Leadership in TQM Presentation by: Saima Yasmin Khan 08.MS.EM.05 Presented to : Prof.Javed Latif...

Leadership in TQM Presentation by: Saima Yasmin Khan 08.MS.EM.05 Presented to : Prof.Javed Latif Piracha University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan

Transcript of Leadership in TQM Presentation by: Saima Yasmin Khan 08.MS.EM.05 Presented to : Prof.Javed Latif...

Page 1: Leadership in TQM Presentation by: Saima Yasmin Khan 08.MS.EM.05 Presented to : Prof.Javed Latif Piracha University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore,


in TQMPresentation by:

Saima Yasmin Khan


Presented to :Prof.Javed Latif Piracha

University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan

Page 2: Leadership in TQM Presentation by: Saima Yasmin Khan 08.MS.EM.05 Presented to : Prof.Javed Latif Piracha University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore,


o Definition

o Characteristics of Quality Leaders

o Leadership Concepts

o 7 Habits of highly Effective People

o Ethics

Page 3: Leadership in TQM Presentation by: Saima Yasmin Khan 08.MS.EM.05 Presented to : Prof.Javed Latif Piracha University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore,

What is leadership?

Leading people

Influencing people

Commanding people

Guiding people

Page 4: Leadership in TQM Presentation by: Saima Yasmin Khan 08.MS.EM.05 Presented to : Prof.Javed Latif Piracha University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore,

Leadership is the ability to influence individuals or groups toward the achievement of goals.

Leadership is the ability to get work done with and through others, while at the same time winning their confidence, respect, loyalty and willing cooperation.

Leadership is the ability to persuade or motivate people to achieve a goal of outcome.

Leadership is having followers.


Page 5: Leadership in TQM Presentation by: Saima Yasmin Khan 08.MS.EM.05 Presented to : Prof.Javed Latif Piracha University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore,

LeadershipSocial influence in an organization, the effects of which are relevant to or have an impact on the setting & achievement of organizational goals

Page 6: Leadership in TQM Presentation by: Saima Yasmin Khan 08.MS.EM.05 Presented to : Prof.Javed Latif Piracha University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore,

Project Leadership

• Management– Focuses on policies and procedures that bring order and

predictability to complex organizational situations– Is traditionally defined with such activities as planning,

organizing, controlling, staffing, evaluating, and monitoring

• Leadership – Is different from management, although they tend to

overlap– Centers on vision, change, and getting results that

involves setting direction, aligning people, and motivating them

Page 7: Leadership in TQM Presentation by: Saima Yasmin Khan 08.MS.EM.05 Presented to : Prof.Javed Latif Piracha University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore,

Leaders vs. ManagersLeaders vs. ManagersLEADERS:

innovateinnovate Leading & Developing Leading & Developing

People People inspire trustinspire trust have a long-range viewhave a long-range view

ask what and whyask what and why have eyes on horizonhave eyes on horizon

originateoriginate challenge status quochallenge status quo do the right thingdo the right thing

MANAGERS:MANAGERS: administrateadministrate Managing ProcessesManaging Processes

rely on controlrely on control have a short-range viewhave a short-range view ask how and whenask how and when have eyes on bottom have eyes on bottom

lineline initiateinitiate accept status quoaccept status quo do things rightdo things right

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We Need Both Leading and Managing

Lead People• Direction• Communication• Resources• Coach• Reinforce


Happy Customers

Feedback - What’s working? - Need to do differently?

Healthy processes serving happy customers

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Providing Direction - Showing the Way

• Vision - What Success Looks Like• Objectives - How we will win• Goals - How much, by when• Strategies - What we will focus on• Initiatives - Specific projects we will


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Communicate The DirectionProvide Understanding and Hope• The direction we are pursuing• What benefits we expect to get• Progress - Results achieved to date• Communication should be clear, concise and continuous• Variety of media should be used

- People take in and process information in different ways

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Enable – Set Up People for Success

• Provide resources - people, time, $$$

• Provide training - build needed skills

• Provide methods to accomplish assigned tasks

• Remove barriers

• Coach and Counsel

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Recognize and ReinforceCatch People Doing Things Right

• Recognize accomplishments and results

- Psychological rewards

- Financial rewards• Reinforce desired behavior

- Catch people doing things right • People want and need feedback

- “How am I doing?” Feedback needed for improvement

• Key tool - Management reviews

Page 13: Leadership in TQM Presentation by: Saima Yasmin Khan 08.MS.EM.05 Presented to : Prof.Javed Latif Piracha University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore,

