University of Lahore and TQM

University of Lahore and total quality management

Transcript of University of Lahore and TQM

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University of Lahore


total quality management

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By: Electronic group

Rana zeeshan

Usman ahmed

Hamid yaqoob

Umair iqbal

Umar tahir


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University of Lahore:

About UOL:

The University of Lahore is a private sector university, established by Ibadat

Education Trust and operates under the charter granted by the Government of

the Punjab in 2002

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Strategic planning:

Strategic planning is a process an organization uses to prioritize and focus the

efforts of the company as well as the implementation of a plan .

• Vision statement (short declaration)

• Mission statement ( what an organization is all about)

• Quality policy statement ( The quality policy is a guide for everyone in the

organization as to how they entertain the customer)

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Vision statement

To be a prestigious internationally recognised university offering innovative and

high quality education with a focus on research excellence, ethics, diversity and

equality for all. We focused on building positive partnerships and collaborations

in order to produce world class leaders in the fields of science and technology.

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Mission statement

Our mission is to enable our students to lead and influence the next generation

and beyond for economic, cultural and societal benefit. The university

welcomes the full exploration of its intellectual boundaries and supports its

faculty and students in the creation of new knowledge and the pursuit of new


1. Teaching:

Teaching is a fundamental purpose of this university at both the undergraduate

and graduate levels.

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Mission statement• Research and scholarships:

Generate and preserve knowledge, understanding and creativity by instigating

enquiry, conducting high quality research and promoting scholarship, that

benefit students, scholars and communities across the country, the Muslim

Ummah and the world, at large.

• Service:

Reflects the university's obligation to share the benefits of its research and

knowledge for the public good. The university serves the nation's and the

state's critical needs by contributing to a well-qualified and broadly diverse

citizenry, leadership and workforce.

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Quality policy statement

University of Lahore will meet its mission, vision and core values by:

• committing to a structured Quality Program that satisfies the requirements as

outlined in ISO 9001:2008. recommended by HEC;

• involving industry /business in both the development and evolution of our

training programs and courses;

• ensuring that programs and services are designed and implemented with a

commitment to meeting customer requirements;

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Quality policy statement

• ensuring staff are highly qualified through ongoing recruitment,

development and training;

• developing and delivering training that emphasizes Competency Based

Education principles;

• ensuring that standards are maintained and improved by active monitoring,

reviewing and improving all activities;

• ensuring that measurable and realistic quality objectives are established

annually, communicated to all staff, and evaluated, reviewed and revised (as

needed) on an on-going basis.

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Quality program recommended by HEC

1. Customer focus

2. Leadership

3. Involvement of people

4. Process approach

5. System approach to management

6. Continual improvement

7. Factual approach to decision making

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Quality program structure

1. Customer focus:

University depend on their customer and therefore should understand current

and future customer needs, should meet customer requirements and strive to

exceed customer expectations

• Increased effectiveness in the use of the organization’s resources to enhance

customer satisfaction

• Improved customer loyalty leading to repeat business.

• Researching and understanding customer needs and expectations

• Ensuring that the objectives of the organization are linked to customer needs

and expectations

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Quality program structure

• Communicating customer needs and expectations throughout the


• Measuring customer satisfaction and acting on the results

• Ensuring a balanced approach between satisfying customers and other

parties (such as management, financiers, local communities and society as a


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Quality program structure

• Leadership:

Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They

should create and maintain the internal environment in which people can

become fully involved in achieving the organization’s objectives.

• Involvement of people:

People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement

enables their abilities to be used for the organization’s benefit.

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Quality program structure

• Process approach:

A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related

resources are managed as a process

• System approach to management:

Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system

contributes to the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its


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Quality program structure

• Continual improvement:

Continual improvement of the organization’s overall performance should be a

permanent objective of the organization.

• Factual approach to decision making:

Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information

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Quality Assurance Agency(QAA)


Established in 2005 as a policy making and monitoring body for maintenance

and enhancement of QUALITY in higher education.

