternative toanti-arrhythmic therapy) for the prevention ofsudden cardiac death. With the use oftranvenous AICD and lower risk of theirimplantations, a wider use of such devices areexpected.


All patients with known or suspected heartfailure should undergo a detailed history andphysical examination. Other causes for thesymptoms and/or clinical signs indicative ofheart failure should be excluded. Routinebiochemical tests, as well as a standard chest x-ray and ECG, should be performed on allpatients with heart failure. Precipitating oraggravating causes of heart failure should beeliminated. Patients with potentially surgicallycorrectable lesions, such as constrictivepericarditis, valvular disease or left ventricularaneurysm, should be referred for cardiologicalevaluation and the appropriate surgery. Patientswith ischaemic induced heart failure should beassessed for possible revascularization by eitherangioplasty or bypass surgery. Together withclinical findings and cardiac diagnostic tests,appropriate therapy can be allocated accordingly(Figure 4).84 •


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Figure 4: Management Algorithm of Heart Failure

Heart Failure

Exclude other causes ofdyspnoea and oedema

Diagnostic and evaluationinvestigations

Minimal symptomsand EF<35%orafterMI


ACE Inhibitors

^. Manage reversible causes

Diastolic failure

• Beta-blockers• Calcium-blockers• ACE Inhibitors• Diuretics

• ACE Inhibitors• Diuretics• Digoxin• Beta-blockers• Assessment for transplantation


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