Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the...

Unit 1 Clothes make the man

Transcript of Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the...

Page 1: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

Unit 1

Clothes make the man

Page 2: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

a. Contents of the text

Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary gang who had the courage to enforce the law and arrest the gang leader and his partner.

Focus 2: Stimulate the students’ thinking on the relationship between a person’s outward appearance and his or her inner character from the new angle of phrenology or physiognomy.

Page 3: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

b. Key language points in the text Focus 1: 1. Words such as pick, block, pop, stuff and

strike may function both as a noun and as a verb.

2. modal verb + perfective infinitive versus would + perfective infinitive.

3. The structure adj./adv. + enough + inf.

Page 4: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

c. Vocabulary

Focus 1: 25 B-level words, 17 A-level words, 13 phrases and expressions listed under Vocabulary.

Focus 2: 27 B-level words, 11 A -level words, 6 phrases and expressions listed under Vocabulary.

Page 5: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

d. Comprehensive skills

Understand a passage at the intermediate level of difficulty and on this basis, be able to write a summary of the text.

Page 6: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

e. Functions

Focus 1: Shopping.

Focus 2: Write a Description of a Product.

Page 7: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

Step One: a. Background information: Do you agree or disagree with the following

statement? 1. People behave differently when they wear

different clothes. People do behave differently depending on

what they are wearing. The reason is not because they have changed, but because people’s reaction to them has changed.

Page 8: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

2. Certain clothes are appropriate for certain situations.

3. People will treat you differently depending on what you are wearing. It will depend on how well they know you and where you are.

Page 9: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

b. warm-up questions 1. What do you think of the proverb “judge no

t according to appearance” ? 2. Do you think a person’s appearance can t

ell us a lot about him ? Why or why not? involve social status, occupation, ethnic a

nd religious affiliation, and marital status.

Page 10: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

“The policeman’s uniform on a criminal turned him into a good man.


The Boss was half the size of Tango, but he was smart enough to dominate Tango as a servant.

头儿要比坦戈矮半截,但他却很狡黠,完全可以把坦戈当小喽啰使唤。“ The Boss was half as tall as Tango, …” 。

e.g. Their house is half the size of ours. 他们的房子是我们的一半大。

…+a./ad. + enough to do sth.: 表示“做某事已经足够了”。 e.g. (1) He is old enough to live on his own. 他已经到了能够独立生活的年龄了。

(2) She works hard enough to pass the test. 她非常用功,完全能够通过考试。

注意:当 enough 作形容词修饰名词时,要放在所修饰的名词前面。 enough 后面不能接从句。

Page 11: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

If they had given Tango a tail, he would have put it between his legs when the Boss spoke.



e.g. If his wife had told him the truth, he would have forgiven her. 他妻子要是把真相告诉他,他也就原谅她了。

tail: n. [C] the movable part at the back of an animal’s body 尾巴,尾状物;后部,尾部

e.g. (1) The animal can hang itself on a branch with its tail. 这种动物能用尾巴把自己挂在树枝上。 (2) At the cross-roads his car hit the tail of a truck. 他的轿车在十字路口撞上了一辆卡车的尾部。

Page 12: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

He pushed out his large chest and threw back his huge shoulders. 他挺起他那宽阔的胸膛,抬起他厚实的肩膀。 chest: n. [C] the front part of the body between the neck and stomach 胸,胸腔;柜子,橱 e.g. (1) She complains about a sharp pain in her chest. 她抱怨说胸口感到剧痛。 (2) The man was hit on the chest and knocked down. 男子胸部挨了一击后倒在地上了。 (3) This is a pine chest. 这是一只松木箱子。 Even the Eel, who was the Boss’ working partner and who rarely opened his mo

uth, was stirred to speech. “Boy, he is handsome!” he said. 就连头儿的搭档,平时难得开口的老鳗也忍不住说了句,“好家伙,小伙子还挺