So What Do Leaders Do?• Provide Direction

- Leaders show the way- Leaders show the way

• Communicate

- Leaders develop understanding and hope- Leaders develop understanding and hope

• Enable, Coach, Counsel, Provide Resources

- Leaders set people up for success- Leaders set people up for success

• Recognize Results and Reinforce Desired Behavior

- Leaders catch people doing things right- Leaders catch people doing things right

Page 14: Leadership in TQM Presentation by: Saima Yasmin Khan 08.MS.EM.05 Presented to : Prof.Javed Latif Piracha University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore,

Topic#2.. 12 Characteristics of Quality Leaders

Give priority attention to customer

Empower rather than control subordinates

Emphasize improvement rather than maintenance

Emphasize prevention

Encourage collaboration rather than competetion

Train & coach rather than direct & supervise


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12 Characteristics of Quality Leaderscont….

Continuously demonstrate ,commitment to QualityChose suppliers on basis of Quality not PriceEstablish organizational system to achieve Quality

Encourage & Recognize Team effort


Learn from problems

Try to improve communication continuously

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Topic # 3. Leadership Concepts

Five levels of human needs• Level 1: Basic Survival; Air, food, water,

clothing, and shelter

• Level 2: Safety/Security; Money, laws, law enforcement

• Level 3: Social; Family, friends, colleagues, organizations

• Level 4: Esteem; Respect of others, worth

• Level 5: Self-Actualization; Fulfillment

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• Good leaders are committed to both the job being done and the people getting the job done.

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• Set high expectations

• Communicate constantly

• Empower, Empower, Empower

• Invest in their financial security

• Recognize people as often as possible

• Counsel people on their career

• Educate them

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Paradigm: A paradigm is the way we perceive, understand

and interpret the world around us.

Paradigm Shift: It is a different way of looking things. Paradigm

shifts are quantum changes, whether slow and deliberate or instantaneous.

To be more effective we need a Paradigm shift.

Topic # 3. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,

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Paradigm Shift….Way to Success

• Paradigm Shift

Based upon

1. Habits

2. Ethics

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Knowledge(what to, why to)

Desire(want to)

Skills(how to)


Habit is the intersection of knowledge skill and desire. Knowledge is the theoretical paradigm, the what to do and why. Skill is how to do. And desire is

the motivation, the want to do.

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7 Habits of Highly Effective People, P/PC Balance (Production of desired

results/production Capacity)

HABIT#1. Be Proactive

HABIT#2. Begin with the end in Mind

HABIT#3. Put first things first

HABIT#4. Think win-win

HABIT#5. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood HABIT#6. Synergize

HABIT#7. Sharpen the Saw

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Seek First to Understand

… Then to beUnderstood


Think Win/Win

Put First Things First

Be Proactive

Begin with the End in Mind






Page 24: Leadership in TQM Presentation by: Saima Yasmin Khan 08.MS.EM.05 Presented to : Prof.Javed Latif Piracha University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore,

Habit # 1

Be Proactive

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Proactive people do not blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. Their behavior is the product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of their conditions, based on feelings.

Reactive people are often affected by their physical environment. If the weather is good, they feel good. If it isn’t, it affects their attitude and their performance.

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Listening to Our Language

• Reactive Language• There is nothing I Can Do

• That’s just the way I am

• He makes me so mad

• They Won’t allow that

• I have to do that

• I can’t

• I must

• Proactive Language• Let’s look at alternatives

• I can choose a different approach

• I control my own feelings

• I can create an effective presentation

• I will choose an appropriate response

• I choose

• I prefer

• I Will

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7 Habits

Stimulus Response

Stimulus Response

ProactiveFreedom to



Self-awarenessImaginationConscienceIndependent Will

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Imagination Conscience

Independent will

Proactive Model

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Not until you can sayI am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.

... can you sayI choose otherwise.

stimulus response

the gap = our choice

Victor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

reactive(reverse acting, problem-bound, vague)I am not as smart as others in this company.People think I’m too heavy.I wish our Monday evenings were better.



circle of


no concern

proactive(forward acting, opportunity-focused, clear)I will read one book per month in my field.I will exercise and attend Weight Watchers weekly.I will cook dinners for my wife every Monday.

