Unleash Your Greatness To Succeed In Your Life

Unlea sh Your Greatness To Succeed In Your

Transcript of Unleash Your Greatness To Succeed In Your Life

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Unleash Your GreatnessTo Succeed In

Your Life!

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OvercomingFear & Failures


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Turned downThe Beatles

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FailedUlysses S. Grant

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Cut Michale Jordan

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Stupid Thomas Edison

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Fired Waltz Disney

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Died failed break down

defeated Abraham Lincoln

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Just think about these all famous persons, how much rejections and failure they’ve faced before? A lot more than ordinary people. In fact, the more you get rejected, the more success you are!

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Life = Risk

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Successful and extraordinary people have both the determination to never give up and the commitment to do it until they achieve the results they desire.

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In life, when faced with failure, sometimes it is appropriate to work harder and put in more effort. Sometimes it is appropriate to change strategy and try something different. And sometimes it is appropriate to do both.

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Treat the failure as a feedbackIt is just like flying an airplane. It will go out of course most of the time, so what the pilot will do is to correct the path so that the airplane will fly on the right course again. They use feedback to reach their destination.

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One of the most commonkillers of success is fear.

Fear actually stands for False Emotion Appearing Real.

What you fear is actually not the real thing, it is the fear

that you create in your mind.

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The best way to overcome fear is preparation. The reason you feel the fear is that you are uncertain about something. However, if you are fully prepared and you have done it hundreds of times, do you think you will still feel the fear? The answer is obvious.

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Understand this, people experience the fear of failure because it is what is happening in their mind. The failure itself is not fatal. It is the fear of failure that causes most people to fail.

“I’ll do what I fear and fear will disappear.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Hence, never give up no matter what you do in your life. As long as you are clear with what you want, take persistence action and you will eventually reach there.

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Exploring YourCore Competency


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First identify your core competency and then change the playing field to suit your core competency

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In other words, be as clear as possible with your goal, know exactly what you want and so you can create a plan to achieve there faster and easier.

Spend some time to truly find out what you love to do the most and find out which area is the best for you.

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You must do what you love and only then you will do it with full commitment.

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If you can identify this one single thing that you love to do,and can be best at, you will definitely become successful person. Once you have identified it, you just need to put in 100% focus and commitment to make it happen.

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For those who discovered what they can be best at, and if they do it with 100% commitment, you will see that they produce amazing results from what they do.

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Goal Setting3

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Every successful people have a vision. They know it clearly what they want to accomplish in their lives and they can see it in their mind. This means, they know the kind of future that they want.

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Remember, success is not a sprint, it is a marathon. It is a journey, not a destination. It is not the money or the things or the prestige that you get, it is who you become on your road to success.

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Sadly, most people fail to achieve what they want in their lives. Do you know why?The answer is pretty simple, they don’t align themselves toward their goals and their dreams.

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Yes, if you want to achieve your goals, you must start from one small step. Many people fail to achieve their goals because they set their goals too high in the beginning.

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If you achieve them, they will help you to boost your confidence, strengthen your belief system and build momentum to keep you going. The key is to slowly increase your expectation level and build your personal power at the front.

“ In the beginning stage, set smaller and achievable goals for yourself so that you can achieve most of them.”

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So the key to successful goal setting is to stay focused in your goals until you conditioned them into your subconscious mind so that you’ll think about your goals automatically without having to remind yourself about it.

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Choose the goal that is most important to you. The goal that if you can achieve, it will bring you the most dramatic changes to your life. Stay focused with this goal and take consistent and massive action until you accomplish it.

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Motivation is not a skill, it is something that you must do every single day to keep you ‘HOT’. Motivation can come from positivity around you.

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Desire is what keeps you going. Desire is what that is telling you “this is the right thing to do”. Desire is the motivation that makes you hot when you’re feeling down. Desire is the key to your ultimate success.

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A desire is a clear destination of where you want to go. If you don’t know where you want to go, you’ll end up nowhere. The number one way to be 100% committed and determined is to have a burning desire about what you want.

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Those who are willing to sacrifice for their dreams and their goals, they will somehow achieve what they want,because it is a MUST for them!

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Put this principle to work next time you must do something you don’t want to do. Just dig deeper and you’ll dig up interest.

Dig deeper and you’ll develop enthusiasm!

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“ Success is 95% perspiration and 5% luck.”

It is more like opportunity meets preparation. You need to do something to achieve what you want in your life.

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Fast and consistent will always beat the slow and steady

The fast and reliable chap will consistently climb the organizational ladder faster than the slow, methodical chap. It's good to be slow and steady; but it's better to be fast and reliable.

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There is nothing you can do about your past. You cannot change what has already happened, what you can do is just to learn from your past and gain better experience.

Whatever you do right now will determine your future. You have the choice of doing what you want and you must learn to make good use of the power of making choices. it is what you do right now that will determine your future.

It is the kind of future you dream about and think about that will shape your destiny.

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“My policy is to learn from the past, focus on the present, and dream about the future.” Donald Trump

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If you think that life is short and you deserve a better life, then you will need to focus and dream about something better. If you think that living an average life is all you want, then just go for it.

What kind of thoughts you have in your mind will lead you to where you think about

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The journey to success starts with one simple step. And it is the step that you take each and everyday that will responsible for the results you will be getting. No matter who you are, you can be successful and achieve all your dreams if you persist long enough.

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Success is not about getting big results or big achievement, it is about the process of taking one small step at a time. And eventually you will reach your goals and achieve your dreams.

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Just say “I feel great” at every possible opportunity and you’ll feel better. When you tell people you are awful, you’ll feel awful eventually.

Be an “I-feel-great” person all the time

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Luckily, you can learn the talent and make success yours if you want to. You need to improve yourself by learning so that you will become better in the field that you want to be successful.

Talent is not born within you and success is not by luck

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You can actually follow through the path of a successful person, do exactly what he did and you will achieve the same results just like him. You can “copy and paste” the success of others into yourself.

“Success leaves clues.” Anthony Robbins

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Successful people are getting more and more successful each day. They know what they want, they create the results they want and they produce even more outstanding results in their lives.

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By staying focused with your dreams and your goals, you will be able to produce amazing energy and breakthrough all the obstacles that lie in front of you until you reach your destination.

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Conclusions :You can unleash your greatness by :1) Overcoming fear & failure2) Exploring your core competency3) Setting Goal4) Motivating yourself5) Climbing to success

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The real keys to success lie within yourself. You are the one that choose your own path. How you should live your life, it has already been decided deep in you. You know it. Your future is in your hands.

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