帅的。” eel: n. [C, U] a long thin fish that looks like a snake and can be eaten 鳗鱼,鳝

鱼 e.g. (1) Eating eels does good to your health. 吃鳗鱼有益健康。 (2) Eels are long and difficult to catch. 鳝鱼很长而且很难抓住。 注意: eel 在句中首字母大写,用来表示称谓,可译为“老鳗”或“鳗仔”。

Page 13: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

“Stop staring at yourself and wipe that dumb smile off your face,” the Boss said…“ 别老盯着自己看,收起你脸上那副傻笑吧。”头儿说道…… 

stare: vi. to look at with fixed eyes 凝视,注视 e.g. (1) I stared blankly at the paper in front of me. 我茫然地盯着面前这张纸。 (2) I screamed and everyone stared. 我尖叫一声,众人都盯着我看。 stare at: to look at sb./sth. for a long time 凝视 e.g. (1) She stared at herself in the mirror. 她凝视着镜子中的自己。 (2) Staring at the rude bartender, she was speechless. 她盯着那个粗鲁的酒吧侍者,一语不发。 wipe…off…: to remove sth. from sth. 从……中除掉(或抹掉) e.g. Billions of pounds were wiped off share prices as the pound slumped again. 随着英镑再度疲软,股票价格下挫了数十亿英镑。

dumb: a. stupid愚蠢的,傻的;哑的;无言的,沉默的 e.g. (1) The student was considered dumb for his silence. 这名学生因为沉默寡言而被认为是傻子。 (2) The clerk remained dumb when the manager gave him a lesson. 这名职员在


Page 14: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

The house where the job was to be pulled off was in the middle of the block.

(头儿和老鳗)准备下手的那座房子位于这个街区的中段。 pull sth. off: (AmE. slang) to succeed in doing sth. difficult ille

gal or dishonest such as a crime or trick 干,实施;作案 e.g. The gang were soon caught after they pulled off another ba

nk robbery. 这帮人再次抢劫银行得手后不久便都落网了。

Tango had rarely seen a street such as this one because he worked in the less fancy quarters of Paris—a little purse-snatching, a little shoplifting; he even panhandled.


Page 15: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

fancy: a. expensive and fashionable 高档的,别致的;根据想象的,空想出来的;花式的,花俏的;奇特的,异样的

e.g. (1) She used to show her friends around her fancy house. 她以前常带朋友参观她那套高档住宅。

(2) They had lunch in this fancy restaurant. 他们在这家高级餐厅用了午餐。 (3) This shirt has fancy buttons. 这件衬衫有着花哨的纽扣。 fancy 作名词时,意为“ imagination; the power of imagining想象力,幻想力;

设想,幻想;爱好,迷恋”。 e.g. (1) Tom went off on one of his flights of fancy. 汤姆又开始胡思乱想了。 (2) Her husband has a fancy for foreign money. 她丈夫喜欢收集外币。 fancy 也可作动词,意为“ to imagine 想象,设想;相信,猜想;喜爱,爱

好”。 e.g. (1) I fancied I saw something moving in the dark. 我觉得好像看见黑暗中有什么东西在动。

(2) He fancies she likes him. 他觉得她是喜欢他的。 (3) I’ll bet anything she fancied you. 我敢说她喜欢你。

Page 16: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

Such a sight would normally send him off as fast as his feet could move.

平时要是碰到这种情况,他会撒腿飞奔。 句中的 would 相当于 used to ,表示过去常常会发生的事。 normally: ad. usually or under normal conditions 通常,正常地 e.g. (1) Normally the subway comes every two minutes. 地铁通

常每两分钟一班。 (2) The illness normally lasts about a week. 这种病通常持续一周左右。

send sb. off: to move/force sb. to leave 把某人送往……;打发某人,为某人送行

e.g. (1) We sent the kids off to their grandparents yesterday. 我们昨天把孩子们送到他们的(外)祖父母那里去了。

(2) The secretary sent the man off with an excuse. 秘书找了个借口把这名男子打发走了。

Page 17: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

“That’s what we’re here for,” he added and saluted her with pride.

