Understanding new digital economy


Transcript of Understanding new digital economy

Page 1: Understanding new digital economy

The (New) Digital EconomyUnderstanding


Page 2: Understanding new digital economy

Research Field :Social Network, Complex Network / Network Science, Social Computing, Data Analytics, Data Mining, Big Data, Graph Theory, Content Business, Data Business, ICT Business


Andry AlamsyahFakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Telkom

Laboratorium Data Analytics for Business

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Page 4: Understanding new digital economy

Digital Economy•Wikipedia :Digitaleconomyrefers toaneconomythat isbasedondigitalcompu8ng

technologies. The digital economy is also some8mes called the Internet Economy,theNewEconomy, orWebEconomy. It is Broad /Umbrella term tomany specificcontextsuchasappseconomy,knowledgeeconomy,informa8oneconomy,etc..

•BCS (Bri.sh Computer Society) : The digital economy refers to an economy that isbasedondigitaltechnologies,althoughweincreasinglyperceivethisasconduc8ngbusinessthroughmarketsbasedontheinternetandtheWorldWideWeb.hFps://p o l i c y . b c s . o r g / s i t e s / p o l i c y . b c s . o r g / fi l e s /digital%20economy%20Final%20version_0.pdf

•OECD2012 : Thedigital economy is anumbrella termused todescribemarkets thatfocusondigitaltechnologies.Thesetypicallyinvolvethetradeofinforma8ongoodsor services through electronic commerce. hFp://www.oecd.org/daf/compe88on/The-Digital-Economy-2012.pdf

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digital economy is broad buzzword, umbrella for

many things

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Digital Economy Characteristics by Don Tapscott

book : The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence (1995)

•Knowledge •Digitazion •Virtualization •Molecurarization •Internetworking •Disintermediation •Convergence •Innovation •Prosumption •Immediacy •Globalization •Discordance

Page 7: Understanding new digital economy

New vs Old EconomyExample Old New

Buying and selling text book Visit the bookstore Visit web site for publishers and retailers

Registering for classeWalk around campus to Departments, Registrar’s

office, etc.Access campus web sit

Photography Buy film, use camera, take picture, take it for processing Use digital camera

Paying for Gasolin Fill up your car, go inside, pay cash or  credit card

Use speed pass token wave over the sensor and go

Paying the Transportation Pay cash, metal tokens Metro cards electronic card

Paying for good Visit store, take the item, pay , go Use self – service kiosk

Supplying commercial photos Use newspapers, paper, catalog or on line

Use hub-like supply  chain with digitized picture

Page 8: Understanding new digital economy

Digital Economy in IndonesiaMenkominfo, memaparkan bahwa Indonesia akan menjadi negara ekonomi digital terbesar di kawasan Asia Pasifik. "Kami mempromosikan Indonesia, sebagai negara ekonomi digital terbesar di region. Khususnya untuk e-commerce. Oleh sebab itu, kemarin kami bertemu dengan beberapa venture capital ternama. Pada tahun 2020, e-commerce di Indonesia akan mencapai USD 130 triliun," 

Data Ernst & Young menunjukkan pertumbuhan nilai penjualan bisnis online di Indonesia meningkat 40% per tahun. Dengan sekitar 93,4 juta pengguna internet dan 71 juta pengguna smartphone. Pada akhir 2014 saja, nilai bisnis e-commerce Indonesia mencapai USD 12 miliar. Akhir 2015 ini nilai bisnisnya diprediksi sekitar USD 18 miliar

Indonesia tahun ini sedang mengalami pertumbuhan ekonomi paling lambat dalam lima tahun terakhir. Tetapi pertumbuhan industri e-commerce justru semakin pesat di tengah perlambatan laju ekonomi tanah air. "Bukan tak mungkin nantinya industri e-commerce dapat menjadi salah satu tulang punggung perekonomian nasional," harap Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Rudiantara.

source : https://kominfo.go.id/index.php/content/detail/6441/Indonesia+Akan+Jadi+Pemain+Ekonomi+Digital+Terbesar+di+Asia+Tenggara/0/berita_satkerhttp://www.ina.or.id/services/news/1675-indonesia-seeks-to-be-aseans-largest-digital-economy

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Major Business Pressures

• Business Pressure - The business environment is the combination of social, legal, economic, physical, and political factors that affect business activities.

• Significant changes in any of these factor are likely to create business pressure on the organization.

• The three types of business pressures faced are: market, technology, and societal pressures.

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Recent Technology Roadmap

source : infocomm technology roadmap (2012)

social, mobile, apps, real-time, trusted

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S.M.A.R.T Economy• Social

• Mobile

• Apps

• Real-Time

• Trusted

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How Strategically to Win• Think Global

• Create Disruption

• Experience is Everything

• Intelectual Qualities rather than Quantities Army

• Strong Digital Ecosystem

• You cant manage what you cant measure .. *

• Data Habit … *

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without Big Data, you are blind and deaf in the middle of a freeway - Geoffrey Moore

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Telkom University

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Lets Have a Discussion

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