Until It's Gone

Until It's Gone The horror of Kurome not being with Relinquish for a day. _________________________________________________________ It was late in the evening. Kurome sat on the edge of her and Relinquish's bed, laying on top of the dark brown blanket, bored out of her skull. And admittedly feeling rather lonely. Relinquish had told her before they went to bed last night that he would wake up at the crack of dawn tomorrow, spending the entire day with Akame and Wave, still not deciding what the three of them would do yet. He offered Kurome to join them, but she politely declined. She believed that a bit of time away from each other would not be too bad for the both of them, they would be fine. A full day to herself would be... Relaxing for her. She loved spending time with Relinquish, she truly did with all of her heart, but he was actually somewhat of a "high maintenance boyfriend". Though some would argue their relationship is the other way around. Relinquish got bored easily, yet Kurome got hungry easily. Relinquish would make sweets for Kurome, curing his boredom and feeling genuinely happy if Kurome was, while Kurome's hunger was sedated. The two go hand-in-hand with each other. Still, Kurome thought she would be fine without him. How she was wrong.


Kurome has to go a day without Relinquish, oh, the horror! :(

Transcript of Until It's Gone

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Until It's Gone

The horror of Kurome not being with Relinquish for a day.


It was late in the evening. Kurome sat on the edge of her and Relinquish's bed, laying on top of the dark brown blanket, bored out of her skull. And admittedly feeling rather lonely. Relinquish had told her before they went to bed last night that he would wake up at the crack of dawn tomorrow, spending the entire day with Akame and Wave, still not deciding what the three of them would do yet. He offered Kurome to join them, but she politely declined. She believed that a bit of time away from each other would not be too bad for the both of them, they would be fine. A full day to herself would be... Relaxing for her. She loved spending time with Relinquish, she truly did with all of her heart, but he was actually somewhat of a "high maintenance boyfriend". Though some would argue their relationship is the other way around. Relinquish got bored easily, yet Kurome got hungry easily. Relinquish would make sweets for Kurome, curing his boredom and feeling genuinely happy if Kurome was, while Kurome's hunger was sedated. The two go hand-in-hand with each other. Still, Kurome thought she would be fine without him.

How she was wrong.

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She woke up early in the morning, just one hour after Relinquish left. She lazily rolled over to the left side of the bed, eyes darted open after she noticed that nobody was there. Then sporting a goofy smile a few moments later, after forgetting that Relinquish would be gone for the day. She then didher morning routine. Bathroom. Brush teeth. Shower. Change into her clothes for the day, and finally, hair. Then came one of her favorite parts of the day- breakfast!


Nobody was there to make it for her.

She was not met with the smell of food in the air after she walked out of the shower, as Relinquish would always prepare. Nor the smell of sweets he would always make in the morning for Kurome to last her throughout the day(but in reality only lasted a few hours, at the most). She slowly walked down the stairs leading to the first floor, noticing how empty the house truly was without Relinquish around. She opted to just drinking hot tea and a dozen cookies for breakfast, too inexperienced, and lazy to make anything more time consuming to start her day. There was an empty space in the back of Kurome's mind that she just couldn't stop ignoring.

Nobody to roll out of bed when they didn't wake up on time.

Nobody to tell her how beautiful she looked everyday.

To share her sweets with.

To get defeated by in chess.

To spite sometimes just for the hell of it.

But Kurome tried to shake these thoughts off. She and Relinquish have been together for over a year, but surely she couldn't be as clingy as she imagined him to be. After she finished her minimal breakfast, she slowly grew a wide grin on her face on ear to ear, and realized something...

"There are no rules now."

Relinquish was not exactly the most strict or meticulous person, but he did have small rules that annoyed Kurome a bit, though they were easily overruled when she put on a cute smile, wide eyes, and said her famous line:"Please, my darling...?" While leaning herself in his chest, causing Relinquish to blush and give into her wishes. Some of these rules included,

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but were not limited to.

1) No eating sweets in the bed. "It will attract ants, my lovely."

2) No jumping on the bed. "Aren't you a tad bit old for this, Kurome? Andthere is a trampoline outside..."

3) No leaving trash waste & or dishes such as plates throughout the house. "I refer you to line 1."

4) I love you, Kurome. But please don't go too overboard on the sweets.

By the time she had this plan it was the afternoon, Kurome had to do something to overcome this boredom, she tried everything to amuse herself before resorting to this. Read every one of her comics, and even re-read her favorite: Batman: The Killing Joke. Then she read some volumes of Relinquish's manga, but she loved the many colors of comic books too muchto go to such simple black and white. She could not play Relinquish's guitar, no matter how hard she tried- at least decently well. Kurome tried on some new clothes either Relinquish or Akame bought for her. She enjoyed how appealing she looked in the mirror, but lost motivation after knowing that she would most likely not be going anywhere today anyway- at least with Relinquish by her side. Kurome... Had a faint, ever so faint thought to maybe grab one of Relinquish's firearms, but retracted the thought after realizing how stupid it was. No amount of cute faces would stop Relinquish from being scared that she may have harmed herself with a firearm, a weapon she was not even skilled in.

The monotony finally got to Kurome.

That afternoon.

She went wild.

Kurome quickly put at least two dozen cookies in the oven, went into the basement, and tapped into her supply of "emergency sweets" under lock and key in a large chest, placed in a room in the basement. There are many, manysweets in this chest, it can last Kurome months, maybe even a year. There was no way that even she could possibly exhaust the entire stash in one day, but she surely made quite a dent. She ran around the house without a care, pouring pink sugar stick candy in her mouth, carelessly tossing the wrappersto the side on the floor. She did the same with the chocolates, the caramels, the gummy bears, the gummy worms, the cheap pastries that came in a

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wrapper you would see in a child's lunchbox for school.