“ 这是我们该做的嘛。”他补充道,然后又颇为得意地向她敬了个礼。 ( remolded Tango thoroughly )。

That’s what we’re here for: 相当于 That’s why we’re here 。 e.g. Hey, what are friends for? 嘿,交朋友是干什么的嘛?(朋友就应该这样嘛)。 add: vi./vt. to say sth. more that is related to what has been sa

id already 进一步说(或写);加,添加 e.g. (1) Kate added that all she had told us was top secret. 凯特补充说她告诉我们的都是绝密。 (2) I should like to add that everything is all right. 我想要补充的一点是,一切顺利。 (3) Shall I add your name to the list? 我可以把你的名字写进名单吗?

Page 18: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

“Big bag of wind in a uniform! I spit on you pig!” the drunk cursed. And he spit on Tango.

“ 穿制服的酒囊饭袋!猪!呸!”醉汉一边咒骂一边朝他啐了一口。 bag of wind: someone who talks too much 夸夸其谈的人;话匣子 e.g. A bag of wind can be rejected in a job interview. 夸夸其谈的人在工作面试时

可能会遭到拒绝。 spit: vi./vt. to blow a small amount of saliva (the liquid in your mouth) out of your

mouth吐,啐唾液 e.g. (1) Spitting on the ground is a bad habit. 随地吐痰是一种坏习惯。 (2) She spat in his face. 她朝他脸上啐了一口。 (3) She took a mouthful of food and then suddenly spat it out. 她吃了一口食物,突然又吐了出来。

curse: vt. to say offensive words in anger or hate; to swear at诅咒,咒骂 e.g. (1) She cursed herself for marrying the wrong man. 她咒骂自己嫁错了人。 (2) He cursed himself for his stupidity. 他咒骂自己愚蠢。 e.g. The clerk was fired as a result of his curse at his boss. 这名职员因咒骂老板


Page 19: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

Something popped in Tango’s head. 一个念头突然闯入坦戈的脑海。

pop: vi. to go somewhere suddenly or unexpectedly 突然出现,发生

e.g. (1) The rabbits popped out as soon as we opened the box. 我们一打开箱子,兔子就蹦了出来。

(2) She popped in to see if she could help. 她顺道来看看是否能帮上忙。 pop 也作名词,意为“ the sound of sudden breaking 砰的一声;流行音乐”。

e.g. (1) The cork flew off with a pop. 软木塞砰的一声飞了出去。 (2) His brother is a pop star. 他的兄弟是一个流行音乐歌星。

Page 20: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

“You want to spoil the whole job?” And he struck Tango hard across the face

. “ 你想把整个事情搞砸了不成?”说着他就狠狠地搧了坦戈一耳光。 spoil: vt. to have a bad effect on sth. so that it is no longer attractive, e

njoyable, useful 损坏,破坏;宠坏,溺爱 e.g. (1) Bad weather spoiled our pleasure.糟糕的天气搅坏了我们的兴致。

(2) Spare the rod and spoil the child. 孩子不打不成器。 And then he remembered the drunk had hurt him more than he could e

ndure. 接着又想起了醉鬼对他的那番令他无法忍受的羞辱。 endure: vt./vi. to suffer sth. painful with strength and patience 忍受,忍耐;持久,持续 e.g. (1) I can’t endure listening to the same music any longer. 老是听同一首曲子我再也受不了了。 (2) The pain was almost too great to endure. 痛苦得几乎难以忍受。