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Circle of Influence

Circle of Concern

Reactive Focus (Negative EnergyReduces the circle of influence)

Circle of Influence

Circle of Concern

Proactive Focus ( Positive Energy enlarges the circle of influence

No ConcernNo Concern


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I can forgive, forget, and let go of past injustices

I’m aware that I’m responsible

I’m the creative force of my life

I choose my attitude, emotions, and moods

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Habit # 2Begin with the End in Mind

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Begin With The End In MindBegin With The End In Mind

• Identify the Target!

“To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now, so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.”

Stephen Covey, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

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To Begin with the end in mind.

Specifically … write what you want to reap. 1. Write your Personal Mission Statement What do you HOPE for? A prestigious job? Money? Fame. 2. Decide your Circle of Concern. Write what you are willing to sow. Time? Personal energy? Money? Your friend? 3. Realize Importance of Creation Principle

The law of the farm: You reap what you sow.

vision = what you want to seemission = immediate next step(s)Both tend to focus priorities.

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1.Write A Personal Mission Statements

• A personal mission statement is like a personal constitution. It is fundamentally changeless.

• Personal Mission Statements focus on what you want to be (Character) and to do (Contribution and achievements) and on the

values or principles upon which being and doing are based.

To Begin with the end in mind.

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2.Various “Centers”

• Spouse centered• Family centered• Money centered• Possession centered

• Pleasure centered• Friend/Enemy centered• Religion centered• Self centered

• Principle Centered• Principles do not change• Principles do not react to anything• Principles are deep fundamental truths , tightly interwoven threads running with

exactness, consistency ,beauty, and strength through the fabric of life.

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3.Importance of Creation Principle

Leader ship is the first creation

Leadership deals with the top line : What are the things I want to accomplish?

Leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall

Management is the second creation

Management’s main focus: How can I best accomplish certain things?

Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success

All things are created twice mental or first creation a physical or second creation

Most non-productive endeavors fail with the first creation

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Objective of this habit meansObjective of this habit means

Consider the end of your life image, picture, or paradigm criterion by which everything else is examined

Start with a clear destination know where you are going understand where you are now take steps in the right direction

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Habit # 3

Put First Things First

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Time Management MatrixN

ot I







Urgent Not Urgent



Activities:CrisesPressing ProblemsDeadline Driven Projects

Activities:Interruptions, some callsSome mail, some reportsSome meetingsProximate, pressing mattersPopular activities

Activities:Prevention, PC activitiesRelationship buildingRecognizing new opportunitiesPlanning, recreation

Activities:Trivia, busy workSome mailSome phone callsTime wastersPleasant activities

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Objective of this Habiturgent not urgent


not important

I: necessitycrisesdeadlines“maintaining”(25 - 25)

II: opportunityPC activitiesplanning & preventioncommitment(65-15)

IIIinterruptionssome meetingssome reports(5-55)

IVtriviabusy worktime wasters(5-5)

• We want Quadrant II > Quadrant I.• Quadrant II comes from Quadrants III and IV.

1. Write down your Key Rolesfor the week ...2. List your objectives for each role to stay in Quadrant II3. Schedule Time to complete the objectives4. Adapt the Weekly Schedule to your Daily Activities

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Habit # 4

Think Win/Win

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Habit Four – Think Win/WinHabit Four – Think Win/Win

• WinWin Definition• The win-win approach

is a set of principles, practices, and tools, which enable a set of interdependent stakeholders to work out a mutually satisfactory (win-win) set of shared commitments.

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Habit 4: Think win-win.

1. See the Problem from the other View Point2. Identify the Key Issues and Concerns3. Determine Acceptable Results4. Seek Possible New Options to Achieve those Results


(you get hard feelings)

win-win or no deal

(abundance mentality;get P and PC)


(never pays)


(other person gets hardfeeling)






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Win ConditionWin Condition

AgreementAgreement OptionOption






Win/Win Negotiation Model

WinWin Equilibrium State- All Win Conditions covered by Agreements- No outstanding Issues

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Why Use Win/Win ?Why Use Win/Win ?

• The alternatives don’t work– Win-lose often leads to lose-lose

• Avoids costly rework – 100X cost to fix requirements after delivery

• Builds trust and manages expectations– Looking out for other’s needs builds trust– Balancing needs leads to realistic expectations

• Helps stakeholders adapt to change – Shared vision and the flexibility of

quick re-negotiation

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Habit # 5

Seek First to Understand,

Then to be Understood

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Habit 5: First understand ... then be understood.