Then she went to the bedroom. Stood up on the mattress, and jumped up anddown on it constantly while taking another bite of her sweets with every bounce, and letting the wrappers fall to the bed. Kurome was now on an absolute sugar high. She needed to do more. She placed herself on the top raills of the stairs, and let herself slide down the railing with such laughter. Did cartwheels and back-flips in the basement. Fired some of Relinquish's favorite dart guns in the air in the wide backyard. Then she had another idea.Kurome grabbed one of her wooden swords, some random fruit Relinquish bought, and was sure to not remember, tossed them in the air in front of her, then hit them with the sword like a baseball bat. Either causing the fruit to burst in front of her, or 'splat' against the tall wooden fence at the end of the yard. Surely the insects outside would cover her tracks for her.

Kurome did more, and more, and more. Vaulted over furniture. Pretended to fight pirates with the same wooden sword she used to strike the fruit. Scribbled random words on sheets of paper. Devoured more sweets from herstash. And eventually passed out on her and Relinquish's bed. She woke up sometime in the early evening, the sun slowly started to go down. Her sugar high had ended. And... She came back to reality. Her happiness, almost as soon as she woke up, was replaced with a feeling with emptiness. Rolling in practically a bed of wrappers, picking them up and placing them in the trash-.....

"The cookies!" Kurome loudly said.

She had forgotten about them. Kurome quickly ran to the kitchen, the smell of smoke filling the air, coming right from the oven. She could see that luckily there was no fire. Kurome grabbed an oven mitt nearby, and opened the appliance. Met with a large puff of smoke that made her cough for a good five seconds. The cookies were a pure black. She was sure that somebody could mistake them for charcoal. Not knowing exactly what to do, since she has not been in this situation for a number of years. She decided to place the tray in the sink, and let the water run down them. Kurome sighed with relief, turned the oven off, and opened nearly all the windows in the house to get the smell out.

This is when the sadness really started to hit her.

She lazily picked up all the wrappers in the first floor and the basement. Locked her sweet stash. Picked up her wooden sword in the backyard. And

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just... Laid on the bed again, doing nothing but staring at the ceiling in the soon to be pitch black darkness as the time passed. Kurome eventually came to terms.

"I miss my darling..." Kurome's voice being muffled by the dark brown pillow she had buried in her face.

All of the events today led her here.

Still staring at the ceiling this evening.

Kurome's stomach growled. She realized that she had eaten no lunch today, and by now it was practically dinner time. She finally worked up the motivation after a few minutes to lift herself out of bed. She opened the doorand began to walk down the hallway, upon reaching the stairs she looked to the side to see the living room in the second floor, seeing the couch her and Relinquish would usually sit on just around this time of the night. Relinquishwould read a book of somesort while Kurome layed on the couch, resting her head in his lap and eating sweets, while Relinquish would pat rub & or caress her hair. Sometimes she would drift off to sleep and wake up in the middle of the night in bed, Relinquish would never allow her to sleep on the couch. She was "Too good for it", as he would say.

Then. All of a sudden as she was at the top of the stairs, she heard a sound.

Keys prattling outside of the front door. And... That whistling. That tune. Only he is that good at whistling...

"Relinquish is home!" Kurome said out loud with a smile. She walked down those stairs quicker than she ever had in her entire life. Ran past the living room, she heard a door close. Then, after a few more steps, she saw him just a few feet away, taking off his long black coat.

He noticed her before he hung the coat on the rack. He could see her smile, sparking his own. Relinquish halted his actions while she looked at him in awe, and held the coat wide open in front of him.

"Toro. Toro!" Relinquish said, moving the coat back and forth to attract Kurome towards him like a bull.

It worked.

Before he could fully put the coat down Kurome was just inches away from him, held her arms open, and embraced him in a hug.

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"Darling!" Kurome laid her head in his chest. "I missed you so much!"

Relinquish responded to her hug by doing the same. "Please, my lovely. I'm quite sure you did fine without me. Let me guess, all you did was eat sweets all day, right?"

Kurome's eyes darted open.

"... Well... That doesn't change anything!" Kurome replied.

"I know, my lovely." Relinquish placed his hand on the back of Kurome's head, enjoying her touch after being away from her for so long. "... You smell smoke?"

History repeated itself.


"I... Screwed up a bit while making some sweets for me today. Sorry..."

"Oi, don't worry about it! At least you're okay, right.. The appliance, however...?"

"Its fine, darling!"

Kurome was so happy seeing Relinquish again, they laughed as she led him up the stairs to the bedroom. Speaking about what the two did together whilethey were separated from each other. The two had their eyes set on one another, never looking away while they walked towards their quarters.

But when they finally entered the room.

Relinquish noticed something.

".... Kurome?"

".... Yes, my darling?"

"... What's with the wrappers on the bed?"


"Sorry, Relinquish."

Relinquish sighed and began gathering the various wrappers of candy and pastries on the bed, while Kurome watched from the doorway with a smile and swaying her hips back and forth, still excited after her darling had

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finally returned to her. And while Relinquish did not show it at the risk of encouraging Kurome's actions, he had a smile in his heart, just from being by her side again.



Relinquish: Kurome... =.=

Kurome: I was so bored without you, Relinquish! :(

Relinquish: That doesn't mean you have to go on an eating binge in the bed. O.o