Page 21: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

With a face twisted in great anger, he rose to full size. 他顿时怒不可遏,脸气得变了形,身子弹了起来,昂首挺胸。 twist: vt./vi. to bend and turn sth. several times 扭,拧;捻,搓;扭转,扭弯 e.g. (1) She twisted the wire into the shape of a star. 她把金属丝扭成了星星的形状。 (2) The young girl used to twist her fingers in class. 小姑娘过去常在课堂上扭手指。 (3) The front of the car badly twisted in the crash test. 车头在碰撞试验中严重变形。 twist 还可作名词,意为“ an act of turning 扭,拧;捻,搓;扭转,扭弯”。 e.g. (1) The taps needed a single twist to turn them on. 拧一下就可以打开水龙头。 (2) Be more careful at the twist of the road. 道路拐弯处要多加小心。 rise to full size: to get up as being of the same size as an original 完全站立起来 e.g. The sick elephant rose to full size when a dozen lions came to him. 生病的大象在十几头狮子靠近时完全站了起来。

Page 22: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

1. Since ancient times, people have practised the art of physiognomy, or reading character from physical features.

自古以来,人们就习用相面术,或根据外表特征看人的性格。 ancient: a. belonging to a long time ago古代的,古老的 e.g. (1) The ancient city has taken on a new look. 这座古城呈现出一派新面貌。

(2) The study of the climate is an ancient science. 气候的研究是一门古老的科学。

character: n. [U, C] qualities that make sb. a particular kind of person 性格,品质;特性,特征;人物,角色;(书写或印刷)符号,(汉)字符

e.g. (1) His character is in contrast with his wife’s. 他与他妻子的性格迥然不同。 (2) The characters in the novel are all lifelike. 小说里的人物都栩栩如生。 character 在例 (1) 中作不可数名词,在例 (2) 中作可数名词。

Page 23: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

physical: a. related to sb.’s body 身体的,肉体的;物理(学)的;物质的,有形的;自然的,按自然规律的

e.g. (1) The doctor told him the truth of his physical condition. 医生把他的身体状况如实地告诉了他。 (2) Physical changes are totally different from chemical changes.

物理变化完全不同于化学变化。 (3) It is a physical impossibility to be in two places at once. 同时身处两地在自然法则上是不可能的。 feature: n. [C] part of something you notice because it is import

ant, interesting or typical 特征,特色; [ 常 pl.] 面貌,相貌 e.g. (1) A movie without any special features is a waste of time

and money. 一部没有任何特色的电影就是在浪费时间和金钱。 (2) His most striking feature is his huge nose. 他容貌中最引人注目的就是他的大鼻子。

Page 24: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

2. Down-turned lips reveal a proud character, while a long, pointed chin indicates someone who likes to give orders.

嘴角下垂显露傲慢的性格,而长长的尖下巴则表明此人喜欢发号施令。 down-turned: a. turning downwards下翻的,朝下转的 e.g. (1) Her down-turned lips indicated her disagreement. 她嘴角下撇,表示不同意。 (2) A down-turned nose means you are passionate. 鼻子下勾表明你充满激情。

indicate: vt. to show that sth. exists or is likely to be true 表明,暗示;标示,指示,指出 e.g. (1) Do you know what the yellow traffic light indicates? 你知道黄色交通灯表示什么吗? (2) Her boss is used to indicating something with his body language. 她的老板习惯用肢体语言表达意思。

Page 25: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

3. They “read” these bumps to identify a person’s talents and character.

他们通过“解读”这些鼓包来识别一个人的才能和性格。 talent: n. [C, U] a special natural ability or skill才能,天资;人才 e.g. (1) His talent was not recognized until he died. 直到死后他的才华才被认可。 (2) He is highly-paid for his talent in management. 他因管理方面的才能而获得高薪。 4. For example, a bump between the nose and upper part of the face is

said to be present in people who have natural style and a love of beauty.

例如,据说鼓包长在鼻子和脸上部之间的人不做作并有爱美的天性。 style: n. [U, C] the way of doing sth. 风格,文体;式样,时式,类型 e.g. (1) What’s the style of her works? 她的作品风格如何? (2) We stock a wide variety of styles and sizes. 我们有各种款式和尺码的货品。

Page 26: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

5. Phrenologists are not so much interested in health as they are in character and personality.

颅相家主要是对人的性格和个性而不是对人的健康感兴趣。 not so much...as...: 与其说是……不如说是…… e.g. (1) In many cases nursing is not so much a job as a way of life.