Next to Physical Survival Psychological Survival, Which Includes: To be Understood To be Affirmed To be Validated To be Appreciated

Three Sequentially Used Greek Words 1. Ethos: Your personal Credibility or Character2. Pathos: Empathy You have with the Person ‘s Communication3. Logos: Logic or Reasoning part of your Presentation

win-win area = L x h

h = “understand”L = “be understood”

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Initiative Initiative (An example)

Initiative Initiative (An example)

DefinitionTaking prompt action to accomplish objectives; taking action to achieve goals beyond what is required; being proactive.

Key ActionsResponds quickly--Takes immediate action when confronted with a problem or when made aware of a situation.Takes independent action--Implements new ideas or potential solutions without prompting; does not wait for others to take action or to request action.Goes above and beyond--Takes action that goes beyond job requirements in order to achieve objectives.

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Habit # 6


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6. Synergize

The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts Synergistic Communication - OPEN YOUR Mind &

Heart to New Possibilities Synergy is EXCITING ! Fish for the Alternatives Value the Differences

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Habit # 7

Sharpen the SawExercise, nutrition,

stress management

Value clarification, commitment, meditation,

study, perspective

Reading, visualizing, planning, writing,


Service, empathy, synergy, intrinsic

security, be a good friend





tal Renewal

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PhysicalExercise, NutritionStress Management

Social/EmotionalService, Empathy

Synergy, Intrinsic Security

MentalReading, Visualizing

Planning, Writing

SpiritualValue Clarification

& Commitment, Study & Meditation

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Practice makes Perfect:


Practice makes Perfect:








LearnCommit Do

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Outside stressand pressures

Time wasters





Live the Seven Habits

Spend timein Quadrant II

Follow correctprinciples

Control own life

Maintain highEmotional BankAccount with selfand others

Maintain reservecapacity

Be resilient

Empower andserve others


Synergize withothers using awin-win approach

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Topic # 4.Ethics:What Does It Really Mean?

• Ethics involves a discipline that examines good or bad practices within the context of a moral duty

• Moral conduct is behavior that is right or wrong

• Business ethics include practices and behaviors that are good or bad

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Paradigm Shift-> Character Ethics

• Personality Ethic :

Personality, public image, attitudes & behaviors, skills and techniques, quick fixes

• Character Ethic– Integrity, humility, temperance, courage,

justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty– Not just “What do I want?” but “Why do I

want it?”

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Unethical Behaviors

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Legal Illegal



Not AlwaysClear

Not AlwaysClear

Ethics Versus Legality

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Inventory of Ethical Issues in Business

• Employee-Employer Relations

• Employer-Employee Relations

• Company-Customer Relations

• Company-Shareholder Relations

• Company-Community/Public Interest

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Ethical issues for business

• Product safety standards

• Advertising contents

• Working environment

• Unauthorized payments

• Employee’s privacy

• Environmental issues

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The Root Causes of Unethical Behavior

1. Organization favors own interests than customers, employees and the public

2. Increasing sales through false advertising3. Encourages Secrecy and deceit vs Honesty4. Injustice in taking Shares5. pressurizing workers to cover mistakes6. Get benefits at cost of others loss7. Taking high risks , when knowledge is less

and risk is miscalculated

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Ethics Management Program

1. Commitment2. New Policies and Procedure3. Continuous Improvement4. Investment in Appraisal,

Prevention and Promotion

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Step1.Appraisal Step2.Prevention Step3.Promotion

Ethics Management Program

Analysis of Cost associated with

Unethical Behavior1.Cost from Pressure: From Unethical Decisions under Pressure

2.Cost from Opportunity: From intentional wrongdoing

3.Cost from Attitudes: From mistaken beliefs in unethical form of behavior

Development of a system that will minimize the

Cost1.Pressure AddressingDevelopment of Goals, Values and Policies for individual diversity & decision making input

2.Opportunity Addressing

.Policies that encourage Whistleblowers & persons confidentially solving internal unethical problems

3.Attitude Addressing.Ethics training for all, recognizing ethical conduct at workplace, performance appraisals & encouraging open discussions concerning ethical behaviors

Continuous Advertising of

Ethical Behavior1.Teach & Encourage team to: 1.clarify ethical issues, 2.get the facts before acting, 3.consider consequences before acting, 4.test their actions in advance by 1.Is it Legal?2.Right? 3.beneficial for all, 4.If published?

2. Be positive; Do right, encourage principles Reward ethical behavior

3.Be effective; Act as you want others to act

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Final Comment:Importance of Ethics

Quality is dependent on Ethical Behavior. Doing what is Right is a proven way to

• Reduce Costs• Improve competitiveness• Create

Customer Satisfaction