• Developing guidelines for QEC quality enhancement cell.

• Professionals from QAA serve as master trainer in QEC

• QAA is a monitory and regulatory body to improve the standard of higher

education in Pakistan.

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Structure body

of QAA

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QEC quality enhancement cell

• The Higher Education Commission has made a policy decision to direct all

Higher Educational Institutions to establish Quality Enhancement Cells


• The QEC is meant for planning, guiding and monitoring Quality Assurance

(QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the Institute.

• In our university Dr zulfiqar is leading QEC as a director

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Quality assurance agency

Accreditation Councils

The Accreditation Councils are serving the purpose of ensuring quality of the programs offered at institutional level. There are 9 independent professional councils

1.Pakistan Bar Council (PBC)2.Pakistan Council for Architects and Town Planners (PCATP)3.Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)4.Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PMDC)5.Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC)6.Pakistan Pharmacy Council (PCP)7.Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council (PVMC)8.National Council for omoeopathy (NCH)9.National Council for Tibb (NCT)

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Ph.D. review comity

• Assures the quality for Ph.D. programs.

• Set the criteria for the universities offering Ph.D. programs.

• Teams visits the universities to maintain the quality.

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Institutional performance evaluation

Various performance evaluation standards followed by university recommended by HEC:

• Standard 1: Mission Statement and Goals

• Standard 2: Planning and Evaluation

• Standard 3: Organization and Governance

• Standard 4: Integrity (quality of being honest, uncompromising)

• Standard 5: Faculty

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Institutional performance evaluation

• Standard 6: Students

• Standard 8: Academic Programmes and Curricula

• Standard 9: Public Disclosure and Transparency

• Standard 10: Assessment & Quality Assurance

• Standard 11: Student Support Services

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Main issues in our university to maintain quality

• Main issue because of which our university lack to fulfil the standards to maintain

quality is “integrity”.

• Our university deny its own mission statement in case of faculty and students.

• Criteria is not maintained in admission process. Because of which ineligible students

join the university .

• Sometimes also in teachers hiring process.

• Scholarship issues , hidden funds.

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• Management issues, poor service ,improper planning and mishandling.(from

admin in charge to peon)

• Some teachers are cooperative but some are in superiority complex.

Especially in technology department. It is the hurdle in process of

confidence building, stops new ideas.

• 40% staff is ineligible for the courses they are teaching.

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• No extra curricular activities.

• No Feedback.

If university lay eye on these points they can increase quality up to 50%

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Management level:

• Provide true , proper and clear information during admission.

• Maintain criteria during admission procedure.

• Provide training to the admin staff.

• Your administration staff should be polite and hardworking not only to get pay but for service.

• Make sure that your policy followed by every department.

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Management level:

• Don’t ignore any department.

• Improve the enrolment procedure.

• Proper planning to deal with the students

• Eliminate the black sheeps from your departments.

• Always keep student as a first priority.

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Management level:

• Make students to follow rules and regulation strictly.

• Make coordination with student’s guardians to keep them regular.

• During examination make students to follow rules for filtering process.

• Filter the eligible students only.

• Strictly Check on teachers that they follow rules properly.

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• Don’t try fresh engineers on students always provide us the phd level staff.

• Hod should visit regularly the department. For check and balance.

• Take feedback from students and staff properly not only for paper work.

Take the feedback information seriously.

These are the recommendation for management level. They should follow

these points if they want to compete and maintain quality. otherwise……?

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For faculty:

• Faculty members are the backbone of department

• Teachers should be cooperative

• Don’t be over confident and don’t think that others are inferior than you.

• Deal with every student equally .

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Faculty level:

• Try to deliever information frankly.

• Don’t be arrogant.

• Maintain the criteria given by university don’t get bribe.(only for few).

• Always provide latest technology information.

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Thank you

At the end inspite of all these issues we are proud of our institute because they

providing us the information we don’t know. we are thankful to our teachers