在很多情况下,与其说护理是一项工作还不如说它是一种生活方式。 (2) They were not so much friends as enemies. 与其说他们是朋友不如说他们是敌人。 6. When he died in 1828, he was a poor and bitter man. 1828 年他在贫困和痛苦中去世。 注意不能直译成:他于 1828 年去世时是一个贫穷而痛苦的人。 此句也可改作: He died a poor and bitter man in 1828. ( a poor and bitter man

作主语 he 的补足语) bitter: a. making you feel very unhappy and upset 痛苦的;有苦味的 e.g. (1) The beggar asked the prince for shelter from the bitter cold. 乞丐请求王子给予一个避寒的住所。 (2) Some beers and chocolate taste bitter.  有些啤酒和巧克力有苦味。

Page 27: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

Grammar 过去分词专题训练 1. I’m going to have my car ________ . A. to be fixed  B. to fix  C. fixed  D. to fix 

2. What’s the language ______ in Germany? A. speaking  B. spoken  C. be spoken  D. to speak 

3. ______ some officials, Napoleon inspected his army. A. Followed  B. Followed by C. Being followed  D. having been followed by 

4. He had his leg _______ in the match yesterday. A. to break  B. broken  C. break  D. breaking

5. Most of the people _______ to the party were famous scientists. A. invited  B. to invite  C. being invited  D. inviting 

Page 28: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

6. Don’t get _________ in the rain. A. to be caught  B. catching  C. to catch  D. caught

7. I found a car _________ in a pool by the side of the road. A. to be stuck  B. stuck  C. sticking  D. stick

8. ---By the way, when did you get your bedroom _______ ? ---Last week. A. to paint  B. painted  C. painting  D. to be painted

9. The children were found _________ in the cave. A. trapping  B. trapped  C. to be trapped  D. be trapped

10. They found a ______ old woman _______ on the ground when the door was broken down. A. dying, lying  B. dead, lied  C. death, laying  D. died, lain

Page 29: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

11. On a _____ morning the little girl was found _______ at the corner of the street. A. freezing, freezing B. freezing, frozen C. frozen, frozen D. frozen, freezing

12. No one enjoys ______ fun of in public. A. making B. being made C. to be made D. to make

13. Before he came to London, he had never heard a single English word _____.

A. speaking B. spoken C. to be spoken D. speak 14. ______ from space, the earth, with water _______ seventy percent 

of its surface, looks like a blue ball. A. Seen, covered B. Seen, covering C. Seeing, covering D. Seeing, covered 

15. An _________ crowd is awaiting the arrival of the film star. A. excited B. exciting C. excite D. excitedly

Page 30: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

16. There was a terrible noise ___ the sudden burst of light.  A. followed   B. following   C. to be followed   D. being followed

17.  ) _______, liquids can be changed into gases.A. Heating   B. To be heated   C. Heated   D. Heat

18. The secretary worked late into the night, ___a long speech for the president. A. to prepare   B. preparing   C. prepared   D. was preparing  

19.    ___ a reply, he decided to write again.   A. Not receiving    B. Receiving not   C. Not having received   D. Having not received   

20. The two old sisters, _________ so long, held each other and burst into tears.

A. being separated B. having been separated C. having separated D. had been separated

Page 31: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

21. 她很喜欢那礼服的式样。 22.激动的人们奔进了大楼。 23.外国专家提出来的建议被经理采纳了。 24. 这次会议获得很大的成功,共有一千个学

生出席了。 25.入党以后,他决定献身于党的事业。

Page 32: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

Keys: 1---5  C B B B A  6---10 D B B B A 11---15 B B B B A 16---20B C B C B 21.She is quite pleased with the design of the dress. 22.The excited people rushed into the building

23.The suggestion made by the foreign expert was adopted by the manager.

24.The meeting, attended by one thousand students, was a success.

25Accepted by the Party, he decided to devote his life to the cause of the Party.

Page 33: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

现在分词专项训练 1) After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on

expanding education, with girls as well boys____ to go to school. A) to be encouraged B) been encouraged C) being encouraged D) be encouraged

2) ____,a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.

A) Other things being equal B) Were other things equal C) To be equal to other things D) Other things to be equal

3)All things ____, the planned trip will have to be called off. A) considered B) be considered C) considering D)having considered

Page 34: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

4) The house was very quiet, ____as it was on the side of a mountain.

A) isolated B) isolating C) being isolated D)shavingsbeen isolated

5) This crop has similar qualities to the previous one, ____both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil.

A) being B) been C) to be D)shavings been

6) Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it ____ in Cuba.

A) being cultivated B) been cultivated C)having cultivated D) cultivating

Page 35: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

7) ____in this way, the situation doesn't seem so disappointing. A) To look B) Looking at C) Looked at D) To be looked at

8) You will see this product ____ wherever you go. A) to be advertised B) advertised C) advertise D) advertisement

9) ____in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded scholarship totaling 21,000 dollars.

A) To be judged the best B)shavings judged the best C) Judged the best D) Judging the best

Page 36: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

10) From the dates ____ on the plates, we decided that they were made in Song Dynasty.

A) marking B)shavingsbeen marked C) marked D) to be marke

11) She stood by the window, ____. A) thinking B) think C) thought D) thinks

12) ____ to meet anybody, he went in from the back door. A) Not wishing B) Wishing C) Not wished D) No wishing

13) The editorial ____ now will appear in tomorrow's newspaper. A) writing B) to write C) being written D) write

Page 37: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

14) It ____ now pretty late, we took our things and retired to our room.

A) is B) being C) turned D) got

15) ____ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.

A) When compared B) While comparing C) Compare D) Comparing

16) The old man came upstairs with great strength, his right hand____ a stick for support.

A) held B) holding C) being holding D) was holding

Page 38: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

17) ____ three times in a row, the boxer decide to give fighting. A)shavings defeated B) To have defeate C)shavings been defeated D) To have been defeated

18) ____neglecting our education, my father sent me to school. A) Accused of B) Accusing of C) To be accused of D) That he was accused of

19) ____ mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf.

A) He is remembered B) While being remembered C) To be remembered D) Though remembered

Page 39: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

20) ____ that they are fresh from university, the young people have done a good job.

A) Given B) Because C) Giving D) As

21) ____ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a sense of infinite peace.

A) If walking B) While walking C) Walking D) When one is walking

22) I understood you were third-year students ____ in English .A) who majors B) who major is C) have majored D) majoring

Page 40: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

Keys : 1)C 2)A 3)A 4)A 5)A 6)A 7)C 8)B 9)C 10)C 11)A 12)A 13)C 14)B 15)A 16)B 17)C 18)A 19)D 20)A 21)D 22)D

Page 41: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

虚拟语气练习题(一) 1 If there were no subjunctive mood, English ___ much easier. A will be B would have been C could have been D would be

2 The guard at the gate instead that everybody ____ the rules. A obeys B obey C will obey D would obey

3 “The experiment had failed!” “I suggest you____ again.” A try B trying C will try D would try

4 “ He is a very brave man.” “ Yes, I wish I ___ his courage.” A have B had C will have D would have

Page 42: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

5 If she had worked harder, she ____. A would succeed B had succeeded C should succeed D would have succeeded

6 I wish I ____ you yesterday. A seen B did see C had seen D were to see 7 If my lawyer ____ here last Saturday, he ____ me from going. A had been; would have prevented B had been; would prevent C were; would prevent D were; would have prevented

8 Without electricity human life ____quite different today. A is B will be C would have been D would be

Page 43: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

9 -- If he ____, he ____ that food. --Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately. A was warned; would not take B had been warned; would not have taken C would be warned; had not taken D would have been warned; had not taken

10 I didn’t see your sister at the meeting. If she _____ she would have met my brother.

A has come B did come C came D had come

11 You didn’t let me drive. If we __ in turn, you ___ so tired. A drove; didn’t get B were driving; wouldn’t get C drove; wouldn’t get D had driven; wouldn’t have

Page 44: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

虚拟语气练习(二) 1 The teacher demanded that the exam ____ before eleven. A must finish B would be finished C be finished D must be finished

2 She made the demand that she ____ at once. A leave B leaves C left D to be left 3 He is talking so much about America as if he ____ there. A had been B has been C was D been 4 Mother insisted that the child’s hands ____ before dinner. A should wash B be washed C would wash D had washed

Page 45: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

虚拟语气练习(二) 1 The teacher demanded that the exam ____ before eleven. A must finish B would be finished C be finished D must be finished

2 She made the demand that she ____ at once. A leave B leaves C left D to be left

3 He is talking so much about America as if he ____ there. A had been B has been C was D been

4 Mother insisted that the child’s hands ____ before dinner. A should wash B be washed C would wash D had washed

Page 46: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

5 The young man insisted that he ____ nothing wrong and ____ free. A did; set B had done; should be set C do; be set D had done; must be set

6 Mother suggested that I ___ my homework first before watching TV. A did B do C shall do D have done

7 My suggestion was that the meeting ____ off till next week. A to put B be put C should put D be putting

8 The suggestion has been made ___ the basketball game __ put off. A for; to B that; be C which; should be D to; being

Page 47: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

9 The commander ordered that the wounded ____ to hospital right away.

A to be sent B be sent C send D should send

10 The order came that the medical supplies ____ to the village without delay.

A would be sent B should send C be sent D must be sent

11 They requested that he ___ on the radio. A spoke B speak C speaks D would speak

12 It is important that we ____ wild animals. A will protect B should protect C shall protect D are protecting

Page 48: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

13 It is necessary that the problem ____ at once. A solves B should solve C should be solved D will be solved

14 It is strange that he ____ interest in much of his research. A should have lost B would lose C had lost D will lose

15 Had you listened to the doctor, you __ all right now. A are B were C would be D would have been

16 ____I be free tomorrow, I could go with you. A could B should C might D must

Page 49: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

17 ___to do the work, I should do it some other way. A If were I B I were C Were I D Was I

18 ____ today, he would get there by Friday. A would he leave B was he leaving C were he to leave D if he leave

19 ____your letter, I would have writer back two days ago. A If received B Should I receive C Had I received D If I could have received

20 ____, he would have passed the exam. A if he were to study B if he studied hard C had he studied D should he study hard

Page 50: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

21 Should it rain, the crops ___. A would be saved B would have been saved C will be saved D had been saved

22 You ____ earlier. The bus left a moment ago. A would come B should have come C may come D have come

23 He treated me as though ____ his own son. A I am B I would be C I was D I were

24 He smiled as if he ____ my thought. A read B was reading C had read D has read

Page 51: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

25 I ____ you some money, but I hadn’t any on me then. A would lend B would have lent C could lend D may have lent

26 He talks as if he ____. A knows all about it B has known all about C knew all about it D knowing all about it

27 Have you ever been to Beijing? No, but I wish I ____. A have B will C do D had

28 Where is Xiao Zhang? I wish I ____ him at once. A can find B will find C could find D could have found

Page 52: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

29 I wish I ___ there then. A was B were C had been D would be

30 It’s time we ____ to bed. A must go B will go C went D have gone

31 If I _____ you, I would try again. A am B was C were D be

32 ____, all the students would hear. A If the teacher had spoken louder B If the teacher will speak louder C Had the teacher spoken louder D If the teacher spoke louder

Page 53: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

33 What should we do if it ____ tomorrow? A should snow B would snow C snow D will snow

34 If you ____ 5 minutes earlier, you ___ him. A come; will see B had come; would have seen C should come; had seen D came; would see

35 If only I ____ my watch. A hadn’t lost B haven’t lost C didn’t lose D don’t lose

36 You ___ such a serious mistake if you had followed his advice. A may not make B might have not made C shouldn’t have made D might not have made

Page 54: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

37 He ____ the test, but he wasn’t careful enough. A could have passed B were able to pass C must have passed D might be able to pass

38 We ___ the work on time without your help. A hadn’t had finished B didn’t have finished C couldn’t have finished D can’t have finished

39 If you ___ at school, you ___ a college student now. A had studied hard; would have been B should have studied hard; should have been C had studied hard; would be D would study hard; must have been

40 If only I ____ as young as you are. A being B am C be D were

Page 55: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.


1. Mr Li required the computer equipment referred ________ used in every classroom.

A. should be                                      B. have to be               C. to be                                             D. to being

2. —Yang Liwei has won great honour for our country. —Who is Yang Liwei? —What a question! It is surprising ________ the first spaceman in China. A. you didn’t know our national hero    B. to you not to know him C. you should know nothing about        D. you knew nothing about him

3. —What courses are you going to do next term? —I don’t know. But it’s about time ________ on something. A. I’d decide                                      B. I decided      C. I decide                                         D. I’m deciding

Page 56: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

4. One of the requirements for the fire is that the material ________ to its burning temperature.

A. is heated                                        B. will be heated        C. would be heater                              D. be heated

5. Robert wishes that he ________ business instead of history when he was in university.

A. studies                                           B. studied         C. has studied                                     D. had studied

6. My demand is that the information referred to in my report ________ to Mr. Brown without delay.

A. to be e-mailed                                 B. e-mailed       C. be e-mailed                                     D. being e-mailed

7. He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he ________ to the meeting. A. would come                                    B. came       C. would have come                             D. had come

Page 57: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

8. Without electricity human life ________ quite different today. A. is                                                    B. will be       C. would have been                               D. would be

9. If he had not gone out in the storm, he ________ alive now. A will be                                               B. would be      C. would have been                               D. is

10. If only I ________ how to operate an electronic computer as you do.

A. had known                                       B. would know     C. should know                                     D. knew

11. But for the party, he ________ of hunger fifteen years ago. A. would have died                                B. would die      C. must have died                                  D. must die

Page 58: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

12. I would have come earlier, but I ________ that you were waiting for me.

A. didn’t know                                      B. hadn’t know  C. would have known                             D. haven’t known

13. The teacher agreed to the suggestion that the students ________ two weeks to prepare for the exam.

A. give                                                  B. should give          C. be given                                            D. would be given

14. Wang Ling, one of my friends, is very good at English. He speaks English as if he ________ an Englishman.

A. were                                                 B. would be       C. have been                                          D. had been

Page 59: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

15. We ________ our lives had it not been for the policeman. A. would have lost                                  B. should lose      C. might lose                                          D. had lost

16. ________ more careful, his ship would not have sunk. A. If the captain were                              B. Had the captain been C. Should the captain be         D. If the captain would have been

17. Were it not for the snowy weather, we ________ all right. A. would be                                       B. would have been       

  C. were                                                 D. may be  

Page 60: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

18. It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I ________ in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.

A. wouldn’t have fallen                           B. had not fallen C. should fall                                          D. were to fall

19. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ________ a goal.

A. had scored                                         B. scored C. would score                                       D. would have scored

20. How I wish every family ________ a large house with a beautiful garden!

A. has                                                    B. had                  C. will have                                            D. had had

Page 61: Unit 1 Clothes make the man. a. Contents of the text Focus 1: To appreciate the description of the dramatic transformation of a docile member of a burglary.

Keys: 1-5: CCBDD 6-10: CCDBD 11-15;AACAA 16-20: BABDB